Perennials in the shade for the garden. Perennials for shady places

Shady corners of the garden are a favorite place to relax in the hot summer, so the desire to decorate them is natural. And someone wants to arrange beautiful flower garden under the trees growing on the site, or plant plants in the shade of a fence or buildings. Shade-tolerant and shade-loving representatives of the flora are suitable for this.

Requirement for light is one of the criteria by which plants are selected for planting in a shaded area. Flowers and shrubs that are in dire need of sun will not be able to gain strength there or will die completely.

Other plants may be:

  1. Shade-tolerant, that is, preferring partial shade.
  2. Shade-loving, growing well with minimal lighting.

This must be taken into account when planning plantings. Typically, decorative deciduous species love shade, although there are many beautiful flowering exceptions. When selecting plants, it is important to pay attention to soil preferences and moisture content.

What plants to plant in the shade (video)

Popular shade-tolerant groundcovers

Spreading along the ground like a green carpet, ground cover plants will become excellent neighbors to taller inhabitants of the garden, will help decorate the soil around trees and shrubs, and decorate the slopes alpine slide and fit into the rockery composition. Moreover, many of them cope well with a lack of sunlight.

Creeping tenacious

A plant often found in forests, which has become a garden plant light hand flower growers. This is a perennial with shoots spreading along the ground. It blooms early - back in May. The tenacious inflorescences are spike-shaped: small blue or light blue flowers are collected in axillary whorls. Such “candles” rise 7–12 cm above the ground. Many decorative varieties with fancy leaf colors have been bred, thanks to which the survivor looks original and noticeable, despite its small height.

Creeping tenacious


This is a perennial plant, less often it is bi- or annual. When planted alone, it forms green cushions, usually from 5 to 20 cm high, in rare cases reaching 70 cm. Flowers with 5 petals, colored pink or pink, rise from the lush greenery on thin stalks. white. The main advantages of saxifrage are its unpretentiousness(the plant is frost-resistant and grows without problems on poor soils) and long flowering that lasts all summer.

Gallery: shade-tolerant plants for the garden (25 photos)

European hoofweed

Another option for decorating the soil in a shady corner of the garden is hoof grass, which grows up to 30 cm in height. Has cute leaves top side of which is glossy, and the bottom is matte. Blooms in spring with the establishment of heat, maroon bells.

European hoofweed


Cuff attracts attention primarily with its airy flowers, filling the garden with a honey aroma in June and July. The multi-lobed leaves of the plant in many species have a silvery drooping on the underside of the leaf. In conditions middle zone winters well but for better preservation, it is still recommended to mulch the cuff bushes with peat.

Sphagnum moss

IN wildlife is an inhabitant of swamps, but due to its high decorative value, it is also used in garden compositions. Traditionally white-gray color, but there are red, pink and red specimens. The height of the stems ranges from 10 to 20 cm, from which branched shoots extend in bunches.

All these plants do an excellent job with the main task: decorating the surface of the soil with pretty greenery. Despite their small height, they definitely will not go unnoticed.

Sphagnum moss

Choosing shade-tolerant flowers for the garden

If there is not enough sunlight in some corner of the site, this does not mean that there is no place for beautiful flowers. At least 5 plants are ready to fill the shade with their colors.


People often call it a “broken heart” due to the characteristic and very unusual shape flowers. They are literally suspended in the air on long peduncles. The voluminous dicentra bush grows quite large in size: up to 1 m in height.

Doronicum eastern

The plant has bright yellow flowers, similar to daisies. Doronicum begins its flowering, which lasts for more than a month, at the height of May. There are terry and dwarf varieties.

Doronicum eastern


A very beautiful flowering vine, undemanding to lighting. In floriculture it is used for vertical decoration. The main wealth of clematis is its large flowers of various colors.: starting from white and ending in dark purple.


Or, as it is called, colchicum. This bulbous plant about 20 cm in height, which blooms in autumn. You need to be careful when handling colchicum because it is poisonous.

Lily of the valley

The modest and well-known lily of the valley readily grows in the shade. Its snow-white bells usually appear in May. This is a perennial plant that does not require care.

In order for plants to bloom abundantly, they need to be fed with special fertilizers. In hot weather they will need watering.

Flowers for shady areas of the site (video)

Shade-loving ornamental shrubs and trees

If herbaceous plants reign on the lower tier of the shady corner, then the upper tier consists of trees and shrubs. Some of them do not suffer from a small amount of light while maintaining decorative characteristics.


Hydrangea is loved for its lush caps of hundreds of small flowers. Abundant flowering lasts from July to September. To give the bush a beautiful shape, it is usually trimmed into a ball shape. It should be taken into account that in dry weather it will require abundant watering.



There are various decorative varieties of spruce. Some of them are creeping, bush-like and even have flowing branches, which looks very attractive. Even a spruce planted in the shade grows actively. If desired, you can trim the tree into a cone or pyramid shape.


Holly holly, whose leaves are topped with sharp thorns, is known as a Christmas plant in Catholic countries. Among gardeners, holly is famous for its grows even in strong shade. The plant shows itself in all its glory in winter and autumn: small berries appear red against the background of green foliage. This is true for those who want to admire the garden all year round.


Beautiful bush, double flowers which reaches a diameter of 4 cm. The leaves are lanceolate-shaped, dark green with a glossy sheen. When planting rhododendron, you need to know that it does not tolerate cold winds and waterlogging of the soil. The plant prefers acidic soil, Therefore, peat is added to soil with a neutral alkaline balance.


Evergreen yew withstands any unfavorable conditions except for stagnant water. The plant lends itself well to shaping, so it is often used to create figures or green hedges. Yew is suitable for both single and group planting, becoming a green background for other plants.

Ornamental trees and shrubs need care, as do herbaceous flowers. For example, application of nitrogenous fertilizers will be beneficial for foliage growth.

Shade-tolerant fruit trees and berry bushes

Those gardeners who want to use shady areas to harvest fruits and berries can plant certain crops. The harvest of most trees and shrubs suffers greatly from a lack of sun, but among them there are also those who can withstand the shade.


This tall bush Arnica is notable for its foliage, which can be yellow, green, or purple. Not far behind in beauty are the sour barberry berries, rich in vitamin C. The plant lends itself perfectly to shaping, and dwarf varieties are used for borders.


One of the few fruit trees, which tolerate partial shade relatively well. Cherry plum and plum trees are a little more demanding in terms of lighting. But the harvest from a shady area will still be inferior in taste to that grown under sufficient light.


This is a very tall shrub, the woody shoots of which often grow up to 2 m in height, which must be taken into account when planting next to a flower garden or vegetables. In midsummer, blackberries are covered with white flowers, and in August, almost black berries with a sour taste appear in their place.


Viburnum is one of the people's favorite plants. An extremely unpretentious tall bush whose branches are covered carved leaves. The scarlet berries collected in clusters give viburnum a special charm. They remain to decorate the bush until late winter.


Dogwood blossoms early spring, attracts bees to the site for a month. Throughout the summer he decorates the garden with green foliage, and in the fall with red berries, which make delicious and healthy jam. The only drawback of dogwood is its love for warmth., so the plant needs to be covered for the winter.

To make the fruits and berries larger and tastier, it is recommended to use potassium fertilizers for fertilizing - this slightly compensates for the low amount of sun.

Flowerbed plants for the darkest areas in the garden

Some plants can be called the most “resistant of the persistent” because they grow even where very little sunlight reaches them. And this in no way worsens their appearance!


The original plant attracting attention with original flowers in the form of calla lilies of various, often fancy colors: white with pink, green with burgundy. The height of Arizema grown in the garden usually reaches 50 cm.


Lush astilbe bushes can grow up to 2 m. But this plant is notable not for its size, but for its panicle inflorescences. The flowering period occurs in June and July.


The beauty of ferns lies in their delicate green leaves. In the wild, the plant is located on the lower tier of dense forests, so shade is common for it. There are also groundcover species of ferns that cover the ground with their lace.



Tiara inflorescences are panicles of white, pink or purple. The most common tiara is cordifolia, having leaves in the shape of a heart.


The plant has leaves collected in lush rosettes and often variegated in various shades of green and white. Hosta is very unpretentious, so there will be no problems with it.

These plants can be planted in the most secluded corner of the garden.

What vegetables can be planted in the shade at the dacha?

Shady places on the site are also suitable for growing vegetables. Here are some of them that grow well in such conditions:

  • root vegetables (radish, beets);
  • representatives of the legume family;
  • cruciferous vegetables: regular cabbage and broccoli, as well as cauliflower and Beijing cabbage.

The shade is also suitable for perennial onions and leafy plants like sorrel, rhubarb, lettuce. You can also plant fragrant mint, tarragon, creeping thyme or cilantro: herbs will definitely be needed in the kitchen.

Shade-tolerant plants for the home

Flower growers are faced with a lack of light not only in their plots, but also in the house. What plants should you not be afraid to place in the far corners of the room?

  1. Aspidistra, which is called the “cast iron flower” for its amazing durability. It is a plant with several leaves on long petioles.
  2. Chamelodorea, reminiscent of a palm tree with its airy leaves.
  3. Philodendron. Liana, stretching up to 2 m in length.
  4. Sansveria(“Mother-in-law’s tongue”) is distinguished by tall, long leaves that have a dense structure and pointed at the edges. Sansveria has a variegated color and often a yellow border along the edges of the feather-like leaves.
  5. Anthurium- a beautiful flowering plant of various colors.

In order for indoor plants to feel good and develop, they need to choose a suitable pot and soil; and then ensure proper care.


Examples of combinations of shade-loving plants in landscape design

How to create a harmonious composition of flowering plants? You need to analyze each “candidate” and its characteristics, and try to create the ideal flower garden. Here are some of the successful examples:

  • green fern in one corner of the flower garden and hosta in the other will become a wonderful green background for the blooming tiara cordifolia. If you add a small stone or driftwood to the composition, this will add spectacularity to the flowerbed.
  • Cuff and coffin They will be good neighbors on the alpine hill.

In a shady area of ​​the dacha or country house The most suitable for planting are shade-loving garden flowers. In extreme heat, being in a shady corner, you can enjoy bright blooming flower beds. To create a beautiful flower arrangement choose various plants.

It is necessary to select a plant depending on the degree of illumination garden plot. It is also important to ensure that they meet all the principles of decoration and landscaping.

Shade-loving flowers

Illumination is determined taking into account the duration and intensity of sunlight. The shade of the area may vary depending on the season.

Factors influencing the level of illumination of the area:

  • Sun height
  • Length of daylight
  • Leaves on the trees
  • The flowering of some plants depends on the length of daylight hours.

If the area is in partial shade, then it is illuminated by direct sunlight for no more than 3 hours in the morning or evening. At the same time, in daytime there is a shadow. Partial shade will also be indicated by uniform illumination throughout the day.

If an area receives 3 hours of daylight in the middle of the day, and the rest of the time there is limited light, then it is a shade.

Defining a sparse shadow is also simple: sun rays penetrate the site through the foliage throughout the day.

There are such concepts as dry and wet shade. Dry shade is observed under deciduous trees.

They suck all available moisture from the soil. This is due to their developed root system. The leaves of such trees block access to precipitation. Not all flowers can exist in such an environment.

In dry shade conditions the following can grow well: Anemone, Geranium, Dicentra, Foxglove, Periwinkle, etc.

For wet shady areas where there are no obstacles for water to enter. A flower garden located in such a zone retains moisture even during a dry period. However, in such an area, fungal infections actively multiply and slugs and snails, which are pests, appear. This is the only drawback of damp shady areas. Here it is recommended to plant Astilbe, Liverwort, Honeysuckle, Fern, Primrose, etc.

In order for flowers to grow well and delight with their beautiful and lush blooms, it is necessary to determine the degree of illumination of the summer cottage and, based on this, select suitable specimens.

Shade-loving perennials: types and description

Perennial garden plants call the flowers that grow long time in one place without transfer.

Gardeners give preference to perennials, as they have a number of advantages compared to annuals:

  • Flowering does not stop even after the first frost
  • No maintenance required winter time
  • Do not lose their attractiveness throughout the season

Among a large number shade-loving perennials the most popular types are:

Creeping ayuga. Another name for the flower is Zhivuchka. The stem length reaches about 25 cm. It is a ground cover plant that produces many bright inflorescences. Flowers can be blue, blue, purple and pink. Prefers to grow on loamy soils.

Astrantia is large. The plant reaches a height of one meter. The diameter of the flower is about 5 cm, the petals are pink or white-pink. The leaves are long-petiolate and small. In appearance, the plant resembles a starfish. Flowering begins at the end of June. The plant is resistant to many diseases.

Anemone. Belongs to the genus of perennial plants of the Ranunculaceae family. It can reach a height of 45 cm. Single flowers are about 8 cm in diameter. Depending on the variety, they can be white, pink, purple or blue.

Corydalis. Frost-resistant ornamental plant. It has an erect stem, at the top of which there is an inflorescence. Height is about 40 cm. The flowers have a yellow or pale yellow tint. Begins to bloom in early spring.

Hosts. Refers to ornamental rhizomatous plants. Attracts the flower with its large beautiful leaves. This is a cold-resistant and drought-resistant plant that does not require special care. This flower is an excellent background for other plants.

Dicentra. Herbaceous perennial. The plant can reach up to 1 meter in height. The stem is thick, fleshy, erect. It has two sepals that fall off after blooming. The shape of the flower is slightly flattened, with a diameter of about 2 cm. They come in red or pink.

Saxifrage. Low growing perennial plant. The flowers are collected in paniculate or racemose inflorescences. Depending on the variety, the petals can be white, red, light yellow, etc. It begins to bloom in early summer.

Liverwort. A herbaceous perennial plant with three-lobed leaves that are pubescent at the bottom. They are red-violet at first and then turn green. The liverwort can reach a height of up to 20 cm. The diameter of the flowers is 2-3 cm. Flowering begins in early spring and lasts for 20 days. Grows well in fertile and loose soils.

Large-leaved plants will look great next to shrubs and trees: spring navel, oak anemone, noble liverwort. They are early bloomers and already from April they attract attention with their .

Shade-loving annuals: plant characteristics

Annual flowers delight with their beautiful buds just one season. They are good because you can create different compositions each time.

How to care for shade-loving plants

In shaded areas, the soil is slightly different from sunny areas. Usually in the shade the soil does not dry well, so it can be damp. There is also dry soil in a shaded area. This is due to the fact that the thick crown does not allow moisture to pass through.

Perennial plants grow larger after a while. In this case, thinning is performed. This procedure is recommended to be carried out in the fall.

Perennials should be planted in the warm season. Water moderately. Water for irrigation should not be very cold. First leave a bucket of water in the sun for several hours.

When the plants begin to awaken in the spring, you can fertilize with nitrogen. For example, saltpeter, which looks like small white peas. Before flowering, we recommend adding phosphorus and potassium. You can buy ready-made products in the store, or use ash. We recommend diluting it in warm water, let it stand for about three days, and then water the plants with the resulting mixture. Of course, you can add it in dry form, but then it will be absorbed by plants more slowly.

Dried leaves should be removed promptly. If seeds appear, they need to be cut off. Plants spend a lot of energy on their formation.

Tall plants due to strong wind or they may bend due to the weight of the flowers. For this purpose, it is necessary to install supports. It is better to choose inconspicuous bayonets so that they do not spoil beautiful view flowering plants.

If you follow these rules, the flower garden will always be well-groomed.

Creating a flower bed of shade-loving flowers

Compositions of shade-loving plants are decorative throughout the season. Some attract attention with their leaves, while others attract attention with their blooms.

For shady garden Perennials are usually chosen. When creating a flower garden they use different flowers in its own way color scheme, size. For a flower bed measuring 2x3 meters, first plant tall plants: Astilbe, Hosta, Hydrangea, etc.

The next row is Anemone, Dicentra, Geranium, Goryanka, etc. For edging the flower bed, Periwinkle, Lipstick, Saxifraga, etc. are planted. These plants can be used to fill gaps.

Tall flowers are planted individually. Medium-sized ones are recommended to be planted in groups. To prevent weeds from growing, flowers should be placed closer.

To create beautiful flower bed you should prepare the soil for the flower garden. First you need to remove the old sod and remove all weeds.

Using a fork, loosen the soil well, mixing compost, clay and sand.

If the flowerbed size is about 1 sq. m., then it is recommended to plant according to the following scheme: 10 ground cover plants, 5 medium-sized, about 7 low-growing flowers and 2-3 tall ones.

Most often, asymmetrical and island flower beds are arranged in a suburban area.

Multi-level plantings are also popular.

Which shade-loving plants are right for you depends on the shape and size of the flowerbed. If it is located near the walls of a house or near a fence, then the tallest flowers are planted farther from the edge, and those that creep along the ground are planted at the very end.

If the shape is round or any other that allows you to create a symmetrical pattern, then the most tall plants can be placed in the center of the composition.

Of course, empty spaces will look unsightly and provoke the appearance of weeds, but flowers should not be allowed to suppress each other and compete for light and nutrients. Therefore, provide each pet with enough space, and empty areas can be filled with decorative elements.

Stones are suitable for this original form, garden figurines, spikelets, ferns or even just gravel paths. In addition, too dense plantings provoke fungal diseases, especially in the shade, and the appearance of pests such as slugs.

Love of shadow is not the only quality that should unite the elements of your composition. Therefore, when choosing flowers, pay attention to what care they require in advance. Of course you can't

Shade-tolerant annuals grow and bloom in light partial shade. Most of the beautifully and long-flowering annuals can withstand light afternoon shading from the scorching rays of the sun.

Shadow intensity

Each area is illuminated non-uniformly. The following shadow areas are distinguished:

  • scattered - from the foliage of trees through which the sun's rays pass;
  • dense – often created by leafy trees;
  • partial – the sun hits here for a while;
  • stable - or deaf, located on the north side of buildings, fences, dense planting of conifers.

Shade-loving and shade-tolerant annuals can grow in deep and dense shade, but without flowers. For flowering annuals, areas with partial and diffuse shade are most suitable. Many shade-tolerant annual flowers benefit from partial shade, especially in the middle of the day.

Important! Lightly shaded areas enliven shade-tolerant and shade-loving annuals with white and yellow flowers: cosmos, lobelia, calceolaria, mimulus, fragrant tobacco, asters (Callistephus chinensis).

How to choose annuals for shade

Florists divide plants into shade-loving and shade-tolerant. The first category includes flowers that primarily grow in the shade and produce lush greenery, but become less picturesque in open areas. Shade-tolerant are flowering annuals, which only need sunlight for a few hours to fully develop. Annual flowers for shady places provide the required soil type.

Shade-loving annuals are flowers that grow naturally in forests: balsam, begonia, mimulus, calceolaria, sweet tobacco, climbing peas, saxifrage, alyssum. Shade-tolerant plants include beautifully flowering annuals: asters, ageratum, mirabilis, nasturtium, calendula, chamomile, mallow, cosmos, iberis.

Advice! Lush flowering bushes of shade-loving begonia, shade-tolerant lobelia, nasturtium, and low marigolds will help hide the withered leaves of spring bulbs under trees.

Annual shade-loving flowers for the garden

Shade-loving annuals with dense, green foliage are planted in corners with diffused light.


Shade-loving balsam can be used indoors or in gardens. Sometimes there are domestic animals in the flower beds perennial species. A beautifully flowering shade-loving annual with a corolla, which is different from indoor plants, planted in partial shade. They provide fertile, light soil, which is loosened and watered, and fed with mineral complexes until buds.

Seeds are sown in March and moved to the garden at the end of May-June. Flowering seedlings have been coloring the area since June. They are also sown in the garden; flowers appear from August to autumn. The palette of petals is varied: red, pink, purple and white shades.


Typical annual flowers that grow in the shade are ever-blooming begonias. From low, 15-20 cm, shade-loving plants, designers create spectacular bedspreads in flower beds. The flowers of different varieties are white, pink, crimson, red, orange, yellow; simple and terry. Flowering varieties differ in the shape and color of the leaves - green or bronze. The shade-loving crop grows on fertilized and moist soils and requires regular watering. Blooms from June to October.

They are planted with seedlings, the seeds are sown very early, at the end or even mid-January in weak nutrient substrate. The seedlings develop slowly at first and look weak. They dive in a month and a half. They are moved to the flowerbed from the end of May. After transplantation, they are fed with nitrogen preparations for lush growth. Fertilize with mineral complexes with low content nitrogen before bud formation and flowering. Drip irrigation is used for begonias.


Modest, unpretentious flowers of bright color in the shade-loving saxifrage, 20-30 cm high. This annual prefers dry, shady places. The soil is suitable: ordinary, garden, light. On heavy soils, drainage must be provided, since the shade-loving annual does not tolerate stagnant water. Feed once a month along with watering mineral fertilizers, excluding nitrogen.

Saxifraga is sown in early spring in boxes, which are placed in the cold for 15-20 days so that the seeds undergo stratification. Small grains are sprinkled with sand. The seedlings are transferred to the garden in June. Seeds are also sown immediately after the snow melts. Under such conditions, natural stratification takes place. The annual shade-loving saxifrage blooms in July and decorates the garden until autumn. They sell a multi-colored mixture of pink, light red and white shades.


Sometimes shade-loving indoor flowers with cheerful colors are planted in the garden for the summer. But more unpretentious flowering species are popularized as garden crops. Shade-loving Mexican calceolaria or rugose calceolaria, a flower native to Chile, is placed near the stream, under the trees. Bright annual shade-loving flowers need fertile soil, organic matter, and watering. To get flowering from May, they are grown as seedlings. When sowing seeds in the garden, you admire the bright blooming lanterns on the plants from June to autumn.

The corollas of both shade-loving species are light yellow. Calceolaria Mexicana, 20-50 cm high, with beautiful small flowers up to 5 mm in diameter, which enliven shady areas. The Chilean species is the same height, but the flowering corollas are larger - up to 1.5-2 cm. Some hybrids have decorative brown dots on yellow petals.


Also suitable for a coastal zone or marshy area are low-growing, shade-loving annuals that bloom all summer, such as mimulus. Popularly, expressive flowers that reach a diameter of 5-8 cm are often called lipsticks for the shape of the petals. The bushes rise up to 20-30 cm. They are placed in border plantings, on ridges that are located on the north side. Shade-loving plants develop best in moist, fertile soil, which is regularly loosened. Feed with complex fertilizers.

Grow by seedlings: seeds are sown in April, without covering with soil. After two months, the seedlings are transferred to a permanent place. Flowers decorate the site all summer. The shade-loving plant produces colorful buds regardless of the amount of sunlight it receives. Then the shoots are pruned, stimulating the appearance of a new wave of flowering, which continues until late autumn. A beautifully flowering annual can tolerate early frosts up to 3 o C. Corollas are bright, with stripes and strokes.

Shade-tolerant annual flowers

Many beautifully blooming annual flowers will adapt to dappled to partial shade if given 4-5 hours of sun in the morning and evening. In some shade-tolerant flowers, the corolla remains brightly colored, while in others it becomes paler. Shade-tolerant annuals that bloom throughout the warm season, unlike shade-loving ones, grow well in the sun.


Unpretentious shade-tolerant annual everywhere it retains cheerful colors: white, pink, purple in the double-pinnate cosmos, bright orange and yellow in the sulfur-yellow. Withdrawn different varieties, which differ in the height of the plant and the border on the petals, are semi-double and with a corolla up to 12 cm in diameter. On fertile soils and with sparse planting, more green lacy mass is formed than flowers; tall varieties rise to 120-160 cm.

Shade-tolerant cosmos grows on fertile and relatively poor, loose soils and tolerates drought. Sown in the garden in May-April, blooms from July until frost. The shade-tolerant annual is also grown as seedlings, planted in May. Cosmea reproduces successfully by self-sowing, and the sprouts are also transplanted. Samoseykas bloom earlier - from the second ten days of June.

Attention! Rich flowering of cosmos is ensured by timely removal of faded heads.


Brightly flowering annuals are sun-loving, but also shade-tolerant. There are 3 common types: erect, low-growing, thin-leaved. The height of the flowers varies from 20 to 130 cm. Marigolds develop well on fertile loams and require abundant watering at the beginning of growth. Seeds are sown in the soil when it warms up to 15 o C. Shade-tolerant plants bloom from July until the end of the warm season.

For flowering, seedlings are grown in June and transferred to the garden when the threat of frost has passed. Erect or African marigolds are tall, with double flowers in warm colors ranging from orange and yellow to creamy white. Shade-tolerant marigolds grow low to 20-60 cm, come with full inflorescences and simple ones. The colors are enriched with deep red-brown shades. Fine-leaved marigolds have bright red-orange and golden colors. This, still quite rare species in our gardens, has beautiful openwork foliage.


These annual flowers develop well in diffuse shade, as well as in the sun. Compact spherical bushes 10-20 cm in height, with small, up to 1.5-2 cm flowers in white and blue tones, some blue, violet, purple. Blooms from May to September.

The shade-tolerant annual, which blooms all summer, reproduces by seedlings: the seeds are sown from the beginning of February in a substrate of coconut fiber, sand, garden soil. Small grains are laid out on the surface, lightly sprinkled with sand so that the moisture does not evaporate so quickly. Watering is regular, and the temperature is not higher than 20 o C. The first month the sprouts develop slowly. After two months, 2-3 seedlings are planted in pots. When shade-tolerant plants rise to 6-7 cm, they are pinched for splendor. Plant in loam or sandy loam and water abundantly.


A good annual for shade that blooms all summer is nasturtium. This is an unpretentious, drought-resistant plant. Young bushes are watered abundantly. In the dense shade you may not be able to wait for flowering, but the leaves are lush and beautiful and are used in salads. Low-growing shade-tolerant plants rise up to 20-50 cm, decorated with large corollas up to 5 cm in diameter. Warm colors - yellow, orange, red, crimson, and sometimes fawn. Climbing nasturtium, up to 3 m, requires a sunny place.

The seeds are planted in the spring on the plot, deepening it into the soil by 2-3 cm, when the warmth finally sets in, in the middle or end of May. When propagating seedlings in April, they are sown in separate pots, because root system weak and superficial, easily injured. Shade-tolerant plants love slightly acidic, light soil and potassium-phosphorus fertilizers before flowering.

Sweet tobacco

Fragrant evening plants from 20 to 90 cm in height depending on the variety, blooming in shades of crimson, pink, and white. Shade-tolerant flowers up to 4-8 cm in diameter, open from June to October. Planted in partial shade on light loams, providing moisture; tobacco does not tolerate drought well. Planted once, it spreads by self-seeding, but blooms later.

Seeds are sown in March and early April, only lightly covered with substrate. They are planted in separate containers when the second leaf appears. Move to the flowerbed at the end of May.


Shade-tolerant annuals add variety to unsightly areas under trees or in the yard. They are mostly unpretentious and easy to care for. Planted as seedlings or directly from seeds into the ground, the flowers will create a colorful appearance.

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Many summer cottages have certain areas natural lighting - well lit by sunlight and shaded. Very often, areas of the site located in the shade are partially used or remain completely empty, which not only looks inorganic, but sometimes leads to an irrational distribution of plants on the site. This article will talk about how to choose a suitable shade-loving plant for the garden who can feel comfortable in such conditions.

It is worth noting that the partial shadow cast by mature trees or small buildings at home does not frighten most plants, since during the day they manage to receive the required amount of sunlight. But it happens that in areas there are places that are completely sheltered from light and the plants in them are transferred, become less hardy, and often do not take root at all and die.

Particularly problematic is the issue of shading areas of the site country house becomes for owners of small summer cottages, since everything needs to be placed in a small area necessary crops and desired plants.

The issue of proper distribution of plants throughout the territory of a summer cottage should be approached quite seriously, since proper disembarkation plants and various crops will depend on the yield and, accordingly, the effort spent on growing the plants. Very often, beginners who are just planning planting and deciding where and how exactly the flower garden, vegetable garden and garden will be located face difficulties in this matter.

Quite often, various trees are planted along fences or fences. This approach is quite expedient, since with this arrangement the trees do not occupy usable area, but here you need to consider which side of the plot is best to plant on, so that the shadow of the trees does not fall on a large area of ​​the summer cottage and does not prevent the plants from being saturated with sunlight.

If planting trees is only in the plans, then you need to take into account in advance in what places the plants that prefer will be located. maximum quantity light, and where the area can be partially shaded.

Shrubs are also often planted along hedges and fences, but it is worth understanding that some of them will be in complete shade from trees that were planted earlier or the fence. Based on this, more the right option will be planting decorative or berry bushes closer to the central part of the dacha plot, which will also serve as an additional division of the territory into zones.

Things are a little simpler with growing flowers, since for these purposes there are simple technologies for growing flowers on hills or with vertical gardening and placing them in hanging pots. Thus, flowers have the opportunity to receive required quantity Sveta.

In order to prevent possible problems When growing plants, one should distinguish between the concepts of shade-tolerant and shade-loving plants, since the former adapt and cope with existence in shaded areas, while others by their nature prefer to grow and develop in the shade. For a complete understanding, before planting a plant, it is recommended to study agricultural technology and take into account the requirements for the planting site.

It is worth considering that the shadow can be stable (constant), partial (the area can be shaded at a certain period of the day and illuminated at certain time day, due to the passage of the sun) and diffused (light penetrates through the foliage and branches of trees).

In the dense, stable shade cast by trees, shrubs or buildings, elecampane, kupena, cordifolia, sedum, and European hoofweed will feel good. This light zone, combined with well-moistened soil, is perfect for planting dark geranium, hellebore, astilbe, black cohosh and primrose.

In those areas where the shade is scattered, for example, under old apple trees or nuts, it is recommended to plant spring navel, lupins, fragrant woodruff, and daylily. In such conditions, such people will feel great medicinal herbs, like lemon balm and peppermint. You also need to take into account that in addition to the shading and humidity of the place, the composition of the soil can affect the plant. For example, on sandstones or sandy loams in diffuse shade, creeping tenacious, violet, lily of the valley, periwinkle and kupena grow well.

Usually placed in the shade of an orchard various shrubs, which do not require too much attention and develop beautifully.

In semi-shaded areas of the garden you can often find shade-tolerant rhododendron, which prefers just such conditions and does not like sunlight at all.

But it is worth remembering that this shrub should grow in partial shade, since in the complete absence of sunlight its flowering may not be so abundant and beautiful.

Viburnum, elderberry, hydrangea, ivy, clematis and virgin grapes are also considered shade-tolerant shrubs.

Shade-loving and shade-tolerant flowers for the garden and flower beds

It may be difficult for some flowers to feel good in the shaded areas of a summer cottage, but they can do without sunlight at all.

Shade-loving perennials

Even for a novice gardener, it will not be difficult to grow a perennial of shade-loving flowers in your summer cottage. Among perennials there are a huge number of flowers that prefer shade. Due to the fact that there are incredibly many such types of shade-loving flowers for the garden, summer residents have the opportunity to plant not monotonous flower beds, but entire flower beds that will decorate the shaded landscape.

  • Badan is a perennial plant that likes full to medium shade, but while it can grow well in full shade, its flowering may suffer.
  • Early blooming daylily, a perennial that loves partial shade, and in strong shade its flowering noticeably weakens.
  • Khosta is a plant that prefers to grow and develop in the shade. The only requirement is constantly moist soil.
  • Aconite feels quite good in the shade, but like the hosta, it prefers moist soil.
  • Lily of the valley- familiar and classic perennial flowers for shaded areas in summer cottages.
  • Astilbe- prefer partial shade and develop and grow well in it.
  • Dicentra- flowers that love partial shade and shade with moist soil.
  • Brunner- unpretentious and attractive perennial flowers that feel calm in any shade. But at the same time, Brunnera requires constant care, since the plant tends to grow quickly.
  • Blueberry and lily of the valley– classic plants for shaded areas of a summer cottage.

All varieties feel good in shaded areas pansies Moreover, when planting them, you can achieve flowering from spring to late autumn.

  • Foxglove – biennial tall shade-tolerant plant that copes well with a small amount of sunlight, but provides normal condition plants are possible only if agricultural practices are followed.
  • Forget-me-nots – a shade-tolerant plant that is absolutely not afraid of full shade and has the ability to grow quickly, forming a whole carpet of flowers.

The choice of annual plants for planting in the shaded areas of a summer cottage is very small, so many summer residents do not plant them on their plots so often, but there is still a certain number of plants that can please with their beauty.

  • Balsam does well in partial shade, but in full shade the plant may experience a lack of flowering.
  • Begonia everblooming Suitable for shaded areas of the garden or flower bed.
  • Sweet tobaccobeautiful plant, which feels good in diffused light, for example, good place for such a plant there will be a young garden where the foliage and branches are able to transmit a sufficient amount of sunlight.

In a suburban area in places with insufficient light, it is best to plant seedlings of shade-loving plants for a perennial garden. Landscape designers argue that the shadow formed as trees grow has a different character. It can be scattered, thick, or vary depending on the season and time of day. But all darkened corners require special care. There is an opinion that plants need large quantities solar heat and light, but in reality everything is completely different. Nature adapts, and today you can find shrubs and ornamental grasses that prefer dark areas to open sunny spaces. They all have their own characteristics and are notable for their extraordinary, non-standard beauty of shape and shade.

Perennial shade-loving plants are perfect for areas with a lot of trees and a lack of sunlight.

Shadow lovers: who are they?

There is a huge variety of shade-loving crops that are used to decorate suburban spaces. They can be classified by type as follows:

By development and growth period:

  • annuals - those that reach their peak development during one season;
  • perennials - those that will decorate the space in front of the house for more than one season.

By variety:

  • herbs are a large group that is used to create a general background;
  • flowers: distinguished by brightness and contrast, the peak of development is the formation of inflorescences, used for decorative design, do not exceed 15-30 cm in height;
  • Shrubs: Can reach heights of several meters and are used to create hedges or as an accent.

Aquilegia has a wonderful aroma and does not require careful care.

Shade-loving perennials are distinguished by the following:

  • tolerate low temperatures well;
  • when the first cold weather sets in, the upper part dies off or simply dries up;
  • As soon as the first rays of the sun warm the earth, the top will come to life again.

Attention! All cereals, flowers and shrubs, which are classified as shade-loving, are distinguished by vigorous formations (though they are mostly dull and inconspicuous) and a lush foliage.

To maintain attractiveness suburban area It is necessary to use plants that will replace each other as the season changes. Experts say there is nothing better than grouping different varieties, differing in development time. This way the landscape will constantly play with new colors.

Before planting, you need to select and prepare a place. After all, it is the location that will influence the quality of the foliage. Moreover, it is necessary to understand that the plant will occupy the designated area for at least 5-10 next years.

Among other preparatory measures, there are four main ones:

  • weed removal;
  • removal of the root system of weeds;
  • creating a nutrient layer using fertilizers and minerals;
  • loosening and digging up soil.

These manipulations will be quite enough to make the new inhabitants of the garden feel comfortable.

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Shade-tolerant grasses and ornamental grasses

From different types Astilbe you can grow a gorgeous flower bed.

Ornamental cereals are used for decoration in the garden. With their help, they lay out the general background and form the basis for the implementation of any design solution. All cereals have the following characteristics:

  • require minimal care;
  • unpretentiousness;
  • durability;
  • minimal replenishment with mineral fertilizers is required;
  • lay the “carpet” for at least several years.

A garden in which herbs and cereals are used for decoration will be beautiful in late autumn and even in the winter season.

Today there are more than 10,000 different ornamental grasses. This name usually refers to the families of cereals, rushes, aroids and cattails. If we talk about decorative types, then it should be understood that they are perceived by a person differently from ordinary ones. First of all, the emphasis here is not on brightness, but on abundant flowering and elegance of form.

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Shade-loving flowers

Perennial shade-tolerant plants are best option for a dacha or estate that has a large number of areas immersed in the shade. It is best to decorate these spaces with perennials that are not picky about external environmental conditions and care. The following varieties are considered the most popular:

Forest hyacinth grows well in the root system of trees.

  1. Aquilegia. Very unusual flower, which has a fabulous aroma and attractive appearance.
  2. Astilbe. It is often used to decorate gardens and flower beds, but few people know that this type Suitable for growing in shaded areas and corners.
  3. Brunner. It develops over a long time. It will delight the eye with creamy inflorescences and small blue flowers. Leaves painted in a silver-bluish color will look very attractive against the general background.
  4. Forest hyacinth. Has a graceful appearance and a sweetish aroma. In its natural habitat it grows near the root system of trees.
  5. Rogersia. She absolutely does not tolerate drought. Grows with tall, large shoots. Requires additional watering from the gardener.
  6. Forest lily of the valley. Feels great in the shade of trees. Blooms for a short period.
  7. Tenacious. It is notable for the fact that it can bloom from the beginning of March and continues to bloom until the end of November.
  8. The host has the widest color palette.

All the varieties listed above are among the most resistant and hardy. They can be grown both in an indoor ornamental garden and outdoors.


In places with a high level of shade, all varieties of primroses will bloom for a long period.

Moreover, they can be planted directly under bushes and trees.

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Shade-loving shrubs

The tenacious plant can bloom for a long period from March to October.

A garden is another opportunity to feel like an artist. Every gardener can feel like a designer and create an unreal picture from a collection of flower groups and shrubs. When choosing the latter, you need to take into account not only them decorative features, but also the nature of development of the root system. This is necessary in order not to harm the development of young trees in the future.

Shade-tolerant plants are considered the best option for decorating areas located near residential buildings and for forming hedges. The most popular options are yellow acacia, silver sucker, exochord and euonymus. To organize your garden space as efficiently as possible, it is worth planting shrubs in shaded spaces that will bear fruit in the future. These include viburnum, cultivated currants, hazel, barberry and hawthorn.

Conifers will look very effective in the garden. They are unpretentious and easy to care for. They are also much easier to replant than any other types of shrubs. An ideal option for decorating a site is juniper and thuja.

Attention! Hybrid varieties and watersheds tolerate the lack of sunlight well. They are distinguished by their incredible shape and color. The foliage of some shrubs can be colored in the manner of a zebra or leopard.
