Rating of husbands by zodiac sign: who is the best? Which man would be the best husband according to his zodiac sign?

12th place - Gemini

The Gemini husband turns out so-so. He is more concerned about his own affairs and gatherings with friends than his own family. When he needs to be entrusted with some task, Gemini seems to be blown away by the wind. Only a balanced woman who knows how to maintain her composure and can rein in Gemini’s character can be close to Geminis. Why tolerate such a husband? 1. Geminis are very witty and charismatic 2. He knows how to please a woman.

11th place - Pisces

Pisces is a rather capricious and demanding zodiac sign. He's like little boy who wants everything at once. Women who choose Pisces become caring and at the same time strict mothers who will cook borscht, spank the brat and give their beloved unforgettable nights. Pisces are very loyal and faithful. They are ready to go to great lengths so as not to be kicked out of the family nest.

10th place - Sagittarius

It's practically ideal husband. He is moderately romantic and gentle. But at the same time, very courageous and practical.. It is always pleasant and easy to be with such a man. But don't rejoice too early. His wife must be able to captivate him every time, otherwise Sagittarius will get bored with everything and he will go in search of a new passion.

9th place - Scorpio

Scorpios are famous for their difficult character, although they have a vulnerable soul. The Scorpio husband often becomes a kind of domestic tyrant who believes that he is always right in everything. He will create real hell for his dissenting wives. To please Scorpio you need to stroke his pride a little. And a smart wife can correctly present her opinion, as if her Scorpio husband decided so himself. In addition, the husbands of this sign are quite faithful and are ready to tear apart anyone who encroaches on the happiness and well-being of his family.

8th place - Cancer

Cancers are very responsible and caring fathers. The Cancer husband knows how to charm from the first seconds of communication. He is ready to carry his wife in his arms. True, it is quite heavy to climb. In order to get him to travel or even visit friends, you need to try. Cancers prefer to lie on the couch in front of the TV.

7th place - Aries

This is probably the most scandalous husband in the entire ranking. “A man should be rude, smelly, and hairy” - this is just about Aries. In his habitat you can easily find not only smelly socks, pieces of yesterday's pizza, but also Vitka, suffering from a hangover. Who is this dude? Yes, the most faithful friend whom Aries met last night. But if Aries has an attack of anger, he will calmly beat Vitka with a teaspoon. Aries are no good at farming. Why are they tolerated? It’s just that Aries are sure that they have the best wife in the Universe. And they are ready to tell the whole world about it.

6th place - Aquarius

Aquarius makes calm husbands who do not stand out in any way. They have average income, calmly eat the day before yesterday’s borscht and walk the dog. In your free time they fly in their dreams and build castles in the air. However, if you make an effort, you can mint a rich Pinocchio out of Aquarius. And the most remarkable thing is that the good character is preserved.

5th place - Taurus

A wife and children are the most precious things a Taurus has. The husband turns out to be very family-oriented, caring and devoted. I am ready to give my beloved my entire salary and give her gifts. But the main thing is not to let it get to the point. And who knows what they are capable of...

4th place - Libra

This husband is a real romantic. Even after 20 years, he will bring his wife coffee in bed and give flowers for no reason. “... and until death do you part” - this is just about Libra. This husband knows how to please his wife and always remains faithful to his wife. He is sensitive to all experiences and is always ready to help. But he is not trained to wash his own dishes. And you can get all its bonuses if you only captivate the heart of Libra. And this is not easy to do.

3rd place - Capricorn

Capricorn takes third place in this ranking. If you managed to disperse all your competitors and become the mistress of his heart, then you are lucky. Capricorn is very smart, very clean, kind, charming, loyal and honest. However, it is very difficult to tie the knot. And if you managed to do this, then you can rejoice - you got a personal superhero.

2nd place - Leo

A real patron. I am ready to look after and care for both my children (this also applies to adopted children) and my dear wife. True, in order to become Leo’s wife, you must first convince him that you are the best) (this is not so difficult). If you want to feel like stone wall- Leo is the best! But there is one “but” - Leos must be constantly admired. Otherwise, he will lose faith in himself and this will affect family happiness.

1st place - Virgo

The gold medal in this ranking goes to Virgo. It is from him that the main characters of reverent women's novels are written. Virgo knows how to cook, has an excellent upbringing, brings good income to the house, takes care of children and adores his wife. However, he rarely chooses a spectacular woman as his wife. More often, gray mice become his companions. Although there are exceptions to all rules...

Aries husband: hot head and ardent heart

Aries are warriors, ready to conquer new spaces in the world around them. Their head is full of ideas, and their energy is aimed at their immediate implementation. Let's take a closer look at Aries in marriage and life.
He is ready for love from an early age and falls in love at first sight. A girl can meet him in the gym, nightclub or on some trip. Aries prefer active recreation. Praise him among your friends, and you will attract his attention. If Aries falls in love, he will be romantic, sentimental, and some representatives of the sign are capable of heroism. He wants to get the object of his desire at any cost, and if refused, his passion turns into obsession. In love, Aries sincerely believes in his feelings and can promise everything you dream of. The fire of his heart and assertiveness ignite and excite. It's impossible not to fall in love with him.
If Aries is calm and self-confident in marriage, then he will become a protector, a loving, faithful husband and father, good lover. Aries born in the Year of the Dog and the Year of the Boar are especially reliable.
You can’t argue with Aries - he doesn’t hear you and can offend you, even if he later regrets it. Aries fires up quickly and calms down quickly. Aries wives, remember that peace in the home and your happy family life depend only on your tact, patience and love.

Leo, Sagittarius, and Gemini women pacify Aries with their calmness, and such unions can be stable. Aquarius and Libra are very attractive to Aries. physical level. Aries fall in love with girls of the Virgo and Taurus sign and even get married, but in these unions some misunderstanding persists for a long time. Cancers, Pisces, Scorpios, Capricorns are better off avoiding Aries.

Taurus Husband: Loyal and Caring

Self-confidence, self-esteem, common sense and good physical shape of Taurus men attract girls and women. Let's take a closer look at Taurus in marriage and life.
The symbol of the horoscope sign Taurus is a bull resting all four hooves on the ground. These people live earthly lives, and do not soar in the clouds. They are practical, thorough, earn money through work, know how to save and spend wisely. They will always find benefits, but are not prone to intrigue. Although they do not like restrictions, strong physical stress, and therefore often go to extremes. More than other signs, they tend to smoke, drink, seek variety in sex, and are gay. Despite their outward closeness, Taurus’ feelings are stronger than those of other signs.
It is almost impossible to seduce him with all kinds of feminine tricks. Restraint, some indecisiveness, maintaining distance, your success in work or study will attract him more. The Taurus guy is persistent, he will stubbornly achieve his goal, and if you saw the fire of desire in his eyes, the signs of attention on his part became persistent and regular, which means deep feelings have arisen.
Desires and feelings for Taurus are one and the same. Now physical intimacy determines everything. Taurus attach great importance to behavior in sex and do not tolerate frigidity in their partner. He is open in all manifestations of intimacy and assumes the same openness in a woman. If a Taurus has fallen in love with you, his love is touching and tender, strong passion, not complicated by conclusions, excites and lasts a long time. Many Taurus are ready to surround their chosen ones with luxury. If Taurus proposed, it means he looked at you more than once, and his choice was meaningful, marriage is designed for reciprocity, fidelity and the inadmissibility of divorce.
Taurus people do well in marriage and family life. They are peace-loving and cannot stand shouting or quarrels. Although they can be stubborn, capricious over little things and lazy, they are generally patient, careful and pliable. They love the comfort of home, good food and are ready to arrange the house and garden themselves. Taurus fathers are usually gentle, warm parents who care for their children, although they can be a bit dictatorial towards them. Exclusive owners of their woman, they do not imply deception, affairs or flirting on the side. Relationship disharmony and instability are not for them. Adultery is unforgivable and will destroy a marriage. Taurus goes through the hell of jealousy, despondency and does not want any reconciliation; he may fall into alcohol addiction, “Don Juanism” or deep depression.
Divorced Taurus is often broken and dependent on negative addictions. Relationships with him are difficult. But if Taurus overcomes his possessive, jealous nature, then there is no more ideal lover and husband. Women strive for marriage with Taurus. And most often, Taurus is happy in marriage, although he does not make much effort to do so.

For Taurus, a harmonious union with Virgo, Capricorn, Leo, Gemini, Aquarius (for love and friendship) is harmonious. Signs of Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, Sagittarius should be avoided.

Gemini husband: grief from the mind or happiness from the intellect

Charming, with developed intelligence, excellent memory, able to listen and understand, witty, they magnetically attract and bewitch. One of the most incomprehensible, contradictory and unpredictable signs of the Zodiac is Gemini. Let's take a closer look at Gemini in marriage and life.

Even Geminis who have not received sufficient education surprise with their intelligence and resourcefulness. They always understand their benefits, achieve success, and know how to arrange their lives quite comfortably, although not immediately. A Gemini man will always charm the desired woman. As much as the Gemini mind is rational, their feelings are chaotic. They are very sensitive nervous system, and even a woman's touch can arouse desire. Constant readiness for action and impatience pushes him to rash actions. After a surge of emotions, the mind enters the fight. And a woman who seemed attractive yesterday seems uninteresting tomorrow.
Gemini is a cold-blooded sign. First, the desire to learn new things pushes them into a love adventure, and then their sophisticated intellect begins to analyze everything, compare all the pros and cons, analyze the thoughts, words and actions of their partner. If you like a man of this sign and he likes you, keep a longer distance from him, the best position is that of a touchy girl with a strict upbringing and good education, or a divorced woman who is careful.
Gemini is a sign that, like no other, gives importance to childhood impressions that influence his entire life. If his family or one of his parents has instilled in him the correct moral concepts, then he will adhere to these rules and transfer them to his family. But if in his youth or childhood there were no correct moral guidelines, then such a guy will rebel against conventions, break off relationships and family ties. The same will happen for Geminis in marriage.

In youth, Gemini is best suited for Libra, Taurus, Aquarius, Leo and Scorpio. They stabilize Gemini's indecisiveness. By the age of thirty, Gemini becomes less restless and will appreciate the stability of Taurus, as well as the personality and passion of Aries. After 40 years, Gemini has already learned to control their restless mind and at this time can be compatible with Sagittarius and happy with Gemini in marriage. Gemini is incompatible with the signs: Pisces and Virgo.

Cancer husband: the most attractive man, but so mysterious

Developed intuition, the ability to carry on a conversation and be a friend, allows them to win a girl. But the femininely romantic and sensual Cancers, behind the facade of external charm, childish naivety and enthusiasm, hide the ambitious nature of a man who is aggressive in his demands. They are not created for marriage, because they strive to suppress others.
Cancer men are slowly moving towards what they want to have. The eastern wisdom “The patient wins” refers specifically to this sign, which allows Cancer to outperform all competitors. This behavior convinces a woman (and sometimes misleads) that he loves and is attached for a long time. If his eyes sparkle, he is talkative, cheerful, looking for a meeting, you immediately understand: he liked you. He prefers a date alone, with pleasant music, nostalgic memories of the first meeting, accidental touches and tender, timid kisses. His feelings seem sincere, and they really are.
In bed he seems like an ideal lover. The constellation Cancer rules our breasts, and your boyfriend is excited by this particular part of the body. He controls his sexual desires, is able to play a long love game, and is a leader. You can remember the first night for a long time and look forward to the next one.
Cancer loves comfort, strives to have his own home and is looking for a faithful wife. If you started living in a civil marriage, you will see with what pleasure he arranges his home and selectively chooses household items. The Cancer partner in marriage is confident that he has found his happiness: love, partner and friend.
With good intentions and a sincere desire to have a family, Cancer gets tired of long efforts for the good of the home or simply gets bored with relationships that have become familiar. In his youth, without any compassion, he leaves numerous girls in love with him. Cancers in marriage cheat at the opportunity without feeling guilty. Cancers are the most promiscuous signs. Cancers are possessive, they are suspicious and jealous in love: their mood can change from euphoria to melancholy. He hides in his crustacean shell, and this makes you suffer. Trying to evoke frankness, sympathy or pity will not help.
Be tolerant of his desire to brag, support his intentions to be the main one in your relationship. Avoid conflicts. He cannot stand criticism, harsh conversation and loud women. Give him the opportunity to feel successful and young: clothes, furnishings, entertainment. And most importantly, Cancer wants to be loved faithfully, all the time waiting for confirmation that you really need him. Women, be sincere in your feelings, kind and gentle.

An alliance with Taurus, Scorpio, Virgo and Pisces is favorable. Leo attracts Cancer with its strength. Cooperation, friendship, and a happy marriage can arise between them. With Pisces - a harmonious union in friendship and love. With Aquarius - friendship and respect. An alliance with Libra and Capricorn is unfavorable and even contraindicated.

Leo Husband: reliable protection, happiness and prosperity

Symbol of the king of beasts, the Lion demonstrates power, ambition and pride. He is only angry when he is hungry or his territory is being invaded. But few people can encroach on this, so Leo is usually calm and kind. Let's take a closer look at Leo in marriage and life.
Leos are the children of the Sun. Their ruling planet gives them energy, strength and health. Their motto is: I intend and I do. Their mode of action: to give offspring, wealth, happiness and development. Both the Sun and Leo symbolize the masculine type of behavior that magnetically attracts women.
They stand out from the crowd because of their appearance: strong build, athletic, neatly combed and well dressed. Many of them are not averse to wearing men's jewelry, expensive accessories and branded clothing. Balance and cheerfulness give these men charm. Not always skilled in intimate relationships they captivate with their passion and sensitivity. The Leo man is never rude in love, he is gentle and romantic. He will try to please his partner, preferring a strong connection rather than pure sex. In addition, the Leo guy is the most faithful of all the signs. Success in Leo's career and financial independence inspire a sense of reliability. He is not greedy and gladly gives gifts. Such a husband may say: “I need more and more money so that my wife and children have better clothes, a car, a house, a vacation...”. And for him this goal is quite achievable.
He does not need to be conquered by successes in his career; it is better not to confuse Leo with superiority and assertiveness, remaining a little behind. Leo in marriage considers himself a king, he is called to lead. Recognize his business qualities, express respect, flatter and admire your chosen one.
Focus Leo's attention on your feminine attractiveness. Emphasize your seductiveness and sexuality with well-groomed clothes and elegant lingerie. When meeting, create an atmosphere of luxury, comfort, intimacy with pleasant music and a light aroma of perfume: “everything for you, beloved.” Leos, especially in marriage, cannot stand even the thought of rivals, so tell him that you have never loved anyone as much as him, even if this is not entirely true.

Until the age of 30, Leo is compatible with Aries and Sagittarius. Up to 42 years old - with Capricorns and Geminis. After 42 years - with Libra and Scorpio.

Virgo husband: practical, reliable and constant, but why doesn’t everyone appreciate this?

A Virgo man is not easy to understand. He is practical and taciturn. But underneath the outer coldness hides an amorous and vulnerable heart. Let's take a closer look at Virgo in marriage and life.
He considers all of you, girls and women, ideal, but uncertainty and timidity in front of you hinders him. Take a closer look, have patience, and the reward for your love will be the sincere tenderness and devotion of the Virgo man. It is unlikely that you will notice him in the club. He wears discreet clothes, there is no fiery searching look, no calf enthusiasm in flirting and excitement in dancing. The Virgo man has no talent for undertaking anything - he is rarely a conqueror of women's hearts.
Passion seems to Virgos to be a disease of the soul. They analyze their feelings, under the guise of secrecy or ridicule, and try to prove their affection with deeds rather than words of love. Virgos are not just calm, but very prudent and careful. They make demands on their partner in accordance with their ideal: they pay attention to how you behave, how you look, they look closely at you, how polite you are. They expect moral integrity, chastity, affection and similar goals: work, intellectual interests, etc. Sex is not the tool to keep them. In addition, Virgos are afraid of getting infected and almost never enter into casual relationships.
With flattery and admiration you can inspire him to do anything. He will show passion even when there is none. In sex, Virgos are quite skilled and can satisfy any taste, but what strikes a woman most is the tenderness that other men are not capable of. However, they always remember their behavior in bed and the behavior of their partner, notice body details: skin color, shape of toes, smells, and if they don’t like something, they can turn away forever. An observant and critical mind, pickiness and even snobbery often make them lonely for a long time, and sometimes misanthropes, inveterate skeptics and drug addicts. Among them there are also sexual tramps with a penchant for pornography, changing women one after another when the heart is completely cold.
Virgos usually get married after a long courtship, subjecting their beloved to many tests, after which they fall in love with her forever. Virgos in marriage require their partners and children to live in a disciplined manner. In the family, everything is assigned an exact time and place, everything must be in “virgin” order, but they also give their all. After all, such a man chose you to serve you. He provides well for his family and will be faithful. Cheating on his wife can turn his character around, and the thirst for love will turn into a thirst for revenge. Provided that his wife is attentive to him and friendly, he becomes an excellent family man.

All three earth signs: Virgo, Taurus and Capricorn behave passively in their youth, but their goals coincide and their connections are honest. They fit to each other, because they are strict, patient and organized in the pursuit of professionalism and material stability. But, having reached the age of 30, Virgos loosen their strictness, fixation on work and are now compatible with Scorpios and Cancers, who help them free themselves from restrictions and get a taste of life. But Virgo’s rationalism hurts Cancer’s sensitivity. With Scorpios, Virgos can be happy, but they look at life too differently. Unions with Taurus, Scorpio and Cancer often fall apart. By the age of 42, Virgos have already developed enough to appreciate the intelligence and activity of Sagittarius. But Sagittarius is not suitable for Virgo for marriage. He should also avoid Aries. Frequent conflicts are possible with Libra.
No sign has more bachelors than Virgo, because they are very indecisive in the courtship stage and in their choice.

Libra husband: in search of spiritual love

Happy is the woman who loved or loves a man of the Libra sign; she experienced the real happiness of spiritual romantic love. All her life she will be accompanied by the scent of roses from her first date, the smell of candles and the melody of her first happy night. Let's take a closer look at Libra in marriage and life.
Libras were born under the auspices of Venus and belong to the element of Air. As a man of the air element, he is endowed with an analytical mind, intuition and understanding. Libras do not follow passion, do not lie, and have lofty ideals. This is honest attentive person, a wonderful friend and partner. Traditionally, the planet Venus is associated with beauty, love and women. He, like a woman, is charming, his smile is irresistible, and his correct behavior and delicacy of communication captivate. Men of this type look for external and inner beauty, always hope that she will become their spiritual accomplice. But Libra is not always happy, since the illusions of a romantic often collide with cruelty real life, and the absolute harmony that they seek all their lives is impossible.
He came to you to woo you, and is taking a closer look. Give him time to understand and get to know you, do not rush into actions and decisions. He doesn't fall in love at first sight. Libra fluctuates between reason and desire - it needs time to balance. He enjoys platonic love for you and appreciates your spiritual values. He likes to delight you, seduce you, and in return he expects praise, approval and admiration. Loving woman should wait until his romantic period turns into a need for intimacy, and he will be the first to give her a signal.
During love, Libras are very idealistic. They require long love play: caresses, kisses, after which sexual intercourse must take place quite quickly, otherwise their aesthetic feelings will be offended. The setting makes a big impression. Their planet Venus requires luxury: silk shirts, lingerie, perfume, soft light and romantic music.
Libras in marriage are the best husbands who provide well for the family, create an atmosphere of harmony, and are good fathers. They often rely on women to achieve success and purpose. Libras need stability more than other signs and rarely get divorced. Everything can be fine in married life if you do not require your husband to constantly pretend to be a passionate lover and allow him to freely engage in social activities or his hobbies. If a husband suddenly has a casual affair on the side, it is only because he cannot say “no” to anyone. It will end for him rather with a feeling of guilt and repentance.

The scales balance gradually. Therefore, in different periods Different partners suit them in life. Until about the age of 30, they are attracted to Gemini and Aquarius. Their connections are fragile and changeable. After 30, Libras become more practical. Now they are more compatible with the signs of Scorpio and Aries, since they have aggressive ambition and assertiveness (this is what Libra lacks), but they also strive for a stable family, and they are seduced by the calm behavior of Libra. By the age of 42, Libra has already made some kind of career, learned to control their intellect, and is now compatible with the romantic Pisces and Sagittarius.

Scorpio husband: the most passionate lover

War or sex - this is what the planet Mars, ruling Scorpio, portends. But you don’t want to fight with your man, right? Let's take a closer look at Scorpios in marriage and life. But do not forget that this is a water sign. And just as water quenches thirst and gives life, so Scorpio quenches the desires of passion, love, his own and his partners, drawing into the pool of caresses and pleasure.
Girls, women, wives, you may suddenly meet a man’s gaze asking for love, and unquenchable lust in the eyes of Scorpio. Sooner or later you will respond to this call of alluring eyes, and you yourself will not understand how you already ended up in his bed. What excitement, adrenaline, sex and pleasure! But don't rush to make plans for the future. ! Scorpio is an excellent lover, but he never allows himself to relax and fall under a woman's spell. Availability doesn't appeal to him. He must defeat a woman who is independent and equal in mind, and enjoy the victory. Having defeated you, he may soon leave you, although he will do it nobly.
If love is the soul, and the flesh is passion, then they constantly fight among themselves. The soul wants to be faithful, and the body requires new thrills. He seeks love to justify passion, and sometimes he himself cannot distinguish one from the other. He falls in love, but, unfortunately, he doesn’t know for how long. This is the most not sure sign Zodiac, if we are talking about a man. And you will not change his decision to leave - it is irrevocable. Scorpio is the hero of love triangles. He will not show his feelings in public, he can behave indifferently, sometimes rudely, and even cruelly, but in private he opens up completely and admits his feelings. If it happens that it is impossible to conclude a marriage, he can love his chosen one stronger and more tenderly than his legal husband.
Scorpios do not marry for a long time, have love affairs, approach sex easily and usually start having it in early age. This is the sexiest sign of the horoscope, and it is quite difficult to imagine Scorpio in marriage, in the role of a respectable husband. And yet Scorpios get married. Scorpios in marriage meaningfully choose a woman who is mentally compatible. They guard their home like a fortress, provide for their family and are excellent fathers, although they can be overly harsh. However, extramarital affairs are not uncommon among Scorpios. They perceive sex on the side as an area of ​​human relations independent of marriage, but they will never allow casual love affairs to threaten the family and, having gotten married, do not allow the thought of divorce. You will say that this is immoral, that they are selfish. Perhaps so. But nature created them that way. His sexual appetites and possibilities are unlimited. In addition, sex restores his strength to continue working for the good of the family. If the wife understands this, then he will value his wife even more. In addition, he easily manages to satisfy his wife.

Around the age of 30, all water signs are attracted to each other. Scorpios are attracted to Pisces and Cancers for their closeness, charm and emotionality. As Scorpio gets older, he looks for a partner. The cunning and intelligence of these men can attract business woman Capricorn or reserved sexy Virgo. Taurus and Libra can tolerate the aggression and power that Scorpio has developed. After 40 years, Scorpio will appreciate the intellectual Sagittarius or Aquarius. For marriage, Scorpio is suitable for the horoscope sign Cancer, Pisces, Libra, Virgo. He must avoid Aquarius and Leo.

Sagittarius husband: shoots in all directions

Sagittarians are born under the sign of Jupiter, the planet of luck. As if they knew their purpose, they are optimistic, energetic and determined to succeed, craving money and power. This planet endowed them with an inquisitive mind and a desire to conquer. Let's take a closer look at Sagittarius in marriage.
The combination of human intelligence with animal endurance and sexual insatiability is characteristic of this sign. His duality is expressed in an astrological symbol: the Archer Centaur. A centaur is a mythical creature with a human head, arms, upper torso and the body of a horse. Accordingly, Sagittarius can be of two types: loyal, idealistic, who direct their sexual energy to creativity, serving others: Sagittarius chose the right goal, strived for it and made his desires come true. Other Sagittarius take the path of philandering and red tape - they shoot in all directions and at random. They can have several relationships at the same time and rejoice at every sexual victory. Love for such Sagittarius is sport, adventure, rapture. Despite all their variability and desire for diversity, Sagittarians are trusting, cheerful, good-natured, love nature, and have a kind soul.
love Sagittarius is known as a seeker of adventure, adventure and pleasure, as a fickle fire that will burn and disappear everything. You will notice and distinguish him in any crowd. As a rule, Sagittarius is dressed in high-quality things, well tailored and sewn, if flashy, then branded, and carries himself confidently. He flirts with everyone and can talk about any topic: philosophy, science, politics, religion. He will choose a girl who is bright, different from others: a beauty or a smart girl, the best student or an informal girl, an Asian or an African, etc.
Sagittarians are not often found in marriage: it is believed that they are not created for a long-term union. Their goals in life are varied, but serving a woman will never be their goal. Sagittarians marry when they come to the conclusion that the ideal friend does not exist and choose intellectual communication or tolerance and comfort. The wife must create an atmosphere of prosperity and ease of communication. She not only knows how to increase his opinion of herself, but she leads well household. Sagittarius in marriage will be an excellent protector, provider and father. He can be romantic, noble, if there is motivation. One can only be amazed at the talent and ability of Sagittarius to achieve their goals and force others to live by their rules.

Compatible Sagittarius in different years differently. Sagittarius guys prefer Leo and Aries. Taurus and Pisces are good partners. After thirty years, if they are sufficiently educated, they choose Gemini and Virgo, who fascinate them with their intelligence. After 42 years, Sagittarius becomes powerful and can get along with the same powerful Leo, Libra and Aquarius.

Capricorn husband: a reliable friend

Do you want to marry a stable and reliable husband? Choose Capricorn! Such men are simple, honest and reliable, like the earth itself. Find out everything about Capricorns in marriage in our article.
Capricorns fall in love with difficulty, but they love deeply, although they do not know how to express their feelings. If a Capricorn man has chosen his one and asked her to marry, he will always remain faithful and is unlikely to get divorced - and he has a strong craving for home, family and stability. These men retain their charm and freshness until old age. So you will never be ashamed to go out with your beloved man.
How to win Capricorn? With a vulgar, extravagant outfit, expensive jewelry, non-standard defiant behavior and an abundance of makeup, you are more likely to repel him than to attract him. Don't use too harsh perfumes. Classic or vintage clothing – your style. Do not wear hoodies, shapeless sweaters and trousers. Unobtrusively emphasize your femininity. A short, fitted dress with a moderate neckline and stiletto heels will always be in place. Capricorn is devoid of romanticism and is not capable of intrigue, and does not know how to show signs of attention. A capricious, hot-tempered and always dissatisfied or arrogant woman will irritate him. A friendly tone of conversation, modesty, calmness, the ability to go into the shadows and give him the right to lead will interest him. And a gentle smile and a shy look will charm you.
Capricorn is clean and loves order. Capricorns are squeamish and do not like casual relationships. Don't rush to take him to the bedroom until you're sure he's attracted to you and you both really want it. Don’t get fancy with sexual poses and don’t expect non-standard approaches from him. Everything is determined by your passion for each other. Capricorns in marriage and love remain very practical, thrifty, hardworking and expect the same from you. They cannot stand spendthrifts and lazy people, but they are proud of their wife’s achievements. Don’t praise yourself, he sees everything anyway. If he is already in love with you, do not drag him to discos and in the company of your friends. He is jealous and does not really like to dance, he is not attracted to loud noises and bright lights. But he loves nature, car trips and being only with you.

If you are Taurus, Virgo, Aquarius, Sagittarius, then you have a chance to become the wife of Capricorn. If you are a Scorpio, the chances double! Cancers can push Capricorn away with their anxiety. Marriage will be difficult for Aries and Libra with Capricorn. But love has different quirks - everything is possible.

Aquarius husband: freedom-loving husband

Politics, business, a scientific idea can captivate Aquarius no less than love passion. But Aquarians are ready to love and are looking for love. There is something uniquely subtle and tender in an intimate relationship with him. Girls, if you don’t want your personal life to be reduced to the formula: kitchen, TV, children, bed - look for Aquarius. It won't be boring! And you can have a heart-to-heart talk and have fun together. The Aquarius guy loves life in all its manifestations and this fascinates him.
Touches, glances, encouragement, omissions are the best methods of communication at the stage of acquaintance and first date. Don't try to make him jealous - he's not jealous. Don't say anything offensive to him: he remembers insults for a long time. Don't teach him how to live and don't advise him. He will not listen - he goes his own way, lives by his own rules and is guided only by his sharp mind. You can ask him for help. He is responsive, happy to provide support and will be flattered. Show that you can give him something in return. He appreciates business qualities and the ability to partner. And, of course, be attractive, sexy and mysterious. Don't trust completely and instantly. He often fluctuates between instinct and reason, he can fantasize and then be disappointed. Casual relationships in his youth were not uncommon.
Aquarius in marriage is a faithful and devoted husband. Among the men of this sign there are quite a lot of monogamous people. He will provide for his family, help relatives, and will always find a way to earn enough money. Often he works all his life for the benefit of his family. He trusts his wife, does not control her, does not force her to change. Even in quarrels he makes compromises. You can always come to an agreement with him. Even if he leaves a woman, he is ready to keep it for a long time friendly relations and help.
And yet, among Aquarius there are the most divorces. They leave him because they consider him selfish. They believe that he does more for others than for his family. He is always busy, and his loved ones do not always know where he is and what he is doing now. Aquarius leaves his home when a woman tries to "pin him up to her skirt." Life even in a golden cage is not for him. He silently and for a long time prepares his release, but at one fine moment he simply disappears in an unknown direction without saying a word.

If you are Gemini, Pisces, Libra, Sagittarius, Aries, Aquarius will suit you. Leo and Aquarius can work together successfully. With Virgo there is a strong physical attraction. With Cancer - an alliance based on mutual respect. With Capricorn - after much grinding in, calm, well-fed old years are possible. An Aquarius married to a Scorpio will have endless quarrels based on jealousy. Taurus is not interesting to Aquarius for their weak fantasies and imagination.

Pisces husband: sensual nature and devoted partner

The symbol of this zodiac sign is two fish swimming in different directions. Pisces men spend their entire lives searching for their “I.”
Their soul trembles and hurts, not finding harmony in the practical, cruel world, and their thoughts interpret reality in their own way. Some embody their ideal in paintings and sculptures. Others devote themselves to family and children. Still others shock with gayness or alcohol. And yet they are charming, because they are soft and kind, they know how to dream, empathize, they will not offend and will help. In addition, idealistic Pisces have money, they will always think about a roof over their heads for their family and are ready to sacrifice themselves for the sake of loved ones.
Love for a woman in the life of Pisces men occupies no less place than self-realization. Pisces men can also love on the highest spiritual level, with dreams and poems, with prayers or an easel and brush in hand. Feelings overwhelm them, Pisces’ speeches drive them crazy, they consider their beloved to be an ideal, they tolerate and forgive shortcomings. Their sensuality excites a woman and gives her true pleasure of spiritual and earthly love.
But among Pisces there are also men who do not love at all, preferring a variety of sexual pleasures. Or men who are “collectors” of women. But even in this case, they respect, value and protect the items in their collection. And if Pisces cannot make a decision and understand: to leave, leave or return, then they will silently move away. They are not conquerors: they will not win you away from your rival or create scenes of jealousy, preferring to sacrifice themselves for the sake of their beloved. Pisces marry meaningfully, and their family life is stable. Pisces in marriage are the most devoted and affectionate of all zodiac signs. You will have a caring, affectionate husband. There may be many children. Create coziness and comfort for him, give him your love and loyalty. Your union will be happy, long, and perhaps eternal.

Pisces is a mysterious sign. Their heart is wide as the sea, and their passions are incomprehensible and mysterious, like the ocean. Try to solve them, dear girls and women. If you are Virgo, Taurus, Capricorn or Cancer, and you sincerely love your Pisces man, you have a real chance to be happy. And Scorpio women are beyond any competition. Their modesty, closeness and chastity are exactly what Pisces needs so much. You will understand each other without words. It is better for Libra to avoid Pisces.

With such a partner you always have to maneuver. He has a practical mind, but in relationships he masterfully pretends that he doesn’t understand what’s going on at all. Or he hides his head in the sand like an ostrich. The elusive Pisces man, without noticing it, can attract women with precisely this quality. If he has aroused your interest, you will have to show it quite directly, but without pressure or provocation - otherwise such a man will simply slip away, as he does in any tense situation.


Many Gemini men need a caring “mom”: in childhood, such a woman was most likely nearby, constantly worrying about the well-being and health of her precious son. Are you ready to take on such a role? If so, you will need endless patience, a lot of mental strength and a constant willingness to support and encourage your partner to strengthen his self-confidence. In addition, in terms of relationships, he often behaves like a cat: the Gemini man loves the warmth of the hearth, but will not give up personal freedom and prefers to “walk on his own.”


The element of this sign is Air, so the Aquarius man in a relationship has the same “volatility”, tries to avoid promises and, in general, any strong attachment. He is burdened by family responsibilities and does not want to belong to anyone. To win his attention, you will have to surprise him with something, amaze him, take him by surprise. And if you are already in a relationship, be prepared to constantly entertain him, be caring - and at the same time independent, look independent. In a word, constantly change the roles of a friend, lover and wise adviser. Are you ready? Then go ahead! It definitely won't be boring.


If a Taurus man were a dessert, chocolate mousse would be on your plate. He has crazy charm, he feels women well and knows how to communicate with them. In a word, he could be an ideal candidate for the role of a hero-lover if he did not lose courage when it comes to formalizing the relationship. On the other hand, if you are already in a couple, he will begin to show possessive traits: deep down, such a partner is paradoxically afraid of being abandoned. It is also worth considering that the Taurus man hates changing his habits - so be prepared to be as flexible as possible and do not lose patience.


Romantic at heart, he knows how to court according to the rules, thoroughly and beautifully. The Virgo man needs an intelligent, pleasant woman with a pragmatic character - much like his own. He strives to build a strong home, in his world everything should be reliable, rational, thoughtful and comfortable. If you are just starting a relationship with such a man, the main thing is to clearly understand what exactly you want from them. If you are looking for stability, are not afraid of getting bored and are ready to endure some of your partner’s tediousness, then don’t hesitate - go ahead! If a Virgo man marries, then, most likely, once and for all.


At first glance, love for the courageous Aries is not one of life’s priorities: he will not be at your feet with a wave of his hand. To fall in love with a woman, he must admire her - she better look like an unapproachable princess in his eyes. In other words, if you are trying to conquer such a macho man, the main thing is that he does not suspect it. The point of this game? What turns an Aries man the most is precisely what is inaccessible to him, and he will be ready to sacrifice all the treasures of the world in order to conquer you.


If the Sagittarius man were a movie character, he could turn out to be Tarzan - a hero of the jungle, but not of sensitive novels. His virtues are honesty and directness, sometimes even excessive. Maybe he doesn’t feel women too subtly, but he treats them with infinite respect. To please such a man, you don’t need to complicate anything: an open smile and a graceful flutter of eyelashes are enough. They say about such people: “Simple, nice guy! If you decide to enter into a long-term relationship with him, you can be sure of his loyalty, generosity and patience.


The Cancer man is not too prone to spectacular Don Juan exploits: if he likes a girl, he will court her subtly, secretly, using techniques that are sometimes not noticeable even to her. Note that Cancer is an extremely faithful sign of the Zodiac. It would never even occur to him to risk his relationship with the woman he loves for the sake of a passing hobby. By the way, he is very intolerant of any infidelity - his partner needs to take this into account. Such a man will not like your independent character too much - if this quality is important to you, you will have to look for compromises. But if Cancer is in love, he will literally be ready to put you on a pedestal, take care of you and admire you 24 hours a day!


Fourth place in the ranking is not a bad result at all. You can only be sure that Leo will not be satisfied with him, since his main drawback is pride and pride, which in extreme cases risks developing into delusions of grandeur. But he is incredibly charming, brave, creative - an irresistible man if you can tame him. Leo great taste, he understands well what luxury is, and at the same time he is distinguished by such a quality as generosity. He will strive to please his beloved - very sincerely, although sometimes a little clumsily. If you want to be the companion of a Leo man, be lenient towards his awkward actions, and also learn to read his thoughts: he does not know how to talk about what is happening inside him.

To believe in horoscopes or not is everyone's business. But sometimes you really want to relieve yourself of responsibility and trust in the stars, don’t you? I especially want to rely on various horoscopes in love affairs.

Astrologer Vera Khubelashvili decided to tell us what the fair sex can expect from men and how the latter will behave after the stamp appears in their passport. Here's what you should know when choosing an ally!


The Aries man shows his nature immediately; after marriage he does not change at all. Therefore, if you hope that you can somehow fix it, forget about this idea. The stamp in the passport is just a formality for him; he does not change his habits and behavior.

On the other hand, this is not a minus at all, because when you marry an Aries, you definitely won’t choose a pig in a poke. A representative of this zodiac sign should have his own space, both literally and figuratively: a corner where he will engage in hobbies, and the opportunity to relax from time to time without his chosen one.


Taurus can rightfully be called one of the most devoted partners. The Taurus man is not picky and is easy to please. However, if it comes to any fundamental things, he will not make concessions.

When you marry a Taurus, you can be sure that he will become a caring dad for your children. Representatives of this sign greatly appreciate family well-being, so marriages with them rarely go to the point of divorce.


It is very difficult to imagine the fickle and flighty Gemini in marriage. For them, it looks like something terribly burdensome, fettering freedom. If you are planning to marry a Gemini, be prepared for the fact that you will always need to give in to him in something. But do you want such a life?

A Cancer man can for a long time meet with your chosen one without offering her your hand and heart. And it’s not that he’s afraid of responsibilities, it’s just that for him the decision to get married is a very serious one, he won’t marry just anyone.

Not every woman can meet the requirements of such a man, but if he decides to tie the knot, then you can be sure of the reliability of this union. But it’s better not to leave children with Cancers for a long time - they have no sense of proportion at all.

If your chosen one is Leo, be prepared for the fact that there will always be too much of him in your life. Leos love it when women devote their time entirely to them, so if you like to pull the blanket over yourself, you are unlikely to get along together.

IN family life Leos like to be in control. On the one hand, this will make life easier for other family members, but on the other hand, not everyone will like constant guardianship and command.


At first glance, it may seem that Virgo men are created for family life. They willingly help with housework, earn good money, and take care of loved ones. But if they don’t like something, they will mercilessly, and sometimes even rudely, criticize their other half.

Constant criticism is clearly not what is needed for a calm life. And if your chosen one does not yet know a sense of proportion, he can turn into a real domestic despot. According to statistics, there are many successful men among Virgos, but are you ready to trade calmness for material well-being?


If you marry a representative of this sign, be prepared for the fact that all the hardships will fall on your fragile shoulders. Libras do not like to take responsibility, but will happily share it with their significant other.

This is exactly the case when a woman can sculpt her man. If you stimulate him, motivate him to new achievements, there is a chance to change something. But don’t overdo it: representatives of the air element need more freedom.


Everyone knows how difficult it is sometimes with Scorpios, and this applies to both women and men. Scorpios are unpredictable, they can go to the left and will not feel guilty about it.

A Scorpio man can be very aggressive, so not every woman will find a common language with him. But if you have already found the key to Scorpio’s heart, then you probably understand how to deal with his violent character.


On the one hand, the Sagittarius man is extremely unreliable in romantic relationships, on the other hand, if he decides to get married, he will definitely be devoted to his soul mate. Problems may also arise in finances, because Sagittarians are terrible spenders.

In relationships with children, representatives of this sign behave differently: some will become caring fathers, while others will completely abandon the idea of ​​having offspring or simply place all responsibility for raising them on their spouse.


Capricorns are rightfully considered one of the ideal partners married. They can become a true support for the wife: they will take care of the children, patiently endure all the difficulties of everyday life, and bring money to the family.

But don’t expect bright emotions from them: Capricorns are cold and need privacy from time to time. At first glance, it seems that this is nothing, but not every representative of the fair sex gets along with Capricorn for this reason.


Aquarians do not particularly like fleeting affairs; they are interested in a long-term union. They do housework, willingly play with children and get along well with their spouse. Aquarians are not prone to cheating, so they will not forgive their chosen one.

On the other hand, sometimes they need a good shake-up - a small scandal or a drastic change in life that will wake them up and not let them get bored. They need a “live” partner.


Pisces are true romantics. They value warmth and care and are ready to share them with their partner. However, they really love to put their responsibilities, including men’s, on their chosen one.

The wife of a representative of this sign will have to show patience, tact and delicacy, since Pisces are very demanding of their soulmate. This is the only way to achieve harmony in this family.

Don't be upset if... All people are different, and it is impossible to say with absolute certainty that a marriage with a representative of any zodiac sign will be successful.

We will be interested to know from our married subscribers whether the horoscope coincides with reality. Share your comments!

We choose a husband according to the horoscope. When choosing a soul mate, we rely on the personal qualities and material wealth of our loved one; a horoscope will help those who are completely confident in their future husband.

Choosing a husband based on your horoscope sign

Relationships between men and women - preface. An ancient legend says that man was once a bisexual creature. Strong and powerful, he did not need anything other than power, and therefore encroached on the power of the gods themselves. The Supreme God, angry at man’s self-will, divided him into two parts, and since then, every half-human, called man or woman, is doomed to wander the world in search of his own half, which belongs only to him...

Your one and only man. Sooner or later in a woman's life the day comes when she meets her King and Master. But unlike Eve, who, perhaps fortunately, had no choice, modern women When entering into marriage, they strive to enlist the support of the luminaries so that the union does not fall apart.

But they are not very interested in the fact that, let’s say, Hans Christian Andersen, Johann Sebastian Bach, Bismarck, Charles Chaplin, Sergei Prokofiev and many others were born under the sign of Aries. It’s also not very interesting that the Aries man’s attitude towards love is amazing. He gives himself to his beloved with all ardor, sincerely believing that this is the only love.

Aries in love pure water idealist and so sentimental that he will not let a single breath, glance or word of yours pass without shrouding your relationship in a haze of sublimity. None of the other zodiac signs are as faithful in love as Aries.

But this brilliant characteristic will only interest those for whom Aries “suits”. They will prefer to choose the ambivalent, timid and unpredictable Pisces or Gemini if ​​the horoscope with them promises harmony and peace. Moreover, there are many signs who are not at all inclined towards marriage, and it is very difficult to lure, for example, Sagittarius into family networks. Maybe that’s why Sagittarians get divorced so often, preferring informal relationships to the ties of Hymen.

Let us trust the knowledge of astrologers to make sure that the beloved one who appears is exactly the wandering soul mate that we have so often dreamed of.

Husband according to the horoscope is Aries

(March 21 – April 20) The Aries husband may look younger than he actually is. He grows up quite late, impatient, brave, self-confident, always ahead, generous, giving out sympathy even strangers, but at the same time he can be completely unbearable, selfish and demanding when his desires are not fulfilled. When it comes to love, he dives into it, confident that no one has ever had such a one and only feeling.

Aries will never admit that he is wrong. After the breakup, he will be able to start a new relationship with you, but for this you will need to try very hard.

If you decide to cheat on him, be prepared to break up immediately. He will not forgive you even for an interested glance towards another man. He must be the first in everything.

He denies any power over himself and feels superior to other people. But behind his outwardly aggressive and self-confident behavior lies an inferiority complex that he will never admit. So it has to be supported gently, then you will succeed. Don't make the mistake of agreeing with his enemy, don't try to be fair by proving him wrong. You must love what he loves and hate what he hates. If this doesn't suit you, look for another man.

He doesn't like to play. Do not pester him, do not express your feelings until you are sure that the passion is mutual. The fastest way to lose him is to be the first to say how you feel. Love with Aries is complicated, sometimes you even have to be an actress - not to run after him, but not to run too far, to be a little mysterious, but still he must know that we love him.

Husband according to the horoscope is Taurus

(April 21 – May 21) The Taurus husband is an earthly, sensitive person. It takes him a long time to decide if he wants something. He doesn’t want to dive into the pool of romance and discover mid-flight that they forgot to add water. A typical Taurus will never promise you a castle in the air: he will bring you a project real house, into which the hostess will introduce you. This type of man is for women who prefer tangible values.

However, getting along with a Taurus is not easy. To achieve this, a woman must first polish her behavior. No Taurus will tolerate a woman with a loud voice and rude manners. If you have your own opinion, do not try to express it to a Taurus in public. An emancipated woman is not suitable for him. The most reasonable behavior with a Taurus man is gentle compliance and “keeping your mouth shut.”

And don’t even think about complaining about him or making jokes about him: with all his restraint, he won’t stand it. But you shouldn’t stick to it like a grapevine. He is too practical and loves his freedom to allow a woman to encroach on it. When his manhood is safe, no one can handle him with kindness, tenderness and tolerance. He will do anything for the woman he loves.

But before making a choice, Taurus will look closely at you for a long time. It takes him a while to realize that he needs you. He is going through a long and difficult divorce and is even more looking for a new girlfriend.

The financial side of life with a Taurus is always excellent: he rarely spares money and nevertheless always thinks about tomorrow's well-being. He works a lot, so he needs rest. Being tired can become unbearable. He's usually lazy at home, but don't scold him for it. Taurus cannot be pushed or rushed. His home should be cozy and quiet. Take care of him, and your life with Taurus will be happy.

Gemini husband by horoscope

(May 22 – June 21) The Gemini husband can go to the store on Monday to buy salt and return home only on Wednesday. Don’t be offended by him and don’t be upset if he brought you matches instead of salt. Falling in love with a Gemini means insuring yourself against loneliness and boredom. There will always be, as it were, two people with you, and both are he, your chosen one. You will never know where he is at the moment and when he will return.

Love with a Gemini man can be easy and pleasant only if you don’t try to get too close to him and don’t hang around his neck before every time he leaves for work. Accept that there is some mysterious essence in him that he does not reveal to anyone. Take this lightly and calmly. Don't bother him.

But a silent mouse won’t suit him either. He needs, first of all, an intellectual duel; do not rebel against his fickleness - change with him, and your original romance can become long-lasting. He may confess his love to you today, but not show up for a date tomorrow. If you get over this and forgive him, a few days later he will propose to you again, and then express his belief that you cannot be happy together. Before you marry a Gemini, make sure you are able to live with constant mystery and uncertainty.

Husband according to Cancer horoscope

(June 22 – July 22) Don’t expect a Cancer man to bare his soul to you at the first meeting. He never trusts strangers. It will take a lot of time and patience to truly get to know him. His caution will amaze you, and his pessimism will make a depressing impression. He may be very attentive to you, and you will decide that he is a romantic dreamer, but if you look closely, you will see the reasonableness and practicality of any action.

Remember: Cancer's manners may be rough, but their hearts are kind. The typical Cancer adores his mother. Therefore, if you fall in love with a Cancer, you will have to, on the one hand, put his mother on a pedestal, and on the other, constantly compete with her. Although Cancer can easily flirt, it takes him a lot of time to have a serious feeling, since it is not easy for him to find a woman who meets his ideal.

Cancer is a wonderful father: he is proud of his sons and protects his daughters. But when the children grow up, difficulties may arise, since he would like his children to be attached to him forever and stay with him forever.

Horoscope husband Leo

(July 23 – August 23) There must always be an audience in front of him. Become her for him - and you will enjoy constant favor. It's easy to lure him into an affair if you play it right: flatter him, adore him, and respect him.

An affair with Leo will never be without trouble. He will tell you what to wear, how to comb your hair, what books to read, what friends are right for you. He will definitely need to know why you went to the store for fifteen minutes and returned an hour later, who you met on the street and what they told you. He will ask you what you think about when you look out the window.

After all, you may be thinking about another man! Never forget the strength of his impulsive character. Trying to excite him with random flirting is very stupid: he already knows that others desire you. Be ready to always balance his enthusiasm with a calm mind, learn to calm him down when he dumps his problems of enormous proportions on you. You need to have stability to balance out his pride. If you don't have this quality, your love will turn into a battle. You will constantly quarrel and make up.

When choosing a Leo man, forget about your career, he is your career! Married for love, your Leo husband will be kind and gentle with you, provided that everything in the house revolves around him. Leo is usually too lazy to chase pretty faces, especially if he has already found a wife capable of running his household.

Despite their natural gentleness, Leos are insensitive to the experiences of others. They are so preoccupied with themselves that they can be cruel in their frankness and tactlessness. Leos rarely have large families, they are wonderful fathers, but you should not pay more attention to your children than to your husband. Whether he is good-natured or dangerous, generous or selfish, Leo believes that he deserves the role of master of the situation. And we must admit that he achieves success everywhere.

Husband according to Virgo horoscope

(August 24 – September 23) Don't pin your hopes on a Virgo man if your heart is drawn to romantic feelings. A love affair with a Virgo will put you on cold ground and can cause a lot of pain. Such a man lives entirely on a practical, material level. The expression of love for him comes down to endless affection for family, friends and those who are weaker than him. He was born with an intense love of work, duty, discipline.

He always strives for honest, clean and decent relationships. But it is very difficult to hurt his emotions. Be patient. Success will come to the one who knows how to wait. His love will burn with an even flame, without gusts or outbursts, and this love will give you a feeling of warmth and reliability for many years. There is only one romantic quality in the love of a Virgo man - he can wait for years for a reciprocal feeling from his chosen one.

Self-discipline – characteristic feature Virgo men. If he decided something, it was final. He does not tolerate ignorance and stupidity, as well as dirt and vulgarity. He is looking for a wife, not a mistress. He does not have strong paternal feelings and will not take his responsibilities seriously. With a Virgo man, you can safely hope for a stable future.

Husband according to the horoscope Libra

(September 24 – October 23) Libra men are usually pleasant people, friendly, with a light and clear mind. He always has ready-made solution all your problems. His habit of rationalizing everything, including love, can drive you crazy. But it can be so pleasant and gentle that you will forget about all the annoying flaws.

His behavior is full of contradictions. Life with him is unlikely to be smooth and calm. A big difficulty for him is making a decision, and even having made it, he can change it without warning if he realizes that he has made a mistake. In a love story, Libra has achieved such perfection that it has surpassed Scorpio, Leo and Taurus.

A Libra man can conquer almost any woman. However, having acquired it, he does not always know what to do with it next. Having charmed, he begins to hesitate. He will not lose interest in women until he is 90 years old. If he is happily married, it may be a selfless interest, but love itself will never tire of him.

He hates quarrels, troubles, complications. More than anything in the world, he values ​​peace. He is loved in society for his courtesy, kindness, cheerful and good-natured character. If you keep yourself and your home in order, you will one day realize that your husband is a wonderful person.

Husband according to horoscope Scorpio

(October 24 – November 22) If you've fallen in love with a Scorpio and the word “passion” scares you, put on your sneakers and run as fast as if the devil himself is chasing you. So it is: Scorpio is passionate in everything - in friendship, politics, work, love. Scorpio will amaze you with its duality: it combines reason and passion, intellect and emotions. He's more than smart. Scorpio will never allow his wife to dictate anything to him; an intelligent wife will simply kindly and tenderly ask him; he will do everything for his beloved.

He is a man, She is a woman. However, with a wife who understands him, he will be gentle and attentive, repaying her with such loyalty and love that other women have read about only in novels. Don't try to resist this man: if he decides that he needs you, he will still hypnotize you. A woman must be very brave to live with him and not break. Hold tight so as not to fall, and open your eyes wider - you will see a horizon that is inaccessible to timid women.

Sagittarius horoscope husband

(November 23 – December 21) His imagination can get him into a lot of trouble, but fate always helps him. He does not like dishonesty and always looks for the true value in a person. People who listen to his frank remarks may be offended, but, as a rule, they understand that his intentions are good-natured.

The sin of Sagittarius is his tactlessness and inattention, but not deliberate cruelty. His speech is as direct as a symbolic arrow. Women often misunderstand the attitude of Sagittarius men towards them. They think their relationship is more serious than it actually is. They hope that he wants strong connections, while he only wants an easy relationship, maybe even platonic.

He loves to flirt, but he wants more than just sex. Variety attracts him. If he sees that a woman is beginning to become firmly attached to him, then he tries to turn everything into a joke. Sagittarius thinks with both heart and mind. And he doesn’t always act wisely on this. He stumbles and falls, gets up and tries to start over. But you will forgive him almost everything, because he is gifted with a great gift - to love honestly.

Husband according to Capricorn horoscope

(December 22 – January 20) Striving for perfection, Capricorn men choose their wives very carefully. They need a woman who will be a good mother and an excellent housewife, who will dress beautifully and tastefully, who will be smart and well-educated. But beauty and physical compatibility are not so important to him. The main thing for you is to please his family.

You can call him father with a capital letter. He always sits at the head of the table, demanding respect, unquestioning obedience and submission. In response to this, he will pay with affection and self-sacrifice. Most of Capricorn's marriages are strong, but if he made a mistake, he may get divorced, although divorce terrifies him.

Your Capricorn will cover you on a rainy day, protect you from loneliness and blows of fate. Any reasonable woman would appreciate such affection. Let him not be an ardent lover, looking at you with sparkling eyes and whispering passionate words. He - strong man with a soft heart. And even when his hair turns gray and his face becomes covered with wrinkles, for him you will remain the same woman to whom he once said: “I love you.”

Husband's horoscope is Aquarius

(January 21 – February 18) You should know that the Aquarius man is reserved and modest, and does not like to burden others with requests. His life may be unhappy, but it is never gray and monotonous. He will have everything - wealth and poverty, success and disaster, hobbies and disappointments. He has many strange relationships, both in love and friendship. And until you get married, for him, no matter how hard it is to admit, you are another experiment.

He can be very gentle and soft, but you should remember that his superficial calm is just a mirage. An angry Aquarius is capable of completely shocking actions. And what’s especially unpleasant is that you can forgive him for this. Don't do something stupid like that, at least more than once. The most unpleasant character trait of Aquarius is his negative attitude to marriage. He tries to delay it as long as possible.

As for his fidelity in the physical plane, here you can be relatively calm: sex does not consume him. This is not at all what he lives for. If he thinks that you don’t suit him in some way, he will abruptly break off the relationship. And the worst thing is that he will never explain the reason for the breakup.

There will be times when you won't know where he is or with whom, even after you've gotten married. Consider that this is just a tribute to curiosity, interest in people, even if a woman is involved. If you want the truth, you can ask a direct question and he will answer it sincerely. Don't be offended when he is in a gloomy mood and prefers to be alone at such moments. He'll be back.

Despite his clumsiness in love, he can unexpectedly say good things about his feelings. Having forgotten your wedding anniversary, you may bring a bouquet of violets in January for no reason. He may remain silent for weeks, and then say only a few words, but such that your heart will flutter with happiness. With him you will see rainbows at night, celebrate birthdays at dawn, light candles on pies... After all, you married an Aquarius and live in a wonderland. But be careful – it’s so easy to get lost in Wonderland...

Husband according to Pisces horoscope

(February 19 – March 20) The Pisces man has great spiritual subtlety with a developed skeptical mind. If your Pisces man knows his tide and is not lazy to rush into this stream, then you will be happy like no one else, fame and fortune await you. But if he did not notice the beginning of the tide and missed it, then being stranded can lead to big troubles. Remember that he is very sensitive and can be easily offended. He needs to know that his virtues are highly valued by those he loves. Encourage him constantly.

He may say he went out to buy cigarettes when in fact he was in the laundromat. Why? No one can explain this, not even himself. This way of hiding himself gives him pleasure and gives work to his rich imagination. He will not have outbursts of jealousy. If there are reasons for her, he will pretend not to notice anything.

But this is a man, despite his poetic nature, and he needs loyalty. But you will have to control your jealousy, since he has many close friends of both sexes. They will turn to him for sympathy, sometimes at inopportune times.

He admires beauty and enjoys looking at the beautiful legs of strangers, but try not to pay attention to it. And your reward will be a gentle husband, a romantic lover and an attentive interlocutor.

Children will have a lot of fun with it. For them, he is a book of fairy tales come to life. In love, he needs constant confirmation of feelings and faith. Try to support him with a happy family life.
