How to water an orchid with garlic infusion. Is feeding orchids with garlic water beneficial? Composition, recipes, indications and contraindications

About the benefits of garlic for human body even a schoolboy knows. But not all owners of epiphytic orchids know what it is bulbous plant can have a very positive effect on the growth of their green pets. In particular, garlic helps stimulate lush phalaenopsis flowering.

To achieve a similar effect, our editors advise our beloved readers to prepare a special mixture of garlic powder, water and succinic acid.

The last ingredient will help stimulate the rooting process of the plant, increasing its resistance to pests and other adverse factors. If everything is done correctly, a new peduncle should appear within 14 days.

One thing to consider important point- succinic acid is diluted using hot water. Only after the liquid has cooled completely can you add garlic crumbs. It is also important to understand that ordinary garlic water for watering orchids can be stored for quite some time. long time, but with the addition of succinic acid you will have to use the infusion within the next three days.

How to care for an orchid in a pot

You will need

  • 1 liter of water
  • 3 cloves garlic
  • glass jar
  • 1 tablet of succinic acid


  • Dissolve a tablet of succinic acid in hot water.
  • Chop the garlic using a knife or garlic press. When the liquid has cooled, add the garlic crumbs.

  • Place the liquid in a glass jar and then leave it to steep for 24 hours.

  • Before you start watering the orchids, the garlic water must be filtered using a strainer. Then you should dilute the resulting liquid in a bucket of settled water and water the plants using the partial immersion method. This method should be alternated with regular watering, but not more than once a month.

    Watch this video for a detailed master class on preparing garlic water.

    Orchids are magically beautiful plants that generally do not cause trouble to their owners until they develop diseases or pests. Then they stop blooming, but even if they open buds, it’s not for long.

    How to prepare garlic solution


    3 liters of settled water;
    6 teeth garlic


    Fill a jar with settled water at room temperature.

    You can use whole cloves of garlic, but it is better to chop them. Add them to the water.

    Cover with a lid and place in a warm place for a day.

    Then strain the liquid through a strainer.

    Plants need to be watered with garlic infusion every 10-14 days. Before doing this, you should check whether the soil is dry. You can use it with each watering or every other time, alternating with regular water.

    If you want an orchid to make you happy lush flowering, water it with garlic water. Keep this recipe for yourself and try it at your leisure. And also share it with your flower gardening friends. Surely they will find it useful!

    Surely every owner of a beautiful orchid has had to deal with a situation when favorite plant stubbornly refuses to bloom, but at the same time it has a lot of bright green leaves and the flowerpot grows well. In this case, you need to help your pet and stimulate it to flower. One way to achieve this is to water the flower garlic water.

    Everyone knows about it. But not everyone knows that he is an excellent assistant in caring for various flower plants, in particular - for orchids. Garlic water improves root system flower, stimulates the growth of new shoots and helps fight pests.

    Indications for use

    If the orchid stubbornly refuses to bloom, but at the same time it feels great: it actively grows foliage, develops the root system, not a single trace of the presence of pests is visible on it - watering with garlic water is mandatory.

    Garlic infusion recipe


    • Water - 0.5 l
    • Garlic - 6 teeth.
    • Succinic acid - 0.5 table.


    1. Dissolve half a succinic acid tablet in hot water.
    2. Chop the garlic using a knife or garlic press. When the liquid has cooled, add the garlic crumbs.
    3. Place the liquid in a glass jar and then leave it to steep for 24 hours.

    How to water an orchid with garlic water

    Dilute before watering strained garlic infusion in a bowl of warm, settled water. Immerse the flowerpot in a container of garlic water so that the liquid level reaches 2/3 of the volume of the planting pot. About unpleasant odor There is no need to worry about garlic, it will disappear in a couple of hours, while orchid gets the best, which is concentrated in the bulbous plant.

    This method should not be used more than several times a month, or during the dormant or flowering period of the plant. If everything is done right, within 14 days the result should appear.

    Orchids- a flower of extraordinary beauty. If you want your favorite plant to make you happy, water it with garlic water. Save this recipe for yourself and try it at your leisure, especially since it is simple and affordable. And also share it with your flower gardening friends. Surely they will find it useful!

    Kira Stoletova

    Garlic improves the health of not only people, but also plants. Garlic water for orchids disinfects the soil and is a reliable means of disease prevention. To bring only benefits to the plant, you need to know the rules for preparing the infusion.

    Benefits of tincture

    One clove of garlic contains a lot of useful substances. It contains sulfur, mineral salts, organic acids, and substances with antioxidant properties. The components are easily absorbed by living organisms.

    The chemical composition of the vegetable determines beneficial properties its concentrated infusions for indoor plants:

    • soil disinfection, destruction of pathogenic microorganisms: viruses, bacteria, fungi;
    • maintaining the immunity of the plant, a newly transplanted plant;
    • stimulation of leaf and flower growth.

    Garlic water is a natural and cheap remedy for the prevention of diseases of phalaenopsis and other species. If you feed or water the plant correctly, the product will not cause any harm.

    When to water plants

    Watering orchids with garlic water can be done at any time of the year. The procedure is often not recommended, optimal quantity repetitions - 1-2 times a month for preventive purposes.

    If therapeutic treatment is needed to kill pests, the plants are watered regularly, alternating with regular watering every other time.

    The use of garlic on orchids during the flowering period is prohibited: the acid in the composition can damage the delicate petals.

    How to prepare an infusion

    The extract is easy to prepare at home. For this, vegetables are prepared from fresh harvest, distilled or filtered water, a garlic press and a 1-1.5 liter jar with a screw cap.

    Recipe for preparing the concentrate:

    • 170 g of vegetables are peeled, the cloves are separated;
    • crush the cloves with a crusher;
    • Heat 1 liter of liquid to a temperature of 35-40°C, pour it into a jar, put garlic inside, screw the container tightly with a lid;
    • Place the jar in a dark place for 5 days, shaking the contents periodically.

    The concentrate is stored after five days of infusion in the refrigerator. A product with signs of fermentation and an acidic smell cannot be used to treat indoor plants: it will harm the soil.

    Before watering orchids with garlic infusion, it is diluted in a proportion of 1.5 tbsp. l. per 0.5 l of solvent. This optimal ratio allows you to saturate the soil with antiseptic substances and mineral salts.

    Sometimes tinctures are added to the recipe succinic acid. She raises healing properties garlic and increases the number of buds in phalaenopsis.

    Quick recipe

    Garlic infusion for orchids is prepared according to the following recipe:

    • 1 clove is crushed, the juice is squeezed into a saucer;
    • pour the pulp and juice with a glass of boiling water and mix;
    • the mixture is infused for 20 minutes.

    The cooled solution is filtered through cheesecloth. Correct proportions for dilution to water phalaenopsis - 3 tbsp. l. for 1 liter of water.

    How to water a plant correctly

    Orchids are watered with garlic water using root and non-root methods. Use only a fresh, diluted solution: using a concentrate leads to damage to the roots.

    It is convenient to feed the plant using the immersion method (this does not involve watering the decorative orchid with garlic, but rather soaking it in a solution). To do this, pour into the bucket clean water and pour a glass of concentrate (usually a volume ratio of 1:10 is used). Pot with a flower for 40-180 min. immersed in a bucket. The liquid should fill 2/3 of the pot. After the procedure, the pot is placed in a sink or clean basin for half an hour to drain. excess moisture. Immersion method helps enrich the soil useful substances, thoroughly rinse the roots, improve the health of the plant. It is recommended to spray damaged leaves with a solution from a spray bottle; the method can be used in the absence of flowers and buds.

    It is no secret that garlic contains many useful microelements and organic acids. In addition, garlic has antiseptic, antimicrobial, and antifungal properties. It is these qualities that are useful for preparing additional plant nutrition.

    Feeding orchids with garlic water will provide the following results:

    • garlic as an antiseptic helps fight against various indoor flowers;
    • stimulates the orchid to actively develop the root system, increase foliage, growth and development of buds;
    • creates a preventive effect against infections and root rot;
    • supports immunity, and helps during transplantation;
    • promotes soil disinfection by pest germs.

    Video “The Secret of Garlic Water”

    The video is dedicated to the prevention of indoor plants from pests and stimulating the flowering of orchids natural remedy.

    When can it be used

    Please note that this method can be used at any time of the year, but some circumstances should be taken into account:

    • Garlic infusion should be watered once every two weeks;
    • be sure to alternate this method with regular watering;
    • monitor the freshness of the garlic solution by replacing it with a new one in time;
    • strictly follow the recipe, an overdose threatens death for the capricious orchid.

    What to avoid when processing:

    • This method cannot be used during flowering and dormant periods;
    • garlic water cannot be used to spray flowers, otherwise the buds and petals may die;
    • do not use this method to immerse roots during flowering;
    • You cannot use the tincture more than twice.

    How to do it yourself

    IN flower shops Today you can buy any fertilizer for orchids. We offer an effective and simple feeding recipe that a housewife can easily make on her own at home. The resulting fertilizer is no worse than purchased fertilizer, and the savings are obvious. Therefore, before purchasing expensive fungicides, we suggest using several recipes.

    Recipe No. 1

    To make garlic water you will need:

    • 170 g garlic;
    • 1 liter of filtered or distilled water;
    • 2 liter jar with lid.

    Cooking method:

    1. Peel the garlic and pass the cloves through a garlic press to chop.
    2. Pour 1 liter of warm (30-40 °C) water into a jar.
    3. Place the garlic pulp in a jar prepared in advance and close the lid tightly.
    4. Place the prepared solution in a cool, dark place to infuse.
    5. After 24 hours, the fertilizer is ready for use. Use as needed and store remaining liquid in the refrigerator.

    Before use, the solution should be filtered through two layers of gauze.

    Recipe No. 2

    Please note that the garlic solution (concentrate) prepared according to this recipe must be further diluted.

    Peel one garlic and pour 1 liter of warm boiled water. After steeping for 20 minutes, the fertilizer is ready for use. In this case, the resulting solution is diluted in the following proportion: 3 tbsp. l. infusion of 1 liter of boiled water.

    Recipe No. 3

    Recipe No. 4

    Processing with this method can be carried out in two ways:

    • root (the orchid in the pot is immersed in a container with garlic infusion);
    • foliar (the solution is sprayed on the leaves and stems of the plant).

    When root impregnation, you need to fill a bucket with water and pour all the concentrate into it (see recipe No. 2), then place the orchid there in a double-walled pot. The water in the bucket should cover 2/3 of the pot. The flower can be in the solution from 40 minutes to 3 hours. After this time, the flowerpot is removed and placed in a basin to drain off excess liquid. After half an hour, the orchid is returned to its usual place.

    If foliar feeding is necessary, garlic water (see recipe No. 1) is placed in a spray bottle and the leaves and stems are treated with it. The remaining unused garlic solution can be watered over other household crops.

    Use our advice, but remember: in order for a pampered orchid to please you with new delicate and fragrant petals, in addition to nourishment, it requires proper light and thermal conditions.
