Correct actions in case of a fire at school. School evacuation plan: how to organize a training session correctly

Since there are many people at the school, evacuation will take longer than evacuation from an apartment. Therefore, if a fire is detected in a school, a different sequence of measures should be followed. The first thing to do is close the door of the room where the fire is burning. If you see a burning room through a window, do not attempt to enter the room. Open door will not only release smoke and interfere with evacuation; the sudden introduction of additional air can cause the fire to spread at a faster rate. The alarm should be raised immediately, shouting loudly about the fire. Report the fire to a nearby member of staff who will arrange for the immediate evacuation of all persons from the school building. Everyone is required to report to a pre-agreed assembly point, where a roll call must be taken to determine whether everyone has evacuated from the school. After an alarm, you need to call as soon as possible fire department.

Procedure in case of fire at school

In order to evacuate as efficiently as possible and avoid casualties, it is necessary to remember some rules of action in case of fire.


Any person (student or staff member) upon detecting a fire should without hesitation raise the fire alarm - two intermittent bells or turn on the alarm (press the panic button).

Call the fire department

Any occurrence of fire, even the smallest one, or suspicion of a fire must be immediately reported to the fire brigade as soon as possible. in a fast way(by phone to number 01 or 70-2-52.


Upon hearing the alarm, students must stand at their desks and, as directed by the teacher in charge of the class, leave the classroom one at a time and go to the assembly point. Classes should move at an even, measured pace. The door needs to be closed classroom and all other doors along the escape route that no one else will use during the evacuation

Gathering in the school yard

The meeting place is the school yard near the workshops (must be agreed upon in advance). Arriving at the gathering place, each individual class or group of people must take a certain place and stay there without leaving each other.

Roll call

Immediately upon the arrival of classes at the assembly point, a roll call must be held.

Rules fire safety

Do not play with open fire!

Use only working electrical appliances;

Do not leave electrical appliances turned on unattended;

Do not use flammable or flammable liquids without adult permission;

Do not leave lit gas stoves unattended;

Observe safety precautions when handling pyrotechnic products;

Do not decorate Christmas tree sparklers, toys made from burning materials and homemade electric garlands.

Rules of conduct in case of fire




Rule #4 - EVACUATE!



How can you put out a fire?

Available materials - water, snow, sand, earth, dense material, green branch.

Special equipment - fire extinguishers, use equipment from the fire shield, fire hydrant in the building.

An analysis of the situation with fires and their consequences in the city of Moscow shows that in 2014, 30 fires occurred in educational buildings, 10 of them in schools. In the first quarter of 2015 in in general educational institutions There have already been 6 fires in Moscow with significant material damage. The most common causes of fires in schools are violations of the rules for the design and operation of electrical appliances and careless handling of fire; there are also cases of arson.

Therefore, it is important to know how to act in the event of a fire, the rules for evacuating a school building, and the rules of conduct in case of smoke in the main escape routes.

Fire Report

First of all, if a fire is detected, you must report it. teaching staff, the security service, any adult at the school. Call the fire department by calling 101 or mobile phone call 112. Before calling, you need to calm down. They will definitely answer you and listen carefully.

When you hear the dispatcher answer: “Fire department,” you must provide the following information:

  • fire address, school number;
  • the presence and nature of danger to the life and health of people, especially schoolchildren;
  • place of origin (on which floor the fire occurred, in which room, etc.);
  • what is burning or the nature of the emergency or other incident;
  • information about the fire that may affect the successful completion of the fire extinguishing task;
  • give your last name, first name, patronymic (including your phone number).

Take your time to turn off your phone. Be prepared to answer additional questions posed by the dispatcher on duty. The dispatcher ends the interview with the applicant with the phrase: “The fire trucks have left - welcome!”, after which you can end the conversation. If possible, organize a meeting of fire departments and provide assistance in choosing the shortest route to the fire.

Evacuation announcement

No need to shout "Fire". There are known cases when the cry “Fire” caused panic with human casualties, although there was no threat to human life. There can be several ways to announce an evacuation: voice notification, alarming using manual or electric bells, when equipping the building with a loud-speaking warning system, broadcasting a pre-prepared text throughout the building.

Carrying out evacuation

Every teacher and student must be prepared to act in an extreme situation. First of all, it is necessary to evacuate people from the school.

The school administration develops a plan for evacuation of people in case of fire in advance, studies it with school staff and periodically practices actions with children. If there is a fire in the school, you must, at the teacher’s command, form a column of two. Evacuation should be carried out along predetermined routes under the guidance of class teachers or teachers teaching in the classroom. In this case, the teacher must take a learning log with him to check the presence of students. The most physically prepared boys are placed at the rear. Move briskly, but don't run. If there is smoke on escape routes, you must cover your breathing organs with a scarf and move bent over.

The main escape routes are stairwells and fixed fire escapes. Sometimes, to remove children from smoke-filled rooms to a safe place, smoke-free rooms located in the opposite part of the building are used, followed by their removal from the building. High school students can help teachers evacuate children primary school(help you get dressed, take you to a warm room, etc.).

The collection of evacuated children is carried out in advance certain place. Usually this is the school yard. After leaving school for fresh air, do not run away. Line up by class. You will be checked using the logs and if any of the students are missing, the fire department will be informed and a search will be organized. Schoolchildren are accommodated, especially in winter period, in the nearest warm rooms, which must be provided in advance.

There is no way out

If main escape routes are cut off by fire or smoke and you are in upper floors school buildings, don't panic. Don't try to get through. Go into a classroom or any other room with windows where there is no smoke. It is necessary to take care to isolate the room you are in from the penetration of smoke and fire. Close the door and caulk all the cracks in the door and ventilation grille rags. It is better to wet the rags first. Window curtains and clothing items can be used as fabric.

Don't open the windows. This can increase draft and smoke flow. If smoke enters the room, open the window slightly and lie down on the floor. About 15 centimeters from the floor there is a space with clean air. It is better to breathe through a wet cloth or covering your breathing organs with clothing.

The most important thing is not to panic. You will definitely be saved. The standard arrival time for fire departments in Moscow is no more than 10 minutes. Upon arrival at a fire, firefighters first of all identify people cut off by fire and smoke and direct all forces and means to save them.

When firefighters arrive, you must open the window and call for help with your voice and waves of your hands. From burning rooms cut off by smoke, firefighters rescue students through windows using manual fire escapes, rescue hoses, and using rescue ropes. Pneumatic rescue devices and tension belts can be used.

Extinguishing a fire with improvised means

You can try to extinguish the fire yourself using water from a fire hydrant or primary fire extinguishing equipment. Self-extinguishing a fire is justified only if it does not pose a threat to human life and health - the source of fire (flame) is visible and you can safely approach it within the length of the fire extinguishing jet, that is, at initial stage combustion. Otherwise, it is necessary to take measures to isolate the burning room from the entry of fresh air into it (it is necessary to close all windows and doors), turn off the electricity and immediately leave the room. A decrease in oxygen in the air to 17% leads to the cessation of combustion.

Do not try to extinguish a fire in a smoke-filled room, even with low density. This may lead to carbon monoxide poisoning ( carbon monoxide! The content of only 0.1-0.5% carbon monoxide in the air leads to loss of consciousness and instant death.

The text was prepared based on materials from open sources by life safety methodologists: Antonov N.V., Baklanov O.Yu., Bychkov V.A., Gerasimova S.I., Trukhov P.V.

Hello, dear blog readers about fire safety. If you noticed, with our conversations we are trying to protect ourselves not only from unnecessary problems with extremely picky fire inspectors, but also to prepare ourselves as much as possible for the necessary actions in the event of a raging natural disaster and other emergency situations.

That is why today I want to discuss with you the evacuation plan for the school. I recommend that those readers who are not involved in educational institutions should not turn away.

Firstly, your children study or will study there, and secondly, this plan is absolutely suitable for all premises and buildings with a staff of 50 people or more, since paragraph 12 of Chapter. 1 PPR of the Russian Federation No. 390 of 2012 states:

I think you will agree with me if I say that regular practical training in evacuation, especially in schools, is a necessity. One can only imagine the commotion that would occur in the building if an emergency actually occurred.

And the lack of behavioral skills of both staff and students will 100% lead to panic, useless running and crushing. The result is carbon monoxide poisoning, God forbid, victims. And this is not only the grief of the parents, but also criminal cases brought against the staff of the entire school, not only those responsible for fire safety. Argument?

That is why I consider it extremely important not only to develop appropriate instructions that clearly define the actions of personnel in the event of a fire to evacuate everyone in the building, but also to regularly practice this activity.

By the way, the law determines the frequency of these actions - evacuation training should be carried out at least 2 times a year. This meets the requirements of paragraph 1.4 of the Fire Safety Rules for secondary schools, vocational schools, boarding schools, orphanages, preschool, out-of-school and other educational institutions.

The first one should be worked out as soon as the instructions described above are approved.

In principle, all actions of personnel and security, both during a fire and during the work process, are specified in the relevant instructions, which, by and large, are all standard.

For example, while on duty, security must regularly check all emergency and emergency exits, the presence of keys to all premises, the presence of fire extinguishers, the serviceability of telephone communications, etc.

In order to monitor the performance of their duties by security guards and guards and their quality, the head of the school must keep a special journal: “Journal of duty by night guards, security and control officers fire safety condition educational institution”, in which one or an employee must regularly sign for compliance with instructions.

All instructions must be approved by the head of the educational institution. However, we will still focus on evacuation. Therefore, let's look together at how training for this important event should be carried out correctly.

Carrying out evacuation

The actions of each school employee in the event of a fire, in addition to being clearly stated, must be practiced to the point of automaticity. The slightest hitch can be fatal. Students also need to know how to behave, what to do, and where to go. For this purpose, it is carried out once every six months training evacuation.

We said that there are clear instructions for everyone. Practical training should be carried out strictly following it.

The first action is to report a fire. That is, the employee who first discovered the fire must immediately call the fire department. I hope everyone remembers well how this is done from childhood - call 101.

The following is a notice of fire. The school duty officer, head teacher or director is required to give a certain conditioned signal. In most cases it is a series of long calls. Then open all main and emergency exits.

The next stage is perhaps the most important. This is the evacuation of children from the school building. Teachers must, as quickly as possible after receiving the conditional signal, that is, notification of a fire, lead students through the corridors, along the stairs (strictly along the outer edge, the inner one for firefighters), and out of the school building in an organized manner.

Next, you need to make sure that all students are removed from emergency building. To do this, children are taken immediately to a place pre-specified in the instructions. As usual, this is a school stadium. Here all schoolchildren are counted, recalled by name, and the lists are checked.

In the absence of any of the students, the teachers who conducted the recount are obliged to immediately inform the person in charge of extinguishing the fire.

All staff educational institution, not involved in the evacuation of children, must immediately, from the moment of discovery, begin to eliminate the fire and preserve material assets.

School buildings are equipped with fire hydrants, fire extinguishers must be available - with their help, school employees themselves, before the arrival of the fire brigade, must start independent struggle with the raging elements.

At the same time, the director or head of the school's facilities must meet the arriving fire brigade. Their duty is to inform the team leader about the current situation, about the situation in the school building, whether there is a danger to people inside, indicate where water sources are located on the territory and give evacuation plans each floor.

In principle, at this point the training for evacuation of school students in case of fire can be considered completed. I sincerely hope that it went off without a hitch, all the schoolchildren were at the assembly point on time, and there was no need to look for anyone.

As a rule, the Ministry of Emergency Situations readily responds to such proposals. Agree that such a full-scale training, with a fire simulation and the work of the Ministry of Emergency Situations employees, will make a proper impression on the students.

And, importantly, if you are the head of an educational institution, in this way you will build bridges with fire safety supervision employees.

If you nevertheless decide to cooperate with the Ministry of Emergency Situations, then, in addition to everything described above, you will need to deploy two headquarters at the gathering place.

The deputy is in charge first. director for administrative and economic work (supply manager). Here are the documents collected, in accordance with which the roll call of students takes place. The second headquarters is a post for providing the first medical care. The person responsible for it, as you might guess, is the school doctor or nurse.

I strongly recommend that primary school teachers pay more attention to their students, as there have been many cases when children were frightened by warning signals and hid. If, God forbid, the anxiety is not educational, your inattention may cost the child his life.

So, the training is over. The chairman of the emergency commission reports to the head of the educational institution about the evacuation, after which the school director announces the end of the training practical lesson. At this point, joyful children run home, and the staff is still analyzing the event.

Don't forget about formalities. The training is carried out in accordance with the outline plan, which is prepared in advance by fire department employees. Upon completion of all actions, signatures must be placed on it responsible persons educational institution.

Did everything go well? Has everyone signed and is everyone happy? In this case, subscribe to my blog updates so that you can always be fully armed in the fight against the elements and in wrangling with annoying fire safety inspectors.

And best of all, also share it on social networks a link to our page with those you really care about. We will all together discuss and analyze only the most pressing and urgent, the most controversial and interesting - everything that concerns your own peace and security.

All the best to you, see you again!

These rules of conduct in case of fire are developed for students in order to save their lives and health during a possible fire in a school, in a house or apartment, in an elevator, in a hallway or on the street.

Rules of conduct in case of fire at school

1. To prevent a fire at school, follow the fire safety rules for children at school

2. In the event of a fire at a school, if it is not possible to cope with the fire on your own, you must leave the premises in an orderly manner.

3. The school evacuation plan should be studied in advance. You can find it in the office, on any floor in the school corridors and hallways.

4. The main enemy of evacuation from a hot room is panic. Panic movements often end in loss of life. Moreover, panic can occur even in cases where there is no real threat of a fire. Therefore, the lives of your comrades may depend on your restraint, composure and composure.

5. If possible, call 101, 112 and call fire service. But this can be done under one condition, if there is no threat to life. If it exists, save yourself and everyone who needs it.

6. After evacuation from the school, do not disperse. Let the teacher make sure everything is in place.

7. If you cannot leave the school premises through the exits, get out through the windows. But don't forget, you don't have wings. But the firefighters have ladders, and they will definitely come and help you out if you are patient, calm and prepared for emergency- fire.

Rules of conduct in case of fire in a house or apartment

1. General rules behavior in case of fire in a house or apartment

There was a fire in your house, apartment or country house? What to do and what not to do?

Call the fire department on 101 or EDDS 112 and report the incident. If possible, notify an adult.

Try to put out the fire on your own. But remember, if the fire cannot be controlled within a few minutes, then further attempts are useless and deadly.

To prevent a fire at home, you must follow fire safety rules in the house.

2. How can you extinguish a fire at an early stage:

  • It is better to extinguish solid objects with water, sand, earth, thick cloth or a fire extinguisher.
  • flammable liquids can be covered with sand, earth, covered with thick cloth, or a fire extinguisher can be used.
  • electrical appliances and first de-energize the wires, and then extinguish them with water, thick cloth or a fire extinguisher. CAREFULLY! The TV can explode, so you shouldn't be too close to it.
  • if kitchen utensils, curtains or towels catch fire from the stove in the kitchen, extinguish the fire with rags, wrapping your hands in a wet towel; A small fire in the kitchen can be extinguished with cereal, salt or washing powder.

Know how to use special fire extinguishing equipment. The most common means is a fire extinguisher. And also a new product, a self-triggering “ball” fire extinguisher, the easiest to use and with the ability to self-trigger during combustion. A fire extinguisher or fireball should be in every home. They can put out almost any starting fire.

3. How to use special means fire extinguishing:

Conventional fire extinguisher:

  • Break the seal;
  • Pull the pin;
  • Point the bell at the flame;
  • Press the lever.

The self-activating fire extinguisher “Ball” is simply thrown into the fire.

The basic rule for extinguishing a fire is as follows: cover the burning object with a thick cloth or blanket and immediately leave the room, tightly closing the door behind you.

If a fire is gaining strength, you need to save what is most precious to you - yourself, your brothers and sisters, and the people in the house.

4. How to get out of a house fire:

If you are awakened by the smell of smoke or the sound of a fire, do not sit up in bed!! You will inhale smoke, and with it poisonous gases. Roll straight to the floor. There are fewer toxic substances and more clean air.

You must not remain in a burning room or hide in cabinets or other pieces of furniture.

Protect your eyes and respiratory system and crawl along the floor under the cloud of smoke to the door.

Touch it gently with the back of your hand. If the door is hot, there is a fire behind it. Don't open the door.

Seal the gap under the door with any rag, wet if possible, and crawl to the window.

If possible, cover yourself with a thick damp cloth and take a flashlight.

Do not enter areas where there is a large concentration of smoke or fire.

If a shaft of fire is approaching you, do not hesitate to fall, covering your head with a damp cloth. At this moment, do not breathe so as not to burn your internal organs.

Try to leave the hot room as soon as possible. You can use the window if it is on the 1st floor. Remember that every second jump from the 4th floor and above is fatal. It’s better to wait for firefighters on the balcony, and if there is none, in the back room from the fire with a window. Help will come.

Try to attract attention to yourself.

Get ready to signal rescuers with a piece of bright fabric from the balcony or a flashlight from the room (if there is smoke outside).

5. What not to do in case of a fire in the apartment:

  • do not start extinguishing the fire before calling the fire department, as during this time a large fire may break out;
  • do not try to exit through smoke staircase(hot air burns the lungs, and the smoke is very toxic);
  • do not use the elevator;
  • do not climb down drainpipes and risers, or using sheets and ropes, unless absolutely necessary (falling is almost always inevitable without special skills);
  • do not open windows and doors (this will increase the flow of oxygen);
  • do not jump out of windows (statistics show that every second jump from the 4th floor and above is fatal);
  • Do not extinguish plugged-in electrical appliances with water (a short circuit may occur).

Call the firefighters on 101 or the unified dispatch service 112. Provide the address, reason for the call and the shortest route to your home and your first and last name.

Rules of conduct in case of fire in an elevator

A fire in an elevator most often occurs when the electrical wiring is faulty, as well as when fire safety rules are not followed.

Unextinguished matches and cigarette butts thrown on the floor of the cabin or into the shaft can cause a fire.

1. It is prohibited in the elevator car:

  • smoke;
  • light a fire;
  • transport flammable liquids.

2. If the elevator car catches fire:

  • report the fire to the dispatcher;
  • try to eliminate the source of the fire yourself;
  • try to get out of the elevator car;
  • If you cannot leave the elevator, draw attention to yourself, protect your respiratory organs with clothing and, remaining calm, wait for help.

Rules of conduct in case of fire in the entrance

Garbage left in the entrance is a source of fire.

An unextinguished cigarette thrown on the floor is a source of fire.

Blocking staircases is prohibited!

If heavy smoke or a fire source is detected in the entrance:

Call the fire service on 101 and, if possible, notify neighbors.

do not use the elevator, if going outside is not possible, stay in the apartment.

the door will protect you from fire for a long time; you need to water it from the inside with water and caulk all the cracks with a wet cloth.

keep calm, the firefighters are already rushing to your aid.

Rules of conduct in case of fire on the street

It is strictly forbidden to set fire to dry grass, fallen leaves or poplar fluff on the street. Often, as a result of such actions, the fire spreads to the plants entwining the balconies and rises along them from the first to the last floors, finding an additional fire on each balcony. flammable material, going to residential apartments and destroying everything in its path.

If there is a small fire, try to put out the flame with damp branches or cover it with earth.

Do not try to fight the fire at the cost of health and life, leave the place of the fire, call the fire department by phone. 101.

What not to do in case of fire:

Open windows and doors: fresh air flow supports combustion. You only need to break a window if you are going to jump out of it (if the floor is not high).

Extinguish electrical appliances plugged in with water.

Walking in a smoky room full height: Smoke always accumulates at the top of a room or building, so it is better to crouch down or lie on the floor, covering your nose and mouth with a handkerchief.

In a smoke-filled entrance, move while holding onto the railings: they can lead to a dead end.

Try to leave the burning entrance using the elevator (it can turn off at any moment, and you will find yourself trapped).

Hiding during a fire (under a sofa, in a closet): it is impossible to hide from fire and smoke.

Apply oil to burns.

Fight the fire yourself without calling the fire department.

Don't panic! This is the main principle of behavior in case of fire.


formation of fire-safe behavior among schoolchildren.


Introduce students to the rules of behavior during evacuation during a fire at school.

Develop an algorithm of actions in case of a fire at school, both for the class as a whole and for each student;

Enrich vocabulary;

Develop a sense of collectivism and mutual assistance;

Foster respect for the work of firefighters.

The student must know:

The existence of the fire phenomenon, its danger and consequences;

Sources of fires fire danger natural phenomena;

The most fire-hazardous surrounding objects and rules for handling them;

Basic fire safety requirements (do not light fires, do not burn matches, etc.).

The student must be able to:

Properly act in the event of fire or smoke;

Report the fire to the fire department by telephone, along with your first and last name. Residence address;

Rescue (take out) younger children from a burning or smoke-filled room;

Put out the fire. Turn off electrical appliances.



Class hour:

Behavior of students in case of fire while at a boarding school.


formation of fire-safe behavior among schoolchildren.


Introduce students to the rules of conduct during evacuation during a fire at school.

Develop an algorithm of actions in case of a fire at school, both for the class as a whole and for each student;

Enrich vocabulary;

Develop a sense of collectivism and mutual assistance;

Foster respect for the work of firefighters.

Progress of the lesson.

Educator. Information block.

Fires is an uncontrolled combustion process that leads to the death of people and the destruction of material assets. The cause of fires is careless handling of fire, violation of fire safety rules, spontaneous combustion of dry vegetation and peat, fire from an electrical discharge of lightning.

Over the past 20 years, fire emergencies have become more frequent. Of particular concern are cases of fires in educational institutions and the death of children.

In this regard, each of us must master clear, qualified actions in the event of a fire.

Remember! Alarm signal at school - 2 short bells and one endless one!

Educator: Your actions in the specific situation during a fire are as follows:

  1. Having heard the bell, stop classes and, under the guidance of the teacher, in an orderly manner, without panic, leave the school building through emergency exits. Resolutely suppress panic among younger schoolchildren, do not lose composure and restraint. Gather at the gathering place of the entire school - the stadium, be sure to approach the teacher whose lesson was when the alarm sounded. Take roll call.
  2. Before the fire brigade arrives, technical personnel. staff, teachers and high school students take vigorous measures to localize the outbreak, using fire hydrants, fire extinguishers, sand boxes, earth, blankets and other means for this purpose. When using a fire hydrant, you must: open the cabinet door, roll out and direct the hose barrel into the fire, open the valve. To activate foam fire extinguisher You should lift the handle up and fold it back all the way, turn the fire extinguisher upside down, and direct the resulting stream of foam onto the burning surface.
  3. Before entering a burning room, you must cover your head with a wet towel, move in a heavily smoky room, crouching or crawling, and breathe through a damp cloth to protect yourself from carbon monoxide.
  4. If your clothes catch fire, you need to lie down and knock out the flames by rolling, you cannot run, but when you see a person in burning clothes, cover him with a blanket and press him tightly.

Practical part.

Conducting a brain ring among students:

1.How to move in a heavily smoky room?(Burning or crawling, breathe through a damp cloth to protect against carbon monoxide)

2. What to do if your clothes catch fire?(Lie down and knock out the flames by rolling, do not run)

3.What will you do if you see a person in burning clothes?(Cover with a blanket and press it tightly)

4. Is it possible to hide under the bed, hide in hard-to-reach rooms, or open windows in the event of a fire?(You can’t, you endanger death, make it difficult for rescuers to carry out their mission of rescuing you; opening windows and doors will increase the flow of air and intensify the fire)

5.What should be used more effectively when extinguishing flammable liquids?(With a piece of thick wet cloth)

  1. How should you respond to a fire?(Quickly, using everything available funds for extinguishing fire (water, rag, sand)
  2. Why is fire dangerous?(Open fire, high temperature air, toxic gases, smoke and other unfavorable factors)
  3. What are the main causes of fire?(Violation of fire safety rules, operation of household and industrial electrical equipment, gas appliances And heating stoves, carelessness in handling burning objects and flammable materials)
  4. Often a person in burning clothes loses orientation, begins to rush around, run away, thereby intensifying the flame. What to do in this case?(You should knock him down and then put out the flames)
  5. Carbon monoxide poisoning often occurs in fires. Name the signs of carbon monoxide poisoning.(The first signs of carbon monoxide poisoning are headache, tinnitus, “pounding in the temples,” general weakness, nausea, vomiting. In severe poisoning, drowsiness, apathy, impaired or loss of breathing, and dilated pupils occur)
  6. Common and effective remedy fire extinguishing(Fire extinguisher)
  7. How to provide first aid assistance to a victim of carbon monoxide poisoning?(The victim should be immediately taken out or taken out of the contaminated area into fresh air and given rest. Place a cold compress on the head and spray the face cold water, let me smell ammonia, drink strong tea or coffee. In severe cases, perform artificial respiration and chest compressions)
  8. What precautions must be taken to prevent a fire?(To prevent fires indoors, you must strictly follow simple fire safety rules. Here are some of them:

Do not leave electrical appliances (irons, TVs, etc.) on after working with them;

Do not connect several powerful electrical consumers to one outlet;

Do not cover electric lamps and other electric lights with paper;

Do not use gasoline to light the stove;

Do not use sparklers, firecrackers and other pyrotechnics in apartments, even on New Year's holidays;

Do not play with matches, other burning objects or flammable materials).

Lesson summary.

What difficulties did you encounter during the evacuation?

How do you evaluate the actions taken to contain a fire?

What help can high school students provide? to the team in case of fire?

What abilities and skills still need to be mastered?

The student must know:

The existence of the fire phenomenon, its danger and consequences;

Sources of fires, fire hazards of natural phenomena;

The most fire-hazardous surrounding objects and rules for handling them;

Basic fire safety requirements (do not light fires, do not burn matches, etc.).

The student must be able to:

Properly act in the event of fire or smoke;

Report the fire to the fire department by telephone, along with your first and last name. Residence address;

Rescue (take out) younger children from a burning or smoke-filled room;

Put out the fire. Turn off electrical appliances.

Educator. Guys, I hope that today you have once again seen how dangerous fire can be and remember how to behave in case of fire.

Always be very careful with fire! Know and follow fire safety rules!




