Spells, amulets and rituals for work and career. Compliance with the rules is guaranteed success

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will tell you in this article how to use magical rituals on good job for the sake of changing and improving their social status. Many effective conspiracies to help work, and in particular those proposed by me in this material, are simple and easy to implement; many can be read independently at home. Everyone seems to understand how important a good, well-paid job is – the key to a person’s success, security, and well-being in life. Good work today gives advantages in life's ups and downs.

To have good luck at work - independent magical rituals

You can read various reviews about magical rituals and conspiracies, depending on personal experience those who did their own rituals for good luck at work. Each magician, of course, has his own personal practice and his own strong spells to make everything work out at work, which are often used and shown to them. One thing is certain: money magic, rituals for getting a job and for career growth, this is serious support in professional and financial matters.

Every situation is individual. You know your circumstances better than anyone. Magic rituals should contribute to your advancement at work and financial success. The main thing here is to correctly form the intention, and fearlessly, but with full dedication, work with the Forces.

How to make the strongest conspiracy for successful work - so that there is good luck in business

To what extent this is a conspiracy to make everything go well at work, everyone will decide for themselves. To understand how this or that effective ritual works for success at work, you need to practice. It should be read on the waxing moon on odd numbers. This particular witchcraft plot to help at work, which I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, is going to offer you, is neutral, works on the personal strength of the performer. However, it can be made more intense by invoking the Forces before ritual actions. In this case, after work, you need to take the payment to the intersection, with the words: "Brothers to work". Or with a different verbal formula in this vein, depending on your practical experience.

Moreover, since powerful conspiracy so that everything works out at work, initially neutral, then you can turn to the Powers of the Christian egregor if you work with him. To contact the egregor, you need to read “Our Father” 3 times before the conspiracy.

A cup is needed for the ritual running water. Stand by the window in the evening, call on the Forces, or work on personal power - the choice is yours.

Read the words of the conspiracy for a high-paying job 3 times:

“Luck came, swept away all the melancholy with sand, and brought joy with it to me (name). Amen. Amen. Amen".

Leave the charmed water on the windowsill until the morning. When you wake up, wash your face with this water. Any charmed liquid must be used for its intended purpose without residue.

What could be the consequences of a conspiracy for money work?

The question of consequences always worries beginners. If your magic does not harm anyone, you do not attack or harm others, negative consequences there is no need to wait. There are, of course, dangerous rituals in money magic, such as, for example, luck stealers - taking over someone else's happiness and well-being. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, am not talking about damage to poverty and the ruin of the enemy.

Here, a mistake can really be costly. But there is experience and intelligence, and, of course, black magic defenses (or defenses within the framework of the tradition in which you practice). But, if we are talking about independent strong conspiracies so that everything goes well at work, then there is no point in fearing a rollback or return, or other negative manifestations.

Try reading a spell for work - simple magic at home

If long time you are having no luck finding a job, help yourself with a money magic spell, read the spell for a good job:

“I go as a hunter, I go out as a merchant, I am a wolf, I am a lion, I am a fox, everywhere there is a ladder for me. Some are lower than others, but I am always higher than others. Everyone would love and respect me. We weren't invited. All my words be molded, strong and tenacious. Key, lock, tongue. Amen. Amen. Amen".

There are reviews about the effectiveness of home spells in finding a good job.

From experience: to quickly find a good job, use the help of the dead, do money rituals, for example

  • For honey on Kupala,
  • On water from three rivers.

Don’t forget about the powerful, influential power of Runes. Runic bets for luck are great for finding a job. As for the ritual “On water from three rivers,” this is truly one of the most powerful spells for good luck in work, as well as a strong money ritual, well, and plus everything else, excellent cleaning of the money channel. Since this ritual is universal and self-sufficient, I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, will present it in this material.

Doing a magic ritual for good luck at work was on the waxing moon, so that you would have money and things would improve. Some practicing magicians perform the ritual on the waning moon, because they consider it precisely as a cleansing of money negativity. The essence of the question is how exactly to perceive the witchcraft ritual. If in your understanding this is - magic ritual for a good job, and you will ask the Cemetery Power for this when you make a purchase, then, of course, do it during the lunar growth.

A strong ritual for money work, cemetery. I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend making a purchase to the Owners in advance, obtaining a work permit, asking for a sign, and finding out whether you should do this witchcraft ritual on cemetery land. Outwardly it is very simple. In reality, not everything is so obvious. Magic ritual for a promotion at work, it's energy-intensive, and that's it. This technique is universal; it can be used if you have any money problems, for example, to get you back to work - this effective conspiracy copes with various problems.

A witchcraft spell for promotion at work is effective and fast.

I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend this ritual for filling the money channel, naturally after a series good cleaning. But the home ritual itself works as a serious cleansing of negativity using money. In general, this witch conspiracy against bosses at work self-sufficient, if the diagnostics show that it suits you, you will do everything correctly, and the impact will be normal, then it doesn’t even need to be supported by anything. Here, in fact, is a way to independently make a conspiracy to work at home.

The most powerful spell for good luck, money and success in work – To water from three rivers

In the last 7 days of the month, you need to collect water from 3 different rivers. Pour into different vessels. While drawing water from the river, read the words of the conspiracy for work:

“I ran under the heavens, and then my hasty, efficient, and efficient, prosperous workers, then the water of speech, and the blessed one, helped me. Amen".

When water has been collected in the third river, the path is taken to the cemetery. The second part of the ceremony takes place on the cemetery grounds. Upon entering, they take off their clothes and wash themselves with river water. Having finished, read the text of the conspiracy for success at work:

ATTENTION IMPORTANT: I, the magician Sergei Artgrom, recommend everyone to wear a proven Talisman to attract the energy of money and luck. This powerful Amulet attracts good luck and wealth. A MONEY AMULET is made strictly individually, under the name of a specific person and his date of birth. The main thing is to immediately set it up correctly in accordance with the instructions sent, it is equally suitable for people of any religion

“She came running from a threshnik and shouted, and from three distant ones she caught up with me (name), that she nailed it, and she washed away the bad, and set the golden one, and scatter the river, and then it was condescended by the stars, and it is destined for my fate now. Either with a firm word, and the last dear one, or with a friend, or with a zolotnik, a man of the lord, or like that, then I, like water along a river, run away, and live in a money tie, firmly done, and with three rivers on me (name) with a ruble, yes royal coin, honor, and respect from the people. Even if the poor people are here to do their work, I have to walk through the muddy water, like the masters, correct it with luck, but my destiny has been created into a new reality, but prosperity has been thrown into the water. Amen".

Leave without looking back. You can change your fate through this. When you read a strong conspiracy, visualize what you want:

  • for a promotion at work,
  • to fill the money channel,
  • for success in trading,
  • or simply for positive changes in fate.

An independent conspiracy that is read on the way to work

If, while looking for a job, you find a worthy offer, then in order to definitely get this job and not get rejected, when going for an interview with an employer, read the words of the conspiracy three times along the way when going to work:

“I’m going to the bar, neither young nor old, I’m going to get a contract, to have a look at the owner. My face is sweet, my soul is not hateful. Everyone would be surprised at me, the owners would smile, they would be touched by my words. My word is strong. It will be my way, but it won’t happen any other way. Truly spoken."

Self-conspiracy to get your work colleagues to respect you

If the team doesn’t accept you, you have difficulties communicating with colleagues at work, or your bosses don’t treat you the way you deserve, do it yourself conspiracy to respect employees. Golden or silver ring throw it into a glass of water and read the words of the conspiracy for respect and love in the team. Visualize the success of your magic by saying the following spell:

“Just as everyone loves and respects gold and silver, so everyone will love and respect me (name). Amen".

An effective conspiracy - to save your job and return to work

If your problem is related to maintaining a job, on the waxing moon you can try a home ritual for good luck at work, the action of which is aimed at protecting and retaining your source of income. For the ritual you need:

  • scrap of fabric

It is clear that the magic salt must be prepared. At home, heat salt in a frying pan and read an effective spell to get your job back or not to get fired:

“I (name) have an iron wall, I can hide behind it reliably. I will lock myself with twelve locks, I will lock myself with twelve keys. You can't reach me forever, you can't cut me with knives, you can't chop me with axes. To my faithful words there is strength, and a key, and a lock. Amen".

You need to read the spell to help at work 9 times, then let the salt cool, wrap it in a clean piece of natural linen. Bring this charmed salt to where you work and, unnoticed by others, scatter it near your workplace. Home spells like this really work well, but require frequent repetition.

A very effective conspiracy to make a profit at work

Where you work, take a coin. Its dignity does not play any role; it can be either 10 kopecks or 10 rubles. Bring the coin to your lips and read the plot for a high-paying job three times:

“Just as there are fish in the sea and they never grow, just as there are stars in the sky and they never grow, just as there are ears of grass in a field of grass, so I (name) have enough money to grow and never grow. My words are true, solid as the Alatyr stone, an iron key in the damp earth. Forever and ever. Amen".

Money, charmed to bring good luck at work and good profits, should be in your workplace according to right hand. Periodically independent conspiracy To succeed at work you need to renew.

How to read conspiracies against your bosses at work - simple effective rituals

An effective conspiracy to ensure success at work in everything - both in money and in your career, works well even at the mercy of your superiors. The director is just a person, and you can influence him the same way as anyone else. The ritual is based on the personal strength of the performer, so good visualization is needed.

So, so that the employer does not rage, does not belittle your merits as an employee, but notices and promotes you in every possible way, read the plot to be respected at work so that management treats you well. And this should be done at home on the waning moon of an odd number, observing men's and women's days.

Get up at dawn, pour water into a glass and, holding it in your left hand, 3 times, looking at the water, read the words of the conspiracy so that everything goes well at work:

“The lamb is afraid of the wolf, the wolf is afraid of the lynx, and you, slave (name), fear me, (name). Amen. Amen. Amen".

Wash yourself with witchcraft water and spray yourself from head to toe.

Here's another way to magically influence your boss's attitude towards you. Standing in front of the door of his office, read the text of the conspiracy for kindness and benevolence, respect, superiors and for good luck at work:

“I’m on this side, you’re on that side, you shouldn’t shout, be silent in front of me, your lips are closed, your thoughts are surrounded by silence, stand there like a mute, you’re silent in front of me, you don’t scream in front of me. Exactly".

It is permissible and even desirable to reinforce influences of this kind with the suggestion of thoughts. You can also force your boss to think in the way that is necessary and beneficial for you, when using rune staves to solve social, career and financial issues, as well as using staves from the field of instilling thoughts and inducing certain feelings and emotions in a person.

In order for good luck to accompany you in finding a high-paying job, you should resort to the power of white magic and take advantage of powerful, but at the same time safe conspiracies and rituals that will help you find suitable job, level up wages and get a promotion in as soon as possible.

It is quite difficult for people who do not have supernatural abilities, and even more so for beginners in magic, to achieve desired results right the first time. In order for conspiracies and rituals to get an interesting and highly paid job to be as effective as possible, you must follow simple rules.

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    Rules for conducting rituals

    1. 1. You should adhere to strict fasting for several days (at least three days) before the ceremony, that is, completely exclude meat dishes and alcoholic drinks. On the day of the ritual itself, you should completely refrain from eating any food, and drink only water from drinks. This will help you concentrate and direct the flow of consciousness energy into the right direction.
    2. 2. To achieve results, you must unconditionally believe in magical power the ritual being performed. A skeptical attitude to what is happening can be harmful.
    3. 3. All conspiracies for finding the desired job, promotion career ladder, income growth must be carried out on the waxing moon, unless otherwise specified in the ritual itself. It is during the new moon that the powerful energy of creation and change is activated. better side.
    4. 4. In order to get a high position and build a career, rituals should be performed on Saturday, and to increase wages and business profits - on Wednesday.
    5. 5. The ritual must be performed completely alone. It is necessary to temporarily remove all animals from the premises, turn off the TV, radio, and sources of household noise, so that nothing distracts from reading the plot.
    6. 6. The place where the ceremony is performed must be thoroughly cleaned and energetically cleansed so that flows of foreign energy do not distort the result. You can check the energy of the room using an ordinary church candle. If it crackles and smokes, then something is wrong in the house. You can clean the room with holy water, which should be sprinkled in the corners of the room.
    7. 7. The words of the conspiracy must be learned by heart. Read calmly, measuredly, without raising your voice, without changing intonation, without showing unnecessary emotions; it is especially not recommended to laugh or shout.
    8. 8. New accompanying attributes must be used, and it is better to acquire them before the ceremony itself. You cannot use old, broken or foreign items. After the ceremony, they must be hidden where no one can touch them or use them for their own purposes.
    9. 9. After a successful outcome, you cannot tell anyone how you managed to achieve such a result. Magic is a sacrament; it does not tolerate unnecessary talk.

    Effective and simple spells for work

    There are a large number of simple conspiracies that help you find a new high-paying job and move up the career ladder, which you can do yourself at home. They create a variety of opportunities and options that will suit a particular applicant and help him see and evaluate them.

    However, you should not rely only on the power of magic and assume that after the ritual necessary work will turn up in 1 day, much less sit back. You should take every chance and consider available vacancies. You should check the advertisements regularly various sources information (press, Internet, etc.), send out resumes, go to interviews with potential employers.

    Rituals with a scarf to attract good luck

    On the new moon, you need to buy a scarf you like. You should not rush into a purchase; you may have to go around several stores before you catch your eye. Immediately after purchasing it, you need to bring the scarf home and read a magic spell over it seven times: “I, the servant of God (my name), will have prosperity and good luck on my journey. Wherever I go, I’ll find a job and won’t get a refusal.”

    From this day on, the enchanted item will become a talisman that will help in finding a new one. interesting work. It must be carried at all times in your inner clothing pocket away from prying eyes.

    Another version of the ritual with a scarf:

    • wait for the waxing moon;
    • Be sure to buy a new handkerchief white without ornament, patterns, etc.;
    • on the same day, read a special spell over him three times;
    • always carry a scarf with you.

    As a rule, within the next month the applicant will receive an offer for the desired job. Sometimes it takes a little more time, so there is no need to rush to repeat the ritual.

    There is another ritual with a scarf and a coin. It is held in the evening before the publication of any newspaper with job advertisements. Necessary:

    • take a regular scarf and a large coin;
    • spread it on the table;
    • place a coin on it, tails up;
    • read the slander.

    How to successfully pass an interview?

    There is a special conspiracy that will help you easily pass an interview with your future boss and make him like you. You need to read the spell words seven times on the way to the interview.

    This simple ritual helps the applicant become more confident and relaxed. It eliminates the feeling of anxiety, fear of difficult questions and instills hope in getting the right position. It also helps the employer to recognize a true professional in a future employee.

    You can use another conspiracy, which should be read three times before going to the interview. After this, the director will definitely offer the desired position.

    Another simple plot on a thread will help you pass even the most difficult interview. Necessary:

    • Prepare a thread of any color.
    • Read the following spell on her three times: “Just as this knot is tied very tightly, so the servant of God (his name) worked out quickly and firmly and was accepted for the desired job. Amen".
    • At the same time, tie the thread with a knot each time, there should be three of them in total.
    • Place it on the doorstep of the house.
    • When going to an interview, you need to cross the threshold and close the door behind you.
    • before leaving home, lightly touch the bread with your lips;
    • read a special plot;
    • immediately leave for an interview with the employer without looking back.

    You can also use a coin spell, which is read before going to to a potential employer: “I don’t ask for mercy! I'm on my way! So that your legs don't get tangled! Wherever I go, there I will get help! Be my way to luck! Amen! »

    To prevent HR officers from finding fault, you can read the following slander when applying for a job. It will also help you beat other candidates for the position. They say it before going to the interview.

    The following conspiracy will help you reveal all your talents at an interview. They read it immediately after waking up on the day when the conversation with the employer is supposed to take place.

    How to get a promotion?

    If you are satisfied with your field of activity, but you are tired of the monotony and routine that are inevitable when working in low positions, and you want to move up the career ladder, you can perform the following ritual, which is done during the waning month at 12 at night and always on Sunday:

    1. 1. purchase a new handkerchief you like in advance;
    2. 2. pour several large denomination coins into it;
    3. 3. At the same time, pronounce the magic words: “I’m not putting coins, but I’m giving a ransom!” ";
    4. 4. tie the handkerchief into a tight knot right along with the coins;
    5. 5. go to the forest (park, nearest public garden) and find a birch tree there;
    6. 6. bury coins deep under a tree and recite a special spell seven times.

    It is important to carry out this ritual without witnesses. Already in the first weeks of the month after carrying out this simple ritual, the boss will definitely pay attention to the talented employee, appreciate his merits and will certainly offer a long-awaited promotion.

    For a salary increase and a monetary position

    If you are satisfied with the work, but the income received from it leaves much to be desired, you can use the following spell: “Father Belun, scatter coins from your bag in front of me. Let me serve and earn money. I’m not asking for gifts, I’m asking for what I deserve, help me find a job that fits my budget.”

    To get a high-paying position, you can use the bread spell:

    • early in the morning, read a spell for a fresh loaf of bread;
    • cut it lengthwise into two parts;
    • feed one of them to the birds;
    • eat the other one at lunch.

    Another conspiracy that can attract money. Necessary:

    • plant any plant (bush, flower, tree, etc.) in a pot or in the ground;
    • during landing, repeat magic words without stopping;
    • then you need to constantly care for the plant, as long as it lives, the work will bring a good income;
    • if the plant is dead or looks weak and sick, you need to plant a new one and repeat the whole ritual again.

    How to help your loved ones find a job?

    There are difficult life situations when relatives, despite the actions taken, cannot get a good position. To help them, you can use a simple food spell for your son, daughter or husband, which is pronounced during cooking or immediately before serving food.

    After this simple ritual, your loved ones will definitely get the job they want. But it is important to make sure that they eat the entire dish offered. In addition, it is not recommended to tell them about this ritual.

    Conspiracies to get the job you want

    If you have any idea good place, but the applicant is not sure that he will be accepted there, you can perform a ritual with a candle. It requires:

    • light a candle at noon;
    • look at the flame without taking your eyes off;
    • at the same time, speak the magic text out loud, without interruption or confusion, until the entire candle burns out to the end;
    • after this ceremony, the applicant will definitely receive the position he likes.

    The ritual with chocolate candy is also used for the same purposes. When leaving the employer, you need to whisper magic words over her three times. After that, eat the candy.

    High-paying jobs for women

    It is usually more difficult for representatives of the fair half of humanity to find decent work than for men. There are very simple and proven conspiracies especially for women:

    1. 1. This slander can be read at any time: “I’ll go and get dressed, without knocking on the door, receive me as a dear guest, offer best place. I am a noble bird, a jack of all trades. I’ll take it inexpensively for the labor, only my own.”
    2. 2. Another easy conspiracy for women: “Ever-Virgin Mary, for me, the servant of God (name), intercede for me, the servant of God (name), pray that I have the job I want, so that I don’t regret it – don’t grieve. Forever and ever. Amen".
    3. 3. At dawn, say the following magic words: “Work, work, let me, the servant of God (name), be happy. Ever-Virgin Mary, give me strength for all stubble. Forever and ever. Amen".
    4. 4. This slander can be read at any convenient time: “Lord Jesus Christ, who transformed water into wine, transform my, servants of God (name), empty worries into golden worries. Let me find a good job. Amen".
    5. 5. For the next ritual you need a small pebble with sharp edges. You need to put it on the table, cross yourself and throw it over your left shoulder to any corner of the room. At the same time, say the following magic words: “A pebble - in a corner, a devil in the forehead, and for me, the servant of God (name), - for noble wealth, for a good job. Forever and ever. Amen". After this, do not touch the stone for a month.

    Strong rituals that help you get a good position and protect yourself from the machinations of competitors

    If simple conspiracies do not help, then you need to turn to more powerful rituals. Their action creates not only a lot of opportunities for the applicant to find suitable place, but also contribute to increasing his professionalism and improving personal qualities in the eyes of the employer.

    They allow even those who are constantly rejected to find work in the shortest possible time. They will also help protect your business from the machinations of ill-wishers and competitors.

    Strong spell with plate and coins

    This powerful ritual should be performed first lunar day. Need to:

    1. 1. read the plot once under natural light, for example, on the street during the day or in the moonlight;
    2. 2. the next day, prepare a plate and change for the farmer;
    3. 3. take them to a deserted place in the forest;
    4. 4. break the plate on a stone;
    5. 5. sprinkle the fragments with coins;
    6. 6. leave without looking back.

    There is another powerful conspiracy to get a good job. You can read it before an interview for the desired position or use it when looking for a new job.

    Hex on icons

    This ritual, which helps in finding a job, must be performed at night before going to bed. Need to:

    • purchase icons from the church in advance Holy Mother of God and Christ the Savior, as well as two thick church candles;
    • collect holy water there;
    • before going to bed, place the images on the table;
    • put candles in front of them and light them;
    • place a clay or ceramic cup filled with holy water between the candles;
    • cross her three times and say the curse: “Breadwinner-father, mother gave birth, bless us for good work”;
    • take three sips of holy water;
    • Wash with the remaining liquid;
    • go to bed.

    This ritual must be carried out for three days in a row. Its results will certainly pleasantly surprise the applicant in the near future.

    Powerful ritual with incense and candle

    This ritual will allow you to get the desired position in the shortest possible time. You should:

    • purchase incense and a candle at church;
    • At about midnight, take out a sheet of white paper;
    • put a piece of incense on it;
    • light a candle nearby;
    • read the plot;
    • then wrap the incense in paper;
    • carry this amulet with you for nine days;
    • then burn it so that the smoke comes out of the open window.

    Church candle spell

    For this powerful ritual you need:

    1. 1. light a church candle exactly at midnight;
    2. 2. cast a magic spell on it;
    3. 3. perform the ritual three nights in a row;
    4. 4. write down the words of the prayer on a piece of paper and always carry it with you.

    Powerful prayer of protection

    This conspiracy will allow you to protect your business or work from the machinations of competitors and envious people. It is necessary to read the following words: “Help me, Lord, the Holy Spirit, in my work, so that my enemies do not dare to ruin my work. Lord, do not let the Holy Spirit be interrupted (briefly state the essence of your case). In the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit. Amen".

    To protect yourself and your business from the envy of ill-wishers, you can also make a talisman that will help you overcome any difficulties and contribute to successful work. You can speak to any small thing: a handkerchief, a coin, jewelry, etc.

    Conspiracies from specialists in the field of white magic are very effective. They have been tested for more than one generation and have proven their effectiveness many times.

    Moreover, such rituals are accessible and safe. Even a beginner in magical affairs can easily carry them out right at home or in the workplace.

    From Vanga

    The great seer often gave effective advice that helped solve various problems. To be lucky with your job, you must follow simple recommendations:

    1. 1. Write to regular sheet papers, what position and what salary you want to get. Then cut this leaf into small pieces and mix them with chopped bay leaf. Place in a dish and set on fire. When the ashes have cooled, wrap it in a banknote and carry it with you as a talisman.
    2. 2. To always have good luck in your work, you need to find a leaf of ordinary sorrel or a four-leaf clover. Dry the plant under pressure, for example, in a book and place it under glass on the desktop.
    3. 3. Achieving success in your field of activity can be very simple. It is enough to drink tea at your workplace from a mug with a picture of a ladybug.
    4. 4. For successful interview You should put a nickel under your heel.
    5. 5. You cannot talk or think about your boss too often, so as not to incur his disfavor.
    6. 6. If the director calls you into his office to reprimand you for something, you should put a small mirror in your pocket with the reflective surface facing him. The boss's anger will quickly fade away.

    If you need to get a job as soon as possible, you can use the water ritual from Vanga. It requires:

    • take a glass of holy water;
    • read the conspiracy against him three times;
    • Drink water right away.

    From Pechersk healer Maria Feodorovskaya

    To ensure good luck in finding a high-paying job, you need to carry out the following strong ritual:

    • first, clean up your desk, put things in their places and throw out unnecessary things;
    • lock yourself in a room all alone;
    • take a pen that is constantly used for work;
    • read a conspiracy against her;
    • tie the handle with a long white thread;
    • put the second end of the thread into your pocket;
    • go all day with this pen;
    • Use only it for the next month, and the results will not be long in coming.

    From the Onega healer

    To get successful job offers, you need to:

    • purchase three handkerchiefs in advance;
    • on the full moon, tie a knot on each of them;
    • place the scarves in a crystal glass so that the knots are at the bottom and the edges hang down on the sides;
    • lean over the glass and whisper magic words;
    • place a glass with scarves on the windowsill so that it is illuminated by moonlight;
    • go to bed;
    • In the morning, carefully fold the handkerchiefs without untying the knots;
    • leave one at home, put the second in your bag, the third in the pocket of your outerwear;
    • for an interview, take one of the scarves and touch the handle of the boss’s office door with it.

    Another plot to get a place you like can be read with a pen, which must first be held in your hands. After that, you need to fill out a questionnaire or job application for her and “accidentally” forget it in the office before leaving home. The charmed thing will definitely attract the applicant to himself, and he will receive the desired position.

    From the Siberian healer

    Natalya Stepanova is a famous witch in Siberia. She has plenty effective conspiracies, which can be used to find new job and not lose your position.

    To avoid being fired from your job, you must:

    • place a container of water at your feet for three days;
    • bring it to work;
    • wash with water so that no one sees;
    • at the same time read the spell words: “I was here, here I will be, I went here and I will go here. Amen".

    To avoid being rejected when applying for a job, you can use the following spell, which is recited three times before leaving home. important matter. You can also read it when solving any difficult issues.

    Consequences of rituals

    As a rule, all conspiracies for finding a job, getting a promotion or increasing income belong to white magic and are aimed exclusively at the one who does them, because they are safe and have no negative impact. An exception may be cases when spells are cast in a state of anger or resentment towards one’s colleagues or competitors. Then any words spoken can lead to the opposite effect.

    To avoid unpleasant consequences, it is important to be in a good mood and anticipate a positive result from the ritual. Only in this case will it be possible to achieve what you want.

Conspiracies for career and work. Spells for finding a job

Magic ritual for promotion.
On Sunday (preferably before nine o'clock in the morning) during the waxing moon, buy two handkerchiefs at the market. Pay so you don't have to take change. When you return home, wash the scarves, then dry them, sprinkle O sacred water and leave it in the eastern corner of the home under the icon for 2-3 hours. Then wrap seven coins of the same denomination and the same number of pinches of millet into one of them.
At sunset on the same day, take it outside and bury it under any tree (except aspen) as far as possible from your house. At the same time, say 7 times : “In the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit! Just as in forests and oak groves all living creatures work from dawn to dusk, just as in the fields and fields a peasant father works without straightening his back, so I work, spinning and turning, not knowing a break, not seeing rest. Lord, send Thy servant (name) grace from heaven, a well-deserved reward for my efforts, useless aspirations, so that I can work even more for glory. Yours! My word is true. Amen".
On the same day, take the second scarf to the intersection and leave it there, saying: "Paid!" Turn over your left shoulder and go home over your left shoulder, and go home the other way. For the next hour, try not to talk to anyone.

A magical ritual for your son's career.
On the date of birth (date), he needs to put on any new thing and wear it for three days. Before that say : « New thing I dress, I make a new career for myself, I will have service and friendship, success in work, understanding among people.” Then rinse the item in clean water and sprinkle with this water workplace(threshold, chair, office).

Conspiracy to find a job
Buy a handkerchief for the full moon, spread it in front of you and read the plot seven times:
“I, the servant of God (name), will prosper on my journey. Wherever I go, I’ll find a job, I won’t get a refusal.”
Fold the handkerchief and have it with you when you go to get a job. With this handkerchief you can discreetly wipe the handle of the door to the office or put the handkerchief on your palm and open the door.

How to find a good job using magic
A little witchcraft on four candles will help you attract help Subtle world if you want to find a job.
You will need one pure white candle, one each of black, green and brown, four candle holders that are safe to let the candles burn out in, dry patchouli leaf (or patchouli oil), cinnamon (or brown oil).
Prepare everything for witchcraft. It is advisable that no one disturbs you or enters the room until the candles burn out and you have removed everything. Also have a bowl of water and a towel ready so you don't have to run to the bathroom to rinse your hands. Sit down at the table. Light incense to attract prosperity.
Take a black candle in your hands. Your problems and failures will burn in its flame. Warm her in your arms, thinking about what should burn in her flame. Sprinkle it with patchouli leaf powder (or oil it) from bottom to top. The powder should be fine and dust should settle on the candle. Insert it into the candlestick in the center of the table. Rinse your hands to prevent patchouli from getting on other candles. Sprinkle the other three candles with cinnamon (brush with oil). The white candle is you. Think about yourself, how you will feel if you get the job you want. Place the candle in the candlestick so that it rises above the black one.
Green candle- a symbol of future prosperity. Think about it while sprinkling the candle with cinnamon. Place it on the right.
The brown candle is the actual work. Try to imagine as clearly as possible what you want to receive, and keep it in your head throughout the ritual. Place the brown candle on the left.
Light a white candle with the words: “What I ask is mine by right.”
Light a black candle with the words: “Sadness will burn, the enemy will be defeated.”
Light a brown candle with the words: “I will find a job for me rightfully.”
Light a green candle with the words: “Good luck will come!” So be it!”
Now leave the candles burning until they burn out. From the very next day, begin an active job search. Send your resume to all companies that interest you. Go to all interviews you receive invitations to. It is important for you not to miss what you asked for.

How to improve relationships with your bosses using magic.
In a work environment, when it is not possible to whisper the spell out loud (and, of course, light a candle), then, joining both palms “locked” in the center of the chest, mentally pronounce one of the texts below.
If you work in the same room as your boss, then, tightly clenching the fingers of your left hand into a fist, say one of the spells three times each time before entering the office.

  1. “Lord, bless the Father, dressed in light, like a robe, covered with a cloud, I gird myself with the belt of the Most Holy Theotokos, merciful intercessor. Bind the mouths and tongues and throats of princes, and boyars, and rulers, and of all authorities and clerks.”
  2. “Remember, Lord, King David and all his meekness. If King David were humble and meek and merciful, so would I, slave(s) (name), have had all the leading officials and righteous judges humble, meek and merciful.”

Practical advice: no matter what position your boss takes, even if you know about his bias and unfair treatment, every time you are in church, do not forget to light a candle for the health of this person at the icon of Christ the Savior.
At the same time, vividly and figuratively imagining the boss’s face, quietly say once: “The Lord is merciful to you (state the name of the leader) and to me, slave (your name). From now on to eternity let it be so.”

Every employee wants a promotion, no matter what position he works in. This not only satisfies ambitions, but also promises increased income. Getting a more prestigious and financial position is a natural and completely normal desire of every person. People often come to me who are dissatisfied with the stagnation in their official and professional affairs and want to change the existing situation. I try to help everyone, but many of you are quite capable of helping yourself.

Features and nuances of rituals for a career

Rituals to improve their official position will help not only careerists and those who want to become bosses. Conspiracies and rituals for promotion will be needed by everyone who feels unspent opportunities and professional potential. When a person “sits” in one place for many years, without seeing prospects for job growth, he suffers psychologically. Such people often dream of running in circles or being in a locked room with no way to get out.

Gradually, a worker who is not moving anywhere gets used to hopelessness, and his life becomes boring and dull. A person may fall into prolonged depression. It's difficult to do the same things for years and see how more successful and energetic colleagues easily get high positions.

You need to break the vicious circle at the astral level - this is what the rituals that I have collected in this article will help you do. Remember - you deserve the best! Every person is talented from birth, and our task is to discover and awaken this talent. Features of white magic rituals to improve one’s official position:

  • Magic rituals should be performed during the waning moon phase.
  • On the eve of the ritual, I recommend putting things in order in your workplace (it doesn’t matter who or where you work, energy flows more freely when every thing is in its place).
  • Believe in the power of ritual action: confidence in success is half of all magic.

The rituals given below will return your luck, save you from troubles in the service, and help you get the position you want.

Magic tricks to help you grow your career

Let's move on to practice.

Conspiracy No. 1

The ritual will endear you to your superiors and help you move up the career ladder. It is advisable to perform the ceremony on a lucky day of the week for you. On this day you should put on some new clothes and wear them for 3 days. In the mornings during these 3 days, you need to repeat the words of the conspiracy 3 times in a row:

“I’m putting on a new thing, I’m making my way through my career! There will be prosperity and understanding from the authorities! Amen".

On the 4th day, rinse the item in cool water and sprinkle it on your work area.

Conspiracy No. 2

To perform this magical technique, you will need an ordinary fountain pen that you use to write at work. Say the words of the conspiracy to her:

“The pen will serve well and bring good luck and success!”

Repeat three times and over the next few weeks use only the charmed pen. Surprisingly, this simple ritual begins to work within a few days. So these are the simplest and effective rituals to achieve professional success. If you need more specific magic that takes into account individual circumstances, you can contact me for guaranteed help.

This article contains relevant, truthful and effective information that is directly related to various conspiracies. Leave your questions in the comments or answers can be found in other articles on this site.

Read the spell for hair growth on the head during baldness on the waxing moon and on the full moon with a mirror

It happens that without any apparent reason, human health fails. The body begins to fall ill for unknown reasons, strange symptoms appear, and often all this is reflected in a completely healthy appearance. The first thing that begins to be affected is the hairline.

For some strange reason, hair growth on the head stops, and worse, hair loss begins to progress. Traditional medicine cannot always come to the rescue in such cases. Often a person is forced to turn to higher powers to avoid actual baldness.

It is recommended to read the plot against hair loss on a waxing moon, since the very appeal of a person suffering from baldness to the moon, which has just begun to grow, has a symbolic meaning. To do this, you should take a few hairs that fell out before, wait until midnight and go out onto the porch.

If this is not possible, then you can go to an open window. Holding strands of hair in your hands, you need to look at the new moon and say three times:

“As the new month grows and becomes stronger, so let my hair grow and become stronger! Just as the stars in the sky grow larger, let my hair multiply and not fall out! Amen".

After honoring the prayer, you need to blow the hairs that are in your hand into the air. This ritual is effective, so positive results will not take long to arrive.

There is another similar conspiracy against hair loss, but it is carried out during the full moon. To do this, you need to take a basin, pour cold water into it, and put a mirror at the bottom, which will completely reflect the face and hair on your head. Next, you should wait until midnight and, looking at the reflection in the mirror, say the following words:

“Like a hair in the fields, a hair grows for me. Don't break down from dryness, gain strength from water. Be ugly on my head and don’t cut yourself at all!”

During the conspiracy, you need to imagine yourself with luxurious hair that you would like to have. After reading, you need to rinse your hair in the charmed water and soak it well in a towel. This ritual is recommended to be carried out once a few months, when the full moon is in full swing.

Conspiracy for career growth

Carrying out this kind of conspiracy contributes to success in business, sharp growth in career and respect from colleagues.

Conspiracy on career growth must be done on the waxing moon. For the ceremony you should take a church candle and three coffee beans. The room in which the ritual will be performed must be prepared in advance. It is mandatory to remove church icons and wash the window through which the moon will be visible. At the moment when the growing moon appears in the sky, you need to immediately put a candle on the windowsill and set it on fire, and spread the grains next to it. Once everything is done, you should read these words three times:

“Like the moon in the sky, so am I at its zenith. As the moon grows, so will I begin to grow at work. And I will have no downturns, only good luck and success in my work. And no one can hinder me, neither evil envious people nor nasty pests. And it will be as I said, and what happens after that will no longer matter. Amen, amen, amen."

After carrying out the conspiracy the next day, you will need to take these three charmed grains to work and put them in different places so that no one will discover that they are there. Promotion on the career ladder will begin in just three weeks.

Spell for nail growth

To cast a spell to make your nails grow, you need to purchase any tree that, by its nature, grows quickly, and plant it near your home. During the waxing moon, you will need to cut your nails, go out into the yard and bury them next to the planted tree. After this, regularly when watering the tree you should say the following words:

“My nails are red, healthy and beautiful! Grow together with the tree - grow, fill yourself with the power of the tree. Fill yourself with the strength of the tree, feed on the strength from its roots. Just as this tree will not die, so every nail will never fall off the finger. Amen, amen, amen."

After this ritual, the nails will grow healthy, strong, strong, without breaking or splitting.

Conspiracy to increase the height of adults and children

To plot to increase the height of an adult, you need to take a beautiful, ripe apple and speak to him seven times with the following words:

“As the apple tree grows, as it blooms, as it gives its apples, so you (name) grow high, grow wide, grow up, take the health from the apple. Let it be so.”

After the apple is enchanted, on the night of the waxing moon, a person suffering from short stature must eat it entirely.

A conspiracy to increase a child’s height should be carried out in this way. Bake twelve buns and put them in the handkerchief of the mother of the child who needs help. Tie a scarf and bring it to the forest. There you need to find an uninhabited place and put this handkerchief with its contents. In this case, you should say the following words:

“A forest, a forest, everything has a sprout here,
Twelve of your forest sisters,
Twelve of your forest maidens.
I give you twelve pies,
Eat my gifts,
And give your servant (name) growth. Amen"

Prayer for hair growth faster

Before you start praying, you need to prepare everything for this ritual. To do this, you should purchase nine candles, two icons from the church: Jesus Christ and St. Nicholas the Wonderworker, and collect holy water. If all this is available, then it is not necessary to spend it again. At a convenient time, when there is no one at home and no one can interfere with this ritual, you will need to light three candles, which will stand next to the icons of saints and a cup of sacred water. After this, you need to quietly repent of your sins and in a peaceful voice read the following prayers for hair growth:

“The Wonderworker Nicholas, God's Pleasant. Let my hair not fall out, grow faster, drink some water. I believe in your strength, I don’t pray for beauty. Just as I rub some water into my bald head, I’ll find my hair again. Thy will be done. Amen.

Lord Jesus Christ, Son of God. Do not punish me for a sinful request, help me cut off my spiritual protection. My hair is falling out; it hasn’t been cut for a long time. I pray, save me from baldness, add blessed patience. Let your hair grow faster and your enemies will take theirs back. Thy will be done. Amen.

Nicholas the Wonderworker, Defender and Savior. I again pray to you for health in my soul, let my head not be in a negligee. If malice caused baldness, give the order to stop spoiling. With holy water I will heal troubles, I will take away all evil misfortunes. So be it. Amen"

This ritual must be performed three times, that is, three days in a row, while sincerely asking for help and praying earnestly.

Spell for teeth growth

To carry out such a conspiracy for teeth growth, you need to get up early in the morning at dawn, dial clean water and say the following words over it:

“As the nails grow on my hands, my new teeth begin to grow. Just as my toenails grow, so do my new teeth. Just as the hair grows on my head, so do my new teeth. Just as eyelashes grow on my eyelids, so do my new teeth. Just as hairs grow on my skin, so do my new teeth. Just as my skin is renewed with a new one, so my old teeth are renewed with new ones.”

Immediately after the water becomes charmed, you need to drink it to the bottom, so it is important to initially prepare such an amount of water that you can drink it in one breath without leaving it at the bottom.

Spell for eyelash growth

The spell for eyelash growth should be carried out during the full moon. To do this, you need to prepare a finely chopped herbal mixture (it is best to take parsley for this ritual), poured with olive oil. You need to mix it thoroughly and say the following words:

“In the middle of the weeds there is a hillock, on the hillock there is a clearing, in the clearing there is a plot, in the plot there is a green bed, scorched by the red sun. Various herbs grow in the plot, but my grass is parsley, green fringe. Its branches are shaggy, so let my eyelashes be just as rich. I ask for myself, God’s servant (name), from the bottom of my heart, because I can’t find a place for myself. So be it!”

After this, you need to put the charmed mixture on your closed eyes and lie there for 7-10 minutes without moving. Next, you should wash it all off from the eyelashes under warm water. This spell for eyelash growth must be carried out for 21 days. Over time, your eyelashes will become significantly longer and fluffier. If there is such a need, the ritual can be repeated several more times.
