Your own mini-bakery: profitability of production and SES requirements. List of equipment and required documents

  • Search for premises
  • Registration of activities
  • OKVED code
  • Agreements with suppliers
  • Recruitment
  • Bakery opening
  • How much can you earn
  • Production technology
        • Similar business ideas:

Organizing a mini-bakery is much easier and cheaper than opening a large bakery. A small enterprise has an advantage over large bakery production due to the possibility of rapid diversification. A mini-bakery can produce unique types of bread and bakery products and thereby follow demand trends and find its buyer. In a highly competitive environment, these are very important advantages.

How to open a mini-bakery? We suggest you consider step by step instructions to open this business in your city.

Step-by-step plan for opening a mini-bakery

The first step is to find start-up capital to start a business. Sources of financing, in addition to own funds, may include:

  1. Bank loan;
  2. Participation in government support programs for entrepreneurship in your region. Today in many regions of our country you can receive free financial assistance from the state to open your own business;
  3. Search for a potential investor based on a well-written business plan.

Search for premises

In accordance with the requirements of the SES, the area of ​​the premises for a mini-bakery must be at least 60 m2. Approximate description of the room:

  1. Flour warehouse with sifting area - 5.0 m²
  2. Raw materials warehouse - 5.5 m²
  3. Raw material preparation room - 2.5 m²
  4. Dough preparation - 10.0 m²
  5. Cutting, shaping and proofing - 9 m²
  6. Washing equipment - 2.5 m²
  7. Corridor – 3.5 m²
  8. Staff quarters – 7.5 m²
  9. Baking shop – 9.0 m²
  10. Cooling and forwarding - 11.0 m²
  11. Tray washing area – 4.0 m²

TOTAL: 73 m²

When renting, the ideal option is municipal premises with a possible purchase in the future. Rent from municipalities is usually an order of magnitude lower than from private individuals. However, there are few such premises left and the best ones are already occupied. To rent municipal property, you should contact the local administration, or rather the municipal (city) property management committee. They should have a list of objects that they are ready to rent out; maybe it will contain a room that suits your requirements.

In general, the rental price for a 70m2 premises will cost at least 25 thousand rubles.

The location of the mini-bakery is not very important; it can operate successfully both in the city itself and in the suburban area.

Registration of activities

To legally operate a mini-bakery, it is enough to register individual entrepreneurship at the local Federal Tax Service. The registration procedure will take 5 working days, the cost of registration is 800 state duty.

OKVED code

When filling out an application for registration of an individual entrepreneur, you must indicate the OKVED code corresponding to your type of activity. The most suitable OKVED code for a mini-bakery is 15.81 “Production of bread and flour confectionery products of non-durable storage.” It is worth noting that when registering an activity, you can specify several OKVED codes.

Which tax system to choose

As tax systems such specialists can act. regimes such as the simplified tax system, UTII or patent taxation system. When choosing a simplified system (STS), you will pay either 15% of the profit or 6% of the mini-bakery’s revenue. When choosing UTII, the tax amount will depend on the established local authorities coefficient k2 and basic profitability this species activities. It is worth noting that after registering an individual entrepreneur, you must write an application within 5 days to switch to a special taxation regime, or you risk remaining on common system taxation. Let us remind you that special regime (STS, UTII or patent) relieves you from paying taxes such as property (real estate) tax, income tax and VAT.

After registering your activities and hiring the first employees in your bakery, you need to register as an employer with extra-budgetary funds - Pension fund and the social insurance fund. Subsequently, you need to pay insurance contributions for your employees, the amount of which depends on the amount of wages.

What documents are needed to open a mini-bakery?

  • Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for production. This document is prepared by Rospotrebnadzor. The procedure is free, you only need to provide the results of the examination;
  • Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion for the product. It is also issued at the local branch of Rospotrebnadzor based on the results of the examination;
  • Certificate of conformity. Issued by the Federal Agency for Technical Regulation and Metrology;
  • Conclusion of the fire inspection on compliance with fire safety requirements.

What equipment to choose for a mini-bakery

After registering the activity and searching suitable premises you need to purchase equipment for your mini-bakery. Minimum set equipment for opening a mini-bakery with a capacity of 50 kg/hour with a range of products - hearth bread (0.7 kg), loaf (0.5 kg), buns (0.15 kg) and other bakery products:

  • Flour sifter;
  • Spiral dough mixer;
  • Electric baking oven;
  • Proofing cabinet;
  • Hearth sheet;
  • Tabletop dough sheeter
  • Dough divider;
  • Cassette of bread forms;
  • Pastry table;
  • Production table;
  • One-piece washing bathtub;
  • Rack;
  • Scales;
  • Ventilation umbrella;
  • Refrigerated cabinet;

The approximate cost of such a set of equipment is about 400 thousand rubles.

How much money do you need to invest to open a mini-bakery?

In addition to purchasing equipment, the initial costs should include repairs to the premises, connection to engineering networks(if there is no connection), system installation fire safety, security system, ventilation and purchase of office equipment. In some cases, the cost of opening a mini-bakery can reach 1 million rubles.

Agreements with suppliers

As soon as the mini-bakery premises are ready to start production, you need to take care of what the bakery products will be baked from. To do this, it is necessary to conclude preliminary agreements with suppliers for the supply of raw materials for the mini-bakery. It is necessary to purchase raw materials immediately before starting production.

The main raw material for the production of bread and bakery products is flour. At the same time, only the highest grade of flour is suitable for buns. In addition to baking flour, you will need compressed yeast, vegetable oil, sugar, salt, vanillin, stabilizers, food additives, thickeners, etc. In general, the consumption of raw materials depends on the recipe compiled by the bakery technologist.


For the normal functioning of the mini-bakery, you will need to hire the following personnel:

  • Manager (business owner);
  • Bakers (4 people);
  • The technologist is a very important figure in a mini-bakery. The quality and taste characteristics of the products produced depend on its work;
  • Sales representative (sales manager).

An accountant and a cleaner can be hired under a contract paid provision services. Since the work involves food products, each employee (baker) must have a medical record.

Bakery opening

After the bakery starts operating, do not forget to notify the local branch of Rospotrebnadzor about the start of your activities.

How much can you earn

Net earnings from mini-bakeries depend on the location, the region in which production is opened, as well as on the demand for your products. Mini-bakeries can operate as separate enterprises, selling through their own network, or as part of hypermarkets or other establishments. The approximate cost of opening a mini-bakery is about 2.5 million rubles, most of which is based on the purchase necessary equipment(about 1.2 million rubles), rental of premises and costs for the purchase of raw materials. With sufficient production capacity, the output of finished bakery products will be approximately 700 kilograms of finished products per month. Provided that the entire range is sold, the net income will be 120-150 thousand rubles. The payback of such a business will be at the level of 1.5-2 years.

Do you need permits to open a business?

Since bakeries are catering establishments, the list of permits and requirements is quite large. Permits for this type of activity include the following documents:

  1. Production permit issued by Rospotrebnadzor.
  2. Sanitary and epidemiological conclusion.
  3. Certificate of conformity issued in Federal agency on technical regulation and metrology.
  4. Fire safety report issued by the Fire Inspectorate.

According to the standards of the sanitary and epidemiological service, premises must be equipped with ventilation, have service (warehouse, bathroom) and household premises, sewerage, as well as cold and hot water.

Production technology

The technology for the production of bakery products comes down to three main criteria:

  1. The process of preparing dough.
  2. Cutting dough pieces.
  3. The process of baking products.

The harvesting process includes the kneading stage and the so-called maturation stage. After the dough is ready, it is divided into portions according to the required technological process. Such operations are done manually or using special production machines to speed up and facilitate the procedure. The dough preparation is followed by preliminary and final proofing; this procedure is mandatory for all types of baked goods. Preliminary proofing is the process of giving the required shape, and final proofing is the process of maturing and increasing the volume of finished products, which takes about one hour on average. After all these steps, proceed directly to baking.

What is needed to open your own bakery, what package of documents must be collected and what requirements must the future enterprise meet. How to correctly analyze the market, select production and commercial equipment, as well as how much you need to invest at the start and how much you can earn. Read more about everything in this article.

Bakery products can be offered to large retail chains, shops, restaurants or cafes. But this is subject to good production capacity of the enterprise.

You can consider the option of selling products in your own retail facilities. But this will require additional cash investments for renting premises and commercial equipment.

If we take retail sales, then it is better to carry them out near educational institutions or business centers. In such places, various delicacies in the form of buns, cheesecakes, etc. will be in great demand.

Good place for retail are sleeping areas. Not only delicacies, but also bread and loaves will be popular there. Especially if it is sold while still hot.

That is, the above three steps must be taken before going to the tax service and other authorities to register a business.

How much money do you need to start?

It is impossible to give a specific amount needed to open a bakery. After all, it all depends on how large the enterprise will be, how many products will be produced and how it will be sold.

We can only give an approximate figure, based on the experience of entrepreneurs working in the production of bakery products.

If the production volumes are small, then $20 thousand is enough to start. For volumes over 3 thousand tons, more than $100 thousand will be needed to open a bakery. The above amounts include equipment, rent, raw materials and other expenses.

It may be difficult for some to find and invest that kind of money in starting a business. Therefore, for starters, you can start a mini-bakery, since it will cost less than $5 thousand. And then, by increasing production capacity, create a large enterprise from a small business. At the right approach This will take 1-3 years.

Bakery profitability

The last thing that needs to be determined before registering a business is, of course, its profitability.

Let's not go into calculations. Everyone can do it yourself. It can only be generally noted that investing 1 rub. to the bakery, you can get 2 rubles. and more. That is, business profitability can reach over 100%.

The bakery will reach self-sufficiency only in six months. And all costs will be fully covered in a year. In just a year, the business will bring in several hundred thousand in profit every month.

Bakery registration

Now, after a thorough analysis of the specifics of the business, competitors, market and profitability calculations, you can officially register the bakery. To do this you need:

  • Decide on the form of enterprise management - LLC or individual entrepreneur.
  • Select the code(s) by which the activity will be carried out.
  • Decide on the type of taxation.
  • Submit applications and pay state fees.
  • Obtain a conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor.

You can register a bakery as an LLC or individual entrepreneur. It is cheaper and easier to register an individual entrepreneur - an application and a state fee of 800 rubles are enough. To create an LLC you will need: applications, a state fee of 4,000 rubles, and authorized capital not less than 10,000 rub.

If the bakery produces bread and flour products for wholesale distribution, then it must be registered under OKVED code 15.81 or 15.82 (for production) and 55.52 (sale of products to stores, cafes, etc.). To sell products at your own retail outlet, you must select code 55.30.

Applications for registration of a bakery are submitted in the following forms:

  • Р11001 - for LLC
  • P21001 - for individual entrepreneurs

Along with the documents for registration, an application for transition to the simplified tax system is submitted.

For bakery best option taxation specifically the simplified tax system. Here you can choose a simplified tax system with a rate of 6%, taking into account only income, or a simplified tax system with 15%, taking into account income and expenses. It is better to choose the latter option, since you will have to pay taxes on income that is reduced by the amount of expenses.

Rospotrebnadzor must be notified about the start of the bakery’s activities, which will issue conclusions on the compliance of products and production with established sanitary and epidemiological requirements.

You will also need to visit the fire department, which will issue a report on the fire safety of the bakery premises.

Required documents

To begin production and sale of finished products, you must have the following package of documents:

  • Permits and conclusions of SES and fire supervision.
  • Certificate of conformity.
  • Certificate of quality.

There is no need to license such a business.

SES requirements for bakery premises

Strict requirements are placed on all bakery premises. Therefore, there are a number of factors to consider here.

  • The enterprise cannot be located in the basement.
  • The presence of sewerage, cold and hot water supply is required.
  • Premises (especially production ones) must be equipped with air conditioning systems.
  • The bakery must have a warehouse (for storing products and auxiliary raw materials) and an equipped bathroom for staff (washing room, shower and toilet).
  • A separate locker room should be provided for bakery employees.
  • Artificial and natural ventilation is required.

All these requirements must be met before starting a bakery. Otherwise, the SES, for failure to comply with the requirements, will issue a fine and prohibit you from working.

Moreover, in the future, the SES will constantly check the condition of all premises and communications.

Production equipment

Technical support plays an important role in the operation of a bakery. The list of necessary equipment includes:

  • Bake.
  • Dough mixing plant.
  • Test table.
  • Flour sifter.
  • Dough sheeter.
  • Proofing cabinet.
  • Baking trolley/s.

The above list may be supplemented with other equipment. It all depends on the specific production conditions.

You should also take into account that the bakery will require additional equipment:

  • One- and two-section washing bath.
  • Refrigerator cabinet.
  • Ventilation umbrella.
  • Pastry and wall table.

Trade equipment

If the bakery produces baked goods and retails them at its own outlet, then it will need some more equipment:

  • Cash register (it must be registered with the tax office).
  • Showcases and racks.
  • Safe for storing documents and cash.
  • Equipment for moving products (for example, trolleys).

Technical support must be selected individually. The above lists may differ from the final list - this must be taken into account.

Sales market

There may be several options for marketing bakery and confectionery products:

  • Supply of products to shops, cafes, restaurants and other public catering establishments. You can do this yourself or use the services of a carrier.
  • Sales of products through intermediary companies. This will allow you to delegate some of the tasks to them, albeit at some financial expense.
  • Sell ​​bakery products in your own retail outlets. It may be necessary to rent additional premises here.

It is also possible to enter into agreements with individual entrepreneurs who will sell bakery products at food markets.

Bakery advertising and promotion

  • leaflets (at the opening stage for the first 1-2 months);
  • advertising in the media (newspapers, magazines, radio, television);
  • billboards along roads or near large shopping centers;
  • advertising on or in public transport.

It is also worth considering the option of promoting your bakery on the Internet. Today this is one of the most effective ways advertising a new business. To do this, it is enough to place the bakery’s official website online and add it to the Yandex and Google advertising networks.

Website development will cost approximately $200. The budget on the Internet is determined individually.

In addition to the website, you need to create official groups and bakery communities in popular social networks, focused on the region where the bakery is located.

Possible risks

The first possible risk in business is the incorrect location of the retail facility (in case retail sales). This should also include high prices and unprofessionalism of the staff.

An incorrectly chosen marketing strategy can negatively affect business development. Therefore, if you do not have the necessary skills in this area, it is better to seek help from an experienced marketer.

Opening a bakery in a very competitive environment will contribute to the rapid cessation of business. However, all investments may not pay off.

Otherwise, the business is quite stable, since there is constant demand for baked goods among the population. With him proper organization the profitability will be 150%, and all investments will pay off in 6 months or 1 year.

Opening your own bakery in Moscow is considered fashionable and prestigious. And if you do something special and incredibly tasty, then you immediately rank with the best restaurateurs. Bread is a product for all times. That is why this kind of business is quite profitable if it is properly organized and developed. Many people think that opening a bakery is much easier than opening a restaurant or cafe, but it only seems so. In terms of organizing a business, you need to go through all the same steps as when opening any business. In addition, the state imposes serious requirements on bakeries, including its employees, premises and the availability of all necessary documents for Rospotrebnadzor for cafes, culinary bakeries in Moscow.

Package of documents and cost for a bakery in Moscow

DOCUMENT NAME Price in Moscow
Please note that Rospotrebnadzor controls absolutely all legal entities in Moscow, on the basis of 52-FZ “On the sanitary and epidemiological welfare of the population.” And the only guarantee that penalties will not be imposed on you is compliance with all laws and fulfillment of all requirements.

If you are thinking about opening a bakery in Moscow, you need to first study the agreements governing the activities, understand all the requirements and find out what documents you will need to open a bakery. Keep in mind that there are a large number of such regulations and documents; you will have to spend some time reading them. Actually, in the first stages of opening, you will have to not so much deal with production as collect and draw up permits, approvals, contracts and other similar documents. You can do it in two ways.

  • the first is to do it all yourself
  • and the second is to entrust the collection of documents for opening a bakery or confectionery to a specialized organization, for example, the Official SES of Moscow - the Department of Sanitary and Epidemiological Control. We'll tell you in detail, what documents are needed to open a mini-bakery in Moscow, how to get them, how much it costs, and we will also provide assistance in preparing a set of papers for opening.

Take your preparation very carefully and responsibly. Lay the foundation of your business right away and competently, so that later you do not have to pay huge fines to the state after inspections by Rospotrebnadzor and detection of numerous violations. Bakeries are inspected by inspectors of regulatory authorities very carefully, since catering directly affects the safety of the population. If you want to save your energy and time for solving strategic problems, then provide a collection routine documents for inspection by Rospotrebnadzor us. Below we will describe the procedure in detail, present a list of documents for opening a bakery and confectionery shop in 2018, and also explain the main nuances when completing the required paperwork.

Stages of opening your own bakery in Moscow

In general, the scheme for opening your own bakery is standard, there is nothing special about it. But most do not always understand in what order it is necessary to act in order to launch the production of bakery products in the shortest possible time, without additional financial costs and downtime. Below we provide an action plan to help you discover your own business for the production and sale of delicious buns and fresh bread. By going through the plan step by step, you will definitely achieve your goal.

  1. Choose a form of ownership and register it. For a bakery, approach it as legal entity, and an individual entrepreneur.
  2. Next you need to choose the maximum good place To open your establishment, choose a room. Please note that you need to draw up a lease or purchase and sale agreement in order to be able to carry out your activities in this premises.
  3. Now you need to equip your premises with the appropriate equipment. Don't forget about accompanying documents, service agreements and quality certificates for purchased equipment.
  4. We equip the premises based on established sanitary and epidemiological norms and rules.
  5. We analyze the market and select the most reliable suppliers of raw materials, carry out negotiations and sign a supply agreement.
  6. We are engaged in the selection of qualified personnel.
  7. We are considering the main options for selling finished products.
  8. We get SES conclusion for a bakery.
  9. Preparing the package documents for opening a bakery.
  10. We are developing an assortment.
  11. We are working on a marketing plan.
  12. We are starting production.
  13. You should definitely establish good friendly relations with the SES inspector and the fire inspectorate and comply with all legal requirements.

The two most difficult points here are obtaining permission from the SES and other documents for the bakery.

Requirements of SES and Rospotrebnadzor for bakeries in Moscow

Very important point when organizing a bakery - compliance with the SES requirements for bakeries. Basically, the requirements apply to those bakeries that are organized in permanent buildings, but for mobile production all the requirements are also relevant.

Norms for the territory

If you are going to build from scratch or decide to buy a building that needs repairs or complete reconstruction, then you need to coordinate your actions with the Sanitary and Epidemiological Department.

  • the area must be surrounded by a fence;
  • residential buildings cannot be located on the production site;
  • if there are plantings, caring for them is mandatory;
  • cleaning of the area should be carried out regularly throughout the year;
  • it is necessary to install garbage containers that are protected from water at a distance of about 25 meters from buildings;
  • It is necessary to arrange drains to regulate precipitation.

If you have a bakery in an already constructed building, then keep in mind that it cannot be organized in the basement or on ground floor. None for a mobile bakery special requirements No.

SES standards for bakeries may be slightly different depending on the region, so before opening, it is better to check them with the local branch of Rospotrebnadzor.

SES standards for premises in Moscow when opening a bakery:

  • It is prohibited to place bakery production in residential buildings, however, if the bakery is very small, its total volume of products produced is no more than one ton per day, then you can agree with the control authority on organizing the bakery in an extension;
  • availability is required autonomous system sewerage, electricity with a consumption rate of at least 40 kW, hot and cold water, ventilation system;
  • import raw materials, equipment, consumables only possible from the back side of the building;
  • it is necessary to equip the premises for a bakery automatic system fire extinguishing;
  • A first aid kit must be placed in the room.
  • mandatory division into separate rooms during capital construction and a large area: production workshops, warehouse, utility room, office, bathrooms, dining room, etc., and for mobile modular structures there must also be a division using partitions;
  • In all premises it is necessary to comply with the required sanitary and hygienic standards.

SES requirements for a production workshop in Moscow:

  • It is necessary to divide into zones: hot, washing, requiring special modes;
  • the intersection of raw materials and finished products should not be allowed;
  • Ideally, the process should follow the principle of a one-way conveyor belt;
  • It is necessary to use special carpets with a disinfectant solution at the entrance;
  • finishing of walls and ceilings is carried out only with adhesive paint or water emulsion;
  • the finishing of the walls and ceiling must be perfect, without chips or cracks;
  • The floor finish can only be moisture-resistant; it must also be absolutely smooth and even, subject to easy wet cleaning and be sloped to ensure moisture-resistant properties.

SES requirements for warehouse premises in Moscow:

  • Compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards is mandatory;
  • availability heating devices and temperature not less than 8 degrees;
  • equipped ventilation system;
  • compliance with the humidity standard in the aisles of 70-75%;
  • equipment of protective canopies in the loading/unloading area;
  • the finishing of walls and floors must be smooth and clean;
  • It is prohibited to store disinfectants and any other household chemicals.

Technical requirements:

  • Any equipment requires a certificate;
  • equipment must be manufactured only from elements permitted by Russian legislation;
  • should be easy to wet clean;
  • It is mandatory to treat equipment with disinfectants and calcination of metal sheets;
  • A bakery must have a refrigerator, scales, an oven, a system for sifting flour, a dough mixing system, a system for transporting finished products, high-quality knives, and scales.

Requirements for employees:

  • any employee is required to have a medical book and undergo regular medical commissions;
  • the use of jewelry and costume jewelry while performing work duties is prohibited;
  • It is mandatory to comply with established sanitary, hygienic and safety standards at the enterprise.
  • Another very important point– this is obtaining permission from the SES for the type of activity.

Review. Vasily. Owner of a bakery in Moscow

After one of the failed Rospotrebnadzor inspections, our bakery was subject to a serious fine and a ban on operations until the violations were eliminated. The list of identified problems was huge, and on the eve of the inspection, as luck would have it, some of the employees fell ill and the equipment broke down. In general, we couldn’t cope on our own; we brought in professionals from the Official SES of Moscow – the Department of Sanitary and Epidemiological Control. They brought everything back to normal in the shortest possible time and helped sign everything necessary contracts for maintenance and to establish operation and eliminate violations. There is no money involved, prices are fixed. They do everything efficiently and on time.

The process of obtaining an SES conclusion for a Moscow bakery

Many entrepreneurs have no idea Do you need permission from the Moscow SES? for a bakery, where to get a SES permit, how much does a SES permit cost and how to obtain permission from the SES. The official SES of Moscow - the Department of Sanitary and Epidemiological Control answers all these questions. Design SES permit for the bakery is valid need to! But in fact, this process is not so complicated and frightening as to focus so much attention on it.

The conclusion of the SES (also called the SES permit) is a document that states that your company has legal right engage in activities and fully comply with all necessary standards for this type of enterprise.

Issues permission from Rospotrebnadzor of Moscow, the price for the service is 0 rubles. Yes, this service is provided absolutely free. Obtain an SES conclusion for the premises Any company can, including a bakery. To do this you need:

  1. contact the authority using a notification about the start of the organization’s activities;
  2. write application to the SES to obtain an opinion;
  3. provide a folder of papers;
  4. wait for an examination of your premises;
  5. get your permission.

What documents are needed to conclude an SES:

  1. all company registration documents;
  2. application to Rospotrebnadzor according to the sample;
  3. BTI plan;
  4. title papers for the premises;
  5. bakery production control program;
  6. action plan to ensure the necessary standards of hygiene and sanitation
  7. contracts for treatments against insects, rodents and microbes
  8. contract for laboratory testing
  9. staff health records
  10. contract for waste removal and destruction;
  11. ventilation system maintenance contract.

Please note buy a SES conclusion in Moscow it won't work! It is issued free of charge after passing an inspection by an inspector from Rospotrebnadzor. But you can contact the Moscow Sanitary and Epidemiological Station - the Department of Sanitary and Epidemiological Control for an independent audit and preparation documents for obtaining the conclusion of the SES. Our organization can provide you with professional assistance in obtaining an SES conclusion in Moscow. We can take on all the necessary negotiations and visits to authorities upon receipt of the SES conclusion; the price will depend on the number of documents you already have in your hands. You will receive a ready-made conclusion from the SES in Moscow.

Review. Evgeny. Individual entrepreneur from Moscow

We have been cooperating with the Moscow SES - the Department of Sanitary and Epidemiological Control - for several years now. Once upon a time, it all started with obtaining permission from the SES, and now this organization handles absolutely all matters to provide our bakery with the necessary service contracts and monthly disinfestation and disinfection treatments. It is worth noting the high level of professionalism and efficiency.

List of documents for opening a bakery in 2018

You can open the bakery only after you have prepared everything necessary documents. Usually the collection stage documents for a mini-bakery combined with the preparation of premises. Permits for opening a bakery in Moscow- one of the most basic things when organizing a business. If you do not have the required papers, your activities will be considered illegal, and you will be subject to penalties, which could quite possibly make your company bankrupt.

If you are looking for the answer to the question of what documents are needed for a mini-bakery, then consider that you have found it. Below is the most complete list of documents for a bakery that must be completed.

  1. Title documents for the premises used for the bakery.
  2. Registration documents confirming your ability to carry out entrepreneurial activities, to organize an individual entrepreneur or a legal entity.
  3. Statutory documents, including confirmation that you are registered with the tax office.
  4. Notification to Rospotrebnadzor about the start of the bakery's activities.
  5. Individual production control program (PPK bakery).
  6. Conclusion from Rospotrebnadzor.
  7. Contract for the removal and destruction of your garbage and waste.
  8. Contracts for the supply of resources and water with the heating network, energy network and Mosvodokanal.
  9. Agreements on preventive treatments, disinfection and control of rats and insects.
  10. Agreement for the collection and disposal of mercury-containing fluorescent light sources.
  11. Agreement with a company for washing and cleaning work clothes.
  12. Contract for maintenance of air conditioning and ventilation systems.
  13. Primary documents for supplied raw materials.
  14. Safety documents.
  15. Contract for maintenance of production equipment.
  16. An agreement with a medical organization for regular checks of your employees.
  17. Fire safety documentation.
  18. Laboratory test results.
  19. Logs for recording the treatments carried out.
  20. Acts on the processing carried out.
  21. Microclimate data log.
  22. Logbook for disinfection products.

Review. Oleg. Bakery in Moscow

We contacted this SES by chance, searched urgently on the Internet, ordered a sanitary audit of our enterprise and ordered the missing parts to open a service contract. Initially, we set aside one deadline for registering our business, and were pleasantly surprised when we received all the documents, contracts and brought the premises to the right type much faster! Thanks to all the SES workers who help in the difficult task of correct design business!

Why do you need so many documents to open a bakery?

We found out what documents are needed to open a bakery and looked at this entire huge list. A natural question arises: why do you need so many documents to open a mini-bakery? We answer so that you understand. A bakery is an enterprise that is involved in the catering industry, that is, it works with raw materials and finished products, which means it bears a great responsibility. If work is performed poorly, the company poses a threat to the population and environment, which is why the state strictly regulates the activities of such enterprises, imposing serious requirements on them.

Who inspects bakeries and how is the inspection carried out?

In full accordance with the documents regulating the inspection process, a scheduled inspection by Rospotrebnadzor is carried out once every three years, but an unscheduled inspection can occur quite suddenly. The basis for an inspection outside the plan is a complaint from a citizen, duly completed, as well as coordination of inspection activities with the prosecutor's office due to this complaint. In some cases, when violations have led to serious consequences, a threat to the life and health of the population, environmental safety, approval from the prosecutor's office is not required. The dates for planned activities are on the official website of the regulatory authority, and you will be notified 24 hours in advance that an inspector will visit you outside of the plan. The inspection is carried out on the basis of an order and must be carried out strictly according to the established regulations. The inspector must present the order and identification and only then proceed to inspect your company. First, he evaluates it visually, checks the compliance of the premises, compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards, and then he will begin to verify all the necessary regulatory documents for the bakery. So that this check point does not confuse you, just keep your papers in perfect order. You can always find out what documents are needed for a bakery by calling the authority’s hotline, on the authority’s website, or by contacting the Moscow Sanitary and Epidemiological Station - Department of Sanitary and Epidemiological Control.

Responsibility of the company in the absence of required documents

There are penalties for those who do not comply with the law, either intentionally or out of ignorance. If during the inspection it is discovered that the necessary documents for the bakery are missing or there are errors in them, then Rospotrebnadzor employees have the right to bring you to administrative responsibility in accordance with the Code of Administrative Offenses Russian Federation. The degree of rudeness and the number of violations will affect the measure of restraint. Most often this is a monetary fine and a ban on conducting activities until all violations are eliminated, but not more than three months. Moreover, both responsibility and officials are involved. Sometimes, in case of minor deficiencies, the inspector is limited only to an order to eliminate the violations. And with very serious mistakes Your case may well be referred to court, in which case you may even face imprisonment. Of course, there are not very many such precedents, and we hope that you will not let it come to this.

The approximate amounts of fines are:

  • for an individual entrepreneur, the average fine is 4,000-8,000 rubles;
  • for an organization the average amount is 100,000-200,000 rubles;
  • For official about 5000-10000 rubles.

Typically, the size of the fine depends on the number and quality of violations found.

The most common violations in a bakery include:

  • lack of a conclusion from the SES on the compliance of the premises with sanitary standards;
  • failure to comply with any point of sanitary and hygienic standards;
  • lack of documents confirming the quality of raw materials or finished products;
  • failure to comply with measures to control compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards;
  • lack of medical records among employees and irregular medical examinations of personnel;
  • lack of contracts for preventive measures compliance with sanitary and hygienic standards;
  • lack of an agreement for the removal and disposal of waste;
  • indiscriminate storage of waste, etc.

Review. Anna. Owner of a culinary shop in Moscow

Thanks to the specialists of the Moscow SES for timely tips and the sanitary audit of our company. We have never passed a Rospotrebnadzor inspection so successfully! And our suppliers noted a significant increase in product quality and increased the quantity of goods ordered.

Professional preparation of documents for opening a bakery by the Moscow Sanitary and Epidemiological Station

The government is always working to improve any legislation, so it is not always easy to track the latest changes and find out what the current one is list of documents for Rospotrebnadzor and how to properly prepare all the required documents for the conclusion of Rospotrebnadzor and other necessary papers. And is it worth delving into it if you can use the qualified help of the Official SES of Moscow - the Department of Sanitary and Epidemiological Control. We carry out work to develop an individual package of documents for bakeries and other organizations. There are at least eight more reasons why you can entrust this task to our organization.

1. All consultations on issues related to obtaining documents are carried out free of charge.

2. Our Moscow Sanitary and Epidemiological Control Department - the Department of Sanitary and Epidemiological Control has been working in this area for more than 10 years and has already helped hundreds of satisfied customers.

3. During our work, we have established contact with Rospotrebnadzor and are an official partner, so we are always aware of all the changes to which we adapt instantly. Our experienced team knows all the little things that Rospotrebnadzor inspectors look for when inspecting your organization.

4. Thanks to direct cooperation with Rospotrebnadzor, we are able to prepare documents in a short time.

5. Our employees have appropriate education and a lot of experience.

6. We provide our services in the most top level That's why we always guarantee the results.

7. We provide services on the basis of a formal contract, which contains information about the timing, cost and nature of the services.

8. The prices for the services provided are reasonable, so you can easily afford to give up this routine and entrust the paperwork to us.

How is the process of working with a client structured?

1. You contact us for help and describe your problem, and we advise you in as much detail as possible on all issues and offer solutions in the form of an individually selected package of services.

2. After all the details have been agreed upon, we sign an official contract for the work, which must include a list of services, the price for the work and the time allotted to fulfill our obligations.

3. You collect all the documents that you can provide us with for further work.

4. We issue a power of attorney to perform formal actions on your behalf in order to free you from routine as much as possible.

5. We check the folder of papers and begin collecting the missing documents.

6. Our specialist conducts an independent assessment of your company and records all existing violations, and also prepares a list of recommended actions to eliminate them.

7. We prepare all the necessary documents that were specified in the contract. We carry out all actions to obtain and prepare them ourselves on the basis of a power of attorney.

8. When everything is ready, we hand over a folder with documents to you, and you pay for our work.

How to take into account all the nuances, prepare documents for Rospotrebnadzor and not be left without the strength and desire to open a bakery after all? A simple lifehack: to obtain permits to open a bakery in Moscow in 2018, do not save money on attracting specialists to this issue. The Moscow Sanitary and Epidemiological Station - the Department of Sanitary and Epidemiological Control will provide qualified assistance in obtaining SES documentation for your business. Find out right now whether you need an SES conclusion, what documents you need to open a mini-bakery, check cost of SES permit and many other questions that interest you, to which you have not found answers. We guarantee a launch as quickly as possible without bureaucratic delays! Start your business right away with proper execution of all the necessary papers, this will reduce unplanned expenses and not be afraid of inspections by Rospotrebnadzor. Order SES documents for a bakery in Moscow you can contact our staff at email or telephone numbers listed on the website.

Becoming a bakery owner today is almost as prestigious as becoming a restaurateur. Baking bread is an interesting activity, and if organized correctly, profitable. But opening a bakery is not so easy. First of all, because the requirements for premises and equipment supervisory authorities very strict. Before you start searching for premises and collecting documents, it is worth familiarizing yourself with the documents that Rospotrebnadzor, Gospozhnadzor and the Ministry of Emergency Situations will refer to and their requirements for personnel and arrangement of the bakery.

Types of bakeries

Mini-bakeries are, of course, not a large bakery, but organized on a large scale, they can provide an entire village/small village with bread and buns, or even cakes. Below are the basic requirements for permanent buildings. For modular-type mini-bakeries (opened on the basis of stalls), the legislative acts regulating their activities will be almost the same, with the exception of some nuances.

Rospotrebnadzor requirements

Obtaining permission from Rospotrebnadzor

Permitting examinations by SES structures are carried out free of charge upon application by the bakery owner. To do this, the company sends a notice of the start of business activity with a full set of necessary documents. No state duty is paid in this case.

Documents regulating activities

Basic regulations- this is Resolution No. 6 of November 27, 1997 and SanPiN In addition, in preparing the premises, equipment and further work The requirements of the following acts should be taken into account:

  1. SNiP 23-05-95 (replaced SNiP II-4-79) - Natural artificial lighting;
  2. SNiP 2.04.01-85 - Internal water supply and sewerage of buildings;
  3. SNiP 2.04.05-91 - Heating, ventilation and air conditioning;
  4. SanPiN - Production of bread, bakery and confectionery products.
  5. VNTP 02-92 - Standards for technological design of bakery industry enterprises;
  6. GOST 2874-82 - Drinking water. Hygienic requirements and quality control.
  7. SNiP 31-03-2001 (replaced SNiP 2.09.02-85) - Industrial buildings;
  8. SNiP 2.09.04-87 - Administrative and domestic buildings;
  9. SNiP 2.04.03-85 - External networks and structures.

It is these documents that the SES will refer to both when issuing a permit and when conducting ongoing inspections (routine and unscheduled).

Territory requirements

When choosing a plot of land to build a bakery or purchasing an enterprise that needs reconstruction, the owner must coordinate his actions with representatives of the SES. The main requirements for the territory are as follows:

  • She must be protected.
  • Green plants are planted and subsequently cared for.
  • They clean them regularly, including removing snow deposits in winter.
  • Supplied with waterproof trash containers. They are located 25 m from any buildings.

To drain precipitation during the development of the territory, drains directed away from the structures must be laid. There should be no residential buildings in the area adjacent to the bakery.

For a modular mini-bakery, such requirements are not put forward by the epidemiological service. As for a business located in a house, such companies cannot be located in the basement or basement. But it is better to check the requirements with the local branch of Rospotrebnadzor. Depending on the region, these services apply varying degrees of rigor to compliance with basic requirements.

Premises requirements

Epidemiological surveillance of the Russian Federation prohibits the organization of such enterprises in residential buildings, structures and buildings (SNiP 31-01-2003 clause 4.10 and SP 4.13130 ​​clause 5.2.8). But in some cases, if the enterprise is very small (produces up to a ton of products in 24 hours, then Rospotrebnadzor can separately agree on the location of this enterprise in extensions to residential and non-residential buildings. It is believed that such production can be located in a residential building built before 2013 only after the latter has been overhauled. The requirements for apartment-type mini-bakeries are more stringent according to SanPiN The owner of such an enterprise is obliged to ensure the autonomy of the systems:

  • sewerage;
  • power supply;
  • water supply (cannot be used process water, the water must be both cold and hot).

It is not allowed to import raw materials from the façade of a residential building. Therefore, it is better to equip modular bakery options. If you cannot establish a normal working relationship with your fire inspector and SES representative, your work will be very difficult.

A bakery of any type must have water supply, sewerage, and a ventilation system. It is mandatory to comply with energy consumption standards. The network power should not be less than 40 kW. Any bakery production, regardless of size, is considered a fire hazard and requires the installation of an emergency fire alarm system and a first aid kit. During capital construction, such an enterprise must have a whole range of premises:

  • on production different types works (baking shop and for yeast fermentation, dough cutting and dough mixing room);
  • warehouse;
  • auxiliary;
  • for employees (dining rooms, bathroom, locker room).

Each type of premises has specific requirements.

In modular mini-bakeries and organizations located in houses, “separate workshops” are separated by partitions. Staff room, bathroom, storage area for raw materials, baking workshop and furnishings different points doors for the entry of raw materials and exit of finished products are required in any case.

The module provides for the allocation of: a warehouse (for storing raw materials and separately products) and a technical area, a washing area, a main workshop (with spatial separation of production processes), household premises, bathroom.

Bakery complex

It cannot be located in a basement or basement. Cross movement of raw materials and baked goods is prohibited. Unidirectionality must be maintained production process. In the work area there are workshops (in modular designs, boxes separated by a partition):

  • hot;
  • for cleaning and washing equipment;
  • requiring compliance with a special regime.

In front of the door to the workshop area, mats soaked in disinfectant are required. The walls of this area and even the ceiling are whitened with adhesive paints or painted with a water emulsion. If there is a defect in the walls or ceiling, immediate repair is required. The floors are lined with waterproof material approved by the State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision Authority. They should be level, smooth, but not slippery, without cracks, easy to wash and have a slight slope for water drainage.


The premises provided for storage must be:

  • Always clean
  • Heated (with temperature indicators not lower than +8оС).
  • With a good ventilation system, not humid (humidity from 70 to 75% is acceptable).

All warehouses in large bakeries are equipped with canopies that protect bakery products and raw materials from precipitation during loading/unloading. In these premises, gas treatment against insect pests is permissible, carried out in accordance with the standards. The walls of warehouses are made smooth, the floors without cracks. Let's say there is a cement floor. . It is enough to equip the box for the receipt of goods and its shipment with a canopy over the entrance.

In the warehouse area intended for products, it is unacceptable to store household chemicals, disinfectants and any strong-smelling goods that are not raw materials for baking.

Employee rooms

Changing rooms are equipped in such a way that employees store their outerwear, the things they wore to work and their work clothes separately. There is a shower next to the locker room. It should have a pre-shower area with hangers and benches. The number of shower cabins is standardized by SNiP.

The toilet is equipped with a lock, subway doors, and a device for toilet paper or napkins. A mat soaked in disinfectant is laid out in front of the toilet, and a sign is placed reminding you to remove your work gown. The toilet room lock should have:

  • wash basin;
  • hand disinfectant;
  • soap;
  • hanger for outer work clothes;
  • electric hand dryer (electric towel).

Meals must be provided for employees. They are equipped in the same way as toilet sluices (hangers, sinks, electric towels). A disinfectant mat is also provided before entering this room.

For mini-bakeries of modular and “apartment” type, such a number of premises is not needed, but:

  • bathroom (usually a dry closet);
  • changing room for staff.

There definitely must be. At the same time, a separation between the warehouse area, bakery and staff rooms is provided by a corridor in which there should be mats with disinfectants.

Hardware requirements

When using imported equipment, you need a certificate for it. All parts of devices, inventory, and any equipment must be made of materials approved by the sanitary supervision of the Russian Federation. It should:

  • Easy to wash.
  • To be treated with disinfectants. Metal sheets for products - calcination.
  • and use for one type of product (raw materials/semi-finished products/finished products).

For finished goods and products for baking, they use not only different equipment, but even lifting equipment. To open a bakery, it must be equipped with:

  • refrigerators;
  • ovens;
  • dough mixing bowls;
  • flour sifting systems;
  • devices for transporting bread;
  • shelving;
  • scales;
  • knives.

And other equipment is needed, the choice of which depends on the species planned for release.

Personnel requirements

Workers must have sanitary records with passport data and a photograph entered in them. They are required to undergo regular medical examinations. Perform work duties while wearing jewelry employees are prohibited. When hiring new employees, they must be familiarized with the rules of conduct and the specifics of the sanitary-epidemiological regime at the enterprise. The administration is obliged to monitor their compliance. A representative of the SES will be interested in all these points during the inspection.

Wiring and lighting requirements

Very important elements When ensuring bakers' work standards, lighting is considered. Both its level and the safety of lighting equipment will be standardized and checked. Regarding SNiP, consult what requirements will be put forward to you. Because the old standard (SNiP II-4-79, chapter 4) expired, the new SNiP 05/23/95* was not updated. Its update was made in version SP 52.13330.2011. When checking the service, they can refer to any of the specified documents.

Rospotrebnadzor has strict requirements for lighting, heating and ventilation of work shops. The wiring must be hidden, especially in the work area. All illuminators must be placed in an explosion-proof housing. The level of natural and artificial light must comply with SNiP. It is recommended to make maximum use of natural insolation.

Requirements for heating and ventilation systems

These systems must undergo regular maintenance, and ventilation must be thoroughly cleaned. All equipment of these systems must be easy to clean and have a smooth surface. The locksmith should be able to quickly and easily access it.

All heat-generating equipment must have thermal insulation. Ovens must have an air shower to prevent employees from being exposed to hot steam/gas.

For modular bakeries, air showers are not provided, but the installation of ventilation suction units over all heat-generating equipment is indicated. Equipment power is a calculated value. Standards for calculation can be found in TMDP 27-0-3.86.

Water and wastewater requirements

When setting up your bakery, you will need to carry out the internal part of the sewerage system, install a water supply system and develop and install a ventilation system, if you do not purchase a ready-made structure. In part sanitary requirements this means that you will need to work in accordance with SNiP 2.04.05-91 (heating + ventilation) and SNiP 2.04.01-85 regarding water and wastewater. The requirements for wastewater are dictated by SanPiN 4630-88 (they relate to factors that can pollute surrounding waters).

The water used for baking products and washing containers must comply with current GOST standards for drinking water. Effluent must be discharged into the city sewer system. It is prohibited to discharge untreated used water into nearby bodies of water.

Requirements for containers and transport

Permission to transport such products is issued by the sanitary inspection service for only six months. Transporting finished products by road without this permit is prohibited. The container must comply with modern standards, a certificate confirming its hygiene and a certificate confirming its quality. If the mini-bakery does not deliver on its own, this item can be omitted.

Raw material requirements

Products used for baking must be stored properly. It is allowed to be accepted for production only if there are appropriate certificates and documents confirming the quality.

Requirements for baked goods (finished products)

As for the requirements of sanitary services for baking bread and similar products, you should check the exact requirements with the SES. You can familiarize yourself with the basic requirements here SanPiN But instead of this document, SP was developed and approved in 2015. It was supposed to come into force six months after approval, but is no longer in effect. An important point for you is the changes that relate to the provision of food-processing enterprises with bactericidal lamps.

It is impossible to introduce new types of products into production without assessing safety. All documentation for new products is subject to approval by the SES of the Russian Federation.

Be realized finished products after baking it may not be long:

  • rye bread, rye bread with added wheat - up to 36 hours;
  • products weighing 0.2 kg or more made from wheat flour and high-quality wheat flour with an admixture of rye - up to 24 hours;
  • small items (up to 0.2 kg) - up to 16 hours.

Products must be placed in trays correctly, in accordance with existing standards. Each batch is accompanied by a document confirming quality and a certificate. A hygiene certificate is issued for each type of product (but not for a batch).

Agreements to be concluded

The agreements listed below must be concluded before contacting Rospotrebnadzor. The main agreements are:

  1. Contract with any service dealing with primary and preventive disinfection, fighting insects and rodents.
  2. Contract for the removal of industrial waste and solid waste.
  3. Agreement for the disposal of gas-discharge light sources.
  4. Agreements with public utilities (energy company, water utility, heating networks).

What does the SES check?

First of all, this inspection is interested in compliance with sanitary and epidemiological standards. The commission checks:

  • Availability of all the above agreements.
  • An agreed reconstruction plan for the enterprise and permits from the SES for land plot for capital construction.
  • Sanitary records for the staff.
  • Compliance by employees with the sanitary epidemiological regime at work.
  • Disinfection register with registration in the SES.
  • Compliance of construction, finishing and equipment with the standards of sanitary inspection of the Russian Federation.
  • Compliance of microclimate conditions with SNiP requirements.
  • Hygienic certificates and documentation confirming the quality of both raw materials and finished goods, as well as packaging.
  • Compliance with raw material storage standards.
  • Compliance with the rules for manufacturing, storage, and loading of finished products (baked goods are immediately placed in trays when ready; pouring them into a pile is prohibited).
  • When selling baked goods directly from the bakery, comply with the rules for its sale.

Representatives of the Sanitary and Epidemiological Service may request statutory documents, sanitary passports of the facility and vehicles, a list of products that are planned to be produced (3 copies), documents confirming ownership of this facility or a lease agreement. During ongoing inspections, the inspector may require information about repair times.


Sanctions for violating the sanitary regime may be imposed in the form of:

  • warnings;
  • fine;
  • administrative temporary closure of the enterprise.

In case of harm to the health of the population on a massive scale and serious damage to the state, criminal liability is provided.

Violation of the rules for selling goods is punishable by a fine:

  • official - 1000-3000 rubles;
  • legal entity - 10,000-30,000 rubles.

Delivery of low-quality goods is punishable by penalties in the amount of:

  • for an official - 3000-10000 rubles;
  • enterprises - 20,000-30,000 rubles.

Violation of sanitary rules and regulations is punishable by a warning and a fine:

  • for individuals - 100 - 500 rubles;
  • officials 500 - 1,000 rubles;
  • legal entities 10,000 - 20,000 rubles or closure for 90 days.

Violation of sanitary and epidemiological standards that causes illness/poisoning of consumers is considered a criminal offense and is punishable by:

  • 80,000 rubles or the amount of salary for six months;
  • removal from office or restriction of freedom for up to 3 years;
  • in the event of the death of a consumer, imprisonment for a term of up to 5 years or correctional labor for 180 - 240 hours is provided.

These are not all the fines that Rospotrebnadzor has the right to impose on the owner and workers of the bakery, but only the main ones related to the hygiene regime in production.

Fire safety requirements for mini-bakeries

The risk of fires in such organizations is quite high. Areas of sifting and storing flour (class B-IIa), as well as hot areas of mini-bakeries and container storage areas (if wooden pallets are used) are considered fire hazardous.

Main regulatory documents

  1. PPB 01-03 (fire safety rules). Special attention Please refer to points 3,6,15,40,52,53,57,60 and 108.
  2. Order of the Ministry of Emergency Situations No. 313 of June 18, 2003.
  3. Federal Law of the Russian Federation No. 123 dated July 22, 2008.
  4. NPB 104-03.
  5. SP9.13130.2009
  6. PP No. 390 dated 04/25/12.
  7. Federal Law of the Russian Federation N69 dated December 21, 1994.

The main requirements of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and the fire service

In the mini-bakery:

  • equipped with an APS installation;
  • means of notifying workers about a fire are installed;
  • primary fire extinguishing means are purchased;
  • all electrical wires and cables are laid in a protected manner;
  • resistance measurements are taken insulating materials power wiring and lighting;
  • all illuminators are equipped with explosion-proof fittings;
  • there must be a fire exit at least 80 cm wide;
  • all bakery rooms (boxes) with varying degrees fire danger(of different classes) are separated by partitions of appropriate fire resistance;
  • It is not permitted to use flammable materials to cover walls and floors along the escape route and in the workshop area;
  • The doors of all warehouse areas (boxes) and production areas are marked with special symbols indicating their explosion and fire hazard.

Also, the appointment and training of persons responsible for fire safety are carried out, as well as regular briefings of personnel with recording of training sessions in the log of instructions “under the signature” of its participants (the log must be registered). Before opening a mini-bakery, it makes sense to get advice from a specialist at the regional department of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.

Violation of all these requirements, if they did not have serious consequences, is punishable by 1 Art. 20.4 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation (fine, administrative suspension of the bakery’s activities).

The design of a fire alarm and the selection of extinguishing agents is carried out in accordance with SNiP 2.04.09-84 and depends on the size of the mini bakery. When installing fire-fighting equipment, explosion-proof elements (intrinsically safe electrical circuit) are used. Typically installed:

  • APS (in explosion-proof version) - an installation designed to detect a fire and notify about it in automatic mode. It is advisable to provide for manual start of the system along the evacuation route.
  • SOUE (turns on from the APS signal and has a light and sound warning system). This system should not only notify, but also manage the evacuation process.
  • Used to detect fire smoke detectors also in explosion-proof version.

A package of documents that should be in the bakery

  1. Fire safety instructions (FS) for production.
  2. Instructions for industrial safety for administrative premises (if any).
  3. Color instructions for industrial safety in A3 format.
  4. Instructions for evacuation measures with an evacuation plan and actions in case of fire (color).
  5. Order of appointment responsible person on fire safety (for LLC).
  6. Logs for registering fire extinguishing equipment and worker training.
  7. Fire danger signs on premises in A4 format.
  8. Fire brigade call number.

The package of documents for very small enterprises can be clarified at your local branch.
