Policeman of the private security detention group. Traces left by squad personnel are marked with clearly visible signs and markers. Actions of the Civil Protection Agency upon detection of offenders at the site

1. Assignment of orders private security, their arrangement.

2. Actions of a police officer at the security post of the facility.

3. Area of ​​responsibility of the post.

4. Private security patrol and patrol tactics in the area of ​​responsibility.

5. Purpose and activities of the detention team combat unit private security.

6. The activities of private security units when protecting property during its transportation.

7. Organization of access control

8. . Basic job responsibilities police officers serving at the checkpoint.

9. Characteristics of the protected object. Location of the protected object.

10. Actions of private security units when identifying characteristic violations of the established procedure at a protected facility.

11. Methods of communication with the duty units of the combat unit of private security and the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the district level.

12. Actions of private security units in case of violation of the rules fire safety or in the event of a fire.

13. Primary fire extinguishing agents and rules for their use.

14. Forms of interaction with the administration of the protected facility.

Topic 6. 9. Tactics of service by employees of private security units. Part 2

1. Powers of private security units at the post and patrol route.

2. Actions of the detention group of the centralized security console upon receipt of an “alarm” signal received from a protected facility.

3. Drawing up service documentation.

4. Security measures when inspecting the object from which the alarm signal was received.

5. Tactics of actions of a private security squad when detecting a theft or receiving a report of a theft.

6. Recording identifying information about the applicants, the specific place, time of the crime, suspects and victims, signs of stolen items and other information relevant to solving the crime.

7. Actions of private security units at the scene of the incident.

8. Clarification of the circumstances of the theft.

9. Ensuring the protection of the crime scene until the arrival of the investigative team in order to preserve possible traces of the crime and material evidence.

10. Taking measures to identify eyewitnesses.

11. Taking measures to detain suspects.

12. Interaction of private security units with the investigative team that arrived at the scene of the incident.

13. Search for criminals in hot pursuit.

14. Documentation of the actions of private security units.

Topic 6. 10. Tactics for maintaining public order and ensuring public safety during mass events.

1. The concept of mass events and their types.

2. The tasks of the police are to protect public order and ensure public safety during mass events.

3. Activities of the preparatory period.

4. Types of police squads and the tactics they use to ensure public order during public events.

5. Responsibilities of police units to prevent and suppress offenses during mass events.

6. The concept of group violations of public order and riots. The reasons for their occurrence.

7. Organization of the work of internal affairs bodies and tactical actions of police units to prevent and suppress group violations of public order and riots.

8. Actions of internal affairs bodies after the suppression of group violations of public order and mass riots.

Topic 6.11 Terrain Part 1

1. The terrain and the influence of its characteristics on the operational activities of an internal affairs officer.

2. The essence of terrain orientation.

3. Ways to navigate on the map in different conditions service-combat situation.

4. Relief, its types and elementary forms.

5. The essence of the relief image on topographic maps.

6. Reading the relief using horizontal lines and conventional signs.

7. Movement on the ground using a map along a given route.

8. Terrain orientation when performing service and combat missions.

9. Features of orientation and movement on the ground in various adverse conditions.

10. Reconnaissance on the ground (post, patrol route).

11. Target designation on the ground, determination of directions to the sides of the horizon.

12. Determining and maintaining directions on the ground.

13. Movement along azimuths.

14. Features of orientation in various terrain conditions.

15. Orientation at night.

Topic 6.12. Terrain Part 2

1. Types, purpose and content of official graphic documents used in the internal affairs department. Their purpose and content, requirements for them.

2. Rules for the development and execution of service, service-combat and combat documents, work cards, plans and diagrams.

3. The concept of a plan, scheme, their use by employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation (including VV and FSUE Okhrana), FSKN, FSB (including FSP), FSIN, MO, FSO, etc. General rules their preparation and design.

4. Basic abbreviations used in service, service-combat and combat documents.

5. Conventional signs and the order of their application.

6. Drawing up terrain diagrams using a map.

7. The essence, preparation and procedure of work during visual surveying of a terrain area.

8. Drawing up a topographical basis of the situation at the scene of the incident (crime).

9. Instruments and accessories necessary for drawing up a plan (diagram) of the scene of the incident.

10. Preparation for drawing up plans (schemes) of the area or the scene of the incident.

11. Procedure for drawing up an apartment (room) plan.

12. Procedure for drawing up a plan (scheme).

The main task of the detention team is to promptly go to a protected facility from which an “Alarm” signal was received to inspect, block and detain offenders.

Departure from a protected facility or apartment in response to an “Alarm” signal should always be considered combat.

Upon receipt of information from the duty control center about the activation of an alarm at a protected facility, the police squad of the detention group must bring themselves to combat readiness, for 30 seconds. equip yourself with body armor and protective helmets, and then immediately leave your place of work burglar alarm. When driving in a car, check the operation of portable radios and flashlights. Prepare special means, service firearms for their convenient use.

When receiving information from the duty control center about the activation of a protected alarm, the crew chief must duplicate the information received. When proceeding to the object, the crew chief indicates the procedure for the crew members to act when checking the protected object and makes an entry in the logbook about the time of receipt of the signal, the address and name of the object, the operational limit, clarifies the shortest routes to the object, its vulnerable points, the layout of the object

Upon arrival at the facility, the crew reports to the duty control center about their arrival and makes an entry about this in the logbook

You should approach the object as secretly as possible, and turn off your headlights 20-30 meters beforehand at night.

Before checking a protected object, be collected, mobilize all your strength, concentrate your attention, memory, and thinking on completing the task.

The police driver stops the car in such a way that it is not visible from the protected object, after disembarking the detention group and blocking the probable entry points and possible escape routes, but at the same time it must be possible, if necessary, to illuminate the object.

It is prohibited to drive a car directly to the entrance of the facility and disembark the detention group, as it is possible to come under fire from criminals who may attempt to break through.

During the inspection of the object, the police driver must get out of the car and stay close to it, using it as cover, be in constant readiness to negotiate via communication channels and observe places of possible appearance and hiding of criminals in the area of ​​their surveillance sector. The driver's exit from the car also ensures his personal safety to a greater extent.

Police detention teams begin to inspect and study the object. At the same time special attention addresses the architectural features of the structure, the presence of vulnerabilities, checks the integrity of glazed openings, the presence and reliability of locking devices. At the same time, an external inspection checks the condition of the security and fire alarm systems.

The results of the inspection of the facility are immediately reported to the duty center. The time of completion of the inspection of the object and the result are noted in the logbook. In the future, the police squad acts on the instructions of the duty center.

43. Actions of private security police units upon receipt of an “Alarm” signal from protected objects and apartments equipped with a button alarm system(Police emergency call button)

The people in the apartment are investigating the circumstances of the alarm signal. In mandatory cases, documents are checked. If there are unauthorized persons in the apartment, an opportunity is sought to talk with the tenant in private. The results of the inspection are reported to the duty center.

In the event that illegal actions are committed against a tenant, police officers take measures to suppress them, detain them and deliver the offenders to the police department.

When it turns out that there are criminals in the apartment who have taken the residents hostage, police squads (GZ TsOU, immediate response group of the Department of Internal Affairs) block the apartment and call for help through the duty station. Upon arrival of the rapid response team (SOBR) or riot police units, the criminal(s) are detained.

Actions of private security police units upon receipt of an “Alarm” signal from protected objects and apartments equipped with an alarm button (emergency police call button).

The receipt of a signal from such apartments should be considered as a crime committed and the actions of all services and the monitoring center should be as prompt as possible. Police detention groups, observing personal safety measures, go up to the apartment, and a third one blocks the entrance. The front door and possible escape routes for criminals from the apartment are blocked. If no sounds are heard from the secured apartment and no one answers the doorbells or knocks, the apartment is opened using the available duplicate keys.

The circumstances of the alarm signal are ascertained from the persons in the apartment. In mandatory cases, documents are checked. If there are unauthorized persons in the apartment, an opportunity is sought to talk with the tenant in private. The results of the inspection are reported to the duty center.

In cases where illegal actions are committed against a tenant, police officers take measures to suppress them, detain them and deliver the offenders to the police department.

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Actions of private security police units upon receipt of signals from protected objects and apartments

  • Introduction
  • 1 . General actions of the squads at the scene of the incident
  • Conclusion
  • Bibliography


The topic of the presented work, “Actions of private security police units upon receipt of signals from protected objects and apartments,” is relevant in that despite the development of a set of measures to improve the legal regulation of the functioning of private security units under internal affairs bodies and identifying the peculiarities of organizing the activities of combat units, very often employees make mistakes and miscalculations, which unfortunately lead to negative consequences. The practical significance of the study is determined by its applied nature and focus on improving the activities of private security units to ensure property protection individuals.

The object of the study is public relations, emerging in the process of organizing and legal support for the activities of combat units of private security under the internal affairs bodies. Purpose of the work: to analyze the actions of private security police squads when receiving signals from protected objects and apartments.

Objectives: analysis of the general actions of the squads at the scene of the incident; characteristics of the actions of police officers when detecting offenders at the site; generalization of the actions of the central control center upon receiving an alarm signal from a protected object; study of the actions of civil protection when detecting signs of penetration.

The work consists of an introduction, four paragraphs, a conclusion and a list of references. When writing the abstract, research methods were used: analysis and synthesis of scientific and educational literature on the stated topic, as well as a review of legislation.

police private security outfit

The basis of work is legislation Russian Federation, as well as textbooks, manuals, monographs by domestic authors. An Internet resource was also used in the work.

1. General actions of the squads at the scene of the incident

The main task of the PCO detention team is to promptly go to the protected facility from which the alarm signal was received to inspect it, block it and detain the offenders. At the same time, the tactics of the crew members of the Civil Protection Monitoring Center depend on the architectural and other features of the protected object, as well as which alarm line was triggered.

Upon receipt of information from the duty monitoring station about the activation of an alarm at a protected facility, the police squad of the Civil Protection Monitoring Station is obliged to immediately arrive at the scene of the incident. Along the way, the leader of the detention group makes a note in the logbook about the time the signal was received, the address and name of the object that triggered the line.

The crew arrives at the facility using the shortest route and reports to the duty control center, making a note in the logbook about the time of arrival. You should approach the object, if possible, secretly. The police driver stops the car in such a way that it is possible to illuminate the object (scene of the incident) and detect the offender, and if he tries to escape in the car, to be able to pursue him Zubach A.V., Kokorev A.N. Administrative activities of internal affairs bodies in questions and answers: manual / M.: MosU Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2009. - P. 256. .

It is necessary to exclude the possibility of the use of official transport of the Civil Protection Center by offenders or unauthorized persons. To avoid attack by offenders, you should approach the object in a dispersed manner, taking precautions and not letting other crew members out of sight.

It is necessary to conduct a thorough inspection of the facility, especially places of possible penetration by offenders (showcases, windows, receivers, hatches, roofs, ventilation hatches and air intakes), and where facilities are located in residential buildings with access to basement- adjacent premises of other organizations, etc.

When inspecting an object, in order to avoid an unexpected attack from criminal elements, you should not move close to the walls and directly under the eaves and awnings. It is advisable to walk around the corners of buildings and structures at a safe distance. The results of the inspection are immediately reported to the duty control center. The time of completion of the inspection and the result are noted in the logbook. In the future, the outfit acts according to the instructions received from the duty control center.

If a violation of the integrity of the object is detected (glass is broken in window opening, the door is opened or there are other traces of penetration) the senior civil protection center immediately reports this to the duty station and, with the help of the driver and the second crew member, blocks the object along the perimeter until other police units arrive.

The sequence of actions depends on the nature of the crime committed, the composition of the outfit and other circumstances. Their main task is to deprive the offender of the opportunity to continue illegal actions and detain him. Tactics for preventing and suppressing offenses in the field of property protection [Electronic resource] - access mode - http: //myustav1. narod.ru/p. .

If it is impossible to organize the pursuit and search for offenders, the police squad of the Civil Defense PCO is obliged to remain at the scene of the crime until the arrival of the investigative team or until the order of the duty officer is received.

All citizens, including victims, are immediately removed from the scene of the incident to such a distance that they cannot destroy or damage traces and material evidence. Before the arrival of the investigative and operational team, no one, including anyone, is allowed to touch anything, rearrange things and objects, or change their position.

If there are persons in need of medical assistance, mark (with chalk or other means) the location of the victim’s body, remember its characteristic features (position of the torso, arms, legs, head, etc.), provide first aid medical care or send to the nearest medical facility.

Moving material evidence, with preliminary recording of its original position, is allowed only in the event of a threat and damage or destruction due to weather and other circumstances.

If necessary, the squad cordons off the scene of the incident, for which members of the public, freelance police officers may be involved, and may also use various types fencing: ropes, boards, wire and other available means.

Traces left by squad personnel are marked with clearly visible signs and markers.

Units at the scene of the incident are not allowed to smoke, throw any objects, have unrelated conversations or answer questions from strangers.

Police officers at the scene of an incident must first remember and make, if possible, the necessary notes to record circumstances that may disappear or change over time: odors, weather conditions, temperature, wind direction, lighting patterns, etc.

Particular attention should be paid to ensuring the safety of the situation and the unchanged position of the crime instruments, fingerprints, shoes, vehicles, blood stains, hair, clothing, fabric particles, glass fragments, pieces of wood, soil particles, cigarette butts, matches, etc.

Police officers at the scene of an incident are obliged to act decisively, calmly and confidently, to avoid fussiness, shouting and other actions that could aggravate relations with citizens. Directory of police officers of private security units [Electronic resource] - access mode - http: //kursksityovo3. narod.ru/spravochnik.html. .

The squad asks citizens who find themselves at the scene of the incident to remain in place and not take any unauthorized actions, establishes their identity using documents, records last names, first names, patronymics, home addresses, places of work and telephone numbers; finds out the number of offenders, their appearance, signs, the direction in which they fled, and what vehicles they used, their license plates and special signs, what changes were made in the situation at the scene, by whom and for what purpose.

Upon arrival of the investigative-operational group or the employee entrusted with the investigation of the crime, the senior civil servant of the PCO reports on all information received related to the crime and the measures taken, after which he acts on their instructions or the order of the duty officer.

When an intrusion into a facility is detected and the offenders have fled the scene.

Senior Civil Defense Monitoring Center - reports the penetration to the duty monitoring station, identifies witnesses and eyewitnesses of the crime, signs of the offenders and the stolen person. Inspects the area adjacent to it, while avoiding disturbing the situation at the scene of the incident.

Takes measures to preserve traces and burglary tools, using available means.

It is strictly forbidden for the police to take any objects or instruments of crime left by offenders at the scene of the crime.

Upon arrival at the scene of the incident, the “economic agency” and the operational group of the Department of Internal Affairs conduct an inspection of the facility, while along with the police, it is necessary to be attentive and vigilant, organize a search for the offenders in “hot pursuit”, using a service-search dog.

Thus, the general actions of private security police at the scene of an incident include: prompt arrival at the scene of the incident; report the situation to the duty control center; when inspecting the object, you must not move close to the walls and directly under the eaves and awnings; take all precautions; record all actions in the logbook; remain at the scene of the incident until the arrival of the SOG and take measures to preserve traces of the crime.

2. Actions of the Civil Protection Agency upon detection of offenders at the facility

So, if there are suspicions that offenders are at a protected facility, the police squad immediately reports this to the duty station, calls an additional squad and establishes careful surveillance of the facility so that the offenders cannot escape from the scene of the incident, takes measures to protect the scene of the incident, preserve traces and burglary tools Zubach A.V., Kokorev A.N. Administrative activities of internal affairs bodies in questions and answers: manual / M.: MosU Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2009. - P. 257. .

The weapon must be ready for use and have the safety on.

Upon arrival of additional forces, take the necessary measures to apprehend the offenders.

a) If there is a police dog handler with a dog:

The senior officer in a loud voice invites offenders who have entered the facility to voluntarily surrender and warns about the use of a service dog.

The police dog handler gives the dog the “Voice” command. After a warning, the dog without a collar or harness is allowed inside the premises, followed by police officers. Observing precautionary measures, focusing on the “voice” of the service dog, they inspect the premises of the facility and detain offenders found at the facility;

b) In the absence of a dog handler with the dog:

The inspection is carried out by at least three police officers. The senior officer of the squad clarifies with the arriving "economic authority" the layout of the facility, the place of possible hiding of offenders and distributes responsibilities between employees, explains the procedure, determines the signals of interaction - equipment and special equipment are checked, firearms are brought into readiness.

A command is given to conduct an inspection and detain the offenders.

The object is inspected methodically and sequentially (from left to right or from right to left) without skipping the inspection of any premises.

It is mandatory to leave one of the police officers for security with outside object, to prevent the offender from escaping through windows or attics, hatches and other exits.

Personal security measures Handbook of police officers of private security units [Electronic resource] - access mode - http: //kursksityovo3. narod.ru/spravochnik.html:

hold the light source in your hand extended away from the body;

It is prohibited to highlight your employees;

when entering the object, do not crowd at the entrance, if possible, enter through different openings;

do not stop in the doorway or against the background of windows;

don't run past window openings in full height;

do not go straight to the center of the room;

make maximum use of available cover;

keep the weapon ready for immediate use, being careful to prevent employees from being injured by an accidental shot (the weapon must be pointed upward, with the safety on).

It is necessary to avoid employees being in the same line with the possible direction of fire; in order to open the door, you must first open it slightly, then, with a strong push of your foot, open it so that it hits the wall (provided that the door opens inward), when opening doors outwards, being on the side of the doorway, open the door with your hand (the second policeman should be located somewhat to the side of the doorway and at a distance in such a way as to be able to observe the space behind the door and repel a possible attack).

When detained, each offender is required to be searched, and police officers provide insurance for each other.

If you find an offender armed with a bladed (firearm) weapon or an object adapted for striking, you must give the command “Drop the weapon” and prepare to use your service weapon and combat techniques.

Lethal force should be used only in cases specified in Article 23 of the Law “On Police” Federal law dated 02/07/2011 No. 3-FZ “On the Police” (as amended on 06/25/2012) // SPS Consultant Plus [Electronic resource] - access mode - http: //www.consultant.ru/popular/police/#info.

It must be borne in mind that not in every room a police officer has the opportunity to fire a warning shot upward due to the peculiarities of their layout. Many shops and other protected objects are located in residential buildings, in direct contact with apartments, and as a result of an upward shot there is a danger of injury to unauthorized citizens. A shot fired upwards indoors can also result in injury to a police officer as a result of a ricochet.

Police officers who are on the street near the object, having heard a shot, increase their vigilance, observing possible escape routes for the offender. At the direction of the senior operational group, a police squad with service weapons at the ready, observing safety precautions, enters the premises to assist in apprehending the offender.

If the offender is injured, if he has ceased armed resistance, using caution, he is provided with medical assistance. Until the arrival of the operational investigation team, the police squad provides security at the scene of the incident. In case of voluntary surrender, detention of the offender, his protection and delivery to the duty station of the police department will be organized.

If the offender, despite being wounded, continues to offer armed resistance, then measures are taken to destroy him.

Thus, the actions of police units when providing armed resistance from offenders located inside a protected facility include: the entry of a police officer into the premises, with a service weapon, taking precautions; one crew member of the main control center inspects the premises (places of possible shelter), the other insures him against a possible surprise attack.

3. Actions of the monitoring center team upon receiving an "Alarm" signal from a protected object

When receiving an “alarm” signal from a guarded apartment, the senior squad leader records in the logbook the time of receipt of the “alarm” signal, address, floor, entrance (entrance code), presence and location of the indicator light.

Upon arrival at the desired address, the flashing light is turned off in advance, the car stops in such a way that the offenders cannot detect the arriving squad and escape from the scene.

The tactics of the detention team police officers to inspect the apartment depend on architectural features buildings. The squad carefully inspects the apartment with outside(yard, windows, balconies, if the apartment is on a floor accessible to visual inspection).

The driver, after the members of the detention group enter the entrance, parks the car in such a way as to be able to quickly use the car and radio communications, conduct observation and hear messages on the radio station. The vehicle must be equipped with an anti-theft device to prevent its use by criminals. Blocks the entrance, monitors the outside of the building and checks the documents of persons leaving the entrance.

If the alarm goes off in an apartment located on the 1st-3rd floors of the building, the driver blocks the side of the house where the apartment is located, preventing the offender(s) from leaving the protected apartment through the balcony or window.

If there is an elevator in the entrance, the senior officer of the detention group calls the elevator and goes up to the last floor, inspects the exits to the attic or roof. If the entrance is open, he informs the second policeman and the driver about this by radio, observing safety precautions and, having prepared the weapon, inspects attic space. Then he goes down the stairs to the desired apartment, while inspecting the garbage chutes and landings. He inspects the area in front of the apartment, after which he secretly monitors the door of the apartment.

Another crew member, using improvised means, blocks the second elevator and climbs the stairs, inspecting the flights and landings. When meeting someone, he finds out their identity and the reasons for being at the entrance. Pays special attention to persons carrying bags, etc.

If there is no or malfunction of an elevator in a residential building, one of the policemen immediately goes up on foot to the top floor, inspects the entrance, as indicated above, and then goes down to the right apartment. The second crew member reaches the apartment from where the alarm signal came and guards the entrance to the apartment until another police officer returns. After this, the two of them take further necessary steps to inspect the apartment.

If the stairs are separated from the elevators, the landings have a hall with a closing door - the inspection begins directly from the apartment door, then - depending on the results of the inspection.

If traces of a break-in are found, open door, noise in the apartment, immediately, maintaining silence, take a position that ensures your own safety, clear the landing from strangers, inform the duty officer and call for help. Directory of police officers of private security units [Electronic resource] - access mode - http: //kursksityovo3. narod.ru/spravochnik.html.

Before ringing the doorbell, you must visually inspect the integrity door leaf and a joint. Listen to noises inside the apartment, check if the door is locked.

If there are no signs of penetration into the guarded apartment, check the presence of family members of the tenant in the apartment. To do this, being away from the entrance door to the apartment, giving signals using a bell or knocking on the door, try to call the people in it.

If someone present in the apartment opened the door to a call or knock, then in this case the squad, taking precautions, goes with him into the apartment and pays attention to his actions. By checking documents, it establishes the identity of the subject located in the apartment and his belonging to the tenant’s family. If the surname of the person being checked does not coincide with the surname of the tenant and there are no other documents confirming the validity of his presence in the apartment, then in this case he is asked to proceed to the police station for further verification. The keys are confiscated, the apartment is inspected for the presence of unauthorized persons, locked and connected to the central monitoring station.

If no one answers the call or knock on the door, it is necessary to organize surveillance of the door, windows and other vulnerable places. With the help of the duty control center, call the tenant or an authorized person and the electrician of the security service, Zubach A.V., Kokorev A.N. Administrative activities of internal affairs bodies in questions and answers: manual / M.: MosU Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2009. - P. 257. .

If the tenant or an authorized person is absent, then, in accordance with the procedure established by the contract, the apartment can be opened by the duty service center using the keys stored at the service center, in the presence of attesting witnesses, with the drawing up of the appropriate act, one of which is left in the apartment, the second is registered in a special journal and stored in the public service center .

If it is determined that there was no penetration into the apartment, then the fire alarm electrician determines the reason for the alarm, checks its functionality, and the apartment is handed over to the central monitoring station. Next, the police squad acts on the instructions of the duty control center.

Thus, upon the arrival of civil protection staff, the monitoring and control center at the guarded facility upon an “alarm” signal consists of promptly arriving at the site; inspecting the house and its surrounding areas; when inspecting the apartment directly - if someone present in the apartment opened the door to a call or knock on the apartment, then the squad, observing precautionary measures, goes with him into the apartment, checks the documents, establishing the identity of the person in the apartment and his belonging to the tenant’s family . The inspection results are reported to the duty control center, recording the inspection results in the logbook. The outfit then acts according to the instructions of the duty control center.

4. Actions of the civil protection upon detection of signs of penetration

If signs of penetration into a guarded apartment are detected (traces of breaking into the front door, an open balcony door, broken glass in the window opening, noise in the apartment when closed door etc.) the senior civil protection center immediately reports this to the duty station and, having prepared his service weapon to open fire, blocks the exit from the apartment. Tactics for preventing and suppressing offenses in the field of property protection [Electronic resource] - access mode - http: //myustav1 . narod.ru/p .

The second member of the GZ PCO crew, having drawn his weapon, goes up the stairs and checks to see if there is an offender on the landings of other floors and, after inspection, goes down to the apartment, takes a position to repel a possible attack by the offenders.

After this, if there is an open (broken) door, the senior officer, being on the side of the opening, opens it slightly and calls out those in the apartment. If no one responds to the shout and does not come out, then he blocks the door and waits for the arrival of the task force.

If an unknown person comes out of the apartment in response to a shout, then it is necessary to give the command: “Stop, hands up!” After he executes this command, one of the members of the Civil Defense, observing precautionary measures, carries out an external inspection of the unknown person’s clothing in order to identify weapons, the second The CP member must keep a close eye on the entrance to the apartment and the inspection procedure. At the same time, be prepared for a possible attack and its reflection. Upon completion of the inspection, request the presentation of documents.

Until the arrival of the task force, the senior squad leader continues to guard the apartment, while monitoring the apartments adjacent to the staircase landing. Instructs the second crew member to identify witnesses and eyewitnesses of the crime, signs of offenders, inspect the attic, basement Directory of police officers of private security units [Electronic resource] - access mode - http: //kursksityovo3. narod.ru/spravochnik.html.

Upon arrival of additional forces, he organizes an inspection of the surrounding area and a search for offenders “in hot pursuit” using a search dog.

Together with the senior officer of the arriving task force, he begins to inspect the apartment. During the inspection, it is prohibited to disturb the scene of the incident, take or touch any objects in the apartment and burglary tools. It is necessary to remain vigilant, bearing in mind that offenders may be hiding behind doors, furniture, in closets, etc.

The weapon must be ready for use and have the safety on. If unauthorized persons are detected in a guarded apartment, the police squad immediately informs the duty control center and takes measures to detain them.

Establishes surveillance of the apartment, front door, windows, balcony. Surveillance is carried out in such a way that offenders cannot escape from the scene.

By notifying residents of apartments located along the landing, warn them about upcoming operational measures to apprehend offenders, and warn them from being behind the doors leading onto the landing. Do not allow unauthorized persons to move up the stairs or exit the elevators on this floor. Upon the arrival of additional forces, measures are taken to apprehend the offenders and take them to the police station. Security of the scene of the incident is organized.

If it is established that the offenders have taken hostages the residents of the house or strangers who were at the scene of the incident, the squad immediately reports the incident to the duty station. With your service weapon at the ready, observing security measures, it is necessary to enter into negotiations, if possible, with these individuals. Upon arrival of the task force, report to the leader about the current situation and act according to his instructions.

Thus, if signs of intrusion into a protected apartment are detected, the senior main security officer immediately reports this to the duty station and, having prepared his service weapon to open fire, blocks the exit from the apartment. The second member of the GZ PCO crew, having drawn his weapon, goes up the stairs and checks to see if there is an offender on the landings of other floors and, after inspection, goes down to the apartment, takes a position to repel a possible attack by the offenders. If an unknown person appears in the apartment, it is necessary to stop him, present documents, and carry out an external inspection of the unknown person’s clothing in order to identify weapons. Personal safety rules must be observed.


The activities of private security units under the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation to ensure the protection of property of individuals are activities based on legislative and departmental regulatory legal acts, carried out by private security units under the internal affairs bodies of the Russian Federation, to organize and ensure protection from unlawful attacks on protected objects, which is a set of legal, organizational, security, technical means and methods, as well as other measures aimed at preventing and suppressing illegal attacks on the protected property of individuals.

The main task of the PCO detention team is to promptly go to the protected facility from which the alarm signal was received to inspect it, block it and detain the offenders. Upon receipt of information from the duty monitoring station about the activation of an alarm at a protected facility, the police squad of the Civil Protection Monitoring Station is obliged to immediately arrive at the scene of the incident. Along the way, the leader of the detention group makes a note in the logbook about the time the signal was received, the address and name of the object that triggered the line.

Upon arrival at the scene of the incident, it is necessary to inspect the house and its surrounding areas; when inspecting the apartment directly - if someone present in the apartment opened the door to a call or knock on the apartment, then the squad, observing precautionary measures, goes with him into the apartment, checks the documents, establishing the identity of the person in the apartment and his belonging to the tenant’s family . The inspection results are reported to the duty control center and recorded in the logbook. The outfit then acts according to the instructions of the duty control center.


1. Constitution of the Russian Federation. - M.: Publishing house "Omega-L", 2010. - 45 p.

2. Criminal Code of the Russian Federation dated June 13, 1996 No. 63-FZ [adopted by the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation on May 24, 1996] (current edition) // SPS Consultant Plus [Electronic resource] - access mode - http://www.consultant.ru/popular /ukrf/.

3. Federal Law of 02/07/2011 No. 3-FZ “On the Police” (as amended on 06/25/2012) // SPS Consultant Plus [Electronic resource] - access mode - http://www.consultant.ru/popular/police /#info.

4. Administrative activities of internal affairs bodies: manual / M.: MosU Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2010. - 384 p.

5. Zubach A.V., Kokorev A.N. Administrative activities of internal affairs bodies in questions and answers: manual / M.: MosU Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, 2009. - 352 p.

6. Directory of police officers of private security units [Electronic resource] - access mode - http://kursksityovo3. narod.ru/spravochnik.html.

7. Tactics for preventing and suppressing offenses in the field of property protection [Electronic resource] - access mode - http://myustav1. narod.ru/p.

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To perform professional duties related to the protection of property, law and order, prevention or detection of crimes, a police officer of the OVO has to decide on the choice of measures and means of responding to a specific situation, taking into account its diverse features and the tasks assigned to him. The tasks associated with the criteria for choosing response tactics are closely intertwined with the problems of ensuring the professional safety of employees, the correctness and effectiveness of the chosen actions, as well as compliance with the law.

Application forceful methods requires high standards from police officers vocational training and their knowledge not only of the legislative aspects of implementing coercive measures, but also of the appropriate level of practical knowledge of certain tactical techniques that provide security guarantees for both the employees themselves and the citizens around them. In this regard, those prerequisites that can have both positive and negative impact on the degree of safety of the parties to the conflict during forceful intervention.

The daily briefing of the squads is a kind of training school for police officers to perform official tasks. The activity of police officers in the fight against crime largely depends on the quality of this work.

Preparing and instructing squads before entering service consists of setting specific tasks for them to ensure their full and timely readiness to effectively perform their official duties, as well as creating the necessary conditions for the leadership (management) of their activities by commanders of combat police units and inspectors - duty officers of the on-duty units of the OBO (SLO, on-duty duty stations of the OBO).

Before entering the service, unit briefings are carried out in set time, in a specially equipped service class, using diagrams (layouts), other visual aids, technical training aids by heads of private security units and command staff of combat police units with the mandatory participation of managers and experienced employees of public security services and criminal police, according to approved schedules. The duration of the briefing should not exceed 30 minutes.

It is recommended that when conducting briefings for police units entering service, within 15-20 minutes it is necessary to conduct practical training of tactical actions to carry out the tasks assigned to police officers to protect objects, public order, while ensuring personal safety, as well as training on handling weapons, by special means and combat techniques.

The manager conducting the briefing must know the operational situation in the serviced territory, the tasks, procedure and features of service on each route (post), as well as evaluate the actions and results of the work of the squads over the past day, outline questions and introductory tasks for verification

knowledge and training of police officers to act in various situations.

Preparation of police officers for service before instruction is usually carried out in the following order:

  • personal preparation;

  • arrival at the security unit or the duty station of the internal affairs body;

  • obtaining weapons, equipment and service documents;

  • announcement of the layout of patrol routes and posts, familiarization with the operational situation, information about crimes, signs of wanted persons, stolen property;

  • record necessary information policemen;

  • loading weapons;

  • formation of orders by the duty officer (unit commander) and inspection of weapons, equipment, personal and service documents, survey of police officers about their state of health and readiness for service;

  • report of the duty officer (unit commander) on the readiness of the personnel for service to the person conducting the briefing.

Instructions for squads are carried out in the following sequence:

  • checking the readiness of personnel for service and eliminating identified deficiencies;

  • checking the knowledge of police officers of the rights of squads, their general and special duties, the rules for the use of weapons, as well as knowledge of the operational situation, orientations, signs of wanted persons and stolen things, vulnerabilities of protected objects;

  • announcement of the results of service over the past 24 hours, including positive examples of police actions, shortcomings and omissions in the service, characteristic tactical actions of squads to detain offenders, attempts to penetrate protected objects, etc.;

  • solving introductory tasks and training of personnel in handling weapons, special equipment and the use of combat techniques;

  • a detailed explanation of the current situation at protected sites and citizens’ apartments;

  • setting specific tasks for squads for the entire period of service;

  • clarification of the procedure for changing outfits, communication with the duty officer, interaction with other outfits of the city regional internal affairs agency;

  • a reminder of the need for strict adherence to the law, sensitive and attentive attitude towards citizens;

  • answers to possible questions from police officers;

  • issuing orders to deploy squads to protect the property of owners under contracts and public order in the areas of posts (patrol routes).
Police officers assigned to duty must be well rested, dressed in uniform for the season, have a neat appearance and proper equipment. They are required to arrive at the unit no later than 15 minutes before the start of the squad briefing. They report their arrival to the duty officer or commander of their unit. After the report, they receive weapons and equipment, specify the place of duty, get acquainted with new orientations and make entries in their service books.
The intervening policeman must have with him:

  • service license (drivers - a license to drive a car);

  • logbook or service book (route card, post);

  • service firearms with two loaded magazines (by decision of management, the squad may be armed with automatic weapons);

  • rubber stick;

  • radio station;

  • handcuffs;

  • whistle;

  • service bag or tablet, pen;

  • individual package (first aid kit);

  • pocket electric flashlight.
Each police officer of the Civil Defense Police, including the driver, is required to have a helmet, body armor, and a pistol must be attached with a pistol cord (belt) to the trouser belt (belt).

The vehicle of the PCO detention team must be equipped in accordance with the requirements of the manufacturer’s GOST and equipped with special equipment necessary to perform the assigned tasks (driver's tool, spare tire, jack, first aid kit, luminous rod, warning triangle, loud-speaking installation, etc.).

Police officers load weapons before forming squads for instruction in a specially designated place upon command and under the supervision of the duty officer, unit commander or the person instructing the squad. Care must be taken when charging. The cartridge is not sent into the chamber.

At the appointed time, at the command of the duty officer or unit commander, police officers entering service must get into formation. Having made sure that they are ready for duty and instruction, the duty officer or unit commander reports this to the instructing person.

After receiving instructions and understanding the task received, the police, by order of the instructing officer, depart in an organized, established manner to the place of duty.
The presence of a police squad on a street, square, busy intersection, train station, near a store, entertainment establishment serves to prevent violations of public order, deters individuals from committing offenses, disciplines citizens, and creates an atmosphere of calm and confidence among the population.

To accomplish these tasks, patrol and guard units are required to know, within the boundaries of their post, route or patrol area, the places where crimes are most likely to be committed, the possible appearance and hiding of criminals and ensure surveillance of them, as well as control the streets and other public places within their borders. competence to comply with the restrictions established for them by law by persons released from places of deprivation of liberty. They must promptly warn citizens against committing illegal actions, explain to them the inadmissibility of antisocial behavior, and upon receiving information about an impending crime, immediately report to the operational duty officer of the city council and take measures to prevent it.

The management of private security police units, depending on the structural structure of the unit, is carried out by the inspector-on-duty of the duty unit of the UVO (OVO) or the duty officer of the operational control center (centralized security point, combat unit of private security police) or the duty officer of the city regional internal affairs agency (hereinafter, in the text duty).

In addition to the duty officer and his assistant, while on duty, police officers are subordinate to the head of the military unit (OVO), the commander of the combat unit of the private security police, and their deputies.

Police officers have a wide range of tasks and responsibilities for protecting the property of owners under contracts and public order in the post area and patrol route.

The main task of police officers is to ensure proper protection of the property of owners under contracts, law and order at posts and patrol routes. They must serve vigilantly and actively, prevent and decisively suppress criminal attacks on protected objects and apartments of citizens, violations of public order and fight crime.

After briefing, the squad must arrive at the route (post).

If there is no shiftable police squad on the route (post), you must report this to the squad commander (shift leader) or the duty officer.

The police unit must be well aware of the operational situation on its route (post, sector, site), the location and features of the protected objects, their technical strengthened condition, the possibility of using the office premises of organizations and enterprises for the excellent detention of offenders in emergency cases, equipped with security and fire alarm systems , vulnerable places and ensure their reliable protection, timely suppression of offenses and detention of offenders.

Carefully inspect the protected objects, report hourly to the telephone (radio) officer on duty about the situation along the route (post) and monitor the light and sound signals security and fire alarm system.

Know the location of forces and assets along the patrol route (in the checkpoint area) of city district authority squads, military squads of the SMVCh, traffic police squads of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, guard and paramilitary security posts, the presence and location of alarm buttons at protected objects, public law enforcement points, headquarters of voluntary people's squads and the location of the nearest telephones, maintain contact with squads of neighboring routes (posts) of the OVO.

If a violation of the integrity of the object is detected or triggered security and fire alarm, you need:

  • report the incident to the duty officer;

  • thoroughly inspect the facility in order to identify and detain unauthorized persons;

  • report to the duty officer about the results of the inspection.
Upon arrival at the scene of the incident, the operational group should hand over to it the prisoners and the detention report and continue to serve on the route (post) to protect the facilities.

If it is impossible to detain unauthorized persons on your own or when the reason for the alarm has not been established, strengthen surveillance of the facility, ensure security of the scene of the incident, report to the duty officer and act on his instructions.

If a crime (offense) is committed on the patrol route (in the checkpoint area), inform the duty officer, take measures to suppress it, and detain the offenders.

Check suspicious persons and vehicles at night with the obligatory recording of information in log books (service books).

If a fire occurs (accident, etc.) at or near a protected facility, immediately inform the duty officer, if possible in fire department, take measures to eliminate the fire, save people and property, without weakening attention to the protection of nearby objects and monitor radio traffic on the air.

Report a sudden illness to the duty officer and continue working until a replacement arrives. Leaving posts and routes by police squads is allowed only when suppressing crimes, pursuing and detaining offenders with the obligatory informing of the duty officer.

When serving on a route in the area of ​​which there are protected industrial enterprises and other facilities, assist guard and paramilitary security workers in detaining access control violators or persons who have committed other offenses on the territory of the facility, and regularly check the performance of security workers at these facilities in the evening and at night.

Upon receiving a message about the activation of an alarm system installed at sentry and paramilitary security posts, immediately arrive at the site to determine the reasons for the alarm and provide assistance to security workers.

When serving at a post or patrol route, observe the rules of radio communication, the use of special signals, rules traffic.

Before the end of the established time of duty, carefully inspect all protected objects, make sure of their integrity, and then hand them over to the relevant officials against signature (if provided for in the contract), arrive at the duty station and report to the duty officer about the end of the service. Hand over assigned vehicles in good condition to the incoming shift. In a specially designated place, unload the weapon, put it in order and, together with the ammunition, immediately hand it over to the duty officer for storage; hand over official documentation, technical control equipment, and then, with the permission of the duty officer (responsible for the unit), go on vacation.

While on duty, the police officer of the detention group PCO (group senior) is the immediate superior of the entire crew of the detention group and reports to the duty officer.

Ensures that the central monitoring station is in constant readiness to leave in response to alarm signals received from protected objects.


  • know the features of protected objects and possible places of penetration, hidden approaches and entrances to them;

  • manage the actions of the detention team at the scene of incidents;

  • navigate the signals of light (sound) alarms, main and additional security alarm lines and act depending on the activation of a specific line.
Having received an order to go to the site in response to an alarm signal, make an appropriate entry in the logbook, inform the duty control center about your location, the time the signal was received, and arrive at the specified site using the shortest route, ensuring road safety. Along the way, clarify the specifics of the object using the operational card or information from the duty officer, and determine the procedure for the actions of the detention group. If it is impossible, due to circumstances, to arrive at the site on time, inform the duty officer about this and act on his instructions. Upon arrival at the facility, report to the duty officer and record the time of arrival in the logbook.

Do not leave the facility until the reasons for the alarm have been fully clarified, a representative of the economic authority has arrived, the facility has been re-closed and returned under the protection of the monitoring station. If it is impossible to restore the alarm system, as directed by the duty officer, ensure the security of the facility. When leaving a guarded facility, it is mandatory to indicate the time.

The policeman of the detention group of the microdistrict centralized security point, in addition, makes a detour (detour) of the territory along a specially designed route, taking into account the characteristics of the object and the presence of vulnerabilities in it, in accordance with the route card. Provides assistance to paramilitary and security guards in ensuring access control of protected facilities, combating property theft, and violations of public order.

A policeman-driver (policeman-motorcyclist) while on duty is subordinate to the senior officer of the detention group and, in addition to common tasks before joining the service, he is obliged to undergo medical control, check the functionality of the mobile radio station, technical condition assigned car (motorcycle) and make it ready to go on the route.

While on duty, he is subordinate to the senior detention group; he may also be appointed as a group senior) and, in addition to the general tasks of ensuring the security of facilities, is obliged to:

  • use motor vehicles only for their intended purpose;

  • be well versed in the zone (region) where objects are located connected to centralized surveillance consoles, know their location and features, and the presence of vulnerabilities;

  • when leaving on an alarm signal, determine the shortest route and ensure the timely and secret arrival of the squad to the protected object, ensuring road safety;

  • having taken measures to exclude the possibility of theft of a car (motorcycle), participate in the inspection of the facility, the surrounding area, the detention of offenders and the protection of the scene of the incident.
The police dog handler reports directly to the SPM commander, and during duty - to the duty control center, if he is part of the crew of the detention group, then to the senior group, and acts according to their instructions.

He is obliged:

  • Directly work with the service-search dog assigned to him to protect objects, prevent and detect thefts from protected objects, search for and detain offenders.

  • It is good to know the features of protected objects, the surrounding territory, places of possible hiding of offenders and the property they have stolen. Interact with employees of operational services of internal affairs bodies.

  • At the crime scene, look for the possibility of using a dog to apprehend offenders.

  • At the direction of the duty control center (SPM), inspect objects before closing them in order to detect unauthorized persons remaining in the premises.

  • Carry out patrols with a service-search dog in places of the greatest concentration of protected objects and apartments of citizens.

While on duty, a patrol (sentry) policeman is prohibited from:

  • Provide security for facilities not listed on the route card.

  • Independently or at the request of the facility administration, lock or open doors, windows, shutters, install or remove locks, apply seals, seals, move fire equipment, turn on or off fire safety equipment.

  • Allow anyone to enter the facilities during protected times.

  • Entrust.protection of objects, at least for short time, to other persons.

  • Leave the facility where the security and fire alarm has been activated without the permission of the duty officer until the reasons for its activation are fully clarified.

  • Transfer and present service weapons to anyone, with the exception of persons. to whom he is subordinate.

  • Take a break from work and let down your guard.

  • Enter residential buildings, canteens, shops, clubs, restaurants and other premises without official need.

  • Leave a route (post) without permission from the person on duty or the person in charge of management.

  • Carry extraneous conversations over the radio station.

Police drivers are prohibited:

  • transport unauthorized citizens and cargo, as well as leave the car unattended;

  • violate traffic rules;

  • deviate from the route without permission and change the order of duty;

  • transfer control of the car to anyone (if necessary, with the permission of the person on duty or the person in charge of the unit, transfer control of the car to another crew member if he has a driver’s license).

In order to fulfill the duties assigned to police units, in accordance with current legislation, they are endowed with greater rights. These rights are determined by the official position of police officers, who, regardless of their position, exercise the functions of representatives of state power.

While performing their official duties, police officers have the right to demand that citizens and officials comply with the established procedure, and prevent and suppress offenses. Moreover, their demands should be considered as coming from a representative of a special internal affairs body. performing important functions in the field of social services for the population. The basic rights of police units are set out in legislative acts regulating the activities of the police, for example, in the Law “On the Police”, the Charter of the Police Patrol Service, which guide all employees of internal affairs bodies.

In its content, the activities of police units are of a clearly preventive nature, aimed at preventing offenses at the earliest stage, at eliminating the conditions conducive to their commission, because untimely prevention of quarrels, fights and other conflict situations between individual citizens or groups of individuals in public in places can lead to such actions escalating into dangerous offenses.

Police detachments have the right to demand from citizens and officials the cessation of a crime or administrative offense, as well as actions that impede the exercise of the powers of the police, the legitimate activities of people’s deputies, representatives government bodies, institutions and public organizations.

Police units have the right to check citizens and officials’ identity documents in the following cases:

  • refusal of citizens to pay a fine on the spot for committing an offense;

  • the need to draw up a protocol on the offense, as well as if there are sufficient grounds to suspect them of committing a crime or an administrative offense;

  • delivering persons in a state of severe intoxication to a medical facility or the police;

  • checking compliance with the rules of passport and border regimes, as well as the rules of stay and transit passage through the territory of the Russian Federation of foreign citizens and stateless persons.
In practical activities, patrol and guard police officers need to have a firm knowledge of the elements of administrative offenses, for the commission of which the current legislation provides for sanctions in the form of an on-the-spot fine. In case of refusal to pay a fine on the spot, a police officer has the right to check the identity documents of the offender and invite the citizen to the duty station of the internal affairs agency, where a protocol on the offense is drawn up.

When drawing up protocols on facts of petty hooliganism, petty theft, illegal transactions with foreign currency and payment documents, prostitution and some other types of offenses, when explanations from eyewitnesses may be necessary for an objective investigation, police officers have the right to check the documents of such persons and record their data in protocol or attach their written explanations.

A passport is the main document identifying a citizen of Russia. Foreign citizens arriving in Russia or transiting through the territory of our country have national passports, or foreign G passports, or a residence permit issued by the internal affairs bodies or the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation, as well as a visa to enter or leave Russia with a precise indicating places of stay. Autotourists additionally have a route sheet with an exact indication of the route of their movement. Diplomatic representatives must have diplomatic passports or diplomatic, consular, service cards and certificates that indicate the document number, surname and name, and have a photo card of the owner, certified by a seal. At the same time, the absence of a citizen’s passport at the time of document verification cannot be the basis for bringing him to the police. Identity is established using other documents, as well as through questioning.

Patrol and guard police officers have the right:

  • stop vehicles and check documents for the right to use and drive them, as well as documents for the vehicle and the cargo being transported;

  • carry out inspection of vehicles and cargo with the participation of drivers and citizens accompanying cargo;

  • carry out inspections of vehicles if there is a suspicion that they are being used for illegal purposes.
Police units have the right to temporarily restrict or prohibit the movement of vehicles and pedestrians on the streets and roads, in the event of a danger to traffic participants, as well as not to allow citizens into certain areas of the area and objects, oblige them to stay there or leave these areas and objects in order to protect health , life and property of citizens, as well as for conducting investigative and search actions.

Police detachments are allowed to freely enter residential and other premises of citizens, belonging to them, at any time of the day. land plots, to the territory and premises occupied by enterprises, institutions, organizations, and inspect them during the pursuit of persons suspected of committing crimes, or if there is sufficient data to believe that a crime has been committed and is being committed there, an accident has occurred, as well as to ensure personal safety of citizens and public safety in case of natural disasters, catastrophes, accidents, epidemics, epizootics and mass riots, which is reported in a report to the head of the internal affairs agency.

Police units have the right, by decision of the head of the internal affairs agency or his deputy, to cordon off (block) areas of the area when eliminating the consequences of natural disasters, accidents, catastrophes, carrying out quarantine measures in the event of epidemics or epizootics, suppressing riots and group actions that disrupt the operation of transport, communications, enterprises, institutions and organizations. The same activities are carried out by squads when searching for escaped convicts and persons in custody, pursuing persons suspected of committing crimes, and, if necessary, inspecting vehicles. At the same time, the squads take measures to ensure the normal functioning of the population and the functioning of facilities national economy in this area.
Administrative measures of restraint represent the use of psychological or physical pressure on offenders, as well as special means in order to suppress their unlawful behavior.

Police units have the right to demand that citizens and officials stop crimes and administrative offenses in public places on the territory of posts and patrol routes. Failure to comply with the legal requirements of the police when they perform functions to protect public order entails administrative liability not only for the offense committed, but also for malicious disobedience, if the person, despite repeated demands from the police officer to stop unlawful actions, continues them.

In accordance with the Law “On the Police” and other legislative acts. According to the Code of Administrative Offenses, police units have the right to deliver persons who have committed administrative offenses.

If it is necessary to draw up a protocol on an administrative offense, if it is impossible to draw it up at the scene of the offense, and drawing up a protocol is mandatory, the violator can be taken to the police station by a police squad.

Delivery to the police can be carried out by police detachments in case of committing petty hooliganism, violating the order of organizing and holding rallies, street processions and demonstrations, malicious disobedience to a lawful order or requirement of a police officer, illegal transactions with foreign currency and payment documents, illegal sale of goods and other items, violating anti-alcohol laws, traffic rules and committing a number of other offences.

Police units have the right to deliver to medical institutions or to duty units persons who are intoxicated in public places and have lost the ability to move independently or navigate the environment or who can cause harm to others or themselves, and who are in a home - upon a written application from the citizens living there, if there is reason to believe that the behavior of these persons poses a danger to their health, life and property. They can deliver to the police military personnel suspected of committing a crime or administrative offense, before handing them over to military patrols, the military commandant, commanders military units or military commissars.

At the same time, if unconscious persons with skull injuries and other dangerous bodily injuries are found on the streets and in other public places, as well as with other clearly expressed serious health conditions, along with the police, it is necessary to call an ambulance to the scene and deliver such persons are prohibited from entering the official premises of internal affairs bodies.

Police detachments have the right to bring in citizens and officials who, without good reason, avoid appearing when called to the police or other government agencies.

By its legal nature, a summons is an independent measure of administrative coercion that ensures the suppression of persons’ evasion from appearing at the appropriate time. government agency. Therefore, the drive should be distinguished from delivery, administrative detention or criminal procedural detention of offenders.

The drive is characterized by specific legal grounds and the procedure for implementation. It is limited to delivering a person to the appropriate authority in order to ensure his participation in certain administrative or criminal procedural actions.

Thus, persons in respect of whom a petition for compulsory treatment has been filed, if they evade appearing for a medical examination or in court, are subject to being brought in by police officers.

Patrol and guard units carry out the drive on the basis of a resolution, which is issued by the chief (deputy chief) or the duty officer of the internal affairs body. The order in which the arrest is made usually corresponds to the order in which the offenders are brought in.

In connection with criminal proceedings, witnesses and defendants who fail to appear without a good reason when called by the investigative body or the court may be subject to summons, the execution of which is entrusted to the internal affairs bodies. This type of enforcement is of a criminal procedural nature, and the basis for its use is a decision of the prosecutor, investigator, investigative agency or court ruling.

Active regulations granted police units (Law on the Militia. Regulations on the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation, Charter of the PPSM) the right to prohibit the operation of vehicles, including with the removal of license plates, if their design or technical condition does not meet the requirements of the current rules, regulations and standards and equally if vehicles have not passed state technical inspection, or do not have a license plate, or have hidden counterfeit or altered in any way numbers of components, assemblies or license plates.

Depending on the nature of the technical faults, police officers are authorized to detain the car at the inspection site until the detected defect is eliminated, return the car to the garage for troubleshooting, and remove license plates until the car is restored to good condition.

The prohibition of the operation of vehicles is formalized by drawing up a technical inspection report, a corresponding entry in the waybill, an individual vehicle registration coupon and a technical passport.

These powers are usually used by road patrol officers and municipal police squads.

In cases directly provided for by legislative acts, in order to suppress offenses, draw up protocols, ensure timely and correct consideration of cases and execution of decisions in cases of administrative offenses, police officers have the right to conduct personal searches, search items, and confiscate relevant items and documents.

In order to protect public order and fight crime, police units have the right to seize from citizens and officials documents that have signs of forgery, as well as things, objects and substances withdrawn from civil circulation and held by citizens without special permission. Thus, police officers confiscate bladed weapons and firearms, ammunition, explosive materials, highly toxic and radioactive substances, for the acquisition, storage, carrying or use of which there is no permission or relevant documents.

In case of violation of the rules of hunting and fishing, police officers, in order to ensure confiscation carried out by the competent authorities, confiscate both prohibited hunting and fishing tools and items used as means of committing an offense (watercraft, guns, etc.).

Items of illegal hunting and fishing, which in the prescribed manner are transferred by police officers to public catering establishments or destroyed if they are of poor quality.

The seizure by the police of things specified by law (objects, tools, means), used as a measure of administrative restraint, is carried out in connection with an offense, but does not have the purpose of punishing offenders. In these cases, police officers pursue the goal of stopping an offense, enforcing compliance with an order or compliance with a prohibition contained in a normative act.

Legal acts provide for cases of administrative seizure of documents from persons who have committed offenses.

For example, the license to drive vehicles is subject to confiscation from drivers who have committed violations that entail a penalty in the form of deprivation driver's license. Offenders subjected to administrative detention have their documents confiscated for the duration of their detention in the internal affairs bodies.

A protocol is drawn up about a personal search, search of things, seizure of things and documents or a corresponding entry is made in the protocol on an administrative offense.

Police units have the right to remove from driving vehicles drivers for whom there are reasonable grounds to believe that they are intoxicated, as well as persons who do not have documents to drive or use a vehicle.

In such cases, documents and ignition keys are confiscated from drivers, the vehicle is put on the handbrake and locked. Violators are delivered to the internal affairs bodies for investigation and appropriate sanctions are taken against them, and measures are taken in relation to the vehicle to ensure its safety.

In case of road traffic accidents, police are required to detain vehicle drivers, report the incident to the operational officer on duty at the internal affairs agency, the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, and take measures to preserve the situation at the scene of the incident, traces and material evidence, identify and record identifying information of eyewitnesses and victims, and provide assistance to them. necessary medical care, while avoiding delays to traffic and pedestrians. If necessary, new directions of movement (detours) are established, and if this is impossible, the location of the victims’ vehicles at the time of the incident, braking marks, their length and direction are accurately recorded.

In order to prevent congestion and traffic disruptions, patrol and checkpoint police officers take measures to clear the scene of the accident and to resume traffic flow, having previously recorded the initial situation of the traffic accident with chalk or other means. In the event of a traffic accident or violation of traffic rules by the driver of a diplomatic vehicle, measures should be taken on a general basis. If there is a person enjoying diplomatic immunity in the car, including as a driver, the license plate number of the car, diplomatic or consular card must be written down, and the car must not be detained.


1. List of electricians of fire safety installations carrying out operational - maintenance signaling equipment is filled out on 1 sheet inside magazine.

2. The magazine is numbered page by page, laced, sealed with the seal of the private police security unit.

SAMPLE Appendix No. 16



Started " " ________________ 20___

Finished " " ________________ 20___

Inner side

Service outfit

to “___” ______________ 20___

  1. Calculation of forces and means:
Total posts ____, of which:

  1. Mandatory l/s output rate for the current day _____________, incl.
- patrols (detachments/persons) ______/______;

VET, checkpoint _____/_____/_____.

  1. Actually used for the current day __________________, incl.
patrols (detachments/persons) ______/______;

VET, checkpoint _____/_____/_____.

  1. Instruction topic: _____

  1. Arrangement of orders by shift:



Type of outfit

Surnames of employees included in the squad

Carrying time





special environment

means ind. armor protection

means of communication














  1. Additional measures to protect the site

  1. Information about malfunctions of communication equipment and security systems at protected facilities



What is faulty, nature of damage

Troubleshooting mark (hours/min.)

  1. Verification of duty: _____________________________________________
(date and time, which outfits were checked, deficiencies identified, measures taken,

Position, special title, _________________________________________________________________

Initials, surname, signature of the inspector)





  1. Violations and comments identified during the acceptance and delivery of the guard



  1. The number of lines in sections is determined depending on the needs of the private police security unit.

  2. The guard service book is numbered page by page, laced, and sealed with the seal of the private police security unit.

SAMPLE Appendix No. 17

To the Manual on organizing the activities of combat units of private police protection


inspection of the object to be accepted

under protection (list of basic questions)

“____” _____________ 20____ ____________________________________

Commission consisting of:________________________________________________

(positions, full names of the commission members who conducted




Examination carried out _____________________________________________________

(full name of the examined


Object, its departmental affiliation)

During the examination it was established:



Characteristics of available technical and protective security equipment and their condition (fencing, lighting, availability of fire and alarm systems, communications, etc.);

Type of security available at the facility;

The method of organizing security adopted by the commission;

The required number of posts and routes to protect the facility, the specific purposes and time period for setting up each of the posts and routes, the type of crew (sentry or guard), the required number of SPP personnel (by position), service dogs (if necessary);

Requirements for equipment of posts (routes);

Places where prohibited zones are established, requirements for equipping the facility with engineering and technical security means (fencing, lighting of the facility and approaches to it, video surveillance equipment, telephone and other communications, etc.). Objects and organizations (buildings and structures, organizations and institutions) subject to removal outside the protected area;

Measures to make changes to the organization of access and intra-facility regimes, the work of the pass office;

The type and number of premises intended for squads, other official needs of the SPP, including for keeping service dogs (if any), types of work for equipping these premises;

Timing of work to transfer the object under the protection of the SPP;

The term for accepting the object under the protection of the SPP.

Members of the commission:

(Full name) (signature)

_________________________ _________________

(Full name) (signature)

_________________________ _________________

(Full name) (signature)

SAMPLE Appendix No. 18

To the Manual on organizing the activities of combat units of private police protection


on the deployment (removal) of private police security squad(s)

“____” _____________ 20____ _____________________

(date of drawing up the act) (place of drawing up the act)

We, the undersigned, hereby confirm the fact of issuance (withdrawal) at “___” hours “___” minutes _______________________

(type of outfit)

The number of ______ police officers is ___________________________________

(name of division


Private police protection)

At the site __________________________________________________________,

(full name of the object)

Located at: __________________________________________


Private police security squads were posted (removed) in accordance with the agreement dated “___” ________ 20___ No.___________

Appendix No. 19

To the Manual on organizing the activities of combat units of private police protection

The procedure for developing a site security and defense plan 1

The plan is developed in the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia for each object protected by posts (patrols) of the SPP, in the service territory of which it is located.

The plan is intended to coordinate the initial actions of the forces and means of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, including SPP squads and personnel, at a guarded facility in the event of conditions that threaten its normal functioning before the implementation of the Action Plan of the internal affairs body in the event of emergency circumstances.

The procedure for developing the Plan is determined by the administrative document of the head of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, which indicates the composition of the development group 2, the work procedure and the deadline for submitting the Plan for approval.

Before the development of the Plan begins, a familiarization with the object and reconnaissance of the adjacent territory is carried out, during which the following is determined:

The quantitative composition of the detachments of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia involved in the protection or defense of the facility, their weapons, provision of means of transport, communications, special means, etc.;

The main and alternate routes for the movement of squads, ensuring their arrival at the site from various directions in the shortest possible time;

Organization of squad management, mutual identification signals and other measures that exclude the possibility of accidental use of weapons against squads, facility personnel and persons who find themselves in the operation area, including at night;

Ways of penetration of the detention (capture) group into various rooms facility using not only the main, but also emergency entrances, receiving hatches, and windows;

Possible escape routes and hiding places for criminals, as well as the most appropriate places for their detention;

Vehicle stopping places;

Possible locations for deployment of personnel at the facility and the surrounding area, the tasks facing each unit and the order of their implementation;

The procedure for the actions of police officers serving to protect the facility, as well as its personnel, when introducing the Plan;

Attached to the Plan:

A diagram of the location of the object with reference to the area, with the designation on it of access roads, the placement of squads involved in the Plan, and security posts;

Calculation of the forces and means of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia involved in the Plan;

A diagram of the facility, including a floor plan, indicating the premises, main and emergency entrances (exits), possible routes of penetration of the detention (capturing) group;

Code conversation table, radio call sign table;

List of management employees and materially responsible persons of the protected facility, indicating residential addresses, home and office telephone numbers.

The plan is agreed upon with the heads (commanders) of the units and services involved, other interested parties, and the head of the protected facility and is reported for approval. It is prohibited for persons performing (temporarily acting) duties as chiefs (commanders) to sign and approve the plan, except in cases of performing duties in a vacant position.

Plans are clarified at special tactical exercises conducted by the leadership of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the frequency determined by this Manual.

The plan is stored in the duty department of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia; extracts from the Plan, as far as they are concerned, are sent to the units involved in the Plan.

In accordance with the requirements of regulatory legal acts of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the Plan is assigned a data restriction stamp.

Plan structure

security and defense of the facility

1. General provisions.

    1. Goals and objectives of the Plan.

    2. Reasons for introducing the Plan.

    3. Procedure for introducing the Plan.

    4. Tasks of the units involved in the Plan:
a) Strengthening the security and defense of the facility.

B) Blocking the facility, adjacent territory and access routes;

C) Identification, neutralization and detention of persons who have committed illegal actions in relation to the protected object, documenting the facts of illegal actions;

D) Prevention and elimination of threats of crisis situations, emergencies and situations, identifying conditions conducive to their occurrence.

D) Saving people, providing them with assistance, including pre-medical assistance.

E) Ensuring the safety of property and other material assets.

2. Characteristics of the protected object


Brief description of the object, its location on the ground, assessment of the area immediately adjacent to the object, the most probable ways entry of unauthorized persons into the facility;

Characteristics of existing engineering, technical and protective security equipment and their condition (fencing, lighting, availability of fire and alarm systems, communications, etc.);

Type of security available at the facility, weapons and provision of special equipment, communications;

Characteristics and organization of access and intra-facility modes;

The presence within the restricted zone of the facility of buildings and structures, organizations and institutions that do not belong to the facility;

Distance from the facility to the units involved in the Plan.

3. Possible options and the place of attack on a protected object, as well as the commission of other illegal actions.

A) in the daytime;

B) at night;

B) on weekends and holidays.

4. Forces and means involved in the Plan, the procedure for organizing interaction between them and the procedure for management.

4.1. Actions of squads and officials upon receiving a message about the occurrence of crisis situations, emergency circumstances and situations at a protected facility.

A) actions of the squad serving to protect the facility in the event of threats.

B) actions of the duty shift of the central control center (PCO) upon receipt of the message;

C) actions of the duty shift of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;

D) actions of an official of a territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;

E) the actions of the Civil Protection SPP squads with the definition of: main and alternate traffic routes; places where vehicles stop; actions of each employee of the Civil Protection SPP squad at a guarded facility; areas of responsibility; the procedure for reporting on arrival at the site and the operational situation; possible actions to eliminate crisis situations, emergencies and situations at a guarded facility before the arrival of the main forces of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

E) actions of the detachments of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - similar to paragraph “e”;

G) actions of traffic police units - similar to paragraph “e”;

4.2. The procedure for organizing interaction between squads and officials.

A) organization of management of the squads that arrived at the protected object, and the squads serving on it.

B) organization of radio communications using main and spare frequencies;

C) organization of mutual identification during the day and night.

4.3. Actions of facility personnel in the event of crisis situations, emergencies and situations at a protected facility.

4.4. Organization of interaction between duty shifts and squads of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia with emergency, rescue, medical and other services.

4.5. Telephone numbers of duty shifts of territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, emergency, rescue, medical and other services, managers of the protected facility.

5. Applications.

Appendix No. 20

To the Manual on organizing the activities of combat units of private police protection


conducting special tactical exercises according to plans for the protection and defense of facilities with the personnel of the SPP and duty squads of the territorial bodies of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia

Tactical and special exercises according to plans for the protection and defense of objects 1 are conducted quarterly, in accordance with developed schedules, at one of the objects protected by the security guard.

The organization and management of the TSU is entrusted to the head of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia or his deputies.

The main tasks and goals of TSU are:

A) acquisition by personnel of appropriate skills and readiness to act in extreme situations;

B) development in police officers of thinking, initiative, independence and the ability to assess the real situation, make decisions and implement them;

C) improving the level of interaction between police units in the event of crisis situations, emergencies and situations at an object protected by a private police unit, as well as suppressing illegal attacks on property during its transportation;

D) increasing the skills of duty shift employees in managing the forces and means at their disposal;

D) checking the reality of security and defense plans, the readiness of forces and means to act in the event of crisis situations, emergencies and situations at protected facilities.

During the period of preparation for the technical training, a plan is drawn up, which reflects: the goal, the plan, the scheme for the development of the situation (situation), the time and place of the exercise, the leader of the exercise, the composition and responsibilities of the participants and intermediaries, the actions of the participating employees, the proposed decisions and their material decisions are determined. technical support.

When carrying out TSU, it is envisaged to send an “alarm” signal from the guarded facility to the monitoring center or to the duty station of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, timing by intermediaries of the time of bringing information to the police, their arrival, as well as the arrival of other services involved in the exercise, monitoring their actions and if possible, recording them with video and photographic equipment.

Simulation of penetration (attack) of an object is carried out in the presence of the management of the object (customer) or his representative. During the TSU period, it is mandatory to comply with the safety requirements of participants and others.

In order to make a rational decision and timely respond to changes in the operational situation during the TSU, police units are required to be assigned additional introductory tasks.

For further development As the situation becomes more complex, the exercise director may decide to implement appropriate operational plans.

At the final stage, a debriefing is carried out, during which the actions of all personnel participating in the TSU are assessed. The main criteria include: prompt response of duty shifts and squads; use of the standard option of using forces and means to block the facility; readiness of personnel to practically solve problems in difficult conditions and the ability to act (lead squads) at the scene of an incident; compliance of employee equipment with established requirements; ensuring personal security measures, mutual insurance; level of interaction between police units.

In this case, special attention is paid to explaining to participants the mistakes made during the TSU.

The results of the TSU are considered at an operational meeting with the head of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

If necessary, based on the results of the technical assessment, changes and additions are made to the plans for the protection and defense of facilities.




(special title,


Signature, full name)

"____" ______________ 20___

Rough plan

conducting special tactical exercises

"Alarm at a guarded facility"

“Repelling an attack on a protected object by the forces of squads involved in the plan for the protection and defense of the object”


1. Check:

Timely response to messages about the occurrence of crises, emergencies and situations at an object protected by a private police unit;

Organization of management of available forces and means, coherence of actions of the governing bodies of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in solving problems in the context of a complicated operational situation;

The procedure for interaction between police services and squads;

The readiness of private police security units, as well as other units of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, involved in the plan for the integrated use of forces and means, to act in the event of a threat of unlawful attacks against a protected object;

Compliance of the chosen model for organizing the security and defense of the facility with the real development of the situation in the event of crisis situations, emergencies and situations.

2. Work out a scheme for managing the forces and means involved in the plan for the security and defense of the facility, the procedure for interaction with emergency, rescue, medical and other services.

3. To instill practical skills in police officers of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in actions when the operational situation changes.


Territory of the facility ____________________, located at: __________________________________________________________


To practice introductory tasks, the following are involved:

1. Private police security unit, including:

Facility security squad – 2 people;

GZ SPP No. ___, No. ____ - 4 people..

2. Traffic police crew No. ____ – 2 people.

3. Foot patrol unit - 2 people.

4. Immediate response group of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - 3 people.

5. Investigative and operational group of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia - 5 people.

Monitoring the progress of the TSU and assessing the quality and completeness of the measures taken to combat the crime being committed is ensured by the leaders of the exercises and the intermediary apparatus, the number of which is determined based on the complexity of the tasks being solved.


1. General provisions

Tactical-special exercises are carried out on “___” ___________ 20___ in two stages with a total duration of up to “_____” hours.

Stage 1 - from “___” hour. to "___" hour.

Stage 2 – from “___” hour. to "___" hour.

The TSU is considered completed from the moment its completion is announced by the exercise leader.

The heads of the units involved in carrying out the technical training organize logistical support for the forces involved in accordance with the plan of the exercise.

2. Nature of the parties' actions.

"Organizers of illegal attacks"

Criminal elements appointed from among the intermediary apparatus act in accordance with the introductory task. These persons try, with maximum precautions, to secretly enter the protected facility for subsequent illegal attacks. The routes to the object, the order of actions and the techniques used are not deciphered.

Representatives of the intermediary apparatus, assigned to the role of members of an armed criminal group, act within the framework of the legislation of the Russian Federation and have the right to imitate the threat of illegal attacks without causing harm or damage.

"Territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia"

From the moment of receiving information, organizes the initial actions of subordinates on the ground and reports on the beginning of the TSU to the duty units of higher units, makes decisions on the use of subordinate forces and means, organizes interaction, comprehensive support and management, displays decisions graphically on a plan diagram of the serviced territory.

The assigned tasks are carried out by employees of private security units in conditions as close as possible to the real situation and with the most adequate response to the current situation.

"Exercise management and mediation apparatus"

Carries out general control over the implementation of technical control measures and assesses the quality and completeness of the activities carried out.

From among the intermediary apparatus, control groups are formed to evaluate the actions of the management level of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, timing the time of bringing information to the police, their arrival, as well as the arrival of other services involved in the exercise at the site of the TSU, monitoring their placement and evaluating the actions directly at the site and surrounding areas.

3. The design of the TSU (the scenario for the development of the situation is determined).

4. TSU stages.

1st stage.

  1. Managers and intermediaries during the TSU are located in advance certain places to monitor the progress of the exercise and objectively evaluate its results. Without fail, representatives of the mediation apparatus arrive at the corresponding duty stations of the units involved in the TSU, at the places of deployment of the squads, as well as at the places of gathering or arrival of alleged criminals.

  2. A sealed package with an introductory task is provided to the duty department of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia.

  3. The information received is reported to the higher duty department, the leadership of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia, the squads involved in the plan for the integrated use of forces and means, as well as the district commissioner and criminal investigation officer in the serviced territory.

  4. The duty unit of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia ensures control over the state of the operational situation in the serviced territory.

  5. Police squads serving in the serviced territory identify potential offenders according to available guidelines, which the squads and the duty department of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia are informed about.

  6. Based on the current situation and the content of the introductory task, TSU managers make a decision on the procedure for further actions.

  7. The units involved in the TSU plan are informed of the decision to block offenders, carry out measures to protect and defend the facility and prepare for the evacuation of personnel and visitors located there.

  8. The heads of the TSU model the expected arrangement of squads on the plan diagram and direct additional forces and means to the site of the operation. Based on incoming information, further maneuver is carried out with forces and means. The decisions made are displayed on the diagram.

  9. Emergency, rescue, medical and other services are informed to eliminate negative consequences(according to additional introductory tasks) caused by illegal actions.

  10. To coordinate actions on the spot, a senior person is appointed and sent to the scene of the incident. Upon arrival at the site, the person in charge official takes measures to deploy and manage the squads and assigned forces arriving at the scene of the incident.

  11. Depending on the further development of the situation, the management of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia makes decisions on the use of service dogs, organizing search activities for escaped criminals, evacuating personnel and visitors from the facility, providing first-aid to those in need, inspecting the scene of the incident, interviewing witnesses, and more.
2nd stage.

Summing up is carried out by the leadership of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia at the end of the TSU - ___ hour.

During the debriefing, the following questions are assessed and discussed:

Actions of the units serving to protect the facility;

Providing information to duty services and the leadership of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia;

Timeliness and procedure for receiving operational information by squads and their arrival at the location of the technical control;

Distribution of forces and assets involved in service in the assigned territory, timely delivery of operational information to them;

Availability in the duty units of a plan diagram of the serviced territory with a reflection on it of the arrangement of orders, as well as the provided service documentation;

Actions of the management team to coordinate interaction and manage work orders.

Knowledge by management and squads of the nature and sequence of actions at the scene of an incident;

Equipment of the squads arriving at the scene of the incident;

Ensuring personal and collective security measures, mutual insurance, the level of interaction between units of various units;

Actions of personnel to block the scene of the incident, evacuate potential hostages, personnel and visitors to the facility, provide assistance to victims, practice inductions, etc.;

Ensuring the safety of property and other material assets;

Follow-up actions at the scene of the incident related to the work of the canine service and investigative teams.


______________________________ is appointed as the exercise leader.


(position, title, full name of the appointed manager)

Materials on the results of the special tactical exercise are summarized and presented to the leadership of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia no later than _____ days from the date of its conduct.

Chief of Police


(name of the territorial body of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia)


(special title, signature, full name)

"____" ______________ 20_____

Appendix No. 21

To the Manual on organizing the activities of combat units of private police protection


conducting classes and self-study protected objects, apartments and MHIG with employees of the Civil Protection SPP

1. Classes with the personnel of the Civil Protection SPP are carried out in order to study the location and specifics of newly accepted objects, apartments and MHIGs under protection, hidden access routes to them, vulnerabilities, possible escape of offenders, development of the necessary practical skills and actions when traveling on alarm signals "

Personnel training is carried out during briefings of invading detachments, during classes in the system of service-combat and moral-psychological training, as well as directly on patrol routes. The heads of private police security units and their deputies, SPP command staff, and technical service employees are involved in conducting classes.

Personnel training is carried out in two stages - theoretical (according to plans and schemes) and practical (at facilities, apartments, MHIG and adjacent territories).

The first stage (theoretical training) is organizational, during which the personnel of the Civil Protection SPP, according to the plans and diagrams of protected objects, apartments, and MHIG, undergo a theoretical training course in the forms and methods of preventing and suppressing crimes.

When conducting classes, the leader, using a diagram, introduces the personnel to the protected object, apartment, MHIG, gives time for independent study of their features, identification of options for possible routes of a hidden entrance, as well as the most realistic and effective arrangement of the task force for blocking and blocking possible routes departure of criminals.

In the final part of the lesson, the manager conducts an oral survey of employees of the Civil Protection SPP.

The second stage (practical training) is the main (final) stage, during which the manager determines how the personnel have studied the object (apartment, MHLIG) and its vulnerabilities, how the knowledge and skills acquired during theoretical training are applied in practice when traveling according to signals "anxiety".

For these purposes, the leader of the classes selects one of the objects studied during the theoretical training (apartment, MHIG) and conducts training by giving a signal about the activation of fire and security alarms. Having a radio station with him, he takes an observation position and records the time of arrival of the Civil Defense SPP at the scene of the incident, records the actions of each crew member.

Upon completion practical classes a thorough analysis of the actions of the Civil Protection SPP as a whole is carried out and an individual assessment is given to each participant in the classes. If shortcomings and omissions are identified in the actions of the Civil Defense SPP squad, repeated training is carried out until they are completely eliminated.

2. In order to improve knowledge of the features of protected objects, apartments and MHIG, during briefings of incoming squads, employees of the Civil Defense SPP are given tasks to inspect and study one or two objects, which are determined by the schedule, primarily from among the critical infrastructure facilities of the Russian Federation.

Inspection and study of objects is carried out during the period of the least number of incoming alarm signals, with the participation of the management of the protected object (customer).

Upon arrival at the facility (apartment, MHIG), the police driver takes a position at the official vehicle to promptly inform the senior civil servant about the operational situation and block the access routes to the facility (apartment, MHIG), and conducts an external inspection.

The senior civil servant of the SPP begins to inspect and study the object (apartment, MHLIG), with special attention paid to the presence of vulnerabilities, the integrity of window openings, the presence and reliability of locking devices is checked. At the same time, an external inspection checks the condition of the security and fire alarm systems.

When summing up the results of the work for the shift, the senior civil servant of the SPP reports with a report on the completion of the task of inspecting and studying objects (apartments, MHIG) indicating the identified deficiencies.



Accounting training sessions and secret checks


(name of private police security unit)

Started " " ________________ 20___

Finished " " ________________ 20___
