Evergreen indoor fern: care at home, varieties of perennial plants for growing in a pot. Indoor fern Potted fern

Lovers of comfort in the home and indoor flowers increasingly prefer house fern. What attracts them to this amazing plant? Unusual appearance or its beneficial properties?

Description and characteristics of indoor fern

The fern belongs to the fern family, which is distributed throughout the world. The indoor fern is an unpretentious and ornamental plant, with wide and spreading leaves.

One of characteristic features fern is the absence of seeds. Despite this, the plant has the ability to reproduce due to the presence of special spores (soruses) near its roots.

The appearance of the fern is very different from the usual indoor flowers. The leaves of the plant look like dissected feathers. The color of indoor fern is usually light green, and its height can reach 1 meter.

The benefits of indoor fern

The fern has many useful properties. The root of this plant is widely used in folk medicine, A amazing leaves find their use in cooking.

An ordinary indoor fern perfectly absorbs dust and purifies the air. In addition, the flower neutralizes electromagnetic rays that come from a TV, computer monitor, microwave oven. By placing a pot with this plant in close proximity to a source of electromagnetic radiation, you can get rid of headaches, fatigue and many other consequences of using electronics.

Fern in treatment: properties and benefits

In addition to absorbing electromagnetic rays and dust particles, fern is widely used in folk medicine, as it has an analgesic, diuretic and laxative effect, and also removes all harmful toxins from the body.

Particular attention is paid to the root of this plant. From different parts home ferns prepare a variety of remedies for the treatment of helminthiasis, removal of tapeworms and tapeworms.

With the help of fern, varicose veins are treated, and also increase immunity and strengthen the body. Salted fern shoots perfectly relieve stress and have a beneficial effect on nervous system. Fern root powder is used to eliminate inguinal hernia in men.

Please note that the fern has a mass useful qualities, therefore it is used in the treatment of cancer, gastrointestinal disorders, oophoritis, ulcers, rheumatism and migraines.

How to care for a fern without harming it

When deciding to purchase an indoor fern, you need to take into account that it, like any plant, needs a list of conditions important for successful development and life. Ferns will not thrive in a home that does not meet the following conditions:

1. Lighting
2. Air temperature
3. Regularity of watering
4. Humidity

For house fern optimal temperature is 15-24 degrees. If the temperature of the fern’s habitat in the house is below 12 or above 25, then the plant is likely to wither.

An important point for the life of a fern is air humidity. The plant will feel good in a space with 40-60% air humidity. In order to increase the humidity in the room, you can purchase a special air humidifier, but it is enough just to regularly spray the leaves of the plant.

As for watering, it all depends on the season and air humidity in the house. Basically, the fern is watered 1-2 times a week, but you can also focus on soil moisture: when the soil in the flowerpot is dry, you can water it. It is necessary to pay attention that this amount of watering is optimal, since both dry and too moist soil can lead to detrimental consequences for the plant. Overwatering, for example, will cause the flower's roots to rot. Also, the fern needs watering exclusively with “soft” water. To do this, you need to let the water brew for several days at room temperature.

Gardeners often like to fertilize their plants, but does a fern really need it? Certainly. To fertilize this flower, it is enough to add mineral or organic fertilizers. It is important to consider that winter time The fern has not been fertilized for years.

If we consider the issue of lighting in which this plant will live comfortably, it is important to consider that the fern does not like direct sunlight. Due to excessive sunlight, the leaves of the flower may fade and turn yellow. Optimal place for fern – flower stand. It provides diffused sunlight that is comfortable for this plant.

The fern signals the need for replanting by the light green color of its leaves, but such signs are often found only in young shoots. Usually, the plant is replanted every two to three years in the spring, when the flower no longer fits in its pot.

Types of fern

The fern family includes more than a thousand varieties of this plant. But which ones can you grow at home? The following types of ferns are adapted for living in close proximity to people:
This type of fern is famous for its unpretentiousness. It performs well as a decorative function for indoor plants, forming a lush and spreading bush. Also, one of the advantages of this type is rapid growth.
This species of the fern family has similarities with a palm tree and requires a lot of space in the house.

This species is also called “Venus hair”, as it has quite thin stems and small leaves. Unlike the brothers described above, it needs careful care and self-care.

What harm can a fern cause?

An ordinary indoor fern does not cause much harm. The only points that can be highlighted are an allergic reaction to this flower, which is quite rare, and the release of carbon dioxide. As for the second statement, this point applies to all indoor plants, since when they absorb oxygen, they release carbon dioxide, which can cause headaches and dizziness in humans. You can avoid the harmful influence very simply - do not place the flower in the bedroom.

If an indoor fern standing in a flowerpot does not cause any particular harm, then eating or treating home flower, can be harmful to human health, and also has contraindications. It is important to note that fern is a poisonous plant.

It should be noted that taking tinctures and decoctions based on indoor fern can lead to intoxication of the body. Poisoning with fern products is characterized by nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, convulsions and fainting. In the event of a sad outcome from consuming the plant, it is necessary to quickly remove it from the body and cleanse the stomach.

Taking home cactus for food or for treatment purposes is strictly prohibited if the following factors are present:

Kidney and liver diseases
Ages up to two years
Weakened immune system
Diseases gastrointestinal tract in the acute stage of development

How to care for Asplenium fern at home is briefly described below.

Kostenets- distributed throughout the globe, mainly in the tropics. There are from 20 to 800 species.

  • Location: A bright place, without direct sunlight.
  • Temperature: 16-24 °C, but in winter not lower than 18 °C
  • Humidity: Average.
  • Substrate: Flower mixture soil with leaf compost.
  • Watering: abundantly, but you need to take into account that everything depends on the air humidity and temperature in the apartment.
  • Feeding: Once every 2 weeks with mineral and organic fertilizers in spring and summer.
  • Transfer: As needed.
  • Trimming: remove dried leaves and petioles as necessary.
  • Reproduction: Disputes, dividing the bush.
  • Pests, diseases: Spider mite, scale insect.

Caring for the Davallia house fern at home is quite simple and does not take much time.

Davallia - exotic look fern. A genus of perennial, fast-growing plants.

  • Temperature: in summer 18-21°C, in winter at least 16°C.
  • Humidity: Low.
  • Watering: Moisturize moderately in winter and generously during hot periods of the year.
  • Feeding: Liquid fertilizer 2 times a month during active growing season.
  • Transfer: As needed in the spring.
  • Reproduction: Dividing the bush.
  • Pests, diseases: Shchitovka; The plant grows very poorly.

Caring for indoor fern Polypodium (centipede) at home consists of observing a number of indicators.

  • Location: Loves coolness and shade.
  • Temperature: in summer up to 23-25°C, and in winter period not lower than 13°C.
  • Humidity: High.
  • Watering: The autumn-winter period is moderate, the spring-summer period needs to be watered abundantly.
  • Feeding: In autumn and winter without fertilizing, and in spring and summer once a week with mineral and organic fertilizers.
  • Transfer: In the spring.
  • Reproduction: Dividing the bush.
  • Pests, diseases: Aphids, whiteflies, scale insects, springtails, thrips, root rot.

How to properly care for indoor nephrolepis fern is briefly described below.

  • Location: bright place with diffused light, without direct access sun rays.
  • Temperature: In summer - 15-17°C, and in winter at least 14°C.
  • Humidity: High.
  • Watering: In the hot season, abundant watering is recommended, and in winter - moderate.
  • Feeding: in summer 1 time every 2 weeks using complex organic and mineral fertilizers.
  • Transfer: Once a year in the spring.
  • Reproduction: By dividing rhizomes and cuttings.
  • Pests and diseases: Scale, root rot.

How to properly transplant an indoor fern (with video)

Before transplanting indoor flower fern, you should know that this plant is quite sensitive to changes in germination conditions. Adaptation to the new nutrient substrate can last up to 2 months. It is best to update the soil and change the pot using the transshipment method - a method of replanting indoor flowers, which preserves the old soil layer on the rhizomes.

As a rule, this procedure is performed in the spring. Fern is house plant, preferring loose soil with admixtures of pine needles, leaves and peat. The most favorable soil acidity is 5-6.5 pH. For self-cooking The soil mixture requires the following ingredients:

  • Peat.
  • Leaf soil.
  • Humus.
  • Bone meal.

All components of the list must be mixed in a ratio of 1:1:1:1.5.

To carry out the transplant, you need to select a pot 2-3 cm larger in diameter than the previous one. Place on the bottom drainage layer 2-2.5 cm thick. Carefully transfer the plant without damaging the roots. Afterwards, it is enough to fill the remaining space with fresh soil and water it with water at room temperature.

Watch the video about correct transplantation indoor fern, which shows the whole process in detail:

First you need to collect mature planting material. It is located in special education– sporangia, which turn brown when ready for seedlings. In some species, spores may be located in pinpoints.

The second stage will be holding planting material in a paper bag until it dries and is completely ripened. As soon as the mass looks like a brown free-flowing powder, you can move on to the last stage of planting. To do this, just add thin layer spores into moist soil.

This method is very labor-intensive and painstaking. To make it more effective, you can use methods for creating a home greenhouse. For example, cover the container with spores with polyethylene, glass or plastic bottle with a cut bottom.

How indoor fern propagates by division

The easiest way to plant young shoots is to plant young shoots during plant transplantation (in spring). To do this, you need to carefully cut off the young parts of the plant with part of the root system. Then plant the seedling in a separate container, water it and cover it with a greenhouse.

Take a look at the photos of the escapes indoor plant fern and its name for reference:

The most likely cause is dry air. Ferns love moisture and dark places, water it more often and place it in a dark and cool place. Remember, they cannot tolerate direct sunlight.

If the fern does not have enough moisture, place the pot with your “green favorite” on a tray with damp sand. This will increase the humidity level.

Trim yellowed and damaged branches - they will no longer turn green, but will only take away the strength of the plant.

Another reason why an indoor fern flower turns yellow is watering with cold or too hard water. This tropical plant cannot tolerate such temperature changes. Therefore, carefully monitor the water used for irrigation.

The last common reason why the leaves of an indoor fern flower dry is that the temperature of the plant is too low and drafts. Any type of this vegetation reacts negatively to such environmental conditions.

Try to protect the flower pot from the winds by moving it away from the window or insulating the opening with specialized means.

Another sign of poor plant health is dryness of its leaves. The main reasons why an indoor fern flower dries are described below.

Due to mistakes in caring for the plant, its leaves may dry out and curl. A similar problem is encountered most often in the autumn-spring period. The reason for this is too high temperature and dry air, this can harm the fern. First, the tips of the leaves will dry out, and then the entire leaf.

The second reason why an indoor fern flower dries out is insufficient moisture. In this case, you should create a watering schedule. It is very important to monitor the condition of the soil in which the fern grows; it should always be moist, but not overwatered.

Pests can greatly harm your plant. Their vital activity on the fern leads to the fact that its leaves simply die and fall off. In this case, the reason that the leaves of the house fern dry out is the harmful effects of insects.

To solve this problem, it is enough to remove the affected parts of the plant and remove pests using specialized or folk remedies(alcohol, laundry soap, etc.).

The most common reason why the leaves of an indoor fern dry out is disrupted light conditions. Prolonged exposure of vegetation to direct scorching sunlight is detrimental to the flower. Remember that healthy growth and development of ferns requires soft, indirect light and moisture.

Caring for indoor fern at home is not very difficult, so many plant lovers choose this particular specimen among many. Of the large number of fern species, the most popular is Nephrolepis. He has a beautiful and lush crown, capable of enlivening even the most boring interior.

Flower growers love fern for its beauty and unpretentiousness. However, there are still growing peculiarities, and in order for the plant to look attractive, they must be observed.

The main feature of Nephrolepis is its ability to detect dirty air, in which it immediately begins to wither.

Unsuitable conditions for it are being in a stuffy, smoky or dusty room. The fern “does not like” low air humidity.

The flower can stoically tolerate the lack of regular watering, high or low temperatures. But if air environment If it is not clean enough, its leaves will quickly turn yellow and dry out.

Home care

Caring for indoor ferns is easy. Like any other house plant, it requires a certain soil, a suitable location in the apartment, watering and spraying. It cannot do without periodic fertilization. In addition, you should know the peculiarities of replanting a flower, since this must be done every year due to its rapid growth.

Soil requirements

The plant prefers loose soil with plenty of leaves and humus. Sometimes it may contain peat or pine needles. The soil should be very loose and airy. Through it, water will easily flow to the roots.

The roots of the plant can rot from overwatering, so the pot needs good drainage.

You can purchase ready-made soil at the store or prepare it yourself if you have sufficient skills for this.

For cooking you will need to take in equal proportions:

  • turf land;
  • peat;
  • leaf soil.

You should also add a little humus and sand. This recipe is the most suitable, creating the very soil conditions that indoor ferns require.

However, clay tends to become covered with fungus, which is very difficult to remove later.

Plastic containers are also suitable. It should be remembered that this material does not allow air to pass through and does not have good stability. In order for the plant to feel great and not fall from the surface, you need to choose a stable and large pot. Its diameter in diameter should be 2 times smaller size crown of a flower.

Lighting and temperature conditions

Nephrolepis leaves are large and green, so their need for a large amount of diffused sunlight is quite logical. The plant can tolerate shade, but it will not look as impressive.

Direct rays of the sun will scorch the leaves, leaving brown spots on them. Therefore, it is better to place the fern near the window, but not on the windowsill.

The optimal temperature for keeping is 15-22 degrees. The room may be warmer, especially during the heating season, so during this period it is recommended to moisten the leaves more often by spraying. The minimum temperature at which indoor fern survives is 5 degrees.

Watering and spraying

You need to water the fern with soft water, slightly warm. In the summer season, this can be done 2 times more often than in winter. Otherwise, in winter the plant will continue to grow and will be too elongated with small leaves, since there is not enough sunlight.

Watering should be such that the soil in the pot remains slightly moist. Excess water, like drought, are not better conditions for indoor fern.

Spraying the leaves must be done daily, especially during the heating season. Excessive dry air is not suitable for nephrolepis. You can also take care of suitable humidity in the room. To do this, it is recommended to purchase a humidifier or regularly hang a wet towel on the radiator. Such a microclimate in an apartment is useful not only for the flower, but also for people.

It is better to use distilled or rain water, as tap water will leave white spots on the greens.

Feeding and fertilizer

It is recommended to fertilize indoor ferns in spring and summer. This can be done using any ready-made feeding solutions. They must be diluted according to the instructions on the package. Then add the same amount to the resulting solution. clean water. This feeding option is the most suitable for nephrolepis.

How to replant?

One of the main stages in caring for a green flower is its replanting. It needs to be done every year, as the rhizome of the plant grows quickly. The crown also becomes larger, which is why the previous pot may not be able to withstand its weight. Choose a new container that is 2-3 cm larger in diameter.

To transplant an indoor fern, you will need:

  1. Gently holding the flower by the base, pull it out of the container along with the earthen lump.
  2. Shake off some of the old soil from the rhizome. If there are rotting roots, they must be removed.
  3. Place the plant in a new container and cover the surface with fresh soil.

It is best to transplant in the spring. If this is done at another time of the year, the indoor fern will take a long time to take root and will not look its best.

Propagation of indoor fern

The most suitable way to propagate nephrolepis is by dividing the mother bush. This action can be performed during the transplantation period. The plant is inspected for the presence of daughter rosettes, after which they are separated with part of the roots from the common rhizome. They also need to be planted with pre-prepared soil.

At the stage of growing a new fern, it is necessary to carefully monitor the microclimate in the room and strictly adhere to all requirements for caring for the flower. Some of the sockets do not take root, which is the norm. However, dividing an indoor fern is the most simple method for its reproduction.

Plant diseases and pests

Ferns can get sick, like any other houseplant. Most of the troubles are associated with improper care, as well as insufficient attention from the owner at the stage of purchasing and replanting a flower.

To reduce the incidence of nephrolepis, it is necessary:

  1. Avoid preparing soil yourself. Store-bought soil is thoroughly sterilized and pest-free.
  2. Quarantine newly acquired plants.
  3. Do not leave the flower in drafts, in direct sunlight, or near a radiator.
  4. Monitor soil moisture and do not overwater the soil.

Possible diseases and how to deal with them:

  • Anthracnose

It appears as dark brown streaks at the ends of the leaves. It is recommended to remove the affected leaves from the plant and treat the crown with a fungicide. Watering should be reduced for some time and the leaves should not be sprayed.

  • Rhizome rotting

First the leaves turn yellow, then turn brown. The fern dies quickly. On initial stage It is important to monitor watering and not to over-moisten the soil.

  • Leaf spot

Appears wet brown spots. It is necessary to completely remove the affected areas, treat the plant with a fungicide and not water for a while.

  • Gray rot

Leaves, stems and soil are covered with a gray moldy coating. The fern should be quarantined, all affected leaves should be removed, and treated with an anti-mold solution.

  • Pests

Ferns are affected by: whiteflies, white duras, mealybugs, nematodes, spider mite ick, aphids, thrips, mealybugs and others. Most pests start due to improper care behind the plant. Affected areas should be removed by thoroughly treating the entire crown and rhizome with a suitable insect repellent solution. In this case, the plant requires quarantine, since the pests quickly move on to healthy flowers.

Among them are:

  • falling leaves - occurs due to insufficient watering, darkening - the consequences of overwatering;
  • yellowness on the leaves indicates dry air;
  • slow growth and pale green foliage indicate insufficient feeding.

If you follow all the conditions for keeping nephrolepis, it will decorate any room with the greenery of its lush crown. Therefore, all the effort to care for the flower is definitely worth your time.

Nowadays you almost never see summer cottage plot without majestic ferns creating cozy seating areas. I would like to extend this beautiful period in winter, admire the lacy leaves of the plant, and inhale its extraordinary aroma.

The plant was used to decorate homes even during Victorian era. Now they are full owners of greenhouses, offices, hotel lobbies, winter gardens ordinary apartments. Among them are natives of subtropical regions, residents of regions with temperate climatic conditions. To ensure that the plant pleases the owner all season long:

Create optimal conditions the development of any type of fern that retained the features of the ancient plants that surrounded the world of dinosaurs

Perennial epiphytic plants number about 1000 species growing in natural conditions. Many, having survived natural disasters, have adapted well to living indoors. From their varieties, breeders have obtained many new forms of large, small, and medium-sized beautiful plants.

All of them have a short rhizome, dissected pinnate leaves, and spores on the lower surface of the leaf. In the initial stage of development, plants form mysterious loops in the form of spirals from unopened leaves, enhancing their decorative effect and attracting attention. For short time When they come into contact with the ground, roots appear and a new plant is formed, suitable for reproduction.

The most popular among them are considered following types plants:

  1. Nephrolepis. The plant's homeland is considered to be tropical areas in America, Africa, Asia, and Australia. In home care, the varieties Curly, Sublime, Boston, and Heart-leaved are considered unpretentious and are easy to grow. Beautiful leaves, forming a spectacular rosette, have numerous shades green. The length of the leaves reaches 50 cm. The variety looks especially impressive when grown in hanging pots.
  2. Asplenium or ossicle. Tall bush with undivided, wavy leaves shiny, green hue. In the center of the leaf there is a dark vein that gives the fern original look. In nature, the fern species grows as an epiphyte high on trees. Among indoor plant types, Asplenium bulbifera is often grown.
  3. Platycerium. The plant belongs to the family of many legume species. It is characterized by two types of leaves. Some are carriers of spores that resemble deer antlers. In some areas it is called " antler" Other sterile fronds grow at the base of the stems. In the process of development, they turn from green to brown, turning into a source of nutrition for the fern.
  4. Davallia. Otherwise, the plant is called “hare’s foot.” Thick, shaggy rhizomes are red in color. The stems are strewn with succulent leaves.
  5. Derbyanka, blekhnum. This species is similar in shape to a palm tree. The crown, consisting of hard leaves, grows almost a meter in diameter.
  6. Polypodium. It has a creeping rhizome, thin stems with dissected leaves. Young bushes can develop in the air, receiving nutrition from the mother plant through the rhizome.
  7. Maidenhair. Delicate fern leaves are often used in shaping wedding bouquets. Grows quickly. Spores shine through the thin leaves, making the bush even more elegant.
  8. Disconia. The variety grows in the form of a huge tree. Used at a young age to create the necessary compositions that imitate a tropical forest.

Optimal growing conditions

Proper care involves strict implementation of measures to ensure the creation of a microclimate similar to the natural living conditions of the plant.

The negative reaction of the fern to poor quality care is expressed in the premature falling of leaves

To prevent this from happening, you must endure agricultural techniques growing ferns.

Location, lighting, temperature

All types of ferns do well in the absence of direct sunlight. For low varieties choose window sills facing north and west. In greenhouses, pots are often placed on racks. Types of ferns for warm rooms they try to ensure a temperature of 18°.

For all types of plants, reducing it after 10 will have a harmful effect. At high temperatures, the leaves quickly wither and dry out. Many potted plant species actively develop in partial shade. In winter, most species need to be provided with a temperature of 15°. In summer, containers with plants are placed on the veranda, balcony, garden, and other places protected from drafts and cold winds. The plant reacts negatively to the presence of dust and smoke.

Watering, humidity, fertilizing

Irrigation mode, creation of the required air humidity values ​​is considered important element fern agricultural technology. Water the plant regularly, using a large volume of water. The higher the ambient temperature, the more often it is watered.

Dry soil in a pot quickly creates conditions for the death of the fern. The leaves are not restored. It is necessary to carry out measures to completely renew the bush

Water for irrigation should not contain lime. Most often, it is recommended to use boiled water, standing for several days, which has room temperature. During the dormant period, water a little less, without stopping completely.

By analogy with the natural conditions of humid forests, ferns require the creation of high humidity near the place of their development. Especially during the summer heat or winter with a working heating system. Spraying is carried out up to three times a day. Industrial humidifiers are often used traditional methods such as wrapping clay pots with damp cloth or moss. There are types of ferns, for example, Ruddy's adiantum, that are grown in a terrarium.

The first sign of insufficient watering is the appearance of brown spots on the leaves. If the plant has grown and replanting is not planned in the near future, then watering is done from a tray, and the pot is kept in water for about 20 minutes until the soil is completely moistened. Excessive watering leads to souring and compaction of the soil. The breathing and nutritional patterns of the plant are disrupted. It quickly takes on a weakened appearance without beautiful, succulent leaves.

You can help a plant affected by drought as follows:

  1. Remove dried leaves.
  2. Trim remaining green fronds.
  3. Move the pot to a sunny, warm place.
  4. Water regularly, without excess water.
  5. After green loops appear, switch to normal plant care methods.

Soil, fertilizers

Vases, baskets, pots, and tubs are used as containers for growing ferns. It is best to use ready-made soil mixture offered for sale. In the case of preparing the soil yourself, a composition of two parts peat, one part leaf humus, and the same amount of coarse sand is recommended.

Vigorous ferns are provided with a more nutritious soil composition. For epiphytic species, plants with golden, silvery leaves, rotten wood from forest trees is added to the soil. The soil acidity level should have a Ph value from 5.0 to 6.7 units.

To create beautiful garden from ferns at home, the plants must be fed with organic, mineral fertilizers. This is done during the period of active growth of leaves from spring to early autumn. Fertilizing is combined with watering once a week, using standard fertilizers offered by different manufacturers.

Planting, propagation, pest control

As the fern develops, its roots densely fill the entire volume of the pot. This serves as a sign that an adult plant needs to be replanted. Young specimens are replanted every year. To do this, choose a wide, not very deep pot. Effective drainage must be organized at its bottom.

The plant does not tolerate transplantation well. This must be done carefully by transferring the plant to a new pot. The best time carrying out work is spring

Along with replanting, plant propagation is often carried out. Perform the procedure in different ways. The choice is determined by the experience and desire of the grower. For example, disputes, as in wildlife, specialists are able to deal with the creation of new varieties.

There are species of fern that produce shoots in the form of peculiar tendrils, daughter rosettes formed on fronds. Their use simplifies the process home breeding plants. The fern is divided into specific parts, taking into account the preservation of several leaves on each, a strong growing point, and a sufficient piece of rhizome.

At proper care The plant suffers from diseases and pests rarely attack it. The main enemies are spider mites and scale insects. For control, spraying with tobacco dust and appropriate insecticides such as Decis, Inta-Virr, Actellik, Derris is used. Thrips most often appear in extremely dry air conditions.

If used frequently for watering cold water, then the bushes are easily affected by the nematode. The leaves turn yellow and dry out quickly. It is difficult to save it even after immediate transplantation into disinfected new soil or another pot. The appearance of aphids is noticeable by the light-colored tips of young shoots. They curl up and fall off.

Remembering interesting legends about blooming fern With bated breath, you can expect a miracle surrounded by your own magical plants, inhaling their aroma, enjoying the outlandish beauty of its leaves.

One of the most mysterious plants on Earth is the fern. This species has existed for millions of years. On the night of Ivan Kupala, many who want to find a flower of this plant go into the forest, but no one has found it yet. Everyone knows the fern, some know it only as a forest dweller, and for some this green beauty feels quite comfortable in their room.

If you want to plant a fern behind it, it’s not at all difficult. You just need to familiarize yourself with some rules so as not to bring your green pet to death. nephrolepis is most often found among flower lovers. The richness of its leaves makes the room feel cozy.

Indoor fern: care at home

Among all ferns, Nephrolepis is the best option for growing indoors, as it is the hardiest representative of this species. Nephrolepis - very beautiful ornamental plant with leaves of rich green color, dark and light shades. The color of the leaves depends entirely on the lighting and the soil in the flowerpot.

How to care for indoor fern? The main thing is not to flood or overfeed the plant. In addition, there are some other features: you need to know what the fern likes, and what makes it start to hurt and dry out. Basically there are no difficulties, you just need to follow the rules outlined in this article. As a result, you will get a beautiful plant with luxurious green leaves.

Indoor flowers. and air atmosphere

Ferns are considered unpretentious plants, but there are still some conditions without which they will not please the eyes with their green beauty. Let's take, for example, their forest brothers: in natural conditions Ferns feel great without regular watering, without spraying and without fertilizers applied according to the norms and at the right time. At the same time, their indoor relatives, even if all the rules are followed, with timely replanting and circumcision, can wither away right before our eyes. What is the reason for the death of the plant?

To prevent the fern from drying out, it must comply with all the rules. In addition, the gardener must take into account the fact that the fern is an accurate indicator of the atmosphere in a house or apartment. If the air in the room is too dry, polluted or smoky, the green beauty will begin to get sick. Thus, you will have an excellent advisor in the form of a fern: by its appearance you will be able to determine that the atmosphere in the house does not meet the standards and you need to look for the reason for this. There may be a gas leak - call the gas specialists and make sure everything is in order. There may be a lack of fresh air in the kitchen - install a hood. Maybe the air is too dry, the humidity is very low - buy a humidifier. As a result, you will ensure a normal existence for both yourself and the plants.

Where should I put it?

In order for indoor fern to grow and develop normally, care at home must be correct. Think carefully about where to place the plant. Nephrolepis can tolerate shadow, but it also needs light, although not direct, but slightly diffused and not in large quantities. Therefore, it is better to place it in a corner opposite the window. At the same time, he needs to provide access to fresh air.

One more feature of plant growth needs to be taken into account. Nephrolepis grows quite large, its beautiful leaves grow both to the sides and upwards. Based on this, he definitely won’t have enough space on the windowsill. The leaves will rest against the glass of the window and become deformed, the shape of the plant will be ugly.

Soil for ferns

To find out what kind of soil is needed for an indoor fern, just remember what kind of soil is in the forest. The soil there is very loose, with rotted leaves or pine needles, with peat residues. This is the kind of foundation that nephrolepis needs, then he will feel comfortable, like at home.

When filling a flower pot, remember that soil mixture for fern it should be with a forest additive leaf soil. Also add sand and humus, make sure that the soil allows water to pass through freely and is loose. If water stagnates in the flowerpot, the roots of the fern will immediately begin to rot and the plant will become sick. Signs of this are brownish spots on the leaves. Sometimes it can be very difficult to understand the reason why an indoor fern is withering. The leaves dry out and become covered with brown spots even when the soil dries out. You just need to do everything according to the rules, water the plant on time, but not overdo it.

How to replant?

Indoor ferns should be replanted every year. As mentioned earlier, nephrolepis is a large plant, so after a year it becomes cramped in its pot.

How to replant an indoor fern without damaging the roots? The answer is simple: transfer it to a new flowerpot, this way the roots will not be damaged. It is recommended to transplant early spring, at a time when the growing season is just beginning. If you do not heed this advice and replant the plant in the fall, it will take a long time to take root poorly, and may even die.

The new flowerpot should be three centimeters larger in diameter than the one that was used previously. Do not forget that the plant is growing in size and needs a larger home. Then, very carefully, so as not to shake off the soil from the roots, transfer the plant into the prepared pot, after which you can add the earth mixture prepared in advance according to all the rules. As you can see, there are no difficulties in this matter, you just need to do everything carefully and not rush.


Ferns reproduce by dividing the bush. You can, of course, try to grow nephrolepis from seeds (spores), but this is practically impossible. It is much easier and more effective to divide the bush; it is recommended to do this during spring replanting, so as not to disturb the plant again.

The division process itself is quite simple. After pulling the bush out of the flower pot, examine the base. You will see small basal rosettes there. So they need to be carefully separated from the parent bush along with part of the rhizome. After separation from the bush, the small “babies” of the fern need to create greenhouse conditions so that they can withstand the break.

Proper watering

Once again, I would like to remind you what you can expect if you water your indoor fern incorrectly: the leaves dry out, the plant becomes covered with brown spots and eventually dies.

The main principle of watering ferns is moderation! Soil in flower pot should not dry out, make sure that it is always slightly damp, and do not allow it to become waterlogged. It is recommended to water the plant 3 times a week, but this is not a criterion at all; the timing of watering depends on the air temperature and the place in which the flower stands. Water Nephrolepis only with settled, preferably rainwater, it should be soft.

Mandatory spraying

Having found out that the fern can die without fresh air, you need to take measures to prevent such a sad ending. To do this, you need to regularly spray the bushes of indoor ferns. This procedure should be carried out frequently, with an eye to the atmosphere in the room. If the air is too dry, then it is necessary to spray nephrolepis every day, but if the atmosphere is normal, then it is recommended to do this two or three times within seven days.

Fertilizers for the green beauty

If, when planting a fern, the soil was prepared according to all the rules with all the necessary additives, then you do not need to feed the plant often. It will be enough to fertilize it twice a month so that it continues to please you with rich and bright green their leaves.

For these purposes, use a solution of mineral fertilizers with a weak consistency. In addition, organic fertilizers, such as mullein infusion, are suitable. Only, using organic matter, you can overdo it and overfeed the fern; this should not be allowed. The easiest way is to purchase ready-made minerals, which are sold in every flower shop. There are instructions on the package. In accordance with it, fertilize the fern in spring and summer time. As a result, thanks to the efforts of a caring gardener, Nephrolepis will delight you with the beauty of its green, spreading leaves!
