How to repair old wooden windows. Restoring wooden windows step by step Do-it-yourself repair of old window frames

Special technology window restoration allows you to preserve them appearance and performance characteristics for many years. Next, we’ll talk in detail about the available methods and their nuances.

Before you update old windows yourself, you need to assess their condition. Required to identify problem areas. Remember a few useful tips.

  • If the wood is severely damaged (through cracks, cracks more than 5 cm in length, etc.), then the windows need to be replaced. An attempt to repair such defects will not be successful - the technical specifications will be violated.
  • Serious damage may be hidden under a layer of paint. Therefore, first it should be completely removed (with a solvent, spatula or torch).
  • Small potholes can be filled with putty. Therefore, do not rush to throw away old frames.

For do-it-yourself window restoration to be effective, it must be carried out completely. In other words, cracks need to be sealed along the entire perimeter. There is no point in repairing only part of the window, because cold air will begin to enter even the smallest cracks.

Basics of sealing and insulation

Repair wooden windows must be carried out at least once every 2 years. Wood is a rather fragile material that will deform over time. As a result, the level of sealing is significantly reduced, which allows cold air to penetrate into the room. There are several ways to correct this situation.

Tip: to check where the cold air is coming from, bring a flame (from a match or lighter) to the window and start moving it around the perimeter. Where the light begins to “attract” is where the leak occurs.

The most popular technique is the use of sealing tapes.

Strips of material are nailed or glued (if there is an adhesive base) around the perimeter of the box. This is very affordable option, although not the most durable. There are the following types of tapes:

  • Felt with plastic coating. It is fixed at the bottom of the sashes. It is characterized by increased strength.
  • Pad. Allows you to completely get rid of drafts.
  • Tubular rubber seal with adhesive backing. The most popular option today. It can be used for any designs. Characterized by ease of installation and high technical characteristics. There is one important disadvantage - the adhesive base quickly loses its properties, and the tape begins to fall off. Therefore, it will have to be glued regularly.
  • Foam. Most cheap option, which is very short-lived. There are models with a special coating. They are more effective, but in most cases they are not thick enough.

Restoring wooden windows using tapes is not a very durable option. They need to be replaced every few years (especially in cold regions). There is a more practical method - the use of special sealants. During the drying process, this substance takes on the consistency of rubber, which allows it to completely fill all seams and crevices.

The procedure for applying sealant is simple and anyone can handle it. It is produced in the following sequence:

  • Let's prepare original surface: we go through with fine sandpaper, after which we clean it from dust.
  • Degrease (solvent or White Spirit is suitable for this).
  • Fill the grooves with sealant. At the same time, do not fill gutters and grooves (if these elements are present).
  • Immediately place any non-adhesive tape on top of the sealant (cling film is suitable for this).
  • After waiting several hours (the drying time is indicated on the packaging), remove the tape. If there are smudges, cut them off with a knife.

The sealant must be top quality(resistant to moisture, temperature changes and UV rays). If you save on this aspect, you will have to carry out the procedure described above much more often. Therefore use quality compounds quite justified.

Bringing frames back to their former beauty

Another aspect is appearance. Painting wooden windows allows you to give them former beauty. Let's consider this procedure step by step.

Removing old paint

To remove the remains of the previous paint and varnish material, you can use one of three possible methods:

  • Solvents (preferably designed specifically for these purposes). These compounds are applied to the surface, as a result the old coating dissolves and can be easily removed with a spatula or knife. This method- the simplest one, but it doesn’t always help. If the paint is very old, the solvent will be powerless.
  • Physical impact - just scrape the frame. This technique is very labor-intensive, and there is a risk of damaging the wood.
  • Warming followed by removal. This method is the most effective and very fast - we heat the doors using special devices (burner, hair dryer). The second device is more practical - it allows you to regulate the degree of heating and does not damage the wood. Gas burner You can burn the wood, which will negatively affect its quality.

Preparing the original surface

After removing the old enamel, you will need to carefully prepare the surface - sand it with sandpaper. You can use a grinding machine - this will significantly save time. After sanding, we check our surface for defects (tips given above). If there are small defects, we fill them with putty.

Tip: add to plaster mixture PVA glue (1 to 5) - this will give it moisture resistance.

We use only special putty - for wood. In this case, it must be applied in several thin layers. Otherwise, it will simply fall off. Having achieved good evenness, we go over the completely dry (time indicated on the package) putty with fine sandpaper - this will give it smoothness.

The final touch is painting

The last stage has arrived - painting the frames.

Probably every person is familiar with working with a brush. Therefore, we will give only a few useful recommendations:

  • First, we coat the surface with a primer - this improves adhesion and also improves performance characteristics.
  • The use of wood impregnations increases its moisture resistance. As a result, it does not dry out much longer.
  • We paint from top to bottom. Otherwise, leaks cannot be avoided.
  • The best option is to apply paint in several (3-4) thin layers.

As you can see, updating an old wooden window is not difficult. Therefore, do not rush to replace it, because it can be given a second life.

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How to restore old wooden windows yourself so as not to buy new ones

Hello. In this article I will tell you how to update old wooden windows with your own hands. I understand that there are fewer and fewer such windows and topics related to plastic double glazed windows more relevant. But, since glazing, originally from the Soviet past, is still used by some thrifty owners to this day, it would be wrong not to say anything about the restoration of such structures.

A few words about the goals and results of restoration

When we talk about old wooden windows, we imagine a standard design of one solid part and a hinged sash with a window. But, in fact, half a century ago glazing was produced in various configurations, and therefore repair of old windows requires an individual approach to the window in accordance with its structural features.

What elements window designs restored during restoration?

Let's take a closer look at each of the stages of restoration work listed in the table.

Glass replacement

So, imagine the following situation: the glass in your window is broken and you don’t know how to replace it. In fact, there is nothing complicated here.

To complete the work we will need the following materials and tools:

  • Glass corresponding in size to the piece that requires replacement;
  • Beading bead suitable thickness or window putty;
  • Nails 10 mm long;
  • Narrow-nose pliers;
  • A small hammer weighing no more than 300 grams;
  • Masking tape or electrical tape;
  • Glass cutter;
  • Square and long metal ruler;
  • Black marker.

The instructions for replacing old glass with new ones are as follows:

  • We dismantle the old glazing bead or remove a layer of old putty, depending on the type of glazing;
  • To avoid injury, carefully remove the old glass;
  • Clearing seat along the perimeter of the frame from old paint or putty;
  • We check the correspondence of the angles by applying a right angle to each corner of the sash;

If the angles around the perimeter of the seat are not straight, you will have to align the sash or cut the glass taking into account the angle that exists.

  • We take the exact dimensions of the seat and transfer them to the glass using a square and a ruler;
  • Next, we apply a metal ruler along the marks and guide the glass cutter along the ruler;
  • Apply a thin strip of acrylic or silicone sealant to the previously cleaned perimeter of the seat;
  • We place the glass in the prepared opening and press it evenly around the perimeter of the seat so that the sealant spreads evenly;

  • Along the perimeter of the junction of the glass and the frame we also apply thin layer sealant and at the same time trying to fill the gap between the glass and the wood;
  • We cut the ends of the glazing bead at an angle of 45 degrees;

  • We press the glazing bead to each of the four sides and nail it with nails in increments of 10-15 cm;

Without experience, you can easily scratch the glass with a hammer. To prevent this from happening, I recommend wrapping the striking part of the hammer with electrical tape or masking tape.

  • Along the perimeter, we wipe off any excess sealant that has protruded from under the bead from the glass;
  • Use wood putty to fill the gap between the frame and the bead;
  • Once the sealant and putty have dried, you can begin sanding and painting.

How to cut glass

Today, in every city there are organizations where you can purchase glass of the desired and desired colors. Of course, in these same organizations the glass you ordered can be cut to the dimensions you specify.

By the way, the price of glass already includes the cutting service. But, despite this, I still believe that there should be a glass cutter at home and you need to be able to use it.

Let’s say you purchased a glass cutter, how to use it for its intended purpose?

The instructions for cutting glass are simple. Draw a line along which we will cut. You can only draw on glass with a permanent marker, that is, a marker that does not erase.

Next, apply a straight, long ruler to the line. We move the glass cutter along the ruler with slight pressure from one end of the ruler to the other. The correct pressure when pressing can be determined by a specific creaking sound.

Bead or putty

What is better for installing glass, glazing bead or putty?

I find that glazing bead placed over caulk is much better than putty, as the putty will begin to dry out and crack over time. But, if the glazing bead required thickness no, you can apply putty by laying it out in a rope around the perimeter of the glazing and smoothing it, imitating glazing bead.

The question is, if the glass is held in place by a glazing bead nailed in place, what will hold it in place if putty is used?

In this case, we proceed as follows. We place the glass on the seat and drive in nails along the entire perimeter so that they lie flat on the surface of the glass.

If the nails do not fit tightly to the glass, the window will rattle when loud sounds come from outside.

If you are interested in the topic of using window putty, write about it in the comments and in one of the following articles I will definitely talk about several ways to prepare putty with your own hands.

Restoration and replacement of accessories

Conventionally, all fittings on wooden windows are divided into:

  • Loops— hinged mechanisms that are simultaneously attached along the inner perimeter of the frame and along the outer perimeter of the sash;
  • Locking systems– most often these are bolts and a latch handle with a strike plate mounted on the frame.

What problems can there be with the fittings?

Problems three:

  • Firstly, metal moving parts, sooner or later, rust, which negatively affects their operation;
  • Secondly, when painting old windows is of poor quality, the fittings are also painted over, which negatively affects its functionality;
  • Thirdly, the hinges sag under the weight of the sashes, which negatively affects the quality of the vestibule.

All previously listed problems can be eliminated by replacing the fittings from old to new. Moreover, butterfly hinges and a set of locking handles and latches can still be purchased to this day in most hardware stores.

However, if the purchase price of accessories seems high to you, we proceed as follows:

  • We remove the sash from the hinges - to do this, unscrew the hinge or squeeze it out of the hinges, and then pull out the turning pin;

The pin inside the hinges will probably be soured, so before pulling it out, I recommend spraying WD-40 into the gap. You can begin dismantling the sash in a minute, since during this time the lubricant will have time to take effect.

  • Next, unscrew the screws that hold the hinges and remove both halves;
  • Remove the handles and other elements of the locking system;
  • We treat the fittings with paint remover, after which we clean off the paintwork;

Be prepared for the fact that the old paint is applied in several layers, and therefore the remover will not help immediately and will also need to be applied in several layers. In addition, try to use a remover with an anti-corrosion effect.

  • The cleaned fittings are washed to remove residues of the remover and coated with a rust converter;
  • The fittings are painted with modern paints and varnishes for metal;
  • After drying, the fittings are installed in their original place, and the moving elements in the rubbing areas are lubricated.

One more thing - when replacing or restoring the fittings, it will probably turn out that the original holes for the screws are broken. What to do in this case?

Some people try to move the hinges and locking mechanisms, but I believe that this is not a solution, since sometimes there is nowhere to move these parts. Some people use longer screws than originally. But this solution is also short-lived, since long screws will quickly wobble in broken holes.

You can strengthen the holes for the screws by cutting out small pegs and driving them into the broken holes. We cut off the rest of the peg flush with the surface. After this, you can confidently screw in the screws and not be afraid that they will come out over time.

Window insulation using Swedish technology

In the photo - processing the sash with an electric planer

The instructions for restoring an old wooden window would be incomplete without insulating them using Swedish technology.

This is done as follows:

  • The sashes are removed from the frame;
  • Use a plane to level the perimeter of the sash;
  • A groove is cut out along the perimeter of the sash using a router;
  • A rolling roller presses the sealing strand into the groove;
  • The ends of the bundle are inserted into one another and also rolled into the groove.

At this point, window insulation using Swedish technology can be considered complete. However, in addition to installing the seal, fittings are adjusted and the tightness of the glazing around the perimeter of the bead is checked.

DIY painting

In order to update antique windows made of wood, they first need to be painted with high quality.

Painting is done in two ways:

  1. The old paintwork is matted and applied over it new paintbudget option which is done in haste;
  2. The old coating is completely removed, the wood is puttied, sanded, primed and only then painted.

Of course, the second option will allow you to achieve best result painting, but the price of such restoration will be high. The fact is that you will first have to dismantle the sashes from the frame, remove all the fittings from them, remove the glass, and only after that start preparing the wood.

Old paint can be removed with a blowtorch, but this method requires special experience, otherwise the wood can be burned. As alternative solution You can use chemicals, namely paint removers. It is not customary to use chemicals to clean lumber, but such treatment will not harm frames and sashes.

After cleaning the old coating, you will most likely see a raised surface. In order for the paint to lay evenly, the relief must be puttied with special putties, dried, and then sanded with sandpaper with a variable degree of grain.

Both the inside and outside of the window can be painted with pentaphthalic enamel PF-115 and PF-116, and as a primer I recommend covering the wood with a continuous layer of drying oil. The use of a primer in this case is necessary not to ensure better adhesion, but to reduce absorption and reduce paint consumption.

Second life for unnecessary windows

So, we have looked at the main points related to the restoration of old window structures. Now I propose to find out how to use old window frames that are no longer needed.

Let's say you ordered new double-glazed windows from PVC profile, which means the old windows will be dismantled and you will need to do something with them. The first thing that comes to mind is the idea of ​​taking it to a landfill, since such a huge thing simply won’t fit in regular trash cans.

On the other hand, if there is country house You can use lumber that has become unnecessary to greater benefit. So, I’ll give you a couple of tips on where to put the bulky structure if you have a country house or dacha:

  • First, if you remove the glass, the wood can be cut and stored in a woodpile. Agree that in winter dry firewood for heating the stove will be useful;
  • Secondly, you can dismantle the doors and the rest of the fittings, and make a sandbox for children from the frame. Everything is very simple, you just need to lay the frame on flat ground, paint it, and then pour dry seeded sand inside;
  • Thirdly, if desired, you can assemble a greenhouse or a greenhouse from several unnecessary windows. Agree that your own greenhouse is almost free - this is a serious argument in favor of not throwing away supposedly unnecessary windows;

Old double glazing not only retains heat well, but also allows sunlight to pass through perfectly. As a result, the air temperature in the greenhouse is daytime days will be several degrees above zero;

  • Fourth, old windows can be installed in old log house, where they will still serve faithfully for many years. For these purposes, an opening of the appropriate size is cut out in the log wall. A frame is installed in the opening using floating timber technology, and a frame dismantled from a city apartment is installed into this frame;

The only problem with reinstalling old windows is that they need to be carefully installed. That is, when dismantling, we do not cut the frame into pieces, but carefully break it out in order to reassemble it later.

  • Fifthly, unnecessary glazing from a city apartment can be useful for furnishing open veranda at your dacha or for arranging an open balcony.

Don’t know how to glaze a balcony from old windows yourself? Yes, actually there is nothing complicated about it. It is enough to assemble from a timber of the appropriate size wooden frame and you can already attach frames to it. But it is important to understand that the sheathing and fastening of the frame to the timber must be as strong as possible.

By the way, if the heat-saving qualities when glazing a balcony are not fundamentally important, you can refuse double sashes. The use of single sashes when glazing a balcony allows you to reduce the weight of the structure and reduce the load on the load-bearing structure. As a result, the operation of the installed windows will be safer.


Now you know what can be done from old window frames so as not to throw them away in vain. However, before using wooden windows for other purposes than their intended purpose, I recommend that you think about restoring them, especially since it is so simple.

So, what could I say, if I forgot anything, ask in the comments, I will definitely answer. Also, don't forget to watch the video in this article.

September 24, 2016

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Restoring and repairing old wooden windows with your own hands is an activity for the patient. But it allows, firstly, to save money, and secondly, to get great-looking windows that retain heat well. After all, along with painting, you can lay insulation, which guarantees the absence of drafts. The windows will be produced using the so-called “Swedish technology”.

Inspection and determination of the scope of work

You meticulously inspect the window sashes and frame, open and close them several times, see if there are any cracks and how big they are. Assess the condition of the wood: are there any rotten areas, if so, what are their sizes.

The first stage is dismantling and assessing the condition of the windows

The first step is to determine whether the affected areas can be restored or whether the rotten fragment requires complete replacement. If replacement is inevitable, there are only two options: if you know how to work with wood, you cut out the required part yourself; if you don’t, you order it from a carpenter. All other window defects can be eliminated by anyone with “straight” hands.

Tools and materials

Since we are repairing old windows, we will need to remove old paint: restoration without this is almost impossible. For this you will need:

  • a hair dryer or a thick plastic bag, rags and 0.5 liters of clean kerosene;
  • spatulas, wide knife (shoe knife).

In the future, you will need to repair damage, align the frame and sashes, etc. The range of tools here is more extensive, but even if you buy them, it won’t cost you very much, and you can make them even smaller if you rent them.

Collecting the necessary tools

  • hacksaw, jigsaw, hacksaw blades;
  • plane, chisels, selector (if you have one - great);
  • drill and drill bits of different diameters;
  • dense wood for wedges and dowels;
  • drying oil for impregnation or ready-made primers;
  • wood putties;
  • rubber sealing cord;
  • new fittings: hinges, latches;
  • a large, preferably carpenter's square, building level, slope;
  • glazing beads and silicone sealant.

For impregnation, you may need either factory-made compounds and a brush, a metal vessel, drying oil, an electric stove, or heat gun.

Need some special tools and a large flat surface

And the last stage of restoration will be painting. This stage is very important - the appearance and service life until the next repair depend on the quality of the work.

  • set of brushes;
  • window paint or stain and varnish if you like natural look save wood.

The procedure for restoring wooden windows

It all starts with dismantling. The sashes are removed first, then the frame itself. Is it possible not to remove the window frame? It is possible only in one case, if she is in perfect condition: no damage to the wood, all angles are exactly 90 o and no defects. But the work will be more difficult. In all other cases, dismantling is complete.

The glass is carefully removed from the sashes, the old putty is cleaned off, and all the nails are removed. The fittings are removed from all parts: they must be replaced. Now the external flashings are carefully removed: the nails with which they were fastened are probably almost falling apart.

The first step is to remove the glass.

Removing paint

You can use a hair dryer, setting the temperature to 200-250 o C. It is better not to use it any more: wood loses most of its properties during high-temperature treatment. For the same reason, it is undesirable to use a blowtorch: even without charring, you will disturb the structure of the wood and it will collapse faster.

Remove paint from the window by heating the surface in a small area. Bubbles quickly appear on the surface, and you need to pry them off with a wide knife, scraper or spatula. It is better to find an old spatula with a rounded blade: a new one often “cuts” into the wood, and then you will have to grind for a long time. In general, it is more convenient to work with a wide knife, which is used by shoemakers.

Restoration wooden door starts with removing old paint or varnish

The second method is chemical softening. Eat modern compositions to soften the paint, but how they affect the structure of the wood is a question. You can use the old, proven method: treat with kerosene. You will need a large bag made of thick plastic film (necessarily whole, without a single hole), old cotton rags (they should not fade) and kerosene. It is undesirable to use other solvents - they again affect the structure of wood fibers.

Wrap the frame with strips of fabric and put it in a bag (its height should be enough to tie the neck). Pour out the kerosene and tie the bag tightly. After a day you can remove the paint. But do not take everything out at once - while they are processing one part, the paint on the others will harden. They took out one part, tied the bag, and removed the paint. Let's move on to the next one.

It is better to work with any chemically active drugs while wearing gloves.

When removing paint in small depressions and cracks, you don’t have to remove the paint: there will be less need for puttying and leveling. But this is only if you paint the window. If you plan to varnish, you will have to do everything scrupulously. But for the first experience, it is better to process it under paint: easier and faster.

Aligning the frame

For leveling, you will need a fairly large, absolutely flat surface. This could be a table (but the surface must be flat), a workbench, a sheet of plywood laid on stools, etc.

First we align the frame. We lay and set the corners. They should be exactly 90 o. We inspect the contour: the slats should be even. At this stage, we remove the areas affected by rot or replace the completely rotten parts of the frame with freshly made ones. (How to treat a rotten area is written a little below).

Leveling and sorting out the frame

We check the planks in vertical and horizontal planes, remove the excess with a plane. We work in the corners with chisels. The result should be perfectly straight, even surfaces. We check the corners again, measure and align the diagonals, and fasten the frame at the corners with nails. Then we take the skin or grinder(tape) and process until smooth.

We restore the sashes

We disassemble the connections of the valves. They are assembled on dowels - small round wooden pins. Windows that have served for decades must be replaced. It’s easier not to knock them out (you can do this too), but to drill them out with a drill of a smaller diameter. Then remove the residue and clean the hole for installing a new fastener.

If necessary, the doors can be completely disassembled into planks. Clean the joints, align the planks, cutting off all unnecessary parts with a planer, working on the corners where necessary. In general, put everything in order.

This is an old dowel. It is advisable to remove it and put a new one in its place.

The next stage is assembling the sashes. Fold the processed planks, measure the diagonals and angles. Now a tricky operation: you need to remove the strips, coat the grooves and joints with glue and install them back. In this case, it is necessary to ensure that the sash does not warp. Having set the bar in place until the glue sets, set the corners and diagonals.

After assembly, we will install new dowels for greater reliability. Let's do them first. Take a core drill internal diameter 5-7 mm. From a block of dense wood, drill out cylinders across the grain (precisely across). These will be the dowels. The diameter of the stud should be slightly larger than the drilled hole on the frame (about 0.5 mm). This way it will “sit” tightly and hold the structure well.

Do not use planed chops instead of dowels: the window will have to be repaired again in a couple of years. Cut across the grain, they will keep their shape for at least 10 years.

Wedges are cut from a piece of oak or rowan. Their width is 5-7 mm: depending on the diameter of the prepared dowels, and their thickness is 1.5-2 mm. They are then driven along the fibers, wedging the pin and achieving excellent fixation.

If, as a result of reassembling the valves, the hole has become uneven, straighten it with a file, or perhaps with a drill. But try not to make it wider. Coat the seat with wood glue (it should be good quality), drive in the dowels. The glue fits well. Then use a screwdriver to make a groove along the fibers into which to insert the planed wedge and hammer it in. Cut off the excess sharp knife so that everything is smooth.

Wooden dowels securely fasten the sash parts together

So we change all connections, constantly monitoring the geometry of the valves. Once everything is assembled, the sashes should be fairly rigid, but do not wobble them too much: the glue is not yet dry.

After all operations, the sashes may be of different heights. We align them so that they are the same both inside and outside. Now we take the frame and place the sashes in it. They are definitely smaller than needed. To ensure they fit tightly, we glue strips of plywood of suitable thickness and width onto the frame using liquid nails.

All parts (and frame) are laid on flat surface, a load is placed on them. You can lay it on a flat floor, with several boards on top, and underneath them a solid load: about 100 kg. Leave to dry and level for two to three days.

After the glue has dried, we bring the frames to standard where necessary, sanding and making notches. We mark places for fastening the fittings and make recesses for them.

Installation of seal

How to install a seal in windows using Swedish technology and the shapes of these seals is described in detail in the video.


There are different ready-made impregnations. How to use them is described in the instructions. There is nothing complicated in the process: under certain conditions you need to apply the composition and wait until it dries. There can be several treatments, with one or different compositions.

But there are masters who are sure that the polymers included in the impregnations worsen thermal insulation properties wood They work only and exclusively with drying oil. Moreover, there are two processing methods: cold and hot.

With the cold method, heated drying oil is applied with a brush to the frame and window sashes. Leave until completely absorbed and dry, when the surface becomes non-sticky to the touch. The treatment is repeated four times. This treatment guarantees the excellent condition of the wood and paintwork for 5 years. Afterwards you will have to repaint it.

Impregnation with drying oil - great way save wood

During hot processing, drying oil is heated in a vessel until high temperatures. This activity is a fire hazard - the drying oil can catch fire. Therefore, we first prepare a piece of tarpaulin, felt, etc., with which we can cover the vessel. It is better to heat using a heat gun or hot air from an electric stove (not on the stove, but over her): Sometimes it is necessary to quickly remove the heat source to avoid fire. That's why the fire is not suitable.

Dip the parts into drying oil heated to a boil for several minutes.

After some time, the drying oil begins to bubble: air and moisture come out. There is one important point: when bubbles are already starting to appear, it happens that the smell of drying oil intensifies sharply. You need to quickly remove the heat source. If you hesitate, the fumes will flare up, and a felt mat will come in handy. If you make it on time, it will pass without incident. After a few minutes, heating can be continued. When there are no more bubbles, you can saturate the parts.

The part is immersed in heated drying oil for 3-5 minutes. It’s convenient to work with a hook: you can hold it and pull it out conveniently. After taking it out, carefully place it in a clean place to dry. Do not handle parts with your hands. Even with mittens: hot drying oil will instantly saturate them and burn your hands. The burn will be serious: the temperature is about 130 o C.

Craftsmen say that after such treatment, the wood can stand even on the street for decades. If the paint is good, it will need updating no earlier than after 10-15 years. Like this.

We putty and sand it

Now the frames are rigid and are not afraid of anything. Now we putty and sand them. For significant damage we use coarse putty with sawdust. For finishing thinner and softer. If you are going to paint the window white, take white putties. They will not be visible through the paint.

The technique is simple: fill the cracks and crevices with putty, then remove the excess. Metal spatulas of small width are often used. But in some places it is more convenient to work with rubber ones: they are designed for grouting joints when laying tiles, but they are also convenient to work with putty.

Using technology will increase the speed of work

After the composition has dried, take a sandpaper (sanding machine) with medium grain and clean off the excess, if any. At the same time, go through the entire frame, bringing everything back to normal, leveling out the unevenness. Then, using fine-grain sandpaper, everything is leveled to an ideal (as far as possible) condition.


You choose the type of paint yourself, based on your preferences. The only thing I can advise you to do is to take glossy or semi-gloss. They retain their color for a long time. This is especially true for white paints. Surfaces painted with matte white paint quickly turn gray: they have a porous structure, which gives them a “matte” appearance. These pores become clogged with microscopic dust particles, which give a grayish tint. Therefore, for perfectly white windows, take gloss or semi-gloss.

The first layer is a primer. This is one part paint diluted with two parts of a suitable solvent. After the primer has dried, you can apply the base paint. There will be several layers, so everything will be painted over.

Apply paint in thin layers in different directions

Don’t put a lot of paint on your brush: there will be drips that are not easy to deal with. Dip, squeeze, rub well. You need to move from top to bottom without changing direction. This is the only way the layer will be even. Apply the first layer, moving the brush from left to right, the second - from top to bottom, and the third layer - from right to left.

Each subsequent layer is applied only after the previous one has completely dried. If after the first application of paint there are streaks and uneven spots, after the paint has dried, take sandpaper and smooth them out. Just don't wear it down to wood. Do the second layer more carefully, but even here you can still sand it a little. The third one should be without flaws. After the paint has dried, your self-restored window can be installed in place.


Installing glass is not the most difficult task, but it is responsible. Prepare a transparent moisture-resistant and frost-resistant sealant. Coat the seat with it and insert the glass. On the other hand, they are pressed with glazing beads. They are also sanded, impregnated and painted. Then they coat the perimeter of the glass with sealant, press the glazing beads and secure them with small nails.

Replacing rotten sections of a wooden frame

If the area has rotted out, you can help the grief in two ways:

  • cover with special reinforced putty, recreating the required shape;
  • remove the damaged area by inserting a patch in its place.

Reliable way eliminating rot - cutting out the damaged area

The second option would be more correct from the point of view of durability: here it is possible to remove the entire infected area, ensuring that the rot will not spread further. The technique is simple. Cut out the affected area, taking some healthy wood. Cut out a fragment of exactly the same shape. Coat the joints with wood glue, insert the patch, level it, if necessary, fix it, and leave until the glue dries completely.

Afterwards you need to putty the seam, sand it and paint it. All. The window frame (or sash) has been restored.

But it is not always possible (or desire) to cut out a damaged piece of wood. Then you can use epoxy putty with reinforcing fiber. Once dry, it is hard enough to hold its shape.

First of all, we separate everything that can be removed. All the rot and rot. We blow away the dust, where possible, and get to a healthy tree. If you plan to use the restored frame for a long time, treatment with antiseptic impregnations is necessary: ​​to prevent, as far as possible, the spread of rot.

A rotten section of a window frame can be restored using putty with reinforcing fiber

Afterwards, the composition is applied to the damaged part with a spatula. This type of putty has a fairly thick consistency; any configuration can be sculpted. Give it a shape close to the desired one, but a little larger in size: after drying, you can sand it and level it out. It takes approximately a day to dry, but the exact time depends on the composition, temperature and humidity of the air. After sanding and leveling, all that remains is to paint the window. Then nothing will be noticeable at all.


You don’t need any super abilities to repair and restore wooden windows with your own hands. What is needed are not the most complex tools, accuracy, patience and a fairly decent amount of time.

What is the advantage of restoring wooden windows and carrying out their restoration?

  • Undeniable advantages compared to replacement wooden structures on PVC windows. Due to this, not only maximum environmental friendliness of housing is achieved, but also cost savings of approximately 3 times. In addition, the comfort in the house will be preserved as much as possible. Restoring wooden windows is a simpler procedure than breaking out window frames and replacing them with a new PVC structure.
  • Window repair and restoration take less time than a full replacement.
  • Noticeable cost savings. Easier to restore wooden frame windows, rather than replacing them with plastic. In this case, the difference in the amount will be more than noticeable. Considering that we carry out the restoration of wooden windows in Moscow to the highest possible quality, you will not have to worry about the work done, and you will be satisfied with the result.

Restoration and repair of windows, installation of PVC

There is no denying that many people are now chasing new technologies and fashion. This is the first reason that conventional wooden windows are being replaced with PVC models. Unfortunately, few people think that this approach is not always justified. The fact is that restoration and window repair can “give new life» a finished product, and an environmentally friendly product. Don't forget that plastic windows They are made from polymers that simply cannot be kept environmentally friendly at home. Window restoration is the most in a simple way transforming housing, while maintaining maximum environmental friendliness and cleanliness. Considering that the price for restoration of wooden windows is affordable, think about whether it makes sense to carry out a replacement.

All about cost

The price aspect plays an important role. The price for the restoration of wooden windows is minimal, and if we consider replacing them with PVC models, we note that the difference in amounts will clearly please you.

Even in comparison with new wooden windows, PVC structures are noticeably inferior.

Please note that we carry out restoration of all windows, even old wooden models. We also carry out restoration of new type window frames. The main advantage of contacting us is the opportunity to update the interior and exterior of the room, obtaining maximum environmental friendliness, comfort, and savings.

If you think that installing a PVC structure is much more profitable than restoring old windows or restoring old window frames, then you are mistaken. The fact is that if the work is carried out correctly and carried out regularly, practicality, tightness, efficiency and comfort in the room are guaranteed.

If the work is done correctly, you can get the maximum effect, which will surpass the installation of new PVC windows. However, to achieve this, it is important to turn to specialists, and not skimp on the service and look for amateurs. A call to us will help resolve this issue as quickly as possible. You will understand that restoration of old windows is a more profitable service than replacing them with new PVC structures with its subsequent adjustment, replacement of consumables, and maintenance.

To be sure of the benefits, you can roughly calculate the costs of PVC maintenance models, as well as for the restoration of the wooden frame. It is easy to see even with the naked eye. Do not forget that plastic windows simply will not fit into some houses and apartments due to the style and interior design. This point is also important, since otherwise a noticeable imbalance will arise.

Are you sure you need wood window restoration? Contact our specialists and find out about all the benefits of the procedure.

Old windows and balcony doors that have stood for decades eventually cease to fully perform their functions. They are difficult to open and close, cold air penetrates through the cracks formed, and numerous layers of paint remind you that it would be a good idea to call one of the companies offering modern metal-plastic structures. But don’t rush - the restoration of wooden windows will return them to working condition for a long time, and the updated sashes will give the room a unique charm, for which wealthy people in Moscow are willing to pay a lot more money than what it will cost you major renovation your old windows and balcony doors. Professional restoration of windows involves the removal of old paint materials, restoration of damaged parts of the wood of the sashes, frames, replacement of fittings, and, if necessary, structural elements that cannot be restored.

Before re-painting window sashes and frames, their surfaces must be thoroughly sanded, treated with an antiseptic, and treated with a primer. All these operations require certain skills, so you should seek the services of experienced specialists, such as those whose services are offered by.

Many owners of houses and apartments strive to make their homes as environmentally friendly as possible. For the same reason, they do not seek to replace wooden windows with plastic ones, but prefer to restore them, i.e. repair old wooden windows.

Advantages of wooden windows:

  • naturalness of wood;
  • wood is hygroscopic, i.e. does not interfere with air exchange in the house;
  • low thermal conductivity allows you to save heat;
  • long service life of wood with proper care;
  • aesthetic appearance. Wooden windows can fit into various interiors.

All this speaks in favor of restoring wooden windows.

When do windows need updating or repair?

Firstly, when it starts to blow from the window opening;

Secondly, when the appearance of the window is lost due to deformation of the frames, the appearance of fungus, damage to the wood or one of the components (window fittings).

How to repair a wooden window with your own hands?

Let's start by understanding the definition: window repair or restoration are similar works that do not have fundamental difference, consist of clearing, filling, painting, compacting, etc. Painting windows repair work does not apply, more to restoration, since it does not affect the functional qualities of a wooden window. Only the appearance changes.

Depending on the degree of wear of the windows (frames, glass and fittings), the approach to carrying out restoration work will differ.

The technology for repairing wooden windows is quite simple, but requires scrupulous execution of each stage of work.

Cosmetic repair of wooden windows

Elimination of local damage. For example, fungal damage to part of the window frame.

  • identification of the damaged area. To do this, you can carry out a small test: with an awl you need to push through dilapidated or suspicious areas of the frame; if the tip easily falls through, then the wood is damaged;
  • cutting off the unsuitable layer;
  • the cleaned area is dried. To do this, you can use a hair dryer or a fan heater (be careful with glass, direct the air flow directly to the wood);
  • applying wood hardener and preservative;
  • applying putty. Layer thickness - according to the instructions. If you need to apply several layers, you need to wait until the first one dries well;
  • window painting.

More details - in the photo.

Overhaul of a wooden window - complete restoration

Tools and materials:

  1. hair dryer for removing paint. Referring to reviews from craftsmen, we note that many try to remove paint without it, but this only damages the wood more;
  2. sander and sandpaper. To level the surface;
  3. shoe knife for removing old paint
  4. spatula. Reconstruction of wooden windows requires mandatory puttying of the surface of the frame and sashes;
  5. brushes for paint and varnish;
  6. chisels;
  7. fittings, glass (if replacement is expected);
  8. drying oil, varnish and/or paint;
  9. putty;
  10. primer;
  11. seal.

The cost of repairing wooden windows depends on the price of consumables, tools and, of course, on the condition of the frames. On the other hand, restoring windows with your own hands does not require any special skills. However, it should be noted that this work cannot be done in one day.

A few words about preparation. It is better to do the work on a warm, sunny day. The main condition is dryness, because... high humidity will have a detrimental effect on the result (wood changes geometry, does not dry well, etc.).

We remove the window sashes from the awnings. If the glass is mounted on putty, remove it with a chisel; if it is on glazing beads (glass slats), then carefully dismantle them. After this we take out the glass.

We remove all the fittings (it is better to replace them with new ones). You also need to remove the wooden trim on the windows ( wooden planks, located on the bottom of the frame outside the window, are also called “tear pads”). They are attached to nails that are probably already rotten. In general, all screws, nails, metal corners, etc. are removed from the frames.

We place the “bare” frame on a flat surface and measure - all diagonals must be the same length, otherwise, distortion in some place will lead to the formation of cracks, which is unacceptable. We attach the frame tightly to the surface (this can be a shield made of boards).

Window pins can be knocked out with a hammer (they are cone-shaped, so you need to knock them out from the thin side), provided that they are located evenly (symmetrically to the corner) and give in. But, under pressure, a dilapidated frame can become deformed, therefore, it is better to drill it out. If the dowel is loose, you can fix it before drilling - a couple of drops of superglue into the gap and after 5 minutes the drill will move as if it were on solid wood.

At the next stage, when the window is disassembled, we begin to remove the paint.

How to remove paint from wooden windows

There are several ways to remove paint from windows.

Removing paint with a hair dryer

You need to work carefully, ideally remove the glass first, or direct the flow of hot air so as to prevent direct contact with the glass. Due to high temperature, the glass may burst (crack and spill out).

Set on a hairdryer temperature regime 250 degrees.

The task is to remove paint not quickly, but efficiently. At higher temperatures, the wood will char and lose its properties as a result of the burn.

As the paint warms up, it will begin to form bubbles that need to be cleaned off with the right tool.

It is better to do this with a shoe knife (a palette knife is also suitable - a trowel knife for mixing paints on a palette in painting). The fact is that the spatula will slide over the paint or crash into the wood, leaving burrs.

Chemical paint removal

You can remove old paint from a window frame special solutions, (washes, liquids). They also use a “cunning method” - kerosene and a plastic bag. It is kerosene, because Solvents and solvents destroy the structure of wood.

Execution technology

  • The wooden frame must be wrapped in fabric (rags) and the entire structure must be placed in a plastic bag.
  • Moisten the fabric generously with kerosene, then tie the bag and leave for a day or two. During this time, the paint should soften and be easy to remove (use the above tool for cleaning).

Tip: remove the slats from the bag gradually, i.e. one was pulled out - cleaned, etc., if you remove everything at the same time, the kerosene will evaporate (dry), therefore, the paint layer will return to its original state (dry, harden) and will no longer separate.

Of course, there may not be such a large package for an entire window frame, so you will have to disassemble the frame into elements. Or, as an option for processing the frame assembly, you can wet the cloth and wrap it tightly plastic film, additionally tying the layers with rope to seal the treated surface as much as possible.

Advice: keep in mind that removing paint from windows in this way is accompanied by a pungent odor, plus, the technique is a fire hazard, therefore, it must be done outside or on the balcony.

The inner window slope and window sill also need to be cleaned.

After removing the paint, the frame will look something like the photo. This is clearly not suitable look for finishing work.

Remaining paint is removed using sandpaper or a grinder.

Eliminating deformation of a wooden window

Sometimes old wooden windows become deformed, which can manifest itself in the form of distortions and bending of the frame. For example, one or more window sashes have moved. This will be especially noticeable when installing the stack, when it fits into the selected groove, and the glass weighs in the corners, or vice versa, the corners fit, but there is a gap in the middle.

If the window is removed and disassembled, you can put it under a press, which is made from wooden shields and weighting material.

If on installed window, then you can insert a stop (a plank, a block of a suitable size) at the place of the bend (curvature), and apply force to close the window, fixing it with latches or come up with a fastening with self-tapping screws (for example, screw the block diagonally to the frame). All these manipulations are performed without glass.

We leave it in this state for 2-3 days, after which we increase the thickness of the spacer, and thus bring it to the desired position.

The method is controversial, but sometimes it helps. There may be cracks that can be repaired. We take a regular syringe and use it to inject PVA glue into the crack. Because The glue is liquid, it will leak out, the place needs to be sealed with tape. After drying, repeat the procedure, and then clean everything, putty and paint.

Restoration of wooden windows - restoration of rotten sections of the frame

If a fragment of the frame is rotten, it can be replaced or restored. If replacement is not envisaged, then restoration remains. For this you will need epoxy putty for wood (the composition may include fiberglass, which will significantly increase the rigidity of the structure).

The damaged area is cleared of paint and debris is removed. Next, putty is applied.

Apply the mixed putty to the damaged area; the mixture should fill all the cracks and cracks well. We recreate the missing section so that it is slightly larger than the desired plane, i.e. There should be some volume left for subsequent grinding. Drying (hardening) of the putty lasts a day (with room temperature). Then, using a grinder or sandpaper mounted on a block, we sand the surfaces until they are completely level.

It should be understood that such restoration allows you to restore the appearance, but does not guarantee sufficient density, especially in places of active use (places where the window sash is tightly connected). But if the window is blind or rarely used, then this is a completely self-sufficient way to get out of the situation without completely replacing the window or frame elements.

  • checking the frame for damage;
  • marking damage zones with dots;
  • cutting out the area;
  • preparation of replacement;
  • replacement. The prepared part of the frame is installed in the desired place, fixed with glue and clamped with clamps. After 24 hours, the clamps are removed;
  • grinding the joint old frame and replacements. This will avoid height differences;
  • primer treatment;
  • coloring. Material prepared for the website

More details - in the photo.

After cleaning the frame from paint, you need to putty it.

Window putty is sold as a finished product, but at the same time, you can prepare it yourself. To do this, mix 3 parts of sawdust in one part of liquid nails.

The technology is simple, but the solution dries quickly, so we mix quickly and in small portions.

They mixed it, putty it, etc.

Homemade putty is based on glue, which is why it hardens quickly.

We grind the dried and dense surface with a machine or fine-grained sandpaper.

Impregnation with drying oil

Wood treatment with drying oil is good " old-fashioned method", time-tested. But, it should be taken into account that modern drying oil differs from the drying oil of the USSR. Nowadays it is difficult to find natural drying oil; as a rule, they sell something derivative, such as “Oxol”. The point is that the real thing is made from natural ingredients(linseed, hemp oil), and not from synthetic derivatives. There are many on the market good impregnations, which have replaced drying oil and its production from vegetable oils is simply unprofitable. As an option, for aesthetes, you can make drying oil with your own hands.

Coating window frames with drying oil is done with a brush, the first layer is used as impregnation, the second or third is final. Between layers you need to maintain a time interval (preferably until it dries completely, but this is not a quick process). If the surface does not stick, then you can continue working.

Impregnation with hot drying oil

The hot drying oil treatment method is also used. Here it should be understood that drying oil flammable material and is highly flammable upon contact with open flame.

How to heat drying oil?

You can heat the drying oil in a water bath, and the second method is more dangerous - heating to a boiling state. To do this, make a flask from iron pipe, one end of which is welded. Pour drying oil into it and heat it with an electric stove or a hair dryer until it boils (during the heating process, a fire is possible; extinguish it by throwing burlap on it). After that, the bars of the window frame are lowered into hot drying oil for 5 minutes and removed with a crochet hook, because high temperature and lay to dry. According to reviews, impregnation with hot drying oil creates a coating that will last for centuries (the effect of wooden railway sleepers).

We repeat, this is very important(!), heating drying oil is a dangerous undertaking.

Whether to oil the windows or treat them with an antiseptic is up to everyone to decide for themselves; each of them has pros and cons.

Stain and varnish coating

If the condition of the window frames after removing the paint is good and there is a desire to preserve the naturalness of the wood, then you can treat the surface with stain.

Using stain, you can change the shade of wood; for example, tinted pine can end up looking like stained oak.

Before treating the window frame with stain, it is better to check the consistency of the solution on a separate board (preferably the same type of wood and shade), i.e. choose the tone of the wood.

Painting wooden windows with stain not only improves their aesthetic qualities, but also makes the wood more resistant to ultraviolet rays, and also prevents rotting and the development of fungus.

In addition, the stain penetrates deep into the structure of the wood, so if you subsequently have to sand somewhere, it will not disturb the shade and texture of the frame.

The stain finish is completed with varnish. Dry window frames are coated with transparent varnish (it is better to use acrylic varnish for wood, glossy or matte).

After complete drying, window fittings (awnings, handles, latches) are installed and glass is inserted.

Installing glass in a window

Proper glazing of wooden windows involves hermetically sealed glass installation, because It is in the micro-cracks between the glass and the frame that the air will blow. The glass is installed using silicone glue (aquarium sealant). We squeeze out a thin layer of aquarium glue along the groove under the glass of the window frame and insert the glass, which we fix with glazing beads. Wipe off any excess glue with a sponge soaked in vinegar. Do not scrub the nail heads; a thin layer of sealant will additionally protect them from rust. We leave the windows to dry; it will take at least a day for the glue to harden.

Sometimes the restoration of wooden windows is accompanied by the replacement of glass if there are defects (cracks, clouding, abrasions, traces of welding or grinders). After all, glass also has its own resource. When ordering glass, you need to accurately measure the opening, but order 2-3 mm. less, because glass expands under the influence of temperature, and the resulting gap will prevent it from bursting.

The glass is fixed in the frame using glazing beads and small nails. At the same time, the glazing beads must be prepared in advance (impregnated with drying oil, painted or treated with stain). You can even drill holes in the glazing bead with a thin drill. Then, when hammered, the bead will not split and the glass will not crack.

Below is a photo gallery - a master class on installing glass on putty, without glazing bead. For example, glass breaks and needs to be replaced, but there is no rail at hand to fasten the glass or there is simply no need for it. Glass putty can be purchased ready-made or made independently (mix chalk with drying oil).

When choosing how to treat wooden windows, take a closer look at the quality of the work.

If you are satisfied with the condition of the surface (i.e., no deep damage, uniform color), give preference to varnish. At the same time, to even out or change the tone of the wood, you can treat the frame with stain. It will also hide minor defects.

If there are many areas with putty, then they should be covered with paint.

For painting use oil or acrylic paint. The first one lasts longer, but takes a long time to dry, the second one is the opposite.

You must first dilute the paint; too thick paint will not saturate the wood well and may cause streaks. It is better to apply several layers of thinner paint.

The first layer should saturate the wood. Only after it has dried well can you apply a second layer, etc.

You need to start painting with inner surface- from glass.

After painting, remove the tape (while the paint is still wet). If there are stained marks on the glass, remove them with a blade.

How to remove tape marks

If the windows were covered not with masking tape, but with packing tape, then traces will remain that are very difficult to erase. IN in this case This means covering with tape not only the glass, but also the frames themselves (both wooden and plastic).

The first thing that comes to mind: gasoline, diesel fuel, alcohol, cologne, etc. But these products cannot be used if you do not want to damage the paintwork. Is simple and environmentally friendly safe way remove traces of adhesive tape - adhesive residues on window frames are removed vegetable oil(sunflower), and then washed off with a washing solution.

If old window hinges (awnings) are worn out, they should be replaced. The hinge replacement technology is shown below. First you need to correctly determine the mounting location. To do this, the window frame must be inserted into the window opening and secured with wedges. When the gap is equal around the entire perimeter, mark the installation locations. Use a chisel to select a groove for fitting the hinge and fasten it with self-tapping screws.

Sealing and insulation of windows

A rubber seal for wooden windows, fixed around the perimeter of the frame, will reduce heat loss.

You can repair wooden windows using. Its essence is that you need to select a groove in the sash. A special silicone tubular seal euro-strip is installed in it. It is not afraid of low and high temperatures and has a twenty-year guarantee.

The final touch in the window restoration will be the installation of window fittings (handles and latches). Only after this the window is installed in place.

How to renew wooden windows - video


As a result, we note that correctly followed instructions at each stage of repairing wooden windows and periodic analysis of their condition are the key to the fact that the windows will serve you for many more decades.
