Plastic windows to order article. What you need to know about PVC windows? Prices for fittings for PVC windows

Plastic windows have long ceased to be a novelty, but, unfortunately, there are still cases when a lot of money spent on their installation is literally thrown away: due to an incorrectly selected design, low-quality materials or unprofessional installation, such windows very quickly fall into disrepair and best case scenario require expensive repairs, and in the worst case, complete replacement. We have prepared information about the most important parameters that you must pay attention to when ordering and installing windows, and asked for advice from a professional expert from the Archdialogue agency.

Well-installed, high-quality plastic windows should serve faithfully for many years, reliably protecting your home from bad weather and street noise. They have a whole series advantages over outdated ones wooden frames: do not rot or rust, do not dry out from the sun and do not swell from moisture, do not require regular puttying and painting, have convenient opening mechanisms, are reliable, comfortable and durable in use. The only disadvantage of plastic windows is their flammability and very heavy weight. To select windows that meet the most best characteristics, you need to pay attention to several parameters, which we will discuss in detail.


Plastic or PVC windows consist of a hollow multi-chamber plastic profile with metal reinforcement, double-glazed windows and fittings.

A PVC profile usually has from 2 to 8 hollow chambers. It is believed that the thicker the profile and the more chambers there are, the warmer the windows. However, you should not overpay a lot of money for an extra number of chambers: plastic already has very low heat transfer, so to save money in our climate, it is enough to install high-quality windows with a three-chamber profile, a double-glazed unit and two sealing circuits - this will ensure effective heat retention indoors in cold weather time of year.

Double-glazed windows

Heat retention in the house is largely ensured by properly selected double-glazed windows. In residential premises, it is safer and more expedient to install windows with double-glazed windows (i.e., with 3 panes of glass and 2 air chambers between them). Compared to single-chamber double-glazed windows, this is a more expensive option, but the price difference will be justified significant savings on heating and greater comfort in winter period.

Single-chamber double-glazed windows (with 2 glasses and 1 air chamber) are significantly inferior to double-chamber ones in heat conservation, but their undoubted advantage is more light weight and affordable price. Windows with single-chamber double-glazed windows are recommended to be installed in regions with very warm climate or in non-residential premises: on summer cottages, balconies, loggias, verandas, etc. Some manufacturers claim that their single-chamber double-glazed windows, filled with inert gas or, conversely, with highly rarefied air (“vacuum”) inside, retain heat as effectively as double-chamber double-glazed windows, and are much cheaper. However, you shouldn’t believe these marketing tricks - it’s better to pay extra once and order a high-quality double-glazed window than to suffer and suffer from the cold for many years.

Three-chamber double-glazed windows (with 4 glasses and 3 air chambers) are very heavy and require especially durable fittings and special technology installations. In addition, the four glasses included in their composition transmit light much worse compared to single-chamber and double-chamber double-glazed windows. It is recommended to use them only in the extremely cold climate of the Far North, preferably on blind, non-opening windows.

Previously, it was believed that the wider the air chamber of a double-glazed window, the less heat would escape to the street through the window. But now it has already been proven that she is fat air gap does not always guarantee effective heat conservation: according to the law of convection, warm air from the internal warm glass will rise up, and the cold air from the external cold will fall down, replacing it. Thus, there is a constant circulation of air masses inside the glass unit, which leads to significant heat loss. Therefore, modern manufacturers are trying to reduce the distance between the glasses.


To provide additional strength to a heavy window structure, the PVC profile is reinforced with an insert, the metal thickness of which, according to German standards, must be at least 1.5 mm for regular windows and 2 mm for large windows. It is advisable to choose a PVC profile with closed rather than U-shaped reinforcement - it is much stronger and more durable.


When ordering plastic windows, it is very important to choose high-quality, strong fittings, especially for structures with double-glazed windows: weak fittings simply cannot withstand the weight of a heavy frame with three glasses, and within a few months after installation, serious problems with the windows may begin, such as drafts, frame skew , difficulties with opening and closing.

Additional features

When ordering plastic windows, you can choose the most suitable option for each home. For example, if your windows overlook a noisy road, it is very useful to take care of additional sound insulation. It is achieved by installing double-glazed windows with different glass thicknesses and different widths air chambers between the glasses, which will dampen the resonance. Top winter ventilation function, profile with built-in ventilation, mosquito net and the opening control (“comb”) will be very useful additions to new windows.

What to look for when choosing

To avoid many problems, it is better to order windows from reliable, good reputation companies. After all, in addition to high quality the windows themselves, you need confidence that they will be installed correctly: the vast majority of problems with plastic windows occur not so much because of their poor quality, but because of unprofessional installation. Serious companies have a quality certificate for their products and provide a guarantee on their windows for at least 5 years. Another everyday recommendation is to hire someone you know as an assistant who has experience in ordering windows, so that if necessary, he can advise you on something or clarify some important details.

Window adjustment

During operation, any, even the highest quality, windows sag over time due to heavy weight and permanent loads, their mechanisms begin to work poorly, the frames shift and no longer fit tightly to the base. Therefore, all windows require periodic adjustment. If it is blowing from the window, its handle does not turn well, or there are difficulties opening and closing, this is an indicator that it is time to make an adjustment. You can adjust the window yourself or by inviting a professional technician to your home.

November 30, 2018

PVC profiles have gradually been replaced wooden windows who moved from the lower to the higher segment. Now the cost of a set made of wood is at least 20% more than that of polyvinyl chloride. Disputes between supporters different materials continue to this day. Many people love wood for appearance, environmental friendliness and durability. Oak windows, the most expensive option, will last up to 90 years versus 30-40 years for plastic. From an aesthetic point of view, wood is also superior to plastic. Nat...

A great discovery occurred in the 60s of the last century: German technologists created the world's first plastic windows. To this day, the same materials are used as 50 years ago. The basis of the entire process is a compound called PVC for short, that is, polyvinyl chloride. In our country, these foreign inventions appeared relatively recently, in the late 90s. And they met great resistance. Only in the last decade plastic profiles began to spread...

Myths associated with the dangers of PVC profiles are gradually disappearing. Even former opponents are installing plastic windows, and it is difficult to find an apartment where the old wooden frames still remain. However, the safety of plastic is still questionable in some cases. Do windows emit harmful substances? Can they withstand extreme heat or cold? And how reliable is the protection against thieves? These are questions that customers regularly ask before installation. Where did they come from...

Currently wooden buildings are popular. However, plastic windows are most often used for glazing such buildings, most likely due to their prevalence, as opposed to the more logical use of wood here. If you decide to install plastic windows in wooden house, You should consider a number of characteristics so that the installation process in this case went as smoothly as possible. Please note that all wooden...

Double-glazed windows are filled with inert gases to reduce heat loss. According to experts, a double-glazed window filled with such gas retains heat in the room by 40% more. Krypton is much more expensive than argon because it has a thermal conductivity 1.5 times less than argon and 2.5 times less than air. Therefore, the heat transfer resistance of such a double-glazed window is quite high. Many people are concerned about the question of whether the gases inside such glass will cause harm...

PVC (polyvinyl chloride) in its pure form is too fragile for the production of plastic windows, and therefore it is not used for these purposes. In order to make it a full-fledged material for manufacturing window designs, need to be added to PVC composition special substances. For example, lead salts are present in the composition to give the material strength and rigidity. Recently, lead salt has been replaced by calcium or zinc salt. They give PVC material strength, moisture resistant...

Plastic windows are the best invention for the Russian winter

It should be noted that winters in Russia are severe. Every time it comes, we think about how to make the room warmer. Glazing it with plastic windows plays a big role in preserving heat in the room, as well as saving cash on heating. To make the room warmer, special attention You should pay attention to choosing a double-glazed window that has additional heat-saving properties. Today the most common are o...

Most people who have planned to replace their old, cracked windows with new plastic ones, for some reason prefer to do this in the warm season, citing the fact that in winter it is impossible to perform the same actions at the same time. high level. This statement is completely false. The quality of installed plastic windows does not depend on the time of year, but on the professionalism of the craftsmen. By choosing a reliable company offering its services in this area, you will provide your window openings with excellent sound insulation and tightness.

They have already become so familiar to us that we don’t even think about when exactly they appeared. But 50 years ago no one knew what it was. You will be interested to know that the history of polyvinyl chloride (PVC) goes back to 1835. It was then that the American chemist Regnald synthesized a substance that became a revolutionary breakthrough in future production.

There is an opinion that the more cameras in a double-glazed window, the better. At the same time, of course, everyone wants to buy PVC windows cheaply. In fact, three-chamber double-glazed windows are only advisable in harsh northern conditions. IN middle lane In Russia, two-chamber plastic windows are optimal. But even five-chamber ones continue to appear on the market, which is hardly justified in residential buildings. Let's consider how the installation of three-chamber double-glazed windows improves plastic windows.

The Air-Box company produces air-conditioning and ventilation devices window valves. These products are easy to install and are accessible means restoration of air exchange. Most importantly, they prevent air quality from deteriorating and indoor humidity from increasing. Condensation and mold do not form and human health is preserved. Breathable windows are new level comfort.

In 1873, the production of high-quality German window fittings began, marketing them under the brand name AUBI. AUBI received the “Ludwig Erhard Award 2000” (reward for comprehensive quality assurance), was named “Factory 2000” in the category “Best Serial Manufacturer in Germany 2000” and was able to become the owner of the “Best International Factory Award 2000” (reference test-competition for achievements in entrepreneurial activity).

  • Affordable prices for plastic windows

    There is an opinion that cheap windows PVC- This is a compromise between price and quality. Many manufacturers are taking the path of reducing the cost of production by saving material or making certain changes to the design. Sometimes it's not in the best possible way affects the wear resistance of window blocks.
    But there are other reasons why the manufacturer offers to buy high-quality cheap double glazed windows:

  • Of course, you want the plastic windows in your home to last as long as possible and not lose their attractiveness! To increase the service life of plastic windows, caring for them is simply necessary! Subject to simple rules for the care of plastic windows and PVC doors, they will serve you for many years! Operation and care PVC products:
    We recommend:

    IN finished form The price for plastic windows consists of two parts: its components and installation. These two components make up both the quality of the PVC window and its successful work for many years. Trying to buy PVC windows cheaply, people usually ask themselves the main question: how to save money without losing quality. The opinion spread by many manufacturing companies that PVC windows are cheap is bad is not always true. Let's try to figure this out.

    In practice, aluminum, wood, plastic profiles, as well as their combinations, are used. The greatest demand is still for plastic windows, the production of which is well established in many regions and, in particular, in the Moscow region (PVC windows are much easier to buy cheaply here due to the large number of offers).

    The variety of windows is great. The profile material can be:
    aluminum (quite durable, but freezes strongly in winter, so aluminum profiles are made with a thermal break);
    wooden (has good thermal conductivity, but, especially with outside, requires additional care);
    plastic (with at least three hollow chambers) or metal-plastic (reinforced steel frame).

  • Which PVC profile is better

    Ten years ago, the answer to the question of how to choose and which is best to buy plastic windows would have been clear: from a German profile. Today the picture has changed radically. Since Russian enterprises began to develop extrusion production, many Russian manufacturers window systems offer windows made from domestic profiles. This has significantly reduced the price of a finished PVC window without losing its quality.

  • How to improve the performance of PVC windows

    Modern plastic windows (produced in the Russian segment, in any case) are designed to provide maximum heat, noise and light insulation. The main role here is given to the double-glazed window, but simply increasing the number of glasses more than three in a double-glazed window does not give the expected result. The design becomes heavier, which leads to a decrease in the service life of the fittings, and the amount of daylight transmitted decreases. There are more technologically advanced ways.

  • Glazing of balconies and loggias with aluminum profiles
    In order to decide which balcony windows are best to choose, you just need to determine for what purpose you want to use the data square meters and there are several possible answers and, depending on the choice, solutions:
    - If you just want to glaze your balcony from noise, wind, rain, snow, dust and other bad weather, then cold glazing is suitable for you.

    In this article I will try to tell you everything about plastic windows.

    It is quite difficult to choose a high-quality plastic window, and even according to a reasonable wall. The cost of a window is determined mainly by the type of profile and double-glazed window; branded fittings can also greatly change the price.

    It is very difficult to figure out what profile you need, how many chambers a double-glazed window should have, etc. Asking this to manufacturing companies is almost useless. Almost all companies will charge you the maximum, i.e. you will be satisfied with the work, but it could be cheaper, because... you were given a more expensive profile and glass unit. And it happens that the windows cost you cheap, but in winter condensation appears on them, they freeze - this is not a high-quality window assembly that needs to be replaced and cannot be repaired. Although there are companies that value their reputation and can make you quality window using the material required for your conditions, which is why the cost of the window will be relatively cheap. Of course, the most optimal choice windows are the ones installed by your friends, which have been in place for more than a year and have no complaints from the owners. You can safely order such a window and the MAIN THING from the company that made the window for your friends.

    If this is not possible, we will try to figure out what they will offer you when ordering windows from the company.
    1 - profile from which the plastic window will be made.
    When choosing cheap profiles such as - VEKA, PROPLEX it is necessary to take into account that they sag, make a balcony module out of them (door and window to the balcony) or a window with an opening sash more sizes 1.3 x 1.4 m is not advisable.
    When choosing cheap profiles such as - KBE, THYSSEN, REHAU These are more rigid profiles from which, in principle, plastic windows and doors need to be made.
    2 - a double-glazed window that can be single- or double-chamber. The chamber is the space between the glasses, filled with rarefied air and gas, which protect your home from noise and cold. If only two glasses are used in a double-glazed window, then it is a single-chamber double-glazed window. Accordingly, a double-glazed window consists of three glasses. Single-chamber double-glazed windows are suitable for windows facing glass balcony, as well as for very well-heated rooms, otherwise you need to install a double-glazed window that provides maximum protection from noise and cold.

    To understand what combination of profile and double-glazed window you need, you need to decide on the conditions and objectives of the future plastic window.
    If you need minimal insulation from noise and cold, which usually occurs at the exit of a glazed and insulated balcony, then a 3-chamber profile and a 1-chamber double-glazed window will suit you.
    If your house is well heated, but street noise bothers you, then you will need a 3-chamber profile and a 2-chamber double-glazed window.
    Complete and thorough protection from cold and noise when using a 5-chamber profile and a 2-chamber double-glazed window.

    Let's try to figure out why plastic windows at home sweat in winter and what to do to prevent windows from sweating in the apartment. Today, this problem occurs frequently. When they say that windows sweat or fog up, they mean that moisture collects on them. There may be several reasons for this; we will look at them in this article.

    If a plastic window smells cold, this could be due to the quality of the window, when the sashes do not fit tightly when closed. This is a manufacturing defect that cannot be corrected - you need to call the manufacturer (if the window is under warranty) to have them change it.

    Article from the website website

    It happens that the window good quality, but the installation was not high quality. Very often, the “jambs” of plastic window installers consist in saving polyurethane foam and not proper insulation slopes, because of which the cold air from the street penetrates into the room without any problems. Here you also need to call the manufacturer to correct the installation of the window.
    If not visible reasons window fogging, then we remember “school physics”, when the difference in temperature outside the windows and in the house is very large, then condensation forms on the window. Because the colder the glass in the window, the greater the likelihood that steam in the air will settle on its surface in the form of water droplets. In this case, it is necessary to ensure ventilation of the room and good hood, if we are talking about plastic windows in the kitchen.
    Perhaps your basic economy played a cruel joke on you. Many have heard about multi-chamber double-glazed windows and various profiles, for the use of making a plastic window, but did not think, or thought poorly about how to choose plastic windows.

    What should I do to prevent the windows from sweating in my apartment?
    These tips are suitable if plastic windows sweat due to high quality workmanship or installation.
    A simple, but not beautiful option is to ventilate the room more often.
    Look where your battery is located; ideally it should be under the window, not on the side. The temperature from the radiator should be higher than the air temperature in the room. If this is prevented by a window sill that cannot be replaced, then you need to drill several holes 5 - 6 cm in diameter in the window sill and decorate them with decorative rings, which can be bought at a furniture fittings store. Ideally, the window sill should not block the battery.
    If you have them on your windowsill indoor plants- try to remove them. They may block access warm air from the radiator to the window.

    In conclusion, I want to say.
    Windows themselves cannot release moisture, which means it comes from somewhere in the room. The air near the window is the coldest and if its temperature is below the dew point, then fogging of the window is inevitable.

    Plastic windows (PVC) Rehau are made from polyvinyl chloride. The advantage of such windows is their resistance to physical and chemical influences. The special properties of this material provide designers with almost unlimited possibilities: a variety of colors, shapes and sizes. You will be able to admire not only the view from the window, but also the view of the window itself.

    Plastic windows made from the Rehau profile provide reliable sound insulation.
    These windows are very durable. Therefore, they are often called metal-plastic.
    Also, such windows are highly reliable and they are equipped with an anti-burglary system, ensuring your safety from intruders.
    And the main advantage of a window made from the Rehau profile is its high thermal insulation, which will not allow you to freeze in severe frosts.
    The price is derived from the following factors, such as the price of window components, the manufacturing process itself, the cost of raw materials, delivery and installation. The production of such windows is a rather complex and labor-intensive process.
    The prices for Rehau windows are not exactly cheap, but the money spent on their purchase will be more than repaid to you by their many advantages.

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    1. Message #1 22/7/2015 12:59

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    2. Message #2 11/9/2015 15:30

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