Linoleum types and properties. What types of linoleum are there and where to use them

Choosing flooring today is not a problem. Trade organizations offer a wide selection of materials that will make the floor warm, durable, and comfortable. However, as practice shows, most people opt for linoleum, which allows them to make the apartment cozy and beautiful without causing serious damage to the family budget.

To save your budget, you can lay linoleum on the floor

Main characteristics of linoleum

When it is necessary to choose a floor covering, all the properties are taken into account, helping to choose exactly the one that will meet the balanced requirements of price and quality, combine:

  • variety of colors and patterns;
  • ease of installation.

Linoleum differs in technical characteristics depending on:

  • from the connecting element;
  • base structures;
  • composition.

An important indicator of quality is the level of wear resistance and abrasion. It forms the basis for distinguishing coatings, depending on the purposes of its application. It is divided into household, semi-commercial and commercial.

An important factor in the choice of linoleum is an indicator of wear resistance

Types of linoleum, depending on the material of manufacture

Products are presented in many options that determine their consumer properties.

Type of material




Flax oil

Pine resin

Wood flour

Powder Limestone (powdered)

Natural dyes

The base is made from processed jute.

Does not lose color from exposure sun rays. Resistant to aggressive chemical compounds.

Environmentally friendly, does not contain components harmful to health.

Natural antistatic.

High cost

Increased fragility

Polyvinyl chloride

Polyvinyl chloride polymer

Not subject to rotting.

Low thermal conductivity. High degree of wear resistance.

Retains an unpleasant chemical odor for a long time.

Traumatic (slippery)



Cotton or wood pulp nitrate


Has excellent resistance to moisture.

Low fire resistance

Very thin


Alkyd resin

High thermal conductivity

Excellent sound insulation qualities

During use, it shrinks in length and expands in width.


Used crushed rubber

High water-repellent properties


During operation, it releases substances harmful to health.

Household linoleum

Types of PVC linoleum, depending on wear resistance and scope of application

When purchasing a floor covering, it is important to pay attention to whether it meets the necessary parameters, in particular, how durable it will be. Polyvinyl chloride linoleum (PVC) is just that. However, it is equally important to decide where it will be used.

Household PVC has its own characteristic advantages:

  • has good noise and heat insulation;
  • elastic;
  • presented in a variety of colors and patterns;
  • weight 1 sq. meters does not exceed 2.25 kg.

Manufacturers take into account light loads in residential premises, so this type of linoleum has the lowest level of wear resistance, which is not evidence of poor quality.

Sometimes manufacturers take into account loads

It will look great in the bedroom, maintaining its integrity, fresh colors and brightness of the design for many years. It will last a little less in a nursery, where restless babies like to crawl on the floor. For a kitchen, dining room or hallway, you need to choose a material based on the thickness of the protective layer.

As for commercial linoleum, its wear resistance is high, which is important:

  • in offices with large throughput visitors during the day;
  • at social and domestic facilities;
  • in medical and educational institutions;
  • sports, shopping and entertainment centers and others.

At the same time, it retains its original appearance, does not fade, is practically not subject to deformation.

This linoleum is very durable and cannot be deformed.

Another type of coating, called semi-commercial, is used to equip residential premises and offices. It will serve for many years without losing its best consumer qualities:

  • in houses and apartments where large families live, especially when equipping kitchens and hallways;
  • in offices with a small number of visitors;
  • on small objects for various purposes.

PVC material comes in a variety of colors and is distinguished by its affordable price and availability.

PVC linoleum has a variety of colors

Types of linoleum depending on structure

Linoleum used in rooms with different conditions operation, gave impetus to the emergence of materials with different structures. It is customary to distinguish between homogeneous and heterogeneous coatings, as well as those with a base and those without a base.

Homogeneous is formed from polyvinyl chloride granules and dyes, which form a homogeneous mixture where the pattern is visible throughout the entire thickness and remains unchanged long time.

A heterogeneous material is characterized by the presence of several layers, which include:

  • fiberglass,
  • nonwoven materials,
  • foamed PVC.

This allows it to be used as a universal coating. Jute and felt are used to enhance comfort and durability. However, under certain conditions with negative impacts product delamination is possible.

Laying such wallpaper is ideal flat surface

As for the base, it is not necessarily present in the product, which is not always a disadvantage. Baseless linoleum is a fairly thin material, which makes it low cost, but some of its types have a high abrasion rate. Therefore, if handled correctly, it can be used for a long time. The base is usually jute or felt, as well as foam. It is believed that the thicker it is, the stronger the linoleum.

Advice. In fairness, it is worth noting that not every baseless material is strong and durable. In most cases, it is very fragile, so it needs to be laid on the most flat surface possible.

Linoleum with a base has a backing that retains heat well and increases wear resistance. It fits perfectly on the surface, which is facilitated by its elasticity.

The thicker the base, the stronger the linoleum

Determining a suitable option for premises for various purposes

To determine the most successful flooring option, you can use the recommendations developed by specialists who labeled linoleum based on the load intensity parameter. The room types were numbered as follows:

2 – residential,

3 – office,

4 – industrial.

Accordingly, the intensity of the load on the material is determined from low to very high and is indicated by numbers from one to four.

The final marking is carried out using two numbers, for example 23, which means that the material is intended for domestic premises with high degree loads.

For a specific room, you can choose specially numbered linoleum

Dimensions of linoleum for flooring

Despite the seeming strangeness of the question about the size of the floor covering, it is relevant, since the material has certain features that must be taken into account during installation. This refers to the provided list of linoleum size range regarding its width, which ranges from one and a half to five meters. You can find material in stores various sizes, but, according to experts, the most popular are rolls two to three meters wide.

The most successful option would be wide linoleum

As a rule, they try to lay it down whole pieces, the dimensions of which correspond to the parameters of the room. When carrying out measurements, it is necessary to take into account:

  • existing ledges and niches;
  • spaces under doorways;
  • other planning features.

If the measurements and calculations are carried out correctly, then you will not have to purchase additional material, which saves money and makes the work process easier.

Classes of linoleum for premises

Experts have developed a scale of classes for using linoleum for indoor use.

The first domestic option includes various residential premises where different classes of coating are used.

The most budget-friendly is class 21 linoleum, which is recommended for use in bedrooms, living rooms and some office spaces.

Linoleum classes and scope

The 22nd is denser and more durable, so it is advisable to lay it in the kitchen or nursery.

The most durable material among household linoleum is class 23.

  • increased wear resistance;
  • variety of colors and variety of designs;
  • multilayer structure.

Class 31 material is used in office premises:

  • small conference rooms that are not used on a regular basis;
  • hotels;
  • offices without visitors.

The 32nd has higher wear resistance and is widely used in offices, small shops, etc.

Class 33 is used at social and cultural facilities and in office centers.

The most durable and reliable is flooring 34th class, which can be used in large supermarkets and other public facilities.

Industrial linoleum of classes 41-43 has a high level of strength and wear resistance, which is the determining argument when calculating its cost: it is the most expensive. Application by class directly depends on the profile of industrial production.

Industrial linoleum has a high level of strength and wear resistance

Texture and color of linoleum for flooring

Retail chains offer a wide selection of flooring of various qualities, colors and patterns. However, it is worth considering not only the beauty of the ornament, but also the place where it will be used. At design solutions the subsequent feeling of comfort and coziness directly depends on the correct selection color range and functionality of the room.

In the bedroom it is better not to take material with very bright and large drawing. The most successful ones will be:

  • cream or soft white tones;
  • beige;
  • the color of baked milk,
  • with wood or marble ornaments.

Linoleum with wood patterns will look very beautiful

In addition, you should take into account the size and lighting of the room.

Attention! If the bedroom area is small or the windows face the shady side, where the sun rarely peeks, it is worth purchasing material light colors, which will visually enlarge the room and make it brighter.

For the kitchen and hallway, dense material with high level wear resistance. As for the colors, they should not tire with their brightness and intrusiveness: this will contribute to early fatigue of the housewife, who spends a significant part of her time in this room.

It should be easy to maintain and not have unpleasant odor and do not react to aggressive chemicals used for cleaning.

If linoleum is installed in the bathroom, which does not happen often, you need to pay attention to its water-repellent properties. The best option there will still be tiles or any other ceramic coating.

Video: How to lay linoleum

Video: How to choose the right linoleum

Despite the fact that linoleum has been used as a floor covering for over 150 years, it still remains one of the most popular finishing materials for flooring. And this is not surprising, given the almost unlimited number of colors, affordable cost and ease of installation. In order to choose the right linoleum for a house, apartment or technical room, it is advisable to study in advance all existing types of material, its properties, characteristics and purpose.

We study the types of linoleum - a variety of compositions and binding materials

If we consider the varieties of linoleum, we can distinguish at least five groups.

These include:

  1. Natural linoleums.
  2. PVC (polyvinyl chloride).
  3. Alkyd (glyphthalic).
  4. Colloxylin (nitrocellulose).
  5. Rubber (relin).

As the name suggests, each type contains absolutely different materials and binders.

1. Natural linoleum

In its manufacture, the following are used: linseed oil, crushed lime and cork tree bark, shell rock powder, resin coniferous trees, natural dyes. Jute fabric is most often used as a base, although this floor covering can also be baseless.

If we focus on European standards, then natural linoleum should contain at least 30% flax oil and no more than 30% binders.

The main components of linoleum are special plasticizers, stabilizers, cork flour, pigments, mineral additives, acrylates. After mixing, the composition is applied to a pile, polyester, jute or PVC foam base and sent under the press. The flooring is ready.

According to statistics, PVC linoleum is so popular among consumers that it has confidently held the leading position in terms of production volumes for several years now.

3. Glypthal (alkyd) linoleum

The main binder of the material today is alkyd resins, which is where the second name for linoleum comes from - alkyd. Before the advent of new technologies, glyphthalic resin was used in the manufacture of linoleum in combination with wood flour, but such a coating was unstable to temperature changes and high mechanical loads. Replacing natural oils with components obtained during the production of fatty acids has improved the performance characteristics of the material and reduced the price of linoleum.

It is not as popular compared to previous groups, however, its sales account for 20% of the total volume of similar coatings made from other materials.

The main component of the material is nitrocellulose, so the finished products have a characteristic shine. Colloxylin (nitrocellulose) is obtained by nitration of wood or cellulose from cotton. In addition, plasticizers, fillers, and pigments are added to the composition of linoleum.

The finished products are a single-layer baseless fabric with a smooth front surface. Standard colors are red or brown colors, their halftones.

It is also called relin. It usually consists of two layers, the production of which uses bitumen, recycled rubber, synthetic rubber, fillers, and pigments.

Since there is a danger of releasing toxic substances, this group of linoleums is prohibited for use in residential premises.

Properties of linoleum - why is this flooring attractive to buyers?

The use of modern technologies and materials makes linoleum interesting for buyers in terms of consumer properties:

  • Easy to install allows you to refuse to hire specialists and do all the work yourself. The only thing you need to figure out home handyman- this is how to choose the right linoleum and install it. The rest is a matter of technique.
  • Relatively low price makes linoleum competitive in comparison with more expensive floor coverings such as parquet and laminate. Moreover, the variety of colors and textures “like wood” allows you to choose the most suitable option to any interior.
  • Caring for linoleum is easy , which is why many housewives prefer it. The coating easily tolerates wet cleaning, is not afraid of dampness and detergents. It retains its original appearance for quite a long time.
  • Resistance of linoleum to temperature changes , humidity and mechanical abrasion makes it possible to use it in various rooms.
  • Almost immediately after installation, the coating can be used for its intended purpose. . The minimum service life of linoleum is 10 years.

Characteristics of linoleum - the main parameters that determine the quality of the coating

The choice of linoleum should begin with a study of its technical characteristics, on which the service life of the coating and its performance will largely depend.

Comparative characteristics for different types linoleum according to its intended purpose are given in the table.

Purpose of linoleum - which is better for a home, an apartment, or technical premises?

Depending on the purpose, there are three classes of linoleum: commercial, semi-commercial and household. This division is used for the convenience of buyers and sellers.

Commercial linoleum includes coatings of classes 32-34, 41-42. This is the most durable material, the wear resistance of which is comparable even to marble tiles. In addition to high wear resistance, the coating also does not support combustion and does not lose its qualities under the influence of acids. Its surface is very durable and does not leave dents from furniture or heels. The service life of linoleum is identical ceramic tiles, and the price is much more affordable. Regular place Applications – lobbies of hotels, hospitals, public buildings, shopping centers.

Commercial linoleum is produced in two types:

  • Homogeneous.
  • Heterogeneous.

Homogeneous linoleum is a baseless homogeneous fabric, the thickness of which is no more than 3 mm. Important feature is that abrasion of the coating does not affect the pattern due to the uniformity of the layer. This means only one thing, no matter how the linoleum wears out, it will always look like new.

Heterogeneous linoleum consists of several layers laid on a base. The thickness of the coating can reach up to 6 mm. The material is heterogeneous in composition, so the pattern is covered with a film on top to protect it from mechanical influences. As the film wears, the pattern fades. However, there is an undoubted plus - a wider range of colors and a choice of patterns than homogeneous linoleum. Various additives can also be used to impart certain properties to the coating (antistatic, antiseptic, anti-slip, etc.).

Semi-commercial linoleum corresponds to classes 31-33, combining simplicity and convenience with sufficient strength and resistance to mechanical damage. Thanks to the decorative layer, it comes in a variety of colors. The pattern is protected from abrasion by a special film, which makes the linoleum surface more durable. The coating is made on a jute or foam base.

Semi-commercial linoleum feels most comfortable in places not connected to the street. It is used in rooms with average traffic: kindergartens, school classrooms, offices. It has also proven itself quite well at home, where there is increased load on the floor. This great option for arranging floors in corridors, kitchens, hallways.

  • For bedrooms and living rooms, this layer should be 0.15 mm.
  • For children's rooms - 0.20 mm.
  • For corridors, hallways and kitchens - 0.25 mm.
  • For service and office premises with average traffic – 0.30 mm.
  • For service and office premises with heavy traffic - from 0.50 mm.

Household linoleum has a minimum wear resistance class of 21-23 units and is intended for finishing floors in residential premises. You cannot move heavy furniture on it or walk on it in stiletto heels; otherwise, with proper care, the coating will last quite a long time. Caring for it is quite simple. It is enough to carry out wet cleaning using standard detergents, and, if necessary, wiping with a special mastic.

Linoleum consists of several layers, i.e. refers to heterogeneous coatings. It can be baseless (1.5-3.0 mm thick) and with a PVC foam or fabric base (3.5-4.0 mm thick). The thicker the layer, the greater the load it can withstand, providing, in turn, better thermal insulation. In addition, thick linoleum easily hides minor floor defects.

A foam-based coating has a longer service life than a felt (jute)-based coating. It can be used in bathrooms and on verandas as the material is moisture resistant. Linoleum with a felt base has a more elastic and soft structure; walking on it barefoot does not cause discomfort. But in places with high humidity its use is undesirable.

Video tips for choosing linoleum, which linoleum is better

Currently, there is an intensive development of the linoleum market. Moreover, quality linoleum Now they represent not only well-known foreign companies, but also domestic manufacturers. The market offers huge assortment of this product with the most different characteristics, so there is plenty to choose from. You can buy natural or synthetic, expensive heterogeneous or cheaper homogeneous linoleum - the main thing is that the coating is practical to use and quite durable. Knowledge of the main types and characteristics of linoleum will help you make the optimal choice.

Natural linoleum is the most environmentally friendly and safe finishing material

Types of linoleum based on binding material

So, linoleum - what is this amazing finishing material that has gained enormous popularity among millions of consumers?

Modern linoleum is divided according to the composition of the binding components into five large groups:

  1. Natural linoleum consists of natural ingredients - linseed oil, pine resin, oak bark flour, wood flour, limestone powder, natural dyes. Available with base and baseless. The base is made of jute fabric. Natural linoleum does not fade, does not change color with use, and is resistant to acids, alkalis, ethyl alcohol, and fats.
  2. Polyvinyl chloride linoleum, there are several types of it. It is made on non-woven, fabric and foam bases. There are also baseless, single-layer and multi-layer options. The main disadvantage of PVC linoleum is shrinkage, which must be taken into account when laying the material.
  3. Colloxin(nitrocellulose) linoleum is a thin baseless material with excellent moisture resistance and elasticity. Its main disadvantage is its high flammability.
  4. Glypthal linoleum is produced on a woven base and has high heat and sound insulation properties. Over time, the glyphthalic linoleum sheet decreases in length and increases in width (this must be taken into account when laying).
  5. Rubber linoleum (Relin) is made in two layers: the bottom layer is made of crushed wood, the top layer is made of synthetic rubber and filler. Characterized by excellent elasticity and moisture resistance, but living rooms it is not used because over time it begins to release substances harmful to humans.

The first 2 groups are most widespread in the construction industry. Of all linoleums, natural linoleum is the most environmentally friendly and safe finishing material.

Nevertheless, PVC coatings are much more popular among Russian consumers, since they have a much lower cost.

The width range of the rolls is also quite convenient for the consumer - 1.5-5 meters (for homogeneous linoleum the standard width is 2 m). The basis of such linoleum is its top layer, consisting of pure polyvinyl chloride (sometimes with the addition of granules to give a 3D effect). This performance top layer is reinforced with polyurethane to add greater durability characteristics. For the substrate in this coating, non-woven fiber, natural fabric or foamed PVC is chosen. To preserve the material from compression and tension, these two layers are bonded together with fiberglass. The decorative layer contains a printed design. Thanks to it, heterogeneous linoleum has thousands of colors; manufacturers offer a colossal number of coating designs to suit any most sophisticated taste.

Heterogeneous commercial linoleum is a durable, wear-resistant flooring material with original design

According to the presence of a basis

According to the presence of a basis PVC coatings are divided into:

  • linoleums without base;
  • linoleum based

Baseless linoleum has several layers and may have a rough surface. It is characterized best qualities wear resistance. Usually used in places where there is heavy traffic.

Linoleum based can be produced on a foam or jute (fabric) basis. The first of them has good flexibility, has good performance durability and all sorts of options colors Usually used in residential areas. Linoleum based on jute is laid in rooms with little traffic and where there is a need for improved thermal insulation.

By area of ​​application

By area of ​​application, linoleum is classified into:

  • domestic;
  • semi-commercial;
  • commercial;
  • specialized.

can have either a foam or polyester base. The thickness of such linoleum is 1-4 millimeters. A wide variety of designs, ease of installation, softness and, importantly, the lowest price among linoleums - all this attracts the attention of buyers, despite the short service life of such linoleum under heavy load conditions - only 2 years.

Household linoleum is popular for its wide variety of designs and low cost.

Commercial linoleum – the characteristics of which are radically different from those of other types of linoleum, it is a coating with very high wear resistance, which is painted through the entire thickness and has the thickest possible protective layer. Its main application is public spaces where there is high traffic and the flooring must have the highest wear resistance. This could be the floors of hospital rooms, school hallways or dance classrooms. In those places where durable linoleum with a not very rich palette of colors and paints is needed, commercial PVC linoleum is used. Among commercial linoleums there are both homogeneous and heterogeneous coatings. The service life of this group of coatings is 10-25 years.

the structure is similar to the household one (consists of a base, a decorative layer, a protective layer), but differs from it in the increased thickness of the protective top layer (up to 0.7 millimeters).

Semi-commercial linoleum is used in office premises

It is used in public and office spaces, it is also recommended for use in passage rooms of the house (corridor, staircase, kitchen). Semi-commercial linoleum - the characteristics and colors of which allow you to create unique and stylish patterns on the floor in hotels, small offices, preschool institutions, is also a durable coating with a service life often exceeding 10 years.

designed for special tasks:

The polyurethane layer gives sports linoleum additional wear resistance

  • Sports linoleum is covered with a protective polyurethane layer, which gives the material wear resistance and also protects it from dirt.
  • Linoleum, which has a bactericidal coating (it contains antibacterial and antifungal additives), has a sterilization effect and is used in medical and medical institutions.
  • Linoleum with an anti-slip coating is produced with the addition of corundum or quartz chips, which form a relief surface.
  • Linoleum with a coating that has increased sound insulation, is intended for rooms that have special acoustic requirements.

Linoleum with anti-slip (embossed) surface in the kitchen

Linoleum with a bactericidal protective layer is used in medical institutions

Technical characteristics of linoleum

Linoleum is characterized, first of all, by such indicators as the length and width of the roll, the thickness of the coating, the thickness of the protective layer of the material, and service life.

The main technical characteristics of linoleum are:

  • water resistance;
  • density;
  • resistance to abrasion and indentation;
  • flammability;
  • resistance to chemicals;
  • sound and heat insulation performance;
  • antistatic;
  • color characteristics.

Foreign manufacturers producing linoleum - technical characteristics of products own production explained in expressive cryptograms. This is clear and, in addition, the consumer is able to understand the features of the material without translation.

Width of linoleum: what is it?

As you know, the width of linoleum should be equal to the width of the room, so that during the installation process you do not have to glue the pieces together.

The width of linoleum is chosen according to the width of the room to avoid joints

Modern stores offer a huge selection of all kinds of linoleum and each coating has different widths and certain features. Therefore, considering the consumption of this coating, you need to choose optimal width. A natural question arises: how wide is linoleum?

  1. Alkyd linoleum, which can be single-color, multi-color or with a printed pattern, is offered in rolls 2-4 meters wide.
  2. The width of multilayer polyvinyl chloride linoleum can be 1.5 - 4 meters. The width of PVC linoleum on a heat-insulating basis is 1.2-3 m. Polyvinyl chloride linoleum, made on a fabric basis, is available in widths of 1.6–3 m.
  3. Rubber linoleum (Relin) is available in both plain and multi-colored and the width of the rolls varies in the range of 1-1.6 meters.

When choosing linoleum, it is advisable to take into account its characteristics and special qualities in order to use each specific coating for its intended purpose.

This finishing material was very popular a couple of decades ago. At that moment, its advantageous difference from other types of floor coverings was its relatively low cost. In addition, a clear advantage of linoleum is its wear resistance. Cheap and durable - these are the words that could describe this material. But now the market situation has changed, of course, the price is still very great value. However, many people prefer, albeit expensive, but natural materials. Linoleum has again begun to be in demand; it has practically experienced a “rebirth”. What is the reason for such popularity? And how not to get confused in the numerous types and types of linoleum?

Types of linoleum

Before purchasing material and even detailed planning interior design, you need to decide on the type of linoleum you need. Materials are classified according to various criteria. The simplest division based on the presence of a substrate: basic and non-basic type of coverage. The latter option is characterized by its low price, small thickness (up to 1.6 mm) and fragility. This is only suitable for perfectly flat floors, since it quickly takes the shape of the base, including all the bumps and holes. However, this type of coating is practically not used, as it quickly wears out and loses its appearance.

The main type includes all other linoleums that have a backing. But they also have their own characteristics and differences. There are three classes:

  • on a warm basis,
  • on a foam basis,
  • multilayer.

Warm-based linoleum consists of two layers: polymer top and lining. The basis is synthetic or natural felt (jute is also used). The maximum thickness of such linoleum is 5 mm, and only 1.5 mm of this is occupied by the top layer. Basic The disadvantage of this material is low moisture resistance, linoleum on a warm base is not suitable for kitchens. But it will look great in a bedroom, nursery or living room.

Foam base allows you to use this flooring both in the hallway and bathroom, as well as in the kitchen. This linoleum is not afraid of water and heavy dirt, grease stains can be easily removed from it. The thickness of the material ranges from 2 to 3.5 mm.

Multilayer linoleum It is particularly wear-resistant and durable. Restrictions on use are imposed by the substrate, which can be either jute, polyester or made of foamed PVC. This type of linoleum itself made from fiberglass, special impregnation is also used.

Linoleums are also divided according to materials used. In this case, we can distinguish natural linoleum, rubber, PVC, hyphthalic and nitrocellulose.

The best properties are found in linoleum made from natural materials. Commonly used are tree resin, linseed oil and cork meal. This type of flooring will last for many years and will not fade or crack. The natural option is an excellent choice for the kitchen because it does not absorb grease and creates an environment where it is difficult for bacteria to grow. In addition, natural linoleum retains its size, color and structure for many years.

Rubber linoleum has a high level of plasticity. The top layer is made of a special filler and rubber. This material is also moisture resistant.

Common PVC linoleum can be recognized by its specific smell, which takes a very long time to dissipate. The coating is available on different bases (and without a base at all). Attractive appearance, flexibility and elasticity, as well as an affordable price - all these parameters have brought PVC linoleum to the top of sales. But he also has significant drawback- at low temperatures the coating may crack and even burst.

Hypthal linoleum inferior to its PVC counterpart in terms of strength and flexibility. Cracks often appear on it. At the same time, it has excellent sound and heat insulation properties and is suitable for apartments in buildings with good audibility. It is worth considering one of its features: over time, the width of the stripes increases, but decreases in length.

Nitrocellulose provides the floor covering with elasticity and moisture resistance. This linoleum has a specific shine. But there is also an obvious drawback - a high fire hazard.

Types of linoleum

There is another classification of floor coverings of this type: depending on the place of application. This is caused by special requirements to the strength and wear resistance of the material. Linoleum is distinguished:

  • for household purposes,
  • semi-commercial,
  • commercial.

The first type includes material with a thickness of no more than 4 mm, which is usually made on a foam base. Among its advantages are ease of installation, unpretentiousness and the availability of a wide range of colors and textures. But there are also disadvantages: under heavy load, it very quickly loses its attractive appearance and wears out.

The second type is also often used in houses and apartments, despite the fact that it was originally intended for finishing small offices, hotel rooms, etc. This material is characterized by increased durability, because a special protective coating is applied to it. The thickness of the additional layer is 0.7 mm, which significantly increases service life. Otherwise, the properties are close to standard household linoleum.

Commercial linoleum was designed for high traffic areas. These are not only large offices and halls of business centers, but also schools, hospitals, museums, etc. To maintain an attractive appearance with such a high load on the coating, PVC is usually used.

How to choose the right linoleum?

It is very difficult not to get lost in such a variety of options. To understand what type and type of material you need, analyze your flooring requirements.

Worth considering:

  • density,
  • moisture resistance,
  • wear resistance,
  • heat and sound insulation properties,
  • thickness,
  • flammability,
  • available colors and textures.

How to choose linoleum: video

For many years, linoleum has remained a fairly popular floor covering. Present on the construction market various types linoleum with a variety of shades and textures. This makes it possible to find a solution for any interior. In addition, it has a number of advantages: affordable price, durability and ease of installation.

Based on the components that make up the flooring material, all types of linoleum for flooring can be divided into 5 groups.


Made from natural ingredients: flax oil, pine tree resins, oak bark flour, limestone and natural pigments. Can be with or without base. Jute fiber is used for the base.

Made from ecological raw materials

The advantages of this material include: environmental friendliness, resistance to fading, resistance to aggressive chemical reagents, fats. Has bactericidal and antistatic properties. When transporting, try not to bend it, otherwise the coating may crack. You can install it in an apartment where there are increased requirements for the naturalness of the floor (children's room, bedroom).

PVC coating (Polyvinyl chloride)

It is made from a synthetic substance (polyvinyl chloride) with the addition of inexpensive plasticizers, various additives, fillers and dyes. It is produced on different bases (foam, fabric or thermal insulation). Can be single-layer or multi-layer.

This material is quite cheap

Among the advantages are low price, variety of designs. The disadvantages of this type of linoleum include flammability, high shrinkage, and the presence of a synthetic odor that is present for a long time.


This flooring is made from bitumen or crushed rubber. It is a two-layer material, where top layer is synthetic rubber with additives. Advantages include moisture resistance and plasticity. This type of flooring is used in public places (hospitals, airports, garages, elevators). The durable composition of linoleum makes it easy to cope with mechanical impact, starting from shoe heels and ending with car studs.

Suitable for high traffic floors

Hypthal or alkyd linoleum

This type of flooring consists of alkyd resins and pigments applied to a woven backing. Heat and sound insulating linoleum has increased fragility. Over time, it can change its size (narrow in length and expand in width). If you maintain the optimal temperature for the flooring, it can last quite a long time.

Warm and soundproof

The coating can be single-color, multi-color or with a pattern in the form of tiles, marble or wood.

Nitrocellulose and colloceylin

Has no basis. Thin nitrocellulose coating. Among the advantages are elasticity, resistance to moisture, and shine. Disadvantages include easy flammability. To reduce flammability, flame retardant boric acid is added to the composition.

Flooring is not recommended for use at home

This type of flooring is prohibited for use at home, children's institutions, only in public and industrial places.

Depending on the area of ​​application and ability to withstand loads, flooring is divided into these types of linoleum.


This linoleum contains the properties of both commercial and household materials. It is recommended for use in living rooms with high traffic. You can buy such material for any interior, because the variety of designs is amazing: from plain without a pattern to linoleum in the form of tiles, marble or other material.

The canvas is suitable for busy residential areas

The peculiarity of such linoleum is that it can be bought at a price of household material. To produce such a coating, various components are used, but mainly it is polyvinyl chloride, as produced by the Tarkett company. Linoleum has a protective layer that gives it wear resistance and durability.


Commercial linoleum has increased abrasion resistance. Used for manufacturing synthetic material– polyvinyl chloride. The pattern is applied over the entire thickness of the layer, which makes erasing the image invisible. The service life of such flooring can be about 25 years.

Has a long service life

The excellent characteristics of the coating allow it to be installed in hospitals, offices, retail outlets and other premises. The presence of anti-slip properties also makes it safe to use.

Design and color scheme commercial coatings are varied. You can choose linoleum in the form of laminate, marble, wood, or opt for flooring without a pattern. Interesting ideas are obtained by combining different patterns and colors. Thus, the room can be divided into zones perfectly. To do this, sheets of different designs are hot welded to obtain a single piece.

Safe due to non-slip

Typically, canvases have a thickness of 1.5-2 mm and a roll width of 2 m.


Unlike commercial coatings, this type of coating is used mainly in residential buildings and apartments due to its low strength and wear resistance. It quickly loses its attractiveness and appearance. It can be used in public places, but only where there is low or average load on the floor

Mainly used in homes

Positive properties include:

  • Moderate price compared to other coatings;
  • Unpretentious material to care for;
  • Variety of colors and designs;
  • Moisture-resistant, heat-insulating and elastic flooring;
  • Easy to transport.

It's inexpensive and varied

Has a wide range color palette and design: plain linoleum in the form of parquet, with wood imitation, structured, smooth.

Let's find out what types of linoleum there are in structure. There are two types of them: homogeneous and heterogeneous.


This linoleum is a homogeneous material with a thickness of 1.5-3 mm. Its peculiarity is that the design is not diverse. This is either a plain flooring or a covering with a simple pattern. The applied pattern or uniform color makes the coating resistant to abrasion, which allows it to retain its original appearance for a long time.

This type of flooring will retain its appearance for a long time.

Remarkable technical characteristics make it possible to use the material in areas with increased load (airport, store, hall, public buildings). Over time, to improve its appearance, it is covered with a special mastic that fills the pores. This makes it possible not to absorb dirt and maintains an excellent appearance. for a long time. Instead of mastic, manufacturers apply a special layer of polyurethane film to the linoleum.


This type of coating has a structure consisting of several layers. Because of this, its thickness varies between 2-6 mm. Complex technology production makes such linoleum more expensive. The components in the layers may differ, as well as the thickness of the protective layer, which provides wear resistance and a variety of patterns. Among the advantages are resistance to damage and the availability of a variety of designs.

This canvas has many layers

A variety of colors will help realize the most daring design ideas. So, dark linoleum will help create a soft and cozy atmosphere in the bedroom. Contrast between dark floors and light ones, bright elements in the interior will emphasize the dignity of the room.


A material consisting of one layer 1.2-1.6 mm thick with a pattern applied along the entire length. This type of flooring is used in rooms with a high degree of moisture and pollution. Recommended for kitchen or bathroom. Operational life is 5-7 years. Since the flooring does not have a base, it must be laid on a flat base.

Recommended for installation in the bathroom or kitchen

Foam based

The main layer is fiberglass, and chemical foam is applied to it on both sides. It makes the coating soft and elastic, at the same time warm and soundproof, and fiberglass prevents the material from changing its size.

The top layer has decorative pattern, onto which a protective transparent polyvinyl chloride coating is applied.

Thanks to the multilayer structure, the service life is about 10 years. It can be laid in the kitchen, hallway, toilet or bathroom.

On a warm basis

This material contains a layer of polymer 1.5 mm thick, which is glued to a natural jute or felt base, which increases the thickness of the flooring to 5 mm. It can be plain or with a pattern. It has excellent thermal conductivity, elasticity and softness. Used for rooms with low humidity. During service, it can expand, which should be taken into account when laying, leaving a margin between the wall and the covering. When laying, it is better to lay the whole canvas without joints, otherwise moisture that gets in can cause the base to rot.
