What does it mean to soar in space? Meaning of the word soar

It’s rare, but it still happens to see space, the universe, space flights, or just fly in a dream.

More often, young people or children dream of flying. And there is a solid explanation for this. And all these stories on the topic “but if you fly in a dream, it means you’re growing” = not true! After all, not only children fly in their dreams, but also adults and even elderly people. My mother is 60. So what? Sometimes he tries to fly and flies in his sleep! Does this mean that she is growing??? Rave. If only he grows spiritually.

Interpretation of dreams from the Dream Interpretation of the meaning of dreams

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Dream Interpretation - Fly

Flying in a dream is a sign of good luck or great ambitions.

If you dream that you have flown too far, then the dream warns you that the person for whom you are suffering so much does not deserve this. Sometimes such a dream speaks of a long wait for something or someone.

Flying and falling is a sign of danger, trouble and collapse in business.

Flying over a familiar country or area in a dream means participating in important matters and respect from others.

In general, the nature of the landscape below will help you discover the meaning of the dream. Therefore, you should look at the characteristics of the area by name (ruins, fire, etc.)

Flying and seeing the sun in a dream foretells good changes.

Flying in a dark starry sky in a dream is a sign of great disasters.

Flying from rooftop to rooftop in a dream means that you are not satisfied with the present and are still trying to improve your affairs, doing one thing and then doing another.

Flying over your house in a dream means that your family will condemn your crazy plans and because of this, a scandal will break out in the house.

Flying over a foreign country in a dream is a harbinger of a long journey from which you will not return soon. Sometimes such a dream predicts that you will take on a completely new business.

Flying with wings in a dream is better than flying without them. IN in this case wings mean support or help from the outside. As you know, without support and help it is more difficult to cope with some matter.

Flying without wings in a dream is a sign of danger and risk.

Flying too high in a dream means that your desire cannot be fulfilled.

Soaring in the skies in a dream is a sign of a romantic dream for lovers or people with great ambitions. For patients, such a dream predicts death.

See interpretation: airplane, balloon.

Interpretation of dreams from

Paradoxically, our ideas about the world around us are significantly influenced by the media and cinema.

It is quite difficult for the average person to imagine that space is a space in which there is simply no gravity. Perhaps this is why facts from favorite films about intergalactic adventures have strengthened our understanding of the concept of space. We have collected 10 facts that will help dispel the stereotypes about space imposed by Hollywood.

Myth 1. Sounds can be heard in space

On Earth, thanks to the atmosphere, any objects are connected to each other by a relatively dense medium. Evolution has created a way to collect and interpret the vibration of the air or liquid around it, which makes it possible to obtain useful information about the world around us. There is no atmosphere or liquid in space through which vibration waves can pass. This means there can be no sound. The sounds of running engines and explosions are just an invention of the directors.

Myth 2. You freeze instantly in space

Yes, it is theoretically very cold in space, but heat exchange occurs only through the physical interaction of particles. In the absence of particles around that can “absorb” the body’s temperature, it cools very slowly in outer space. A person would suffocate in space faster than freeze to death.

Myth 3. In space you can accelerate endlessly

Some believe that without air resistance or gravity, gradually accelerating objects can reach near-infinite speed. In fact, the problem with such overclocking is the lack of a fuel source that can last indefinitely.

Myth 4. There are fires and explosions in space

Fire is the reaction of gases burning in air. Without air there is no combustion. The maximum that can be seen in space is a flare that will “feed” on air from the spacecraft.

Myth 5. Soviet cosmonauts wrote in orbit with a pencil

In the USA they say that while NASA spent millions of dollars and years on the invention of a pen capable of writing in zero gravity, Soviet cosmonauts used graphite pencils. But it is worth remembering that on Earth, tiny shavings of graphite left by a pencil settle on paper or fall to the ground, but in orbit they would float weightless and be sucked into air recirculation systems. As a result, astronauts would breathe graphite, and this is unacceptable.

Myth 6. On the surface of Mars you can explode from internal pressure or suffocate

Since Mars has a very thin atmosphere, a person there will certainly suffocate. But it is impossible to explode, since a person’s internal pressure is simply not enough for this. There were even cases of depressurization of spacesuits in space, and nothing like that happened.

Myth 7. Astronauts fly around ships on jetpacks

While it is true that compressed air can be used to maneuver, backpacks are not typically used in the way they are portrayed in the movies. In practice, the packs are intended to be used only in the event that an astronaut accidentally drifts an unsafe distance away from the ship. In addition, without the use of large special backpacks with compressed air, you cannot fly far on a backpack.

Myth 8. It is very difficult to fly through the asteroid belt

The movies have given rise to a very common misconception about asteroid belts. Yes, they have a very high density, but only by cosmic standards: half-kilometer blocks fly at a distance of hundreds of thousands of kilometers from each other.

Myth 9. There is a “Dark Side of the Moon”

The fact that earthlings never see the far side of the Moon does not mean that it never receives sunlight. Because the Earth revolves around the Sun and the Moon revolves around the Earth, and every part of the Moon is illuminated by the Sun. It’s just that the Moon is always turned to the Earth with one side.

Myth 10. In space, astronauts are completely weightless.

There is often talk about the possible medical consequences of living in "zero gravity", but the reality is that no person has ever actually been. One has only to remember that no one has ever been further than the Moon, and the Moon enters the Earth’s gravitational field. It is gravity that allows astronauts to “swim.”

It seems that the day is slowly approaching when humanity will be able to get out of its native Earth and go to explore other planets. Either way, space travel promises to be part of our future. But before we fly into the unknown, learn about the influence of space on the human mortal body.

1. Space adaptation syndrome

Without Earth's gravity, you can get space sickness. It's similar to seasickness, but with headaches, confusion, and possibly vomiting and dizziness. This is not the result of a lack of gravity, but rather a sudden change in it. Once you adjust, everything will return to normal, but it will take a few days.

2. What is this smell?

Wondering what aromas your nose will encounter in space? They say it smells like steak, gunpowder and metal. Astronaut Don Pettit described the scent as “metallic.” Moreover, NASA even hired chemist Stephen Pierce to recreate the cosmic smell for training purposes.

3. Your nails will deteriorate.

This phenomenon is called peeling, and almost all astronauts report that their nails have suffered catastrophic deterioration. Bulky space suit gloves cut off circulation, and pressure in the fingertips causes nail loss. So forget about manicures on other planets.

4. No snoring

You will stop snoring. Due to the lack of gravity on your respiratory system There is less pressure, which means you will not torment others with snoring. Plus, you'll smell that steak smell even more clearly in space. Let's call this one of the few positive effects.

5. Vision problems

In space, your vision will gradually become blurry due to changes in the retina. When you're in zero gravity, fluid rises into your upper body and the increased pressure in your head affects your optic nerves. This will pass with return to Earth, but for some people it may take years for their vision to recover. Of the 300 astronauts, about 23% experienced such problems during short-term missions and about 49% during long-term missions.

6. Changes in muscle tissue

When you are in space, you do not move, but rather float in space. This means that you don't use your muscles and they weaken and then atrophy. Additionally, your heart shrinks in size due to lack of exercise.

7. You will become taller

Have you ever dreamed of being a little taller? After a space excursion, your spine will lengthen slightly, by about 3%. Don't worry, once you are back in the grip of Earth's gravity, it will return to its original state in a few months.

8. Inability to survive without a spacesuit

Without it, it will take you about 15 seconds to use up all the oxygen in your blood. And after 10 seconds, the water in your body will begin to evaporate due to the lack of pressure. Other side effects include boiling of saliva in the mouth, burns and decompression sickness. Despite the cold space, you will not freeze right away. And in a vacuum you will not decompose, but rather turn into an icicle or mummify, depending on the temperature.

9. Cosmic radiation

In space, people are exposed to ten times more radiation than on Earth. In fact, our home planet protects us from cosmic radiation, which can easily cause symptoms of radiation sickness, including nausea, vomiting and fatigue. This is another one of those dangers that you need to be aware of if you want to travel the universe.

10. Cosmic euphoria

Astronauts say that after being in space, they rethought and reevaluated a lot. While looking at Earth through a porthole, astronaut Edgar Mitchell reported a feeling of incredible calm and euphoria coupled with an altered state of consciousness. They all claim that they looked at their home planet from a completely different angle and realized that everything in it is so perfect, and everything is so perfectly balanced and organized to ensure life for people.


soaring, hovering, carrying. (to mate), someone or something (reg.). Same as mating.


soaring, hovering, carrying.

    (owl. no) what. Oven closed dishes something. in its own juice. Steam turnips.

    (owl. evaporate) what. Clean with steam or boiling water. Steam a barrel. Steam laundry.

    (owl. evaporate) someone something. Exterminate with steam or boiling water. Hover bedbugs.

    (owl. evaporate) someone something. Whip with a hot broom (washed in a bathhouse).


soaring, hovering, carrying. (book).

    Stay in the air on motionless outstretched wings. An eagle, rising from a distant peak, soars motionless along with me. Pushkin. Soaring flight.

    trans. Strive for the lofty, be in the area of ​​sublime ideas and objects (obsolete). The Odopists soared in their odes.

    Dream, indulge in fantasies (foreign). Soar high. Soar in the clouds.

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. S.I.Ozhegov, N.Yu.Shvedova.


Ryu, -rish; -renny; nesov.

    someone or something Expose to steam (for processing, cleaning). P. wood. P. underwear.

    whom (what). Whip with a broom (in a bathhouse to induce sweat). P. back.

    What. Prepare something. in a closed vessel for steam.P. vegetables.

    (1 and 2 l. not used). Give off intense heat, heat. Soars (unless) before a thunderstorm.

    noun soaring, -i, cf. (to 1, 2 and 3 digits) and parka, -i, g. (to 1 value; simple).

    adj. steam room, -aya, -oe (to 1 and 2 meanings). P. vat. Steam room (in the bathhouse).


Ryu, -rish; nesov. Stay in the air on motionless open wings. An eagle soars in the sky. P. in the clouds (also translated: to indulge in fantasies, dreams; ironic). Soaring flight of a glider, hang glider.

noun soaring, -i, cf.

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.

Examples of the use of the word soar in literature.

Sondra Berghoff stood, or rather, soared at the hatch of the airlock, anxiously awaiting the appearance of an unheard-of guest of honor - the Autocrat of Ceres himself.

But what it is soared outside the air corridors of the auto-navigators, suggested to Qui-Gon that his pilot - another Rodian - knew the air routes well enough to gain easy access.

Having interpreted the meaning of the look in his own way, the sergeant extended his hand to put out the cigarette he had just begun, but Agafonov stopped him: “Smoke, smoke.” soaring.

The small rodent Chinchilla was certainly right when he said that the Agouti hare soars in the skies, soaring in the clouds, that he lives in castles in the air.

Acanthus curls and grape vines could not offend the souls of Christian believers, and in the middle of the floor lay a rough-woven carpet, designed to hide from view the image of the pagan god or goddess who must have been there soared naked among the grapes.

If only with a flock of free alkyons I would carelessly hovered above the foam of the waters, I knew neither grief nor worries, And like a turquoise bird, in the spring I freely strived for a joyful flight.

Sometimes the sailors get bored at sea while the ship glides easily over the abyss, and now - for an evil joke they catch an albatross, which follows trustingly and royally soars.

Often, for fun, sailors try, when a ship glides over the abyss of remote waters, to catch the mighty sea albatross, Soaring in the circle of his companions.

He quickly rushed past the animated paintings on the wall and joined his colleagues, who were waiting for him. soared above the floor in flying chairs.

Looking at soaring an anorak in the sky and stunned by such a meeting, we burst into a fit of hysterical laughter.

And, turning to Mikhailov, Arbuzov clearly and even seemed calmly said: “Sergei, he said that he would send a cab driver for Nellie, and he held bet that she will come because she has nothing to lose anyway.

Climbing onto the shelves in the bathhouse, Arefa was blissful for two hours, while the monastery men mercilessly soared his fresh brooms.

On Wednesday, they were joined by an artichoke leaf, begged from a sympathetic employee of the Botanical Garden, who accepted Mokshin’s temperamental story about a certain bet, which he, Mokshin, must certainly win, and this is a matter of honor, a matter of life and death, do you understand?

The newspapers received information via transatlantic cable that the majority bet, offered by the Americans, was accepted by the British, and Dean Tudrink immediately ordered it to be announced in the auction room.

The day was magnificent again, and a camera lay next to me on the seat: I promised her to take pictures like her airplane soars over the fields.
