What is possible after 9 pm. What can you eat in the evening when losing weight - list of products

How to avoid eating?
We talk about how to tame your big appetites.

Method one. Deceive hunger with liquid

Instead of eating something extra, it’s better to drink something (not what you thought). For example, a glass of mineral water with a small amount of lemon juice. Just pay attention to the composition. For daily use, it is better to choose a dining room (rather than a medical one) mineral water, because in medicinal mineral water the concentration of salts is several times higher than the permissible standards for drinking water, and only a doctor can prescribe such a drink for you.

If you are tired of mineral water, drink a cup of green tea - the catechins contained in it slow down the absorption of fats and normalize glucose levels in the body. You can use “grandmother’s” recipes: brew fresh parsley and drink half a glass - the desire to eat an elephant will disappear. Rinsing the mouth with mint infusion helps. Decoctions from currant or raspberry leaves, unsweetened fruit drinks from berries are another “grandmother’s” wise lifesaver for the hot summer. You can also drink a glass of tomato juice before eating - and for the next three hours, thoughts about food will leave you.

Method two. Keep a diary

Publishing everything that happens during the day on your microblog is a real craze among Internet users. If you have such a passion, try to direct it in the right and more useful direction: write down everything you eat in a diary. And it is not necessary to publish all this on the Internet - an ordinary notebook or notepad will do. This method forces you to think before each meal: “Do I really want to eat 10 pieces of chocolate bars, write it down, and be in the throes of conscience in the evening?”

Method three. Snack wisely

The first place in the ranking of low-calorie snack foods is occupied by carrots (1 piece - only about 10 calories). It contains a lot of carotene and other useful substances - so nibble on your health. But do not forget that vitamin A (beta-carotene) is fat-soluble, so it is better to prepare fresh juice and add a spoonful of olive oil.

For snacks, yogurt with 1.5% fat content (only 120 calories) is also suitable; it contains lactic acid bacteria, which are useful for both digestion and immunity.

All citrus fruits are low-calorie (one orange or grapefruit has no more than 80 calories, and there is also a lot of zinc, selenium, vitamins A, C, E), so choose based on taste and color. Great option- apple. But do not eat the whole thing at once, but stretch out the pleasure: cut the fruit into slices and slowly enjoy it. If you can’t live without sweets, spread a layer of natural honey on the apples. Only thin!

Some people like to snack on nuts. It makes sense. In 20 grams of assorted nuts - about 120 calories - you can afford small doses of up to 50 grams. And it’s even necessary - nuts contain a lot of iodine, folic acid and B vitamins. You can dilute the nut company with dried fruits. Yes, prunes, dried apricots, raisins and other delicacies are quite high in calories, they contain a lot of glucose, but at the same time, dried fruits are easily digestible and do not deposit fat on the hips and waist. And in the same prunes, for example, there is a lot of plant fiber, it normalizes intestinal function and removes toxins from the body.

By the way, if you have an incorrigible sweet tooth, we recommend snacking on marshmallows instead of chocolate bars and cakes. It contains virtually no fat, but does contain pectin - a substance of plant origin that is beneficial for gastrointestinal tract. Pectin also reduces cholesterol levels in the body. But you shouldn’t get too carried away with marshmallows either.

Method four. Don't ignore breakfast

How quickly you get hungry again depends on what your breakfast is. If possible, breakfast should contain 25% of the body's daily protein requirement. Protein stimulates the pancreas to produce a hormone responsible for converting fat that accumulates in our cells into energy. After a protein-rich breakfast, you won't be craving something to snack on again so quickly.

Those who skip breakfast in a hurry risk gaining weight. The fact is that some time after dinner you go to bed, the metabolic processes in your body also “fall asleep”. And breakfast is like morning work-out, which restarts these processes in the body. If there is no breakfast, the body continues to sit idle, it simply does not have the strength to burn calories (studies show that those who eat breakfast have a 5% higher metabolism than those who ignore their morning meal). And this is already fraught with unnecessary “details” on the hips and waist.

From the point of view of nutritionists, ideal breakfast foods are soft-boiled eggs, low-fat cottage cheese, fish (but not fried, but baked) or an omelet with cheese. Try protein shakes: they contain no carbohydrates - only proteins. You can add fresh berries or fruits to the cocktail - it will be both tasty and doubly healthy. A piece of wholemeal bread or buckwheat is also very helpful - these are sources of “good” carbohydrates.

Method five. Move more

30 minutes of good aerobic exercise is enough for the body to start the process of burning fat. After a portion of fitness, the appetite is dulled. And in general: movement is the enemy of hunger and the subsequent gluttony, so be more active. Find something to do at home, take a fitness walk to the market to buy vegetables (45-minute walk - minus 300 calories), forget about the existence of an elevator in your entrance (10-minute daily walks up and down the stairs - minus 5 kg per year), buy a pool membership (an hour of relaxing swimming - cut out 300 calories) or just clean up the house (30 minutes of cleaning - that's minus 120 calories). In general, combine useful with... useful.

Method six. Hide in the bathroom

An evening bath works wonders - it calms you down and reduces your appetite. IN hot water you will sweat a lot (at the same time, excess toxins will go away), relax, and after relaxation you will hardly have the strength to storm the refrigerator and cook anything.

You can experiment with flavors. Flavors that reduce hunger - mint, vanilla, green apple, cinnamon, anise, lavender. Add essential oils straight into the water, and if you don’t like baths, then into the aroma lamp. Grapefruit (by the way, just smelling the peels of this citrus fruit) is also an excellent fight against hunger pangs.

And a couple more important little things

Buy a blue tablecloth. Blue color reduces appetite. But red, yellow, orange - on the contrary, they kindle it;

Turn off the music and TV. It has been proven that if you dine with musical accompaniment, you eat an order of magnitude more and your hand reaches out for more. Do you need this?

Buy dishes for Thumbelina. Small plates and spoons - small portions. And small calories.

Listen not only to your heart, but also to your stomach. Eat only when you feel hungry.

Hide food. As strange as it may sound, out of sight, out of mind. If you have a problem with overeating, it is better to hide all high-calorie foods away from temptation or simply not store them at home.

“Night glutton” is a terrible enemy of almost everyone who tries to adhere to healthy image nutrition. He doesn't let you fall asleep and drives you to the refrigerator in dark time days. Alas, it is difficult to resist him, for many it is impossible. But you can give in and eat something not very harmful.

By the evening, food is processed in the body much worse than in the first half of the day, since all processes in our body slow down and it prepares for sleep. And you go there - a cutlet, fatty, sizzling. What a gift! And it will not be digested properly and will settle almost entirely on the thighs.

But jokes are jokes, and in the evenings people also want to eat. And if you come home around 10 pm, after a busy day, then how can you not eat here. Of course, we need to have dinner. But not every dinner will be good shortly before going to bed.

There are several rules: firstly, dinner should not be the main meal of the day. If you can’t have a normal lunch, then shift the focus to breakfast. And dinner should be as light as possible, but at the same time noticeable.

Secondly, it is advisable to wait a little after eating and not immediately fall into bed. And third, consider avoiding eating close to bedtime. Best time for dinner - 3-4 hours before bedtime, and one hour before - you can drink a glass of kefir or milk.

But remember that abruptly tearing yourself away from the refrigerator is not an option. You'll still fail. You can make your dinner as light and healthy as possible. To do this, our 9 late-night snack ideas will come in handy.

What you can eat before bed:

1. Sandwich

But not plain, but on wholemeal crackers. Such a snack will not only satisfy your hunger, but will not affect your figure.

2. Kefir

Drink kefir. Not only does it aid digestion, but it is also a source of protein and calcium and is sugar-free.

3. Porridge

Cook yourself some porridge. If you think that it is only good in the morning, then you are mistaken. Just remember that the cereal should be whole grain and the milk should be low-fat. Milk also contains substances that help you fall asleep.

4. Baked apple

If you want something sweet before bed, then instead of cakes and sweets, try eating a baked apple. Place it in the microwave for 3 minutes, sprinkle cinnamon on top and pour honey. Apples are high in vitamin C and fiber and low in calories.

5. Turkey meat

Another way to eat and sleep peacefully is baked turkey meat. Make a turkey sandwich using fiber-rich wheat crackers as a base.

6. Frozen juice or fruit

If you really want ice cream, we recommend freezing the juice in a mold in advance. This way you get a fruity, refreshing dessert, but without the sugar and fat. Another alternative to ice cream is frozen bananas, which can be dipped in yogurt before freezing. They are lower in calories, and the potassium they contain is an excellent sleep aid.

7. Almonds

Nuts are very high in calories and healthy, so they will absolutely help kill the night worm. Here it is important to restrain yourself from eating too much. 10 almonds will not only satisfy your hunger, but will also supply your body with B vitamins and magnesium.

8. Coconut milk with strawberries

Coconut milk is an excellent source of calcium, protein, iron, vitamins E and C, and... niacin - yes! After all, the first sign of Parkinson's and Alzheimer's disease is precisely its deficiency! Well and beneficial features Everyone knows about strawberries: they also contain vitamin C, folic acid and magnesium, and on top of that they are low in calories.

9. Soy products

Do you want to munch on some chips? Take soybeans. They are also salty and crispy, but they have much less fat and calories than potato ones.

One of the most simple diets is to not eat after six o'clock in the evening. However, it's easy to say! And if you live in the city (and most of us live in the city) and work a regular job, then you don’t get home before six. And when did you eat at work? last time? Most likely during the lunch break.

Thus, it turns out that such a simple step as limiting food intake by time is not always possible. What to do? Maybe you can still eat something after six o’clock in the evening? Let's figure it out.

What happens in the body in the evening hours?

In the evening, the body legitimately rests after a hard day. He gets ready for bed, so he spends less energy. It’s clear that you shouldn’t overwhelm him with calories. However, a hungry body is also no good. Man is still a part of nature, and from time to time it reminds itself of itself. So, if a person is hungry, then the brain sends signals that it’s time to hunt (that is, get food), and this is associated with the body’s production of adrenaline. Adrenaline excites the nervous system, making it difficult to fall asleep.

So it is better to eat after six o'clock in order to sleep peacefully. The last meal can be an hour before bedtime (depending on what you eat), and even more so 4-6 hours before, that is, from 7 to 10 pm you can have a snack.

What foods won't harm your figure after six?

  • Foods that are digested slowly.
  • Foods that don't excite nervous system.
  • Foods that speed up metabolism (negative calorie foods).

Of course, you don't need to eat too much, although this rule is not only for evening meals. This way, you won’t be hungry, but you won’t be burdened by the excess of what you eat, you won’t be “drawn to heroic deeds,” and you won’t gain weight.

And now more details.

All products containing a large amount of dietary fiber, that is, fiber, and milk protein, are digested slowly, leaving you feeling full for a long time and not being stored in fat. What are these products?

  • All types of vegetables (perhaps except potatoes).
  • Dairy products: low-fat milk, kefir, yogurt, cottage cheese.
  • Cereals.

For dinner you can make a vegetable salad with vegetable oil. If it’s been a busy day, and sleep is still far away, then a piece of boiled milk won’t hurt. chicken breast or fish. Flounder is suitable for dinner. This fish has very little fat (about 3%), calories - only 83 kcal per 100 grams. But flounder is rich in vitamins and beneficial microelements.

Boiled vegetables are also suitable, for example, vinaigrette. You can even eat a couple of boiled potatoes. But you should be careful with potatoes and not get carried away. It is quite possible to allow oatmeal for dinner, the main thing is that there is not much of it, and preferably without sugar. Dairy products are also a good dinner, and low-fat cottage cheese or a cocktail of cottage cheese with kefir can be eaten closer to bedtime, about an hour before it.

Foods with negative calories.

  • Vegetables: beets, cabbage, carrots, cucumbers, pumpkin, spinach, tomatoes, celery.
  • Fruits: lemon, lime, papaya, pineapple, apricots.
  • Berries: blueberries, blueberries, raspberries, strawberries.
  • The same dairy products.

What is the beauty of foods with so-called negative calories? The fact is that the body needs more energy to digest them than it receives from them. As a result, you can eat comfortably and not worry about gaining weight. For example, if you have a light dinner at 7 or 8 pm, you may be a little hungry by 9-10. It’s better not to fight this hunger, but to eat something that burns fat and calm down. Otherwise, there is a high probability that closer to 11-12 pm you will still not be able to stand it and will be tempted by something in the refrigerator.

I would like to say something special about some products.

According to recent research, dairy products are very good fat burners. Professor of nutrition and medicine Mike Zemel from the University of Tennessee published a report saying that weight loss occurs faster if dairy products are included in the diet.

An important mineral found in dairy products is calcium. Eating foods rich in calcium shortly before bed increases its absorption, and it will be easier to fall asleep, since it is a mild natural sedative. If you drink a glass of kefir rather than milk and yogurt at night, the relaxing effect will be greater due to the small percentage of alcohol it contains. However, with increased stomach acidity, kefir should be consumed with caution.

Beets are a great vegetable. Listing all its advantages will take a lot of time. The main reason why you can eat it in the evening is betaine, which burns fat. In addition, beets contain curcumin - a substance that does not allow the fat cell to become overgrown with blood vessels, that is, it does not receive nutrition and is not fixed in the body.

Beets can be eaten in salads; you can use grated boiled beets as a side dish for chicken or fish. You should not eat this vegetable if you have kidney or stomach diseases.

A unique vegetable is celery. Its root contains about a dozen kilocalories, that is, almost none, so you can safely eat it after six o’clock in the evening. A large amount of fiber helps normal intestinal function and removes toxins. However, celery is a natural diuretic and removes fluid from the body. Therefore, it is better to eat a salad with celery 2-3 hours before bedtime, so as not to get up to go to the toilet at night. Stomach diseases and varicose veins are contraindications for consuming celery.

Oddly enough, you can eat a banana at night. Although it cannot be called a low-calorie product or a fat burner, nevertheless, one small banana will only bring benefits. Tryptophan contained in bananas helps the body produce serotonin, the hormone of joy. This hormone has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, helping to achieve calm and tranquility. What else does a person need before bed?

People with high sugar levels will have to give up bananas, and lovers of unripe fruits should take into account that such bananas cause increased gas formation.

What foods should you definitely not eat after six?

  • Fried.
  • Fat.
  • Spicy dishes, because they stimulate not only the nervous system, but also the appetite.
  • Salty, because they retain water, and this threatens morning swelling.
  • Sweets, alcohol, coffee - lead the nervous system into an excited state, preventing you from relaxing and resting normally. And without proper rest, any body cannot survive for long: failures, illnesses, depression and other troubles begin.

Trying to achieve ideal forms, most girls believe in the good old idea that after 6 p.m you need to keep your mouth shut. But we assure you: now you can breathe out calmly, since after 6 you can eat!

Of course, you don’t need to put everything you want into your mouth, but there are foods that, after snacking on them, you won’t feel at all harm your figure. Experts say that if you torment the body with fasting, fat will be deposited even more intensely! But a light vegetable salad will only do you good.

What to eat after 6 pm

1. Kiwi

Burns and breaks down fat, and also relieves heaviness in the stomach.

2. Flounder

Methionine breaks down fats, and proteins in flounder are up to 20%. But fat is up to 3%! So this fish is ideal for dietary nutrition.

3. Cod

Another one protein fish: 16 g per 100 g of product. Cod is especially useful for those who have liver problems. The total calorie content of this fish: 69 kilocalories per 100 g!

4. Beetroot

Regulates fat metabolism and destroys putrefactive bacteria. Useful material in its composition are not subject to destruction during heat treatments. And fat in it: 0.1 g per 100 g of product!

5. Champignons

Of course, this product should not be fried, but boiled. Champignon is the most common mushroom in the world! He is struggling with high level cholesterol in the blood and supplies the body with phosphorus and calcium.

6. Cabbage

A dietary product that is ideal for dinner. Improves intestinal motor activity and, thanks to fiber, has a positive effect on intestinal microflora.

7. Pumpkin

Calorie content of pumpkin is 28 kcal per 100 g of product. It is rich in fiber, and the amount of carotene can compete with carrots.

8. Turnip

A plant from the cabbage family is undeservedly forgotten by everyone. But in vain! Its calorie content is 30 kcal per 100 g of product. It should be consumed by people who are overweight and have diabetes.

9. Celery

Improves water-salt metabolism and promotes normal digestion. The fiber in its composition helps control hunger.

10. Raspberry

Rich in dietary fiber, which contributes to normal intestinal function.

11. Nectarines

The vitamins in its composition enhance the secretion of the digestive glands, facilitating the digestion of poorly digestible and fatty foods.

12. Corn

Of course, you need to eat boiled corn, not canned corn. This is a champion in iron content: 3700 mcg! The product is easily digestible and increases the activation of metabolic processes.

13. Vegetable caviar

Cheap and cheerful! Ideal for weight loss, as it is very nutritious and quickly saturates the body.

14. Pear

Instead of the popular apple, eat pears. The former only whet the appetite, but the pear contains low energy value: 42 kcal per 100 g of product. It also has less sugar than apples.

Now you have another rule that you can happily break. But you will have to forget about French fries, cakes and sweet carbonated drinks. Perfect time for dinner- three hours before you go to bed. Consider portion sizes and number of meals per day. Tell your friends the good news that they will be delighted with!

We know very well what we can eat at night and what is too harmful for the body. But sometimes we still can’t resist the temptation and look into the refrigerator. By the way, such cravings for snacks can be made completely harmless if you replace pies and sausage with healthier foods.

1. Cheese

Eating too much at night is a guaranteed bad dream, but the feeling of hunger will also prevent you from falling asleep normally. A couple of slices of hard cheese will dull the feeling of hunger and will not complicate the digestion process.

2. Yogurt

Greek yogurt is a great evening snack because it contains protein and minimal fat. Protein will make you feel full and also help you burn more calories.

3. Popcorn

Popcorn (as long as it's not buttered or salted) is a perfectly acceptable snack, and it's unlikely to affect your figure. You can make popcorn taste better by adding garlic or black pepper. Don't be surprised, you can actually eat popcorn at night.

4. Crackers

You can easily eat a couple of crackers, but only whole grain ones - and, of course, unsalted and unsweetened. They contain slow-burning carbohydrates that will fill you up quickly and won't hurt you at all.

5. Vegetables

You already have a presentiment that you will definitely wake up at night from a feeling of hunger and with a great desire to snack, you can prepare some dish in advance, for example, a vegetable salad. Green vegetables are highly recommended because they contain the type of carbohydrates that fill you up quickly.

6. Eggs

A boiled egg is only 75 calories, so eggs can definitely be eaten at night. You will forget about the painful feeling of hunger until the morning and will not be afraid.

7. Apple puree

If you are craving something sweet in the evenings, make yourself some apple puree with cinnamon. You can also add a small handful of raisins. This dish will relieve you of the desire to eat sweets and buns, plus it will reduce the level of orexin, which affects appetite and insomnia.

8. Banana

Banana digests very quickly, so you can eat it at night, and you will already protect yourself from waking up as a result of a hunger attack. Bananas contain a lot of magnesium and potassium, which help you relax and sleep, as well as the “sleep hormone” melatonin.

9. Cherry juice

Of course, we are talking only about natural cherry juice. This healthy drink will fill the stomach and have a positive effect on sleep, making it stronger and longer.

What should you not eat before bed?

Simple carbohydrates such as bakery products and sweets, do not provide any benefit, but quickly turn into excess weight.
Alcohol dehydrates the body and impairs sleep. You will also have to get up at night (more than once) to go to the toilet.
Salty and spicy foods may cause you to wake up to drink a glass of water, making it difficult to fall back to sleep.
