What will help you climb the career ladder. What does someone who doesn’t want to climb the career ladder deprive themselves of?

P after another lesson with my mentor - Robin Sharma- I decided to change my attitude towards people who work for hire, i.e. are employees of any companies.

Let me explain, I believe that if you ONLY work for someone (and at the same time more NOTHING do not do additionally), then you NEVER you will not become rich or, at least, a wealthy person.

After talking with Robin, I realized that it is YOUR right to do what you see fit. So keep up the good work!

And I, in turn, will stop getting emotional about this!

As a sign of my change I posting an article how succeed in your career, how to increase your salary.

The article was most likely written for a female audience, but men can also learn a lot of working tricks there!

Read and write it down for yourself 3 useful tips from this material

One Hundred Shocking Steps to Success: The Path of a Career Woman

They always told you: “Be a good girl, get straight A’s and everything will be great.” But now you have grown up and made a discovery: it turns out that “bad boys” achieve much more in life. They run corporations, although they once copied your homework.

But now it’s time for you to “copy” their formula for success. Be a woman, but learn from men how to make a career! It's never too late to take such lessons.

After all, as you know, women have very high degree learning ability. And if we add our feminine charms and cunning to men’s secrets, we will definitely make a dizzying career.

So, how from the secretary turn into general director And earn a lot of money?

1. Learn once and for all: work is play.

Fascinating, complex, brutal. In which the rules change very often and you must take this into account. What one boss liked may not be liked by another. To hone your business gaming skills, take up sports. And you will understand that only one thing is important - who is the first to reach the finish line and receive a prize.

And try to treat everything as calmly as possible. By the way, this is exactly how men usually behave. Be just as bold and proactive. And don’t be afraid to lose - any experience is useful in the game. And sometimes losing best teacher in order to achieve dizzying heights in the future.

2. Stop working too much

Does this advice seem paradoxical to you? But that's exactly how it is. If all you think about is how to earn your boss's praise for your efforts and diligence, then someone else with more initiative will easily outperform you.

So try on the image of an intelligent, determined person who can easily unite the team and inspire them to great deeds of work.

As for hard work, of course, you can’t do without it, but admit it - work ants are few who are able to inspire feats of labor...

The boss, subordinates, friends from the neighboring department... They all just dream about who they can blame part of their work on. And great! These are their problems. You have absolutely nothing to do with this. Even if you do everything at warp speed and you don’t have any trouble correcting someone’s report: refuse categorically.

And in free time do what is personally pleasant and interesting to you: online shopping, communication on social networks...

And don’t feel guilty when you answer “No” when asked for help. Remember: asking for help is the most common type of manipulation.

4. Be distrustful As male businessmen admit, women’s trust sometimes amazes them. True, we are not talking about the so-called business sharks who have reached unimaginable heights. And one of their main rules was “trust, but verify.” Any information must be verified more than once. And this applies to literally everything. By the way, if you don’t understand something, ask for an explanation. 5.

5. Stop saving the company's money as if it were your own.

We are sure that your boss (unless he is the owner of the company) would also sign these lines on the basis of anonymity. Don't waste time saving pennies that don't belong to you.

By the way, you will never receive a bonus for this - management will consider that this is exactly what you should have done. If guilt prevents you from following our advice, remember - did your husband praise you for buying shoes on sale?

We're sure he said that's exactly what they should cost. Next time he will be very surprised when you buy fashionable boots at full price.

To learn how to pay for everything in full, start with the company's money.

6. Don't be too honest

When you say something, always think about how it will affect your personal well-being, and not about how you will restore world justice.

7. Don't be afraid to benefit from meeting the right people.

There's nothing wrong with asking someone to introduce you to the right person. What? Does this seem like a use to you? It's nothing you can do. Business is a game, the main rule of which is: you give me, I give you. By the way, men are never shy about using their connections to achieve what they want.

It doesn’t even occur to them that they can be ashamed of this. And in this they are absolutely right! So forget forever the phrase - “Oh, I’m so embarrassed to ask Ivan Ivanovich for help.”

8. Support domestic policy companies

To do the opposite is exactly the same as if everyone was going to play football, and you showed up with a tennis racket. If you usually go to a party on Fridays, try not to break away from the team. After all, you don’t have to dance until the morning.

A couple of hours after the start of such events, as a rule, no one cares about anyone anymore. So you can safely go home. In general, the ability to sense and support company policy is an invaluable gift for someone who wants to make a career.

9. Don't try to please everyone

Since childhood, you have been taught that everyone likes good girls. Of course, in kindergarten this rule works, but in business - alas... However, even in kindergarten, the girl who misbehaves during “quiet hour” often becomes the most popular.

But we digress. Take it as an axiom - you cannot please EVERYONE. So don't be afraid to be yourself. And if you can’t overcome yourself and subconsciously wait for approval all the time, “dig” into your childhood or seek help from a psychologist and understand what exactly is stopping you from feeling free.

10. Strive to be liked by others

This point does not contradict the previous one. The ability to win people over is one of the factors of success in business. Therefore, listen to what other people say about you - such knowledge will come in handy sooner or later.

And build relationships early. After all, it is unknown at what moment you may need help. Next time you will find out why you shouldn’t be ashamed of the fact that you are a woman, why you shouldn’t talk about your personal life at work and much more that will help you achieve career heights.

11. Don't be afraid to talk about money. Believe me, there is nothing indecent in this topic

" Shame on you, such difficult times, and you ask for a salary increase!” We bet almost every one of us has heard this at least once in our lives. And, to be honest, we women usually feel ashamed after this. For myself. Like, indeed, times are difficult, but I’m only thinking about myself.

But if you take the time to analyze the situation, you will understand that there is absolutely nothing to be ashamed of. Firstly, everyone needs money, including you. Family, children, parents... You have many responsibilities that you cannot fulfill without money. So always think, first of all, about the well-being of YOUR family. Secondly, you work to earn money. And this does not exclude love for the work you are doing. By the way, all these phrases from the employer, like, shame on you, I believed you so much, and you... - this is the rudest way of manipulation. And common.

In second place are promises, like, wait a little longer. In such a situation, you need to ask the question directly - later, when? In any case, you should always calmly and confidently analyze the situation on the labor market, your personal experience and know “what and where it costs how much.”

The topic of money should once and for all cease to be uncomfortable for you. “Oh, it’s so hard for me to talk about money” - forget this phrase. And if you’re really like that “ good girl”, then remember the classic phrase: “There is no crime that a businessman would not commit for the sake of profit.”

No, in normal business no one robs anyone, but not paying an employee a little extra is, as they say, nonsense, an everyday matter...

12. Be careful not to talk too much about your personal life.

In this matter you must adhere to the “golden mean”. If you don’t tell anything, you will get the reputation of a “cracker in a skirt.” If you tell too much, sooner or later it will turn against you. “Why does she need a salary increase? Her husband earns a lot”, “Why does she need a salary increase? She already works alone in the family, so she should be happy with her current salary.”

As you can see, any information can be used in both ways. Therefore, adhere to the well-known rule - “be a friend to your colleagues, but do not forget that they are not your friends.”

13. Take care of your image, because this is an important part of your brand that you must constantly sell

No, we are not yet talking about how you should look externally. We are talking about demeanor. Of course, building your image is a troublesome task if you are not a born actress. But even if you don’t have outstanding acting abilities, you can easily learn the simple rules of the game.

Firstly, do not be afraid to lie sometimes - as they say, not for the sake of self-interest, but for the sake of image (which, in the end, will lead to financial success).

Secondly, be selective when talking about a particular event in your life. And again we take lessons from men! A simple situation: you are digging potatoes at your dacha. On Monday you tell all your colleagues how tired you are, how hard it was. What does a man do in the same situation? He tells his comrades that he had a great time, grilled kebabs and sang songs with a guitar. Although, in fact, like you, I spent five hours digging and only two singing. Do you notice the difference?

And most importantly, don’t say anything that might reveal you as an overly emotional person. After all, careers are made by people who are highly resistant to stress.

14. Don’t strive to become a home fairy at work.

And she sews, and knits, and cooks, and saves! This type of behavior, demonstrated in the film “Autumn Marathon,” you must stop in yourself once and for all. You have a different role at work - an intelligent, competent employee.

Therefore, never participate in the competition “who bakes pies better” and do not carry away the work of the dish you prepared. Of course, if New Year you are all “covering the clearing” together, then don’t be an outcast - bring something tasty.

And let those around you regard this as a feat.

15. Always know what people are gossiping about behind your back.

The phrase “I’m above this” is the most unconstructive I’ve ever heard. And simply put - the stupidest. You MUST know HOW people evaluate you (not without reason, the root of the word is price). Even if your colleagues are judging the length of your legs, it’s worth thinking about whether you’re dressing correctly? Is this really the only thing that attracts attention about you?

As they say, information is power, information is power. Career is power. Now attention! When you hear any, even the most terrible, gossip about yourself, take it into account, understand how you can benefit, but be sure to “turn off” all emotions - don’t get upset, don’t get angry.

On the contrary, mentally thank the gossiper for the lesson he taught you.

16. Don't perform great feats at work. This is terribly harmful

Have you done something that no one could do before you and are waiting for applause? Most likely, you will not hear them, because your colleagues are not spectators, but, first of all, competitors. And who will be pleased by the fact that someone hit the “highest note”? So, if you accomplish a feat of labor, you are guaranteed envy.

And the boss... He will definitely be happy and demand an encore repetition of the feat, and as often as possible. Soon, your job responsibilities will even include a line: “Feat of labor. Always".

17. The whole country should know about your exploits Sometimes the situation develops in such a way that there is no escape - you have to “close the embrasure with your chest” and perform a feat in the name of labor. But then everyone should know about it - management, colleagues, even potential employers. And hurry up, because you will very quickly become convinced that “victory has many parents, and only failure is always an orphan.”

There will be many who want to pass off your feat as their own. And, as a rule, it will be a man who will suddenly be promoted soon after. No, no, we are not against men - this is just the harsh truth of life.

18. When choosing between work and a date, choose... a date

Yes, this advice is specifically for career women. Let's be honest - there are few men in our country, but good men- catastrophically few. As my boss said, if you want, you will always find an excellent job, but an excellent husband... Here desire alone is not enough - you also need luck. So if you are lucky and you have met the man of your dreams, then he should become more important to you than any job.

Attention! These words should not be taken as a call to quit your job. It’s just that your personal life should always come first for you.

19. Stop smiling and chattering like a fool

All of these techniques may work great during a romantic meeting, but not at a business meeting. Have you noticed how successful men behave in expensive ties? They only smile occasionally, allowing everyone to see their excellent teeth from an expensive dentist. And they speak so slowly and sedately, as if every word they say is worth its weight in gold (however, this is often exactly the case).

Always, before you say something, “wipe” the smile off your face and take a short pause. Just don’t overexpose it, otherwise one of your colleagues will immediately get ahead of you.

20. Stop being a gray mouse

You must stand out from the crowd - by your demeanor, self-confidence, and business-like appearance. You must radiate energy and positivity. Difficult? Who said that making a career as a woman is easy and simple? The main rule of a speaker is to speak at any opportunity.

So, you are planning a meeting at which you need to make a report that no one wants to give. How is it - no one? And you? You should always strive to get up on the podium - as they say, to look at people and show yourself. The second is more important. You won't believe it, but it's a fact - one successful performance can greatly accelerate your career growth.

Remember all those successful men we see every day “on TV”. It seems like they live in the stands! And, honestly, how often do they say something truly smart? So stop being afraid and come forward with courage.

21. Be sharp, tough and brief

Down with long introductions! This applies to any situation - whether you are asked for your opinion on something or you are making a report yourself. And don’t be afraid to offend anyone when discussing work issues. Even if someone harbors a grudge against you, he will think a hundred times before entering into a fight with such strong woman, how are you.

The most detrimental thing for your career is to fawn and apologize for a long time before saying: “It seems to me that maybe I’m wrong, but Sidorov’s department is not working well.” Sidorov will decide that you are evil and weak-willed. And next time he will be merciless: “Petrova’s department must be abolished!”

And he will say it so confidently that people will immediately believe him.

22. Remember once and for all: in the working jungle, they respect the one they fear.

No, we're not telling you to bite like you're a vicious hyena. But, firstly, everyone should be afraid of your professional assessment, and for this you must be an expert in your field and always go one step ahead. Secondly, never allow yourself to be offended and humiliated with impunity.

As a last resort, just tell the offender: “You just wanted to offend me. But you won’t succeed, because you are not my husband or lover. Fortunately, we are connected only by business relations.”

Yes, sometimes you need to be a little rude - especially if you just came to new team. But read the advice carefully - it says “slightly”.

There is no need to yell, wave your arms or threaten.

23. Don’t be afraid to take on something you don’t think you know a damn thing about. Listen, stop being a child and become an effective manager. Do you understand anything about managing the department for relations with alien civilizations?

And who, it’s interesting to know, understands! So, take on the matter boldly if you decide to entrust it to you. As they say, you'll figure it out along the way. By the way, men have this innate quality - they are well versed in everything, even in what they hear about for the first time in their lives.

24. Stop sitting on the shore and waiting

Sometimes this tactic works in your personal life. But in building a career - NEVER! And don’t believe all these liars who occupy high positions, but constantly babble: “Oh, I was so surprised when I was invited to take the position of the Chief Director himself!”

Don’t be naive - they only “shoot” their competitors with such nonsense. So be decisive and proactive. Don't be ashamed of the fact that you are a career woman.

25. Don’t give up at the first failure.

Nothing can be done - that's life. Sometimes there are failures - for example, the position you dreamed of was given to that vile guy from the next department. Spit! Smile and, like a tank, move further up the career ladder.

No one and nothing should destroy the main thing in you - confidence in own strength.

And there are so many people willing to show you your place. And the higher you climb, the more there will be. Remember: good career- it's always two steps forward, one step back.

26. Stop fixing your hair in public

Yes, it is very difficult to follow this rule - after all, a woman is always worried about whether she looks good. But have you seen a man who checks whether his hair is good when he speaks at a meeting? If yes, then you will agree that it was a disgusting sight.

Of course, you are a woman, you can be forgiven for some weaknesses - for example, the desire to please everyone. But then don’t be surprised that you won’t be perceived as a serious business partner.

27. Follow your own dress code.

Hundreds of books have been written about this, but no one has really been able to explain how to dress to make a career. In any case, unless you work for a fashion magazine, don't make any "sudden moves." Have you always worn a jacket and trousers?

Continue in the same spirit. This is better than shocking your colleagues by showing up one day in a miniskirt. Everyone will immediately decide that you have either fallen in love or gone crazy. And it is unlikely to contribute to your career. But I must say honestly: the role appearance in building a woman's career is greatly exaggerated by glossy magazines.

28. Romance at work: possible, but be careful!

Almost all business manuals write that romances at work are evil. But the truth of life is that all these very novels start. And nothing. It seems to us that this horror story about affairs at work has been alive since Soviet times, when the party committee considered it its duty to poke its nose into all the affairs of citizens, including love affairs. Now we understand that sex is a personal matter for everyone.

But! Stick to it simple rule: Take the initiative at work, but not with sex at work. If a colleague is in love with you, let him court you for a long time and persistently, achieve reciprocity. The worst thing is to have a reputation as a person who flirts with all the men in the office and is ready to sleep with anyone.

By the way, if your colleagues find out that you are having an affair with a manager from a neighboring department, this is not a disaster. On the contrary, walk around with a proud look - there are not enough men for everyone, and how lucky you are!

29. Have an affair with your boss

But do this if you like to play Russian roulette and love the deadly risk. Here, as they say, it’s either master or bust. But let’s not deny: many women made careers precisely because they started an affair with their boss at the right time.

This is a method as old as time. True, none of these women wants to admit that the path to career heights passed through the “Ivan Ivanovich” sofa. Of course, the most a good option- this is an affair with the boss, which smoothly flows into marriage. And then the husband legally helps his wife to make a career.

For some reason, everyone in our society likes this more. Hmmm, that’s an example of double standards. In any case, if you are “lucky” and your boss has fallen in love with you, try to squeeze as much benefit out of this story as possible for your career.

In the end, are you a careerist or not?

Have you been dreaming of climbing up the career ladder for a long time, but nothing is working out? We have prepared especially for you useful tips- follow them!

After several years of working in the office, you already understand that you cope with the assigned tasks better than others and the thoughts often come to you that it’s time to take a higher position - but the director doesn’t notice this!

Hmmm, modesty is good, but only in personal relationships!

But for career advancement it is inappropriate - psychologists say so!

If you sit at your workplace like a quiet gray mouse, then please do not be surprised that no one notices you or offers you a promotion...

You will continue to sit at your desk until you retire – that’s a fact!

Therefore, I advise you to take some tricks that will help you climb up the career ladder!

Step #1: If you want to climb the career ladder, develop your skills!

The most important thing is to develop your professional skills.

If you are at a large enterprise, then you may be able to find courses in your specialty through your place of work completely free of charge.

Of course, not all companies train their employees.

But it won’t be that difficult to find courses on your own.

For example: via the Internet, look at ads on TV or in newspapers.

You may think that you are an experienced specialist and you no longer need to develop.

But after you start studying, it will immediately become clear that you still have something to learn.

Step #2: Your punctuality will help you climb the career ladder!

Complete all tasks on time!

You must complete all tasks by deadline, but you should not stay late after the end of the working day, because this will indicate that you do not have time to cope with tasks.

It doesn’t matter what your position is - an employee or a boss who only tells you what to do.

In any case, all orders must be completed on time.

Step #3: Do you want a career advancement? Then bring in new ideas!

Try to propose new ideas, convey them to your superiors and implement them.

This way you will stand out from the rest with your activity!

For example, you can propose to your superiors to introduce contactless cards, which will be the best and convenient means for clients.

Step #4: Create a work schedule!

In order not to be late in completing assigned tasks and not to forget to perform other actions, you need to be able to draw up a work schedule in advance, which will help you navigate the time and complete all the work on time.

Step #5: Help new people.

If he comes new employee, and will not understand any issues, then help him get used to the new place and show him how to do various things correctly.

With this kind of work, you will stand out, and the employer will definitely notice you.

Step #6: If you can’t figure something out, ask your boss!

Don't be shy to ask your employer if you don't understand something.

If, when receiving a task, you were unable to understand it, go to your boss and tell him that you did not understand certain points, but do not say that you do not understand anything!

Step #7: Watch others make mistakes!

To avoid making unnecessary mistakes, observe your colleagues and write down all the mistakes they make. In your free time, analyze all these errors.

If you do this, you will make much fewer mistakes.

Step #8: Don't be afraid to make any decisions!

A worthy specialist should not be afraid to take decisions of any complexity and be responsible for actions.

Young, smart, educated, after university they begin to work as a manager in a company that resembles a zoo: its own snakes, drones, sheep and deer. Moreover, even if you live exclusively for work and almost spend the night in the office, but at the same time you are not in family relations with your boss - you can forget about the existence of a career ladder.

If you respect yourself, it’s better to run away from such a place right away, which, unfortunately, not everyone does. But in vain, because it is then that everything begins to go like clockwork for young specialists: they quickly find a place to realize their own potential and a short time can significantly climb the career ladder.

However, not only newcomers, but also people with extensive work experience spend a long time in minor positions. It would seem why an adult who is well versed in his business is still a junior when this young guy with almost no experience you were promoted to senior yesterday?

The answer is simple - someone knows how to climb the career ladder.

Tip #1:Already at the start, don’t hide your ambitions and desire to develop. Since modesty is the first step towards poverty and the unknown.

During the interview, do not hesitate to ask questions and show the future manager that you are exactly the person the company has been looking for for so long. And if you are already working, it is never too late to show your activity and interest in the success of the company.

Tip #2:The person who deserves a promotion is not the one who works harder, but the one who has the best reputation.

To achieve success, it is imperative to establish communication with everyone. Good heredity, a course in eloquence and ethics at the university, several trainings for success - use all this so as not to remain among the novice simpletons.

And remember that you cannot be good to everyone. Choose people who have “weight” in the company and on whose decisions your success depends. This could be the director, her entourage, several successful managers, and, of course, the secretary. 70% of your success depends on this walking radio point.

Tip #3:Even if you yourself don’t quite believe what you’re saying, speak confidently and you will receive recognition.

The right compliments, a convincing tone, punctuality and royal precision in everything? The steps on the career ladder have just begun to become clearly visible.

Tip #4:The main thing is that the suit fits. Since showiness is very often converted into efficiency.

I also immediately realized this important point: in the modern business world, no matter how you look at it, everyone looks at your intelligence and ability to work through the shell of a suit. Therefore, if you have directorial ambitions, and the appearance of a teenage boy or an unkempt robber or a nerd, believe me, your highest level of IQ will not save you. Spectacular shoes, expensive watches, stylish phone, cool suit - this is at least half the battle.

Tip #5:Don't be afraid to use others when they don't know it.

The ability to unite work around you, even without having a single person under your command, will help you a lot! Intelligence, charm, plus the right strategy of not going too far, and people, even those of the highest rank, without even realizing it, will be ready to carry out orders. When management sees that you can organize others, they trust you. This means you are on the right path to moving up the career ladder.

For most, the incentives to work are a good salary and the opportunity for career growth. Professionalism and experience should be rewarded not only with money, but also with higher status. How to achieve success in your career: practical advice.

Almost every person dreams of a successful career that will allow him to achieve success in his work and realize himself in his professional activities.

But if we put it simply, then in fact it is quite difficult to climb the career ladder without ever making a mistake.

The fact is that in any job it is not enough to simply be responsible, efficient and disciplined. You should work effectively, constantly strive for your goals, and having achieved one of them, do not stop, but follow to the other.

Currently, HR specialists have developed seven important, key rules that can greatly facilitate career advancement.

By following these recommendations, a person will learn to manage his career development competently and productively. Of course, a set effective rules may have some individual characteristics, but in general they are all quite monotonous.

The first rule, which should never be neglected, is that any employee who dreams of achieving career heights must have a sincere desire. As in all other industries, psychology plays an important role in career management.

To achieve clearly defined goals, attitude and absolute confidence in yourself and your own abilities are of great importance. It is known that only the desire for something is a huge force that allows you to move forward and act effectively to achieve your goals.

This applies in particular to issues of career advancement. However, it is important to consider that this desire should belong only to the person who wants to achieve the desired heights.

There is no need to try to realize other people’s ambitions in this matter, this will not lead to a positive result. That is, you may achieve a certain position, but you should not expect moral satisfaction from this process.

A person who is building his career must live in such a way that he cannot imagine his future existence without a new position. Career growth should be constant and measured. Unplanned “jumps” up the career ladder will take away strength and not bear fruit.

But here it is worth learning that career growth can never be successful without constant personal development. A person who dreams of becoming a true professional in one field or another, and constantly strives to obtain new high positions, must independently acquire new knowledge, study the positive experience of his colleagues and managers, and also pay a lot of attention to negative experience.

Even if a company allocates some funds to improve the skills of its employees, it is necessary to constantly acquire new knowledge outside the company. Some choose self-education, others regularly attend developmental seminars and trainings in specialized centers. In fact, it doesn’t matter at all how the training will take place, the main thing is what result it will bring.

The next rule for successful career advancement is to focus on your main goal. Quite often to get the next position to which a person for a long time strived, you need to pay great attention to your mistakes and successes.

This allows you to concentrate as much as possible on those issues whose solution will allow you to build a career. All the employee’s merits must certainly be recognized and appreciated. Of course, moving up the career ladder certainly requires a lot of effort. Work like moving up the career ladder will never be easy and quick.

Remember that even a small step up is the result of long-term work. However, you should never try to become a specialist in all areas at once. This will lead to unnecessary dispersion of efforts, and will also cause an avalanche of unnecessary and useless tasks. It was on the basis of these statements that psychologists concluded that only concentration can lead to success.

Constantly work to improve your efficiency in organizing your time and activities. In this aspect, it would be correct to study the basic principles of time management - a science that allows you to maximize working time.

Properly constructed time management makes it possible to as soon as possible execute maximum amount work most efficiently. Before starting any work, you should draw up a schedule for completing tasks, and it is not advisable to deviate from it. This self-organization allows you to work extremely efficiently.

Any business started should always be completed. Even small work should not be abandoned halfway, because this will be the first step towards failure. You need to start a new business only when the previous one is completely completed. This way it will be possible to allocate resources wisely.

Some people have been given this trait since childhood, and even during their school years they will not start a new one if the old one has not been read to the last page. But if you don’t have such a skill, then you need to not give up, but develop this habit. At the very beginning it may seem difficult, but over time such science will become easier and easier. The ability to go all the way will help not only in your career, but in all areas of life.

Explore effective techniques combat stress. This factor is important and therefore should never be neglected. No matter how effective the work is, stress, mistakes and failures will still arise from time to time. It is very important that all the worries associated with work should never be brought home.

In addition, you cannot feel sorry for yourself, this will only aggravate the situation, but will not solve it. Any problem needs to be solved, and quickly and effectively, rather than being neglected. This approach is correct, and this is confirmed by many years of experience in psychological practices in management. By following these simple rules, you will quickly move up the career ladder.

Questions about career growth concern not only graduates; they are also asked by experienced employees. Some employees have been in their position for many years and do not see prospects for development. Let's consider what a person needs to accelerate his career growth.

Every person can manage their own career growth, and not wait for the boss to pay attention to him. To do this, you need to clearly and plan the algorithm for achieving it. Goals can be different - someone wants to improve their status or skills, while for others a high salary is important. Let's consider what is necessary for rapid career growth.

Types of career growth

Many people believe that career growth in a company can only be vertical. They imagine it as a ladder, with higher positions instead of steps. Main types of career growth:

  • Horizontal career growth involves moving into related areas of the profession. At the same time, the level of the position will be approximately the same. In this type of career progression, the salary may remain the same or increase. For example, an employee of the marketing department is offered to work in the sales department. He agrees to purchase. This may in the future become a career step in vertical growth - the employee becomes the head of one of the departments or moves to another company and heads a department that combines these functions.
  • Vertical career growth . It may be within the company where the employee works or in another organization in the same industry. Employees prefer to choose the latter path due to low wages in the organization.

To make a choice, a person must clearly see his management capabilities. If high level he is not afraid of responsibility for other employees - he should choose a vertical direction. In the case where a person does not want to receive wages less than in a leadership position, but bear responsibility only for your actions - you need to develop in a horizontal direction. Career Guidance Test will help you choose the direction of growth.

Rules for rapid career development

To achieve rapid career growth in the company, you must follow a number of rules:

  1. Start the working day earlier and finish later than other employees. You need to work not “from bell to bell,” but with full dedication;
  2. Work effectively and do more than your boss expects. It is necessary to regularly raise your bar;
  3. Find a mentor or ask to be in this role as a boss. Experienced workers easily share their accumulated knowledge; there is no need to be afraid to turn to them for help;
  4. When a job is done poorly, strive to correct the mistakes. You don't have to expect someone to redo it for you;
  5. Show initiative every day. Ask how you can help your boss;
  6. When given a task, complete it completely. Often managers do not explain all the intricacies of assigned tasks, but expect that employees will start asking them questions to find out;
  7. Strictly follow your boss's instructions. Not always needed fresh ideas for projects, most often you just need to follow the rules;
  8. Work no less than the position you want to apply for in the future;
  9. Treat your boss with respect and follow the principles of business ethics ;
  10. Report management errors as sensitively as possible;
  11. Do not talk badly about your boss behind your back, do not discuss him with colleagues;
  12. Lead to always have a reserve of energy. If you always feel tired, even rapid career growth will not be a joy;
  13. Work not for the company, but for the boss;
  14. Love your work, do it not mechanically, but with soul.

Rising up the company ladder quickly cannot happen if you don't put in the effort. Any initiative is assessed positively by the boss; it is important to show patience and perseverance.

It is important to take initiative and consult with your boss

The need for a master's degree

Let's consider whether a master's degree is needed for a future career. It appeared in the Russian Federation relatively recently, but in the West the two-stage system has been available for many years. Higher education is divided into two levels: bachelor's degree - practical training in the profession and master's degree - a higher level of study of the profession. Upon completion, the student must defend a master's thesis and receive a first academic degree.
Now many are wondering whether it is necessary to enroll in a master’s program and how this affects future prospects. The fact is that in the West this level is more important than in our country.

In Russia there has always been a different system, consisting of primary, secondary, secondary vocational and higher education. If desired, a person could receive an academic degree of candidate or doctor of science. It has been preserved, but a division into bachelor's and master's degrees has been added. There is still no clear answer to the question of whether a master’s degree is needed, since employers see the fact of higher education and it is not always important to them how many diplomas confirm this.

There are prospects when a master's degree is needed for other purposes. For example, a person received a bachelor's degree in management, but decided to go to graduate school to specialize in psychology. In two years, he receives a “second education,” passes an exam, and can choose from two professions. There is also the prospect of teaching, but in fact among university employees there are mainly candidates and doctors of science. Specialists and masters 8% of total number teachers.

A master's degree does not guarantee future successful employment with career growth, but it is a small plus on a resume. Students usually prefer to combine work with education, since experience is now valued much more.

Flexible work schedule

Working on a flexible schedule will be very useful for a person combining a master's degree with gaining experience. The employee is also in the office for a certain number of hours, including a lunch break. In this case, the start of the employee’s working day occurs according to his desire and capabilities or in accordance with his individual

Hours at work can be taken into account not only for one day; sometimes a week is taken into account. Today the employee is on site for four hours, and tomorrow for twelve. When working with a flexible schedule, the right to days off and vacation remains.

It is advantageous to use it in those companies where it is not necessary for all employees to be on site at the same time. It can be advertising agencies, web studios and other organizations based on creative activities.

Each employee has his own biorhythm, which does not always coincide with the standard schedule. He may be more productive during the hours he is not working. Large organizations choose this mode for the following reasons:

  • Minimizing delays. The employee’s time on site is counted by an automatic system;
  • Benefits for employees. The schedule can be a decisive reason for experienced specialists to move to another place of work or when choosing employment for young mothers and students;
  • Feeling of freedom. If employees are trusted, they begin to work better and with full dedication.

Students need flexible work schedules

The speed of advancement up the career ladder depends on the person himself. If an employee shows initiative and conscientiously performs job responsibilities– it will not go unnoticed.
