How to wash surfaces painted with water-based paint. How often to wash a suspended ceiling

Despite the antistatic and protective impregnations of suspended ceilings, they still need to be washed. IN living rooms It is advisable to do this 1-2 times a year, and in the kitchen - every 2-3 months as greasy deposits and soot appear. Fortunately, cleaning ceilings is not so troublesome; cleaning does not require additional expenses and doesn't take much time. In this material we will tell you how and what to wash suspended ceilings(glossy, matte, satin and fabric).

How to wash a suspended ceiling at home - a universal method

At home, manufacturers recommend washing suspended ceilings only with special products or soapy water. In most cases, such cleaning is enough to clean the canvas from dust, construction dirt, greasy or nicotine deposits, and soot. In this step by step instructions we will tell you about the universal and only cleaning method that is approved by manufacturers of tensile structures.

You will need:

  • A regular mop with bristles, or better yet, a flat mop;
  • Clean and soft microfiber or flannel rags (2 pcs.);
  • Basin with warm water(but not hot!);
  • Spray bottle (optional);
  • Liquid soap;
  • For greater convenience, it is advisable to prepare a stepladder.

Our advice: The easiest way to wash ceilings is with a mop with a moving platform and a microfiber attachment, which is also called a telescopic mop (pictured). The price of such a mop is quite high - from 2 thousand rubles, but it is light, nimble and already has a nozzle that can be washed several times.

Washing a stretch ceiling with a telescopic mop is more convenient and safer for the canvas than any other

Step 1. Dilute a weak soap solution from liquid soap and warm water. If you use a spray bottle, then the following proportions are suitable: for 1 glass of water, 4 drops of liquid soap.

Step 2. Place a cloth soaked in soapy water (but not hot!) on the mop and start cleaning. Start washing the suspended ceiling with a mop, moving from one corner to another, systematically moving through the entire canvas. If the ceiling area is very large, then you can divide it into several sections, each of which should be washed moving from the walls to the center of the canvas.

  • If you use a spray bottle, you can distribute the product evenly onto one section, then wash it by hand or by mopping with a clean, damp cloth. Next you should move to another area. The principle of movement of the mop is still the same - from the walls to the center of the canvas.

It’s good if you have a stepladder - it will allow you to manually remove local stains on the canvas, operate the mop more deftly and see the dirt better. A stepladder is also needed if the ceilings are high.

  • Avoid applying too much pressure to avoid rubbing dirt or dust into the blade and damaging it. Particular care must be taken when washing suspended ceilings installed close to the base (for example, at a level of 3-4 cm). In the latter case, it is better not to use a mop at all, but to wash the ceiling with your hands, climbing on a stepladder.

Washing suspended ceilings with your hands is safer than with a mop

Step 3. If necessary, use one of the home or special products described in the next chapter to remove complex stains.

Step 4. If you wish, you can play it safe against streaks and go over the canvas again with a mop and a clean, damp cloth.

Step 5. After finishing cleaning, be sure to wipe the stretch ceiling with a clean, dry cloth to get rid of any remaining product, and most importantly, stains. Essentially, this stage is polishing the canvas.

Key rules:

  • To wash suspended ceilings, it is permissible to use only soft, lint-free rags (microfiber or flannel). Brushes and hard sponges should not be used.
  • Strictly prohibited Use cleaning products for cleaning ceilings that contain: acetone, alkalis, solvents, chlorine, abrasive particles, as well as any washing powders, laundry soap, mustard, soda.
  • Tensile structures cannot be washed with hot water.
  • If you plan to wash the ceiling by hand, then before you start cleaning, be sure to remove the rings (especially those with stones) so as not to damage the film.

How else can you wash suspended ceilings?

Despite the fact that manufacturers categorically do not recommend cleaning suspended ceilings with anything other than soapy water or special products (sold in household and construction stores, in companies producing suspended ceilings), practice shows that sometimes they can be replaced:

  • Window cleaner (ammonia based)– this product is good because it allows you to wash suspended ceilings (except matte and fabric ones) without leaving streaks. It also copes well with greasy deposits, soot, and local dirt. It is safest to use colorless liquids (without dyes in the composition).
  • Dishwashing liquid– it is as neutral as soap, but copes better with greasy deposits, which is important for washing suspended ceilings in the kitchen.
  • A solution of warm water and 10% ammonia (in a ratio of 9:1)— suitable for washing only glossy and satin stretch ceilings (NOT suitable for matte ceilings!). They can effectively remove grease and nicotine deposits, soot, food stains and splashes, as well as remove stains after basic cleaning. After applying the solution, the canvas must be wiped dry.

Test the cleaner on a small, inconspicuous area before cleaning. Apply it first, then wipe clean and dry. If after 10 minutes the treated area has not faded, faded, deformed and remains streak-free, then the selected product can be used.

Regular cleaning helps keep your home clean. But how often do housewives look at the ceiling? But the plane also attracts dust, particles of debris, plus water evaporation, which is especially abundant in the kitchen. Let's figure out what and how to wash the ceiling before painting water-based paint, and also in the process spring cleaning. Let's consider the compositions that can be used, and which are better to avoid, folk remedies to remove particularly difficult contaminants.

Coloring is the most budget option renovation of the decor, which also does not take much time. Anyone can do the job - the technology is extremely simple and does not require any experience other than the ability to hold a roller in your hands.

Other advantages of the water-based composition include the following:

  • environmental friendliness - the composition does not contain harmful substances, so you can paint with water-based emulsion even in a child’s room;
  • ease of application;
  • low cost of compounds;
  • efficiency of work.

And you shouldn’t think that the water-based emulsion is applied only to concrete and wood - when finishing a gypsum board ceiling, it is also recommended to paint the sheets with a water-based composition as a finishing touch.

The downside of the paint is that it is not resistant to water. The water emulsion is easily washed away with ordinary water, but this is both a disadvantage and an advantage, because you can quickly prepare the ceilings for changing the decor. The paint does not require frequent cleaning, except in areas where the level of contamination is quite high, for example in the kitchen. This is where you will have to choose how to wash a ceiling painted with water-based paint in such a way as to remove combustion products and grease, but without damaging the coating.

Products used for cleaning ceilings

When thinking about how to clean a kitchen ceiling painted with water-based paint, evaluate the degree of contamination. A warm soap solution is suitable from ready-made products. And you can prepare it either from dishwashing compounds or from a piece of laundry soap grated into shavings. Usually, a concentration of 1:15 (1 part product to 15 parts warm water) is enough to wash a ceiling painted with stains and stains. But if the water-based composition is not supplemented with acrylic and silicone components, it is impossible to clean the ceiling surface - you will have to re-paint it.

For particularly stubborn stains, baking soda is useful. For 8 liters of non-hot liquid, add 0.3 liters of soap composition (for washing dishes) and 3-4 tbsp. sodium bicarbonate. Stir everything and wash the surface. Even stubborn stains are removed.

Advice! If we consider how to wash a ceiling painted with water-based paint, which has not been washed at all for 3-4 years, then no means will help - remove the paint and paint it again. In addition to the fact that dirt is firmly ingrained into the decor, there is a risk of mold and mildew forming under the paint layer - this must be eliminated.

Sometimes housewives leave the soap-soda mixture on the surface for about a quarter of an hour, then wash it off. This technique works well on the walls, but the soot may not leave the ceiling; the gray tint will remain, and it will not be distributed over the entire plane, but in patches - it looks very ugly. Therefore, it is better not to take risks.

Ready detergents for cleaning ceilings:

  1. Fairy, Cinderella for washing dishes. They cope well with dirt and grease drops that have not dried out.
  2. Mister Muscle for painted surfaces. A liquid that removes stubborn stains.
  3. Crystal, other glass cleaners with ammonia. Removes soot and adds shine. It is important to rinse the surface thoroughly after application and polish with a soft cloth.
  4. Tikkurila ceiling cleaning product. Special powder composition, which copes with particularly difficult stains.
  5. Altezza – spray for cleaning suspended ceilings. The product removes any dirt very well and gently removes dried greasy spots and drops.

What should not be used when cleaning ceilings? If you are looking at options on how to wash a painted ceiling, do not pick up abrasives, hard brushes or other scratching things/substances. Even the back side of a washing sponge can ruin the surface, so only foam rubber, rags or a microfiber cloth - it cleans well and absorbs moisture without leaving streaks. It is also not recommended to use toxic and caustic substances; they corrode the decor, leaving bald spots - the ceiling will have to be sanded and repainted.

Materials, tools for washing and cleaning the ceiling

What may be useful for the work:

  • ladder;
  • container for cleaning solution;
  • mop with soft cover;
  • rags;
  • a brush with soft bristles for removing dust;
  • soap, soap composition;
  • water.

You should also protect your hands and face from droplets. Cobwebs in the corners can be easily removed with a mop, vacuum cleaner, or broom with a clean, damp cloth wrapped around it. If you remove the dust efficiently, sometimes this is enough to avoid washing the ceilings.

Preparing a Painted Ceiling for Renewal and Repainting

Knowing what and how to wash a painted ceiling, it is not difficult to cope with the procedure. However, it is impossible to do without surface preparation.

If the surface is being prepared for painting, it is permissible to use more aggressive agents to clean stains:

  • rub the dirt with a paste of baking soda and water;
  • try rubbing it off with an eraser.

After such procedures, try to wash the surface again. If that doesn't help, use baking soda and how to wash water-based ceiling with soda solution, you already know too: for 7-8 liters of not hot, but warm liquid, 0.3 liters of soap composition and 3-4 tbsp. regular baking soda - stir and wash. If stains of rot, mold or fungus form, be sure to treat the surface with antiseptics.

Advice! To clean moldy areas, use a strong saline solution. For 1 liter of warm water, take 4-5 tbsp. salt. Stir until the grains of salt disperse, saturate the affected area, then wash with soapy water, rinse and, after drying, treat with an antiseptic.

Launched ceiling surfaces that have not been cleaned for a long time and are heavily affected by mold and fungus cannot be washed off with salt. A solution of copper sulfate comes in handy here. Wash the ceiling wearing gloves and a protective mask on your face. After washing with vitriol, rinse the surface clean water, dry and also treat with an antiseptic. After drying, you can paint with water-based emulsion.

Note! When preparing ceilings for new painting, do not be afraid to add a lot of soap - it is permissible to use the compositions in a higher concentration than during normal cleaning. The main thing is to rinse the surface with clean water and let the ceiling dry after washing before applying paint.

Knowing how to wash a ceiling painted with water-based emulsion, coping with the task of renovation will not be difficult. But if after cleaning you are not satisfied with the results, do not be upset: wash the surface, dry it, paint in 1-2 layers, and the ceiling will be clean and beautiful again

Repair work is always a big investment of time, effort and finances. The most troublesome task is preparing surfaces for repair.

First, you should clean the walls and ceiling of old paint or whitewash, making the surface suitable for subsequent processing.

In modern homes today, new progressive finishing materials are used, such as fabric or suspended ceilings, photo wallpaper, multi-level drywall, etc. But in old buildings or in the private sector you can still find lime or chalk whitewash.

Very often you have to deal with such a thick and dense layer of whitewash that you literally have to tear it off the surface, applying maximum effort and time.

Some amateurs believe that it is not at all necessary to remove the old coating from the surface of the ceiling or walls, and that it is a waste of time and effort. Of course, a beautiful stretch ceiling will completely hide:

  • fungal colonies;
  • rusty stains;
  • soot stains.

But after some time, all this dirt and rust, not to mention the fungus, will certainly appear on the beautiful surface in the form of unaesthetic spots or blisters, completely ruining all expensive repairs.

Professionals believe that chalk or lime coating, as well as old paint It must be removed from any surface and thoroughly cleaned from dirt, rust and fungus. This will improve the adhesion properties of the surface with the new design material, greatly increasing the quality and significantly extending the freshness of the repair.

There are ways to simplify the labor-intensive work of cleaning the ceiling from the old coating.

Before you begin the process of cleaning the surfaces in the room, you should perform several preparatory actions:

1. Completely or partially free up space;

To do this, you need to remove all the furniture from the room being repaired or cover it with thick polyethylene. It is better to pack the windows in advance in film, securing it with construction tape.

It is better to spread polyethylene or old newspapers on the flooring. Old wallpaper is also perfect for this purpose, just lay it face down.

2. Carry out a thorough inspection of the surface being repaired;

You should carefully inspect all the cracks and nooks that were previously blocked by pieces of furniture or curtains. This should be done in order to identify all colonies of fungus or mold, rust or grease stains.

If you do not work with these defects, then later they can very quickly appear again, ruining new surface. Each identified foreign stain must be subject to special treatment. Separate deep and superficial pollution.

3. Treat internal defects;

Deep types of pollution are characterized by the presence of a source of their appearance, which must be identified and removed. To do this, remove all the plaster at the site of contamination down to the very base and remove the causes of the stains.

If the cause of the stains is a rusty pipe or fittings, you should thoroughly clean and then paint rust spots paint. Only after this can the plaster be reapplied to completely restore flat surface.

If the cause of the stain is a crack, you should tap it with a hammer, remove everything that does not adhere well around the defect, and then repair the crack cement mortar. Moreover deep cracks It is better to process in stages. At the beginning, you should grout the deeper part and only after 8-10 hours do the final grouting and leveling of the entire surface of the ceiling or wall.

4. Disinfect surface stains;

After restoring the integrity of the plaster throughout the ceiling, surface contamination can be removed.

There are professional stain removers for soot and grease, rust and fungus on sale. They are applied paint brush or with a roller directly to the area of ​​contamination. When treating a fungal infection, the procedure should be repeated several times. This will guarantee the complete destruction of the colony from the surface of the ceiling or wall.

There are home remedies for getting rid of various types of stains.

  • Grease stains can be removed with a solution of washing powder or gasoline.
  • Mold stains can be treated with a chlorine solution or copper sulfate.
  • Soot, rust or soot can be easily removed by a solution of hydrochloric acid (3%).

Select a surface cleaning method

For each type of old coating there is different technology its removal. To choose one method or another, you should have an idea of ​​how they work and what is needed for this.

There are different types ceiling coverings and they should be removed in different ways. Let's talk about how to clean the ceiling: quickly, with your own hands, using the advice of professionals.

Chalk whitewash

This type The coating is not considered very durable, so cleaning such a surface is quite simple.

Chalk is easy to clean in several ways:

  • Using an ordinary spatula. To do this, moisten the surface with warm water, using a simple sponge or spray bottle and carefully clean it with a spatula to the very base.
  • Wash with water. Using a strong spray jet, wash the ceiling until it is completely clean. You can also wash it with a wide, stiff brush, periodically wetting it in warm water.

Lime whitewash

To remove more durable lime whitewash professionals advise using special solutions:

  • Professional compositions. There is a commercially available descaling liquid that can be used to easily clean the ceiling. At the same time, one should not forget about safety measures such as gloves and a respirator.
  • Homemade ingredients. It’s very easy to make a composition for removing lime whitewash with your own hands.

To do this, mix 5 tablespoons of soda, 2 tablespoons of planed soap and a bucket of water.

You can also prepare another, no less effective composition. mixing equal proportions of soda and salt (3 tablespoons each) in 5 liters of water.

Dishwashing liquid dissolved in warm water also helps.

Any solution should be applied alternately to each piece of surface, then left for 5-10 minutes, only then cleaned with a brush or sponge.

It is best to start cleaning the ceiling from the corners and move towards its central part.

Adhesive compositions.

  1. For cooking adhesive composition should be brewed in 5-7 liters of boiling water 2-3 tbsp. spoons of flour.
  2. After thickening, the composition is cooled and applied to the lime surface using a roller or brush.
  3. Literally in 10-15 minutes. The whitewash can be cleaned with a spatula, and it will easily come off in layers, without crumbling into fine dust and without polluting the surrounding atmosphere.

Life hack from professionals

To prevent whitewash from falling on your head during cleaning, you can attach a small container or box to the spatula, which acts as a garbage container.

Modern methods.

Today, professional builders use a conventional sanding machine to clean any surface. It makes the cleaning process quick and less labor-intensive. The disadvantage of this method is the abundance of noise and dust. But models with dust collectors have already appeared on sale, which completely capture all the dust.

Cheap options include using a drill or grinder. The device is equipped with a hard metal brush, which quickly and easily cleans any surface.

Ancient methods.

One of the old ones, but quite effective methods Cleaning the ceiling with your own hands is to use old newspapers. To do this, the ceiling is covered with unnecessary wallpaper or newspapers, and the edges of the paper should hang along the walls.

After drying, you just need to pull the edges of the hanging paper and all the whitewash will fall along with it, almost completely cleaning the surface. This method deserves attention because it practically eliminates dirt and dust.

Strange methods.

Such methods include using a washing vacuum cleaner to clean the ceiling. Considering the cost of repairing a unit that may fail after such work, it is cheaper to invite professional builders to do the work to complete everything renovation work qualitatively and without excess dirt.

Water-based coating

1. Cleaning of old, swollen water-based paint is carried out only mechanically.

  • To do this, you can use a spatula, but it is better to use modern devices, such as an electric drill with a mounted wire brush or a grinder, with a special disc for cleaning surfaces.
  • Also, to clean the ceiling from water-based paint, you can use a small hammer, carefully knocking off the old paint. But it should be taken into account that then you will have to do a little puttying, since the hammer will definitely leave unsightly dents.

2. After the ceiling is completely cleaned and treated with an antifungal compound, priming should be done. This will make the surface more susceptible to absorption. new paint or glue, and will also reduce the consumption of adhesive materials.

3. The final stage of updating the ceiling will be applying markings for LED lamps using a marker and finishing the surface with any paint or tension material.

Having created beauty in your room and original design interior, a person creates a good atmosphere in the family home comfort, love and kindness.

Manufacturers offer consumers large selection finishing materials high quality By affordable price. This approach cannot but please a person, since at an affordable price you can purchase high-quality finishes that will last for many years. These include suspended ceilings - a unique material that combines practicality and sophistication. But it is necessary to remember that sooner or later it will have to be cleaned. In this article we will tell you how to clean it in the kitchen from soot, soot, grease, nicotine and much more.

Basic care rules

Before you start cleaning the surface, you need to familiarize yourself with the basic rules and advice from experts. This knowledge and recommendations will allow you to avoid deformation, and will also allow you to carry out high-quality cleaning of the ceiling from any type of contaminant, even soot.

First of all, they select necessary tools and materials that will be needed during the cleaning process:

  • stepladder;
  • soft fabric rags or foam sponges;
  • a vacuum cleaner with a special brush attachment made of soft bristles;
  • detergents.

The best material suitable for washing film is microfiber - a new product that will cope with the task delicately and efficiently.

If stepladders or comfortable stairs no, you can use a simple mop, which should be wrapped in a cloth. You should carefully and with special care select detergents for cleaning the ceiling in the kitchen. The use of abrasive powders is unacceptable, as solid particles will easily damage the film and leave scratches on the surface.

Consider only mild detergents that have a neutral reaction:

  • gels;
  • pastes;
  • sprays;
  • liquid soap;
  • soft washing powder and others.

The ideal option is alcohol-containing compounds, for example, mirror and window cleaners. Using them, you can not only remove dirt, but also maintain the shine of the surface.

The leader among aggressors for PVC film is a solvent, for example, acetone. It will quickly corrode the material and a hole will appear in the ceiling, so its use is unacceptable.

Basic cleaning methods

As you know, stretch ceilings come in two types: made of PVC film and made of fabric. Depending on what material we are talking about, there are several methods of purification. If we are talking about simple types contaminants, then they can be dealt with with a simple damp cloth, for example, made of suede. In this way you can clean the ceiling from stains and dust. If there is a thick layer of dust after repair and construction work, you can use a vacuum cleaner with an attachment that will protect the coating from deformation.

If necessary, remove traces of primer, which also got on the ceiling during repairs, you should prepare a soap solution. Liquid or laundry soap is diluted in warm water and dirt is removed with a sponge. It is necessary to wash with soft and circular movements, avoiding pressing and pressing, in order to prevent stretching of the PVC film. Also, soap solutions can help if you want to get rid of grease, or you can use dishwashing detergent.

When it comes to polyester suede fabric, you should use a dry brush. As in the previous case, it is necessary to cleanse with soft movements that follow from left to right.

After any cleaning, the ceiling surface must be thoroughly dried with a dry and clean lint-free cloth.

A few secrets

  1. Cleaning the surface of soot should be done extremely carefully and carefully, as the film can be damaged in the process. Choose the right cleaning products. The surface should barely be touched.
  2. When cleaning, pay attention to the presence of seams and joints. In this case, it is necessary to wash only along the seam, and not across it.
  3. To return the ceiling to its characteristic shine, after cleaning it is necessary to wipe the film with a solution of alcohol or ammonia. It is also possible to use vodka, which is diluted in water in a ratio of 1:10.
  4. To remove heavier stains, such as paint marks, do not rely on own strength, especially if you are not sure about them. In this case, it is better to trust the professionals and seek help from a special cleaning company.

To avoid the appearance of new and abundant contamination, several precautions should be taken:

  • hang a horizontal curtain in the bathroom to prevent water splashes from scattering;
  • over hob It is necessary to install a powerful hood in the kitchen;
  • Champagne often leaves traces in the living room, so be careful when opening bottles.

Unlike PVC film, the fabric base is more vulnerable, so you should be careful when cleaning it. All actions must be thoughtful, balanced and effortless. The canvas is also easy to clean and wash, but rubbing in one place for a long time is not recommended.

If we are talking about dirt, and not just dust, then it is best to use special means for washing linens. They were developed precisely for these purposes. Please consult with the seller before making a purchase. If you need to remove dirt from the glue, it is best to wait for it to dry completely and carefully remove the film by prying it with a sharp object.

It is prohibited to use glass cleaners on textiles, as they contain substances that can destroy the structure or affect the color.

In conclusion, we can say that when cleaning suspended ceilings, it is necessary to select the right detergents. Everything will depend on the degree and type of pollution, as well as on the material of the ceiling.


See how to wash the ceiling with a mop:

If a stain forms:

Stretch ceiling is very in an interesting way finishing that allows you to turn even the most incredible designer’s idea into reality. The canvas can be different: glossy or matte, colored or white, plain or with a printed image.

This ceiling will not turn yellow over time, cracks will never appear on it, and it is also resistant to various deformations.

The main problem is the stains remaining after washing. Currently, there are many types of material, and each of them has its own method of effective cleaning.

Sequence of washing a glossy stretch ceiling

How to wash without streaks:

  • soft, lint-free sponge;
  • dry flannel;
  • warm water (no more than 40 degrees);
  • detergent.

The presence of incorrectly selected tools and cleaning products can lead to sagging of the ceiling and loss of the original color.

Several reasons for contamination of suspended ceilings

The materials from which tensile structures are made must be impregnated special means, the main purpose of which is to protect the surface from such unfavorable factors as moisture, dust and various stains.

If the installation of the ceiling was carried out in compliance with technology, then its attractive appearance will please the owners for a long time. However, over time flawless surface nevertheless, it becomes covered with dust, which dulls the original brightness of the color.

The presence of children in the house guarantees that the canvas will sooner or later suffer from a water pistol with some kind of coloring solution or from splashes of soda.

Basic rules for washing suspended ceilings

To correctly solve the question: “How to wash glossy stretch ceilings without streaks and avoid many problems?”, you need to remember the following rules:

How to wash the ceiling?

The beauty of the stretch ceiling is emphasized by its absolutely smooth surface. That is why any kind of dirt and stains are clearly visible on such a coating. In view of this, many housewives are concerned with the question: “How to wash stretch glossy ceilings without streaks?” The care rules, first of all, say that the product used to clean such a coating should not contain abrasive components.

Caring for a glossy ceiling must meet the following conditions:

  • undamaged surface;
  • no streaks or stains.

Moreover, damage should not be understood as a mechanical violation, such as a cut or scratch. This may also be a deterioration in color, loss of elasticity or wrinkling.

The procedure for removing dust from a stretch ceiling

How to wash stretch glossy and matte ceilings without streaks if they are just slightly covered with dust? Great option is a slightly damp cloth made from microfiber or soft suede.

If the nature of the contamination is serious, then you need to move on to more effective measures. So, if at the end of the cosmetic repair the surface of the stretch ceiling is covered with a solid layer of dust, then you should pick up a vacuum cleaner with a soft brush. In this case, cleaning should be carried out in such a way that the nozzle practically does not come into contact with the surface. Optimal distance from the canvas - 2-3 cm, otherwise it may sag or even be significantly damaged.

Wet cleaning of the ceiling

How to wash stretch glossy ceilings without streaks if a stain or some other thing appears on the surface heavy pollution? It is recommended to use a sponge or cloth pre-applied with soapy water or other non-abrasive cleanser.

Even if polyester material was used to make the ceiling, a soft dry brush is best option How to wash stretch glossy ceilings without streaks. Other types of cleaning cannot be called completely safe.

What products can be used to clean suspended ceilings?

How and with what to wash glossy stretch ceilings without streaks? Which substances can you use, and which ones should you forget about forever?

The best and safe remedy To clean the surface of glossy stretch ceilings, use an ordinary soap solution. To prepare it you will need the following ingredients:

  • warm water;
  • soft washing powder;
  • pre-planed laundry soap into small pieces;
  • any composition used for washing windows or dishes.

Before you start cleaning the surface of the stretch ceiling, you need to test the effect of the detergent on an inconspicuous area. If the composition has no effect on the surface, then you can wash the entire canvas with it.

About the important

How to wash stretch glossy ceilings without streaks? A small, inconspicuous area should be the place to test the product planned for use. Only after this can you start cleaning.

If there is too high ceiling It is allowed to use a mop with a rag. But we must not forget that, despite its high strength, the canvas can tear if pressed hard, as it is in tension.

Cleaning products such as sharp brushes, detergents containing abrasive particles and solvents are prohibited.

If damage to the integrity of the surface does occur, then there is no need to try to cope with the difficulties yourself. All that needs to be done before the specialist arrives is to slightly glue the gap with tape. Only a professional can repair a suspended ceiling or conclude that it is necessary to completely or partial replacement.

without divorce?

The popularity of glossy ceilings is enviable. The main reason lies in the fact that such canvases are characterized by a mirror surface that can reflect light and create a unique interior. To maintain shine, such a surface must be cleaned regularly.

How to wash stretch glossy ceilings without streaks (rules):

  • the best way to clean such a surface is a window cleaning solution;
  • if the texture of the ceiling is varnish, then ammonia will be sufficient;
  • the use of powdered cleaning products is prohibited;
  • cleaning a shiny surface requires only a soft sponge, otherwise scratches may remain on the surface;
  • You need to polish the canvas with extreme care and avoid applying pressure. It is also not recommended to use a mop or other similar devices.

How to clean the matte surface of a stretch ceiling?

Matte canvases are usually preferred by adherents of classic plastered ceilings. This type of surface allows you to create polyurethane used as an impregnation.

The above describes in detail how to wash stretch glossy ceilings without streaks, types of cleaning, and how to clean them matte surface.

Washing a stretch ceiling is recommended by experts only if there is severe contamination. The preferred method is the dry method of cleaning matte fabric. Among the wide variety of washing products, it is better to choose a spray or aerosol; regular laundry soap or powder is also suitable. The latter must be diluted well with warm water until all solid particles are dissolved. Matte ceiling It is prohibited to contain acetone.

The process of cleaning a matte stretch ceiling

Cleaning a matte stretch ceiling involves sequentially performing the following steps:

  1. You need to start by wiping the surface with a dry cloth, this will get rid of dust and cobwebs.
  2. Then you need to make a warm soapy solution.
  3. If you have a high ceiling, you can use a mop, or better yet, a stepladder.
  4. When washing, under no circumstances should you put too much pressure on the fabric.
  5. The cleaning agent used must be rinsed off the surface.
  6. Finally, wipe the surface with a dry soft cloth.

You can also use a vacuum cleaner or microfiber. Any tension structure requires timely cleaning, which will preserve the original attractive appearance of the canvas for many years. Some stains (for example, splashes from an unsuccessfully opened champagne) are better to wipe off immediately rather than deal with them after they have dried. As you can see, the simplest measures allow you to save indoors beautiful ceiling and significantly freshen the air.
