What work needs to be done in the garden in the fall. Autumn work in the garden and vegetable garden. What qualities are needed to perform autumn work?

When the first autumn cold sets in, every summer resident tries to organize events on his plot, after which he will definitely have a harvest next season. Autumn work in the garden and vegetable garden include not only the collection of fruits and their storage. After the end of the season, it is important to preparatory activities in the garden, digging beds, conducting winter sowings.

Carrying out preparatory seasonal work in the garden for wintering will seem like an optional event for inexperienced summer residents. However, from doing all agrotechnical techniques next year's harvest will depend.

Preparing trees and shrubs

Caring for trees and shrubs in the fall includes: crown formation, fertilization, protection from larvae and pathogenic spores overwintering under the bark. Carry out activities based on temperature parameters, following the recommendations:

  • in early September it is still too early to form the crown; however, damaged and dried branches need to be cut out. Cover the cut areas with clay mixed in equal proportions with cow dung;
  • Do not remove the foliage that falls in October-November, leaving it at the root zone as insulation and organic fertilizer. Burn it only in case of severe damage by pathogens or insect pests;
  • after the first night autumn frosts and bright sun rays During the day, the bark cracks. Therefore, in order to protect trees from infections entering through cracks, carry out preventive whitewashing with quicklime with the addition of copper sulfate. To destroy wintering colonies of fruit and spider mite, V mortar add colloidal sulfur;
  • fruit and berry and ornamental shrubs and the soil under them in September-October with the following preparations: Bicol, Bactoculicide or Actofit. Preventive spraying will destroy leaf-eating pests, strawberry-raspberry weevils, and sawflies;
  • Until the beginning of November, plant seedlings in the garden: apple trees, pears, cherries, currants, raspberries, strawberries, ornamental shrubs.

Feeding and watering

To prepare plants for wintering, you need to carry out artificial abundant watering of the soil in autumn, which differs from summer in the greater use of a larger volume of water. In moist soil under trees and shrubs, an intensive transfer process occurs internal energy from warmer areas of the soil to less heated ones. Thanks to increased heat transfer from the lower layers of the soil, the root system warms up well even in severe frosts.


When carrying out artificial autumn watering in the garden, do not overdo it. In waterlogged soil, liquid fills its spores, leading to rotting of the roots.

To carry out artificial irrigation, dig a trench 40 cm wide and 45 cm deep in the root zone of the tree. After abundant soaking, the condition of the soil at the bottom will help determine the humidity level:

  • After squeezing a handful of earth, attach the lump to a thin napkin. If a wet mark remains on the paper, the soil is sufficiently moistened;
  • After compressing the lump of soil, press it onto a piece of thin paper. If there is no wet imprint left on it, the soil is not watered enough;
  • As a result of squeezing a handful of soil, it crumbles - fill the soil with a large volume until it is completely moistened.

Conduct autumn feeding plants is an important agrotechnical technique. Trees and shrubs growing in one place for many years take phosphorus, potassium, nitrogen and microelements from the soil. The lack of chemicals important for life will affect the yield and reduce the immunity of plants. After the end of fruiting, 14-16 days from mid-September to the end of October, fertilize complex fertilizer.

It is worth remembering that excessive application of nitrogenous compounds will cause increased sap flow and active shoot growth. This process will lead plants to diseases, decreased immunity and even death. Therefore, you should use fertilizers that do not contain nitrogenous substances such as: Potassium Monophosphate, Ecoplant, Good Host No. 2.

Soil treatment

After the leaves fall, remove them and burn them. Dig up the soil, adding copper sulfate or Bordeaux mixture to it with a shovel or pointed fork to a depth of at least fifteen centimeters.


Before the onset of persistent frosts, trees and shrubs should be completely thinned or partially shortened with branches and shoots. It is very important to do these procedures in the garden at the dacha in the fall. An agrotechnical technique helps to enhance the vegetative growth of pruned shoots in the next season. Promotes the development of fruit buds and wood. In addition, heavy snowfall in winter can cause damage to long branches, breaking them. Reducing the width and height of the crown of plants will rejuvenate them and help maintain the yield coefficient at the proper level. The following are subject to circumcision:

  • shrunken, unhealthy branches with non-fruiting buds;
  • intertwined young shoots;
  • branches growing inward, greatly thickening the crown;
  • shrunken apical parts;
  • root growth;
  • fatty vertical shoots developing from dormant buds.


After pruning, treat cut or cut areas with protective preparations against rot and pathogenic spores: Potaben Si fungicidal paste, garden whitewash paint LKM or plant balm “Lac Balsam-20”.

Preparing the garden for winter

Summer residents without experience believe that with the completion of the harvest, activities on the plots are completed. And only experienced gardeners know that from September to October there is still a lot of work. And the harvest of the next season will depend on the activities carried out in the garden in the fall.

Harvesting and preparation for storage

When harvesting in the fall, it is important to collect the fruits on time. If harvested too early, the gross harvest will be smaller; if harvested too late, some of the fruits will become rotten and die. Depending on the characteristics of the crop, harvesting can be carried out in one or several stages. At one time they collect: garlic, onions, root vegetables. In a few steps you should choose: sweet and bitter peppers, eggplants, tomatoes, cucumbers, melons. To get a harvest of vegetables and herbs, you should know when and how to harvest them correctly.

  1. Choose potatoes in the absence of precipitation. When sampling potatoes in small areas, you can immediately sort the products into separate containers. Leave the seed in the sun until the skin turns green. Start digging from early September to mid-October. If harvesting is delayed, the tubers in the soil will become infected with pathogenic spores and begin to germinate.
  2. Pumpkin crops can remain in the garden until light frost without any consequences. In September, as soon as the skin of the ripened fruits hardens, select the vegetables and store them in basements or storage facilities at a temperature not exceeding +15 degrees.
  3. In October, cut off the heads of white cabbage, kohlrabi, and red cabbage. Vegetables can easily withstand night temperatures down to -4 degrees. However, if there is frost from -8 degrees and the stalk freezes, the cabbage will not recover. Frozen fruits will become soft after thawing and cannot be stored.
  4. Tomatoes ripened by the beginning of September in open ground should be selected when the fruits reach a pink-brown color; in heated film shelters, harvesting should be extended until the beginning of November.
  5. When the air temperature is not lower than -2 degrees, dig up carrots. Digg up the root crops with a tool, select, sort, dry in the sun for several hours, cut off the tops.
  6. Feed and table food before the onset of stable frosts. For good preservation, try not to damage the fruits when digging. Mechanical damage will affect the shelf life of the vegetable. With scratches and cuts, root vegetables will last no more than two months.
  7. Select late varieties and hybrids of onions before mid-October when the apical part is completely lodged. For good shelf life, dry the turnip in the sun for three days. Then place it in a container or braid it, store it in a dry, ventilated area at a temperature of +8 to +14 degrees.
  8. It is worth carrying out a selection of cucumbers planted in the second rotation in the fall as the fruits begin to fill. At the same time, collect even overgrown and gnarled fruits.


Start preparing basements and storage rooms a month before laying harvested. Activities include: removing remnants of last year's products, whitewashing all surfaces with quicklime, providing storage areas with good ventilation.

Preparation and collection of seeds

Gardeners with considerable experience know that good harvest can only be obtained by planting proven seeds. Therefore, providing yourself with seed material collected yourself is an important undertaking. It is worth knowing that the most productive seeds are those that ripened on the very first fruit or flower. A plant that showed all its best qualities during the growing season, you should immediately mark it by tying a bright piece of fabric to it. And the seed pods of flowers that can strong wind Scatter the grains, tie with pieces of gauze.

Procurement of seed material experienced gardener will only take place on a fine day. When harvested, the seed pods must be completely dry and ripe. Remove the grains from the ripened fruit, thresh or rinse in a fine sieve under running water, spread thin layer for drying. Place the dried material in paper bags, mark the name of the variety and the year of collection, and store at a temperature from -5 to +28 degrees.

Cleaning areas

Annually growing vegetables and herbs in the same place leads to soil depletion, accumulation of pathogens, and the growth of weeds. In case of overgrown weeds, loosen the area with a wide hoe, select all the milky roots: birch trees, sow thistle, milkweed, wheatgrass. In order not to be left without a harvest next season, you should remove all plant residues and add mineral fertilizers to the soil. Before plowing the plots, apply granular complex fertilizers, which will deoxidize the soil and improve its structure.

Planting green manure and fertilizing

Sowing the seeds of “green fertilizer”, which is grown to normalize the condition of the soil, is carried out on a dug-up area cleared of dried vegetation and weeds. It should be incorporated into the soil before the onset of frost, starting planting from the beginning of September. The first autumn month is characterized by warm weather, so 7-10 days after sowing the plants will sprout together. After two to three weeks, the vegetative mass can be mowed or incorporated into the soil. The remaining part of the plants will serve as a “holder” for the snow. As green manure, gardeners plant:

  • oilseed radish;
  • oats;
  • rye;
  • buckwheat;
  • amaranth.


By planting early-ripening sugar peas as green manure in the fall, you can not only saturate the soil with nitrogen compounds, but also enjoy delicious, juicy grains. Table peas are not afraid of frost, so the vegetable is harvested before the end of October.

Autumn planting

Advantage autumn plantings is that during the process of stratification, their sprouts will be stronger and more resilient than those of plants planted in the spring. In addition, gardeners will have more free time in March-April, and vegetables sown before winter can be harvested 10-12 days earlier. From early September to mid-October, plant:

  • onions;
  • zucchini;
  • carrots;
  • sorrel;
  • root and stem parsley;
  • dill;
  • salad

Warming plants

After sowing, in order to better adhere the seeds to the soil, compact the soil above the furrows. When the temperature drops steadily to -8 degrees, insulate the crops. As a covering material, use: leaves from trees, wood shavings, husks from sunflower seeds, corn stalks. In January-February, throw snow on the sown areas.

Preventive measures against diseases

Additional work

In addition to basic agricultural practices, you should not forget about carrying out secondary, no less important activities:

  • clean garden tools from dirt, treat them with chlorhexidine, and lubricate them with motor or industrial oil;
  • drain the remaining liquid from garden containers that have held water all season and store them in a waterproof room;
  • prepare soil mixture for growing seedlings. The best structure is considered to be soil taken from mounds dug by blind men and moles;
  • starting from the beginning of November, cut the stems: grapes, currants, gooseberries, ornamental shrubs for spring rooting.


Currant and gooseberry cuttings, cut in the fall, can be stored on the bottom shelf of the refrigerator, wrapping the shoots in cling film.

The last warmth, the aroma of blooming chrysanthemums, the air permeated with pleasant coolness and the smell of falling leaves - the beginning of the hottest season in the life of everyone who has personal plot. Already at the end of August, summer residents smoothly transition into active autumn work in the garden and vegetable garden, which must be completed before the onset of the first frost.

Whether it is necessary to dig up and fertilize the soil in winter, how to prune and insulate trees and shrubs, what seeds can be sown, “Dream House” will tell you about this and more today.

What work is done in the garden and on the site in the fall?

Beginners in this difficult but fruitful business initially have a lot of questions regarding work on the site in the fall.

If you make a list of them, it will look something like this:

  1. Collecting the remaining harvest and seeds for sowing next year.
  2. Systematic collection of fallen leaves and preparation of fertilizers from them.
  3. Cleaning tops and unsuitable vegetables and fruits.
  4. Reproduction perennial shrubs division or layering.
  5. Trimming garden trees, fruit and ornamental shrubs, pruning.
  6. Flowerbed care.
  7. Insulation of vegetation.
  8. Autumn soil fertilizing and mulching.
  9. Planting winter crops.
  10. Fertilizer and...
  11. Cleaning a greenhouse or greenhouse.
  12. Cleaning of reservoirs.
  13. Cleaning dry leaves from gutters.

Let's take a closer look at what autumn work entails. local area, in the garden, vegetable garden and flower garden.

Work in the garden in autumn

In addition to the fact that in the garden you need to deal with autumn leaf fall more often than in other areas, you have to perform many other actions.

Since fallen leaves are valuable compost material, they should not be burned. Prepare depressions or special boxes and throw leaves there to further obtain organic fertilizer.

Don't rush to pick the fruits late varieties apples and pears until they are completely ripe. Their ripeness is determined by the color of the grains; they should be brown. To avoid damaging the fruits, they should be removed and not crushed. Immediately after harvesting, the crop is stored in a cool place. Do the same with grape bunches.

What to do in the garden in the fall, when all the fruits have already been collected? In addition to harvesting and cleaning, it is necessary to pay attention to all trees and bushes. Without proper care, they can freeze or become sick and die, reducing future yields.

Autumn is the right time for planting fruit seedlings, replanting trees and shrubs, but only after they have shed their leaves. Also in the autumn, division and digging of layering of gooseberries, currants, yoshta, raspberries, and blackberries is carried out.

It is treated against pests, pruned and insulated at the base for the winter.

On young trees that have not yet bear fruit, long shoots are pinched to speed up lignification.

It is necessary to trim dried and diseased tree branches, and also clean the trunks of dead bark and moss.

Berry bushes and fruit trees around are dug deep. This process will provide access to the root system of moisture and oxygen, and will also help detect and destroy the habitats of harmful insects.

Then, for a successful winter fruit trees and shrubs, the soil at the root zone is loosened, watered well and insulated with leaves, peat or mulch. The trunks of young trees, up to 4-5 years old, which are still poorly hardened and may not tolerate frost, must be insulated with burlap or fleece.

Additional protection from frost and garden pests, as well as the final stage of work in the garden in the fall and preparing trees and shrubs for wintering, is their whitewashing.

The most labor-intensive autumn work at the dacha is gardening. In September, the harvesting of potatoes, tomatoes, sweet peppers, eggplants, cabbage, rutabaga and carrots ends. The next step is to remove weeds, tops and fallen fruits that are not suitable for food from the beds.

Leftover tops of potatoes, cucumbers and tomatoes cannot be used for compost, as they are poisonous. It should be collected and destroyed.

On the land removed from crop residues, plants can be sown for the winter. Planting vegetables in the fall involves obtaining early harvest in the spring.

The optimal time for this is the end of October and the beginning of November. Places should be chosen so that snow does not blow away in winter and water does not stagnate in spring. The selected area must be fertilized and loosened, and marks must be installed to indicate that the area is occupied.

From vegetables to open ground planted winter garlic, onions, sow seeds of carrots, parsley, dill, sorrel, parsnips, cilantro, lettuce, and spinach. To protect against frost, all crops that will winter in the ground are mulched. Spicy plants such as sage and thyme also require insulation. Spruce branches are used to cover them.

Pre-winter sowing, both of garden crops and flowers, should not be carried out until the end of October - beginning of November, since sudden warming will give rise to seed growth, and cold weather will immediately take away the life of young shoots.

In the fall, for a good future harvest, strawberry and wild strawberry leaves are trimmed. Further, for their favorable wintering, they are fertilized and insulated.

Finally, they dig up the beds free from crops and scatter fertilizers. When digging in the fall, there is no need to loosen and level the soil. Huge lumps freeze much better than small ones, which leads to the death of pests and their larvae accumulated in the soil.

Autumn work on the local area and flower beds

Front gardens and flower beds in the fall are a real decoration of the yard. Until the first frost, they delight with their colors, which smoothly transition from one to another.

To maintain such beauty all autumn, you need proper care behind the dacha plot: promptly remove fading annuals, diseased and withered branches of perennials and decorative bushes, falling leaves and weeds, as well as fertilize the soil.

Before the onset of frost, rose bushes should be trimmed and insulated, tubers of dahlias, gladioli, freesia, begonias, and canna rhizomes should be dug up and stored for storage. must be removed from the supports, pressed to the ground and covered with spruce branches.

Many perennial flowers, such as hydrangeas, clematis, heather, are resistant to winter frosts, but covering them with spruce branches, sawdust or fallen leaves will not hurt, with the exception of asters, bergenia and horned violets, which can rot under the protective layer.

In winter, annuals such as poppies, cornflowers, asters, calendula, and primrose are sown. Bulbs of tulips and lilies are also planted in open ground, and daffodils are planted by dividing the root system.

Autumn is the time to enrich landscape design ornamental vegetation, trees, shrubs, flowers and grass. In autumn planting conditions, plants find themselves in the most favorable conditions.

Consists of such procedures as watering the grass, mowing it, fertilizing mineral fertilizers and soil aeration.

Early and competent autumn work in the garden is the key to an abundant, high-quality and tasty harvest of the next season, as well as the unquenchable beauty of the entire yard.

Autumn is not only about harvesting. Favorite time is the time of work, caring for the earth and plants. Next year's harvest depends on autumn work. All owners of dacha estates know: once you prepare for winter, you will reap such a harvest in the fall.

The autumn period is important preparatory work before the onset of cold weather. Any owner of even a small area of ​​land would like to preserve his garden and plants on his property during the winter months. What work is most important, how to properly prepare for winter, what must be done - this is only part of the necessary knowledge.

Harvesting and preparing crops for the winter

The right approach to harvesting will ensure a successful completion of the season of work and excitement. The collection rules are simple. The main requirement: have time to collect all the ripe fruits before frost. A drop in temperature for most plants results in spoilage, rotting, or complete destruction. Basic rules for collection and procurement:

  1. Prepare storage space and containers. Each type of grown product requires its own storage location. What kind of room it will be is decided by the owner. But in any place everything is arranged in the established order. A disorderly accumulation leads to the need to search for the required workpiece.
  2. Create a neighborhood. Banks, dried foods, fresh fruits cannot just be nearby. Some aromas overwhelm neighboring ones and spoil their individuality and special taste. Therefore, it is planned to create cells, shelves, and compartments for the workpieces. What is it prepared for? plastic containers, for other types wicker baskets or wooden boxes.
  3. Study the characteristics of maturation. Many berries, vegetables and fruits ripen gradually. Therefore, they do not collect everything at once, but in parts. Then it will be easier to carry out processing, and there will be no blockage in economic problems.
  4. Careful inspection before storing in storage containers. One damaged fruit can lead to the death of the entire batch.

How to store it is a priority only for the owner of the site and his family members. The pleasure from the harvest will be provided by the type of preparation that we most prefer.

The right approach to harvesting will ensure a successful completion of the season of work and excitement

Replanting shrubs and trees

Autumn replanting requires care and careful preparation. To avoid damaging the plant when changing its location, carry out the following actions:

  • clean the root collar;
  • pour plenty of water;
  • find the outlines of the location of the underground part of the bush;
  • dig around the outlines;
  • prepare a cart or other container for transporting the plant.

If the movement is long, you will need a fabric bag where the root system will be placed. In addition, it is necessary to tie the top part, especially if it is spreading and wide.

In the place where the new plant is supposed to be planted, also carry out preparatory work:

  • the hole is being prepared;
  • the soil is fertilized;
  • let the soil settle (calm down from mechanical actions).

Immediately after delivery of the bush to new site, there is no need to rush to replant. First you need to assess the correspondence between the sizes of the hole and the root system. The hole should be slightly larger. So as not to push the roots in, but to calmly lay them out at the bottom of the prepared depression. The earth is not compacted, but simply covered. If they dig up a tree with a clod of earth, they don’t try to recapture it. Everything that was brought from the old place is placed in the new hole. After the first sprinkling of soil, the bush is watered. Then the soil is added, watered again and left until the morning. There is no need to skimp on water: it is easier for the plant to gain a foothold in moist soil. The next day the tree is checked. Must watch whether the bush is formed correctly. If there are weak shoots or extra branches, they are removed. Experienced gardeners cover young fruit trees with a special cloth, which is removed only in early spring.

How to prepare a garden for winter (video)

Autumn feeding

Having shared the harvest, the garden plants become weaker. This can be compared to people after work. Leaving weakened crops for the winter means leaving them without protection against the problems of the upcoming snow season. The quality of the soil will tell you what fertilizer to apply. It needs to be returned to the state at the beginning of the fruiting season. You should feed with purchased ready-made microelements and homemade mixtures:

  • humus;
  • superphosphate;
  • potassium salt.

Strawberry varieties require mandatory feeding. Immediately after collecting the last sweet berries, cut off old leaves, loosen the soil, and remove weeds. Then mineral fertilizers are applied. What you can use:

  • ammophos;
  • humus;
  • peat.

There are special ones that contain a whole range of necessary substances. Proper feeding will strengthen the plants, they will survive the winter easier and will give a new harvest.

Proper feeding will strengthen the plants, they will survive the winter easier and will give a new harvest.

Clearing the garden of leaves and grass

Autumn leaf fall is beautiful, but it also adds a lot of hassle for gardeners. A huge amount of foliage covers the ground. The question arises whether it is necessary to remove the foliage and where to put it. There are several approaches to the problem. Everyone chooses their own solution:

  1. Creation of compost pits. Scientists warn about the proliferation of garden crop pests in fallen leaves. To preserve the area from diseases, choose a place to create humus. Experienced gardeners advise digging a hole at the end of the plot, in the shaded part of it. A box is created on the surface, up to the height of the fence. Leaves, weeds, and other unnecessary plants are put there. Everything that falls into the hole rots and makes it possible to obtain excellent fertilizer for most plants.
  2. Creation of a protective layer. Foliage is collected in small heaps and distributed under garden trees. Root system receives additional protection and microelements that fall into the ground during the long winter. The leaves protect flower crops well, so the foliage can be used to cover flower beds.
  3. Covering material for strawberries. There is a described experience when strawberries are covered with leaves between the beds.

Lawns must be cleared of leaves. It is dangerous to cover such areas. If you leave the leaves, then in the spring they will be visible in the places where they are located. yellow spots from damping off lawn grass.

Lawns must be cleared of leaves

Mulching and covering garden plants in autumn

The mulching method will help the most demanding crops survive the winter. Advantages of autumn shelter:

  • moisture retention;
  • loosening the soil;
  • overheat protection;
  • preservation of microelements beneficial for roots and stems;
  • inhibition of weed growth.

Mulching creates the right environment for crops. The ground remains moist and warm.

How you can mulch the soil:

  1. fallen autumn leaves : for winter period the foliage rots, the soil is naturally fertilized and its quality improves. In the fall, when digging, the foliage gets inside, improving the condition of the root systems, increasing the access of air and moisture.
  2. Needles coniferous trees : do not allow the ground to freeze and dry out. The needles are not used for land that will be used for growing tomatoes.
  3. Wood shavings and bark: This material is better suited not for complete mulching, but for partial mulching. Only one lowest layer is created from wood residues, the upper one from others (needles, leaves).
  4. Remains of plants that bear fruit in the summer: piles of old plants are made and placed on top of the soil in a thin layer.
  5. Sawdust: Only old ones that have been around for more than one season are suitable. Sawdust is placed where frequent digging and loosening is not required.
  6. Bark: maintains the desired temperature underneath, prevents cold air from entering, and maintains the desired level of humidity.
  7. Newspapers: inhibits the growth of weeds and retains heat. The newspaper is laid whole, you can tear it into small pieces. It’s not worth choosing only black and white or color. The quality of printing does not affect the desired effect; any newspaper publications are suitable.
  8. Hay: holds back the weight of snow, preserves air gap, does not allow the roots to freeze or dry out.

Any layer of mulch requires control when it loses its quality or when it is updated or changed. Autumn mulching is designed to ensure that any used material will bend over the winter and in the spring will not interfere with the soil naturally warming up under the rays of the sun.

Autumn work at the dacha (video)

Preparing the garden for winter

Any area needs to be prepared for the winter cold. A frosty season can cause damage to bare trees. Rules have been developed for preparation; there are many tips that can help experienced and novice gardeners.

Harvest in autumn

Collecting everything that the earth gave after the work put into it will delight you. But true pleasure will only be received by those who complete all tasks measuredly, slowly, without tension and fear that they have not done everything correctly. The whole of September and August is booked experienced gardeners according to a certain culture. There are even precisely established dates:

  • onions - September 20;
  • vegetables – September 28;
  • cabbage – end and mid-September;
  • October 1 – completion of the collection.

In October and November they no longer work with plants, but with buildings. They are also being prepared for winter. These are the days for the last preparations and storing them.

Collecting everything that the earth gave after the work put into it will delight

Fertilizing and planting green manure in autumn

The practice of agricultural work in the autumn confirms that some actions can become labor-intensive and useless. These include plowing the land and adding fertilizers and manure to it. Everything will have to be repeated again in the spring. Manure and fertilizers are simply distributed over the surface without covering them with a new layer of soil. Ash is considered one of the best soil helpers before winter. Therefore, it is recommended to collect it in advance. Any remains of paper, branches, boards are burned and stored in buckets. Ash – organic fertilizer, capable of saturating the soil with important microelements.

Green manure creates crop rotation in the field. Immediately after the snow melts, they will delight their owners with the first greenery. Special compatibility tables have been created for green manure. They explain which crops can be planted one after another. The roots of green manure crops will fulfill the task assigned to the fertilizer; they will improve the condition of the soil, restore its quality and characteristics. Types and roles of green manure:

  • loosening: rye, mustard, oats;
  • disinfection: radish, calendula, oats;
  • improvement of fertile characteristics: legumes, oats, alfalfa;
  • protection against pests: marigolds, lupine, calendula.

The soil will be fertilized and fertile if you sow mustard, beans, rye and rapeseed before the snow cover.

Ash is an organic fertilizer that can saturate the soil with important microelements

Autumn planting in the garden

Some green manure is planted before winter; such work will speed up the time until harvest. There are several advantages of autumn planting:

  • planting early garden crops;
  • loosening the soil;
  • additional saturation of the soil with the necessary microelements;
  • protection from the spring sun and unexpectedly returning spring frosts;
  • transition to mulch.

What is better to plant before winter:

  • fruit trees;
  • deciduous tree species;
  • ornamental shrubs;
  • fruit and berry bushes;
  • bulbous flowers;
  • perennial flower crops.

There are some plants that, when planted before winter, will give the desired harvest and early shoots.

  • Garlic;
  • Carrot;
  • Parsley;
  • Dill;
  • Parsnip;
  • Sorrel.

In autumn they work with grafted rose bushes. They have time to take root and overwinter more easily.

Autumn work on a summer cottage is important for both plants and humans. It is at this time that the busy time of harvesting, storing it, and processing fruits begins. In the fall, you should feel the prospect of a future harvest. If fruit trees and flowers overwinter well, then in the spring they will begin to develop and grow effectively.

As soon as autumn arrives, it is time for intensive work for summer residents. You need to take care of what is grown during the summer. Canning vegetables and fruits takes a lot of time. But the plants of the garden and vegetable garden also require attention and care. The importance of autumn work is undeniable, but you need to clearly distribute your tasks so as not to forget the main thing.

September is a favorite month for gardeners, it shows how well they have worked in the summer. Every day needs to be planned so that you have time to do everything:

  • Collect late apples and pears autumn varieties it is necessary when they are easily separated from the stalk, painted in a color characteristic of a particular variety. Collection is carried out in dry weather. Remove the fruits carefully, without pressing, then they will last a long time. Immediately the crop is sorted and placed in cardboard boxes or wooden boxes. It is best to sprinkle apples and pears with dry sawdust.
  • Rotten fruits and old branches are destroyed and not left in the garden.
  • You should also feed apple and pear trees right away, without delaying until later. Up to five kilograms are applied under each tree. Ten grams of potassium will be enough, and forty grams of superphosphate per square meter. Application minerals will help the trees survive the winter and enter the next year with new strength.
  • For berry bushes -, - you need to dig up the soil and add organic and. It is better to dig up the rows of bushes with a pitchfork.
  • To prepare a solution of mullein in a ratio of 1:15 or – 1:30. They add a little to it. Bring in nutrient substrates better in the grooves located along the landings.
  • For the best fertilizer there will be manure, which is added during digging of the soil at a rate of six kilograms per square meter.
  • It is also necessary to spray garden trees and shrubs with a solution, for the preparation of which you take five hundred grams of urea and seven hundred grams of potassium chloride in a bucket of water. The procedure will help protect plants from fungal diseases, pest attacks: spider mites.
  • On sunny days, you can whitewash tree trunks.
  • At the end of the month, trees are pruned, removing dried and old branches. Cut currant cuttings can be planted in the ground, leaving two buds on them.
  • The stems are tied and bent to the ground so that they do not break under the influence of snowdrifts.
  • Watering of the garden is carried out starting from the first days of September. You can determine the degree of moisture by digging a hole forty centimeters deep. Taking a lump of earth from there, squeeze it in your hand. If it remains dense and does not crumble, then watering should be stopped.
  • The garden is being planted for the winter. The cloves are buried to a depth of six to eight centimeters, sprinkled with humus on top. And the beds with basil are covered with film so that the greens stay fresh longer.
  • In the last days of September, gladioli bulbs are dug up and placed in a well-ventilated room for drying. They will need to dry out for a month.
  • During the same period on acidic soils add slaked lime.

Work in September is considered the most important for preparing plants for the coming spring and for storing the harvest of fruits and berries.

Mid-autumn in the garden is marked by abundant leaf fall, so all efforts should be directed to cleaning, because it is in the old foliage that insects - garden pests - remain to overwinter. Branches and browned leaves are raked into heaps and burned. Part of the foliage is placed in compost pits, where humus will be taken from to fertilize garden plants in the spring.

Main works in October:

  1. Apple trees can be planted until mid-October. The seedlings will have time to get stronger before winter and harden in winter. To prevent young shoots from freezing, they are hilled up to thirty or forty centimeters in height.
  2. If they cleaned it up at the beginning of October winter varieties apples, pears, then the trees are watered abundantly, using three to four buckets for each specimen. And currants, gooseberries, strawberries can be sprayed hot water. This will help the plants resist frost.
  3. Work with bulbous and tuber crops continues in October flowering plants. They dig up. They are planting.
  4. For perennial flowers, shelters are prepared for the winter. Faded inflorescences and leaves are removed from roses, hydrangea, and rhododendron, and the bushes are wrapped protective film. A layer of fallen leaves sprinkled on plantings of ornamental shrubs will also help preserve flowers from freezing.
  5. They dig up the garden soil, adding ash, manure,... The digging depth should be at least thirty centimeters. Manure is applied to the areas where it will grow. The beds prepared for vegetables are covered with film so that as the snow melts, it warms up faster.
  6. Berry bushes are prepared for winter by covering them with a layer of tops, straw or manure. Before sheltering, the branches are bent to the ground. The grape vine is pruned, removing the unripe part. Then the shoots are untied from the stakes and placed in trenches, sprinkled with a twenty-centimeter layer of humus and then with earth. Can be replaced with humus wood shavings. Be sure to check the condition of the vine before laying it. It must be dry, otherwise the shoots will die.

The main task of a gardener in October is to plant fruit trees and berry bushes and prepare plants for the winter.

In many regions, November comes with frost and snow. Therefore, it is better when preparation summer cottage for winter conditions should be completed by the first days of November:

  • If the weather permits, the summer resident will need to finish what he did not have time to finish - cover berry bushes, perennial flowers, apply fertilizer, replant trees.
  • Fruit trees can also be pruned in November, removing dry and diseased shoots. It is also necessary to remove excess growth. The sections are cleaned and disinfected with a solution of copper sulfate. And if the cutting area is large, use garden varnish.
  • In grafted fruit trees, the pegs are replaced with higher ones, loosening the tying material at the grafting site. At the same time, cuttings are prepared that will be used for grafting work.
  • Working with perennial flowers involves pruning the above-ground parts. For phlox, aconite, and echinacea, the stems are cut to ten centimeters, while for the rest the stumps can be 2-3 centimeters. Lupine is sown for the winter.
  • Warming of rose bushes begins when the air temperature stops at minus eight. Fruit trees are tied using roofing felt or nylon tights. This will save apple and pear trees from rodents. Hares will not approach trees if they are tied with the paws of coniferous trees. In this case, the needles should point down.
  • The sunny weather in November will allow us to finish sanitary pruning of plants and digging up tree trunks. Around plants that do not tolerate frost well, spread a layer of mulch using dry leaves or tree bark.
  • November comes best time for mowing the lawn. The grass will not have time to grow before the onset of cold weather and then freeze out. At the same time, you can reseed bald areas of the lawn, since insects will not have time to destroy them.
  • Preparation of an artificial reservoir consists of the procedure for freeing it from water. Most of it is drained, and logs or plastic bottles filled with water. Deep ponds are cleared of leaves, and potted plants are moved to a warm place. In a deep pond, fish will be able to survive the winter under a thick layer of ice.

The last month of autumn will provide an opportunity to completely complete all work in the garden and calmly wait for next spring.

More information can be found in the video:
