Planting basil outdoors. Basil - planting and care in open ground

This spicy fragrant herb is often planted not only on garden beds, but also in the flowerbed, because in addition to being very useful, lush bushes also have a beautiful decorative look. Depending on the variety, there are plants with green or purple leaves, and even with a silvery tint. In addition, each variety has its own aroma and can smell like cinnamon, lemon, cloves or anise.

Using the seedling method, you can get early harvest greenery, however, if this is not the goal, basil reproduces well by sowing seeds in open ground.

Sowing time

Unlike the one that is sown early spring, basil is more heat-loving. You can sow basil in open ground in the spring when stable warm weather has established and the night cold snaps have passed. Usually this is the end of May - beginning of June, because the spice grows actively only at air temperatures above 20 degrees Celsius. Even a decrease in night temperature to 1 degree Celsius can destroy tender bushes.

Where to plant?

Basil is very demanding on lighting, so the beds should be laid out in a sunny area where water does not stagnate - excessively wet, non-drying areas lead to rotting and destruction of the plantings.

If you plant basil under young trees (they have almost no shade), its smell will repel pests and protect the garden from their invasion.

A month before sowing, you need a plot, because basil loves light and nutritious soil:

  • For each square meter of plot, add 2 kg of humus and peat;
  • dig up.

How to plant basil?

The fragrant spice tends to grow strongly, so when planting in rows, you need to leave a distance of at least 30 cm between them. In the row itself, it is better to lay out 2 seeds at a distance of 5 cm. If they all sprout, the weaker sprouts can then be removed.

Video about growing basil

Nowadays, not a trace remains of the former exoticism of basil - now this plant can be found in most beds. The reason why basil has so quickly gained its popularity is its sophisticated, multifaceted taste, which serves as a decoration for many vegetable salads. Growing basil from seeds is carried out both with the help of seedlings and without it. However, since this plant is distinguished by its sensitivity to both soil and temperature changes, before planting it in the garden, it is advisable to first germinate it on an insulated windowsill or greenhouse conditions. We'll talk about how to grow and pick seedlings, and then place them in the garden.

As already mentioned, basil is grown both using seedlings and without seedlings. Seedlings allow seedlings to grow stronger, after which, when transplanted into open ground, they grow faster and more confidently than seeds immediately placed in garden soil.

The seedless method can be used mainly by gardeners in the southern regions of Russia, due to the fact that basil reacts poorly to the onset of cold weather. And, since it needs to be planted in open ground at the end of May, you should be absolutely sure that frosts will not occur - otherwise the seeds simply will not germinate.

The seedling method will allow the seeds to sprout in temperature conditions that will be completely under your control. Basil is sowed for seedlings from April to May. With this method of growing, the seedlings will have time to prepare for planting in open ground, and for this they will need at least fifty days. Because optimal time Planting seeds for seedlings is the beginning of April.

You can read more about this in the article on our portal.

Preparing the soil mixture

Basil can grow successfully both in a soil mixture prepared by you personally, and in a mixture purchased at a specialty store. At self-production soil you will need three components:

  • Rotted compost (four parts);
  • Humus (two parts);
  • River sand (one part).

Before use river sand, you need to rinse and sift it.

To disinfect the prepared soil, you should steam it in a saucepan. If you purchased a ready-made soil mixture, disinfect it with Fitosporin or potassium permanganate.

Container for seedlings

Basil can be grown both in wooden boxes and in plastic cassettes. If you are going to use a box, then in the future you will need to pick the seedlings into separate containers so that their root systems are not cramped. The average depth of a cassette or box should be 5-6 centimeters.

Planting seedlings

Step 1. Submerge soil mixture into containers and compact it so that it does not reach the edges of the container by a centimeter. Before sowing seeds, moisten the soil to soften it.

Step 2. Place one seed in each cassette. If you are using a box, you will need to create several rows spaced five centimeters apart and place the seeds in them.

Step 3. When you're done placing the seeds, fill them in thin layer soil so that they are at a depth of one centimeter.

Step 4. If you are going to sow basil different varieties, attach signs of the corresponding varieties to the containers so that there is no confusion in the future when distributing seedlings throughout the garden.

Step 5. Cover the seedlings with glass or place them in plastic bag to create a greenhouse effect. Place the container in a room with a temperature that does not drop below twenty degrees and wait for the first shoots to appear (after a week and a half).

After emergence

When you find the first sprouts, remove them from the bag and reduce the temperature to sixteen degrees, otherwise the plant will become excessively elongated. As the soil dries, moisten the sprouts with warm water. If water accumulates in the tray after watering, pour it out. If moisture stagnates and comes into contact with the soil, root system The basil will sooner or later begin to rot.

Two weeks after the emergence of seedlings, fertilize them with superphosphate (4 g), wood ash (4 g) and ammonium nitrate (2 g). The composition is applied to the soil; its contact with the above-ground part of the plant is undesirable.

For the remaining 40-30 days, continue watering the seedlings. Two weeks before moving the seedlings into the garden, begin to harden them by taking them out into the fresh air. In this case, the air temperature should not fall below five degrees.

Important! If, when growing seedlings, the basil shows signs of rotting roots, treat the plant with five grams of copper sulfate dissolved in two liters of water.

Transplantation into open ground should be planned for late May - early June. As soon as the soil warms up to fifteen degrees at a depth of 5-7 centimeters, it will be possible to plant basil.


If you planted the seeds in a wooden box, then you will need a pick. Picking is carried out when two true leaves appear on the seedling. In order to transplant, use separate pots or special cassettes. The composition of the soil mixture should be kept the same - this will allow the basil to quickly get used to its new “place of residence.”

The most important thing when picking is not to damage the root system of the plant.

In addition to humus and sand, you can also add two tablespoons of ash and one tablespoon mineral fertilizers for five liters of soil. These components will strengthen the immunity of the fragile seedling and accelerate its development.

The further procedure is as follows:

  • Fill the containers with soil and tamp it down;
  • Using a scoop or small shovel, make small holes and place the seedlings in them without disturbing the root system;
  • Gently sprinkle the plants and compact the soil;
  • Moisten the soil, holding the seedlings so that the stream of water does not damage them. If necessary, straighten the plants after watering.

Important! During picking, you should not bury the seedlings.

Video - Picking basil

Planting basil on the windowsill

There are several ways to harvest basil. Depending on the conditions, you can grow it in own apartment on the windowsill, or planted in open ground on your own site. Please note that in the first case, the date of planting the seeds is pushed back - if you are going to grow basil at home, then sowing the seeds must be done in early spring.

There are several other features of growing basil on a windowsill:

Further care of seedlings

Caring for sprouted basil seedlings will not surprise you in any way if you have previously cared for seedlings: it includes regular watering and fertilizing the soil. If you planted seeds in peat tablet, then when picking seedlings, replant them along with the soil. Also, before transplanting seedlings into separate pots, sprinkle their bottoms with drainage materials - expanded clay, small pebbles or broken bricks. The thickness of the drainage layer should be about two centimeters.

By the way! When growing basil seedlings on a windowsill, you can use a lighter version of the soil mixture, mixing one part of humus with two parts of coconut fiber.


Always make sure that the soil in which the basil is located is always slightly moist. As a rule, basil is watered daily. The main indicator of the condition of a plant is its leaves - as soon as the plant does not receive enough water, its leaves hang lifelessly.

Also, after watering, it is advisable to loosen the soil once every two to three days. This will help to ventilate the soil and prevent moisture from stagnating for a long time.

Top dressing

Basil will need fertilizing if you did not use the most nutritious soil mixture when planting. However, if you wish, you can fertilize basil even with the best soil composition. To do this, you should use a fertilizer based on compost or humic substances.

Feeding is carried out no more than once a month, since an excess of nutrients can harm the plant in the same way that excess moisture harms it. The concentration of fertilizers must correspond to that stated in the instructions.

Growing basil on the plot

As already mentioned, you should plan to plant basil in the garden at the beginning of June. By this time, the soil will have already warmed up and will not contribute to freezing of the seedlings. When planting basil, it is recommended to consider several nuances:

By the way! Despite the widespread availability of green varieties, many gardeners prefer the purple variety of basil due to its tart aroma and pleasant taste. You can read about the green and purple basil varieties below.

Soil preparation

That part of the garden that you set aside for planting basil should be dug up in a month and a half using organic materials. Compost or humus is good - two kilograms per square meter of garden.

When the soil and seedlings are ready, follow these instructions:

Features of growing basil

The most difficult period when growing basil is the time when the plant gets used to the new soil and new climate. In the first few weeks, the condition of the basil must be constantly monitored so as not to let it wilt. Procedures that will help the plant recover include the following:

  • Weeding the land to get rid of weeds. Until the basil is ready to continue growing, constantly ensure that no weeds appear in the area. She will only interfere with the basil, taking away from him nutrients;
  • Pruning seedlings. Get rid of flower stalks in a timely manner - this will speed up the branching of the plant;

  • Loosening the soil. The closer the growing season approaches, the more often it is necessary to loosen the soil;
  • Watering. As in the case of seedlings, the need for basil in liquid must be determined by the condition of the soil. As soon as it starts to dry, grab a watering can. Basil needs moisture to grow lush green leaves. For watering, use warm water, but not hot water, standing throughout the day;

  • Feeding. Basil should be fertilized no more than once a month using nitrogen fertilizers. Feeding components should be aimed at increasing green mass and, first of all, should include Nitrophoska. Fertilize the seedlings for the first time no later than two weeks after planting the plant in the ground.

Planting seeds in open ground

Seeds are planted at the end of May, when the soil warms up to an acceptable temperature. In many ways, sowing seeds is similar to sowing seedlings and includes the following steps:

Unfortunately, basil grown without seedlings has less green mass compared to basil moved to the garden as a seedling. Also, the seedless method involves later harvesting, which not all gardeners can afford.

Basil diseases

No gardener is immune from sudden diseases of the crops he grows, so one must always be prepared for the manifestation of alarming symptoms and be able to recognize them. The most common diseases characteristic of basil are summarized in the table below.

Table 1. Basil diseases


The main cause of blackleg is poor soil condition. Increased acidity, insufficient air permeability and excess moisture - all these conditions cannot but lead to the appearance of blackleg, which is a type of fungus. The fungus spreads to the root collar, which is responsible for feeding the plant. Due to blockage of blood vessels, the flow of juices slows down, which leads to blackening of the base of the stem and gradual withering of the plant

Fusarium can equally affect both immature seedlings and mature plants. Pathogens of this disease can be found both in the seeds themselves and in the soil. The fungus inhibits the blood vessels of basil, releasing a large amount of toxins that are carried throughout the plant with the help of juices. Symptoms of the disease include thinning of the stem and its coloration in a brown tint (in young plants), drying out of the top, gradually spreading to all other parts of the basil (in mature plants)

This disease is typical for basil grown in a greenhouse or greenhouse. The causative agents of the disease are localized in the soil, as well as on plant debris. For gray rot to appear, two factors must coincide: the presence of dead tissue in the basil and the presence of drops of moisture. The first to be hit lower leaves, after which the fungus spreads along the stem to the entire plant. The onset of the disease is indicated by the appearance of light brown spots on basil leaves, gradually becoming covered with fluff.


Since diseased plants are unlikely to be cured, it is advisable to prevent diseases from occurring in the first place. As can be understood from the description of diseases, a gardener can avoid most of them by being more attentive to the treatment of seeds and soil. Other tips for preserving basil include:

  1. Choose every year different places for planting basil. After harvesting, at least three years must pass before you can replant the basil seeds in their original place without fear for its health;

  2. Before planting seeds in the soil, disinfect them in a solution of potassium permanganate;
  3. Don't try to plant basil as close together as possible in an attempt to save space. In addition to being painful, crowded plants will be lethargic due to lack of nutritional resources and sunlight;
  4. Treat the basil with wood ash once a week;

  5. Loosen the soil between the rows, preventing a surface crust from forming;
  6. Measure the amount of liquid allocated for irrigation. Basil can destroy how excess moisture, and its disadvantage;
  7. If you do encounter a diseased plant, remove it from the soil along with the roots and burn it.

Basil is a popular spice and ornamental plant. It can be grown not only in open ground, but also at home on the windowsill. Following the advice from our article, you can grow this aromatic crop with your own hands from seeds.

We will tell you how to properly care for basil and harvest it in summer and winter, as well as how to cultivate the crop in a city apartment.

Every owner can grow basil from seeds. personal plot. The bushes will provide you not only with aromatic spices, but also decorate the area with their decorative leaves.

Because this type It is more common in warm climates; its planting in our country has some peculiarities, which will be discussed below.


Depending on the variety, the leaves of the crop can be different colors, from light green to purple. It is better to harvest the crop at the end of July or beginning of August, since by this time the most of the substances accumulate in its leaves. essential oils and the plant acquires a particularly rich aroma. You can see what this plant looks like in Figure 1.

Figure 1. External features basilica

For the culture, well-lit areas in light, moist and fertile soil are selected. If the soil is too heavy or overly saturated with moisture, the root system of the plant will begin to hurt and the bush will die.

In addition, it is not advisable to leave it in the same place long time. It is best to replant every year, and return the crop to its original place no earlier than after 5 years. If this condition is not met, the plants will be more susceptible to fusarium.


Growing from seeds begins with choosing a site. It should be well lit by the sun, and the soil should be moderately moist. This condition also applies to planting through seedlings.

Note: Excessive soil moisture will lead to root rot and plant death, regardless of the growing season.

Another prerequisite is to ensure a stable temperature regime. Young shoots can die even from mild frosts or sudden temperature fluctuations. Therefore, a bed with seeds or seedlings must be covered with film. In addition, seedlings are not transferred to open ground. before June when stable warm weather sets in.

It is advisable to fertilize the area with a mixture of humus, compost and peat. Planting is carried out in the evening, after which the soil is well watered with warm water.

Growing from seeds

The easiest way to grow greens from seeds is by first germinating the seedlings in a pot. It is then easier to transplant the stronger plants into open ground.

You can even grow basil from seeds on a windowsill.. For this you need(Figure 2):

  1. Fill pots or boxes with a nutritious substrate based on soil, peat and humus.
  2. Moisten the soil with a mixture of water and mineral fertilizers. This will speed up seed germination.
  3. Carry out sowing, deepening the seeds by only 1 cm.
  4. The top of the container is covered with film or glass. This will help retain moisture and maintain optimal temperature.

Figure 2. Cultivation of a plant from seeds on a windowsill

Shoots appear within a week, but they cannot be transplanted into the garden right away. First, you should wait for warm weather. Secondly, the plants must become stronger before transplanting. During the process, the seedlings are regularly watered without waterlogging the soil.

When sowing directly into the ground, the soil is treated with growth stimulants, and the bed is covered with film. Even if you land in summer time, culture needs enough high temperature for germination (about 25 degrees). The cover can be removed only after sprouts appear.

Basil growing from seeds: when to plant

An important issue is the timing of planting when grown from seeds. If the spice grows in an apartment, sowing can be done at any time of the year. With open ground the situation is a little more complicated.

Both seeds and seedlings are planted in open ground no earlier than the beginning of June. This is explained by the fact that young plants can die even from a minimal drop in temperature. The bed must be covered to maintain an optimal microclimate.

Growing methods

Basil is grown in several ways: by sowing seeds in open ground and through seedlings. This plant can also be cultivated in a greenhouse or even on a windowsill at home.

Regardless of the chosen method, the plant must be provided with optimal temperature regime Therefore, after planting in the garden, both seeds and seedlings must be covered with film or mulch.

Growing a crop on a windowsill and in a greenhouse has some differences, so let’s look at these methods in more detail.

How to grow basil on a windowsill

Cultivation from seeds on a windowsill will only be successful if you select the right soil, choose a location and provide the crop with an optimal microclimate.

At home, planting can be done by seeds or cuttings. Young shoots take root well. To do this, small branches are placed in a glass of water, and after 2 weeks the first roots appear and the crop is transplanted into a separate pot. You can cut the first greens after 2-3 weeks.

How to grow basil on a windowsill from seeds? It is immediately worth noting that the process of cultural development in in this case It will take longer, but the bush will bear fruit much longer than when grown by cuttings.

Note: A plant grown from cuttings blooms much earlier than a plant grown from seeds. After the flowers appear, its leaves become unsuitable for harvesting greens.

Planting a plant at home is done like this:(Figure 3):

  1. Seeds are soaked in a solution of potassium permanganate for 2-3 hours. Sowing can be done immediately in large pots, where the bush will remain all the time. You can also sow the seeds in a large box, and pick the seedlings as they grow.
  2. Substrate you can take any, but it is better to use vermicompost with coconut fiber in a 1:2 ratio.
  3. To the bottom of the pot lay out a layer of drainage, then pour in the substrate, moisten it and sow the seeds in shallow holes or grooves (no more than 2 cm).
  4. Cover the top of the container film, glass or regular plastic bag. The cover is removed after the first shoots appear.

Figure 3. Seed sowing order

Further care includes periodic watering. It is also necessary to provide the plants with warmth and light. To do this, pots are placed on a south window, and in winter and autumn they extend daylight hours with the help of fluorescent lamps.

It is best to plant several bushes with seeds and then propagate them with cuttings. This way you can always get fresh greens.

The author of the video will tell you how to properly sow seeds and grow basil seedlings.

Growing in a greenhouse

In winter, the crop can only be grown in a heated greenhouse due to the crop's sensitivity to low temperatures. The plant fits well with others herbs, herbs and tomatoes, and thanks to the design features closed ground less exposed to diseases and pests.

Features of growing in a greenhouse include preliminary harvesting of seedlings (Figure 4). Further landing is carried out as follows:

  • Selection and preparation of soil- it is better to use light and loose soils fertilized with rotted manure.
  • Landing can be carried out with seedlings or seeds. In the first case, the growing season is significantly reduced, and harvesting can be done earlier.
  • Seedlings planted in shallow, pre-moistened furrows at a distance of 15 cm from each other.
  • Watering carried out once a week. In winter, you need to maintain a stable temperature (not lower than 15 degrees), and in summer, when the temperature rises strongly, ventilate the greenhouse.

Figure 4. Growing and picking seedlings

Harvesting greenery begins when the bushes reach a height of 20 cm. It is advisable to cut off the leaves gradually so that the bush is more branched. After the growing season is over, the bed is fertilized with slurry or a liquid solution of chicken droppings. Examples of growing this greenery in a greenhouse are shown in Figure 5.

Planting and care at home

At home, you can grow not only seedlings, but also a full-fledged bush. This way you will provide your family with fresh herbs even in winter.

Figure 5. Features of growing crops in a greenhouse

Planting basil is done like this::

  • Prepare containers - both individual pots and large boxes are suitable. Small seedlings from the boxes are later transplanted into larger containers.
  • We lay drainage scrap at the bottom ( broken brick or expanded clay). It should fill about a third of the pot.
  • Sprinkle on top nutrient substrate, consisting of light loose soil and coconut fiber. We moisten the earth.
  • Sow the seeds in furrows about 1 cm deep, sprinkle with a small layer of soil and water.
  • We cover the top with film or glass and place it in a well-lit place.

If these conditions are met, sprouts appear within a week, and after a few more weeks they turn into full-fledged bushes. During this period, it is important to provide the plants with proper care: water regularly but moderately, maintain a stable temperature at +20 degrees and periodically loosen the soil. If the crop grows slowly, you can apply liquid mineral fertilizer.

The advantage of growing this crop at home is that in a city apartment it is much easier for plants to provide proper care.

You will find more information about growing basil at home in the video.


The leaves of the plant are used as food. They are cut off during the entire growing period, immediately after the formation of bushes about 20 cm high (Figure 6). However, harvesting is stopped after flowering begins, since during this period the leaves lose their rich taste and aroma.

Figure 6. Harvesting greens

To extend the fruiting period, it is grown from seeds rather than seedlings or cuttings.

Types and varieties of basil

There are about 150 varieties of the crop, but the most popular are fragrant, purple and lemon. Let's take a closer look at the last two varieties, as they differ from others in the color and aroma of the leaves.

Purple basil: growing from seeds

The variety differs from others in its richness purple leaves (Figure 7). They have a delicate taste and pleasant aroma Therefore, this plant is most often used to prepare sauces for meat dishes.

Figure 7. Features of purple basil

Growing the purple variety from seeds is no different from the conditions required for other species. It is planted with seedlings or seeds in open ground, and the bed is covered to maintain stable temperature and humidity.

You can also cultivate the plant in a greenhouse and at home. the main thing is to maintain a stable temperature and regularly water the bushes, avoiding stagnation of water.

Lemon basil

Lemon basil has one characteristic feature: Its leaves have a rich lemon flavor and aroma. Due to this, it is highly valued as a seasoning. In addition, the plant has decorative properties. The culture forms a lush, spreading bush that will become a beautiful and useful addition to the garden (Figure 8).

Figure 8. External features of lemon basil

Cultivation of the plant also requires some care. The culture is heat- and light-loving, so well-lit areas without drafts are chosen for planting. It is better to sow not with seeds, but with seedlings. This way, lemon basil will reach maturity faster and grow into a beautiful bush with fragrant leaves.

Basil is an annual herbaceous plant, universally known as an aromatic spice. It can be successfully grown in open ground. To do this, you need to choose the right soil, plant the plant correctly and care for it. The result will be a wonderful harvest.

General characteristics of the plant

Basil is an annual plant from the Lamiaceae family and the catnip subfamily. It can reach a height of 0.5-0.7 m. The plant’s stems are straight, tetrahedral, highly branched with abundant foliage.

The branching roots are notable for their superficial location. The short-petiolate leaves have an oblong-ovate shape. Foliage color depends on the variety and can be bright, dark or violet green.

Basil has two-lipped flowers that are usually white or pale pink color, less often violet shade. They are formed in the sinuses apical leaves and bracts.

The fruit is a dark brown nut, which before ripening is connected in groups of 4.

Types and varieties of basil

There are more than 150 varieties of basil. The most common type is fragrant basil. It is also called ordinary, garden, camphor. This species is distinguished by a tart green taste, reminiscent of cloves. The most popular varieties of fragrant basil are:
  • Genovese Gigante;
  • Magical Michael;
  • Mammoth.
Also common purple basil, which got its name from the color of its leaves. It is also called regan. This species is distinguished by a delicate green taste. Its most popular varieties are:
  • Osmin Purple;
  • Purpurascens;
  • Red Ruby.
Another popular type is cinnamon basil, which is also called Mexican. The name of the culture was given by the cinnamon flavor of the foliage. This species is distinguished by flowers of a delicate lilac-violet hue.

Lemon basil is also quite common, getting its name for the taste and aroma of the herbs. This species is also attractive for another quality - its voluminous leaf mass.

In Thai cuisine, a small-leaved variety of the plant is used, attractive with its aniseed aroma and silvery foliage color.

Unusual is black basil, so named because of the rich dark purple hue of the stems and leaves. Among its varieties, Baku and Cairo Ruby are popular.


Basil needs fertile and well-kept soil. The area for planting this crop should be well warmed up and protected from wind and draft. The annual grows well in sandy loam soil enriched with organic fertilizer.

Basil can be effectively planted after growing the following crops:

  • potatoes;
  • cucumbers;
  • tomato;
  • legumes

The soil for planting basil needs to be prepared in the fall. The dug up bed must be well fertilized. The soil should be dug to a depth of 25 cm, that is, approximately to the height of the bayonet of a shovel.

The following fertilizers are needed per square meter of soil:
  • humus or compost 3-5 kg;
  • potassium salt 15 grams;
  • superphosphate 25 grams.
Allowed to grow on loamy or clay soil. In this case, the formation proper beds must be completed in the fall. In the spring, they will need to be carefully hoeed to a depth of 15 cm.

Planting basil in open ground

You can plant basil from seeds or seedlings. In each case there are certain rules.

Planting by seeds

This method is usually used in southern regions. The optimal time for planting seeds is the end of May. The soil should warm up to 15 degrees, night frosts are unacceptable. You must act according to the following algorithm:
  • Disinfect seeds. To do this, use a solution of potassium permanganate.
  • The soil must be well loosened and moistened.
  • To plant, you need to deepen the holes no more than 1 cm.
  • The distance between holes is 3 cm, between rows is 30 cm.
  • 2 seeds should be planted in one hole to ensure better germination.
  • The sown area is covered with film. It is removed 1-1.5 weeks after seed germination.

Planting seedlings

When growing basil with seedlings, you can quickly grow the crop and get a high-quality harvest. When choosing this method, you must proceed according to the following algorithm:
  • The best time to plant seeds for seedlings is the end of March or the beginning of April.
  • Sowing is carried out to a depth of no more than 10 mm.
  • The speed of germination depends on temperature. For one and a half weeks it should be maintained at 25-27 degrees.
  • When the shoots appear, they pick. Small pots are used for planting sprouts.
  • Young seedlings should be kept in a greenhouse, fertilizing and hardening them.
  • A week before planting in open ground, it is important to harden the crop. To do this, limit watering and arrange ventilation in the greenhouse in order to reduce the temperature.
  • Planting in open ground can be done in early June if frosts are no longer expected.
  • Seedlings are planted in rows. The distance between bushes should be 25 cm, between rows - 30 cm.
  • For planting, make small holes 7-8 cm deep.
  • Before planting, pour about a liter of water into each hole.
  • The seedlings are planted together with pots so that the bud with young leaves are on the surface.
  • Until the seedlings take root, they need constant watering. Afterwards it is carried out as necessary.


Planting density is ensured by breaking through the greenery. To do this, the top shoots and flowering are plucked.

Caring for the plant involves timely weeding, regular watering and loosening the soil.

Used as fertilizer nitrogen fertilizers. Usually they use Nitrophoska, which also includes potassium and phosphorus. Per square meter of plantings, 5 liters of Nitrophoska solution are required. Take a tablespoon of dry granules for this volume.

Fertilizing should be done twice:

  • The first feeding is carried out one and a half weeks after planting the seedlings in the ground.
  • Repeated feeding is carried out after another 2-3 weeks.

Density of plantings is unacceptable. The plant also does not feel well if the soil moisture is high.

Diseases and pests

Basil is attractive due to its resistance to many diseases and pests. If you don't provide culture favorable conditions, that is, the risk of it being damaged by a fungus:

Gray rot

This disease manifests itself as brown, dry spots on the leaves of the plant, spreading to the stems. Afterwards, the spots become watery and covered with grayish fuzz.


This disease affects crop seedlings. The fungus affects the root collar of the seedlings. It becomes softer and thinner, causing the death of seedlings. This disease can be caused by high soil moisture, poor water permeability, and acidity.


This disease develops against the background of sudden temperature changes, severe clay soil. Young stems become thinner and weaker, becoming covered with brown spots. The disease affects the entire plant, causing planting death. Affected bushes need to be disposed of.


The harvest begins to be harvested when the height of the greenery reaches 10-12 cm. With high-quality and careful harvesting, it can be produced many times. It is better to cut off the leaves. To do this, use pure sharp knife. High-quality cutting will only stimulate the growth of new greenery.

When harvesting greens for the winter, cutting is usually done in large volumes. In this case, you need to cut off the entire stem, leaving only the 4 lower leaves. Mass cutting is carried out at the beginning of flowering. During this period, the greenery is maximum quantity vitamins and essential oil, and the collected raw materials are most fragrant.

Basil should be harvested only in dry weather.

After the first cut, the crop should be fertilized. A mineral multicomponent fertilizer is suitable for this. It is imperative to weed and loosen the rows. If these conditions are met, you can harvest again.

WITH square meter plantings, you can collect a kilogram of fresh herbs. After harvesting, approximately 0.2 kg of dry seasoning will come out of this volume.

Drying basil

To harvest the greens of this crop, natural conditions are required. Shade and active ventilation are required. The temperature should not be higher than 35 degrees.

For high-quality drying, you need to spread the collected raw materials in a thin layer. If all conditions are met, the natural color of the plant is preserved, its stems are fragile and easily broken. Properly dried leaves with flowers can be easily ground into powder. It is in this form that the raw material is stored for use as a seasoning.

The crushed raw materials must be placed in an opaque container that can be tightly closed. The storage area should be dark. The seasoning can be stored for no more than 3 years.

Greens can also be prepared fresh. To do this, you need to put it in a clay dish, sprinkle it with salt and fill it with olive oil (cold pressed).

Basil is perfect for growing outdoors. It can be planted with seeds and seedlings. At proper care and proper harvesting, you can get greens twice. Procurement of raw materials can be done in different ways.

If you ask residents of the northern regions what spices they sow on their plots, you will most often hear standard answers: dill, parsley, anise, cumin. Few people know that growing basil in open ground from seeds is not at all difficult, and its taste is simply excellent.

Mystical superstitions are partly to blame for this: in the Middle Ages, Europeans considered this herb a cursed plant, the smell of which alone had a bad effect on humans. Some people are afraid that a southern guest in a cold area will require complex care. Nowadays it’s hard to imagine Italian or French cuisine. Russian chefs also appreciate the taste and aroma of basil; it is added to many dishes.

Why do you need basil on the plot?

There are different types basil, when buying seeds, pay attention to their features:

  • Sweet basil has a tart taste and aroma reminiscent of cloves.
  • Purple basil is a favorite spice of the peoples of the Caucasus, where it is called “regan”; greens are used for cooking, and the seeds are sprinkled on finished dishes. Large juicy leaves, colored purple, have a delicate taste.
  • Lemon basil is named for its lemon aroma and flavor. A very productive species if you provide it good care, can produce up to 250 g of leaves per bush.

Basil is not only tasty, but also healthy. During the growing season, many vitamins, microelements, and essential oils accumulate in the leaves. It has a beneficial effect on the nervous and excretory systems and has an anti-inflammatory effect. The bush itself looks very attractive; it can be planted in a flower bed as an ornamental plant.

Advice! When adding basil to dishes, use moderation. Too many leaves can completely drown out the taste of other foods.

The aroma of basil drives away fruit trees pests You can plant the spice in tree trunk circles, and you will not need chemical insecticides. In the rest areas surrounded by fragrant bushes, you can calmly read and take a nap: neither flies nor mosquitoes will disturb your peace. Grow the spice from seeds in pots on the windowsill: you will get both an air flavor in the apartment and a natural insecticide.

To ensure that spicy leaves appear on your table as early as possible, grow basil from seeds through seedlings. Take equal amounts of garden soil, peat and humus, pour the mixture with a fertilizer solution:

  • water – 5 l,
  • superphosphate – 0.5 teaspoons,
  • potassium chloride – 0.5 teaspoon,
  • urea – 0.5 teaspoon,
  • potassium sulfate – 0.5 teaspoon.

Fill the boxes with soil, sow the seeds and plant them to a depth of 1 cm.

Cover the containers with glass or film and put them in a warm place. The best temperature for seed germination is from +25⁰ to +28⁰. Shoots will appear in a week, but mold and fungi may develop earlier, so ventilate the plantings every day. When you see green sprouts, open the box and move it to a place where it is about 8⁰ cooler: in extreme heat, the seedlings stretch out. There will be enough food for the seedlings until picking; the main care for them is proper watering. In dry soil, seedlings will die, and in too wet soil they may develop blackleg. As soon as you notice suspicious signs in at least one plant, remove it and treat all seedlings with a mixture of 1 liter of water and 0.5 teaspoon of copper sulfate.

When 2 true leaves appear, the seedlings need to be planted in individual pots. Be careful not to damage the delicate roots; it is better to plant the sprouts with a small lump of earth. Caring for seedlings is the same as caring for seedlings: the main attention should be paid to watering. Monitor the condition of the soil in the garden: planting basil in open ground is possible when the ground warms up to +15⁰. A week before transplanting, take the seedlings outdoors. The temperature during “walks” should not be lower than +10⁰.

If you did not have time to grow seedlings from seeds in the spring, you can plant basil seeds in open ground in June. To speed up germination, water the furrows with a growth stimulator. Cover the bed with film or non-woven material, the shelter can be removed only after germination. In the northern regions, where frosts occur already in August, it is undesirable to plant this way; you may not wait for the harvest.

For a spice plantation you need to choose sunny place on fertile soils. The plant does not like waterlogged soil; low-lying areas need drainage. If you plant a plant in wet, heavy clay, you won’t get many fragrant leaves, the bush will be stunted and will soon die; no amount of care will help it. Do you have great place, where for the past several years basil has produced both through seedlings and from seeds bountiful harvests? You will have to look for another area: the land may be contaminated with fusarium, which will destroy new plantings. You need to plant crops resistant to this disease there for at least 5 years, then you can return the spice to its old place.

Each region has its own timing for planting basil seedlings in open ground. This is a heat-loving plant; you need to navigate the weather when the threat of frost passes. It’s better to take your time and plant young shoots in early June: care will become much easier, you won’t need to protect the seedlings from frost, and you’ll have time to harvest. Just in case, provide the ability to quickly protect the plantings from the cold.

Remember the spice plant’s love for light, fertile soils and add 2 kg of compost, peat and black soil per m2 for planting. It is advisable to plant young plants in the evening. You can do this in the morning if you are sure that the day will be cloudy, or cover the seedlings from direct sunlight. Place containers of water in an open, sunny place in advance so that the irrigation liquid is warm.

In the garden bed, mark the rows at a distance of 30 cm from each other and dig holes every 15-20 cm, the depth of the holes should be from 7 to 10 cm. If you plant too often, the plants will become crowded and care will be difficult. Throw a few hydrogel granules under each bush to keep the soil moisture stable. Plant the seedlings and water the soil well. Cover the row spacing with a 5 cm thick layer of peat, compost or sawdust.

Caring for a heat-loving plant

Caring for basil in open ground does not require any new skills. Remember that the plant loves moisture, but cannot live in waterlogged soil. If you did before boarding good drainage or added hydrogel to the soil, you don’t have to worry about overfilling the water when watering. Monitor the condition of the soil: as soon as it starts to dry out, you need to moisten the bed. Use warm water: Sudden temperature changes cause severe stress to plants.

For plants to develop well, they need all the nutrients and trace elements. Dense greenery appears when there is enough nitrogen in the soil, use complex fertilizers with a predominance of this component. Do the first feeding 2 weeks after transplantation. Carry out further care according to the following scheme: fertilize once a month throughout the season - and you will always have fresh, juicy leaves on the table.

The plant needs good soil structure, so if you have not mulched the bed, you will have to use the cultivator quite often. Cover the soil with compost, grass clippings or sawdust with a layer of at least 5 cm, and the soil will be loose and weeds will not break through. There is no point in sprinkling the bed with a thin layer of mulch; the weeds will be able to break through to the light. If you have little material, it is better to cover half the bed well than to cover all the plantings somehow. You will still make your work easier: caring for a properly treated area will become very simple.

Advice! Never mulch a bed with sown seeds: the seedlings will not have enough light to grow. Wait until the seedlings reach a height of 7-8 cm and then fill the rows.

The more branched the basil is, the more green it will produce. When buds appear, cut them off, and all the plant’s energy will be used to form new shoots and young leaves. You can pick greens for preparing salads all season long, but the spicy plant reaches its peak taste and aroma when the first buds appear, then you can start harvesting. When harvesting, be careful not to rip off the leaves with a strong tug.

You could pull an entire bush out of the ground, and it could still give you a lot of greenery. Carefully break off or cut off the young ends of the shoots with leaves. You need to dry the spice in a warm, ventilated place where it is not exposed to sun rays. Collecting seeds for planting next year should be done from the strongest and most productive plants.

Advice! In the fall, dig up a basil bush and plant it in flower pot. The plant grows well on a windowsill, and you will be eating fresh herbs all winter.


Southern basil can be grown from seeds in almost all regions of our country, except the Far North. In open ground, it can exist when the soil warms up to +15⁰, and on the coldest nights the temperature does not drop below +7⁰. To quickly enjoy the fragrant leaves, grow the spicy crop through seedlings. Do not overdo it with watering young seedlings so that they do not get sick with blackleg.

When fertilizing, it is very important that nitrogen is present in the fertilizers. It makes the leaves thicker and fleshier. Only strong, healthy, productive specimens are suitable for collecting seeds. Purple varieties are not inferior in taste to green ones, and can be used as ornamental crops for flower garden decoration. Learn to use spices correctly when preparing dishes, and your table will become more tasty and healthy.
