Basic and additional calculations of wooden beams during construction. Basic and additional calculations of wooden beams during construction Determination of the volume of one element

When starting to build a house or other facility, the first thing we do is draw up an estimate necessary building materials. Correct calculation of materials used in construction allows you to avoid shortages or, more importantly, overconsumption.

This rule is relevant for any construction and wooden houses are no exception.

Calculation of lumber for construction

Currently, most suppliers and distributors measure lumber in cubes (cubic meters). An experienced buyer can easily determine how much and what he needs, but a person who is buying this product for the first time to build a house may encounter significant problems.

So, let's try to figure out how to determine the amount of material in a cube and protect ourselves from the dishonesty of a cunning seller.

Counting lumber is easy

Many years of experience in purchasing boards for construction shows that converting this raw material into cubes of pieces is not something particularly difficult. The only thing that is required is to calculate the volume of one beam or board, taking into account its width, thickness and length.

So, how many pieces of 100x150 timber are in a cube or how many of the most popular 50x150 boards are in a cube?

Let's start with the board. The most popular board today is 5 cm thick and 15 cm wide. The standard length is 6 meters. How to get the volume?

From the school mathematics course we remember that for this it is enough to multiply all the above dimensions. As a result, we will get the volume of the board in cubic meters. IN in this case the calculations would look like this: 6.0 x 0.15 x 0.05 = 0.045

What does the result mean? The result of the calculations means that the volume of the board is 0.045 cubic meters. Therefore, there are 22 boards in the cube.

But what about the timber?

The wide range of applications of this type of profiled timber extends to:

Popularity and demand of this material explained:

  • ease of installation (up to do-it-yourself construction);
  • no need for adjustment operations (saving time);
  • simplicity and convenience of storage and transportation;
  • possibility of constructing objects various configurations with different standard sizes.

But let's return to how many pieces there are in a cube of 100 by 150 timber. It is also not difficult to carry out such calculations.

The standard length of a profiled beam is 6 meters, while the thickness is 10 and the height is 15 cm. In the same way as in the example described above, we carry out the necessary calculations: 6 x 0.15 x 0.10 = 0.9.

Therefore, in one cube we get 11.1, that is, 11 bars.

It would seem that everything is really very simple. But due to such calculations, you can overpay when purchasing building materials.

What is the trick of calculations

Let's say you are interested in how to calculate the cube of a 150x150 timber. According to the above formula, we multiply the dimensions and get the volume of one beam 0.135 cubic meters.

How much timber is in a cube? That makes seven beams, doesn’t it? But the trick is that there is not a whole number of pieces in the cube. This is where unscrupulous traders can deceive us.

For example, you need a cube of a board - here are 22 pieces. Need a cube of timber - please - 7 beams. In the end, to build small house 6x6 you will need 52 timber. By simple calculations (52/7 = 7.43 cubic meters) we can establish that we will not be given 3 timber.

Learning to count correctly

Let's return to the already tested example of 52 beams with a cross section of 150x150 and a length of 6 meters. We calculate the volume: 52 x 6 x 0.15 x 0.15 = 7.02 cubic meters. Actually, you have to pay for 7.02 cubic meters, and as a result you get 52 bars and no less.

What else to consider when counting lumber

What else should you pay attention to when calculating how much 100x150 timber is in a cube? In other words, are there other tricks?

It is important to take into account that there are two main types of this product on the market: “calibrated” and “non-calibrated” bars. In addition to different prices, these products demonstrate the difference permissible deviations from the specified sizes. Thus, at the calculation stage, you need to decide which tolerances are important and which can be ignored.

For example, if you plan to purchase a 100x150 product for the installation of SIP panels, then you need calibrated lumber, which has the most accurate standard dimensions and does not require additional adjustment.

Another important point is that the length of the product can exceed 6 meters. Due to technological features, medium size is not 6 meters, as the accompanying instructions show, but 6.05.

The reason for this phenomenon is that the manufacturer, to save time and reduce labor costs, does not process the ends, leaving this “honorable duty” to customers. So, rarely, but some particularly cunning sellers try to take these surpluses into account when calculating cubic meters.

Useful data

Do you want to know how many pieces of 150x200 timber are in a cube, but don’t have time to calculate? No problem, everything has been calculated for you!

Standard timber

  • 200 x 200 x 6000 number of timber in m³: 4 pcs.
  • 150 x 200 x 6000: 5 pcs.
  • 100 x 200 x 6000: 8 pcs.
  • 150 x 150 x 6000: 7 pcs.
  • 100 x 150 x 6000: 11 pcs.
  • 100 x 100 x 6000: 16 pcs.
  • 50 x 70 x 3000: 95 pcs.
  • 50 x 50 x 6000: 66 pcs.
  • 50 x 50 x 3000: 133 pcs.
  • 40 x 40 x 3000: 208 pcs.
  • 30 x 50 x 3000: 222 pcs.
  • 30 x 40 x 3000: 277 pcs.
  • 25 x 50 x 3000: 266 pcs.

Beams with non-standard dimensions

  • 300 x 300 x 6000 number of timber in m³: 1 pc.
  • 250 x 300 x 6000: 2 pcs.
  • 200 x 300 x 6000: 2 pcs.
  • 200 x 250 x 6000: 3 pcs.
  • 190 x 190 x 6000: 4 pcs.
  • 150 x 300 x 6000: 3 pcs.
  • 150 x 250 x 6000: 4 pcs.
  • 140 x 190 x 6000: 6 pcs.
  • 140 x 140 x 6000: 8 pcs.
  • 100 x 300 x 6000: 5 pcs.
  • 100 x 250 x 6000: 6 pcs.
  • 90 x 190 x 6000: 9 pcs.
  • 90 x 140 x 6000: 13 pcs.
  • 90 x 90 x 6000: 20 pcs.

Now, have you calculated how much timber is 150 by 200 in a cube and purchased it in accordance with the features of future construction? At the same time, be prepared for the fact that you will have to solve the problem of storing material.

Features of lumber storage

It is no secret that construction is carried out much faster than the construction of a brick or stone house. But, despite this, it is necessary to take care in advance of finding a place suitable for storing building materials.

High-quality timber, the price of which is justified, is supplied to the customer with a humidity within 12%. This optimal indicator, thanks to which you can be sure that the construction will take place without long-term shrinkage. But the problem is that if stored incorrectly, the moisture parameters of the wood may change.

How to preserve timber without changing the original humidity parameters?

First of all, you need to prepare a storage space. This place will be an area with a flat and dry surface. Pallets are laid across a flat area on which timber can be placed.

Tip: if there are no pallets, you can use boards, sleepers or fragments of beams.
By laying lumber on an improvised stand as in the photo, you prevent moisture from penetrating into the wood.

A number of experts are of the opinion that supports for beams are not enough and it may be necessary to build additional frame structures. That is, on occasion, the canopy will protect stacks of lumber from negative impact atmospheric precipitation.

How to properly lay timber for storage?

So, pallets or other wooden structures. Now you need to lay the beams on top of these devices. Each beam is laid at a short distance from each other. The gap between the beams (at least 2 cm) must be maintained in order to ensure air flow for ventilation

Additional protections

There is a high probability that the lumber you purchased, despite proper storage, will acquire additional moisture. The fact is that sometimes it is not enough to cover the products at the top and bottom. To completely eliminate the possibility of a stack of lumber getting wet from the sides and ends, you need to cover them with plastic film.

Important: completely wrapping the timber in film is unacceptable to avoid the greenhouse effect.

The question arises: does timber need protection from moisture only during storage or even when a house is built from it? Of course, optimal humidity parameters will need to be maintained both before and after construction. Naturally ready house You can’t wrap it in cellophane, and that’s why protective paint coatings are used.

The market offers a wide range of varnishes for outdoor work. High-quality varnish, if applied correctly, forms a thin but wear-resistant coating that will prevent moisture from penetrating into the pores of the wood for several years.

And the video in this article is ready to clearly confirm the topic we discussed, watch it!

Wood is one of the most popular types of material in modern construction. In addition to using it as auxiliary materials, for creating various frames, lathing, etc. wood is widely used as the main component for building environmentally friendly housing. The most popular is timber, from which both small residential buildings and various outbuildings, such as bathhouses, can be built.

Calculation of material volume

Any construction must begin with calculation necessary materials, and with timber, which, as a rule, sold not individually, but in cubes.

To determine the number of individual bars, you need to know its dimensions, in particular this section sides and length, each individual unit in linear meters. As a rule, timber with a cross-section of 100, 150 mm is sold in lengths of 4-6 meters. Next, it is enough to find out the volume of each individual unit, for which we use a formula in which it is necessary to indicate the cross-sectional area of ​​the beam, for this we multiply the values ​​of the sides, for example 0.15x0.15. You need to multiply not 150 mm, but 0.15, since this will be the converted value to obtain the final result in cubic meters.

Multiplying 0.15x0.15 we get 0.0255 m3, this is cross-sectional area of ​​a single beam. Next, the area must be multiplied by the length, the values ​​of which may vary depending on the product. For example, we take a four-meter beam. We multiply 0.0255 x 4 and get 0.10 m3, which is the volume of one beam. Then we divide the cube - 1 by the resulting value of 0.10 and get a value of 10 rounded to whole numbers, which is the amount of timber in a cube of material.

It is clear that the calculations depend on the cross-section of the timber and its length, therefore in general formulas this is expressed as follows:

  • Sectional area S=AxB, where A and B are the sides of the beam section.
  • Volume of a single beam V= Sx (length of timber in linear meters).
  • Number of bars in one cubic meter 1/V, where one is 1 m3.

Three simple formulas from general education school curriculum, will allow you to calculate the number of individual elements that a cube of timber contains.

Another option for solving the question of how much timber is 150 by 150 in a cube is possible when using linear lengths of beams. To do this, you also need to calculate the volume of a linear meter using the formula 1x0.15x0.15 = 0.025 m3. Same values ​​as in the first option. Now it is enough to divide 1 cubic meter by the volume of one linear meter, resulting in 1/0.025=40.

The value 40 is general meaning linear meters per cube. Knowing the length of each individual beam, for example, 4 meters, it is enough to divide the general value by the length of each individual beam 40/4 = 10 pieces.

Working formulas:

  • ABOUT linear meter volume V= 1xAxB, where. A and B are the cross-section of the sides of the beam.
  • Number of linear meters material in a cube M=1/V.
  • Number of beams M/ per (length of a separate beam).

As you can see, both options lead to the same value; each person has the right to choose the option for solving the question of how many pieces of timber there are in a cube of timber.

If you need to purchase a small number of beams, then they are easier buy individually, but building a house from such material cannot be done without serious calculations. Experienced builders and consultants in stores are able to make calculations themselves and then produce the finished result, but it would be a good idea to check them to make sure they are correct. It is clear that when calculating how much 100x100 timber is in a cube, it is enough to change the values ​​of A and B in the formulas.

Additional calculations during construction

In addition to the fact that it is necessary to count how many pieces are in a cube, it is very important to calculate and total weight material, since this is what will influence the final weight of the entire structure being built, which in turn affects the laying of the foundation, its type, and dimensions.

Specific gravity

It is immediately necessary to make a reservation that there cannot be nominal parameters in this matter; timber 100 or its other size is calculated independently, since the weight may differ from the table values ​​due to the moisture content of the wood and its species.

Besides appearance The type of wood indicates the density of the material, which directly affects the final weight. Moreover, if the species and, accordingly, the density is known initially (the manufacturer indicates what kind of wood the timber is made from, and according to external signs easy to distinguish one wood from another), then Wood moisture content may vary depending on environmental factors.

As a rule, standard timber 150 150 is made from the following species with a density value:

  1. Birch 640 kg per m3.
  2. Linden 545 kg per m3.
  3. Spruce 460 kg per m3.
  4. Oak 650 kg per m3.
  5. Aspen 500 kg per m3.
  6. Beech 650 kg per m3.

In some regions, timber is produced from more valuable wood species, in particular from cedar 440 kg per m3, fir 390 kg per m3, and larch 680 kg per m3. Houses built from timber of these types of wood for a long time exude an indescribable aroma, which is not only pleasant to a person, but also extremely useful for health and the prevention of respiratory diseases.

Despite the fact that the density of wood is tabular values, they are quite averaged, since the real density also depends on individual natural features(where the tree grew), as well as the type of soil mineralization. Taking these factors into account, the density variation for timber with a cross-section of 100.150 mm can be up to 20%.

It is already quite possible to calculate the approximate weight of the final structure, knowing the volume of material and the type of wood from which the timber is made, and additional factors can be taken into account, such as interior elements and the severity of melted snow collected on the roof in winter.

Practice proves that the share of high-quality and balanced construction is approximately twice as large specific gravity wooden walls, that is, it is enough to double the resulting weight of the walls in order to begin calculating the foundation.

For example, you can take into account a house with an area of ​​100 m2. To simplify calculations, the length of each wall is 10 m. The length of all four walls will be 40 m, and their area, with a height of 1 floor of 3 meters, will be 120 meters. The abbreviated calculation looks like this: 10x4x3=120.

Using timber 150 150 mm. The total required volume can be calculated using the formula 120x0.15 = 18 cubic meters. When working with oak timber, whose density according to the table is 650 kg per m3, it is enough to simply multiply the total volume of the material by its density. In the end it's 18x650 =11700 kg, or rounded to 12 tons. So, the overall approximate the mass of the house will be 12x2=24 tons.

Based on these rounded indicators, it is already possible to calculate the foundation of the entire building.

Beam 150x100 mm is a popular material in construction. It is valued for its strength, durability, moisture resistance and reasonable cost. It retains heat well, does not allow sound to pass through, and does not shrink. The timber is used on many construction work Oh.


This material has aesthetic appearance, easy to use, and, most importantly, environmentally friendly. The building is easy to build on your own.

It is made from:

  • houses, bathhouses, garages, outbuildings;
  • logs, beams, racks, rafters;
  • frames, walls, interfloor passages.

Thanks to the 150x100 mm section, you can save on construction costs. The beams are laid on top of each other with 100 mm sides, as a result the walls are erected quickly and inexpensively. For summer house just right. Residential houses and cottages are built by laying timber with a side of 150 mm.

150x100 timber is cut from two types of wood:

  • Conifers: spruce, pine.
  • Deciduous: linden, oak.

Manufacturers control the moisture content of the timber, monitor the quality of the surface, which should be smooth, without damage, knots or other defects. This allows you to increase the service life of the wood.

Calculation of the amount of timber

When selling timber, it is traditionally measured in cubic meters. This convenient way to calculate required quantity material for construction work. A person with experience can easily determine how much timber is in a cube, but there are buyers who do not know how to count. As a result, there is a risk of fraud on the part of the seller.

There is a simple formula:

1/(0.15×0.1×D)= pcs.

  • 1 - cube;
  • 0.15×0.1 - beam section (150x100);
  • D is the length of the beam in meters.


If you need one cubic meter of 150x100 timber 6 meters long, then we substitute this data into the formula:

1/(0.15×0.1×6)= 11 pcs.

Thus, the calculation showed that in one cubic meter there are 11 six-meter bars.

Why do you need to know how much timber is in one cube?

The ability to make calculations will help you determine in advance the amount of material and draw up the necessary budget for construction. During the purchase, you need to carefully inspect each timber for the presence of defects. This is a popular material; some manufacturers make it from poor wood and sell it at a low price. It's important to remember that quality timber will last at least 50-70 years, so you shouldn’t skimp.

For the construction of private houses, many developers choose wood because of its environmental friendliness and safety. It is beams rather than logs that are often used as the main material. After laying them, the surface of the walls turns out to be absolutely flat and uniform in thickness. To determine the total number of elements, we suggest considering calculations that allow you to determine how much timber is in a 100x100 mm cube. Using this principle, you can easily make calculations for products with a different cross-section.

Determining the volume of one element

In any case, you will need to understand what cubic capacity one beam has. To do this, you need to know three quantities. The cross-section of the element in this case is 100x100 mm, that is, two sides are already known. All that remains is to determine the length. Most often in individual construction, the following timber size is used: 100x100x6000 mm.

The presented parameters should be converted into meters and the data multiplied. The result is an example: 0.1*0.1*6=0.06 cubic meters. If length wooden beam differs from the original value, then the required number is substituted for the last factor. If necessary, you can use our table with ready-made answers.

Number of pieces per cubic meter

Knowing the volume of one element, you can easily determine how much timber is in a 100x100 mm cube. To do this, you need to divide one cubic meter by the result obtained from previous calculations. If the lumber has standard sizes, then the volume can be taken from our table.

Calculations for a six-meter beam are as follows: 1/0.06≈16.6 pieces. However, as the length decreases wooden products their number will only increase. Using the table, you can find out how many pieces of timber are contained in a cube at certain linear dimensions. The result is rounded to the nearest tenth.

Application of calculations in practice

By determining how much timber is in a 100x100 mm cube, you can understand how much material will be required for the construction of a building or utility structure. However, for this you will have to make special calculations according to the following scheme.

  1. It is necessary to determine the square footage of the walls and partitions of the structure being built. Gables, if any, should also be taken into account. When calculating, formulas for finding the area of ​​triangles and rectangles are usually used. The results obtained are simply summed up.
  2. It is necessary to calculate how many beams are contained in one square meter. To do this, we find the area of ​​the side of one element. If the beam is six meters long, then its quadrature will be: 0.1 * 6 = 0.6 square meters. Now you need to divide the unit by the result obtained: 1/0.6≈1.6 pieces.
  3. The total built-up area is divided by the result that we obtained in the previous paragraph. This is exactly the amount of material that needs to be purchased for the construction of the facility. It is recommended to add approximately 5-10% of the cost to cover unforeseen expenses.
  4. Knowing how much timber is in a 100x100 mm cube, it is quite possible to calculate the total number of elements required for construction work using multiplication.

Correct calculations will help you avoid difficulties when purchasing material for the construction of any individual construction project. Purchasing extra timber will lead to additional costs, but its shortage will again force the consumer to pay for additional transportation to the construction site.

Use of 100x100 mm timber in construction

The presented size of timber is rarely used for the construction of external walls of permanent buildings in temperate latitudes. Regarding southern regions, where winters are quite warm, then such timber is used quite actively in the following situations:

  • for the construction of interior partitions;
  • as load-bearing elements of the rafter system;
  • when constructing floors between floors;
  • for frame structure racks;
  • when laying walls country houses and ancillary outbuildings.

Despite the relatively small thickness of the timber, residential buildings are still built from it, however, with additional external or internal insulation. With this option thermal insulation material often installed under exterior siding, wood or metal panels.

Mass of one cube

Many developers are interested in how much a cube of 100x100 mm timber weighs, but the final figure depends not on the size of the elements, but on the type of wood used for production. The weight is significantly affected by the level of humidity. The table below makes it possible to compare indicators for different types wood at a certain water content in the material. The mass in this case is given in kilograms.

Humidity level in percent


Oak weighs more than pine, spruce or larch due to its high density. As the density decreases, the weight of the wood decreases accordingly.

Lumber prices

In many ways, the cost of a cube of timber depends on the same parameters as weight. Prices for different breeds wood varies significantly. Humidity is also important. Well-dried material is much more expensive, since it practically does not deform during operation. To reduce humidity levels, special chambers are used.

Profiled timber of natural moisture from pine costs on average from 7 to 10 thousand rubles. It usually contains more than 25% water in its structure. The final indicator is influenced by the season, place of growth and type of wood. As for products that have undergone chamber drying, their cost can reach 14 thousand rubles per cubic meter. The moisture content of such wood is approximately 8-12%.

As a conclusion

If on initial stage construction, to understand the volumes of required lumber, it will be much easier to carry out basic calculations. Accurate calculations will help you save your budget and avoid difficulties with delivering products to the construction site. In addition, by clearly understanding how many pieces of timber are contained in a cube, you can easily protect yourself from deception by unscrupulous trading companies.

5729 09/16/2019 4 min.

Wood is very comfortable and popular building material, thanks to which a person can build his own home. During construction wooden house I manage to live in an environmentally friendly environment and not worry about my health. Even scientists advise everyone to build their house from natural materials. In order to understand how much timber is contained in one cube, you can use both previously compiled tables and special formulas.

Meter per cubic ratio

To determine the task at hand, it is important to make the following calculation:

  1. For example, let’s take the most common length size - 6 m. Fold the material into the firebox so that the cross-section forms a square meter.
  2. As a result of the fact that the dimensions of the presented product are 100x100 mm, you will get a stack of 10 by 10 products. After multiplying these numbers we get the value 100.
  3. The length is 6 m, and we are considering m3, then it is necessary to take 1/6 of the total amount of building material. Thus, 100 must be divided by 6 to obtain an approximate number of 16.6667.
  4. In this case, it is not at all necessary to round to the whole value, because in this case there will be nothing to add the shortfall with. Therefore, if the question is this: how much 100x100 timber is in a cube, then the answer will be: 16.6.

The video tells how much 100x100 timber is in a cube:

Quantity 150x150x6000

Making the calculation is not that difficult. To calculate the pieces of timber, you need to divide 1 m3 by the volume of one product. In turn, the volume will be made up of multiplying the length, width and height. So, to determine the amount of bursa in one m3, it is first necessary to determine the volume of a single piece of lumber. The procedure is as follows:

Since the most common length sizes are 6 and 4 m, we will consider calculating the cubic capacity for the most popular dimensions.

Table of different sizes in one cube

Table 1 – Quantity various sizes one cube

Dimensions, mm Volume 1 piece m³ Number of pieces in 1 cube
Length 4 meters
100x100 0,04 25
100x150 0,06 16,67
100x200 0,08 12,5
150x150 0,09 11,11
150x200 0,12 8,33
200x200 0,16 6,25
Length 6 meters
100x100 0,06 16,67
100x150 0,09 11,11
100x200 0,12 8,33
150x150 0,135 7,41
150x200 0,18 5,56
200x200 0,24 4,17

If you have the presented tables at hand, then there is no need to constantly make calculations. These tables contain quantities per cube for common lengths such as 4.5, 6 and 7 m. They contain the required data rounded to the nearest hundredth. However, for a length of 4 m, you can leave such a table yourself, because the developed formulas come to the rescue.

Quantities of timber 150x150 per 1 m3

If you are going to use 150x150 m burs to build your house, then you can calculate the number of them in 1 m3, adhering to the following plan:

Comparison of timber sizes 100x100 and 150x150

If you need to determine how much volume the selected natural material, it is necessary to multiply the volume of one product by their total number.

Let's consider the material 100x100. Its Volume will be 0.06 m3. Now you need to multiply the resulting value by the amount of lumber. As a result, you will receive a number that will indicate the number of cubes. Similar arithmetic operations must be performed for timber measuring 150x150 mm.

But when calculating the presented material, it is necessary to take into account the following recommendations:

As you have already understood, it is very simple to make the presented calculations, and you can do it yourself, without the involvement of specialists. If you know how many beams you need to build your house, wholesale prices, then you will be able to make the process of purchasing building materials accurately. After all, the construction process must take place with the calculation of the number of units of lumber for one or another wall, floor or staircase.

Wood is a very popular building material, which today is produced in various variations. But it is necessary to begin construction of the structure only after all calculations have been completed. Only in this way will you be able to purchase materials correctly and not spend extra money and save on construction. You may be interested in the pros and cons of kiln-drying profiled timber. The links are listed.
