Beautiful perennial shrubs, all flowering. Winter-hardy ornamental shrubs (photos with names)

To create comfort in the garden plot of a private house, you need to not only create beautiful flower beds, but also plant ornamental shrubs. With their help, many problems are solved. From dividing the garden space into zones and filling the area flowering plants before fencing it with a green living fence.

Blooming beautiful bushes

Using flowering shrubs is more interesting. Some of them have an amazing aroma and literally transform the garden. They can be used in mixed plantings, mixborders, along fences to create compositions blooming all summer long from different plants that succeed each other in terms of flowering periods.

This list of flowering shrubs can include the following plants:

Budleya. It resembles a lilac and can grow up to three meters. Shades of flowers: pink and lavender, purple and white, and white. These beautiful bushes They will decorate the garden all summer because they bloom until frost.

Bloodroot. An inconspicuous plant, it blooms with numerous but small flowers, the foliage is not particularly beautiful. Nevertheless, not a single shrub border or mixed border can do without cinquefoil: while other shrubs fade one by one, it creates a bright spot in the garden. They have established themselves as shrubs that bloom all summer and are winter-hardy, as they are not afraid of frost. Flowering begins in May and stops with the first frost. It is unpretentious to the soil, blooms well as on sunny place, and in light partial shade, care comes down to annual pruning. There are varieties of this continuously flowering shrub of different colors.

Calicant will decorate the garden with original water lilies. This is a beautiful, hardy, but rare shrub from North America. The flowers are large with numerous petals. All parts garden plant fragrant. Blooms in June - July. Requires pruning in spring.

Shrub rose. Varies greatly in bush size and flower shape. They bloom all summer or are characterized by repeat blooming.

Karyopteris will add blue shades to the garden, since his brushes have exactly that color. This is a flowering shrub with a rounded crown for the foreground of the border. They are planted in groups. Undemanding to soil. Sufficiently winter-hardy. Flowering time is September - October. Shrubs need pruning in March.

Cistus resembles in shape the flowers of poppies or non-double roses, sometimes with spots at the base of the petals. Flowers with paper-thin petals are short-lived. Each flower only lives for one day, but since new buds are constantly appearing, the bush blooms all summer. The plant is warm and light-loving, forms a low, rounded bush. Can't stand it clay soil. Flowering time June - August. Pruning in spring.

Kletra alder prefers moist soil. It gets along well along the edges of ravines and near ponds. This shrub requires virtually no maintenance. It quickly spreads throughout the territory provided to it. Its peculiarity is that flowers appear only on young shoots. Therefore, it is recommended to cut it every year. It blooms in summer (July - August) with small fragrant flowers, collected at the ends of the shoots in long spike-shaped inflorescences. In autumn, the foliage of the shrub is brightly colored.

Evergreen shrubs

With regular and correct pruning evergreen shrubs easily turn into a hedge or an unusual living sculpture that will become the center of a recreation area. To do this, it is enough to trim them skillfully. A list of which evergreen ornamental shrubs can be planted in the garden:

Holly. Not afraid of frost. Grows over a meter. The oblong leaves are strewn with spines. Therefore, it is unpleasant to come close to him.

Yew. A slow-growing coniferous plant, in areas with mild climates it is planted in hedges. The usual foliage color is dark green, there are varieties with golden foliage, as well as various growth forms - from ground cover to tall columnar trees. Better than many others coniferous plants transfers unfavorable conditions growth, but does not tolerate stagnation of water at the roots during the cold season. The plant is dioecious; female plants produce seeds with a fleshy red roof up to 1 cm in diameter. The leaves and seeds are poisonous.

Boxwood a popular shrub for hedges, including low ones framing flower beds. It withstands frequent pruning and partial shade, is not afraid of wind, and is undemanding to the soil. Keep in mind that boxwood is very easy to care for. It does not require annual pruning. Only dry and thickening branches are cut out, and elongated shoots are also shortened.

Kalmiya This is a beautifully flowering shrub that pleases with its flowering in May - June. In a non-flowering state, Kalmia is similar to rhododendron; the plants are easily distinguished by their flowers. Kalmia's buds look like Chinese lanterns, the edges of the petals are corrugated. Loves moist, acidic soil and light partial shade.

Kalmiya Boxwood Yew

Shade-loving shrubs for the garden

They are often used to create a smooth transition from grass to crowns. garden trees. Shade-loving shrubs are also needed to create beautiful design fences and shady sides of a private house. The most common shade-tolerant shrubs are listed below.

cotoneaster. One of the most important ornamental beautiful fruiting shrubs in the garden. The genus includes plants of different shapes and sizes, most of them are evergreen or semi-evergreen. The leaves are oval, with a solid edge, pink buds open into white flowers in May or June. In autumn, beautiful fruits ripen, which are practically not pecked by birds. Some cotoneasters have beautiful fall foliage. Heavily overgrown bushes are pruned in the spring. Valued for the unusual dark green color of its glossy leaves. They tend to change color to red as autumn approaches.

Rhododendrons- magnificently flowering beautiful shrubs that also prefer to be sheltered from the midday sun. Traditionally, representatives of the genus are divided into rhododendrons and azaleas. Rhododendrons growing in the shade reach an average height of 1.5 meters and bloom in May, but there are plants both 30 cm and 6 m that bloom in early spring and autumn, in August. The colors of the flowers are varied, with the exception of blue, the leaves are oval or oblong, wintering. All rhododendrons are characterized by shallow roots, so the soil under the plants is mulched and watered abundantly in dry weather.

Garden jasmine It grows well in the sun and in the shade, but in the second case its flowering will not be as intense. There are two groups of jasmines: bush-like ones with weak stems, grown in wall plantings, and jasmines - vines that are able to climb a wall or support on their own. Flowering time depends on the species. Grow in moderately fertile soil in partial shade.

Privet It tolerates polluted air well, so it is most often grown in the hedges of private houses that overlook city streets. There are variegated varieties. It is characterized by the fact that it does not tolerate severe winter frosts, and therefore requires shelter. grows in any moderately fertile soil, sunny or shady place. propagated by lignified cuttings in open ground late autumn. Maintenance requires trimming - hedges are trimmed in May and August.

Barberry Thunberg- these are those ornamental flowering shrubs that are beautiful, low and frost-resistant. They are widely used in garden decoration as they come in a wide range of varieties. Very common and popular various types barberry. Thunberg's barberry grows up to 1.5 meters. The leaves of the bush turn red in autumn, the berries ripen red. This beautiful shrub blooms in April - May.

Fast growing shrubs

Gardeners choose them in situations where hedge needs to be grown in a short time. Often such plantings are made with a combination of different types bushes. In this case, you should carefully consider the question of the future size of the adult plant and its relationship to pruning.

The most popular fast-growing shrubs are:

  • dogwood and barberry;
  • viburnum-leaved bladderwort is an unpretentious shrub with rounded shape crowns;
  • thorns do not need careful pruning; it is done only when denser vegetation is needed;
  • honeysuckle requires sanitary pruning in the first seven years, and then all that remains is to form a hedge of the desired shape;
  • The rose is a climbing rose, it is recommended to begin to form it in the second year of growth in a permanent place.
Bladderwort Climbing rose Honeysuckle

Low-growing and frost-resistant shrubs for the garden

The first are characterized by the fact that they do not grow above one meter. They are usually planted on borders. They decorate flower beds. List of low-growing ornamental shrubs for the garden:

  • Japanese quince (low) throughout the warm season decorates the dacha with orange or golden color, first with flowers, then with fruits;
  • the already mentioned cinquefoil;
  • Common heather is also an evergreen shrub that blooms most of the summer;
  • Deutzia is graceful, its flowering bushes are the center of attraction, but it is sensitive to excess moisture, severe frosts and cold winds.


If you still haven’t decided which shrubs to plant in your dacha, you can familiarize yourself with the list of frost-resistant ones:

  • blood-red hawthorn - grown as a bush, low tree or in a hedge, it can grow in almost any conditions, both in dry and marshy soil, in the sun and in the shade;
  • silver gooseberry - grown not for its fragrant but inconspicuous flowers, but for its beautiful foliage;
  • red elderberry with beautiful foliage, on which red fruits are formed after the flowers.

Silver goof

Mixborder of conifers and shrubs schemes

The word "mix" brings us to mixing. The second part of the word - border - sends to the borders. It turns out that there are no boundaries in such a planting. But this is not true. It only seems so. In fact, everything here must be carefully thought out and planned.

Plants in a mixborder should be arranged in dense groups that smoothly flow into one another. Moreover, it must contain elements that will remain visible during the cold season. They are shrubs and conifers. They are also called the skeleton of the composition.

Any mixborder must be divided into three parts. They will not be the same in size and shape. In the background they find themselves marooned tall plants with interesting leaves. The second row is filled with flowers, which are characterized by straight and tall stems. They are covered with medium height with a small number of leaves. And low-growing and ground cover plants come to the fore. Plantings of annual flowers are usually placed in front of them.

Here is one example of a mixborder of perennials located along a wall or fence. Its background is decorated with plants: Lafanthus, purple coneflower, chama and clematis. The middle is filled with shrubby cinquefoil, yarrow, fennel grass, bonar verbena, boxwood, ornamental wormwood and chives. Planted in the first rows are: shrubby cinquefoil, geranium, soft mantle, and coreopsis.

1. Geranium Endressa. 2. The cuff is soft. 3. Majestic geranium. 4. Coreopsis whorled. 5. Cinquefoil shrub. 6. Yarrow ptarmika. 7. Decorative bow. 8. Fennel grass. 9. Verbena bonarensis. 10. Boxwood. 11. Decorative wormwood. 12. Lofant. 13. Echinacea purpurea. 14. Hatma. 15. Clematis

Ennoblement summer cottage– the process is creative and exciting, on initial stage When planning a garden, summer residents determine what bushes and trees they will plant. If the site is completely empty, then fast-growing trees and shrubs for the dacha will create beautiful landscape. If time is of the essence, then you can choose crops growing for a long time, and enjoy their transformation from year to year.

Types of shrubs

When thinking about which shrubs to plant in your dacha, pay attention to their classification, this will greatly facilitate your choice. Whether you only need ornamental bushes or want to get a variety of fruits from them, it depends on which type you should give your preference.

Appearance and agrotechnical characteristics allow seedlings to be divided into three main types, which we will discuss in the following sections.

The price of seedlings for self-growing is significantly lower than the cost of already grown shrubs.

Beautiful flowering shrubs

The absolute favorites in decorating garden plots are plants that are distinguished by their unique flowering. The most beautiful shrubs amaze the imagination with inflorescences of bizarre shapes and a wide range of shades.

Planting them with different periods flowering, which will replace each other, you can achieve the effect of an “ever-blooming” garden. Flowering shrubs are perfectly complemented by compositions of coniferous plants, as well as any ornamental bushes.

The most spectacular flowering species:

  • Dogwood. It begins to delight with its color in early spring. It is unpretentious to the soil, like many shade-tolerant plants, and does well in unlit areas.
  • Rhododendron. It blooms in April and has soft lilac flowers. To achieve the most magnificent flowering, plant the plant in partial shade and fertilize with humus.
  • Forsythia. It blooms even before the foliage appears. After the bush fades, it continues to delight the eye with its decorative effect.

  • Japanese quince. Pleases the eye orange flowers. It grows well in illuminated areas and is most often used to create hedges with your own hands.
  • Buddleya. The branches of the plant are densely covered with pinkish flowers. One of the individual features of this shrub is its incredible aroma, which can attract many butterflies. This bush is capable of reaching a height of three meters in just 2-3 years and has a long flowering period.
  • Chubushnik. The most beautiful of all shrubs. Has big snow-white flowers with an amazing aroma, it can be used to easily create green hedges.

Fruit bushes

This species can play a role and ornamental plants, but their undeniable advantage is that they are able to bring us fresh berries. Therefore, it can be rightly noted that these are the most useful shrubs in the country. However, it should be noted that they require more care.

Below are a few plants of this species:

  • Currant . There are white, red and black currant fruits. Some of its varieties can bear fruit for up to 18 years in a row. Do not forget that it is necessary to protect the bushes from drafts and excess moisture.
  • Gooseberry. It bears fruit for up to 25 years, but is not very frost-resistant, so it needs insulation for the winter.

  • Raspberry. It grows well in the sun, is resistant to cold, but requires fertilized soil and moisture.
  • Blackberry. Similar in characteristics to raspberries, but more sensitive to frost.

If you decide to plant fruit and berry bushes on your site, it is better to do it in the fall, then in the summer you can get your first small harvest.

Decorative garden shrubs

Ornamental plants add elegance to the design of the site, and it doesn’t matter which ones need to be decorated country houses— they will be made from block containers, or built from brick or wood. Wide color palette and the texture of these bushes is capable of creating bright accents, decorate individual elements of your garden, divide the area into zones.

Unpretentious in care, they are quite easy to grow if you follow a few rules when planting them:

  • Don't plant this type plants are too close to each other.

For your information!
There are simple instructions for calculating the distance between bushes - the distance is equal to twice the height of an adult bush.

  • Plant at a sufficient distance from fences and buildings.
  • Plants with burgundy leaves need sunlight; in the shade they become faded in color.
  • When replanting, to avoid damaging the roots, dig a hole wider and deeper.
  • Fertilize the soil.
  • Hydrangea. Its inflorescences are large balls of pink, lilac, milky or blue colors. All varieties of hydrangea are shade-loving and prefer moist soil.

  • Weigela. Can be planted on any soil; both shade and sunny areas are suitable. An adult plant reaches a height of 2 meters and blooms from the second year. Has flowers of bright pink color.
  • Barberry. Excellent as a hedge, the color of the foliage depends on the abundance of sun and can vary from red to purple. Regular pruning gives the bush a neat and noble appearance.
  • Boxwood. Ideal for those who like to create figures of various shapes from plants. Has low-growing varieties of shrubs. Heat-loving, but feels good in the shade. It is characterized by rapid growth and an unusual smell.

  • Deren. A very unpretentious shrub that easily takes root in any soil. Tolerates both shade and sun. It has purple foliage and blooms twice a year.
  • Deytsia. In a sunny area it reaches a height of two meters, has beautiful white or pink flowers. Not picky about soil.
  • Spiraea. Used as a hedge. Has inflorescences of red, white or pink flowers. It especially attracts attention in the autumn, when its leaves paint the bush in different colors.
  • Forsythia. One of the earliest shrubs to bloom in spring. Requires regular fertilization and watering, like other moisture-loving trees and bushes.

We recommend!
The site may require special gardening equipment, such as an electric lawn mower.
The lack of electricity on the site makes it impossible to use it, but there is great solution– short-term rental of a diesel generator for a summer residence.


The choice of plants for your summer cottage can be limited only by your own fantasies and desires; you can always find some affordable analogue of an expensive shrub. And don’t forget about the little trick of unscrupulous sellers - when buying seedlings, you do not receive any guarantee that you are purchasing exactly the desired plant.

In the video presented in this article you will find additional information on this topic.

To improve the area adjacent to the house, not only are used, but also various perennial shrubs. Most often for alpine slide or front garden, low-growing plants are selected that do not need to be additionally covered in winter time year.

It is enough to plant winter-hardy flowering shrubs and perennials once so that the planting will please the eye for many years beautiful flowers and pleasant green foliage.

Types of flowering shrubs


The spirea shrub (meadowsweet) is ideal for “border” decoration of front gardens and.

The height is about 60 cm, so the planting does not provide abundant shade, which makes it possible to place other decorative and floral species in close proximity to the spirea.

Different varieties of spirea differ not only in the colors of the flower petals, but also in the timing of the beginning of flowering. If you correctly select several varieties of meadowsweet, you can count on abundant flowering of the front garden from spring to late summer.

The following varieties are most often used in landscape design:

1. Birch leaf. low growing shrub spherical in shape with bright green leaves and white flowers collected in inflorescences at the ends of the shoots.

Birch-leaved meadowsweet begins to bloom in early summer. The flowering period lasts no more than a week, but can be used as an ornamental shrub throughout the warm season.

2. Bumalda. A very elegant low shrub with a spherical shape.

The flowers are pinkish-red. Flowering begins at the beginning of summer and continues for 2 months.

3. Japanese. Japanese spirea flowers are pinkish-red, collected in complex inflorescences up to 30 cm in diameter.

The plant blooms for 40 days from mid-June to the end of July. This variety ideal for decorating borders, because the average height of a bush is about 1 meter.

Cinquefoil shrub

Cinquefoil can be either a spreading or compact bush with a height of 1 to 1.5 meters. The plant tolerates severe frosts well, so it can be grown in northern regions.

A distinctive feature of cinquefoil is the increased duration of flowering. This period begins in June and lasts until the beginning of autumn, so summer residents do not need to use additional plantings in the front garden.

Cinquefoil does not tolerate strong shading, so before planting it, you need to select an area open to sunlight. This shrub is quite demanding on the quality of the soil, which must contain a sufficient amount nutrients and moderately hydrated.

Cinquefoil shrub is ideal for hedges and. The plant can be used to organize an alpine slide. The most popular varieties of cinquefoil are those that bloom with yellow flowers, which are ideally combined with small coniferous trees.


For decorative cultivation, white and pink snowberry are used.

If you want to plant a plant in a region with very low winter temperatures, then you should give preference to varieties with white berries. The shrub received its name for the formation of snow-white berries in autumn, which persist throughout the winter.

The planting is resistant not only to severe frosts, but also to summer heat, and is undemanding to soil quality. The snowberry does not tolerate strong shading, so the shrub should be planted only in open areas.

Despite the relatively small height and width, the snowberry can grow up to 2.5 meters in diameter. This feature should be taken into account when planting a plant, especially when used as a hedge.

Keria japonica

Flowering shrubs, winter-hardy perennials, are an excellent object for decorating a personal plot. One of these annual blooming and unpretentious plants is Keria japonica. Blooms in spring for 2 months. Keria flowers are yellow in color, resembling large buttercups in appearance.

It tolerates winter frosts well and, if damaged by low temperatures, is completely restored in the spring.

The plant is unpretentious and not demanding on soil quality. Plantings are usually planted in well-lit areas, but if you place keria in partial shade, then normal growth and flowering can be expected under these conditions.


The plant blooms very profusely with large spherical flowers that cover almost the entire area of ​​the bush.

Tolerates winter frosts well, but affects soil quality high demands. Hydrangea will not take root in calcareous soils or dry areas. The bush gives good flowering both in open areas and in partial shade, so if desired, plant along garden paths It is worth considering the splendor of the plant.

If hydrangea is planted in decorative purposes, then for the brightness of the flowers it is necessary to slightly acidify the soil. When planting with other plantings, be sure to take into account the flowering period of hydrangea, which occurs in August and September.

Mahonia holly

Well tolerated low temperatures and retains color until early spring. Mahonia flowers are yellow in color, the strength of the aroma can only be compared with lily of the valley.

Mahonia is one of the few ornamental shrubs whose fruits can be eaten fresh and used for decoctions and making wine.

To ensure that the shrub can withstand the summer heat, it is recommended to plant it in shaded areas.


If the site already has perennial flowering shrubs that bloom all summer and autumn, then the heather will worthily take the baton of decoration in the winter months.

To get maximum contrast with the snow cover, many summer residents plant heather with blue and lilac inflorescences.

You can also grow varieties with white and yellow flowers in your garden, but their aesthetic effect in winter will be small.

Bladderwort viburnum

Flowering perennial shrubs, photos with names of which can be found on the Internet, are often used as hedges. The most suitable planting for this purpose is the viburnum leaf carp, the height of which can reach two meters.

The densely growing stems of the plant will be hidden from prying eyes at all times personal plot and perform a decorative function throughout the warm season.

The viburnum leaf carp blooms at the beginning of summer and despite the relatively short flowering period, which lasts for no more than 20 days, the decoration of the area is carried out both before the flowers form and after the plant has completely faded.

In early spring, bright green leaves are formed, which contribute to the aesthetic transformation of the area, and after flowering, the bladderwort bushes are “decorated” with clusters of red berries.

The plant tolerates severe frosts and summer heat well and can be grown in shaded areas, but for maximum growth, plantings should be placed in sunny areas.


Deytsia is a winter-hardy species, but with some reservations. If the winter temperature in the region drops below -25 degrees, then to prevent the buds from freezing, the branches of the bush should be pressed to the ground.

Both upright and spreading varieties can be successfully used in landscape design:

  • the former are great for organizing hedges and borders;
  • the latter look good in a single copy in the front garden or alpine hill.

If the plantings are planted in a row, then the distance between the bushes should be at least 25 cm. Flowering begins in early spring, flowers bloom more often white, but specimens with pink and purple petals may be found.


Lilac has been used as a decorative planting for a long time, so breeders have developed varieties that not only tolerate winter frosts well, but also have compact bush sizes.

The most attractive in this regard is the dwarf lilac, the bush of which has a height of no more than 1.5 m.

This variety of lilac blooms in late spring or early summer; flowering lasts about 3 weeks. Low growing varieties are remontant, so in the absence of severe drought, a second lilac bloom can be expected at the end of summer. The flowers of the plant have a strong aroma and color from dark purple to light lilac.

The shrub blooms profusely, so during the blooming of the petals this element landscape design will be most noticeable on the site.


Titles and photos flowering bushes for Siberia may mislead inexperienced summer residents. For example, despite its southern origin, buddleia can also be planted in areas with harsh climates. Externally, the planting resembles a dwarf terry lilac.

The peculiarity of growing in cold climates is that, unlike the southern regions, where buddleia naturally grows up to 3 meters, the bush grows to a height of no more than 120 cm. Due to its compactness, the bush has taken root well throughout Russia as an ornamental planting .

Despite the large number of subspecies of buddleia, the most popular are varieties with lilac and purple flowers.

The bush is growing strongly. This feature should be taken into account when planting in places where paths will be organized and other landscape design elements will be located.


If it is necessary to plant winter-hardy plants on the site ornamental trees and shrubs, Weigela flowering is most suitable for this purpose.

Under natural conditions it grows on Far East and in Southeast Asia. Average height is 1.5 meters, the plant is erect, so it can be used as a hedge.

Like dwarf varieties lilac, Weigela blooms twice. The first flowering occurs at the end of May or beginning of June. The bush blooms for the second time at the end of summer.

There are 15 varieties of Weigela that are successfully used in landscape design. Depending on the variety, flowers can be:

  • pink;
  • white;
  • cream or red.

For good growth the bush needs to be highlighted open area with neutral or limestone soil. The plant tolerates severe frosts well, but the bush should be planted in the spring, otherwise the shoots will not have time to take root properly and may die. In the first years of life, it is recommended to cover the plant in winter with special material or cinquefoil.


The article discusses frost-resistant ornamental shrubs that are popular among summer residents, low and beautifully flowering, growing for a long time without any significant time spent on care.

Such unpretentious shrubs for the garden can completely replace flowers, most of which have to be planted annually on the site. Unlike annual plantings, this option for transforming a site will not require lengthy annual costs.

Many gardeners like to plant exclusively with white or red flowers, but only a few know all their names. If you are also one of those gardeners, this article is for you. From the list of the most popular ones with white flowers, you can choose a suitable ornamental plant for yourself.


Flowers- This is a symbol of girlish tenderness and beauty. By planting this shrub, you will decorate your garden not only with beautiful inflorescences, but also useful fruits. The viburnum bush is spreading and grows up to 5 m in height and up to 4 m in width. The shoots are grayish-white or red, the leaves are dark green.

Most often, gardeners plant shrubs with white inflorescences in the form of balls, which has the name "Snow Globe" , or " " . Flowering begins at the end of May, the flowers fade in early June.

The fruits contain 32% sugar, 3% tannins, as well as C, organic acids, trace elements and carotene.

Did you know? Kalina is the national symbol of Ukraine.

Represents the rose family. The plant has flexible shoots and grows in steppes, forest-steppes and semi-deserts.

Maybe like dwarf(up to 15 cm in height), and very high(up to 2.5 m). The branches are erect or recumbent, the color is light brown. The flowers are collected in paniculate, spike-shaped, corymbose and pyramidal inflorescences. They have any color, but most often gardeners choose light colors.

Planted in groups or as a single plant. Tall plants are used for, and dwarf plants are suitable for creating rocky gardens and “living carpets”.


Very often confused with, since their aromas are similar to each other. Gardeners use the plant to decorate hedges or.

The white flowers bloom profusely and have a sweet scent.

All varieties of shrubs have straight trunks with thin gray bark. Mock oranges can be dwarf (up to 70 cm) and tall (up to 6 m). The leaves grow up to 7 cm in length and are shaped like a wide egg. Flowers can be double or semi-double. lasts approximately 3 weeks.


The next popular bush with white ones is. This shrub grows up to 8 m in height. The leaves reach up to 35 cm in length, and the flowers are collected in corymbose inflorescences. They are white in color and bloom from May to June. The fruits ripen in August and are black in color.

Both flowers and fruits of elderberry are used in industry. The flowers contain organic acids, rutin and the glycoside sambunigrin. It contains ascorbic acid, carotene and tannins. By planting this shrub on, you provide yourself with not only beautiful and abundant fruits with a sweet aroma, but also medicinal fruits. They have diaphoretic, diuretic, astringent and disinfectant effects.


IN natural conditions the bush grows up to 4 m in height. The plant is also deciduous. The leaves are large and opposite. It blooms in spherical inflorescences with small white flowers. The color depends on the pH of the soil. This means that in neutral soil you will have white or cream flowers, and in acidic soil you will have blue or blue flowers.

Planted in group plantings. The distance between plants should be at least 1 m.


- a variety of shrubs. All its types are not similar to each other. Most of them are lianas. The shoots are thin and green. The leaves are simple and green. The flowers are collected in a semi-umbrella, panicle or shield.

The color can be different - pale pink, light blue, white, yellow, dark red, velvet blue. Flowering lasts up to 3 weeks. The aroma is reminiscent of jasmine, or.


In our gardens you very rarely find such a plant as. It is mainly planted in botanical gardens. Shrubs are used for single or group planting and for creating alleys.

The bark of the shoots is brown and smooth, the leaves are large and elliptical. The flowers are large and fragrant, they have 12 petals that overlap each other. has pleasant aroma. However, the plant is very demanding and capricious, so it is better to enjoy magnolia blossoms in parks and botanical gardens.


Belongs to the genus of shrubs of the family. There are about 300 species of this plant, they grow in the subtropics and tropics.

The shrub grows up to 1.5 m in height. The leaves are petiolate and incised. The flowers are large and bright.

Grown in gardens and greenhouses.

With the help of this plant, nervous diseases, heart disease, colds, circulatory disorders, loss of appetite and diseases of the upper respiratory tract are treated.

You need to decorate the garden wisely, so to speak, with feeling, sensibly, with arrangement. Perennial ornamental shrubs - definitely important element in any garden. When planted correctly, they give a noble look to any space. In summer, flowering bushes will green up and fill any corner of the garden with a wonderful aroma. Let's look at which perennial shrubs and flowers will turn your garden dreams into a wonderful reality.

Review of popular shrubs

Probably, in every garden there is viburnum, lilac, jasmine - in hot weather they create blissful shade, and during flowering they fill all corners of the garden with a rich aroma. But besides these regulars of any site, there are many other ornamental perennial shrubs. And this is who you can “invite” to live in the garden.

Ornamental bush asters are perhaps the brightest of possible options. The variety of varieties allows you to create the effect of continuous flowering using only asters. Straight stems, depending on the variety, grow up to 50 cm. The flowers resemble baskets, each of which is up to 3 cm in diameter.

TO early varieties These include alpine asters, growing up to 30 cm. They bloom from the beginning of June, with single buds up to 6 cm in diameter. The colors are very diverse - all shades of purple, soft lilac, blue and deep blue, creamy white.

If you prefer tall plants, then the Bessarabian variety of aster will satisfy your request - they grow up to 75 cm in height. The flowers of this subspecies are numerous, lilac in color with a dark core. Another height champion is the New England variety, which grows up to 2 m. Its inflorescences are collected in clusters of 25-30 pieces and blooms in September.

Based on color, decorative and border asters are divided into many types:

  • Alba - snow-white;
  • Superbus and Troyes - blue;
  • Rum, Gute, Heinrich Seibert - all shades of pink;
  • Gnome, Herman Lene, Dunkle Schone - from soft lilac to dark purple, almost black;
  • Ruber, Bars Pink, Rubishatz, Beachwood Ravel - from light red to deep burgundy.

Asters, of course, are not the only perennial shrubs that bloom in summer and autumn. Buddleia is a tall plant very similar to lilac. It blooms in early summer and holds flowers until autumn frosts. The great thing about buddleia is that it attracts butterflies.

Spiraea, or Meadowsweet, - unpretentious tall bush, will surprise you with the variety of shapes that its crown can take: spherical, pyramidal, cascade-like. It blooms all summer, and you can plant it in any corner of the garden. Hydrangea paniculata, whose bushes bloom with many white inflorescences, will also surprise you with its growth - up to 3 m. Refers to blooming summer, while as they bloom, its flowers change color from white to pale pink.

Weigela is a tall plant that represents border shrubs reaching a height of 2.5-3 m. Calicanthus is shrubs blooming with delicate buds, shaped like water lilies. A medium-sized plant that blooms in June will easily establish itself in any garden plot.

Forsythia will fill your garden with bright yellow flowers in the spring. A curious fact is that forsythia first blooms and then produces green leaves. Blooming at the very beginning of spring, it looks good both separately from other plants and in group plantings.

Rhododendron is an incredibly beautiful and incredibly whimsical plant. Rhododendrons are divided into three large groups: evergreen, wintering, deciduous. We advise you to pay attention to the Japanese Rhododendron, which will add a touch of originality to garden labyrinths. It blooms from June to July.

Kolkvitsia is a close relative of Weigela and Honeysuckle. Colquitia bushes grow up to 2 m, pleasing the eye with straight, densely pubescent branches. The flowers look like bells of a deep pink color, collected in inflorescences up to 7 cm in diameter.

Hibiscus cannot be ignored. Varieties Syrian, Diana, Vayelit Ilar Double, Pink Giant will delight you abundant flowering and large buds. Also belongs to the group of border shrubs.

Video “Perennial ornamental shrubs for the garden”

Video review of perennial shrubs that bloom throughout the summer. Planting, caring for and growing plants in the garden.

Please note dwarf spruce, which do not exceed 2-2.5 m in height. For example, the Nidiformis variety, about 1 m high, has a crown 2 m in diameter, and is frost-resistant. The Tompa variety has a wide conical shape and grows up to 1.5 m. The big advantage of this spruce is that the crown does not need to be trimmed or cared for in any way. Will’s Zwerg has a narrow-conical crown with light green needles. The Karel variety looks like a spiky dark green pouf and grows to only 1.5 m.

Japanese quince is a frost-resistant plant. If desired, you can easily give any shape to the quince crown when it has already faded, that is, starting in July. Jasmine, or Chubushnik, will delight you and lush flowering, and the thick aroma of flowers, and rich greenery throughout the warm season. Blooms in June-July.

Climbing roses create the effect of a floral cloud with an incredible, thick aroma. It is convenient not only because it curls on any more or less suitable surface, but also because it easily matches with any flowers. For example, asters perfectly shade and complement the bloom of a climbing rose.

Heather - grows in low bushes up to 80 cm in height. It blooms all summer, very profusely with beautiful white, pink or red buds. Irga Canadian - lush green plant with sweet berries. Serviceberry has interesting oval, slightly pointed leaves, covered with down on the underside. The buds are erect, collected in clusters. After long flowering, irga acquires bright red fruits, which darken over time, acquiring a bluish coating.

Cinquefoil - blooms with the arrival of May warmth with many small flowers of white or bright yellow color. If your garden lacks rich yellow colors, then pay attention to the Dakota sunrise and Goldfinger varieties; Among the white-flowering ones, the best are Beani and Abbotswood. The height of cinquefoil rarely exceeds 1.5 m.

How to create continuous blooms

Plants that bloom all year round are the cherished dream of any gardener. And achieving this is not so difficult. The selection of plants for planting depends on just a few factors:

  • landing place;
  • the flowering time of each plant - it is worth planting together those plants that bloom one after another;
  • planting composition.

Border asters bloom throughout the warm season, starting to bloom from the end of April until November. In spring the following flowers bloom: forsythia, quince, spirea, almond. In the summer they continue the flower business: barberry, hydrangea, jasmine, weigela, rhododendron, asters.

In autumn they bloom: hydrangea, heather, rowan, and the same asters. Create continuous flowering really easy. First, think over a planting plan, where you would like to add this or that plant, sketch it so as not to forget, make clear notes/notations. Decide on the style in which you want to see the bushes. For European compositions, mock orange, barberry, hydrangea, and asters are suitable; For oriental style- rhododendron, quince, forsythia, almond.

The point of view is also important - arrange all types of plants so that people entering the garden can see best sides your landings. And since we are talking about the landing site, then select low-growing and medium-sized plants(for example, asters, marigolds) for garden paths, leaving tall ones for the central sections of flower beds. Don’t be afraid to use your imagination when creating your ever-blooming paradise and then you will get an amazingly beautiful result.

Video " Original ornamental shrubs and plants»

Video selection of shrubs that are used to create landscape design in a garden plot.
