How to glue vapor barrier seams. Scotch tape for vapor barrier and waterproofing

Scotch ML is a double-sided self-adhesive tape on a fabric base made of synthetic rubber. Has good adhesion and within long term service, and also guarantees a reliable vapor-air-tight connection.


DELTA FLEXX-BAND F100 is an elastic one-sided bitumen-rubber tape with adhesive, with high adhesive ability on a high-strength tape made of nonwoven fabric, for sealing elements passing through the roof.

Scotch tape DELTA INSIDE-BAND I 60

Adhesive tape DELTA INSIDE-BAND I 60 Universal single-sided tape with high adhesive force for hermetically sealing vapor barrier films in the overlap area on the front side. Can be used to adhere films to metal, hard plastic, and smooth wood.

The best tapes and tapes for vapor-waterproofing

The main purpose of adhesive tapes and tapes for vapor barriers and waterproofing is to tightly connect the films in areas of overlap. This creates a sealed vapor barrier between the vapor-waterproofing and the walls, ventilation pipes passing through the roof, various connections, fixation to the Mauerlat or any other roof structures.

Double-sided tapes and tapes for various membranes, as a rule, guarantee the quality of work carried out with vapor barrier and waterproofing. It is also necessary to consider the connection of the counter-lattice with the films; for this purpose, a special sealing tape is provided, which ensures a tight connection in the places of nail fastenings.

Often the roofing film is fixed with a mounting stapler and that’s where it ends, but on a roof with a low slope this is a serious violation that will lead to leakage of vapors and condensate. You can buy double-sided tape or vapor barrier tape at any roofing store or order it through an online store, which will one hundred percent create a high-quality vapor barrier.

Price for adhesive tapes and sealing tapes

The price of adhesive tape varies; it differs from each other by manufacturers, as well as by the width of the roll and the length. Adhesive tapes create an excellent vapor-tight seal for the overlap of the vapor barrier, hydro-wind protection for creating durable design roofing pie. These are inexpensive roofing accessories that you shouldn't skimp on. We have collected for you the best and most trusted manufacturers of sealing tapes and tapes that seal hydro-vapour barrier joints.

Video instructions for Delta® multi-band M60 tape

Video instructions for sealing tape Delta® schaum-band SB 60

Video instructions for joining tape Delta flexx-band F100

The installation of waterproofing must be treated as responsibly as the choice of roofing coverings. Vapor barrier tape is a special construction tape used to seal the connecting seams of vapor barrier films. If unsuitable or low-quality adhesive tape is used for these purposes, it peels off from the film, the seams lose their tightness, and moisture freely enters the insulation. As a result, the thermal insulation properties of housing construction are reduced or lost.

Types of adhesive tapes for connecting vapor barrier films

All special tapes used to connect vapor barrier films differ in their structure and differ in the materials from which they are made. Structurally, they are single- and double-sided. The former are used for attaching strips of vapor barrier film together “joint to joint”, and the latter are used for attaching vapor barrier “overlapping”.

Buy vapor barrier tape from various materials the following types are possible:

  1. Aluminum tape is a layered building material consisting of protective paper, aluminum tape (20-40 microns thick) and an adhesive layer. This type of tape with a tape width of 5-10 cm holds vapor barrier films together well, but it cannot be used with all of their varieties.
  2. Reinforced tape with aluminum differs from standard tape with an aluminum layer in increased strength due to the placement of a reinforcing layer inside it. Width 5-10 cm.
  3. Polypropylene is the cheapest and most accessible type of tape. You can buy vapor barrier tape in almost every store. hardware store. However, such tape has a serious drawback - insufficient reliability of the seam for attaching vapor barrier films. This tape is usually produced in a width of 5.0 cm and a thickness of 20-100 microns.
  4. TPL tape combines a polyethylene coating on the outside with a fabric base and a rubber adhesive layer. For example, such tape is rarely used to seal the seams of TechnoNIKOL vapor barriers. The thickness of the TPL tape is 200 microns, and the width is 5 cm.
  5. Butyl rubber tape has good adhesion and adheres perfectly to the vapor barrier surface. The width of this type of tape is 1.5-5.0 cm.

Mounting tapes Ondutis

Ondutis ML is a double-sided self-adhesive tape with a base made of fabric. The artificial rubber included in its composition ensures stable and reliable connection up to 15 years. This tape, 5 cm wide, is used during the installation of vapor barrier films on walls, ceilings and the roof itself; it is non-toxic and safe. Ondutis ML is used as a sealing tape (universal) when placing roofing and vapor barrier films on the fencing elements of buildings. Used for hermetically sealing (sealing) the seams of vapor barrier films.

Ondutis BL – double-sided tape with non-adhesive (anti-adhesive) paper base. This tape provides a stable air- and vapor-tight connection for up to fifteen years. Goes on sale in 2 rolls of 25 meters long (each). This BL tape is used for sealing various junctions with wood, concrete, brick and other roof penetrations (for example, pipes for various purposes, ventilation ducts), as well as for attaching films to brick or concrete walls.

Fixation of film vapor barrier building materials

The main tier of film vapor barrier is placed along the roofing eaves, observing the sagging required during installation relative to the rafters at a level of 1-2 cm.

It is important to correctly form the space between the rafters so that it does not exceed 1.20 m.

In addition, you need to ensure that the size of the air gap between the heat-insulating elements and the waterproofing film is about 4 cm.

The placement of the waterproofing layer is carried out horizontally - from the eaves overhang to the ridge beam, with a mandatory overlap of 10-15 cm. The maximum sagging value of the waterproofing film in relation to the rafters is strictly observed and should not exceed 2 cm.

The edges of the insulation are overlapped, and the seams must be sealed using appropriate tape, glue or tape.

The vapor barrier film is fixed over its entire surface with a stapler. Can be used for fastening nails with a galvanized surface.

It is important that the hardware used for fastening has a wide upper part that prevents damage to the insulation building material.

Each subsequent piece of film is placed overlapping the previous one by 20 cm, and this value changes depending on the roof slope.

Counter-lattice bars are placed on top of the waterproofing coating. The minimum cross-sectional value of the bars should be within 4 * 2.5 cm, with a placement interval of 10-15 cm. Then the installation of the sheathing structure is carried out.

In the upper part of the roof, there is a gap of up to 5 cm between the ridge beam and the waterproofing film. It is necessary to make a ridge vent or break the waterproofing coating under a certain part of the roof covering, which will ensure sufficient ventilation of this hidden gap.

In places where various pipes, masts or antennas are attached to the roof, film insulators are cut and glued to the nearest parts of the lathing structure. For these purposes, either vapor barrier tape or self-adhesive (double-sided) tape is used. If skylights are placed on the roof, to waterproof them, you must follow the recommendations of the manufacturers of such windows.

When laying perforated film waterproofing, it is important to observe the correct placement of the vapor barrier side, placing the perforations on the outer side. Otherwise, there is a possibility that moisture will get into the under-roof space and thermal insulation, condensation and steam will accumulate inside, which will lead to rotting of the roof parts and the appearance of leaks.

How to choose and buy vapor barrier tape correctly

It is necessary to remember the basic rule - ordinary tape is not used for gluing the seams of vapor barrier films. Most of these insulating films have a rough outer surface, so the tape will come off almost immediately after gluing. When choosing the type of adhesive tape, you must consider its following characteristics:

  • resistance to ultraviolet radiation and various natural phenomena;
  • low moisture absorption rate (up to 0.2%);
  • operating temperature range (ranging from −40 - +80С);
  • adhesion resistance with certain types of building materials (metals, wood, concrete, films)
  • long service life (up to 15 or more years).

Important: do not purchase adhesive tapes or tapes for gluing vapor barrier joints from unknown manufacturers. Such tapes can be unsafe for health and the environment (often even toxic).

In addition, these tapes cannot guarantee required quality gluing. Various types of butyl rubber construction tapes work best for vapor barriers.

To increase the reliability of the connection of vapor barrier sheets, the double gluing technique is used. First, the canvases are glued to each other “overlapping” using double-sided tape, and then the resulting seam is reinforced by gluing it one-sided.

Installation of vapor barrier tape consists of the following steps:

  1. Preparation of the bonded film surfaces - they need to be cleaned, dried and definitely degreased.
  2. The lower sheet of vapor barrier film is placed on the prepared base. The tape is glued around the perimeter of the entire canvas.
  3. The protective film is removed from the upper surface of the tape.
  4. The second fabric is placed “overlapping” on the first sheet, and the place where the seam is formed is clamped as tightly as possible.
  5. Then the edges are glued with tape.

Important: to ensure the best quality of connection, seams must be sealed at optimal temperatures and humidity.

Which vapor barrier tape to buy and how not to make a mistake with the choice - video

The technology for laying a vapor barrier layer involves gluing the sheets together. In modern construction, special tape is used for these purposes. If you choose simple stationery material, then there is a risk of moisture getting into the insulation. Since there is a large amount of adhesive tape in stores, let's figure out how to glue the vapor barrier.

The vapor barrier film is laid with inside rooms, under thermal insulation. Its task is to protect thermal insulation from moisture from residential premises. The film itself does an excellent job, but fumes can penetrate through the joints of the canvases. To do this, each joint is insulated with special tape.

If you do not seal the joints, moisture will penetrate into the insulation, causing it to begin to lose its insulating properties. Wet mineral wool protects against cold 60% worse than dry.

In addition, when gluing the vapor barrier in the house itself, comfortable humidity and microclimate are maintained. This happens because the insulation absorbs vapors from the air, making it drier. Due to lack of water, problems with the health of the skin and respiratory tract can begin.

It is necessary to glue the joints of the vapor barrier layer during new construction of a house or major roof repairs. It is also recommended to check the quality of the roofing pie when buying a house, whether it is old or modern building. The adhesive tape may come off over time due to age or due to poor quality installation work. In such a situation, you have to undertake repairs and it is important to choose the right type of adhesive tape and manufacturer.

Types of scotch tape

Construction tapes have two factors by which they can be distinguished. Firstly, there are different structural solutions. They produce single-sided tape for gluing vapor barriers end-to-end, and double-sided tape for installing overlapping sheets. Secondly, there is a wide variety of materials used to glue the film, from which the joining tapes are made:

  1. Aluminum. Adhesive tape 50-100 mm wide, consisting of a layer of aluminum, protective paper and glue. The thickness of the metal in the film is no more than 40 microns, but it provides sufficient strength for work. This option is not suitable for all types of vapor barriers.
  2. Reinforced aluminum. Here a reinforcing layer is added, which increases the strength of the material. The width remains the same as in the previous version.
  3. Polypropylene. Most a budget option for gluing, which can be found in any store. Typically the width does not exceed 50 mm and the thickness is 100 microns. Not recommended for use in construction due to the high probability of peeling off.
  4. PTL tape. Consists of several layers: plastic film on the outside, fabric in the center and rubber-based adhesive on the working side. Quite rare adhesive tape with a thickness of 200 microns.
  5. Butyl rubber. The most suitable connection option vapor barrier material between themselves. Suitable for most materials. Has a width from 15 to 50 mm.

Brands of connecting tape

In order to choose the appropriate option, it is not enough to know only the technical characteristics or material of the adhesive tape. When you come to the store, you already need to know the brand of adhesive tape and tell it to the manager. Below we will look at some popular options; based on this information, you can decide exactly what is suitable for your needs.

Izospan SL

This tape is used simultaneously to seal the joints of hydro and vapor barriers. It was designed to seal joints protective films to structures passing through the roofing pie of the attic floor. For example, it is used near chimneys, pipes and ventilation ducts or skylights.

In addition, his working surface It adheres perfectly to walls and provides a reliable, hermetically sealed connection. Therefore, Izospan SL tape is used to treat the edges of the vapor barrier layer in the attic.

Concerning technical characteristics, then here is the most important information concerns adhesive strength. If we talk about the connection with concrete, then the tensile strength is 0.1 MPa. But gluing to metal surfaces is not recommended, as adhesion is reduced tenfold.

The water absorption of adhesive tape is equal to 0.2%, this is excellent result, when compared with roofing roofing felt, whose indicator fluctuates within 2%. The operating temperature is between -60 and + 140 °C. This tape is suitable for use in any area.

Izospan SL belongs to the group of double-sided adhesive tapes, so it is only suitable for installing overlapping vapor barriers. To do this, tape is glued to the edge of the first roll, then the release paper is removed and the second roll is applied.


This tape has working surfaces on both sides. The basis for the tape is polypropylene, but despite this, the material performs its functions perfectly. The length of one roll is 25 meters and the width is 3.8 cm. Thanks to the low cost, about $3 per piece, you can save on insulation without losing quality.

TechnoNIKOL adhesive tape is intended only for gluing vapor barrier rolls. It cannot be used when sealing the junctions of the film to load-bearing structures. Most often it is used in residential private construction and industrial buildings.

Ondutis ML and BL

The mounting tape is designed for a service life of up to 15 years. Depending on the marking, the scope of application and the surfaces to which the tape can be glued differ. So, ML is a tape with an adhesive composition on both sides of the fabric base. The connecting compound is synthetic rubber, which is durable and reliable. Available in rolls 50 mm wide and 25 meters long. Designed for bonding vapor barrier in roofing pies and walls.

Ondutis BL also has two adhesive sides, one of which is covered with non-sticky paper. Used to seal joints between vapor barriers and hard surfaces. It is used to process connections with brick, concrete and wooden walls. In addition, it can be used as a film attachment concrete walls.


A more expensive version of vapor barrier tape that has an aluminum base and two adhesive surfaces. The tape has several color options and is produced in rolls 10 meters long and 100 mm thick. The cost of this option is $11, which is explained by the scope of application.

Nicoband mounting tape is used to seal external seams. It is able to firmly bond the insulating film to plaster, wood, metal, roofing covering and concrete. The manufacturer guarantees a tight connection for 10 years.

Scotch tape selection criteria

Remember that stationery tape is definitely not suitable for gluing vapor barrier film. It is not designed for a strong connection to rough surfaces, so it falls off after a few hours. Even if it seems that it has stuck securely, keep in mind that the manufacturer did not expect the use of its adhesive tape in frosty conditions.

When choosing mounting tape, pay attention to the following factors:

  • if you plan to use it outdoors, the tape must withstand ultraviolet radiation and precipitation;
  • the level of water absorption should not exceed 0.2%;
  • It is important to working temperature coincided with the climate zone;
  • choose adhesive tape for specific jobs, either for sealing film or for connecting to hard surfaces;
  • minimum service life 10 years.

In our article today, we will talk about protecting insulation from steam penetration. To be completely precise, we’ll try to figure out what is the best way to glue the vapor barrier. What means exist for this, and how are they used in this or that case. We asked an expert in insulation issues to help us understand all the nuances and subtleties of the issue.


Good afternoon, Specialist! A lot of words have been said about the thermal insulation of residential premises, attics, balconies, and attics. We have clarified the situation regarding the need to use vapor barrier material in certain cases. But how to correctly connect vapor barrier sheets, how to seal joints - these questions were left “overboard”. Let's help readers figure it out.


Gluing sheets of vapor barrier material is a fairly simple process. But, at the same time, he is very responsible. There are several types of adhesive tapes, and first of all, let's determine the basic requirements that they all must meet:

  • High adhesion of the adhesive layer - the fabric must reliably, “tightly” stick both to the insulated structures and to the surface of the vapor barrier sheets;
  • Should not be destroyed or change its properties under the influence of ultraviolet radiation;
  • Should not absorb moisture;
  • The operating temperature range should reach up to 90 degrees Celsius;
  • The service life of the adhesive tape cannot be less than the service life of the vapor insulation itself - and this is an average of 15 years.


Our readers asked the question: “Is it possible to use ordinary stationery tape to connect joints?”


My answer is definitely no. For all its stickiness and moisture resistance, it literally comes off after a few days. Here are the connecting materials that will cope with the functions assigned to them:

  • Aluminum tape. This is a ten-centimeter wide roll of special aluminum foil with an adhesive layer. Perhaps this is the most universal connector, but it also copes with gluing not all types of vapor barriers.
  • Reinforced tape. In fact, this is the same aluminum connector, but with increased strength.
  • Polypropylene adhesive tape is perhaps the most budget-friendly connector. But it has the lowest strength, which determines its infrequent use.
  • Reinforced adhesive universal tape. The five-centimeter wide roll of tape is reinforced with a fabric layer, and the adhesive composition is based on rubber resin.
  • Butyl rubber connecting tape. High adhesion and reliable bonding are precisely the advantages of this connector.


How much can we judge from the characteristics of adhesive tapes? Are each of them good in their own way and their scope of application is determined by the characteristics of the premises, structures and types of surfaces that we glue?

Absolutely right. In addition, I would like to draw your attention to the fact that even the strongest adhesive composition will not cope with its task if the insulated surfaces are not properly prepared.

I strongly advise you not to rely on the Russian “maybe”, but to approach the issue of choosing adhesive tape for vapor barrier with all responsibility, because the reliability and durability of the thermal insulation of the entire building or your individual premises depends on such a seemingly trifle. The joint that has opened due to the peeling tape will become a channel for moisture to penetrate into the insulation fiber. Deterioration of thermal insulation, dampness, fungus... By saving on little things, we risk losing the battle to save heat.

In order to turn the vapor barrier into a continuous shell without holes or tears, it is necessary to connect its panels in a special way. Only then will she be able to perform her functions flawlessly.

In the process of forming connections, vapor barrier tape is used, on one or both sides of which a strong adhesive is applied. Now builders are offered a wide range of adhesive tapes for vapor barrier materials, for the correct selection of which information about the characteristics and properties is needed.

Briefly about the specifics of the vapor barrier device

Vapor insulation is constructed from polymer films designed to prevent the penetration of vapors into the thickness of insulation systems. It's thin rolled materials with minimal, and most often almost zero, vapor permeability. Due to their high structural density, they become a reliable barrier to traffic warm air containing suspended water.

The vapor barrier carpet is always laid as the first layer in the roofing pie, if we consider the system of arranging an insulated roof from the premises. It is he who must be the first to meet and, if possible, completely repel the attacks of steam or reduce to a minimum what manages to penetrate the vapor barrier.

Otherwise, the water will settle in the insulation and will persistently destroy both the thermal insulation and the building structures surrounding it. A fungus will grow inside the system, increasing its colonies at a fantastic rate. Wet insulation will not be able to protect the house from heat loss, because... the water that soaks it actively contributes to heat loss.

The vapor barrier films themselves do not allow evaporation to pass through at all unless they have any damage. However, steam can leak through weak joints of the material panels or the complete absence of them if the gluing of the strips was neglected during construction.

You can refuse to use adhesive tape only if you are installing waterproofing on a cold roof. The specifics of the installation allow you to do this. Panels waterproofing film laid from bottom to top, it turns out that each subsequent strip overlaps the underlying one. As a result, water flows down like fish scales.

Vapor barrier protection is arranged somewhat differently, although the principle is still the same: water should flow down the insulating carpet without returning to the room and without lingering in the insulation. The panels are laid across the rafters, but do not start from the eaves line, as is the case with the organization of waterproofing, but from the ridge purlin.

If we consider the vapor barrier carpet from the side of the room, it is clear that each underlying strip overlaps the lower edge of the upper panel by 10 - 20 cm. This overlap is necessary so that the moisture that penetrates inside the insulation system either flows down the ventilation gap or is removed along with the air circulating through the ducts .

The overlap line between the strips of vapor barrier film must be sealed so that moisture suspended in the air does not penetrate through this very vulnerable area. This is why you need a tape for gluing vapor barrier panels, the correct choice of which depends on the installation conditions and the upcoming operation of the roof with a vapor barrier carpet.

Features of steam protection construction

Our ancestors made the most ancient type of vapor barrier from fatty clay. It was spread in a continuous layer over the ceiling from the attic side, and a layer of dry earth was laid on top - the result was significantly more effective than new thermal insulation options.

Over time, clay was replaced by glassine, which is not particularly wear-resistant and resistant to external influences. He could not hold water on himself, i.e. was absolutely unsuitable for constructing a roof during the rainy season, and suffered from UV rays in the heat. In addition, it could easily be damaged during installation, which somewhat increased the construction budget and forced a considerable part of the work to be redone.

Instead of fragile glassine, polyethylene films were first used, then their polypropylene analogues. Now, on the same polymer base, a wide range of specialized vapor barrier materials are produced with optimized strength properties, improved characteristics, and increased resistance to atmospheric and mechanical influences.

All vapor barrier materials currently used in construction can be divided into the following three most common groups:

  • Films made of polypropylene or polyethylene, including reinforced versions. Mainly used in insulation schemes ceilings, where they are laid on a horizontal plane, therefore they do not require gluing. Used as waterproofing for cold roofs.
  • Membranes with anti-condensation properties. Polymer materials with an internal rough surface installed towards the movement of vapors. The opposite smooth side resists water seepage from the outside. Used in the construction of attics.
  • Foil membranes. Polymer films with foil on the inside; a layer of thermal insulation is often attached to the outer surface. They play the role of vapor barrier and material with reflex properties; they are installed in Russian steam rooms, Finnish saunas and other rooms with similar humidity and temperature operating conditions.

The foil and anti-condensation steam protection panels are glued together with tape, one or both sides of which are equipped with an adhesive. Let's look at how connections are made, where and when gluing is performed, and what methods are used.

General installation rules

In order for the vapor barrier to flawlessly cope with its assigned function, it must be laid correctly. The main rule that requires strict adherence is: vapor barrier materials are laid in the same way as a roll is rolled out. There is no need to rewind or turn over the material.

In addition, for convenience in performing the work, the manufacturer indicates the side of installation and the amount of overlap. There is no need to experiment in this matter, because... The system developers thought through and provided for all the nuances.

To avoid spontaneous formation of condensation in the body of the roofing pie, it is necessary to arrange under-roof ventilation. Its organization is carried out in the case of laying conventional films of polypropylene and polyethylene in front of the insulation mansard roofs. To do this, by attaching the counter-lattice to the rafters, ventilation channels - vents - are formed on the side of the premises.

If membranes are used in the construction of insulated attic roofs, the construction ventilation ducts not necessary. These materials are allowed to come into direct contact with the insulation without the risk of it being moistened by condensation formed inside the system.

To construct a vapor barrier of any type, it is advisable to wait for dry, windless weather, regardless of whether the material is able or not to resist the pressure of the water column. Vapor barrier materials are attached to rafters or laths; the distance between supports for fixation should not exceed a limit of 1.2 m.

Construction steps include several equivalent steps, independent of the material used in construction:

  • Rolling out the vapor barrier membrane. The starting strip of material is rolled out across the rafters. Work begins from the line of the ridge girder and continues with longitudinal panels down to the eaves.
  • Attaching the film to the rafters. TO truss structure The vapor barrier is secured with glue, staplers or galvanized nails with a large flat head.
  • Maintaining sag. When attaching to the rafters, it is necessary to create a slight slack so that the material is not tightly stretched between the attachment points. The membrane should “sag” by about 2 cm per meter. This is necessary so that, with standard movements for lumber, they do not tear the film.
  • Location of overlaps. The panels of material should overlap each other horizontally by 10–20 cm, vertically by 15–20 cm, depending on the manufacturer’s recommendations. Overlaps should be placed over rigid elements of the rafter system.
  • Solid fixation. After the initial fastening of the membrane during installation, it should be thoroughly fixed by installing lathing.

The lathing, constructed in front of the vapor barrier, forms the next row of ventilation ducts, which is required to ensure the distance between the attic cladding and the polymer material. At the same time, the laths serve as a base for installing the sheathing.

Types of adhesive tapes for vapor barriers

When choosing a vapor barrier material for the construction of a roofing pie, you need to remember that the adhesive tape for connecting the panels and the film must be produced by the same manufacturer. Often when using products different brands There is no gluing effect or it does not last long.

The membranes are joined using connecting tape specifically for vapor barrier, because it eliminates the formation of capillary moisture in the connection area:

  • panels laid next to each other;
  • adjacency to elements passing through the roof - chimneys, antennas, communication risers;
  • adjacency to adjacent building structures, including parapets, panoramic windows, doorways and etc.

The choice of vapor barrier material to protect structures from evaporation depends on the conditions of the upcoming operation, which must be unconditionally taken into account before purchasing. In addition, you need to carefully study the instructions for installing a vapor barrier so as not to encounter the impossibility of installation right on site.

Single-sided tape for tight joints

This type of adhesive tape is used to join sheets of vapor barrier material by placing an overlap over the edge that overlaps an already installed adjacent sheet.

Single-sided tape with the DELTA® logo and the product name TAPE FAS 60/100 is a 6 cm wide strip with a laminated cardboard base and an acrylate adhesive on the working side. This tape cannot be used for gluing film materials made from chlorinated paraffin, and gluing to boards made from recycled materials is not allowed. It is not suitable for installation in swimming pools and bathrooms.

It is used exclusively for carrying out work inside a furnished attic or other room. Suitable for connecting vapor barrier protection to nearby smooth metal, wood, and plastic surfaces.

In the line of domestic products, an analogue is Izospan SL - an adhesive tape designed for hermetically sealing vapor barrier strips.

Self-adhesive self-expanding version

In the line of the German company Delta, similar products are represented by a tape with the nomenclature name DELTA-KOM-BAND K 15. It is used in the formation of sealed and airtight connections to adjacent structures, walls of ventilation shafts, brick chimneys.

In the state offered to the buyer, the tape is compressed, resulting in the width of the sales offer being only 4 cm; after straightening the material, the width of the strip reaches 17 cm. It is made from polyurethane foam, reinforcement is installed on one side of the tape and an acrylate adhesive is applied.

This type of adhesive tape is suitable for outdoor work because... can be used for gluing to damp and even frost-covered surfaces. It is first glued to the film, and then pressed against the wall with a strip.

Elastic self-adhesive tapes

For sealing passages through the roof of communication risers, antennas, narrow steel pipes bitumen-rubber single-sided tape DELTA-FLEXX-BAND F 100 and DELTA-MULTI-BAND M 60/ M 100 is used.

These are universal adhesive Consumables, suitable for work both inside and outside the building. They are used in the arrangement of penetrations, they compensate for linear movements of building structures relative to each other, allowing them to move without losing the tightness of the constructed junction.

Universal adhesive tapes are used to repair damage to all types of insulating films, but are only suitable for gluing to smooth surfaces. Since they are designed for outdoor work, during development they were given resistance to UV and other atmospheric hazards.

The product range from the Izospan company includes a one-sided, weather- and UV-resistant tape labeled Izospan ML proff.

Double-sided tapes and their use

Resistant to atmospheric negativity Double-sided tape German production with the nomenclature name DELTA-BUTYL-BAND B 15 is made of butyl rubber. Tape with two adhesive sides is used in joining vapor barrier panels and in eliminating defects such as breaks and cuts.

Double-sided tapes for insulating films are used for both external and internal views works, suitable for arranging connections to roof windows, rafter legs and hard flooring. When making connections to building structures, it is necessary to install clamping strips to ensure perfect fixation.

In the line of Russian adhesive tapes, Izospan KL has similar characteristics. This tape is glued over the rolled-out vapor barrier strip, departing from its edge at the distance specified by the manufacturer. First, only the lower anti-adhesive paper is removed, after gluing, the upper one is removed, on which the next vapor barrier sheet is applied.

Metallized tapes for vapor barriers

When connecting vapor barrier materials to the metallized side, adhesive tapes coated with aluminum are used. Product from a German brand roofing materials called DELTA-POLY-BAND P 100.

This is a single-sided tape, it is made of polypropylene, with outside it has a metal coating applied to it. The width of this type of tape is 10 cm, its gluing ability significantly exceeds the properties of conventional tapes.

In the line of Russian products, Izospan FL Termo has equivalent qualities; this adhesive tape allows you to create a single heat-reflecting plane like a German product.

Adhesive tapes with a metallized side serve well in rooms with non-standard operating humidity and temperature conditions. With their use, steam rooms of Russian baths are equipped and supply dry steam Finnish saunas. Adhesive tapes are laid on dried and degreased vapor barrier sheets.

Video review of adhesive tapes for vapor barriers

Analysis of qualities and comparison of tapes for gluing vapor barrier panels from different manufacturers:

Video instructions for using single-sided tape Delta:

Guidelines for attaching a vapor barrier to a window opening:

It is worth familiarizing yourself with the specifics of laying and using adhesive tapes for connecting vapor barrier materials if you do not want to redo them many times own work, endlessly repair the roof and spend money on purchasing new components for the roofing pie.

Installation of a vapor barrier layer is mandatory when building a residential premises. The film serves to protect the insulation from vaporous liquid that emanates from the room into the inside of the roof of the house. The vapor barrier membrane prevents condensation (the transition of a substance from a vapor to a liquid state) from entering the living room.

If the vapor barrier is installed the wrong way, the house will accumulate too much vapor. The penetration of moisture under the roof will not be controlled. Over time, the insulation will absorb a large amount of water and lose its thermal insulation characteristics, and gradually the wall or ceiling coverings will be destroyed. This article will discuss the issue of gluing vapor barrier sheets.

Since the seams of the vapor barrier layer are sealed using special construction tape, this material will be discussed. Will also be considered general rules and the nuances of installing a vapor barrier.

Construction tape for vapor barrier

Vapor barrier tape is a connecting tape that will help ensure that coatings or areas where certain parts are combined are impenetrable to vapor or water. If you use ordinary tape, it will quickly peel off, and moisture will freely enter the thermal insulation layer.

Vapor barrier tape is divided into several types:

  • Connection tape made of aluminum. The thickness averages thirty micrometers. This type copes with the task perfectly, but it is not suitable for all types of vapor barriers. The width of the aluminum tape is approximately ten centimeters;
  • Reinforced tape. This construction connecting tape differs from the previous one in its greater strength, the width is approximately the same;
  • Polypropylene construction tape. The main advantage of the material is its low cost on the construction market. However, this tape is rarely used when gluing vapor barrier sheets, since it has low strength;
  • Universal reinforced adhesive tape. The basis of this type of tape is fabric. And the base of the glue is rubber. It is used very rarely to ensure vapor tightness. The width of the tape is five centimeters;
  • Butyl rubber joint tape. The type has excellent adhesion to the surface and adheres well to the vapor barrier layer.

Ordinary office joining tape is not suitable for gluing sheets of vapor barrier layer. Literally after a short period of time (one or two days) everything will come off.

When purchasing special construction tape, you should consider the following characteristics:

  • this material must be highly resistant to ultraviolet rays;
  • the tape should practically not absorb moisture;
  • ability to withstand temperatures up to 90 degrees Celsius;
  • construction connecting tape must have excellent adhesion to wooden and metal surfaces (adhesion);
  • operational service life is fifteen years.

It is not recommended to purchase connecting tape from an unknown company at a construction market or store. The material from which adhesive tape can be made can release toxins, which can cause harm to the human body. And there is no guarantee of quality.

The vapor barrier should be glued first double-sided tape, and then the second layer - one-sided.

When working with special tape, you need to follow a certain algorithm of actions:

  • first you need to clean the surface from dust and other dirt, and then dry it;
  • the lowest layer of vapor barrier is installed on the coating; it is sealed along the entire length and width with a special connecting tape;
  • Next, we get rid of the film from the top of the tape;
  • at the end, the second layer is installed, it must be pressed tightly and sealed.

Installation of vapor barrier

There are materials specifically designed for installing vapor barriers with one layer of film, polyethylene, or materials with two layers. They are all different from each other, so the question arises: “which side should I glue the vapor barrier layer on?”

BOPP (Biaxially Oriented Polypropylene Film) is glued with the rough side to the under-roof base. If the installation is done correctly, then the accumulated moisture will be able to escape into the vent without any obstacles.

A membrane with two layers is glued with a smooth surface to the heat-insulating layer. Often, the manufacturer even makes a mark on the required side of the membrane. This greatly simplifies the work.

Polypropylene with one side laminated coating just like the previous material, it is sealed with a smooth surface.

Of course everything Construction Materials, intended for installing vapor barriers, differ from each other, so it is best to read the instructions provided, or consult with the seller of the hardware store.

Things to remember:

  • if the membrane is painted various colors, it must be glued to the insulation with the lighter side;
  • Usually the desired side of the film, which needs to be glued to the surface of the vapor barrier layer, is the inner one.

Main stages of work

When installing a vapor barrier layer, there is a specific algorithm of actions. This layer is placed after thermal insulation. The insulation should not have any cracks or other defects. Construction timbers for sheathing are treated with chemical antifungal agents. The film must coincide with the entire perimeter of the surface.

To work you will need:

  • pencil;
  • construction stapler;
  • screws;
  • screwdriver (an ordinary screwdriver will do);
  • tape measure;
  • scissors;
  • construction knife;
  • single-sided tape (necessary for connecting various joints), as well as double-sided tape (needed for gluing vapor barrier sheets).

Step-by-step installation:

  • In the carrier system pitched roof(rafters), where the thermal insulation layer is located, it is necessary to fill the lower part of the covering, consisting of laths, with two boards. Using special construction tape, you need to make a strip that will be adhesive on both sides. Then you need to cut the roll to the required length. From the bottom of the lath covering, the film should be glued to the insulation on the side where the mark is located.
  • It is important to glue the ends of the vapor barrier sheets to the supporting system of the pitched roof. This connection is made using a construction stapler. The bottom of the membrane is glued to the sheathing. Having retreated twenty centimeters from the top, you need to stick the next strip, without tearing off the previous layer intended for protection.
  • Following this algorithm, you need to glue the appropriate number of rows. The sealed film should be secured with bars. The beams can be secured with screws. Be sure to leave a vent between the ridge and the roof eaves.

Throughout the entire work, it is necessary to monitor the integrity of the structure. If any vapor barrier sheet has been damaged, it must be urgently replaced with another.

Features of installing a vapor barrier

Installation of a vapor barrier on the walls of a room occurs only if the insulation has a mineral base, and outer side is located on the street.

To properly install a vapor barrier layer, you must:

  • Carefully fasten the desired side to the covering consisting of lathing, because the surface can be damaged;
  • it is important to carefully close all possible surface defects (cracks, holes, etc.);
  • it is necessary to install the sheathing using beams to create ventilation;
  • the overall structure can be covered with decorative wall panels.

Today there are many films for creating a vapor barrier. But the best membrane is Ondutis. This material Excellent for protecting the thermal insulation layer and roof from the destructive effects of condensation.

The main advantage of Ondutis is that it is suitable for absolutely any structure (walls, ceilings, floors, roofs and other places). The Ondutis membrane is a polymer sheet gray. This material is especially valuable in winter period time. Ondutis is the protection of your premises from wind, moisture and steam.


As you can learn from this article, gluing vapor barrier sheets requires a certain amount of care and precision on your part. The main construction tool is a special adhesive tape. The film should be fastened with the side where the marking is located (but do not forget to read the instructions before purchasing).

Before installing a vapor barrier layer, the surface must be prepared by first cleaning it from dust and dirt, and also by treating it with chemical antifungal agents. Vapor barriers are installed in several layers. During operation, be sure to leave holes for the vaporous liquid to escape.

At the time of buying additional materials There is no need to spare your money, since in the future the comfort and coziness in your home depends on it. Also an excellent material is vapor barrier adhesive. You can carry out the entire procedure yourself, but it is better to trust the professionals, because the work is quite complex and takes a long period of time. Our specialists will do the installation efficiently, and you won’t have to worry about any problems.

To ensure reliable protection of the roof from the effects of moisture and steam, you should take a responsible approach to the installation of the roofing pie, select the necessary waterproofing components, including glue, tape or vapor barrier tape and some other components. The completed protection must fully meet all stated requirements. It is recommended to approach its implementation no less responsibly than the selection of roof coverings. An important role is played by the installation of vapor barrier films and waterproofing membranes, which will be discussed below.

Fixation of film materials

The main tier of film is placed along the entire roof eaves, maintaining the required sagging relative to the rafters at a level of 10-20mm. Experts advise creating a space between adjacent rafters of no more than 120 cm. It is worth noting that the height of the air gap between the thermal insulation components and the waterproofing film should be about 40mm.

The installation of waterproofing itself is carried out in a horizontal direction, starting from the cornice and reaching the ridge, maintaining an overlap of 100..150mm. The maximum sagging of the film relative to the rafters should be no more than 20mm. The edges of the insulation are joined in an overlapping manner, with mandatory gluing of the joints using appropriate tape, adhesive tape or glue.

The vapor barrier film is fixed over the entire working surface using a construction stapler. The use of galvanized nails is allowed. It is important that the hardware has a wide head, which will prevent damage to the material.

Each subsequent row of film material is laid with an overlap of up to 200mm, and given value varies depending on the roof slope.

Counter-lattice bars are installed on top of the waterproofing, and their minimum cross-section must be at least 40*25mm, with an interval of 100-150mm. Next is the installation of the sheathing.

In the ridge part of the roof, a gap of up to 50mm is guaranteed between the corresponding axis and the waterproofing film. It is necessary to perform a ridge vent, which is called a rupture of the insulating component under the corresponding part of the roof, which ensures ventilation of the hidden space.

In the area of ​​fixing various masts, chimneys or antennas to the roof, film materials are usually cut and glued to nearby sheathing elements. For this purpose, either vapor barrier tape or self-adhesive double-sided tape is used. In the case of skylights, when providing waterproofing, it is recommended to follow the instructions of the manufacturers.

When working with perforated film, the correct position of the vapor barrier side should be observed with the perforation oriented to the outside. In another design, there is a high probability of moisture passing into the roof and steam forming inside, which will lead to the opposite effect. Very soon, rot and leaks in the roof will be revealed.

How is anti-condensation film installed?

The sequence of actions is as follows:

  • 1. Upon completion of the installation of rafters and insulation, the film is fixed. It is best to wait for dry weather for this.
  • 2. The maximum rafter distance should be within 120cm.
  • 3. The anti-condensation film is laid out in one position when its surface faces the absorbent part towards the bottom. The corresponding base is positioned so as not to touch the insulating elements.
  • 4. Fixation is ensured using construction staplers, glue, or galvanized nails with a large head.
  • 5. Laying is carried out sequentially, starting from the cornice and reaching the ridge, with overlapping, separate horizontal layers. The amount of this overlap in the horizontal plane is up to 150mm, in the vertical part from 200mm.
  • 6. The joints of the film are placed on the rafters of the structure.
  • 7. The joints are fastened with a special adhesive tape for vapor barrier or tape for waterproofing.
  • 8. Be sure to place the film evenly, without any wrinkles. The formation of a sag of up to 20 mm in the central part of the space between the rafters is allowed, thereby ensuring the removal of steam and condensate from the wooden components.
  • 9. It is recommended to leave the maximum distance relative to the insulation and film in the range of 40..60mm.
  • 10. During installation, it is worth understanding that the lower part of the waterproofing is intended to drain water into the corresponding gutter.
  • 11. Upon completion of the work, the installed coating is fixed using wooden slats with a cross-section of 30*50mm and galvanized hardware. The roof sheathing is placed on top.

Features of installing waterproofing film

Here are the main points to pay attention to:

  • 1. It is unacceptable to install the film so that during its operation moisture from the upper part gets onto the insulating layer of insulation.
  • 2. It is important to properly treat the junction areas of penetrating elements, be it chimneys, antennas, ventilation ducts and more. To do this, trapezoidal cuts are made at certain points. The valve of the upper and lower location is fixed to the horizontal component of the sheathing with a sealed tape, or to a penetrating element. The lateral elements are retracted to the top point and fixed to the penetrating component in a similar way.
  • 3. In the case of roof windows, follow the manufacturer’s instructions for high-quality installation adjacent materials.
  • 4. Roof with sloping ridges and hipped roofs requires laying the film relative to the longitudinal axis of the corresponding element.
  • 5. Strips with a horizontal arrangement on the pitched part of the roof are mounted outside with an overlap.

Installation of superdiffusion and diffusion membranes

With the help of these components, ideal protection of the home from moisture is ensured, since their vapor-permeable qualities are much higher than other materials. Membranes with maximum operating parameters are placed directly on the insulation, without the need to provide lower space.

In most cases, limited to the upper ventilation gap within 40mm, relative to the sheathing and the membrane itself. Laying is carried out in a horizontal direction, from the bottom of the roof to the ridge part.

The membrane is fixed to the rafters using a construction stapler, galvanized nails with a wide head, or vapor barrier glue, with counter-batten fasteners. In the case of laying thermal insulation directly to the ridge, the membrane overlaps by 200 mm.

After treating the sheathing with an antiseptic and other protective compounds, before starting work, you should make sure that wooden elements completely dry. Upon completion of the installation of the film, counter-battens are mounted on the sheathing; otherwise, steam removal is not guaranteed.

All subsequent installation steps are similar to those with a waterproofing film, where galvanized hardware with a wide head, glue, or staplers are used to fix the membrane.

The joining of the membranes is done with adhesive tape for vapor barrier, which protects against the capillary effect of moisture where the overlap is made. The areas where the roof intersects with penetrating structural elements, including chimneys, antenna stands and ventilation ducts, are subject to insulation. Sealing tape is used for these purposes. Regarding roof windows, follow the instructions of their manufacturer.

When choosing the type of membrane, you should always study the instructions for its application and operation in order to choose the correct working side.

Installation of a volumetric diffusion membrane

Here is the following sequence of actions:

  • 1. Laying is carried out parallel to the overhang of the cornice, with placement on a solid part of the flooring.
  • 2. Fixation along the upper edge is carried out using roofing nails or staplers.
  • 3. Each successive roll is installed with an overlap of the fixation point by 70mm.
  • 4. The overlap area is treated with glue or an appropriate compound
  • 5. A sealing tape on a self-adhesive base, often made of polyurethane foam, is fixed on top of the waterproofing film. This ensures the necessary protection in the area where the counter batten is installed using nails.
  • 6. Work is allowed at air temperatures down to -5 degrees.

Products and manufacturers

It is necessary to fasten both the joints of the films and the places of their contact with walls, pipes, and also with roof structures.

Below, our specialists have collected the most popular brands of materials for joining hydro- and vapor barrier films, which allow you to create completely airtight insulation.

Vapor barrier adhesive

DELTA TIXX adhesive for air- and vapor-tight connections of all types vapor barrier membranes and films to various designs made of concrete, wood or brick. No use required clamping bar. Volume: 310ml.

Vapor barrier tapes

1. Aluminum tape Izospan FL Termo is used to connect the edges of Izospan films of the FB, as well as FS, FD, FX brands. Can be used in rooms with high temperatures: in baths and saunas. Also used to eliminate minor damage to fabrics of Izospan FB, as well as Izospan FS, FD, FX. Width 50mm.

2. Special double-sided adhesive tape D-TACK Tacoduo is used for hermetically sealing hydro- and vapor barrier films, as well as for organizing a hermetic connection of hydro- and vapor barrier to wooden and metal roof structures. Width 30mm.

3. Double-sided adhesive tape Izospan KL+, reinforced with a diagonal mesh and used for connecting hydro- and vapor barrier films to each other, as well as for sealing the junctions of hydro- and vapor barrier with other roof elements, frame walls, floors. Width 30mm.

4. Double-sided acrylic tape Tyvek Double-sides Tape has a heavy-duty adhesive base and is used for sealing and gluing membranes in extreme conditions humidity. Width 50mm.

Tapes for vapor barrier

1. Aluminum adhesive tape Izospan FL is intended for fastening together Izospan hydro- and vapor barrier films of any brand. Width 50mm.

2. Universal single-sided tape DELTA INSIDE-BAND I 60 with high adhesive force for hermetically sealing vapor barrier films in the overlap area on the front side. It is used only indoors, and is also not allowed to be used with waterproofing under-roof films. Width 60mm.

3. Juta adhesive tape Yutafol SP1 is used for a sealed, vapor-tight connection between the overlap of two layers of film and for fixing the film to parts building structure. Width 15mm.

4. Special adhesive tape D-TACK Tacoflex is designed to create a vapor barrier circuit and is used to seal penetrations - ventilation pipes, glued with an overlap. Width 50mm.

5. Aluminum single-sided tape DELTA POLY-BAND P100 is used together with the DELTA-REFLEX vapor barrier film. Width 100mm.

6. Tyvek Metallized Tape is made from metallized Tyvek material and acrylic glue. It is used for sealing overlaps of connections to pipes, windows and doors, as well as for repairing Tyvek fabric. Width 75mm.


One way or another, in the absence of experience and knowledge, it is better to entrust the installation of under-roofing film and membrane to specialists in the relevant field, however, the information provided will allow you to independently, reasonably control the construction, make the necessary adjustments and comments to the performers.

Laying roofing films and membranes

Vapor barrier tape is used to secure vapor barrier joints. Vapor barrier tape or vapor barrier adhesive can also be used.

How to glue the vapor barrier film on the roof?

The technology for laying a vapor barrier layer involves gluing the sheets together. In modern construction, special tape is used for these purposes. If you choose simple stationery material, then there is a risk of moisture getting into the insulation. Since there is a large amount of adhesive tape in stores, let's figure out how to glue the vapor barrier.

The importance of sealing joints

The vapor barrier film is laid on the inside of the room, under the thermal insulation. Its task is to protect thermal insulation from moisture from residential premises. The film itself does an excellent job, but fumes can penetrate through the joints of the canvases. To do this, each joint is insulated with special tape.

If you do not seal the joints, moisture will penetrate into the insulation, causing it to begin to lose its insulating properties. Wet mineral wool protects against cold by 60% worse than dry mineral wool.

In addition, when gluing the vapor barrier in the house itself, comfortable humidity and microclimate are maintained. This happens because the insulation absorbs vapors from the air, making it drier. Due to lack of water, problems with the health of the skin and respiratory tract can begin.

It is necessary to glue the joints of the vapor barrier layer during new construction of a house or major roof repairs. It is also recommended to check the quality of the roofing pie when buying a house, be it an old or modern building. The adhesive tape may come off over time due to age or due to poor quality installation work. In such a situation, you have to undertake repairs and it is important to choose the right type of adhesive tape and manufacturer.

Types of scotch tape

Construction tapes have two factors by which they can be distinguished. Firstly, there are different structural solutions. They produce single-sided tape for gluing vapor barriers end-to-end, and double-sided tape for installing overlapping sheets. Secondly, there is a wide variety of materials used to glue the film, from which the joining tapes are made:

  1. Aluminum. Adhesive tape 50-100 mm wide, consisting of a layer of aluminum, protective paper and glue. The thickness of the metal in the film is no more than 40 microns, but it provides sufficient strength for work. This option is not suitable for all types of vapor barriers.
  2. Reinforced aluminum. Here a reinforcing layer is added, which increases the strength of the material. The width remains the same as in the previous version.
  3. Polypropylene. The most budget option for gluing, which can be found in any store. Typically the width does not exceed 50 mm and the thickness is 100 microns. Not recommended for use in construction due to the high probability of peeling off.
  4. PTL tape. Consists of several layers: plastic film on the outside, fabric in the center and rubber-based adhesive on the working side. Quite rare adhesive tape with a thickness of 200 microns.
  5. Butyl rubber. The most suitable option for connecting vapor barrier materials to each other. Suitable for most materials. Has a width from 15 to 50 mm.

Brands of connecting tape

In order to choose the appropriate option, it is not enough to know only the technical characteristics or material of the adhesive tape. When you come to the store, you already need to know the brand of adhesive tape and tell it to the manager. Below we will look at some popular options; based on this information, you can decide exactly what is suitable for your needs.

Izospan SL

This tape is used simultaneously to seal the joints of hydro and vapor barriers. It was designed to seal the junctions of protective films to structures passing through the roof pie of the attic floor. For example, it is used near chimneys, pipes and ventilation ducts or roof windows.

In addition, its working surface adheres perfectly to the walls and provides a reliable, hermetically sealed connection. Therefore, Izospan SL tape is used to treat the edges of the vapor barrier layer in the attic.

As for the technical characteristics, the most important information concerns the adhesion strength. If we talk about the connection with concrete, then the tensile strength is 0.1 MPa. But gluing to metal surfaces is not recommended, as adhesion is reduced tenfold.

The water absorption of the adhesive tape is equal to 0.2%, this is an excellent result when compared with roofing roofing felt, whose figure fluctuates within 2%. The operating temperature is between -60 and + 140 °C. This tape is suitable for use in any area.

Izospan SL belongs to the group of double-sided adhesive tapes, so it is only suitable for installing overlapping vapor barriers. To do this, tape is glued to the edge of the first roll, then the release paper is removed and the second roll is applied.


This tape has working surfaces on both sides. The basis for the tape is polypropylene, but despite this, the material performs its functions perfectly. The length of one roll is 25 meters and the width is 3.8 cm. Thanks to the low cost, about $3 per piece, you can save on insulation without losing quality.

TechnoNIKOL adhesive tape is intended only for gluing vapor barrier rolls. It cannot be used when sealing film junctions with load-bearing structures. Most often it is used in residential private construction and industrial buildings.

Ondutis ML and BL

The mounting tape is designed for a service life of up to 15 years. Depending on the marking, the scope of application and the surfaces to which the tape can be glued differ. So, ML is a tape with an adhesive composition on both sides of the fabric base. The connecting compound is synthetic rubber, which is durable and reliable. Available in rolls 50 mm wide and 25 meters long. Designed for gluing vapor barrier in roofing pies and walls.

Ondutis BL also has two adhesive sides, one of which is covered with non-sticky paper. Used to seal joints between vapor barriers and hard surfaces. It is used to process connections with brick, concrete and wooden walls. In addition, it can be used as a fastening film to concrete walls.

A more expensive version of vapor barrier tape that has an aluminum base and two adhesive surfaces. The tape has several color options and is produced in rolls 10 meters long and 100 mm thick. The cost of this option is $11, which is explained by the scope of application.

Nicoband mounting tape is used to seal external seams. It is capable of firmly bonding insulating film to plaster, wood, metal, roofing and concrete. The manufacturer guarantees a tight connection for 10 years.

Scotch tape selection criteria

Remember that stationery tape is definitely not suitable for gluing vapor barrier film. It is not designed for a strong connection to rough surfaces, so it falls off after a few hours. Even if it seems that it has stuck securely, keep in mind that the manufacturer did not expect the use of its adhesive tape in frosty conditions.

When choosing mounting tape, pay attention to the following factors:

  • if you plan to use it outdoors, the tape must withstand ultraviolet radiation and precipitation;
  • the level of water absorption should not exceed 0.2%;
  • it is important that the operating temperature coincides with the climatic zone;
  • choose adhesive tape for specific jobs, either for sealing film or for connecting to hard surfaces;
  • minimum service life 10 years.

How to glue a vapor barrier and how to glue the film

Sealing joints and what is the best way to glue vapor barriers? Types and brands of connecting tape. Selection criteria and characteristics.

Vapor barrier tape

Vapor barrier tape is a special construction tape that is used to seal the seams of vapor barrier films. Using unsuitable adhesive tape leads to its peeling off and moisture getting into the insulation. As a result, the house loses its thermal insulation properties.

In this article we will look at the main types of adhesive tapes for vapor barriers, we will help you make right choice and we’ll tell you about the nuances of installation.

Types of adhesive tapes for vapor barriers

All construction tapes can be divided by structure and material. According to the structure, there are: single-sided and double-sided tape. The first is used for fastening the canvases “joint to joint”, the second - “overlapping”.

Depending on the type of material, adhesive tapes come in the following types:

Mounting tapes Ondutis ML and BL

Ondutis ML is a double-sided self-adhesive tape on a fabric basis. The synthetic rubber that is part of Ondutis ML provides a reliable connection for 15 years. Scotch tape is used for installing vapor barriers on floors, roofs and walls. Standard width is 50mm. Harmless and non-toxic.

Ondutis ML is used as a universal mounting and sealing tape when installing vapor barriers and roofing films on building envelopes. It is used for hermetically sealing joints of vapor barrier films on walls, roofs and ceilings.

Ondutis BL is a double-sided self-adhesive mounting tape on anti-adhesive (non-sticky) paper. The tape provides a reliable vapor-air-tight connection for 15 years. One package contains two rolls of 25 m each.

Ondutis BL is used for sealing connections to hard surfaces (concrete, brick, wood) and through roof elements (chimneys, ventilation ducts, etc.), as well as for attaching films to brick and concrete walls during installation.

How to choose and buy the right vapor barrier tape

You should remember the main rule - ordinary stationery tape is not suitable for gluing vapor barrier sheets. Due to the roughness of the outer side of the film, it will fall off literally the next day. When choosing adhesive tape, you should consider the following properties:

  • resistance to ultraviolet radiation and atmospheric conditions;
  • low level of moisture absorption (0-0.2%);
  • operating temperature (ranges from −40 to +75-80 ⁰С);
  • adhesion to a certain group of materials (film, metal, wood, concrete and others)
  • service life (15 years or more).

It is not recommended to buy products from unknown manufacturers. Firstly, they can be toxic, and secondly, no one guarantees the quality of gluing. Butyl rubber types of construction tapes are better suited for vapor barriers.

Installation of vapor barrier tape

Stages of installation of adhesive tape:

  1. Preliminary preparation of all surfaces (canvases, bases). They must be cleaned, degreased and dried.
  2. The bottom layer of vapor barrier is laid on the base. The tape is fixed around the entire perimeter.
  3. The film is removed from the top of the tape.

  • The second one is laid “overlapping” on the first canvas and pressed tightly.

For best quality, sealing joints should be performed at minimal humidity and room temperature.

Tape for vapor barrier: What is it, what types are there, which one to choose and how to install it

What is construction tape for vapor barrier. What kind of tape should I use to glue the vapor barrier, one-sided or two-sided? How to make a choice and buy the right tape.