Non-profit organizations registered with the Ministry of Justice. Determining the direction of activity

Registration public organization in Russia— a set of measures aimed at opening an NPO and subsequent conduct of legal activities. To avoid difficulties during the registration process, it is important to follow the given algorithm or involve specialists in the field of registration. In the second case, registration costs will be higher. Let's look at step-by-step instructions on how to register an NPO on your own.

What is a non-profit organization?

A non-profit organization is one of the forms of activity of a legal entity planning further work in the social sphere. At the present stage, NPOs are regulated at the legislative level, and various measures are provided to support such areas.

To successfully register as a public non-profit organization, it is worth paying attention to a number of nuances:

  1. Current legal requirements.
  2. Goals and objectives that are set for the organization. It is important that they comply with the laws.
  3. Documents that must be submitted for registration.

The legislation of the Russian Federation states that an NPO is an organization whose main purpose is not to generate income and distribute it among the founders. Such structures, as a rule, are formed to work in the social sphere, for the benefit of society. When creating an NPO, there are no restrictions on the period of validity, unless other requirements are established in the charter. A non-profit organization can operate in various fields- charitable, cultural, educational, scientific, health care and many others.

The main forms of NPOs include autonomous, public and religious organizations, social and charitable foundations, Cossack formations, communities of indigenous peoples of the Russian Federation and others.

Who has the right to create a non-profit public organization?

Ordinary individuals—foreigners or Russian citizens—as well as companies have the right to act as the founder of an NPO. The number of participants in such societies is not limited at the state level. There may be situations when a public organization has only one participant. The last option is excluded for the following forms of activity - unions, associations and partnerships.

NPO participants can be:

  • Individuals (must be legally capable) or legal entities.
  • Foreigners who are legally present in the country.

The founders of NPOs cannot be:

  1. Foreigners or stateless persons for whom there is a ban on staying on the territory of the state.
  2. Entities that are on the list taking into account the Federal Law regarding money laundering and terrorist financing.
  3. Associations (public or religious), whose activities are prohibited on the territory of the Russian Federation under the Federal Law on extremist activities (Article No. 10).
  4. Subjects who, by court decision, are involved in extremist activities.
  5. Persons who do not comply with the legal requirements defining the procedure for the creation, registration and liquidation of a non-profit organization.

When creating a public organization, the constituent papers play a key role. They contain information about the goals of the company, the structure of the company, as well as the conditions of its work in the future. It is this documentation that the registration authorities examine when considering an application for registration. According to the federal laws of the Russian Federation, the main constituent document is the charter, which is approved by the participant (owner) of the NPO.

The constituent documents must contain the following information:

  • The name of the NPO with a description of the directions and forms of activity.
  • Legal address at which the public structure is registered.
  • Goals and subject, as well as principles of activity management.
  • Rights and obligations of founders.
  • Data on branches and representative offices of the organization.
  • The nuances of the exit of founders from NPOs and the subtleties of admission.
  • Features of making amendments to the constituent papers.
  • Sources of creation of property, as well as the procedure for its use.

Registration of an NPO - step by step

Today the task of registering NPOs is taken over by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation. It is this body and its branches in various territories of the country that carry out the work of receiving applications and checking documents. In addition, they are the ones who make decisions on the reorganization or liquidation of such companies. Making changes to constituent documentation or the inclusion of a newly created structure in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities is also the task of the Ministry of Justice. The registration process takes place in several stages.

Search for founders

It is discussed above who, according to the law, has the right to become a member of an NPO - a company or individual, which has no prohibitions at the legislative level.

Determining the direction of activity

When going through this stage, it is worth considering the following nuances:

  1. It is important that the type of activity corresponds to the purposes for which the non-profit organization is created.
  2. It is important to specify in the charter of the structure all types of activities that the NPO plans to conduct.
  3. It is submitted to the Unified State Register of Legal Entities full information regarding the activities of such structures.

Choosing a name

Special attention is paid to the choice of the name of the NPO. There are a number of requirements for it:

  • Use only Russian language.
  • Indication of the form and type of activity.
  • Registration of the name is mandatory, otherwise other persons will be able to use it.
  • It is important to be careful when using " Russian Federation" There are a number of nuances here that you should familiarize yourself with before registering.

Determination of legal address

The next step is choosing a legal address for the organization. There are only two main rules worth highlighting here. First, you need to indicate your real legal address. Secondly, if the property is leased, the lease agreement must be submitted to the Ministry of Justice. If the office is owned by the founder himself, supporting documents will be required.

Collection and transfer of documentation

Now it’s time to collect documents for registering a public association. The package of papers includes:

  1. Statement. The application form for creation can be obtained from the registration authority. The document is drawn up in two copies.
  2. Constituent papers, or rather the charter (in triplicate).
  3. The decision on the creation of an NPO, as well as on the approval of constituent papers. This requires an indication of the composition of the designated bodies. Quantity - 2 units.
  4. Papers confirming payment of state duty (receipt) - 2 units.
  5. Information about NPO participants - 2 items.
  6. Information about the legal address of the public organization where it can be contacted (if necessary). Alternatively, transfer of a lease agreement or a certificate confirming ownership of the property.
  7. Papers confirming the possibility of using the name of the founder, symbols prohibited by the laws of the Russian Federation, and so on, in the name of the NPO.
  8. An extract from the register of legal entities of the country where the founder is from, or another document of equal validity confirming the status of a foreign participant.
  9. Application for inclusion of an NPO in the appropriate register, which reflects public organizations playing the role of a foreign agent.

The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation does not have the right to demand documents other than those included in the list discussed above.

Payment of state duty

The next step is to pay a state fee, the amount of which for NPOs is 4,000 rubles. But there are a number of nuances here:

  • The cost of state registration of a legal entity is 4,000 rubles.
  • Registration of a political party (regional branches) - 3,500 rubles.
  • Public organization of disabled people - 1,400 rub.
  • Entering information into the state register of SROs - 6,500 rubles.

After payment, it is important to note that the receipt indicated the name of the person submitting the papers for state registration.

Transfer of papers to the Ministry of Justice

Once all the documentation has been prepared and the registration process has been paid for, you need to submit a package of papers to the Ministry of Justice. No more than 3 months are allocated for this, starting from the day the decision to open an NPO is made.

The transfer can be carried out in person or through the government services portal, where the required forms are available to fill out.

Obtaining a certificate

If the Ministry of Justice issues a positive decision, the applicant receives a Certificate confirming the successful registration of the NPO. A period of up to one month is given for this. The paper guarantees the successful completion of registration procedures. The certificate contains the following information: personal code (registration number), legal address, and the name of the non-profit organization.

As noted, government agencies There is no more than a month to complete registration procedures. In practice, registration is faster - within two weeks from the moment of transfer of papers. This is possible if the Ministry of Justice has no claims against the applicant in terms of the transferred documentation and other aspects of future activities.

Next, the information goes to the Federal Tax Service to include information about the created organization in the Unified State Register of Legal Entities. Based on the information received, within five days, data on the new public organization is included in the register, and the next day the tax service reports on the work done to the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. The latter’s employees prepare and submit a state registration certificate within up to 3 days. That is why the process is delayed for up to 30 days.

Subtleties of filling out an application

One of the main documents in the process of creating an NPO is an application that is submitted to the Ministry of Justice. A participant in the organization prepares the paper in two versions, after which he signs it. The application is filled out using the generally accepted form P11001. The correct template can be found on the Ministry of Justice website. There are also other samples of papers that are required to complete the registration procedures.

The application for the creation of an NPO requires the following information: full name, telephone number, and address of the participant. The applicant's signature must be certified by a notary. A second application is also written with a signature made in your own hand (a copy of the first paper is not allowed).

What to do if registration is refused?

The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation has the right to make a decision - to register an NPO or to refuse to provide such a service to the applicant. In addition, such decisions in the regions are made by their territorial bodies. If all the paperwork is collected and filled out correctly, claims rarely arise. But situations are possible when the authorized body refuses to create a public organization of a non-profit type. There are a number of reasons for this:

  1. Constituent or other papers that are submitted to the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation for consideration and registration of NPOs are in conflict with the laws and the Constitution of the Russian Federation.
  2. The name of the structure contains elements of insult to morality, as well as religious and national feelings.
  3. The package of papers required to create an NPO is not fully formed and does not comply with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation. The reason for refusal is often transfer to an inappropriate structure.
  4. The founder of an NPO is a person who, taking into account the Federal Law, does not have the right to perform such a function.
  5. The papers submitted for consideration contain information that is erroneous and does not correspond to the real state of affairs.

If the applicant is refused to create an NPO, he has two options at his disposal - to accept the refusal and stop trying to create a public organization of this type, or to achieve the goal. According to the law, it is not prohibited to collect and transfer the package of papers for registration again, but provided that the reasons for the refusal are eliminated. Secondary submission of papers is carried out taking into account the requirements of the Federal Law on Non-Profit Organizations.

As can be seen from the article, the process of creating an NPO is quite labor-intensive and requires a certain amount of time to collect papers, transfer them and wait for a decision from the Ministry of Justice or its representatives in the regions. But when the right approach the entire process, from making a decision to obtaining a certificate, can take no more than two months.

Cost of registering a non-profit organization- from 15,000 rubles.
Registration period for NPOs- approximately 4 weeks.
The state fee for registering an NPO is 4,000 rubles.

We will help you register an NPO of any type without refusals or suspensions.

Non-profit organizations

these are organizations based on the desire of the founders (participants, members) to achieve socially beneficial, social and other intangible goals (development of relations in the fields of culture, art, sports, medicine (health), social sphere, etc.), for example - social not commercial organizations.

Non-profit organizations can carry out income-generating activities, but only to achieve the goals of creating an NPO, including if such activities are provided for by the organization’s charter and the organization has property for this purpose market value not less than 10,000 rubles. However, this rule does not apply to religious organizations and private, government institutions.

Non-profit organizations in Moscow

are established within the territory of Moscow and are subject to registration procedures with the Moscow Ministry of Justice. An NPO is registered at the location of its governing body, which is accordingly located in Moscow. The address for registering a non-profit organization can be either non-residential or residential premises in Moscow. The address is provided not only for the location of the governing body of the NPO, but also for communication with the organization itself.

Features of non-profit organizations

lie in the sources of formation of property, which is used exclusively for the statutory purposes of the NPO. In addition, the founders (participants, members) do not claim a share of the property of the NPO (even if it is liquidated). Also, the peculiarities of NPOs include the period and procedure for registering an NPO, as well as the registering authority that decides on its registration as a non-profit organization.

Taxation of non-profit organizations

is based on the Tax Code of the Russian Federation and has practically no differences from the taxation of commercial organizations. NPOs, as well as commercial organizations, are required to pay a state fee of 4,000 rubles through their founders during state registration.

Registration of non-profit organizations is our service

When registering an NPO, professionalism and a responsible approach are required. The function of registering a non-profit organization is carried out by the territorial body of the Ministry of Justice of Russia. When registering an NPO, the Ministry of Justice of Russia carefully checks the submitted documents for compliance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation and the reliability of the information specified in the documents. Employees of the Ministry of Justice carefully check the Charter of the registered organization. After all, the greatest likelihood of being refused registration of an NPO is possible due to contradictions individual provisions the charter and name of the NPO in accordance with current legislation. If the applicant receives a refusal to register an NPO, the documents are returned to the applicant, with the exception of the state fee, which is charged by the Ministry of Justice for reviewing the documents. The service of reviewing documents by the Ministry of Justice and registering NPOs is provided only after payment of a state fee in the amount of 4,000 rubles.

To register an NPO without receiving a refusal and wasting precious time, you can contact us by providing the passport details of the founders and head of the future NPO and documents to the NPO’s registration address. Necessary information for registration of an NPO, your words will be recorded by our employees in the office of our company. We will submit documents to the territorial department of the Ministry of Justice to register your NPO, and in return, after a certain period of time, we will independently receive from the territorial department of the Ministry of Justice a certificate of state registration of your NPO and the Charter of the non-profit organization certified by the Ministry of Justice.

We can also provide you with services for making various changes both to the charter of your NPO and to the state register. The important thing is that these changes will be made in the same way without wasting time on receiving unnecessary refusals.

We provide services for registering non-profit organizations of any form without receiving registration refusals, both in Moscow and in the Moscow region. In addition, we can help not only with registering an NPO and making the necessary changes to the state register and Charter, but also with the reorganization and liquidation of your NPO.

For many citizens, information about what registration of a non-profit organization looks like is becoming increasingly relevant. The instructions with which you can open any non-profit organization are quite simple, but at the same time they involve some important nuances worthy of attention. Such information is important for the reason that many social tasks and other projects can be implemented using just this form of non-profit structure.

Non-profit organization: registration

A structure of this type should be understood as an organization whose activities are not focused on making a profit and do not imply the distribution of financial resources between its participants.

What can be considered as the main purpose of creation? The answer to this question has several facets:

Achieving educational, cultural, managerial, charitable and scientific goals;

Development of sports and physical culture;

Protecting the health of citizens;

Protection legitimate interests and the rights of both organizations and specific people;

Providing legal assistance;

Resolution of disputes and conflicts;

Any other goals aimed at achieving public goods.

Types of non-profit organizations

Before opening any organization that is not profit-oriented, you need to determine what exactly its future activities will be devoted to.

Accept the right decision A list of organizational and legal forms that are permitted by Russian legislation will help. This:

Consumer cooperatives;


Associations of legal entities (unions and associations);

Religious and public associations.

It is important to study all of the above types of structures and make the right choice, since the procedure for registering non-profit organizations implies that all types of activities that will be carried out in the future are reflected in the charter.

General scheme of actions

Initially, it is worth noting that all actions aimed at creating a non-profit structure must comply with the requirements described in the administrative regulations of the Russian Federation.

The step-by-step registration of a non-profit organization is as follows:

Preparation necessary documents, their subsequent signing and;

Certification of an application for registration of a legal entity by a notary;

Providing collected and certified documentation to the local body of the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation;

After consideration, the registration authority makes a decision;

Registration with the tax office of the organization that was registered;

Obtaining documents that will serve as official confirmation of the state registration of the NPO.

The algorithm according to which state registration of non-profit organizations takes place makes it possible for both the head of a legal entity and the founder of the organization itself to act as an applicant.

More details about the deadlines

If you try to figure out how long you will have to wait for a decision from the registration authority, then it is initially worth noting that the number of days in this case directly depends on the type of organization.

If we are talking about a structure with a religious context, then the actual period will be determined only after the relevant state examination. As a result, you will have to wait either a month and 3 days, or twice as long. When it comes to registering public associations, the Ministry of Justice will take 33 days, but to found political organizations you need to wait three days less - 30.

If any other non-profit organization is created, registration will last 17 days.

It will also take time to register the new structure with the tax service. More specifically, from 2 to 4 weeks.

As for the general subsequent registration, it will be approximately 2 months. Moreover, this waiting period does not include the time that must be spent on preparing documentation.

Those who intend to register gardening, dacha, horticultural non-profit associations and consumer cooperatives can breathe a sigh of relief, since they will have to wait much less for the decision of the registration authority.

What documents need to be collected

This stage is one of the most important in the registration process. After all, if you do not submit all the papers required by the Ministry of Justice along with your application, you will have to start all over again.

First of all, you need to fill out an application for registration of a non-profit organization. Moreover, it must contain information about the persons who are the founders of the NPO. It must be drawn up carefully, taking into account the future structure of the association.

A well-formed charter is the next thing without which registration of non-profit organizations will not be carried out. The documents must also include a receipt confirming payment of the state fee.

It is worth remembering the need to provide a protocol for creating an NPO. An alternative would be a decision to approve the organization, which would need to specify which bodies were elected.

The last document that you cannot do without is confirmation of the place where the organization will be located. It can be formatted in writing and provided by both the tenant and the owner with confirmation of the fact that both parties are willing to enter into a lease agreement.

It is also worth paying attention to the fact that the set of papers described above is general. This means that, depending on the territorial scope of activity and the organizational and legal form, the set of documents may change.

What documents confirm state registration?

Anyone planning to create an NPO should understand exactly how one can confirm the fact that their organization operates legally.

So, in order to feel confident before any checks, you need to have the following documents:

A certificate confirming registration with the Federal Tax Service;

Correctly drawn up charter;

Notification that the organization is registered with extra-budgetary funds;

The registration certificate itself.

Those who are concerned about starting an activity should know that as soon as a positive decision has been made by the registration authority and all the necessary documents have been issued, you can safely be active within the chosen profile.

Working with finances

In addition to all the above steps, without which any non-profit organization cannot begin to exist, registration also indirectly implies opening a bank account. This must be done in order to easily produce everything necessary calculations. At the same time, it is important to convey information about the account to representatives tax service and funds.

If you delay this step and fail to provide such information in a timely manner, you may face the need to pay a fine.

Don't forget about financial statements either. After registration, each non-profit organization is obliged to submit it to the tax authorities no later than established deadlines. Everything here is as strict as in the case of entrepreneurs. Filing special reporting is no less important than accounting.

How changes are made to constituent documentation

It may happen that in the process of activity there is sometimes a need to make certain adjustments. Registration of changes in a non-profit organization has a specific algorithm that allows you to easily complete a similar task:


The charter presented in new edition, and previous version;

A document confirming payment of the state duty;

A decision that specific changes will be made.

All of the above papers must be provided in two copies. In the case of the charter, you will need 3 copies. The payment order or payment receipt must be provided in the original. As for the application, it must be notarized. But the decision on changes needs to be formalized in the form of a protocol.

Within the framework of the topic: “Registration of non-profit organizations: step-by-step instructions,” it is necessary to touch upon such an issue as the reasons for changes in the charter. Adjustments become relevant due to the impact various factors. Examples include changing an address or adding a new activity.

What you need to know about state duty

Whatever non-profit organization is created, registration of such a structure will always include the payment of a state fee, the amount of which may vary depending on the profile of the activity.

When creating an NGO, you will need 4,000 rubles, in the case of forming a political party, you need to prepare 2,000 rubles, and those who intend to register a public all-Russian organization of disabled people must pay one thousand.

If we are talking about changing the charter, then the payment will be 20% of the standard state duty, which is charged upon registration.

How to carry out liquidation

We should not exclude circumstances in which the activities of a particular organization become irrelevant and there is a need to neutralize it. In order to this procedure was carried out competently, accurate information is also necessary.

First of all, you need to inform the department of the Ministry of Justice, local branches of funds (social, pension) and, of course, the tax service about such a decision.

The next step will be to publish information about the closure of the organization in the media. Then the accountant draws up an interim balance sheet, reflects the presence of debtors, as well as debts, after which all current taxes are paid.

The final stage can be defined as paying off debt and working with creditors.

When all of the above steps are completed, the founders receive 2 months to prepare all the necessary documentation for liquidation.


If you carefully study all the existing requirements and carefully consider the collection of documents, you can easily both register a non-profit organization and liquidate it.

In other words, the legislation that is currently in force creates favorable conditions for such activities. And this is very important point in the development of the social position of certain civil groups.

Unlike commercial organizations, non-profit organizations (NPOs) are not created for the purpose of making a profit. However, their conduct of business activities is not prohibited by law. In this case, the income received cannot be distributed among the participants, but is spent on achieving the set goal.

Such companies may engage in social programs, charity, educational and cultural activities, as well as providing advice to other citizens.

What organs do this?

Previously state registration was handled by the Federal Registration Service. However, her responsibilities were transferred Ministry of Justice. This led to the establishment of a new procedure for registering companies during creation, changing information in constituent documents, reorganization and liquidation.

The Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation is opening domestic NPOs, as well as branches of foreign and international organizations that are non-governmental.

The territorial bodies that carry out the registration of local and regional associations are subordinate to this department.

To submit documents, you must personally appear at the Ministry of Justice or send a package of documentation by mail with a list of the contents and declared value. Organizations often use the services of specialized companies that take care of the entire procedure.

What needs to be done before creation?

The following important steps must be taken:

  • Selecting a name. An NPO must have a name that indicates the nature of its activities. Full or abbreviated names of federal bodies may not be used. The procedure for choosing a name is carried out in accordance with the regulatory legal acts of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation.
  • Legal address. The location of the company is determined by the place of its state registration by indicating the name municipality. The Unified State Register of Legal Entities indicates the legal address within the location of the NPO.
  • Selecting an activity. Such organizations are notable for the fact that they are divided into many varieties. This allows founders to choose suitable look activities in accordance with their purpose.
  • Deciding to create. The decision must be made unanimously by the founders. This applies to cases where a company is created by several persons. In addition, the charter, as well as the management bodies, must be approved by appropriate decision.

After completing these steps, you can begin collecting the necessary documentation.

You can learn the procedure for creating an NPO in the form of a fund from the following video:

Required documents

The provision of papers must be carried out after the decision to create has been made. In accordance with the law, it is necessary to prepare the following documents:

  • Notarized application in form RN0001. Full name, place of residence and telephone number are required.
  • Constituent documents, which may be memorandum of association or charter.
  • Two copies of the creation decision. It is drawn up by a single founder, or the minutes of the constituent meeting are created by several participants.
  • Receipt confirming payment of the state duty.
  • Information about the location of the current body of the NPO. They can be a certificate of ownership, a lease agreement, a letter of guarantee, etc.

Some types of organizations must register with additional requirements for the submission of certain documentation.

Submission procedure and deadlines

The registration process takes quite a long time. It consists of the following steps:

  1. A package of all necessary documents is collected.
  2. It is submitted to the local department of the Ministry of Justice in person or by mail.
  3. Entering NPOs into the Unified State Register, which is part of the procedure.
  4. Registration with the local tax office.
  5. Registration with the Pension Fund and the employment center.
  6. Obtaining the necessary permission to make a seal.
  7. Obtaining NPO status from the tax authorities.

This procedure is truly complex and requires compliance with all legal requirements. To avoid problems and save time, you should initially provide a well-executed package of documents. If difficulties arise with this, you can always turn to specialists. However, this will lead to additional financial costs.

The opening procedure takes no more than 33 days for public associations. Political parties are registered throughout 30 days. Other types of companies will no longer wait for confirmation 17 working days. However, these conditions do not apply to religious organizations. The times presented are maximum.


The registration service has a price from 15,000 rubles depending on the type of activity and region. Before submitting documents, you must pay a state fee. Its size is 4,000 rubles.

Payment of the state fee can be made at any bank by bank transfer. Details can be obtained directly from the Ministry of Justice or you can visit the website of the regional office. You must keep the receipt and make a copy of it before submitting your application, presenting both copies.

You can save on the procedure by performing all the steps yourself. However, many citizens do not have enough time to collect and submit documents.

In addition, the papers must be completed correctly so that you do not have to re-submit the application and other information in the future. Therefore, for some individuals, it is more appropriate to contact companies that offer registration services. Clients can be confident that the process will be carried out correctly and without delays.

What documents do you need to obtain?

The Russian Ministry of Justice makes a decision on the creation of an NPO, and on its basis the tax authorities enter the relevant information into the register of legal entities. After the data is entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, the founder will receive a certificate of state registration. From this moment on, the organization is recognized as a legally created entity and is registered with the tax office. The founder is issued a TIN - a certificate that confirms the implementation of this procedure.

After a positive decision on registration is made, the applicant will also be provided with codes from the statistics service. To receive them, you must submit the appropriate application, certificate, etc. If it is not the founder, but his representative, who applies to Rosstat, it is necessary to additionally present a power of attorney for this person. The document must be notarized.

A legal entity must also be registered with state extra-budgetary funds.

The creation of a non-profit organization becomes the basis for registration with the pension fund, social and health insurance funds. This is explained by the fact that the activities of NPOs involve hiring workers under labor and civil contracts.

The data is transferred directly by the Federal Tax Service or the Ministry of Justice to extra-budgetary funds, after which the legal entity receives the relevant registration documents.

Opening a bank account is not mandatory requirement, however, if it is not followed, difficulties may arise in the process of carrying out activities.

This is explained by legal entities will have to make the necessary cashless payments to each other. They may imply payment for goods, services, execution work, etc.

Once the founder has received all the necessary documents, you can begin to conduct business. At the same time, it is important to know your rights and obligations, as well as monitor changes in legislation, which will help you avoid problems.

Why can you get rejected?

The Russian Ministry of Justice has the right to request only those documents for registration that are established by federal legislation. The government agency thoroughly checks them for the absence of errors and the reliability of the information provided. Situations often arise when citizens make mistakes when entering some information or provide the wrong documentation.

If the documents submitted to the registration authority are not completed in proper order, the registration procedure will be suspended. It can be restored by eliminating identified violations. This can be done no later than three months from the date of receipt of the refusal. If the documents are not corrected within the prescribed period, the procedure for opening an NPO will be completely denied.

At the moment, citizens have the opportunity to change information; previously it was not available, and the applicant was immediately refused.

In addition to incorrect filling and registration, there are other reasons for refusal. It will follow if changes were made to the constituent documents by a person who does not have the authority to do so. Failure to comply with the deadlines for the procedure may also be a reason.

In case of refusal, the individual will receive a corresponding notification. It indicates the basis, which allows as soon as possible correct all mistakes made.

Reasons to entrust the process to specialists

As mentioned earlier, the procedure can be carried out by specialized companies. There are the following reasons to use their services:

  • collection of all necessary documentation is carried out quickly;
  • the information is checked for accuracy and absence of errors by a specialist;
  • the client will not have to participate in the procedure;
  • the process is carried out without delays within the pre-agreed time frame;
  • an individual has a high probability of a positive decision being made by the registration authorities;
  • after completing the procedure, all permitting documents will be received quickly;
  • low cost.

However, you should carefully select the company you are going to contact. She must have the appropriate documents and good reputation. Otherwise, the application procedure may take a long time, or your application may be refused altogether.

Non-profit organizations have a slightly different goal of creation than entrepreneurial entities, and it is not to maximize profit, but to achieve social and public goals. It should be understood that the legislation does not prohibit such an organization from having entrepreneurial manifestations, but it must spend the profits from them on improving social and social status. Step-by-step instructions for registering an NPO in 2019 differ from registering other types of enterprises.

The Registration Service of the Russian Federation was previously authorized to carry out state registration of NPOs. Later, the authority to carry out this procedure was transferred to the Ministry of Justice, where registration still takes place. This means that when registering an NPO of domestic or foreign origin, you will have to interact with this particular government agency. It should be understood that in the foreign version, only an organization that is not related to the government will be registered.

It is the Ministry of Justice that reviews the documents that are submitted for registration, analyzes their composition and the purpose of the structure being created, after which it makes a decision on registration, transferring its documents to the authorized bodies according to their regional affiliation. In this case, the organizers will have to appear at this structure in person or send documents using postal services. The number of proposals to conduct the registration process without the participation of organizers by special companies for a certain fee is also growing.

Preparatory moments

Step-by-step instructions for registering a non-profit organization in 2019 begin with preparatory process which includes the following procedures:

  • The NPO must receive a name that will be created without using the names of government bodies, and will also to some extent reflect the specifics of the activities of the institution being created.
  • Determining the legal address for the organization. It can be purchased or rented premises, the presence of which is confirmed by ownership, a lease agreement and a letter of guarantee from the lessor.
  • Selection of specific activities, OKVED codes, etc.
  • Preparation and legal registration of the decision to create an organization, which is unanimously adopted at the meeting of founders, where the charter, name and main points for registration are approved.

Next, the registration of a non-profit organization moves to another stage, which is devoted to the preparation of registration documentation. Documents will have legal force if correct design, as well as full compliance of the documentary registration package with the requirements imposed by law.

How to submit documents

Submission of the registration package must occur no later than three months from the date of the official decision to create an NPO. This documentary package consists of:

  • Applications of form P0001.
  • Constituent documents.
  • Two copies of the adopted and legally formalized decision regarding creation.
  • A receipt indicating payment of the state duty.
  • Confirmation of the valid legal place of activity of the organization.

Now let's talk about the actual registration procedure. Before registering an NPO, the documentary package is carefully reviewed by the Ministry of Justice, and if a positive decision is made for registration, then some data is entered into the registers, and the documents are transferred to the tax control authority at the location of the structure being created, where the data is entered into the Unified State Register of Legal Entities with subsequent issuance documents evidencing the registration act. After this, the organization must register with the Pension Fund of the Russian Federation, as well as with the Employment Center, and obtain permission to create its own seal. The entire registration process takes a maximum of 33 days. Registration through a specialized law firm helps to save time both on preparation and directly on registering an object.

Results of the registration process

Compliance step by step instructions ultimately provides for obtaining a certificate of state registration. Documents of this type are not issued by the Ministry of Justice, but are obtained from the territorial tax control authority, where the Ministry of Justice transfers the documentary package. In 2019, registration documents are a sheet from the Unified State Register of Legal Entities, TIN code, and a certificate of registration with the tax authority. These documents will be required for the further registration process.

You will need to write an application and submit it, along with copies of registration documents, to Rosstat, and then receive a letter from there, which will become the basis for opening a bank account. You will also need to register with Pension Fund and at the Employment Center, where documents received from government authorities during registration will also be submitted.

So, the Ministry of Justice registers non-profit organizations on the basis of the documentary packages they submit for the registration process.
