What can replace white spirit? Solvent or white spirit - which is better? Main groups of solvents

commonly used on different stages paint and varnish industry. For example, they serve in paint and varnish production and are needed as a viscosity regulator.

The definition of these substances is as follows: solvents are low molecular weight volatile liquids with low boiling points. They are strong and weak: the first are characterized by the fact that with them a given polymer forms a single system in any concentration range and wide temperature range.

Quality solvents paint and varnish materials have the following qualities: inertness (they do not react with paint and varnish materials), volatility (for complete evaporation during the drying of the paint and varnish layer).

According to the degree of activity, solvents are divided into three groups: high, medium and low.

Simple solvents (these include turpentine, ethyl acetate, acetone, amyl acetate, dichloroethane, white spirit, technical coal solvent) are organics in their pure form, used to dissolve films or prepare various mixtures.

Solvent gasoline is a product of petroleum distillation. Its physical characteristics are as follows: a transparent, colorless liquid. Application area: dissolution of nitro paints and some types of resins, as well as oil paints. In the case of paints and varnishes, the dosage of white spirit must be limited to 10% of the total mass of the paint and varnish material.

A colorless, often transparent, sometimes with a reddish or dark red tint, a liquid that is usually used to dilute paints and accelerate the drying of paintwork. Turpentine is mainly used to dilute oil paints. If you choose between purified and unrefined turpentine, then for painting surfaces you should pay attention to purified turpentine.

Turpentine is highly flammable. Wood (unrefined) turpentine is obtained by dry distillation of wood; gum turpentine - through resin distillation coniferous species The first must undergo additional processing, due to which the coloring components contained in wood turpentine will disappear from the composition of the solvent.

To understand whether you are satisfied with the quality of turpentine, you need to mix drying oil and turpentine in equal proportions onto the surface. If after a day a strong film remains on the paintwork, the quality of the solvent is undoubted.

Or, as it is also called, turpentine oil, it is more environmentally friendly in contrast to wood oil: it is distinguished by a calmer smell and lightness.

Turpentine is also used for degreasing coatings, despite the high cost of this solvent, which is justified high quality working material.

Acetone, amyl acetate, ethyl acetate- solvents that are used in the case of nitro paints. Since these substances mix quite easily with water, it is necessary to ensure that it does not get into them: this can cause whitening of the transparent film. If you add butyl alcohol solvents to the composition of these substances, the gloss of the varnish film will significantly improve.

Technical coal is a mixture of aromatic hydrocarbons that are obtained in coke production during the rectification of purified fractions of crude benzene. Physical characteristics of the solvent: it is a transparent, colorless liquid, it is available in three grades - A, B, C, which differ from each other the following parameters: boiling point, density, small fluctuations in the content of chemicals such as sulfur and phenols.

Solvent is a high-quality paint solvent, however, due to its toxicity, solvent is not as popular as turpentine. Solvent is used only for diluting pentaphthalic and glypthal paints.

The next solvent that needs to be mentioned is dichloroethane. This colorless, slightly flammable liquid has a chloroform odor and also tends to turn yellow due to exposure to sun rays. Precautions when using this thinner: a mandatory condition when working with this substance is the use of rubber gloves, since the thinner, due to the specific chemical composition, can significantly affect the skin of your hands.

Driers- these are special additives that help improve the decorative effect, as well as the water resistance of the finished dye composition. In addition, they can significantly reduce the amount of time required for drying oil paints, varnishes, drying oils, and oils. However, these additives have a rather serious drawback: when used paint coating becomes extremely brittle, and therefore it is recommended, if possible, to do without their use when treating the surface.

Ideal solvents for some types of resins are substances such as petrol And kerosene. They are also used in washing hands contaminated with paint, as well as in cleaning work tools.


These are solvents that are not capable of dissolving a given polymer alone, but when introduced into a polymer solution, they do not destroy its structure.

In fact, mixtures of solvents are very often used; their alternative name is numbered solvents.

So, solvent R-4(contains acetone and toluene) is suitable for dissolving and diluting alkyd paints and enamels based on chlorinated polymers.

Water-based paints and varnishes can only be diluted with water. You also need to remember that water must be poured gradually and in very small doses, otherwise the viscosity will decrease too much.

Among solvent masters, the most famous is solvent 646 (P-646).

It was first made in the 20th century. At first it was used for diluting nitro-varnishes and nitro-enamels; its versatility was discovered much later, and it began to be used in diluting paints and varnishes to working viscosity, in the cleaning procedure for painting equipment and working tools. The many components that make up this solvent play a significant role in the ability to dissolve most organic substances.

Solvent 646- colorless/slightly yellowish liquid, with a specific odor. The percentage of the following substances is included in its composition: toluene (50%), ethanol (15%), butyl acetate (10%), butanol (10%), ethyl cellosolve (8%), acetone (7%).

Solvent 646 is a fairly strong solvent, therefore, when using it as a working substance, it is necessary to observe safety precautions and be extremely careful when using it.

After drying, the paint coating acquires additional shine.

Solvent 649 used to dissolve nitrocellulose-glyphthalic film formers.

The choice of thinner depends on the working situation, the main determination parameters are the type of paint and varnish material and temperature environment during application of the material.

S10 Thinner for PE materials

This thinner is used to thin polyester varnishes to obtain the desired viscosity. It is a transparent and colorless liquid. The main advantage is that it dries quickly.

S12 Thinner for NC materials

Area of ​​application: dilution of NC varnishes and primers until the required working viscosity is obtained. It is also a clear, colorless liquid. Has an average drying speed.

S30 Dye thinner

Used when diluting dyes in order to obtain a working concentration of the material.

Physical characteristics: colorless, transparent. Has an average drying speed.

S50 Thinner for PU universal

They dilute it polyurethane varnishes in order to obtain working viscosity. It is a transparent, colorless solution. It also occupies an average position in terms of drying speed.

Solvents and thinners - a brief overview

for nitro varnish

Dissolves Nitrolac; deletes epoxy resin and contact glue Oil and latex paint, oil varnish Shellac Nitrovarnish, shellac and water-based compositions Nitrolac Wax Wax; removes silicone and oil Grease, oil; softens water-based compounds
Dilutes Nitrovarnish and polyester resins Not recommended as a thinner Shellac Nitrovarnish, shellac, two-component nitrovarnish Nitrolac Wax, oil varnish and compositions on oil based such as polyurethane Oil paint and varnish Anti-corrosion compounds
Security measures Use a carbon filter respirator and neoprene or natural rubber gloves Poisonous Toluene content may cause infertility Highly flammable. Use with caution Use varieties without strong odor Dries faster than white spirit Wear gloves made of polyvinyl acetate or nitrile
Additionally Deletes synthetic resins; speeds up drying of coatings. Once opened, use within six months A mixture of petroleum hydrocarbons, alcohol and other organic solvents Do not use alcohol with added water when working with shellac. Most solvents have an average evaporation time. A special retarder is added to slow down drying. Slightly speeds up the drying of nitro varnish, but not as noticeably as acetone Often called paint thinner. Slows down the drying of some oil formulations Accelerates drying (but not curing) of brushed or sprayed coatings Toluene evaporates faster than xylene


Most modern acrylic paints can be thinned with water.

But introducing only water into the paint is accompanied by a fairly rapid decrease in viscosity.

The best results are observed when the paint is diluted with a thinning varnish or its mixture with water.

For example, with the introduction of 10-15% weakening varnish (acrylic water-based varnish diluted by 10-15% with distilled water), the viscosity of the paint changes slowly, there is no change in the shade of the paint, and resistance to abrasion and scraping, resistance to fats, paraffin and other substances is higher than when using only water as a diluent.

This is especially important when using waterborne paints where technological features application methods require a stronger dilution of paints (and the increased phonation and foaming that appears when over-diluting with water only, deterioration in the strength characteristics of the paint layer, etc. are an additional incentive to use a varnish-attenuator).

Now the specifics:

Most commercial acrylic paint THINNERS do not consist of a pure substance, but of at least two components: solvent And retarder. Sometimes there is a third component: pigment binder (varnish).

Theirs THINNER for acrylic paint is a 60-65% solution of isopropyl alcohol in distilled water containing approximately 7% propylene glycol.

Here the solvent is isopropyl alcohol and the retarder is propylene glycol. A retarder is needed to ensure that the composition does not dry out too quickly; it slows down evaporation, and at the same time improves the spreading of paint. If it weren’t for it, the paint would have dried in the airbrush and would have clumped.

If you set out to make an analogue of a standard branded THINNER for acrylic, propylene glycol can be replaced, for example, with glycerin. The result will be the same. It is important that the water is demineralized (distilled), since otherwise the salts can increase or decrease that same polarity with poorly predictable results.

It should also be noted that commercial solvents for indoor useNon-toxic (weakly toxic) substances are most often used.

An acrylic solvent consisting of a 60% solution of (poisonous) methyl alcohol with the addition of (also poisonous) ethylene glycol would work no worse (even better), but using it in your work is a sure path to blindness.

At worst, you can use ethylene glycol instead of propylene glycol (it is contained in brake fluid), but this is not recommended - it is better to find glycerin.


I have already said that the active ingredient in the acrylic solvent is isopropyl alcohol (isopropanol).

So, under no circumstances use pure 96% isopropanol as a solvent.

Not only does it evaporate in seconds, it is many times more effective at dissolving ANY paint.

With a little pressure, isopropanol washes off nitro enamels (which are in cans) after several days of drying, and easily removes ordinary enamels and any acrylic paints.

Only 2-component paints with a hardener after complete polymerization are resistant to absolute isopropanol.

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Maybe someone knows an analogue of Xylene solvent? Help please!

Xylene is a kind of organic solvent. Made from xylene different types plastics, varnishes, adhesives, paints. The most important factor is to buy paints based on various emulsions, latex, and give preference to alkyd paints. That is, paints that contain little of this xylene. If, however, the choice fell on a product with a high xylene content, then when painting you need to do as few layers of paint as possible.

Most often, toluene, xylene or a mixture of them are used, and sometimes the solvent contains a petroleum solvent. The cost of the combined solvent can be reduced even further by replacing part of the active solvent with alcohol, usually methyl alcohol. Although alcohols themselves do not dissolve nitro varnish, they dramatically reduce its viscosity when mixed with acetone or other active solvent. To be used as a nitro varnish thinner, the combined solvent must have a carefully selected composition. Sufficient amounts of active solvent and latent diluent are required to completely dissolve the nitrocellulose molecules. Otherwise, the molecules stick together into tiny lumps, and a whitish coating often forms on the varnish film, well known to many carpenters who use nitro varnish for finishing.

What solvent should I use to dilute and dissolve what?

Sometimes liquid only dilutes finishing composition; in other cases, it can not only dilute the varnish, but also dissolve the dried coating film. On the contrary, denatured alcohol can both dissolve and dilute shellac (see table at the end of the article).

Correctly dilute the substance with a suitable chemical composition, and even better - the same thing. Much depends on the base: dilute acrylic enamel And acrylic varnish possible in the same way. The 647th solvent can be used to dilute nitrovarnish and nitroenamel intended for application to cars. It also needs to be used with extreme caution due to its aggressive composition. Alkyd enamels It is recommended to dilute with a multicomponent solvent R-4, consisting of a mixture of toluene, butyl acetate and acetone. It can also be used with enamels based on chlorinated polymers (CS and CV). The latter can be diluted with pure toluene and xylene. Therefore, paint diluted with water ( water-based paint, water-soluble acrylic), can be diluted with any ethers and alcohol, however, white spirit, which is a non-polar substance, will be rejected.

Solvent AR* 70 Turpentine extract. 3 Xylene 27

Solvent P, containing acetone, hydrocarbons, ethers and other components, is a yellowish or colorless liquid. What is the difference between solvent and? Butyl acetate can be mixed with water and various organic solvents in any proportions. Conditions for storing and working with solvent To dilute paints and varnishes, the solvent is introduced into the product slowly and in small doses, stirring constantly, until the desired viscosity of the material is obtained. Pentaphthalic, glyphthalic, urea-formaldehyde Varnish MC Enamels: Which solvent smells the least? A solvent containing acetone, ethanol, toluene and other components is used in almost all finishing works. Pentaphthalic, glypthalic, melamine alkyd Enamels: It is a polar solvent.

White spirit, solvent, xylene

Xylene, according to its purpose, belongs to the group of solvents. Unlike, for example, solvent, xylene can be poured into various containers. It does not mean that xylene can completely replace solvent.

White spirit is used as a solvent for fatty alkyds and some types of rubbers, epoxy esters with a high content of oils, fatty alkyds, and polybutyl methacrylate. Domestic white spirit contains about 16% aromatic hydrocarbons. Foreign manufacturers produce odorless white spirit, purified from the hydrocarbons that cause it.

Without access to oxygen, at temperatures from 130 to 150C, hydrocarbons are evaporated, from which a solvent (solvent) is produced. In the same cracking columns, mixtures of hydrocarbons called white spirits are evaporated at temperatures from 155 to 200C. Using solvents, rubbers, bitumens and polyesteramides are dissolved. Modern development chemistry made it possible to obtain solvent and white spirit by simply mixing various hydrocarbons. Many manufacturers are trying to replace solvent and white spirit with various kerosene-based solvents.

One of the main requirements is that the paint-dissolving mixture must quickly evaporate from the paint, varnish, primer, enamel when normal conditions. Highly volatile, they contain white spirit, gasoline, and solvent. Medium volatile ones, which include, for example, kerosene, xylene. Xylene is often used as a solvent for car enamels.

Toluene and xylene - volatile liquids with a pungent odor - are obtained from solvent and white spirit. And finally, petroleum wax, or paraffin, is one of the main products of petroleum distillation. At room temperature it is not a liquid, but solid, melting when heated. In the group of alcohols, methanol (wood alcohol) evaporates the fastest, much faster than ethanol, the alcohol found in alcoholic beverages and also called wine spirit. In the ketone group, acetone evaporates faster than methyl ethyl ketone (MEK). The remaining ketones evaporate slowly.

TO special type This includes solvents for paints, enamels and varnishes: acetone and white spirit. They can be used to dilute oil paints, varnishes, enamels, drying oils, primers, putties and even bituminous materials. It is better to purchase foreign-made white spirit; it is purified and has virtually no odor of aromatic hydrocarbons.

Lacquer kerosene, or white spirit, serves as a solvent for thick oil paints. Benzene dissolves essential and fatty oils, some resins, camphor, wax and rubber well. It is found mixed with benzene and in this mixture is used as a varnish solvent. Solvent is extracted from coal and some types of oil by dry distillation. In dry powder form, these substances are used when cooking drying oil. Dryers are sold as solutions in turpentine or varnish kerosene.

In this case, you should study the composition of various solvents and choose the one that contains xylene. Solvent and xylon are two interchangeable solvents. Xylene is used to dilute paints, and therefore we can conclude that this product can be replaced with either toluene or solvent. This substance can be replaced with toluene or solvent.

White spirit is a gasoline solvent - a product of petroleum distillation. Its physical characteristics are as follows: a transparent, colorless liquid. Acetone, amyl acetate, ethyl acetate are solvents that are used in the case of nitro paints. Solvent is a high-quality paint solvent, however, due to its toxicity, solvent is not as popular as turpentine. Solvent is used only for diluting pentaphthalic and glypthal paints.

Toluene is used as a solvent and is found in many non-food products, from paint thinners to cleaning products. Let's consider what can replace it.

The alternatives below are not substitutes for toluene for illegal purposes.


The best alternative. Solvent from the 6xx and R-4, R-4a, R-5, R-12, R-14, RML, RML-315, LFBS series, as well as a solvent for epoxy resin.

Orthoxylene (O-xylene)

100% substitute for toluene as a solvent.


Suitable for almost all areas of toluene replacement. It takes longer to evaporate than toluene.

White spirit, turpentine

Excellent for diluting oil and acrylic paints, varnishes, etc. Also good as a cleaning agent, especially in removing oil or bitumen stains.

Suitable as a solvent for oil enamels. varnishes, etc.

Acetone, amyl acetate, ethyl acetate

They can replace toluene in almost all areas, but have a milder effect. Ideal as a solvent for nitro paints.


It can also replace toluene, but disappears quickly. Suitable for dissolving pentaphthalic and glypthal paints.

Ethyl cellosolve

This universal solvent is suitable for any type of paint and varnish material.

Chemically precipitated calcium carbonate

Suitable for dissolving water-based paints and varnishes.

Thinner PROFI

Suitable for diluting paints and varnishes based on acrylic, epoxy, nitrocellulose, melaninoamide, glyphthalic bases.

Benzene, gasoline, including aviation gasoline

Use with caution, experimenting with small quantities of materials. Replaces toluene in almost all areas.

Most people only know about acetone that it is used as a nail polish remover. At the same time, scientists involved in organic chemistry cannot imagine their lives without it. So, at home, we wash dirty dishes using water, but in the chemical laboratory acetone is used to wash test tubes, cups and other “dishes”. On the website you will learn its other properties that are useful in the household, as well as information on how to replace acetone as a solvent at home.

Acetone (also known as dimethyl ketone) is an organic compound that is a colorless, volatile, flammable liquid. It was first created in the Middle Ages and has since been used for industrial and domestic needs.

Although acetone is still popular in different areas, consumers turn to its analogues, guided, among other things, by safety requirements (it can cause poisoning, known as ketoacidosis). You should know that human body produces acetone as a metabolic byproduct. It is excreted from the body by the kidneys.

Dimethyl ketone is the main ingredient in traditional nail polish remover. If you think it might cause damage, you can replace the acetone with non-acetone nail polish removers that contain ethyl acetate. The first does a better job of preparing the surface of the nail plate for coating with varnish and the varnish holds better, while the second does not dry out the nail.

Interestingly, ethyl acetate is used as a replacement for acetone for flushing a car engine - it is not required for decarbonization special knowledge, even a novice car enthusiast can cope with this process.

Acetone substitute for degreasing parts

Degreasing removes unwanted dirt, grease, oil from equipment or prepares parts for finishing. Suitable for industrial cleaning and surface preparation, methyl acetate does not contain volatile organic compounds and is biodegradable. Its hydrophobic properties are critical when it comes to problems associated with moisture, which can damage or corrode parts.

An active, mixable solvent can be used alone or in compositions for degreasing metal parts, wooden parts and others.

Dissolving foam

Polystyrene foam (polyethylene) is an organic thermoplastic solid with a low melting point; Polystyrene foam is widely used in the packaging, food, automotive and printing industries. Polyethylene comes in two forms—high-density polyethylene and low-density polyethylene. Both forms of polyethylene are highly resistant to acids, alkaline mixtures and inorganic solvents.

Benzoyl, if necessary, can replace acetone to dissolve the foam.

Making glue

Polystyrene is a synthetic polymer made from multidimensional styrene, one of the most used plastics, its production scale is several million tons per year. Polystyrene is used to make protective packaging (for peanuts, disks), containers, lids, bottles, trays, disposable cutlery and models.

Polystyrene decomposes slowly, so its production causes a lot of controversy among environmentalists - a large amount of polystyrene in foam is located along the coasts and shipping routes, its amount in Pacific Ocean is increasing every year.

Spoiled polystyrene does not decompose in nature for hundreds of years and is resistant to photolysis, so finding ways to recycle polystyrene helps minimize the damage caused. Thus, dimethyl ketone can be used as a solvent for polystyrene, and using orange oil, which can replace acetone as a solvent, a non-toxic glue can be created. This glue will be an effective replacement for PVC glue.

Paint thinner

Dimethyl ketone completely dissolves paint - it first reacts with surface molecules to create electrons from its hydrogen groups. Its miscibility allows it to be easily combined with dyes and acrylic paints, softening them and forming a pliable mixture.

Unlike other solvents that can attack the underlying layers, it only affects top layer paint, so it can be reapplied until the surface is completely clean. Since it acts gradually, it can be used instead of other solvents on wooden surfaces— the tree will not be constantly soaked, which minimizes damage.

Methyl alcohol is a traditional denaturant for ethanol. Methanol is also used as a solvent and replaces antifreeze and windshield washer. In some wastewater treatment plants a small amount of methanol is added to waste water to provide a carbon source for denitrifying bacteria that convert nitrates to nitrogen.

Fractional distillation of petroleum produces a product known as kerosene. Kerosene can replace cheaper acetone in many applications from being used as a fuel in lamps or used as a substitute natural gas for cooking. Kerosene is a flammable liquid used both in industry and in everyday life. It generally has a viscous and transparent structure, which is why kerosene is used in the preparation of wax and other thick substances.

Alone or in a mixture, kerosene is also used to decarbonize the engine.

Modern industry offers several biologically safe options for acetone analogues:

  • Surfasolve is a 100% biodegradable acetone replacement, used to remove adhesives, degrease tools and act as a resin solvent;
  • Bio-Solve - has bad smell, does not pollute the air, and is not petroleum based;
  • Replacetone is a non-flammable and non-flying alternative to acetone. Replacetone and Bio-Solve are also known as green acetone.

There is a lot more on the site useful information about substitutes for familiar products and ingredients.
