What to pour on the spring garlic turned yellow. Garlic turns yellow in spring: what to water and feed for various reasons for yellowing

3492 06/28/2019 5 min.

Growing garlic in your garden is not at all difficult. But even with careful care, gardeners discover such a problem as yellowed leaves. It can occur for a variety of reasons, and it may not be related to the characteristics of care. This problem can be overcome only after the exact cause of the yellowed foliage has been established.

Problems with winter garlic in spring

Often yellow leaves on garlic may indicate that there is too much or too little moisture. When the air-water balance is disturbed, crop damage occurs.

To prevent the development of yellowed leaves, it is necessary to reduce watering during rainfall. It is enough to moisten the soil once every 2 weeks. When it’s dry and hot outside, watering once a week is enough. But in a rainy summer you can forget about watering. It will also be useful to find out how effective this remedy is.

Diseases and pests

Yellowing garlic foliage may be the result of insect activity or disease. And although garlic itself can repel pests from other crops, it can also be affected by certain diseases.

Damage to the green part can often be affected by powdery mildew, rot, rust, mold, onion fly or mite. As soon as the first signs of damage are detected, the plant must be treated with fungicides. But it would be better to carry it out on time preventive measures. Read about planting and caring for winter garlic.

Lack of minerals in the soil

If the amount of nutrients in the soil is insufficient, the leaves will turn yellow at the tips. This occurs mainly as a result of a lack of potassium, magnesium and nitrogen.

Shallow landing

One of the most common causes of yellowing on garlic leaves is shallow planting. If the garlic was not planted deep enough in the fall, the planting material may freeze. Then in the spring the garlic will throw out yellow leaves.

To prevent this from happening, you need to monitor the planting depth. It will be 4-6 cm. It is also worth using mulching of plantings with humus. The thickness of the layer is 4-6 cm. If it was not possible to avoid freezing of the bulbs, then it is necessary to provide adequate care for the plants so that they can recover.

But what should be the proportions of watering garlic with ammonia is indicated

Poor quality planting material

If the appearance of the planting material is initially poor, then after planting it will not germinate well. In this case, the leaves will be weak and pale. To prevent this from happening, it is necessary to use high-quality planting material.

Video shows why garlic turns yellow in spring:

What to do

If it was not possible to avoid yellowing leaves, then it is necessary to begin to combat the problem that has arisen. To do this you will have to use like folk remedies, and finished drugs.

Early in the spring, when the first feathers have formed, it is worth covering the bed with film or other material. In addition, it is necessary to irrigate with the help of drugs such as Fitosporin, Epin-Extra.

When the threat of frost has passed, it is necessary to remove protective coating. After this, you will be able to see that the leaves are green and look completely healthy. At this time you can add fertilizer:

  1. The very first fertilizing should be done with urea.. The fact is that it contains nitrogen. This is exactly what a green plant needs for full growth. For these purposes, you can use dry fertilizer. It is presented in the form of granules. Sprinkle them between the rows and then cover them with earth. Now you can water everything thoroughly. You can also use urea in the form of a solution. It is used for foliar and root feeding. Preparing the solution is simple. you need to take 30 g of urea and dissolve it in 10 liters of water.
  2. As soon as there is frost, you can treat the garlic leaves with Zircon. To do this, take it in an amount of 1 ml and dissolve it in 10 liters of water. This remedy is a powerful antidepressant. Thanks to it, the plant will quickly recover and begin to grow actively. It is worth spraying once a week until the feathers are completely restored.
  3. If the garlic leaves are green, and only slight yellowing is present at the tips, then it is worth carrying out foliar treatment. Potassium sulfate is used for this. To prepare the solution, you need to use 10 g of the product and 1 liter of water. Plants must be treated in dry and windless weather. It's best to do this in the evening. Such fertilizer can successfully replace complex fertilizer. In this case, the main thing is to dilute the drug according to the dosage indicated on the package.

But how garlic is treated with ammonia from onion flies will help you understand this

The video shows what to do about the problem:

Carrots are not suitable for onion flies. So you can plant it near the garlic. Its smell will begin to repel the pest.

Equally important is maintaining crop rotation in the garden. You should not grow garlic for more than 1-2 years in one place.

Drastic measures include a solution made from salt. To do this, you need to use 10 liters of water and 200 g of salt. Use the mixture to water the garden beds. Only after this is it necessary to water it clean water. Pests and their larvae do not like salt water. It is enough to perform one procedure per season.

Ammonia and nitrogen fertilizers are also great for repelling onion flies. to prepare the solution, take 60 ml ammonia take 10 liters of water. In addition, the resulting solution will make the plant more resilient and strong, so that it will not be afraid of any diseases or pests.

Garlic leaves can turn yellow for a variety of reasons. It is extremely important to identify them in time and direct all efforts to combat this problem. If you cannot avoid such symptoms, then you risk losing your harvest.

The garlic leaves have turned yellow... This phenomenon, unfortunately, is not uncommon in our gardens. Why does garlic turn yellow? How to prevent this phenomenon? What to do? Could it be a disease? Then what to process with? Or maybe he is missing something? How and what to feed? We usually see garlic leaves starting to turn yellow from the tips.

Then this yellowing increases, the development of the plant is accordingly delayed, and the bulbs form smaller. The reasons may be different.

Garlic pests:

onion fly, onion stem nematode

Firstly, the leaves of winter garlic turn yellow early spring, after he gets caught in a hard freeze. This is one of the reasons.

Secondly, this can happen if the bulb is infected with some kind of fungal disease.

These are just two reasons. They seem to be obvious; we can ourselves determine the reason for the yellowing of garlic leaves. In the morning we woke up, and there was frost on the grass and the puddles were covered with thin ice. Or they pulled out an onion and saw that on the bottom, the roots had turned black, and mold had appeared.

What to do after spring frosts

If the garlic has been caught by a light frost or there has been a frost, then it is advisable to immediately treat it, spray the leaves with a solution of any stimulant - HB-101, Epin, Zircon and others.

Garlic diseases

At the very beginning, I said that garlic can turn yellow from fungal diseases. They can cause yellow leaves to appear. It is difficult to treat fusarium and bacterial rot - it is easier to prevent. What to do? Before planting, the garlic cloves had to be disinfected - soaked in a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate, or the drug "Maxim", or the drug "Fitosporin" (15-25 minutes). If you did not do this before planting, you can water the beds with these solutions for prevention.

But sometimes such obvious signs There is no reason for the yellowing of garlic. There were no frosts, the root on the bulb was clean. What's going on? What to do? What to process? Or maybe you need to feed it?

Fertilizing garlic

One of the reasons why leaves turn yellow is a lack of nutrients. Basically, it lacks nitrogen or potassium.

What to do? For feeding, you can use mineral or organic fertilizers.

Carefully loosen the rows.

Make a shallow (1-2 cm) groove. Pour (sow) granular fertilizers into it, for example, urea (carbamide) or some complex mineral fertilizer. Sprinkle the granules with soil. After this, water the entire bed generously so that the fertilizer dissolves, since any plants absorb nutrients only in dissolved form. After this, you can mulch the wet bed with dry soil or compost to keep the soil moist for as long as possible.

Second option. First dissolve dry mineral fertilizer in water (1 tablespoon of urea or Fertika Lux per 10 liters of water), pour over the garlic - 10 liters of solution per 1 sq. m. This option is even preferable, since the liquid fertilizer immediately reaches the roots of the plants.

What else can you do?

Can be done foliar feeding. It is especially useful for young plants. Can be fed with complex mineral fertilizer or potassium sulfate, which garlic also often lacks.

The norm of potassium sulfate is 1 teaspoon per 1 liter of water.

Set your sprayer to a fine spray and spray all the garlic leaves generously. This should be done in the evening, in dry, windless weather, so that the droplets nutrient solution fell on the leaves, did not dry out in the wind, but were completely absorbed.

From organic fertilizers For feeding, I use an infusion of cut green grass or weeds, to which wood ash is added.

A solution of this liquid “green fertilizer” can be used to water the garlic at the root or to do foliar feeding.

Garlic planting dates

There is another reason why the leaves turn yellow. This is a failure to comply with planting deadlines. Beginning gardeners plant garlic early in the fall, for example, in early September. And it needs to be planted approximately two to three weeks before the onset of persistent cold weather. Garlic should only have time to take root, but not grow. If we plant it early in the fall, then in the spring - after the snow melts - yellow leaves will appear. They just froze.

Garlic pests: onion fly, onion stem nematode

Pests can cause yellowing of garlic leaves. Examine the plants carefully. You notice small worms at the base of the leaves. These are onion fly larvae. How to get rid of it?

What to process? You can get rid of them using a saline solution. To do this, take 200 g of table salt and dilute it in 10 liters of water. We spray with this solution.

The worms will disappear.

The reason that the garlic leaves have turned yellow may be the onion stem nematode. This is perhaps the biggest nuisance. There is no use fighting her. Can live in soil, without water or food, for 8-10 years.

What does an infected plant look like?

The plant begins to wither. The leaves lighten, curl, and the cracked bulb begins to rot. Dig up one head of garlic with yellowed, curled leaves.

If it is damaged by a nematode, then on the bottom of the bulb there will be rotten roots and a white or pinkish coating - these are small worms that can only be seen through a magnifying glass with 10-20x magnification - they are 1.5 mm in length and 0.5 mm in thickness.

A white or pinkish coating on the bottom of the bulb is an accumulation of the pest. What to do? Such plants will have to be destroyed.

Garlic, like many other crops, must be fed after winter. After all, most of us plant it before winter, but if you plant garlic in the spring, that is, its spring variety, then fertilizing is also necessary here. By the way, winter garlic has its differences from spring. You need to know them in order to plant each variety of garlic at exactly the right time, because this directly affects the yield. Let me briefly explain the difference between these two types. As for winter garlic, it has this name because it is planted before winter. By time it is October or November, landing is determined in in this case weather. The main thing is to have time to do it before frost. Next, the garlic cloves take root, and in winter they will no longer freeze. Spring garlic is planted in the spring. This is usually done immediately after the snow has completely melted, when the ground has already warmed up sufficiently. Here's the difference between these 2 varieties of garlic in a nutshell.

Feeding garlic after winter. What and how should this be done?

Garlic, like many other crops, should not be planted in one place every year; it must be changed. As for the planting itself, the soil is usually prepared for it in advance, a week or two in advance. This preparation comes down to loosening the soil and fertilizing it with mineral and also organic substances. Typically, potassium salt is used for this, as well as superphosphate and manure. When the garlic has already been planted, it is covered with manure (only well-rotted). As for the amount of manure, it is usually up to 8 kilograms per square meter.

3 stages of spring feeding of garlic

You need to feed garlic after winter, that is, its winter variety, about a week later, that is, when the snow has already melted from the garden beds and its first sprouts have begun to appear. As for the spring variety of garlic, it will also need to be fertilized. This is done when the ovaries are formed. In both cases, fertilizer is usually combined with watering, because garlic does not tolerate dry soil well. The aqueous solution for feeding should be prepared in moderation, because it disappears quite quickly.

Feeding No. 1

As already mentioned, for winter, this is a week after the snow melts, and for spring, when 3 or 4 leaves appear on it. In this case, a solution is prepared. It must be made on the basis of urea (tablespoon), which is simply diluted in a liter of water. Now for the consumption of this mixture. Here we will proceed from the square meter of garlic beds. For each such meter, this mixture will need up to 3 liters.

Top dressing No. 2

We count down half a month, and again the garlic (both types) will need to be fed. Here we will already do this with nitrophoska, is it possible to take nitroamophoska? The solution is prepared again. We immediately take 10 liters of water, measure out 2 tablespoons of any of these 2 fertilizers. For the same square meter we will again need about 3 or 4 liters of this liquid mineral fertilizer.

Top dressing No. 3

This stage will be our final stage when fertilizing young garlic plantings. Here you need to measure everything very accurately. In time, this stage should fall in June. It is in this month that the bulb begins to slowly form and this process must be monitored. As for the composition of the fertilizer, you need to use superphosphate. The technology for preparing such a solution is exactly the same as it was described at stage 2, that is, the same 2 tablespoons, for the same 10-liter bucket of water. But, in this case, you will need more solution per square meter, namely 4 or 5 liters.

We feed garlic using the foliar method

This method involves spraying liquid fertilizer on the garlic stems and on its leaves. He has a serious plus - everything useful substances At the same time, they are quickly absorbed by garlic. If your garlic grows quite slowly, then it is best to use this method. But this is far from a replacement for all stages of feeding. They are still the main ones, and such feeding is only an addition to them. At the same time, the concentration of any fertilizers should be less when compared with the main feeding. It is best to do this in the evening, or when the weather is cloudy. It needs to be done 2 times during the entire period of garlic growth.

You can prepare another solution. Here they use the same urea (a tablespoon), plus bird droppings (one glass), and all this is diluted in a 10-liter bucket of water. And here is a video where they will show you what else you can feed garlic in the spring. Let's see.

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Spring is a wonderful time! How many positive emotions we get at the beginning summer season when the first shoots of planted plants emerge from the ground! Juicy, strong, green garlic feathers are among the first to make their way to the sun. But often joy gives way to anxiety - seemingly for no reason at all, young leaves begin to turn yellow. Why is this happening? How to get rid of such a scourge? What steps should be taken to avoid this problem in garlic plantings?

Causes of yellowing garlic

Yellowing and drying of garlic tops is normal at the end of the season, before harvesting. If winter or spring garlic turns yellow in the spring or at the height of summer, then this process is not just undesirable, but dangerous, so you need to look for the cause and eliminate it immediately. Delay in this case threatens loss of harvest quality, or even death of plants. Among the main reasons for untimely yellowing of garlic are the following:

  • incorrect planting depth;
  • violation of disembarkation deadlines;
  • poor quality planting material;
  • flaw nutrients, in particular, nitrogen, macro- and microelements. If fertilizers were applied to the soil during autumn digging, then some of them, especially from sandy soil, can be washed away by melt water;
  • increased soil acidity;
  • lack or excess of moisture;
  • poor soil breathability;
  • damage by diseases and pests.

Chlorosis - yellowing of leaves - most often begins at the tips and quickly spreads to the entire garlic feather and the stem of the plant.

If garlic exhibits premature yellowing and drying out of the leaves, then it suffers from chlorosis

What to do to prevent yellowing of garlic

It is well known that it is easier to prevent any problem than to take measures to correct it later. If we analyze the causes of garlic chlorosis, we can note that most often problems arise due to violation of agrotechnical rules when planting and caring for plants. Let's remember the main points that you need to pay attention to when growing garlic to prevent it from turning yellow.

High-quality planting material and proper planting of garlic

First, let's talk about the heads of garlic intended for planting:

  • First of all, large heads are selected that have correct form. If you have medium-sized onions at your disposal, then take the large cloves from them, and leave the small ones for food;
  • when dividing the head into teeth, carefully remove the maternal bottom, which serves as a kind of plug for the development of roots young plant. If this is not done, the seedlings will turn yellow and lag behind in growth. The bottom of the clove itself should remain intact and unharmed;
    Parsing the planting head of garlic into cloves is carried out immediately before
  • Do not use as planting material cloves on which the covering scales were damaged when disassembling the head;
  • When sorting, the cloves are carefully inspected so that seeds with spots and other initial manifestations of infectious diseases are not used for planting;
  • Before planting, the harvested material should be disinfected and fed with microelements. Good effect gives soaking in a solution of the following components: boric acid (2 g) + zinc sulfate (0.3 g) + copper sulfate (0.5 g) + manganese (0.2 g). The number of components is indicated per 1 liter of water;
    The time for soaking garlic in a disinfecting and nourishing bath is about 30 minutes.

If you use grown garlic cloves for planting year after year, you risk getting plants with low viability. Experts recommend periodically renewing garlic seeds by growing single cloves from airy bulbs. This is how you can get seed raw materials that are free from various diseases.

Single clove garlic grows from aerial seeds after the first year of growing season

Next important point is compliance with crop rotation. Garlic can be planted in its old place no earlier than after 3 years. This is exactly the period of time required so that spores of fungi and bacteria harmful to the crop lose their activity and do not infect young seedlings.

Garlic should be planted in optimal timing. Winter garlic middle lane Russia is planted in early October, in southern regions- in November. This is the most comfortable period, since before the onset of frost the cloves will have time to take root, but will not throw out the leaves. Spring garlic is planted in the garden in early spring after the soil has warmed to +5–7 degrees. This temperature will be favorable for the formation of the plant’s root system and the beginning of leaf growth.

The planting depth of winter garlic plays a special role. A small scratch can lead to freezing of the teeth in winter period. In the spring, such a plant will not throw out green feathers, but yellow, chlorotic ones. Deeply planted garlic also faces an unenviable fate - it can sprout unevenly, become wet, and dry out. An external symptom of these problems will also be yellow leaves.

The optimal planting depth is considered to be a depth of two times the height of the clove itself (from the bottom to the crown).

It is believed that there should be no more than 2–3 cm from the garlic brush to the surface of the ground.

In the fall, a bed with winter garlic can be covered with fallen leaves, which will serve as a good shelter from the winter cold. Mulching with straw and freshly cut grass will help protect emerging seedlings from spring frosts.

The time to mulch garlic is early spring, immediately after the soil has thawed well: if you mulch earlier, the mulch will retain the cold at the roots

Compliance with agrotechnical rules for caring for garlic is a guarantee of preventing yellowing

First of all, you need to organize proper watering garlic plantings. At the beginning of the growing season, when garlic is actively growing green mass, the plant needs abundant watering. If there is not enough moisture, the tips of the leaves will begin to turn yellow. In the phase of formation of heads, watering should be moderate; waterlogging during this period will lead to damping off of the bulbs, the first sign of which will again be yellowing of the leaves.
For irrigation, it is advisable to use water with a temperature of +15 - 18 degrees

In early spring, many gardens experience high standing groundwater, and the garlic in this case will suffer from waterlogging. The only way to solve the problem is to plant garlic in high beds.

After watering or rain, garlic plantings require mandatory loosening of the soil, since a dense earthen crust will impede air access, and garlic will react to a disturbance in the air balance by yellowing the foliage.

To prevent garlic leaves from turning yellow due to lack of nutrients, you should feed the plant on time. At the beginning of growth, it needs nitrogen most of all, so without waiting for the garlic to tell you that it is starving appearance, fertilize with a solution of mullein (in a ratio of 1:10), herbal infusion or mineral nitrogen-containing fertilizers.

It is not recommended to use fresh manure as top dressing.

As soon as the first leaves of garlic appear from the ground, you need to add them to the soil. nitrogen fertilizer

Prevention against diseases and pests

Damage by diseases and pests is one of the main causes of yellowing of garlic feathers. Effective preventive measure To solve this problem is disinfection of seed material. To carry it out, you can use the above composition, as well as others that are no less effective:

  • 1% potassium permanganate solution or copper sulfate. Exposure time - up to 10 hours;
  • lye ash. To prepare it, pour 4 cups of wood ash into 2 liters of water, boil for half an hour, and cool. After stratification of the solution, use its light part to soak the planting material. Exposure time - about 2 hours;
  • phytosporin solution (according to the instructions).

Some gardeners recommend heating the cloves for 8–10 hours at a temperature of +40–42 degrees.

On the Internet you can find recommendations for thoroughly cleaning garlic cloves from surface dry flakes. Based on personal experience, I allow myself to doubt the necessity and safety of this procedure, since it can lead to damage to the covering scales, and this will open the way for various pathogens and pathogenic microbes.

If you do everything correctly, follow planting dates, select fertilizers, regulate the condition of the soil, garlic will grow without any problems, and you will not have to deal with yellowing of the leaves.

What to do if garlic begins to turn yellow

If yellowness does appear on the garlic feathers, the first thing you need to do is try to determine the cause of its occurrence, and then decide what means you will use to eradicate this problem.

The garlic is frozen

Garlic leaves that have been frozen can be sprayed with available growth stimulants. According to reviews experienced gardeners one of the most effective means in this case it is Epin. It increases the plant's immunity and stimulates the growth of new leaves. After treatment with the drug, garlic can more easily tolerate low temperatures and lack of moisture. Epin can be used once a week, repeating treatments until the culture is completely cured.
In dissolved form, the product is suitable for use only for 48 hours, but it will give a really strong effect only if used immediately

Another drug that will have a restorative effect is Zircon. It helps garlic to quickly develop and recover at the cellular level, enhances leaf growth, protects the plant from stress and disease, and strengthens the immune system. The product is absolutely safe as it consists of herbal ingredients. It is recommended to combine zircon with vitamin supplements and fertilizers, then it will bring great benefits.
Garlic will respond well to treatment with Zircon provided the concentration of the substance is low: no more than 40 drops per 10 liters of water

A universal medicine for garlic is Succinic acid. This is a preparation created on the basis of amber processing products; it has a stimulating effect and also nourishes the plant with microelements. As a result, garlic treated with Succinic Acid quickly recovers from frost damage and can more easily withstand periods of drought and other stressful situations.
A solution of succinic acid can be used both for spraying and watering garlic

Succinic acid can be purchased both in specialized gardening stores and in pharmacies. This remedy is also recommended for enhancing human immunity.

Video: succinic acid in the garden

Nutrient deficiencies

If you suspect that the garlic is starting to turn yellow due to lack of nutrition, you should immediately fertilize the garlic.

Table: recommended recipes for fertilizing garlic in early spring

Do not forget that during the period of active growth, garlic may turn yellow from lack of moisture. Weekly watering (in hot weather once every 5 days) will help correct the situation.

When affected by diseases or pests

It happens that all agrotechnical measures have been carried out, the garlic has enough nutrients and moisture, but the garlic continues to turn yellow. In this case, it is necessary to check the plant for signs of disease and pest damage. You need to remove the plant from the ground and carefully examine it.

Actellik has an unusually powerful effect against pests, provides reliable protection many types of cultivated plants, including garlic, do not require a long waiting period for harvesting. Spraying with the fungicide Quadris is carried out in the morning or evening hours in calm weather, preventing its drift to neighboring crops. The action of Fitoverm is intestinal and contact: penetrating into the pest’s body through the outer integument when spraying or after eating treated leaves, the substance acts on nervous system insect, causing its paralysis and then death
The insecticide Iskra is used to protect garlic from pests such as onion fly and root mite Fundazol has a protective and therapeutic effect, it provides effective suppression of diseases even after their symptoms have appeared on plants

Garlic has been known to man since ancient times; it was not only eaten, but also used for medicinal purposes, as medicine. Nowadays, perhaps, there is no gardener who does not have garlic on his plot.

Garlic: characteristics of varieties

Garlic comes in 2 varieties:

  1. winter, which is planted before winter (in separate cloves in open ground in autumn).
  2. spring - planted in the spring.

Winter garlic differs from spring garlic in that the first one already contains the future green arrow, which is clearly visible if you make a cross section. Spring garlic does not shoot out its arrow. Its reproduction occurs in cloves. Externally, they also differ: the winter one contains one row of 4-6 large segments, and the spring one has 2 rows of small ones.

Gardeners have noticed that winter garlic mostly turns yellow.

Why does the garlic in the garden turn yellow?

  • Deep landing. Do not plant winter garlic cloves deep into the ground, as this may cause them to freeze and cause yellow leaves to appear. Therefore, it is best to plant at a depth of 5 cm.
  • Lack of nitrogen. This reason can be easily corrected if you feed the plant with nitrogen fertilizer early in the spring (if this is done in the fall, some of the fertilizer will be washed out of the soil). Liquid manure and urea are quite suitable for this.
  • Acidic soil. This kind of soil is absolutely not suitable! The soil must be sufficiently moist and enriched with oxygen. Neutral ground will do.
  • If the garlic begins to turn yellow, then you need to water the soil frequently and constantly loosen it.
  • Poor planting material. This may also be one of the reasons for the appearance of yellowness. Planting material It is advisable to update it every year, otherwise accumulation and development of viral diseases may occur.
  • No watering. To prevent your garlic from turning yellow, be sure to water it. This is especially important in May - June, when green mass is being formed.
  • The cause of yellowing may be a violation of the timing of planting garlic.
  • Various pests and diseases. Such ailments include white rot, stem nematode, which appears in wet weather, and fungus. With fungal diseases, brown-yellow stripes appear on the leaves. The head of garlic itself is covered brown spots, the bottom of the head becomes soft.

There are many reasons for the yellowing of the tips of garlic leaves; it is important to identify the problem in a timely manner and eliminate it.

Garlic turns yellow: what to do?

In order to avoid the appearance of yellowness on the leaves, be sure to use only healthy cloves that have been treated when planting. special drugs(Maxim, Fundazol). Never add to the ground fresh manure, be sure to alternate planting crops in the same place.

It is also very effective to water the soil or planting material with a solution of table salt.

It is prepared based on 10 liters of water. Take 3 tbsp. l salt and 0.5 kg of finely chopped fern leaves. Mix all this and mash well, strain. Immerse the cloves in the solution for 15-20 minutes. Then, they can be planted without washing. You can also use a solution of potassium permanganate for preventive purposes. Planting material is soaked overnight, drained in the morning and planted during the day.

Remember, it is better to take care of prevention in advance than to treat the consequences.

  • It’s good if mint, thyme, and calendula are planted next to the garlic.
  • To reduce acidity, lime the bed before planting or sprinkle dolomite flour on it in early spring. After this, loosen the soil.
  • You can water the garlic with a solution of ash (1 tbsp per bucket of water). It’s even better if you prepare an infusion of 1 kg of ash and 10 liters of boiling water. Leave for at least 3 days. When watering, add 1 liter of product to 1 bucket of water.
  • When planting any plants in your garden, remember one rule - the key good harvest is to comply with the change of cultures. It is not suitable to plant garlic after onions, potatoes, which have common diseases with them. It will be possible to plant it in its original place only after 5 years, not earlier.
  • Having found out the cause of the plant disease and eliminated it, do not forget about fertilizing. This is a prerequisite for good growth and development of garlic. If garlic turns yellow in your area, you need to choose the right way to feed the plant. You can use nitrophoska, urea or saltpeter.

Growing garlic is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. The plant must be watered, fed, loosened and protected from pests. By following certain rules for caring for your crops, you are sure to get an excellent harvest!
