Film on glass to preserve heat. Thermal film for windows: features, installation rules

Thermal reflective film - roll material on a woven or non-woven base, reflecting infrared radiation towards the source.

To ensure coolness in summer, heat-reflective film on the windows will not let in sunlight in the infrared spectrum, but will not become an obstacle to natural light.

And to reduce heat loss in winter, energy-saving film laid around the entire perimeter of the room will reflect heat back into the room, preventing the walls and ceiling from heating up needlessly.

Types and applications of heat-reflecting films

The scope of use of heat-reflecting films depends on their type - transparent or opaque. Transparent films include polymer-based (architectural) films. They are used to create a thermal barrier on the windows of homes and offices, to shade car windows, and even to organize greenhouses.

Opaque films are quite diverse in structure and application:

based on polypropylene fabric differ in minimum thickness, therefore they are used for vapor barrier insulation in wall, ceiling and floor structures
based on foamed polyethylene provide additional thermal insulation and can be used as heat-reflecting screens for batteries or insulation of pipelines
with lavsan heat-reflecting film are the most economical option, but with a lower level of heat reflection, are used for vapor barrier of timber walls
with aluminum coating (metalized) reflect heat well and are not subject to corrosion, so they can be used in baths and saunas, for vapor barrier in bathrooms
with aluminum foil characterized by excellent heat-reflecting properties, but are susceptible to corrosion and are not recommended for use in rooms with high humidity

What to consider when choosing heat reflective film

First of all, you should decide on the place of its application. So, to create a heat-reflecting screen behind the battery, you need to remember that the thermal conductivity of aluminum is very high. In order not to heat the wall behind the radiator, but to reflect the heat into the room, there must be an insulating layer between the film and the wall. Ideal choice in this case - films based on foamed polyethylene.

They are also great for organizing heated floors, allowing you to minimize the thickness of the cake - for interfloor ceilings you do not have to lay a thick layer of insulation, limiting yourself only to heat-reflecting film. For such floors, it is better to choose films with aluminum foil. Its thickness of 10 microns will allow maximum heat distribution, eliminating possible cold bands when laying pipes. The sprayed layer copes worse with leveling the overall thermal field.

But if you need to insulate a bathhouse, it is metallized films that show excellent result. They are not subject to corrosion and reflect 60% of infrared radiation. Only canvas-based films can be laid on the insulation, and any options can be mounted on “bare” walls.

Film Ondutis R Termo - when it is important to keep warm

Thermal reflective film Ondutis R Termo is perfect for reducing heating costs. Thanks to its characteristics, it provides up to 80% heat reflection. As a result, instead of warming up the walls thermal energy used exclusively for heating rooms.

The low weight of Ondutis R Termo vapor barrier (70 m 2 /g) allows it to be used for lung insulation frame structures, and vapor permeability up to 10 g/m2 per day provides maximum protection of the insulation from steam, even in a Russian bath. At the same time, the film does not lose its properties under temperature changes from −40 to +120 degrees.

In search of energy savings, consumers are looking for new building materials, which will help save heat in a house or apartment. A special place in this series is occupied by heat-reflecting film for windows, which can reduce energy consumption by up to 30 percent.

How advisable is it to use this material and what properties, besides heat conservation, does the film have?

What is the film made of and how does it work?

The production of heat-saving film for windows is based on the polymer polyethylene terephthalate (PET). Its thickness, which affects operational characteristics products, can be 80-200 microns. The film has high elasticity, so it can increase the strength of window glass. That is, in case of accidental impacts, the window glass will not fly into fragments in different directions; they will remain firmly “stuck” to the film. But this property is not the main thing when using heat-saving film.

A thin layer of gold, silver or chromium-nickel alloy is applied to it using the method of plasma evaporation and subsequent deposition of metal vapors in an argon environment. The production of the film is based on the physical properties of these metals, which allow filtering solar radiation. The film does not transmit infrared and ultraviolet waves, but perfectly conducts visible light. Therefore, the room remains light. The fact is that infrared rays are responsible for heat transfer. The film refracts them and returns them back into the room, retaining the heat accumulated in the room. At the same time, the UV parts of the solar spectrum do not penetrate into the room.

For reference. The UV rays of the sun have ionizing properties and are vital for humans, contributing to the production of D vitamins in the body. UV rays purify the air in the room from harmful microbes and participate in the process of plant photosynthesis.

The price of energy-saving film directly depends on the level of its thermal conductivity and installation method. Basically, the film is produced in rolls and can be different sizes. For a standard apartment window, it is convenient to take a three-meter one, so as not to make a mistake. The excess can be cut off.

When is the use of film justified?

Manufacturers of thermal insulation films for windows recommend using them for gluing to the glass of windows, houses, apartments in the autumn - winter time, that is, from October to March. During this period, protecting windows from heat leakage is justified. The sun's rays that tend to enter the room have almost no heat, so the reflection of the UV part of the solar spectrum is not significant. The film is completely transparent and does not tint the windows. Infrared (warm) rays that come from heating devices are reflected from the windows back into the room, retaining heat.

The effectiveness of the film depends on the method of gluing it to the glass.

Films come in the following types:

  1. Heat shrink. They have the ability to stretch when they are heated with a warm air stream. Since the film is glued to double sided tape, it plays the role of additional glass, enhancing thermal insulation properties glass unit.
  2. A film that is glued to glass using a soap mixture.
  3. Self-adhesive film.

For reference. Energy-saving film is available in various color scheme: bronze, gold, blue, silver. Therefore, it is easy to match it to the interior of the room.

Negative aspects of using film that you need to know about

Since the film almost completely reflects UV rays, indoor plants, whose growth directly depends on the Sun, begin to suffer because of this. To prevent the plants from dying, they have to be additionally illuminated with photo lamps. That is, this problem is solvable. However, where is the energy saving? The photo lamp must be turned on at least 12 hours a day to ensure normal plant growth and compensate for lost sunlight. Even the most economical lamps will not save you.

What happens to the heat energy if the film is used in spring and autumn, when the heating is already turned off? Since the film does not allow natural solar heat from the street to penetrate, dampness will settle in the apartment and it will be cold.

Few people know about another property of film - they reflect radio waves. That is, radio signals that go to an indoor antenna or mobile phone will be reflected by the coating of the film. And, vice versa: the signal from the mobile phone will be reflected back into the room. Conclusion: cellular communication in buildings where the film is pasted, it will be very bad.

You should not use film for greenhouses and greenhouses, because plants need the whole spectrum sun rays.

There is no point in sticking the film if there are modern windows, with high-quality thick double-glazed windows. But when restoring old windows, it, on the contrary, will serve as a good help. You also need to take into account the fact that the film needs to be changed annually.

Tip: When purchasing film, it is advisable to inquire about the quality certificate, since it is impossible to visually determine it.

Installation rules

In order for the film to adhere well to the windows, it must be glued correctly. This can be done without any special skill.

Procedure for the usual way gluing film:

  • windows must be thoroughly washed, degreased if necessary and wait until they dry;
  • dilute the soap solution (you can use colorless shampoo or dishwashing liquid);
  • cut the film to the size of the window;
  • Using a household spray bottle, apply a soap solution to the entire surface of the glass;
  • carefully apply the film to the glass;
  • straighten the film rubber roller, gradually removing excess soap solution and large air bubbles.

Small bubbles and wrinkles will disappear as the soap solution dries.

The shrink film is glued together:

  • prepare the glass (wash, dry);
  • cut the film to a size 2 cm larger than the area of ​​the glass;
  • double-sided tape is glued around the perimeter of the window glass;
  • begin gluing from above, smoothing out folds and wrinkles;
  • then blow hot air onto the surface of the glued film using a hairdryer.

Shrink film is often used on a balcony or loggia, as it acts as a second or third glass.

To apply self-adhesive film, the main thing is to do it slowly. The protective layer is removed gradually, smoothing the film from top to bottom with a soft rag. Here you also need an assistant who will help tighten the protective layer.

Advice. It is desirable that the window glass be room temperature. This will greatly facilitate and improve the installation process.

Conclusions and questions that ultimately arise

Knowing about the shortcomings of the film, we can say that its use is justified in cases where it is necessary to save heat, but it is not possible to carry out work on capital insulation of a building or structure.

Many consumers value the quality of the film as protecting the room from prying eyes. At the same time, visibility from the room to the street remains one hundred percent. Heavy curtains or blinds are not always appropriate for windows. The film fits well into any interior without disturbing it.

However, the film does not radically affect energy saving. Therefore, before gluing it, you need to decide what is more important: the effect it gives by reflecting heat back into the room, or the vital UV rays that the film does not let into the apartment? Maybe it’s worth considering other ways of insulation, for example, installing heat-saving windows, or strengthening the walls with heat-insulating materials? What if you use it in the summer months to protect yourself from the hot rays of the sun?

To be objective, it must be said that the properties of heat-saving film are improving every year. Manufacturers are trying to take into account all the nuances of its use, increasing the energy-saving performance of the product several times.

Film name VLT


VLT (PVS) - percentage of visible light transmission. The larger it is, the higher the transparency of the film.



IR-CUT - percentage of reflection of infrared radiation (thermal energy from the sun). The larger it is, the more heat the film will reflect and the room will be cooler.



Roll size 1.5x30 m = 45 m2, except for rolls 1 m wide (1x30 = 30 m2) and 1.8 m (1.8x30 = 54 m2)

Cut 1 PM


1rm (1.5 x 1 m). We deliver throughout Moscow and send to shopping malls.

Film +
installation, 1m 2


The price of window tinting, which includes the work and films required to complete it. The minimum installation cost is 7,500 rubles.

Solar control film Nano Light Blue (width 152 cm)
Art: Nano Light Blue
60 53 10 400 ₽ 610 ₽ 800 ₽
Thermal reflective film NANOCERAMIC 5085
Art: IR-cut 5085
49 85 14,900 RUR 870 ₽ 1,000 ₽
Thermal reflective film NANOCERAMIC 6099
Art: IR-cut 6099
58 99 20,990 ₽ 1,220 ₽ 1 200 ₽
Thermal reflective film NANOCERAMIC 7080
Art: IR-cut 7080
74 85 21,990 RUR 1,280 RUR RUB 1,290
Thermal reflective film NANOCERAMIC 7099
Art: IR-cut 7099
71 97 26,990 RUR 1,570 RUR RUB 1,590

You can buy ceramic energy-saving film in whole rolls (roll width: 1.5 m, length: 30 m, area: 45 m2) or cut by linear meters. ()

The photo shows that NANOCERAMIC 7099 and 7080 have the same transparency, NANOCERAMIC 6099 is slightly darker than 7080 and much lighter than silver 15, which is given for contrast.

Solarblock IR-cut 7080. Tested with a Testo 882 thermal imager.

Thermal reflective films appeared during the evolution of sunscreen films. A more transparent and more effective coating than the classic mirror film has become in demand. Thanks to the development of new technologies and experiments with new materials, this long-awaited product has been created that protects from solar energy and does not darken the room. And in the cold season, this heat-saving film prevents heat from escaping through the glass.


Typically, consumers equate the thermal radiation of the Sun with the heat coming from heaters, lamps, etc., but the composition of the energy of solar rays is somewhat different. Infrared rays account for about 53% of solar energy. The rest of the solar energy comes from visible light - 44% and a small part from ultraviolet light - 3%. All three of these regions make up the solar spectrum and their combined energy is what we call “total solar energy.”

These parts of the solar spectrum also make up half of what is converted into heat indoors. Therefore, when making claims about heat rejection, we must look at Total Solar Energy (UV+VISIBLE+IR) Rejected. Total Solar Energy Reflectance TSER is a parameter that describes the total amount of solar energy (UV+VISIBLE+IR) blocked or deflected from passing through glass. IR reflectance values ​​only help people understand that the film rejects the vast majority of heat from infrared radiation.

But this does not mean that if most of the IR is blocked, then almost no heat will pass through the film. It is also important to understand that without passing it further, it and the glass heat up. To avoid cracks on the glass, we recommend that you familiarize yourself with the problem “”.

Our film Winter-Summer.

The principle of interaction with thermal radiation in energy-saving films " Winter-Summer"is different from ordinary solar reflective films - this is a different mechanism of action. This is not heat absorption, but reflection, which you will agree is not the same thing. Energy-saving films for windows reflect heat. And this is more useful and necessary for a living space than absorption. Absorbing the heat of the room in winter it is not very advisable, on the contrary, it must be stored. In winter, heat is reflected inward - you save energy on heating, and in summer it is reflected outward - you save on cooling. The scale of savings from using thermal insulating film for windows reaches impressive figures in the case of contrasting weather and a large glazing area. And this is it. Russian realities– temperature difference throughout the year and modern buildings made of glass and concrete. Learn more about how

We tested the popular IR-cut 7080 ceramic film on medium heat waves, which come from household heating appliances.

Measuring equipment(equipment):
- GN004 FT-UV-VIS-IR Spectroscopic Imaging Microscope
- Vertex 80

Spectrum range:
- from 2,500nm to 10,000nm

Experimental conditions:
- DLATGS DETECTOR, 128scan, Resolution 4cm-1

Here is an example of a ceramic infrared emitter-heater ECZ 250w in the form of an E27 lamp, which we use for demonstration. Wavelength depending on power consumption 3.5 – 5 µm (3500 – 5000 nm).

Athermal glass and athermal films.

Glass of this type is produced only for the automotive industry, as a component for premium and business class cars, and must be labeled with the TINTED or OVERTINTED sign. Athermal glass is made using certain additives to the molten glass, which give it the property of absorbing infrared rays. It is not mass produced for the household needs of the population. Such glass is not used in the manufacture of double-glazed windows and is not yet planned. Athermal glazing is not done because absorbing the heat of a living space in winter or summer contradicts the purpose of housing, a warm and cozy shelter from outside world. On the contrary, it must be stored.

Good day everyone!

I am answering a letter from one of you, my dear readers.

The question is this.

There are ordinary single-chamber double-glazed windows, I would like to improve its energy saving.

On one of the forums there was laudatory information about special films for windows.

My opinion on this matter will be more objective than on the websites of the manufacturers of these films, so I recommend that you read the post.

I’ll tell you what such films are made of and how they affect heat conservation in the house.

Energy saving film

Residents of Russia often face the problem of heat conservation in their premises, since most of the country is located in a cool continental climate zone.

According to experts, total heat loss can reach 60 percent, with 30 percent of the heat lost through window glass. In order to minimize heat loss in the room, a special energy-saving film for windows is used.

Energy-saving film, due to its structure, reflects rays in summer time, protecting the room from excessive overheating, and retains heat in winter by reflecting rays inward.

It is also no secret that the solar spectrum is far from uniform in composition. It contains ultraviolet and infrared radiation, as well as visible light.

For this purpose they are created various types energy-saving films.

To prevent excessive penetration of infrared and ultraviolet rays into the room, heat-reflecting film for windows was created.

The principle of operation of this film is that it reflects infrared rays while transmitting visible light. This film has a multilayer composite structure.

Each layer of film, which is only a few microns thick, is coated with a microscopic layer of ceramic or metal. This operation is performed using a high-tech spattering technique.

Non-ferrous and precious metals, such as gold or nickel, are used as the applied element.

Unlike special energy-saving glasses “I” and “K” class, energy-saving film is more practical and convenient, and most importantly does not affect negative impact on glass transparency in any range.

Useful advice!

By installing such a film on a window in your house, you will be able to enjoy the optimal temperature all year round and will be reliably protected from the harmful radiation of the Sun.

Also worthy of attention is the fact that energy-saving films are much cheaper than glass with similar functions.

The climate in our country is quite harsh in winter and hot in summer; most of the population knows how difficult it is to keep the room warm in frosty weather, and cool in warm weather.

Therefore, the issue of heat conservation and heat reflection is very relevant, its resolution is an urgent task, in an attempt to solve which an innovative heat conservation technology was developed - energy-saving film.

A multilayer composite, each layer of which, just a few microns thick, is coated using a plasma discharge method in an argon atmosphere with a super-thin layer of metal or ceramic.

To carry out this procedure, the developed technology requires the use of only precious and rare-earth metals, which, in order to impart energy-saving properties to the film during irradiation on both sides, are located symmetrically relative to the middle layer - “metal 1 - metal 2 - metal 3 - metal 2 - metal 1”.

Pay attention!

By reflecting a fairly high percentage of heat, the film saves energy and regulates the temperature in the room.

Reflecting a fairly high percentage of heat (breaking into the room in the summer, and trying to leave it in the winter), the film, thanks to this structure, saves energy by regulating the temperature in the room, and the degree of inhibition of daylight is completely small and amounts to less than 30%.

Main Features

  • Multi-layering. The transparency of the film is quite high, despite its several layers: in order for the film to acquire reflective and heat-saving properties, alloys of gold, silver, chromium, and nickel are used to coat it.
  • Subtlety. Each layer of the film is quite ultra-thin, which has a positive effect on its energy-saving properties.
  • Versatility. The composition of the film fibers is such that in winter it is an additional thermal insulation material, and in summer - a reflective surface.

  • Obtaining the effect of confidentiality - the visibility of the glass becomes one-sided, the penetration of electromagnetic and acoustic channels is difficult;
  • Protection against thermal ingress and ultraviolet radiation(from 30% to 90%), ensuring the safety of furnishings;
  • Increasing the safety level of glass (if broken, it will not shatter into fragments);
  • Increasing the strength of glass (creating, to some extent, a barrier for intruders);
  • Reducing the brightness of light, which is tiring for the eyes, causing a lot of inconvenience and affecting the degree of performance.

Energy-saving film is a product that allows a window to turn into a kind of heat shield, creating a cozy and comfortable microclimate in the room, reducing the cost of cooling the air in the summer and warming it up in the winter, while saving your finances.

In order to install energy-saving film on the windows in your home, you can call specialists who will do everything quickly and efficiently.

But for money. So isn't it easier to do everything yourself?

If you prepare well and try hard, it will turn out just as well.

But it's free.

So let's begin:

  1. We clean the glass from dirty and greasy deposits by special means, after which we wipe thoroughly.
  2. We take a stationery knife, a household hair dryer, scissors and double-sided tape.
  3. Apply tape around the entire perimeter of the frame.
  4. We separate the film (it is sold folded in half).
  1. Lay out the film on a completely clean and flat surface.
  2. We make a pattern according to the size of the window, leaving a margin of 2-3 cm on each side.
  3. We glue the film onto the frame, tightly, without gaps, gluing it with tape. Don't pull too hard!
  4. We blow the film with a hairdryer, achieving its smoothness and transparency.

It’s better to do all the work together - it’s more convenient, and you’ll have to do it every six months - in spring and autumn - in order to finally take control of the efficiency of processes such as heating and air conditioning.


Why cover windows with energy-saving film?

With the increase in energy costs, energy saving issues are becoming increasingly relevant. And one of the technologies that helps reduce heat loss and ensure a comfortable home temperature regime, is covering windows with energy-saving films.


The thermal insulation properties of these films can significantly reduce heat loss through window glass in winter, and during the summer heat they help keep the room cool by reflecting the sun's rays.

Thus, energy-saving films make it possible to experience real savings on the costs of heating a house in winter and cooling rooms in summer.

At the same time reducing heat loss and providing a high level of thermal insulation, energy-saving films have high light transmittance and transparency and do not interfere with the penetration of natural daylight into the room.

Thanks to their transparent structure, these materials are practically invisible on the window glass, which does not prevent them from performing their functions flawlessly.

Self installation sun protective film, or ordering installation - what to choose?

It is also important that snow-saving films effectively block ultraviolet radiation, which helps protect furniture, carpets, curtains and other interior items from fading.

In a word, the advantages of energy-saving films can be listed for a very long time. And if you want to experience all the benefits of using this technology, you can buy high-quality, durable and reliable energy-saving film for windows from our company.

We present large selection window films with different characteristics, so you are sure to select the material that best suits your requirements.

In addition, you can buy energy-saving window film from our company at the most attractive price!


Energy saving heat reflective window film SaveEnergy 30, gray

Light transmittance 30%

The film will protect you from heat in summer and from cold in winter.

Energy-saving film reflects heat towards its source:

— in the summer (heat-reflecting film reflects up to 65% of thermal energy), to prevent heat from penetrating into the room, it reflects it out

The main process of SaveEnergy production technology.

The production of energy-saving ceramic films is a high-tech and labor-intensive process. Natural ceramics are used in the production of ceramic film.

The service life of these films is unlimited, and the minimum factory warranty is 10 years. The unique properties of such films are achieved due to an ultra-thin ceramic layer, which is a nano-structure consisting of titanium, nitrogen and ceramics.

These special covalent compounds, in the form of a lattice, make the material resistant to thermal, mechanical and chemical damage, ensuring its durability.

Titanium and nitrogen give the ceramic layer special dielectric properties with a high degree of reflection of infrared rays. Thin layer ceramics is applied to polyester using spattering technology.

Useful advice!

During the spattering process, nano-ceramic particles are located between metal atoms, which have strong chemical and physical bonds.

The spattering process occurs in vacuum chamber. Electromagnetic fields direct ions of an inert gas (usually argon) towards a suspension consisting of atoms of titanium nitrogen and hot ceramics, which mix evenly and settle onto the surface of the polyester.

The result is a metal ceramic coating possessing unique thermoregulation, color fastness and energy saving. The spatter can apply a layer as thick as 1/1000 of a human hair.

Energy-saving film allows you to stop heat loss through windows from 60% to 90%, thereby allowing you to save on heating from 30 to 45%.

The scope of application of energy-saving films is windows of apartments, country houses and country houses, office and industrial, as well as warehouse premises.

Reducing penetrating heat in summer and heat loss in winter through glass openings without changing the original purpose of the window as a source natural light(increased energy saving) is the main task of SaveEnergy film.

Parameters of the material of the energy-saving film UltraSolarBlock SaveEnergy 30

Key Features:

  • Manufacturer: Ultra Solar Block
  • Country of origin: South Korea
  • Color – Gray
  • Width - 1524 mm

Material parameters:


Why are they needed and where are they used?

The problem of maintaining heat in rooms is very acute for most Russian regions.

Almost all Russians know what harsh winters are. However, even in the south of our country a lot of electricity is consumed, only it goes to air conditioning and ventilation.

Employees of the Moscow Department of Housing Construction conducted a study and found that heat loss through windows and doors in winter accounts for 70% of heating costs, and in summer 46% for air conditioning.

Scientists have clarified that heat loss through glass is three times greater than leakage through cracks in frames.

Windows occupy 20-35% of the total area of ​​external walls, and heat loss through them is 30-60%. Another 40-45% escapes through the walls, the rest of the heat “flies out” into the ventilation and cracks in the walls, frames, and doorways.

If every even inexperienced builder or repairman knows what materials need to be used to insulate walls and seal cracks, then heat-reflecting energy-saving films are still a novelty for Russians.

Pay attention!

Meanwhile, ordinary glass retains only 18% of heat, and glass with protective film - 65%.

Such heat-tight windows will better retain heat in the house in winter and let less heat into the premises in summer.

In addition to thermal (infrared) rays, solar-protective energy-saving window film reflects ultraviolet rays. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, paints fade, furniture, paintings, etc. become discolored.

The film reflects 95% of these rays, which are harmful not only to the interior, but also to health. By reflecting infrared and ultraviolet rays, energy-saving film simultaneously transmits a sufficient amount of light into the room.

Its light transmission is 70%. The film only extinguishes too bright rays that blind the eyes. Thus, there will be no glare in the room that interferes with peaceful work or relaxation.

Protective heat-reflecting film was developed as an alternative to energy-saving glass, which has one big drawback - a noticeable decrease in transparency.

The manufacturing technology of protective film is much simpler, therefore it is much cheaper than glass. Another plus is that the film can be glued to an existing double-glazed window.

This material not only maintains the temperature in the room, but also helps improve the microclimate.

After all, in an office or room you will less often need to turn on heaters, which dry out the air, or air conditioners, which, when working hard, accumulate a huge number of bacteria in their filters.

Useful advice!

The manufacturing technology of protective film is much simpler, therefore it is much cheaper than glass.

So, the benefits of energy-saving protective film for your customers are obvious:

  • prevents fading of interior items;
  • reduces the brightness of sunlight;
  • reflect heat from the sun;
  • by reflecting heat, it reduces air conditioning and heating costs;
  • improves the microclimate;
  • the ability to use mirror films providing one-way visibility.

Energy-saving film is installed very quickly and easily, therefore, your labor costs will be minimal. The work takes a minimum of time; you can complete dozens of orders per day.

Thanks to the new service, your business will bring in an additional 30,000 rubles per month.


According to recent studies by the Moscow Department of Housing Construction and Urban Development:

— heat leakage through the glazing of windows and doors accounts for up to 70% of heating costs in winter

— and 46% of air conditioning costs in the summer.

Scientists complement these findings with the statement that heat loss through the window glass itself is three times higher than leakage around the frames!

So, about energy saving...

The problem of energy saving, in particular, the preservation of heat in rooms, is extremely relevant in our latitudes, and given that the main part of the territory of the Russian Federation has a continental climate (moderate and severe), heat conservation in the cold season becomes a priority task.

In the southern regions, the problem of air conditioning is more pressing in the summer.

Typically, in typical office and residential premises, the total area of ​​glazing surfaces occupies from 20% to 35% of the total area of ​​the building’s external walls.

Research results indicate that heat loss through the windows of typical office and residential premises ranges from 30% to 60%, and through walls - about 40% - 45%. Rest heat losses due to the presence ventilation ducts, cracks in window frames, walls, doorways.

When installing windows, heat-insulating materials such as polyurethane foam are used, and heat loss is reduced by 80% -95%.

For thermal insulation of walls, various internal and external coatings are used, thanks to which the corresponding losses are reduced by 35% - 60%.

Consequently, heat loss escaping through windows becomes the most significant. The results of experimental studies indicate that heat losses can reach 60%.

The spectrum of solar radiation contains infrared, visible and ultraviolet radiation. The energy of different types of radiation is distributed throughout the solar spectrum approximately as follows:

UV range (3% of the solar spectrum) – solar radiation. Ultraviolet radiation causes discoloration and fading of paints on interior items, paintings, etc. This is what causes burns and pigmentation.

Visible light (44% of the solar spectrum) is the only part of the solar spectrum accessible to human vision.

Energy-saving tint film reduces the glare of sunlight from 20 to 80%, while maintaining a comfortable level of illumination. The higher the visible light blocking level, the less glare there will be indoors.

Thermal energy (53% of the solar spectrum). In this part of the spectrum the human eye is powerless, but we feel warmth. The room will be protected from overheating by a sun-protective energy-saving film.

In this case, the thermal energy is reflected to a greater extent and absorbed to a lesser extent by the films themselves, which reduces their heating.

In this case, it is more effective to install it on the first glass in a double-glazed unit, or if existing windows are being modernized, then if possible from the facade, or if this is not possible from inside the room, on the inner glass.

In this situation, the load on the air conditioners will decrease and the room temperature will become more comfortable.

It is no secret that there is a need to transmit only one type of radiation and delay others. To do this, the film must have certain properties.

To solve this problem, film manufacturers have created films that reflect thermal (infrared) and ultraviolet radiation, but transmit visible light in sufficient quantities; such films are an alternative to low-emissivity thermal mirror glass.

So what is energy efficient heat reflective window film?

Modern energy-saving, heat-saving and heat-reflecting window film is a multi-layer composite.

An ultra-thin layer of metal or ceramic is applied to each layer of film several microns thick using a plasma discharge in an argon atmosphere.

In accordance with the developed technology, precious and rare earth metals are used.

In order for the film to have an energy-saving property when irradiated from both one side and the other, the metallized layers are arranged symmetrically relative to the middle layer: “metal 1 - metal 2 - metal 3 - metal 2 - metal 1”.

This is necessary in order to reduce multiple reflections of thermal radiation inside the film and its heating.

The thickness of the metal layer is so small that the degree of visible light retention is very low and light transmission is up to 70%, and the cost is practically no different from the cost of conventional film.

The structure of energy-saving self-adhesive window film allows them to “regulate” the temperature in the building and save energy by reflecting a high percentage of heat entering the room from outside in the summer, and directed from the room outside (savings on single-chamber double-glazed windows are about 30%).

In addition, highly reflective films with an IR blocking coefficient of 90-99%% prevent the leakage of information from the room and reduce the intensity of electromagnetic fields in the room created by powerful external radio and television transmitting devices.

At the same time, the films increase the strength of glass up to 8 kg per square meter. cm, the glass becomes shatterproof.

Currently, the problem of energy saving is extremely acute throughout the world, however, energy-saving “I” and “K” glasses have a significant drawback - a noticeable decrease in transparency in the visible range.

It seems that energy-saving film is an alternative material for creating conditions for reducing energy losses indoors through glass surfaces. At the same time, the film has a number of unique properties that make its use necessary and comfortable.

As already described above, the degree of visible light retention is very low and light transmission is up to 70%

The technology for producing multilayer tint films is much simpler than multilayer glass, therefore multilayer films are much cheaper.

Multilayer energy-saving tinting film can be installed on an already installed double-glazed window.

Another advantage is the indirect improvement of indoor air: by heating the room, the sun forces the air conditioner to work harder.

The more the air conditioner runs, the faster the number of bacteria in its filters grows, and this does not contribute to a healthy indoor climate.

Positive side effects of installing films on glass:

  1. Giving confidentiality by protecting against information leakage via electromagnetic and vibroacoustic channels, giving the glass the effect of one-way visibility;
  2. Blocking IR (thermal) radiation from 30 to 99%%;
  3. Protection of the entire interior from direct sunlight, blocking up to 99% of ultraviolet radiation, which causes fading;
  4. Strengthening glass, giving glass shatterproof properties;
  5. Makes it difficult for intruders to penetrate and much more...

No longer NEW! and a time-tested option for upgrading windows!.

Self-adhesive energy-saving film has appeared on sale: we offer a film that does not change the color of glass, with a visible light transmittance of up to 88%, IR radiation reflection of 30%, energy-saving film with IR radiation reflection of 50%, 80% to 99% (colors, light gray, greenish, green, blue)

Energy-efficient window film for glass turns the window into a heat shield. After installing such protection as window tint films, the entire interior space of your room becomes extremely comfortable.

You can make unlimited use of the space around the windows, which is usually exposed to too much light and excess heat, and was closed with solar blinds.

Protection from excess heat and light entering the room significantly reduces air conditioning and cooling costs and extends the life of your air conditioner.

1. Reduces fading - Window tinting is the only way to preserve the beauty of your interior. Exposure to solar energy penetrating through ordinary silicate window glass leads to fading of paints and damage to interior materials and cracking of furniture made from natural materials.

Furniture, curtains, paintings, carpets, drapery, wood trim or works of art are exposed to harmful sun exposure.

Tinting film provides effective protection, almost completely cutting off destructive UV rays for all films, the blocking rate is from 98 to 99%, reducing heat flow, changing the spectrum of visible light, which leads to a significant reduction in the fading of colorful interior parts.

People also need protection from harmful influence ultraviolet.

2. Reduces the brightness of the light - and you don’t have to squint and strain your eyes. You wear sunglasses outdoors.

Indoors, you also need sun protection.

Bright, diffuse light is not only annoying, it can also be tiring and harmful to the eyes, causing discomfort and reducing performance.

The installation will be able to reduce the brightness of direct and reflected light by 20% to 80%, while at the same time maintaining the view from the window.

All this makes it easier to work with monitors, a computer screen, watch TV, read, or simply communicate with each other at work in the office or at home.

3. Promotes maximum use of space and savings - expand your comfort zones and reduce air conditioning costs by installing solar control window films.

Avoid troublesome temperature changes in your home or work space.

These uncomfortable zones of cold and heat, caused either by excessive solar heat, or excessive shading, may be forgotten.

Tinting films even out the temperature in the room and make your premises a pleasant place to spend time.

It's easy to tint a room, and you'll soon see that the film will pay for itself.

4. Quick and easy to install - rely on a professional or use detailed instructions on installation. Stroy-Alternativa LLC will provide professional installation solar control mirror self-adhesive film for windows.

Unlike most repair or refurbishment work various rooms, installing tint films will not disrupt the normal flow of your life or work schedule.

The work performed by a professional tinter is carried out quickly, the only thing you need to provide is access to the place where the glass will be tinted.

Useful advice!

You'll be surprised how quickly you'll be able to enjoy the best solar energy control technology available without replacing windows!

5. The specularity of the sun-protective energy-saving film is a very interesting addition to all of the above qualities. Thanks to the mirror properties of some types of spraying, it is possible to create the effect of one-way visibility in a room.

A properly selected self-adhesive mirror film for windows can (while maintaining free viewing through the glass from the inside) almost completely eliminate the possibility of viewing the room from the outside, provided that the level of lighting inside the room is higher than from the street.

As an example, let us give a calculation of the efficiency of using energy-saving film in country house(Moscow) in summer with a glazing area of ​​18 sq.m.:

The average daily value of the surface flux density of solar radiation arriving in July at vertical surface, average value in all directions W/m2 for the latitude of Moscow = 200 W/sq.m. 3.6 kW per day, 108 kW per month.

Total solar energy rejection of the film = 55%, or 59.4 kW. Cost of 1 kW = 3.6 rubles. Total 213.8 rubles per 1 summer month savings on air conditioning per 1 sq.m. films.

Multiplying this value by 18 sq.m., we get 3,849.12 rubles per 1 month of energy savings for cooling the room.

Accordingly, for the winter period, you can calculate the savings on heating the room, which will be achieved through the use of energy-saving films for windows. Indeed, during the heating season it is achieved maximum efficiency application of energy-saving film.

Data taken from SNiP 2.04.05-91 Calculation of solar radiation heat gain into premises.

The constant rise in energy prices determines the fact that developers and homeowners are increasingly interested in the possibility of insulating windows. This is due to the fact that, according to research, the loss of thermal energy through window glazing is at least 30%, and in the winter season it increases to 70. Moreover, according to the results of the study, heat losses through glass are several times higher than those through frames, which makes heat conservation issues relevant.

How to keep warm? Solving the problem

There are several ways to solve this problem. The first and traditional one is to seal window cracks using polyurethane foam, which reduces losses by 90%, or insulate the walls outside and inside, which also helps retain heat.

However, a modern way of saving energy is the use of heat-saving film, which will cope with its task where other materials are powerless.

Heat-saving film for windows: what do you need to know about the material?

Energy saving film is multilayer composite material, each layer of which does not exceed a few micrometers and is coated with a protective ultra-thin metal layer of gold, silver or nickel or chromium alloys. Due to the fact that the thickness of the metal layer does not exceed several molecules, such films do not tend to interfere with visibility and light transmission, while energy saving occurs at high level, as they prevent heat from escaping outside the room.

Due to the microscopic thickness of the applied layers, the heat-saving film has a refractive effect, which allows the low-emissivity film to become an effective heat insulator. The unique structure of the product, achieved through compliance with all manufacturing rules (strict adherence to the required temperature and pressure), prevents unnecessary losses of thermal energy in winter, preserving optimal temperature indoors, while in the summer it prevents the flow of warm air inside, which also helps create a comfortable temperature in the summer months.

Physical principles used in the production process of heat-saving film

The production of heat-saving transparent film for windows is carried out in accordance with the knowledge of the fundamental physical properties of the solar spectrum, which, from a physical point of view, is divided into three parts: infrared, visible and ultraviolet radiation. If infrared and ultraviolet radiation are not accessible to the human eye, then the visible part of the spectrum represents the very sunlight that is necessary for the optimal course of all biological processes in the body. It is these physical foundations that are used in the production process of heat-saving film for windows, reviews of which prove its high efficiency.

Advantages of heat-saving film

  • A unique operating principle that allows you to filter solar radiation while preserving infrared and ultraviolet radiation. Along with this throughput glass remains at its original level, which helps maintain visibility;

  • Thanks to the above-mentioned physical properties, the material prevents the escape of thermal energy outside the room, maintaining a favorable temperature;
  • Using heat-saving film for windows, which can be purchased at any hardware store or hardware store, allows you to significantly save resources on climate control equipment, thereby reducing heating costs in winter period and for air conditioning in the summer;
  • Saving original form the interior of the room, which is achieved by filtering ultraviolet radiation, which is the main cause of interior fading;
  • An important advantage of energy-saving film is the absence of a mirror effect and high degree transparency;
  • One-way visibility of the glass, on which a heat-saving film is applied, which increases the confidentiality of information.

Disadvantages of heat-saving film

  • A significant disadvantage of heat-saving film is its inability to function effectively in the spring, when central heating is already turned off, and the room cannot receive a sufficient amount of thermal energy in the cool season;
  • The instructions for installing heat-saving film do not recommend its use in the process of making greenhouses and hothouses, which is explained by the need for almost all types of plants to have a sufficient amount of infrared and ultraviolet radiation, which is necessary for normal growth processes. In this regard, the use of heat-saving film for windows in an apartment, the price of which justifies the previous costs of additional heating, will adversely affect the life of indoor plants placed on the windowsill;
  • We cannot ignore the fact that insulating windows with heat-saving film is most effective only if all recommendations for its installation are followed, which is fully accessible only to specialists.

Insulation of plastic windows with heat-saving film: advantages

Plastic windows on which energy-saving film is glued are characterized by more significant strength, sometimes reaching 8-9 kg per square meter. meter. At the same time, if the integrity of the glass is damaged, it will not shatter into many small fragments, which helps to significantly reduce the risk of injury.

Even though the application plastic frames, during the installation process of which rubber seals are used, reduces the risk of unwanted heat leakage and the penetration of cold air, glass still remains the main material that facilitates the penetration of cold air into the room. In this case, even owners of apartments in which double-glazed windows are installed cannot boast of the 100% effectiveness of this technique. In this case, the best solution is to use third glass heat-saving film, the efficiency of which is equal to that of a double-glazed window, and sometimes even exceeds it.

Instructions for installing heat-saving film

  • In most cases, heat-saving films are made on a self-adhesive basis, however, certain varieties are held on the glass due to specialized adhesive factors.
  • Before installation, the window is prepared by thoroughly washing and wiping dry. Treatment with a degreasing compound is also welcome.

  • Then the material is applied to the surface of the glass, smoothing out any wrinkles using a soft rag. You can also use a tool similar to a car window brush for these purposes.
  • Finally, after straightening the material, the remaining film is removed using a mounting knife.

How to install heat-saving film “Third Glass”

Before you begin installing heat-saving film, experts advise stocking up on everything necessary tools, among which:

  • Scissors;
  • Stationery knife;
  • Household hair dryer.

Also, according to professionals, it is better to install the film together, and the ideal option would be to stick a heat-saving film on the window frame along its perimeter.

  • On a clean surface, previously treated with degreasing compounds, special double-sided tape is glued around the perimeter of the window frame;
  • Separate the two layers of heat-saving film (folded in half) by blowing hard on it or prying it with a utility knife;
  • Cut the film in accordance with the size of the windows and taking into account the reinforcement with adhesive tape of at least 2 cm, after which you need to make sure that the cutting is correct by attaching a piece of film to the window being pasted;
  • Remove the protective paper strip from the double-sided layer;

  • The two of you carefully glue the energy-saving film onto the tape, completely ignoring the wrinkles that form, since the main thing is that the film is evenly glued to the tape along the entire perimeter of the frame. Experts strongly advise starting with windows that are small in size.

  • Since the film is characterized by thermal shrinkage, after installation, to make it smooth and uniform, the entire surface of the film is blown with a hairdryer. In this case, it is necessary to exclude its strong mechanical tension, since upon completion of the work, it will independently reach the optimal tension level.

  • It is recommended to change the film annually; it is applied in October and removed in early May.
  • If an accidental break occurs during the operation of the film, its repair is carried out using transparent tape.
