The solution to an age-old problem: how to easily clear clogs in the bathroom and sink. Dealing with blockages in the bathroom

What is the best way to clear a clogged pipe? This is not an easy matter, so many owners call a specialist whose services are paid. And so that the money remains in your wallet, and you don’t have to waste time waiting for a specialist, you can try to do everything yourself.

Why do pipes get clogged, how to clear a clogged pipe? The main cause of a traffic jam is debris accumulated over time, soap residue, dirt, hair, etc. A clog means that water is not draining well or is not flowing down the drain at all. If you do not clean the pipes on time, this can lead to flooding of the house, and in apartments, in addition to the bathtub being damaged, the neighbors below will also suffer. Therefore, before calling a plumber, you should first try to clean the pipes yourself.

Simple ways to clear clogs

If you are faced with a clog problem, there are several options for getting rid of it at home. Before you begin cleaning, you will need to remove visible reasons clogs (residues from washing dishes, hair and other debris). Then you will need the easiest to use and inexpensive remedy for blockages - a plunger. Such a device is already for a long time helps the owners both clear the blockage in the bathroom and eliminate it in any other bathroom.

  • Regardless of whether the sink or bathtub is clogged, you need to fill everything with water and plug the overflow hole with a rag. This is necessary so that when using a plunger when sewer pipes are clogged, the pressure created by water does not decrease.
  • You need to install the plunger over the hole for the stack, pressing on the handle to create pressure in the pipes. You should pump the water several times, then quickly remove the plunger. The clog should move to either side of the pipe.
  • If this does not happen, you need to boil the kettle and pour hot water directly into the drain. Then repeat the procedure several times with a plunger.

If it doesn’t help, the second method will definitely break through the blockage in the bathroom, since the blockage will be broken down by boiling water.

In addition, there are many ways to clean bathroom drains using improvised means. It is useful to know them, since such a problem most often takes you by surprise. To use folk remedies for cleaning, you will need plumbing cable. It looks like a flexible steel spring with a spiral at the end.

  • First you need to place a container under the siphon.
  • Then remove it to see if it is clogged with debris, and if necessary, clean it.
  • Next, you should insert the siphon back into the sink and turn on the water.
  • If it also continues to build up, it means that the drain is completely clogged and the pipes need to be cleaned.
  • You need to remove the siphon again and place the plumbing cable in the pipe.
  • At the first resistance, turn it clockwise. Most likely, this will be overcoming the first bend. And the very next clearing jerk will remove the blockage. We push the cable and pull it out, collecting debris on it.
  • If the device does not go through, there is no need to push it there by force. It can break and remain there, leaving the bathroom pipes unusable.

You can make an analogue of a plumbing cable yourself; there is a good and simple way. To do this, you need to wrap a bottle (2 liters) with paper (the thickness should be 2 cm). When it forms a spiral on the bottle, you need to circle it with a marker.

Next, you need to cut out the outlined design, starting from the top. We make a handle from the bottom of the bottle. Then we make notches, the so-called teeth, along the entire spiral on both sides. A homemade plumbing cable has formed, which you can use to try to clean the pipe.

Effective cleaning products

Today on store shelves you can find many chemicals, which will help with the question of how to remove a blockage in the bathroom or sink. But a small difficulty arises, because you need to decide what is the best way to do this. Sometimes it is difficult to choose from the abundance of chemicals what will really cope with the problem: it will be able to break through the blockage in the bathroom and make sure that the pipes will not clog in the near future.

Before using chemicals, it is still recommended to try to clean the pipes mechanical method(cable, plunger). Any procedures for clearing blockages with chemicals cause harm to the material, which is especially typical for plastic pipes.

Several simple ways and available tools that will tell you what to do if this has already happened:

We save pipes with chemicals

There are many household chemicals that can be found in any supermarket. For example:

  • Mole for clearing clogged pipes;
  • Domestos;
  • Mister Muscle;
  • Pothan;
  • Typhoon.

Basically, to clear blockages, such products are poured into the sink or bathtub and left for half an hour. More details can be found in the instructions included with the pipe blockage products. It is best to leave it overnight or long period, so that he not only removes the blockage, but also clears out all the dirt behind him that caused the pipe to become clogged.

Even if the house has been renovated, this is not a guarantee that the pipes will not become clogged over time. It would seem that new pipes are the way out of the situation, because old ones, in addition to user garbage, can become clogged with many other products - rust, metal peeling, etc.

It is precisely for new plastic pipes that there are restrictions on clearing the blockage. For example, as mentioned earlier, chemical cleaners can cause damage to the material, especially PVC. Therefore, there is no need to rush to “save” the pipes using this method. If they are new, it is enough to break through the blockage with a plunger.

From now on, you should try to prevent food debris, hair and other things from getting in, which could clog the drain in the sink or any other plumbing fixture. At the same time, it is useful to periodically carry out preventive measures so that the plumbing does not become clogged.

Video instructions

Nowadays a bath is one of the essential conditions of comfort. But even if you use your plumbing as carefully as possible, you still sometimes have to deal with a situation where the water does not go down the drain. There is no need to look for someone to blame and find out who was in the bathroom last, you just need to roll up your sleeves and break through the blockage. Today we will tell you how to clean a bathroom pipe at home as quickly as possible.

Main causes of blockages

Before you start cleaning the pipe, you need to make sure that it is not a general blockage, but a local one. In cases where the central sewer system at home is clogged, housing office workers will clean the pipes.

Important! To make sure that the problem exists only in your apartment, turn on the water in the bathroom and in the kitchen; if in the kitchen the water flows freely, but in the bathroom there is standing water, then you need to start cleaning the pipes in the bathroom.

The main causes of blockage include the following factors:

  • Fat deposits on pipes. In the best way To eliminate the problem will be the use of special chemical compounds.
  • Design error sewer system. Even when laying pipes, craftsmen could have placed them at the wrong angle. IN in this case The cause of the blockage can be completely eliminated only by correcting the design error and redoing the problem section of the sewer pipe.
  • Deterioration of the sewer system.
  • Neglect of basic preventive measures and rules for caring for the sewer system.
  • Garbage falling into the drain: animal hair, hair, pieces of rags, threads, etc.

Important! All these reasons lead not only to the fact that water stops draining normally, but also to the appearance unpleasant odor, which is a consequence of the decomposition of debris stuck in the drain. Therefore, the problem must be solved in any case in order to ensure comfort in the house, especially since you can clean a pipe in the bathroom at home quite quickly if you know how.

How to remove a blockage in the bathroom at home?

If water does not flow well into the drain, it is necessary to urgently take measures to remove the blockage. As an option, you can use the services of a specialist, but we suggest solving the problem on your own using one of the methods described below.

Mechanical method

The most common and simple way that even a woman can use is to clear the blockage in the bathroom with a plunger. This method can even be used as a preventive measure. The more often you use the plunger, the less often the clog problem will appear.

Step by step instructions:

  1. Carefully lubricate the rubber part of the plunger with Vaseline so that it fits tightly to the drain.
  2. Fill the bathtub with a small amount of water (to the height of half the rubber bowl of the device).
  3. Install the plunger so that the rubber nozzle completely covers the drain hole.
  4. Use sharp, intense movements to lift and lower the plunger. Air will rush into the drain and push through the clog.
  5. With the last pump, sharply pull the plunger out of the water.
  6. Turn on hot water to rinse away debris.
  7. If the blockage was not cleared the first time, repeat the procedure several times.

Important! You can also use a vacuum cleaner to remove the problem if it has a reverse air blow function and is very powerful. Proceed as follows:

  • Cut a rubber ball in half so that one half is smaller than the other. The size of the ball should be larger than the drain hole.
  • Fold the halves into each other, and make a hole in the middle equal to the diameter of the vacuum cleaner pipe.
  • Insert the vacuum cleaner pipe into the hole and secure the structure with electrical tape or clamps.
  • Attach the hose to the outlet of the vacuum cleaner.
  • While pressing the homemade plunger, turn on the device. The cleaning process can be compared to the operation of a plunger, with the addition of a powerful air stream.

How to break through a blockage in the bathroom with a plumbing cable?

Of course, using a plunger can only remove minor blockages. For more serious problems, if the blockage is located far in the pipe or the lump of debris is strongly compressed, you can only clean the pipe in the bathroom at home using a plumbing cable.

The essence this method next: with the help of a rope, the garbage is pulled out or pushed into a wider highway.

Important! A plumbing cable cannot be used to clean plastic and chrome-plated pipes, as it can damage their inner surface.

This procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. Put gloves on your hands.
  2. Disassemble the siphon under the sink.
  3. Carefully straighten the end of the cable so that it can catch debris.
  4. Insert the straightened end into the drain hole.
  5. Neat rotational movements push debris along the pipe.
  6. After the main obstacle is removed, give several sharp pushes along the pipe.
  7. Pull out the cable along with the dirt.
  8. Run hot water into the drain hole.

Important! To make it convenient for you to clean the pipe in the bathroom at home, take note of the following nuances:

  • You can buy a plumbing cable in a store, or you can make it yourself: take a piece of a fairly flexible metal cable, bend the end and fluff the tip. The cable will move well along the bends of the pipe and will not be able to rest against the knee. For ease of use and grip of the cable, wrap it with something rigid to form a kind of handle.
  • For efficiency and convenience, work with the cable together. An assistant will monitor the tension of the cable. Push the sharp tip into the drain hole, and an assistant will simultaneously perform rotational movements. Turn on the water and continue to move the cable, the water and the movement of the cable inside the pipe will deal with the blockage.

Using a tight hose:

  1. Place a thick rubber hose onto the hot water tap and secure it securely.
  2. Place the other end of the hose into the drain hole as deep as possible.
  3. Turn on the water.
  4. Make forward movements with the hose.
  5. The hot water pressure and pushing motion will work on the clog and remove it.
  6. Fill the bathtub full with hot water and quickly open the drain lid. At the same time, use a plunger so that the water, due to the pressure, washes away the remaining clogs.

Siphon cleaning

The siphon must be cleaned not only during a blockage, but also for the purpose of preventive measures to get rid of the unpleasant odor.

Proceed as follows:

  1. Place a soft cloth on the floor under the siphon.
  2. Place a basin or bowl.
  3. Carefully unscrew the fastener.
  4. Remove the flask.
  5. Wait until all the water has drained into the prepared container.
  6. Clean the siphon of debris.
  7. Rinse the siphon with running water.
  8. Reinstall the device. Make sure that the drain pipe does not rest on the flask, otherwise the water seal may be damaged.
  9. Without removing the basin, turn on the water and make sure that the seal is not broken.

Chemicals are faithful helpers

You can clear a clog in the bathroom at home without a plunger or plumbing cable, but with the help of modern cleaning products. Today, there are a large number of chemicals on the market that can clean sewer pipes. Some contain acids, others contain alkalis. But the choice of drugs must be approached responsibly and in compliance with safety rules.

Important! Good remedy will clear the blockage in the bathroom in a matter of minutes and without any effort. Chemical agents are especially effective in dealing with operational blockages that are of organic origin.

Types of drugs for blockages

The drugs are available in various forms:

Popular pipe cleaners:

  • “Mole” - effective remedy, but it cannot be used for plastic pipes.
  • “Mr. Muscle” - suitable for all types of pipes. Available in the form of gel and foam. Cleans pipes of dirt, kills bacteria and helps eliminate odors.
  • “Pothan” - quickly and without residue dissolves various contaminants. It has a pungent odor, but breaks through the toughest clogs. This is an Israeli product that must be poured in 100 gram portions. This amount is enough to instantly fix the problem. The main disadvantage is the high price.
  • “Tiret” does its job perfectly, removing blockages quickly and effectively. Does not smell of ammonia.

Directions for use

To break through a blockage in the bathroom, these products must be used according to the instructions:

  1. Pour or pour the product into the sewer hole.
  2. Leave for a while.
  3. Rinse thoroughly with running water.

Important! Use chemicals correctly, since even the safest drugs deform the pipe material when used for a long time. When using clog cleaners, always remember safety precautions: wear rubber gloves, special clothing and safety glasses. There should be a constant movement of air in the bathroom so as not to inhale harmful fumes.

  1. When choosing a chemical product directly to remove clogs in the bathroom, opt for a product that can dissolve hair. When choosing a kitchen product, look for products that can dissolve fat.
  2. For plastic pipes, use gel or granular chemicals (the latter is preferable).
  3. When purchasing household chemicals, pay attention to the purpose of the products. They come in two types:
    • preventative - can cope with minor blockages;
    • more powerful, capable of working even in standing water.

The latter medications are needed when the drain hole is completely blocked.

Folk remedies for blockages

Previously, every housewife knew how to clean a sewer pipe using soda and vinegar. Today, people resort to using folk remedies less and less. However, using the available tools is very simple:

  1. Take baking soda and vinegar in equal amounts (one glass is enough).
  2. First, pour baking soda into the drain hole, and then pour in vinegar.
  3. Plug the drain.
  4. Leave the ingredients for chemical reaction for 2-3 hours.
  5. Rinse the drain with boiling water.

Important! Using baking soda is one of the safest and most effective methods. Baking soda perfectly removes clogs and does no harm internal surfaces pipes Use baking soda when clogged and for prevention.

Other home remedy options:

  1. Use lemon to remove fat deposits. Squeeze a few fresh lemons into the drain hole and leave for an hour. Fresh lemons can be replaced with lemon juice concentrate.
  2. If you don't want to use modern means, then prepare a cleanser from available products. You will need: a glass of salt, a glass of soda, ¼ cup of cream of tartar (crystallized sediment during wine production). Mix the ingredients and place in a clean jar. Close the lid tightly. If necessary, use the prepared product as follows: pour ¼ of the contents of the jar into the drain hole, and pour 300 ml of boiling water on top. Turn it on in a minute cold water and rinse off any remaining product. Carry out the cleaning procedure weekly as a preventive measure.

A clogged drainage system entails a lot of inconvenience: reduced efficiency of the sewer system, danger of flooding, and much more. We will tell you what to do if your bathtub is clogged, what to do if thick blockages of hair and scale form, and also how to clean the pipes using home remedies.

Traditional methods of cleaning a bathtub

The easiest thing you can do if your bathtub is clogged is to pour vinegar and baking soda down the drain. IN best case scenario, this method will help dissolve part of the blockage, at worst, nothing will change. To prepare the solution, you need to take an equal amount of vinegar and soda (for example, a glass) and boil the water. Then proceed according to the instructions:

  1. You need to turn off the water and remove the siphon. Clean it with a cloth or detergent;
  2. Soda is poured into the pipe, after which vinegar is poured into it. For maximum efficiency vinegar should be poured into the reaction in a thin stream. As soon as you hear hissing, set the timer for 30 minutes. On average, the reaction takes exactly half an hour;
  3. After the boiling in the pipe has completely stopped, it needs to be poured with boiling water. It is also important to pour it in a thin stream, without much pressure. After completing all the steps, install the siphon and turn on the water. If the flow goes normally through the drain, then the blockage has been removed.

There are more effective way, albeit longer. You need to turn off the water at night and fill the pipe with salt and soda, taken in equal proportions. Immediately after this, pour at least 2 liters of boiling water into the drain. After 8 hours you can check whether the blockage has been removed or not. If you don’t want to wait a long time and measure the proportions of kitchen products, then you can simply buy a chemical pipe cleaner. They are capable of dissolving not only soap scum and scale, but also hair and even polyethylene.

This option is good if the outlets are clogged due to soap residue or grease. If a small blockage of another kind has formed in the bathroom, then you can easily get rid of it with a simple plunger.

This is a special device with a handle and a rubber cap. If you place a plunger over the drain hole, a vacuum will form inside the rubber cap. Due to changes in pressure inside the pipe, the blockage changes its position. In this case, there is a high probability that the debris will go into the large pipe.

How to clean a bathroom pipe with a plunger:

  1. The overflow hole must be closed, otherwise the pressure drop will be insufficient;
  2. The handle should be perpendicular to the bottom of the bathtub, and the rubber cap should be located above the drain hole;
  3. It is important that the center of the plunger is above the center of the drain - this will allow better pumping of the drains;
  4. You need to slowly press down on the handle several times, as a result of which the rubber tip will “fall” into the drain. These movements will help move the blockage.

But the plunger only copes with minor blockages. If the bathtub is clogged with hair or other problematic waste, it will not help. In this case, it is more advisable to use a plumbing cable. With its help, you can clean your pipes from almost any blockage with your own hands.

There are different types cables:

To clear a clog in the bathroom using a cable, you will need to prepare. First of all, the siphon is removed. Firstly, when cleaning it, it can be damaged (especially plastic models), and secondly, without removing it, it will not be possible to completely clean the pipe.

Step-by-step instructions on how to unclog a bathroom using a cable:

  1. The rope has two ends. One of them is clamped in the hand, and the second (with a blunt end or a hook, depending on the type) is inserted into the pipe. To avoid damaging the walls of the sewer outlets, the cable must be turned with a handle;
  2. As soon as the cable encounters a blockage, turning will become more difficult; more effort must be applied here. But you cannot put pressure on the cable, otherwise there is a chance of piercing the walls. In addition, it is advisable to make sure that you hit the debris and not the pipeline bend;
  3. If the cable has a hook at the end, then you need to turn it several times in one direction, then in the other, and remove it from the pipe with slow rotational movements. At correct actions, there should be debris left on the hook that caught the device. It is recommended to repeat this action several times;
  4. After rotational and translational movements, the remaining debris is pushed into the sewer.

To consolidate the result, the pipes are additionally washed hot water. First you need to release a small stream into the outlet, then increase the pressure. This will help remove any remaining debris on the side walls.

Professional ways

Sometimes it happens that none of the home methods are suitable or there is simply no desire to clear the blockage in the bathroom yourself. Then you can resort to the services of professionals. The most common plumbing service is hydrodynamic flushing. It is performed with a special device that removes almost any blockages with high pressure of water.

Advantages of hydrodynamic cleaning:

  1. Speed. You will be able to use the bath immediately after the procedure is completed. For example, after dry cleaning you need to wait from 2 to 8 hours (remember the salt method);
  2. Safety. Even the largest flow of water will not damage the internal parts of the pipes. Moreover, the liquid will neatly fill all knees and transitions. If the cable is rotated incorrectly or with excessive force, even brass bends can be damaged;
  3. Versatility. In this way you can get rid of hairballs, soap and fat build-ups, and scale. It’s just that different techniques are used depending on the type of blockage.

Pipes can be spilled hot and cold water. Hot is most often used for metal taps (removing soap build-up, minerals, etc.). Cold is used in most cases for plastic outlets and pushing hair and other solid waste into a larger opening in the sewer network.

Of course, professional companies also widely use mechanical cleaning with cables. These can be either mechanical or automatic devices. In them, the pressure force is adjustable (unlike non-professional hand ropes). This allows you to be safe from cracks in pipes and ensure operational efficiency.

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Moidodyr, come back, or how to clear the blockage in the bathroom and sink

No one is immune from minor everyday troubles. A clogged drain is a problem that everyone faces sooner or later. This article is about how to clear a clog in a bathtub, sink or kitchen sink.


Dear reader, we are adults and we understand that any, even the most simple work requires a clearly formulated technical specification. In our case, before you start clearing the blockage, you need to:

  • If possible, find out what caused it. For example, sand and grease require different approaches;
  • Locate the blockage. Agree that it is pointless to disassemble the siphon under the kitchen sink if the comb (internal sewage system) in front of the tee or the sewer riser is clogged.


As a rule, it is not difficult to identify the cause by remembering your last actions before the sewer clogged and interviewing family members. Deduction, Mr. Watson: if the water stops draining from the bathtub after you have washed it very dirty dog or waders, the reason is easy to guess.

In addition, there are typical causes of blockages:

  • The bathtub release is dominated by hair, pet hair and threads. They are collected directly on the outlet grille;

  • The bathtub siphon often gets clogged with the notorious sand;
  • The kitchen sink is characterized by food waste and body fat.

Grease from plates, deposited on the walls of sewer pipes, is the leading cause of blockages in general. As a rule, it is collected in sewer areas with minimum slope and where it is actively cooling hot water, draining into the sink - at the sink elbow and at the first meter of the comb from it.


If water does not flow out of only one plumbing fixture and at the same time sewer pipe with the siphon elbow removed from it, it is not overflowing with waste - obviously the problem is in outlet, elbow or siphon. In the case of a bath, you will have to rely on indirect evidence - the operation of the washbasin and sink. You probably won't want to reach deep under the bathtub and disconnect its trim from the comb.

If the water drained into the sink or washbasin enters the bathtub through the outlet, while the toilet is functioning normally, it is clogged comb in front of tee. If the toilet also does not work, and the drainage from the apartments above the riser does not flow into your sewer system, it is clogged tee or cross behind the toilet. This can happen if you dropped a rag or paper towel down the toilet.

Finally, if the water level in the bathtub and toilet rises even with the taps closed, there is clogged riser or drain. As a rule, to deal with them, locksmiths are called from the organization servicing your home during the day and from the city emergency service at night. The work is done free of charge.

Captain Obvious says: top floor The water level will not rise without your participation, even if the riser is clogged. Simply due to the lack of neighbors above.



How to unclog a bathroom if its siphon is clogged with sand?

An ordinary plunger.

The photo shows an ordinary plunger. Price - 150 rubles.

  1. Fill the bath with some water;
  2. Plug the overflow tightly with a wet rag. If you do not do this, the plunger will waste air between the outlet and the overflow;
  3. Cover the outlet with a plunger and pump it several times;
  4. Drain a large amount of water to remove any remaining clog.

What to do if the bathtub is clogged and you don’t have a plunger at your disposal?

Open the siphon of the piping for cleaning. In new harnesses, to do this, just unscrew one plastic cover, in old ones - remove the union nut connecting the outlet and the tubular siphon.

How to break through a blockage in a bathroom with an old-style cast iron pipe? Obviously, it will not be possible to disassemble it for cleaning: after half a century of operation, it is not always possible to unscrew the outlet from a cast iron siphon, even after annealing with a blowtorch.

Place the washing machine hose onto the faucet and direct a strong stream of water into the outlet. The flow will easily pass through the metal grate and wash out the sand that has clogged the siphon.


How to remove hair that has clogged the outlet grille?

Option 1:

Option 2:

  1. With continuous rotation, we feed a thin plumbing cable through the outlet grille;
  2. We take it out and clean it of wound hair;
  3. If necessary, repeat several times.

Option 3:

  1. We place a low basin or any dish of a suitable size under the bath siphon;
  2. Unscrew the release. The plastic grille is unscrewed with open pliers inserted into it, the metal grille is removed after unscrewing the fastening screw in the center;

  1. We clean the outlet grill from hair, wool and threads;
  2. We put the outlet in place and check for leaks.

Food waste

What to do if the kitchen sink is clogged, but the rest of the plumbing fixtures are working properly?

Siphon cleaning

Typically, small food waste is collected in the siphon sump. How to remove them from there?

  1. We place a bucket or basin under the siphon so as not to flood the floor or cabinet with foul-smelling waste;
  2. We unscrew the bottom of the siphon and carefully, so as not to lose the ring gasket, shake out its contents;

  1. We assemble the siphon and check it for leaks.

What to do if the gasket has lost its elasticity and after assembly the siphon leaks?

It is enough to rewind the threads on the siphon body. For winding, you can use FUM tape, ordinary electrical tape, and even a strip of polyethylene cut from an unnecessary bag.

Household chemicals

A severe blockage, in which the water does not drain at all, can often be cleared with specialized sewer products. The most famous of them is the domestic Mole, a drug based on sodium hypochlorite.

Mole is a tool for clearing blockages.

How to use this product?

  1. Pour it into the sink outlet. Don’t be too lazy to scoop the water out of it first: a decrease in concentration reduces the effectiveness of the Mole;
  2. We wait 1 - 3 hours;
  3. We flush the drain with water.

Any chemicals can only help with organic blockages. They will not dissolve sand or construction debris in your drain. Mole and other remedies will be useless even if the fat plug in the pipes is large.

Handy chemicals

Instead of specialized drugs to combat blockages, you can use numerous improvised means - as long as they include acid or alkali in sufficient concentration.

Here are some examples of such substances:

  • Regular or caustic soda;

Caustic soda, also known as caustic soda NaOH.

  • Preparations for cleaning sinks from scale (Domestos, Sillit, etc.);
  • Electrolyte for batteries;
  • Hydrochloric and oxalic acids;
  • Citric acid in sachets.

How to use these folk remedies? Just like specialized household chemicals: pour them into the sink drain and leave for several hours to dissolve the organic plug. Dry preparations are pre-diluted with water. It’s better to use it hot: this way the blockage will be dissolved faster.


What is the best way to clean out a grease plug?

If the water goes away at least slowly, it will help to get rid of fat simple instructions: open the hot water and gradually increase its pressure. The water, however, must be really hot - at least 60C. In the summer when DHW temperature barely reaches 40 degrees, the method will not work.

A sewer comb that is tightly clogged with grease is first cleaned with a plumbing cable; then the remaining fat is again washed off with hot water.

A plumber's cable is another inexpensive and very useful tool.

How to clear a clog using a cable with your own hands?

It is more convenient to do this work together, with an assistant. One person pulls the cable to prevent it from folding into loops and rotates the handle, the second person feeds the cable into the sewer through the socket closest to the blockage. The cable passes through the grease plug with noticeable resistance.

Finally, the most universal and effective way to combat fatty plugs for owners plastic sewer- take it apart and shake out the fat. The same method can be used to eliminate blockages in the elbow under the sink.


How to get rid of systematic blockages or at least reduce their number to a minimum?

  • Replace cast iron sewer on plastic. Its walls are not overgrown with deposits (except fat);
  • Eliminate counterslopes. Any area with a negative slope is a place where debris will accumulate, gradually reducing the pipe clearance;
  • Place in sinks and bathtubs nets for releases. Hair, fur and small debris will remain on them and not clog the drain;

  • Wash dishes with hot water as possible. I have long noticed that the peak number of blockages in the apartment sewer occurs in the summer, when the temperature of the hot water drops;
  • If the layout of your apartment allows it, install washing machine in the kitchen, at the maximum distance from the sewer riser. Each time hot water with powder dissolved in it is drained, the machine will rinse the comb, removing the slightest trace of fat from it. Thanks to this simple recipe, in 8 years of living in my last apartment, I never encountered a blockage.

Not just sewerage

It's not just the sewer pipe that can become clogged. This problem also applies to plumbing. What can you do if the pressure of cold or hot water suddenly drops?

Often it is possible to clear the blockage without using a tool and without leaving the apartment:

  1. Unscrew the aerator from the gander (spout) of the mixer. It includes a filter - several small stainless meshes that easily become clogged after water outages. Of the six to eight grids, you can leave one or two. The plastic aerator itself is cleaned of sand and scale using a pin or sharpened match;

  1. If the pressure drops on one of the faucets (in the bathroom or in the kitchen), but the second one is working normally, turn off the valve at the entrance to the apartment on the water with which problems arose. Then open the appropriate water tap on the mixer with normal pressure. Plug the jaw of the faulty faucet with your finger and open both taps or lift the pressure control lever.

With a high probability, debris from the narrowing of the water supply will be washed out by the countercurrent of water created in this way and carried into the sewer.


I hope that my experience will help the dear reader in the fight against minor everyday adversities. The video in this article will help you learn more about how you can unclog a bathroom. I look forward to your additions and comments. Good luck, comrades!

August 7, 2016

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Every day they do water procedures in the bathroom at least once. Gradually, various debris accumulates inside the pipelines and you have to think about how to clear the blockage in the bathroom. There are a lot of options for why the siphon or other water communications are clogged: human and animal hair, pieces of rags, fat, various pollution pipe systems. Over time, the liquid disappears more and more slowly and appears bad smell sound made by a sink or bathtub. Something needs to be done about this.

What causes blockages?

The most serious reason why a sink or bathtub becomes clogged is an error during pipe installation. When making repairs, “craftsmen” make mistakes with the angle of installation of sewer pipes, this, in turn, contributes to the occurrence of traffic jams. Cleaning in this case is possible, but pointless. Eliminating the problem must begin with dismantling the old pipes and installing them again.

The second, more likely option is carelessness and neglect of preventive measures by the owners. Various objects, hair and debris can easily clog the drain. Even with a small blockage, it is recommended to get rid of it so that the situation does not worsen even more. So, how to unclog a bathroom?

Ways to remove blockages

Mechanical Tool #1: Plunger

If the hole near the drain is clogged, then take an item that most people have - a plunger. After which you should take a rag or stopper and close the top hole for draining the water so that there is no corridor for air. Then we lubricate the rim of the plunger with Vaseline, this will ensure a tighter fit. We put the plunger on the drain and quickly and intensively begin to expel the pollution. It is quite possible that you will not be able to clean it the first time.

Mechanical Tool #2: Hot Water Plunger

If the previous method did not provide proper cleaning, then add hot water to it. We fill a third of the bath with water, use a plunger to pump it into the pipeline, and then suddenly pull it out. Continue until the drain is completely cleared.

Mechanical means No. 3: cable

Doesn't take a plunger or hot water. What to do? Clear the blockage in the bathroom with a cable. This product can remove serious clogs. But keep in mind that it is possible to break through thin plastic pipes, if you are not careful.

It is quite easy to build a cable at home. To do this, you need to acquire a flexible metal wire. Then bend one of its ends in the shape of a small hook, and attach fabric to the second, making a handle.

Push the tool inside the pipe to the suspected clogged area and push the debris through. After removing the main part of the blockage with a cable, pull out the “fishing rod” with the remaining dirt. Finally, rinse the container with hot water.


In some cases, it is appropriate to use chemicals if the bathtub or sink is clogged. Stores sell a large amount of chemicals in the form of gel, powder, liquid or foam, which can remove all the bad things stuck in the pipeline in a few minutes. Organic contaminants are ideal for chemical removal.

  1. Before use, be sure to read the instructions included in the kit.
  2. Use the funds personal protection in order to avoid undesirable consequences.
  3. Buy products that dissolve hair.

Folk method No. 1: boiling water

Traditional methods are no less popular and give good results. But, alas, the elimination severe blockage It is impossible to use them in a sink or bathtub. If pipes or drains have accumulated a large amount of fat, this can be corrected with boiling water. Simply pour boiling water into the hole until the water flows better.

Folk method No. 2: vinegar and soda

Baking soda and vinegar react with each other, so they can remove more difficult pipe stains. At the very beginning, soda is poured into a glass, after which it is sent straight to the drain. Next, you should pour vinegar into a glass and pour it into the drain and plug it with a stopper. Foam will begin to form if the vinegar and baking soda react. After 15-20 minutes, rinse with hot water to remove any remaining vinegar and baking soda.

Folk method No. 3: lemon

Using folk remedies is beneficial and convenient at home, but they do not always give the desired effect. But lemon will help get rid of light pipe contamination. Squeeze the juice from one fruit into the drain and wait an hour or two. After time, the sink or bathtub is rinsed with hot water.

How to clean the siphon?

The siphon must be cleaned periodically, but if this is not done on time, problems may appear at the most inopportune moment. It is recommended to clean the siphon regularly to prevent the sink from giving off a bad smell. Now let's move on to cleaning.

Get some unnecessary soft cloth and place a water container under the siphon. Open the fasteners and remove the flask. After all the water has drained out, carefully clean the siphon. Then rinse the device and reinstall it. Also, be sure to position the nozzle so that it does not rest on the flask. Do not rush to remove the basin, first open the water. If nothing leaks, then the siphon is installed correctly.

  • Don't brush it off preventive measures. By doing them regularly, you will not waste a lot of time in the future.
  • Install a metal mesh to collect any debris.
  • In some cases, it will not be superfluous to use compounds that prevent the appearance of blockages.

Now it’s clear how to clear a clog in the bathroom. After all, anyone can agree that being in a clean bath is pleasant and comfortable.
