How to glue wallpaper in an unheated room. How to put wallpaper on a dacha

The desire to make repairs does not always coincide with the warm season, so you should determine whether it is possible to glue wallpaper in this particular room in winter.

The outside air temperature will not be a determining factor if it is possible to ensure compliance with the technological requirements inside the room. If you apply any topcoat in violation of the rules, you will get a bad result even in the summer.

Work quality factors

It is very important to comply technical specifications required for a specific brand of wallpaper

The conditions under which it will be possible to properly paste wallpaper onto the prepared surface are not a very large list:

  • compliance with the manufacturer's instructions for working with this brand of wallpaper;
  • correct preparation of the adhesive composition in the amount for 1 work shift;
  • dry warm wall;
  • absence of drafts;
  • constant temperature regime.

When meeting technological map When gluing walls, one of the main conditions is to prevent intense air movement in the room before it dries:

It is in winter that fewer issues arise with drafts. A window or window is rarely opened for a short time. Operating heating appliances and cold external walls can have a greater impact.


The most difficult place for gluing is the surface behind the heating radiators

When heating is running, the air in the room becomes dry, which causes intensive removal of moisture through the sheet material. With thick, waterproof types of wallpaper, the risk of peeling occurs at the joints and edges.

This effect is most pronounced in the immediate vicinity of radiators, where there is a high speed of convective air movement (between the heating surface and the wall).

This effect on the adhesive mass does not allow it to adhere evenly to the wall. Warping and peeling of the strip occurs.

Moisten with water suitable sheet foam rubber and press it to the canvas

In an efficient way compensation temperature influence radiator is the use of protective humidification.

A piece of foam rubber or penofol (penoplex) of suitable size and thickness is moistened with water and the wallpaper is pressed against the wall, inserting it into the gap between the hot radiator and the wall.

Another way to increase the adhesion strength in a short period of time is to add additional PVA to the wallpaper glue.

Temperature requirements

It is most convenient to glue wallpaper at above-zero temperatures of up to 25 degrees Celsius

Heating in a house undergoing renovation may be different intensity, so it is important to know at what air temperature you can glue wallpaper in the room.

With stable heating and closed external doors and windows, there will not be a large temperature difference.

The technical conditions clearly establish at what temperature to glue the wallpaper, regardless of the time of year:

  1. The temperature ranges from 10°C to 25°C. It ensures gradual and uniform drying of moisture from under the sheet. Before starting work, this temperature is maintained for 2 - 3 days to ensure uniform heating of the wall materials.
  2. Ambient air humidity is no more than 60%. High humidity reduces the adhesive properties of the composition (by diluting it), which leads to the appearance of bubbles or peeling of the canvas.
  3. Direct sunlight produces uneven heating of the wall surface and, in addition to fading colors, can contribute to the formation of wrinkles or movement of the sheet.
  4. Do not speed up the drying process. It lasts about 1 day. Should not be included in addition to existing heating fan heater, convector. The "warm floor" system must be turned off. Moreover, you should not open doors and windows to remove odors and get results faster.
  5. should be primed on porous coatings in several layers with a more liquid adhesive composition (for this type of wallpaper) until protective film on its surface.

The underfloor heating system must be switched off when carrying out work

If the thermal insulation is poor or the design thickness is insufficient, the external walls may freeze and differ significantly in this value from the internal partitions.

When it cools to 0°C or lower, the canvas will simply freeze to the plaster and fall off when it gets warmer.

If the surface temperature cannot be raised above +10°C, the answer to the question: is it possible to glue wallpaper in winter - no. The material can quickly fall off or become moldy.

Features by type of wallpaper

The most stable brands behave when pasted in winter conditions when they are pasted on walls. Dense material increases the time for moisture evaporation, but makes the process more uniform. Some secrets you need to know for, watch this video:

You can simply and quickly cover a room with paper products. The thin base quickly gets rid of water, which is important when carrying out work in winter periods. This type of material is best applied overlapping, preventing the paper from pulling together and creating gaps between the paper strips.

Vinyl wallpaper is somewhat denser than its paper counterpart and dries quickly. The surface for pasting must be dry and carefully prepared so that base defects do not appear on the coating later.

What types of wallpaper are best for country house, and what you should pay attention to when choosing them.

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Selection criteria

All-season endurance. Unlike country cottage, a country house is a small building in which people live only during the warm season. Therefore, when asked how to choose wallpaper for your dacha, experts answer simply: look for coatings that are least susceptible to fading, moisture, and are also easy to clean and restore.

Studying materials

What types of wallpaper are there, and how suitable are they for use in the country? We list only those varieties that make sense to use in an unheated house.

  • Paper wallpaper. They are attractive because they are cheap, but gluing them is quite difficult: the surface must be well leveled, and the technology of impregnating cut strips with glue requires two pairs of hands and a certain skill. If the house has just been built (there are no problems with cavities on the plaster), and you are not afraid of the difficulties when gluing, this is an ideal country covering. They are faded, dirty, peeling at the seams due to dampness - we mercilessly tear off the stripes and re-glue the room before the new season. If you want to save effort and time, choose duplex wallpaper over simplex (single-layer paper). They do not fade longer and are more moisture resistant than single-layer ones.

Examples of interesting collections of paper-based wallpapers.

  • Vinyl wallpaper . Ideal country houses: vinyl for painting. They are easy to wash and clean, which is quite important in the country when households or pet, without meaning to, due to the proximity of the garden, they can stain the wallpaper with earth or grass. Such wallpaper can be painted many times. Wallpaper with vinyl coating is not afraid of direct sun rays.

After the winter “downtime” of the dacha, as a rule, nothing bad happens. Unless the roof leaks, then the canvas may partially or completely come off, and it will have to be either glued or replaced. To decorate the walls in your dacha, you can choose inexpensive foam vinyl or luxury silk-screen printing - it all depends on your financial capabilities.

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Wallpaper on a non-woven base with vinyl coating is resistant to fading, stains and scratches, and can be washed.

  • Cork wallpaper. Unlike vinyl, which is often “suspected” of environmental problems, cork is 100% pure material. In fact, this is a type of wallpaper on paper based: applied to it thin layer natural cork. Important advantage of the material: cork covering does not attract dust, provides heat and sound insulation. Cork wallpaper can be washed and stubborn stains can be removed with fine sandpaper.
  • Liquid wallpaper. In essence, it is an analogue or replacement for plaster: the composition is diluted in a basin, the flakes quickly take on a homogeneous consistency. This composition is applied to the wall, the design is applied with a spatula. It is important to remember one thing: liquid wallpaper is very hygroscopic, it must be covered with a layer of varnish.

When thinking about what wallpapers are on the market and which ones to choose for your home, don’t forget about the obvious things and use little tricks that will help correct some of the room’s shortcomings.

Buy expensive things. Country house not so big - you can “splurge” on a couple of rolls of expensive wallpaper. How more expensive than coating, the more durable they will be. Select several rolls very good wallpaper, and you can save money, for example, by shopping on sales days in large stores.

Combine. Country premises are most often small. It is not necessary to completely cover all the walls with wallpaper: you can afford a combination with plaster, wood, and brick.

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Let you stick just a couple of rolls of expensive wallpaper on the wall. But they will become the decor of a country house, and not the filling of an empty wall.

Don't skimp on glue. It doesn’t matter whether you buy cheap or expensive wallpaper, you need to choose the right adhesive. Moreover, it is better to buy wallpaper and glue at the same time.

Buy neutral ones. White, salt and pepper, small patterns, abstract patterns pastel colors- ideal option. This wallpaper is not afraid of fading in the sun. Besides light colors visually expand the space.

Adjust the space. How to choose wallpaper for a low room? - The advice is simple: buy striped ones. Vertical stripe raises ceilings. Moreover, the larger the area of ​​the room, the wider the strip you can afford: a large strip in a room is 8 square meters. m inappropriate!

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It would seem that what is important is at what temperature to glue the wallpaper, because it is enough to use high-quality finishing materials to get desired result. But this is far from true. It is the temperature in the room that is the main condition for successful wallpapering.

Rules for successful pasting

In order for the wallpaper to serve you for a long time and lay flat on the walls, you must follow a number of rules regarding the microclimate in the room:

  1. The first is permissible temperature. It should not be lower than +10 °C and higher than +25 °C. It is this temperature range that promotes uniform drying of the wallpaper adhesive base. In addition, this temperature in the house must be maintained not only during the work, but also after it for 10 days.
  2. The second is air humidity. This figure in an apartment should not exceed 60%. Otherwise, the glue will begin to react with moisture, and its adhesive properties will noticeably decrease, which may cause bubbles to appear and the fabric to peel off.
  3. Third - the absence of drafts. Even a small draft can have an extremely negative impact on the entire progress of work. The fact is that because of it, the temperature and humidity of the air in the room will constantly change, and this will have a detrimental effect on the adhesive composition and its drying, which can subsequently cause the canvas to peel off.
  4. Fourth - protection from direct sunlight. If the glued layer of wallpaper is exposed to direct sunlight, this will cause the glue to dry out quickly in some places. As a result, the canvas may wrinkle or sag.

It is quite simple to comply with all these rules in a residential building. You just need to measure the indicators with the usual instruments (thermometer), close all the windows, cover the windows with a cloth and calmly stick on new wallpaper according to the instructions. In this case, the result will please you with quality workmanship for many years.

How to glue wallpaper in the cold season?

Many experts recommend finishing work in summer or spring. After all, pasting wallpaper in the warm season is very simple task. Even if the room is non-residential and is not connected to central heating, it always maintains the desired temperature and the wallpaper dries without problems. And here a completely reasonable question arises: is it possible to glue wallpaper in winter, or is it better to wait until it gets warmer? Of course, wallpapering can be done at any time of the year, provided that all the rules of this technology are followed. But even here some difficulties may arise due to the specific room in which the work will be carried out.

The most difficult thing is wallpapering in an unheated room. In the cold season, the temperature in them drops so much that work is unacceptable, and then it becomes necessary to heat the room using heating devices. But this is not the most difficult task; the most difficult thing will be to maintain the required temperature so that the wallpaper glue can dry evenly. This will require uninterrupted operation of the heaters and constant monitoring of the indoor microclimate.

In residential buildings, it will be much easier to hang wallpaper in the fall or winter, because they are equipped heating system and constantly maintain a certain temperature. Difficulties may arise here with air humidity, but even here you can always find a solution to the problem.

First you need to check the humidity of the walls. This can be done using a regular piece of foam or polyethylene. It is enough to stick it overnight to the surface to be glued with tape, and in the morning, if there is condensation with inside we can conclude that the walls are damp. If there is no moisture, then you can safely proceed to wallpapering, but if it does appear, then you need to dry the air. This can be done using a special electrical device - a dehumidifier - which can, in a given mode, reduce air humidity to desired value. Or you can use conventional heaters, but here you won’t be able to set the desired humidity level, so you will have to constantly measure it empirically.

Coziness and comfort in the home can be achieved at any time of the year. Both in winter and in summer, wallpapering will not cause much difficulty if you follow the recommendations of professionals regarding the microclimate of the room and the temperature at which wallpaper can be hung. This determines how long they will serve you, and whether your efforts will be wasted.

Posted a topic in , Sunday at 05:48 AM

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