Pumps for pumping concrete are compact. concrete pump

Provided for rent with o/p
mortar pumps (pneumatic blowers)
Strojstav PX 500 with compressors
for downloading cement mortar
for pouring (screeding) floors.

The MIKHTECH company provides for rent with service personnel:

- pneumatic mortar pumps
intended for preparation and serving various mixtures, concrete, expanded clay concrete, sand concrete, dry and semi-dry mixtures, etc.);

- piston mortar pumps
designed for creating and supplying special plaster mortars from sand, lime, cement. Pouring mortars for installing screeds;

- auger (screw) pumps - plastering machines
supply liquid solution for plastering works.

Range and technical characteristics of mortar pumps and plastering stations


Feed volume

Supply pressure

Feed range
up/horizontally, m

Pneumatic mortar pumps

Mortar pump Putzmeister M 740 D - rent
Mortar pump Putzmeister Mixokret M 501 E - rent
Pneumatic compressor PN-500 - rent

Piston pumps

Mortar pump Putzmeister P 13 EMR - rent
Mortar pump Putzmeister P 13 DMR - rent
Mortar pump Putzmeister P 715 - rent

Screw or screw mortar pumps (plastering machines)

Multi-purpose mixing mortar pump Putzmeister P 12 Sprayboy - rent
Plastering station Putzmeister MP 25 MIXIT - rent 25 l/min 15/40
Universal screw (screw) mortar pump Putzmeister SP 11 - rent 55 l/min

mortar pump PX-500

Pneumatic mortar pumps

Pneumatic operating principle of mortar pumps ensures pumping of hard solutions (expanded clay concrete, concrete, semi-dry cement-sand mixture screed, sand concrete, sand, etc.), which piston and screw mortar pumps cannot cope with.

The delivery range and height of the mortar pumps depends on the performance (modification) of the mortar pumps and the performance of the compressor.
The principle of operation is that the solution is placed in a sealed reservoir of a pneumatic blower and, under the action of compressed air, is supplied in portions and transported through a concrete pipeline.

Productivity up to 6 m 3 /hour.

Piston mortar pumps


  • plastering works;
  • shotcrete;
  • filling hard-to-reach places before spraying cement-sand mortars using a setting accelerator (silicate).

Capacity up to 115 l/min.

Screw mortar pumps


  • for working with dry mixture and ready-made solution;
  • for working with ready-made or on-site exterior plasters, high-quality decorative plaster mortars, lime-cement plaster mortars, lightweight masonry mortars, screed mortars;
  • for finishing finishing solutions, putty, sealing masses, adhesive, liquid plaster solutions.

Capacity up to 55 l/min.

Mortar pump (pneumatic blower): prepare and supply the solution using one piece of equipment

In an effort to reduce labor intensity construction work and to minimize the construction time of buildings, designers are creating new types of equipment and technology. An example of a successful combination of two different functions in one equipment can be considered mortar pump(or pneumatic supercharger).

As the name suggests, compressed air is used to move the solution. The mixture is prepared in a closed tank using rotating blades, which simultaneously push it towards the outlet. Additional pressure is created by the flow of lower air, which ensures uniform supply of the solution through the hoses. This design minimizes the risk of hose clogging and premature failure of all equipment.

Using a pneumatic mortar pump you can:

  • quickly prepare a solution from dry ingredients directly on the construction site
  • take the almost finished solution from the mixer and refine it
  • ensure direct supply of the solution to the place of its installation

Mortar pumps with the same productivity in less than a minute they are able to prepare coarse and fine-grained concrete, masonry, plaster mortars and even polystyrene concrete. Pneumatic compressors have proven themselves well in the construction of semi-dry screeds.

The main advantages of mortar pumps:

  • the solution is prepared immediately before laying, so its heterogeneity or partial setting during delivery to the construction site is excluded
  • the composition of the mixture for the prepared solution can be any, including the inclusion of lime or waterproofing additives
  • mortar pump Can also be used to prepare foam concrete
  • solutions with a regular percentage and a low percentage of water are pumped equally well
  • equipment operation does not require large energy consumption
  • mortar pumps The Strojstav brand offered by our company is reliable in operation and, if necessary, suitable for repair
  • for supplying solution from pneumatic supercharger Concrete pipes of various diameters can be used at the work site
  • long term operation due to the absence of wearing parts
  • relatively light weight and dimensions pneumatic superchargers, as well as the presence of a pneumatic chassis, allow them to be used on small sites and easily moved
  • lower than that of concrete pumps similar in power and conditions of use for certain types of work, price

Plastering stations: convenient, profitable, fast

The second representative of such equipment, combining several functions, is plastering stations. They are used to prepare a solution, pump it to the work site and apply it directly to the surface.

The main benefits of using plastering stations:

  • fast mechanized plastering of large surfaces, reducing work time by 3 times. Equipment productivity is on average 200-500 sq. meters of processing per shift
  • minimizing manual labor at finishing works on site, allowing workers to be freed up to perform other types of work
  • maintaining uniform thickness of the layer of applied plaster

What STROJSTAV plastering stations can do

  • prepare solutions for plastering work with any composition, including additives that ensure the decorative effect of the plastered surface
  • Some models of plastering stations can work without connecting to a water supply. Special valve allows them to take the amount of water required for the mixture from any container
  • move the prepared solution over distances of up to 40 meters and raise it to a height of up to 20 meters
  • apply the prepared solution to vertical and horizontal surfaces indoors and when performing exterior finishing of buildings
  • It is easy to cope with the installation of self-leveling floors.

At MIKHTECH you can not only buy one of the offered models of a mortar pump or plastering station, but also rent this equipment for the required period. The personnel servicing this equipment have passed good preparation, allowing us to guarantee uninterrupted operation on site and the highest quality of work.

Compare the prices for renting and purchasing equipment in this table and choose the option that suits you. Our specialists will advise you on the required performance of the mortar pump (pneumatic blower) or plastering station for the scope of work. We will try to coordinate the delivery time of equipment to the site in the most convenient way for both parties.

The ever-increasing scale of construction stimulates the development of modern technologies that facilitate and speed up the work of workers. On construction sites A variety of construction equipment appears. One of the most popular equipment, especially in large-scale construction, is a concrete pump. Usage modern method the flow of solution significantly increases productivity and quality of work.

Features of application

concrete pump— difficult-to-use equipment. Despite its productivity, the use of a concrete pump has certain features:

  • attracting high-class specialists to the process;
  • strict adherence to rules and technologies;
  • responsibility in organizing and preparing the process;
  • the use of special concrete solutions, taking into account the diameter of the hose for supplying the mixture; distance, conditions for supplying the solution to the building site.

Taking into account the peculiarities of using the equipment, it is easy to conclude that a concrete pump is appropriate to use in conditions that are difficult or impossible to supply the mixture:

  • access of equipment to the construction site is difficult;
  • delivery of the solution to a high altitude is necessary;
  • building density.

Of course, using the pump in favorable conditions no one forbids it. It all depends on the developer’s budget.

Types of equipment

Concreting of structures in different conditions requires the use of different types of pumps. There is a huge selection of equipment suitable for transporting liquid solution. Three types of installations are most often used.


Stationary piston mortar pump.

The concrete pumping piston machine is located on a support with wheels. Used in long-term construction, construction of high-rise buildings. The equipment is installed for a long period of time and started by a gasoline or diesel engine. Using stationary equipment it is possible to:

  • more than 4 meters;
  • the speed of supplying the solution is 90 m³ per hour.

A permanent installation has its advantages:

  • small sizes;
  • Possibility of installation almost anywhere;
  • The rental cost is low.


Mobile installation of low power. It is very convenient to transport and fits anywhere on the construction site.


The equipment is secured to the support of a special truck. The advantages are undeniable:

  • significant power allows the delivery of 150 m³ of solution per hour;
  • , maneuverability;
  • excellent performance, possible reduction in construction time.

The inconvenience of a mobile structure is its price. Large construction companies can afford to buy such a machine. This option is not available to a private developer. The solution may be rent, which is calculated for 1 hour of labor or delivery of 1 m³ of solution.

Pump types

Gerotor pump "N 300".

When working on a concrete pump, the principle of displacement is triggered; a volume is formed in the system, which can change. The process principle divides concrete pumps into:

  • Piston (concrete is supplied continuously). Modern technology capable of filing concrete composition to a height of 6 to 65 m, the solution supply volume reaches up to 180 m³ per hour. Cement particles can get stuck between the rubbing surfaces of the pistons, so the piston type is subject to rapid wear. The solution flows in jerks. There is equipment with hydraulic device. It is characterized by soft concrete delivery and high wear resistance. The feed speed does not change, and high pressure significantly increases the distance. The operation of two-cylinder units, unlike a machine with one, is so soft that it is almost unnoticeable.
  • Gerotor (screw with continuous supply of solution). The technical capabilities of the gerotor design make it possible to silently supply concrete of any hardness. Possible blockage in the hose is eliminated by the motor's ability to change the direction of rotation. Rapid wear of the hose for supplying solutions - main drawback gerotor design, but this is compensated by the low cost of repairs, without the involvement of specialized personnel.

Practical experience in comparing two types of concrete pumps shows that despite the ease of repair of the gerotor design, the hydraulic piston device is more durable and more productive.

Moving concrete

The pump is in operation.

Delivering concrete to a construction site is not an easy task. Incorrect actions can significantly damage the quality of the mixture. Problems can be prevented by using a concrete mixer truck. A concrete mixing structure is attached to the vehicle chassis. Blades are welded inside the iron barrel. Rotating the barrel clockwise helps move the solution inward, and turning on reverse process pushes the solution along the blades to the discharge hole.

Advantages of using a mixer:

  • maintaining homogeneity, no stratification of the solution;
  • constant movement of the solution, even with temporary delays, can preserve technical specifications composition.

The volume of the mixer barrel allows you to prepare or transport from 5 to 9 m³ of concrete mixture. To ensure that the finished product arrives at the construction site, the machine is equipped with a special loading tray. It is possible to use this type of transportation when the car can easily drive up to the construction site.

What to do when it is impossible to safely reach a built-up area? In this case, a pipeline is used, which belongs to special in-building equipment. Its technological advantages are undeniable:

  • vertical, horizontal transportation using one mechanism;
  • Easily reach hard to reach places.

Pipeline technology - machines for supplying concrete or separate species construction equipment. The installation of separate equipment involves mounting a concrete pump on the base of a vehicle, using a full-rotating boom. This type of equipment allows you to transport the liquid mixture in a horizontal, vertical position for auxiliary structures.

Concreting floors in multi-story construction is impossible without the use of special equipment. The delivered solution is loaded via trays into the concrete pump receiver. Through a pipe consisting of three connected parts, the mixture is delivered to a height, to hard-to-reach places.

It depends on the size of the site (distance and height of transportation), on the size of the individual sections to be concreted (productivity) and on the properties of the concrete being laid (cement content, consistency, grain size, etc.). A concrete pump that is required to deliver a certain amount of concrete per specified time, must have a design that guarantees the collection of a given amount of concrete and its transportation to the installation site. The longer the transport pipeline and the faster the concrete flows through it, the greater the supply pressure. It is easy to understand that the drive power of a pump that develops high pressure to transport concrete over a long distance will be greater than that of a plant that transports concrete only over short distances. Only pumps with the same drive power can be compared with each other.


Concrete can only be squeezed out of the pump cylinder if it has previously been filled with concrete. This filling also requires pressure. Atmospheric pressure (1 bar = 760 torr) forces the concrete into the tank, which is under low pressure. The suction piston creates a reduced pressure in the cylinder. Atmospheric pressure “squeezes” the concrete out of the bunker into the cylinder. The pressure difference between atmosphere and vacuum theoretically cannot be more than 1 bar. In the pump, under favorable conditions, it can be 0.8 bar. This means that the concrete is fed from the hopper into the cylinder with a maximum of 0.8 bar. Therefore, hard and coarse concrete mixtures are sucked in worse than thin and plastic ones. Optimal conditions suction is ensured when the suction openings have the same cross-section as the pump cylinder. The valve (gate) must be designed in such a way that the suction section remains as open as possible, without impeding the flow of concrete and without changing its direction of movement. Large volumes of concrete require larger cylinders and appropriately sized suction openings. The diameters of the suction hole and cylinder determine the maximum grain size of the transported concrete. The simplest rule requires that the diameter of the suction channel be at least 3 times the diameter of the largest grain. That is, concrete with a maximum grain size of 63 mm requires a concrete pump with a feed cylinder diameter of at least 180 mm.


Modern concrete pumps are equipped with mixers installed in bunkers. The mixer is designed to maintain concrete in a fluid state while the pump is idle, it prevents the concrete from settling and destroys structures formed near the suction openings. However, these mixers are not full-fledged concrete mixers. When the pump is turned off and mixing times are long, preparing concrete using a mixer is very problematic.


The maximum pressure provided by a concrete pump is determined by its design. A variety of devices have been developed for different operating conditions. Truck-mounted concrete pumps usually operate with short concrete pipes corresponding to the length of the concrete distributor mast. They require a lower discharge pressure compared, for example, with stationary pumps on construction sites, which must deliver the same volume of concrete to a height of 100 m. For mobile concrete pumps (concrete pumps), as a rule, discharge pressures of up to 70 bar are sufficient, including and at high productivity. Stationary concrete pumps delivering concrete over distances of up to 1000 m or heights of up to 500 m require pressures of up to 200 bar. Such pressures place increased structural demands on all components operating under pressure, such as gate valves, hoses, gearboxes, pipelines, etc. Uninterrupted operation of the pump is only possible if all the specific requirements of a particular construction site are taken into account when selecting it. An installation that is constantly overloaded cannot operate efficiently.

Concrete pump modelProductivity, m 3 /hourSupply pressure, barFeeding range up/horizontally, mAppearance

Piston stationary concrete pumps

18 70 60/200
71/47 71/106 100/250
65/42 56/101 100/250
95/57 91/152 130/350
Stationary concrete pump Putzmeister BSA 2109 HP D - rent 95/57 91/152 150/400
Stationary concrete pump Schwing SP 4800 D - rent 43-81 104-243 150/400
102/70 150/220 180/400
Stationary concrete pump Schwing SP 8800 D - rent 63-116 104-243 300/800
Stationary concrete pump Putzmeister 14000 HP D - rent 102/70 150/220 350/1000

Pneumatic stationary concrete pumps

Concrete pump Putzmeister M 42 - rental

Mercedes chassis

120 85/95
Concrete pump Schwing SX 52 - rent

Mercedes chassis

160 85
Truck concrete pump
150 80

One of the most progressive methods of supplying concrete to the pouring site and uniform distribution is the use of concrete pumps. This method significantly increases the productivity and quality of concrete work, but due to the fact that a concrete pump is complex and expensive equipment, it is not always used. You will learn about the methods of application and types of equipment from our article.

Features of the use of concrete pumps

The participation of such equipment in construction work entails:

  • Using the labor of highly qualified concrete workers and mechanics.
  • High organization of work.
  • Strict adherence to all technological requirements.
  • The use of special concrete mixture compositions, taking into account:
    • Concrete pipe diameter.
    • Conditions and range of supply of the mixture in the structure.

Based on the above, it is advisable to use a pump for pumping concrete when supplying the mixture by other means is difficult or impossible, as in the case of:

  • Concreting structures located in cramped conditions.
  • Internal or densely reinforced structures.

Of course, no one has the right to prohibit the supply of solution in any conditions; it all depends on your budget.

Types of concrete pumps

For concreting structures, depending on the working conditions and purpose, various types of concrete pumping units are used:

  • Stationary is a piston installation located on a frame with wheels. As a rule, such equipment is installed for a long period of time and is used in the construction of high-rise buildings. If necessary, it is moved further to the desired location for pumping the mixture. The installation is powered by a diesel or gasoline engine.
    Stationary pumping unit capable of:

    • Pour concrete to a height of more than four meters.
    • Feed speed up to ninety cubic meters per hour (depending on the technical characteristics of the unit).

The advantages of stationary installations include:

  • Small dimensions.
  • No big requirements for the installation location.
  • Low price(up to 3,000,000 rubles). Renting such a concrete pump will cost 250,000 rubles per month.
  • Trailed - a mobile unit that does not stand out in terms of power, but fits into almost any area and is easy to transport.

  • Mobile. Such installations are mounted on the frame of a truck.
    The advantages of automobile concrete pumps include:
    • High power (up to one hundred and fifty cubic meters per hour).
    • Mobility.
    • High productivity, ensuring reduction of construction time.

The only drawback of this type of equipment is its price. Only the largest construction companies can afford to purchase such a machine. A concrete pump based on a MAN truck costs more than 12,500,000 rubles.

The Korean version based on DAEWOO will cost a little less - up to 10,000,000 rubles. But anyway, as you can see, such equipment is not available to a private developer.

A solution for organizations that cannot afford such equipment may be to rent it for a short time.
Renting a car pump, depending on the power and rental time or volume of concrete, costs from 2,500 rubles per hour, or from 200 rubles per cubic meter.

  • The most common mobile installations are on the move. They are equipped with movable booms of three or four links that fold in a horizontal or vertical plane.
  • It is advisable to perform it with a compensation device in the vertical section of the concrete pipeline. This makes it easier to regulate smooth changes in the length of the pipeline when lifting the formwork.

For your information!
The compensation device consists of a combination of straight inserts and elbows, which are combined by locking hinge joints.

  • In very low temperatures use only heated concrete mixture to a temperature not exceeding twenty-five degrees. This measure is necessary to avoid: firstly, premature thickening of the concrete mixture; secondly, loss of mobility, and thirdly, ease of pumping.

Concrete pipelines in such conditions must be insulated and pre-heated with steam before starting work, with the obligatory removal of the resulting condensate to the outside.

Types of concrete pump designs

Among concrete pumps, two main types of design can be distinguished:

  • Gerotor pump for concrete.
  • Piston pump.

Screw pumps

Gerotor ( screw pumps for concrete) the equipment is capable of ensuring an even supply of concrete of any hardness. They are characterized by low engine noise.

Possible concrete blockages in the concrete pipeline are eliminated by reverse operation of the engine.

  • The main disadvantage of such equipment is the rapid wear of the reinforced hose.
  • The advantage is the relatively inexpensive cost of repairs, since replacing spare parts does not require the involvement of highly qualified personnel.

Such equipment has:

  • Long service life.
  • High performance.

Piston pumps

A distinctive feature of modern piston equipment is:

  • Supply of concrete mixture to a height ranging from five to sixty-five meters.
  • Productivity under normal conditions is up to one hundred and eighty cubic meters per hour.

The disadvantage is that it is more susceptible to wear and tear, which will affect your budget or the budget of the construction organization.

There are craftsmen for whom it is not a problem to design and assemble a concrete pump with their own hands. But this is far from a five-minute task and requires special skills and abilities. Although if you have such a desire and strength, as well as detailed instructions, then everything is possible! And the incentive for your idea will be the final cost of a homemade concrete pump (within 60,000 rubles).

Transporting concrete

To prepare the concrete mixture on the way to the construction site, a concrete mixer truck with a pump is used. A concrete mixer with a pump is attached to the base of the vehicle, which supplies the ingredients of the concrete mixture directly into a continuously rotating drum during transportation to the building site.

To supply the concrete mixture from the mixer to the place where structures are concreted, the concrete mixer with a pump is equipped with a tray loading and loading device.

Such automatic mixers are capable of preparing and delivering a solution in a volume of five to nine cubic meters. As a rule, they are located on the basis of ZIL, Ural, KamAZ, MAZ, KrAZ and MZKT vehicles, which are designed for various loads and operate in any road conditions.

It is advisable to purchase concrete mixer trucks with a pump for companies specializing in:

  • On sale of concrete.
  • Providing concrete delivery services.

Only large construction organizations engaged in large-scale construction on an ongoing basis can afford to own such a concrete mixer. Only in this case will the equipment’s return on investment be high.

Even if you take into account depreciation charges for the maintenance of such equipment with its constant standard load, within a year you will recoup the funds spent on its purchase.

The operation of concrete mixer trucks with a pump for the device is especially cost-effective road surfaces, construction of agricultural complexes and other development sites remote from the concrete supplier.


Now you know the price of the pump that in the future you will purchase for your fleet, which, you see, is very cost-effective in conditions of increased demand for construction country houses. The main thing is not to make a mistake when choosing an equipment manufacturer and to monitor the condition of the equipment.

In the videos presented in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

One of the most progressive methods of supplying concrete to the pouring site and uniform distribution is the use of concrete pumps. This method significantly increases the productivity and quality of concrete work, but due to the fact that a concrete pump is complex and expensive equipment, it is not always used. You will learn about the methods of application and types of equipment from our article.

Tell me where to pour the solution, and they will do it.

Features of the use of concrete pumps

The participation of such equipment in construction work entails:

  • Using the labor of highly qualified concrete workers and mechanics.
  • High organization of work.
  • Strict adherence to all technological requirements.
  • The use of special concrete mixture compositions, taking into account:
    • Concrete pipe diameter.
    • Conditions and range of supply of the mixture in the structure.

Based on the above, it is advisable to use a pump for pumping concrete when supplying the mixture by other means is difficult or impossible, as in the case of:

  • Concreting structures located in cramped conditions.
  • Internal or densely reinforced structures.

Note! Of course, no one has the right to prohibit the supply of solution in any conditions; it all depends on your budget.

Types of concrete pumps

For concreting structures, depending on the working conditions and purpose, various types of concrete pumping units are used:

  • Stationary is a piston installation located on a frame with wheels. As a rule, such equipment is installed for a long period of time and is used in the construction of high-rise buildings. If necessary, it is moved further to the desired location for pumping the mixture. The installation is powered by a diesel or gasoline engine. The stationary pumping unit is capable of:

As they say, set it and forget it until you need to transport the equipment

    • Pour concrete to a height of more than four meters.
    • Feed speed up to ninety cubic meters per hour (depending on the technical characteristics of the unit).

The advantages of stationary installations include:

  • Small dimensions.
  • No big requirements for the installation location.
  • Low price (up to 3,000,000 rubles). Renting such a concrete pump will cost 250,000 rubles per month.
  • Trailed - a mobile unit that does not stand out in terms of power, but fits into almost any area and is easy to transport.

One type of trailer pump

  • Mobile. Such installations are mounted on the frame of a truck. The advantages of automobile concrete pumps include:
    • High power (up to one hundred and fifty cubic meters per hour).
    • Mobility.
    • High productivity, ensuring reduction of construction time.

The only drawback of this type of equipment is its price. Only the largest construction companies can afford to purchase such a machine. A concrete pump based on a MAN truck costs more than 12,500,000 rubles.

The Korean version based on DAEWOO will cost a little less - up to 10,000,000 rubles. But anyway, as you can see, such equipment is not available to a private developer.

In the photo - installed pump for SCANIA car

Advice! A solution for organizations that cannot afford such equipment may be to rent it for a short time.

Renting a car pump, depending on the power and rental time or volume of concrete, costs from 2,500 rubles per hour, or from 200 rubles per cubic meter.

  • The most common mobile installations are on the move. They are equipped with movable booms of three or four links that fold in a horizontal or vertical plane.
  • It is advisable to carry out concreting of structures in sliding formwork with a compensation device in the vertical section of the concrete pipeline. This makes it easier to regulate smooth changes in the length of the pipeline when lifting the formwork.

For your information! The compensation device consists of a combination of straight inserts and elbows, which are combined by locking hinge joints.

  • In conditions of very low temperatures, only heated concrete mixture is used to a temperature not exceeding twenty-five degrees. This measure is necessary to avoid: firstly, premature thickening of the concrete mixture; secondly, loss of mobility, and thirdly, ease of pumping.

Important! Concrete pipelines in such conditions must be insulated and pre-heated with steam before starting work, with the obligatory removal of the resulting condensate to the outside.

As you can see, the mobility of the equipment is great, which allows it to be used in hard-to-reach places

Types of concrete pump designs

Among concrete pumps, two main types of design can be distinguished:

  • Gerotor pump for concrete.
  • Piston pump.

Screw pumps

Gerotor (screw pumps for concrete) equipment is capable of ensuring an even supply of concrete of any hardness. They are characterized by low engine noise.

Possible concrete blockages in the concrete pipeline are eliminated by reverse operation of the engine.

  • The main disadvantage of such equipment is the rapid wear of the reinforced hose.
  • The advantage is the relatively inexpensive cost of repairs, since replacing spare parts does not require the involvement of highly qualified personnel.

Such equipment has:

  • Long service life.
  • High performance.

Please note that this is not the third or even the fifth floor, and concrete is also delivered here via a special pump

Piston pumps

A distinctive feature of modern piston equipment is:

  • Supply of concrete mixture to a height ranging from five to sixty-five meters.
  • Productivity under normal conditions is up to one hundred and eighty cubic meters per hour.

The disadvantage is that it is more susceptible to wear and tear, which will affect your budget or the budget of the construction organization.

There are craftsmen for whom it is not a problem to design and assemble a concrete pump with their own hands. But this is far from a five-minute task and requires special skills and abilities. Although if you have such a desire and strength, as well as detailed instructions, then everything is possible! And the incentive for your idea will be the final cost of a homemade concrete pump (within 60,000 rubles).

This diagram will help you understand the operation of the piston system of the equipment

Transporting concrete

To prepare the concrete mixture on the way to the construction site, a concrete mixer truck with a pump is used. A concrete mixer with a pump is attached to the base of the vehicle, which supplies the ingredients of the concrete mixture directly into a continuously rotating drum during transportation to the building site.

To supply the concrete mixture from the mixer to the place where structures are concreted, the concrete mixer with a pump is equipped with a tray loading and loading device.

This technique can be used when it is necessary to pour the solution in places where a car will pass

Such automatic mixers are capable of preparing and delivering a solution in a volume of five to nine cubic meters. As a rule, they are located on the basis of ZIL, Ural, KamAZ, MAZ, KrAZ and MZKT vehicles, which are designed for various loads and operate in any road conditions.

It is advisable to purchase concrete mixer trucks with a pump for companies specializing in:

  • On sale of concrete.
  • Providing concrete delivery services.

Only large construction organizations engaged in large-scale construction on an ongoing basis can afford to own such a concrete mixer. Only in this case will the equipment’s return on investment be high.

Even if you take into account depreciation charges for the maintenance of such equipment with its constant standard load, within a year you will recoup the funds spent on its purchase.

It is especially cost-effective to operate concrete mixer trucks with a pump for the construction of road surfaces, the construction of agricultural complexes and other development sites remote from the concrete supplier.


Now you know the price of the pump that will fill you in the future concrete foundation or which you will purchase for your fleet, which, you see, is very cost-effective in conditions of increased demand for the construction of country houses. The main thing is not to make a mistake when choosing an equipment manufacturer and to monitor the condition of the equipment.

In the videos presented in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

Page 2

Anyone who has ever tried to make a hole in concrete on their own knows that it needs to be drilled, not drilled. You can, of course, try using impact drill with a drill for concrete, but this is only for very shallow and small-diameter holes. In our article we will talk about various attachments (concrete drill bits 20 mm, 30 mm, 50 mm and others), and how to handle them.

The variety of attachments is the first thing that can scare an inexperienced builder

Choosing the right drill

The very first thing I would like to start with is that to work with concrete you should use a hammer drill with drills - attachments of the required diameter, if, of course, you want to achieve the desired result.

But that’s not all, you can take a hammer drill of any power and still not achieve your goal. Only a well-chosen drill will be the key best result and accurate implementation of assigned tasks.

The difference between a drill and a drill

At first glance, an ignorant person will have difficulty distinguishing a concrete drill from a drill with a Pobedit tip, used on the basis of an impact drill.

Not at all, there are differences that are quite significant:

  • Drill shank complex shape according to the SDS standard, whereas the drill is smooth.
  • The grooves on the drill, twisted in the shape of a spiral, are sharp and cutting, and in the drill, these same parts are designed to remove dust and crumbs of concrete formed during the drilling process.

The photo shows exactly the drill that is used for the hammer drill

  • Unlike their counterparts, hammer drill bits are not sharpened, cooled or hardened. They are usually disposable and cannot be corrected or repaired. In this regard, they are usually sold in packs of ten pieces.

Attention! The operating instructions for three-mode hammer drills allow you to use them in combination with a drill in drill mode, using a special adapter (included in the kit). Drills can also be installed on a drill, but don’t expect efficient operation from this combination.

Moreover, the nozzle may jam in the chuck, and instead of drilling you will have to repair the drill.

This is what a drill bit looks like, which can be used to make shallow holes

Types of nozzles for rotary hammers

The best way to decide which concrete drills are best is to use the ones that are suitable for a particular case.

Replacement attachments for rotary hammers for drilling concrete and reinforced concrete have several modifications:

  • For drilling small and medium-sized holes, resembling a drill in appearance. For example, the drill rod for holes with a diameter of up to 10 mm is made in the form of a screw with a tip and cutting edge made of carbide metal. The reliability of a tool that experiences large shock loads is increased by slightly rounding the shape of the drill tip.

A real builder has a set of different attachments

  • Special crown bits for making holes large diameter when installing:
    • Switches.
    • Rosettes.
    • Branch boxes.

During operation, the destroyed base material remains inside the concrete drill bit.

Such attachments for drilling tools are in turn divided into:

  • Diamond ones (with a coating on the cutting edge corresponding to the name) are used for non-impact drilling with simultaneous cooling with water.
  • Toothed bits for so-called “dry” drilling, in which the edge is equipped with teeth made of carbide. These attachments are designed for hammer drill operation in impact mode.

Crown for drilling holes for communications

Industrial drilling

Drilling in factory conditions or on large construction sites, provided that it is necessary to perform multiple drilling with precise markings in accordance with GOST, is performed automatically by special equipment.

The concrete drill machine, depending on the settings, is capable of drilling concrete in different directions:

  • Horizontal.
  • Vertical.

Machine drilling is performed with diamond-coated nozzles and serrated edges of various calibers:

  • For deep or through holes of small diameter.
  • Nozzles that simultaneously cope with deep drilling of large holes (50x1000 mm or more).

Drilling machines with attachments different types simply irreplaceable:

  • When replacing utility lines in old buildings where they pass through structures in previously unforeseen places (walls and ceilings).
  • When introducing utility networks into buildings through the foundation.
  • Construction of inputs and passages of underground routes through reinforced concrete and concrete wells.

For your information! Rotary hammers do an excellent job with other types of work.

Using a special attachment you can quickly and without special effort remove old cladding from tiles or excessive flows of concrete.

It is much more convenient to hold the hammer drill with the help of a special additional handle

Nuances of the reinforced concrete drilling process

And yet, let us give ourselves some practical advice for beginners and not only:

  • When drilling, always use the speed setting recommended by the manufacturer.
  • The period of continuous operation of the tool should not be long. To avoid overheating, the reinforced concrete drill must be removed from the hole every 10 seconds and allowed to cool.
  • You need to combat the rapid heating of the nozzle by reducing its friction on the concrete. To do this, before starting work, when installing a drill for reinforced concrete on a hammer drill, drop a little technical oil onto the shank.
  • Try to maintain the drilling axis at all times. Even with a slight misalignment, the drill (especially a long one) can break.
  • Do not use commercially available adapters that claim to allow you to use attachments for powerful tools on analogs of a lower class. Manufacturers are thus trying to unify their products; not a single professional will do this.
  • If you have to work with your own hands concrete structure, which has a frequent reinforcement cage, immediately prepare diamond drills for concrete. They are precisely adapted to work in such conditions.

When working with a thin drill, be careful; any curvature can lead to deformation of the bit.

Important! The instructions for each individual tool provide clear recommendations for its operation.

Careful study of it will guarantee long-term service of the hammer drill and always consistently accurate execution of holes of the given parameters.

  • In the end, all that remains to be added is that, as a priority, purchase tools and attachments for them from manufacturers only with a good reputation, who have proven themselves in international market. The price of such equipment is slightly higher, but it will pay off with a long service life and quality of work.


We hope that the information described above was useful to you, if only because you were able to learn more about the various options for drill bits (for example, that there is an 8x600 mm concrete drill).

Remember that no matter what work you do, you should not neglect the safety of yourself and your loved ones. In the videos presented in this article you will find additional information on this topic.


Pumps for concrete (concrete): gerotor, screw, for feeding

The scale of construction, which is gaining momentum every year, stimulates the development of technology. At construction sites, to facilitate and speed up work, a variety of equipment appears.

On large construction sites, the use of a concrete pump makes the job especially easier. Application modern technology receipts concrete mortar significantly increases productivity and quality of work.

Features of using concrete pumps

A concrete pump is a difficult technique to use. The use of the device has following features:

  • work with the unit is permitted only to high-class specialists;
  • it is necessary to comply with technology and operating rules;
  • be responsible for organizing and preparing work;
  • use a special concrete solution, taking into account the diameter of the supply hose, the conditions for supplying the mixture to a specific location and the distance.

Truck concrete pump

Having considered the features of the use of such equipment, we can conclude that the concrete pump is mainly used in impossible or difficult conditions for supplying the mixture. For example, dense buildings, it is difficult to drive to a construction site, or you need to pump the solution to a large height - the concrete pump can easily cope with such difficulties. to menu

Types of pumps

During operation, the principle of displacement operates on the unit; a volume is created in the system, which can change. This principle divides pumping devices into two types: piston and gerotor. to menu

Concrete pump in operation (video)

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Piston devices

In piston machines, concrete is supplied continuously. Today, equipment can supply concrete mixture to a height of 6-65 m, the volume of solution supplied reaches 180 m³/h. Small particles of cement sometimes get caught between the surfaces of the pistons that rub, so the piston device has a short service life.

The concrete solution flows in spurts. There are devices with a hydraulic device that are durable and deliver concrete more smoothly. At the same time, the feed speed does not change, and the high pressure makes it possible to deliver over long distances. The operation of two-cylinder devices is so soft that it is almost unnoticeable. to menu

Gerotor pumps

These are auger devices with a continuous supply of concrete solution. The characteristics of gerotor technology allow you to work silently with a composition of any hardness. When a blockage forms in the hose, it is removed using a motor that can change the direction of rotation. The main disadvantage of the gerotor design is the rather rapid wear of the hose for supplying the mixture. But the advantage is the low cost of repairs, which can be done without the intervention of specialists.

Stationary concrete pump Tuna 40

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Mixer concrete

Delivering concrete mixture to a construction site is not an easy task. Incorrect actions may well ruin the quality of the solution. Using a concrete mixer truck prevents such nuances. A concrete mixer with a pump is attached to a car chassis. Iron barrel inside it is equipped with blades. The clockwise movement of the barrel helps the mixture move inward, and when the reverse process is turned on, it pushes the concrete mixture along the blades to the discharge hole.

Advantages of using a mixer:

  • the homogeneity of the mass is maintained and stratification of the solution is prevented;
  • the solution is constantly in motion, even with delays, which helps maintain the technical characteristics of the material.

The capacity of the barrel allows you to move or prepare up to 9 m³ of concrete solution. The concrete mixer is equipped with a loading tray for pumping ready mixture to the construction site. They use such transportation when you can easily drive up to the construction site. If there is no access to the building site, a pipeline is used, which is an in-building technique. The use of such a device has the following technological advantages:

  • horizontal and vertical movement using one equipment;
  • ease of work in hard-to-reach places.

Baryval 8m3 concrete mixer truck

Pipeline equipment – ​​devices for supplying concrete mixture or a separate type of construction equipment. A separate technique involves installing a pump on a car using a rotating boom. Such devices allow transportation of the solution in a vertical or horizontal position for auxiliary structures.

The delivered mixture is moved through trays to the pump receiver, and through a pipe, which consists of three parts, the solution is supplied to heights and to hard-to-reach places. to menu

Stationary pump

Based on the principle of operation, the devices are divided into standard, trailed, mobile, or truck-mounted concrete pumps. The equipment can be equipped with a mechanical or hydraulic drive. The main parameters of construction units: feed height, productivity and distance.

A stationary concrete pump can be made in several versions and installed on a flatbed truck or a special platform, which is responsible for ease of movement. It is worth noting that the design is made in the form of a trailer with a chassis, and ensures a continuous supply of the mixture. It is very easy to transport such equipment by hooking it up to a truck.

The operating principle is based on the continuous pumping of a large amount of concrete mass. The design of the device has two modes: supplying the mixture under high pressure(at the same time, work productivity is significantly reduced), and the mode low pressure(with greater productivity).

Stationary concrete pump

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Pumping solution with a gerotor pump Pine

The mechanical engineering company StroyMechanika offers the buyer a gerotor (screw) unit CO 78.300/500/1000 Pine. The Pine gerotor pump pumps viscous and abrasive masses, materials that differ in density (foam concrete, polystyrene concrete), and cellular concrete solutions. The device is used for pressure supply of multicomponent and complex masses that are sensitive to mechanical impact. Also, the device supplies paste and liquid solutions with solid particles or fibers. to menu


The mortar pump is equipped with a hopper for receiving material from the mixing plant. The presence of a supply hopper makes it possible to continuously supply material when using cyclic mixing technology. This is an important condition during work where interruption is unacceptable (filling out forms, mechanically applying plaster material, etc.). To facilitate transportation, the devices are equipped with a wheeled chassis.

The feed part of the screw technology consists of a gerotor steam and a feed auger. The single-thread screw (moving part of the steam) makes planetary motion in the stator, which has an internal double-thread surface with a pitch twice the pitch of the screw. With constant contact, the screw and the cage create several closed cavities.

Concrete pump drive diagram

As the screw moves, the cavity on the suction side increases, in which a vacuum is formed. Under the influence of such a vacuum, the cavity is filled with the pumped material. This design helps to move foam concrete, plaster and polystyrene concrete mixtures as carefully as possible.

Gerotor concrete pumps, with their small dimensions, have high performance; they allow you to pump working material into voids, pump mixtures for self-leveling floors, and supply and apply plaster solutions. to menu

DIY concrete pump

Before assembling the main components of the device, you need to create a plan or make a drawing. This will help to assemble all the equipment into one unit. The main elements of the mechanism are the piston and cylinder.

All components and parts of the concrete pump are made using a lathe. When adjusting key parts, the accuracy of the error must be at least ±0.1 mm. The base for the case is made of stainless steel sheet, which will help avoid corrosion and chemical influences. The valve is adjusted using a screwdriver. The structure is assembled with a wrench required diameter. The drive part of the device is performed hydraulically or electromechanically.

The choice of method depends on the financial capabilities of the master. After all, a hydraulic drive has a more complex design and a high price level. Therefore, you should make your choice in favor of an electric drive unit.

Diagram of operation of a hydraulic concrete pump

Basically, a three-phase asynchronous electric motor is used, which is connected to the piston head rod. A mechanical converter and torque reduction gearbox are used to reduce the load. to menu

Unit installation

The electric motor is mounted on the axial base of the trailer. The gearbox is mounted on the motor shaft using a coupling. The converter is connected to the pump piston and the output shaft of the reduction gearbox. Then connect the motor to the power cable.

When assembling the concrete pump, the following materials will be required:

  • drawing supplies;
  • iron sheet up to 6 mm;
  • blanks for piston and valves;
  • metal pipe with a diameter of 400 mm;
  • three phase electric motor with starter;
  • a set of locksmith tools;
  • gearbox with reducing torque;
  • car trailer or welded base.

It is worth remembering that work with electrically conductive installations must be carried out by a qualified specialist.

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Do-it-yourself concrete pump: how to make it?

To make a concrete pump with your own hands, it is not enough to have money for the necessary parts - it requires patience, certain skills and ability.

The purpose of the concrete pump is to receive freshly prepared mixture from concrete mixer trucks and supply it to the work area.

Of course, self-made construction equipment will look different from the factory model, but this factor will not affect its functioning in any way.

What types of concrete pump designs exist?

It is worth making a concrete pump yourself if large-scale construction is planned, otherwise it is more profitable to rent it.

Regarding this type of purchase construction equipment, then we must immediately say that we are talking about expensive equipment here.

At the moment, two types of concrete pumps can be used on construction sites: pistonless and piston.

The design of the first unit involves supplying the concrete mixture using rollers equipped with the rotor housing - during rotation, the rollers exert pressure on the supply hose, resulting in the release of concrete.

Assembling a rotary-displacement type structure with your own hands is more difficult than making a piston model yourself.

Reciprocating equipment drawings include three main parts, each necessary to perform a specific function:

  • piston - makes the cylinder work;
  • cylinder - responsible for taking concrete from the bunker and pumping it;
  • drive – electromechanical or hydraulic can be used.

In this article we will talk about assembling a single-piston pump with your own hands, which first began to be used in Germany at the beginning of the 20th century.

Double-piston concrete pumps have a complex design, and therefore are more expensive - there is no point in considering making them yourself.

It should be noted that the operation of 2-piston equipment can be carried out through the operation of diesel or electric motor, their use allows hydraulic energy to be converted into mechanical energy.

The piston system operates via a hydraulic drive cylinder in antiphase.

The cylinder of the unit is equipped with two check valves, which are activated by the piston.

The operating principle of construction equipment can be understood by considering the interaction of the cylinder and the piston system.

When the concrete pump is turned on, the piston begins to operate - first, the part forms a discharge inside the cylinder, as a result of which the construction mixture enters the hopper.

The piston reaches the designated point and returns to its original position, due to this pressure is created, which contributes to the release of the mixture into the concrete pipeline, after which the concrete mixture is already supplied to the pouring point.

How to make a simple concrete pump?

As already mentioned, modern concrete pumps have two pistons, which increases the power of construction equipment and technical characteristics.

It is advisable to use such structures on large-scale construction sites, because only in this way will it be possible to recoup their cost.

It turns out that in small-scale individual construction, even renting them may turn out to be unprofitable.

In this case, it is worth considering the possibility of making a single-piston unit with your own hands.

As a rule, each project begins with planning, which allows us to obtain a high-quality final result.

Therefore, before starting to assemble the structure for supplying concrete, you need to draw up a plan yourself, which should include points about cash costs, purchasing the necessary material and parts, as well as an assembly diagram.

The diagram of the future pump is formed after the action plan is ready. In the process of drawing up drawings, it would not be a bad idea to ask for help from a specialist with an engineering education.

It was said above that the main parts of a concrete pump are the cylinder and the piston, therefore the correctness and duration of operation of the concrete pump depends on the quality of their manufacture.

When assembling the unit, two main points need to be taken into account:

  • the cylinder must have a diameter of at least 400 mm;
  • the piston must have a stroke of at least 500 mm.

The indicated values ​​are due to the following factor. If the unit is equipped with a cylinder with a smaller diameter, and the piston system operates with a shorter stroke than specified, then this design is subject to rapid wear.

In this case, the machine performs more cycles that facilitate pumping a certain volume of construction mixture than similar equipment with the above cylinder diameter and stroke size.

To increase the service life of the concrete pump and reduce the wear rate of its parts, it is recommended to use high-strength steel for the manufacture of check valves, which can withstand heavy loads.

Key points for assembling a concrete pump

In the process of manufacturing the working parts of a concrete pump with one piston, you will need a set wrenches, corner grinding machine, emery wheel and a screwdriver.

It is worth keeping in mind that you may also need a lathe to make some elements, without which it will not be possible to assemble the structure.

Round small parts are turned on a lathe, which are then cleaned and taken to the desired parameters.

Sheet iron is used to make the concrete pump housing.

And, of course, the concrete pump cannot be put into operation without a drive, but when choosing a drive system, you need to take into account its features.

The drive for this type of construction equipment must be simple and economical.

To start the concrete pump you will need:

Important! In order for the piston to start moving, it must be combined with the converter using a pin.

Further assembly of the concrete pump is simple. First, by welding metal profiles a frame is made, then the concrete pump elements are attached to it according to the diagram, and an electric motor with a switch is connected.

Using bolts, the gearbox is fixed to the electric motor shaft, the converter is assembled and mounted, after which all that remains is to connect the cable to the electric motor.

Once the concrete pump assembly is completed, it is recommended that it be tested to ensure that the unit is functioning correctly.

At the same time, it is strictly not recommended to carry out the test at idle speed. Therefore, before turning on the concrete pump, you need to fill its receiver with concrete mixture. For a test run, the concrete may have a very liquid consistency.

Experts advise adding a little motor oil to the first mixture, which will at the same time not only test the performance of the unit, but also prepare it for subsequent operation.

If the test was successful, then the concrete pump will need to be disassembled and cleaned, which will need to be done after each use.

You can add a mobile function to the unit by placing it on a single-axle trailer, which will allow you to move it around the construction site or direct it to other construction projects.


Making a concrete pump with your own hands

With the help of the latest advances in construction technology (mortar-concrete units (RCU), concrete mixing units (BSU) and others), it is possible not only to reduce the construction time of any objects, but also to improve the quality of work. For example, one of the modern achievements of technological progress, an excellent assistant for builders, is a concrete pump.

Diagram of a trailed concrete pump: 1 – chassis, 2 – cylinder block, 3 – receiving hopper, 4 – concrete pump drive, 5 – casing.

You should know what a concrete pump is and what benefits it can provide, how it stands out among other construction equipment for mixing concrete. The purpose of such construction equipment, which is called a concrete pump, is to accurately and accurately supply concrete mixture or solution into forms or structures that have been prepared in advance, in various types of construction work. It is necessary to take into account the fact that when a certain mixture is supplied by a concrete pump, additional mixing of the concrete and mortar mixture, which is supplied from the concrete mixer, will occur. This can improve the quality of the mixture that is served.

In addition to using this device for concrete for its intended purpose (injecting the mixture), it is possible to use it to control the quality of raw materials, for example, to check the delivered concrete according to the specified project parameters for quality, which was purchased from a third-party plant. The pump will signal the operator with certain special signals about the shortcomings of the components and the discrepancy in the quality of the concrete mixture that will be obtained.

Existing types

Today on the market of construction equipment (concrete mixing equipment) there are concrete pumps, which are divided into 2 types: stationary and automobile.

Scheme of operation of a hydraulic concrete pump.

A permanently installed pump is a technique that has greater power compared to a car pump. It is most often used on large construction sites, at events that are held far from cities, or in harsh climatic conditions.
