How to build a greenhouse from PVC pipes with your own hands. Do-it-yourself greenhouse made of PVC pipes - step-by-step instructions with video and photos DIY crafts made from plastic PVC pipes

Today any hardware store abounds huge assortment building material, which can be used in the construction of water supply and heating systems, as well as their periodic replacement. However, products made from polyvinyl chloride are the most common raw materials, due to their resistance to aggressive substances. To correctly install PVC pipes with your own hands, you will need to take into account the properties of the material and a number of important features when connecting elements.

Main advantages of PVC are:

  • resistance to chemicals and environmental factors;
  • perfect smooth surfaces products eliminate the formation of growths, blockages and other deposits;
  • a wide selection of components allows you to build any pipeline design;
  • resistance to corrosion and premature destruction;
  • huge period of operation;
  • ease of installation;
  • low heat conductivity;
  • small specific gravity and flammability coefficient;
  • hermetic pipe connection allows for use on floating soils.


  • temperature restrictions;
  • availability of special fittings.

In general terms, installation plastic pipes is a connection of individual PVC elements, fittings and components into a single sealed network. It is carried out through three technologies:

  • bell method;
  • “cold welding” method;
  • by using special couplings.

Installation using the first method in most cases is used in the construction sewer systems, since it is the simplest and provides for the usual fixation of the end of the connecting pipe in rubber gasket another.

The second way is to use a special chemical composition ensuring reliable contact of all elements. The third method is used when connecting pipes of different nature, for example, made of metal and polymers.


Carrying out preparatory work is an extremely important procedure, which provides for a clear organization of actions and the availability of all necessary tools. The first step is to draw up an approximate diagram that will fully reflect the number of fittings, pipe sizes and their number. Before cutting PVC pipes under adhesive connection preliminary measurements should be carried out on a dry surface. The ends of the connecting elements must be cleaned and degreased. Cutting should be done using a regular hacksaw or a special cutter. Do not forget that the pipes are secured using special brackets attached to the wall.

In order for the cut to be smooth and airtight, it is necessary to first outline the pipe at the site of the future cut. Cutting is carried out strictly at an angle of 90°. The remaining irregularities are smoothed out using a knife and sanding paper.

The connecting pipe must fit at least 2/3 into the fitting device. Then the cut areas should be treated with a cleaner, which will not only remove all dirt from the edges, but also somewhat soften the future attachment point. Interior space The fitting and the end part of the pipe are covered with a small layer of glue, and then clamped tightly for 1 minute. A uniform adhesive ring should form at the junction of the elements, which should be cleaned with a dry cloth.

Having finished with everyone preparatory activities, it is worth installing future design. When constructing a sewer system, all work starts from the risers to the plumbing fixtures. The connection of sewer pipes with a fitting is carried out by simply securing a piece of product in the rubber gasket of the fastening device. The main thing is to insert the pipe without bevels until it stops. Loose contact can subsequently lead to the appearance of an unpleasant odor.

Before performing this procedure, it would be a good idea to check the site of the future connection and the rubber layer for the presence of dirt and dust. To ensure a more reliable connection, it is necessary to lubricate the end of the attached segment and the rubber of the fitting with a soap solution or glycerin lubricant.

Once the main communication is ready, it’s time to start connecting everyone plumbing fixtures, not forgetting to equip sinks and bathtubs with siphons. The next main step is to test the system for leaks. In this situation, it is necessary to turn on all the plumbing in the house and check all connections for leaks. In addition, you should see how the design will behave in critical situations - fill a bucket of water and quickly pour it into the sink or washbasin. If there is no moisture on the floor, it means that the work was done efficiently and effectively, but if there are leaks, then the “problem” areas should be dismantled and re-fixed using various adhesive compositions. Then repeat testing.

Any water supply system is conditioned high pressure, therefore, installation of water supply pipes will require the use of a special welding machine(ironing). Having completed all the preparatory activities, we proceed to assembling the entire structure, which, as when installing a sewer system, should begin from the riser. Before use welding equipment be sure to read the attached technical documentation. Depending on the power of the heating element, the heating time of the connecting elements may vary.

After heating device ready to use must be inserted connecting pipe and fitting from different sides into the heated nozzle and wait about 15–20 seconds. Next, carefully remove them from the device and immediately insert them into each other, while maintaining the required connecting angles. Then you should fix it in this position for 10–15 seconds so that the plastic elements have time to set. The resulting connection will be for a long time function effectively due to the fact that the structure of two components will become united.

Never neglect safety precautions: safety glasses and gloves are included with the welding machine. The slightest contact with heating element can cause severe burns.

The financial benefits of using PVC pipes can be tracked at almost every stage self-construction– from planning to launch. The use of this material will allow you to avoid calculating transition coefficients at the stage of arranging a metal pipeline. During operation, such communications are unpretentious, since they do not require preventative work and additional coloring. At the same time, the material is environmentally friendly, which allows it to be laid in the ground, thereby speeding up the launch of the water supply system.


This video shows glue method PVC pipe connections:

PVC pipes have long been used for the manufacture of greenhouses and greenhouses, as this material is quite durable, flexible and reliable. You can make these products with your own hands, without the help of professionals. Both the collapsible and stationary design allows you to grow your favorite vegetables when the temperature outside is below freezing.

PVC pipes for building a greenhouse: pros and cons

PVC pipes are an excellent and inexpensive material that is used to create greenhouses and greenhouses of various shapes and sizes. In order to build them, a large number of tools and special skills are not required, so this type of construction is accessible even to summer residents or owners of private houses with little income.

Material advantages

This material has many advantages:

  • assembly and disassembly of the structure occurs quite quickly;
  • the disassembled structure does not take up much space;
  • the construction of a greenhouse does not require professional skills in working with the material;
  • light weight;
  • availability of materials, their low cost;
  • high degree of strength and stability of the finished structure;
  • long service life (more than 10 years);
  • the ability to create a greenhouse of any shape and size, monolithic structures;
  • resistance to temperature changes and moisture, corrosion, growth of fungus and mold;
  • environmental friendliness.

Disadvantages of PVC pipes and greenhouses made from them

There are few disadvantages of greenhouses made from PVC pipes, but they still exist. For example, when installing a structure in regions where strong winds, it may become deformed. Polyethylene coating is short-lived and also has poor thermal insulation properties, so it will have to be changed every few years or purchased more expensive material such as polycarbonate. In winter, it will be impossible to use such a design in the northern regions of the country.

There are several types of greenhouses made of PVC pipes that you can make with your own hands.

  1. Arched structures with polyethylene or polycarbonate coating.
  2. Facilities with pitched roof, attached to the main building.
  3. Greenhouses with gable roof with any type of coating.

Arched type greenhouses are very popular, as they are easy and quick to erect and can be quickly dismantled if necessary.

Preparation for construction: drawings, dimensions, assembly diagrams

A greenhouse made from PVC pipes does not need a strong and expensive foundation, as it will lightweight design, which can be quickly disassembled. Therefore, the base can be made of wooden boards.

It is necessary to choose a suitable place on the site to place the greenhouse, check the soil so that it does not sag under the weight of the future structure. Do not forget to remove excess debris and vegetation from the site, and, if necessary, remove part of the top layer of soil.

The coating most often used is dense plastic film(preferably reinforced).

Dimensions of an arched greenhouse

This parameter is determined not only depending on the preferences of the owner, but also on the size of the material itself.

Usually PVC pipes are sold standard sizes(3 and 6 m). Longer ones form an arc when bent correct form. Thus, the width of the standard structure is 3.7 m, length - 9.8 m, height 2.1 m.

The optimal pitch between pipes is 900–1000 mm.

Selection of materials

The quality of the product also depends on the material used:

What materials and tools are needed

To make a standard greenhouse, you need to prepare the following materials:

  • five-meter boards with a section of 2x6 cm - 4 pieces;
  • boards with a section of 2x6 cm, length 3.7 m - 2 pieces;
  • PVC pipes 6 m long - 19 pieces;
  • fittings 3 meters long (Ø10 mm) – 9 pieces;
  • PVC film (thickness 6 mm) – 6x15.24 meters;
  • wooden slats (length 1.22 m) - 50 pieces;
  • nails or screws;
  • metal fastenings;
  • door hinges - 4 pieces;
  • door handles - 2 pieces.

Materials for the ends of the greenhouse:

  • timber 2x4 cm 3.7 m long for the frame;
  • 11’8 3/4” - 2 beams 3.6 m long;
  • 1’6” - 4 bars of 0.45 m each;
  • 4’7” - 4 bars of 1.4 m each;
  • 5’7” - 4 bars of 1.7 m each;
  • 1’11 1/4” - 8 bars of 0.6 m each;
  • 4’1/4” - 2 bars of 1.23 m each;
  • 4 bars 1.5 m long;
  • 4 bars 1.2 m long.

Required tools:

  • hammer;
  • Bulgarian;
  • electric screwdriver;
  • hacksaw for metal;
  • electric saw;
  • building level;
  • roulette.

DIY construction stages

Making a greenhouse with your own hands is very simple, you just need to follow the sequential instructions:

  1. To construct the base of the greenhouse, you need to cut the reinforcement into 4 parts. You should get 36 identical sections 75 cm long. To attach the pipes you will need 34 pieces of reinforcement. Cut two of them in half, resulting in 4 rods 37.5 cm long.
  2. Next, from boards measuring 2x6 cm you need to make the base of a rectangular greenhouse measuring 3.7x9.8 m. Knock down the boards with nails or twist them with self-tapping screws. Place the base on the site. Check the evenness of the corners (90°), hammer a piece of reinforcement (37.5 cm) inside each of them to secure the structure.
  3. Drive 34 pieces of reinforcement at equal distances from each other (about 1 meter) along the long sides of the base. This should be done in such a way that the length of the rods on the surface is about 35–40 cm.
  4. Place PVC pipes on the reinforcement rods driven in on both sides one by one, bending them into the correct arc. The result should be an almost finished greenhouse frame.
  5. Use metal plates to secure the pipes to wooden base. Self-tapping screws and a screwdriver are used for this.
  6. In order to make the end part of the greenhouse, it is necessary to make a frame from beams. Install them into the structure frame and secure with screws.
  7. Cut 4 70 cm sections from the timber with a hacksaw. Cut one end of each of them at an angle of 45°. They are necessary to strengthen the ends of the greenhouse. Fasten the frame of the side part to the base.
  8. After the frame is assembled, it is necessary to make a stiffening rib at the top of the structure. To do this, use a special plastic connector to fasten 2 pipes, cut off the excess so that the total length is 9.8 m. Attach the pipe on top of the frame in the center with plastic ties to each of the 17 arcs.
  9. Cover the pipe frame with thick plastic film with an overlap at the bottom. Then secure it firmly along one of the long sides using pieces of wooden slats.
  10. Pull it with a little force on the frame, secure it on the other side. It is better to start doing this from the center, and then move to the ends.
  11. The film must be pulled well down along the end parts of the frame. Nail it to the base wooden slats. In the place where the door will be located, you need to cut a square, leaving allowances of 5–10 cm for attaching the frame. Carefully wrap the film behind the opening and secure it with nails or screws inside the greenhouse.
  12. Before installing the door, you must carefully check the actual dimensions of the opening so that it fits exactly. To install it, you need to cut bars with a cross section of 2x4 cm different sizes(4 pieces each, 1.5 m and 1.2 m long). Knock down two frames from them, fix the beam diagonally for greater rigidity of the structure. Screw the door hinges to the opening with self-tapping screws.
  13. The remaining film can be used for doors. To do this, stretch it over two frames, then also attach it with wooden slats. Screw on the handles and hinges. Place the doors on the prepared fasteners, check the evenness of the installation so that there are no distortions or large gaps.

The second option for constructing the ends of the greenhouse

There is another way to make the ends of the structure:

If you are making a greenhouse for the first time, it is recommended to listen to the advice of experts:

  1. In order for the greenhouse to be effective, it is necessary to choose a location on a site with maximum number sun rays. It is also important to consider what crops will be grown, inquire about the necessary rapid growth conditions.
  2. For the construction of an arched structure, it is best to choose flexible pipes PVC.
  3. It is best to stretch plastic film over the greenhouse frame in the warm season.
  4. If it is too hot outside, the greenhouse doors should be kept open to ventilate the room. Otherwise, condensation will collect under the film and turn into steam.
  5. In the northern regions of the country, it is best to remove polyethylene for the winter, since during heavy snowfalls it can stretch or tear. In addition, the snow will reliably protect the soil from deep freezing, as a result of which everything in the ground will be preserved. useful substances and moisture.
  6. If the film is left for the winter, then it is necessary to install strong supports that will prevent the structure from falling.
  7. Instead of plastic film to cover the frame, you can buy more modern and reliable materials, for example, lutrasil, agrospan, reinforced or bubble film.
  8. Light-stabilized or reinforced polypropylene is one of the the best coatings, since it is not subject to deformation under the influence of ultraviolet rays.
  9. It is recommended to close the area under the greenhouse waterproofing film, onto which special soil and fertilizer are then poured. Thus, the plants can be protected from external influences and protected from pests.
  10. If you make a concrete base, you can grow seedlings in boxes.
  11. It must be remembered that the service life of PVC pipes outdoors is significantly reduced (up to 15–20 years).
  12. All wooden elements of the greenhouse must be well treated antiseptics so that they are not exposed to fungi and mold.

Video: how to quickly build a greenhouse from PVC pipes

Greenhouse made of PVC pipes lightweight design will allow you to always have a maximum of fresh vegetables and herbs on your table. The costs of constructing such a structure will be minimal, and its efficiency will be maximum. By purchasing several plastic pipes, wooden boards and plastic film, you can independently build a convenient and reliable greenhouse on your summer cottage in one or two days.

There are a lot of ways to create such a thing as a bow from PVC pipes; you can find the most sophisticated methods on the Internet, but first of all, you want the manufacturing process to be simple, convenient and not troublesome, including not taking a lot of time and effort. These are the methods that are worth getting acquainted with. Let's look at the three simplest and most understandable ways to make onions yourself.

Method number 1.

Using the first method, it is quite possible to make an interesting bow, the design of which cannot be disassembled. Compared to multiple tips and concepts for the manufacturing process, this option is perhaps the easiest. The main nuance in creating a bow is the presence of construction equipment, such as a technical hair dryer.

For the manufacturing process you need to arm yourself with:

1. A polyvinyl chloride pipe with a length of about one and a half meters and a diameter of about 2.5 cm.

2. Technical device hair dryer.

3. Narrow hand saw, felt-tip pen and measuring tape.

4. One long piece of wood and two pieces about 80 cm long.

5. A device for the drilling process with a metal rod and aluminum paper (see).

6. Dyeing agent to impart decorative properties.

7. Adhesive tape and gloves of any kind.

So, at the initial stage of making the bow, it is necessary to mark the polyvinyl chloride pipe. Using a measuring tape, you need to measure a section of 30 cm and 60 cm in length from the two ends of the pipe, followed by marking. For these purposes, for the convenience of the process, you need to use a felt-tip pen bright color. Next, it is necessary to determine the central point of the pipe with maximum accuracy; for this you need to measure 75 cm from either end of the pipe. Fix the mark with a felt-tip pen. Then, to determine the area that will be allocated under the handle, you need to measure 8 cm in both opposite directions from the central point. Naturally, fix the marks with a felt-tip pen.

The next stage of making a bow involves creating a deformation of a polyvinyl chloride pipe. To do this, for convenience, it is necessary to create an auxiliary element that will help heat the pipe. A piece of aluminum paper needs to be bent so that two perpendicular planes. Simply put, create a 90 degree angle.

Next, the process of deformation and bending occurs. To achieve what you need, you need to take a PVC pipe and cover one end with a foil corner piece. Showing care and accuracy, focusing on the pipe markings, you need to heat a section of the pipe, which is located at a fixed point of 30 cm. Using a technical hair dryer in this case, the heating process will be quick and trouble-free. It is necessary to take into account in order to obtain good result, you must try to heat the entire intended section of the pipe with uniform movements. When heating, you need to rotate the pipe.

Permanent bow made from PVC pipe - Step 4

After it is visually visible that the pipe section has become soft, to ensure that it does not lose the desired temperature and simply does not cool down, you need to wrap it in aluminum paper. Without wasting time, in order to prevent cooling, you need to do all the same actions with the other end of the pipe. If it becomes visually noticeable and sensitive to the touch that the first heated section of the pipe has begun to cool down, you definitely need to heat it up additionally, using the same technical hair dryer.

It is very important to understand that during the heating process of a polyvinyl chloride pipe, you must try to prevent the surface of the pipe from starting to become covered with bubbles, black deposits or lose its color. Otherwise, this will indicate that the heating process occurred too quickly and unevenly.

After dividing the end part of the pipe into equal parts and then marking it with a felt-tip pen, it is necessary to draw a line from the center point of the pipe to one of the edges of the deformed end. The correct tilt is considered to be the position inside the bow from bottom to top.

Having retreated a distance of 3 cm from each end of the pipe, you need to fix it with a marker and draw a rounding of the ends of the future bow. According to the drawn rounded line, you need to trim off all excess. By analogy with the process, do the same with the second end of the pipe.

To hide unsightly cuts using a technical hair dryer, you need to heat them up and, after they become sufficiently elastic, bend the edges of the pipe into inner part future bow. The other end needs to be processed in the same way. Alternatively, the cuts and their edges can be refined with sandpaper.

In order for the transition area between the deformed edges and the base of the bow to be smoother, it is necessary to warm up the transition area quite slowly, focusing on the 30 cm mark and about 4 cm on both sides. As the pipe heats up, it should gradually expand and the transition section will become smooth by itself. This time can be used (while the area is heated) to create a bend in the ends of the product. Relative to the base of the bow, the bends should protrude forward. In the same way, it is necessary to create a bend at the second end of the pipe. In the end, upon completion this stage, you should get a straight pipe with ends bent forward.

Next, you need to heat up a section of pipe from the 30 cm mark to the starting line of the handle. After the procedure, you need to bend in inner side onions and let cool. On the opposite side you need to repeat the procedure. As a result, the features of the future bow should begin to be visible.

And at the final stage it is necessary to bend the handle. This process is necessary for ease of use of the bow. According to the already familiar principle, it is necessary to heat the area reserved for the handle with a technical hair dryer and press it between the legs, creating the appearance of an ellipse. The tapered parts of the ellipse should be perpendicular to the person holding the bow. At the same time, you need to lift the opposite parts of the bow, while achieving a change in the position of the handle, it should bend into the inner plane of the bow.

We complete the production of the bow by creating places for tightly stretching the nylon thread or twine. Having retreated about 2 mm from each end of the bow and about 1 cm from the front part, you need to make the corresponding holes in the intended mark with a drill. The diameter of the holes should be about 5 mm. After that, with a special saw it is necessary to cut a groove at an angle, located from the edge of the bow to the drilled hole. Naturally, the process must be repeated at the other end of the bow.

To give the onion a beautiful appearance, using dyes, you need to apply a layer of them to the surface of the onion, thereby decorating it. You need to choose the color according to your desires. If you lightly sand the surface of the onion before applying paint, you can ensure ease and quality of application. coloring texture. You need to wrap tape or another tape around the ends of the bow (focusing on the 30 cm mark) and the area under the arm.

Now you can use the product you created with your own hands.

Method number 2.

As has already become clear, this place will be intended for the handle. We must not forget that all sizes are approximate; if the palm is much larger, then the markings should be carried out, taking into account the size of the person’s palm. Otherwise, holding the bow will simply be awkward.

Using construction equipment, you need to heat one side of the pipe from the starting line of the handle to the very end. After the polyvinyl chloride pipe has become softened and flexible, you need to lay it in a pre-created structure made of boards.

If you use a polypropylene pipe, the boards will not help create a clamp and deform it. In this case, in addition to boards, you need to use more rigid and durable materials and devices, for example, iron angles and a tool with which to clamp the pipe. After clamping one part of the pipe, it is necessary to bend it. All of the above actions must be done with the second part of the future bow.

Next, you need to start shaping the handle. Having protected your hands with gloves or any rag, after warming up the desired part, you need to create a comfortable place in which you are supposed to hold the bow. In the case of using polypropylene pipes, to create a handle it is necessary to repeat the steps using more rigid tools. You need to try not to overdo it, flatten it just a little.

Then it is necessary to measure a section 15 cm long from each end of the pipe. Using any tin can, you need to place one end with the measured point on it so that the point defining the 15 cm segment is located strictly in its center. From this moment you can start working with a technical hair dryer, bringing the pipe to flexibility. Having brought it to the desired state, the softened section must be twisted around the circumference of the container.

It is important to note that you need to be careful and not overdo it. In case of severe overheating of a polyvinyl chloride product, it will begin to change color, turn yellow and lose its quality properties. If you overheat a polypropylene pipe, it will simply spread.

When constructing a mount for the tension thread, you need to cut double-sided recesses at the ends, while controlling the depth. You shouldn't make them end-to-end. The same rope made of polypropylene and nylon is suitable as a bowstring. Alternatively, you can try cotton. If you have any other rope available that does not have the ability to stretch, you can use it without any doubt.

To make arrows for a bow, you can purchase factory-made narrow wooden slats. To feather the arrow, it is recommended to use a natural feather; when fired, it will not injure your hand. The length of the slats must be selected so that when tensioning the product it is enough. To prevent the arrows from sliding along the thread, you need to cut indentations at their ends. To ensure good penetration into objects, the opposite ends of the arrows must be well sharpened and veiled with hard material. Now you can use it for pleasure.

All three methods of making a bow from PVC pipes are considered, and the choice of the simplest and most convenient is up to you.

PVC pipes are practical material, which can easily be used to create a greenhouse. The construction of such a structure on a garden plot involves following the work technology, which you need to become familiar with.

Greenhouse made of PVC pipes: pros and cons of the material

Polyvinyl chloride is good material for water supply pipes. The products are effective, but what is especially noteworthy is their universal application. PVC elements are often used to create greenhouses on garden plots. This is due to the characteristics of the material.

PVC pipes have a number of advantages compared to other materials. This is due to the fact that polyvinyl chloride products do not rot like wood and do not corrode like metal. The main advantages of PVC pipes for greenhouses are as follows:

  • light weight material;
  • simple installation technology;
  • the ability to create any shape;
  • durability and low price;
  • no need to paint the frame;
  • easy assembly and simple disassembly of the pipe structure.

Polyvinyl chloride products also have disadvantages. The significant lightness of PVC frame elements requires the organization of high-quality fastening of the base and arrangement of the foundation. Otherwise, the greenhouse will be unstable, and with sudden gusts of wind, the risk of deformation of the structure increases. And also negative traits pipes when used for a greenhouse are expressed in a lower service life than when using metal profiles.

Dimensions and drawings of the greenhouse

Before creating a shelter for growing garden crops, you need to create a drawing. The required dimensions of the structure are preliminarily determined. Depending on the type of plant, the height and shape of the frame are selected. The arched version is in demand, which involves the installation of arches from pipes. A mini-greenhouse can also be made from PVC elements, but it is worth ensuring reliable foundation, because the structure can be damaged by strong winds.

Arches can be angular or semicircular. The first option requires a more careful calculation of the parameters, that is, the length of each element. For a semicircular greenhouse, you need to calculate the length of one arch, taking into account its required height. For this, the width of the structure is also taken into account. For example, with a greenhouse width of 3.5 m, you will need arches 5.5 m long. The height of the structure will be about 1 m, but it is important to take into account the dimensions of the plants that will be grown inside.

A small greenhouse, the length of which does not exceed 3 m, does not require the creation of a foundation, but a light wooden frame will ensure reliable fixation of the pipes. For a greenhouse, you need a drawing, as well as the correct design of doors and windows. In this case, the distance between arches or posts should not be less than 80 cm.

Material selection

To create a reliable greenhouse, only high-quality materials are needed. PVC pipes, fittings, frame elements must not have cracks, signs of rotting, corrosion, or deformation. Otherwise, the arches and base of the greenhouse will not be strong enough, and it is impossible to create a large shelter for plants from such material. Work on the construction of a greenhouse requires the following materials:

  • PVC pipes with a diameter of at least 2.5 cm. The elements must first be cut into parts according to the required dimensions;
  • self-tapping screws 20 mm long in quantities of more than 100 pieces;
  • clips for fixing greenhouse film;
  • fittings and tees for connecting pipes;
  • dense film or agro-canvas for a greenhouse;
  • steel rods, wooden boards 50x100 mm.

PVC pipes with a diameter of less than 2.5 cm can be used in the construction of a greenhouse to create short slats or crossbars. It is impossible to make a base from such a material, for which durable products are optimal. When choosing pipes, you should pay attention to the wall thickness. Very thin options are not suitable because they quickly deform.

How to calculate the amount of material

When calculating the number of pipes, you should take into account the length of each arch and additional crossbars. All parameters of these elements are added together. This gives the total length of the pipes. Next, you should take into account the dimensions of the largest parts, for example, the length of the arches. PVC pipe sections should not be smaller than the length of the arch. The material is cut according to the features of the design drawing.

The amount of film must be determined depending on the area required coverage. There should be no seams in the middle of the greenhouse and therefore the material should be solid, and it is best to join the edges at the sides. Self-tapping screws and metal plates for fastening must be selected with reserve.

We build a greenhouse with our own hands

It’s not difficult to build a greenhouse with your own hands, the main thing is to know the technology and follow it.


Making a greenhouse from PVC pipes does not require complex tools, but all devices must be of high quality, sharp and accurate. This will significantly reduce installation time and improve the reliability of the structure. The list of tools includes the following elements:

  • tape measure and building level;
  • hammer, hacksaw, screwdriver;
  • hacksaw for working with metal;
  • machine for welding PVC pipes.

All tools must be prepared in advance, and the pipes should also be cut into pieces of the required sizes. For wooden elements The frame must be treated with an antiseptic composition or painted, which will prevent damage to the material.

Step-by-step guide: making a greenhouse

Before you start assembling a greenhouse from PVC pipes, you need to prepare the frame. Wooden boards cut according to the length and width of the greenhouse, and then treated with an antiseptic. After the composition has dried, you can fasten the base with nails. The area for the greenhouse also needs to be prepared and leveled. Next steps are as follows:

  1. Reinforcing rods 50 cm long must be driven into the corners of the installed frame. This is necessary to maintain the exact diagonal of the structure.
  2. Pieces of reinforcement in an amount equal to the number of ends of the arches should have a length of 70 cm. The elements should be driven in with outside frame, maintaining a distance between them of at least 80 cm. Reinforcement is necessary for the stability and reliability of the arches. Next, you need to create arches by welding pipes with tees and crosses made of PVC. For the outer elements, you need to cut two identical sections, connect them with a tee, to which you will then attach the central crossbar.
  3. The finished arcs are installed on reinforcing bars located along the long sides of the frame. The pipes should be inserted into the fittings on one side, and then bent by hand and inserted from the other end. PVC material It is flexible and therefore easy to bend with your own hands without the use of tools. It is important to do this carefully, because you can damage the middle, which is fastened with a tee or cross.
  4. Next you need to make a central bar to secure the structure. Small greenhouses the size of one small bed do not need such an element, but for tall structures this is necessary. A straight PVC pipe should be cut into sections, the length of which is 2 cm greater than the distance between the arches. The resulting elements are welded to the tees and crosses in the middle of each arch. After this, the bases of the arches are fixed to wooden frame using clamps made of metal strips.
  5. If necessary, you can make a door frame from wooden blocks. To do this, at the end of the greenhouse you need to install two pieces of reinforcement that define the boundaries of the door. Next, a frame is knocked together from the bars, which is then attached to the reinforcement and the base of the greenhouse.
  6. In addition to the door frame, you need to make fixing elements. To do this, carefully measure the height at their locations and make a structure from bars.

Video: making a greenhouse with your own hands

PVC pipes are a good material for creating a greenhouse. There are many options for making shelters for plants and therefore it is important to choose the optimal technology.

Made from PVC pipes. I would like to note that the homemade products are presented by a foreign author. Their PVC pipe is not soldered, like ours, but is glued with a special glue. Therefore, if you decide to reproduce homemade products, keep in mind that our pipes and connectors are of the same diameter and cannot be connected without processing. I will talk about what materials and tools you will need when reviewing each homemade product. All connections, with the exception of some, are fixed with glue for PVC pipes. So let's begin.

Step 1: Floating Stick
The author made this stick for fun in the pool. To make it you will need: 20-30 cm of 15 mm pipes, two plugs, sand, glue.
Closes one end of the pipe with a plug. Pour two-thirds sand into the tube. Closes the second end of the pipe with a plug. The plugs are secured with glue during installation. Now, when placing the tube in the pool, it will always remain at the bottom. You can arrange a game of getting the pipe. You don't have to add sand, then the tube will float on the surface.

Step 2: Shower
For the shower you will need: a fifteenth pipe, 3 plugs, a cross, 2 90-degree angles, 1 45-degree angle, hose connector, glue.

Install two 50 cm pieces of pipe into the crosspiece on two opposite sides. The opposite ends of the pipes are closed with plugs. A piece of pipe with a connector for connecting a hose is installed at one end of the cross. It is installed in the remaining connector of the crosspiece, through a short piece of pipe, at an angle of 90 degrees, with the angle up. Then a 1.8 m pipe is installed in the corner. Another 90 degree angle is installed into the pipe. Then a small segment and an angle of 45 degrees. Install a plug at the end of the corner. Drill several holes in the plug with a 1.5 mm drill. Connects the shower to the hose and turns it on.

Step 3: Briar Walking Device
This homemade product will be useful for those who go hiking and their route may run through thorny thickets.
For such a device you will need: 90 cm inch PVC pipe, 2-2.5 meters of rope, drill.

The author drilled holes at the ends of the pipe. I tied the ends of the rope to the holes. The homemade product is ready. Now how does it work. He places the pipe on the ground and steps in the middle with his foot. He picks up the rope. Holding the rope taut, he lifts his leg and moves it forward. Then he lowers his leg, crushing the bush. Thus, according to the author, you can cross the thorny bush.

Step 4: Key Hide
To make a cache you will need: 2 plugs, a small piece of 20 mm pipe. The size of the pipe depends on the wrench.
Cuts off a small piece of pipe. Closes one side with a plug. Places a key in the pipe and closes it with a second plug. Now you can place the cache, for example, in a swimming pool. The sealed design will not allow water to penetrate, and airbag will not let the cache drown.

Step 5: Water Volleyball
Volleyball is an exciting game. Playing volleyball with a water net instead of a rope net is not only interesting, but also fun. For water volleyball you will need: 15 mm pipe, 3 T-shaped connectors, 2 90 degree angles, 4 plugs, glue, drill.

Cut two pieces of pipe, 1 m each, from the pipe. Drill holes in them with a 1.5 mm drill along the entire length of the pipe. Connects them together with a tee. The pipes are inserted into the opposite ends of the tee, the remaining end faces in the direction opposite to the holes. Installs two 90 degree angles at the ends of the pipes, angled downwards. Cuts seven pieces of pipe 61 cm each. Installs two pipes at the edges and one in the middle. A plug is installed at the end of the middle pipe-leg. A T-shaped connector is installed on the extreme ones. Install four pieces of pipe at the ends of the tees. Install plugs on three of them, and a connector for the hose on the last one. By connecting the hose and turning on the water, you can enjoy playing water volleyball.

Step 6:Folding chair
The author considers the following homemade product to be for children, but I think that such a chair could be useful, for example, for fishermen. So, to make a chair you will need: 20 mm pipe, 8 right angles, 2 long bolts with nuts, old jeans, a drill, sewing supplies.

Cuts eight 30 cm pieces of pipe. Connects the pipes using corners, making two squares. Make holes in the two sides of each square in the middle, opposite each other. He pushes one square into another and connects it with bolts. Opening his legs, he measures required quantity fabrics, cuts. Covers the seat. The folding chair is ready.

Step 7: Planting Cage
In order to plant plants at the same distance, the following homemade product was made.
To make it you need: 24 pieces of 15 mm pipe, 4 right angles, 4 crosses, 8 T-shaped connectors.

First, the author collects the middle. Installs tubes into the crosspieces, assembling them into a square. Then T-shaped bends are attached to the ends of the tubes, again there are tubes and corners in them. This creates a lattice. By installing the trellis on the ground in squares, you can plant plants at the same distance.

Step 8: Flashlight Holder
The following homemade project is simple and functional. To make it, you only need a piece of pipe, two screws and a drill. Cuts off a piece of pipe. From the edges to the middle, he cuts the pipe at an angle, leaving about a third in the middle. Drills around the edges of the hole. screws the holder to the wall. Now you can install the flashlight in the holder.

Step 9: Puppet Theater
The following homemade product should interest parents. To make it, the author used a pipe and various connectors, as well as a sheet and pins.