Adjusting the pvc double-glazed balcony door. Do-it-yourself adjustment of a plastic balcony door

A balcony door can be of impeccable quality, but over time, active use will lead to minor errors in operation. If the door is still under warranty, great. And if not, then you can do without calling professional installers. Adjusting the balcony door will not take much time and will turn out perfectly if done correctly. So how can you adjust a PVC balcony window with your own hands? For you - detailed instructions, visual photos and a useful video.

Preventing entrance door malfunctions

The better the quality of the plastic door, the better it is installed and the more reliable the fittings, the longer the product will last. However, you can take care of the quality of the door’s operation in advance, which is much easier than looking for a defect or fixing a breakdown.

If during installation the wizard offers additional options, then it makes sense to understand their meaning:

  • microlift is a useful device, indispensable in case of installation of heavy plastic door with double-glazed windows. It provides additional support for the heavy canvas when closed. It looks like a movable lever at the end of the door or a metal roller at the bottom;
  • The limiter operates when the balcony door is opened. Serves to prevent the door leaf from sagging and to prevent the door from hitting the slopes. Firstly, the limiter takes on part of the load falling on the hinges. Secondly, it reduces the risk of the door mechanism becoming loose from constant impacts.

Attention! Due to shrinkage of new buildings, any interior doors may shift and even become deformed.

The most common malfunction is the sagging of the door leaf under its own weight. To prevent trouble, you need to carefully study the fittings that installers offer you. An inexpensive, flimsy mechanism is unlikely to withstand a heavy door. Only fittings designed for a weight of 100-130 kg are suitable.

If you were unable to apply prevention, then you can learn several methods of adjustment, because such knowledge will always come in handy.

How to recognize a malfunction

You need to adjust the door as soon as you notice a problem with its operation, otherwise the problem will worsen.

Advice. You can test the clamping force using a simple sheet of paper. Open the door, attach the sheet to the frame and close the door. Pull the sheet out, remembering the effort applied. Repeat the experiment every 50 cm. If the paper is pulled out easily in one or several places, it means the pressure is broken.

Symptoms of “door diseases” usually come in several types:

  • door handle wobbles when pressed. Such a breakdown is the most minor and can be repaired instantly;
  • the seal is deformed;
  • the bottom of the door touches the threshold. This means that the sash shifted under its own weight. Most often, this “disease” occurs in the presence of a double-glazed window with glass 6 mm thick (standard - 4 mm);
  • The door handle turns with force, or does not turn completely.
  • glass unit cracked. This may be a sign of displacement or deformation of the valve;
  • the middle part of the door touches the frame. This means that a lateral displacement has occurred, which can be easily eliminated;
  • the canvas does not protect against drafts, because poorly pressed to the frame. This means that you need to work on pressing the door and frame.

A simple pencil will help you check whether the door is installed correctly. After closing the sash, trace it around the entire perimeter with a pencil. When you open the door, you will see if there is a deviation in the parallels. Even if the balcony door works flawlessly, such displacement is a sign of future malfunction.

Adjustment for sagging plastic doors

Elimination of difficulties of any specified type is possible with the following tools:

  • flat and Phillips screwdrivers;
  • pliers;
  • set of hex keys;
  • plastic gaskets;
  • roulette.

To eliminate the sagging, it is necessary, by acting on the sash, to pull it to the top hinge.

Attention! Some types of fittings are designed not for a hexagon, but for an asterisk key.

Action steps:

  1. Open the door slightly to the swivel position.
  2. Turn the screw near the top hinge using a hex key (4 mm).
  3. Close the door.
  4. Get to the lower hinge adjusting screw by removing the plastic caps.
  5. Turn the screw clockwise to lift the sash.

Let's check the effect. The sash should move freely, without effort. If the adjustment is insufficient, then you need to repeat the same steps.

Handle troubleshooting

To adjust the door handle you need to follow a few simple steps.

  1. Find the plastic cap located at the base of the door handle.
  2. Turn the cap half a turn (90°).
  3. Tighten the screws in the opened niche firmly with a screwdriver.

If the problem persists, the problem may be due to something else. Perhaps the handle itself is cracked.

What to do if the canvas touches the middle of the frame

If the sash is shifted in the direction opposite to the hinges, then you need to pull it back. For this work you will need an adjustment wrench.

Step by step instructions:

  1. Open the door.
  2. Find the side adjustment screw located in the lower corner, under the hinge.
  3. Insert the key into the screw and, turning it, pull the door closer to the hinge.
  4. If the problem is not completely resolved, you can do the same with the top screw.

This process usually takes no more than 15 minutes, after which the door will work properly.

Pressure adjustment to eliminate drafts

If cold air enters the rooms and winter is close, then you need to quickly address this issue. Moreover, this repair will not require significant effort.

Attention! In order to lower the door firmly down, the screw on the hinge should be turned to the right. If you need to lift the sash, then to the left.

Step by step instructions:

  1. Close the sash and find three special eccentrics at the end. These are small devices that regulate the level of pressure on the web. They are located at the bottom, middle and top.
  2. Rotate each eccentric to the same angle in turn. While turning, check how tightly the sash is pressed.
  3. For a 100% seal, tighten the screws on both door hinges.

As a last resort, when the above actions do not help, you can “pull it out” tightly. To do this, remove the glazing beads and line the upper part of the door and the entire glass unit with plastic gaskets.

Today, the choice of apartment and house owners often falls on a plastic door. It is used as an entrance, interior or balcony. In any of these options, the plastic design looks interesting, attracts attention and guarantees good performance characteristics. However, in winter time plastic doors require special care- you need to convert them to winter mode.

Attention! You can change the door operation for winter yourself. The owners are wondering how to adjust the sash so that it retains heat in the room and eliminates drafts. Adjustment is easy, but it is recommended to first know what winter and summer mode are.

Arrangement of fittings on door leaf PVC

Characteristics of plastic structures and methods for opening them

Home renovation involves not only replacing floors, ceilings, or dismantling partitions, but also installing new windows and doors. This is a responsible and difficult step, but it is necessary. Residents of our country purchase plastic windows, which manufacturers give different sizes and characteristics. But the main function plastic windows and the door to the balcony is to give the room as much beauty, warmth and light as possible.

During the renovation process, due attention must be paid to the installation of plastic windows. Let us note that their price is acceptable for every person, and their performance capabilities are high. For plastic windows and doors different ways opening. There are designs in which the sash is rotating; such models are the most common. There are also windows with a folding sash; they are convenient to use when ventilating rooms. Models of windows and doors with a tilt-and-turn opening method are also available, and such windows are easy to clean.

The only one important nuance During the renovation period, proper installation and adjustment of all elements of plastic windows becomes necessary. Only professionals who install these structures can perform such work. Therefore, do not skimp on paying employees, since windows are installed once and for a long time, and everything should be on time. top level.

Adjustment and correct setting accessories

Useful information about PVC doors

It is recommended to purchase plastic doors exclusively from trusted companies. Only brands that have proven themselves in the market guarantee long term subsequent operation of the device. It is preferable to entrust the installation work to professionals. However, if you have the skills and relevant knowledge, you can do the installation yourself. The initial adjustment of the structure is also important.

Even at the door acceptance stage, take a closer look at certain indicators. Pay attention to the material, fittings, including locks and handles. Each element requires professional adjustment. In particular, attention is paid to the following:

  1. Normal closing and opening of doors. There shouldn't be any difficulties. To check the vertical and horizontal installation, use a building level.
  2. Pressing the fabric tightly against door frame. It should be dense and uniform around the entire perimeter.
  3. Arbitrary opening or closing of the door must be completely prevented.

The process of adjusting PVC canvas in case of failures in its initial setting

If everything is in order, it means the door is of high quality and you can enjoy its use. Of course, do not forget that the door needs adjustment from time to time. Twice a year it is switched to winter or summer mode.

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When is door adjustment needed?

Often people notice a problem when it is already running: drafts arise, the door does not close or open well. These are already problems that were the result of previously unnoticed situations. In fact, you can see all the shortcomings of operation at the initial stage. It's much easier to fix the problem here.

There are many in various ways see the shortcomings of the door. One of the simplest helps to determine the weakening of the pressure of the canvas to the box. For this you will need a sheet of paper. It is clamped between the frame and the door frame. After this, they carefully pull the sheet and, if this is done with difficulty, then everything is in order with the door pressing. This check should be performed along the entire perimeter of the structure. If malfunctions are noted, they will have to be corrected. Using available tools, the pressure is maximized.

The problem may also be subsidence of the canvas. Door to closed position circle around the perimeter. The pencil lines should correspond to the edges of the door frame in the open position of the leaf. If deviations are detected, you will have to adjust the position of the sash.

Useful recommendations for setting up a metal-plastic canvas

Horizontal adjustment: operating algorithm

Horizontal adjustment is required when the door sags due to its own gravity. A typical manifestation may be the handle sticking when the mechanism's crossbars do not fit into the grooves intended for them. As a result, the structure is difficult to open and drafts occur. The following algorithm will help to cope with the problem, switching the door to winter mode:

  1. Open the door.
  2. Remove the screws from the top hinges.
  3. Close the sash.
  4. Remove the covers and unscrew the long horizontal screw.
  5. Inspect the screw for damage. If they are missing, screw it back in, tightening it more at the top loop.
  6. Remove the trim from the bottom hinges.
  7. Adjust the operation of the lower hinges by tightening or loosening them to ensure even movement of the sash.

Basic options for adjusting metal-plastic sheets

Vertical door adjustment and pressure adjustment

May require tuning and adjustment door design and vertically. Here questions arise about how to adjust the sash in order to switch the product to winter mode. To do this, find a screw, which is called an adjusting screw. It is usually located at the bottom end of each loop. To adjust it, use a traditional hexagon of suitable size. Depending on the direction in which the screw rotates, the sash will lower or rise. Clockwise movement promotes lifting, counterclockwise movement promotes lowering.

Read also: - stages of work, materials and tools

Additionally, the clamping force is adjusted using a locking pin, which is available on any blade. There is an indicator notch on it, which can be loosened or tightened depending on the need.

Attention! The adjustment screw is often hidden behind a plug. This is important to consider when trying to adjust the design.

Appearance front door PVC

Now you know how to independently configure your doors for winter operation. The configured version of the design is easy to subsequently adjust, the handle works properly, and the product itself easily opens and closes without letting in the cold. If you do not fully understand how to switch plastic doors to winter mode, check out the video presented. It will accurately and clearly illustrate how to translate plastic products in “winter” or “summer” mode. After watching the video, switching the door to winter mode will be easy for you.


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Balcony doors are very heavy, so they often sag. The door stops closing tightly, and it begins to blow through the resulting cracks. If the warranty period for servicing the doors has not expired, then the adjustment work can be performed by specialists. If the period has already expired, you will have to adjust the sagging plastic door yourself. Adjusting the balcony door with your own hands is easy if you have it on hand necessary tools and strictly follow the instructions.

Balcony door from plastic profile performs several functions:

  • Possibility of access to the balcony;
  • protecting the premises from noise, dust and drafts;
  • excellent source of daylight.

The fact that the door sag over time may be due to poor installation. During installation work, it is recommended to monitor the actions of workers so that they eliminate all deficiencies on the spot and without delay.

If the door is installed correctly, it fits tightly to the door frame around the entire perimeter of the plastic profile. The sashes located in the vertical direction should not be displaced. When the door is open, the doors should not open spontaneously or, conversely, close.

Correction of malfunctions must begin immediately after they are discovered.

When is it necessary to adjust the door?

To check the tightness of closing a plastic door, you need to take regular sheet paper. It should be placed on the frame of the slightly open door, and then it should be closed tightly. Now you need to pull the sheet towards you. When pulling out a leaf, you need to see where it can be easily removed. Easily pulling out the sheet means that the door in this place does not close tightly and adjustment of the pressure of the balcony door is necessary.

This simple method will allow you to quickly identify problems associated with proper work doors. Proceed to self-adjustment A plastic door is needed only after the warranty period has expired.

Tools for work:

  • plastic gaskets having different thicknesses;
  • 4 mm L-shaped hexagon.

Adjustment of plastic balcony doors instructions

  1. We need to identify the problem of poor performance. First you need to examine the rubber seal. If there are deformed places on it, it means that the sash will move in this place. The reason for the doors not closing tightly may be the handle; it may not turn well.
  2. To move the upper corner of the balcony door to the left or right, you need to tighten the adjusting screw, which is located in the upper hinge, using a hex wrench. First you need to remove the decorative plug. To adjust the horizontal position of the door, you need to turn it around the bottom hinge to the right or left.
  3. When adjusting bottom corner The door needs to remove the decorative plug from the bottom hinge. The adjusting screw is tightened using a hex wrench. To adjust the door horizontally, you need to rotate it around the top hinge.
  4. If the rubber seal is wrinkled, you need to lift the sash a little. Use a hex wrench to adjust the lower hinge group. The door position is vertical. The upper loop should be adjusted if the seal is deformed in the upper part. To lower the sash, you need to move the key clockwise, to raise it, counterclockwise.
  5. Adjusting the hinges may not produce the expected results. You can take several plastic spacers and place them between the frame and the plastic profile.

Home craftsmen can do it on their own, since adjusting a balcony door with your own hands is not that difficult. difficult work. If you call specialists to carry out work, then do not hesitate to ask them a few questions. Their answers will help you further adjust balcony door without much effort.

Adjusting plastic balcony doors video

Do-it-yourself balcony door adjustment: step-by-step instructions

Before you adjust the plastic balcony door, you should get acquainted with useful recommendations. They will allow you to achieve a positive result.

Before adjusting the double-glazed balcony door, it is necessary to establish the cause of the malfunction. The following options may be available:

  • The lower end of the sash touches the threshold. This means that the plastic balcony door sagged under its own weight. The structure has an impressive mass, so as a result of constant physical impact, the fittings (especially the hinges) begin to deform.
  • The sash shuffles in the middle of the frame. Most often this is due to lateral displacement. It may be caused by temperature or physical deformation.
  • The balcony door does not close well and cracks appear. This is due to poor fixation of the sash with the seal.
  • The handle is wobbly and does not “sit” well in the grooves. IN in this case The problem is solved by adjustment.

To ensure that adjusting the pressure of a plastic balcony door is required as little as possible, you need to follow some practical recommendations from experts.

Advice: the lion's share modern mechanisms designed for a weight of 100-120 kg and this is enough in most cases. However, if you have a particularly heavy structure (for example, a 3-4 chamber double-glazed window, then you should purchase more powerful models).

  1. Use a sag compensator (also called a microlift). This is a small and cheap mechanism that will prevent the sashes from sagging under their own weight. Its use is fully justified.
  2. Adjusting the PVC double-glazed balcony door will be required much less frequently if you use an opening limiter.
  3. When operating, avoid sudden movements or applying too much force. Often, problems with mechanisms arise precisely because they are not used very carefully.

Instructions for proper setup

In order to adjust the balcony door, you will need a set of hexagons. So let's consider various options settings.

Fixing problems with the handle

In most cases, there is only one problem - the handle itself has become loose in the grooves. It's very easy to fix and all you need is a standard Phillips screwdriver. You need to do the following:

  1. Pick up the plastic cover with something sharp, for example, a knife.
  2. Rotate it clockwise 90 degrees.
  3. Tighten the existing bolts until they stop, but not too tightly.
  4. Put the cover in place.

If this procedure did not help, and the play remains; most likely, the handle is faulty and needs to be replaced. To do this, just unscrew the bolts and pull out the handle and insert a new one in the same way.

Fighting bad pressure

To check whether configuration is required or not, you can follow a simple procedure:

  • We place a sheet of paper on the frame of the open sash.
  • We close it and try to stick out the sheet.
  • We carry out this procedure along the entire perimeter.
  • If it is pulled out with great difficulty, everything is in order. Otherwise, you will need to adjust the balcony door to the pressure, about which we’ll talk further.

So, the sequence of actions looks like this:

  1. We examine general condition design (we pay special attention to the seal).
  2. You also need to make sure that the handle closes all the way.
  3. If there are problems with the door movement, they can be eliminated by adjusting the screws in the hinges (in most cases there are 3 of them).
  4. Open the door wide, unscrew the screws and remove it from the hinges.
  5. As a result, we will see a long screw located horizontally. It needs to be tightened and the structure returned to its place.
  6. If the operation does not help, we tighten the eccentrics - these are mechanisms located at the end of the sash. They are responsible for the level of its pressure. They are usually hexagon shaped.

Correctly eliminating sagging

If adjustment of the plastic balcony door is necessary due to its sagging, then the following manipulations will be required:

  • We open the door.

Please note: some hardware models will require an asterisk key.

  • Using a 4 mm hexagon, we turn the screw at the end of the door (usually it is located next to the top hinge). We make several turns clockwise.
  • We return the sash to its place (close it).
  • Remove the plastic covers from the lower hinges. This will allow you to get close to the adjustment screws.
  • Tighten the screw located on top. As a result, we will raise our sash, giving it the correct position.
  • We carefully check the progress. If problems are still observed, we repeat the operation until they are eradicated.

To ensure maximum comfortable operation, we recommend regularly lubricating hinges and other moving elements. Perfect for this universal remedy WD-40.

Solving the problem with grazing in the middle of the frame

This problem is much easier to fix. Our task is to move the sash closer to the hinges. This is done as follows:

  • We move the sash to the lower hinge. To do this, tighten the side adjusting screw. In the end, she should be attracted.
  • Repeat the procedure for the top loop.

In most cases, these manipulations are sufficient. If they do not solve the problem, it is likely that the fittings need to be replaced.


Installation of metal-plastic doors and window systems to the balcony - a frequently practiced scheme. It is convenient, has a reasonable cost and is durable, both in operation and in appearance. After a certain period of time, the door opening mechanisms begin to work worse. This period depends on careful use, the manufacturer of the mechanism, correct initial installation, and even on temperature parameters. If the balcony door begins to open or close poorly, this does not mean that it is time to change the entire unit - just adjust the mechanism. How to adjust a plastic door on a balcony? It is enough to know a few basic points.

When is it necessary to adjust the door?

You should think about adjusting the balcony door only when problems in the operation of the sash become noticeable - discomfort when using the door.

Remember when new windows and doors were just installed on the balcony. The handle turned easily and to the strictly required position, the door did not “get confused” - to open completely or to be set for ventilation. All movements of the sash were smooth and easy.

If any problems arise with the operation of the balcony door, even in the form of more rigid opening or closing, adjustment of the mechanism is necessary.

Common problems and why they occur

Plastic balcony doors have been widely used as balcony doors for several years now. During this period, companies performing technical and warranty maintenance of window and door mechanisms were able to easily compile a list of the most frequently occurring problems requiring adjustment of balcony doors.

Sagging under its own weight - the door leaf begins to catch on the threshold. At first almost imperceptibly, over time it becomes more and more obvious.

The sagging of the balcony door is caused by the natural mechanism of sagging hinges. The weight of such a sash is quite considerable and over the years the hinges get tired of holding it. The rate at which this problem occurs depends on the manufacturer and material of the hinges, as well as on the number of chambers and the thickness of the glass.

If you live in a climate with sudden changes in temperature and humidity, and your balcony is not reinforced with additional thermal insulation materials, be prepared for the door to begin to jam in the middle. This is how the door leaf moves to the side, towards the frame.

In 90% of cases it occurs as a reaction to climatic conditions - temperature changes, high humidity followed by drought.

Next common problem – the balcony door no longer fits tightly to the frame when closed. This problem not only causes inconvenience during use, but is also dangerous to the health of apartment residents. Unplanned in the dead of winter is a very unpleasant occurrence.

The cause of this problem is age - the period of use of the mechanism. Over time, the parts responsible for pressing the door leaf to the frame weaken and need to be adjusted.

Poor quality materials and rough handling will cause the door handle to become loose or even fall off. This problem is also not difficult to fix.

Rest possible problems mechanisms occur much less frequently; some require the intervention of specialists.

Instructions for adjusting plastic doors

The problems described above can be resolved independently, having some knowledge and a general understanding of the operation of the door mechanism. Fixing such problems will not take much time - normal adjustment rarely takes more than 30 minutes. By observing due care, it is impossible to irreversibly damage something when adjusting the mechanism.


To eliminate sagging of the balcony sash, the task is to raise the sash to a certain height.

  • To do this, remove the decorative and protective plug from the bottom hinge.
  • There is a loop at the top vertical hole, into which you need to insert a hexagon ( standard size6 mm).
  • Make circular rotations with the hexagon clockwise until the door is in place.
  • Conduct control check opening the sash after each circle – rarely more is required 5 turns.
  • If problems arise or the hexagon does not rotate, you need to slightly adjust the upper hinge in the same way.
  • Make sure that the sash does not catch the threshold, but also does not rise too high - otherwise the tightness in the closed position will be broken.


Sticking in the middle

When the sash sags, we resort to vertical adjustment, and when it jams in the middle, caused by climatic conditions– to horizontal adjustment.

  1. Open the sash wide.
  2. There is a hole at the end, near the inside of the hinges.
  3. If the mechanism elements are closed with plugs, remove them.
  4. Insert a hexagon into the hole near the bottom hinge.
  5. Start clockwise rotation similar to vertical adjustment.
  6. This will pull the door towards the hinge.
  7. Check after each rotation.
  8. If the problem persists and the sash still jams, do the same with the top hinge.
  9. Once successful, return the plugs to their place.

Loose fit

There are locking mechanisms at the end of the balcony sash. They will help relieve apartment residents from unwanted drafts and keep the house warm.

Most plastic sashes have 4 locking mechanisms each. They have two types of eccentrics.

To change the fit of the door, it is necessary to act on these eccentrics. Diagonal position for standard and central for i.s. indicate an average degree of sash pressure.

A shift towards the vertical or to the right weakens the degree of pressing of the sash against the frame, a shift towards the horizontal or to the left strengthens it.

For the cold season it is better to install stronger fit of the sash.

Now you know how to fix common problems associated with door mechanisms. There is nothing complicated about this, but the presence of a hexagon will help. If it is missing, you can try using a screwdriver.

If you are afraid of intrusion into the balcony sash mechanism, invite a specialist who will not only make competent adjustments of the necessary elements, but will also teach you how to adjust the position of the sash in the future on your own.

This problem is one of the most common and causes significant discomfort.

Fixing a loose handle is quick. The only tool you will need is a Phillips screwdriver.

Between the handle and the sash panel there is a vertical plastic cap - a plug. It needs to be turned to a horizontal position; you will see two screws. Turn the screwdriver clockwise to tighten the screws.

They should be twisted tightly, but without excess.

Check - the handle should start working normally, without dangling. Return the plug to its original position.

If the malfunction does not disappear, there is a high probability that an almost imperceptible crack has developed in the plastic of the handle. This is a reason to purchase a new handle for the balcony door.

If the door handle does not hang loose, but is tight or unclear, try lubricating door mechanisms WD type lubricant.

With proper adjustment, the balcony door will last for many years.
