White cinquefoil how to plant. Cinquefoil shrub - care and cultivation

Cinquefoil shrub, the care and cultivation of which does not cause much trouble, is a spectacular ornamental crop with a long flowering period, known for a long time under the name “Kuril tea”. In the times of the heroes, even Ilya Muromets drew strength from the fragrant flowers of the cinquefoil.

Cinquefoil shrub - description and cultivation features

Cinquefoil shrub, also known as Kuril tea or five-leaf plant, is a deciduous shrub plant, the height of which does not exceed 1.5 m. The compact and dense crown is formed by drooping shoots of a grayish-brown color with green foliage. During the flowering phase, which lasts from early summer to mid-autumn, white and yellow flowers bloom, collected in umbrella inflorescences.

When cultivating an ornamental shrub, it is worth considering its main features:

  • love of light;
  • demands on the structure and fertility of the soil;
  • resistance to damage by harmful organisms;
  • no need for constant trimming.

Types and varieties of cinquefoil

Kuril tea is represented by 15 species and numerous varieties bred on the basis of these varieties.

Among the most popular are:

  • Cinquefoil "Pink Queen" is a low-growing shrub with highly branching creeping shoots covered with light green leaves and pinkish flowers during the flowering period, which lasts from late spring to mid-autumn season.
  • Cinquefoil "Abbotswood" is a shrub variety distinguished by its cushion-shaped crown and abundant flowering from the beginning of the summer season to September, when beautiful white inflorescences bloom. Hanging shoots create a semblance of a trail.
  • Cinquefoil shrub “Princess Blink” is a plant with a compact crown that can grow up to a meter in diameter. Light pink flowers appear throughout the summer season, turning snow-white in the sun.
  • Cinquefoil shrub “Lovely Pink” – thick creeping shrub. With lush flowering observed throughout the summer season, pink flowers bloom, the diameter of which is no more than 2.5 cm. Dark green leaves, against which single or collected flowers in racemes contrast, begin to turn yellow with the arrival of autumn.

Planting in open ground

In order for the cinquefoil to delight the gardener with abundant and long-lasting flowering every year, it is necessary not only to plant the seedlings correctly, but also to choose the right location.

Site selection and soil preparation

The shrub needs a lot of light, which should be soft: the color of flowers exposed to direct sunlight loses their brightness. And when planting cinquefoil in shady areas, the gardener runs the risk of not waiting for the flowering phase at all. The culture develops well on fertile, light soils with a loose structure that provides free air circulation and moisture capacity, and with a slightly alkaline reaction.

How and when to plant?

Planting of cinquefoil seedlings is carried out in early spring, after the snow cover has melted:

  1. Planting holes are dug, the size of which is twice the size of the seedling's earthen ball.

  2. A drainage layer of gravel, expanded clay or broken brick is placed at the bottom of the recess.
  3. The hole is half filled with a nutrient soil mixture prepared from leaf soil, humus and sand in a ratio of 2:2:1 with the addition of nitroammophoska in an amount of 150 g.
  4. Then the seedling is placed and covered with soil so that the root collar rises 1-2 cm above the soil level.
  5. The soil in the tree trunk circle is compacted, moistened and mulched with sawdust, which helps slow down the process of moisture evaporation.

Attention! In case of group plantings, the distance between bushes should be at least 30 cm.

Caring for cinquefoil bush

Simple care of a shrub plant should be systematic, which will enable the gardener to become the owner of a healthy bush with high decorative qualities.


Possessing such quality as drought resistance, the shrub does not need additional watering if significant precipitation is observed during the summer season. However, during soil drought, the bushes are watered for a long period of time. warm water twice a month at the rate of 10 liters per copy.

Loosening, weeding and mulching

The next day after watering or precipitation, the soil is loosened, which allows maintaining good aeration. Regular loosening also makes it possible to promptly remove emerging weeds. If the florist does not have free time, or does not want to waste effort on carrying out this procedure, the tree trunk circle is mulched. During the growing season, the mulch layer of sawdust or peat is renewed 3-4 times.

Top dressing

Soil enrichment to maintain fertility and ensure full development of the crop is carried out three times during the growing season:

  • During the budding phase, complex mineral fertilizers are applied to stimulate the formation of large buds.
  • During the flowering period, cinquefoil is fed with phosphorus fertilizers, which allows it to prolong the flowering state.
  • In September, fertilizing, which includes phosphorus and potassium, allows the plant to fully prepare for winter.


To maintain the decorative appearance of the bush, the cinquefoil is cut twice - in the spring before the sap begins to flow and before the onset of cold weather in the autumn.

  1. In early spring, formative pruning is carried out, when the shoots are shortened by a third of their length, which makes it possible to create a spherical shape.
  2. Pruning shrubby cinquefoil in autumn is sanitary in nature and involves the removal of old, weakened shoots that develop inward.

Important! A rejuvenating haircut is carried out every five years.

Pests, diseases and control methods

Manifestations of harmful organisms are extremely rarely observed on the plant. If during inspection the development of powdery mildew or rust was detected, the cinquefoil must be immediately treated with a fungicide. There are situations when shrubs are attacked by cutworms. In such a situation, spraying with a pesticide is also carried out, but with an insecticidal effect.

Cinquefoil after flowering: autumn, winter

In mid-autumn, when the shrub finishes flowering, the shoots are shortened by ⅓. The cold-resistant crop does not need additional shelter, wintering well in open ground even in central Russia.

Plant propagation methods

Cinquefoil reproduces both by seed and vegetatively. The simplest and most effective is the latter, since cultivating cinquefoil from seeds is a troublesome task, in which it is impossible to preserve varietal qualities.

  • Cuttings - in a procedure carried out in mid-summer, cuttings 10 cm long are prepared, which are planted in the shady area of ​​the garden and covered with a glass jar for rooting. After 1.5 months, new plants are planted on permanent place, and with the arrival of cold weather they cover themselves with spruce branches.
  • Propagation by layering is the simplest technique, in which a low-growing shoot is cut lengthwise and placed in a groove up to 15 cm deep. After the roots have formed, the layer is separated from the mother specimen and planted in the chosen location.
  • Dividing a bush - when carrying out the procedure in spring or autumn, a four-year-old bush is dug up, the rhizome of which is divided into parts with three buds. The division is carried out with a sterile instrument, and the cut sites are necessarily treated with a disinfectant in the form of charcoal, activated carbon or a fungicidal preparation.

Using plants in landscape design

Being a low-growing shrub with a long flowering phase, cinquefoil is used to decorate the following art objects:

  • curbs;
  • alpine hills, where a variety of conifers are planted as a background for cinquefoil;
  • living fences;
  • rockeries.

Thus, shrubby cinquefoil, if a small set of agrotechnical requirements are met, will delight the grower with abundant flowering throughout not only the summer season, but also half of the autumn period.


Potentilla propagation

The easiest way to get new plants is to propagate them from green cuttings. Young shoots are cut from the end of June to the last ten days of July. Planted under a jar or in a small cuttings under a film, they take root easily. It is better to replant to a permanent place in the spring.

Creeping varieties reproduce well by layering; just press the branch to the ground and dig it in. For next season ready plant can already be separated from the mother bush.

Potentilla can also be propagated by dividing the bush.

Important point

You should not allow a poorly rooted plant to bloom, as this may destroy it.

What haircut suits your face

Cinquefoil needs to be cut; it requires obligatory anti-aging pruning at least once every 3-5 years.

If this is not done, the bushes will fall apart over time and take on a sloppy appearance. Due to the fact that there is no young growth, the bottom is exposed.

Pruning also helps better flowering Potentillas. However, if you cut off all the shoots strongly and at once, the flowering may shift towards the end of summer.

I cut the bushes by about a third, while trying not to touch the young branches. Best time for pruning (especially strong) - early spring, especially since cinquefoils usually wake up late.

From personal practice

Try to root all the cut branches by sticking them into the ground right under the bush. Cinquefoils also reproduce well from lignified cuttings.

Three components of success when growing cinquefoil

1. Cinquefoil grows well in open sun, but it is better to choose a place in light, sliding shade.

2. The soil requires fertile, loose, well-moistened soil. On poor sandy soil, bushes may not show all their decorative potential.

3. Cinquefoils love regular watering, so it is better not to let the soil become too dry. Humid and cool summers are ideal for them.

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    Propagation by green cuttings

    Young educational fabrics and increased metabolism during this period contribute to the active regeneration process of the rhizome system.

    When preparing planting material, due to the absence of root buds in young cuttings, pruning from the mother plant is done along with the foliage. This technique allows us to ensure the process of photosynthesis necessary for the production of organic substances that are so important for the quality rooting and development of each plant.

    The effective cultivation of cuttings for planting is facilitated by several factors that significantly affect the quality of seedlings:

    • Cuttings should be taken from a healthy, fully developed bush. These can be specially prepared uterine plantings used in the nursery for rapid propagation of a certain, perhaps especially valuable, species;
    • Depending on the phases of formation and growth of the mother plant, it is necessary to strictly observe the timing of pruning cuttings;
    • The size of the material for cuttings, including the size of the leaf blades, should not be less than that established by agrotechnical methods;
    • Special nutrients and growth stimulants used for processing in optimal concentrations make it possible to obtain high-quality planting material;
    • Organizing an environment with the most favorable conditions for rooting cuttings (artificial fog) makes it possible to achieve almost one hundred percent formation of a powerful root system in planting material not only in glassed stationary greenhouses, but also in film greenhouses;
    • Preparation of cuttings should be done at the beginning of the day, before sunrise;
    • Rooting material cannot be taken from flowering shoots. Otherwise, the seedlings will get sick, and the percentage of unrooted cuttings will be significantly increased;
    • If it is not possible to immediately place the cuttings in a permanent place for rooting after cutting, they must be placed in a clean plastic bag with a label and store in a special bag in the shade.

    When taking green cuttings, you need to correctly approach the selection of shoots on the mother bush. The cuttings must be identical in size and homogeneous in physiological state. The percentage of complete formation of the root system and, as a result, the quality of the seedlings themselves largely depends on this.

    When preparing planting material, you need to remember that cuttings from shoots with medium growth take root best. And if on sunny days cuttings need to be taken only in the early morning hours, then in cloudy weather pruning can be done at any time of the day.

    To get a good result, the cuttings should not be allowed to wither and dry out. It is best if no more than 48 hours have passed from the moment of pruning to planting the cuttings in a prepared and well-moistened substrate.
    Still, it’s worth preparing everything in advance so that the cuttings, immediately after pruning, are treated with a disinfecting and stimulating composition and planted in the soil mixture.

    Semi-lignified shoots are most suitable for preparing cuttings of various types of shrubs, which also include cinquefoil. Propagation by cuttings is one of the most popular methods used in garden nurseries. Almost the entire shoot, only 3–5 centimeters is left on the mother liquor, is used to prepare planting cuttings.

    High-quality planting material should have 2–4 internodes; the length of the cuttings depends on this, which, depending on the type, can be from 8 to 12 centimeters long. If there are leaves on the 3–5 cm petioles remaining on the mother bush after pruning, they must be removed.

    The lower cut line, when preparing cuttings for planting, is made at a distance of 0.5–1 centimeter below the bud. The upper cut must be made immediately above the kidney.

    Sliced ​​8–10 cm cuttings, aligned with their lower ends at the same level, are tied with soft binding material, 25–50 pieces in bundles.

    Growth stimulants

    Treatment of cuttings with a well-proven synthetic high-quality growth stimulator promotes the rapid formation of a powerful root system. A 0.1–0.2% solution of heteroauxin, another name for NAA-beta-indolylacetic acid, must be prepared from 100–200 grams of concentrate diluted in 1 liter of water. The prepared stimulant composition can be stored in a dark, cool room for up to 7 days.

    There are other growth stimulants. Before preparing the solution, you must carefully read the instructions on the package. Some drugs for this purpose may not dissolve well in cold water. In this case, the recommendation will indicate that the crystals must first be dissolved in boiling water or an alcohol solution. The length of time the cuttings are kept in the solution depends on the type of preparation. Can range from 12 to 24 hours. Mandatory conditions - processing must be carried out at a temperature of 22–25 degrees. More high temperatures air leads to poisoning of the green part of the cuttings.

    Glucose or sucrose dissolved in water in a proportion of 20–40 grams per liter is successfully used as a stimulating solution. Also, water-soluble table sugar can be used as a nutritious natural carbohydrate substance.

    Good results can be obtained by adding ammonium sulfate and a solution consisting of 50 grams of manganese per liter of water to stimulating carbohydrate substances diluted in a proportion of 2 grams per 1 liter of water. It is worth noting that potassium permanganate is a good disinfectant that allows you to avoid rotting of the base of the cuttings.

    To obtain high-quality root formation, the cuttings are placed in a nutritious turf-leaf substrate. Good results and 100% rooting can be achieved by adding a top 3–5 cm layer of granular sand or peat - a sandy composition neutralized with lime.

    Well-formed seedlings are 30–35 centimeters high, suitable for planting in a permanent place, and have a fibrous root system of 23–27 cm.

    If it is necessary to grow cinquefoil seedlings, they must be planted in one row. Plants should be placed at a distance of 25–30 centimeters from each other and 70–90 cm between rows. Regular loosening of row spacing will have a good effect on the quality of planting material for cinquefoil shrub.

    Propagation by lignified cuttings

    The agrotechnical procedure for propagating cinquefoil shrubby cuttings that have reached the lignification stage is simpler and less expensive.

    Elongated, underdeveloped shoots formed under unfavorable conditions are not suitable for harvesting. By following the technology developed by breeders, you can achieve the same high results when rooting lignified cuttings. A large supply of nutrients, ease of pruning during harvesting, the possibility of long-term storage after cutting and the use of a growth regulator - this whole complex allows you to quickly and easily obtain high-quality planting material.

    Cuttings that are in the stage of lignification can be propagated throughout the entire growing season, including late autumn. In protected soil conditions, year-round rooting can be carried out. Harvested in late autumn, 10-12 cm cuttings can be buried in the sand and stored until autumn.

    When propagating from lignified cuttings cut in spring, the physiological characteristics of Potentilla shrub should be taken into account. During this most active period, annual lignified shoots of moderate growth are cut into cuttings and almost completely, along the entire length, deepened into the substrate - only 1-1.5 centimeters are left on the surface.

    In a well-moistened spring cutting substrate, lignified 5–12 cm cuttings of especially decorative species with correct processing growth stimulator, they take root quickly and well.

    Cuttings that are in the stage of lignification can be rooted in the same cultivation structures as when propagating cinquefoil bushes using the “green cuttings” method. The peculiarity of the method is that when propagating from lignified planting material, during the formation of a full-fledged root system and when growing seedlings, high atmospheric humidity is not required, and in some cases even harmful. The only condition is that the substrate mixture must be constantly moist. Even short-term and slight drying of the soil can lead to the death of planting seedlings.

    The container containing the nutrient substrate for rooting must have a drainage hole at the bottom. If you need to root only a few cuttings for propagation, it is advisable to do this in a large clay or plastic pot.

    Water is critical when growing seedlings. Cuttings that have not yet acquired a root system cannot absorb water, but a large amount of moisture during green cuttings is lost through the leaf blades. That is why this method requires high air humidity. Whereas lignified cuttings, almost completely buried in a moist substrate, feel comfortable even at low air humidity.

    When propagated by lignified cuttings, they are almost completely placed in a nutritious light substrate. The top bud cannot be sprinkled with earthen mixture. In some cases, it is allowed to be buried to a depth of no more than one centimeter in the top layer of sand or in the mulch mixture.

    From the moment the cuttings are placed in nutrient soil until full rooting and until the time when the seedlings are fully formed and are suitable for planting in a permanent place, shading is required. In greenhouses, a liquid lime mixture is applied to the surface of the glass. Such agrotechnical technique will protect seedlings from direct heat sun rays, which can lead to dehydration and wilting of plants intended for planting.

    The nutrient substrate intended for growing seedlings must be prepared in advance. It consists of limed peat, well-rotted humus, as well as sand or vermiculite to give increased aeration properties. A nitrogen-phosphorus-potassium balanced mineral mixture added to the substrate significantly improves the nutritional properties and increases the mass and quality of the root system.

    After the planted cuttings of cinquefoil form a well-developed root system, and the planting material reaches required sizes, plants must undergo a hardening procedure before planting in a permanent place. To do this, a few weeks before planting, the covering in the film greenhouse is removed, and in a stationary greenhouse the temperature is lowered using “artificial fog” or by opening the transoms.

    Rooting of most hardwoods occurs within 6-8 weeks. At the same time, it is formed root system and in the shrubby cinquefoil. Propagation by cuttings is the most promising method for preserving species identity. This is especially true when propagating especially valuable, decorative species.

    Planting in a permanent place is best done in cloudy, or even better, rainy weather. Depending on the species, shrubby cinquefoil, the period for growing seedlings to a standard size ranges from one to two years.
    In nurseries, depending on the availability of cultivation areas, both the method of lignified and green cuttings are used for the propagation of cinquefoil bush.
    In a private garden household, in order to give preference to one method or another, it is necessary empirically determine the effectiveness of each. In addition, this is an opportunity to propagate a rare species of shrubby cinquefoil on your site.

    Read more about shrubby cinquefoil in this article...


    Features of Potentilla

    Representatives of this genus are subshrubs and herbaceous plants, which can be annuals, biennials and perennials. The shoots of such plants are often erect, rising or widened, and there are also creeping ones. The leaf blades are pinnate or multipartite, and they are colored grayish-green or green. The height of semi-shrubs can reach up to 150 centimeters, while their diameter sometimes reaches 100 centimeters. In most species, the flowers are part of corymbose-paniculate or pseudoumbellate inflorescences, but there are also species with single flowers. They come in a variety of colors such as golden yellow, pink, white, red, orange and cream. Long flowering is observed in May-September. The fruit contains many achenes (10–80 pieces), most often they are naked, but they can also be hairy. Moreover, the larger the size of the fruits, the more exotic the appearance of such a plant.

    Almost all representatives of this genus are distinguished by their undemandingness to growing conditions, with the exception of the brilliant cinquefoil, which is recommended to be grown in a southern exposure, choosing dry sandy soil for it, as well as the white cinquefoil - it likes to grow in a shaded place. As for the remaining species, well-lit areas are most suitable for them, which should be shaded in the afternoon by other plants. They need slightly acidic, loose soil, rich in nutrients, and well-drained, which contains a little lime. It should be remembered that arctic cinquefoil requires acidic soil.

    How to grow herbaceous cinquefoil from seeds

    Cinquefoil can be propagated by various methods, for example, by growing from seeds. Experts advise sowing directly into open soil in the autumn. In winter, such seeds undergo natural stratification, due to which spring time they sprout vigorously and only need to be planted. Sowing can be done in open ground and in spring. However, a more reliable way is to grow through seedlings. To do this, sowing the seeds should be done in February or March, and the container should be covered with film until the first shoots appear and placed in a place with a temperature of 15 to 18 degrees. After the seedlings grow true leaf blades, they are picked into peat humus or individual cups. The growth of seedlings is relatively slow, but at the end of the summer the seedlings can be transplanted to a permanent place in open soil. Young plants will need shelter to survive the winter. Flowering of cinquefoils grown from seeds is observed only in the second year. These plants reproduce well by self-sowing.

    How to plant shrubby cinquefoil

    At the beginning of spring, after the snow cover has melted and the soil has warmed up a little, you should begin planting shrub seedlings. The width and depth of the hole should be a couple of times larger than the lump of earth or container in which the seedling grows. If you are planting several bushes, then remember that the distance between them should be 0.3 m. A drainage layer should be made at the bottom of the hole; for this, lime gravel is poured into it. Then the hole should be filled ½ part with a soil mixture, which includes leaf soil, humus and sand (2:2:1), and 150 grams of complex mineral fertilizer must be poured into it. When placing a seedling in a planting hole, it should be taken into account that its root collar should rise slightly above the soil surface. Then the hole should be filled with soil, which must be well compacted. The planting needs to be watered abundantly. For 20 days, you need to ensure that the cinquefoil always has a sufficient amount of water. In order to reduce the rate of soil drying, it should be sprinkled with a layer of mulch (bark, straw or sawdust). If necessary, you can plant cinquefoil in the last summer or first autumn days.

    Growing cinquefoil is quite simple, and it doesn’t matter whether it is a shrub or a herbaceous plant. For normal growth and development of the plant, it is necessary to regularly water it, loosen the soil surface, remove weeds, feed it, remove fading flowers, and mulch the soil in the area. Watering should be done only during prolonged drought, and 10 liters of lukewarm water should be poured under each bush once every half month. If in spring you sprinkle the area with mulch (sawdust or peat), then removing weeds and loosening the soil will need to be done relatively rarely. During the summer period, mulch should be added to the area 2 or 3 times. Fertilizing is carried out three times per season (in May, July and August or September), and mineral fertilizer is used for flowering plants. For more luxuriant flowering, it is also recommended to spray the cinquefoil with water in the evening after a hot day.

    Potentilla propagation

    In addition to the fact that cinquefoil is grown from seeds, it can be propagated by cuttings, layering and dividing the bush. Potentilla can be propagated by layering and cuttings in July or August, and it is recommended to divide the bush in spring (April or May) or autumn (the first days of September). A specimen that is at least four years old is suitable for division; it must be dug up, the rhizome is washed with water from a hose, and then divided into sections using a very sharp, pre-sterilized knife. It should be remembered that each division should have 2 or 3 buds. For divisions, it is necessary to treat the roots with a product that stimulates their growth. Then they are planted in the soil, but the buds should not be buried. Remember that between the divisions you need to leave 20 to 40 centimeters of empty space.

    The length of the cuttings varies from 8 to 10 centimeters, and they are harvested from the ends of the stems, having first torn off all the flowers. For rooting, moistened perlite is used, it lasts for 4–6 weeks, and the cuttings must be kept in a room that does not freeze. You can root cuttings directly in open ground, choosing a place in partial shade for this, and it is recommended to use a glass jar or cut-off bottle as a shelter. They should be sprayed several times a day. The buds that appear should be removed, because they can greatly weaken the plant. For wintering they need to be covered with spruce branches.

    The easiest way to propagate cinquefoil is by layering. In spring, you should look for a stem that grows very close to the surface of the soil. An incision must be made on its outer side. Then it is placed in the prepared groove with the cut down, fixed in this position (necessarily in this place) and covered with soil. With the onset of autumn, the cuttings should develop a good root system. In this case, it should be cut off from the mother bush and planted in a permanent place.

    Shrub cinquefoil requires mandatory pruning, which must be done in early spring, before the buds open, and also in autumn. If pruning is not done, the bush becomes shaggy and looks sloppy. Pruning can be sanitary; during it, you should cut off all injured, dried out branches, as well as those that grow inward. Also, this procedure can be carried out with the aim of forming a bush, and often it is given a pillow or spherical shape. In the spring, last year's growths are shortened by 1/3, and in the fall, old and elongated stems should be cut off. This shrub will need anti-aging pruning once every 5 years, or it is carried out when many dried branches are found. To carry out such pruning, you need to cut off a third of the dried branches for 3 years in a row. This will lead to a complete renewal of the bush.

    Diseases and pests

    This plant is highly resistant to various diseases and harmful insects, which makes caring for it much easier. In rare cases, cinquefoil may develop spotting, rust, or powdery mildew. If one of these diseases has affected the annual cinquefoil, then there is no need to worry, because this will not greatly affect the appearance of the bush, and in the autumn it will still have to be disposed of. If you have a perennial growing, then it is recommended to use a fungicide (for example, colloidal sulfur or Bordeaux mixture) to treat it. Also, in rare cases, cutworms can settle on a bush. In order to get rid of them, treat the affected specimen with an insecticide (for example, Decis Profi, Fufanon or Fitoverm).

    Cinquefoil after flowering

    Autumn care

    In autumn, annual cinquefoil should be removed from the site after its appearance becomes unattractive, and it is necessary to dig up the area with fertilizer. For shrubby cinquefoil, when it finishes blooming, all shoots should be shortened by 1/3, and to prevent diseases, the bushes should be treated with Bordeaux mixture.


    The perennial cinquefoil does not need shelter for the winter, because it has high frost resistance, and it does not matter whether it is a herbaceous plant or a shrub. Young seedlings planted in autumn and rooted cuttings need shelter.

    Types and varieties of cinquefoil with photos and names

    There are many types of cinquefoil, and several times more varieties. Therefore, only those varieties and species that are most popular will be presented below.

    Herbaceous species that are most popular:

    Cinquefoil (Potentilla apennina)

    This perennial has a leaf rosette consisting of trifoliate leaf plates with silvery pubescence. The color of the flowers is white or pink.

    White cinquefoil (Potentilla alba)

    In nature, it can be found in the central regions of the European part of Russia, the Balkans and the Caucasus. The height of such a perennial plant varies from 8 to 25 centimeters; the complex basal leaf plates are palmate-lobed, and they have brown stipules. Loose racemose or umbrella-shaped inflorescences consist of several white flowers with a three-centimeter diameter. The height of the peduncles is about 25 centimeters, there are no stem leaves.

    Cinquefoil or crow's foot (Potentilla anserina)

    The pinnately compound leaf plates are collected in a basal rosette and reach 20 centimeters in length, with pubescence on their underside. On leafless peduncles there are single yellow flowers, which can reach 20 mm in diameter.

    Nepalese cinquefoil (Potentilla nepalensis)

    This perennial can reach half a meter in height; its straight, branched shoots are purple in color. The length of the dark green palmate leaf blades is about 0.3 m. The diameter of the flowers is about 30 mm, their color can be pale pink or red, and the veins are dark pink. The flowers are part of paniculate inflorescences. Flowering begins in July and lasts about 8 weeks. The most decorative varieties:

    1. Roxana. On the surface of the salmon-orange flowers there are dark veins.
    2. Miss Wilmott. It blooms luxuriantly and for a relatively long time. Cherry-pink flowers have a dark eye.
    3. Floris. The light salmon flowers have an orange-red eye.

    Cinquefoil erecta, or straight, or galangal (Potentilla erecta)

    In nature, this species can be found in forest and tundra zones, while these flowers grow on lawns and forest edges, along the banks of swamps and rivers. This perennial has a woody rhizome that is unevenly thickened. The height of the erect stem reaches 20 centimeters; leaves are located on its upper branched part. Trifoliate leaf blades can be sessile or long-petiolate basal (wither before flowering). Regular single flowers can reach 10 mm in diameter; they are located on thin long stalks. Flowering occurs from June to August.

    Silver cinquefoil (Potentilla argentea)

    This perennial has a large tuberous rhizome. The height of the slender arched ascending shoot can reach up to 0.3 m. The lower stem and basal leaf plates are five-seven-parted, long-scaled, and the upper stem and middle ones are three-five-partite; on the underside there is a dense coating consisting of white pile. The loose paniculate-corymbose inflorescence includes small flowers, the diameter of which is 1.2 centimeters. Flowering occurs in June and July.

    Hybrid cinquefoil (Potentilla x hybrida)

    This species includes garden forms and varieties of hybrid origin. Most plants have vertical or oblique rhizomes. The height of the erect, highly branched stems reaches 0.9 m; there is pubescence on their surface. The basal rosette consists of palmate or trifoliate long-petiolate leaf plates with sharp teeth along the edge. The trifoliate stem leaves are sessile. The loose corymbose or racemose inflorescence includes velvety flowers reaching a diameter of 40 mm; their color can be yellow, pink, red or dark purple.

    Popular varieties:

    1. Master Floris. Flowering is lush and long lasting. The large simple flowers are pale yellow.
    2. Yellow Queen. The bush reaches a height of 0.3 m, and it has glossy yellow flowers.
    3. Volcano. Double flowers of deep red color.

    Also very popular are cinquefoils: two-flowered, golden, long-leaved, shaggy, Krantz, deceptive, tansy, dark blood-red, silver-leaved, Tonga, three-toothed, shiny, stemless, snow-white, arctic, etc.

    Among the shrubs, gardeners cultivate Kuril cinquefoil (Pentaphylloides fruticosa), which is also called Kuril tea, yellow cinquefoil and five-leaved flower. Experts previously classified this species as a cinquefoil, but not so long ago it was separated into a separate genus called Kuril tea, Dasiphora (Dasys - densely hairy, phoros - bearing). This genus consists of 10 species, from which a large number of varieties and garden forms have already been created that are honey plants. Designers often create very impressive hedges from such shrubs.

    Daurian cinquefoil (Pentaphylloides davurica)

    The height of such a shrub can reach up to 0.6 m. Its bare stems are erect. Almost leathery, five-part leaf plates have a bluish underside and a glossy front surface. The diameter of the white flowers is about 25 mm, they are often solitary, but in some cases they can be part of several-flowered inflorescences shaped like an umbrella. Flowering is long-lasting, exceeding 3 months. Cultivated since 1822

    Bush cinquefoil (Pentaphylloides fruticosa)

    In nature, it can be found in forest-steppes and forests, Russia, Central Asia, Western Europe and the Caucasus. This shrub is distinguished by its high endurance. The height of a highly branching bush can reach up to 150 centimeters; the peeling bark is colored brown or gray. The lush crown has a hemispherical shape. The entire lanceolate-shaped leaf plates are 30 mm long and 10 mm wide and can be three-five-seven-parted. Young leaves have a light green color, but over time it changes to green-silver as pubescence appears. The yellow-golden flowers have a diameter of 20 mm, and they can be single or collected in loose apical racemes or corymbose inflorescences. Flowering lasts from the second half of June to the first days of October. Cultivated since 1700. In America and European countries, as a rule, cultivars of this species are grown because they are the most resistant to such climatic conditions.

    Popular low-growing varieties: Abbotswood, Jolaina, Dakota Sunrise, Goldstar, Goldfinger, Reisenberg (flower color varies in orange-yellow range), Farrese White and Rhodocalyx (flower color is white).

    Winter-hardy tall varieties include the yellow-flowered Elizabeth and Catherine Dykes. The height of the bushes reaches more than 100 centimeters.

    Winter-resistant varieties with grayish-silver leaf blades include Goldterppich, Darts Golddigger, Bisi.

    Low-growing compact varieties that are not frost-resistant and need shelter for the winter: Klondike, Kobold (yellow flowers), Red Ice, Parvifolia, Red Robbin (yellow-copper flowers), Sunset (brick-red to orange-yellow flowers) ), Eastleigh Cream (white and cream flowers), Royal Flash, Daydown, Pretty Polly and Blink (pink flowers).

    The following species are also of particular interest: small-leaved five-leafed, dry-flowered, Manchurian and Friedrichsen. They are still poorly studied by breeders.

    Useful properties and contraindications

    Useful properties of cinquefoil

    Medicinal properties were noted mainly in only 3 types of herbaceous cinquefoil, namely: goose, white and galangal (erect). The properties of these species have slight differences. Therefore, it does not really matter from which plant this or that medicine intended for external use is made. As a result of numerous studies, it became clear that extracts prepared from rhizomes or herbs are not toxic and have almost equal healing power. If you take medicinal products from the white cinquefoil herb internally, the central nervous system (central nervous system) is stimulated, while the extract from the rhizome makes the filtering ability of the kidneys 28 percent better. Kalgan is usually used for various organ disorders gastrointestinal tract(for example, colitis, dysentery), which are accompanied by diarrhea. This plant is also used in the treatment of liver diseases that manifest as jaundice, for example, hepatitis. Today, galangal is also used by official medicine for inflammation of the thyroid gland. In this case, a tincture of cinquefoil with alcohol is used, which is taken orally according to the doctor’s recommended regimen, while treatment with medications is also carried out at the same time; such therapy has a sufficient high efficiency. It is not difficult to prepare a tincture; to do this, you need to take a dry rhizome and grind it, infuse it with vodka, then filter the resulting drink. Kalgan believe a most unique plant, since it contains almost all elements from the periodic table, namely: gallotanin, phenolcarboxylic acids, starch, saponins, flavonoids (rutin, quercetin, cyanidin, kaempferol), iridoids, iodine, magnesium, copper, zinc, iron, cobalt , silicon, aluminum. It is known that the rhizome contains more of these substances than the above-ground part of the flower.

    The healing power of Potentilla erecta has also been known since ancient times. The composition of this plant includes substances such as: tannins, and also essential oils, flavonoids, elagic, malic and chitinic acids, wax, starch and gum, as well as vitamin C. This plant has an antibacterial, adhesive and anti-inflammatory effect. Essential oil is obtained from this flower, which helps in the treatment of certain female diseases. Various decoctions and tinctures are prepared from it, which are used externally in the treatment of atopic dermatitis, for douching for gynecological diseases, for eczema, and they are also used to rinse the mouth and larynx in the presence of inflammation. Infusions and decoctions made from shoots, leaves, and flowers of the plant are used in the treatment of chronic and acute hepatitis, as well as for cirrhosis with congestive phenomena (noticeably reduces the level of bilirubin in the blood and eliminates swelling). If you use products made from such a plant in treatment, then remember that they can cause constipation, because cinquefoil contains many tannins.

    Potentilla goose also contains essential oils, starch, flavonoids, tannins, as well as bitterness, choline, quinic and ascorbic acid, zinc and other substances that are beneficial for the human body. Medicinal properties possesses any part of such a plant. A decoction prepared from the rhizome is used for external treatment of abrasions, bruises, wounds, hematomas, neurodermatitis and weeping eczema. This decoction is also used for douching for various gynecological inflammations, as well as for the treatment of hemorrhoids, and the result of such treatment is very good. It is also used in the treatment of duodenal and gastric ulcers, as well as for acute intestinal infections and hepatitis. A decoction of milk is prepared from the seeds, which is used for painful menstruation, gastroenteritis and spastic colitis. A decoction of the root and herb, prepared in water, effectively eliminates cramps in the calf muscles. Freshly prepared infusion from the herb is used externally in the treatment of trophic ulcers and pustular lesions of the epidermis, and it is also used in the treatment of inflammation of the oral mucosa, pharyngitis and sore throat. As a choleretic agent that can remove small pebbles and sand, use the fresh juice of this plant, combined with the juice of green rye in a 1:1 ratio.

    Among the shrubs, healing properties have been noted in the Kuril cinquefoil, and the tops of young stems are used. This plant has a diuretic, antiulcer, hemostatic, antiviral, analgesic, choleretic, fastening, sedative, antidiabetic, antiallergenic and immunostimulating effect. It is used in the treatment of female and gastrointestinal diseases, abscesses, boils and other wounds, and it is also used to rinse the mouth for stomatitis, sore throat and other inflammatory diseases. It is used for constipation and diarrhea, dysbiosis, stomach ulcers, colitis, cervical erosion and uterine bleeding.


    Preparations from cinquefoil should not be used by people who have increased blood clotting, hypotensive people, or those prone to the formation of blood clots, because such drugs can lower blood pressure. If you want to use this plant to remove stones and sand from the ducts, then this should be done exclusively under the supervision of the treating doctor. It should also be remembered that such drugs can cause irritation of the gastric mucosa. They should also not be used during pregnancy or if you have an individual intolerance to cinquefoil.


    Cinquefoil shrub: botanical characteristics

    Cinquefoil shrub belongs to the Rosaceae family and is popularly called by other names: Kuril tea, moguchka, whispering grass. It is distributed throughout the world, as it is an inhabitant of the steppe and forest-steppe zones.

    Kuril tea belongs to shrubs up to 1 m, which has branched stems, a spherical crown, and an abundance of foliage and flowers. In adult plants, red-brown bark is noticeable on the lower stems, which peels off easily. There are low-growing and creeping forms, semi-shrubs and shrubs, reaching 1.5 m.

    The leaves are light green or slightly grayish, with dense bilateral drooping. The leaf blade is pinnately complex, consisting of 5 (in rare cases -3-7) lobes, which is where another name for the plant comes from - cinquefoil. The leaflets are characterized by a lanceolate-ovate shape, the edges are slightly curled.

    Small flowers are formed by five round petals up to 3 cm in diameter. They are not large, but with abundant flowering the bush looks decorative. What gives them their beautiful appearance are 30 stamens, which form a fluffy center. The plant is considered a good honey plant.

    The cinquefoil is all strewn with single flowers or collected in brushes or umbrellas. Varieties with flowers of brighter shades of warm, rich colors give the flower culture a special attractiveness. Flowering begins in June and continues until the first frost. The fruit is a collective achene that covers the entire bush with small brown fluffy spots.

    Modern plant varieties differ:

    • unpretentiousness;
    • dense crown;
    • long flowering;
    • decorativeness.

    Thanks to these qualities, garden crops can be used in various compositions. The cinquefoil shrub also looks great in a single planting as a tapeworm.

    Biological features of shrubby cinquefoil

    The cinquefoil bush feels great in mid-latitudes and grows throughout Russia, from the Arctic to the southern borders. It is distinguished by features that give it special attractiveness when grown in northern, continental zones:

    • unpretentious in care;
    • has high winter hardiness;
    • resistant to drought, but difficult to adapt to dry air;
    • photophilous, can grow in partial shade;
    • loves fertile, moderately moist soils;
    • characterized by rapid growth;
    • Flowering and fruiting begins at two years.

    In the latitudes of Russia, the bush grows up to 1.3 m. With age, growth slows down, but its decorative qualities are preserved with timely pruning, which is carried out once every 2 years. Flowering lasts from June to October, the bush looks decorative all season. Regardless of weather conditions, the plant is distinguished by annual, stable flowering. Fruit ripening time is August-September.

    Varieties of Potentilla bush

    Cinquefoil from the Rosaceae family forms up to five thousand species. Among them, the cinquefoil shrub stands out, which is a wonderful decoration for any garden, suitable for flower beds, hedges, and rock gardens. She is not afraid of haircuts, so the crown can be shaped at your discretion. The shape, size and color of the flower depend on the variety, but usually the color is warm (from yellow to red).

    Varieties can be classified by color. There are whole groups with white, pink, red, orange, cream, yellow shades of the flower corolla. Large-flowered and double-flowered forms have been developed. There are 30 varieties in total. Some of the most interesting varieties include:

    1. "Primrose Beauty" has a spherical shape, gray-green leaves and yellow flowers with a bright center. Grows up to standard size 1.2 m and pleases with abundant flowering until late autumn. Decorative when planted alone or in combination with deciduous shrubs;
    2. “Snowbird” is short and reaches 70 cm. The cushion-shaped crown is covered with green foliage with a glossy sheen. The inflorescence is formed by double, snow-white petals. The color of the bud is cream. The variety is popular because the white color of flowers in Potentilla fruticosa is not so common;
    3. “Coronation Triumph” is one of the most common, despite its ordinary, unremarkable appearance. The grayish foliage is framed by small bright yellow flowers, which delight with abundance until frost. It is popular because it is one of the most unpretentious plants and tolerates both cold and drought;
    4. "Tangerine" reaches 1.5 m in 5-10 years of growth. The bush is strewn with flowers of yellow and orange shades. Amenable to pruning, looks great in group plantings and as a hedge. Blooms for a long time, but is demanding on soil fertility;
    5. "Goldfinger" does not keep its shape and is a spreading plant. Bright yellow flowers Sets off dark green foliage. It is unpretentious and widely used in garden design. Does not tolerate waterlogging;
    6. "Gold Star" grows up to a meter and is decorative not only with flowers, but also with bright foliage. Grows well in bright sun and tolerates drought and excessive waterlogging. Resistant to weather factors, therefore ideal for northern latitudes and continental zones;
    7. “Kobold” is compact and grows no more than 0.5 m. It is decorative with small bright foliage and small flowers. Perfectly enlivens any corner of the garden, suitable for an alpine slide;
    8. "Red Ace" forms a compact bush covered with orange-red flowers. Exquisite foliage, bright flowers and the ability to form a crown make it universal both for hedges and for creating interesting compositions.

    Cinquefoil shrub: care

    Since the shrub is unpretentious, caring for it will not require much trouble. It includes:

    • landing in an open place;
    • creation of a drainage system;
    • fertilizing, thanks to which the bush blooms profusely and also increases its winter hardiness;
    • foliar feeding for resistance to fungal diseases;
    • during dry periods, watering is necessary;
    • mulching with peat or sawdust to retain moisture;
    • removal of root shoots;
    • crown formation.

    The bush must be pruned in the spring to give it the desired shape and stimulate abundant flowering. Pruning is done to half or a third of the length of the branches, based on the growth rate. This technique allows you to form a crown in the shape of an oval, ball, triangle or square. Only the ball shape will look ideal; others will look somewhat blurry.

    It is interesting to grow a tree from a bush. To do this, take several upright shoots, intertwine them with each other, removing all the rest. All branches and buds are cut off up to 40 cm along the trunk. The crown is also cut off at a height of 10-12 cm. The resulting “standard” pleases with flowering already in the first year. The crown is formed annually and care is taken to ensure that no buds grow on the trunk. An interestingly shaped specimen will decorate any garden.

    It is best to plant your favorite variety of shrubby cinquefoil in the spring, having previously prepared the soil. The choice of location should be taken especially carefully, since the plant is perennial and it is important that it fits into the surrounding landscape. The site should be open, sunny, and the soil should be loose and fertile, otherwise the shrub will not fully demonstrate its decorative qualities.

    Landing sequence:

    1. Dig a planting hole 50-60 cm deep (depending on the size of the seedling);
    2. Drainage made of pebbles, broken shards or bricks is poured onto the bottom. The layer must be at least 20 cm;
    3. At the bottom of the pit, fertile soil consisting of leaf soil, humus and sand is poured into a mound (2:2:1). Complex fertilizer is added to the composition according to the instructions;
    4. The roots of the bush are spread over the mound and covered with the same fertile mixture on top. The root collar must be at ground level and cannot be covered;
    5. The tree trunk circle is carefully trampled and watered abundantly.

    At the initial stages of growth, it is important to monitor soil moisture, providing watering 3 times a month up to 10 liters per plant. The amount of watering directly depends on rainy or dry weather. In 1-2 years of growth, you should not prune or carry out any manipulations with the plant. It should take root well and adapt to the new place.

    Possible diseases and their treatment

    Cinquefoil shrub is resistant to most diseases. In rare cases, rust may occur. At the same time, reddish-red spots form on the leaves. The affected areas crack and fungal spores spill out of them, which infect other parts of the plant. Massive leaf fall occurs.

    As preventive measures you need:

    • do not apply excessive amounts of nitrogen fertilizers;
    • water the plant moderately;
    • remove weeds and destroy plant debris.

    If the disease has just “settled” on the cinquefoil, then it is enough to destroy the affected leaves and shoots. In case of severe infestation, use fungicides. 2-3 treatments should be carried out at an interval of 2 weeks. Helps avoid illness foliar feeding boric acid or potassium permanganate. If the disease has spread strongly, the bush will have to be destroyed.

    Wintering of shrubby cinquefoil

    Since shrubby cinquefoil belongs to the frost-resistant category, it tolerates frosty winters well. With little snow cover, the tips of branches that are pruned in the spring may freeze.

    The young plants that were planted this year are quite sensitive to the cold. It is possible to cover them for the winter with spruce branches, straw, or covering material. In the spring, after the snow melts, the cover must be removed to avoid rotting or wetting of the stems and roots.

    Kuril tea is propagated by all methods available to the bush: cuttings, layering, dividing the bush, suckers, seeds. It is most difficult to grow a bush from seeds, so seed propagation is used extremely rarely. It is used as an experimental option or in the absence of other seed material.

    Reproduction of shrubby cinquefoil by seeds

    Seed collection occurs at the beginning of autumn. They are dried and planted in the spring: in April-May. They remain viable for a number of years. Fertile soil is poured into the boxes, the seeds are laid out and pressed into the soil, lightly sprinkled with soil.

    Shoots will appear after 3 weeks. When the third true leaf appears, they are planted in separate containers. Seed germination is low and amounts to approximately 50%, and the bushes become adults in 4-5 years. Self-seeding is characteristic of the bush cinquefoil. When young shoots appear, they are temporarily planted on the ridges and only after 2 years - in a permanent place.

    Propagation of shrubby cinquefoil by cuttings

    Most convenient way The propagation method that gardeners use is green cuttings. During July, young shoots are cut into cuttings and planted under film in light, fertile soil in small nurseries. It is important to maintain high air humidity and shade the cuttings. After 2 weeks, roots will appear and young plant can be planted in a permanent place. If climatic conditions severe, it is better to leave them in the nursery until spring.

    Plant propagation by layering

    For creeping or spherical varieties, the most suitable method of propagation is layering. To obtain them, young shoots located at the base of the stem are pinned to the soil. The place of contact with the surface is covered with earth. Next year, the cuttings will produce roots and can be separated from the mother plant and planted in a permanent place.

    Reproduction of shrub cinquefoil by dividing the bush

    Divide the bush in spring or autumn during the warm period. The plot must have buds and roots, otherwise it will not take root. When planting, growth buds are placed above the surface of the ground. For division, it is better to use an adult bush over 3 years old. This method is especially convenient when transplantation is necessary.

    Using shrubby cinquefoil in landscape design

    There are a wide variety of forms of shrubby cinquefoil, with most growing quite aggressively. The plant grows very short terms, especially at a young age.

    Their placement in the garden depends on their growth rate and appearance and can be as follows:

    1. Fast-growing plants allow you to create hedges from them. Their shape is easily adjusted and lasts for a long time, and cutting is painless;
    2. Low-growing varieties or dwarfs grow slowly and are ideal for rock gardens in combination with low conifers, perennials, and brightly colored heucheras. These forms of Kuril tea will decorate rock gardens and rocky gardens;
    3. Creeping varieties go well with dwarf pines and junipers. This combination is especially beautiful if the conifers have blue needles. Yellow cinquefoil flowers against a lilac background of lavender, hyssop, catnip, gray fescue and molinia look unusually bright and create an amazing contrast;
    4. Any varieties of cinquefoil will complement the compositions of other shrubs: Boumalda spirea, Thunberg barberry, cotoneaster.

    Since shrubby cinquefoil is decorative throughout the entire season, this makes it possible to smooth out autumn contrasts in compositions, when other plants lose their attractive appearance and begin to turn yellow, wither, and lose foliage. Cinquefoil gets along well with most plant species.

  • One of my favorite plants in the yard is Cinquefoil Bush. The bush is very decorative and grows along my border. Another white-flowered variety new planted (Abbotswood) looks great as a solo plant in the lawn.

    The shrub in general is unpretentious, loves sun and quality watering. It has been pleasing with lush greenery and delicate flowers for many years now. But I wanted to plant one of the bushes. In order not to harm the plant and to carry out the procedure correctly, we had to collect the necessary information. I would like to talk about the propagation of cinquefoil shrubby cuttings.

    This plant has several other names: Kuril tea, Cinquefoil, Dasiphora. Belongs to the Rosaceae family. To date, about 20 new varieties have been bred, which have different colors of small (about 3 cm in diameter) flowers.

    1. The shape of the cinquefoil can be spherical and creeping, dwarf and cushion-shaped. There are a lot of options for where to plant this undemanding plant.
    2. Some species grow very quickly and tolerate pruning well. It is these varieties that are best planted as border hedges. They can be given a shape that they hold perfectly. These varieties look great as a solo plant.
    3. Those species that grow quite slowly are recommended for planting in rock gardens. There, creeping and creeping perennial plants can become their neighbors. It is recommended to plant heucheras nearby, which form a good ensemble with cinquefoil.
    4. Creeping varieties and those with white blooms look great with conifers. The recommended neighbor is juniper (preferably with a bluish tint to the needles). Dwarf pines look good in this composition.
    5. Varieties of cinquefoil that have yellow blooms are combined with plants that have lilac or blue blooms, for example, lavender or hyssop, catnip.
    6. Kuril tea and cotoneaster, Thunberg's barberry always complement each other well.

    A huge advantage of the plant is the very long period flowering: throughout the summer season you can admire the greenery and flowering shrubs, and from the second half of August until almost the end of autumn, the cinquefoil acquires a brighter color, and the green foliage is additionally painted silver.

    Propagation by cuttings

    This procedure can be carried out in several ways:

    • seeds;
    • layering;
    • cuttings of different types.

    Reasons for the popularity of the method

    The last method is considered the most popular and widespread among gardeners. It is used in early spring not only for the propagation of cinquefoil, but also for the propagation of other deciduous shrubs (fuchsia, hydrangea) and some trees (maple, birch, deciduous magnolia) in the garden and flower beds.

    1. There are plant species that are quite difficult to spread. In this case, propagation using green cuttings is very helpful. Among other possible methods, this one has the highest survival rate. Using this method, you can propagate your favorite rare plant in unlimited quantities.
    2. Cuttings for propagation are taken from the beginning of spring until June. Shoots from young shrubs adapt and take root better than those from older shrubs.
    3. In addition, such pruning promotes the appearance of new shoots on the plant. Thus, an adult bush can become a good mother specimen.
    4. You can get many shoots and propagate the plant in any quantity. And if it is possible to place the cuttings in a heated greenhouse for the winter months, then this method can be used to propagate cinquefoil throughout the summer season.

    Propagation by green cuttings

    In young shoots, educational tissues are in a more active state and increased metabolism contributes to faster rooting and development of the young plant.

    Young cuttings do not yet have root shoots, so they leave foliage on the stems so that photosynthesis continues and the plant has additional nutrition. Very necessary organic compounds are produced, which also contribute to more active survival of cuttings.

    Rules for selecting and rooting cuttings

    To achieve the best results, there are several factors to consider when selecting cuttings. Let's take a closer look.

    • It is very important to choose sprouts only from a completely healthy and healthy plant that is not affected by infections and viruses. Perhaps this option as a queen cell can be found in a trusted nursery. Alternatively, it could be a rare variety or species that can be successfully propagated using this method.
    • When collecting cuttings, it is recommended to take into account the developmental phases and various periods of growth and dormancy of the mother bush.
    • It is imperative to take into account that for propagation you need cuttings with a certain number of leaves and a certain permissible length.
    • Before planting, it is recommended to treat the shoots for better rooting with various growth stimulants and nutritional elements, such as Kornevin, NV - 101, Epin - extra, Ovary, potassium humate + boron.
    • If you keep green cuttings for further rooting in glazed greenhouses or greenhouses, then you can and should create the most favorable conditions. One of these, which creates the most favorable conditions for the development of sprouts, is artificial fog.
    • It is better to prepare cuttings in the morning, preferably before sunrise.
    • It is strictly not recommended to cut planting material from branches that are in the flowering stage. The bush will subsequently hurt and become weak, and the sprouts will take root in very small quantities.
    • If you cut cuttings, but there is no way to plant them yet, then put them in a bag and then in a cool, dark place. Don't forget to make a sticker with the name of the variety.

    How to take cuttings from a mother plant

    Try to choose shoots that are the same size and in the same condition. This indicator determines how the shoots will take root and how quickly they will then develop.

    When choosing cuttings, it is better to harvest them from plants that are in the middle stage of development. Such shoots take root best, they are quite strong, and the root system develops well.

    If the weather is hot and dry outside, then planting material is taken only in the morning. But on days when there is a lot of rainfall, shoots can be harvested at any time of the day.

    Do not allow the sprouts to wither or dry out. Plant them in the substrate no later than 2 days after pruning. At the same time, the material should be prepared in advance so that it is possible to treat the sprouts with stimulants.

    For shrubby cinquefoil, this method is most suitable: a cutting is taken from a semi-lignified plant. Sprouts are cut from it. Only 3–5 cm of the branch remains on the mother bush.

    What cuttings can I plant?

    1. A correctly selected shoot must have internodes: at least 2 - 4 pieces.
    2. The most acceptable length of the sprout is 8 - 12 cm.
    3. If, after pruning, cuttings 3–5 cm long remain, then all leaves must be removed before rooting.
    4. At the bottom, the cut must be made 0.5 - 1 cm below the bud, and at the top, a cut is made immediately above the bud.
    5. All cuttings must be tied with soft rope into bundles of 25 - 50 pieces.

    Propagation by lignified cuttings

    This method is the simplest, most convenient and least expensive. What advantages can be listed?

    Pros of reproduction

    You need to carefully examine the plant. Weak and dry shoots are not suitable for the procedure.

    • Such shoots retain much more nutrients.
    • They are easier to prepare.
    • You can store it much longer after pruning without rooting.
    • They can be used all year round, subject to all agrotechnical rules.
    • If you cut lignified cuttings 10 cm long in the fall and then bury them in the sand, then in the spring they will take root well.

    Landing rules

    1. If planting material is prepared in the spring months, then it is rooted in the ground almost completely immersed. Only a few centimeters remain above the soil surface.
    2. The main requirement when planting cuttings in the usual way is constant soil moisture. At the same time, there is no need to increase air humidity. If the substrate dries out, the cuttings will die.
    3. Before planting, be sure to make holes in the container and lay a drainage layer to prevent moisture from stagnating.
    4. The soil must be constantly moistened, since the petioles, almost completely buried in the ground, need a nutrient medium. At the same time, the humidity in the room does not need to be increased.
    5. During the process of growth and establishment, it is necessary to shade the cuttings from direct sunlight.
    6. The following composition is used as top dressing: calcareous peat, sand or vermiculite, humus (completely rotted).
    7. Rooting occurs in 6 - 8 weeks. Before planting, cuttings need to be hardened off.


    • The undemanding plant Potentilla shrub will become a real decoration of your site. It needs to be planted in a sunny place.
    • There are many ways of reproduction. Cuttings are the simplest and effective way. The plant can be propagated by young green cuttings or lignified ones.
    • In order for sprouts to take root, you need to know the rules for selecting and preparing sprouts. After planting the cuttings in the soil, follow the watering and fertilizing regime.

    Plant Potentilla (lat. Potentilla) is one of the largest genus of the Rosaceae family in terms of the number of species, the most characteristic representatives of which are Potentilla anserialis and Potentilla erectus, or galangal grass. Most of the species of this numerous genus grow in the Northern Hemisphere. The name of the plant comes from the Latin word potent - which means “strong, powerful” and, apparently, characterizes the strength and power of the healing properties of some plants of this genus, known to mankind since ancient times. Among the cinquefoils, of which there are about five thousand in the world, there are many herbaceous species, but there are also shrubs.

    Both the cinquefoil grass and the cinquefoil shrub are grown in garden culture. We call cinquefoil bush cinquefoil or Kuril tea, and an ancient legend tells that Ilya Muromets himself inhaled the aroma of cinquefoil to gain unprecedented strength. Since ancient times, decoctions and infusions from the mighty plant, as healers in Rus' called cinquefoil, were used to treat various diseases and to restore strength. Today, cinquefoil is more ornamental plant, widely used by landscape designers as a tapeworm on a green lawn, as well as for decorating hedges, borders, and alpine slides.

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    Planting and caring for cinquefoil

    • Landing: sowing seeds in the ground - in autumn or spring, sowing seeds for seedlings - in February or March, transplanting seedlings into the ground - at the end of summer.
    • Bloom: from July, about two months.
    • Lighting: in the morning - bright light, in the afternoon - partial shade.
    • Soil: loose, well-drained, nutritious, slightly acidic and containing some lime.
    • Watering: only during drought once every two weeks. Water consumption - a bucket per bush.
    • Trimming: in early spring for sanitary purposes.
    • Feeding: three times a season with mineral fertilizers for flowering plants: in May, July, August or September.
    • Reproduction: seeds, including self-sowing, and vegetatively - by dividing the bush in April-May or early September, as well as layering and cuttings in July or August.
    • Pests: cutworms and their caterpillars.
    • Diseases: powdery mildew, rust, spotting.

    Read more about growing cinquefoil below.

    Potentilla flower - description

    The cinquefoil flower is represented by both perennial, biennial and annual herbaceous plants and subshrubs. The stems of representatives of this genus are most often erect, widened or erect, sometimes creeping. The leaves are multipartite or pinnate, green or gray-green in color. Shrub species of cinquefoil reach a height of one and a half meters, growing in width by approximately one meter. The flowers of most species are collected in pseudo-umbellate or corymbose-paniculate inflorescences, but there are species with single flowers. The colors of the flowers are varied - red, golden yellow, orange, pink, cream, white.

    Potentilla flower lasts a long time - from May to September. The fruit consists of a large number of achenes - from 10 to 80, usually bare, but sometimes hairy, and the more exotic the type of plant, the larger the fruit.

    Planting cinquefoil

    All cinquefoils are undemanding to growing conditions, with the exception of a few finicky species, which include, for example, white cinquefoil, which prefers to grow in the shade, or shiny cinquefoil, which feels best in southern exposure on dry sandy soils. All other species love bright areas, shaded in the afternoon by other plants, and loose, slightly acidic, nutritious and well-drained soil containing a small amount of lime. The exception is arctic cinquefoil, which needs acidic soil.

    Potentilla herbaceous from seeds

    Potentilla is propagated in different ways, including seeds. Professionals say that you can sow the seeds of herbaceous cinquefoil species simply in the ground in the fall, so that they undergo natural stratification over the winter, after which in the spring the seedlings sprout together, and all that remains is to plant them. You can sow seeds in the ground in spring.

    But we suggest not risking the seed and growing seedlings by sowing the seeds in February or March and germinating them under polyethylene at a temperature of 15-18 ºC. As soon as the seedlings have real leaves, they need to be planted in separate cups or peat pots. Seedlings grow slowly, but, nevertheless, at the end of summer they are planted in open ground in a permanent place. For the winter, young plants must be covered. Potentillas bloom from seeds in the second year.

    Cinquefoil often reproduces by self-sowing.

    Planting shrubby cinquefoil

    In early spring, when the snow melts and the soil thaws, seedlings of shrubby cinquefoil varieties are planted in holes that should be twice as deep and wide as the earthen ball or the size of the container in which the cinquefoil roots are located. The distance between two bushes should be at least 30 cm. A layer of lime gravel is poured onto the bottom of the hole as drainage, then the hole is filled halfway with a mixture of humus, leaf soil and sand in a ratio of 2:2:1, to which 150 g of complex mineral fertilizer is added . The seedling is lowered into the hole so that its root collar is slightly above the level of the surface of the site, then the hole is filled to the top with garden soil, compacted and watered.

    For three weeks after planting, make sure that the cinquefoil bush does not lack water. Mulch the area with straw, bark or sawdust - this will prevent the soil from drying out too quickly. If necessary, planting of cinquefoil is carried out in late summer or early autumn.

    Cinquefoil care

    Growing Potentilla

    Growing shrubby cinquefoil, like herbaceous cinquefoil, does not require much effort. Caring for plants consists of weeding, loosening the soil, watering, fertilizing, removing faded flowers and mulching the soil on the site. You will have to water the cinquefoil only during the period of no rain once every two weeks with a bucket of warm water under each bush, and if you mulch the area with peat or sawdust in the spring, you will also have to weed and loosen the soil infrequently. In the summer you will need to add mulch to the area two or three times.

    You need to feed cinquefoil with mineral fertilizers for flowering plants three times a season - in May, July and August or September. This is a mandatory program for caring for cinquefoil, but if on sweltering summer evenings at the end of a hot day you spray the cinquefoil with water, it will thank you for this with abundant flowering.

    Potentilla propagation

    In addition to the seed method of propagation, cinquefoils use vegetative methods - dividing the bush, cuttings and layering. Cuttings and propagation by layering are carried out in July-August, and dividing the bush in the spring, in April-May, or in the fall, in early September.

    To divide the cinquefoil rhizome, a bush that has reached four years of age is dug up, the rhizome is washed and cut into pieces with a sharp sterile knife, each of which should have 2-3 buds. The roots of the divisions are treated with a root formation stimulator and planted in the ground, trying not to bury the buds. When planting, maintain a distance between divisions of 20-40 cm.

    Cuttings 8-10 cm long are cut from the ends of the shoots, removing the flowers. Root the shoots in damp perlite for a month to a month and a half in a frost-free room. You can plant them for rooting simply in the ground somewhere in a shady corner of the garden, covering them with a jar or cut-off plastic bottle, spraying them several times a day. If buds appear, they must be torn off so that flowering does not weaken the rooting cuttings. For the winter, the cuttings are covered with spruce branches.

    The easiest way to reproduce is layering. How to propagate cinquefoil by layering? Select a low-growing shoot in the spring, cut it along the outside, place the shoot in the dug groove with the cut down, attach it to the ground in this exact place and cover it with earth. By autumn, the cuttings will have formed a root system and can be separated from the mother plant and transplanted to a permanent place.

    Pruning cinquefoil

    Growing and caring for shrubby cinquefoil, in addition to the listed procedures, also requires pruning of the plant, which is carried out in early spring, before the buds open, and in the fall. If the cinquefoil is not cut, the plant becomes a shaggy, unkempt bush.

    Pruning cinquefoil pursues sanitary purposes, for which broken, dry and inward-growing branches are removed from the bush, and also serves to shape the bush - most often the plant is given the shape of a ball or pillow. In the spring, last year's growth is cut back by a third, and in the fall, shoots that are too elongated and old are removed. Mature plants are subjected to rejuvenating treatment every five years or if a large number of dry twigs appear. To do this, a third of the dry branches on the bush are cut off for three years in a row. As a result, the bush is completely renewed.

    Pests and diseases of cinquefoil

    As you can see, planting and caring for cinquefoil is not at all burdensome, and you are unlikely to have to fight diseases or harmful insects, since pests and diseases rarely bother cinquefoil. Sometimes it is affected by rust, spotting or powdery mildew. If the infection occurs with an annual species of cinquefoil, then there is no particular problem - the plant will not lose its decorative properties, and in the fall it must still be disposed of. Perennial varieties and types of cinquefoil need to be treated with a fungicide - Bordeaux mixture or colloidal sulfur, for example.

    Of the pests on cinquefoil, cutworms are sometimes found, which are destroyed by treating the plant with insecticides such as Fufanon, Decis Profi, Fitoverm.

    Cinquefoil after flowering

    Cinquefoil in autumn

    When the annual cinquefoil loses its decorative properties, it is removed and the area is dug up with fertilizers. After flowering, the shoots of shrubby cinquefoil are cut by a third; as a preventive measure to combat diseases, the bushes are sprayed with Bordeaux mixture.

    Cinquefoil in winter

    Cinquefoil is perennial, whether it is herbaceous or shrubby, and does not need shelter for the winter, since it has a high degree of cold resistance. Only rooted cuttings and young seedlings planted in autumn should be covered.

    Types and varieties of cinquefoil

    There are so many varieties and types of cinquefoil that even listing them would take a full chapter, so we will introduce you only to the most popular types. So, among the herbaceous species the most famous are:

    Cinquefoil (Potentilla apennina)

    It is a perennial with trifoliate silvery pubescent leaves collected in a rosette, with pink or white flowers.

    White cinquefoil (Potentilla alba)

    Originally from the central regions of the European part of Russia, the Caucasus, and the Balkans. It is a perennial with a height of eight to twenty-five centimeters with complex palmate-lobed basal leaves with brown stipules. Its flowers are white, up to three centimeters in diameter, collected several times in loose umbellate or racemose inflorescences. Peduncles reach a height of 25 cm; the plant has no stem leaves.

    Cinquefoil or crow's foot (Potentilla anserina)

    The basal rosette of this species is formed by pinnately compound leaves up to 20 cm long, pubescent on the underside. The peduncles are leafless, bearing single yellow flowers up to 2 cm in diameter.

    Nepalese cinquefoil (Potentilla nepalensis)

    A perennial plant up to 50 cm high with branched straight stems of purple color. The leaves are palmate, dark green, large - up to 30 cm long. The flowers, also large - up to 3 cm in diameter, red or light pink with dark pink veins - collected in panicles, bloom from the beginning of July for almost two months. The most attractive varieties:

    • Roxana– with salmon-orange flowers in dark veins;
    • Miss Wilmott– pink-cherry flowers with a dark eye, blooming profusely and for a long time;
    • Floris– delicate salmon-colored flowers with a red-orange eye.

    Cinquefoil erecta, or straight, or galangal (Potentilla erecta)

    It grows in the tundra and forest zones on the edges, lawns along the banks of rivers and swamps. This is a perennial plant with an unevenly thickened woody rhizome. The erect stem is no higher than 20 cm, branched in the upper part and leafy, the leaves are trifoliate - stem sessile, basal, dying off at the beginning of flowering - on long petioles. Flowers, solitary, regular, up to 1 cm in diameter, on thin long stalks, bloom in June-August.

    Silver cinquefoil (Potentilla argentea)

    It is a perennial with a large tuberous rhizome, slender arcuately rising stems up to 30 cm high, long-scaled five to seven-partite basal and lower stem leaves and three to five-partite middle and upper stem leaves, densely covered with white hair on the underside. The loose corymbose-paniculate inflorescence consists of small flowers up to 12 mm in diameter. Plants of this species bloom in June-July.

    Hybrid cinquefoil (Potentilla x hybrida)

    This species combines varieties and garden forms of hybrid origin. In most plants, the rhizome is oblique or vertical, the stems are pubescent, strongly branched, erect, up to 90 cm high with leaves collected in a basal rosette - the lower leaves are trifoliate or palmate on long petioles with sharp teeth along the edges, the stem leaves are trifoliate, sessile. Velvety flowers up to 4 cm in diameter, red, yellow, dark purple or pink, form a loose racemose or corymbose inflorescence. Known varieties:

    • Master Floris– abundantly and long-blooming cinquefoil with simple large yellowish flowers;
    • Yellow Queen– Potentilla up to 30 cm tall with yellow shiny flowers;
    • Volcano– terry cinquefoil of bright red color.

    In addition to the described types of herbaceous cinquefoils, two-flowered, golden, long-leaved, shaggy, Krantz, deceptive, tansy, dark blood-red, silver-leaved, Tonga, three-toothed, shiny, stemless, snow-white, arctic and others have become widespread.

    Among the shrub species, Kuril cinquefoil, also known as yellow cinquefoil, also known as Kuril tea, or five-leaved flower (Pentaphylloides fruticosa), is grown in cultivation. In the specialized literature, this species was classified as a cinquefoil, but recently it has been separated into a separate genus - Kuril tea, Dasiphora (Dasys - densely hairy, phoros - bearing). This genus includes ten species, on the basis of which many cultivated garden forms and varieties have been bred, which are honey plants and are often used by designers to create picturesque hedges.

    Daurian cinquefoil (Pentaphylloides davurica)

    A shrub reaching a height of 60 cm with spaced bare shoots, five-partite, almost leathery leaves, with top side shiny, and with the bottom bluish. White flowers up to 2.5 cm in diameter, most often solitary, but sometimes forming few-flowered umbrella-shaped inflorescences, they bloom for more than three months. The species has been in cultivation since 1822.

    Bush cinquefoil (Pentaphylloides fruticosa)

    In nature, it has a vast range, covering the forests and forest-steppes of Western Europe and Russia, the Caucasus and Central Asia. This is an unusually hardy, highly branched plant up to one and a half meters high with gray or brown exfoliating bark and a dense hemispherical crown. Lanceolate, entire leaves up to three centimeters long and one wide, three-five-seven-parted; when young they are soft green, then they become silvery-green due to pubescence. Single or collected in loose apical corymbs or racemes, golden-yellow flowers up to 2 cm in diameter bloom from mid-June to early October.

    In cultivation since 1700, however, both in Europe and America, cultivars of this species are more often grown than wild Kuril tea, since they are more resistant to our climate.

    The most popular of the low-growing varieties are: Dakota Sunrise, Abbotswood, Goldstar, Jolaina, Goldfinger, Reisenberg with orange-yellow flowers and Farrer's White and Rhodocalyx with white flowers.

    Tall winter-hardy shrubs over a meter high are represented by varieties Elizabeth and Catherine Dykes with yellow flowers.

    Winter-hardy varieties with silver-gray leaves: Darts Golddigger, Goldterppich, Bisi.

    Compact, low varieties that require shelter for the winter: Klondike, Kobold with yellow flowers, Parvifolia, Red Ice, Red Robbin with copper-yellow flowers, Sunset with yellow-orange to brick-red flowers, Eastleigh Cream with creamy white flowers and Daydown, Royal Flash, Pretty Polly and Blink with pink flowers.

    In addition to the described species of shrubby cinquefoils, the Manchurian, small-leaved, Friedrichsen and dry-flowered five-leaved plants are of undoubted interest, the capabilities of which have not yet been sufficiently studied by breeders.

    Properties of cinquefoil and contraindications

    Useful properties of cinquefoil

    Mainly three types of herbaceous cinquefoil have healing properties - white, goose and erect, or galangal. Their properties differ slightly, and if you use cinquefoil preparations externally, then by and large it does not matter which type you use for treatment, since, as studies have shown, extracts from roots and herbs are non-toxic and have almost the same healing power. Oral administration of preparations from the aerial parts of Potentilla white stimulates the central nervous system, and extracts from the roots increase the filtering ability of the kidneys by 28%.

    White cinquefoil, like galangal, is used in the treatment of dysentery, colitis and other gastrointestinal disorders accompanied by diarrhea. Cinquefoil is also used to treat liver diseases manifested by jaundice, in particular hepatitis. In addition, white cinquefoil is used today even in traditional medicine for inflammation of the thyroid gland: an alcohol tincture of white cinquefoil, used in drops according to a certain scheme in parallel with drug treatment, gives good results.

    Preparing the tincture is very simple: crushed dry cinquefoil root is infused with vodka, then the infusion is filtered. The uniqueness of white cinquefoil lies in the fact that it contains almost the entire periodic table, there are so many macro and microelements in it: gallotanin, phenolcarboxylic acids, starch, saponins, flavonoids (rutin, quercetin, cyanidin, kaempferol), iridoids, iodine, magnesium , copper, zinc, iron, cobalt, silicon, aluminum, and the roots of the plant contain more biological substances than the above-ground part.

    The healing properties of cinquefoil erecta, or galangal grass, have been known for a long time. Chemical composition Potentilla erecta includes tannins, essential oils, flavonoids, elagic, malic and chitinic acids, wax, starch and gum, as well as vitamin C. Kalgan has an astringent, bactericidal, anti-inflammatory effect.

    Essential oil from the plant is used in the treatment of some female diseases, tinctures and decoctions - externally for eczema, atopic dermatitis, as rinses for inflammation of the oral cavity and larynx, for douching for gynecological diseases. A decoction and infusion of stems, leaves and inflorescences of galangal is used in the treatment of acute and chronic hepatitis, cirrhosis with congestion to lower the level of bilirubin in the blood and relieve edema.

    However, we must not forget that when taking galangal preparations orally, they can cause constipation due to the large amount of tannins they contain.

    Cinquefoil also contains tannins, essential oils, flavonoids, starch, as well as bitterness, ascorbic and quinic acids, choline, zinc and others necessary for a person substances. All parts of the cinquefoil are used to produce medicinal compositions: a decoction of the root is used to externally treat wounds, abrasions, hematomas, bruises, as well as weeping eczema and neurodermatitis. It gives good results when treating hemorrhoids and douching with a decoction of the vagina for gynecological inflammation. It is also effective in the treatment of stomach and duodenal ulcers, hepatitis and acute intestinal infections.

    Decoction of seeds in milk used for gastroenteritis, painful menstruation and spastic colitis. A water decoction of the herb and rhizome relieves cramps in the calf muscles. A fresh infusion of the herb treats inflammation of the oral mucosa, sore throats and pharyngitis, and also copes well with pustular skin lesions and trophic ulcers when used externally. Fresh goose cinquefoil juice in half with green rye juice is taken in a dessert spoon three times a day as a choleretic agent for removing sand and small stones.

    From shrubby species of cinquefoil healing properties have the tops of young shoots of Kuril cinquefoil. Kuril tea is used as a choleretic, diuretic, antidiarrheal, antiulcer, sedative, hemostatic, antidiabetic, antiviral, antiallergenic, analgesic and immunostimulating agent for gastrointestinal and female diseases, in the treatment of boils, abscesses and other wounds, for rinsing with sore throats, stomatitis and other inflammations of the oral cavity. It is effective for constipation and diarrhea, dysbiosis, stomach ulcers, colitis, cervical erosion and uterine bleeding.

    Cinquefoil - contraindications

    Taking preparations from cinquefoil and galangal is not recommended for people with increased blood clotting, prone to blood clots, or hypotension, since these drugs tend to lower blood pressure, like white cinquefoil. It is necessary to remove sand and stones from the ducts using a cinquefoil under the supervision of a doctor. Potentilla preparations can irritate the gastric mucosa. Pregnant women and those suffering from individual intolerance to the plant should avoid treatment with galangal.

    Subshrubs Plants on the left

    After this article they usually read

    Cinquefoil is a plant belonging to the Rosaceae family. There are many varieties and varied varieties of this plant. Moreover, among them there are not only a large number of herbaceous varieties, but also shrubs. Most cinquefoil species grow naturally in the Northern Hemisphere.

    Cinquefoil is used in landscape design for decorating alpine slides and hedges. The plant, which is unpretentious in care, is also grown in garden culture. Healing decoctions and infusions are also prepared on the basis of cinquefoil, which help in the treatment of certain diseases.

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      Description of white cinquefoil

      White cinquefoil is a herbaceous perennial and grows naturally in the central European part of Russia. The description of this plant is as follows:

      • the rhizome is thick, dark in color, reaching about 100 cm in length;
      • stems are thin, rich green;
      • has basal leaves with brown stipules;
      • at the tips the stems are covered with almost transparent hairs;
      • stem leaves are absent;
      • snow-white flowers, collected in umbrella-shaped inflorescences;
      • peduncles reach a height of about 25 cm;
      • flowering period - late spring - early summer.

      White cinquefoil

      All parts of this plant are used for medicinal purposes and medicinal decoctions are made from them. It is advisable to harvest the grass after the appearance of thawed patches, since it is during this period that white cinquefoil accumulates an impressive amount useful substances.

      Common types

      In addition to white cinquefoil, several other varieties of this plant are popular with gardeners and landscape designers. One of these species is the hybrid cinquefoil. This herbaceous perennial variety includes several varieties and garden forms of hybrid origin.

      Hybrid cinquefoil

      The plant has an oblique or vertical rhizome, pubescent erect stems that reach a height of about 90 cm, and leaves collected in a rosette. Lower leaves are located on elongated petioles with pointed teeth along the edges. The flowers reach about 4 cm in diameter and are colored reddish, yellow, pinkish or deep purple. Flowers are collected in racemose inflorescences.

      Nepalese cinquefoil

      This type of plant, Nepalese cinquefoil, is also decorative. This perennial reaches a height of no more than 50 cm and has branched straight stems. The leaves of Nepalese cinquefoil are large in size and rich green in color. The flowers are also large, about 3 cm in diameter, colored red or pinkish with streaks of light red. Flowers are collected in panicles. The flowering period of this variety occurs in mid-summer and continues until autumn.

      Cinquefoil shrub

      For decoration personal plot and creating a hedge, the cinquefoil shrub is best suited. This variety is characterized by long and lush flowering. Cinquefoil is an erect, branched shrub. There are a large number of varieties of this plant, and it is popularly called Kuril tea and dasiphora. The most commonly grown varieties are those with yellow and orange flowers.

      Popular varieties

      The most popular variety of Nepalese cinquefoil is Miss Wilmont. The variety is distinguished by abundant flowering and bright flowers of rich colors. The plant grows no more than 50 cm in height and has straight stems. Large flowers are collected in panicle inflorescences and are painted bright pink.

      Variety Miss Wilmont

      One of the decorative varieties of shrubby cinquefoil is Lovely Pink. This variety is a deciduous shrub reaching no more than 50 cm in height and 100 cm in diameter. It has a dense creeping crown and dark green leaves, which begin to turn yellow with the onset of autumn. The leaves are small, about 2 cm in length. The flowers of the Lovely Pink variety are pinkish in color, reaching no more than 5 cm in diameter. The flowering period is early summer - mid-autumn.

      Variety Lovely Pink

      A beautifully flowering frost-resistant variety of shrubby cinquefoil is Tango Mango. A small shrub reaches a height of no more than 0.6 m. The leaves of this variety are greenish in the spring and green with a silvery tint in the summer. Large flowers (6 cm) appear, as a rule, in early summer. They come in two colors, orange-reddish with a yellowish center.

      Variety Tango Mango

      A large variety of shrubby cinquefoil is Goldfinger. This shrub reaches about 100 cm in height and width. It grows at a rapid pace, 30 cm per year. Golfinger has straight, thin shoots, small greenish leaves that turn yellow in autumn, and bright large yellow flowers. This variety blooms for several months, from mid-summer.

      Variety Goldfinger

      A variety of shrubby cinquefoil such as Abbotswood will also decorate your garden plot. This compact bush reaches a height of no more than 1 meter. The foliage is yellowish-green and the flowers are colored snow white color and reach about 3 cm in diameter. Flowering period is early summer to mid-autumn. The variety is frost-resistant and is characterized by rapid growth.

      Abbotswood variety

      A variety of shrubby cinquefoil called Red Ice is distinguished by its abundant flowering. A small, round-shaped bush reaches a height of no more than 60 cm. The flowers of this variety are colored reddish. During dry summers they become yellowish in color. The flowering period of Red Ice begins in the first days of summer and continues until mid-autumn. The leaves of the plant have a greenish tint. By autumn they turn yellow.

      Variety Red Ice

      One of the best varieties of shrubby cinquefoil is Goldstar. This small shrub reaches a height of no more than 80 cm. It blooms with large flowers of a rich yellow hue. The foliage of this variety is grayish-green. Goldstar begins to bloom at the beginning of summer and ends in mid-autumn. It is drought-resistant and winter-hardy.

      Variety Goldstar

      One of the most attractive varieties of cinquefoil, characterized by long-lasting flowering, is Princess. This bush variety it grows no more than 80 cm in height. Its foliage is of a greenish tint, becoming yellowish in autumn. The flowers, up to 3 cm in diameter, are pinkish in color. When exposed to sunlight, the edges of the petals begin to fade and become almost white.

      A drainage layer should be placed at the bottom of the planting hole, for which it is better to use pebbles or crushed stone. Sprinkle a layer of a mixture of leaf soil, river sand and humus in a ratio of 2:1:2 on top. It is worth adding 100 grams of mineral fertilizer to the mixture. After planting, white cinquefoil must be watered abundantly and the soil near the plant must be mulched. Sawdust or straw should be used as mulch.


      Caring for cinquefoil involves timely watering and fertilizing. In rainy summers, cinquefoil does not require additional watering. In dry summers, it is necessary to water the plant several times a week, preventing the soil from drying out. Use for watering cold water This is not possible, since the root system will be severely damaged; it is advisable to use filtered warm water. Immediately before watering, it is necessary to loosen the soil.

      During active growth, the perennial needs feeding. In the spring, it is recommended to feed the plant with 30 grams of phosphate and potassium sulfate, which must first be diluted in 10 liters of water. During the budding period, you need to fertilize the cinquefoil with a complex fertilizer with a high content of phosphorus and potassium. When applying fertilizer, you must follow the instructions on the package.

      Shrub cinquefoil, in addition to the above procedures, must also be pruned. Pruning in the spring is formative, and in the fall - sanitary. In the spring, it is necessary to cut off broken, dried branches and give the bush a ball shape. At the beginning of autumn, old and elongated shoots should be removed.


      You can grow cinquefoil from seeds, but this propagation method is rarely used because it is too labor-intensive for a novice gardener. To begin, sow the seeds in containers at the end of winter. It is recommended to sow them in a spacious box with holes for drainage. The boxes must be filled with a soil mixture of peat and humus, taken in equal proportions. Seedlings must be covered with polyethylene or glass.

      Optimal temperature regime for seedling germination - +16 degrees.

      Potentilla can also be propagated by cuttings. First you need to select several last year's shoots and remove leaves and flowers from them. The length of each cutting must be at least 8 cm. The cuttings must be rooted in open ground, in a place protected from drafts and sun. They need to be covered with a plastic bottle to create a greenhouse effect. Several times a day it is necessary to ventilate the cuttings and spray them. If buds appear on the cuttings, they should be removed. Young plants should be covered for the winter.

      Healing properties

      White cinquefoil is used not only in folk medicine, but also in official medicine. Ointments and alcohol tinctures are made from parts of this plant. Indications for the use of cinquefoil-based products:

      • heart and vascular diseases;
      • diseases of the stomach and intestines (ulcers, colitis, enterocolitis);
      • liver diseases (hepatitis, cholecystitis).

      Medicines also help normalize the menstrual cycle and ovarian function and improve general condition after a heart attack and stroke. Medicines based on the stems and leaves of white cinquefoil help stimulate the nervous system, strengthen the immune system and fight viruses.

      White cinquefoil, the use of which has been described by doctors for pathologies of the thyroid gland, can improve the condition of the endocrine system. In folk medicine, this plant material is used not only for preparing decoctions and tinctures, but also for making ointments for external use. They can treat skin ailments such as eczema, seborrhea and ulcers. Before starting to use medicines based on cinquefoil, you should consult your doctor.

    Cinquefoil shrub is great for decorating the garden. Flower growers are attracted by easy care and long, active flowering. Under natural conditions, the plant grows in Siberia, Mongolia, China, Western Europe, Far East and mountainous Altai. Cinquefoil forms dense thickets on rocky slopes and screes and feels great when settling in the area of ​​rocks. There are about fifteen species of shrubs in the genus, and there are dozens of varieties. In areas with temperate weather conditions, cinquefoils are most commonly found with orange and yellow flowers. Cinquefoil also has other names: Kuril tea, five-leaf plant, dasiphora.

    Botanical description and photographs of the plant

    Cinquefoil is a deciduous shrub, reaching a height of fifty to one hundred centimeters. The plant can be called a long-liver: it lives for twenty to thirty years. Every year ten to fifteen centimeters of new shoots appear.

    The shrub is highly branched, the shoots are covered with red-brown bark, which tends to peel off. The dense crown takes the shape of a ball. The leaf of the plant is formed from five parts (sometimes from three to seven). Hairy leaves, first colored delicate shade green in color, later acquiring a silvery tint. They have a pointed tip, solid, sometimes rolled edges. They reach three centimeters in length and one in width. The ovoid stipules are fused with the petioles.

    The flowers bloom either solitary or collected in a racemose or corymbose inflorescence. They have five petals and are golden yellow in color. Each flower contains thirty stamens, due to this the middle is covered with a fluffy brush. After flowering, fruits appear, which are a collection of achenes. The bush appears to be covered with brown “buttons” with fine hairs.

    The flowering period lasts from June to October; one bush can delight with sunny flowers for more than two months.

    Planting shrubby cinquefoil in open ground

    Cinquefoil shrubs are planted in open ground in early spring, after the end of night frosts or in early autumn.

    Selecting a location

    In order for the plant to actively develop and bloom profusely, it is important to choose a suitable site for planting. Choose a well-lit place for growing cinquefoil.

    This condition should be carefully observed if varieties with bright, saturated colors grow in the garden: red, pink, orange. With prolonged exposure to scorching rays, the petals of such varieties lose their saturation and fade. Placing it in partial shade has a negative effect on the cinquefoil: it may refuse to flower.

    Choosing soil for a plant

    To plant cinquefoil, choose soil with a small amount of limestone.

    Loose, nutritious soil is preferable for planting cinquefoil. It thrives in slightly acidic soil, with a small amount of limestone. Some species prefer sandy substances.

    Sowing seeds

    Gardeners with a lot of experience sow seeds directly into open ground. For beginners, preliminary cultivation of seedlings is recommended.

    To sow seeds, prepare a wide container with holes for drainage. It's being filled out nutrient substrate, consisting equally of peat and humus. The soil is moistened, sowing is done, after which the seeds are covered with a small layer of soil. The box is covered clear glass or polyethylene. The container is placed in a room with a temperature of sixteen to eighteen degrees Celsius.

    Caring for seedlings is simple: periodic watering and ventilation of the greenhouse. The appearance of seedlings is not expected soon. They grow slowly at first. When three leaves appear, the strongest seedlings are transplanted into separate containers. In summer, seedlings with well-developed roots are sent to a permanent place of residence in open ground.

    Planting cinquefoil seedlings

    Three days before planting, dig a hole. Its size should be twice the volume of the roots. It is recommended to use lime gravel for drainage, because calcium is necessary for the healthy development of the plant.

    The pit is filled with a nutrient mixture consisting of one part humus, one part leaf soil, half a part sand with grains of medium diameter and complex mineral fertilizer in the amount of one hundred twenty to one hundred and forty grams.

    Before placing the seedling in the hole, it is filled with a nutrient mixture.

    The seedling is placed in a hole, straightening the roots. The resulting voids are filled with earth, periodically compacting the layer to avoid leaving air spaces. The root collar should protrude slightly above the ground. A distance of thirty centimeters is maintained between seedlings. At the final stage, the young plants are watered, and the rounded area next to them is mulched using straw, grass or wood chips.

    Planting in autumn

    Cinquefoil can be planted in open ground in the fall, using the seeds as seed. In winter they undergo stratification, and in spring they unanimously show green leaves above the ground. In this case, they are planted in the spring.

    Cinquefoil shrub is not very demanding in terms of care.

    Growing cinquefoil shrub does not require much effort and time. Every gardener can carry out basic care.

    Cinquefoil is able to tolerate some drought, but the gardener must still carefully monitor the moisture of the soil. The plant is usually watered once every two weeks, pouring ten to twelve liters of water under each bush, pre-heated in a garden container to ambient temperature.

    In the case of soil mulching, weeding is rarely done, removing only large weeds. Every week the soil is loosened, providing fresh air access to the plant. During this procedure, extreme caution is used, trying not to injure the roots. Feed the cinquefoil three to four times throughout the season, using complex fertilizers for flowering plants, a solution of mullein with ash or an extract of vermicompost.

    Shrub pruning

    The plant is pruned in early spring and autumn. If a gardener breeds compact cinquefoils, they carry out a sanitary procedure and get rid of broken and dried branches. Strongly branched shrubs are shaped into a ball, pyramid or pillow. Flowers that have crossed the seven-year threshold should be rejuvenated by annually cutting out one third of the old branches until they are completely renewed.

    Pruning is tolerated by the plant quite easily. If a gardener grows cinquefoil as a hedge, it is formed in a special way.

    Interesting! To give the plant a ball shape, cut off excess shoots using a hoop or ball.

    Cinquefoil propagates through seeds, cuttings, dividing the bush and layering. Propagated by layering and cuttings in July - August, bushes are divided in spring or autumn. To divide the rhizome, a bush no younger than four years old is removed from the soil, the roots are thoroughly washed and divided with a sharp, clean knife into parts having two to three buds each. A stimulator is used to form roots and the cuttings are planted in the ground without deepening the buds. Distance – twenty to forty centimeters.

    Cuttings are obtained from the ends of shoots. Root in moistened perlite for one and a half months. Planting in a shady area of ​​the garden is acceptable. In this case, they are placed under a jar or plastic bottle. The buds that appear are torn off, preserving the strength of the flower. In winter, the cuttings are covered.

    Cinquefoil bush propagates by seeds, cuttings, dividing the bush and layering.

    The easiest way to propagate cinquefoil is by layering. In the spring, a shoot is selected, cut, laid down with the cut side down, attached to the ground at this point and covered with earth. When the cuttings form their own roots, they are separated from the mother plant and planted in a new place as an independent bush.

    Pests and control methods

    Diseases and pests rarely attack Kuril tea. Occasionally, rust can be detected, which appears as purple or yellow spots. At advanced stages of the disease, the leaves dry out and curl. Sulfur, soap emulsion and many other fungicides are used for treatment.

    Using plants in landscape design

    With the help of shrubby cinquefoil they decorate any garden compositions. Designers often use this particular plant in their projects, paying tribute to its unpretentiousness and versatility. The shrub is planted in a stone garden among boulders as a tapeworm.

    Cinquefoil shrub harmonizes well with any planting.

    Group plantings are also great place for planting Kuril tea. If a designer creates a garden project in oriental style, he always pays attention to the bright cinquefoil, which effectively complements the overall picture. The classic color of the flowers is a bright yellow tint, but varieties with white and pink flowers look great in the garden. You can decorate your garden with varieties of “Lovely Pink”, “Red Ice” and many others.

    Interesting! Shrubs taller than one and a half meters are used for landscaping hedges and borders. With the help of a haircut, they are given the required shape. A low hedge serves as the boundary of the functional areas of the garden and fits perfectly into compositions as a ring or edging.

    Cinquefoil harmonizes with any decorative plantings. Bright flowers, shrubs, and trees look great in a group with cinquefoil. You can combine Kuril tea and barberry or Bumald spirea.

    A special place is given to the combination of cinquefoil with coniferous trees. If you look from the point of view of the color scheme, then flowers of blue, light blue and white colors look great with the plant.

    Useful properties

    Cinquefoil shrub is used as a folk remedy.

    Along with its decorative properties, shrubby cinquefoil has useful qualities. Fresh leaves contain a lot of ascorbic acid and vitamin A. Tannins, catechins, essential oils and phenolcarboxylic acids are found in shoots and leaves. In alternative medicine for mental and nervous diseases, an infusion of the leaves and flowers of the plant is used. Some people drink an infusion of the branches to treat abdominal pain.

    Children's doctors consider an infusion of Kuril tea an excellent remedy for use against dysbacteriosis. The infusion is a diuretic, normalizes metabolism and helps with urinary incontinence at night.
