Homemade drinking bowl for ducks. Various do-it-yourself drinking bowls for ducklings

Before moving on to creating water tanks, it is important to know about the requirements for such a design and some of the nuances of its installation.

First of all, it is important to consider the following points:

  • number of livestock: the number of drinking bowls, their depth and size will depend on the number of birds: each bird must have unhindered access to water at any time;
  • design features of the drinking bowl: both adult ducks and young ducks love water very much, therefore, so that they can completely lower their heads under it, it is better to make the containers deep and narrow;
  • ease of cleaning: if necessary, the components of the drinker should be easily removable so that the poultry farmer can wash and disinfect it;
  • automatic water supply system: this is an optional, but very convenient addition, especially when keeping a large number of poultry;
  • good structural stability and protection from water spillage: usually the lower part of all drinkers is either fixed to the floor, or the container is attached to the wall on one side.

Did you know? When hunting for prey, wild ducks calmly dive to a depth of 6 meters. Poultry are also good swimmers, but they do not need to dive to such depths.

All these requirements are relevant both when breeding small ducks and when maintaining an adult flock, and the difference lies only in the size of the drinkers.

Advantages and disadvantages of different types of drinkers

In the very simple version A duck drinker is an empty bucket or deep bowl, with a stone placed at the bottom for stability. However, such a solution cannot be called ideal, which means it is worth studying the pros and cons of alternative designs.

It will be useful for you to learn how to make a duck feeder, nest and shed with your own hands, as well as how to make a variety of drinking bowls for ducklings with your own hands.

Deep water container

The advantages of a deep water tank are the following:

  • accessibility (any housewife will always have such “drinking bowls”);
  • ease of execution;
  • ease of cleaning;
  • possibility of replacement at any time.

As for the disadvantages of such tanks, these are:

  • rapid contamination of clean liquid due to attempts by ducks to climb inside the tank;
  • possibility of easy overturning of the drinker;
  • splashing water during watering, which can cause birds to catch a cold in cold weather;
  • the need for constant monitoring of the duck flock and frequent fluid changes.

Ordinary bowls and small basins can still be used for small ducklings, but for older birds it is advisable to install a more convenient, but also complex version of drinking bowls.


This type of drinker received this name due to the principle of its operation. The reduced pressure formed between the water and the bottom of the inverted container does not allow the liquid to spill out (a vacuum is created).

This is another fairly simple solution to the issue of constructing a drinking bowl, which also has its advantages and disadvantages.

The advantages of use include:

  • availability of materials (all you need is a plastic bottle and a shallow stand for it);
  • ease of use (easy to fill and wash);
  • the ability to move freely around the nest.

There are several more disadvantages of this solution:

  • the possibility of overturning when the water decreases, which means the need for additional reinforcement;
  • inability to dip the head, which is very important for ducks;
  • high probability of splashing, and as a result - bird disease due to movement on wet soil;
  • rapid contamination of the liquid and frequent water changes.

Did you know? Even with prolonged swimming and diving under water, duck feathers remain dry, which is due to their lubrication with a special secretion secreted from the base of the tail feathers.

The vacuum system is well suited for use when raising ducklings, but for adult birds it is advisable to prepare a more durable design.


Nipple types of drinkers are the most complex of all presented, and to organize the water supply you will have to buy or make a special device. Recently, such drinking bowls are becoming more common, and there are many reasons for this.

Among the advantages of the design are:

  • ease of use;
  • constant availability of clean water;
  • saving liquid due to portioned feeding;
  • opportunity ready purchase nipple mechanism or its independent construction;
  • constant dryness of the floor in the coop.

The disadvantages of using a nipple drinker include:

  • comparative high cost of materials;
  • the complexity of self-assembly of the structure.

Nipple drinkers are equally suitable for both ducklings and adult ducks, however, when constructing them, it is important to take into account the size of the bird for calculation optimal quantity supplied liquid.


Another good option water supply. In the very in simple form This is an ordinary plastic pipe (often used by plumbers), in which holes are cut on one side, corresponding in size to the bird's head.

It will also be useful for you to learn about the peculiarities of keeping such popular breeds of ducks at home as Ogar, Ukrainian Gray, Cayuga, Bashkir, Peking, and Blue Favorite.

The advantages of such a solution include:

  • ease of creation;
  • availability of materials;
  • large capacity;
  • durability of use.

The disadvantages of the groove system are:

  • the need for good fixation (if the pipe turns over, injuries to the ducks are possible, or simply the entire floor in the duck house will become wet and damp, which is also extremely undesirable);
  • frequent replacement of water, especially when keeping a large number of birds (each of them will constantly wash their beak in water);
  • Difficulty of replacing water: together with the liquid, this structure is very heavy, which means that to replace water, you will need the strength of two people.

Important! When choosing a pipe to create a trough drinker, pay attention to the strength of the product so that it does not crack after the first installation manipulations.

If you have already chosen the most suitable option for constructing a duck drinking bowl, then all that remains is to carefully study the step-by-step process of its creation. Let us consider the above constructions from this point of view.

Trough drinker from a sewer pipe

Required materials:

  • plastic pipe (optimal length 1.5 m, but depending on the size of the chicken coop you can take a longer product);
  • plastic elbow (turn signal);
  • plug for one side;
  • two wooden blocks that will serve as original legs on both sides.

Do-it-yourself trough drinker from a pipe: video

Required tools:

  • a jigsaw with a fine-toothed metal file and a wood file;
  • a screwdriver with a metal drill (needed to prepare holes before using a jigsaw);
  • level (acts as a ruler when marking the pipe);
  • marker.

The process of creating a trough drinker is as follows:

  1. We take the pipe, place it on the table and put a level on top (along its entire length).
  2. On both sides of it we draw with a marker (along) two lines that will indicate the width of future holes.
  3. Now we retreat 1 cm from the edge of the pipe and begin to mark with a marker the boundaries of future holes along the length with the remaining islands between them (in order not to accidentally cut such an island, you can put a cross in this area with a marker). Once the markings are completed to the end, you can proceed to the actual cutting of holes.
  4. We take a drill and drill two holes diagonally (in the corners) in each marked rectangle (for adult ducks its length can be 15-18 cm with a width of 8-10 cm).
  5. Insert a jigsaw file into the resulting hole and cut out a rectangle according to the drawing.
  6. We make holes in other places in the same way.
  7. We make legs for the finished pipe from wooden blocks (using a jigsaw, we cut out a recess in the wood corresponding in size to the width of the pipe).
  8. Important! For better stability of the drinker, you can use more bars, placing them not only on both sides, but also in the middle of the pipe. The plastic must fit tightly into the holes made so that the product does not rotate.

  9. We assemble the structure by closing one side with a plug, putting the elbow on the other and installing the pipe on the stand.

Nipple drinker

Required materials:

  • nipples operating from top to bottom movement (1800 for teenage ducklings or adult ducks and 3600 for small chicks);
  • a square pipe 2.2x2.2 cm with grooves inside (when purchasing, be sure to take into account the length of the product, because there should be at least 30 cm between adjacent nipples);
  • microbowls for nipples to collect drops;
  • muffler for pipe;
  • adapter that will connect the pipes;
  • a hose and a water container (for example, a tank with a lid), if you do not plan to connect the system to a centralized water supply.

Find out which duck breeds are classified as black and white ducks, tufted ducks, and which are meat ducks.

Prepare the following tools:

  • drill with 9 mm drill bit;
  • tap for conical threads;
  • marker.

Nipple drinker for birds with your own hands: video

The order of all actions is as follows:

  1. We take the prepared pipe and mark with a marker the places to drill holes for the nipples.
  2. We drill holes with a diameter of 9 mm and using conical tap cut threads into them.
  3. We screw the purchased nipples into each place.
  4. We take a prepared plastic tank with a lid and make a hole in its bottom, the size corresponding to the diameter of the connected hose.
  5. Next, you can either cut a thread, or simply insert the hose into the hole in the tank and wrap it with Teflon tape (can also be used to seal other possible places water leaks).
  6. The second edge of the hose is connected to a pipe with nipples.
  7. Under each of them we attach microbowls to the pipe to collect water.
  8. We fix the tube with nipples in a horizontal direction at a height convenient for the ducks.
  9. We install a tank above the pipe with nipples, for convenience, performing this work immediately indoors. If there is a possibility of water freezing in the tank, then you will have to additionally install a heater.
  10. By putting all the elements together, we get a finished nipple drinker.

Of course, in comparison with previous versions of drinkers, the nipple drinker is the most complex, but with its help you will save yourself from the need for frequent water changes and ensure dryness in the duckling, and this is worth the effort.


To build the simplest drinking bowl you will need:

  • a shallow tray with sides larger than the width of the bottle cap;
  • plastic bottle;
  • metal profile or wire frame

Tools worth preparing:

  • wire cutters;
  • pliers;
  • screws;
  • drill with a small drill bit.

Creating a drinking bowl involves performing the following steps:

  1. We fasten the frame for the bottle with screws to the wall in the selected location.
  2. Pour water into the bottle and screw the lid on.
  3. We install it in the frame with the neck down.
  4. We place a tray under the bottle, only so that there is a little space between the neck and the bottom.
  5. Open the lid and watch how the required amount of water flows into the pan.
  6. That's it, the vacuum drinker is ready, and as soon as the ducks drink some water from the bottom of the structure, it will immediately fill with liquid from the bottle.

By and large, any of the above options is not very difficult to implement, but in a situation of choice it is advisable to focus on personal circumstances.

So, for small ducklings, a vacuum drinker is more suitable, and when breeding a large number of ducks, it is advisable to install a nipple or groove design, which will cost a little less than the previous one.

In a word, with a little effort, you can create a drinking bowl from scrap materials and save a certain amount of money.

Preparatory steps

Decorating a site is a fascinating activity; it is much more interesting to make a bird with your own hands than to purchase a ready-made specimen for decoration. This gives you the opportunity to show your creativity. And who is a little lacking in their own imagination, presented step by step guide about birds made from plastic bottles will be a reliable help in needlework.

Auxiliary materials at hand will help you make the craft original. Depending on the selected type and size of bird, the work may require:

  • Plastic cans. They often act as the body of a bird.
  • The most accurate shape of the bird's head will be conveyed by a foam piece, which is subsequently painted in the desired colors. It is quite difficult to make, it will require certain skills.
  • Polyurethane foam is used to give shape to individual parts.
  • Depending on the shape of the chosen bird, the legs are made from plastic pipes or bottles left over from dairy products. This type of plastic is denser various configurations allow you to accurately convey the shape of the bird's thighs.
  • Give the bird's legs natural look twine will help; a corrugated pipe may be useful for finishing the legs.
  • The individual elements of the bird are connected to each other using wire, screws or glue. The choice depends on the weight of the parts and the texture of the material.
  • Individual elements of the bird's head in the form of a rooster's comb or beak are cut out of plastic, the eyes are painted with paints or buttons are attached. It all depends on the imagination of the master.
  • Acrylic paints and varnish intended for outdoor use will bring the model of a bird made from plastic bottles closer to the original.

When working on a bird, you should have scissors, a stapler, and an awl at hand. Regardless of the chosen figure, before starting the creative process, plastic bottles are thoroughly washed and any remaining labels and glue are removed. Otherwise, the birds will quickly become dirty and lose their attractiveness.

Comment! The main difficulty in making birds using plastic bottles is the plumage. The thicker and finer it is, the longer it will take.

Most simple crafts contain a minimum of details; the medium category of complexity includes figures with large plumage. To make a masterpiece, you will have to be patient and time.

Beautiful birds made from plastic bottles with your own hands are presented in numerous photos:

Simple, fast, beautiful

You can quickly decorate the area, spending a minimum of time and effort, by simple figures birds, where a small number of parts are used. Decorative effect achieved through bright colors.


You can make chicken in various ways, it all depends on the chosen container. If for composition landscape design A small figure is required; thick 1-liter plastic bottles containing dairy products are suitable. Medium size It will come out of a 1.5 liter container. To make the chicken visible from afar, you can take a 5-6 liter plastic container. The basic steps are not difficult:

  • The selected container is coated with bright yellow paint.
  • A comb, beak and paws are cut out of thick plastic and secured with an awl and wire.
  • Chickens look more impressive when additional wings are cut out of bottles and attached.
  • At the final stage, eyes are drawn on the chicken.

The sly fox from plastic container, which was hiding not far from the chicken.

To ensure that the bird figure plays not only a decorative role, but also brings practical benefits, bird figures made from plastic bottles are often used as containers for plants. The chicken idea is no exception. Next photo demonstrates great idea, how a bright chicken also serves as a flower pot.


More more ways, how to make a motley parrot using plastic bottles. Let's start with the basics. To work you will need:

  • Plastic bottles, preferably 1.5-2 liters.
  • Flat container made of thick plastic.
  • Self-tapping screws, glue and scissors.
  • Acrylic paints.

The easiest way to make a parrot is to choose a bottle with a spherical shape for the body, which will transform into a head. The neck is covered with a funny tuft, which is also cut out of plastic bottles.

To avoid mistakes, the details of the wings and tail are first drawn on paper. The neck and bottom of plastic bottles are removed, cut lengthwise and left under pressure overnight. Paper blanks are transferred to plastic and cut out. All elements are painted separately. Then the body, wings, tail and crest are connected together. The beak is cut out of thick plastic. An ordinary metal rod will help to secure the parrot to the ground. Even a 10-year-old child can make such a bird.

Advice! To avoid injury in the future, it is recommended to melt the cut out parts of the bird over a small flame; an ordinary candle will do.

If you want to make a parrot with feathers, it will take much more effort. The bird, painted in exact accordance with the cartoon character Kesha, looks extremely impressive. We will not go into the nuances of making a colorful figure; they will be described using the example of a rooster made from plastic bottles.

Medium difficulty category

Graceful swans and exotic flamingos always attract attention. You can make them yourself from plastic bottles.


Milk plastic container white 0.3 l volume is ideal for making a swan.

Algorithm of actions:

  • It is better to make the base of the bird from a 5-liter bottle, which also serves as a container for planting plants.
  • After cutting a hole, the bird's body is connected to a flexible hose, which will be the swan's neck.
  • Most of the time will be required for making the plumage.
  • To avoid injury from sharp cuts in the future, all elements are melted over a fire.
  • Bird feathers are strung on wire and then attached to a base made of plastic bottle.
  • The beak is cut out of thick plastic and painted red.

Comment! Work on forming the tail begins from the bottom up or from the back to the front so that the upper element covers the attachment point of the lower part. This rule applies to all instructions on how to make a bird using plastic bottles.

The main stages of the creative process are demonstrated in the photo.


It’s easy enough to make flamingos from plastic containers. A large bird does not require scrupulous steps to cut out numerous small feathers, so the process moves quickly.

A 10 liter plastic canister is usually used as a basis. For legs you will need PVC pipes, it is better to make the neck from a flexible hose. As you can see in the photo, the upper part of the bird's legs is made from milk bottles. The body is decorated with large plumage. The final touch- this is the coloring of an exotic bird in bright pink. A large figure needs to be carefully secured to the site. It is better to fix long legs in the ground. If you don’t plan to move the flamingo, you can even fill it with a small amount of concrete.

The bird looks unusual, where the bottoms of plastic bottles are used instead of feathers.


A peacock or firebird will help you immerse yourself in a fairy-tale atmosphere on the site, which are also based on affordable plastic bottles. You can make the process easier by replacing part of the plumage with plastic bags.

Main stages:

  • Initially, the body of the royal bird is formed from plastic bottles. The presented photos will help you get the job done quickly and without any hiccups.
  • For the tail, you will need the middle part of a plastic bottle, cut into 3 parts. One edge of the part is rounded and a fringe is formed due to frequent notches.
  • To make a beautiful tail, the edge of each element is decorated with the famous “peacock eye”. To do this, a circle of foil and polyethylene is attached to each part of the tail from a plastic bottle with a stapler.
  • The peacock's eyes and head can be painted with acrylic paints.
  • The bird's body is connected to the tail with wire.
  • The plumage of the body is formed from packages.
  • The paws can be made from plastic pipes with wire at the end.

To keep the peacock stable, the body is first filled with sand. Peacocks look incredibly impressive, where the plumage is made entirely of plastic bottles. Original coloring will help you make an individual bird that will be different from all the presented specimens.

Masterpieces of creativity

Experienced craftsmen can be offered instructions on how to make a rooster out of plastic bottles. For the craft you will need:

  • Plastic canister on the body.
  • 5 liter bottle for neck.
  • Plastic pipe 40 cm for bird feet.
  • 1.5 liter bottles for decorating thighs.
  • Lots of plastic containers for feathers.


The formation of any bird, including a rooster from a plastic bottle, begins with creating a frame.

Key stages:

  • The side of the canister is cut off and moved to the side.
  • The pipe is bent to the shape of the legs and screwed to the canister with self-tapping screws.
  • A 5 liter container is rolled up into a ball, this will be the rooster's neck.
  • Plastic bottles of 1.5 liters, cut off at the top, will help to thicken the legs.

If you plan to make a small bird, take a smaller container.


You can bring the rooster's figure as close as possible to a natural bird by making the head out of foam plastic. This kind of work is distinguished by jewelry and requires certain skills. It is quite difficult to cut out a solid element; it is easier to prepare the head, comb and beard separately, and then connect the parts. Then the workpiece is prepared for painting, for this:

  • The foam bird's head is sanded with sandpaper.
  • the surface is treated with acrylic putty;
  • when the mixture dries, it is sanded again;
  • a layer of PVA will give the workpiece the desired smoothness and prevent excessive absorption of acrylic paints.

You can decorate the bird's head in various ways. Eyes draw or attach small details suitable shape. Handicraft stores will provide a wide selection decorative elements. It is easier to cut the scallop and beak from plastic containers than from polystyrene foam.


The plumage of birds varies depending on the part of the body. The tail usually consists of long feathers. Large parts are also required for the wings. The body and especially the neck are decorated with small elements. Maintaining proportions will bring the decorative figure as close as possible to the selected prototype. Small feathers are fixed with wire into holes previously prepared with an awl; large elements can be secured with self-tapping screws. When forming wings, reinforcing mesh is often used.

The legs of the rooster also deserve attention. The plastic tube at the top is complemented by bottles fixed with the neck down; the lower part is crowned with legs twisted from wire and wrapped with twine.

When to dye depends on the color of the bird. A monochromatic figure can be covered with a decorative layer at the final stage. It is better to paint the elements of colorful birds in advance, before starting assembly.

When you have the skills to work with plastic bottles, you can create a real masterpiece to decorate your area. Whether it will be an important rooster, an eagle owl at night, or a royal pigeon is up to the master to decide.

Types of drinkers for ducks

There are several types of drinkers:

  • cup;
  • nipple;
  • vacuum;
  • grooved;
  • simple variations.

Simple variations are ordinary basins installed in a place convenient for the farmer. This design is the cheapest option and has a lot of disadvantages. Ducks will constantly knock over the basin and get their feet into it, which will cause a lot of inconvenience and complicate cleaning the area.


The design is a container that supplies water in doses through a hose into the bowls located below. The cup drinker is easy to use and easy to assemble with your own hands. Suitable for birds of any age. If you have a water supply, you can install a water heater on the tap, and in winter warm water will flow into the drinking bowl.


The nipple or nipple design is a container with dispensers coming out of it. Water is supplied after pressing the nipple. When using such a drinker, the water does not stagnate and is supplied only at the request of the bird. The only drawback of the design is the complexity of implementation.

Important! There are nipples that open the water supply only at an angle of 90° - they are used for adult livestock, and those that operate at 360° - are used for young animals.


The vacuum drinker is easy to use. It is an inverted tank filled with liquid, which is under pressure and flows into a pan. The design is universal and suitable for adults and for feeding day-old ducklings. The disadvantage is the instability of the structure.


Trough drinkers are easy to use, but not always convenient. Most often used for manufacturing sewer pipe, in which holes are cut to the size of duck heads. This design is durable and spacious. The disadvantage of this drinker is the need for frequent water changes and the difficulty of performing this manipulation. Ducks, having free access to water, will not miss the opportunity to constantly rinse their beaks in it.

How to make a water bowl for ducks with your own hands at home

Before making the drinker, select the location where it will be located. Consider how to secure the structure to prevent it from tipping over. Think in advance about how the drinking bowls will be disinfected.


A home-made nipple drinker will cost much less than a factory-made analogue, and will be fully adapted to the poultry available on the farmstead. We suggest you consider detailed description the process of creating a homemade drinking bowl.

To make a nipple drinker you will need:

  • polypropylene pipe with a diameter of 20 mm;
  • corners;
  • tees;
  • flexible hose;
  • nipples 360;
  • fasteners;
  • ten cc syringes.


  • 8 mm wood drill, sharpened for a feather;
  • tap for cutting threads for M9x1 nipples.

Step by step instructions:

  1. Prepare the syringes. Close one, leave the other open and trim it.
  2. Insert the syringes on both sides into the tube.
  3. Turn on the hairdryer and weld the syringes into the pipe. The heating temperature should be within 400°.
  4. Make markings for the holes for the nipples. Using a wood drill bit sharpened to a feather, make holes and mark the threads with a tap. The design is almost ready - all that remains is to insert the nipples.
  5. Secure the tube with several fasteners and attach it to the wall. The hose can be connected to any water supply device. This can be a full-fledged water conduit or a bucket attached to the ceiling.

Important! Leave the cut end of the syringe sticking out of the pipe. In the future, a flexible hose and tee will be attached to it. A nipple drinker connected to a water supply line is easiest to heat. The heating device is installed directly into the faucet and is called a thermostat.

Video: DIY nipple drinkers

From a plastic bottle

A drinking bowl made from a plastic bottle is the simplest and most affordable device. With its help you can build a full-fledged vacuum drinker. If you need to water a large population, you can make such a drinking bowl from a 5-liter canister.

To create a drinking bowl you will need:

  • 2 liter plastic bottle;
  • a shallow bowl or flat plate with divisions (you can use a special bowl for dogs with divisions for food);
  • profile frame.

To make a drinking bowl, use the following set of tools:

  • wire cutters;
  • 2 screws;
  • drill;
  • 3 mm drill.

Step by step instructions:

  1. In a pre-selected location, screw the profile frame with screws. Place a bowl below.
  2. Fill the bottle with water, screw the cap on halfway and turn it over.
  3. Insert the bottle in this position into the prepared frame.

Did you know? The first electric drill was created in 1895. It was a large unit weighing 8 kg, equipped with 2 handles. An even more ancient ancestor of the drill is the arc drill, which was used back in the Stone Age to make holes in the handles of axes. To keep the water warm in winter, IR lamps are a good option. They warm the objects they shine on and do not burn oxygen. They emit a pleasant, dim light that can be left on even at night. Thus, you will solve 2 problems at once: heating water and supplementary lighting winter period.

From a canister

Elementary option vacuum design can be created from a canister of any displacement. An automatic drinker of this type is equally suitable for day-old young birds and adult birds.

To create a drinking bowl you will need:

  • a canister made of food-grade dense plastic for 5–20 l;
  • faucet with drip irrigation;
  • pallet 20x20 cm.

To build the structure, you will need the following devices:

  • drill;
  • drill suitable in diameter to the faucet.

Step by step instructions:

  1. At the bottom of the canister, approximately 5–10 cm from the bottom, make a mark for the hole. Try it on the side of the pallet. It should rise 3–5 cm above the level of the faucet.
  2. Install the faucet and your drinker is ready.
  3. Fill the container with water, place it in the tray and open the tap. Water will fill the pan until it covers the faucet itself. Then, under the influence of vacuum, the flow will stop.

To avoid carrying a canister of water every time, you can connect it to the water supply. Make a hole in the lid and thread a flexible hose through it. Connect the other end of the hose to the tap.

Video: Automatic drinker from a canister

If connected to a water supply, heating is extremely simple - installing a thermostat directly into the tap. If you collect water yourself, the option of using IR lamps in the poultry house is suitable.

From a sewer pipe

A drinking container made from a sewer pipe is a good option for large livestock. The advantage of this design is the ease of connection to the water supply system.

To make a drinking bowl you will need the following materials:

  • polypropylene sewer pipe 1.5 m long, 20 cm in diameter;
  • stub;
  • turn signal;
  • wide latches.

Tools you will need:

  • a jigsaw equipped with a fine-toothed metal file;
  • screwdriver;
  • 8 mm drill;
  • level;
  • construction pencil;
  • Phillips screwdriver.

Step by step instructions:

  1. Fix the pipe and make markings using a level. The size of the slots is 25x10 cm. The step between the slots is 10 cm.
  2. Having made the markings, use a Phillips screwdriver to place marks under the holes in different diagonal planes of the first rectangle.
  3. Use a drill to drill the marked holes.
  4. Next, insert the jigsaw into the hole and draw a straight line along the edge of the rectangle. In this way, you need to go through the entire rectangle, and then take out the cut piece.
  5. Remove the chips and continue working on the next holes.
  6. Secure the pipe using latches in a pre-selected location.

The problem with heating water is easily solved using the methods described above.

Video: Drinking bowl from a sewer pipe

From a barrel

An equally interesting and simple option is a duck drinker made from a barrel. Such a device will make it possible to provide water not only for a large number of ducks, but also for other inhabitants of the yard.

Did you know? First of all, the duck takes its brood to the pond to swim. The ability to swim is inherent in babies at the genetic level, so they feel free in the water within a few hours after birth. To complete the task you will need:

  • metal barrel 50 l;
  • 6 pieces of pipe 10 cm with a cross section of 25 mm;
  • 3 pieces of pipe with a cross-section of 25 mm, 20 cm long;
  • drop eliminators;
  • ready-made drinkers with nipples 3 pcs.;
  • irrigation faucet;
  • wooden block 80–90 cm long;
  • flexible hose.

Tools you will need:

  • drill;
  • drill for 19;
  • screws;
  • screwdriver

Step by step instructions:

  1. Make a hole at a convenient height in the bottom of the barrel. Attach the faucet to it.
  2. Attach the drinkers and nipples together using pieces of pipe.
  3. Attach the drip eliminators to a wooden block and then insert the tube with drinkers into the grooves.
  4. Fill the drinking bowl with water, connect one end of the hose to the faucet, the other to the structure with drinking bowls. For convenience, you can make several holes in the barrels and connect taps to them.

This option is very convenient when keeping several species of birds and animals in enclosures at once. In this case, the barrel is installed in the central part and wiring is made from it to all enclosures.

Video: How to make a drinking bowl from a metal barrel

Heating water in a barrel is easy, since it will be in a place isolated from pets. In winter, you can lay hot bricks under it or install a thermostat directly into the water supply tap.

Duck breeds for home breeding

Breeding ducks is one of the least troublesome (compared to keeping other poultry) ways to provide your family with delicious, nutritious meat, and in some cases also make good money. The demand for duck has always been high due to the high nutritional qualities of the meat, and duck liver is considered a delicacy. There are other advantages to keeping ducks: duck down is in demand as a natural filler for outerwear, blankets and pillows, and the droppings of these birds are used as fertilizer.

Duck eggs are not eaten as food due to their specific taste, but they are useful for incubation hatching chickens. Boiled duck eggs mixed with cottage cheese are an excellent food for young animals.

The profitability of keeping ducks depends on the choice of breed. They are all divided into three types:

  • meat;
  • meat and eggs;
  • egg.

For home breeding, meat breeds are preferable, i.e. those that are characterized by rapid weight gain. The following meat duck breeds are common in Russia:

  • Beijing;
  • black white-breasted;
  • Moscow white.

Female and drake of the Peking duck breed

Black white-breasted duck breed

Peking ducks are the most unpretentious in nutrition; they consume almost everything, from algae to tripe. Female Peking ducks gain weight up to 3.5 kg, drakes - 4. This breed is early maturing: the young are fattened very quickly to slaughter weight. Peking ducks are very hardy: they do not get sick when cold weather sets in and are resistant to major avian viruses. The disadvantages of the breed include their “talkativeness”: the birds react violently to any noise in the yard with a deafening quack.

Moscow white breed ducks

Black White-breasted is a hybrid bred specifically for breeding in conditions middle zone. The female weighs 3.6-3.6 kg, the drake - 4 or more. Black white breasts are valued for their fatty and very tender meat. The meat of Moscow White ducks is also distinguished by its high taste, and they are also quite large birds: males gain weight up to 4.5 kg, and sometimes up to 5.

Premises requirements

Ducks are not as demanding of living conditions as pheasants or quails, but providing minimal amenities is mandatory. Any utility room can be converted into a poultry house, the main thing is that it is dry, well ventilated and sufficiently lit. If you plan to keep a small (up to 10 head) flock, you can set up a pen for ducks in a room where other poultry or livestock are kept. If a separate room is being built for the duckling house, then it is advisable to choose a place on the south side, on a small hill. The soil under the duckling house should be dry and not flooded. groundwater: Although ducks are waterfowl, they do not like to live in a swamp. Ducks will feel uncomfortable in a pen with bare log walls; it is advisable to insulate them with polystyrene foam or sheets of plywood.

Poultry house for ducks

When constructing a poultry house, they are guided by the number of birds in the flock. For 1 sq.m. area can accommodate no more than three adults. In addition, it is necessary to provide space for feeders and drinkers (calculating + 1.5-2 sq.m. to the area).

Video - Poultry house from a greenhouse. Keeping ducks in winter

Arrangement of nests

Unlike chickens, ducks do not need perches and can be kept on the floor. The need for nests depends on the duck breeding technique. If you keep “seasonal” livestock for slaughter, then it is not necessary to equip separate nests; it is enough to provide the birds with good bedding, but when keeping laying ducks they are needed. In this case, it is not necessary to allocate one for each head: there should be half as many nests as laying hens.

Nest made of boxes and buckets

You can use wooden boxes or pallets for nests or make them yourself from plywood. Recommended dimensions of “seats”:

  • width - 60-70 cm;
  • height - 25 cm;
  • threshold height - 7-10 cm.

Duck nests

If parts of boxes are used as nests, they should be separated by partitions. You cannot place nests end to end - the ducks will pinch each other. Place places for laying hens along the wall, opposite the feeders. It is not advisable to place nests opposite the entrance - ducks do not like to be “in sight” when laying eggs. The nests are filled with bedding, which is changed as it gets dirty.

Wooden box duck nest

Litter selection

The main requirement for duckling bedding is good moisture absorption. Dampness and moisture affect the plumage of ducks: their feathers become ruffled, losing their heat-saving properties. As a result, the birds freeze and begin to get sick. To maintain dryness in the room, deep litter is best suited, which involves regularly adding fresh material on top of what has already been compacted. In the cold season, deep litter is changed 2-3 times a month, in the warm season, when the birds are out for a walk part of the day - 1-2 times. The frequency of changing the litter also depends on the material used (sawdust, straw, peat).

Peat bedding is considered the most comfortable: the absorption properties of peat are twice as high as those of sawdust, and three times higher than those of straw. Another advantage of peat flooring is that it absorbs well the ammonia smell that occurs when bird excrement breaks down.

The density of the litter depends on the temperature outside the window. In summer and spring, you can add less bedding material; in the cold months it is better not to save it. The thickness of the flooring in the cold season should be at least 25-30 cm, in the warm months - up to 20. Average consumption by 1 adult duck per season:

  • sawdust - 12 kg;
  • peat - 12-15 kg;
  • hay, straw - 16 kg.

In winter, the consumption of bedding material increases, because It is necessary to line not only the duck house, but also the walking area so that the birds do not freeze their paws.

Using deep permanent litter

To extend the life of deep litter, it must be turned regularly to prevent a crust of manure from forming on top. The litter that has begun to become damp can be saved by adding slaked lime (0.5 kg per sq.m.) to it, and pour a new, thicker layer on top.

Deep litter laid in compliance with all the rules is an additional source of heat in winter and autumn. In its upper layers the temperature remains at 12-17°C, and in the deep layers - up to 28°C.

Heating and ventilation

Most meat and meat-egg breeds of ducks tolerate low temperatures, but cold indoors affects weight gain. You can heat the pen with a stove or electric lamps. When heating with a stove, the stove must be separated by a heat-resistant partition. At external temperatures down to -5°C, the duckling house is heated once every 2 days; in severe frosts, the stove will have to be lit daily. Ducks do not need “tropics” - it is enough that in winter the room temperature does not fall below -5°C. For ease of control temperature regime It is advisable to hang a thermometer on the wall.

When heating with a stove, the stove must be separated by a heat-resistant partition.

To heat the duck house with electricity, blue-spectrum LED lamps with a power of 50 W are mounted on the wall at a height of 2 m. To ensure the required temperature in a pen for 10 animals, 5 such lamps are enough.

Benefits of infrared heating

A separate ventilation system in the duck house is not needed. It is important that there are no drafts in the room, so if possible, windows should be located as high as possible. It is desirable that the window can be opened in two positions: fully and for ventilation. The cracks near windows and doors should be carefully caulked. When keeping livestock on deep, permanent bedding, daily ventilation of the premises is necessary. In winter it is done while walking the birds. After ventilation is completed, it is necessary to bring the temperature in the room to the desired level by turning on the stove or LED lamps.

Feeders and drinkers

The design of the “dishes” for ducks used for wet mash should be as simple as possible, so that it is easy not only to fill with food, but also to clean. The optimal format for a duck feeder is a trough divided into sections. The height of the walls of the trough should be sufficient so that birds cannot climb into it with their feet.

Wooden feeder for adult ducks

Tube feeder for ducklings

Bulk feeders mounted to the wall are well suited for dry food. Hopper models that provide feed dosage are also a convenient option. There are also automatic feeders, which help to consume feed as economically as possible, but also cost more than others.

DIY duck feeder

Duck drinking bowl made from a bucket and basin

Birds must have access to water around the clock, so along with feeders, there should be drinking bowls in the pen for keeping ducks. They can be made from improvised materials or bought ready-made. Nipple drinkers that provide automatic water supply are considered the most convenient. Buckets or basins are not suitable as drinking bowls, because... birds can climb up there and turn it over.

If regular (not nipple or vacuum) drinkers are used, the water in them should be changed at least 2 times a day. You need to make sure that the bottom of the container is not overgrown with algae. Once every 1-2 weeks, it is advisable to disinfect drinking bowls with a solution of potassium permanganate.

Feeder for ducklings from 15 to 45 days of age

Feeder for ducklings 15 days old

Video - Automatic drinker for poultry


Despite the unpretentiousness of ducks in nutrition, their diet should be properly formed in order to achieve good performance weight gain. The main types of feed consumed by domestic ducks include:

  1. Cereals (corn, wheat, oats, barley, legumes). Grains are the basis of the duck diet; they guarantee stable growth and development of birds.
  2. Green mass (clover, alfalfa). In the warm season, crushed green mixtures - affordable way provide the livestock with vitamins.
  3. Algae (rust, elodea). They contain special proteins necessary for the formation of immunity.
  4. Vegetables (pumpkin, cabbage, carrots, zucchini). Like green mixtures, they are sources of vitamins. Grated vegetables are added to wet mash.

Approximate norms and diet for feeding laying ducks (g per head per day)

Approximate diet for ducklings

If possible, waste from processing oil crops (cakes and meal) should be included in the diet. They contain high concentrations of potassium and phosphorus, which are important for the formation of the skeleton in young animals. Animal feed (meat or fish meal) and dairy products will help fill microelement deficiency.

Having nearby slow-flowing ponds or meadows where birds can browse grass will allow you to save significantly on feed for your duck flock. In this way, the herd receives up to 50% of the required daily menu. The ducks are fed in the morning and evening. If the birds are constantly in the pen, they are fed 4 times a day, alternating feeding with wet mash with dry food. In the warm season, it is necessary to monitor the quality of wet mash: they tend to sour quickly.

In winter, when green mixtures and algae are excluded from the diet, the birds are fed 2 times a day, once with wet mash, the second time with grain flour mixtures.

Kira Stoletova

Large and small ducks love to drink water. It is important for people who breed birds to provide their birds with regular and clean water. A do-it-yourself drinking bowl for ducklings is very simple to make, but it must be multifunctional. The materials for the drinking bowl device are chosen to be durable and safe. There should be no inconvenience with cleaning and replacing water. You can make a drinking bowl for ducks with your own hands, taking into account the features and differences between devices for birds of different ages.

Requirements for drinking bowls for ducks

Proper care of poultry cannot be achieved without a water bowl and feeder. To make or buy the right waterer for ducks and ducklings, you need to consider the following factors:

  1. Duck flock size. Ducks drink a lot, so it is necessary that the drinker completely covers their fluid needs. A large flock requires several adaptations.
  2. Design. Ducks are waterfowl and will definitely want to get into the container and swim. It is necessary to provide a design that is inconvenient for swimming. It is necessary to make a narrow and deep drinking bowl so that the birds can completely lower their heads there on hot days.
  3. Convenient cleaning and disinfection. For convenient replacement of liquid and cleaning the walls of the drinking bowl, the narrow and deep design must also be compact.

It is important for ducklings to have a round-the-clock supply of drinking water. Drinkers need to be filled regularly. If the number of birds is large, simple designs made from improvised materials are suitable. When the flock is large, for her best option- automatic drinker. When breeding Indian ducks, the requirements for devices are the same.

Drinking bowls from scrap items

Most often, farmers use simple improvised items as drinking and feeding devices:

  1. small buckets covered with enamel;
  2. basins;
  3. bowls made of metal and plastic.

The main advantages of such drinking bowls are low cost and simplicity. No need to fool yourself: put a trough, pour water, and let them drink. But there are many more disadvantages:

  1. Ducks will constantly try to climb into a large open structure, bringing dust and traces of droppings into the water.
  2. Birds can easily knock over the drinker.
  3. Water will splash easily when drinking. When not enough high temperature air, birds can catch colds.

Elementary homemade feeders create a lot of problems for the owner of a flock of ducks. You will have to change the water more often and constantly monitor the birds. Simple drinkers are only suitable for very small ducklings. For older birds, it is better to install more complex devices.

Automatic drinkers for ducks

You can buy a good waterer for ducklings in a special store or make it yourself. The most common types of devices:

  1. nipple pipe;
  2. vacuum drinker.

Making a nipple drinker for ducklings with your own hands is the most difficult thing to assemble, but it is the most convenient device. Vacuum drinkers are not much inferior in characteristics to nipple drinkers, but making them at home is much easier. Do-it-yourself vacuum feeders are often made from a large plastic bottle.

Complex watering devices have a number of advantages. The water inside is always clean and does not splash. It is easy to ensure a continuous supply of drink. You can make an automatic drinker yourself by watching a detailed video.

Nipple drinker

Nipple drinkers for ducks are very popular. These are the most convenient designs for breeders who have numerous flocks.

  1. The design of the nipple (nipple) feeder is a pipe that is filled with water.
  2. Small outlet tubes are connected to the pipe, through which water flows out.
  3. Ducks can drink directly from tubes, but more often the liquid is piped into small hanging cups.

A DIY nipple drinker for ducklings provides an automatic and continuous supply of drink; it is suitable for birds of any age.

What is needed to install a nipple drinker

Setting up a nipple device for a watering hole at home is difficult, but possible. At self-production The construction will need materials:

  1. Nipples. The parameters of the parts depend on the age of the birds. “Younger” drinkers use a 3600 nipple, older ducks use a 1800 nipple, which operates from top to bottom.
  2. Square pipe with grooves inside. The length of the pipe is selected taking into account the number of nipples and minimum distance between them, which should be equal to 30 cm. The number of nipples depends on the size of the flock.
  3. Microbowls, drip eliminators.
  4. Muffler for pipe.
  5. Connector for square and round pipe.
  6. Inlet tube and liquid reservoir (plastic container with a lid), if the device is not planned to be connected to a central water supply.
  7. Sealing material.
  8. Drill (9 mm drill bit).
  9. Threaded tap.

You can start constructing the device only when all the details are prepared. If something is missing, the work will be delayed and the quality of the device will be in question.

Making a nipple type drinker

How to make a drinking bowl for ducklings with your own hands? You can make a nipple structure in several stages:

  1. Marks are made on the pipe for drilling holes, marks at a distance of 30 cm from each other.
  2. Drill holes in the pipe 9 mm in diameter.
  3. A thread is made in the holes using a conical tap and the nipples are screwed in.
  4. Prepare a container for water. At the bottom of the plastic tank, a hole is made to fit the size of the outlet hose. The joints between the hole and the hose are treated with sealing material.
  5. Drop eliminators (for nipples 3600) and microbowls (for nipples 1800) are installed on the tube under the nipples.
  6. All areas where there is a risk of water leakage are treated with sealant (feeders do not require such treatment). The pipe is mounted horizontally at a height accessible to the ducks. The fluid reservoir is installed higher above the nipple tube device.

The container must be installed in a warm room so that the liquid in the reservoir does not freeze. If such conditions do not exist, then an aquarium heater can be installed in the tank.

Vacuum drinker from a bottle

Vacuum drinker - simpler, but no less convenient option for watering ducks. This is an insulated reservoir from which water flows into a tray. The drinker is universal; it will be comfortable for ducklings and large ducks to use. At home, it is easy to make such a drinking bowl from plastic containers.

  • Wire or fastenings.
  • When all the parts are ready, you can start designing. It is important to pay attention to the details, since the uninterrupted operation of the future water supply device depends on their quality and functionality.

    The procedure for making a drinking bowl

    Constructing a drinking bowl from a plastic bottle with your own hands is as easy as shelling pears. Instructions and videos will help with this:

    1. The side surface of the bottle is connected to the wall at a low height using frame fasteners.
    2. Pour liquid into the bottle and screw in the cap.
    3. A tray is placed under the neck. Place the bowl so that there is a gap between the bottom and the lid of the bottle.
    4. Unscrew the lid.

    A hole is made at the bottom of the bottle to simplify the process of replacing liquid for ducks. Drinking water for the ducks will come from the bottle as the tray is emptied. The liquid will always be clean and fresh.

    This device is one of the important details for the healthy growth of small ducklings and the life of adult ducks.

    Feeders also require attention, but the water device should also be as functional as possible. It is the owner's responsibility to help ducks adapt to the world around them. Birds love to drink, so it is important to provide ducks with a regular supply of water. It is important that the drink is clean. Automatic designs the required volume can be bought in a store or made with your own hands using simple instructions, photos and videos.

    Rational nutrition and a competent approach to arranging food and drink for ducks are the two most important rules for the full development and rapid growth animals. A nipple drinker for ducks is one of the most convenient devices that allows you to organize the drinking process for birds.

    To ensure that ducks do not feel a lack of water, it is necessary to install a certain number of drinkers. You can buy them at any store, but you can make them yourself; it won’t require much work. In our article we will talk about one of the nipple drinkers, and we will tell you how to make it yourself, having the necessary equipment at hand.

    Ducks always prefer water. Organism adult requires about 1.7 liters per day for complete nutrition. In addition, ducks should be able to approach the water at any time, because they even wet their food.

    Everyone knows that ducks love to spend time in the water, wallow in it and swim. Especially for this purpose, a container is always installed in the poultry house of such a size that the ducks fit completely into it. Frequent stay in such water leads to the fact that it becomes polluted due to the earth and rubbish that ducks carry on themselves and on their paws. And here those same nipple drinkers come to the rescue, which will provide constant access to fresh and clean water suitable for drinking.

    This type of drinker is suitable for different housing of ducks (floor, cage). It is not difficult to create yourself, it is very practical to use. That is why on large farms and poultry farms experts prefer this watering system.

    The nipple drinker consists of several items:

    1. Barrel supplying water.
    2. Nipples (nipples).
    3. A square-shaped plastic pipe.
    4. Parts for connecting elements.

    The main advantage is the dosage of the supplied volume of water. The water here is always very clean and of high quality. All that is required of you for daily watering is to fill the barrel with good water.

    When choosing nipples, you need to pay attention to the fact that ducks will prefer a large nipple, which will give more water (about 100 ml of water in 60 seconds).

    There is no need to teach ducks to drink from a drinker: they see that there are drops there and intuitively begin to use this drinker.

    It is very important to carefully determine the number of nipples and correct installation them on the pipe. It is believed that there is 1 nipple nipple per 8-10 heads. That is, if you have about 45 ducks, then you will need at least 5 nipples.

    There is also a small disadvantage to nipple drinkers: they are not suitable for very small ducklings. The fact is that small individuals need to completely lower their head into the container when drinking, which is not typical for a nipple bottle. Therefore, you will need to install a separate container for kids.

    Making a nipple drinker with your own hands

    In order to make your own drinking bowl, you will need some elements.

    Table 1. List of elements for constructing a nipple drinker

    NipplesYou can use two nipples: 1800 for adults and 3600 for young ducklings
    PVC pipeThe length should be determined based on the number of nipples being arranged. There should be about 35-40 cm between each nipple so that the ducks do not interfere with each other and are not constrained in their movements
    BarrelServes as a water reservoir
    Drop eliminators for nipplesThey will be intended for ducklings
    Small cup-shaped drinkers for nipplesThey will be intended for adult ducks
    Connecting elementsThey can serve as plugs, adapters, brackets
    Hosesize from barrel to plastic pipe, through which water will be transmitted
    Drill, 8 mm-
    Centimeter tape measure-
    Marker, felt-tip pen or pencil-

    Collecting all elements in unified system Reminds me of a children's construction set. It won't be difficult to do this. The only thing that will require a lot of attention is working with a screwdriver or drill.

    Table 2. Assembly of nipple drinker

    Step one: decide on the number of nipples needed for drinking. After this, set the length of the pipe.
    Step two: using a marker or felt-tip pen, mark on the plastic pipe the points where the nipples will eventually be installed. Remember that the distance between the nipples should be about 30-40 cm.
    Step three: secure the pipe so that it does not move and drill holes in it for the nipples.
    Step four: now you can move on to the nipples themselves. Screw them into the drilled holes. If you notice that there are any holes or holes left, go through them silicone sealant so that nothing subsequently leaks and water does not drip.
    Step five: on the side where the barrel of water will be located, attach a hose to transfer water.
    Step Six: Place a cup or drip tray on each nipple.
    Step seven: attach the hose to the water barrel.
    Step eight: set the drinker itself to a certain height, which will depend on the age and height of the birds. Attach it to the wall.


    Making a drinking bowl with your own hands is very quick and easy. In addition, there are many options for constructing this drinking bowl. You can install a regular drinker with a container in which water will accumulate, or make a nipple-type drinker. The main thing is to always ensure that the water your pets consume is clean and fresh.

    Before you start breeding poultry, you should carefully study the information about keeping and proper care. Ducks, like other birds, need regular balanced nutrition and a well-organized drinking regime. Therefore, an important part of any poultry farm are special feeders and drinkers for indo-ducks. Ready-made drinkers for ducks can be purchased at a pet store or made yourself.

    In small poultry farms, many breeders use ordinary household items that are available in any home as drinking bowls:

    • Metal or plastic basins;
    • Enameled buckets:
    • Small bowls.

    U simple designs has its merits. First of all, they are easy to use and do not cost a lot of money.

    You should know that they have more disadvantages:

    • Ducks will always try to climb into an open container, thereby knocking it over;
    • Water in simple drinking bowls quickly becomes dirty, droppings and other dirt get into it;
    • The liquid cools quickly and is easily sprayed by ducks, so if the temperature drops sharply, they can catch a cold;
    • Simple containers are more suitable for young animals. It is inconvenient for adults, especially in large poultry farms, to drink from them.

    Exists large selection specialized drinking bowls for poultry.

    The most popular are automatic designs, vacuum and nipple drinkers.

    It is very easy to make water bowls for ducks with your own hands. The most difficult part is manufacturing the nipple structure. But at the same time it is considered the most convenient device for ducks.

    By popularity and convenience vacuum drinkers practical ones are not inferior to nipple ones and are well suited for self-production. Most often it is made from a large canister or plastic bottle.

    Such products have more advantages. They protect drinking water from dirt and droppings, and also make housekeeping easier. Automatic designs provide a continuous supply of liquid and take up little space in the poultry house. You can make them yourself from scrap materials.

    Requirements and dimensions

    Ducks need a lot of water.

    The amount of fluid consumed per day exceeds the amount of food. To improve digestion, birds always drink dry food with liquid. For this reason, ducks must have constant access to water, regardless of the time of year or living conditions.

    Ducks are very messy birds, they scatter food and love to swim. If the water in the house is openly available, they will definitely climb into it to swim. This is not very correct, since the drinking liquid should always be clean and the bedding dry. Otherwise, in damp conditions, birds will often get sick and may even die.

    What are the requirements for duck drinkers:

    1. The size of the product depends on the number of individuals in the poultry houses. It is necessary to install such structures that can fully satisfy the liquid needs of birds. Large poultry houses will require several large structures;
    2. When choosing a drinking bowl, it is necessary to take into account the characteristics of birds. Indians love to swim. Therefore, in addition to devices for drinking water Poultry houses in summer need to be equipped with containers for swimming. It is advisable to install them away from drinking bowls and use shallow basins for this;
    3. Drinking structures must be easy to clean and disinfect. For this, it is best to use shallow, narrow drinkers. They take up little space and are easy to clean;
    4. Separate containers should be provided for ducklings. They should fit correctly and be comfortable. Suitable for these purposes automatic drinkers for ducklings. For a small number of young animals, you can equip simple homemade structures.

    Manufacturing instructions

    The duck drinker must meet all the requirements for homemade designs. To save money, you can not spend money on ready-made designs, but make any model you like yourself.


    Based on the principle of liquid supply, a nipple drinker for ducks is called a nipple drinker. It is suitable for adults and small ducklings. To make a nipple structure you will need the following items:

    • Square plastic pipe;
    • Nipples. The size of the nipples depends on the age of the birds. For young animals, type 3600 is suitable. It is very convenient, as it rotates in different directions. For adults, it is better to use type 1800, the operating principle of which is based on the “up and down” movement;
    • One square pipe plug;
    • Rubber tube;
    • Large volume liquid storage container;
    • Electric drill. You will need a drill with a 9 mm drill bit;
    • Conical thread tap;
    • Adapter for fastening pipes.

    Nipple drinker diagram

    To manufacture a nipple structure, you must adhere to the following sequential steps:

    1. Let's take square pipe and make a small hole in it with a drill measuring 9 mm;
    2. Using a conical tap, we make a thread and carefully attach a nipple suitable for the size of the drinker into it;
    3. We carry out the same actions throughout the pipe; the nipples should be located every 40 cm from each other. The length of the structure should correspond to the number of birds. On average, three points are enough for a small farm;
    4. We install a plug at the end of the pipe. Important point- water should not flow out of the pipe, so you need to carefully check it for possible leaks.
    5. We attach a rubber hose to the other end of the pipe, the second end of which will be located in a large container. To prevent water from dripping, all joints must be treated with special sealants or wrapped with FUM tape.
    6. Under each nipple we install special bowls into which excess moisture will go.

    Automatic nipple design ready.

    From a plastic bottle

    To make a drinking bowl from plastic bottles, you will need 2 and 5 liter plastic bottles, a nut, a bolt and washers.

    • Cut off the top part of a five-liter bottle so that you get a neat bowl;
    • Then we attach the cap from a two-liter bottle to the cap of a five-liter bottle. The covers can be fastened with self-tapping screws or a bolt with several washers and a nut. The connection point must be treated with sealant to avoid leakage;
    • Attach a two-liter bottle to the finished bowl. Make a hole in the side of the bottle. It should be slightly below the rim of the bowl;
    • Then unscrew the bottle and pour it into clean water, screw;
    • After the structure is ready, we attach the bottle to the wall of the poultry house.

    Nipple design made from plastic bottles


    Cup drinkers for ducks consist of a container of water, a bowl and a rubber hose.

    The homemade design is suitable for adults and young animals.

    It is easy to assemble with your own hands. To do this, a hole is made in the container for the hose. The connection between the hose and the tank must be treated with sealant. Then insert the hose into the drinking bowl and securely fasten it in it.

    The cup drinker is considered automatic. The liquid enters the bowl due to atmospheric pressure.

    From a canister

    To make a drinking bowl you will need a plastic canister, a small faucet, and a water tray. The volume of the canister can be any from 10 to 100 liters.

    1. A hole for the faucet is drilled in the lower side part. Screw it securely into the canister and fill it with water.
    2. Place the canister on the tray, close it with the lid and open the tap. When the liquid reaches the pan and reaches a certain level, the water supply will automatically stop. As it decreases, it will independently be added from the canister to the pan.


    One of the main problems when raising poultry in winter is the rapid freezing of water in drinking bowls.

    If the house has electricity, you can use a special heating device. It helps to safely heat water in winter.

    If purchasing such a device is problematic, the best solution will make a special non-freezing drinking bowl with your own hands. For this you will need:

    • Rubber bath;
    • Old car tire;
    • Foam;
    • Stuffing balls or other insulating materials.

    We take the tire and insulate it with foam and stuffing balls. Then we place it in the sun and place bricks, sawdust or paving stones in the center and under the tire. Thus, the tire should be a short distance from the ground. Then we place a rubber bath inside the tire and fill it with water. The bathtub should be flush with the tire and not extend beyond its edges. Thanks to solar warmth the water in the structure will not freeze, and the ducks will always be able to drink.

    Every poultry farmer must prepare a poultry house before breeding ducks. First of all, you should take care of drinking bowls and feeders, with the help of which the bird will receive balanced diet, as well as water. You can buy them in specialized stores or make them yourself. The main thing here is that there are enough of them in the barn, otherwise the birds will fight with each other and suffer from a lack of food and nutrients.

    A simple do-it-yourself drinking bowl for ducklings

    Devices for ducks can easily be made with your own hands. However, despite this, many poultry farmers continue to pour water into buckets, basins and other various kinds bowls that are no longer needed for use at home. The water in them will be dirty, as pets frolic in the barn and can even swim in such containers. Buckets and basins will have to be constantly washed and new water poured into them. Moreover, there is a high risk that the container will tip over and injure the ducks.

    Important! Young individuals can climb into a bucket and completely drown in it.

    Therefore, it is worth thinking about making at least a simple drinking bowl for ducklings. To achieve this goal, you will need a PVC pipe with a diameter of 110 or 200 mm. Using a drill or jigsaw, several holes are made along its entire length. The holes should be 6x8, 7x7 or 8x10 cm in size.

    Bends are installed on both sides of the pipe. They are needed to make it convenient to pour water into the device, as well as drain it from time to time, replacing it with fresh water. For further actions you will need special brackets. With their help, the finished device is attached to the wall. The do-it-yourself drinking bowl for ducklings is ready. By the way, you can buy materials for the construction of such a device at hardware store. You can also make such a drinking bowl with your own hands not only for ducklings, but also for goslings and chickens.

    A simple do-it-yourself drinking bowl for ducklings

    Duck drinker: design requirements

    Novice poultry keepers do not know that domestic ducks drink a lot of water. They consume several times more life-giving moisture than food. In this regard, there must always be water in the barn with ducks at any time of the day. In addition, if ducks eat mostly dry food, they will moisten it regularly to ensure good digestion.

    It is worth knowing that the duck is a sloppy bird. It is a waterfowl that loves to swim, splash and splash water. It is for this reason that it is extremely undesirable to place drinking bowls in the barn with these pets open type. Birds will constantly climb into such devices. As a result, the water will deteriorate and become polluted. A dirty water, as you know, will not lead to anything good, since it contains a large amount hazardous substances, because of which the bird can get sick and even die.

    When choosing a drinking bowl for ducklings, it is important to follow the rules:

    • The device must be convenient for drinking.
    • The drinking bowl must be located at the required height. For adults this is one distance, but for young ducklings it is another.
    • The device must be closed type. In this case, the duck will not get in there (mulards always strive to do this), and no debris will pollute the water.
    • The liquid must always be extremely clean. In addition, it is not allowed for there to be no water in the drinking bowl even for a short time.
    • The container must be thoroughly washed periodically.

    Many poultry farmers make drinkers from an ordinary plastic bottle. In other words, such a device can also be called a vacuum device. For this you will need a pallet. It can be a basin or any other container that will fit the bottle well. The bottle itself can be 5, 10 or even 20 liters. It all depends on the number of birds. One hole is made in the bottle. It is best to do it with a soldering iron or a regular hot nail.

    Duck drinker

    Pay attention! It is necessary to correctly determine the height of the hole. To do this, you need to first install the bottle in the tray. The hole should be slightly below the sides of the container.

    The secret of this device is that when the water in the basin or cup runs out, it will come from the hole in the bottle. As a result, the liquid will always be in the basin. The main thing is to just add new water to the bottle from time to time. At the same time, thanks to the laws of physics, it will not always flow. When the basin is full and the water in it covers the level of the hole, the liquid from the bottle will stop flowing.

    How to make your own nipple drinker

    Another type of drinker for ducks is a nipple drinker. This device is the most convenient not only for poultry farmers, but also, most importantly, for the pets themselves. In another way, such an automatic drinker for ducks is also called a nipple drinker. It can be purchased at a specialized store or made with your own hands from available materials.

    How to make

    To do this you will need the following materials:

    • Nipples different sizes. It will vary depending on the age and size of the ducks. For adults you need to purchase 1800 nipples (they work on the up-down principle), and for ducklings you need 3600 nipples. The latter operate 360 ​​degrees.
    • Square pipe (diameter 2.2x2.2 cm). When purchasing a pipe, you should definitely pay attention to the fact that the nipples will need to be located at a distance of at least 30 cm from each other. You should first calculate the required number of nipples, and then the size of the pipe.
    • Microbowls and drip eliminators.
    • Plug (1 pc.).
    • One adapter that will connect round pipe with square.
    • A reservoir in which the water will be located. The size must be chosen based on the number of birds.
    • Hose.
    • Tools: drill, 9mm drill and tap.

    First of all, markings are made on the plastic tube and holes are drilled at the required distance from each other. The holes are made with a diameter of 9 mm. Then, using a tap, threads are cut into them and nipples are screwed into each hole. A plug is attached to one of the edges of the plastic pipe. Prepare a reservoir for liquid, which must have a lid. It can be easily removed, which will make cleaning the tank much easier. A hole is made in the container and a hose is inserted there, the other end is connected to the pipe. Micro cups are placed under each nipple. DIY nipple drinker for ducks is ready.

    Important! In winter, the device needs to be heated - this is an important condition.

    DIY duck feeder

    Feeders for ducklings can also be bought in a store or made by yourself. An oblong container with high walls and sides is best suited for a flock of ducks. This will prevent birds from climbing into it while feeding.

    Important! The size of the feeder for ducks should be selected based on the age of the bird, since adults require 15 cm of front per day for feeding and watering, and small birds only need 3 to 5 cm.

    Good idea for making a feeder with my own hands- construction from an ordinary plastic container. It must have handles. This method of making an automatic feeder does not require large financial investments and a lot of time. First of all, the container is thoroughly washed and then dried, after which the front part is cut off. Then an incision is made on the handle of the plastic container, which is necessary so that homemade feeder it was convenient to hang on the wall in the poultry house or, for example, on a mesh fence. In this case, you should pay attention to the height at which you need to place the device. It should not be too high, otherwise the bird will remain hungry. But you shouldn’t hang the container with feed too low, otherwise the birds can knock it over and all the grain will end up on the floor of the poultry house.

    DIY duck feeder

    When making your own duck feeder, it is important not to forget that all materials must be clean. It is important to handle sharp edges, otherwise pets can get hurt, get sick and die. In addition, it is better to do everything according to the instructions in step by step, according to the drawings and not to deviate from them. Then, even with the help of ordinary improvised means, you can make feeders and drinkers that will be almost as good as the original ones. However, we must not forget that the devices should be as convenient as possible, primarily for pets. They should be made in such a way that they can be easily filled with food, as well as cleaned and disinfected. You should also pay attention to the choice of materials. It is better to make feeders and drinkers from durable and high-quality ones, then the devices will last a long time.
