Do-it-yourself drinking bowl for ducklings from plastic bottles. How to make a water bowl for ducklings with your own hands

You have quite spacious summer cottage plot or a house in the village and you decide to try to have ducks? Then this article is for you, because today we will talk about drinking bowls for ducklings and adults.

Before you buy several small yellow, fluffy lumps at the market or in a nursery, you need to prepare in advance a comfortable pen for them with all the necessary equipment.

We will share tips on how to properly arrange a place for ducks and ducklings and, in particular, how to make drinking bowls for them.

One of the most important topics The work of any poultry farmer involves the installation of drinking bowls, and this type of equipment becomes especially important when it comes to ducks, because these birds are waterfowl. That is why the production of drinking bowls for them requires special requirements. The well-being of the bird, its development and health will depend on how well the duck drinking bowl is designed.

Well, if you decide to acquire such a farm not only for yourself personally, but to a greater extent - to make a profit, then special attention should be paid to arranging drinking bowls for babies and adult ducks. In other words, good quality, high quality, albeit homemade drinking bowls for ducklings (for example, from plastic bottles) will significantly improve the living conditions of the chicks, while making it easier for the poultry farmer to care for the babies. By the way, our video below is about this.

It is important to arrange the drinkers and feeders so that they correspond to the sizes determined by the number of chicks. You should also know that the daily water requirement of an adult duck is approximately 600 ml. This indicator must be taken into account when constructing drinkers for ducks, and must be based on the calculation of how many individuals will be per container of water.

The same height of this building should be calculated according to how tall the average individual will be. Typically, this figure is about 20 cm.

To prevent the water temperature from dropping below zero during the cold season, experienced poultry farmers advise building drinking bowls with running water. When the flow of liquid is constant, it does not have time to freeze.

Types of drinking bowls for self-production

Today there are many types of bird drinkers, but some of them are quite expensive, while others cannot be “copied”, i.e. It is unlikely that you will be able to do them yourself.

Simple design for little ducklings

To make a simple drinking bowl at home, you will need an ordinary jar of no more than 2 liters in volume and some kind of saucer or plate.

We fill the jar with water, cover it on top with a saucer and, holding it, sharply turn everything upside down. Then carefully place a small stick between the saucer and the jar. Thus, water will be poured in small portions onto the saucer. A simple automatic drinker is ready.

Drinking bowl for adults

Over time, the ducklings grow up and a simple vacuum drinker is no longer enough. In addition, older individuals can easily overturn such a structure. Therefore, the farmer faces new task: make a container for grown-up ducklings that can not only provide water, but also act as a kind of washbasin, allowing the ducks to wash their beaks there.

Many novice and inexperienced poultry keepers think that it is easier to place a large basin in the poultry yard, in which the ducks can splash around and drink water. This should not be done under any circumstances, since ducks need fresh, clean water. And the water in which the birds bathe becomes polluted very quickly, as a result of which there is a danger of infection and pestilence of the entire population.

In order to build a simple trough drinker yourself, you need to prepare a metal sheet or a ready-made gutter in advance. You will also need a small metal grid and screws or brackets for fastening. In addition, the gutter can be cut from a regular water pipe by carefully cutting it lengthwise and enclosing it with plugs on the sides.

Then cover the finished gutter with a mesh and divide it in half, blocking it with any slats you have at hand.

An important point: when using such drinkers, it is advisable to install them on any surface, but not on a metal surface, so that the structure does not rattle and frighten the bird.

A good material for making a drinking bowl with your own hands can be an ordinary car tire, which needs to be cut lengthwise. Thus, you will get two full drinking bowls at once. True, first you will still have to treat the structure with some means that eliminates the pungent odor of rubber. For example, thoroughly rinse the improvised drinking bowl with water and a large amount of soda - this will get rid of the unpleasant “aroma”.

It should also be remembered that even small ducklings love and know how to swim very well, so the drinking bowl must be designed and made in such a way that the kids cannot dive into it.

Before you start raising poultry, you need to understand in detail the intricacies of caring for them. If you decide to study ducks, then this article will be useful to you. In it you will learn about the types of drinkers, you will be able to choose the model that is suitable for you, and you will learn how to build a drinker for ducks yourself.

What should the drinking bowl be like?

When raising ducks, it is worth keeping in mind that they consume a lot of liquid due to their high metabolic rate, so it is important that fresh and clean water is freely available around the clock.

The volume of fluid consumed is influenced by factors such as the age of the bird, the amount of food and temperature regime. One adult uses about 1.65 liters of water per day.

The drinking bowl must be made of materials good quality, do not rot and are resistant to temperature changes. It should also be easy to clean and durable enough.

Most often it is made of high-quality plastic with well-finished edges. The edge must be absolutely smooth, or you must put a special rubber rim on it.

You can either make a duck drinker yourself from the materials you have at hand, or buy a ready-made one in a specialized store.

Features of drinkers for small ducks

It is especially important for children to keep the water clean and avoid spilling, because if they get wet, they can very easily contract an infection. Drinking bowls for ducklings must comply with the following rules:

  1. The depth of the container should allow the chick to completely immerse his head in it to clear the nasal passages.
  2. There should be an opportunity for ducklings to bathe.
  3. Water must be available around the clock and without interruption.
  4. The container should be easy to clean and disinfect properly.

It is very important that water is freely available for ducklings at any time of the day. Babies up to 5 days old need water room temperature. At 10 days of age, you can already use a metal drinker.

in winter drinking water Ducklings definitely need a little heat.

The average length of the drinking structure is about 20 cm, and the width of the walls is no more than 3 cm, so that children can comfortably reach the water. Little ducklings love to splash and spill water on the floor, so you can place a wide container with a mesh on top under the bottom of the container. They grow very quickly, so it is better to choose the most economical drinker option.

Features of drinkers for adult ducks

When choosing a drinker for ducks, it is important to correctly calculate the number of containers and their position. For adult birds, they should be shallower and wider than those used for young birds.

Basic requirements for sippy cups:

  • ease of use;
  • location at a comfortable height;
  • it must be closed so that dirt does not get into it;
  • easy to wash;
  • water from it should not spill around.

For adult individuals, it is important to strengthen the drinking bowls very firmly so that there is no possibility of dropping the containers and splashing water. In addition, adult individuals like to climb directly into drinking water and swim, polluting it in the process, so it is better for them to choose closed nipple containers.

Advantages and disadvantages of different types of drinkers

There are various types drinkers, each of which has both its advantages and disadvantages. You will learn more about the pros and cons of different drinking bowls below.

Deep water container

This is the simplest drinking bowl available to everyone. You can use any bowl or basin with water as it. The advantages of such a drinking bowl include its lightness, simplicity and low cost.

But it still has more disadvantages, of which the following can be noted:

  • open water is easily polluted;
  • due to contamination, the water must be constantly changed;
  • such a container cannot provide water for a large number of birds;
  • it can easily turn over from a push or careless movement of the bird.


The main advantage of such a drinking bowl is the very economical consumption of water, since it maintains the same water level for a long time. In addition, there will always be fresh water in it due to the self-filling tray; the main thing is to always monitor the presence of water in the bottle.

Like the nipple drinker, this is a closed drinker, which means that various debris and droppings will not get into it, and the water will always remain clean. This is necessary to avoid diseases in ducks.

The disadvantages include very light weight structure, due to which it can be overturned. But it still has many more advantages, which is why this model is especially popular among farmers.

Nipple (nipple)

It is one of the simplest and most convenient drinkers. It is very easy to clean, but you need to fill it with water manually. In stores you can find more modern model, which is connected to a water supply pipe or water tank.

In this type of sippy cup, it is very important to correctly calculate the number of nipples. The optimal quantity is 10 ducks per drinking hole.

The liquid is supplied in doses, which means that the water in the drinker always remains clean and fresh. The main thing is to fill the main tank on time. For ducks, nipples with large nipples and good flow are best.

There is no need to get used to it; the birds quickly understand that to get water you just need to press the nipple.


Has the following advantages:

  • inexpensive price;
  • easy to manufacture;
  • durable;
  • due to its length, it provides access to water for a large number of birds at the same time;
  • easy to clean and wash;
  • With such a drinker, ducks can not only drink, but also dip their heads in it in hot weather and wash their beaks.

The disadvantages of such a drinker include its heavy weight, which can be traumatic for birds if the pipe is not well strengthened. Also, the water in such a drinking bowl often becomes contaminated, and it must be changed periodically. Due to the large weight of the pipe, changing the water will require the help of a second person each time.

Instructions for making your own drinking bowls

Making a sippy cup yourself will not take much time and effort. Each of the designs is convenient to use; it does not require constant monitoring of the amount of water, because when consumed, it is independently replenished in the container due to the weight of the birds.

Automatic drinker made from a plastic bottle or canister

Such a drinking bowl will be especially convenient for adult birds. To make such a drinking bowl, place a bottle of the required volume in a regular basin. Make a hole with a diameter of 1.5 cm in its lower part; your finger should completely cover the hole.

When pouring water into the bottle, close the hole with your finger, then place it in the basin, and you can remove your finger. The drinking bowl is ready. Now the water is poured through the hole into the pan, and when consumed, it will be replenished on its own.

What this looks like in practice is shown in next video:

Trough drinker from a sewer pipe

It will be the most durable and suitable for ducks of any age. The grooved sippy cup is easy to use and very simple to make. To make a trough drinker, take part sewer pipe required length.

Then do it in it required quantity holes and secure it on a special stand. A plug is placed at one end of the pipe, and an angle is attached at the other end along which water is poured.

How to make such a drinker is shown in the video below:

An important point The key to using such a drinking bowl is its reliable strengthening. Care must be taken to ensure that the pipe does not fall on the birds under any circumstances, otherwise they will be seriously injured.

You can make an autonomous version of a drinking bowl from a sewer pipe, which will save time on servicing poultry. The design of such a drinker is shown in the following video:

Nipple drinker

This species is best suited for young animals. Its use is similar to how animals obtain milk from the breast, which is why it is also called the nipple.

It is this type of drinking bowl that is widely used in industrial production, as it saves water and prevents splashing. In addition, such a closed drinking bowl prevents debris from getting into the water, which in turn protects birds from various diseases.

To make it yourself, you will need the following items:

  • pipe square shape, it can be plastic, and the side of the square should be no more than 2.2 cm;
  • nipples that are selected according to the size of the birds: for babies it is better to take type 3600, and for adults type 1800;
  • pipe plug;
  • a large reservoir of water and a rubber hose or tube - the source of water supply;
  • adapter for connecting square and round tubes.

You will also need an electric drill with a 9mm tip and a taper tap.

Step by step instructions:

  1. Drill a 9mm hole in the square pipe.
  2. Using a tap, form a thread and insert the nipple into it.
  3. Make the same nipples along the entire length of the drinker so that their number corresponds to the number of ducks. It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the distance between the holes must be at least 30 cm.
  4. A plug is installed at one end of the tube to keep the liquid inside.
  5. At the end, trays are attached under each nipple, which will collect excess liquid.

How blogger and jack of all trades Dmitry Izyumov assembled a nipple drinker, see below:


This is the simplest type of drinker. Pour a sufficient amount of water into the container, cover it with a small bowl, and press it firmly against the bottle. Now turn the structure upside down so that the bowl is at the bottom.

Place the drinker in the house and place a small wooden support under the bottle so that the liquid flows freely into the bowl. For very small ducklings, a drinking bowl made from an ordinary three-liter jar and a plastic bowl is suitable.

How to make an improved vacuum drinker is described in the following video:

For the main tank, you can take a container of any volume, even 50 liters. But it would still be better to install several smaller drinking bowls so that the water does not stagnate and sediment appears. The main thing is to secure the bottle well so that it does not fall and injure the birds.

When using this sippy cup, water does not spill on the floor, the birds remain dry, which prevents ducks from dying from hypothermia. In winter, to prevent the water in the nipple drinker from freezing, you can place a heater in it, which is usually used to heat aquariums.

A balanced diet and a properly organized drinking regime are two key conditions for the healthy development and active growth of ducks and geese.

To provide poultry clean drinking water, a sufficient number of drinkers must be installed in the poultry house.

They can be purchased in specialized stores, or you can make them yourself. We will tell you in this article what a drinker for ducks should be like, how and what to build it from.

A duck drinks three times more than it eats: the daily requirement of one adult duck for drinking water is 1.65 liters. At the same time, birds must have constant access to fresh water, as they regularly moisten the ingested food for better digestion.

It's no secret that ducks are not known for being neat and love to splash around in the water. They get their paws into the container, which quickly leads to water clogging and wet litter. The optimal solution this problem will become easy to operate and maintain nipple drinkers for ducks.

This type of drinker is suitable for both floor and cage keeping of poultry, and is distinguished by its practicality and simplicity of design. It is no coincidence that nipple drinking systems are used in large poultry farms.

The nipple drinker is a structure consisting of several elements:

  • containers for storing and supplying water;
  • nipples (nipples) and drip eliminators;
  • plastic square pipe;
  • connecting parts.

Main advantage nipple drinker- dosed water supply, which is always perfectly clean and fresh. To maintain the watering system, it is enough to add water to the tank in a timely manner.

There are several types of nipples; when choosing them, you should take into account that for a duck, choose a nipple with a larger nipple and increased throughput(water supply intensity - 100 ml per minute).

It is important to select the correct number of nipples and arrange them on the pipe in accordance with the requirements. Practice shows that the optimal load on 1 nipple is 10 heads of ducks or 8 heads of geese. Let's say, if there are 35 ducks in the house, then at least 4 teats will be required.

Important point: Small ducklings should be able to immerse their entire head in the water bowl, as this is how they clear their nasal passages with water and cope with the heat. Therefore, for young animals, additional drinking containers will be required - deep and at the same time narrow.

Making a nipple drinker for ducks and geese - step-by-step instructions

For organization modern nipple drinking system The following components will be needed:

  • Nipples. For older ducks, it is recommended to use a nipple 1800, which opens when the teat is pressed vertically. For small ducklings, use a 3600 nipple that works in all directions;
  • Square PVC pipe with a cross section of 22x22 mm. Its length should be such that the distance between the nipples is at least 30-35 centimeters. Wall thickness - 3 mm;
  • Water tank;
  • Drop eliminators for nipples 3600;
  • Microbowl drinkers for nipples 1800;
  • Plugs, brackets, adapters and clamps;
  • The hose for supplying water from the tank is a square pipe.

Tools you will need:

  • Drill or screwdriver;
  • 8 mm drill;
  • Roulette;
  • Marker.

Making a drinking bowl is no more difficult than assembling a children's construction set. The only step that requires special care is drilling holes for the nipples.

The procedure is as follows:

  1. First you need to determine how long and with how many nipples the drinker will be.
  2. Next, use a marker to mark on the pipe the places where the nipples will be located. Optimal distance between holes - 35-40 centimeters.
  3. Drilling holes. To do this, the pipe should be secured in a stationary position.
  4. Installation of nipples. They simply screw into the resulting holes without special effort. If necessary, the joints can be pre-treated silicone sealant to prevent water leakage.
  5. An adapter is installed on one side of the pipe to connect the water supply hose, the other side is closed with a plug.
  6. A drip catcher or microcup (depending on the type of nipple) is placed on each nipple using brackets.
  7. Connection to the tank. The drinking bowl is almost ready, all that remains is to connect it with a hose to the water tank. To do this, use an adapter and two clamps.
  8. Installation of a drinking bowl. Depending on the size of the birds is selected optimal height and the watering system is installed to the cage or wall of the poultry house.


Alternative options for simple do-it-yourself drinking bowls

If it is not possible to purchase nipples and other components for organizing a nipple system, you can consider alternative options drinking bowls for ducklings and ducks.

Here are the simplest and most practical of them:

  • Drinking bowl from a sewer pipe. For its manufacture, standard PVC pipes with a diameter of 110 or 200 mm and additional elements are used - for one drinker you will need two bends of 90 or 45 degrees. Using a drill and a jigsaw, several holes of arbitrary size are cut in the pipe - 6x8, 7x7, 8x10 cm, etc. There are outlets installed on the sides of the drinking bowl, through which it is convenient to pour water. This drinking bowl is attached to the wall using special brackets, which are sold in the same place as the pipes.


  • Duck drinker from a 5-liter plastic bottle. All you need to make it is the bottle itself with a lid and a large enamel dish (or any other container suitable size). A small hole is made two to three centimeters from the bottom of the bottle. Water is filled into the bottle (at this time you need to close the hole with your finger), the lid is tightly closed, after which the drinker is placed in the center of the dish. As soon as the water from the bottle fills the container to the level of the hole, its output will stop. As it is consumed, fresh water from the bottle will flow into the drinking bowl.


Many poultry farmers at home may face the problem of being unable to purchase the necessary equipment for their flock. The reasons may be different, but not a single living creature can live without drinking bowls and feeders. There are several ways to solve this; you can adapt any suitable container or work with your own hands to create a structure that is easy to use for both birds and humans.

The article will discuss the creation of drinking bowls suitable for young animals and adults.

Ducks are birds that consume large quantities of water, which means the owner must regularly monitor its availability in drinking bowls. Most often, metal or wood is used for manufacturing.

When assembling a drinking bowl, it is important to consider age group, and the number of livestock for which the capacity will be designed. For a small group of young animals, the average length can be taken to be at least 20 cm. The most convenient design is one made from wooden materials container with a wall thickness of about three centimeters.

It is worth considering the ducks’ love for water and their desire to swim wherever the opportunity arises. This means you should take care of creating a structure that will not allow birds to climb inside. When constructing a container for young animals, it is important to consider some features:

  • small ducklings should be able to completely submerge their heads in liquid. Accordingly, you need to think about the depth. It is recommended to create deep and narrow drinkers;
  • to make cleaning the container easier, the design is made compact and convenient;
  • It is important to take into account that young animals must be provided with round-the-clock access to a drinking bowl, which means it is worth thinking about the shape of the structure in a timely manner.

A few words about the most basic drinking bowls

Farmers use any items at hand as water containers:

  • buckets coated with galvanization or enamel;
  • pelvis;
  • plastic bowls;
  • basins.

And also everything that can be adapted as a drinking bowl, but such household items have a lot negative qualities:

  • constant contamination of water with particles of litter or duck droppings;
  • frequent fluid changes;
  • some ducks can climb into the container and tip it over.

Such fragile structures can be installed only for the smallest ducklings, but during this time, carefully monitor the birds so that they do not splash the water too much, and it does not cause colds.

It is best to install an automatic drinker, whose size and location corresponds to the number of livestock and age group.

Nipple drinker

This type drinking bowls are considered the most convenient, but making them yourself is not very easy. You will need to acquire the following things before starting work:

  • for medium-sized ducks you will need nipples 1800, for ducklings 3600, which work from the top-bottom movement;
  • square pipe 2.2x2.2 with the presence of internal grooves. When making a purchase, you need to think about the length with a minimum arrangement of nipples at a distance of 30 cm from each other;
  • ordinary pipe
  • drop suppressor and microbowl;
  • several mufflers;
  • adapter that will connect the round and square pipe;
  • hoses with a water container, if it is not possible to connect the drinker to the water supply;
  • drill;
  • thin drill;
  • carving tool.

Sequence of work

  1. Mark the pipe and drill holes with a diameter of 9 mm.
  2. Make a carving conical tap and screw in the nipples.
  3. Plastic tanks can be used as water containers. A hole is made in the bottom with a diameter equal to the outlet hose.
  4. The joints are wrapped with electrical tape.
  5. Micro cups are strengthened under the nipples if 1800 were used, or drop catchers are used instead if 3600. The second pipe, equipped with nipples, is located in a horizontal plane and attached to a height that will be convenient for the bird.
  6. A container of water is fixed at the very top. It is recommended to install such structures indoors to prevent liquids from freezing. Subject to availability low temperatures The tank is equipped with an aquarium heater.

Vacuum structures

Such drinkers have their own advantage: they are not difficult to make, and in quality they are in no way inferior to nipple designs.

There are various options manufacturing. The easiest way is to use a plastic bottle as a base:

  • you will need a bottle with the required volume and a small tray, the role of which can easily be fulfilled by any plastic container;
  • using a wire frame or using metal profiles secure the bottle to the wall;
  • you need to fill the container with water and screw on the lid;
  • the bottle is placed in the tray so that the bottom is at the top;
  • the sides on the pallet, which exceed the level of the neck of the bottle, should prevent water from spilling out;
  • The last step is to screw on the cap.

Grooved option

Required materials:

  • sheet metal;
  • finished gutter;
  • self-tapping screws;
  • several brackets for fastening;
  • mesh with small cells;
  • stubs.

To create a gutter you can take water pipe, having previously made a cut in the horizontal direction. Plugs will need to be inserted from the sides of the structure.

A mesh and a partition are installed on top of the gutter in the middle part of the structure. It is not recommended to install such a design on metal surfaces, otherwise during operation it may rattle and scare the ducks.

What else can be used for drinking water?

Unusual material is car tire. The rubber is cut longitudinally and this creates a pair of full-fledged drinkers at once. But before operating such a structure, it is necessary to carry out treatment with any special means capable of eliminating the rubber odor unpleasant to birds. You can use a solution saturated with soda.

Duck breeding is becoming increasingly popular. The fact is that these birds do not require complex care and are unpretentious in food, but their meat and eggs are very valuable because of the vitamins and microelements they contain that are beneficial for human body. In addition, duck meat is one of the favorite products among gourmets and is often served as a traditional holiday dish.

Duck goes well with vegetables and fruits; it is especially tasty if baked and served with various sauces. But let's return to our topic. It is very important when raising ducks to create good conditions. And one of them is the constant availability of clean drinking water. Where and how should drinking water be poured? What does a do-it-yourself drinking bowl for ducklings look like? How to quickly and correctly make a drinking bowl for ducklings at home?

The most popular are nipple drinkers for ducks. Water is supplied to them as needed, the bird can always drink, but it will not be able to climb in and dirty the water. So, let's look at the device in more detail.

In order to make drinking bowls for ducklings with our own hands, we will need:

  • the nipples themselves, a polyvinyl chloride pipe (best suited PVC pipe square shape),
  • capacity,
  • drip eliminators,
  • microbowl drinkers,
  • plugs,
  • brackets,
  • adapters,
  • clamps (you can buy them, or you can make them yourself),
  • hose,
  • drill,
  • drills,
  • roulette,
  • marker writing on PVC.

All this can be found in almost any household or hardware store. And, of course, it will be difficult to do without concentration and patience.

Drinker manufacturing technology

First of all, you should think about the length of the entire structure, how many nipples will be needed, and at what distance from each other it is better to place the microbowls. After the calculations you should:

  • Make marks on the pipe with a marker where the nipples will be located (water will flow after the duck presses their beak on them). The best distance between them is 40-45 cm.
  • Next, you need to carefully make small holes according to the marks. Nipples are screwed into each hole. A plug is placed on one end, and a pre-prepared hose is attached to the other end.
  • A drop catcher or micro-bowl is placed on each nipple. Connect the drinking bowl to a pre-prepared container (it can be any tank). To do this you will need an adapter and clamps.

Checking out the miracle device. Now you can secure the drinker in the duck house. Everything is very easy to do at home. The work process itself can be seen in the video.

Nipple drinkers for ducks, made conscientiously with your own hands, usually last a long time and are very convenient. They are also suitable for Indian ducks. By working on his own, every poultry farmer is able to adjust the drinker to his liking. As we see, the nipple drinker has a lot of advantages.

Making a drinking bowl from a plastic bottle

You can make a drinking bowl with your own hands from an ordinary plastic bottle. Such a drinking bowl is very budget-friendly, as it does not require the cost of materials (plastic bottles are available in any household) and expensive tools. You can see how to make a water bottle for ducklings from a plastic bottle in the video below. For this, as a rule, two-liter or five-liter bottles are used. Let's look at it step by step:

  • We take a plastic bottle and cut a hole in it with a knife at a height of about 15 cm from the base.
  • Pour water into the bottle and close the holes tightly so that the water does not spill out.
  • We place the bottle in the bowl in such a position that when the hole is open, water flows out of the bottle to it. Such a drinking bowl will be filled as the water decreases. Birds will not be left without drinking water.

Also, to make drinking bowls for ducks and other poultry, in addition to a plastic bottle, various plastic bowls are often used, but they have many disadvantages. Homemade feeders and drinking bowls for ducks are very common on farms. If they are made correctly, they will last a long time. In addition, some people like to make things with their own hands and believe that such things carry a special energy.

We already know what and how duck drinking bowls are made from, now let’s focus on feeders. Ducks eat often and a lot, but they can get their paws into the bowl and stain the food; in addition, feeders need to be disinfected periodically. So, from what material is it better to make feeders for ducklings with your own hands? Wooden planks and blocks are perfect for this purpose.

As a rule, feeders are made in the form of small troughs. These feeders are great for both dry food and various mash. It is very important to calculate correct size to prevent birds from turning over the feeders and getting their paws into them. Perhaps this is the basic rule. The optimal depth of the feeder for adult ducks is about 25 cm, and the length is about a meter. Such a feeder will be more convenient and it will be more difficult for the bird to turn it over. If possible, then several compartments should be made in such a feeder; this is very convenient, because different food can be placed in each of them.

Preparing the drinker for use

If for some reason you don’t want to make drinking bowls and feeders for ducklings with your own hands, then you can always buy them in a specialized store for farmers and gardeners. The store will also help you choose good ones. automatic drinkers ducklings In the photo you can see what the automatic drinking bowl looks like. Manufacturers of drinkers and feeders are different, and prices, accordingly, too. When purchasing, you must not forget to make sure that it is safe; the material should not be toxic.

Any feeders and drinking bowls must be disinfected before use. Water and food for ducklings should be clean and fresh. Remains of old water and feed must be removed; the health of the birds depends on this. Another factor is the importance balanced nutrition, foods should be introduced in the correct order so that the birds do not have problems with the stomach and intestines. Create ducks favorable conditions accommodation means ensuring their productivity.
