How to fill a skating rink in the yard with your own hands, useful tips. How to fill a skating rink in the yard and why is it needed at all?

Wonderful winter is a wonderful time to relax and good mood. To have a great time on winter days, you can play hockey or just go ice skating. This is not only entertainment, a lot of impressions and cheerful laughter, but also active recreation. Both children and adults will be delighted with the skating rink.

At the same time, it is not necessary to go far into the city to the ice arena, where there are always a lot of people. Can fill the skating rink on your own plot, if the weather permits and there is a suitable site.

Weather requirements

The skating rink is flooded when there is already snow on the ground, the weather is clear, cold and moderately frosty. weather with temperatures -5...-10C, and the ground is frozen at least 5-7 cm deep. Such conditions are comfortable for humans, and the water will not be absorbed into the ground when pouring and will lie flat, without freezing directly in the hose.

The degree of freezing of the site can be determined bayonet shovel, digging and lifting the top layer of soil.

In addition, it is better to freeze the skating rink at the dacha in snowless and windless weather: strong wind interferes with uniform watering and freezing of water, and falling snow makes work inconvenient.

Selecting a location and preparing the surface

It is better to fill the skating rink not in the entrance area near the porch, but, for example, in a vegetable garden without raised beds, on top of a sports ground or spare parking lot, in a clearing in the garden, behind the house closer to the corner personal plot etc. You can make a skating rink in the yard, but it should not interfere with movement: walking through the ice to the garage or to get firewood will be problematic.

The area for the skating rink should be as level as possible, without large potholes, recesses or hummocks. If you need to seriously level the surface or fill in holes, then this should be done in the fall. And minor unevenness can be leveled out in winter with the help of snow. Ideally, it is best to form an ice field on flat asphalt, but usually a skating rink at a dacha has to be poured on the ground.

Clean the area thoroughly, remove debris, branches, stones, other foreign objects, as well as large drifts of snow.

Site dimensions

The dimensions of the skating rink should be convenient for comfortable skating: optimally, at least 7-8 m in width and from 12-14 m in length, for example, 7 * 14, 10 * 18, 12 * 25 m, etc. The ratio of the width and length of the rink can be kept around 1:2 or a little more, as in large arenas, although other proportions are allowed.

The smaller the rink, the more often you have to make turns on your skates and reduce your speed, while on a larger rink you can accelerate better.

Of course, just to throw a puck at one goal with your son, and even in a small country house, you can fill a smaller court - 4*6 or 5*8 m.

To mark the boundaries of the skating rink, lay bricks in the corners and under the long sides or fill the contours with sand.

Leveling and compacting snow

Level and compact the snow on the site using a shovel, as well as wide skis, a board or a lawn roller.

Laying the snow cover should be as even and dense as possible, with a snow “cushion” thickness of at least 5-12 cm. Such a backing will allow minor irregularities to be removed and will protect the skating rink from water leakage.

Check the compaction by walking around the area - the snow should not fall under the weight of an adult.


Pour excess snow to the perimeter and form sides from them - small snowdrifts at least 20 cm high.

Instead of snow, they also use ordinary soil, as well as boards of sufficient width, a low picket fence or OSB boards, which are frozen into the ground and snow or attached to racks installed in the fall.

The sides will mark the boundaries of the skating rink, protect against water running off and allow you not to search for a puck that has flown far away every time.

WITH outside perimeter, at a distance of up to 2-3 m from the sides, clear the area in order to subsequently throw away fallen snow there.

Then leave the area with snow for 1-2 days to freeze.

The process of filling the skating rink

To fill the skating rink, you will also need a low-pressure water supply. Freeze with a rain head to ensure even distribution of water. Also, thanks to sprinkling, the ice will not erode or crack.

Start filling the roller from the far end of the area. Direct the hose upward at an angle of 25-40 degrees. to the surface, holding it downwind at a height of about 1.5 m. Slowly step back to the opposite end, continuously water the area, moving the hose like a fan and control the uniformity of watering.

You shouldn't linger in one place. Make sure there are no spilled areas.

Pouring ice is done in several layers, and only after the previous one has completely frozen. Having poured the first layer, pause so that it freezes well. The intervals between fillings can be from 2-4 hours to 1-2 days, depending on the severity of the frost. If snow falls before the next layer, it must be removed.

After a pause, spray the next layer, starting pouring from the opposite side of the site to avoid height differences. So, layer by layer, fill the ice coating until required thickness. It should be noted that during a day of active skating, the ice wears off by an average of 0.8-1 cm, so the skating rink is filled with at least 12-15 cm.

Polishing the top layer

It is convenient to do this finishing using a barrel or tank with holes and a piece of hose at the bottom of the container in the form of a tap. Capacity with hot water placed on a sled or on a wooden box without a bottom with rubber gaskets. At the bottom of the structure at the back, an old blanket is attached, which, after finishing, erases the traces of the runners.

As a last resort, the skating rink can be polished using a mop.

Ice painting (if necessary)

If desired, the ice can be painted or “draw” marking lines during pouring.

For example, before the very top pouring, red, black or blue hockey marking stripes are often applied to the ice from water-based paint, no more than 5-6 cm wide.

Also, before the top two fills, the area can be sprayed with chalk solution to make the skating rink perfectly white. And to please your kids with colored ice, you can add blue, water-based paint or regular gouache to the water.

Any coloring of the ice is allowed only if you do not plan to grow flowers or vegetables on the site in the future.

On the issue of the lawn

It is not advisable to make a skating rink on top. This will increase the risk that the grass will completely or partially disappear. If you still have to pour a roller on top of the lawn, you should:

  • — create a compressed snow base with a thickness of at least 20 cm;
  • - pour a reliable ice crust on top of the snow cushion in frosts of -10C, so that water does not seep down;
  • early spring Remove the ice as soon as possible: melt with a burner; sprinkle with potassium chloride, urea or ash; gently crumble by hand.

Skating rink care

First of all, try to repair noticeable cracks or scratches. They can be puttied with a mixture of snow and water, compacted and allowed to freeze, and then leveled off with a scraper.

After repairs, pour hot water over the roller to level it.

Also make sure that the area is not covered with snow; remove it regularly and promptly, otherwise it will freeze and make the skating rink uneven. Remove snow away from the site to prevent it from being blown back onto the ice.

A homemade ice skating rink, made with your own hands, will bring a lot of bright and unforgettable moments to your family and friends, and will allow you to have a great rest and spend time.

Many people love to skate, but visiting special stadiums is not affordable for everyone. In order not to give up such pleasure, it is worth figuring out how to make an ice skating rink in the yard or on the street with your own hands. To do this, it is enough to know the technology and follow simple recommendations.

Preparatory activities

If you decide to make an outdoor skating rink yourself, first select a suitable area. Here you need to determine the boundaries of the site and lay out the sides at least 7–10 cm high. You can make such fences using soil or small boards. Only after this can you begin to level the site. If there is a lot of snow here, it is removed to the sides, making something like a roller. Such an element must be filled with water so that subsequently an even layer of ice can be achieved.

When the area with the fencing is ready, you need to start compacting. So, snow is compacted using special equipment or doing it with your feet. Naturally, you need to remove debris from the area, as well as stones and sticks.

How to fill a skating rink?

The most difficult task is the filling. You can start it only when the ground is frozen to a depth of at least 6 cm, and the air temperature is no more than -3 ° C .

Naturally, the skating rink is filled in several stages. Ideally, you should get a smooth layer of ice 10–17 cm thick. To achieve this, each watering is carried out after the previous layer freezes. If the weather is good, then in a day you can achieve a thickness of 15 cm. The easiest way to fill it yourself is to use a hose with a sprayer. If you don't have one, you can use a regular shower head.

To do everything correctly, it is important to watch the corresponding video and take into account the subtleties of filling technology.

  1. First you need to “spray” the first layer of water.
  2. After half an hour, a second watering is performed. The break can in some cases even be 1–2 hours, because the previous layer does not always have time to freeze. If during this time a lot of snow has fallen, it is carefully removed to the sides of the site. In a situation where recesses have formed on the frozen ice, they should be filled with snow.
  3. Next, several more waterings are repeated until the ice layer is at least 10 cm.
  4. The next stage involves sanding the coating yourself. Regular rectangular boxes are suitable for this purpose. They can be replaced with boards 3 m long and 0.7 m wide. The lower part is covered with rubber, after which the boards are tied to a tire and a barrel of water is placed on top. As the box or boards move along the skating rink, the liquid will be evenly distributed. Thanks to this solution, you can make a really smooth skating rink with your own hands.

Lighting organization

Particular attention should be paid to lighting, because in winter it gets dark early. Naturally, such a problem will not arise if the site is located in a yard where there are several lamps. Otherwise, first of all, you need paint the ice white. To do this, the area is sprinkled with chalk solution or lime, and then filled with clean water.

If you wish, you can install it yourself wooden poles along the perimeter of the site and fix the lamps on them. Some people prefer pendant lamps or spotlights. For illuminating a skating rink of medium or large sizes 10–12 lamps rated at 500 watts are enough.

Skating rink care

To maintain a DIY playground in good condition, you need to: prepare inventory.

The main rule regarding the care of the skating rink is: regular ice cleaning. It must be swept, and if necessary, topped up and sanded. Potholes often appear on the surface after active skiing. Sometimes a thaw causes them to appear. To eliminate such pits and cracks, very cold water. So, snow is poured into a container, water is poured in, and then potholes and skate marks are filled with this mixture. When everything freezes, you need to scrape the surface and fill the area. If you wish, you can smooth out the ice. To do this, pour hot water over a rag placed over a mop, and then walk over the entire area of ​​the skating rink.

It is necessary to regularly remove traces of snowfall. For these purposes the easiest way is use a special machine equipped with a brush. If the area is small, then you can clean it with your own hands using shovels and scoops. It is better to remove the snow itself outside the skating rink, otherwise the size of the area will decrease.

Making a skating rink with your own hands is not at all difficult. The main thing is to choose a suitable site and begin work in cold, clear weather. In order for the ice layer to remain even, it must be cleared of snow and periodically filled with cold water.

Everyone knows that a skating rink is a flat, icy surface on which you can skate, sled, and play hockey. Children and adults have a lot of fun spending nice winter days in the ice arena. You can build this ordinary miracle with your own hands in your dacha or in your yard.

Natural skating rink

Any frozen body of water can become a place suitable for ice skating. The main thing is to make sure that the ice thickness is at least fifteen centimeters. To do this, look at its color. If it is bluish, greenish to transparent, then this indicates good quality. If you have the opportunity to cut a hole with an ice ax, then measure how frozen the water is in the deepest place with a tape measure.

The advantage of such a surface will be ease of execution. The downside is that ice thickness can change throughout the winter. If the temperature outside is zero for three days, the thickness of the ice decreases by twenty-five percent.

Artificial skating rink

This is a flat area that is flooded with water. You can build it right in your yard. Skating on such an ice surface is much safer than on a natural one. But when building this type of skating rink, you need to spend a little more effort and money.

We build a skating rink at our dacha ourselves

Natural skating rink

  1. Clear the required size area of ​​snow. Drill small holes in the corners so that in the event of severe frosts the ice does not crumble or warp during a thaw.
  2. Remove all trash. Otherwise, while riding, you may fall and get injured.
  3. Natural ice cannot be perfectly smooth. There will always be unevenness, potholes, cracks, and holes on it. Try to smooth them out. Cut down the highest irregularities with an ax or ice ax, seal the cracks with wet snow, and let them harden. If possible, it is best to fill the potholes with a hose with a sprayer.
  4. Remember that a skating rink on a pond also needs to be looked after.

Artificial skating rink

The main condition for a good outdoor skating rink is to prepare the right area for it.

  1. Its size should not be small. Ideal parameters 20 x 15 meters.
  2. The air temperature during the construction of the ice skating rink should not exceed -10 o C.
  3. The outdoor skating rink is poured in calm, windless weather.
  4. For high-quality filling, it is better to use a sprayer. Hold the hose at an angle of 30 degrees.
  5. Pour water clockwise, turning your back to the wind, in a fan fashion.
  6. Ice is poured to a height of 10–15 centimeters.
  7. A wooden mop can be used to level the surface between pours.
  8. If snow falls between pours, it must be carefully removed.

This general rules, below we will look at how to fill a skating rink on different surfaces with your own hands.

Asphalted surface

It’s good when you have a flat asphalt area for an ice skating rink on your site. It won't be hard to fill it up.

  1. Clear the area of ​​stones and debris. Compact the snow and level it. If there is a lot of it, it is recommended to remove the top layer.
  2. Along the edges of the site, make a side of cleared snow filled with water.
  3. Filling is carried out in several stages.

At the first stage, we wet the surface warm water, then pour a layer of cold. We wait until the ice stops breaking.

Second stage. We level the surface of the skating rink with warm water in a thin layer, and again cold water on top. We are waiting for it to freeze.

We repeat all operations one more time.

Ground surface

You need to build a platform with your own hands when the ground freezes to 7 cm. You can make an ice skating rink in several ways.

The first one is simpler and less expensive.

  1. We are marking the future ice rink.
  2. Remove all trash.
  3. We compact the area well. To do this, you can use a lawn roller, or jump and run. Try walking on prepared snow; if your feet don’t sink, then everything was done correctly.
  4. Make a low side with your own hands, about 15–20 centimeters. It can be built from snow filled with water, earth, boards frozen into the ground.
  5. Along the perimeter of the skating rink, at a distance of two meters from the outer side of the side, clear it almost down to bare ground. Newly fallen snow will be removed there.
  6. Leave the prepared area for two days to allow the surface to freeze.
  7. Start pouring water from the farthest bar, carefully making sure that there are no missed areas.
  8. Fill the first layer and let it freeze. After about 1.5–2 hours, pour a new layer. Repeat in the same sequence until the desired thickness.

The second method of building a skating area with your own hands will require a little more effort, but skating rinks in the yard made using this technology can withstand slight thaws. Preparations for installing the skating rink begin in the fall, before the first snow falls.

  1. We prepare the site, remove all the stones and twigs using a rake.
  2. We knock together a side from the boards, it can be used next year. From the outside we fasten the boards using overlays with screws of 4 pieces.
  3. We dig pegs in the corners at a distance of a meter from the side. They should be 10 centimeters higher than the side.
  4. Roll out a light film inside the area without wrinkles or bubbles and place it in the corners. We fasten it from the outside using overlays. The film should lie loosely on the ground.
  5. When the outside temperature drops -1 o C, start filling the skating rink with your own hands.
  6. Pour water in a thin stream slowly for 2 hours. On the second day we repeat the procedure. Fill every day until 5 cm remains to the edge of the side.

Skating rink care

During operation, a hand-made skating rink must be looked after. Any change in weather affects the quality of ice. During heavy snowfall, it is recommended to clean the area without waiting for it to end.

Before you start skating, use a snow shovel, iron scraper, and broom to walk around the skating rink. With this you will polish off marks from skate blades and small cracks.

To give the surface a glass shine, use one simple method:

  • Pour a thin layer of ice hot water, and then use a wooden mop to carefully spread it over the surface;
  • Large potholes and holes are filled with wet snow slurry. After it hardens, pour the roller in one layer;
  • The surface must be renewed at least once a week. But this depends on the intensity of ice use. Ideally, you should refill after every ride. It is better to do the filling at night.

To make the skating rink colorful, add water-based paint of any color to the water before the last two fills. You can achieve a rainbow effect by adding a different color to each layer. To do this, take the paint, dilute it with water and pour a thin layer on the skating rink, after it freezes, fill it with water from a hose.

A self-made skating rink will bring many pleasant moments to your loved ones. And, although this painstaking work will cost you labor and time, these efforts cannot be compared with the pleasure that you experience from skating with your family and friends.

It is difficult to name a more favorite type of winter recreation than skiing or skating. And if the pleasure of skiing depends entirely on the capricious nature - in snowless winters one can only dream about them, then it is quite possible to equip an ice skating rink at your dacha yourself. Although at first glance the task seems extremely simple, knowledge of how to properly fill the skating rink is still required. High-quality filling of a skating rink is akin to art; water carelessly poured from a hose, freezing, leads to the formation of an uneven surface.

How to fill a skating rink with your own hands

The main component of success is right choice sites. It should be level, the ideal option is to fill the asphalt base. However, a good result can be obtained by pouring a flat dirt area. You can start working if the soil is frozen to a depth of 6-8 cm, otherwise there is a risk that water will gradually be absorbed into the snow.

The selected area should be cleared of debris, and the snow on it should be leveled. Then you can start compacting it using a garden roller or skis. Thickness of the snow cushion in finished form should be at least 5 cm. The prepared surface should not collapse when walked on. For the sides you can use frozen boards about 25 cm wide, but you can build them from the same snow and compact them well.

At what temperature is the skating rink filled, the order of filling

The skating rink should be filled at an air temperature below -5 degrees C, or even better -10. You can pour water from a hose by attaching a spray nozzle to its end. Direct the stream of water not towards the ground, but upward, at an angle of 25 degrees. In this case, the water will not flow, but will spray and fall onto the surface in small splashes. You need to make sure that the hose does not remain in one place for a long time. By following these recommendations, it is easy to obtain a smooth ice surface.

If you pour water from a hose in a stream or leave the hose on the site for a long time, then at a very low temperature, accumulated liquid will remain under the ice crust frozen on top and voids will form. Top layer In this case, it will crack and deform very quickly.

How to fill a skating rink in the courtyard of a house - step-by-step work

It is better to start filling the site from a distant corner, moving diagonally. The direction of spraying water should coincide with the direction of the wind. Bay thin layer you should wait until it hardens completely. The filling of the site begins from a different corner each time - in this case, the formation of hills will be avoided. If snow falls between pouring layers, it should be removed from the site before each new portion of water.

The skating rink should be filled in layers, step by step. If the frost is strong enough, then the work can be completed within one day. If the air temperature is not low enough, the process will drag on for several days.

Considering the fact that during one day of operation of the skating rink, the thickness of the ice on it becomes 1 cm less, it is advisable to freeze a layer of at least 15 cm. At the final stage, the ice is smoothed using hot water.

If you don’t have enough experience and knowledge on how to fill a skating rink at your dacha, then it is recommended to first make a small ice platform, for example 5x4 m - this will be quite enough for children’s games.

Basic rules for caring for the skating rink

In order to enjoy skating throughout the winter, you should know not only how to fill the skating rink, but also remember that it needs to be looked after.

If the skating rink is filled correctly, then a few short thaws will not disable it. Caring for the skating rink will consist of clearing it of snow after each snowfall. Snow should be removed beyond the sides of the skating rink - otherwise its area will become smaller and smaller.

To repair scratches or potholes formed on the ice surface, snow-water slurry is used - it is compacted into the recesses; when it hardens, it is trimmed and filled with water.

Depending on the frequency of use of the skating rink, its surface should be leveled and sanded, if the skating rink is used frequently - daily. To restore the surface, it is watered with hot water. If it is impossible to organize the supply of hot water from a hose, then you can build a special homemade device: knock down a box measuring approximately 200x60 cm, attach a rubber gasket along its entire perimeter, you can use a hose cut lengthwise.

Install a tank with a tap on top of the box. To move the box around the site, you can use a snowmobile or your own own strength. After filling the tank with hot water, the tap is opened, and the box begins to move along the platform.

Thanks to rubber gaskets, the water entering the box will spread evenly over the entire ice surface. You can also polish the ice by hand using a mop soaked in hot water.

Decorating the skating rink

Give your skating rink original look You can use a solution of chalk, water-based paint or lime. They are applied before pouring the last two layers. If games are planned at the skating rink, for example hockey, then additional marking of the site will be required. To do this, before the last pour, a layer of water-based paint in black, red or blue. The width of the lines must be at least 50 mm. The skating rink will be made more unusual by adding a bright dye, for example blue or gouache, to the water to fill the last layer.

You should also take care of the lighting of the site - because in winter the days are very short. Garden lamps and spotlights can be used as lighting devices; bright garlands hung around the perimeter of the skating rink will make the skating process more enjoyable.

Rules for filling a skating rink on a lawn

Actually, filling the skating rink on the lawn is done by specialists landscape design not recommended: the grass under the ice can freeze, suffocate without sufficient oxygen, or simply dry out as the ice melts. But if you do everything with a safety net, then you can try filling the skating rink on the lawn. First, you should build a snow cushion at least 20 cm thick. Next, it is compacted and filled with water so that a thin crust of ice forms. The work should be carried out at a temperature no higher than -10 degrees C - water should under no circumstances be absorbed into the snow. Next, filling is performed in accordance with the rules described above.

With the onset of spring thaws, it is very important to take care of accelerating the melting of ice. For this you can use mechanical method, but you should break the ice very carefully, otherwise you can damage the lawn. Good result can be obtained by covering the ice surface with ash or mineral fertilizers(potassium chloride or urea) - their granules will make the surface of the ice loose. You can also use gas burner or pour an alcohol-containing liquid on the surface; in Germany, rejected wines are used for this purpose.

When constructing a skating rink on suburban area You can use special kits consisting of a ready-made substrate, sides, fastening materials and instructions.

Winter is a wonderful time. White fluffy snow, ice slides, fun rides and a lot of fresh emotions and pleasure. Since childhood, many people associate winter with something fabulous and magical. Unfortunately, you don’t always have the time or opportunity to attend any entertainment events, but you really want to have a fun time. Owners summer cottages solving this problem is not so difficult: you just need to know how to fill a skating rink in the yard with your own hands.

Place for a skating rink

Many people have repeatedly wondered how to make an ice skating rink with their own hands in the courtyard of a house or in any other suitable place for this. It may seem that filling a skating rink is an overwhelming task for a person who has never practiced this before. However, this is not the case. You just need to have some knowledge, thanks to which the ice will really turn out great and will delight everyone who skates in the cold winter season.

If you decide to fill the skating rink with your own hands, you must first of all find a suitable place on local area your private property or in any other suitable place. It is important to take into account that this territory is not guarded by special services or access to it is not blocked by any old buildings.

It is best to use in the local area backyard. As a rule, everything is there necessary conditions for filling a skating rink: relatively flat surface land, access to water and the ability to constantly monitor the condition of the skating rink.

A hard surface is most suitable for filling the skating rink, otherwise a large volume of water will be consumed, and the ice may crack over time. However, in the absence of a sufficiently hard surface, the ice rink can also be arranged on the lawn , following the necessary rules.

It is noteworthy that the best basis Asphalt is used for pouring ice due to its heavy-duty characteristics. Thus, the ice forms quickly and can withstand a very heavy load.

Site preparation

Once a suitable area has been selected, the following manipulations must be performed:

Now you can proceed directly to the filling process itself.

Pouring ice

Now the most exciting moment has come - pouring the ice. It must be approached with special responsibility and observed all the necessary rules:

If small holes appear on the ice, you just need to fill them with cold water, after which the surface of the skating rink is filled again. This way the roller will become more even.

Knowing how to make a skating rink yourself, you can save money and time on visiting expensive city skating rinks closed type. At the same time, your own ice rink, if properly cared for, will delight its owners for a long time.

Decoration of the territory

You can decorate the area around the skating rink in various ways , for example, sculpt snow men, build fancy and intricate animal figures or other patterns from the garland. In this case, the author’s flight of imagination is not limited in any way.

You should also take care of the lighting of the skating rink, since skating on it will most likely occur often in the evening. This is where outdoor LED spotlights and other lighting devices will come into play. The main thing is to connect the power supply network to the skating rink.

Electric garlands will not only serve as lighting for the area, but will also create an incredibly romantic and magical atmosphere.

Creating a skating rink on your own is not such a difficult task. You need a little patience, as well as knowledge and adherence to certain rules, and, of course, a great desire and indefatigable imagination to bring your plans to life.
