Euonymus: growing and care at home. Japanese euonymus: growing and care indoors Japanese euonymus indoor plants

Japanese euonymus (Euonymus japonicus) is a plant of the Euonymus family. Under natural conditions it grows in deciduous and mixed forests, in the subtropics or in temperate areas of the Northern and Southern Hemispheres. Japanese euonymus is not found in the Far North and the tropics. It is grown in the garden or park, as well as at home as an indoor or greenhouse flower.

Japanese euonymus - deciduous, evergreen with beautiful bicolor leaves and small flowers that appear in midsummer. Euonymus flowers are unremarkable, but the fruits look like small, pink lanterns. Fruits with seeds ripen closer to autumn.

Japanese euonymus.

The leaves of the plant look more decorative than the flowers; they are dense, shiny, with teeth along the edges, and have an original variegated color - yellow-green, gray-green, dark or light and bright. Gardeners have developed several new varieties of euonymus, with different colors and the shape of the leaves.

Under natural conditions, euonymus can grow up to 7 meters in height, in garden culture - up to 2-3 meters, and indoor euonymus does not exceed 60-70 cm in height.

Agricultural technology

Japanese euonymus does not require care, but if it does not like the growing conditions in your garden, it will grow only in early spring. The rest of the time there will be no growth of shoots.

As a rule, growth occurs over two periods per season, and with good care in the garden, the Japanese euonymus grows by 15-20 cm over the course of a year. At the end of the euonymus growth period, cones with scales appear on the tops of the shoots - these are buds, from which at the beginning of the next period growth, new leaves will appear.

These features of the development of euonymus must be taken into account for proper care of it; at the beginning of the period of active growth, it is fed with nitrogen fertilizers, then with complex fertilizers, and during the formation of new buds - with potassium-phosphorus fertilizers.

During the dormant period, feeding is stopped, and watering is carried out only to prevent the soil from drying out. After an active growing season, the plant goes dormant and stops growing. This applies to both indoor euonymus and park varieties.

Caring for euonymus in the garden begins with its planting. To do this, prepare a soil mixture from leaf soil, turf, peat and sand, in which there should be two parts of turf, and one part each of the remaining components. However, Japanese euonymus is not picky about soil; for it cultivation will do ordinary garden soil with added sand. If the soil is too acidic, lime is added to it.

In hot weather, watering the euonymus is combined with spraying with water from a hose, but this must be done before or after sunset to prevent sunburn on the leaves.


Japanese euonymus grown in the garden is propagated by dividing the bush, seeds and cuttings.

The division of the bush is carried out early spring before the start of the first period of active growth. 1-2 shoots are separated from the parent bush along with the roots and planted in a previously prepared place. When planting, the stems are cut to a height of 20-30 cm to reduce the load on the roots. New shoots will grow from this stem or from the roots.

To propagate euonymus by cuttings, they are cut from young shoots in June-July. The cuttings should be 6-7 cm long, with at least one internode; before planting, they are treated with a means for developing the root system.

The cuttings are rooted in a mixture of leaf and turf soil, humus and sand. The cutting takes root in 1.5-2 months, after which it is planted on permanent place, while the new plant is created necessary conditions and provide attentive care.

Euonymus propagation by seeds collected last year occurs in the summer. Before planting, they are stratified at a temperature of 2-3 degrees for 4 months. As a result of stratification, their skin should burst, this will indicate that they can be sown. The seeds are finally peeled and soaked for 1-2 hours in a pink solution of potassium permanganate.

Then they are sown in containers with moistened soil mixture and covered with a transparent cover. After the emergence of seedlings, the cover is abandoned, hardening off the plants at normal temperature and lighting. Young plants are planted in open ground only the next year, and before that they are given the required temperature at home. Before planting in a permanent place in the garden, the plants are hardened off for 2-3 days, leaving them in the open air.

Euonymus at your home

There are several varieties of Japanese euonymus that can be grown at home as an indoor flower:

  • Japanese euonymus, or pseudolaurel, is a very heat-loving plant that can die at temperatures below +5 degrees, so it can only be grown at home or in offices. Its leaves can be variegated or single-colored, the flowers are white, blooming in late spring.
  • Euonymus microphyllus - this variety has variegated, yellow-green, raised leaves. The flowers are small, white, and appear in late spring. This variety is suitable for planting in the garden and for growing at home.
  • dwarf euonymus has oblong bicolor leaves and red-brown flowers collected in umbrellas. This creeping species euonymus, which can be grown in hanging flowerpots as an hanging plant.

It is best to grow Japanese euonymus at home in a well-lit place in a room on the south side - it will feel equally good in direct sunlight and in diffused light.

With the onset of summer, the flower pot can be taken out to the balcony, veranda or yard. We must not forget that this is a houseplant, you cannot immediately place it under strong rays of the sun, getting used to them must occur gradually. Caring for euonymus at this time should consist of watering and spraying in the morning or evening.

As for the temperature, it should be no lower than +5-10 degrees in winter, and no higher than +25-30 degrees in summer. In winter, the euonymus enters a dormant period, and if you keep it in a warm, heated room, it will begin to shed its leaves.

Caring for indoor euonymus consists of watering and fertilizing, which the plant especially needs during the period of active growth. The buds, from which inconspicuous flowers will eventually develop, can be removed immediately so that the plant does not waste money on them. nutrients.

To plant euonymus at home, use a mixture of humus, turf and leaf soil, with the addition of river sand. Another option for soil mixture is turf soil with peat and sand.

Favorable conditions and good care contribute to the good development of indoor euonymus, so it needs to be replanted every year at a young age, and every 3-4 years at an “old” age.

Japanese euonymus, growing at home, is fed every 20-30 days in spring and summer with minerals and organic fertilizers. In winter, during the dormant period, feeding and frequent watering not needed.

Japanese euonymus needs to be pruned regularly to form a beautiful crown. During pruning, weak, small shoots are removed, as well as shoots growing inside the crown. For intensive tillering, young shoots are pinched.

This plant is ideally suited for the formation of bonsai; its lush branches can be easily given any shape, cut into a cone, a ball, or an animal figure.

Caring for indoor euonymus includes measures to protect against diseases and pests. At home, the plant becomes sick with gray rot, in which a gray coating appears on the leaves and brown spots. As for insect pests, scale insects and spider mite. Both problems can be solved by spraying chemicals, which can be purchased at a flower shop.

Indoor euonymus is propagated in the same way as garden plant- seeds, cuttings and dividing the bush.

Watch the video: Japanese euonymus / Euonymus planting and care

The plant belongs to the euonymus family and is found naturally in Far East, Japan, Korea and China. It was brought to Europe in the 19th century and has since spread widely here.

Japanese euonymus: description

Japanese euonymus is an evergreen tall tree eight meters high, with a sparse crown and a few weakly branching shoots. There are also varieties in the form of a bush.

  • Leaves leathery structure, smooth and shiny, grow on short petioles, with serrated edges, oval and slightly elongated, measuring from three to eight centimeters.
  • Flowers small, up to one centimeter in diameter, green in color light shade, collected in umbrella-shaped inflorescences, where there can be up to hundreds of flowers.
  • After flowering ends, the plant bears fruit capsule fruits orange color with a pink tint.
  • Fruit They have the shape of an oval; they produce many small, up to eight millimeters in diameter, black seeds.

The tree has become popular among gardeners. Japanese euonymus can be found in the garden, as well as in parks and squares in cities in the southern part of Russia, where it is used for landscaping along with trees. It is popular because of its unpretentiousness and ease of care. It is not harmed by polluted air, lack of moisture, or infertile soils.

Breeders have bred many decorative varieties euonymus, differing mainly in the shape and color of the leaves, the size of the plant and flowers, and the coloring during flowering.

Varieties of Japanese euonymus

The most common Japanese euonymus is the following varieties.

  • Latifolius Albomarginatus with green leaves edged with wide white stripes.
  • Albomarginatus similar to Latifolius Albomarginatus, only the margin of the green leaf is narrower.
  • Moon It has olive-colored leaves turning yellow, with a wide green border.
  • Mediopictus with unusual golden-colored leaves edged with a green stripe.
  • Microphyllus differs from others in its miniature size, the foliage is green, bordered by a narrow golden stripe.

Plant care

In conditions temperate climate, characteristic of central Russia, the plant cannot be grown on open ground, because it does not tolerate frost. But many gardeners winter period The shrub is placed in a house or winter greenhouse, and in the summer it is transferred to the air. But still, Japanese euonymus is most often grown at home.

The Japanese domestic euonymus, like its wild relative, grows quite quickly. Its shoots appear with a certain frequency, in waves. With proper care, Japanese indoor euonymus will have two growth periods per year - autumn and spring.

At the end of each growth period, new large buds appear at the tops of the grown shoots, from which new stems begin to grow in the next period.

Japanese euonymus, like others indoor plants loves abundant, but at the same time diffused lighting. Do not place it in direct sunlight. However, some varieties need particularly bright lighting; this should be taken into account when growing Japanese euonymus in order to provide it proper care at home.

The temperature in summer should range from eighteen to twenty-five degrees Celsius. In winter, the bush goes into a dormant state and the temperature must be lowered to twelve degrees Celsius. If the temperature is higher and the humidity is insufficient, its leaves will fall.

Watering the plant

Watering is carried out with settled or boiled water, which has room temperature. It should be regular and plentiful. Complete drying of the soil is unacceptable, as this can lead to the death of the plant. At the same time, stagnation of water also negatively affects the bush, so watering should be given special attention. In winter, watering is reduced.

Air humidity should be moderate. Infrequent spraying is beneficial for the plant, but the main thing here is to keep it in moderation. Also, to protect against diseases and pests, sometimes take a shower with warm water.

Feeding is done once a week at those moments when the plant begins to grow. Organic and mineral fertilizers are suitable for this. At the beginning of the growth wave it is necessary to add nitrogen fertilizers, in the most intensive period - complex, at the time when growth ends and buds are formed, fertilizers should be potassium and phosphorus. In winter, feeding stops.

Pruning must be timely; in addition to limiting growth and crown formation, dried and weak shoots are removed.

Soil for growing

When planting sprouts, almost any indoor soil mixture sold in stores will do. A special feature is the addition of baking powder. If you prepare the mixture yourself, it should consist of leaf soil, turf soil, humus, sand

Transplantation and propagation

Young shoots are replanted once a year in the spring. As the euonymus grows, it is replanted once every three years. In adult plants, the top layer soil.

Euonymus propagates by cuttings. To do this, take the top young and strong shoots, which have one bud and three internodes. Reproduction by seeds is allowed. But this method is much more complicated; the seeds require preliminary stratification and germination.

Japanese euonymus - very beautiful bush, chosen by land owners not only because of its neat appearance, but also absolute unpretentiousness. Growing such a crop is suitable even for a novice gardener. Let's look at the description of the plant and how planting and care are carried out.


Japanese euonymus – ornamental plant, grown both indoors and outdoors. The description of the green shrub indicates that its crown is lush, bright and unusual. The leaf blades are dark green, but have a light border. The size of the leaves of the bush is very impressive, and their surface is dense and quite fleshy. Evergreens ornamental trees They also have beautiful fruits.

In a year, the pseudolaurel increases in height by about 15-20 centimeters, but in nature it grows up to 7 meters. Euonymus blooms in July, when the plant is covered with neat green-yellow inflorescences. At home, the plant blooms extremely rarely, since it does not always have enough cool period to form buds. In order to ensure the appearance of buds, it is necessary to keep the plant for 2 months at a temperature of 2 to 10 degrees Celsius.

The fruits grow in September and remain on the branches almost until October. The plant is unpretentious.

Popular varieties

Popular varieties of Japanese euonymus include "Latifolius Albomarginatus", characterized by the presence of bright green leaves with white stripes along the edges. "Albomarginatus" looks similar, but the edge of the leaf plate looks narrower.

In the variety "Moon" The leaf blades are painted a beautiful olive color with yellowish tints. Their border is wide and green.

Variety "Mediolictus" can be identified by its beautiful golden color plates and a green stripe as a border. "Microphyllus" has small green leaves with a golden edge.

Shrub variety "Aurea" characterized by the presence of a green border and a bright yellow longitudinal stripe. "Ovatus Aureus" is dwarf and has small oval-shaped leaves. The color of the leaf plates is a combination of a bright yellow border with an emerald longitudinal stripe.

Shrub variety "Bravo" has dark green jagged foliage. Some leaf blades are decorated with spots of yellow, beige, white or silver, located either in the center or along the edges.

Other well-known varieties of euonymus include the varieties "Marik", "Microphyllus aureovaryegatus" and "Ecstasy".

Subtleties of growing at home

Indoor euonymus is an ideal component for the formation of bonsai. Caring for the plant, in principle, is no different from what is required for street shrubs. Euonymus should be irrigated, fed, sprayed in hot weather, as well as in warm days take it out onto the balcony. By the way, spraying is also required when the batteries are turned on. In addition, you will have to worry about regular transplantation. For the first 3 years of life, changing the potty is carried out annually, and then one action every 3 years will be enough.

In most situations, the plant will also need artificial lighting in addition, especially if the window openings of the room face north. Pinching is carried out as necessary to form a beautiful appearance of the euonymus. It is also important to regularly remove all dried, outdated or damaged shoots in any way. If the home euonymus begins to shed its leaves, then the necessary treatment of the bush will have to be carried out.

Temperature in summer time should be between 18 and 20 degrees, and in winter maintained at 2-10 degrees Celsius.

The pot can be either plastic or ceramic. The main thing is that the volume of the container allows you to comfortably place the root system inside. If you move an euonymus from too small to too big pot, then you can provoke acidification of the soil and, accordingly, the death of the plant. Soil for home use It is better to choose loose and nutritious. Easiest to purchase ready substrate, intended for growing ornamental deciduous shrubs in apartment conditions.

How to plant in open ground?

Planting euonymus in the garden in open ground is carried out only partially. shady place. It is important to remember that excess sunlight will deteriorate the decorative properties of the deciduous plates of the shrub and cause them to fall asleep. Special requirements The culture does not have any information about the soil. The best solution will be a combination of part of leaf soil, the same amount of peat, a couple of parts of turf or garden soil, as well as river sand. If the soil in the selected area is acidic, then lime should be added to it immediately.

Planting is carried out from May to September on a sunny or rainy day. The hole is formed in such a way that its volume is a couple of times greater than the size of the root system. Forms at the bottom drainage layer, created from pieces of brick, crushed stone and expanded clay. Next, compost or humus is laid out, and then soil. The seedling is placed vertically in the hole, its roots are covered with soil mixture. Finally, the surface is compacted and properly irrigated.

How to properly care?

Japanese euonymus requires care throughout the growing season, and during the winter months the plant rests in hibernation. With the onset of cold weather, it is enough to just mulch the tree trunk circle with peat, sawdust or dry leaves. Young shrubs can be additionally protected with burlap or agrofibre.


Irrigation of the crop should be moderate but regular. Both excess moisture and lack of irrigation are dangerous for the crop. In general, you can focus on the top layer of soil that needs to dry out. In the hot summer months, you can additionally spray the leaf blades approximately a couple of times a week.

During cold, rainy weeks, stop watering altogether to allow the soil to dry out.

Top dressing

Japanese euonymus needs fertilizers just like any other plant. IN spring time the plant requires nitrogen to grow the green part. Further, mineral complexes containing potassium and phosphorus stimulate kidney development. IN winter time The pseudolaurel does not require fertilizing, since the bush is in hibernation. Fertilizers can be applied as follows: 50 grams of urea in early spring, phosphorus-potassium fertilizers in mid-summer and, finally, 300 grams of slaked lime in the fall during digging.


The Japanese euonymus does not need complete pruning, but it does need regular pinching. Such processing of the tips should occur with the growth and development of the plant so that the bush grows voluminous, but compact.

Reproduction methods

Japanese euonymus propagates in three main ways: by seeds, cuttings, or by division. Dividing the rhizome is a complicated and not always effective task, so it is used extremely rarely.

The most popular method is cuttings. Branches 5 to 6 centimeters long are pruned in June or July. It is important to ensure that each cutting has at least an internode, and that the surface itself is green and not covered with wood.

If possible, then select for cuttings the bush that has already crossed the 5-year mark. After the procedure, the cutting must be treated with a root stimulator, for example, “Kornevin” and immediately planted in prepared nutrient soil located in the greenhouse.

It is better to use a two-layer substrate, the bottom layer of which consists of river sand, and the top layer of loose soil mixture. Full roots will appear in 1.5 months.

It is better to propagate euonymus by seeds in the summer. Preparation for the procedure begins another 4 months in advance - the seeds are stratified at a temperature of 0 to 2 degrees Celsius. When the skin of the seeds bursts, they can already be planted. First, the skin is removed, and the samples themselves are disinfected with potassium permanganate. Planting is carried out in loose, fertile and moisture-absorbing soil. Picking into individual containers is carried out when the sprouts stretch 3-4 centimeters.

Diseases and pests

Japanese euonymus often suffers from diseases and insect attacks, and is also deformed when improper care. For example, insufficient sunlight leads to the shoots becoming excessively elongated. Vice versa, insufficient lighting contributes to the disappearance of pigment from leaf blades and, accordingly, deterioration of their appearance. Curling of the edges of the leaves may indicate that the bush is located in the sun. Yellowing of the leaves and their gradual falling off indicates excessive irrigation.

also known as pseudo-laurel, Latin the name of this plant will be as follows: Euonymus japonicus. Japanese euonymus is one of the plants of the family called euonymaceae; in Latin the name of this family is Celstraceae.

Description of Japanese euonymus

For favorable cultivation For this plant, it is recommended to provide it with a sunny light regime, but partial shade is also acceptable. Throughout the entire summer period, it will be necessary to maintain moderate watering, while the degree of air humidity should remain average. The life form of Japanese euonymus is an evergreen shrub. It should be noted that all parts of this plant are poisonous, for this reason it is recommended to exercise extreme caution when handling Japanese euonymus.
This plant can often be found in cool winter gardens. Very often gardeners grow this plant in room conditions: for this it is recommended to select light, but slightly shaded windows. It is noteworthy that in the summer it is permissible to grow a pot with this plant in the open air. Regarding maximum sizes in culture, the Japanese euonymus can reach a size of about one and a half meters.

Description of the features of care and cultivation of Japanese euonymus

It is noteworthy that the plant requires quite frequent replanting, which should be associated with the fact that root system Japanese euonymus will grow quite quickly. The roots themselves can grow into the drainage hole of the pot. It is recommended to replant the plant from spring to autumn. The plant will need a pot of larger diameter, but it is quite acceptable to cut off some of the roots. As for the composition of the soil mixture itself, you will need to mix sand, leaf and turf soil in equal proportions. The acidity of such soil can be either neutral or slightly acidic.
The most common pest of this plant is the spider mite; in fact, in case of infection by this pest, it is necessary to treat it with acaricides two to three times with an interval of about five to ten days. Sometimes the plant is also affected by scale insects, and to combat this pest it is necessary to use exclusively chemical treatment.
Throughout the rest period, you should maintain optimal temperature between twenty and twenty-five degrees Celsius. This plant requires moderate watering, and air humidity can remain standard. It is noteworthy that when Japanese euonymus is grown indoors, such a period of rest will be forced. The reasons for this period will be low air humidity and insufficient lighting.
Propagation of this plant can occur through cuttings, which will require a mixture consisting of peat and sand, and temperature regime should be about twenty to twenty-five degrees. Optimal time To carry out such reproduction is the spring period and the very beginning of the summer season.
As for the specific requirements of this culture, it is important to remember that Japanese euonymus needs fairly bright lighting. However, the plant should be protected from afternoon sun. It is noteworthy that the plant can also be grown as a bonsai. The crown of the Japanese euonymus should be formed by pruning and pinching; in fact, using these methods it is possible to give the plant very interesting shapes.

The euonymus plant is a member of the Euonymus family. This genus unites approximately 190 various types. In nature, some species can grow up to 6–7 meters in height, but a bush grown indoors is much lower. This genus is represented by deciduous and evergreen trees, as well as shrubs.


The plant needs a large amount of light throughout the year. However, it is quite possible to grow it on a windowsill with a northern orientation, but you should take into account that some species will grow worse there, while others will grow better. The bush needs a large amount of sunlight; it will be better if direct rays of the sun fall on its foliage in the evening or morning. When growing variegated forms, it is worth choosing the most illuminated place for them, since due to poor lighting they may lose their spectacular color.


In order for the bush to grow and develop within normal limits, care should be taken to ensure a suitable air temperature. In the summer, it is better to avoid heat (above 24–25 degrees) in the room where the plant is located. For wintering, the plant is removed to a cool place (from 8 to 10 degrees). When wintering in a warm place, indoor euonymus often sheds all its foliage. For the winter, you can put it on an unheated balcony, but then make sure that the air temperature does not drop too low.

For irrigation, use water that has settled very well (at least 12–24 hours). During the growing season, which is observed in spring and summer, watering should be plentiful so that the earthen ball in the container can get completely wet. However, water the euonymus only after the soil mixture in the pot has dried out to a depth of ½ part. In winter, watering should be more moderate and make sure that there is no stagnation of liquid in the root system.


Euonymus can grow normally at any level of air humidity, but on hot days it is still recommended to moisten it with a spray bottle. Among other things, regularly moistening the foliage will reduce the chances that harmful insects will settle on the plant. To prevent plaque from forming on the surface of the sheet plates white, water for moistening the bush is taken either boiled in advance or passed through a filter. In the summer months it will be useful for the bush warm shower, however, during the procedure, it is recommended to cover the surface of the substrate in the container with film.


The bush should be fed only during the spring-summer period, and this is done regularly once every 30 days. It must be watered before feeding. For this procedure, you can use a complex mineral fertilizer for decorative foliage plants in the concentration specified by the manufacturer.

Shaping and pruning the bush

To maintain a spectacular appearance, the bush should be pruned throughout the year. To do this, remove all injured and withering shoots. All weak branches are also cut out, as they take away strength and nutrients from the bush. Pinching of young shoots is carried out in March, thanks to this the crown will be more lush and beautiful. Euonymus can be shaped into almost any shape you desire. It can be formed as a bush, in which case many branches will extend from its root, and the more branches there are, the more impressive the plant looks. It can also be formed as a standard tree: in this case, the bush has 1 bare bottom trunk, which is decorated on top lush crown. To make the crown effective, timely and correct pruning, and in order to awaken dormant buds that produce new shoots, systematic pinching is carried out. At correct formation and with certain knowledge you can get a spectacular bonsai from a bush.

Until the plant is 5 years old, it is transplanted every year into a new container, which should be slightly larger than the old one. Older bushes are replanted once every 2 or 3 years, but only when the root system becomes crowded in the pot. For replanting, use a soil mixture consisting of peat, sand and turf soil (1:2:6). Also for this purpose, you can use a substrate that includes leaf and turf soil, as well as humus and peat (1: 2: 1: 1). Don’t forget to make a good drainage layer at the bottom of the container, this will work broken brick or expanded clay. This is necessary in order to avoid stagnation of liquid in the root system, which can greatly harm the bush, especially in winter.


This plant contains poison! Or rather, it is contained in its fruits. But despite this, euonymus is very widely cultivated indoors. If there are small children in the house, be sure to tell them that under no circumstances should they eat the fruits on the bush. To be poisoned by fruits, an adult healthy person you will need to eat them in large quantities, but pets and small child this will require much less fruit.

Reproduction methods

Reproduction by division

Euonymus growing at home can be divided into several parts, but only if it has an overgrown root system. The rhizome is divided into several parts very carefully, trying not to injure the roots. The cuttings are planted in individual flower pots, and you need to care for them in the same way as adult bushes.


To propagate the bush, young shoots cut in the first half of the summer are used. For cutting cuttings, young, non-lignified shoots are used; each of them should have 1 or 2 nodes, and they should reach about 60 mm in length. Take a low container and fill its bottom with a layer of sand. From above it is covered with a soil mixture consisting of leaf, turf and humus soil, as well as sand (1: 2: 1: 1). Rooting of cuttings lasts approximately 2 months. All this time they should be kept warm under a transparent cap, and do not forget to ventilate them in a timely manner and moisten them with a spray bottle.

Growing from seeds

If you have the time and desire, then indoor euonymus can be grown from seeds. Before sowing, the seed material is subjected to stratification; as a result of this procedure, the seeds will be able to shed a very dense skin. The seeds are mixed with coarse sand and kept at an air temperature of 10 to 12 degrees for three to four months. But the stratification does not end there, there is a second stage: all the opened peel is removed from the seed material, and then they are placed in a cold place (about 0 degrees, but not warmer than 4 degrees), where they will stay for 2 to 3 months. Next, the seed material is disinfected, and experts advise using a solution of potassium manganese (5 grams per 1 liter of water). Fill a small container with a soil mixture consisting of sand, humus, turf and leaf soil(1:2:1:4). Sow seeds into it.

If you decide to cultivate a shrub in the garden, then it can only be transplanted to a permanent place in the third year. Until this happens, in the autumn-winter period the seedlings must be mulched, and during the growing season they must be watered and fed on time. If the bush is cultivated at home, then the seedling will need annual transplants, and the pot is changed each time to a larger one (the old pot should be only slightly smaller than the new one).

If you care for an euonymus growing at home incorrectly or do not provide it optimal conditions for growth, then the following problems may arise with it:

  1. The variegated foliage lost its pattern and turned green. This can happen due to excessively poor lighting. Variegated varieties need a lot of bright, diffused light; they can even be placed in direct sunlight for a short time (in the evening or in the morning).
  2. Yellowing and flying leaves. Most often, this problem occurs if the bush is watered very abundantly. Because of this, rot may appear on the root system. To correct the situation, start watering the bush correctly.
  3. Rolling and drying of the tops of leaf plates. Most often this is due to excessively bright lighting. This is also why the foliage often becomes dull and faded.
  4. Flying leaves. This occurs in winter, when the room is too warm and the air is excessively dry.
  5. Pests. Most often, aphids settle on the euonymus, but spider mites can also harm it.

Types of euonymus with photos and names

Japanese euonymus (Euonymus japonicus)

This species is usually cultivated at home, while others are grown outdoors or in the garden. Japan is considered the birthplace of this plant. This species, growing indoors, usually reaches a height of no more than 100 cm. The length of the bare, leathery, dark green leaf plates is about 80 mm, their front surface can be shiny. The foliage shape is obovate and the upper part is rounded. Greenish-yellow flowers are collected in umbels of 15–30 pieces. The length of each flower is about 10 mm. The bush blooms in the first weeks of summer.

Thanks to the work of breeders, a large number of forms of Japanese euonymus have appeared. If the bush overwinters in a room where there are workers heating devices, then it needs to be systematically moistened with a spray bottle. For wintering, it is better to move it to an unheated room, which should be well lit. This species belongs to shade-tolerant plants.

Euonymus verrucosus

In nature, the species can be found in temperate latitudes of Europe and Asia. It is represented by trees (height about 6 meters) and shrubs (height about 2 meters). Brownish-black warts can be seen on the surface of green stems. Flowering occurs only in wildlife in the last spring or first summer weeks. The fruit is a pinkish-red capsule, the ripening of which is observed at the end of summer or at the beginning of autumn. Inside the box are gray or black seeds, ½ of which are covered by an orange or pale red testicle. In culture this type is the most popular, but it is most often grown in open ground. It is distinguished by its winter hardiness, shade tolerance and low maintenance requirements. They are cultivated either one bush at a time or in groups.

European euonymus (Euonymus europaeus)

This species is widespread throughout Europe. Most often it is represented by trees, but there are also shrubs; the plant height is about 6–7 meters. While the shoots are young, they are green, but over time their color changes to black. Corky growths form on the surface of the stems. The ovoid leaf blades sometimes expand towards the top, and sometimes towards the base. The leathery, dense, bare leaves are dark green in color and are about 10–11 centimeters long. Flowering occurs in the last spring or first summer weeks. Greenish flowers are collected several times in not very large inflorescences, the peduncles are short. The bush blooms for about 20 days. The fruit is a four-leaf capsule of reddish or pink color, the seeds are covered with orange shoots.

This species grows well in urban conditions and is winter-hardy and drought-resistant. It tolerates formative pruning well and is often grown as a hedge. It is recommended to choose sunny places for this species. There are decorative forms that are more demanding in terms of care and growing conditions, compared to their “wild” relatives.

Dwarf euonymus (Euonymus nanus)

This species is native to temperate latitudes of Europe and Asia. It is represented by evergreen perennial shrub. The upward-pointing stems are about 100 cm long, while they are young, their color is green, but after some time it changes to gray. There are many warts on the surface of the shoots. The length of the narrow lanceolate leaf plates is about 40 mm, their underside is pale gray, and the front is greenish. Green or red flowers are formed on peduncles 20 mm long, which can be single or collected in bunches of 2 or 3 pieces. The fruit is represented by a capsule, inside of which there are dark red seeds, covered ½ part with orange shoots. This very spectacular look most often decorates parks and garden plots. To propagate it, they use the method of dividing the bush, cuttings, seed method and rooting of shoots.

Winged euonymus (Euonymus alatus)

Or sacred euonymus (Euonymus sacrosanctus). This is a Far Eastern species; in nature it is found in China, Korea and Japan. The height of such a highly branching shrub varies from 2 to 2.5 meters. The view is also represented by trees, the height of which is about four meters. The tetrahedral winged branches are green when young, but over time they turn gray. Leathery to the touch, dense, shiny leaf plates are dark green in color and have an ovoid shape, and they expand towards the top. Small flowers are collected in bunches of 3 pieces. The fruit is represented by a capsule deeply divided into four parts, which, when ripe, turns bright red, containing seeds inside.

This euonymus is characterized by slow growth; growing in nature, the bush is shade-tolerant, but when grown in culture, it needs a lot of bright light. The species is cultivated both in groups and as a single plant.

Euonymus semenovii

The genus is represented by creeping shrubs, the height of which is about 100 cm. Elongated-ovate, leathery greenish-yellow leaf plates have petioles, their width is about 20 mm, and their length is up to 60 mm. The small purple flowers have green edges and are clustered in small umbels at the top of the stems. The bush blooms in the first weeks of summer, while the formed fruits ripen at the end of summer. This plant grows and develops normally in both shaded and sunny place. Has good winter hardiness.

Fortune's euonymus (Euonymus fortunei)

The species comes from China and is cultivated in the temperate zone. This is a ground cover creeping shrub. The easily rooted stems are quite long. The leathery, shiny dark green leaf blades are about 40 mm long and elliptical in shape, with an uneven edge. Foliage color may vary depending on the variety. The small flowers are greenish-white. The fruit is a flattened small capsule with seeds inside.

Layers and cuttings are used for propagation. Most forms vary in foliage color and growing conditions. This plant is distinguished by the highest resistance to winter frosts, but the bush still needs to be covered with a thick layer of snow or moved to spring unheated room. During the period of active growth, it is recommended to keep the bush in slight shade.

Fortune's Euonymus (Euonymus fortunei var. radicans)

IN natural conditions The species can be found in Japan and southern Korea. The stems of this evergreen shrub are creeping or climbing. The growth rate of the bush is average. The active growing season is observed from mid-spring until the first frost. As a rule, when grown in mid-latitudes, the bush does not bloom, but it can be easily propagated by cuttings. It has good winter hardiness, but needs good shelter.
