Grease stains on MDF door. How to clean a metal door from various contaminants

Made from natural and artificial veneer, they are consistently among the top sales. This is not surprising - veneered door leaves look beautiful, are affordable, reliable and durable. Such designs can fit into any design solution interior thanks to a wide selection of veneer shades and textures - from almost white ash to chocolate brown wenge. And externally, veneered panels look exactly like natural wood.

Caring for veneer doors is not particularly difficult. You just need to regularly remove dust and dirt, and also monitor the serviceability door hardware. However, there are a number of rules that must be followed in order to door blocks long time saved aesthetic appearance and functionality.

How to wipe veneer? Can veneer flooring be washed? These questions are of interest to everyone who has purchased and installed door units finished with wood veneer.

To clean the veneer coating, do not use abrasive or alcohol-containing products, as well as detergents that contain oils, acetone, alkalis, or acids. It is also worth refusing to use washing powder, dishwashing detergent and other similar household chemicals.

When choosing what to wipe doors with during everyday cleaning, give preference to a microfiber cloth or soft cotton cloth dampened warm water. This is enough to remove dust and wash away fresh dirt.

Veneered products are not afraid of impact high humidity. Since veneering is carried out on a substrate made of moisture-resistant MDF board, such sheets can be washed with warm water. However, prolonged contact of the coating with moisture should not be allowed after wet cleaning must always be wiped wooden structure dry cloth.

Tip 2: Home remedies for caring for veneer trim

If persistent stains have formed on a natural or artificial veneer covering, you should not immediately go to the store for expensive specialized chemicals. You can effectively clean veneer doors using home remedies. Try washing the door structures with a solution of laundry soap or a mixture of alcohol and plain water in a ratio of 1:9 - 1:10. These home remedies will allow you to quickly and easily special effort wash the veneered fabric.

Raw potatoes will help remove greasy stains from the veneer surface. The potato should be cut into two halves and the cut area should be thoroughly rubbed onto the area with fat. When the potato juice dries, the stain should be wiped with a dry cloth, which will remove the starch along with the fat.

Even with the most careful attitude to the door structure there is always a risk of scratching the veneer covering. Therefore, over time, micro-scratches and abrasions inevitably appear on the surface of the canvas. To prevent scratches and extend the service life of door structures, experts advise periodically wiping the door with a polish for veneered furniture, preferably one that contains wax. After processing, a protective film, which protects veneer from damage and stubborn dirt

Wax polish can be purchased as:

  • aerosol;
  • spray;
  • cream:
  • liquids.

The polishing compound is good at cleaning door blocks from dust and dirt, and also refreshes the color of the veneer cladding, and the wax fills microcracks and hides minor defects well.

There is no need to frequently rub door panels with polish and wax. The film stays on the veneer covering for a long time, preserving protective qualities. It is enough to wipe the canvas with polish once or twice a month to ensure that your doors always look impressive and well-groomed.

Light door blocks – universal solution for any interior, in the Porta Prima factory catalog they are presented in a variety of shades and textures. Veneer light shades It is also convenient because dust and micro-scratches are invisible on its surface. However, this does not mean that light-colored door structures do not require maintenance. They should be regularly wiped clean from dust and dirt.

To maintain light-colored finishes, you can make your own polish by mixing three teaspoons of melted granulated wax and 150 ml of soybean oil. The components are mixed until a homogeneous mass is formed and cooled to room temperature. To clean light-colored veneer doors, apply the compound with a dry cloth and rub the coating until shiny and smooth. This mixture is great for removing stubborn dirt and greasy marks around door handles.

The use of wenge-colored doors is a popular design technique when decorating modern interiors. They fit perfectly into the style of minimalism, loft, industrial and other similar ones.

Contrary to the common misconception about the “non-marking” of dark canvases, dust and dirt stains are clearly visible on their surface. In order for dark doors to always look neat and well-groomed, they need to be cleaned regularly.

A special polishing compound, which is made from following components:

  • ½ melted beeswax granules;
  • 1 teaspoon lanolin;
  • 4 teaspoons soybean oil;
  • 1 teaspoon of turpentine.

All ingredients are thoroughly mixed to obtain a homogeneous mass. The mixture is applied to the surface of the canvas and rubbed into the coating with a soft cloth. Special attention require carved panels, they must be cleaned with the utmost care.

To do this, you should adhere to the following rules:

  • do not expose veneered door structures to prolonged contact with moisture;
  • Contaminants from the veneer surface must be cleaned immediately after they appear;
  • care for veneer using only mild detergents;
  • do not open the canvas beyond the specified opening angle;
  • try to scratch the canvas and not slam the doors with all your might;
  • Do not expose veneered structures to sudden changes in temperature and humidity.

If you follow these simple tips, veneer doors will serve you well for many years and retain their attractive appearance. appearance.

Scratches, cracks and abrasions on the surface of the veneer coating can be restored at home. However, only doors finished with natural wood veneer can be restored.

To restore minor defects, a special wax pencil is used; its color is matched to the shade of the veneer coating. You need to tear off a small piece from the pencil, knead it in your hands and distribute it evenly over the damaged area. Excess wax mass is wiped off with a soft cloth.

Another way to eliminate a defect is to fill the crack or scratch with special liquid wax. The damaged area must first be cleaned of dust and dirt, and then treated with fine-grained sandpaper. Next, you need to apply preheated wax and remove excess with a rag.

To repair serious damage to natural wood veneer, it is best to turn to professionals. They will prepare special “patches” that match the coating in color and texture, and glue them to the area being repaired. If the canvas has deep cracks and chips, the master will first seal them with wood putty.

Fittings are an integral part of any door structure. To make doors convenient and comfortable to use, you need to regularly care for hinges, handles and locks.

During operation, the doors may begin to creak or close poorly. To prevent problems from arising, it is necessary to clean the hinges from dust 1-2 times a year and lubricate them with machine oil, technical petroleum jelly or WD-40. If the doors sag, you will need to adjust the door hinges.

Door handles should be wiped regularly with a damp soft cloth to remove stains and dirt. You can use regular warm water or soap solution. After cleaning, wipe the fittings with a dry cloth. Loose handles must be tightened immediately, otherwise they quickly fail and require replacement.

Door cleaning- the ability to maintain an attractive appearance and integrity of the coating on for a long time. At the same time, care must be regular and correct. Doors, like any other household item, need to be cleaned. For this purpose, suitable cleaning agents are specially selected depending on the material of the door surface, its color and some other parameters. Let's figure out how to properly care for the interior and entrance doors.

  • Before washing, adjust the doors;
  • lubricate the locks and hinges with a special product;
  • make sure that the room humidity is up to 65% and the temperature is up to 24 degrees;
  • remove any fresh stains from the door surface as quickly as possible, without delaying;
  • cover door structure varnish, especially if it is a low-quality fabric;
  • cover the doors with film if repair work is planned;
  • In general, you need to use the door very carefully so that you do not have to try to remove serious dents or deep scratches.

You need to choose the right cleaning product. In particular, veneer and natural wood are cleaned completely differently. If you do not take this into account, there is a possibility of hopelessly damaging the door covering. In addition, it is recommended to consider the following tricks:

  • cool water with a few drops ammonia wash glass in decorative door frames;
  • use a soap solution to wash metal door elements;
  • wipe the doors only with soft cloths;
  • get special microfiber cloths for cleaning doors;
  • once every 3-4 days, wipe the decorative elements, handles and inserts of the structure from dust;
  • use a disinfectant (a fairly weak solution).

The main reasons leading to door coverings losing their aesthetics are insufficient or improper care, careless handling of the door.

Important! Sprays, aerosols and products specially designed for this are excellent for cleaning doors. They are applied to the door covering through a spray bottle, allowing you to wash off any dirt.

Fight fat

Fighting grease on wooden doors is a necessity, especially if they are located in the kitchen opening. The easiest way to use folk remedies that are effective and safe to use. You can give preference to the following methods:

  1. Use a solution of water and a surfactant or dishwashing detergent if you need to get rid of stains. The method is effective for wooden and MDF doors.
  2. Use the cut of a raw potato if you need to quickly get rid of greasy drops or stains. Finally, wipe the area with a slightly damp cloth.
  3. Mix clay and vinegar in equal proportions. The mixture should resemble a paste. It is applied to the stain and waited for 20-30 minutes. After that, you just have to wash it off. This method effectively fights stains of any type, including greasy marks. For the most serious stains, you can repeat the cleaning procedure 2-3 times. The method is suitable for cleaning unpainted wooden doors.
  4. Pour talc onto a napkin and press it onto the stain on the door for 5-10 minutes (you can use tape). After this time, wipe the talc off the surface of the door and wipe the surface with a dry cloth.

To restore the glossy shine of the surface, you need to wash the door with a solution of water and vinegar (1 tablespoon per liter of water is enough).

Remember that all solutions must be washed off the door surface using cool water. Finally, the door leaf is thoroughly wiped dry. Application metal brushes, hard sponges and products containing abrasive substances are unacceptable.

This is important! By the way, getting rid of dust is very easy. To do this, just wipe the door leaf with a dry and damp (but not wet) cloth. Finally, it needs to be polished using door polish.

Glass cleaning

Glass cleaning is not the best simple task. It always seems that you can easily wipe the glass insert on the door and it will shine clean. In reality, there are always divorces, and eliminating them is a real problem.

  1. Onion juice or soap solution will help remove greasy stains.
  2. The matte surface can be washed with a starch solution (add 20 grams of starch to 500 ml of water).
  3. Alcohol, thinner, acetone and even nail polish remover will help you quickly get rid of traces of glue, coffee and tea. However, you need to act carefully so that the products do not come into contact with the box, rubber seals, or the skin of your hands.

There is no need to use alkalis, acids, gasoline and ammonia in concentrated form to clean frosted glass. Scraping off dirt with a knife or scraper is taboo.

This is important! First you need to clean it glass inserts interior door, and then the door leaf.

Tips for caring for an iron front door will help keep it clean:

  • napkin soaked in hot water, will get rid of traces of adhesive tape;
  • acetone-containing liquids will help get rid of old tape residues;
  • White spirit or another solvent will help remove traces of paint;
  • sandpaper will help get rid of traces of lime and whitewash (this method cannot be used for cleaning iron doors with vinyl or leather covering);
  • a vinegar solution will help to cope with stains and traces of whitewash;
  • A solution of water and kerosene will help remove plaque;
  • products containing acetone or alcohol will help get rid of polyurethane foam that has not yet hardened.

How to clean plastic?

How to clean plastic? It's very simple. It is enough to use a soap solution. You can give preference to the other compositions listed above, but in most cases there is no need for this, since all dirt can be easily wiped off.

You can also use vinegar solution, liquid washing powder, soda. Special sprays and cleaning products for plastic surfaces are effective for cleaning.

It is important to note that plastic cannot be rubbed or washed. metal jaws, rub with a brush. This leads to its damage and the appearance of microcracks, into which dirt subsequently gets clogged.

What about defects?

Defects that may appear on the door during use can also be dealt with. In particular, it is recommended to listen to the following advice:

  1. Use sprays that contain beeswax and polish to get rid of small cracks and other barely noticeable defects.
  2. Use a special wax pencil suitable color range to remove deep scratches. It is enough to rub the damaged area to fill the void of the crack.

Caring for doors is a feasible task for everyone. The procedure is not complicated and does not require serious economic costs. Regular care- the ability to extend the service life of the door surface and take care of its aesthetics.

Returning doors to their original cleanliness and neatness is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. If greasy stains appear, it is not necessary to change the canvas. We will figure out how to remove dirt from interior doors.

PVC doors

If a material such as PVC is dirty, then the following will help remove greasy stains:

  • liquid soap;
  • toilet, bathtub and sink cleaner;
  • sponges and rags.
  1. Mix liquid soap and plumbing detergent in equal proportions.
  2. Apply the solution to the stained area. At the same time, thoroughly rubbing it with a sponge.
  3. Leave to stand for 5-7 minutes.
  4. Rinse off with plenty of water.
  5. Wipe dry.

In this way, you can remove all traces of stains without spending a lot of time.

Doors made of laminated chipboard

This material is considered the most accessible. This is where many people have a lot of problems as soon as the first greasy spots become noticeable. In this case, it is difficult to wash off the dirt. It is worth remembering that the material should not be rubbed too much, as top layer- paper.

First, try this method on an inconspicuous area. Look at the reaction of the material to alcohol. If everything is fine, then feel free to proceed with cleansing.

Higher quality laminated sheets can be washed with a household solvent, such as ammonia or acetone. To do this, you can carry out the following manipulations:

  1. Wet the sponge with the solution.
  2. Apply to the stain.
  3. Hold for 3-5 minutes.
  4. Wipe this area with a dry soft cloth.

Remember that when removing stains, do not keep the wet wipe on the door for long. The waiting time should not exceed 5 minutes.

If dirt appears, acetic or citric acid will help remove it. Coffee and various traces of drinks can be cleaned using the following working solution:

  • 3 tbsp. l. baking soda.
  • 200 ml water.

Prepare the solution and gently wipe the stains with it. Dry thoroughly with a hairdryer.

If traces of wax or chewing gum appear on the doors, it will not be difficult to wash them. To do this you need to do the following:

  1. Dry the contaminated area.
  2. Use a special scraper to remove wax or chewing gum.

Such manipulations should be carried out carefully so as not to damage decorative coating doors.

Stains from paint and varnish materials delete traditional methods not worth it. For this it is better to purchase professional products.

MDF doors

If you find old greasy stains on an MDF door leaf, then don’t rush to spend your money on expensive substances. There are raw potatoes in every home. And then everything is simple:

  1. Cut the vegetable into two halves.
  2. Use the cut side to wipe the stained areas.
  3. Wait for the potato juice to dry completely.
  4. Wipe the area with a dry cloth.

If there are small stains on the MDF doors, then prepare talc or powder. Apply the product to the fabric and gently work the fabric.

Fresh greasy stains from MDF doors can be washed using a solution prepared as follows:

  • A little dishwashing detergent is poured into the bucket;
  • add a little warm water;
  • The product is thoroughly foamed with a sponge.

The solution wipes off all greasy stains. We recommend cleaning the door afterwards. clean water and wipe it dry.

If the door leaf had glossy surface, then after washing, treat it with polish.

Unpainted wooden doors

If you find dirt, you can wash it using a special paste, which is prepared according to the following recipe:

  • white clay;
  • vinegar.

The solution is diluted to the consistency of a thick paste and applied to the stained area. Be sure to let the mixture dry completely. Next, you should remove it and rinse thoroughly with water.

Wooden doors, varnished

If you notice greasy stains, it will help to give the product its original appearance. new treatment varnish. To do this, you will have to remove the door and remove the old covering. You can do this in three ways:

  • wash;
  • heat treatment;
  • mechanical method.

At home, it is better to use the first method. To do this you need to take several steps:

  1. The remover, which you need to buy in the store, must be applied to the entire surface of the door. Each stroke should be applied in the same direction.
  2. Wrap the canvas with plastic wrap. Let stand for about 4 hours.
  3. Remove the varnish with a spatula or sandpaper.
  4. Rinse off any remaining product with vinegar diluted with water.

After this, you can apply a new layer of varnish.

The methods discussed will help remove greasy stains on doors and give them their former beauty.

The door performs not only a protective, but also an aesthetic function. And renovation is a “natural phenomenon” within one apartment, which leaves its mark on the entrance and interior doors. As a result, the door leaf becomes covered with greasy stains, stains, and becomes dull.

To clean the doors after repair, you need to try hard. The choice of cleaner depends on the material door leaf and degree of pollution. In addition to special cleaning compositions, improvised means are used that can be found in any home.

Cleaning iron surfaces

Many people are looking for an answer to the question of when to install doors - before or after renovation? Experts recommend installing front door after work to minimize the degree of contamination. Although for this purpose the canvas can be covered plastic film. So, in any case, the decision is yours.

After you have installed the front door, it remains polyurethane foam. The fresh mass can be removed with a spatula, and the residue can be washed off with a solvent (white alcohol, acetone, Profit), or a special polish for polyvinyl chloride (Top Clean, Fenozol, etc.).

In addition, a cleaning agent for hardened foam is used for this purpose.

If the foam has dried, then it is carefully cut off from the surface or removed by grinding. Then metal door the contaminated area is washed with any of the above solvents.

We wash plastic and wooden surfaces

Plastic and wooden doors have a similar texture, the former are often laminated, and the latter are painted. For this reason interior doors It is not recommended to clean with abrasive powders, which scratch their surface. The following products are used to wash them:

  • Aqueous ammonia solution. Add 2 tbsp to 500 ml of warm water. spoons of ammonia. This solution is used to eliminate greasy stains. To wash wooden painted canvases, a solution of ammonia is also used, but less concentrated (2 teaspoons of ammonia / 1 liter of water). If present heavy pollution, then the concentration of the solution increases (2 teaspoons/200 ml of water).
  • Detergents, for example, Domestos, Profit, Shumanit.
  • Solvents (white alcohol, acetone) to remove stubborn stains. Aggressive substances must not be used on painted surfaces.
  • Baking soda. For cleaning iron surfaces use a soda solution, soak a rag in it and wipe the contaminated area. This method is not suitable for washing laminated products.
  • Ammonia-based glass cleaner is used to remove fingerprints. This product is suitable for washing plastic and wooden cloths.

All of the above products will help clean the door after repair from dirt of varying degrees of complexity. The main thing is to keep a rag soaked in liquid on the surface for no longer than 5 minutes, then wipe the treated area with a clean damp cloth.

Removing greasy stains from door panels

Grease stains are difficult to remove, and therefore special products are used to remove them.

White spirit is used to clean iron products. It's aggressive, but effective remedy With a neutral odor, it quickly removes greasy stains.

The following products are used to clean wooden doors:

  • Potato. Raw vegetable cut in half, rub the stain, and after 15 minutes the marks are removed with a damp sponge. Potatoes are used to clean polished surfaces.
  • Talc. Sprinkle a damp washcloth with powder and wipe the contaminated areas until the stain disappears. Then the door is wiped with a clean, dry cloth.
  • Vinegar. To clean stained door panels, generously soak a cotton swab or soft cloth in vinegar and scrub away the stain. When all the moisture has been absorbed into the surface, wipe it with a clean cloth.
  • Soapy water. To eliminate fresh tracks fat, add soap shavings to warm water, and then wipe the surface. After this, walk over the treated area with a damp, clean cloth.
  • Clay with vinegar. Mix the ingredients until a homogeneous paste is formed, apply the mixture to the oily mark, and let dry. Then the remaining product is washed off with a damp, clean cloth.

Laminated doors are cleaned with alcohol solutions. To do this, water is mixed with alcohol in a ratio of 9:1. A cotton swab dipped in liquid is applied to the stain and left for 5 minutes.

Then wipe the surface with a clean, dry cloth. To clean laminated doors, it is prohibited to use abrasive particles or aggressive solvents containing acids and alkalis.

Beautiful glass products The hardest thing to clean is grease stains. This can be done using an aqueous solution of ammonia. To eliminate contaminants, mix ammonia with water in a ratio of 1:10, soak a cloth in the liquid, and rub the contaminated area.

Helps remove traces of fat baking soda, which is applied to a damp cloth and wiped over the dirty surface. For this purpose, special cleaners based on ammonia are often used.

Other contaminants

To wash iron or wooden surface for whitewashing use warm water and a soft cloth. Wipe the product with a damp cloth until the stains disappear. It is important to change the water as often as possible. From glass white coating removed using a special spray.

Solvents will help remove paint from the door. Alcohol will help remove stains from a pressed MDF panel; to do this, soak cotton wool in liquid, apply it to the stain, and leave for 15 minutes. Then the paint is wiped off with a rag or carefully scraped off with a blade.

The matte glass surface has a porous structure into which paint gets stuck. Solvents are used to clean glass with a sandblasted pattern, and the paint is scraped off from a glossy surface with a special blade. Fresh water emulsion is washed off with water and a clean rag.

Remove fresh primer from the door leaf with a damp sponge. For frozen pieces, use a solution of vinegar, glass and tile cleaning liquid, and ammonia.

Thus, it is not difficult to clean the doors after repair; the main thing is to choose a cleaner depending on the surface material and the type of contamination. To protect the door leaf from stains various kinds, cover it with a piece of polyethylene or thick cloth during repair work.

Doors are made from a variety of materials, each of which requires a special approach when cleaning. Metal and glass are impervious to the most active solvents, so the use of acetone and white spirit is allowed. In other cases, it is recommended to use alcohols, vinegar, citric acid and soap solutions - they are quite enough to dissolve most grease stains on doors and interior doors.

Doors are a place of increased contact, which is why stains appear there with enviable regularity. The problem of cleanliness, including doors, is especially noticeable in kitchens and in houses where there are small children. The cleaning tasks are as follows: how to wash greasy stains from doors so that the dirt disappears and the coating remains intact.

Cleaning MDF doors from greasy stains

In order to clean MDF doors from greasy streaks and stains, it is not necessary to use expensive specialized products.

Of the available substances, potatoes work well with fat. The washed potato is cut in half and the exposed part is rubbed onto the stain until it is completely saturated with potato juice. Allow a few minutes to dry, after which the stain is wiped off with a dry, clean cloth. To avoid streaks, the cleaned coating is rubbed with talcum powder or powder.

Pay attention! Fresh stains on MDF are wiped off with a solution detergent for dishes, diluted and foamed in warm water.

Metal door

The advantage of such doors is that the metal is resistant to even the most active fat solvents.

Therefore, if metal doors become dirty, you can safely use acetone or white spirit, which is used to impregnate a clean cloth. Such substances very quickly dissolve fat on a hard surface; it is not absorbed into it, but immediately passes into the fabric. To avoid streaks after cleaning, you can wipe the metal with a wet cloth.

Wooden door

There are two types of wooden doors - unpainted and painted.

In the first case, it turns out that the greasy stain falls directly on the wood, which tends to become saturated with liquids before they dry. In the second case we are dealing with paint on different bases, which require a special approach - you need to wash wooden doors from greasy streaks and stains, and not damage the paint and color.

Unpainted wooden doors

To remove grease from clean wood you need to prepare special solution, which consists of vinegar and clay in equal proportions, mixed to the consistency of a homogeneous paste. Rub this paste generously onto the dirty stain. The door is left in this state until the paste is completely dry, usually about half an hour is enough. After drying, the door should be rinsed with warm water.

Painted door

Here the wood is coated with a layer of paint, which prevents grease from being absorbed into the fibers. Thus, the dirt dries on the surface; it can be removed with alcohol or vinegar. The use of acetone or other solvents is strictly not recommended, because they can damage water-based paint or one that was made on their basis.

A clean cloth must be soaked in liquid, then the stain must be wiped until the fat dissolves and begins to be absorbed into the fabric. Movements should be in the direction from the edges of the stain to the center so that the fat does not spread even more over the surface.

Pay attention! To avoid streaks, wipe the cleaned area with a light soap solution prepared in warm water.

Wooden doors, varnished

To remove grease from varnish, you can use vinegar or citric acid diluted in warm water. Such substances will not harm the varnish coating due to their low activity, but even old greasy stains will succumb to them.

As in previous cases, you can use a clean cloth or cotton pads (if the stains are small). Residual marks can be cleaned with warm water or soap.

glass door

Glass is one of the most solvent-resistant materials, so grease can be washed off with a variety of substances.

Various alcohols and alcohol-containing liquids are especially effective (this applies to strong alcohol, antiseptics and special means for cleaning glass and tiles). A solution of ammonia and water in a ratio of 1:10 will cope with fresh stains. Additionally, you can use vinegar, medical alcohol, soda or citric acid. Acetone or any paint thinner can cope with older and more durable stains.

Besides smooth glass surface, for the manufacture of doors, glass sheets with protrusions and a rough surface are used, where fat very readily gets clogged and cools.

In such cases, it is necessary to wet the glass more abundantly so that the solvent penetrates as deeply as possible into the glass. hard to reach places and broke down the fat.

Dissolved fat must be wiped off with a soft, clean cloth. To avoid streaks, the glass is washed with an alcohol-containing window cleaner and wiped dry.

PVC doors

In order to wipe off stains on doors coated with PVC or eco-veneer, use a mixture liquid soap and plumbing cleaning products. The liquids are mixed in equal proportions, the resulting mixture is evenly rubbed into the greasy stain using clean rags or a sponge. It takes 5 to 10 minutes to break down the fat, after which the door is washed with plenty of warm water and wiped dry.

Doors made of laminated chipboard

A very common door covering due to its cheapness, hence the most problematic thing - the top layer consists of paper, which in no case should be rubbed, otherwise the appearance of the door leaf will be irrevocably damaged.

To effectively dissolve fat, you can use isopropyl alcohol, vinegar, citric acid and cotton pads, which are used to wipe the stain very carefully. The discs need to be changed periodically to avoid spreading the fat even more over the surface.

For high-quality laminated chipboard coatings, you can use solvents or acetone. In this case, the stain is not wiped, but soaked by applying a damp cotton swab for 3–5 minutes. After this, the dirt should be wiped with a dry cloth.

How to clean an interior door with a polished surface

To clean polished interior doors from greasy stains, you should use all of the above products. Additionally, after the dirt has been removed, you need to use it, which will restore the original shine and remove all matte traces of cleaning.

The video below shows various ways removing greasy marks from doors:

Larisa, March 20, 2018.