Bowling alley business plan. Bowling equipment cost

St. Petersburg has about 170 open skittle establishments. Experts note that there is an opportunity to open as many more entertainment centers.

Entertainment with skittles can compete with discos, cinemas and other entertainment venues.

Today, the Russian Federation has a leading position in the commissioning of entertainment centers with bowling alleys, and is ahead of the United States in this indicator.

One track can bring a profit of 3,000 to 4,000 conventional units.

Stage 1. Business concept

At the first stage, it is necessary to develop a concept for the establishment. The development of the concept includes the following points:

  • Location of the establishment;
  • Business plan;
  • Project;

To open a club, you need to prepare a certain package of documentation, register an enterprise, obtain a certificate of ownership, etc.

A bowling club does not require a license and is not subject to special taxes.

Firms that produce equipment can help with the organization. In addition to equipment, companies provide concepts.

The main difficulty is choosing a location. Not every room can be suitable for a bowling alley and placement of playing lanes in it. In practice, you may encounter redevelopment costs.

The concept of a bowling club plays an important role.

Stage 2. Premises

The main criteria for premises and placement are the proximity of the residential sector and the absence of competition in the form of other gambling and other establishments.

The club is well located next to a transport route and a metro station.

It would be nice to organize parking spaces near the club for about 20 vehicles. The concept of a club that does not provide parking may be rejected by the city administration. Websites of component manufacturers allow you to create a bowling alley plan, analyze investments and estimate the level of future income.

To place a club you need to select a building with an area of ​​1,000 square meters. This area can accommodate a number of bowling alleys, a cafe, a warehouse, utility rooms, and sanitary facilities (for visitors and staff).

The main locations are:

  • Upper tiers of shopping or business centers;
  • Former cultural centers;
  • Former cinema premises;
  • Former warehouse premises;

You can also resort to building your own premises. The cost of building a premises of 1,000 square meters will range from 500 to 700 thousand conventional units. The construction process will take about 6 months. Construction costs pay off only after 18-24 months.

All premises are subject to a standard set of requirements from the fire inspectorate, sanitary and epidemiological service, and other departments. When the club is located on the upper floors, the design must comply with safe standards.

The customer area must be able to withstand a weight of up to 300 kilograms per 1 square meter, the area where the equipment is installed - 500 kilograms per 1 square meter. Also, to place paths, you need to take into account that load-bearing columns must be installed in the room, and, if possible, as far apart as possible from each other.

Bowling center equipment:

  • Exhaust ventilation;
  • Sewerage;
  • Carrying cold and hot water;

It is also necessary to create a room for the engine department and technical department; they are designed to store additional spare parts and other equipment.

It is also necessary to create soundproofing walls if the building being used contains a shopping center or office premises.

Particular attention should be paid to sound insulation in the engine room. This will provide customers with maximum comfort. The light in the club should be even and calm. The light should be located from above.

A few facts about entertainment venues.

Price of the game in various establishments:

  1. Network of clubs "Almak" - from 260 to 650 rubles. in 60 minutes;
  2. Leader clubs - from 290 to 790 rubles. in 60 minutes;
  3. Bowling City - from 300 to 900 rubles. in 60 minutes;

320,000 conventional units – the profitability of the club if there are 8 game roads.

The number of establishments in St. Petersburg is 14. The number of establishments in Moscow is 74.

When choosing a premises, you must be guided by the norms and rules of the inspection authorities.

Stage 3. Equipment

The price of equipment if purchased from an official representative will include:

  • Delivery plan and installation of equipment;
  • Warranty support;

Club owners prefer to purchase equipment that is manufactured in the United States of America. Equipment manufacturing companies include companies such as: AMF, Brunswick. There is also equipment on the market from Chinese manufacturers Via and Xima. Representatives of all of the above companies can be found in the capital.

The bowling alley will be able to receive its first profit 4 months after the initial injection of funds. Installation of all equipment occurs within 14-40 days. The equipment can last from 30 to 50 years. Equipment is directly ordered from manufacturing countries.

To install the equipment, a rectangular platform is required. The dimensions of the playground are determined based on the required availability of playing space and places for visitors.

An example would be a site with 10 play areas. In this case, you will need an area of ​​about 700 square meters.

This area will allow you to place:

  • Place for player acceleration;
  • Throwing area (lanes);
  • Equipment that sets the pins;

Opposite the acceleration zone, a platform is installed on which seats for customers are located. To create the effect of space (lighting paths in a dimly lit room), special lighting devices (fluorescent lamps) are attached to the paths.

Bowling club equipment is supplied directly from the country of origin (service life - from 30 to 50 years; installation - from 2 to 5 weeks).

Stage 4. Personnel

Most important employee bowling club is a locksmith. All operation of equipment and technical means will depend on his work and professionalism.

Bowling club staff:

  • Locksmiths (3 positions);
  • Administrator (3 positions);
  • Instructor (3 positions);
  • Security officer;

Service staff:

  • Waiter;
  • Bartender;
  • Cook (2-3 positions);

The equipment supplier can train and advise personnel. This cost item is already specified in the contract for the supply of equipment.

The main employee of a bowling club is a mechanic.

Stage 5. Features

Additional sources of income:

  • Buffet (minibar);
  • Cooking;
  • Slot machine;

Bowling in many European countries, as well as in the United States of America, is considered a sport. Therefore, in European countries, in bowling clubs you can rarely find a bar, kitchen, slot machines, etc. IN Russian Federation However, the visitor comes to relax, eat food, listen to music, play, and keep the children occupied. Therefore, it would be advisable to equip children's room and other necessary rooms.

The bowling club's profit is divided into:

  1. 75% of the profit is from bowling;
  2. 25% of profit – sales in the bar;

While creating your image, you might want to consider hiring a bowling team. A team can even consist of several people. Such a move would be unnecessary advertising for the establishment. It will also help attract more experienced people who play bowling and treat it as a sport. Among other things, visitors can be surprised by a spectacular throw from a professional.

The most profitable time is Friday (evening) and weekends. These days have the most visitors, and also during this time there is an increase in prices.

Bowling is also a family sport; often in clubs you can meet entire families just relaxing. There is also provision for children baby equipment for bowling.

Costs associated with opening a bowling alley, which provides 10 playing areas for a premises of 1000 square meters.

The result is that the minimum costs for opening a bowling club will be about 600,000 conventional units.

The game of bowling has a thousand-year history, it was played by the Egyptian pharaohs, but it still does not lose its relevance: some choose bowling as a sports training, the second - as a way to relax with friends or colleagues, the third - as an opportunity to spend time with the whole family. Investments in this business are quite significant - from 7 million rubles. But with proper calculation, you can achieve payback within 1-3 years. And the service life of the tracks is more than 20 years. A bowling club business plan will give you a more holistic view of this project.


A bowling club business plan is drawn up for opening play area with eight lanes, a billiards area with six tables, a cafe with 100 seats with a dance area and a children's area. This is important because the establishment is intended for recreation among young people and visitors with children. According to various estimates, there are from 400 to 600 similar clubs in Russia with a total number of tracks of more than four thousand. At the same time, market needs allow their number to be at least doubled. World experience shows that the normal figure is about eight thousand tracks per 100 million population.

Note that some Russians consider bowling not as a one-time hobby, but as an option for weekly or monthly pastime with friends, colleagues or family, as the game develops team spirit, coordination, accuracy and motor skills. The club is planned to be located in the city center (with a population of 100-500 thousand people) or in a large residential area close to shops, business centers or popular institutions. This way we will ensure the greatest cross-country ability and visibility of our club, especially when installing outdoor advertising.

The business will be seasonal: an increase in bowling attendance is expected from autumn to spring, during the cold season, when people spend more time indoors rather than outdoors. However, in summer there may be greater interest in cafes, where you can celebrate a wedding and graduation, or visit a disco. Bowling clubs are quite widespread in cities with a population of over a million, but smaller cities often lack entertainment centers where adults and children can relax, which means that in the future similar clubs can be opened in neighboring cities in the region.

To organize an establishment, we will need to obtain a legal status, “ individual entrepreneurship» with a simplified tax system for easier reporting.

The club's work is supposed to be financed from profits in the previous period. At the start, funds will be required for finishing and decorating a rented premises with an area of ​​1300 sq. m. meters, for specialized equipment for bowling and a children's area, furniture for cafes, for the purchase of food products and an advertising campaign.

To implement the project you will need:

  • Redecorate the space in a space style, rent an area of ​​1300 sq. meters under a long-term contract.
  • Purchase and install special equipment for playing bowls: tracks, pin setting machines (pinsetters), ball return systems, cleanliness systems, balls and pins.
  • Purchase and install equipment for playing billiards: tables, cues, lamps, balls, cues.
  • Purchase furniture and equipment for the cafe.
  • Purchase equipment and furniture to decorate the children's area at the cafe.
  • Buy food.
  • Conduct an advertising campaign.
  • Hire staff: 21 people with appropriate qualifications.

Project concept

Basic target audience The club will consist of people from 18 to 40 years old. During the daytime, the place will focus on families with children, who will enjoy a children's area with an animator, a bowling alley and a cafe where they can hold a children's party. To attract visitors, it is planned to hold shows and competitions for children at this time. In the evening, the club will focus on a youth audience who will be able to play bowling, attend a party or disco, as well as an adult audience who will play billiards. As a study of the leisure services market has shown, the most attractive to consumers are bars, cafes, discotheques, bowling alleys and billiards (“Russian” and pool (“American”)).

A premises with an area of ​​1300 sq. m was chosen as the location for the bowling club. meters, provided with a parking area, water and electricity. It is located in a populous area of ​​the city near popular trade facilities, the provision of household services, as well as bus stops public transport. Thus, the establishment will be visited by local residents and people from neighboring areas, who will come specifically for recreation and shopping.

The club is designed for people with average and higher incomes. To obtain an assessment of the choice of location, a preliminary study should be conducted, assessing the availability of leisure facilities, the need for it among local residents, and the influence of possible competitors.

Club opening hours: from 12:00 to 23:00 on weekdays and from 12:00 to 03:00 on weekends. The cost of bowling before 18:00 is 400 rubles/hour, after 18:00—800 rubles/hour, playing billiards before 18:00—250 rubles/hour, after 18:00—350 rubles/hour. Stay in a children's room with mini-attractions under the supervision of an animator - 100 rubles/hour. The average bill in a cafe is 400 rubles/person, a banquet is from 1000/person.

Here is an example of a simplified cafe menu with prices in a large city:

Market analysis

Bowling continues to be one of the popular and widespread leisure activities that exists in hundreds of countries around the world. The growth rate of such establishments in Russia is rapidly increasing. In 1997, the first bowling club at a hotel opened in the capital of the country, and a year later there were 15 of them in Moscow. The payback period for equipment in Russian conditions is 2-3 years. To speed up the process it is worth working out marketing plan, give special attention quality of service and staff training.

The concept of the establishment looks profitable, as there are several toll lanes, a billiards area, a cafe and a children's area. Such places attract young people and families with children who do not want to just visit cafes or nightclubs, but prefer to spend fun and useful time together, because bowling develops coordination, accuracy, and teamwork.

A distinctive feature of the establishment may be the presence of a zone for children with an animator. Parents will be able to leave their children under supervision while they quietly play bowling or sit in a cafe. There are practically no such places in many cities: these are either just cafes, or bowling, or billiards, or attractions for children. If you conclude that you do not have enough such places, it can become attractive to visitors. It is this niche that the project under development is going to occupy.

Marketing plan

The target audience of the bowling club is people from 18 to 35 years old with average incomes who prefer to actively spend their free time. Visitors can be roughly divided into several groups: working youth or students 16-25 years old, office and enterprise workers 25-40 years old without children, people 25-40 years old with children.

Factors contributing to increased attendance:

  • Providing quality services, installation modern systems for bowling, special sound and lighting equipment indoors, especially on the dance floor.
  • Selection of professional staff and their training (for example, a qualified bowling coach can teach classes for children or adults who want to improve their bowling skills).
  • Advertising in the media, the Internet, conducting PR events to create a positive image of the club and attract the attention of potential clients.
  • Organization of additional services for visitors, for example, corporate tournaments, youth parties, festive banquets and children's events, a system of discounts and incentives for preferential categories of citizens and regular customers.

All this will contribute to the formation of a positive reputation in the city among the population, as well as the dissemination of information about the club through word of mouth.

In addition, holiday shows for children and parties for adults are planned throughout the weekend. To assess the quality of service, services, dishes and atmosphere, it is planned to regularly conduct surveys of visitors.

  • Creation of a website and design of groups on social networks – 50 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising on the Internet and social networks – 30 thousand rubles.
  • Outdoor advertising – 60 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising on radio, television and print media – 100 thousand rubles.

Next, we analyze the use of each promotion channel and maintain the most effective ones. Over the next 5 months, it is recommended to spend about 100 thousand rubles per month on advertising. Total for six months: 740 thousand rubles.

Production plan

The following plan is proposed for the implementation of the project (approximate time and cost intervals are indicated based on calculations from January and average prices for a large city):

Monthly fixed costs:

  • Tax payments: 6% from the organization’s income (121 thousand rubles), 33% from employee salaries (118 thousand rubles).
  • Rent + utility payments (at the rate of 1000 rubles per square meter): 1.3 million rubles + 100 thousand rubles.
  • Payroll fund: 360 thousand rubles.
  • Advertising (monthly from August): 50 thousand rubles.
  • Purchase of products (from April, on average): 180 thousand rubles.
  • Other expenses: 100 thousand rubles.

Total monthly expenses project: 1.97 million rubles.

The start-up investment is considered a variable cost. They will be spent in stages, from January to March, with the club opening planned in March. Fixed monthly costs such as rent, utilities, advertising - from January. Taxes, payroll, food purchases - since March. Total expenses for the year will be: 49.58 million rubles. Of these, 23.54 million rubles are variable at the start, 26.04 million rubles are constant from January to December (the first year of operation).

Organizational plan

For the full operation of the bowling club with a cafe and a children's area, it is planned to hire 20 employees with a total wage fund of 360 thousand rubles per month. Staff members:

Training and selection of personnel will be carried out by the owner himself and third-party organizations. There are general requirements for all team members:

  • Qualifications to perform this job.
  • Experience working in entertainment or food service industry.
  • Responsibility, communication skills.
  • To access food products, you need a health certificate and knowledge of basic documents in the field of trade and catering.

Accounting work will be carried out outsourced.

Financial plan

According to professionals, the workload of one bowling alley in the regions is approximately 7 hours per day (1680 hours per month across 8 club lanes), and for a billiard table - 3 hours per day (530 hours per month across 6 club tables). The average cafe attendance is 100 people/day (3 thousand people per month) + orders of food and drinks by bowlers and billiard players (it is believed that the amount of food and drinks ordered in the gaming area is approximately the same as the revenue from billiards and bowling, let’s take an average of 1 million rubles).

We calculate monthly revenue (income): 1680 hours x 600 rubles. (take average price bowling hour) + 540 hours x 300 rub. (we take the average price of an hour of billiards) + 3 thousand people. x 400 rub. (we take the average bill in a cafe) + 1 million rubles. = 3.37 million rubles per month.

The profitability for the first year (in fact for 10 months, since it opened in March) will be : 33.7 million rubles.

Monthly profit = monthly revenue – monthly expenses = 3.37 million rubles – 1.97 million rubles = 1.4 million rubles. For the first year (actually for 10 months) = 14 million rubles.

Break-even point for the year according to the formula “(revenue x fixed costs) / (revenue - variable costs)”: (33.7 million rubles x 26.04 million rubles) / (33.7 million rubles – 23.54 million rubles) = 86.37 million rubles.

Profitability = profit / revenue x 100% = 1.4 million rubles / 3.37 million rubles x 100% = 41.5%. The level of profitability is very high, therefore, the club will work effectively. Payback = initial investment / profit for the year = 23.54 million rubles / 14 million rubles = 1.7 years.

Assessments and risks

TO strengths, which this bowling club business plan with calculations has, can be attributed modern equipment, highly qualified personnel, a wide range of services, uninterrupted operation, a positive reputation that helps attract customers.

Weaknesses of the project may include employee turnover, equipment breakdowns, failure in product delivery, customer departure due to unsatisfactory service, bad advertising, and high cost of services.

Possible threats to the project: the adoption of laws that impede business development, rising taxes and inflation, falling wages and rising prices for food and utility bills, increased competition. It will be impossible to change the situation, but there are options for solving the problem by changing the company’s pricing policy, expanding earning opportunities, or changing the entrepreneur’s activity.

To stabilize the situation with possible risks, it is planned to stock up on raw materials and food, create a pleasant atmosphere in the team, and apply effective ways advertising, control the quality of services and dishes, reduce the cost of club expenses, introduce a system of discounts and customer incentives.


As calculations for the bowling club have shown, the plan for creating the project is effective, since net profit per year will be 14 million rubles, profitability – 41.5%, and payback – 1.7 years.

Analysis of the sales market allows us to conclude that a bowling club with a cafe and billiards will be in demand among the city population, since the bowling market in Russia is not yet saturated, and there are few places of entertainment and recreation for young people and families with children in the city. This niche is intended to be filled.

Alexander Khodakov

The word “bowling” no longer surprises anyone, although bowling centers are still in short supply in Russia. For example, in the USA there is one bowling alley for every 2,000 people, and in our country there is one for every 65,000. In total, there are now more than 380 bowling alleys and 2,500 lanes in the country, about half of which are in Moscow and St. Petersburg. There has been a particular boom in the opening of bowling alleys in the last two years, and last year bowling balls reached the most distant regions of Russia.

History of bowling business in Russia

Before the August crisis of 1998, the new Russians amused themselves with an overseas outlandish “game of bowling” for one hundred dollars an hour, and the owners of the first bowling alleys, as they admitted, were simply shoveling money. Today, the cost of an hour of play costs an average of $25, and the bowling alleys themselves are aimed at the middle class of the population. The economy of the bowling business did not suffer much from this. Firstly, the cost of equipment has decreased, and secondly, the market has expanded significantly - the number of bowlers in Russia doubles every year. In addition, an increase in the number of lanes reduces costs - if previously clubs opened with an average of six lanes, now 30 lanes does not surprise anyone.

Forecast for the growth of the number of tracks in Russia

Bowling business in Russian

More and more business people begins to understand that bowling is not only a fashionable pastime, but also a fast-growing business. The turnover of the bowling industry in Russia is growing by leaps and bounds - in 2002 $180 million, and in 2003 it was almost twice as much. The net profit of an 8-12 track club is about $400 thousand a year.

While some entrepreneurs are just thinking about investing in bowling alleys, others are already under construction, and still others are skimming the cream. In the Yandex news feed for just one month, messages were found about the completed or planned addition of the number of lanes in Voronezh, Krasnodar, Belgorod, Tolyatti, Ufa, Perm, Almetyevsk, Novy Urengoy, Vladivostok, Blagoveshchensk, Nakhodka, Naryan-Mar, in the Navy town of Vidyaevo, and even in the city with the exotic name of Pyt-Yakh (Tyumen region). This does not include new bowling alleys in both capitals. There is also information about many bowling tournaments. From professional ones, where tens of thousands of dollars in prizes are at stake, to corporate tournaments, for example, dentists and journalists. It is impressive to learn about the unusual marketing strategies of some clubs, such as a blindfold championship and a strip bowling tournament where only topless girls were allowed. Of course, such inventions of marketers attract a lot of visitors, and good specialists in the bowling business have been in great demand lately. The director of one of the oldest Moscow bowling alleys admitted to us when the article was being prepared that he had long been “wooed” to come and build a new bowling center in a distant region. “They offer a lot of money, but I don’t want to leave my family for a long time,” he complains.

Experts say

  • Opening a bowling alley requires an investment of about half a million dollars, and it pays off in an average of 1.5 - 2 years
  • Additional profit from related services reaches the level of profit from the game itself
  • The bowling business has minimal sales costs and low operating expenses
  • Tangible bowling alley assets retain their value for 20 years
Measure seven times

Newbies in the bowling business always have a lot of questions: where to start, what costs will it require, and, of course, how to choose equipment and supplier? Let's try to answer these questions. First of all, let's calculate the square meters.
It is believed that:

  • one track requires 100 sq. meters, and the room should be at least 35 meters long, or better yet, with a margin, because the standard length of the track is 25 meters, but it also requires space for a run-up and a place to rest.
  • special technical requirements no to the premises, on the contrary, building codes less strict than for retail, residential and office buildings, no windows are required, no special communications are required, so the construction of one square meter for a bowling alley is much cheaper than in the case of fitness centers, cinemas, beauty salons, etc.
  • main expenses purchase and installation of equipment
Bowling equipment is understood as a set of the following products: a lane with a base, a pinspotter - a device for placing pins on the lane, a ball return system, a scoring system, and monitors. In addition, the delivery price usually includes auxiliary equipment - a set of furniture, decorative panels, a set of consumables, accessories and spare parts. The cost of such a kit varies from different suppliers ranging from 25 to 48 thousand USD. for the track.

Customer care? No, about your own income!

Before you start opening a bowling alley, take a look around. Experienced directors of bowling centers say that the vast majority of players come to bowl after work. Therefore, it is better to have office centers, convenient entrances and ample parking nearby. It is advisable that there is a metro station or bus stop nearby, because the second influx of visitors is Friday and Saturday, when the paths are busy all night (they play until the first roosters!)

And, of course, you need to leave room for support services. These could be cafes, billiard tables, slot machines, and sometimes a dance floor, sauna, karting, a store where bowlers can buy personal balls, shoes and other accessories (PRO-SHOP). At most bowling alleys, ancillary service revenue accounts for nearly half of total revenue.

Review of bowling equipment suppliers

In every region different situation, so you can save somewhere on construction and repairs, but you will still have to buy equipment in Moscow. Let's see who our suppliers are?

It should be noted that in recent years Almost all leading manufacturers have reached a level of technology at which it is no longer possible to offer anything revolutionary new or significantly surpass competitors, and the innovations introduced recently relate mainly to the field of design and creativity. Therefore, the difference in the price of tracks is Russian market is often due not to the difference in the quality of the equipment, but to the degree of fame and “promotion” of a particular brand.

And yet, two American companies were the first to enter the Russian market - Brunswick And AMF. A little later, other, less famous suppliers also joined in.

The absolute leader of the Russian market for a long time there was company Brunswick. Its equipment was used during the construction of the first bowling center in the capital's Russia Hotel in 1976. Recent history Brunswick in Russia began in 1997, when an accredited representative office opened in Moscow BRUNSWICK BOWLING & BILLIARDS. Then the interests of the international corporation in Russia began to be represented by its official distributor BB&B LLC (capital bowling equipment) and Bowling Business LLC (accessories, spare parts and consumables for bowling centers).

Another largest equipment supplier - AMF Bowling Products, is represented in Russia official distributor AMF Bowling Products LLC

In the same 1998, a young and energetic brand appeared on the Russian market VIA BOWLING PRODUCTS. Over the 5 years of operation, the company has managed to seriously declare itself. The main reason successful brand promotion VIA the world market has become the optimal price-quality ratio.

Here are some charts and graphs for comparison:

Whose equipment is in Russian bowling alleys?
manufacturer clubs % tracks %
Brunswick 119 31.32% 921 37.71%
VIA 122 32.11% 693 28.38%
AMF 80 21.05% 567 23.22%
Others 59 15.53% 261 10.69%
Grand total 380 2442

The work of equipment suppliers is often not limited to the actual deliveries. A qualified supplier offers its clients full cycle services for the creation and organization of a bowling center, and, in particular, its services can be used to develop a club concept, comprehensive building design and interior design. This task falls on both the investor, the supplier and the designer at the earliest stage of the project.

Types of bowling alleys

If you've read this far and are still interested, then it's time to talk about four possible bowling concepts. Based on the type of client the bowling alley will be aimed at, you can choose a sports, family, entertainment or VIP bowling concept.

Each will require taking into account its features not only when zoning, but also when designing engineering systems and communications - from the architectural design, location (prestigious center or residential area) to the provision of equipment, equipment and support services.

Sports version of the bowling center

It is good to open such a bowling alley at a stadium, sports complex or fitness center, where bowling will be one of the components of sports programs, a game addition to physical education classes and a place for communication on the interests of sports enthusiasts. Here the main players will be professionals, or “advanced” amateurs, who arrive in red cars, dress in jeans, T-shirts and sports jackets, carefully observing the rules of behavior and traditions. They won’t drink a lot of alcohol, but they will pay more for the game itself, spend money on a sushi bar, oxygen cocktails and sports nutritional supplements. In the States, in such bowling alleys you can easily meet Schwarzenegger, Stallone, and other Hollywood action stars. We have famous stars of domestic sports, who are followed by crowds of fans. This is where professional bowlers will come and train daily, and what is important - during the daytime. They will bring heavy suitcases with their own balls to the lanes, so to secure these regular players, it is a good idea to provide storage space for them for a small fee. In such a bowling alley, it would be good to make money from a pro-shop and a driller (one who drills a hole in the balls, adapting the ball to the bowler). Driller is a profession as rare as stove maker or astronaut. Bowlers go to a good driller the same way gourmets go to a good chef's restaurant. This will require full-time trainers who will begin to train newcomers. This will require a staff of judges, skilled organizers of sports tournaments with prize funds of several tens of thousands of dollars. Promotion of a sports bowling club will not cost much, but should be carried out by a PR specialist who knows how to cooperate with the news editors of sports publications, Internet sites, radio stations and television channels, and sports federations. On the walls at the entrance to the bowling alley, it’s a good idea to place tournament schedules, photographs of professional bowlers with a list of their regalia, cups and certificates won, as well as photos of famous athletes who have ever visited this establishment.

With the sports concept of bowling, it is important to ensure that the club adheres to the rules of the game and behavior on the lanes; it should have more obstacles (fences, guides) to ensure order and safety of equipment in perfect condition. And one more piece of advice: provide as much effective ventilation and post “no smoking” signs in the play area. These will further increase the number of visitors to your sports bowling club.

"Family" bowling center

Usually this is a club with a rich selection of entertainment for family and corporate recreation, the core of which is a bowling alley and a restaurant. Large groups of friends and colleagues, as well as families, will come here to spend half the day here. In the parking lot of such a bowling alley there will be a real variety of cars - from VAZ tens to Mercedes various colors, and black color will be less common. Frequent types of clients will be men with bellies, ladies of not very young age, and, of course, an abundance of very young children. different ages. Such a crowd will dress deliberately expensively, because a trip to bowling is also a “going out into the world.” The public will walk like a merchant, not denying themselves the little things. And the children will definitely be pampered with cakes, ice cream, slot machine tokens and other similar elements of caring for the younger generation. It is significant that groups of students will not appear here, so as not to inadvertently run into “boring ancestors” and relieve their ears from notations and pop music. But birthdays (including children’s), corporate parties and holidays will often be celebrated here. The bar and cafe will work with increased load, so it will be necessary to allocate at least 50 meters for the food area. It will be necessary to develop two types of food - fast food, which will be eaten in abundance in the game area (but only what can be consumed without forks and knives!), as well as an “a la carte” menu, where each dish is prepared according to individual order, but quickly - no more than half an hour - after all, many players will stay after the game and have a hearty lunch. Strong alcoholic drinks, red semi-sweet wines and cola will be especially held in high esteem.

In a family bowling alley, you need to diversify your leisure options. Billiard tables, slot machines, fun attractions, and, of course, a children's area will bring in good revenue.

In establishments of this type, much attention is paid to creating a calm and comfortable atmosphere for guests. You will need specialists who know how to host a holiday and also keep children occupied.

On the walls at the entrance there should be photographs of pop and movie stars who have ever visited this bowling alley. Preferably with autographs. Promotion of such a bowling alley is expensive - it will require publications in glossy magazines, business magazines, and catalogs of expensive stores. Street banners and creating a “glossy” Internet site work well. The marketing department of a family bowling alley usually works in conjunction with several production companies, inviting various artists, presenters, and entertainers to corporate parties. Usually, before each holiday (and there are many of them in Russia), such bowling alleys are reserved for large customers for one or two weeks, which means they are completely or partially closed for special services that bring in good income.

Bowling at the entertainment complex

This “rock” style bowling alley is the most democratic multi-purpose establishment, designed to the greatest extent for mass recreation of youth and student companies that occupy this bowling alley non-stop and around the clock. As a rule, there is a lot of additional entertainment that brings income to the owners ( computer club, slot machines for non-cash winnings, American pool, disco, climbing wall, Q-Zar, etc.). Here is a bar where beer, low-alcohol drinks and Sprite will flow like a river. It will be smoky in here until it's white out. There will be a dating club, a disco, and a party place.

Here you don’t have to spend money on a large parking lot, you can choose less expensive equipment, the price of which is an order of magnitude lower, you can have inexpensive repairs with stylish design, you can save on consumables.

When creating a bowling alley of this type, it is better to adhere to a democratic style of freedom in everything and deliberate sloppiness, taking into account the maximum mobility of visitors, as well as the principle of the easiest access to all areas (lanes, bar, etc.).

Important elements that should not be forgotten: such a bowling alley should be located near large institutions, next to a metro station or an intersection with several public transport routes, fashionable youth music should be played here, a DJ with a name should work here, as well as a security service that can support such an unpredictable public has order.

You won’t have to spend a lot on promoting such an establishment. Young people will quickly find their way here. But in order to consolidate the reputation of a “cool place”, you will have to spend a lot of effort. Joint actions with youth media, radio stations, and rock festivals will help here. It would be nice to have a few youth idols as regulars. You will definitely need to create an interactive website with chats and forums for fans of this club. You can’t “stand still” here, because fashion in music, clothing, and the preferences of young people is rapidly changing. You will need to keep up with them and quickly change styles. In general, in a youth club it is important to provide for all the elements of a party - competitions, attractions, fun. They can be observed and adopted from today's nightclubs. Then young people will come to your bowling alley as if they were coming to their own home.

Indoor bowling club

This version of bowling, which can be created if among your friends there are at least a dozen powerful of the world this. It will be an expensive establishment for VIP clients, the least democratic and the most expensive, with a small number of lanes that will be a pleasant addition to the club life of a limited number of people from high society. There may be live classical music playing, Bentleys or Rolls-Royces may be parked in the secure parking lot, and visitors are likely to be dressed not in Dolce Gabbana, but in Valentino.

By and large, here the proceeds from bowling will be of minimal importance to you. Most likely, visitors will pay a lot for an annual club card, because it will become a pass into a world where they can discuss a million-dollar contract in a relaxed atmosphere, put in a word about the right people, quickly solve – of course, not the world’s problems, but your own.

The same function, in general, is performed by VIP beauty salons, elite restaurants, saunas, and the like.

No one is surprised that within a few years the owners of such establishments work either in the Presidential Administration or occupy strategic positions in public or private corporations. An indoor bowling club is not a business, but a springboard to the top, as well as an opportunity to become especially useful for serious businessmen, politicians, and officials, getting involved in the Great Game.

Creating such a club can cost several million dollars; this amount includes the cost of real estate in a prestigious area, high-quality and stylish renovation, and professional equipment from leading manufacturers.

It will require well-trained staff capable of satisfying any visitor’s most unexpected request, a serious security service, and, of course, an expensive chef capable of satisfying the varied wishes of the guests. Advertising is simply harmful to such an establishment.

Where to see concept options

Sometimes it's easier to show than to explain. For those who are seriously thinking about creating a bowling alley, we can recommend visiting several clubs in the capital in order to get acquainted with one or another version of the bowling center's specialization. Of course, the concept in its pure form is rare, but a bias towards one strategy or another can be seen in any bowling alley. As they say, go and have a look.

Representatives sports concept bowling centers in Moscow include, for example, the Miami Bowling Club and the MegaSphere bowling center.

Family bowling chose Orange bowling and Loko-park bowling

Entertaining style preaches Airplane bowling and Iron bowling

Alas, you most likely will not be able to get into a closed bowling club.


Bowling refers to fast growing species business with a margin of investment attractiveness of 10-15 years. The relative profitability of bowling is high, and the relative risk of this business is low. Tangible assets retain their value for 20 years or longer. Bowling in general is profitable business With minimal costs for sales and low operating costs, due to which the need for working capital is low. In addition to income from the game itself, bowling provides an opportunity for an investor to receive additional profit from related services: sales of food and drinks, billiards and video games, and sales of accessories. Moreover, the size of this revenue is comparable to the revenue from the game itself.

Each bowling lane generates $7 per hour in net profit. The average load on each track is 6-8 hours per day. Add here the income from the bar, kitchen, billiards, slot machines, sales of accessories, etc. You will earn more than $20,000 per month from operating an 8-lane bowling center after expenses.

Because operating costs in a bowling alley are low, gross profits can exceed 90% of revenues. The average payback period for a project, excluding capital construction, is 1.5 – 2 years.

Bowling is a very promising type of business that is only gaining momentum in our country. Even in capital cities, the number of bowling clubs does not reach even half of the number that would allow them to exist simultaneously without creating significant competition for each other. That is, bowling alleys can still be opened and opened. This type of recreation is in great demand among city residents. I often had a thought: how to open a bowling club.

You should start with marketing research of the area, creating a concept for the establishment, writing and collecting documents. Unlike many other types of business, when opening a bowling alley, the greatest difficulty is the search for premises.

A report compiled by professional marketers will tell you whether there are competitors in a given area, what intermediate level income of residents of a given area (will they be able to afford a bowling alley), the average bill for bowling clubs in your city, what additional services Other metrics that you demand could also be in demand among visitors to the establishment.

What documents are needed to open a bowling club?

To open a bowling alley, a completely standard package of documents is required:

1. Certificate of registration of individual entrepreneur or LLC;

2. Lease agreement;

3. Conclusions of the SES and State Fire Supervision;

4. Permission from the district government;

5. Permission to sell related products (this must also be obtained from the Administration and certified by the SES);

6. Agreement for waste removal and lamp recycling;

7. Agreement with an organization servicing air conditioning and ventilation systems;

8. Agreements for maintenance of premises with organizations such as housing office or REU;

9. Sign and cash register permit packages;

10. A certificate of conformity may also be obtained on a voluntary basis.

If you are planning to organize a bar at a bowling club, you will need:

1. License for retail alcohol;

2. Agreement with a solid waste removal company.

If we compare the opening of a bowling club, for example, with that, there will not be much difference in terms of preparing documents. In the sense that you will still have to run around the authorities and stand in queues. Specialized organizations can help you avoid paperwork.

For a fee of approximately $300, they will act as intermediaries between you and the authorities. This is a good option for an entrepreneur who wants to avoid bureaucratic delays at the preparatory stage. Learn to delegate, it will help you in any business.

Business plan

Describe your concept, calculate expenses and income. A standard business plan includes the following points:

— Description of the enterprise;

— Description of services;

— Marketing market research;

— Production plan;

Financial plan(distribution of starting capital, profit planning).

Bowling club premises

The difficulty may be that a bowling alley will require a large amount of square meters. There may be only a few such premises in a small city. After all, in addition to playing lanes, a bowling center should have a wardrobe, a bar, a relaxation area, a mini kitchen, and a bathroom.

Some sources claim that 100 sq.m. should be allocated for one track. However, as practice shows, this is not the best option, since it is almost impossible to find a room of similar dimensions.

Bowling centers located in cities allocate 50-70 square meters of area per lane, accommodating all the equipment on it. The ceiling height, according to the standard, should be from 3 to 4 meters.

The room parameters must be observed. Especially if you want to be able to hold all kinds of bowling tournaments and competitions within the club’s walls, which always mean additional financial inflows.

It's not just the standards of the premises that make it difficult to find a place for a bowling center. Entertainment venues are opening in the busiest places in the city. Not a bad option- rent a room in a shopping center. It won't cost you at all, but it will ensure an influx of visitors.

Once you choose a room, you have to do it in major renovation, equip the premises with paths, machines that place pins, organize a bar, hire staff. In general, the preparatory stage for organizing a bowling alley is very large. You should count on starting capital of approximately $3,000,000.

The average payback for this business is approximately 26-28 months.

* The calculations use average data for Russia

The cost of the project, taking into account working capital, will be 15,443,000 rubles. More than 70% of this amount is planned to be allocated for the purchase and installation of equipment.

1.Project summary

Project goal– opening of a bowling center in a city with a population of up to 700 thousand people. The essence of the project is to create a game area for bowling with 8 lanes and a recreation area with a mini-cafe on an area of ​​720 sq. m. meters. The main audience of the bowling center includes people aged 8 to 45 years. Financial calculations of this business plan are given for a five-year period of operation, taking into account seasonality indicators, as well as the planned occupancy of the center in the first year of operation - up to 30%, in the third year - up to 50%, in the fourth and subsequent years - up to 70-80%.

The main services of the bowling center are:

1. Hourly rental of a bowling alley;

2. Mini-cafe services.

The cost of the project, taking into account working capital, will be 15,443,000 rubles. More than 70% of this amount is planned to be allocated for the purchase and installation of equipment. Due to the high cost of a new set of equipment and the rising dollar exchange rate, preference is given to the use of refurbished equipment good quality American brand.

*at the end of 2 years of operation

The project launch period will be 4 months. Based on the results of the first year of work, it is planned to achieve attendance figures of 30%.

2.Description of the industry and company

Today, bowling has ceased to be an entertainment for people with high incomes and has been reformatted into mass entertainment. According to Investcafe analysts, the bowling market in Russia is growing steadily: until 2014, the number of lanes increased by an average of 4% per year. This means that the market has not yet reached its saturation. The first places in the number of bowling centers are held by metropolitan cities - Moscow and St. Petersburg, as well as millionaire cities. The bowling alley market is highly diversified, with no single player having a significant share. Network players are mainly shopping and entertainment centers and family clubs. The main audience of bowling centers are young people aged 18 to 30 years, families, schoolchildren with predominantly middle and low income levels. Bowling centers are visited not only for the game itself, but also for fun and relaxation with loved ones. Often bowling clubs have snack bars and billiard rooms, slot machines and special rooms for children's parties. There are also bowling establishments in conjunction with a nightclub.

The goal of the project is to open a family format bowling club in a city with a population of up to 700 thousand inhabitants. The essence of the project is to create a play area for bowling, as well as a technical area and engine room, a recreation area and a reception with a mini-cafe. The center is located in a room with an area of ​​720 square meters. meters, located next to shopping stores and a restaurant. The building is located on one of the city's busiest streets, close to shopping and office centers and public transport stops.

The management structure of the enterprise includes a director, who is also the founder of the company and manages the center. He is in charge of strategic business planning and marketing policy. Directly subordinate to the director is the manager, who is responsible for the work of administrators, sales and support personnel.

The form of ownership of the enterprise is LLC. The taxation system is simplified (6% of income received).

3.Description of services

The main service of the bowling center is the provision of bowling lanes for hourly rental along with a set of balls and a table. The cost of services depends on the day of the week and time of visit. Discounted prices are available to students and schoolchildren. Detailed price list for services is given in Table. 1. Activities to provide these services will require appropriate permits from Rospotrebnadzor and a fire inspection report.

Table 1. List of services

In addition to the services provided, the bowling center has a mini-cafe in the snack bar format. The average bill for 1 table is 1400 rubles.

4.Sales and marketing

The main trend in the bowling market can be described as a movement towards bowling as a mass entertainment. Today, bowling is perceived by the audience as an integral part of the entertainment industry. Visitors to bowling centers demand from the establishment not only impeccable operation of the equipment, but also a unique atmosphere. A bowling center should give visitors a feeling of comfort, which is expressed as overall design, and in individual details, including the comfort of the chairs, sensory equipment built into the tables for monitoring the game, LCD monitors, and the presence of children's sides. Also considered a plus is the presence of a mini-cafe, which allows you to combine your favorite game with food if desired.

Today there are 3 bowling clubs and 3 playgrounds small format including hotel complexes(2-4 tracks). Direct competitors are represented by: 1 large federal chain company (branch), which has a center with 14 lanes and a mini-cafe, 1 company, which is a bowling center as part of a shopping and entertainment center (10 lanes), as well as another separate bowling club on 8 tracks. The main advantages of the first competitor include low prices (from 300 to 1000 rubles), modern equipment, a well-thought-out marketing policy and a loyalty system. As weaknesses We can highlight frequent complaints about the service, slow service in the cafe at the center. The other two competitors are characterized by a higher price level (700-1800), a fairly good level of service, however, visitors to the center often have complaints about the operation of the equipment (the failure rate of pinspotters is high). Also common negative feedback customers is the quality of consumables (worn shoes, chipped balls, etc.). The work schedule of 2 of 3 competitors is from 12:00 to 06:00, the competitor working in a shopping and entertainment center is from 10:00 to 00:00.

The above industry trends and competitor analysis were the driving factors for creating the bowling center concept. The price segment for services is average (400 to 1500 rubles), while the quality is above average. Industry specialists train employees to operate a bowling center and conduct a series of sales and service trainings. The selected work schedule is from 12:00 to 06:00. Registration is made by pre-booking through the official website or by phone call, as well as directly in the center itself. There is a mini-cafe in the snack bar format at the bowling center. To attract customers, methods of outdoor advertising (signboards), online advertising (targeted advertising on social networks), SEO promotion of the site in search engines, and leaflets are used. As competitive advantage it is expected to establish low prices for schoolchildren and students. It is also planned to use loyalty promotions, for example, discount conditions for birthday people and corporate customers. In addition, the bowling center itself is planned to be used as a platform for advertising partners. In particular, advertising broadcast in slideshow/crawler/video mode can be carried out on LCD monitors of a bowling club. In the future, it is possible to use the advertising capabilities of the site, joint promotions with partners, etc.

5.Production plan

The bowling center is located in a city with a population of up to 700 thousand people on one of the central streets, on the first line of houses. There is a restaurant adjacent to the building, as well as retail premises. Banks and office centers are located within 400 meters. There is a public transport stop 200 meters away.

The area of ​​the premises is 720 meters. The premises for the bowling center are leased for a long time (7 years) with the possibility of extending the contract. Investments in repairs and preparation of premises for a bowling center will amount to RUB 3,291,000. The purchase and installation of equipment, taking into account the equipment of the play area, recreation area, engine room, reception area and snack bar, will amount to RUB 10,958,000. Due to the rise in price of bowling equipment associated with the rise in exchange rates, preference is given to refurbished equipment (about 60% of all equipment) of good quality from an American brand, considered one of the leaders among manufacturers in the industry. The set of bowling equipment includes: pinspotters, bowling lanes, bowling center control system, LCD monitors, lower terminals of the counting system, tables with trapezoidal seats, ball returners, children's bumpers, side chairs, spade system, lane dividers, running system lights, a track maintenance machine, as well as consumables: balls, shoes and skittles. The indicated amount also includes equipment for the reception area and snack bar.

A specialized organization was chosen to carry out the assembly and installation of equipment, and most of the bowling equipment was purchased from it. The main criteria were the organization's previous work experience, the number and quality of completed projects, and an acceptable price level for services.

The bowling center is managed by a director and manager. The bowling center is serviced by administrators working in shifts and minibar employees. Employee training is carried out by a specialized company engaged in the sale and installation of bowling equipment. Training costs are included in the installation service fee. Staffing table and wage fund are given in Table. 2.

Table 2. Staffing and wage fund

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Variable costs include the cost of maintaining tracks using special oils and cleaners. Fixed costs are based on rent (350 thousand rubles), marketing (40 thousand rubles), utility bills, telephony and the Internet. The expenses also include depreciation charges (40 thousand rubles), commercial and administrative expenses.

6.Organizational plan

Implementation period preparatory stage The project will last 4 months. About 2 months will be spent on developing a sketch and an architectural project, another two on repairs, preparing the premises to the requirements of the company installing the equipment, and the actual installation of the equipment.

The bowling center is managed by the director, who is the founder of the project. He heads the organization and is its official representative at various events. The director carries out strategic business planning, finds new partners, determines and coordinates the marketing policy of the establishment. The general management of the administrative, economic and economic activities of the club is carried out by the manager. This is a person who has higher education and experience in organizing the business of cafe-bars or bowling clubs for at least 5 years. The manager organizes the work of personnel, appoints and dismisses employees, imposes penalties or gives incentives, and exercises control over safety precautions. Bowling club administrators organize the smooth operation of the establishment, receive clients, advise clients, are responsible for the operation of the reception area, and provide general control over the order and safety of equipment. The work of the snack bar is managed by a special employee who performs all the main functions of preparing an order. The mini-cafe operates on the principle of self-service without the help of waiters. The senior accountant is responsible for accounting. Also, hired workers are hired to work as needed, in particular a mechanic who troubleshoots and maintains the engine room. The cleaning lady is responsible for maintaining the establishment in proper condition.

7.Financial plan

The costs of the preparatory period include: repairs and preparation of the premises - 3,291,000 rubles, purchase and installation of equipment - 10,958,000 rubles, costs for the launch advertising campaign and website creation - 194,000 rubles. To implement the project you will need working capital in the amount of 1,000,000 rubles. The total cost of the project will be 15,443,000 million rubles. The source of financing is equity from the sale of real estate.

The costs of the main period include: rent - 350,000 rubles, advertising costs (SEO promotion, targeted advertising on social networks, print advertising) - 40,000 rubles, depreciation charges - 40,000 rubles, commercial and administrative expenses - 40,000 rubles, utility bills and electricity – 15,000 rubles, telephony and Internet – 5,000 rubles. Total: 490,000 rub.

The financial indicators of the project - revenue, cash flow, net profit - are given in Appendix 1. Calculations are made taking into account the achievement of a planned load of 30% in the first year of operation, 50% in the third year of operation, 70-80% in the fourth and subsequent years . Factors such as the growth of the club’s popularity over time and seasonality indicators are also taken into account. The traditional drop in bowling club services occurs in the summer - the season of vacations and school holidays. The calculations also include the income and expenses of operating a snack bar with an average bill of 1,400 rubles. The formula used to determine the maximum revenue for a snack bar is that every third customer (1 lane) places an order based on the size of the average bill.

8.Evaluation of project effectiveness

The main features of this project are high level start-up costs. They are based on spending on expensive imported equipment. The level of risks decreases when sales targets are achieved.

The payback period for the project from the start of the club’s operation is 34 months. The discounted payback period is 39 months. By the end of the second year of operation, the net profit of the project will be 846,194 rubles. per month, by the fourth to fifth year this figure will increase to 1.5-2 million rubles. Financial performance indicators of the project are given in Table 3

Table 3. Project performance indicators

*at the end of 2 years of operation

9.Risks and guarantees

The organization of a bowling center does not belong to new and untapped business sectors: the technology for providing this type of service has been well studied. To reduce the main risk - empty paths - a flexible pricing policy, a system of discounts and attracting customers through social media and targeted advertising, which does not require large investments, but at the same time is most effective, SEO-promotion of the site occurs.

In the future, as the establishment’s recognition grows, it is planned to gradually increase prices for services up to 15% without changing the elasticity of demand indicators. Description and risk assessment are given in Table. 4.

Table 4. Project risk assessment and measures to prevent their occurrence or their consequences



Main financial indicators of the project in a five-year perspective

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