Universities with state and municipal management. Master's degree

The most common entrance exams:

  • Russian language
  • Mathematics (basic level)
  • Computer science and information and communication technologies (ICT) - specialized subject, at the choice of the university
  • History - at the choice of university
  • Social studies - by choice of university
  • Foreign language - at the choice of the university
Most universities require final results in mathematics, which is a specialized exam, for admission. Another mandatory exam is the Russian language.

To choose a university, you must also pass one of the following exams: history, social studies, computer science and ICT.

At your discretion educational institution an exam may be offered English language, or any other foreign language depending on the specific area of ​​study.

Specialty "Public and municipal government“This is an excellent opportunity to choose a prestigious job in large organizations. University graduates are in constant demand among employers; they have excellent prospects for subsequent professional growth and career advancement.

Brief description of the specialty

The specialty allows students to gain advanced knowledge in the field of economics during their studies, including such economic areas as management theory and others. They master the necessary professional and administrative skills that allow them to plan and coordinate the work of the organization and manage the team.

Graduates who have completed training in this specialty have skills that allow them to manage an organization as successfully as possible, take part in organizing the work process of the management system, develop and improve the functioning of management in accordance with the main criteria for the development of the socio-economic sphere.

Large universities

  • Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov
  • Nizhny Novgorod State University named after. N.I. Lobachevsky
  • Peoples' Friendship University of Russia

Terms and forms of training

This specialty provides both full-time and part-time or part-time forms of education. With full-time study, the duration of mastering the specialty is 4 years, in other options - from 4.5 years or more.

Subjects studied by students

The specialty is universal in nature, therefore the content of the curriculum is subject to special requirements. Special attention is devoted to such academic disciplines as:

  • economic theory
  • management
  • psychology
  • history of world civilizations
  • fundamentals of law and others.

Among the compulsory subjects required to master the specialty are the following:

  • statistics
  • civil law
  • management theory
  • information technology in management
  • administrative law and others.

Some higher education institutions introduce a course of professional foreign language and rhetoric into the curriculum. The training includes practical training in government agencies that meet the needs of the learning profile.

Gained knowledge and skills

A bachelor-manager who has completed a program in this specialty can perform the following types of professional activities:

  • plan different types activities;
  • organize work according to set goals, available resources and results;
  • carefully monitor the activities of employees and the entire organization;
  • lead a team and coordinate work in the external environment;
  • motivate employees;
  • represent the institution (company) and its interests;
  • explore and evaluate problems and situations;
  • propose forecasts and plan goals;
  • work with employees in providing consultations, methodological recommendations, educational moments;
  • carry out innovative work in the field of management.

Future profession: what to work for?

Graduates can count on good positions in prestigious organizations, and they also have excellent opportunities for excellent career growth in the state and municipal service.

A specialist bachelor-manager acts as an intermediary between people and the state. He works in various departments and services, including specialized ones, and participates in the development of bills. Also, a specialist manager receives citizens, helping them solve a wide range of issues, provides guidance in matters of healthcare, social, housing, educational, cultural and other life activities, monitors databases, issues certificates and information upon requests, and deals with office work issues. A specialist can find work in:

  • state and municipal authorities;
  • local government bodies;
  • international organizations and governing bodies;
  • public sector organizations;
  • non-profit organizations;
  • civil society institutions;
  • educational and research institutions;

Holding a position as a specialist of the second category immediately after graduation, you can count on a salary of 20,000 rubles. The income of a leading specialist can be about 30,000, a chief one - about 35,000, and the head of a department will receive from 40,000 rubles. High professional qualities specialists allow them to quickly move through career ladder, but gradually step by step.

Continuing training in the specialty

If desired, you can continue your studies in this specialty in master’s and postgraduate programs.

Currently, the popularity of the specialty “state and municipal management” is growing. What kind of work can you do after completing your studies?

General points

It would seem that such a prestigious specialization and a high passing grade upon admission to a higher educational institution should be a guarantee of an excellent career and quick and profitable employment. But in practice the situation is somewhat different. Have you graduated from the Faculty of State and Municipal Administration? Who to work with - don’t know? To begin with, let us highlight the features of this direction.

Features of the profession

A natural question arises for those who have chosen “state and municipal management”: what can they do after completing their studies? Yesterday's students have three alternative paths:

  • work in a private organization;
  • get a job in a government agency;
  • get a position at an institute or research laboratory.

Such are the prospects for the specialization “state and municipal management”; the choice of whom to work is up to the holder of the diploma. When applying for a job, the applicant must take into account financial needs and his own ambitions. After five years of training in the basics of forecasting and analysis, there should be little difficulty in working out all the benefits of the proposed position.

Career growth

IN real life Graduates of the “state and municipal management” major do not choose who to work with, but agree to any proposals related to office work. Such a position can hardly be called the ultimate dream, but, despite the low salary and significant amount of work, the clerk has every chance for good career growth. But this is only relevant in those organizations in which subsequent career advancement is possible. Holders of a diploma in “state and municipal management” must choose who to work for themselves.

Service to the state

If a graduate has chosen to work in a government organization, he must understand the full burden of responsibility that is placed on him. In essence, such an employee is an intermediary between government institutions and ordinary people. Are you thinking about who to work after the “state and municipal administration” faculty? At first, you can only count on a category 2 specialist position in government agencies. The salary that will be offered to a young specialist does not exceed 20-25 thousand rubles. But the state in many regions of the country offers various support measures, for example, benefits for children enrolling in preschool educational institutions, free travel to public transport, treatment in local sanatoriums. As the length of service increases, the size automatically increases, and the opportunity to move up the career ladder appears.

Private companies

Do you have a diploma with a specialization in municipal and public administration"Haven't decided where to work yet? Try to get a job in a private company. In this case, you can count on a good salary even without experience. If you want to get instant material profit, immediately look for vacancies in non-state companies. Graduates who dream of serving their country faithfully must be prepared for low wages and irregular work schedules. The main advantage of such a choice can be considered the opportunity to maximally satisfy one’s personal ambitions. You have a specialty in “state and municipal administration”, haven’t you decided who to work with yet? In this case, try to apply for a job at a large corporation first. Every company has a special department whose employees are engaged in establishing relationships with government agencies.

Requirements for an employee of a private company

In order to count on a high salary, working in a department dealing with relations with government agencies, you must have certain skills:

  • conduct a full analysis of the actions of the authorities, laws adopted, policies pursued;
  • find ways effective interaction with government agencies;
  • support and implement programs that are aimed at joint activities with local governments;
  • identify the main needs of the company.

Not every private company has such interaction with government authorities. high level, which would allow the creation of special departments and the hiring of qualified employees. Only huge corporations and large monopolists engage in such activities. In them, the main shareholder and founder is the state, so it will be difficult for a recent graduate to get a job in such a serious company, even if he has the profession of “state and municipal management.” Where to work for newly minted specialists?

Consulting offices and analytical centers

Employment in such organizations does not guarantee high wages. Moreover, it will be difficult to count on quick career growth. But for those people who are interested in forecasting and analysis, working in a consulting center or analytical agency will be excellent option. If the forecasts you make turn out to be accurate and successful, there is a chance in a few years to gain a positive image and become a respected member of the team. Gradually, you will gain some weight in a certain circle, your suggestions and ideas will be listened to, you will be systematically invited to various analytical programs and programs. At the same time, it is necessary to understand that only a few can make a full-fledged career; everyone else will have to be content with second roles and perform very prosaic duties. There is a small chance of ending up as an employee of an international consulting company and getting the opportunity to realize your own potential.

Work as an official

There are certain requirements that an employer places on a graduate of a higher educational institution. In order to count on a prestigious job, you must demonstrate to a potential employer the following qualities:

  • Analysis. It is necessary to have information about the main changes taking place in the financial market, in tax policy, to monitor political trends, and to be aware of the possible risks of management work.
  • Organization of activities. Be able to create and plan new projects, including the development of programs for an entire region.

In addition to the skills listed above, the official must establish full-fledged relationships with the public, speak several languages, and provide consultations to private firms. If a young employee has all these qualities, he will find a very promising and highly paid job and will be in demand.


After five years of study, having received the specialty “state and municipal administration”, the holder of the diploma decides where to get a job. It is important not to forget all the skills and knowledge that were acquired during the study process and to fully implement them in practice. This specialty is considered one of the most modern and youngest in our country. In 2015, a new federal educational standard for training specialists in state and municipal management. At the moment, this specialization is one of the most popular among applicants, so to enter the Faculty of Management you need high scores unified state exam. Successful graduates secondary schools try to get into this particular specialization, realizing that after completing their studies they will have a real chance to work in commercial structures, public administration.

“State and municipal management”, or simply GMU, is one of the popular and very promising areas of training in the higher education system of the Russian Federation.

In November 2016 in Russian Federation The Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education in the area of ​​master's training in "Public and Municipal Administration" came into effect (04/38/04). Its main goal is to maximally direct the educational process towards the formation of the necessary competencies for work in government bodies. Nowadays the field of “state and municipal management” is one of the most in demand. According to statistics, more and more young people who choose it are successfully building their careers.

State Medical University at IBDA RANEPA

The master's program “Innovative technologies for the interaction of government, business and society in state and municipal management” by the Institute of Biology and Public Administration of the Russian Presidential Academy of National Economy and Public Administration is an analogue of a second higher education. It was specially created for those students who already have a higher education along with experience in a leadership position. The GMU program will be interesting and useful to those students who want to deepen their knowledge in this area.

Why is it worth studying at State Medical University at IBDA RANEPA

Prestige of the university. IBDA is a leading institute in one of the largest and most respected state universities in the Russian Federation - the Presidential Academy (RANEPA). The level of education received here is highly valued not only in Russia, but also abroad. The institute's programs have prestigious international accreditations.

Perspective. In the program “Innovative Technologies for the Interaction of Government, Business and Society in State and Municipal Administration” of the Institute of Biology and Public Administration of RANEPA, students acquire the skills and develop the competencies necessary for a modern leader. With their help, they can achieve success in state and municipal authorities, public and non-profit organizations, Russian and international companies. Many university graduates, after receiving their second education, demonstrate a very high rate of wage growth.

Strong teaching staff. Another strong argument in favor of studying in the program “Innovative technologies for interaction between government, business and society in state and municipal management” at the IBDA RANEPA is the teaching staff. It brings together famous scientists and practitioners who are ready to share their knowledge and experience with listeners. Scientific director of the State Medical University program – Stanislav Alekseevich Strizhov, professor, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Honored Economist of the Russian Federation. He heads the Department of Innovative Technologies in the Public Sphere and Business of the IBDA.

Effective learning format. The program “Innovative technologies for interaction between government, business and society in state and municipal management” uses modern methods teaching. Theory underlies the course, but most of the training at GMU consists of practice - this master's program uses modern interactive forms. They help students master the skills of new effective management technologies, know what Wiki-government is, what is the essence of management using foresight and how to create smart system public administration.

Master's program at State Medical University

04/38/04 Innovative technologies for interaction between government, business and society at State Medical University

The main goal of the program is to train undergraduates modern approaches to the organization of a state and municipal management program through the use of technologies and tools of the business environment. As a result, master's students will master the skills of organizing a constructive dialogue between government, business and civil society institutions.

Duration: 2 years 5 months.

Why do successful people choose IBD?

  • AACSB International - global association for the development of management education
  • EFMD – European Foundation for Management Development
  • Executive MBA Council - international Council of Executive MBA programs
  • GMAC (General Mamagement Admission Council) - a global center for analytical research in business education
  • CEEMAN – Central and Eastern European Management Associations
  • RABO - Russian Association of Business Education
  • IBSA – International Business School Alliance
  • NACDOBE - National Accreditation Council for Business and Management Education
  • Association of Managers of Russia - one of the leading business associations in Russia?
  • PRME (Principles for Responsible Management Education) is an organization whose mission is to support business education to form a new generation of managers guided by universal values, capable of coping with the complex challenges of our time.

According to the results of the internal ranking of the Academy

  • all Academy schools were divided into three levels
    (international, national and local),
  • and programs based on “stardom”
    (from 1 to 6 “stars”).
The group of leaders – “Schools of International Level” – was headed by the Institute of Business and Business Administration.
The MBA and EMBA programs of IBDA received the highest rating – six “stars”.

IBDA traditionally occupies top positions in many domestic and foreign rankings, including in terms of the most important indicator of the quality of a business school – the success of its graduates:

  • According to a study by Eduniversal, a leading European expert and rating agency in the field of education, IBDA programs are among best programs world in 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011
  • IBDA is the leader of the national ranking of Russian business schools for 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012.
  • – 160 students, graduates and teachers of IBDA.

According to the results of a study by the Russian MBA League, studying in an MBA program contributes to serious career growth and a significant increase in salary.

  • Graduates of the IBDA MBA program note an increase in their own income by 69% 2-4 years after completing the program.
  • The study includes leading business education programs that provide graduates with the highest income and most successful careers. The survey involved 940 graduates of 27 leading Russian business schools from 5 federal districts

“We are proud of this indicator, because for six years the Institute of Business and Business Administration of RANEPA according to “ People's rating"Russian business schools" traditionally took 1-2 places in increasing the income of its graduates... This suggests that we are able to help our students gain the necessary knowledge, skills and practical experience, influence their mentality so that they are successful" ,” noted IBDA director Sergei Myasoedov.

Evidence of successful completion of the program

Evidence of successful completion of the program 396 862

Program results

  • Diploma - value in the labor market
    • State diploma of higher education Russian Academy of National Economy and civil service under the President of the Russian Federation with the award of the degree “Master of State and Municipal Administration”.
    • IBDA graduates have the highest rate of salary growth after receiving their second education compared to graduates of other business schools.
  • Practical knowledge
    • Over 70% of classes are conducted in interactive forms (online seminars, discussions, analysis specific situations, business and role-playing games, management trainings, etc.), allowing you to master skills practical application effective management technologies.
  • Networking
    • The IBDA Alumni Association has more than 30 thousand members: it is called a community of successful people.
    • Friendly connections and the possibility of joint projects.
  • Freedom and confidence in decision making
    • You will develop the skills to make successful decisions in company management, based on an understanding of processes and a vision of the business as a whole.
    • You will be able to communicate with other students in the same professional language and make useful business contacts: our study groups are homogeneous in composition, we select the most capable and promising.
    • Develop leadership qualities

Master's degree in "GMU" in facts and figures

505 864

For many, it is still a mystery what the specialty “state and municipal administration” includes. What skills are taught at universities within this profile, and most importantly - where to go to work later.

State and municipal administration: what kind of profession?

Russia is a state with its own administrative apparatus, which is divided into three levels: federal, regional and municipal. Each level is called upon to resolve a range of issues within its competence: from the adoption of legislation to cleaning adjacent home areas in each individual city or town.

In order for government structures to work effectively and not violate the law and the rights of individual citizens, highly qualified personnel are needed, whose training takes place specifically in the “state and municipal administration” profile. Graduates of this specialty can competently organize the work of government agencies, distribute the budget, process citizens’ requests, improve economic stability, and much more.

How did this specialty appear?

The expression “a country can be ruled by a cook” has long been irrelevant and is fundamentally incorrect. Ordinary people do not even imagine that a person in public service should be deeply versed in various fields: from jurisprudence to biology and geography, in order to make quality management decisions.

Advanced countries have been training specialists in this field for a long time; in our country, the system of state and municipal government began to receive competent personnel only in the 2000s.

At a time when the country was just rising from its knees, without a stable regulatory framework behind it, there was a need for professionals who, thanks to their knowledge and competencies, would develop and implement projects aimed at improving the lives of citizens and the state as a whole.

Since 1995, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation has issued several standards for training in this specialty at universities and secondary schools. professional institutions. Then people did not know what state and municipal management included, who to work for, what to do, so only a few went to study, at the moment this program is one of the most popular among humanitarian areas.

Many artists, politicians, and public figures send their children to this direction because of the versatility of the knowledge gained.

Where can you go to get a job after studying?

The prestige of this work has recently risen greatly, but when choosing a specialty in “state and municipal management”, not everyone understands who to work with next. What government structures are open to graduates of this profile?

  • Administration different levels, and this could be the presidential administration.
  • Various executive bodies: committees, departments, departments dealing with economics, housing and communal services, education, healthcare, transport, social protection, ecology.
  • Legislative structures, be it the State Duma, the regional or territorial Legislative Assembly or the Council of People's Deputies directly in the municipality. Here you can speak directly on a professional basis, as well as in the supporting apparatus of the entire body or an individual deputy.
  • Diplomatic departments, departments for foreign economic relations.
  • Supervisory authorities ( tax service, law enforcement, bailiff service).
  • Various civil institutions dealing with issues of social protection, insurance, and pensions.
  • Multifunctional centers providing government services to the population.

In addition, you can stay as a teacher at the university (after completing master's and postgraduate studies), and go to research centers.

Also commercial organizations Where management personnel are needed, applicants with a diploma in state and municipal administration are often preferred.

Advantages of working in government structures

  1. If you choose the profession of state and municipal administration, work will be guaranteed for you. Market vacant positions is constantly updated, and there is a demand for specialists in both federal and municipal bodies.
  2. The employer is the state. Accordingly, all labor legislation will be observed, and wages will always arrive on time.
  3. Career growth can begin in an ordinary municipal administration, and end in the State Duma - it all depends on the employee’s ambitions, his skills and efforts.
  4. The knowledge gained during training and in the process of work will allow you to quickly and effectively solve your own everyday problems, since you will know exactly what you need to pay attention to in contracts, where to go for a particular problem, what rights you have .
  5. Many employees have business trips as part of their work, so you will have the opportunity to visit different corners Russia and not only.
  6. Being a manager is prestigious. Employees are classified as modern intelligentsia.

Training program

In order to become a competent specialist, you need a broad outlook, which universities try to develop as much as possible. The student must master the basic disciplines for general development, such as: philosophy, history, mathematics, life safety, foreign language, concept of modern natural science, physical culture, ecology, political science.

In addition, there is a whole series disciplines in the specialty: office management, jurisprudence (both general and narrower: civil, criminal, administrative, land and so on), economics (world, macro-, micro-), theory of state and municipal administration, project management, territorial management , territorial structure, management, marketing, a set of disciplines in computer science and many others.

There are also disciplines designed to develop the personal qualities of students and their innovative spirit: psychology, sociology, ethics, business communications, consulting, cultural studies, logic, rhetoric, innovation management, public relations management and similar courses.

Thus, knowledge and experience, a broad outlook and a thirst for research, the development of creative and rule-making abilities, as well as a huge range of competencies that are applicable in various fields, are provided by training in the specialty of state and municipal management. The student will decide where to work next without any problems, since in addition to the public service, such a base is also required in other organizations, both commercial and non-profit.

What issues should a graduate understand?

  • Know the Constitution, basic federal and regional laws.
  • Navigate the government structures and government system.
  • Know how to find reliable legal information.
  • Know economic patterns, the political situation in the country, problems in the social sphere.
  • Be able to make thoughtful management decisions.
  • own various methods analysis, forecasting, statistics and reporting.
  • The most important thing is to understand, after receiving a specialty in state and municipal administration, who to work with later.

What qualities do you need to have to become a successful manager?

  1. Strive for knowledge.
  2. Be punctual.
  3. Have patience and will.
  4. Be able to correct mistakes.
  5. Think several steps ahead.
  6. Don't be afraid to bring something new into your life and work.

Where can I get an education?

In Russia, this specialty can be obtained almost everywhere in large cities and regional centers. In fact, every classical and economics university offers training and retraining in state and municipal management. Where to work after training, average local wages, job market within the subject - these questions can be asked directly admissions committee, in order to clearly determine the training profile.

As a rule, this specialty is paid, but there are exceptions. You can apply based on the results of the Unified State Exam, as well as an interview if you already have a secondary specialized education.

At the moment, you can study the full bachelor's program, get additional education or take courses.

State and municipal management is an opportunity to gain broad knowledge, skills in working with people, learn the basics of office work, in addition, a person will eventually move up the career ladder, which is important for many.

Career growth: where to start?

After graduating from university, you need to create a resume. Next, on the official websites of government agencies, study vacant offers and choose the most attractive ones for yourself.

In the civil service, positions are hired only through competition, so it is worth carefully studying the regulatory framework of the relevant body and the main acts relating to the civil service.

It is necessary to prepare in advance all the necessary documents that must be brought to the interview location. As a rule, filling a position lasts 1-2 months.

Thus, you should not be afraid to enter state and municipal government. Whom you will work with, you will definitely decide during your training, since during practical training you will get acquainted with various bodies directly, and you will decide what is more interesting: social, legislative, economic, law enforcement, environmental protection or something else. Even if you realize that this profession is not for you, then with your existing qualifications and competencies you can easily find another, more interesting vacancy outside the public service.

Code and name of the area of ​​training:

03/38/04. State and municipal administration

Focus (profile)/master's program:

No profile

Qualification (degree)


Development period

5 years

Form of study


Labor intensity

240 credits

Types of professional activity/types of tasks of professional activity

1. Organizational and managerial activities (main type);
2. Information and methodological activities;
3.Communicative activities;
4. Project activities;
5.Auxiliary technological (performing) activities;
6.Organizational and regulatory activities;
7.Executive and administrative activities.

Areas and objects of professional activity

The department trains bachelors of state and municipal administration to carry out administrative work in federal bodies of state power and administration, bodies of state power and administration of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, and local government bodies.


In order to consolidate knowledge, skills and abilities formed during the development of academic disciplines, gaining experience in professional activities and analytical work, the undergraduate curriculum provides for students to undergo the following types of practice:
1. Educational practice to obtain primary professional skills;
2. Industrial practice to gain professional skills and professional experience;
3. Pre-graduation practice for completing final qualifying work.
Our department organizes students for all types of internships in government bodies and public organizations:
1.Apparatus State Duma Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation;
2.The apparatus of the Central Election Commission of the Russian Federation;
3.Apparatuses of federal ministries and departments;
4. Apparatuses of prefectures and councils of the city of Moscow;
5.Administration of the Governor of the Moscow Region;
6.Apparatuses of executive authorities of the Moscow region;
7. Public organizations (“Association of Lawyers of Russia”, “Corps “For Clean Elections”).

Networking with educational organizations

1. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education " Russian Academy national economy and public service under the President of the Russian Federation", Moscow regional branch in Krasnogorsk;
2. Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education "State University of Management", Directorate of the Center for Experimental Programs, Moscow;
3.International Independent Ecological and Political Science University, Moscow;
4. Law Institute in St. Petersburg, St. Petersburg.

State final certification

State final certification in the field of study 38.03.04 “State and municipal management” (bachelor’s level) includes passing the state final exam and defending a final qualifying thesis.
When approving the list of scientific supervisors of graduates qualifying work students, the profile and level of education are taken into account, professional qualifications, area and specificity scientific research conducted by teachers of the department.

Opportunity to continue training

The department has opened a master’s program in the direction of training 04/38/04 “Public and Municipal Administration” (Master’s program “Organization of the State Civil Service (Municipal Service”), forms of study - correspondence, distance learning, budget places.
In accordance with the Department’s Development Program for 2017 – 2022, in the medium term it is planned to open new master’s programs in the area of ​​training 04/38/04 “Public and Municipal Administration”:
1. Management in the field of culture, education and science;
2. State and municipal social policy;
3.Management of social changes;
4.Parliamentary activities and ensuring inter-parliamentary cooperation;
5.Public service and personnel policy;
6.Public policy and management.
