Which jigsaw is ideal for home use. How to choose a jigsaw: professional advice Which jigsaw to choose for your home

Despite the fact that such a jigsaw has very low productivity and cannot solve most of the tasks that are assigned to it (cutting thick wood, metal, precise adjustment of edges, straight cuts, etc.), it still remains popular. And first of all, thanks to its cost - for 100 rubles you can already buy a good device, and for 200-300 you can pick up an excellent one. It cannot be used to cut wide OSB sheets, boards and other materials, since the cutting depth is regulated by a rigid frame and is no more than 30 centimeters.

All designs are almost the same and consist of the following elements: wooden handle, nail file clamps, metal case, the file itself. You will be able to solve many everyday issues and even perform figure cutting relatively large boards.

Let's look at what to look for when choosing:

If you are looking to cut thin boards or make miniature wood crafts, then a manual wood jigsaw will be an ideal option for you. Large volumes of work and thick boards? Then it is better to refuse such a product immediately - spend many hours cutting material 40-50 mm thick.

Cordless jigsaw and what is its advantage

The next most productive and powerful tool is a cordless tool. This is a kind of “transitional model” from hand tool to the electrical apparatus. With its help, you can cut much faster than by hand; if necessary, you can even cut through a thick board. It is not tied to the network and can go with you to the dacha or to the barn to perform artistic carvings.

Such devices are lightweight, equipped with laser pointers, limiters and everything that may be necessary to perform artistic, high-precision cutting. But there are many disadvantages, let's look at the main ones.

  1. Weak power compared to electric tool. As a rule, 300-400 W is the maximum that can be squeezed out of it, despite the fact that the manufacturer indicates 500-600 W. However, this is also not enough for cutting thick wooden beams, raw wood and many other materials.
  2. Battery. It is good, but it is very expensive (approximately 900 rubles) and lasts for 25 minutes. That is, for long-term operation you need to have several pieces and charging.
  3. High cost. More expensive electrical appliance, although it does not perform its functions.

As you can see, it is better to buy such a device for artistic cutting if absolutely necessary and only if it is not possible to connect a standard jigsaw.

Electrical apparatus

The most common group of products, which includes hundreds different models from 300 to 1500 W. They have different cutting speeds, have constant power and can cut material of almost any thickness. Among the main subspecies are the following:

The most common tool that operates from a 220 V network and allows you to perform more than 90% of the tasks assigned to it during repairs and arrangement of the premises.

Stationary jigsaw and its features

Imagine an ordinary woodworking tool, only one that stands dead in one place, and artistic cutting is performed by moving the material. This device has a lot of disadvantages for home use, since it is almost impossible to move an electric table jigsaw. The only big advantage is high power. This device allows you to work with any thickness of board and process it from different angles.

A tabletop jigsaw is suitable for a large workshop or sawmill. Providing commercial services for artistic cutting is simply impossible without this device. Its cost starts from 2000 rubles or more, professional industrial models cost hundreds of thousands of rubles, so you should think about the advisability of purchasing this product for household needs and small jobs.

Previously, in order to assemble the entire set necessary tools it was necessary to acquire simple and primitive things. Today, without a tool with electric motor it is impossible to organize repairs and construction. Good device For processing wood, drywall, tin and much more at home, there is an electric jigsaw. For those who don’t know what it is, let’s just say it’s a small electric saw with a drive. How to choose an electric jigsaw for your home?

Hello dear readers of my blog. Today we’ll talk about choosing a tool such as a jigsaw. It is practically irreplaceable in household and every owner should have it.

Nowadays there are a lot of different manufacturers offering such products, but how not to make a bad choice and not purchase a low-quality tool. To do this, you need to know at least a little about what a jigsaw is, what functions it has and what purposes it serves.

But you shouldn’t give up the right approach Choosing an electric jigsaw for your home is not difficult. I hope this article will help you make the right choice.

Which jigsaw to choose for your home, household or professional?

First of all, you need to decide for what purpose you need this tool and how often you will use it. I understand that you need a jigsaw to cut, but you can cut in different ways.

Someone can choose a tool to cut plywood with a thickness of no more than 20mm, while someone else can saw a board with a thickness of 50mm or more; for these cases, completely different models are needed.

In the first case, any household model will do, but in the second, a serious professional tool. So you need to clearly define the scope of work in order to choose the right jigsaw for your home.

To make it clearer, I’ll explain this: You don’t need a professional tool if you use it, roughly speaking, once a year, but I also don’t recommend that you take an amateur model if a lot of work will be done with a jigsaw. In principle, this rule applies to any instrument. It will be a bad investment of money that you will simply lose.

  • Household models designed for rare use, have a low power reserve and material cutting thickness. They also do not include additional functions such as quick blade change, laser pointer and many other useful features. They have a fairly low price.
  • Professional models Designed for high and long-term loads, they have great power and cutting thickness. have a lot additional functions. But along with all the advantages they have a high price.

In general, we won’t focus on what is a household jigsaw and what is a professional jigsaw, just make a choice based on your needs and the amount of work. Very often people write reviews saying that Chinese jigsaws are bad.

As I already wrote in the article, you should not pay attention to the country of the manufacturer, since now all famous companies have already moved their factories to China, but they monitor the quality of the products. As a matter of principle, do not buy Chinese because it is not made correctly. Let's move on to the characteristics of jigsaws.

Main characteristics of electric jigsaws

This is the most important thing; you should pay attention to these characteristics first. In most cases, they are the ones who determine the quality and class of the instrument. Let's look at all the characteristics separately.

Power and cutting thickness

The very first thing to do is look at the power of the tool; the higher it is, the thicker the material the jigsaw can cut. High-power jigsaws can withstand long-term high loads. The higher the power, the more the unit can withstand.

The power varies in the range from 400W to 1000W, perhaps a little more or a little less, but the picture roughly looks like this. A tool with a power of up to 500 W is considered household, and above 500 W a professional one.

The power of the jigsaw directly affects the thickness of the cut. The cutting thickness is a value indicating what material and what maximum thickness a given model can cut. Usually the thickness of the cut of wood and steel is indicated; as a rule, the cut of wood is always larger than steel.

With increasing power, the thickness of the cut also increases. On household jigsaws, the cutting thickness of wood reaches up to 70mm, and steel up to 5mm. In home life this is not a bad indicator. Professional jigsaws can cut wood up to 140mm thick and steel up to 10mm. If you cut softer metals (such as aluminum), the cutting thickness reaches up to 20mm.

When choosing an electric jigsaw for your home, think about what thickness of material you work with most often and purchase a jigsaw with slightly higher performance for a power reserve.

Pendulum mode

First you need to figure out what the function is. This function is that when sawing, the file not only moves up and down, but also pushes forward. This effect allows you to increase cutting speed and reduce saw wear. But there is also a downside to the coin: the cleanliness of the cut decreases significantly. Chips and burrs appear. Also, you cannot cut metal in this mode.

Almost all modern jigsaws are equipped with a pendulum function. You can find out whether it is present on the model or not by the presence of a switch on the side of the instrument.

Usually the function goes to 3 positions, the higher the number, the stronger the angle of the saw. But there are exceptions, and on some models there are from 4 to 8 positions, but this only happens on professional models.

This mode is only suitable for straight cutting. If you are planning to cut out complex shapes, then when choosing a jigsaw for your home, you should not pay attention to this function, since you will not need it.

Blade stroke frequency

The cutting speed of the jigsaw directly depends on this parameter. This value shows how many strokes the saw makes per minute. On various models the number of moves varies.

Of course, when choosing a jigsaw for your home, it is better to choose medium or high values, since a low value of this parameter is an indicator of the low quality of the tool.

On household models most often the saw stroke frequency is from 2000-2800 rpm. On professional jigsaws this figure reaches 3000-3200 rpm.

Another important parameter is the stroke length of the saw. This is the distance from the bottom dead center of the saw to the top dead center. The greater this distance, the longer the file will last you, and the better it will cut.

Handle shape

The shape of the handle on jigsaws also differs; there are two types: staple-shaped and mushroom-shaped. The first got its name because its shape resembles a staple. By the way, this is the most common type of handle, which is most often equipped with modern models. This form requires one-handed operation.

The second type of handle is less common, but still found on some models. As you may have guessed, it got its name because its shape is similar to a mushroom. They say that curly cuts It’s better to do it with this particular handle shape.

However, it still depends on your individual needs. Take one or the other type in the store, hold it and decide for yourself which will be more convenient.

What is a sole, what should it be like?

The sole is the platform of the jigsaw on which it stands when sawing. The quality of the cut depends on its type. Also, a high-quality platform allows you to make cuts at an angle. There are two types of soles: stamped and cast. Let's look at each type separately.


Molded sole is installed on expensive professional models. The presence of such a platform indicates the good quality of the tool. As the name implies, the sole is made by casting. It is thicker and more rigid than a stamped sole.


The stamped sole is installed on a cheaper tool of low quality. Made from thin sheet material by stamping. Often has insufficient rigidity, because of this the quality of the cut decreases (The cut often leads to the side).

If you are interested high quality cutting, then choose a jigsaw with a cast sole, but if it is more important for you to save money, then with a stamped one.

Angle of the sole

Almost every jigsaw has this parameter. They differ only in the way they are tilted. For some models this is done inconveniently and for a long time. In the places where the sole comes into contact with the jigsaw, there are special screws that are loosened with a hexagon, the angle is set, and then all the screws are tightened again. Agree this is long and inconvenient.

In other models, tilting is much faster and easier. Using a special lever, you loosen the platform, set the tilt and set the lever to its original position. Note that all this is done without the help of a tool.

Again, think about how often you will use this function; if the answer is “not often,” then you don’t need a model with a fast tilt. If you do it often, then choose a jigsaw with a fast tilt, without hesitation, it will save you a lot of time and nerves.

In conclusion, I want to say that there are inserts and overlays on the soles. They are used for sawing fragile materials so that there are no scratches on them after cutting.

The cheaper version has plastic linings; the more expensive version has metal inserts.

Additional features

I would like to talk separately about various additions to jigsaws. Although such functions are not necessary, they still facilitate the operation of the tool. Some may seem completely useless to you, but they still exist, which means there is a demand for them.

Keyless blade replacement

Very comfortable and required function. Mostly professional jigsaws are equipped with it. Everything happens quickly and conveniently.

On conventional models, the blade is replaced by loosening special pins, and in a keyless replacement, this occurs by pressing a special lever. The principle is described as similar to the tilt of the sole. Choose an electric jigsaw for your home with this function and you won’t regret it.

Backlight and laser cut pointer

Another addition appears as a backlight. Helps in low or no light conditions. There is an LED on the front of the tool that illuminates the area at the front of the jigsaw. In most cases, of course, this function is not needed, but there are still cases where it is used.

Another addition could be a laser pointer that indicates the cutting line. It's positioned so it kind of projects the cut line onto the blade you're sawing, so you can see where the cut will be.

Speed ​​adjustment

Adjusting the speed essentially means adjusting the number of strokes of the saw. It is very easy to determine the presence of such a function by the presence of a wheel on which numbers are printed. You can increase or decrease engine speed by turning the wheel.

This function is useful when sawing plastic, metal and all such materials that need to be cut at low speeds. Typically this function is located on the top of the handle or on the side.

Stop for straight and circumferential cuts

emphasis for smooth cut Comes with almost every jigsaw. So when choosing an electric jigsaw for your home, make sure you have such a stop; it will most likely come in handy.

This addition looks like a ruler with a perpendicular stop at the end. One side is clamped into the jigsaw sole to the required length, and the perpendicular stop is pressed into the edge of the workpiece. Thus, when cutting, a cutting line is obtained that is parallel (to the edge of the workpiece).

The same stop can be used in cutting a circle. But it needs to be fixed in the center of the circle, so that it can rotate around its axis. In general, for these purposes there are special stops that are well fixed in the center of the circle. There are also 2 in 1 stops.

Removing sawdust from the cutting site

Enough useful feature, since during the sawing process very often the cutting line is covered with sawdust, and you cannot see where to cut. This is where sawdust removal will save you.

The blowing occurs in the front part, in front of the jigsaw, blowing sawdust in different directions, cleaning the cutting line. It happens that sawdust is sucked into a special pipeline running above the sole. At the end of this tube a special bag for sawdust is put on, or a special vacuum cleaner is connected.

Corded or cordless tool

Nowadays cordless tools are very popular, but this does not apply to jigsaws. Perhaps something will change in the near future, but for now everything is as it is.

First of all, cordless jigsaws have several disadvantages. One of them is very high price tool and its consumables, such as spare batteries and chargers.

Another drawback is the short operating time without recharging, so the issue of autonomy has not been fully resolved. Also, the battery life is limited. The advantage is that you can use the tool without electricity. This is convenient in places where it is not possible to connect to the power grid.

In the network version of the jigsaw there is only one minus. It consists in the fact that you cannot use the tool without electricity. And the advantages are obvious, it works without recharging in any mode. No need to buy any batteries or chargers.

Well-known manufacturers of jigsaws

Let's look at the most popular manufacturers of jigsaws, both for home and professional models.

  • Black& Decker A US company founded in 1910. It produces professional jigsaws equipped with rich functionality.
  • BosWithh A German company that produces both professional and household jigsaws of excellent quality. Well, the price for such equipment is not small.
  • Makita, Dewalt,Fiolent– Companies producing high-quality products that can withstand increased loads.
  • Interskol— A Russian company that also produces jigsaws at an affordable price good quality, but with the relocation of factories to China, the quality suffered noticeably.

Let’s dwell on this number of manufacturers, since there are a lot of them, and I see no point in listing them all. Most are cheap copies of famous brands.

Well, this article is coming to an end, I hope you learned something useful and I helped you choose an electric jigsaw for your home. If you want to add something or disagree with something, write in the comments, I will be grateful for your opinion. Don't forget to subscribe for updates. I would like to add a video on choosing a jigsaw for your home. I guess that's all, thanks for your attention, good luck!

The workspace is well lit built-in light bulb, which turns on automatically after pressing the start button. Also, works great debris and sawdust removal system.

Of the pros and cons You can consider the weight of the jigsaw, about 2.6 kg, and its dimensions. Its length is 30 cm. The body of the jigsaw itself is quite thick and resembles a small grinder. Because of this, you have to hold the device with both hands, and this is not very convenient when performing certain tasks. construction work. To disable the start button, you need to grab it with your hands, because you simply cannot get it from the working position.

The Makita 4351FCT jigsaw is a powerful and functional construction tool. When purchasing, many people wonder which jigsaw to choose for professional work. Now we can safely say that this jigsaw is more suitable than others for these jobs.

Electric jigsaw BOSCH PST650

  • well-fixed metal platform;
  • adjustable blowing of debris and sawdust;
  • vibration protection system;
  • good stabilization of the saw blade.

But there is also cons. Not all saw blades can be installed in the quick-release chuck of the BOSCH PST650 jigsaw. But those that fit are fixed very securely.

Considering the ratio, price and quality, this good jigsaw will become an indispensable assistant in the house and will last long time without any serious failures or breakdowns.

Electric jigsaw Einhell BPS600E

The Einhell BPS600E jigsaw is designed German company. It is also included in the list of necessary tools.

Pendulum stroke with three modes, 600 W motor, speed controller present.

Minus This tool is built quality.

For example, over time, your power button may break, or the rubber on the handle may begin to peel off, the cord may crack, etc.

The only mechanism that has no complaints is the motor.

It is better to buy this tool for amateurs, for infrequent use.

The Einhell jigsaw is not suitable for professionals.

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An indispensable tool for many home materials processing projects is a jigsaw. It is easy to use, powerful and compact. Many manufacturers offer these products. To select suitable option, you need to study the characteristics of the device and our top 10 best jigsaws.

This tool performs a wide range of various works

Multifunctional tools can be divided into separate groups according to their distinctive features.

Product classification

Types of devices are classified according to the type of power supply. There are mains and battery versions.

The device is known for the following advantages:

  • possibility of adjusting the sole;
  • excellent speed;
  • versatility and smooth start;
  • fastening the file using a quick-clamping method;

Makita 4329

This device features minimal vibration and also has a cast aluminum base.The model has the following advantages:

  • the presence of three pendulum modes;
  • base panel adjustment;
  • rubberized handle;
  • kink-resistant power cord;
  • connecting a vacuum cleaner;
  • light weight.


This battery model has extensive functionality. An addition is a screen to protect your eyes and face. Its disadvantages include significant weight and high cost. The mechanism has the following advantages:

  • a switch for regulating the motor mechanism;
  • cooling of the motor mechanism;
  • cast aluminum sole;
  • safety at work;
  • ventilation system.

Dewalt DW 349

High-quality tool with platform adjustment manually. The operating speed is adjusted using a switch. For better work Three pendulum modes are provided. The inclination of the sole is easily adjusted. The device has the following advantages:

  • little noise;
  • metal gear housing;
  • low vibration;
  • light weight.
Useful information! The cover protects the mechanism from scratches when cutting.

Ryobi CJS 180L

This jigsaw is characterized by its low weight, as well as the presence laser pointer and protective fencing. For this model charger and the battery will need to be purchased separately. The design has the following advantages:

  • excellent balance;
  • there is a compartment for storing saws;
  • pendulum switch;
  • backlight and speed control;
  • cutting direction laser.

Interskol MP-100E

This domestic model is one of the best jigsaws in the top 10. The important advantages of the device include its low cost. During prolonged operation, cooling is carried out due to aluminum body gearbox The device has the following advantages:

  • excellent balancing of the reciprocating mechanism;
  • hinged lid for cleaning the structure;
  • safety at work;
  • high-quality cooling.

Makita JV100DWE

The design is characterized by adjustable pendulum stroke, as well as low power and high efficiency. The inclination of the sole is set in two directions. The model is characterized by certain advantages:

  • protective screen;
  • minimal vibration and noise;
  • control over the number of revolutions;
  • light weight.

Fiolent PM 3-600E

This jigsaw is suitable for small amounts of work. It is characterized by ergonomics and low weight, which allows you to do the job with one hand. The device has an anti-friction pad that allows you to process smooth materials without damage. The device has the following advantages:

  • sole adjustment;
  • cutting speed control;
  • convenience and compactness;
  • low cost.

Skil 4370AA

The model has a rubberized and staple-shaped handle, which provides a comfortable grip. Light vibration reduces fatigue. The device has advantages:

  • slight vibration;
  • built-in fan and lighting;
  • safety is ensured by a protective shield;
  • sole control;
  • ergonomics.

How to choose a jigsaw for your home: price review

The table shows prices for popular models.

ImageManufacturer and modelPower consumption, WBlade movement frequency, strokes/minAverage cost, rub.
Bosch GST 65B400 3100 4 700
Makita 4329450 500-3100 4 600
Dewalt DW 349500 0-3200 4 500
Interskol MP-100E750
700-3000 4 100
Makita JV100DWEBattery (1.3 Ah)0-2400 9 600
Fiolent PM 3-600E600 0-2600 2 900
Hitachi CJ110MV720 850-3000 7 200
AEG BST 18XKit without battery0-2050 9 200
Black & Decker KS777K5000-3000 2 200
Ryobi R18JSBattery voltage 18V1100-3000 5 300