What work in September at the dacha. Garden work in September

This month, the harvest ends and the preparation of the site for winter begins. It is necessary to create conditions for long-term storage of fruits and vegetables.

September 1 to 10, September 29-30 - waxing moon. It is possible to plant, replant and divide perennials; fertilizing is preferable

mineral fertilizers, abundant watering of leaf crops, moderate watering of bulbous and root crops. Harvest leafy vegetables and fruits

crops It is suitable for salting and canning, making wine, and cutting flowers.

It is better to limit yourself to weeding, loosening and mulching the soil.

from September 14 to 25 - waning moon. Time to plant bulbs, store crops, destroy pests and weeds, prepare compost, and take cuttings from plants. Apply organic matter and water moderately leaf crops, abundantly - bulbous and root vegetables. Perform regulatory pruning and harvest roots and bulbs. It is possible to dry the crop, make juices, and prepare firewood.

from September 26 to 28 - new moon, exact time - September 27, 14:09. On the day of the new moon, it is better not to carry out any work, but on the days before and after, start eliminating weeds and pests.


Finish cleaning by the end of the month. It is better to do this in dry weather and before the onset of cold weather. Set aside the seed potatoes separately.


Carrots and beets are dug up at the beginning of the month, before frost. To avoid withering of root crops, cut off their tops. Store healthy, undamaged vegetables.


Free the beds from plant debris and dig with a shovel, only breaking up the clods. Select weed roots and burn. Fertilize the dug soil with organic matter.

4 GARDEN Pruning

At the end of the month, broken and diseased branches are cut out from all trees. It is also worth pinching strongly growing young shoots of apple and pear trees to allow the wood to ripen before frost.


Now it continues to actively develop root system trees, and especially suction roots, so the tree trunk circles need to be fertilized with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers and mulched with compost.


After harvesting, treat fruit crowns from diseases and pests. For scab use urea (4-5 percent solution, which corresponds to 400-500 g per 10 liters of water), and for different types codling moths use insecticides.


In the second ten days of the month, garlic is planted. Select planting material only from local forms. To make the cloves easily “sink” into the soil, add loosening materials and humus to the soil and first dig up the area.


  1. The bushes are dug at a distance of at least 20 cm from the rhizome and the plant is removed with a pitchfork, being careful not to damage the roots.
  2. All existing stems are cut at a height of 15-20 cm.
  3. The soil from the roots is well washed off with a stream of water, after which the plant is left in the shade for 3-4 hours. The rhizome is divided. manually or using wedges. Small parts (with 3-5 buds) are separated with a knife. Places affected by rot are cleaned. The fleshy roots are shortened, leaving 15-20 cm near the renewal buds.
  4. Planting material is disinfected for 1 hour in a solution of potassium permanganate (3-4 g per 10 liters of water). The sections are treated with charcoal. When planting, the stems are placed vertically, the roots are covered up to the renewal buds, which are placed at a depth of 5-6 cm. The plants are mulched with peat, compost or soil.


Cut cuttings with 5-7 buds from the middle part of annual shoots of red and black currants. They are buried into the soil by 1-2 buds at an angle of 45° and at a distance of 12-15 cm. The planting site is thoroughly watered, and with the onset of cold weather, the cuttings are generously mulched with peat or humus.


At the end of the month last time Mow the grass and fertilize your lawn this season. Choose fertilizers high in potassium and iron, but without phosphorus and low in nitrogen. As a result, the grass will withstand frost more easily and will be less susceptible to fungal diseases. If bald spots have formed on the lawn, sow new seeds there and sprinkle them thin layer sand.

11 NEW Drain

Gutters are an important structural part of any home. The integrity of the house or foundation depends on its quality and integrity. For now ideal solution can be considered use drainage structures from PVC. They are distinguished not only by high reliability and performance, but also by ease of installation. Therefore, if you were planning to replace your gutter, you should do it now.


Hostas can be replanted throughout the growing season, but the most convenient time for dividing is at the end of April - beginning of May and the second half of August - September. First of all, dig up the plant and shake off the roots from the soil. Divide the bush into several parts, being careful not to damage the roots. Be sure to trim all leaves at a height of 10-15 cm so that the plant retains moisture better. The resulting cuttings are planted in a new place. Please note that when transplanting the host, it does not gain the same volume of leaf mass within a year.

Lunar calendar of country and garden work for September








Lawn mowing

Collection of sheets. vegetables and fruits

Collection of leafy vegetables and fruits

Dividing, planting and replanting perennials.




Full moon

Loosening the soil,

site cleaning

Making compost

Trimming and








Harvesting cuttings

Moisture charge.


Moisture charge.


Planting garlic

Autumn equinox.

The main work that a flower garden needs in September is related to planting bulbous crops. Areas for planting bulbs are prepared in advance in May, and in the summer they are kept fallow. Before digging, add 200-300 g per 1 sq.m. to the soil. wood ash and mineral fertilizers(based on 1 sq.m.):

  • - 50 g of superphosphate;
  • - 40 g of potassium sulfate;
  • - 12 g of ammonium nitrate.

At the beginning of the month, small-bulb crops are planted, adhering to the rule “the smaller the bulb, the shallower the depth of its planting.” Thus, the bulbs of muscari, crocus, kandyk, pushkinia, scylla are planted to a depth of 8 cm, chionodoxa and snowdrop - 10 cm, colchicum and whiteflower - 15 cm. A distance of 10 to 15 cm is maintained between plantings.

Daffodils are planted in the second half of September, having previously treated the planting material with a solution of any fungicidal agent or a 0.1% solution of potassium permanganate. Large bulbs are planted to a depth of 15 cm (counting from the bottom of the bulb) and at a distance of 10 cm from each other.

Starting from the second half of the month, they begin to plant tulips - it is desirable that the air temperature at this time varies within +9...+10°. Tulips are planted at a depth equal to three times the length of the bulb being planted. The recommended average distance between plantings is 7-8 cm.

Planting bulbous plants, you should first add clean soil to the bottom of the hole or ridge. river sand layer of 2-3 cm. This will have a beneficial effect on the further growth of crops.

Part of the flower garden plan in September involves pruning faded perennials. So, blooming in summer semi-shrub plants (lavender, sage, santolina) are pruned to the base to maintain their compactness. Plants that bloom in spring, on the contrary, try not to cut them low. Bushy perennials - phlox, chrysanthemums, alpine asters - are cut close to the ground, after which they are fed with compost. In irises and daylilies, only the flower stalks are cut off - the so-called. "lightening pruning"

In early September, work in the flower garden involves hilling dahlias, which is carried out to a height of 15-18 cm. This will protect vulnerable parts of the plants from frost. In the second half of the month, dahlias are cut, the tubers are dug up, dried for 2-3 days and sent for storage. It is best to store tubers in a box with sand or peat in a dry basement at a temperature of +3...+8°.

Low-growing dahlias (Jolly Fellows), grown from seeds, manage to form tubers by autumn. Enterprising summer residents dig up the resulting tubers and put them in the basement for the winter. Planted in spring, they will bloom much earlier than other crops.

Until the middle of the month they are still working with many flowers - delphinium, astilbe, clematis, helenium are divided and replanted, planted on permanent place seedlings of biennial plants - pansies, daisies, mallows, daffodils, Turkish cloves. Large plants are planted at intervals of 0.5 - 1 m from each other, small ones - 0.2 - 0.3 m. After planting, the soil in the beds is mulched with compost or peat.

At the end of September, gladioli corms are dug up. Before being sent for storage, they are dried, maintaining the room temperature within +23...+25°.

When carrying out planned work in the flower garden in September, do not forget about clematis. Their plantings are kept clean, the soil is loosened and watered on dry days. At the end of the month, the soil around the clematis is treated with a 0.2% solution of foundationazole, which prevents the development of fungal diseases.

Summer is over, but summer residents have yet to great job in the garden in September. It's time to prepare everything for the future rich harvest, to create all the conditions so that our plants can withstand the winter cold well.

In September we have something to do in the garden and at the dacha, because the apple harvest is in full swing. It's time to collect late varieties apples and pears. They can be collected when signs of so-called removable ripeness appear: they should acquire the appropriate color and be easily separated from the stalk.

In general, the work of picking pears and apples is very labor-intensive. Fruits must be removed carefully, starting from the lower branches. You cannot tug them too hard or twist them around the stem, because damaged fruits will not be stored for long.

Immediately after picking, sort the fruits and place them in cardboard boxes or wooden boxes with sawdust for storage. It is recommended to regularly bury all carrion outside the garden.

To help restore the trees that perfectly fulfilled their purpose and gave us excellent harvest, feeding will help. Plants are facing a difficult period - winter, so now you should provide them with all the necessary nutrients. We feed pears and apple trees with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers of organic origin, distributing them along the perimeter of the crown. We loosen the soil, dig it up, plant fertilizer into it to a depth of 20 centimeters. In dry weather, fertilizers should be applied after abundant watering.

Next important stage work in the garden in September - pruning. This procedure is especially relevant for mature and old trees, because some of their branches no longer bear fruit, so they can be removed without regret to ensure the healthy development of young branches. You can stimulate wider growth by cutting off those branches that grow inside the crown. When carrying out sanitary pruning, all dried and diseased branches are removed, and any cracks and hollows found are sealed. It is better to do this in humid weather, when the bark is slightly wet and comes off easily. Now it's time to remove and destroy the hunting belts.

Pay attention to the young seedlings. They need to pinch off the tops of annual shoots. This simple procedure will increase the winter hardiness of the plant and speed up the process of its maturation.

Pruning work will allow you to increase the volume of the harvest next year berry bushes in the garden. After this, the bushes need to be tied up, fed and hilled.

When the harvest is over, we begin work on pruning the raspberry bushes. We remove weak and fruit-bearing shoots, after which we tie the stems into bunches and bend them. This work needs to be done right now, since in late autumn the stems will become less flexible and may crack.

We still have a lot of work left to do in the garden in September

When we dealt with fruit harvest, fed and trimmed trees and bushes, you need to perform a number of manipulations:

  • Gooseberry and currant berry bushes will now need mineral fertilizers for digging up the soil. Feeding work can be omitted if the plants are not older than three years, and during planting you thoroughly fertilized the soil with potassium-phosphorus compounds;
  • foliar feeding of shrubs can be done using a solution of superphosphate and potassium salt in a ratio of 1x0.5 per bucket;
  • Feeding is allowed throughout the month remontant strawberries mullein or bird droppings diluted with water. Until the 15th, you can still use urea, but then exclude it. We fertilize the grapes with manure, but keep in mind that you only need to apply it once every three years;
  • urea solution as a prevention of fungal diseases and garden pests Also used for treating shrubs and trees, it is recommended to add potassium chloride pre-soaked in boiling water. It is important to complete spraying work before leaf fall;
  • if moniliosis is detected on stone fruits, infected twigs and fruits should be removed, then dig up the soil in the tree trunk circles;
  • we remove tinder fungi, clean the affected areas to healthy wood, treat with copper sulfate and seal the wounds with garden pitch;
  • at the dacha in September it is worth doing weeding, sending all plant debris into compost;
  • throughout the month we have been rooting berry bushes;
  • in good weather, you can whitewash the trunks with a special paint that the autumn rains cannot wash off. This will protect the plants from sun rays in the spring. Instead of whitewashing, you can wrap the trunks in polypropylene fiber bags;
  • At the beginning of autumn, absolutely all plants in the garden at the dacha need high-quality watering, which will ensure a powerful flow of nutrients to the roots. This work should never be neglected if the summer is hot and dry. It is better to water the trees using a hose along the grooves around the crown. The soil should be moistened to a depth of up to half a meter. Ideally, watering should be combined with fertilization with potassium-phosphorus compounds;
  • we check the strawberries planted at the dacha in August. If the bushes are pulled into the ground, carefully pull them back and compact the soil with your hands. This can happen if you plant plants immediately after preparatory work on the site when the ground is not yet compacted enough.

Now all we have to do is plant young shrubs and fruit seedlings. The planting holes should be ready by this time. You can start planting at the dacha at the end of the month - right now the plants are strong enough for the coming winter.

When landing black currants, deepen the seedlings 15 centimeters at an angle. Having planted it a little deeper than before, next year new shoots will appear from the ground, from which we will select the strongest ones and cut off the rest. Saplings gooseberries planted straight. Do not forget about watering the plantings, after which it is recommended to spread humus on the soil. We recommend checking with Lunar calendar gardener - gardener for September, according to which you can choose the optimal time to conduct gardening work.

So, we just have a ton of work that definitely needs to be done in the garden in September. But there is also a vegetable garden, which also requires attention and care.

What to do in September in the garden

All year long, summer residents wait to enjoy the fruits of their labors - a rich and tasty harvest. In the garden and at the dacha, the most pleasant and long-awaited moment comes - harvesting. From the middle of the month it is time to start harvesting table root vegetables. If it's still warm outside, don't rush this work, the vegetables are still growing. Here are some more recommendations for this kind of work in the garden:

  1. root vegetables should be carefully dug up with a pitchfork and only then removed from the soil;
  2. We do not break off the tops of vegetables, but carefully cut them off;
  3. After harvesting, we dry the vegetables a little in the open air, only after that we put them away for storage in boxes or baskets;
  4. can't be left for winter storage frozen vegetables, because they will quickly rot and infect neighboring root crops.

When harvesting root vegetables in the garden, cut the tops so that a small part of it remains above the ground. At the same time, you can start collecting cauliflower, which is then stored in storage for further ripening.

At the dacha, late varieties of tomatoes, potatoes, celery and others are collected vegetable crops. Cover zucchini, greens, and cucumbers with film if it suddenly gets cold.

I would like to give one more useful advice: carry out any work in the garden at the beginning of autumn only in dry and warm weather.

This point is especially important for potatoes, since if you dig them up in cold weather, you risk injuring the tubers. If damage cannot be avoided, leave the potatoes in a dry, ventilated area at a temperature of 10 degrees and air humidity of 90%. After a week and a half, the damage will heal. Regarding planting material for the next season, its preparation should be started now. Select the seed tubers, let them dry, and put them in specially designated boxes. After harvesting, plant green manure in vacant areas.

We collect peppers in the garden at the stage of technical maturity, eggplants - slightly unripe. It is advisable to cut them together with the stalk so that the vegetables can be stored longer. Wrap the fruits in paper and place them in boxes.

If you notice cracks on cabbage heads in the garden, temperature changes are to blame. You can protect cabbage by carefully tearing its roots. To do this, grab the rosette with your hands directly at the root and turn it. It is also recommended to pick from the heads of cabbage lower leaves.

After the 15th it is worth landing winter garlic so that it can take root properly before frost. You can also plant arugula, radishes, and lettuce in greenhouses. Planted before September 20 perennial varieties Luke. Do not forget to water and mulch the beds with new plantings.

Now let's get down to work related to processing the greenhouse in the garden. Many diseases that affect plants in the country are at ease in it. Having removed the plant residues, we will begin to renew the soil. To do this you need to take out top layer soil, then spill the soil with EM preparations with living microorganisms, spread the mulch. We disinfect the greenhouse itself with a solution copper sulfate For wooden structures, formalin for glass buildings or kerosene for metal structures.

Work in the flower garden for September

With the arrival of autumn, flower beds also require our close attention. Here is a rough plan for upcoming work at the dacha:

  • we stop watering the roses so that their shoot growth is reduced. We pinch the young shoots, cut off the buds and lower leaves. If September turns out to be rainy, we install a film canopy over the rose bushes. Towards the end of the month we cover them with compost;
  • On the 20th we begin work on digging up begonias in the garden. Their stems need to be cut off and dried for ten days in a warm place. Tubers cleared of soil are sent for storage in boxes with peat;
  • During flowering, you can transplant asters with a lump of earth into large pots. Place them on the windowsill and water them well;
  • under fruit trees we plant early varieties of tulips. Please note that small and large bulbs are planted separately;
  • Now is the last chance for gardeners to complete the work of replanting and dividing perennial flowers (peonies, phlox, etc.). Many summer residents do this in August, but it is quite acceptable to postpone manipulations until the beginning of autumn;
  • we plant lilies in the country and propagate them using any convenient method;
  • Begonias and cannas may be damaged during the first frost. In such a situation, it is better to dig up the flowers together with a lump of earth, dry them, and then store them in the cellar at a temperature of about 5 degrees;
  • We continue to care for clematis - loosen the soil around the flowers, do weeding, and water the bushes in dry weather. Feeding is not needed now. Large bushes can be divided. For this job, dig them up, separate them and plant them in prepared holes. The tillering unit should be buried 5 centimeters. We treat the soil around the flowers with fungicides for preventive purposes;
  • we contribute mineral fertilizing nitrogen-free for rhododendrons;
  • around ornamental crops you need to dig up the soil - this will destroy harmful insects overwintering in the ground;
  • We collect seeds from our favorite flowers that can be planted next year;
  • cut off the peony stems, spray with a solution of Bordeaux mixture, loosen the soil, and scatter ash around the bush. We dig up the faded dahlias, clean the tubers and soak them for half an hour in a manganese solution;
  • For winter forcing we select the best tubers of daffodils, tulips and other tubers. We plant in flower pots and sent to the basement;
  • It's time to comb the lawn in the garden and plant new grass in the bald areas.

There will be a lot of work in the garden and vegetable garden in September, but all of them are necessary if you want to enjoy a bountiful harvest and next year. And after good work, we will have a well-deserved rest at the dacha, when we can enjoy the last fine days and enjoy the gifts of autumn.

The harvest is still in full swing, and it's time to prepare for the new season. We discuss what work needs to be done in the garden and vegetable garden in September with biologist and agronomist Mikhail Vorobyov

Photo: Anatoly ZHDANOV

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1. Clean up under the trees

This is very important - pests and diseases overwinter in them, which can again infect your trees in the spring. Particular care must be taken to collect leaves and carrion near trees that suffered from scab this season (and these are almost all apple trees in the Moscow region due to the rainy summer) and powdery mildew.

2. Trim dry branches and feed the trees

Serious pruning of trees and shrubs should be done in the spring. But now it is important to get rid of dry branches - most likely, diseases nest in them.

If autumn is rainy, then trees and shrubs do not need additional watering. But fertilizing is necessary - now the plants need phosphorus-potassium fertilizers: superphosphate, potassium sulfate, potassium chloride (it is advisable to use it only in the fall) or ordinary wood ash. The main thing is that after you add them to the soil, cover them with soil, at least go over them with a rake so that there is a layer of soil on top of the fertilizers, and be sure to water them, because nutrients plants consume only in liquid form.

3. Cultivate a garden strawberry bed

If you didn’t have time to do this earlier, the beginning of September is the time to cut off the mustache (if you don’t need it for propagation of strawberries) and dry, yellowed leaves. There is no need to “shave” the bush at all: green leaves and buds are an important part of the future harvest. Before frost, the strawberry bushes will still have time to grow green leaves, which will help them survive the winter, and in the spring they will lay a good harvest. Strawberries, like trees, now need to be fed with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers, because the end of summer - the beginning of autumn is the time when flower buds are laid, which means the 2018 harvest is formed.

4. Sow green manure

Sow green manure on the freed land - mustard, phacelia, wheat, rye. They will grow by the cold weather, but will not have time to bloom. And already in October, dig up the soil along with the plants. This will improve the health of the earth and enrich it with organic matter. Perhaps this is the most important point work in the garden and vegetable garden in September. By the way, potatoes grow well after mustard because its hot essential oils repel the famous potato pest - wireworm.

5. Take care of the flowers

You don’t have to water the roses anymore so that they have time to prepare for frost and stop growing. Tear off the lower leaves, pinch the upper young shoots. If September is too rainy, you can put a plastic canopy over them to prevent the trunk from rotting near the ground, otherwise the plant may die. Just don’t wrap the bushes up, leave the ends open.

At the end of September, you can dig up the begonias, trim the stems, dry the tubers well and put them in boxes, sprinkled with peat. Store in a cool place until April.

If autumn is dry, water peonies regularly and also feed them with phosphorus-potassium fertilizers. Unlike everyone else ornamental plants, propagation of peonies by dividing bushes is best done in September.

Mid-September is the time to plant tulip bulbs. Optimal temperature soil for better rooting - 5-7 degrees. If it rains constantly, this is good - the plantings no longer need to be watered. Early varieties can be planted under fruit trees if there is not enough space in the dacha. Tulips prefer neutral, light soil. If the soil is clayey, then before planting it needs to be dug up with peat, sand or compost.

Do not press tulip bulbs when planting! Their bottom (the place where the roots develop) will be damaged and the plant will die. Tulips are planted in grooves or holes, the bottom of which is filled with loose soil. Planting depth depends on the size of the bulb. To determine it, use a simple formula: the height of the bulb multiplied by 3.

At the end of September, cut off the flower stalks of herbaceous perennials - bluebells, delphiniums, columbine, etc. It is important to cut off the flower stalks themselves, but not the leaves near the ground - from them the roots continue to receive the nutrition necessary to overwinter normally.


Replant lilies and daylilies if they are sick

Summer residents of the Moscow region showed off this summer lush flowering lilies and daylilies. They say they didn’t care about the July rains, but the warm August allowed them to open up in all their glory.

If you still don’t see beauty in your area, perhaps your lilies have had too much water. This is noticeable by the browned leaves and small flowers that bloom sluggishly and reluctantly. This means that it is better to transplant your beauties to another place, simultaneously dividing the roots. In general, daylilies are long-lived and can grow in one place for 10-15 years. Lilies need to be replanted more often - once every 5-7 years, separating the bulbs.

After flowering, cut off the tops of daylilies, carefully dig up the roots (the diameter of daylily roots can be up to a meter if the bush is old and large). Rinse thoroughly, perhaps with water and potassium permanganate, to disinfect the roots from possible diseases. As a rule, it is visible to the naked eye where the intertwined roots can be separated - divide them into 3-4 parts and plant them in a permanent place.

Lilies can begin to degenerate if there are too many babies on the corm. Also, carefully dig up the bush, inspect the bulb - if it is covered with small children, then they are the ones who are drawing off the main nutrition, do not let the lily bloom luxuriantly. They need to be carefully separated and planted in a separate bed of “young growth”.

In September, you should take proper care of fruit trees. Tree trunk circles can be sown with mustard or oats, and also mulched to retain moisture. There is no need to feed trees with nitrogen-containing fertilizers in September. They can cause intensive growth of young shoots that cannot withstand frost. Meanwhile, it would not be superfluous to treat fruit trees against various pests with special preparations for preventive purposes.

If you plan to plant new trees or shrubs on the site, prepare in September planting pits for them. In a sandy area, a layer of clay should be poured onto the bottom, and in a clayey area, drainage should be made from stones or construction waste. You can also put well-chopped plant waste and nutrient soil into the hole.

September is harvest time. As a rule, at this time they keep up winter varieties apples If there are such on your site, the fruits should be carefully removed from the tree and placed in boxes with holes. The ideal option is a wooden container.


In September, work is in full swing for summer residents! It is necessary to collect potatoes, cabbage, beets in a timely manner, and also prepare the beds for the winter. Bulgarian must be removed when the air temperature is consistently less than 15 degrees. Pepper hanging on the bushes with such climatic conditions there's no point anymore. It is better to harvest cabbage at the end of September, carrots and beets at the end of the month.

Don't leave the ground bare. In the vacated beds you can sow lettuce, dill or coriander. Believe me, a month before the onset of autumn cold, you will still grow fresh herbs.

Flower garden

In September it is necessary to dig up gladioli. It is better to do this in the third ten days of the month. In addition, at the end of the month you should clean up the flower garden: remove faded flowers and dig up the soil in place of the annuals. It would be advisable to treat rose bushes against diseases. At the end of September you can plant daffodils, tulips, hazel grouse and lilies.