Growing black pepper at home. Black pepper - growing at home (on the windowsill)

Black pepper, as a spice, has been known to mankind since time immemorial.. Neither the first nor the second courses can do without its aroma and the spiciness that adds taste; delicious marinades also cannot be prepared without the well-known black peas. But not everyone knows How does this well-known spice grow?- black peppercorns. Recently, the cultivation of black pepper in summer cottage and at home is becoming more and more popular, so I would like to answer in detail all the questions that arise.

How and where does allspice black pepper grow?

The spice is native to the subtropics of Asia. Plantations of “Malabar berry,” another name for black pepper, are located in India, Brazil, and Indonesia.

In its natural habitat, it is a perennial tree-like vine that wraps around tree trunks.

Pepper vine grows up to 15 meters tall with large leathery leaves and hanging clusters of hard fruit balls.

Green grapes turn red as they ripen. Red berries are collected and dried. During the drying process, the fruits become familiar to everyone, black peas.

How black peppercorns grow in Australia:

Is it possible and how to grow a plant at home?

Since at a temperature of +10°C the pepper vine dies, raise her in open ground it's almost impossible for us.

But when creating favorable conditions, it grows well and even bears fruit as a houseplant.

A little patience and you will certainly be able to surprise your family and friends with an exotic resident on the windowsill.

Where to plant, where to get the seed

So where to plant? For the pepper Western and east windows with good lighting and no direct sun rays.

If the planting is located on the south side, you should lightly cover the plant from too bright light.

Optimal temperature for growth and development +25°C. In winter, like most plants, the pepper vine enters a dormant period; at this time, the planting feels great at +16°C.

For sowing, you can purchase a bag of allspice black peppercorns, which is sold in almost every grocery store.

You should pay attention to the packaging date; seeds packaged more than a year ago may not germinate.

Before planting, they are soaked for a day in water +25-+30°C. Floating peas should not be planted. After this, the seeds are planted in the prepared soil.

For sowing, you can purchase a bag of allspice black peppercorns

What soil to choose

You need to plant the seeds in a pot with good drainage layer , pepper loves moisture, but if it is too much, the plant may die.

Expanded clay and shards are used as drainage; ordinary crushed stone is excellent for creating a drainage layer. We should not forget about the holes for water drainage in the bottom of the pot.

Ready-made ones are perfect for planting. soil mixture for orchids, but you can prepare the ground yourself. The following composition will be optimal:

  • sand - 1 portion;
  • humus - 1 portion;
  • turf soil - 4 servings;
  • leaf soil- 2 servings.

Seeds are planted in late May-early June. They can be covered with film or glass to create a greenhouse effect.

The planting should be systematically watered and ventilated. Shoots appear in 3-4 weeks.

You need to plant the seeds in a pot with a good drainage layer, suitable ready land for orchids

Growing and care at home


Pepper loves good moisture and needs abundant watering and spraying from spring to autumn. The soil in the pot should be slightly moist.

In winter, watering is reduced and water the plant twice as often. If the room temperature in winter is within +20°C, there is no need to spray.

Important: watering and spraying is carried out with settled water which contains less salts and chlorine.

Top dressing

Adding complex mineral fertilizer or diluted chicken manure to the soil will provide the planting with the necessary substances.

Fertilize from late April to early October, twice a month. With sufficient fertilizer content in the soil, the plant will enjoy good appearance and active growth.

Pepper needs frequent watering, spraying, fertilizers from late April to early October


It is produced every two years. The plant is placed in a pot larger size, by transshipment method. The soil must be moistened before replanting so as not to damage the root system.

Possible difficulties

Pepper will tell you what he needs at the moment. With a lack of sunlight the plant stretches and sheds its leaves.

Insufficient humidity the tips of the leaves become brown. Excessive waterlogging leads to yellowing of the leaves.

Direct sunlight can cause the foliage to burn and dry out.

Little growing tricks

Because it's a vine support needs to be installed to give the seedling the opportunity to grow normally.

The appearance of white “eggs” on the back of the leaves is normal for the plant.

The green pet begins to bear fruit in the second year of life. Depending on the time of harvesting the fruits, you can get green, white, and actually black pepper.

At good conditions keeping pepper vine at home can reach 2 m in height.

White pepper is obtained by soaking ripe fruits for 2 weeks and then peeling and drying.

Only black peas can be used as seeds. Red, white and green seeds do not germinate.

It begins to bear fruit in the second year of life and can reach 2 m in height.

Useful properties

The spice has a powerful antibacterial effect. Helps preserve food, which is why it is so popular in hot Asian countries.

Able to normalize the digestion process. Helps with colds. It is an excellent antioxidant and improves metabolism.

With a lot of beneficial properties, it should be remembered that pepper is contraindicated in inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and its excessive use can be harmful.

The program “About the Most Important Thing” will talk about black peppercorns:

Growing peppers at home is easy. A little patience and careful care will allow you to get a very interesting plant, not only useful, but also has excellent decorative properties.

Try it, you will definitely succeed.

  • Black pepper propagation

Black pepper is widely grown in Latin American countries in the tropical zone. But if you wish, you can grow it here too.

Since pepper became an agricultural crop, poles have been installed on plantations for it, like for hops, and this limits its growth to a height of 4-5 m.

The plant resembles a liana, as it entwines trees with its twigs, on which fruits grow. First the plant blooms, its flowers resemble hanging icicles, and then bears fruit with yellow and red fruits.

These black pepper fruits are useful to grow and eat for people who suffer from diseases of the cardiovascular system. Meat and fish dishes are also seasoned with black pepper. This is a hot plant for lovers of spicy dishes.

In the countries of Latin America and the islands close to it, they cultivate black pepper on plantations.

Black pepper is good for normal digestion. However, it should not be abused. It should especially not be eaten by people with stomach diseases.

Pepper is widely used in the kitchen different countries. In our country it is used for soups, marinades, all types of meat and sausages.

Sold in two versions: ground and beans. It is used as a spice to add piquancy and aroma to the dish.

The harvest is harvested when the fruits begin to turn red.

Useful properties:

  1. Black pepper has antibacterial properties. Therefore, adding it to food keeps it fresh.
  2. Thanks to pepper, the secretion of hydrochloric acid increases and the digestion process improves. Protects against colic, diarrhea and constipation.
  3. Helps overweight people shed pounds. Due to its hot properties, pepper added to the right amount, helps to lose weight when proper diet nutrition. It destroys fat cells in the body.
  4. Useful for skin diseases.
  5. Colds and coughs should be treated with black pepper. It provides relief from sinusitis and some nasal diseases.
  6. Is an antioxidant.
  7. Helps transport throughout the body useful substances.
  8. Helps with diseases such as hoarseness, joint pain, hernia, gangrene, ear pain, asthma, whooping cough and many others.
  9. It has been used for medicinal purposes since ancient times.

Contraindications for the use of black pepper:

  1. Stomach ulcer.
  2. Operations on the stomach and intestines.
  3. Use in large doses.

Growing black pepper at home is not difficult.

Growing black pepper at home

There are two main qualities of pepper - its pungency (due to piperine) and aroma (depending on the content of essential oils).

To do this, you need to buy black peppercorns in the store. It is sold in bags and is quite inexpensive. And from this bag you can grow good harvest. Growing, care, temperature regime, features of growth, watering and harvesting - all this you need to know when growing black pepper.

  1. The plant needs to be provided with conditions in which it will be comfortable to grow. The first step is to ensure the correct temperature conditions. Black pepper grows at a temperature of +25°C and does not like sudden cold snaps. At temperatures below +10°C the plant will die.
  2. The plant in a pot can reach 2 meters in height when proper care.
  3. Black pepper bears fruit in its second year.
  4. Soil for the plant: heavy leaf and turf soil, sand and humus.
  5. Pepper needs light, but not direct rays.
  6. Watering should be plentiful in summer and moderate in winter. Water on black pepper room temperature.
  7. Reproduction occurs in several ways: layering, cuttings, division and seeds.
  8. Peppers bloom in April or May.

Tools you will need to grow black pepper at home:

  1. Peppercorns from a store-bought bag.
  2. A pot or cup made of cardboard.
  3. Thermometer.
  4. Water.
  5. Land with fertilizers.
  6. Chopper and shovel for transplanting peppers into the ground.
  7. Polyethylene film for covering.

For pepper, choose a bright place, protected from direct sunlight.

Technology for planting black pepper at home

  1. After purchasing black peppercorns, you need to select the largest ones and plant them in a pot.
  2. Before planting, they need to be soaked in water for a day.
  3. The air temperature for growing should be +25-30°C.
  4. It is better to plant a plant in a pot at the beginning of summer
  5. After the second leaf appears, it needs to be fertilized. It is best to use bird droppings for this. It needs to be defended in advance.
  6. After fertilizing, black pepper should be planted in big pot to make him feel more spacious. The pot should be kept on the windowsill in cloudy weather, and taken outside in sunny weather.

Features of black pepper:

  1. If white eggs appear on the back of the leaves, this is normal. Then they will turn black.
  2. There is so-called white pepper, which is also sold in peas. It is practically no different from black, except for the color of the shell. And this white shell is obtained by soaking peppercorns in water. The soaked pepper lies in water for 2 weeks, and then the shell is easily peeled and becomes white. Next it is dried, after which it is ready for use. White pepper cannot be planted.
  3. Green peppers are also grown. It is obtained from unripe black fruits. By drying, its color remains green. Red is also obtained in the same way. But pink is already a separate variety of Brazilian pepper.
  4. Only black peppers are suitable for planting; green, white and red peppers cannot be planted.

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Proper care of black pepper

  1. The plant grows on a window, and therefore it needs to be placed so that there is enough light. It is best on the east or west side, because on the north side there is little light, and on the south it can get burned.
  2. During the growing season, the temperature should be about 20-22 degrees, and in winter the temperature should be reduced to +18°C. It is not advisable to reduce it below 16°C.
  3. The plant loves moisture, so if the heating is constantly on, it can dry out the air, and the plant will get sick. It needs to be sprayed with water 2 times a day. This should be done less often in winter than in summer. In summer you need to water abundantly. You can pour water or peat onto the tray with the pot.
  4. In summer and spring the plant is fed mineral fertilizers.
  5. In winter, the plant is dormant. It is better not to disturb it, water it so as not to overdo it. Leave it in a bright place.
  6. Peppers are replanted every two years. It is better to take plastic pots, they retain moisture better.

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Black pepper propagation

Black pepper promotes digestion and the Romans consumed it in large quantities. But this cannot be recommended. However, in the quantities in which it is used in our cuisine, it does not pose any harm to health.

Propagation of pepper by seeds:

  1. The substrate is prepared: leaf soil, turf soil, sand.
  2. Maintaining temperature +24-28°C.
  3. Abundant watering.
  4. When the first leaf appears, pick it.
  5. Replant in pots with soil.
  6. Composition of the soil: leaf and turf soil, humus and sand.
  7. The pot is placed in a bright place, but when the root begins to grow, it is transplanted into a larger pot.
  8. When the plant begins to grow, it is better to support it with a support that needs to be installed in a pot, since the plant will lie on the surface of the ground.

Propagation using cuttings:

  1. Cuttings are cut with two buds and placed in a box or small warm greenhouse.
  2. The air temperature should be +26°C.
  3. Substrate: leaf soil and sand.
  4. In three weeks, the cuttings will take root and can be planted in pots 9 cm high.
  5. Composition of soil for pots: leaf soil, humus, turf and sand. Everything is in equal parts.

The division of bushes occurs in the spring during transplantation. The composition of the soil is the same as when planting by cuttings.

Reproduction by layering:

  1. Long shoots are bent tightly to the sand.
  2. Good watering and light promote the formation of roots in bending areas.
  3. When the roots take root, the plants are divided and transplanted into pots.

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Difficulties in growing black pepper

  1. Lack of light and nutrients leads to exposure and stretching of the plant. In this case, the plant stops bearing fruit.
  2. Lack of substrate and air moisture causes the ends of the leaves to turn brown.
  3. Leaves turn yellow when there is excess moisture. It's dangerous in winter. Chlorosis may develop in the soil.
  4. When there is too much light, the plant dries out.

Black pepper has firmly established itself in the kitchen of any housewife. No wonder it is called the “king of spices.” Wrinkled small black peas or dark gray powder with a greenish tint - this is what the world's most popular spice looks like. It is interesting that in the era of antiquity, black pepper served not only as a spice, medicine and an analogue of money, but also as an equivalent for weighing pharmaceutical powders, since doses were required to be measured with great precision. In modern terms of weight, 1000 black peppercorns of the highest quality should have a mass of 460 grams - no more, no less.

Black pepper- (PIPER NIGRUM) or as it is also called, Malabar berry is a tree-like vine with aerial roots, formed in nodes, from the pepper family. Beloved by all of us bell pepper and chili peppers are not related to the "king". Pepper vine grows in the forest, entwining trees that serve as its support. The length of a wild vine can reach from 6 to 15 meters. But on plantations its growth is inhibited, and special supports in the form of poles are used as supports, just like for cucumbers.

The liana has ovate, leathery, grayish-green leaves. It blooms with small white flowers collected in hanging spikes. After flowering ends, fruits are formed. Pepper fruits are spherical drupes with a hard shell and have a hot taste, and at first they are green in color, then turn red. The harvest is harvested when the fruits begin to turn red. When dried in the sun, the peas turn black. Interestingly, the pepper vine is capable of bearing fruit twice a year for 25-50 years.

Black pepper is native to the Malabar coast of India. Black pepper is grown in Indonesia, Brazil and other countries with subtropical climates. Our cold climate, of course, it doesn’t suit him, but I wanted to experiment.

From personal growing experience

Of course, it was not possible to find seed material in specialized stores. An ordinary supermarket helped - fortunately, black peppercorns are not in short supply in our country at present. I bought a bag, selected the largest and most beautiful peas, soaked them for a day in warm water with aloe and planted them in a pot. Planting depth - 1 cm. Covered the ground with a plastic cup, periodically ventilated it, and lightly sprayed it. The seeds “thought” for a long time, shoots appeared almost a month later.

Of the seven peas, only five sprouted.
First conclusion: the seeds are fresh, because... have not lost their germination capacity and peppercorns do not survive heat treatment, as they write, that is, it was dried under natural conditions. But this is, so to speak, a by-product. although a positive result of the experiment. The negative was that in the literature it is recommended to plant black pepper at the beginning of summer, but I found out this after planting, and the calendar showed November.

However, the seedlings looked vigorous. When the second leaves appeared, I carefully transplanted them into separate pots. 10 days after transplantation, I fed it lightly. Now I was faced with the task: to create such conditions so that the peppers would feel comfortable. At first they were under the lamp. It was necessary to ensure the temperature regime. Black pepper feels great at a temperature of +25C, does not like sudden cold snaps, and at temperatures below +10C the plant dies. Pepper loves moisture. In summer it is necessary to water abundantly, in winter moderately. I water the pepper with water at room temperature. In winter, when the heating is turned on, there is a risk of dry air. I sprayed my “babies” twice a day.
The seedlings spent the summer in the garden in a greenhouse, they became stronger and grew well. Covered from direct sunlight. Autumn transplant The young plants tolerated well. Install a support in each pot, otherwise the plant will lie on the surface of the ground.

In spring and summer I feed black pepper with complex mineral fertilizers. In winter, the plants are dormant, it is better not to disturb them, water them carefully so as not to overdo it. Now that the peppers have matured, they overwinter in the eastern window, where I try to maintain the temperature at least +18C. Of course, more light would be nice. It is recommended to replant peppers once every two years; this must be done carefully; it is preferable to use plastic pots, as they retain moisture better. Required good drainage. Plants need nutritious, loose soil, consisting of equal parts of leaf, humus and turf soil, peat, and sand.

Black pepper begins to bear fruit in the second year. Blooms in April or May. I hope that this year the “king of spices” will delight me with its flowering and Malabar berries.

As a bonus video about growing peppers at home:


  • Growing black pepper at home
  • Further care of the plant
  • Preparation of soil components
  • Reproduction of black pepper and errors that are possible when cultivating the plant
    • Errors when growing peppers
  • Encyclopedic information about black pepper
  • The benefits of pepper
  • Black pepper in folk medicine

Black pepper, ground (Fig. 1) or peas (Fig. 2), is one of the most widely used and favorite spices, which is added to almost all dishes, fillings, minced meats, and salads. Without pepper, it is impossible to imagine pickled vegetables, mushrooms, spicy-salted fish, and sausage. And in the Baltic countries it is even added to some types of cookies. It is necessary to season the dish with black pepper at the end of cooking, otherwise if you cook the pepper for a long time, the food will become excessively bitter.

Rice. 1. Ground black pepper can be used to season almost all main dishes.

The spice must be stored in sealed packages and containers, otherwise it will quickly lose its aroma and beneficial properties. The fresher the peas, the better quality they are. And to check this, you can grow the plant right at home or in the office, thereby obtaining the freshest fruits.

Growing black pepper at home

Growing peppers is a process that can be successfully done independently at home.

Rice. 2. Black peppercorns are used to season various marinades.

All it takes is desire and a minimum of effort (Fig. 3). There will be no problems with the seeds: buy a pack of black peppercorns at the nearest grocery store, select the largest peas, soak them in water for a day and plant them in a pot. The most suitable time for planting is early summer. The first shoots will appear in about a month. The optimal germination temperature is 25-30°C. Soil composition when sowing: leaf soil (1 part), turf soil (0.5 parts), sand (0.5 parts). Basic care consists of watering and maintaining a temperature of 24-28°C. After the germinated plants have become stronger and the first true leaf has fully developed, pick them in a container at a distance of 2x3 cm, then transplant one piece at a time into pots with a diameter of 7 cm. The composition of the soil is already “adult” - soil mixture No. 2 (recipe below).

When the second leaf appears, it is necessary to fertilize the sprouts with a solution of bird droppings that has settled for several days, or, if it is not available, with store-bought fertilizer for decorative foliage plants. When the root system grows, the plants are transplanted into 9-centimeter pots. Black pepper is a vine, so the plant will need support.

Rice. 3. Black pepper is grown in large pots, taken outside in sunny weather.

You should not be afraid of the formations on the back of the sheet that resemble white eggs. Later they acquire a black color - these are the characteristics of the plant.

From white, green or pink color It is impossible to grow peppers. This is the same black pepper, but dried using a different technology. If black is simply air-dried, then white, after pre-soaking for about one week in water (usually hot, to speed up the process), is mechanically cleaned of the pericarp, and only then dried.
Green pepper is obtained from unripe black pepper fruits by freeze-drying (gently drying a frozen product in a vacuum) or using sulfur dioxide. Pink (red) pepper is obtained in a similar way (Fig. 4). It is necessary to distinguish pink pepper from black pepper from pink pepper, which is made from the fruits of Brazilian (Fig. 5) or Peruvian (Fig. 6) peppers.

Black pepper- these are the dried fruits of a climbing perennial shrub. This shrub reaches a length of up to fifteen meters, its vines entwine all other trees that are more firmly established in the soil (see photo). As they ripen, round yellow and red fruits appear. They are subsequently dried in the open sun, crushed and obtained the most common spice, which is used in almost every corner of the globe. This plant is also called “Malabar berry”, thanks to the name of the Malabar Islands, which are the place where this plant naturally grows.

Unripe, wrinkled and dried fruits look like small black peas, which is why it got the name “black peppercorns”. Initially, this type of spice began its journey with east coast India, then penetrated into other Asian countries. He conquered Europe back in the days Ancient Greece And Ancient Rome. Since then it has been the subject of brisk trade between different countries. This type of seasoning was highly valued, and could even be used as a bargaining chip in various trade agreements. Huge caravans and sea ​​ships delivered black pepper to European countries and different periods One by one, the countries that established their superiority on the sea route from Europe to Asia also established a monopoly on the delivery and sale of spicy black pepper. And only in the mid-nineteenth - early twentieth centuries did it reach America and Africa. Interestingly, it is black pepper that underlies the wealth of America's first millionaires.

Useful properties

The beneficial properties of black peppercorns are extremely extensive. Thus, scientists note, it is one of the most powerful and stimulating digestive processes in plants. It perfectly cleanses the entire digestive tract of toxins, removing them from the body. Due to the fact that it is a wonderful means of combating indigestion, metabolic disorders, and obesity, black peppercorns for weight loss will become your faithful companion. After all, this addition to your usual dishes activates the consumption and burning of calories.

At the same time, the constant presence of this seasoning in a person’s diet reduces the likelihood of developing disorders of the cardiovascular system, improves blood circulation and prevents blood clots.

An interesting fact: this seasoning contains three to four times more ascorbic acid than the most famous citrus fruit - orange. In addition, the fruits of this plant are rich in iron, carotene, calcium and B vitamins, vitamin E. It contains pyroline, sugar, chavicin, various enzymes, gums, healthy starches and essential oils. Due to the presence of the latter, it is considered that the richest beneficial properties It is the peas that have the same properties as their ground form. After all essential oils when grinding they evaporate very quickly. Therefore, most researchers recommend purchasing black pepper in the form of peas and grinding it before using it to get maximum benefits from this seasoning.

Use in cooking

The culinary use of black peppercorns is common in cuisines around the world. This universal seasoning is used in almost every section of the kitchen art, for all types of dishes.

For example, first courses, a wide variety of soups, borscht and broths will become much richer, more aromatic and tastier if you throw a few whole black peppercorns into the water at the beginning of cooking.

Any type of salad can be considered best friends this seasoning, only there it is used in ground form. Various main courses: fried, boiled, baked almost always contain this ingredient in the recipe. It is impossible to imagine the production of sausages, sausages and other meat delicacies without black pepper.

When preparing marinade, canning and salting various foods, the use of this seasoning serves two purposes:

  • Improving the taste of prepared products.
  • Increasing the shelf life of workpieces.

There are even dessert recipes in which the participation of this flavoring additive is mandatory. For example, classic recipes for making Russian gingerbread and Baltic cookies necessarily contain it in their composition. In addition, drinks containing a spicy component are popular: tea, coffee, cocktails.

This seasoning can be stored in your kitchen for quite a long time in the form of peas in a hermetically sealed container. And for grinding, use a mortar or culinary mill. Then the aroma and taste of this product will be as rich as possible in your culinary masterpieces.

If you can’t imagine a single dish without this wonderful seasoning, then you can easily get it yourself at home. Moreover, in this case you will be confident in the quality of the product you are using. Knowing how black peppercorns grow in nature, you can easily get the highest quality harvest in your garden and even on your windowsill.

And it’s not even necessary to buy seeds from a professional flower shop. After all, when harvesting, black pepper does not undergo any other processing except drying, which means you can use exactly those peas that you buy in a store or supermarket.

Soak the peas in water for a day, and then the resulting seeds can be planted in a container with soil to obtain seedlings. It is best to start growing this plant in early summer. After all, the required temperature is 25-30 degrees Celsius.

The resulting seedlings should be moved to permanent place"life". Don't forget to feed your pet periodically. In no case do not forget about watering, which must be done with water at room temperature. This plant loves open, illuminated areas. But you should not expose it directly to the sun's rays, because in this case there is a high risk of burns.

Black pepper is perennial. With proper care, it can reach a height of two meters and even higher. Therefore, be sure to provide this vine-like shrub with the necessary supports. In the second year of life it will be possible to harvest. Only green unripe fruits should be collected, which must also be dried under the hot open rays of the sun until they are black and have wrinkled skin.

Benefits of black pepper and treatment

The benefits of black peppercorns have been known since ancient times. So in Ancient India doctors used it as an anti-inflammatory medicine that cleanses the entire body.

And modern researchers have found that:

  • Piperine, contained in large quantities in the spice, significantly increases the body’s ability to obtain useful substances, minerals and vitamins from food. It promotes more active production of such necessary “hormones of happiness” serotonin and endorphin.
  • External use of the seasoning tincture helps to cope with many skin diseases, including vitiligo.

In addition to the above, black peppercorns are effective as a remedy for:

Recipes traditional medicine, rooted in the wisdom of ancient healers, which contain a great variety of black peppercorns. This is precisely what proves the enormous benefits that this can bring to our body. useful plant, restoring health and strengthening all vital processes.

Harm of black peppercorns and contraindications

There are certain diseases in which you should limit the use of this product, and even completely exclude it from your diet:

  • Allergy to the product.
  • Anemia.
  • Ulcer of the stomach and duodenum.
  • Acute inflammatory processes of the stomach, bladder and kidneys.

And remember that, like any product, black pepper can not only bring benefits, but if used and consumed unreasonably, cause some discomfort and even harm human health. Therefore, you should not mindlessly consume this spice, even if you have excellent health.

Black pepper, as a spice, has been known to mankind since time immemorial.. Neither the first nor the second courses can do without its aroma and the spiciness that adds taste; delicious marinades also cannot be prepared without the well-known black peas. But not everyone knows How does this well-known spice grow?- black peppercorns. Recently, growing black pepper in a summer cottage and at home has become increasingly popular, so I would like to answer in detail all the questions that arise.

The spice is native to the subtropics of Asia. Plantations of “Malabar berry,” another name for black pepper, are located in India, Brazil, and Indonesia.

Pepper vine grows up to 15 meters tall with large leathery leaves and hanging clusters of hard fruit balls.

Green grapes turn red as they ripen. Red berries are collected and dried. During the drying process, the fruits become familiar to everyone, black peas.

How black peppercorns grow in Australia:

Is it possible and how to grow a plant at home?

Since at a temperature of +10°C the pepper vine dies, It is almost impossible to grow it in open ground here..

But when favorable conditions are created, it grows well and even bears fruit as a houseplant.

A little patience and you will certainly be able to surprise your family and friends with an exotic resident on the windowsill.

So where to plant? For the pepper West and east windows are best suited with good lighting and no direct sunlight.

If the planting is located on the south side, you should lightly cover the plant from too bright light.

The optimal temperature for growth and development is +25°C. In winter, like most plants, the pepper vine enters a dormant period; at this time, the planting feels great at +16°C.

For sowing, you can purchase a bag of allspice black peppercorns, which is sold in almost every grocery store.

Before planting, they are soaked for a day in water +25-+30°C. Floating peas should not be planted. After this, the seeds are planted in the prepared soil.

For sowing, you can purchase a bag of allspice black peppercorns

Seeds should be planted in a pot with a good drainage layer., pepper loves moisture, but if it is too much, the plant may die.

Ready-made soil mixture for orchids is perfect for planting., but you can prepare the ground yourself. The following composition will be optimal:

  • sand - 1 portion;
  • humus - 1 portion;
  • turf soil - 4 servings;
  • leafy soil - 2 servings.

Seeds are planted in late May-early June. They can be covered with film or glass to create a greenhouse effect.

The planting should be systematically watered and ventilated. Shoots appear in 3-4 weeks.

Pepper loves good moisture and needs abundant watering and spraying from spring to autumn. The soil in the pot should be slightly moist.

In winter, watering is reduced and water the plant twice as often. If the room temperature in winter is within +20°C, there is no need to spray.

Important: watering and spraying is carried out with settled water which contains less salts and chlorine.

Adding complex mineral fertilizer or diluted chicken manure to the soil will provide the planting with the necessary substances.

Fertilize from late April to early October, twice a month. With sufficient fertilizer content in the soil, the plant will be pleased with its good appearance and active growth.

Pepper needs frequent watering, spraying, and fertilizer from late April to early October.

It is produced every two years. The plant is placed in a larger pot using the transfer method. The soil must be moistened before replanting so as not to damage the root system.

Pepper will tell you what he needs at the moment. With a lack of sunlight the plant stretches and sheds its leaves.

Insufficient humidity the tips of the leaves become brown. Excessive waterlogging leads to yellowing of the leaves.

Direct sunlight can cause the foliage to burn and dry out.

Because it's a vine support needs to be installed to give the seedling the opportunity to grow normally.

The appearance of white “eggs” on the back of the leaves is normal for the plant.

Under good conditions, pepper vine at home can reach 2 m in height.

White pepper is obtained by soaking ripe fruits for 2 weeks and then peeling and drying.

Only black peas can be used as seeds. Red, white and green seeds do not germinate.

It begins to bear fruit in the second year of life and can reach 2 m in height.

The spice has a powerful antibacterial effect. Helps preserve food, which is why it is so popular in hot Asian countries.

Able to normalize the digestion process. Helps with colds. It is an excellent antioxidant and improves metabolism.

The program “About the Most Important Thing” will talk about black peppercorns:

Growing peppers at home is easy. A little patience and careful care will allow you to get a very interesting plant at home, not only useful, but also with excellent decorative properties.

Peppercorns cannot be grown in Russia garden plot due to the cold climate, but at home it is possible to create an entire vine and harvest it in the second year after planting.

How peppercorns grow

Peppercorns have a second name: “Malabar berry”, which is native to India. On his native soil is perennial shrub, whose vines entwine neighboring trees. The fruits are red, green and white. The color of the pepper depends on the time of harvest.

  • The very first to be harvested is green pepper, which gets its color due to its immaturity during the harvest period. It undergoes special processing to preserve the aroma and taste of the original product, and mainly to preserve the natural color. Used in Arabic and Asian cuisine.
  • Black pepper is harvested semi red, but during the process of fermentation and drying in ovens, the shell loses its natural color and turns black and wrinkles. It is popular throughout the world as a spice.
  • White pepper - the fruits are picked fully ripe and red in color. After harvesting, the peas are soaked in bleaching water for a week. After soaking, the grains become white or gray.

In European countries and Russia it is grown as a shrub about 3 m high. It consists of a herbaceous stem with pointed leaves of dark green color. The plant is self-pollinating and bears fruits round shape, attached to the peduncle with a wide end. The fruits have 4 nests, inside of which there are yellow seeds.

How peppercorns grow in an apartment

Black pepper develops well at home at a temperature of +25-30 degrees. Seeds for growing are sold in any supermarket in a bag of black pea spices.

  • Select large seeds and soak them clean water for one day.
  • After soaking, plant the pea in a container filled with turf soil, manure and river sand in proportions 4:1:1.
  • The preferred place for growing is on the windowsills of the western and eastern sides; it must be shaded from direct and scorching rays of the sun.
  • After about 3-4 weeks, the sprout will break out. As soon as the second leaf forms on the stem, the plant should be fed with an aqueous solution of bird droppings diluted 1:10.
  • The rooted plant is transplanted into a deep pot for further development, all subsequent transplants take place every two years.

During the period of active flowering (spring), grow peppers at a temperature of at least 25 degrees; during the winter dormancy period, you can reduce the temperature to 18 degrees. Pepper - moisture-loving plant, needs daily watering and spraying with settled water. To increase humidity, you can place the flowerpot on a tray with wet peat or expanded clay. With proper care, the plant can reach up to 2 meters in height in the first year. Due to the unstable stem, the plant will require additional support.

3) How pepper grows - growing by cuttings and layering

  • Cuttings are selected from a plant that is at least two years old. Planting material select a healthy one, without damage, with 2 kidneys. For rooting, place the cuttings in a box or create an artificial greenhouse with air holes. The optimal temperature is 25°C.
  • Substrate – 1 part leaf soil, 0.5 part sand and humus.
  • Over the course of 3-4 weeks, the cuttings will take root, after which they can be transplanted into pots, one seedling at a time, about 10 cm high.

When choosing propagation by layering, attach the lying shoots to the ground with wooden pins and mulch the top with fertile soil. Provide young shoots with proper care - daily watering and absence of drafts. After the roots have taken root, separate them from the mother bush and transplant them into prepared containers.

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Grow black pepper at home

Turns out Black pepper (lat. Piper nigrum) you can grow it at home, and getting the seeds is simply elementary, just buy black pepper in the form of peas at any grocery store, choose the largest peas, soak the peppercorns in water for a day and plant them in a pot, preferably plant them in early summer, in about a month the first ones will appear sprouts from sprouted peas (temperature range 25-30 degrees Celsius) and do not believe those who say that black peppercorns undergo heat treatment, peppercorns are dried in the sun under natural conditions.
After the second leaf, you need to fertilize the pepper - this will be a solution of bird droppings, left for a couple of days. After these steps, the peppers can be carefully transplanted into large pots. Keep the plant on a windowsill in winter and outdoors in a warm place in summer. sunny place.

Don’t be alarmed if you notice formations on the back of the sheet that look like white eggs, which then turn black; this is normal.

By the way white pepper this is the same black pepper, only mechanically peeled from the pericarp; usually, to obtain white pepper, freshly picked ripe pepper fruits are soaked in water (sometimes hot to speed up the process) for about one week. As a result of soaking, the fruit shell decomposes and softens, after which the fruit shell is separated and the remaining seeds are dried. You are unlikely to be able to grow anything from white peppercorns.

Obtained from the unripe fruits of black pepper. Dried green peas are processed in such a way as to preserve green, for example, using sulfur dioxide or by lyophilization (dry drying). In a similar way, pink (red) peppers are also obtained from ripe fruits (pink pepper from Piper nigrum must be distinguished from the more common pink pepper made from the fruits of Peruvian peppers or Brazilian peppers). Green pepper-peas are not suitable for planting.

What kind of plant is black pepper?

Black pepper (Piper nigrum L.) it is also called Malabar berry, is a tree-like vine "Piper nigrum" belonging to the pepper family. It grows in the forest, entwining trees that serve as its support. The length of the vine can reach 6 m. On plantations where it is specially bred, special supports in the form of poles are used as supports.
On plantations, the plant is a climbing shrub reaching a height of 15 m. The leaves are 80-100 mm long. After flowering ends, round fruits grow, first green, then they become yellow or red.

The liana has ovate, leathery, grayish-green leaves. Black pepper blooms with small white flowers collected in hanging spikes. The fruits of black pepper are spherical drupes with a hard shell and a pungent taste. Black pepper is beneficial for people with cardiovascular diseases because... it effectively cleanses blood vessels and thins the blood. It is used to season meat, fish and vegetable dishes.

Black pepper is grown in Sri Lanka, Java, Sumatra, Borneo, and Brazil. The main exporter of black pepper to the world market is the island of Sumatra.

The height of plants is limited, it is no more than 5 m. Black pepper grows on high rods, similar to hops. Three years after planting, it begins to bear fruit. Three types of pepper are obtained from the same tree - black, white and green. Peppers begin to be harvested when the fruits turn red. During the process of drying in the sun, the pepper fruits turn black. Black pepper high quality should be hard, dark and heavy. 1000 grains of high-quality black pepper should weigh exactly 460 g. Therefore, in ancient times, black pepper served as weights for weighing pharmaceutical products that required great accuracy. In tropical countries, the fruits of unripe green peppers are preserved in salt and vinegar. At the same time, it acquires a very delicate and subtle aroma. The highest quality varieties of black pepper in the world are considered to be Malabar and Tellicherry.

How to grow black pepper correctly

Black pepper tropical plants, and like all heat-loving plants, they really don’t like cold snaps (at temperatures less than 10 degrees Celsius, the plant dies) and frosts kill the plant instantly.

The black pepper plant grows very well in a pot and can grow up to 2 meters in the first year of its life.

With proper care, it begins to bear fruit in the second year.

The plant is very moisture-loving and overdrying the earthen coma is not recommended.

Adult black pepper plants are grown in a mixture of heavy turf and leaf soil, humus, and sand (4:2:1:1).
For pepper, choose a bright place, protected from direct sunlight.
Water abundantly in summer and moderately in winter, with water at room temperature.
Pepper is propagated by seeds, cuttings, layering, and also by dividing the bush.
The flowering time for black pepper occurs in April - May.

Plant care:

Pepper prefers bright, diffused light and is suitable for growing near windows facing western and eastern directions. At south-facing windows, it is necessary to shade the plant from direct sunlight. The plant may not have enough light near northern windows in winter.

During the active growing season, pepper prefers an air temperature of around 20-25°C; in the fall, you can slightly reduce the temperature, and in winter it is recommended to keep the plant at a temperature of about 18°C, not lower than 16°C.

From spring to autumn, peppers are watered generously with soft, settled water as the top layer of the substrate dries. In autumn, watering is reduced; in winter, watering is moderate. Overdrying, as well as overwatering, are very harmful to the plant.

Pepper needs high air humidity. This factor must be taken into account when purchasing a plant. If the air humidity is low, the plant gets sick. Spray the pepper twice a day with soft, settled water. In addition, it is recommended additional measures to increase humidity, for example, placing a pot with a plant on a tray filled with wet expanded clay or peat.

Peppers are fed from spring to autumn with complex mineral fertilizers for decorative deciduous plants once every two weeks. In autumn and winter they do not feed.

Peppers have a dormant period in winter. It is recommended to keep the plant at a temperature of about 17-18C, in a bright place.

An adult plant is replanted once every two years, a young one - once a year, in the spring. The substrate for pepper is loose and nutritious. For example, consisting of turf soil (1 part), leaf soil (1 part), peat (1 part), humus soil (1 part) and sand (1 part). It is better to take plastic pots, since in clay pots the substrate will dry out more quickly. The bottom of the pot provides good drainage.

Peppers are propagated by seeds, cuttings, division, and layering.

Propagation by seeds.

Substrate composition: leaf soil - 1 tsp, turf soil - 0.5 tsp, sand - 0.5 tsp. Caring for crops consists mainly of maintaining a temperature of 24-28 ° C and watering. When the seedlings get stronger and the first true leaf has fully developed, they are planted in containers at a distance of 2x3 cm. Later, 1 copy is planted in 7-centimeter pots. Composition of the earth mixture: leaf - 1 part, turf - 1 part, humus - 1 part, sand - 1 part. Plants are installed in a bright place, but shaded from the bright rays of the sun. Water generously. After the development of the root system, transfer to 9-centimeter pots is given. The shoots are recumbent, the plants may require support.

Propagation by cuttings

When propagated by cuttings, the latter are cut with 1-2 buds and placed in a propagation box, a mini greenhouse for rooting, where they are kept at a temperature of 24-26°C. Substrate composition: leaf soil - 0.5 tsp and sand - 1 tsp. Cuttings take root within 3 weeks; after that they are planted 1 copy at a time. in 9 cm pots. In industrial gardening, cuttings of 3 copies. planted in 9-centimeter pots and placed in a distribution box for rooting. After rooting, they are transplanted into 12-centimeter pots and released for sale after about six months. Composition of the earthen mixture for transplanting rooted cuttings: leaf - 1 tsp, humus - 1 tsp, turf - 1 tsp, peat - 1 tsp, sand - 1 tsp. Plant care is the same as for peperomia.

Cousteau division produced annually in the spring, during plant transplantation. The composition of the earth is similar to the above.

When propagated by layering, long lying shoots of the plant are tightly bent to the surface of the sand. With high air humidity in a warm, bright place, they take root easily. After this, the shoots are cut. Each rooted shoot segment is planted in a pot, 1 copy. or 2-3 copies, depending on the purpose of reproduction.

Possible difficulties:

Due to lack of light and nutrition, the plant is prone to stretching and bare stems.

If the leaves turn brown at the tip, this may be evidence of insufficient air and substrate humidity.

Yellowing of leaves and their wilting most often occurs from waterlogging of the soil. Overmoistening is especially dangerous in winter period. Also, yellowing of leaves may be due to a lack of nutrients in the soil (chlorosis).

When the plant is placed in a sunny place, the leaves fade and become faded.


Black pepper promotes digestion and the Romans consumed it in large quantities. But this cannot be recommended. However, in the quantities in which it is used in our cuisine, it does not pose any harm to health.

Pepper is used for soups, gravies, sauces, vegetable salads, marinades, in the preparation of all types of meat, including game, savoy cabbage, beans, peas, lentils, sauerkraut, goulash, eggs, cheeses, tomatoes, fish, canned vegetables and for large the number of other dishes that are prepared in our kitchen. Home pig slaughter, sausage making and a whole series meat products.

Black pepper is the most versatile spice for many dishes. It goes on sale in the form of peas or ground. Ground peppercorns have the greatest aroma. Ground black pepper is used to season various dishes, minced meats, and fillings. Pepper is added to dishes shortly before cooking, otherwise, with prolonged cooking, the dish becomes excessively bitter. It is recommended to store ground pepper in hermetically sealed packaging, otherwise it will quickly fizzle out and lose its properties.
