Succinic acid will help orchids with sticky leaves. Rules for using succinic acid for orchids

Almost all gardeners know about the wonderful effects of succinic acid on plants. What is this? Succinic acid is a colorless crystalline substance. In the natural environment, it is found in amber, resins, brown coal, and is also present in all living organisms that use oxygen for respiration. Succinic acid was first isolated from amber in the 15th century, which is where its name came from. Now acid is obtained not only during the processing of amber, but also through chemical synthesis. The acid obtained by processing amber is expensive, but its composition is no different from that obtained artificially. There are inexpensive chemical preparations available for sale, which are odorless white crystals. Release form: tablets or powder. In this article we will tell you how to use succinic acid for orchids.

Succinic acid is sold in pharmacies and gardening stores, both in pure form and in various compositions. Succinic acid crystals dissolve in water, alcohol and ether. Only aqueous solutions are used for plants.

Main useful features succinic acid is the production of energy, protection of plant cells from harmful effects and participation in the processes of cellular respiration. It directs its impact exactly to those areas where it is needed. Excess acid does not accumulate either in plant cells or in the soil.

For orchids, especially the Phalaenopsis species, succinic acid is like living water. These majestic indoor flowers are quite capricious tropical plants. They will develop well and bloom for a long time at home only with proper care. If you fail to create comfortable conditions for them, you will only admire the foliage. This is where the wonderful properties of succinic acid come in handy. It strengthens a weakened plant and stimulates the healthy development of all its organs. Succinic acid cannot replace fertilizers for orchids, but it promotes their effective absorption.

Succinic acid is an environmentally friendly drug. In the soil it completely decomposes into simple, easily digestible elements.

What is succinic acid used for?

  • resuscitation of a flower after suffering stress, for example, after transportation or transplantation;
  • acceleration of regeneration of stems and leaves damaged as a result high temperature or frostbite;
  • shortening the recovery period and reducing the risk of orchid death;
  • increasing the overall resistance of the plant to unfavorable factors - sunburn, lack of watering, frost, waterlogging;
  • acceleration of photosynthesis processes;
  • saturation of leaves with chlorophyll, which activates growth intensity and improves appearance plants;
  • stimulation of root formation, especially in young plants that do not have a full root system and are only expanding it;
  • improvement of the substrate, restoration of balance in it;
  • accelerating the conversion of fertilizers into biological form;
  • activation of rooting processes of cuttings - the use of succinic acid increases the survival rate several times;
  • increasing the duration of flowering due to the occurrence of better metabolic processes in plant tissues.

As can be seen from what was written above, in addition to the positive effect on the plants themselves, succinic acid also improves the quality of the soil. It improves microflora, promotes the destruction of toxic substances, accelerates the processing and absorption of other fertilizers and beneficial microelements by orchids. After stressful situations Phalaenopsis recovers in a short time, forms arrows and blooms for a long time.

With the correct use of succinic acid, no harmful effects it on the plants.

We'll tell you how to properly dilute a solution of succinic acid for your orchids.

Preparation of a solution from tablets

The method of preparing a solution when using tablets consists of two stages:

First, crush 1 tablet of succinic acid into powder - you can use a hammer or mortar directly in the package. Dissolve the resulting powder in a small amount hot water by stirring. IN cold water the powder will not dissolve.

After complete dissolution, add as much more water room temperature to obtain the required volume of solution. For healthy plants - this is 500 ml, for emergency cases - 250 ml. Apply the solution warm.

Preparation of a solution from powder

Preparing a solution from powder is also not difficult. 1 gr. succinic acid powder is diluted in 5 liters. water. If you don’t have suitable scales, use a regular knife - take as much powder as will fit at the very tip of the knife. This will approximately correspond to 1 tablet. Dissolve this amount of powder in a small amount of hot water, then adjust the volume accordingly to 500 ml. for processing healthy plant, or up to 250 ml if the plant is unhealthy.

Should not be used for work aluminum cookware, preferably glass or plastic. Don't be afraid to use food utensils– succinic acid is not harmful to humans, quite the contrary.

The succinic acid solution must be used within the first two days after preparation, then it will completely lose its properties. beneficial properties. Store excess solution in a dark container in a cool place. Keep it away from heat and sources of ignition. Still, it is more effective to use a freshly prepared solution.

How to use succinic acid for orchids

For beginning gardeners, the use of succinic acid when caring for an orchid can be a magic wand. All parts of the plant can be treated with succinic acid and in different ways. But even here you need to know when to stop and some nuances so as not to get the opposite effect.

For root treatment

When you decide to transplant Phalaenopsis into a new pot, treat its roots with a solution of succinic acid so that they quickly adapt to new conditions and do not rot due to stress. Do it like this:

If your orchid is healthy, place the roots in a freshly prepared succinic acid solution (1 tablet per 500 ml of water) for half an hour.

If the condition of the flower is unsatisfactory and the plant needs emergency restoration, inspect its roots, remove rotten and damaged parts. Then immerse them in a freshly prepared acid solution for two to three hours, depending on the condition of the orchid. 4 hours is the maximum permissible time. To ensure that the roots do not suffocate during this time and can breathe, remove the plant from the solution for five minutes every half hour. After the allotted time has passed, remove the flower from the solution and dry the roots well (2 - 3 hours in the air). Now transplant the plant into a new, sterile pot and substrate. You will see the result in just a couple of weeks - root growth is activated, new shoots will begin to form on the peduncles. It has been noticed that flowering after such treatment of the roots occurs noticeably faster and is characterized by abundance, duration and especially large flowers.

For watering

How to water an orchid with succinic acid? Water orchids growing in a pot with a solution of succinic acid (1 tablet per 1 liter of water) using a small watering can without a sprayer. Let the liquid enter the pot in the form of a thin stream, slowly, gradually filling the entire surface of the substrate. Stop watering when moisture begins to flow out through the drainage holes in the bottom of the pot. Wait until all the excess moisture, and remove it from the tray.

At submersible irrigation, soak a healthy orchid in the solution for 30 minutes once or twice a month. Take a break during flowering and dormancy.

If you are growing an orchid in a container without drainage holes, for example, in a glass flask, water it in the same way, using a watering can. After the substrate is completely saturated with the life-giving solution, after 15–20 minutes, drain the excess solution as follows: holding the root collar with your palm, carefully tilt the pot and pour the excess liquid through the top.

Water with a solution of succinic acid in the morning so that the substrate dries out by evening.

For processing leaves

It is very useful to treat the leaves with this composition. It is necessary to wipe the leaves of orchids with succinic acid, as it, penetrating through the pores of the plant, quickly improves the general condition of the flower.

You can also use succinic acid to feed orchids in emergency cases, when the leaves are injured or begin to turn yellow and wrinkle. If you have a similar case, do it this way. With a piece of cotton cloth or a cotton pad soaked in a solution of succinic acid (1 tablet per 250 ml of water), wipe all the leaves of the Orchid every morning until full recovery turgor. At the same time Avoid getting liquid into the base of the leaf plates and the center of the socket. Moreover, do not leave droplets of liquid on the surface of the leaves. If this happens, immediately remove the moisture with a dry swab.

In addition to wiping the leaves, orchids respond well to systematic spraying. Spraying with a solution of succinic acid (1 tablet per 500 ml of water) stimulates the plant to grow new shoots. Young shoots respond especially well to this. To stimulate flowering, spraying should be done every morning until flowering begins. For treatment – ​​every other day until a positive result is obtained. And for prevention - once a week. Spraying is prohibited during flowering and dormancy..

Resuscitation of orchids without roots with succinic acid

There are situations when, due to a gross violation of the conditions of maintenance, an orchid loses the bulk of its roots. With the help of succinic acid it can be saved. There are several ways to help a plant grow new roots.

Spraying an orchid

To save a flower, spray its shoots, leaves and neck with a concentrated solution of succinic acid (4 tablets per 1 liter of water). Spray every morning using a fine spray bottle for as many days as possible until you see the active formation of new roots. You should not be afraid of an overdose, since the plant will take exactly as much as it needs. Do not forget to prepare a fresh solution, because the old one can be stored for no longer than three days. Afterwards, the solution loses all its beneficial properties.

Immersion in solution

Instead of spraying, an orchid without roots can be immersed directly in a solution of succinic acid. This is done like this:

  1. Prepare the nutrient solution in the same way as for spraying, from 4 tablets and a liter of water;
  2. Pour the succinic acid solution into a transparent container;
  3. Place the phalaenopsis so that only its rosette is immersed in the solution. The neck of the orchid should remain above the water. Fix the flower in this position;
  4. Place the entire structure in a well-lit place, but not in the sun;
  5. During resuscitation, make sure the room is warm and humid.

As the solution evaporates and is absorbed by the plant, prepare a fresh solution of succinic acid and add it to the container until new roots appear. This process is long. Remember that the succinic acid solution retains its beneficial properties for no longer than two days. During this time, try to replenish the container with the flower with a new portion of freshly prepared fertilizer and medicine in one bottle. This will create maximum comfortable conditions for the root system of the flower to grow, and after two to three months the reanimated plant forms new roots.

When the orchid grows roots about 5 cm in length, replant it according to all the rules for replanting into a permanent pot with a sterile substrate.

Petiole processing

This is another one effective way, which helps the orchid grow new roots:

  1. Crush 2-3 tablets of succinic acid into powder;
  2. Coat the orchid petiole with this powder;
  3. Place the orchid in a transparent container with ventilation holes and its usual substrate;
  4. Alternate watering and spraying the leaves until the roots appear.

Seed treatment

Growers who grow orchids from seeds use a solution of succinic acid to soak the seeds to activate their seedlings. The duration of soaking is up to 12 hours. Then, the seeds are dried and sown in a pre-prepared substrate according to all the rules for sowing orchids.

Compatibility with other drugs

Succinic acid can be used together with vitamins, growth and root formation stimulants and other drugs. Let's look at some possible combinations.

Tonic for orchids. The solution is prepared for 1 liter of water:

  • Succinic acid - 2 tablets;
  • Glucose - 1 tablet;
  • Nicotinic acid (Vitamin PP) - 1 ampoule;
  • Ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) - 1 ampoule;
  • Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12) – 1 ampoule;
  • Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) - 1 ampoule.

Tonic is used for spraying, wiping leaves and watering according to the usual scheme. Carry out the treatment early in the morning. It stimulates flowering and the growth of new roots very well. After flowering, take a break for one to a couple of months. We remind you that the solution is stored for no more than two to three days, do not leave it in reserve.

Cocktail for resuscitation of orchids.The solution is prepared for 1 liter of water:

  • Succinic acid - 2 tablets;
  • Nicotinic acid (Vitamin PP) - 1/5 tablet;
  • Thiamine (Vitamin B1) – 1/2 tablet;
  • Pyridoxine (Vitamin B6) - 1/2 tablet;
  • Cyanocobalamin (Vitamin B12) - 1/2 tablet;
  • The drug Kornevin is on the tip of a knife.

This cocktail, like tonic, can be used for watering, spraying and soaking. Frequency of application, as with the usual regimen for resuscitation.

The benefits and harms of succinic acid for orchids

Orchids easily absorb succinic acid. There is virtually no chance of overdose. The plant does not consume excess substance as food. But the use of succinic acid can still harm the plant in two cases - during flowering and during dormancy.

Treating an orchid during flowering can lead to the fact that the flower directs all its forces to the formation of roots and new leaves, and the buds and flowers that have already formed may fall off.

The regularity of using succinic acid is determined by the condition of the flower. It is not advisable to use it more often than circumstances require. Flowers simply cannot absorb more of this substance.

Harm from succinic acid to humans

Succinic acid does not pose a serious danger to humans. But sometimes, upon contact with mucous membranes or skin, irritation occurs. Therefore, it is better to follow safety precautions and work with the drug using rubber gloves. If acid gets into your eyes, rinse them immediately with water.

If, as a result of exposure to succinic acid, you experience allergic reactions or irritation in the respiratory area, be sure to seek medical help.


If you decide to use succinic acid when caring for your beautiful orchids, remember that it only has an auxiliary effect. Its solution is not a panacea and cannot replace others, necessary for an orchid, feeding and care procedures. However correct use succinic acid will allow you to keep your orchid in excellent, healthy and spectacularly blooming condition for many years. We wish you good luck!

All indoor plants need proper care, one of the stages of which is the use of fertilizers. To strengthen the immune system, stimulate root formation and lush flowering flower growers successfully use succinic acid for orchids.

This tool is not only simple, but also accessible to everyone who wants to make their favorite indoor plants healthy, strong and beautiful. The chemical name for succinic acid is dicarboxylic acid. It is obtained from amber - the drug is translucent crystals soluble in water, alcohol or ether.

The advantages of using succinic acid for orchids include the development of immunity to common diseases, protection and advanced education roots, increasing the amount of chlorophyll in the structure of foliage, promoting its growth.
Also, when using the drug, high-quality ovaries are formed, the number of flowers and flowering period increases, they develop faster, and diseased plants can better recover from diseases. The use of acid has a beneficial effect on the health of transplanted orchids, and also prevents substances harmful to their health from accumulating in the soil.

Video “Succinic acid for orchids”

Video about how and why to use succinic acid in orchid care.

Preparation of solution and proportions

Succinic acid is available in the form of powder and tablets, which will need to be ground first. The tablets become active after dissolving in 500 ml of water. To prepare a solution for orchids, you need to dilute 1 g of the drug in 5 liters of liquid. First, it is better to crush 1 tablet and add it to 1 liter of water. It is recommended to first combine the product with 200 ml of liquid, and then increase the volume to the required amount.

If powder is used, the solution can be prepared in several ways. Take a little substance on the tip of a knife and place it in 0.5 liters of water or add 1 g of powder to 1 liter of warm liquid. It is important to follow the dosage so as not to harm the plants, and treat flowers only with freshly prepared solution.

Application options

Since succinic acid is a powerful biostimulator for orchids, treatment with a ready-made aqueous solution is allowed for all parts. Improvement general condition The gardener will be able to notice his favorite after the first use of the drug. The solution can be used in different ways, but the frequency of use should not exceed 1 time every 20–30 days.

Wiping leaves

To wipe the foliage, a cotton pad or cotton cloth is soaked in an acid solution. You can also use a piece of gauze for these purposes. Next, wiping is carried out, during which it is important to prevent the product from getting into the base of the leaf plates. Otherwise, excess moisture can provoke subsequent death of foliage.

You cannot leave the acid on the leaves for more than 2 days, since during this period it loses its qualities. After wiping the surface with the solution, which should be done no more than once a week (preferably in the morning), the solution should be removed with napkins soaked in warm water.

Use for watering

Another option for using an acid solution is watering orchids, which allows you to saturate the roots of the plant with important elements for their development. nutrients. Watering is recommended in spring or summer, when flowers are actively growing. Because in other periods they rest, and additional stimulation will be unnecessary.

For irrigation, a solution prepared from 1 g of acid diluted in 1 liter of water is used. If there is a lot of liquid in the pot after the procedure, you need to wait until it drains into the pan, then be sure to drain it. If this is not done, the roots of the plant may begin to rot.

Root treatment

Known and widely used by amateur gardeners various ways treatment of the root system of orchids. You can soak the roots of the plant in an acid solution before replanting. The duration of the procedure varies from a couple of minutes to several hours. If root system is severely damaged, it is better to leave the flower in the solution for 2–2.5 hours.

To ensure that the orchid grows roots well in the future, after soaking it is placed in a dry and sterile substrate. It is advised to purchase a new ready-made earth mixture. If the treatment was carried out correctly, the rapidly occurring processes of formation of new tissue will allow the flower to begin active growth within 1 week after treatment with a solution of succinic acid and transplantation.


In order not to cause irreparable harm to your indoor beauty, you must not only observe the proportions when preparing the solution and properly process the various parts of the crop, but also remember the periods when using the bioadditive is unacceptable. This is the time of pollination, flowering, ovary formation, and dormancy.

When working with succinic acid, it is better to use protective clothing and gloves. Although the product is as safe as possible, in some cases its contact with the skin can lead to irritation or an allergic reaction. It is also worth protecting your respiratory organs with a mask to prevent irritation of the respiratory tract, which, although rare, does occur.

Do not rub wounds and mucous membranes with hands contaminated with acid. If the product accidentally gets into your eyes, you should immediately rinse them with plenty of water. In some cases, you will need to see a dermatologist. If a pet suddenly eats an acid tablet, there is no reason to worry - the drug will not cause harm to health.

From the depths of centuries, having absorbed all the power of solar amber, its beauty and durability, succinic acid came to us. George Agricole, the scientist who gave this substance to the world, most likely had no idea how in demand it would become after hundreds of years... So, a gift from the Middle Ages found its meaning in plant growing. In this article we will talk about what succinic acid is for orchids and how to use it.

General information

In nature, succinic acid can be found in coal, amber, and various resins. Also, it is synthesized chemically. Natural and synthesized acids do not differ from each other. The product of the chemical industry is, however, cheaper. It comes in the form of either white tablets or white powder. In traditional medicine, it is used as a dietary supplement and can be purchased at any pharmacy for little money.

The functions and properties of this drug are similar for both people and plants.

  • Energy function. Affects the energy metabolism of the cell, increasing its performance.
  • Protective function. Formation of cellular immunity.
  • Activation of cellular respiration processes. Stimulates metabolic processes.

Non-toxic, safe, this acid acts specifically in those areas where it is needed. It does not have accumulative properties, for which it is very highly valued.

Succinic acid is called an activator of biological processes, which gives grounds for its use for the following purposes:

  • modulation of plant immunity.
  • activation of flowering.
  • enhancing growth and development.
  • increasing the bioavailability of fertilizers.
  • for neutralization of toxic substances and resuscitation.

In general, the use of succinic acid comes down to overcoming aggressive conditions or improving biological parameters.

Application, features, dosage

In principle, feeding orchids with succinic acid is a simple process, but you still have to follow some rules. Used in floriculture in the form of aqueous solutions. It is easy to dilute succinic acid.

Important! The shelf life of the prepared solution is 2 weeks.

Preparations can be used at all levels of the plant. Each part of the orchid is processed in a specific way. Before preparing the solution, determine what specific procedure will be carried out.

Soaking the roots

Based on the characteristics of the orchid variety, the flower is soaked in the prepared solution for a certain time. For example, a few minutes will be enough, and for some species even several hours are not contraindicated. To do this, dissolve 1 tablet in 500 ml of water. The procedure is repeated once every 2 weeks.

Important! Do not forget about the condition of the flower. The dive time will also depend on this.


This procedure can be carried out both with the roots and with the above-ground parts. The optimal solution would be to use this method to stimulate growth and color during the active phase. To do this, 1 tablet is dissolved in 500 ml of water, which should be warm. It is better to spray in the morning.

Foliar treatment and watering

It involves treating the leaves with cotton wool soaked in an acid solution. To do this, dissolve 1 tablet of succinic acid in 250 ml of water. This procedure can be carried out every day or every other day.

Carry out the surface watering procedure. You need to water carefully, without pouring water into the inflorescences; add moisture until the excess begins to flow out of the holes in the container.

Combined use. Succinic acid is used not only as monotherapy, but also in combination with other vitamin preparations. B vitamins combine well with it. This is usually:

  • Vitamin B1 – 1 ampoule
  • Vitami B12 – 1 ampoule
  • Vitamin B6 – 1 ampoule

Unfortunately, solutions of B vitamins cannot be combined together, since in the overall mixture they neutralize each other. Therefore, it is best to prepare 3 separate combinations. 2 tablets of succinic acid plus 1 ampoule of vitamin per 1 liter of water. Treatment with these solutions is combined. This application will undoubtedly bring maximum benefit to the orchid from succinic acid. Such solutions can be applied in all ways. That is, by watering and soaking and spraying.


Like any other fertilizer, succinic acid for orchids can be both beneficial and harmful. First of all, this has to do with dosing. It is difficult to exaggerate the dose, but it is possible. An overdose is dangerous to the life of the flower.

The periods for feeding should be strictly observed, since in the wrong period, succinic acid will only cause harm and the consequences can be disastrous. This drug can cause harm not only to the plant, but also to its owner. Therefore, using it, you should:

  • Handle plants with gloves.
  • When using the powder, do not inhale it.
  • In case of contact with mucous membranes, immediately rinse them with water and consult a doctor.
  • You may be allergic to this drug. Carefully monitor your reaction to contact with acid.

Important Details

Resuscitation procedures with succinic acid. When a flower is damaged by various diseases, such as atrophy, complete loss of roots, sunburn, the resuscitation procedure can be performed.

What is she like?

– If the root system is damaged, it is cleaned, cut (cuts are rubbed with charcoal), untangled and sprayed with a solution of succinic acid before transplanting into new soil. If your orchid is left without roots, then just spraying will not be enough. Application to the sheet is also used.

– If the leaf blade is damaged, “leaf-by-leaf” therapy is combined with high-quality watering and a change in the light regime.

In this article we talked about how to use succinic acid for orchids.

Succinic acid for orchids is considered an indispensable stimulant. Thanks to this drug, the plant absorbs more fertilizers, which leads to its active growth and ejection of flower shoots. In addition, the product is safe for both the crop and the grower.

How to use succinic acid for orchids

This stimulator is especially useful for roots. Thanks to it, the system recovers even after severe stress as soon as possible. And if the roots are strong and healthy, then the plant itself feels much better. The leaves become elastic and rigid, and the petals become stable. And this increases the flowering period of the orchid.

Succinic acid for orchids is real “living water”

The culture is treated with succinic acid in several ways. Methods of using the drug:

  • To improve the condition of the roots, place them in a stimulant solution for a period of 30 minutes to 2-2.5 hours. The weaker the flower, the longer it takes to process.
  • To improve the condition of your pet's leaves, dip a napkin in the drug solution and wipe the plant well with it. Remove excess fluid from your sinuses. Also, do not leave droplets of the drug on the leaves.
  • To improve the general condition of the flower, spray the orchid with a solution of the product 1-2 times a month. This will stimulate the growth of side shoots. The remaining acid should not be thrown away, because it can be used to water the roots of the crop.

In order for the drug to bring maximum benefit, you need to follow the correct dosage of the drug. Remember that ready solution stored no longer than 3 days. In the future, the product loses its beneficial properties.

How to dilute succinic acid for orchids

The drug is available in the form of tablets or powder. Therefore, the dosage depends on the form of release of the stimulant. But in any case, succinic acid should be diluted in small quantities. warm water and after complete dissolution, add cold liquid to the required volume. Dosage rates:

  • If you bought tableted succinic acid, then dissolve the tablet in 1 liter of water. To speed up the process, crush it first.
  • If you have acid in powder form, then dilute 1 g of the drug in a liter of water.

The stimulant practically does not cause an overdose. But still, you shouldn’t use it more than once a month. After all, the plant will not be able to absorb more nutrients.

Succinic acid is the gardener’s best assistant; it improves the growth and condition of orchids. But for the product to be beneficial, it is necessary to use the drug correctly.

My acquaintance with this drug began from afar. My husband read on the Internet that succinic acid improves memory, and on the same day he bought several packs. My mother-in-law, running in to visit, saw them and immediately waved her hands at me: what are you saying, a few tablets a month are enough for your phalaenopsis, why so many? It turned out that she also buys this substance, only as a growth stimulant for her luxurious orchids. What can I say - that same evening I also fed my pet this pill. The flower liked it!

They are pharmaceutical. Interestingly, they are bought both for people and for chickens or vegetables.

The benefits of succinic (or in medical parlance - dicarboxylic) acid were also appreciated by amateurs decorative flowers, in particular orchids.

Essentially these are translucent crystals that can be dissolved in alcohol, ether or water. For convenience, pharmacists compress them into tablets (not in pure form, but often with the addition of glucose, ascorbic acid, talc), and less often - into capsules with powder. Before purchasing, always read the composition of the tablets - not every additive will be to the taste of your flower! The same talc will only harm him. And even better - take the medicine not from a pharmacy for people, but from a florist's store- such tablets are definitely suitable for the plant.

People who have tried succinic acid say that it is a little like regular acid citric acid. By the way, the name of the drug does not lie - the medicine is really made from amber.

It costs mere pennies - about 15 rubles per package.

The shelf life of the drug is 3 years.

Are they only useful, or can they do harm?

Advantages the drug has many:

  • natural composition;
  • getting into the soil, succinic acid (hereinafter referred to as AA) stimulates an increase in the amount of “good” microflora, which has a positive effect on the development of the plant;
  • it protects the roots and stimulates their growth;
  • accelerates the process of photosynthesis, increases the amount of chlorophyll in the leaves, due to which they grow faster;
  • extends the flowering period, more buds are formed;
  • helps cuttings take root better;
  • helps the plant recover from hypothermia, burns, illness;
  • strengthens the immune system, as well as resistance to stress (including unsuccessful watering and replanting);
  • helps the flower to better absorb fertilizers;
  • doesn't give hazardous components collect in the soil.

But besides that, there is also flaws.

  • Although acid is not harmful to you, as well as your pets (including tailed and feathered animals), it is better to work with it with gloves, and after work you should not rub your eyes or touch fresh scratches. After all, it is an acid, so it can cause irritation of mucous membranes or wounds. But if your eyes are already stinging, immediately rinse them with clean running water. It is also advisable to go to the hospital - you never know!
  • Some people complain that when they inhale this substance, a tingling sensation appears in the nasopharynx. Of course, you won’t get poisoned, but everyone’s body is different - some won’t notice anything, while others will feel discomfort. In this case, it is better to visit a doctor.

A curious cat stole the pill and swallowed it? Your pet is lucky - nothing will happen to her. The poor thing doesn't need to rinse her stomach.

Were there any cases overdose drug? In general, this substance will not harm, even if you give more than what other gardeners recommend (it is believed that the orchid will “take” exactly as much as it needs).

However, remember: even excess water (and what could be more harmless for orchids?) often ruined this capricious flower. Therefore, I would still advise you to adhere to the norms and not “stuff” your orchid with excess acid.

How to properly fertilize orchids

The easiest way is to prepare a solution.

Remember: it is not stored, since the active components disintegrate in light. So don't cook ahead of time. Once stirred, use immediately.

Acid dilution

For 1 g of substance (powder) or 1 tablet, take a liter of water. It is better to take warm water, so the orchid will absorb the solution more obediently.

If you are working with a tablet, first you need to crush it, mix it with a glass of liquid, and when all the crystals have dissolved, add more water.

Do you have YAK powder but don't have a scale? 1 gram is the amount that will fit on the tip of a knife.

Methods of fertilizing

  • Watering the soil. Use a watering can, it will help the solution get into the soil, but not onto the leaves. Pour in a little at a time until you see the bottom of the pan begin to fill. By the way, don’t leave the solution here - drain it without leaving any residue. It is best to water your orchid in the morning. If it is not on a hot windowsill, but in a protected corner, you can add succinic acid at any time of the day.
  • Wiping leaves. Prepare “amber water”, soak a handkerchief or cotton pad in it, wipe each leaf blade. You can even penetrate into the sinuses (this will protect them from stagnant moisture), but under no circumstances leave droplets of the solution there. In addition, always wring out the handkerchief well; it should not leak - excess liquid can injure the plant.
  • Spraying. This procedure is especially indicated for severely ill or young flowers, as it stimulates the growth of new shoots. By the way, if there is still water in the spray bottle and the roots are transparent, pour the remaining solution into the substrate.

  • Soaking the roots. This procedure is carried out during transplantation. You can keep the roots in the YAK solution for a couple of minutes or several hours. After this, you should not immediately plant the flower in nutritious soil - first, dry it in a sterile (for example, oven-fried) substrate. This procedure will help the flower take root faster.
  • Soaking the seeds. Almost everyone buys orchids ready-made, in pots and blooming, but if you have the time and desire, you can grow a flower with your own hands. For better germination of seeds, soak them for 24 hours in a solution of succinic acid. After that, put them on a handkerchief to dry, and you can sow them in the ground. By the way, the seeds will draw out all the benefits from the solution, so it is no longer suitable for watering or spraying adult plants.

How often can you pamper a flower with this delicacy?

It all depends on the method of application.

  • You can water your pet with “amber water” 1-2 times a month. But! Only during the period of activity, that is, in spring and summer. From the beginning of autumn, your flower will go into “hibernation”; it should not be disturbed again even with ordinary water, not to mention various stimulants and fertilizing.
  • It is worth wiping the leaves once a week, in the morning. Although there are people who do this every day (the orchid is sick) and are very happy with the results.
  • You can spray the plant once every 2 weeks.

Remember: using UC is not a reason to cancel other care(feeding, treatment). Acid is just a biostimulant that will push the orchid to grow and bloom.

And one more thing: after the first and several subsequent uses, monitor the reaction of your green pet. Flowers are like people, they also have individual incompatibility of the drug, or, more simply, their own personal tastes. If you think your orchid doesn't like succinic acid, don't give it any more.

Combination with other drugs

These tablets are good on their own, but if you are a perfectionist, you can use the drug to create even more complex cocktails for your favorite flower.

  • Tonic for flowering and growing roots of a plant that bloomed 2 months ago. 1 liter of water, 2 tablets of UC, 1 tablet of glucose, 1 ampoule each of pyridoxine, cyanocobalamin, ascorbic acid and nicotinic acid (these are all B vitamins, as well as C and PP). Mix and immediately wipe the leaves, spray or water the flower. Important: this should be done not during the day, but in the evening or morning.
  • Cocktail for resuscitation of a sick orchid. A liter of water, 2 tablets of UC, 1/5 tablet of nicotinic acid, ½ tablet of pyridoxine, thiamine, cyanocobalamin, the smallest pinch (on the tip of a knife) of “Kornevin”. Apply in the same way: you can wipe the leaves, you can spray the whole plant, but it’s best to water the soil.
  • Cocktail to maintain beauty. Squeeze 3 medium cloves of garlic into 0.25 liters of heated water. Let it brew for 24 hours, strain. Crush 1.5 tablets of succinic acid, mix with hot water, and then garlic water. Dilute to make 4 liters. Use for watering once every 1-2 months.

First aid: reviving a flower without roots

How does an orchid lose roots? From frequent overwatering, they simply rot. Of course, she cannot live without them. But if the plant has not completely withered, it can still be saved.

Remove all rot (some gardeners advise dusting the cut areas with crushed activated carbon).

Fill a container with amber liquid and place the orchid so that it touches only the place where the roots will grow. Something like this:

The liquid must be prepared concentrated: 1 tablet per 250 ml of water.

You don’t need to keep the flower in it for long - about 15 minutes. But repeat the procedure daily (most best time- morning), watching to see if the roots begin to “peck”. In this case, you can spray the leaves with a standard solution of YAK, and before that wipe each leaf blade with a wet handkerchief - this will make them more receptive to the nutritional procedure. If the plant has already grown several young shoots, be sure to treat them.

Do you want to not only read about the experience of using this acid, but also see the application with my own eyes? I offer this video: a girl revives an orchid by rubbing it, and also shares her comments and advice. At the end you will see the result of regular procedures:
