Turkish cloves. Turkish cloves growing from seeds Turkish cloves batik growing from seeds

Why did Turkish cloves gain such enormous popularity? It turns out everything is simple - in its unpretentiousness, beautiful appearance And for a long period flowering .

Turkish carnation - planting

There are several ways planting Turkish cloves:

  • seed - in open or closed ground;
  • cuttings;
  • layering.

Planting Turkish cloves with seeds in open ground

Turkish cloves are grown from seeds in the spring. Flowers can be planted directly in open ground or you can first grow seedlings and only then transplant them to the site. Carnations are not afraid of cold and can bloom for a month and a half. But if you still prefer indoor plants, plant physalis.

Planting of clove seeds begins in May or June. Before sowing the seeds, prepare the soil. It is dug up to 25 centimeters. The loosened soil is watered and covered with polyethylene. After two weeks, the film is removed and planting begins. The seeds are sown in rows, maintaining a width of 15 centimeters between them. The grooves are made 1.5 cm deep. The crops are sprinkled with earth and covered with polyethylene. When all the shoots appear, the cover will need to be removed. The emerging sprouts need timely watering, weeding and loosening. Somewhere in August, the carnation will need to be thinned out a little, placing some specimens in other places. permanent place. If desired, you can replant all seedlings. In the first year, the carnation only forms a rosette, and it will bloom in the second year. Another beautiful perennial is the aster.

Planting Turkish clove seeds for seedlings

Cloves can also be grown as seedlings at home; for this, the prepared soil must be treated with a solution of potassium permanganate. Sowing takes place in March month or at the very beginning of April. The seeds are planted one centimeter deep and lightly pressed with soil. The soil is sprayed with water and covered with polyethylene. On the twentieth day, young shoots dive, leaving a distance between shoots of 7 centimeters and a width of 15 centimeters. They pick carnations on a cloudy day after six o'clock in the evening. The seedlings are covered again, from time to time allowing them to breathe fresh air. As soon as the seedlings become large enough, covering them is no longer necessary. At the end of summer, the carnation is transplanted to the site, choosing the most suitable permanent place for the flowers. If you grow Turkish cloves from seeds in this way, you can achieve flowering in the first year.

Propagation of Turkish cloves by cuttings

From two-year-old plants (in early summer), you can take cuttings that need to be planted in an inclined position in loose soil. The plant should be planted in its permanent location in August. However, flowering can only be expected next summer.

Reproduction and planting of Turkish cloves by layering

Reproduction by layering is a fairly simple method and, at the same time, very reliable. In mid-June, the stems are bent and sprinkled with moist soil. The usual technology of propagation by cuttings in this case is modified by the fact that the tips of the shoots need to be pulled to the support so that they are in a vertical position.

Reproduction and planting of Turkish carnation by division

Dense bushes of Turkish carnation successfully reproduce by division. Carnations are best propagated by division in the fall.

Brugmansia: planting and care
Lavender - planting and care in the garden and at home

Plant care

Basically, the rules for caring for carnations come down to timely watering, weed control, fertilization and loosening the soil.

Water the plant twice a week, and more often in hot weather. flowering plant If possible, you should try to water without getting water on the flowers themselves. The first feeding is carried out when the clove reaches 12 centimeters. The second feeding is carried out during the formation of buds. And the third time the carnation is fed during the period when it blooms.

Garden varieties of carnations will not leave flower lovers indifferent. Different times flowering allows you to create a garden composition in such a way that it will bloom throughout the season.

Description and features of Turkish cloves

Turkish cloves (Dianthus) can be divided into two groups: low-growing and tall-growing. Where the first group is up to 20 cm high, the second is 80. The inflorescences are monochromatic or variegated. The petals are simple and double, ciliated along the edge.

Natural color Carnations are usually white and pink, while garden crops have many shades and speckles. Small flowers up to 1 cm in volume are collected in a lush rosette, reminiscent of a small bouquet. The leaves are deep green.

When planting plants, you can successfully combine varieties in landscape design. When low-growing varieties are planted in the foreground, followed by tall shrubs.

Turkish cloves have distinctive feature– cold-resistant crop, not demanding on soil. For the winter, only young specimens are covered with a layer of mulch, while adult species overwinter in middle lane Russia without shelter.

Planting and propagation of Turkish cloves

Turkish carnations - perennial plants, but grow them as two-year-olds. grow well in the sun, protected from strong winds place, but in hot weather shading is appropriate.

The best place for them is in the vicinity of young trees. It should be planted on the south or southeast side, as cold northern winds negatively affect growth. Strong winds may break fragile stems.

The soil for bushes should be neutral, fertile, with good drainage. Although flowers can grow on loamy sandy soil. Just fertile lands provoke a large number of inflorescences. The plant does not tolerate stagnant water.

Humus is added to insufficiently cultivated soil at the rate of 7 kg of organic matter per 1 sq. m. and some mineral fertilizers.

Seed propagation:

Propagation of Turkish carnation by seedlings

— a substrate is prepared from sand, humus, peat and turf soil;

planting material soak for 12 hours in a growth stimulator;

- sow seeds in a container and sprinkle with a small layer of sand (3 mm), which must first be treated under steam or in the oven;

- as soon as the shoots appear, send the container to a cool (15 degrees C) but bright place. Maintain the temperature until planting in open ground. The seedling will be hardened and will not be susceptible to diseases;

The photo shows Turkish carnation seedlings

- water moderately. If in progress growing turkish cloves some seedlings will disappear, they are removed from the container. Empty places are filled up activated carbon or ash.

— the signal for the first pick is the presence of 2 leaves;

— seedlings are planted according to a 4x4 cm pattern in other containers;

— planting time for seedlings – January;

— secondary picking is carried out in March, for active growth;

- when 5 leaves appear on the bush (around April), you need to pinch it. This will make it possible to develop a powerful root system. ;

— in May, seedlings are sent to open ground;

— seedlings are dug up with a clod of earth and planted in a prepared bed.

Air layering:

— propagation by layering should begin in August;

- the shoot is pressed to the ground, pinned and covered with a layer of earth;

- the top of the head is tied to a peg vertically;

- roots and young shoots will appear within one month;

- the cuttings should be separated from the mother bush and planted in a permanent place.

By cuttings:

- in May, when stems without peduncles can be identified, you can cut them off for propagation;

- a stalk 10 cm long, with 3 pairs of leaves, is cut under a node;

- make cuts on the stem very sharp knife by a third of the thickness;

lower leaves(2 pcs.) are removed;

— use thermally treated sand as a substrate, where cuttings with the cut part are planted;

- cover the container plastic bag, to create a greenhouse effect;

- keep the cuttings in a cool place without direct access sun rays;

- after 20 days, when rooting occurs, transplant the planting material into open ground.

By dividing the bush:

early spring dig up a bush, carefully divide the root system into several parts with roots;

    plant in new places;

    The bush will bloom this season.

Some types of cloves come with a single stem. The bush can bloom spreadingly, but it cannot be divided.

Caring for Turkish cloves

Carnation unpretentious flower and care is required mainly by young specimens:

    Watering. The plant does not like abundant watering. The exception is hot weather. Optimal norm per 1 sq. m 12 liters of water. Overwatering can trigger the development of root rot. Water should not get on the blooming buds. Normal condition The soil is a little moist, a little dry. Adult specimens do not require watering.

    Carnation responds well to fertilizing. It is better to use complex mixtures containing potassium. Excess nitrogen supplements can lead to the development of diseases. The first fertilizing with mineral fertilizers is needed for a seedling 10 cm high. The second application of fertilizers will be required already at the time of bud setting. The last feeding is the flowering of the bush. Everything must be applied strictly according to the instructions so that the plant does not get burned.

    Diseases. Help prevent flower infections preventive measures. Treat young specimens with insecticidal preparations. Sometimes pests called nematodes attack - these are roundworms that can infect any part of the plant. To combat it, use fungicides. Treat plants in the evening. Neighbors are carriers of fungal diseases. It is not advisable to plant bushes with hyacinths and gladioli. At viral disease the flowers are transplanted to another place, and the infected flowers are destroyed.

    Faded buds must be removed to stimulate future flowering.

If the bushes are planted close enough to each other, they will kill the weeds, thereby freeing flower growers from weeding.

Types and varieties of Turkish cloves

Turkish carnation belongs to the genus Carnation, which has 400 species and many varieties. The time and duration of flowering are different, which makes it possible to create different compositions. The most beautiful and attractive varieties with photo of Turkish carnation.

Turkish carnation Heimatland

Heimatland. Large inflorescences with a bright red tint and a contrasting white center.

Carnation lahskenigin

Lakhskenigin. Salmon pink flowers. The central border is a darker shade.

Turkish carnation

Turkish carnation ( Dianthus caryophyllus) or Dutch. The species includes five main varietal groups:

Carnation souvenir de Malmaison

1. Souvenir de Malmaison - plain rosettes in red, yellow and pink shades

American carnation

2. American - striped and solid colors (yellow, red, white) colors.

The photo shows a dwarf Turkish carnation

3. Dwarf - colors of one tone: yellow, pink, red.

Clove grenadine

4. Grenadine - the same tone of red or pink buds.

Pictured is a Turkish carnation shabo

5. Shabot - tall varieties with double inflorescences.

Turkish cloves

Turkish cloves will decorate any garden with its refined and noble appearance. The petals are terry, velvety and can have different colors with a pronounced pattern.

White Turkish carnation

White carnation as if the “bride” in a wedding dress is waiting for her beloved. Small inflorescences are collected in a large rosette and look like a miniature bouquet.The leaves are small, dark green, and barely noticeable against the background of the buds. The bush grows up to 60 cm in height.

In the photo there is a Turkish carnation tiara

Diadem - dark petals and contrasting white border in the center.

Turkish carnation blooms magnificently in June. It's a pity that it doesn't bloom all summer...

Turkish carnation is also called bearded carnation, because. Each flower has bracts - they are narrow and thin, like hair. There are a lot of them, and therefore it gives the impression that the flowers have a beard...

Uses of Turkish cloves

In the garden landscape, Turkish carnation is good both in single plantings and in mixed flower beds.
Low-growing varieties of carnations are used in borders; they are planted along and on.
Lush bushes of Turkish carnation are good for “knocking out” tall stems of perennials and (, pyrethrum, etc.).

Cut shoots of Turkish cloves last a very long time in a bouquet.

Turkish cloves are not only spectacular and fragrant, which is important for decorative design garden She is also useful plant, helping to drive away annoying insects. Turkish clove flowers can be wiped on the skin to protect against mosquitoes.
Do you remember - they once sold Carnation cologne: as soon as they anointed themselves a little, the mosquitoes would not approach at all, it repelled them perfectly. True, the smell of this cologne was really strong, it smelled fragrant a mile away))). But this is not scary, it is more important to reason with the “bloodsuckers.”

Turkish clove is a wonderful plant with bright flowers, not requiring special care. If anyone doesn’t already have it in their garden, I strongly recommend diluting it. Now, in June, is the time to sow the seeds (fortunately, there are large selection various varieties of bearded carnation for every taste).

And when the Turkish carnation grows in your garden and blooms, you will have both joy and an interesting activity: while admiring it, count the number of colors :)

I wish you success and a beautiful garden!

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Probably not in flora a family more numerous in species and varieties than Cloves, because this herbaceous crop is adapted to life in a wide variety of, almost any conditions. This follows from the species names themselves, because there is a carnation:

  • field;
  • alpine;
  • sandy;
  • meadow;
  • garden

There are also species named after their specific location:

  • Volga;
  • Ural;
  • Uzbek

But only in a region that every second splashes out of its banks due to a frantic riot of colors, sounds and smells, could the Turkish carnation appear.

Botanical description

IN general outline All Cloves are similar to each other, they are distinguished only by the nuances of their appearance. But what nuances these are! Is it possible to compare the Turkish carnation - the noble lady Dianthus barbatus, dressed in brocade and strewn with jewels of all shades - and the modest village girl - the grass carnation? It turns out that it is possible.

Both the first and second grow into several erect, rigid, woody stems, consisting of long segments connected by thickened nodes (in the manner of bamboo). The nodes serve as places of departure from the stem for narrow, sessile, oppositely located, hairless, rigid leaves of a lanceolate-linear shape.

The color of the leaves can be dark green, green-gray, or have a reddish tint. There must be a powerful basal rosette, which almost immediately turns into a fibrous root in the Turkish clove and a short rhizome in the grass.

With the same structure, shoots have different functions: some bear only leaves, some bear flowers.

But if the herb has single flowers, then its Turkish “sister” has them collected into a heavy and voluminous inflorescence-scutellum, similar to a honeycomb, where all the flowers are at approximately the same stage of development (if there are buds, then all the buds, if withering, then also together ). The number of always five-petaled flowers and their color depend both on the variety and on the growing conditions.

“Zeus”, or “divine flower” (often having a connotation of gore or fresh blood, and the king of the gods adored bloody scenes) also has a second name. This carnation is also called bearded due to the ciliated border of each flower made of small, tightly adjacent leaves, which looks like long thick bristles.


Thanks to the success and ease of hybridization, crop varieties are unusually numerous. There are miniature heights, there are “sheaves” up to 90 cm, and there are medium heights. There are varieties with flowers, both simple and double, plain (without an “eye”) and variegated, composed of stripes of various shades of red, pink, cream, purple and pure white.

Even the color of the leaves and stems can be either different tones of green or reddish. The diameter of the flower can reach 1.5 cm, and the shields of the inflorescences themselves can reach 10-12 cm or more. The honey viscous aroma, characteristic of plants of any variety, completes the charm.

Depending on the preferences of land owners, agricultural firms offer varieties of different colors, among which the most popular are:

  • Scarlet Beauty (raspberry);
  • Newport Pink (pink);
  • Hollandia (the color of fresh blood with a snow-white “eye”);
  • Holborn Glory (white with raspberry trim);
  • White Queen (snow white);
  • Pink Beauty (pink).

Of interest:

  • mixture dwarf varieties Pinocchio;
  • Sprint and SuperDuplex blooming in the first year;
  • having a chocolate Sooty tone;
  • Noverna Clown, which, as it blooms, “fills” with color (from less saturated to more intense).

Turkish carnation flowers in the photo:

Growing Turkish cloves from seeds and seedlings

When sowing seedlings from seeds, the appropriate time is the beginning of February. The seeds are buried into the prepared soil no more than 0.5-1 cm. To get rid of the need for picking, each seed can be given a separate cup; when planting in a common container, picking (transplanting into individual containers) cannot be avoided.

Subsequent care consists of watering the box placed on a sunlit window sill once every 2-3 days and hardening it, starting shortly before planting in the ground. The time the seedlings stay outside (in a place without a draft) slowly lengthens from 1-2 hours to constant. Using this method allows seedlings to be planted literally at the end of April (after the danger of night frosts has passed).

Another option is to sow the seeds in (soil protected on top with film or glass), located in a sufficiently lit place with the ability to maintain a temperature of at least 13°C. 2-3 weeks after sowing, the first shoots will appear. Subsequently, they are thinned out or planted in other beds (after using nitrogen-containing fertilizer as an “anti-stress”). They are planted in flowerbeds 25 cm apart from each other with the onset of consistently warm weather.

Subtleties of growing cloves from seeds:

Sowing in open ground

It is possible to plant Turkish cloves in another way - by sowing seeds in open ground. Considering that in wildlife Carnation grows in meadows, on rocky slopes, and on coastal pebbles; concern about the properties of the soil is unnecessary if the soil is light and has a neutral reaction. But if the soil is highly acidic, adding dolomite flour and peat to it is necessary.

Second important point is sufficient illumination of the landing site and the absence of nearby groundwater.

Since the seeds of this type of clove low temperatures don’t be too afraid, starting from the last days of April, you can plant seeds directly into the soil (to a depth of no more than 1 cm) with a distance between rows of 15-20 cm and 15 cm between future plants (they should not be crowded). You can plant it thicker (after 5-7 cm), and when the seedlings reach a height of 8-10 cm, transplant the “supernumerary” to another bed.

When planting seeds in the ground, you have to wait a long time for seedlings to emerge, but it allows you to sow even at the beginning of summer (in June, even July), and the leaf rosettes of plants go into winter fully formed, with inevitable flowering with the onset of next year. When first-year plants produce flower stalks, they should be removed so that the plants can overwinter comfortably.

Another trick is to sow seeds in dry (without watering) soil at the beginning of persistent cold weather. The onset of spring will awaken the seeds, but you will have to wait a little longer for flowers.

Sowing clove seeds in open ground:

Caring for a plant in open ground

The main points of care are:

  • fertilizer;
  • watering;
  • loosening;
  • weeding.

Perennial cloves are planted in places where, in the fall, completely rotted manure with the addition of superphosphate (calculated for the latter at 50 g/m2) was added for digging. Before spring digging, potassium sulfate and ammonium nitrate are added (25 g/m2 each).

You can provide annual cloves with the necessary minerals and trace elements by applying fertilizers in 2 stages. The first stage is the addition of ammonium nitrate (15 g/m2) on the 7-8th day after planting the seedlings in their final place, the second - in the phase of mass budding (a combination of potassium sulfate and ammonium nitrate).

The carnation treats “underfilling” better than “overfilling,” especially if it has enough warmth and light from the sun. Watering can be combined with foliar feeding, adding a complex of fertilizers in liquid form to the water (preferably every week during the period April-June).

Trimming spent peduncles stimulates a second wave of flowering.

The flowering of carnations continues for quite a long time - starting in the last ten days of June (in the second year of life), it continues for at least 1 month.

Growing and caring for Turkish cloves:

Vegetative propagation

This method includes 2 reproduction methods:

  • layering;
  • cuttings.

In the first option, the peduncle is removed, and the crown of the stem, bent to the ground, is pinned with a wire bow and covered with moist soil. After a month, the rooted cuttings can be replanted.

With the second method vegetative propagation Cuttings cut from the stem of a two-year-old plant are planted in loose, moderately moist soil, slightly shading them. After 3 weeks, young leaves will appear on the cuttings. Transplantation is carried out in August, and the cuttings will bloom next year. When carrying out manipulations in a greenhouse, the process speeds up significantly.

There are no special “indoor” varieties of Turkish cloves. But if you want to have your favorite crop in your house throughout the year, you can either transplant a plant from the plot into a pot, or (in the absence of one) grow “ fire flower» low growing variety from seeds according to the described method.

If you want to have flowers at home different shades You can use a mixture of varieties for planting.

Diseases and pests

Clove greens can be damaged by:

  • cutworm caterpillars;
  • thrips.

The remedy for the former is manual collection or the use of "Fitoverm", for the latter - insecticides of the "Zolon" category (3-4 times of application with an interval of 5 days).

The following pose a threat to roots:

  • root-knot nematodes;
  • mice.

In the first case, steaming the soil with boiling water and treating it 3-4 times with Aktara should be combined with mandatory burning of infected plants. Covering plantings with coniferous branches for the winter will help keep mice away.

Of the putrefactive diseases of cloves, the most common are:

  • rhizoctoniasis;
  • phialophorosis;

If the first is expressed by rotting of the root collar (a brownish coating in the form of felt), then in the second, the cut stem has characteristic lesions of the sap-conducting system in the form of dirty-brown rings and stains.

There is no way to save a plant with rhizoctoniosis; for the purpose of prevention, the soil is spilled and the crop is sprayed with Bordeaux mixture. In the second variant of damage, the soil is spilled with a solution of potassium permanganate, the surviving plants are sprayed with Topsin-M for preventive purposes. All of these manipulations will lead to nothing if you leave the affected bushes in place - they must be burned.

The use of “Fundazol” is recommended to save uninfected bushes with Fusarium wilt. Affected specimens (with browned and withered leaves, with the presence of convex pinkish spots on areas of the plant’s body raised above the ground) must be immediately destroyed.

Mold lesions are usually caused by excessive watering or frequent summer rains (especially in combination with cold).

All the misfortunes against the “flaming flower” stem from too active interference of breeders in its heredity. Therefore, when cultivating any varieties, you should follow the recommendations for keeping the plant in a healthy state.
