Growing strawberries under film: technology features. How to properly plant strawberries under black film Black film under strawberries with holes

Amateur gardeners have been actively planting and growing strawberries since March. Its early varieties bear fruit a couple of weeks earlier than regular strawberries, and the yield is higher. In addition, there are no pests at this time yet.

To more early varieties include "Zarya", which is usually considered the most productive, "Kokinska rannyaya", "Ranaya Makheroukha" from Germany and the Latvian "Junia Smidts".

To get a good early harvest of these varieties, the planting site is covered with a light-proof polymer film, thereby accelerating ripening. If the weather also cooperates, then under the film the yield increases by 50-70%. Many people use the film method also because it inhibits the development of gray rot.

It is recommended to cover the plantings with film when the air warms up to a stable +5 degrees. For the Moscow region this is usually the end of March or the beginning of April. It is pre-strengthened onto portable frames along the length of the bed. In such tunnels both humidity and increased temperature are created compared to open areas. At mulch film of different transparency and density for growing strawberries.

If there is bright sunshine outside and it is not cold, then the film is lifted for ventilation. It is lowered again at night. On the tenth day, when the berries begin to ripen, it is recommended to remove the film altogether.

In addition, do not forget that soil cultivation and watering for strawberries at this time are necessary every day. Some people use perforated film. Then it is not necessary to ventilate the seedlings.

For those who have small plots of land, experts recommend a vertical method of growing strawberries, which increases the yield per square meter by 5-8 times. However, not every strawberry lends itself to it. In this case, large-fruited is recognized as the best remontant strawberry, which can be tied to a net and any other devices. On a coarse mesh it will grow like a wall, like a beautiful twisted green fence.

Some amateur gardeners even created original pyramids from this type of strawberry. To do this, they do not dig very deep into the ground. metal pipe with drilled holes up to 7 mm. Several boxes without a bottom are placed on top of it, starting from the largest and ending with the smallest. And he falls asleep first soil mixture(from garden soil, sand and humus in a ratio of 3:1:1), and then another box is strung together. A strip of soil remains between it and the previous one, and the seedlings are placed there.

These pyramids spend the winter in snowdrifts, and when spring comes, they are covered with mulch film to warm up faster. When the seedlings begin to flower, the film is removed.

No one will argue that everyone loves strawberries, both children and adults. There is no such thing summer cottage or a garden where at least a few beds with this amazing berry would not be planted. She enjoys well-deserved popularity. The best place in the garden is allocated for it, no time, effort or fertilizer is spared. Growing strawberries on an industrial scale is a troublesome but profitable business. At proper care the owner of the plantation receives up to 20-30 tons of berries from 1 hectare per season. However, to obtain such a harvest, you should know the characteristics and care requirements of this crop.

Good soil is of great importance for obtaining a rich and high-quality harvest. But it is destroyed by rain, wind, sun, wind and others natural factors. Therefore, to maintain the integrity of the soil structure and protect it from rapidly growing weeds, protective material A special plastic film is used for strawberries, which is also called mulching film.

Film selection: manufacturer, color, sizes

The purchase of mulch film must be approached with full responsibility and in accordance with your requirements for the timing of growing strawberries. For this crop, special polyethylene film is used. Exists large selection both films and manufacturers. Film made in China usually has a promised service life of 3 years. But it rarely holds up. Best quality from the film from Israel.

There are also films various colors, and it is the color that affects the growth of strawberries. Based on numerous studies, it has been found that dark film for strawberries contributes to better soil warming, as well as earlier obtaining a good harvest. When using white mulch film, the soil warms up less, which leads to a slight slowdown in the growth of strawberries. In Europe, they practice using films of other colors, and even two-color ones.

There are also offers of films with ready-made work done in it round holes, which is very convenient when planting, but possibly reduces its service life at a higher price.

The thickness and width of the film also matters. It is desirable that the thickness of the mulching film be at least 40-50 microns. And the width of the canvas depends on the width of the bed and the number of rows of strawberries that are planned to be planted in one bed. Usually two rows are planted, but some gardeners practice more.

If used as a mulching material plastic film, then strawberries are usually watered using the drip method. Because other types of irrigation will be difficult.

To do this, immediately before covering the soil with mulch film, it is necessary to prepare the soil by clearing it of weeds and any diseases and laying drip irrigation hoses. Using film for strawberries will not only help you get a high yield, but will also significantly reduce manual labor.

You need to decide on the type of strawberry seedlings. It comes with a closed (in pots) or open root system (frigo seedlings or freshly dug). If the seedlings are in pots, it is convenient to use a film with round holes (if there is no film with holes, you can make them yourself with a wallpaper knife or scissors).

You can make holes in the ground with a pipe having the diameter of a pot. We hammer the pipe into the ground, then pull it out, shake out the soil, and place a strawberry bush together with the lump in the resulting hole. It is recommended to make a mark or clamp on the pipe to adhere to the desired hole depth. Planting sequence: make a bed, cover it with black film with ready-made holes, fix the film at the ends of the bed. Then we make holes in the ground and plant seedlings. When planting, the main thing to remember is where the drip irrigation tube is located under the film to avoid damage to it.

Planting strawberries without a pot on mulch film is a more difficult task. Holes in the film are made with a knife, not necessarily round, but cross-shaped. Then the roots of the seedling are carefully tucked into the ground in the prepared hole.

We make the ridges of arbitrary length, the width depends on the number of rows. The distance between the ridges is at least 40 cm. Some gardeners place straw on the film, this prevents the plant roots from overheating. The berries in such a shelter will be clean, free of weeds, and not affected by diseases. Strawberries planted in this way do not require weeding, loosening, or frequent watering; the tendrils do not take root and are easy to trim.

The beds should be raised so that when it rains, water can drain freely and not form puddles.

At the end of fruiting, the film is removed, dried and rolled until next year. The straw is collected. Old and diseased leaves of strawberries are removed and treated with anti-disease medications or a solution of potassium permanganate.

It is recommended to sow the row spaces with grass or rapeseed, then weeds will not grow. Or weed mechanically. The greenery that has grown in the walkways by autumn will become an excellent fertilizer if you simply hoe it into the soil. When it gets cold, you can cover the strawberry bushes with the remaining straw.

Conclusion: planting strawberries on film makes it possible to obtain clean commercial products highest quality, significantly simplify the process of caring for crops, get the harvest earlier and increase yields by up to 20%.

No one will argue that everyone loves strawberries, both children and adults. There is no such country plot or garden where at least a few beds with this amazing berry would not be planted. She enjoys well-deserved popularity. The best place in the garden is allocated for it, no time, effort or fertilizer is spared. Growing strawberries on an industrial scale is a troublesome but profitable business. With proper care, the owner of the plantation receives up to 20-30 tons of berries from 1 hectare per season. However, to obtain such a harvest, you should know the characteristics and care requirements of this crop.

Good soil is of great importance for obtaining a rich and high-quality harvest. But it is destroyed by rain, wind, sun, wind and other natural factors. Therefore, in order to maintain the integrity of the soil structure and protect it from rapidly growing weeds, a special plastic film for strawberries, which is also called mulch film, is used as a protective material.

Film selection: manufacturer, color, sizes

The purchase of mulch film must be approached with full responsibility and in accordance with your requirements for the timing of growing strawberries. For this crop, special polyethylene film is used. There is a large selection of films and manufacturers. Film made in China usually has a promised service life of 3 years. But it rarely holds up. The best quality is film from Israel.

This article has helped many gardeners stop working on their plots and still get a bountiful harvest.

I would never have thought that in order to get best harvest on his own personal plot For my entire “dacha career”, all I need is to stop toiling away in the garden beds and trust nature. For as long as I can remember, I spent every summer at the dacha. First at my parents' house, and then my husband and I bought our own. From early spring to late autumn everything free time spent on planting, weeding, gartering, pruning, watering, harvesting and, finally, on conservation and attempts to preserve the harvest until next year. And so in a circle...

There are also films of different colors, and it is the color that affects the growth of strawberries. Based on numerous studies, it has been found that dark film for strawberries contributes to better soil warming, as well as earlier obtaining a good harvest. When using white mulch film, the soil warms up less, which leads to a slight slowdown in the growth of strawberries. In Europe, they practice using films of other colors, and even two-color ones.

There are also offers of films with ready-made round holes made in it, which is very convenient for installation, but perhaps reduces its service life at a higher price.

The thickness and width of the film also matters. It is desirable that the thickness of the mulching film be at least 40-50 microns. And the width of the canvas depends on the width of the bed and the number of rows of strawberries that are planned to be planted in one bed. Usually two rows are planted, but some gardeners practice more.

If plastic film is used as a mulching material, then strawberries are usually watered using the drip method. Because other types of irrigation will be difficult.

To do this, immediately before covering the soil with mulch film, it is necessary to prepare the soil by clearing it of weeds and any diseases and laying drip irrigation hoses. Using film for strawberries will not only help you get a high yield, but will also significantly reduce manual labor.

You need to decide on the type of strawberry seedlings. It comes with a closed (in pots) or open root system (frigo seedlings or freshly dug). If the seedlings are in pots, it is convenient to use a film with round holes (if there is no film with holes, you can make them yourself with a wallpaper knife or scissors).

You can make holes in the ground with a pipe having the diameter of a pot. We hammer the pipe into the ground, then pull it out, shake out the soil, and place a strawberry bush together with the lump in the resulting hole. It is recommended to make a mark or clamp on the pipe to adhere to the desired hole depth. Planting sequence: make a bed, cover it with black film with ready-made holes, fix the film at the ends of the bed. Then we make holes in the ground and plant seedlings. When planting, the main thing to remember is where the drip irrigation tube is located under the film to avoid damage to it.

Planting strawberries without a pot on mulch film is a more difficult task. Holes in the film are made with a knife, not necessarily round, but cross-shaped. Then the roots of the seedling are carefully tucked into the ground in the prepared hole.

We make the ridges of arbitrary length, the width depends on the number of rows. The distance between the ridges is at least 40 cm. Some gardeners place straw on the film, this prevents the plant roots from overheating. The berries in such a shelter will be clean, free of weeds, and not affected by diseases. Strawberries planted in this way do not require weeding, loosening, or frequent watering; the tendrils do not take root and are easy to trim.

The beds should be raised so that when it rains, water can drain freely and not form puddles.

At the end of fruiting, the film is removed, dried and rolled until next year. The straw is collected. Old and diseased leaves of strawberries are removed and treated with anti-disease medications or a solution of potassium permanganate.

Strawberries on film photo

It is recommended to sow the row spaces with grass or rapeseed, then weeds will not grow. Or weed mechanically. The greenery that has grown in the walkways by autumn will become an excellent fertilizer if you simply hoe it into the soil. When it gets cold, you can cover the strawberry bushes with the remaining straw.

Conclusion: planting strawberries on film makes it possible to obtain clean commercial products of the highest quality, significantly simplify the process of caring for the crop, get a harvest earlier and increase yields by up to 20%.

Today, many methods for growing strawberries are known. Growing under black cover is relatively new and definitely effective way get desired result. Most often, this method is used in industrial production. For example, Polish farmers are very fond of this method and use it to grow various garden crops. Moreover, special mechanical devices form the beds and lay the film.

So, a bed of strawberries is covered with a black film, from which the leaves of the bushes peek out. In other words, the strawberries under the film are in a so-called sauna, where there is no light and no weeds have the opportunity to survive. In addition, the process of watering the planting is simplified - the coating can retain moisture and the garden bed can be left without watering for 7-10 days. Also, strawberries under the film do not come into contact with the soil, so the berries remain clean for a long time and rot from the ground does not affect them. The procedure for cutting the mustache is greatly simplified, since they are also located above the coating.

The disadvantage of this method may be excessive heat. Black color attracts sun rays and the harvest dries up. The next significant factor is that for this method you will need a drip irrigation system. But on the other hand, thanks to such an irrigation system you will significantly save on water costs. If the above disadvantages are not a problem for you, then let’s figure out what we need to plant strawberries under black film.

>Video “How to plant strawberries correctly”

What you will need

Of course, the most important material in this method is film. Among professional gardeners it is called agrofibre or spunbond. It can last a long time - about three years. There are several types of agrofibre, but the most effective are the black ones. Thanks to its color, it absorbs heat, and rapid warming ensures a quick harvest.

You can choose black and white coating– with a dark layer it is directed downwards, which ensures the heating of the strawberry roots. The light one, in turn, is on top, which is why the plants do not dry out. As already mentioned, black or dark brown film is effective, but there is a risk of drying out the strawberries.

Agrofibre can be bought at any gardening store. The cover is sold with already cut circular holes for plants. The width is usually chosen based on the size of the bed. But the film thickness should not be less than 40 microns. The size of the material depends on the length of the beds and their number.

The second important device after the coating is the hose. You will need it for drip irrigation of strawberries. The length of the hose must correspond to the length of all the beds (their sum). It is thanks to the installed irrigation system that the strawberry planting will receive required quantity water. You will also need scissors, a shovel, ropes and gardening gloves.

How to plant under film

First of all, you need to carry out preparatory work on the site. Choose a place where it goes maximum quantity sunlight so that the strawberries under the film warm up well. It is important that nothing grows at the future strawberry planting site for two to three years. Before planting strawberries, the soil must be dug up and fertilized well.

Be sure to level the soil well; there should be no large clods of earth in it. It is best to use natural fertilizers. It could be horse manure, humus, compost. The result should be light, loose soil. The bed can be somewhere around 80–90 cm wide, but it is better not to exceed one meter. A convenient distance between the beds is 60–90 cm, then it will be more comfortable for you to monitor and collect the strawberries.

Next, you need to install an irrigation system. We lay a hose between the rows and make small holes in it for water to escape. We recess the hose into the ground approximately 4–6 cm. The distant end of the hose must be closed with a plug.

The next stage is preparing the film. You need to make markings on it and cut out holes for the strawberry bushes. It is better to place the bushes in a checkerboard pattern, then they will not interfere with each other’s growth. The optimal hole diameter is 10–15 cm. If you don’t want to do painstaking work, you can simply cut the film into two perpendicular lines and simply hide the remaining film inside. The bed needs to be given time to settle - a maximum of two weeks.

Now we fasten and tension the covering. To do this, we fix it to the ground; you can bury it with earth from all sides. Using a shovel, make slits into which to tightly tuck the edges of the film. You can also fix them with bricks or stones.

The final stage is directly planting the strawberries. You need to plant it in the already made cutouts on the black covering, the excess part of the film needs to be folded under the canvas. We water each planted hole with water manually for the first time, then the irrigation system will do this.

As you can see, everything is very simple. For this method of growing strawberries, you don’t need to spend a lot on expensive tools and equipment; all you need is film and the desire to try something new.

>Video “Detailed instructions for planting strawberries”

In this video you can see detailed instructions how to plant strawberries in black film.

Advantages and Disadvantages

The technique of planting strawberries under film is called “Finnish”. With its help you can get clean berries without damage from slugs and other insects in the ground. There are many advantages to using film for planting strawberries:

  1. There is no need to weed the beds. Weeds do not grow through the film, so the plantings remain clean all season. Only the “selected” lucky ones will be able to grow through the holes next to the strawberry bushes; removing them is not difficult. Growing and caring for strawberries on film is incomparably easier.
  2. You can water much less often. Usually, perforated hoses are laid under the film, allowing for drip irrigation. Covered soil dries out much more slowly, which reduces water consumption when planting strawberries under film by several times.
  3. The berries do not come into contact with the soil. This protects them from dirt during watering and during rains, as well as from pests. If slugs enter the area, it is much easier to collect them from the film. Diseases that spread to berries from the soil will also remain under the film. Early strawberry under the film it always turns out very clean and beautiful.
  4. The mustache does not take root. You can freely remove them, or carefully cut them to expand the plantation. In this regard, film for mulching strawberries also makes the gardener’s work easier.

Among the disadvantages is the impossibility or undesirability of planting strawberries under film in the fall. At this time, manure or other organic matter is added to the soil, and the soil is covered with a film to protect it from drying out. It is recommended to plant young bushes in pre-prepared beds either in the summer - early August, or in early spring.

Some people tend to consider the need to buy film and hoses for drip irrigation as a disadvantage. However, these materials last for many years and pay for themselves quite quickly, so the number of supporters of the method is only increasing every year.

The durable and lightweight material has become so firmly established in agricultural enterprises that today manufacturers offer specialized bed formers with a film stacker for strawberries, facilitating the planting process over large areas.

The benefits can only be fully appreciated in practice, because personal experience always more valuable. And since it is recommended to plant young bushes for the first time on rested soil (empty for 1-2 years), it is from this bed that it is most convenient to start testing the method. Even one year is able to demonstrate all the nuances, which will allow you to completely switch to this agricultural technology or abandon it.

How to choose a film

There are several types of films on sale used to cover beds:

  1. Black and black-and-white film for strawberries, 40-50 microns thick. It can be purchased in specialized stores for gardeners, as well as in construction stores. The material is quite versatile and is sold in rolls of various widths. Black color was not chosen by chance, since it heats up more than any other in the sun. It is better to choose the black and white version. This film is laid with the black side down and the white side up. The black bottom warms the soil well and prevents weeds from growing. The white top does not overheat in the sun and does not burn the strawberry leaves in too hot weather.
  2. Film with holes made for planting strawberries. This is a completely ready-to-use material. If you still have to tinker with ordinary film, cutting holes for bushes, here the manufacturer has already taken care of high precision distances between individual holes in rows and row spacing.
  3. Mulching film for strawberries with perforations more than 60 microns thick is guaranteed to last for several years. This is very convenient, because strawberries can grow in one place for several years, after which they are completely removed. At the end of the season, the film is inspected for damage, after which the remaining intact and undamaged strips can be reused.

The most commonly used weed film for strawberries is 1.6 or 3.2 m wide. The second option is cut lengthwise into two strips, but a wide ridge can be formed if desired. Width standard bed is 1 m, and the remaining overlaps are used to secure the film from being blown away by the wind.

How to properly plant strawberries under black film (step-by-step method)

The sequence of planting strawberries under film looks like this:

  1. Soil preparation. Before planting strawberries on black film, prepare the soil. It must be carefully dug up, loosened, enriched with humus or organic matter. If the soil is too heavy and loamy, then add some sand to improve aeration. This work is carried out in the fall so that young seedlings can be planted in the spring.
  2. Marking future beds. Strawberries are planted with an average row spacing of 50 cm, and a distance between individual plants in a row of 35 cm. You can bring two ridges closer together, but then there should be free passages on both sides of them.
  3. Stretch watering hoses. It is better to bury them at a shallow depth along the planting line, stepping back a little to the side. Thus, the water will flow exactly where it is needed, without spreading to the sides of the plantings.
  4. Laying out beds. It all depends on exactly how you decide to attach the film. You can press it along the ends with metal pins, punching them through pre-prepared squares of linoleum or foam. They use digging in narrow trenches along the beds, as well as any weighting agents available to the gardener.
  5. Planting strawberries under film. If the material is perforated, then simply fill the holes with seedlings. If there are no holes, then we mark the locations of the holes using a measuring tape or a previously prepared standard (a stick 35 cm long or more). Cross-shaped slits are made with a sharp knife. The edges are folded inward. You should get holes with a diameter of about 15 cm - no more.
  6. The first watering is done immediately, and subsequent waterings will be required once a week - no more often. If in a given area it rains all summer and spring with stable regularity, then artificial irrigation may not be required at all.

At this point, the care process can be considered completed. Watering with periodic additions of fertilizers and timely collection of ripe berries is all that needs to be done on the site. When the time comes (August), the strongest of the remaining tendrils are cut off for rooting in the selected bed.

When wondering how to plant strawberries under black film in the fall, it is worth considering that plants need certain time to take root in a new place. On average, it takes about 2 months for one bush to develop a healthy and strong root ball. If you carry out this work in August, then there will be enough time. Later, there is much less heat and sun, which means there is a high risk of losing all the seedlings after the first severe frost.

High-quality covering material lasts for more than one season. If you walk on the film in soft shoes or barefoot, then it is not at all in danger of being damaged. Having spent once on all the beds, in the future you can transfer the film as the plantations move from one place to another. Such material does not cause any damage to the ecology of a summer cottage or agricultural land.

What are the benefits of using film when growing strawberries?

Pros of using black film

Black film on beds with garden strawberries allows you to solve a number of problems in growing these berries.

  1. Weeds are not able to germinate under black covering material. Seeds blown by the wind cannot reach the ground. Those below germinate slightly, but the lack of chlorophyll prevents the development of full-fledged plants. Pale sprouts soon experience nutritional deficiency and die.
    It is especially effective for perennial weeds, as their food reserves are depleted. After a year they are no longer viable.
  2. The berries, being on the surface of the covering material, do not come into contact with the soil. There are no soil fragments on them. The incoming moisture flows down and does not remain on the crop. Therefore, the quality of the resulting harvest is significantly higher than that obtained by traditional technology growing.
  3. The time for obtaining the first harvest is reduced. The reason is simple: the soil under the black covering film warms up faster, flowers and ovaries appear earlier than in standard beds.
  4. Moisture in the soil remains longer. Evaporated in the heat, it remains under the film. Condensation occurs there. Even in extreme heat, the soil does not overheat. Bushes with film coverings of soil remain fresh and fruit-bearing.
  5. Frosts do not pose a danger to bushes garden strawberries. The root part is protected from freezing at night.
  6. The film is produced on the territory of the state. The technology has been proven, so its cost is low. IN short term all berry plantations can be covered with effective material.
  7. These advantages are typical only for black film. It should not allow sunlight to pass through it. Ultraviolet rays penetrate under the light covering material.
  8. The whiskers from the bushes cannot find a place to take root. A vegetable grower can organize the propagation of strawberries only from the first tendrils, cutting off all the rest. Small cups of soil are used, where new plants are rooted.

Disadvantages of black film

With many positive indicators of using film, certain disadvantages can be noted.

  1. Black polyethylene is destroyed by ultraviolet rays. It lasts for more than two seasons of use. Therefore, you need to purchase fiber, for example, lutrasil. This is a fabric designed to last.
  2. Polyethylene does not allow moisture to pass through, so on hot days a lot of steam is generated. The enthalpy of humid air is quite high; heat transfer at night does not always provide cooling. This leads to loss of sugar.
    Attention! Sweet berries are obtained if the temperature difference between day and night reaches 7...10 ⁰С.
    Usage non-woven fabric eliminates this drawback.
  3. Watering outside is difficult. Therefore, in the beds where garden strawberries are grown, it is advisable to install systems drip irrigation. Only in this case will the optimal heat and moisture balance under the shelter be maintained.

Where to start the transition to growing strawberries on black film

If cultivation is carried out according to traditional methods, then you need to consistently carry out the main activities in order to transfer strawberry beds to promising technology.

Creating a fenced raised bed

High fenced beds are needed.

  1. The presence of sides prevents soil from getting onto the paths between the rows where plants grow.
  2. Treatment is carried out only inside the fence; the paths remain in place for many years. They are laid out with tiles or bricks. Then you can move around the garden without fear of getting your shoes dirty.
  3. The sides are raised, the soil is also located higher. The gardener does not need to bend low when doing work.
  4. The beds are located in one place. It is easy to organize crop rotation. Only specified crops are grown at a given location.

To create such structures, do the following.

  1. At the site of future ridges, a trench is dug 0.4 m deep and 0.4...0.5 m wide.
  2. Markings are made using pegs and twine.
  3. Install the sides. Practice shows that preference should be given to asbestos-cement sheets. They are not afraid of moisture and are not subject to rotting. They can be painted.
    Pre-cut sheets 40 cm long, 20 cm deep into the ground. There remains another 20 cm above the ground.
  4. The trench inside the bed is filled with organic waste. Preferably woody: branches, fragments of trunks, bark, etc.
  5. The resulting structures are covered with garden soil. You can add humus and peat.
  6. Paths are laid between the beds.

The optimal width is 0.6...0.8 m. A person of average height can easily reach the middle of the ridge. The length should be convenient for maintenance.

Preparing a bed for planting strawberries

Strawberries prefer fairly loose soil. There should be enough food in it. The presence of humus only improves the growth conditions of the bushes.

  1. It is advisable to fill the beds with organic matter. Manure is laid to a depth of 30...35 cm. Dry manure of cattle, rabbits, sheep (goats) is suitable here. It will feed the roots for two to three years. In strawberries they do not go deep into the ground, but spread to a depth of 12...15 cm.
  2. To make watering easier in the future, lay metal-plastic pipe with a diameter of 15 mm.
  3. Strawberries will be planted in two rows. The distance between plants in a row will be 30 cm. Therefore, holes with a diameter of 0.5...0.7 mm are drilled in the pipelines.
  4. The ends of the pipes are clogged with wooden plugs, they swell and will not allow moisture to pass through.
  5. A container for watering is installed at one end of the bed.
  6. It is installed at a low height. Connect using a tap. Use it to regulate the degree of opening.

Garden strawberries are planted at the end of August or in the first ten days of September.

Rosettes (strawberry sprouts of this season) are used for planting. They must have roots for planting in the ground.

  1. The bed is covered with film. Optimal thickness is 40...60 microns.
  2. It is secured to the sides of the bed using office clamps. It is allowed to simply lay it down with heavy objects.
  3. Excess film is cut off. Leave no more than 10...15 cm on each side.
  4. In places where drip irrigation pipelines have holes, the covering material is cut crosswise. The length of the cuts is about 5...7 cm.
  5. The slits open.
  6. Holes are dug in them. Depth 10…15 cm, diameter 3…5 cm
  7. Sprinkle with water and plant the plants. 0.5...1.0 liters are poured onto each bush.
  8. Lightly press down the soil.
  9. To prevent the cuts from opening, the ends are pinned with aluminum staples.

Features of caring for a bed covered with black film

Autumn care involves only periodic watering. For the winter, the bed can be covered with leaves, hay, straw or agrospam.

With the coming warm days the insulating cover is removed.

The first watering in April can be accompanied by fertilizing. Dissolve in a container mineral fertilizers. The quantity is determined per plant:

  • 3...4 g urea;
  • 2...3 g of double superphosphate or 4...6 g of simple superphosphate;
  • 1...2 g of potassium nitrate.

Repeated fertilizing is carried out every 18…25 days.

Frost protection

In the early spring, it is advisable to install arcs over the beds. Covering material is pulled over them. The temperature remains positive underneath.

Covered strawberry beds do not cool down at night. They are opened during the day, allowing bees and bumblebees to pollinate the flowers.

The use of additional shelters allows you to get the first berries in the second ten days of May, and in southern regions People begin to enjoy strawberries during the May holidays.

  1. Growing strawberries on black covering film allows you to get a high yield of high-quality berries. They are not damaged by pests, rot does not spoil the harvest.
  2. Weeds do not develop under the black film. Even perennial weeds become unviable within a year. After two to three years of cultivation, the soil is completely free of unnecessary plants.
  3. The soil in beds with black covering material remains moist for a longer period. Water consumption for irrigation is reduced by two to three times.
  4. It is advisable to arrange covered black beds for growing strawberries on high beds limited by sides. Part of the fence is buried 20 cm. Another 20 cm remains above the soil level.
  5. For watering, it is necessary to create a drip irrigation system. In the process of supplying water to plants, they are fed, having previously dissolved mineral fertilizers in water.
  6. In the spring, to prevent hypothermia, arcs are installed over the plants and covered with fabric.

Film for strawberries

Garden strawberries, also known as strawberries, are one of the most favorite berries for summer residents. Almost all gardeners grow strawberries on their plots. All kinds of preparations are made from it: jam, strawberries, grated with sugar. The berry also has healing properties. Every summer resident knows that growing strawberries is not easy. You have to put in a lot of work. This includes watering, cutting the tendrils, and weeding. But there is one way not to bother yourself especially, not to stand hunched over the garden bed almost every day. This is growing strawberries under a special black covering material.

Disadvantages of growing strawberries without shelter

Let us remind you that planting strawberries is not easy. Gardeners constantly face some difficulties when planting berries. The first difficulty is the weeds. These harmful plants not only take away nutrients from the plants, but also take moisture from the planted sprouts, thereby preventing them from growing. The second difficulty is the mustache. These are long shoots of strawberries that allow the bushes to reproduce. Sometimes there are so many of them that summer residents do not have time to keep track of the growth of the berries. Because of this, the berries are small and completely tasteless. Today there are new varieties of berries without whiskers. But not every gardener may like their taste.

Harmful insects that interfere with the full growth of strawberry bushes are one of the biggest problems for gardeners. Most of the damage to plants is caused by slugs. These creatures are capable of destroying almost the entire crop of garden strawberries. They eat leaves and berries. Even the largest leaves.

Controlling slugs with chemicals is not recommended. Chemicals that get into the soil can seriously poison the berries. When ripening, strawberries will accumulate harmful substances. Therefore, it cannot be eaten. The material will help cope with such difficulties when planting bushes.

Advantages of black material

Black material has a lot of useful features for the strawberry harvest:

  1. The material prevents abundant weed growth. A weed, like any other plant, needs sunlight. However, the covering film is not afraid of the sun's rays. Thanks to this advantage, weeds under the material cannot grow profusely. The only place where the weed has the opportunity to grow is in the cut-out areas, specially prepared on film for planting bushes. For an amateur gardener, this drawback will seem very insignificant.
  2. The soil under the film always remains slightly moist. Gardeners don't need to worry about frequent watering strawberries The moisture under the black special material does not dry out immediately. She will be delayed. This process is very convenient on the hottest days.
  3. The taste quality of the berries increases. Since the berries on strawberry bushes do not touch the ground, they do not rot or get sick. They are not afraid of various pests and always remain very clean. At the same time, the berries become larger. This means that you can reap a large harvest from one bush.
  4. The latest feature of covering material for planting strawberry bushes– this is a convenient way to remove strawberry mustaches. They will not be able to take root, as they will lie on the surface of the film. This will ensure control over their growth. Removing the mustache will be much more convenient than doing it in the open ground.

Lack of film

Covering material is good for everyone because of its advantages. But it has one small drawback. Just one: strawberries are very difficult to water through the planting slot. Especially if strawberries are planted over a large area of ​​land. But you can get out of this situation with the help of special watering.

Drip irrigation system

Using a drip irrigation system in your garden is very beneficial. It is quite natural that the system will not be exactly cheap, but due to the advantages of the irrigation system, all costs will be reimbursed double. And here's why:

  • energy savings with drip irrigation are significantly reduced;
  • By eliminating the evaporation of water, it is saved: approximately by 50%.

And that's not yet full list all the advantages of drip irrigation. Thanks to them, harvesting is significantly increased. Combining a new method of watering and planting strawberries under a special black film will definitely give excellent results.

Strawberry planting dates

If we talk about the timing of planting strawberries, then it must be said that seedlings can be planted both in summer and autumn. But if you take into account the black covering material when planting, then the most best time the year is autumn. It is at this time that all activities for planting strawberries can be carried out within one and a half or two months. When a summer resident is very busy, such a stretch of time helps a lot.

In the spring, gardeners planting material much less than in the fall. Another advantage of planting strawberries in the fall is this fact: having planted seedlings in the spring, the harvest can only be harvested a year later. And in the fall, the period for harvesting fruits is much shorter. The choice of time of year depends on the gardener himself. From his skills and preferences. The most important thing is to choose healthy seedlings.

Healthy seedlings- the key to a good harvest

Before planting new strawberry seedlings, it is necessary to give great value some of their features under dark covering material. The first feature of planting is that the bed is formed for more than one year. The lifespan of a garden bed should be three or four years. Actually, it is for this period that it is recommended to plant strawberries in one place.

The second principle of planting is the selection of seedlings. Young shoots are best suited for planting. Their fruiting will begin in the first year of planting. Gradually, year after year, the yield will increase. The choice of berry variety also depends on the preferences of the gardener.

No need to choose different varieties berries The whole choice depends on the wishes of the gardener himself. However, when buying a certain variety of seedlings, you need to carefully look not only at the age of the sprouts. Appearance also plays a big role in the choice. Seedlings must be free of damage and any symptoms of disease, with well-developed roots. This also applies to young seedlings. Then you can choose, relying only on your taste.

What is needed for landing

Planting strawberries during spring or fall is common. The most important thing in this matter is good the right tool and the material itself. Black covering material can also be called mulch fabric or agrofibre. This fabric has many names. This is “Agrotex” or, for example, “Spunbond”. You can find black mulching fabric in any city. They are sold in special stores and have a varied assortment. Therefore, there is no need to worry about tissue shortages.

The tools you will need are scissors to make holes in the fabric for the strawberry seedlings. You can use a simple sharp knife. To secure the material, thick wire will help. To prevent the material from being blown away by the wind, you can place heavy cobblestones along the edges. If there are no such ones, then you can replace them with something similar. To carry out work on organizing a garden bed, you will need only one garden tool - a shovel.

Place for a future garden bed

Having found the right place to dig a bed for strawberries, you can assume that the harvest is guaranteed. Warmth and sun rays - best friends strawberries The berries do not rot under the sun and ripen well. Therefore, we can conclude that the bed should be dug on the sunny side of the garden. Strawberries are not at all afraid of drafts or wind. Therefore, they will not interfere with its growth and production. good harvest. The sun is the main friend and helper of strawberries.

The soil and its quality also play a huge role when organizing planting. In the event that the quality is low, this problem can be corrected. Mineral fertilizers or organic fertilizers will help here. It is recommended to mark the bed taking into account the length of the fiber. Its size should be one and a half or two meters.

Soil preparation

It is necessary to prepare the soil for the garden bed very carefully. You need to start by digging it up. If there is a deficiency in the soil nutrients, then he needs to be “cured”. For one square meter the lands are falling asleep organic fertilizers: manure - one bucket, and if it is not there, then wood ash - one and a half cups will do. This procedure must be done before digging the beds.

Compost and wood ash can be replaced with other fertilizers, such as mineral fertilizers. They must be added strictly following the instructions. When all preparations are completed, the beds are made. In order for strawberries to grow well, it is necessary to create earthen mounds. Only then can you correctly spread the black mulching fabric, that is, the covering material.
