Installing hinges on an interior door: two insertion methods. Options for installing hinges on interior doors Installation of interior doors with hinged hinges

Installing hinges on interior doors - detailed instructions

How to install hinges on a door. Technology for installing various types of hinges on doors: step-by-step instructions

For someone who decides to do home renovations themselves, installing hinges on the door may become a problem. This is a very important operation: even a slight inaccuracy will lead to skew of the canvas and problems during operation. You can avoid this by adopting the following rules and tips.

How to choose the right hinges

You need to know that door hinges, depending on the material of manufacture, come in three types.

  1. Steel: the most reliable and durable, but not aesthetically attractive. More expensive models have a chrome finish.
  2. Brass: have an attractive appearance, but they do not last long, since the soft metal wears off over time.
  3. Brass plated: relatively cheap hinges that imitate brass. They are made of alloys and have a coating that gives the metal a characteristic shade. The service life is limited by rapid wear of rubbing parts.

Door hinges (see photo below) may differ in design depending on the material of the door leaf.

  1. Hinges for glass doors (for example, to a sauna) are attached on both sides, grasping and clamping the glass. Silicone or rubber inserts help to hold the canvas. Installation of such hinges without special equipment is impossible.
  2. Hinges for metal doors: there are external and internal. The external ones are equipped with support bearings or liner balls, as well as an adjusting screw to compensate for metal production. Hidden hinges for doors make it almost impossible for unauthorized persons to enter the premises: they cannot be cut or damaged, since there are no external parts.
  3. Loops for plastic doors: their difference is that they can be adjusted by increasing or decreasing the gaps between the canvas and the box. Installed by specialists metal-plastic doors balcony blocks.
  4. For wooden doors: there are overhead, mortise and screw-in (screw-in). Installing hinges on a wooden interior door is done using simple carpentry tools.

When choosing hinges, the following factors must be taken into account:

  • weight of the door leaf: for heavy ones, made of solid hardwood and for larger leaf sizes, additional door hinges are required; for ordinary doors, two are enough;
  • presence of bearings: hinges for heavy doors will open easily and without squeaking;
  • direction of door opening: depending on this, hinges are universal, as well as “left” and “right”.

Tools required for work

Inserting hinges into doors is carried out using the following set of tools and devices:

  • 500 g hammer and chisel;
  • screwdriver;
  • screws (self-tapping screws);
  • carpenter's pencil;
  • construction level;
  • wooden wedges.

It is convenient to insert hinges using an electric cutter: in this case, the need to use a chisel will practically disappear. It will only need to correct the corners (in places where the cutter cannot process the wood).

How to install hinges in a door: step-by-step instructions

Loops for interior doors or for entrance ones are installed after marking. Further work performed in the following order.

Marking and inserting hinges into the door leaf

  1. They retreat 200-250 mm from the top edge and from the bottom and make a mark. You should pay attention that there are no knots or damage to the wood in the area where the hinges are installed, otherwise problems will arise when screwing in the screws.

    If these defects are present, a different location for installing the hinges is selected (displaced).

  2. The edges of the loops are applied to the resulting marks and their outline is outlined.
  3. Using a chisel, cut along the contour of the loop.

    The beveled part of the tool should be oriented towards the loop, the cutting depth should not be greater than the thickness of the metal.

  4. Make a sample of wood using a chisel and hammer.
  5. Attach the hinges to the door leaf with self-tapping screws.

Important: if a mistake was made when selecting wood, you need to use cardboard spacers for the hinges.

Markings for the hinge on the door frame: important nuances

Do the same with the mating part of the hinge: cut out the contour in the door frame. To do this, the doors are hung on wooden wedges in such a way that there is a gap of 2-3 mm at the top, bottom and along the side edges of the panel. To temporarily fix the canvas, wooden wedges are used. During work, they are guided by the following rules:

  1. It will be easier to mark the hinges on the door frame if the door leaf is closed with a pre-embedded lock.
  2. It is necessary to check the position of the door leaf using a level: the door should not deviate either from the horizontal or from the vertical.
  3. To accurately mark the box, the hinge will have to be temporarily unscrewed from the door and then secured again.
  4. Cutting down wood using a chisel is done in such a way as to prevent excessive deepening, otherwise the door will warp during opening and closing.

Important: to prevent the wood from cracking when screwing in self-tapping screws, you must first drill holes with a thin drill.

Not everyone knows how to handle carpentry tools. In that case best solution– installation of butterfly hinges. Their peculiarity is that they belong to the category of “no-cut”. In the closed position, both sides of the loops close and fit into each other. A small gap is needed for the door to open and close well. How to install hinges on a door (procedure of action).

  1. We retreat about 250 mm from the top edge of the door, apply a hinge and outline its outline. You can use a pencil or an awl. This is necessary in order to subsequently correct the part if it moves during operation.
  2. Use a thin drill or awl to make small holes in the places where the screws are screwed in.
  3. We fasten the hinges to the door frame with screws (self-tapping screws).
  4. We install the door leaf into the frame opening, observing the necessary gaps. We check the horizontality of the upper and lower ends and fix it with wedges.
  5. We outline the position of the top loop.
  6. We remove the wedges and screw the door onto one (top) hinge. The door should be temporarily supported to avoid skewing and breaking the hinge.
  7. We position the door leaf so that its plane is strictly vertical.
  8. We outline the position of the bottom hinge and prepare holes for the screws.
  9. Screw in the screws and fix the bottom hinge. The job is done.

We install hinges on metal doors

For this work you need to have at your disposal:

  • welding machine;
  • electrodes with a diameter of 3-4 mm;
  • grinder with grinding wheel;
  • marker;
  • metal plates 3 mm thick.

Let's consider the process of installing overhead hinges equipped with a ball or support bearing and an adjusting screw.

Important: installation of locks, anti-cuts and crossbars is carried out after installing the hinges.

Step-by-step description of the hinge installation process.

  1. We install the door in the opening.
  2. We place metal plates on the bottom and sides: there should be a gap between the canvas and the elements of the opening.
  3. We measure from the bottom and top side about 250 mm and make marks.
  4. We apply the hinges, guided by the marks, and find a position in which the door will open and close freely.
  5. Using a welding machine, we spot weld the hinges so that they can support the weight of the door.
  6. We check the correctness of the selected position of the hinges by carefully opening and closing the doors several times. They should “walk” freely, without distortion, and open completely.
  7. After checking (if the hinges are located correctly), we finally weld all the parts.
  8. Using a grinder with a sharpening wheel, we remove the slag and make the joint smooth.
  9. Reinstall the support bearing (ball) and the adjusting screw.
  10. We paint the doors and hinges on the outside.

Important: during welding work The adjusting screw, bearing and ball must be removed to avoid deformation due to extreme heat. All internal surfaces The hinges must be generously lubricated with grease or other thick lubricant.

In conclusion, we suggest you watch a video demonstrating the process of inserting a hinge into an interior wooden door.

How to install hinges on a door

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How to embed door hinges quickly and efficiently

Greetings, my dear readers.

The topic of this article: “ How to cut door hinges correctly«

After we have learned how to assemble the door frame ourselves, we can move on to the next step and install door hinges.

The door hinge is essential element door frame, since it ensures the mobility of the door leaf.

Thanks to the competent and correct installation you can avoid future problems such as doors rubbing or jamming. Eliminate creaks and distortions of the door leaf.

After reading this article you will understand that cut door hinges you can do it yourself, without resorting to the help of craftsmen! I'm always for saving!

Necessary tool

To insert the loops we need a simple tool:

Loop selection

The choice of loops should be approached very carefully.

They must not only match the doors in design, but also perform their functions to prevent the door leaf from breaking.

Let's look at the most popular types:

The most common. They are two rectangular plates on the sides; they are also called “card plates”.

Absolutely identical to “card” loops. The only difference is that the plates are made in the form of corners. Used for pendulum and rebated doors.

The hinge on these hinges is “recessed” into the doors. Mainly used in the expensive door segment.

Consist of a rotary axis with pins. Such hinges hold very little weight and are mounted exclusively on lightweight doors, respectively.

According to the installation method, hinges are divided into:

  • Overhead loops - no preparation of the loop landing site is required. They are simply screwed into place with self-tapping screws. Such loops include butterfly loops.
  • Screw-in - simply screw into the door
  • Mortise hinges are hinges that require a recess. These include “card” and corner loops

Depending on the side of door opening, hinges are divided into:

  • left-handed
  • right-sided
  • universal

If everything is clear with the left and right hinges, then the universal ones can be used in both cases! (Captain obvious!) Their serious drawback is that they are non-separable. Therefore, inserting them will be a little more difficult.

Making markings on the door frame

Marking door hinges I always start with the door leaf. We retreat 20 cm from the top and bottom of the door and put marks.

We apply the hinges to the door so that the hinge rods just barely touch the door leaf. This is done to achieve free movement of the blade. You shouldn’t push the hinge too far either - loosen the fastening and the weight of the door will warp the hinge.

To prevent the loop from “walking” in your hands, you can grab it with a pair of self-tapping screws, having previously drilled holes of a smaller diameter for them.

Making markings on the loop beam

We transfer the size to the timber. How I do it is to combine the assembled door frame with the leaf on a flat horizontal surface, observing all the technological gaps.

Applying a loop, I transfer the marks directly to the beam.

We repeat the operation of tracing the contour.

All these steps are needed when installing overhead or corner hinges.

Installation of simple “card” loops

I start inserting the hinges from the door leaf.

After marking, you need to go along the contour with a chisel (I usually use 22 mm), carefully tapping it with a hammer.


If you are making a cut into wooden doors, then when marking, you need to inspect the post and door leaf for the presence of knots. If there are any, then we retreat up or down to the distance of the knot.

Then we place the chisel flat - without an angle, side up and remove the material layer by layer, making a recess for the loop. Repeat all steps for the second loop.


Never turn the chisel over cutting angle down. When struck with a hammer, the cutting edge will not go along the material, but will go down, removing more material than necessary. A heavily recessed hinge will cause the door leaf to rest against the frame and the door will gradually become deformed.

On the door beam everything is done exactly the same. A little advice for you - for greater convenience, you can unscrew the stand from the door frame and, together with the grooves, mount a place under the lock mate.

Installation of butterfly hinges

For those who don’t want to “bother” with all the procedures described above, feel free to purchase butterfly hinges.

Due to the fact that when combined, one part of the loop goes into the other, no manipulation with chisels can be done. It is enough to attach the loop to the installation site, drill holes and tighten the loop.

Butterfly loops often captivate beginners with their main advantage - they do not require making a groove for them. But during installation you should also take into account several nuances:

  • The butterfly hinges must be absolutely well aligned before installation. As a result of distortions, the door hinges will spring back or a distortion will appear when closing.
  • Another disadvantage of such hinges is the inability to remove the door leaf without unscrewing the hinge. The same applies to universal loops.
  • Since the “butterflies” are mounted without a groove, an unesthetic gap is formed.

Installation of corner “card” hinges

My friends, all the steps for installing these hinges are similar to simple hinges. The only difference is in the shape of the loops themselves.

One of the sides is made in the form of a 90° angle. Typically, interior doors have a technological gap and when closed, the leaf enters the frame, but if it is necessary to separate a cold room from a warm one, then doors with a rebate are used.

The narthex is a small protrusion along the entire length of the leaf that bridges the gaps, thereby significantly increasing the insulating properties of the doors.

Installing hidden hinges

Hidden loops have a number of advantages over others:

  • very easy care
  • they are practically invisible
  • increased resistance to burglary

So, in order to correctly embed hidden loops, you must adhere to this algorithm of actions:

  • First, we make the markings. It is similar to the methods described above.
  • We form a recess for the loop. There is small nuance- the whole point is that for the most part the form hidden loops not rectangular, but rounded. Therefore, if you don’t have a router, then “you’ll have to puff.” Use a small chisel.
  • Now, as when inserting locks, it is necessary to form recesses for the hinge system itself. To do this, use a drill with a crown or a drill. In order not to “overdo it” with depth, we first measure the loops. To ensure that the result of the work done does not disappoint you, approach it with all possible care.
  • The hinges remain to be secured with screws. To do this, we place them in the stock, drill holes for the screws and screw them in.

Adjusting the hinges

No matter how well the hinges are installed, nothing lasts forever.

Over time, the hinges may become loose - this can be corrected by simply tightening the screws.

Hidden hinges thanks modern mechanism, similar to loops plastic windows, allow adjustment in three planes.

Caring for door hinges

Any mechanism requires maintenance and hinges are no exception.

Before starting work, you need to clean the hinges from accumulated dust and dirt.

The first enemy of loops, which has a detrimental effect on them operational properties- friction. Over time, the factory lubricant loses its characteristics, which leads to the appearance of squeaks and disruption of the ease of movement of doors.

To avoid this, it is enough to carry out preventive maintenance once a year - lubricate the hinges. You can lubricate detachable hinges with machine oil or lithol, slightly separating the hinge.

For universal hinges You can use WD-40 spray.

After these operations, the doors need to be opened and closed several times to ensure even distribution of the lubricant. If any dirt gets on the door leaf, you need to wash the stain immediately.

To prevent damage to the paintwork, do not wipe them with abrasive substances, and also do not paint over the hinges, as was done before. Damage to the coating will lead to corrosion of the material and failure of the hinge.


Well, that's all, my friends.

As you can see DIY door hinge installation It will require patience and attentiveness from you, but if you follow all the recommendations described above, then you will definitely succeed!

All the best and see you soon!


Installing hinges on doors: step-by-step instructions

Installing hinges on doors - important stage installation of the door leaf and frame.

On the one hand, this process does not cause any problems, since it comes down to installing the hinges themselves and securing the door leaf, but on the other hand, it requires time, as well as patience and the availability of the tools necessary for installation.

Before installing door hinges with your own hands, think about whether you can achieve high quality work. It is on the correct installation of hinges and doors on them that their further operation largely depends.

Installation of door hinges on the leaf

Types of door hinges

Features of the installation of certain loops will depend on their type. Hinges are classified according to structural features and fastening into three main types:

  • Invoices. They consist of two identical parts fastened together. One part is fixed to the door frame, the other to the leaf. There are also universal loops that are a single unit. Installation of overhead hinges does not require special skills and is the simplest and most accessible to everyone.

Overhead type door hinges

Mortise. They are characterized by a more complex and time-consuming installation, which requires special equipment and skills to work with it. The complexity of installation is compensated by the wide distribution of mortise hinges, as well as their reliability and durability.

  • Screw-in. They are fastened using threaded pins - they are screwed into the door leaf, thereby securely fastening to its surface. Usually installed in the amount of three pieces per door, they differ in the number of fastening pins.

Three types of screw-in hinges for doors

There are also hidden door hinges, which are highly complex to install, but guarantee excellent security and safety of your home.

Preparing the necessary tools

The installation process is unthinkable without a set of certain materials, tools and equipment necessary for the job. So, before starting installation you should prepare:

  • door hinges.
  • screwdriver and set of screws.
  • pencil (necessary for marking).
  • a set of wooden wedges for leveling the structure.
  • building level.
  • hammer and chisel.

After you have verified that the work area If you have the tools and materials listed above, you can begin installing door hinges.

Correct marking

Installing door hinges by eye is unacceptable - even a small error can lead to distortion and deformation of the door leaf and structure. Marking is done with a pencil as follows:

  1. Attach the hinges to the intended installation locations. Hinges should be placed with a minimum distance of 20 centimeters from the edges of the door (top and bottom).
  2. Trace the hinges attached to the door end with a pencil, then set them aside.
  3. Using a chisel and hammer, make the indentations in the marked areas necessary to install the mortise hinges.

General view of the cutout for the door hinge

Before installing hinges on the door, you need to mark the door frame. This operation will require skill and patience to correctly determine the location of the loop:

  1. Place the canvas in the box and secure it with wooden wedges in the way it should be in the installed state. To level the door leaf, use a building level.
  2. After aligning the canvas, mark on the frame where the door hinges come into contact with the door.
  3. As with the door leaf, use a hammer and chisel to make the required number of recesses for installing door hinges.

A hinge already embedded in the doorway

Installation of mortise hinges

Inserting hinges into an interior door is the most complex procedure possible, so once you master it, you can easily install overhead and screw-in hinges. The installation procedure for mortise hinges is as follows:

  1. Sink the hinges into the recesses made in the previous stages of work on the door.
  2. Using a screwdriver, make holes in the wood for the hinges.
  3. Take screws of suitable diameter and use a screwdriver to secure the hinges on the door leaf.
  4. Install the door in doorway and secure it with wooden wedges.
  5. Sink the loops into the indentations made, then repeat steps 2-3.

Attaching hinges to the canvas

During installation, carefully ensure that the door is level in the frame and does not move during installation. Before hanging the door on its hinges, carefully level it in the doorway using a building level (as when marking).

Installation of overhead hinges

This is the easiest method to use, which does not require insertion and preliminary preparation of the door and door frame (without creating recesses). Simplicity lies in the design of such hinges and in the installation features - you don’t have to think about how to weld the hinges and secure them as firmly as possible in the socket.

Installation is similar to installing mortise hinges, however, the parts are not installed in special recesses, but are simply screwed to the end of the door and frame using screws. As in the previous case, it is important to maintain the correct position of the door leaf in space throughout the installation of the hinges.

Overhead hinges are simply screwed on

Installation of screw-in hinges

Installation of screw-in door hinges will not cause problems even for a novice craftsman. Typically, installation involves three simple steps:

  1. Before installing the hinges on the door, you need to drill holes in the door leaf using a special template, which usually comes with the hinges. Sockets for hinges are drilled both on the door and on the frame, at the same level.

Hole drilling process

  1. The next step is to install the hinges in place. One half is placed on the door, the second on the frame.
  2. The final stage is “stringing” door hinges onto frame hinges. This completes the simple installation of hinges.

Putting hinges in place

If you have any questions about correct installation door hinges, you can get additional information from the video (and also consolidate the information already learned from this article), which can be found and played below.


Installing hinges on interior doors - detailed instructions

Attaching individual hardware elements (handles, eyes) to the canvas only affects ease of use and its appearance.

If the insertion of door hinges is done incorrectly, then the consequences of errors and omissions will be the most negative.

Loose fit of the sash to the frame, difficulties with opening/closing it, creaks, discrepancies between the lock tongue and the bar on the block - and these are not all the troubles that will result improper installation awnings


  • The optimal distance between loops and fabric cuts is 200 mm. Lines are drawn at such distances from the bottom and top.
  • The canopies are applied so that their edges coincide with them. But the installation of door hinges is carried out taking into account the direction of the door opening (left or right).
  • The pencil outlines the outline of the canopy.
  • Using a chisel, a sample of wood is taken to a depth equal to the thickness of the hinge cut into the interior (or entrance) door; the surface is leveled.
  • The canopy is installed in the prepared “window”, its position is checked and, if necessary, adjusted.
  • After this, marks are marked and holes for fasteners are drilled.

This completes the first stage of the insertion. But there are a number of nuances that should not be overlooked.

  • The canopy rod should not touch the door tightly, otherwise the mobility of the fittings will be limited; There will be difficulties with closing/opening the door. But you shouldn’t extend the loop far beyond the perimeter of the canvas either. The load on it will increase, the fastenings will gradually weaken, and as a result - misalignment.
  • The frame is made of timber. If the model is from the “budget” category, then the wood for it is taken from 1 or 2 grades. It is quite possible that when marking, there will be a knot at the point where the hole is drilled. Therefore, inserting hinges exactly in this place is impractical, since one of the fastening elements simply will not fulfill its function. The logical solution is to slightly move the canopy from the problem area to either side, but no more than 25 mm.
  • All canvases differ in size and weight (depending on the material of manufacture). For massive models, at least three hinges should be inserted into the door. This will level the load on the canopies and extend the maintenance-free operation of the structure. The marking is carried out in the same way, but it is advisable to place the additional loop not strictly in the center of the cut of the fabric, but with an upward shift. This will increase the reliability of all fasteners.


It is more convenient to install door hinges on the jamb when it is not yet secured in the opening. After its installation, it is more difficult to make accurate markings, since you will have to rigidly fix the canvas, and this is quite difficult. But the technique is completely identical.

Attaching the hinges

Just one note - be sure to use self-tapping screws for wood. During operation, you will have to adjust the canopies or replace one of them.

Therefore, when deciding how to embed hinges into a door, you should not forget about the problem of the maintainability of the fittings. In addition, nails often split the wood, which means there is a risk of damage to the frame.

Yes, and it will definitely not be possible to direct such fasteners, and if it is skewed, the tip of the nail will definitely appear on the surface of the canvas.

All that remains is to hang the door and check the smoothness of its movement, the tightness of the fit and the absence of gaps between it and the jamb.

Installing hinges on interior doors is a rather specific issue. The fact is that canopies are different, and not all of them are attached using the tie-in method. Each modification has certain installation features.

Card loops

They come in two designs, and these are the easiest hinges to install.


Their halves differ in size and configuration. When the door is closed, they are simply recessed into one another. When installing them, no wood sampling is done; The parts are fastened directly to the end of the leaf and the jamb. The gap between them is sufficient so that the hinges of this group do not interfere with the door in any position.

Recommendations for installing hinges on doors found in individual articles, which say that canopies of this type are attached without drilling, should be treated with skepticism. The length of the leg of the hardware is quite large (otherwise strength is not ensured), and even if the blade is made of soft material(plastic, MDF, wood), screwing it in exactly in the given direction is quite difficult.


This type of card loops must be “recessed”, by analogy with mortise awnings. And the technology is the same - wood sampling and fixation.


The difference from overhead loops is only in the shape of the “petals”. And the method of attaching them is absolutely the same.


These door hinges are more difficult to install than others. The point is not in the features of the technology, but in the extreme accuracy of marking and selection of base material. In addition, you will need an electric tool if you think about the quality of fastening.

The procedure is as follows:

  • Marking areas for installation components canopy
  • Arrangement of “windows” for mechanism elements, but only by milling; no other tool will provide accuracy.
  • Using a chisel, a sample is made to slightly “sink” the parts of the canopy.
  • Drilling holes for fasteners.
  • Disassembling the hinge (the manufacturer's instructions indicate how this is done in relation to a specific product).
  • Fixing the halves in place. The larger part is installed on the jamb, the smaller part on the sash.
  • Hanging the fabric, connecting the hinge parts and fastening them with a tightening screw.

There are other types of canopies on sale, but the term “inset” does not apply to them - they are attached somewhat differently.

The technology for inserting loops is not particularly complex. But taking into account the cost of doors, it is advisable, before starting to work with them, to practice on some kind of workpiece (board, beam). And if you are not confident in your abilities, then you should contact a specialist. Paying for his services will be much cheaper than restoring a door or purchasing a new one to replace a damaged one.


How to properly install hinges in an interior door?

Door hinges are a simple mechanism that ensures the opening/closing of the door leaf and its tight fit to the door frame. To install hinges in an interior door yourself, you need to pay attention to their design, since there are a number of mechanisms that require the work of only a specialist.

The service life of the door directly depends on the quality of installation of the hinges.

How long your interior door will last depends on the quality of installation of this product.. The color range is not so wide; imitations of various metals are mainly used: gold, nickel, bronze or copper. Products can be glossy or matte.

External overhead hinges

External overlay mechanisms are attractive and simple to implement; they are most often used to decorate doors in old style. the product consists of 2 parts, the plates are connected by a hinge pin. 1 plate is attached to the wall, and the 2nd - to the door leaf.

The easiest to install are external overhead hinges.

Installation is extremely simple:

  1. It is necessary to attach the hinges to the door leaf, minimum distance from the bottom and top of the leaf is 15-20 cm. If the door is heavy, then it is best to use 3-4 hinges that will withstand the load perfectly.
  2. After this, you need to make the same markings on the wall yourself, marking the places for the screws.
  3. Holes for fasteners are drilled, after which it is necessary to fasten the 1st part to the wall, the 2nd to the door leaf. No complicated steps required.

The tools you need are the simplest

  • ruler;
  • a simple pencil;
  • drill;
  • screwdriver

Internal mortise and screw-in

Overhead internal hinges are also called card hinges; they consist of 2 parts that are screwed to the door leaf and door frame. How to embed loops of this type correctly? First you need to apply markings, select wood along the contour strictly to the depth that is equal to the thickness of one card. During marking, it is also taken into account how the cards will be attached to each other.

The design is as follows:

Installation diagram of universal door hinges.

  1. The rotary axis is the central element that ensures the movement of the mechanism.
  2. 2 cards, i.e. rotary plates that are mounted to the leaf and to the door frame.
  3. Decorative plug and hinge.
  4. Self-tapping screws for fastening plates.

To embed hinges into an interior door while maintaining its most attractive appearance, you will have to work hard. You can install special screw-in products; they are no worse than other analogues. Externally, they look like a compact cylinder. The design of the mechanism is extremely simple.

It includes 2 parts in the form of cylinders for the door leaf and frame. The plates themselves are mounted perfectly, there is nothing complicated in the work. But it is important to choose the right mechanism depending on the weight and type of door. Products are made of plastic, aluminum, steel.

They also differ in the number of pins: usually there are 2, but maybe 3-4 if the canvas is heavy.

Installation is as follows:

  1. It is necessary to make markings for hinges on the surface of the canvas and the box.
  2. After this, drill holes with a drill and install the hinges in the intended places.
  3. The tightness of the door connection and the functionality of the mechanism are checked.

How to install a hidden mechanism?

Installation diagram for hidden door hinges.

In some cases door fasteners don't fit in at all general interior and the appearance of the door leaf, therefore special hidden mechanisms are used.

How to embed loops of this type? The design of the hinges is different from the others; after closing, they are completely invisible from the outside, since they are mounted directly into the end part of the leaf.

The design is complex, there are 3 rotary axes:

  • rotating central axis;
  • rotary fixed axis, which is not visible on the surface even when open;
  • moving axes are used to open or close doors.

The benefits are as follows:

  1. They are suitable for any interior door; ready-made leaves and door frames that have embedded hinges are often sold.
  2. The appearance of the hinges in the open state allows you to see the structure only upon close examination (you need to get close to the door leaf); when closed, the mechanism is invisible.

But there are also disadvantages:

  • It is difficult to do the installation yourself;
  • the cost is high.

Overhead door hinges (butterfly) are simple to make and have an attractive appearance.

Hinges on an interior door can be mounted in different ways. It all depends on the design of the hinges, the door itself, and the possibilities of installation on the door frame. There are fasteners that require cutting into the canvas, but this is more difficult.

You will have to select a section of wood, and do it clearly along the contour of the loop. There are a variety of hidden mechanisms that only a master can install correctly; without the necessary experience, the door can only be damaged.

Special butterfly mechanisms are produced. This is an overhead type of loop; one plate resembles the shape and appearance of a butterfly wing. This type of mechanism is also called card mechanism.

The 1st plate looks like a butterfly wing; it is inserted into the cavity of the 2nd plate, i.e. the card.

Externally, after installation, the mechanisms look neat and attractive, no special experience is required, the work itself is carried out quickly. In this case, there is no need to embed the hinges; they are simply applied and screwed to the surface.

The installation process of the mechanism is as follows:

Installation diagram for butterfly door hinges.

  1. First, you need to apply markings to the surface of the door leaf, retreating 20 cm from the bottom and top parts. After this, a map in the form of a wing is applied to the end of the door, the outline is drawn with a pencil, and the holes where the fasteners will be located are outlined.
  2. The card is firmly screwed to the surface with self-tapping screws; you can pre-drill holes for fastenings.
  3. Next, you need to install the 2nd part on the door frame. To do this, it is enough to apply markings, taking into account the position of the finished parts, so that after installation the door leaf does not warp. The second part is attached with self-tapping screws.
  4. When the individual parts are fixed to the surface, the interior door must literally be placed on the hinges of the door frame.

Typically, butterflies do not require adjustment; they are simple and easy to use. They also have their own characteristics. For example, after inserting, the outer plate does not fit tightly to the end of the door. This problem can be easily solved by simply placing a thin strip of cardboard under the card so that it is at a slight angle.

Overhead “butterflies” are great for light doors, but for heavy ones, whose weight is 40-50 kg, they are no longer suitable. For ordinary veneered and laminated doors, this option is optimal. “Butterflies” are inexpensive, easy to install and look great.

For work you will need the following tools and materials:

  • “butterflies” (usually only 2 pieces are required);
  • self-tapping screws (can be included with mechanisms);
  • screwdriver or screwdriver, drill;
  • ruler;
  • simple pencil.

To embed hinges, you must first select the type of mechanism, and then determine how suitable it is for a particular door leaf. The installation itself is usually simple, although there are a number of hinges that can only be installed by specialists.

Most often, simple overhead mechanisms are used for home interior doors, where you only need to screw 2 parts and mount them together. Installation does not take much time; all work is enough to spend no more than an hour.

Installing fasteners on cabinet doors and sides is a challenging process. The balance of the sashes and their trouble-free operation for a long time depend on the correct installation of the hinges. How to install hinges on a cabinet with your own hands , you can learn from this material.

Fastenings , installed on large-sized furniture , are semi-mechanical elements , which are responsible for opening the valves. Much depends on the material and thickness of the doors, so what the hinges are made of is also important.

The hinges must withstand regulatory loads.

To install Most often, overhead devices with four joints, the so-called frogs, are used. Such fastenings convenient for any design that involves hinged doors - wardrobe or kitchen cabinet, other types furniture.

Metal parts are made of durable alloys that are resistant to corrosion and mechanical deformation.

Furniture hinges are divided into several types, depending on how they are attached:

  • Invoices;
  • Half overhead;
  • In storerooms;
  • And inverse;
  • Pyalnye;
  • Feeding;
  • Ш tolnye, etc.

Types of furniture hinges.

For cabinet Overhead structures with cup bases are often used, which are connected to the panel using self-tapping screws. Mechanical inserts with a “shoulder” are inserted into these bases and fixed to the door and side panel.

Such fasteners are quite reliable and durable, since they have a reinforced connection to the planes.

Depending on type cabinet and its dimensions, as well as the material chosen suitable look connecting parts. Some elements used exclusively for classic furniture, where all details must match the style. For ordinary wardrobes choose standard invoices and semi-invoices fastenings

For installation on the doors, it is necessary to use certified industrial products - this is a guarantee of the strength and long service life of the furniture and its individual parts.

Preparation for installation

  1. Before starting work, it is necessary to prepare a set of tools and materials for furniture . Be sure to have a screwdriver, drill with appropriate attachments, a simple pencil, chalk, ruler or tape measure on hand. You will also need screws of a suitable size (usually sold together with hinges) and self-tapping screws of a certain cross-section.

    Tools for installing hinges.

  2. When installing fasteners, you need to consider the material you are dealing with and its structure. For loose or fibrous wood panels apply different types fastenings and methods of fixation. Glass surfaces also require a special approach. Two are mainly used fastenings - above and below. If the sash weighs a lot or exceeds a meter in length, then you can add another part in the center to strengthen it. If the weight exceeds 9 kg, the door is equipped with additional hinges - added for every 5 kg of weight. For kitchen cabinets, two hinges are usually used, for large items - from three.

    The maximum number of fasteners that can be placed on a door with a large length and weight of 20 kg is 5 pieces.

  3. You need to measure at least 10 cm from the upper and lower inner corners of the door, otherwise the door may “loose” over time and the screws will come out of the grooves.

    You cannot place the hinges at the level of the shelves - the door will not close.

  4. Before you begin installation fasteners must be marked. This will help connect elements much more accurate.

    Use a pencil or fine chalk.

  5. Average length of indentation from the edge of the sash cabinet to the center of the loop is 2.2 cm.

    This distance is for standard mounts.

  6. Before installing hinges on the door cabinet wipe surfaces. Mark the locations of future joints with a sharp nail or awl.

    Preparing furniture for installation of fasteners does not require fuss. Depends on it correct work doors.

Carefully check all parameters of the sashes cabinet , arrangement of shelves, etc. You can make a preliminary sketch.

Installation of fasteners

Cabinet doors first try on the sidewalls to make accurate markings. Initial installation stage loops - drilling holes for attaching cups.

Making hinges in a vertical position of the door is not always convenient. This will potentially reduce the accuracy of the connection.

Place the sash on flat surface, fixing it. Drill holes for the cup using a drill and cutter. It is important not to make too large recesses, 1.2 cm is enough. Insert the cups into the holes and screw the screws into the door part of the mount.

It is necessary that they fit into the grooves evenly, without distortion, otherwise the door will not be secured correctly.

To install When connecting parts, place the drill vertically - any tilt will make the work poor quality, and chips may appear, due to which the fastening will not hold securely.The strike plate on the side of the product can also be installed in a vertical position of the panel, having previously marked the joints.

When drilling, the drill must also be held very level.

If overhead parts are used, they are made “blind” so that they do not fall apart during connection and assembly. Such fastenings should not have gaps or distortions.Use help when connecting the sash and side frame.

Together, the work process will be more convenient, better and more accurate.

Installation of connecting parts on glass doors requires special care and caution. For such sashes, special fasteners are purchased. On the side of the side you will need holes that are drilled using a drill.

The glass sheet is fixed with clamps.

Leveling and Adjustment

Furniture fastenings need adjustment. For this in the process installations check their fixation by depth and distance. This can be done with horizontal or vertical position of the parts closet After assembling the furniture All preliminary calculations will turn into a result, so it is important to spend more time on the markup and connection parameters in advance.

When choosing, you must first of all pay attention to the strength of the product; it should serve throughout the entire life of the furniture.

After installing the fasteners on the cabinet doors It is necessary to carefully try the sashes on the sidewalls so that they match exactly. Mark the joints with a pencil. Fix the door and do fastening work on both sides. It is important that the accuracy of all details cabinet was one hundred percent. Finish assembly and check operation.

When opening and closing for the first time, the doors may move somewhat stiffly if the hinges are not yet lubricated and developed.

After attaching the hinges to the cabinet finished, it is recommended to drop a little machine oil inside the mechanism. Then you need to wipe the surface with an absorbent cloth.

Check that all elements are working properly.

For cabinet from Chipboard is better take wide loops, since the base material may crumble.

The better quality all the elements of the assembled furniture are, the more reliable their operation will be.

Installing hinges on the door cabinet , do not forget that after a while the sashes may sag under their own weight, especially if they are often left open. Therefore, it is necessary to periodically strengthen the hinges by tightening the screws. IN modern mounts This is easy to do - there is an additional recess in the oval part.

Try to adjust the parts carefully so as not to loosen the grooves.

It is also necessary to lubricate the hinges from time to time. cabinet so that they do not rust or creak. Adjusting fastenings , it is necessary to fix not only the screws connecting the cup or bar, but also the parts of the closer. The mechanical part may wear out from use. Therefore, it is important to have 2-3 spare elements to replace a broken part. “Drawdown” is indicated by distortion and loose cover. Work is carried out more often in rooms with uneven floors and high humidity.

If adjustment does not help, you should replace the old parts with new ones.

When changing fasteners on used furniture, you need to look at how suitable they are for it. It may be necessary to change the location of the new hinges due to loosening of the grooves.

After adjustment, check for gaps, tight fit of the doors when closing, overall mobility and evenness of the sash along the axis.

When installing multiple fasteners, care should be taken to ensure that their location does not interfere with internal elements furniture.

VIDEO: How to quickly and easily install furniture hinges.

VIDEO: How to adjust cabinet doors.

Interior doors are sold in stores without hinges, which are supplied complete, so make right choice products of appropriate sizes are required simultaneously with the selection of suitable hinges. Installing overhead awnings will be one of the most suitable methods for installing hinges. To properly install hinges on interior doors, you need to choose the optimal suitable places, marking them where the loops will be located.

To install an interior door, a card hinge is most often used.

Installing hinges depending on the weight of the interior door

The use of card hinges when installing interior doors in our country is the most popular. Card hinges consist of two plates, called wings or cards, in which there are special holes through which the products are fastened with screws to the door.

The choice of hinge depends on the size and weight of the door.

Russian production of this type of loops has been established since Soviet times. This type of product is quite ordinary, although its sizes are completely different. This type of hinge is no longer used when installing interior doors, since they are suitable in the best possible way for street fences or premises that are not residential.

Five-inch products have 5 holes for screws on each of the cards, and four-inch products have 4 holes, which is why they are popularly called fours and fives. Selecting the required product of a certain size requires taking into account the weight of the door. Heavier doors are hung on large hinges, and lighter ones are hung on smaller ones. For very heavy suitable use three loops, as for light ones, which will raise their performance properties to a higher level.

How to correctly and accurately make markings for cutting holes for hinges

Markings for loops with dimensions.

There are two ways to make markings for attaching hinges. The first involves attaching a hinge to the door leaf, followed by tracing it with a pencil. Typically, doors are strengthened by two products, which are placed at the bottom and at the top, and the distance between them should be the same.

When installing the third hinge, it can be placed in the center or moved up. Before installation, special marks are made using a well-sharpened pencil. This can be done not only on the door frame, but also on the door leaf. You can make marks using the second method, above and below, by stepping back 15 - 25 cm from the edge of the canvas. After this, mark the places of fastenings.

When marking the locations of the holes, you should not confuse where the door is at the bottom and where the top is, taking into account how it will stand after it is attached to the hinges. If there is glass at the door, you should special attention to their location.

In this case, the edge of the hinges is combined with the edge of the door leaf. If the fittings are hidden, then execution seats must be carried out with utmost precision and accuracy, since distortions should not be allowed when installing the mechanism.

Marking for the hinge can be done by placing it on the door leaf and tracing it with a pencil.

When the door frame is assembled and all the necessary dimensions have been made, we proceed to installing the hinges where they are planned to be placed. The products should be placed in the places where they are reinforced according to the marks, this will make it possible to imagine how they will look.

The location of the hinges will be similar to the first option, unless there are certain differences between the new and old interior doors. All dimensions are determined only when the interior door has been visually inspected. Installation of hinges on the door frame and door leaf is carried out taking into account the direction of door opening.

Correct selection of products and creation of a cut for wooden doors

Options for installing different numbers of loops.

Before purchasing hinges, you should find out what type of hinges you will need, that is, right or left. To do this, you need to stand near the opening where you need to install the interior door. The main thing is that she opens up to herself. It is important not to confuse the sides and not to stand so that the door opens away from you, which is not correct.

You need to open the door yourself, which will imply which side it opens on - left or right. If on the left, then you will need to select the left loops, and if on the right, then the right ones. This is easy to understand; it is important to then correctly determine the type of product required.

When choosing this type of product for fastening interior doors, it is important not to confuse them with each other, noting all the corresponding fastening points, that is, where and which hinge should be attached.

If the door is made of wood, then you should cut out a layer of wood from the door frame, taking into account the contour of the hinges, using a sharp knife. When making a thin cut, you should take into account the thickness of the loops. For more convenient design When making a cut in the wood, a corresponding vertical cut is made taking into account the contour of the product. If you make only a horizontal cut, this may cause separation of excess sections of the wooden door leaf.

After marking is completed, a cut is made with a chisel or a special machine.

In a similar way, a slice is created on the canvas. If you use a chisel when creating grooves, this will lead to the fact that the canvas will be damaged.

Carrying out this work with a chisel is not possible, as it will take a lot of time, and the hole itself will not look neat. If the required groove has already been made in the corresponding part, then it can be conveniently cut using a chisel. If there is a knot on the canvas, the loop should be shifted, which is nothing to worry about.

When choosing hinges, you should remember that they may need to be dismantled if you need to bring furniture into the house. And removing the wings may be too complicated a procedure. Removing interior doors may require dismantling the right or left side of the door.

How to install hinges on interior doors correctly

To dismantle and install hinges, you will need the following types of tools to help make the whole job easier:

Correct installation of the loop is when the loop fits exactly into the groove; subsidence is allowed 0.1-0.5 mm.

  1. Screwdriver.
  2. Drill.
  3. Cutter.
  4. Thin drills.
  5. Awl.

A small circular saw can also be useful for installing mortise hinges; be sure to have a pencil or marker handy. The awnings must be disconnected before installing the hinges. The larger part of the canopy should be installed in the frame, and the smaller part - in the door leaf.

High installation accuracy will be ensured if you attach the door leaf to the door frame, which will allow you to trace the coincidence of the marks made for the purpose of inserting the hinges. It is very important to check for various deviations, since even with a minor mistake, a situation may occur in which the interior door opens and closes on its own, which will not be pleasant for the owners.

Applying loops to inside canvas, you need to pay attention to where the hinges protrude. They should be facing the front side, that is, where the interior door will open.

How to properly use fasteners when installing hinges

Diagram of the device and fastening of the loop.

Next, you should fix the parts using self-tapping screws supplied in the same kit with hinges. Before screwing in the fasteners, you should align the holes and marks for them, which will prevent the wood from splitting during the process of screwing in the screws.

If it is necessary to insert hidden hinges for interior doors, then you will need to perform more complex procedures than when inserting conventional ones. Hidden fittings for doors require preliminary preparation of deep mounting holes. A hole is carefully cut along its exact contour using a milling machine.

One solution to the problem of inserting hinges correctly is to use mechanized tools, which require certain skills when working with them. The insertion of hinges begins after preparing all the tools and marking the door leaf and door frame.

When screwing the hinges with screws, it is imperative to ensure that the hinge does not go to the side. The screws are always tightened exactly in the center, making special marks in the form of dots with a pencil, and then marking them with an awl. This will prevent the screws from over-tightening the hinges during the tightening process.

If the door hinges are cut in correctly, they should be located at the same level. If a bulging loop is detected, then you must not be lazy and deepen the platform to the required level, but no more. Then, using a ruler, you need to check that the loop is seated correctly.

If the hinge pressed with a ruler protrudes, then after installation a large gap will form between the door frame and the leaf. Correctly installed internal hinges can ensure that the doors open at an angle of 180°. The load that the doors can withstand should be no more than 50 kg.

After this, the components of each loop are inserted together. When performing this operation independently, the door leaf is lifted so that this allows you to determine the point of alignment of the canopies. Each bolt is then inserted into the correct hole with your free hand after the compound arms are positioned in the correct plane.

This installation stage is the most difficult, after which the location of the door leaf is adjusted, correlating it with the door. As a result, equal gaps are obtained between the door and the sash along the entire perimeter. The entire insertion process should be performed extremely carefully and carefully.

If a situation arises related to the choice of hinges for interior doors, then it is better to choose hidden canopies.

The hinges should be aligned to hold the door in the doorway. After aligning the hinges, they begin to insert the hinge pins, for which an assistant is needed.

Next, check the doors for smooth movement, and engage the latch on door jamb along with the locking plate. If necessary, it is moved, if when closing the door it starts to make noise, then the metal tab is slightly adjusted.

What kind of renovation can take place without installing interior doors? It would seem that a simple installation procedure can be ruined by incorrectly installing the hinges on the interior door.

So that your work does not go in vain, together we will look at the step-by-step process of installing an interior door and, accordingly, hinges for it. Besides this, let's look at important details, which any novice specialist in installing interior doors should know.

Tastefully selected interior doors create additional comfort and comfort.


It's understandable that you may want to install the interior doors yourself. After all, new doors will create the effect of completeness of the renovation, and their harmonious combination with the design of the room will give the room new look and comfort.

Not a single apartment or country house is complete without interior doors.

An interior door performs the function of separating one room from another, as well as dividing rooms into functional zones. Interior doors not only perform a decorative function, but also protect our sleep or peace from unwanted sounds and smells.

Some use the services of measurers to determine the size of interior doors and materials for them. But many of those who did this later spoke negatively about it. This is due to the fact that you can end up with either an experienced specialist or a complete layman in this matter. In any case, it's up to you to decide whether it's worth doing or not. Surely, you can make initial measurements yourself. And when purchasing interior doors, a specialist will still come to you, who will make the final measurements of the interior doors.

As a rule, the width of the doorway is from 70 to 80 cm. Sometimes the figure reaches 1.0 meters. Experts do not advise narrowing doorways, if only because you will not only have to walk through them, but sometimes also carry furniture through the door. Check the distance between the wall and the door frame if you plan to install platbands there. Think in advance about which direction your future interior doors will open.

Do-it-yourself installation of interior doors requires care and scrupulousness. Therefore, we decided to outline the basic rules for installing interior doors so that you can do everything correctly and even without outside help.

Installing doors requires such precision, because even with a slight deviation, the interior door can warp, or even not close at all. The same applies to mounting the door frame.

So, the interior door has been selected, ordered and delivered to you. Sometimes it happens that interior doors are made with a frame. But often you will have to assemble the door frame yourself. As well as embedding handles, locks and hinges into the door. To avoid mistakes, you will have to be observant and careful.

Installing hinges

There are three types of door hinges:

  • universal;
  • rights;
  • left.

Universal hinges are a type of hinges consisting of two integral parts.

To determine which hinges you need, stand in front of the door as if you were going to open it towards yourself. If you open with your left hand, then you will need left-hand hinges, and with your right hand, right-hand hinges. Universal ones are called that because they are mounted both left and right. Two hinges will be enough for you if you are installing an interior door and at least three if you are cutting them into metal door because they have a lot of weight.

When installed on a door, the door hinges are recessed into the frame and door to the full thickness of the hinge plate so that its entire surface lies flat. The main thing to know here is the following: measure the thickness of the doorway, and then apply the existing parameters to the door frame in the place where you plan to embed the hinges. The distance between the edge of the hinge plate and the edge of the door leaf should be 1-2 millimeters less than the space from the edge of the hinge to the width of the leaf marked on the frame. Thanks to this technique, the door will not touch the inside of the door frame.

Place of installation of hinges.

To prevent doors from creaking when opening and closing, make sure that the axial connection of the hinge leaves does not touch the door leaf and the door frame. You can mark the place for inserting loops with a sharpened pencil or sharp knife. Socket for door hinge cut out with an equally sharp chisel.

To install the hinges, use self-tapping screws, having previously drilled sockets for them in the frame and interior door leaf with a three-millimeter drill. Use two self-tapping screws to be able to adjust the position of the door leaf.

We drill for self-tapping screws.

Now that both the box and the hinges are assembled, you have to carry out control checks. If there are difficulties, obstacles or insufficient dimensions of the doorway, use a chisel with a hammer or a hammer drill.

After placing the box in the doorway, use a plumb line to check its verticality, as well as the horizontality of the threshold and the top beam. If there are deviations, make adjustments.

Use wedges to secure the frame in the doorway, and then hang the door. Then, using a level, measure the vertical position of the door leaf and, if necessary, change the position of the detachable hinges. To ensure that the position of the door leaf is as close as possible to the door frame, make precise adjustments and adjustments: for example, so that there are no distortions, the gaps are at the same level. This may take you at least an hour, so plan your time in advance.

If suddenly a misalignment occurs and the stand needs to be slightly tilted, give several gentle blows with a hammer to the top or bottom corners boxes, while making sure that the edge of the box protrudes 1-2 mm from the wall level (for attaching platbands).

It is easier to make adjustments in the following steps:

  1. Check the verticality of the hung door leaf on the side where you attached the hinges (hinge side). To do this, fasten the tip of the plumb rope to the upper corner of the door leaf and lower it to the floor.
  2. Adjust the parallelism of the door leaf and door frame lines.
  3. Make adjustments on the side opposite the hinge side.

And finally, let's talk about adjusting the gaps.

You can correct the distortion of the gap line between the door leaf and the door frame on the side of the detachable hinges using spacers and wedges.

If you have an arched curvature of the gap towards the door leaf, then the door is opened and a spacer is installed between the vertical sides of the door frame. If there is a small gap on the hinge side, you will have to remove the hinges, place cardboard spacers under them and put them back. If, on the contrary, the gap is too large, then the hinges are removed and the mounting sockets for them are deepened using a chisel.

Do not fasten the vertical beam too tightly so that you have the opportunity to adjust the gap on the keyhole side.

But if the door leaf rests on the lower or upper part of the door frame, then you will have to disassemble the frame and reassemble it.

If there are other interior doors close to the doors being installed, then place the hinges at the same height as on them.

When installing the third loop, make sure that it is at an equal distance from the top and bottom loops.

When installing hinges, after you have marked the outlines, mark on the inside of the hinge which one goes where.

If everything was done correctly, the doors should close and the gaps between them and the frame will be the same everywhere.

Types of loops

To ensure that your interior door brings you only joy and pleasure from its operation, purchase high-quality and reliable hinges.

Hinges are distinguished by installation method and operating principle:

  • direct card;
  • Italian;
  • corner card;
  • screw-in;
  • hidden.

Now let's take a closer look at each of the above types of loops.

Card straight loops are one of the most common. They consist of two cylinders, one of which has a rod inserted into it. To ensure that the hinges last a long time, a bearing or washer is placed between the rubbing parts of the cylinders.

They are installed using rectangular plates (cards) to the door frame and door leaf.

They are divided by type of fastening:

  1. Invoices. When installing them you will not need special tool. Easy to install yourself, without the help of a specialist. When closing, the two parts are inserted into one another, so that they do not have to be recessed into the door frame and door leaf. It is enough to screw the frames and interior door panels to the surface.
  2. Mortise. When installing them, you will need a router or a sharp chisel, because they are recessed into the leaf and frame of interior doors to a depth of 2-3 mm. This is done so that the door can close tightly.

They are made universal. Therefore, it will not be difficult for you to remove the door leaf in the future, because they can be either right or left. However, difficulties may arise with dismantling the interior door in the future.

But this is compensated by the fact that they contain bearings rather than spacers, which guarantees a long period of operation of the interior door and hinges.

Card-type corner hinges are installed on a door with a rebate (when the ends of the door leaf are designed so that part of the leaf covers part of the door frame).

Corner hinges differ from other straight hinges only in their shape - strips corner hinges represent an angle of 90 degrees.

Corner hinges for interior doors.

Made from:

  • brass is one of the most reliable. The coating lasts a long time on them and they can easily withstand the effects of external factors;
  • stainless steel is the strongest. Calmly tolerated high humidity and temperature changes. Their only downside is that they are produced only in their natural color;
  • steel ones are one of the cheapest and least strong. They do not tolerate high humidity well and their coating wears off quickly.

Screw-in hinges are used for interior doors with a quarter turn. They have two pins in each hinge part, instead of the usual flat bars. These pins are used to install hinges that are screwed into the door leaf and frame.

The advantages of screw-in hinges are that they are adjusted with a hex key and decorated with colored caps.

Screw-in hinges on interior doors.

If you do not know how to install them correctly, then it is better not to do it yourself. The fact is that this requires care and great precision, otherwise the interior door leaf may crack.

Hidden hinges for interior doors have appeared recently and have already gained trust among the population.

Their advantages:

  • in particular their structure, allows you to hide all the hinged parts when closed door, which makes breaking the door on which they are installed almost impossible;
  • thanks to the design of hidden hinges, the door leaf is adjustable in three planes;
  • hidden hinges make interior doors more beautiful and attractive.

The design of hidden hinges differs from others in that they are installed on a hinge to the door frame, which is hidden in a steel casing. The connection occurs through a P-shaped lever, which consists of two elements fastened together with a screw. When closing the door, the lever is hidden inside the recess.

Hidden loops.

Italian hinges are installed like the ones listed above at the top and bottom of the door, while conventional hinges for interior doors are mounted at the side end of the door leaf.

The main mistake is the discrepancy between the positions of the hinges on the door leaf and the door frame. As a result, distortions occur, or even the door will be impossible to hang.

As well as the correct transfer of hinge position marks from the door leaf to the door frame. Experts recommend doing this with the door leaf laid, and not by separately measuring the hinge points.

Hinges are the cheapest and least noticeable element swing door. But if they are installed incorrectly, they will negate all the advantages of an ideal door.

Now you will be more informed both about installing interior doors yourself, and about the types and features of various hinges. This will help you in practical application, and in the form of theoretical guidance.

If you decide on our own install interior door structures in your apartment (or house), then installing hinges on the door will be a pressing issue. Indeed, for most people, this stage of work becomes an insurmountable problem on the way to achieving the assigned tasks. You will learn how to properly install door awnings here.

Diagram for determining the choice of loops.

More often construction stores offer to purchase interior door designs without hinges. They must be purchased separately, although it is worth knowing which door will presumably be installed and what its dimensions are.

What types of door hinges are there?

There are three types of door hinges:

  • left;
  • rights;
  • universal.

Door device.

In order to determine the required type of hinges for the door, you need to carry out the following manipulations:

  1. Approach the doorway where the interior structure will be installed.
  2. You need to stand on the side where the door will open towards you. Most people, mistakenly, stand on the side where the door opens away from them. You shouldn't do that. After all, you will end up with the wrong type of loops.
  3. Mentally we open the door towards ourselves. If this happens to the right side, then it is worth buying right hinges. If to the left, then, accordingly, the type of loops is left. It's all very simple and elementary. Just don't get confused.

List of required tools

  • chisel;
  • hammer;
  • screwdriver.

Diagram of a metal door hinge.

These are the most important tools that you cannot do without during the process of installing a hinge on a door. But, of course, it would be good to also prepare additional tools, namely:

  • drill;
  • thin drills;
  • screwdriver;
  • cutter;
  • awl.

Having such auxiliary equipment will greatly facilitate your work.

How to properly install hinges?

There is no fundamental difference where it is better to embed the hinges first, into the door frame or into the structure of the door itself. Although it is recommended to start the installation process with the door when it is made of solid wood and has small knots.

First, you need to decide on the place where the hinges will be attached. And only then do we make the optimal decision on finding the area on the door where the hinges will be located in the frame.

Experts recommend stepping back from the edge door design 15-25 cm - this will be the place of the first insert. It is worth paying special attention to how the hinges are cut into other doors in the house, especially if they are located nearby, so that there is not a big difference. The ideal option is 20 cm from the edge of the door. If it turns out that there is a knot in this place, then it is better to retreat a little. After all, there are no strict regulations in the process of performing such work, and therefore you can easily change the insertion distance.

To begin with, it is recommended to take measurements along the upper and lower edges of the door structure. In this case, you should leave marks with chalk or pencil. Pay close attention to where the top and bottom are. interior design which you decided to install yourself, and on which side the glass is located, if it is present on the door.

During the marking process, each individual hinge must be applied in such a way that its hinges extend from the front side of the door.

Screw-in loop device diagram.

In this case, the front side is considered to be the side where the entire structure will open. It is recommended to mark loops in two ways.

In the first case, you need to place the loop exactly in the chosen place, and then trace it with a perfectly sharpened pencil. In this case, the edges of the hinge and the door structure must be located exactly and parallel to each other.

In the second case, you need to screw the hinge using screws, and then cut the outline with a cutter or draw marks with a regular pencil. In this case, it is enough to tighten only two screws. But you should understand that in this case the hinge may move a little to the side, so you need to be extremely careful and as accurate as possible so that the door does not stand askew later.

Subtleties of the process

Options for door hinge sizes.

It is recommended to tighten the screw exactly in the center. And for this it is better to first make markings using a pencil and an awl. After all, this is the only way to avoid the loop being pulled in during the tightening process. After the marking is made, it is worth cutting the contour with a cutter to the thickness of the loop used. And only then proceed to obtain a level surface with a chisel.

If desired, the outline can be punched using a chisel. To do this, it is recommended to place the tool in the required place and lightly hit it with a hammer to knock out the contour. Special attention should be paid to the fact that for a purchased door structure, most often in the process of improper use of a chisel, the contour jams the plane of the door.

And according to the rules, the chisel should be positioned so that this outline goes inward. This part will be selected in the future to obtain the most even and beautiful edge at the loop.

Correctly embedded hinges on the door must be located at the same level. In the case when you observe a slight bulging of a separate part of the loop, it is necessary to slightly deepen the entire surface of the area. It is important not to overdo it, since the deepening should be uniform. And checking how correctly you installed the hinges on the door yourself is very simple.

To do this, you will need to take a ruler and apply it to the surface of the loop. If it turns out that the hinge protrudes somewhat, then you will subsequently have a huge gap between the interior structure and the door frame, and the door may not close on the other edge. Whereas a deeply located hinge will lead to enormous pressure on the door frame and further pulling of the hinges.

In order to eliminate the resulting consequences, it is recommended for the first case to unscrew the loop and seat it deeper. And for the second, calculate the required height of the gasket to raise the loop to the required level. This spacer is most often made from rigid cardboard, but it can be made from other materials you have available. This gasket must be placed directly under the hinge. In this case, no fixation is necessary; the loop twisted at the top will already hold it firmly.

What is the easiest way to choose a place to cut the hinges?

Options for installing different numbers of loops.

First you need to assemble the door frame. Then you should put the door in the previously assembled box. Step back 2-3 mm at the top and leave a small gap. And only then mark the required places on the box along the embedded area. In the case where you initially inserted hinges into the frame, make marks directly on the surface of the door structure.

Now you know well how to insert the installed hinge. Next, it is recommended to apply your hinge to the surface of the door, then mark it with an awl and drill it out with a thin drill. Then you need to take the screws and screw them in using a regular screwdriver. If you constantly doubt the quality of the work performed, then tighten only two screws at a time and see the result.

Butterfly loops - convenient and simple!

Door hinge installation diagram.

There are special hinges without mortise, which can be mounted on the interior door structure as quickly and simply as possible. Distinctive feature Such elements are considered to be installed without the use of chisels and grooves.

They just need to be marked and applied directly to the surface of the door and door frame. The design of such hinges implies that the elements fit into each other, and this eliminates unnecessary efforts in preliminary preparation of the interior door structure and the door frame for inserting hinges.

After all, not every owner has the necessary skills to work with wood, as well as special tools.

Door adjustment

It is worth paying special attention to the fact that the adjustment process is carried out in stages.

  1. Adjustment of the door leaf from the opposite side to the hinge side.
  2. Next, it’s worth checking how parallel the lines of the door leaf and frame are.
  3. First, the vertical position of the door structure is adjusted from the hinge side.
  4. And only then can you begin to adjust the gaps between the door structure and the frame.
  5. The final step is to adjust the gaps on the lock side.
