How to open a computer club correctly? Business from scratch: computer club.

A computer club is considered a completely new idea, but still profitable. How to open such an establishment and is it worth doing? The profitability of the project is quite high, and if you draw up a business plan, you can achieve very significant income step by step.

Of course, such activities are associated with difficulties - large investments, paperwork, endless instructions and requirements from various regulatory bodies and institutions, a high level of competition. But with the right approach, you can achieve a quick payback and enjoy the work of a well-coordinated mechanism.

Business Features

It would seem that today almost everyone has a computer, laptop or tablet with an Internet connection. Who would go to such a club, and even pay money for it? It turns out that the attendance of such establishments, although it has fallen slightly over the past 10-15 years, still remains quite high. high level to give the entrepreneur the opportunity to earn money.

The main target audience of such clubs are teenagers and young people under 20 years of age. They love to get together or spend the evening alone, but at the same time play modern popular games on powerful equipment. Not everyone has the opportunity to purchase a serious device for home use, because they are quite expensive.

Also, computer clubs are in demand among people who urgently need to find something on the Internet, print it, send a letter or communicate via Skype. Often students who are looking for ready-made essays, coursework or available information on the Internet also become users. But it makes sense to organize such an establishment only in cities with a population of over 800 thousand people and a low level of competition.

This project has its pros and cons, which we will discuss in more detail in each point of the business plan. If you are interested in where to start implementing an idea, then pay attention to the following organizational stages:

  1. Analyze the market, the main demand for such services, determine the target audience and its solvency. Find out what competitors there are in a particular region and how they attract visitors.
  2. Carefully look for a good location for the club. After all, its attendance will largely depend on this.
  3. Complete all the documents and receive permits from various authorities.
  4. Draw up a lease agreement, make repairs.
  5. Purchase the required equipment. Remember that to ensure good functioning of the club, the optimal number of machines is 15 pieces. Also take care of other little things.
  6. Provide high-speed Internet and establish a network covering all computers.
  7. Hire administrators and other workers.
  8. Get busy advertising campaign and a marketing strategy, on which the speed of filling the club with visitors, and therefore the payback of the project as a whole, will fully depend.
  9. After about 2 months, review revenue, traffic, demand, pricing and other aspects of the operation and adjust details if necessary.

Registration of activities

To open your own computer club from scratch, you will have to collect a lot of documents. First, contact the tax service and register as an individual entrepreneur. True, if two or more partners invest money in a business, then it is better to choose any option to create a company legal entity, for example, LLC.

Since such activities are not listed in the OKVED list, you need to mark the code correctly. To do this, it is better to consult with specialists. They usually suggest focusing on the following options:

  • 60 – other activities related to information technology;
  • 05 – various personal services;
  • 84 – also applies to the service sector.

Please note that sanitary and epidemiological control requires special requirements to such premises. For each workplace must be allocated at least 4 square meters. m., and also measurements are taken at the equipment electromagnetic radiation, which is very expensive for the entrepreneur. There are also certain guidelines regarding the location of equipment.

The SPI also has a separate list of requirements. For the most part it is the presence fire alarm, second exit and fire extinguisher. But it’s better to inquire about all the regulations in advance in order to immediately prepare the club according to the standards.

The following requirement may seem unusual - in order to open an establishment that will be visited by young people, you need to obtain information from the authorities local authorities appropriate permission. They also regulate the presence of children in such clubs depending on the time of day. For example, schoolchildren should not be present here while classes are in progress or after 21.00. Violation of such rules can result in serious fines.

Very important factor Success in the activities of a computer club is considered to be its work around the clock. True, for this you will also have to obtain the appropriate permission and especially closely monitor the clientele at night.

Selection and preparation of premises

As already mentioned, it is important to equip the hall in such a way that the SES and State Penitentiary Inspectorate issue necessary documents. But that's not all. Pay attention to other factors:

  1. The club itself should be located near educational institutions, public transport stops, and on crowded streets. Sometimes its placement somewhere in a residential area is justified, but the number of residents in the area should be significant and there should be no competition.
  2. The total area is not less than 50 square meters. m. or even more. After all, the client’s workspace should be free, and 10-15 computers are installed.
  3. There is a separate space for the administrator and a bathroom. Some entrepreneurs decide to combine the sale of drinks and food to visitors, which will also require a separate corner or room.
  4. Pay attention to the communication elements - the electricity must be able to withstand the operation of all devices on the full power. Also carry out ventilation system, heating, sewerage, etc.

Hardware and software

The most expensive expense item is the purchase of computers and other equipment. It is important to consider here that they must be the most powerful and modern, supporting any gaming opportunities. Optimal number jobs – 15.

For each of them you must install a device uninterruptible power supply, which will protect equipment from voltage surges in the network. In addition, the administrator’s desk should also have additional office equipment - a scanner, printer, copier, etc. After all, students or other clients often need to print something or copy it to removable media.

Make sure to purchase high-quality and licensed software. If there are “pirated” versions of programs or games, the club owner will be seriously fined. Please note that for such activities only a license for commercial use. Although it is more expensive, otherwise the work of the club will be illegal from the point of view of software manufacturers. This applies to all programs installed on each computer.

You will also have to take care of high-speed Internet. Pay attention to the different speeds provided by providers, the cost of services and availability in different areas cities. Sometimes this moment is decisive when choosing suitable place to open a club.

Don't forget about furniture for staff and clients. If you want to serve drinks and light snacks to visitors, you will have to purchase simple additional equipment– refrigerator, display case, shelves for placing goods.

To prevent the cost of computers from being too high, you can save money in the following ways. If you have the appropriate skills or the opportunity to hire a specific specialist, purchase various components and assemble the equipment yourself. But you should not buy used or budget options machines, since they will not be able to satisfy the basic request of customers.

To prevent theft of proceeds from the cash register, it is advisable to install a special program that allows you to monitor the time spent by the client on the equipment. This will help you automatically calculate the income received for the day and will not allow you to hide part of the profit.


Be careful when selecting employees. Specialized skills are required only from an accountant and system administrator. It will be more economical to prepare tax reports yourself or outsource this function. To repair equipment, it is advisable to have a computer technician on staff. Although you can conclude a mutually beneficial agreement with any service company.

They also separately hire a person who will keep order in the hall so that clients do not damage the equipment, behave decently, do not interfere with others, and keep track of the time used and payment for it. A cleaning lady is needed to keep the club clean. Check that each employee has a health certificate. If the establishment operates around the clock, it will be necessary to find workers for a shift schedule.

When you have completed the official papers and purchased everything you need to open a computer club, all that remains is to attract visitors and make them regular customers. For this you can use a variety of available methods and periodically use your imagination in search of new marketing strategies.

First, pay attention to pricing. Find out how much an hour of gaming or computer work costs from your competitors. Perhaps it would be more appropriate to create a whole network of tariffs depending on the length of a person’s stay in the club. Today, a subscription system for visiting is also successfully operating. Set prices so that they occupy average positions in the region and do not stand out particularly.

To attract regular customers, hold periodic tournaments on the most popular games among young people. You can give out a monthly subscription or any valuable goods as prizes. Come up with all kinds of promotions and bonuses.

To inform the population about your opening, you need to install a noticeable sign, distribute leaflets on crowded streets, leave them in educational and other institutions where your potential clients often visit. You can post advertisements on the entrances of nearby buildings, in elevators, etc.

Over time, advertising costs will become significantly lower, since most clients will come based on recommendations from friends or “for company.” “Word of mouth” in this case works best and only requires you to provide high-quality service.

Financial calculations

To assess the overall profitability of the business and understand whether it is profitable to design such complex project, you need to move on to specific numbers. Of course, they will differ significantly depending on the region of residence, the size of the room, the selected equipment and other parameters.

You will have to spend significantly less monthly to maintain the operation of the club.

Depending on the established prices, the number of visitors, the size of the city, the presence of competitors, and additional services offered, the income of each entrepreneur will differ. But on average, such establishments bring a monthly profit of 600-650 thousand rubles. After making all the deductions, there is enough money left to reach the full payback of the business within a year.

Video: business plan for a computer club.

The relevance of computer clubs today would be questioned by many. In fact, it is now difficult to find a person who does not have a single computer at home, and, perhaps, the Internet too.

If you can always use all this at home, sitting on soft sofa, who needs to go to the club, and even pay extra money for it? But, surprisingly, this business is still is one of the most cost-effective, and the flow of customers shows no signs of slowing down.

What is this connected with, for what reasons can people nowadays give preference to computer clubs:

  • Children and teenagers, who make up the largest percentage of club visitors, have a developed need to be in company.
    They are attracted by the opportunity to come to the club with friends, share their impressions during the game and spend time together. In addition, the club allows you to play doubles games or even games with many participants, which is not always possible at home.
  • Many parents do not approve of their children's excessive involvement with computers, limiting access, and also do not allow them to be noisy in the apartment.
    In the computer club you can make a lot of noise and play for fun.
  • All people experience various force majeure events in their lives.
    It happens that you urgently need to do this or that work, find information, contact someone - but the Internet, as luck would have it, is turned off. Such cases are by no means uncommon, so visitors who just need to use a computer will appear at your place regularly.

In other words, it is extremely wrong to think that modern computer clubs are empty. It is quite possible to receive a good income from such a business, however, when organizing the work of the club, you will have to face a number of difficulties.

How to organize a computer club

Open computer club makes sense, if there are no analogues to such an establishment in your city or region, or they do not satisfy all customer requests.

At the same time, the settlement must have at least 20 thousand inhabitants, otherwise the project is most likely doomed to failure. Basically, the work of such a club is designed for teenagers, to a slightly lesser extent - for students, the rest age categories go as an exception.

For young people, the most convenient time to visit the club will be evening or night; in the morning the establishment will be empty. Therefore, it is better to draw up a work schedule based on this: computer club must work around the clock or until late, perhaps from the afternoon.

The central location for a computer club does not play a big role; you can open it in a residential area. However, it is important that the club is located within walking distance from the school, or better yet, from several. It is advisable to locate the club directly next to a bus stop or a large store. It is not recommended to use a room located on the ground floor multi-storey building– Residents will constantly complain about noise.

But, no matter the location, noise insulation characteristics of the room should be maximum.

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Technical requirements

The activities of a computer club do not require a license, but this is where the “simplicity” of the organization ends.

Otherwise, you will have to fill out a lot of documents and go through a number of scrupulous checks. Still, such work will have a direct bearing on children, and in our country we are always strict about this.

To gain full access to work and functioning, the computer club needs the following:

  • From the Ministry of Communications, purchase a license to use the local Internet and provide thematic services.
  • If you opt for a 24-hour club, you will need permission from your local police department.
  • For one playing place, according to the standards of the sanitary service, at least 4 sq. m. must be allocated.

For the club to generate income, there must be computers in the hall at least 15.

Based on this, you need to calculate the area of ​​the room - as you can see, it turns out not so small

  • Next important point associated with the power of electromagnetic radiation.
    This indicator should also remain within the normal range, so SES employees will take the necessary measurements at each computer. By the way, the service is paid..
  • In addition, you will also need to comply with the standards fire safety.
    The wiring in the room must withstand enormous stress, so it must be changed during renovation. The club must have a fire exit and fire extinguishers: with such activity in the electrical network, this measure is inevitable.
  • By law, children cannot be in the computer club during school hours, or after 9 pm.
    Breaking these rules is fraught with large fines, so you need to closely monitor the schedule.

Computer equipment

Remember that the equipment you will use in the club should be as powerful and productive as possible. Not every computer can handle it modern videos games.

It's better to buy computers directly from the manufacturer, this way you can save a lot on intermediaries.

However, games alone are not enough: you must also have high-speed Internet, which will require considerable investment. A corporate network is not at all the same as the Internet for home use; it has completely different speed and price indicators. Subscription fee for about equipping the hall at the lowest speed will cost several thousand - and you will need a much higher speed connection, you need the Internet to “fly”.

Next a significant expense item– software for your computers.

The catch is that it certainly must be licensed.

Of course, you can take a risk and use “illegal” software, but most likely, sooner or later the check will still reveal your cunning. In this case, the consequences are dire: up to a 60 thousand ruble fine, or two years in prison - what to do, copyright infringement.

If the company itself, whose security you used, goes to court, the fine you face will increase to five million rubles. In a word, in order not to make things worse, it is better not to joke with the law and organize everything at the official level.

In addition to the basics, you should definitely stock up on small equipment: a photocopier, blank disks, flash drives. This will allow you render additional services and receive more money(the photocopier alone is worth it - be prepared that you will be contacted with this request all the time).

What computer club equipment can be like, look at the video:

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For computer club Numerous personnel are not only not required, but also undesirable:

  • Firstly, this is a fairly “independent” entertainment - video game fans know perfectly well how and what to do, they do not require tips, advertising or close attention from employees.
    In fact, the employee’s duties are limited to registering guests and keeping track of time, and therefore one administrator is enough for such work.
  • Another reason is that when it comes to expensive equipment, the choice of personnel should be doubly careful.
    It's hard to vouch for stranger– what if an employee turns out to be dishonest and decides to quietly unscrew some parts for his home processor? Or he won’t keep track of clients who decide to do the same.

It's better if the administrator will be a trusted person, for whom you can always vouch.

Sample business plan for opening a computer club

As in any business, a lot of initial investments will be required, but in the future they will be significantly reduced.

The initial costs for opening a club are as follows:

  • Rent of premises – from 50 thousand rubles;
  • Connection to the network (speed 100 Mb/s) – up to 3 thousand rubles;
  • Internet subscription fee for legal entities is 10-15 thousand rubles.
  • Repair, change of wiring – 50 thousand rubles;
  • Equipment and software – from 800 thousand rubles;
  • Furniture – 300 thousand rubles;
  • Utility payments – from 15 thousand rubles;
  • Advertising, signs – 20 thousand rubles;
  • Consumables, minor needs – 30 thousand rubles.

Generally, starting capital – approximately 1.5 million rubles.

The amount is considerable, which is not surprising when it comes to expensive equipment - but a fairly quick (about a year) payback and good income fully compensates for the costs.

The computer literacy of our people is growing much faster than computers appear at home, and today multiplayer online games have become very popular. All this brings a huge number of visitors to computer clubs. The question: how to open a computer club is relevant, despite the fact that these days many people have computers at home. Such establishments may have the format of a mini computer club or electronic cafe. In the first case, it is rented small room, into which up to 20 PCs with unlicensed software are installed. The maintenance of such a club costs $400 per month. But the revenue from one computer place is from $200. Electronic cafes have high-speed Internet, are equipped with separate rooms and air conditioning. They often also have a cafe. The cost of maintaining such a premises is at least 2 thousand dollars, but from one workplace you can get 1.5 thousand dollars.


The best place is a residential area with high traffic. It is good if there are several schools in the district. The best place would be at an intersection, near a market or a large store. Since the public in such establishments is noisy, with residential buildings It's better not to have anything to do with it.


How much does it cost to open a computer club? The answer to the question largely depends on the equipment. At the same time, do not try to save money, since many visitors come here to play, which means there must be a powerful video card, processor and be good screen. On average, equipment for one workplace will require $700, which means that for 15 machines you should shell out $11,000. This amount includes the cost of furniture: tables, chairs and an administrator’s workplace.


To open an establishment you will need to register as individual entrepreneur, purchase cash register and register with the tax office. The question requires a separate discussion software. It may take a month's revenue to immediately purchase a licensed version; however, in order to avoid getting into trouble with the law, the issue of purchasing licensed programs should be resolved as quickly as possible.


In a small club, 2-3 administrators work in shifts, as well as technical specialists who set up and support computer equipment. Such specialists can be found among students.


Opening a computer club is half the success. It is also necessary to provide constant influx clients. To do this, you can put up leaflets with the address of the new club and its prices in nearby educational institutions. When drawing up an advertising proposal, it should be taken into account that the main target audience is teenagers. You can advertise on the Internet, and also develop a system of discounts for regular customers.


Net revenue can reach up to 1 thousand dollars per month, and business profitability is 33%. It should be taken into account that you should open a computer club where there are no competitors.

How to open a computer club - we suggest step-by-step business plan+ 8 clear steps to start your own project.

Capital investment in an online club: RUB 863,000.
Payback period according to the business plan: 12 months.

How much time do you spend on the Internet?

The information network attracts everything more people, it has become an integral part of our lives.

Your own computer club is real way turn an expense item for millions of people into a source of income for you.

The main document that will help in this direction is computer club business plan.

Let's look at the features of the business and the main points that you need to pay attention to.

Most likely, you think that the Internet is present in every home.

How can you get a consumer sitting in a comfortable chair to get up and go to such an establishment?

But a real entrepreneur must look at things deeper, delve into the essence of things.

The Internet is a network.

It allows huge masses of people who have common interests, problems, values, and hobbies to be in close communication.

Let's turn to sociology: a group of people with common interests strives to unite - this is a fact.

The idea of ​​opening a computer club is to provide such an opportunity for people to gather in one place.

The entrepreneur gives joy to the guests, and keeps the income for himself.

What list of documents is included in the computer club business plan?

The first step you should take when opening your computer business- this is how to properly register an enterprise.

To register the Company with Limited Liability certain conditions are required:

    The presence of one or more founders.

    They can be both individuals and legal entities.

    Initial capital (minimum 10,000 rubles).

    The amount can be contributed either in money or property.

    Initially, you can deposit 5,000 rubles, and then, within 12 months, deposit the rest of the amount.

    It is necessary to draw up a charter.

    This document is mandatory and is often developed based on a sample, simply by changing the necessary data.

After all the conditions specified above are met, the second stage begins - assembling a package of documents for registering a computer business.

The list of necessary documentation in order to open a computer club is given in the form of a table:

DocumentDesign method
Confirmation of the uniqueness of the club nameContact Rospatent
Confirmation of business locationInterregional inspection of the Federal Tax Service of Russia for centralized data processing.
Articles of AssociationTo be drawn up by a notary before the LLC charter is drawn up
Data on the size of the initial investmentAn extract from the relevant bank, with the exact amount of investment
The decision to open an LLCFill out according to the instructions posted on the website of the Federal tax service
Details of the bank where the company's account is opened.Statement from the relevant bank

Only after collecting everyone necessary documents and placing the enterprise in the register of the federal tax service, the process of opening a computer club can be completed.

If you have difficulties registering a business, it is better to seek help from an experienced lawyer.

He will be able to organize the process properly.

Costs for resolving issues of this kind will cost from 10,000 rubles. (it all depends on the experience of the lawyer and the office he represents).

Marketing analysis for a computer club business plan

1. Analysis of the target audience.

At the second stage of designing a business plan, you need to clearly define the target audience of the club that you decide to open.

Any establishment works for the consumer, blindly - this is the key to project failure.

Who might be the target audience of the computer club?

In order to answer this question, it is necessary to understand one important detail– it is now impossible to attract visitors just by having powerful computers and uninterrupted access to the network.

Most potential guests have a computer at home; they do not need to visit such establishments.

Below is a diagram that opens the reader’s eyes to how many percent of the adult population of Russia are aware of the existence of the Internet and actively use all its resources

The diagram shows the percentage of the total population of Russia.

The computer club will be located in a city where approximately 80% of residents constantly encounter and use the Internet.

After analyzing this information, we will determine the main target audience based on the possible purposes of visiting the computer club.

The main goal of the modern visitor is team battles in popular games(World of Tanks, Total War, Dota 2, etc.).

We determine the age of a standard visitor – 14–26 years old, i.e. these are schoolchildren, students or simply working people who are interested in spending time together in a computer club.

Also, we cannot discard that small percentage of guests whose goal is stable Internet access.

Let's look at future visitors to our club more clearly:

2. List of competitive advantages.

When drawing up a business plan for a computer club, we must focus on the return on investment of the enterprise and constant income.

The goal is to determine why the consumer should choose our establishment and how it compares favorably with competitors’ establishments.

Creation competitive advantages in practice, it turns out to be a very difficult task.

To solve it, a deep analysis of the properties of the product is required; in our case, the computer club itself can be called a product.

Let's list its properties:

  • Quality of Internet services.
    High speed and uninterrupted network access.
  • Level technical equipment.
    The quality of computers in the club, technical indicators, allowing you to demonstrate better performance.
  • Location of the computer establishment.
  • Staff.
    Ability to provide quality service.
  • Convenience of the client's workplace.
  • Quality of food, drinks.
  • Interior design solution.
  • Atmosphere.

Having determined the properties of the computer club, we will determine its advantages.

In practice, the most significant qualities for visitors turned out to be comfort and compliance pricing policy services offered.

For a business to make money, you need to try to design all the exceptional qualities in the early stages.

Marketing does not forgive mistakes!

When developing a business plan, you should be based on the idea of ​​​​maximizing all the qualities of the enterprise, achieving maximum competitive advantages.

Promotion methods or how to open a computer club and attract more people to it?

Advertising an enterprise guarantees an increase in the flow of customers; more guests mean more money.

Let's set a marketing task in the business plan - it is necessary to attract as many city residents as possible to the club.

The correct formulation of the problem is very important, because now we understand that the audience of visitors is limited to residents of the city, and perhaps even a small area where the club is located.

Taking into account the specifics of the establishment, we suggest considering the most localized promotion approaches.

Their list and implementation is demonstrated below:

    Publications in the local press.

    We are ready to declare to all skeptics that the press will never go back to the distant past, even printed forms publications do not lose popularity.

    Publications on local Internet resources.

    It is logical to promote a computer club on the Internet.

    Word of mouth.

    For a small sum, city residents are ready to disseminate any information.

    Loyalty programs.

    Example: provide a discount to people of retirement age.

    In this way, you can achieve public favor and respect for business.

    Don't lose touch with consumers.

    Maintain contact with them, congratulate them on significant events, showing attention has the same effect - only in your direction.


    Create such an atmosphere of the establishment that the guest would like to return to you and bring a couple of friends.

    You can arrange clients by writing positive feedback at a local forum.

When designing a business plan for a computer club, you need to pay attention to quality marketing.

Choosing a room for a computer club

A computer club should be opened in a densely populated residential area of ​​the city.

Why is this decision correct?

Our target audience according to the business plan - students and schoolchildren, i.e. the time of greatest activity is reduced to 16.00 - 23.00 (after school or work).

This is the very moment when this contingent confidently walks towards their home (few students live in the center).

The first factor provoked the emergence of the second - the close location to home is very convenient (remember the competitive advantages!).

The rental price is significantly lower, which will reduce costs.

    Room characteristics

    A computer club is an establishment where clients work with equipment, i.e. we need to pay attention to fire safety, climate control, high-quality electricity, access or the possibility of placing the technical equipment of a high-speed network distribution point.

    Cost of rental services

    Renting a room for a computer club of 50 sq.m will cost approximately 23,000 - 24,000 rubles. (the cost can range from 10,000 to 40,000 rubles).

Selection of equipment for a computer club

Minimum equipment checklist for 15 workplaces (+ administrator position) according to the business plan:

(1 piece/rub.)
(total rub.)
Total: 706,000 rub.
PC (full build)
16 33 000 528 000
Computer desk
16 6 000 96 000
Office chair
16 4 500 72 000
Access Point (Full Assembly)
1 10 000 10 000

Recruitment of personnel for the club

The staff is the soul of the establishment; if everything is in order with the service in your club, customers will return again and again.

Let's make a list of required employees:


    If you are going to work around the clock, you will need several people for this position.

    System administrator.

    Very important employee, is directly responsible for the operation of the equipment.


    Working with a cash register also requires a separate person; calculating taxes and payments is a very painstaking task.

    Security guard.

    When there is so much equipment in an establishment, without descriptions it is obvious why a security guard will be needed.

Minimum wages in Russia – 7,500 rubles, i.e. We expect that employees will receive an average of 15,000 - 18,000 rubles. per month.

Don't forget about taxes: for each employee you will have to pay about 15% of his income.

Using a simple method mathematical operations We calculate the total amount: ~ 73,000 rubles.

The video shows an example of setting up a computer club:

Financial section of a computer club business plan

“If you set out for your goal and stop along the way to throw stones at every dog ​​that barks at you, you will never reach your goal.”
Fyodor Dostoevsky

Let's calculate how much money we need to open a computer club.

It is necessary to take into account the rental of premises, inspections of sanitation stations, costs of equipment and employee salaries.

By excluding technical equipment and replacing it with technical support, running a business will cost 127,000 rubles.

To determine the payback period after opening, let’s calculate the club’s daily income.

When the hall is loaded with 10 people for 24 hours and the cost per hour is 30 rubles. per person, it turns out to be 216,000 per month.

Let's subtract the amount of the monthly investment: in total we have 89,000 rubles.

In this article, we answered the question, how to open a computer club.

The payback period for the project was 12 months.

With careful design and dedication in establishing a business, the project is sure to be successful.

Are you ready to devote a year of your life to realizing your dream?

Take action, entrepreneurship requires good ideas and quick solutions, don't miss your chance.

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The Internet is becoming deeper into life modern man. Every day its popularity is growing, but the ability to extend optical fiber to an apartment or private property, and even over affordable price, unfortunately, not everyone has it. In this case, an excellent alternative to home Internet is a computer club, where for a small hourly pay Anyone can use the World Wide Web for work or entertainment.


The services provided by computer organizations are always in fairly high and, importantly, stable demand. Research in this area has shown that during certain seasonal periods there is an increase/decrease in demand for certain services. Thus, during sessions and exams, the popularity of operations such as scanning, printing documents and photocopying is growing. During the holidays, interest in games increases.

At the same time, the success of a business also depends on such criteria as:

  • cost of services - it is necessary to analyze the prices of competing companies, take into account the purchasing power of potential clients and derive average values ​​in order to maintain competition and remain affordable to clients;
  • range of services - the more a computer club can offer, the greater the proportion of potential clients it will attract, and at the same time the range and types of services must be constantly expanded.

Registration and organization of business

The most convenient organizational and legal form is a private enterprise. A sonorous, bright, memorable name will serve as a good start to your career.

To register an establishment legally, you must:

  • application for registration of an enterprise;
  • constituent agreement or decision to establish an enterprise;
  • charter, authorized capital and confirmation of its availability;
  • payment of the state fee for registration and a receipt indicating this;
  • documents confirming the consent of the antimonopoly authorities.

It is important that when opening such an enterprise, you need to take care of wiring, fire safety and radiation levels electromagnetic equipment. Each indicator will be systematically checked by departmental bodies and, in case of discrepancy, the club management will have troubles, starting with fines and ending with the suspension of the club’s activities.

Location and premises

When choosing a room, you need to decide several questions:

  1. Area – the club must be spacious to accommodate at least ten modern computers and other equipment for work. One workplace must have at least 4 square meters area.
  2. Availability of high-speed Internet - you need to analyze all available providers, choose the best one in terms of price-quality ratio and, based on the result, look for a room. In megacities there will be no problems with either one; in small cities, finding a suitable provider and premises will take longer.

It is best to open a computer club in a residential area, near schools and universities, in a well-traveled place. It is not necessary to remove for these purposes basements residential buildings for several reasons:

  • noise - visitors to an online establishment, as a rule, the public is loud and the residents of the house will probably complain, call the local police officer and in every possible way interfere with the work of the club;
  • high humidity, which adversely affects the operation of equipment;
  • the difficulty of installing climate control and ventilation systems.

Equipment and facilities

Purchasing equipment is the most financially expensive operation. The machines must be modern, powerful, on which you can equally easily work with text documents and play games. online games in real time. For efficient and profitable activities, it is advisable to start with at least ten machines, each of which will cost 30-40 thousand rubles.

You can save on this only by purchasing computer components separately and assembling them yourself.

The software must be licensed, which, of course, costs some money, but exempts you from sanctions, fines and even closure of the establishment by higher authorities. Additionally, you will have to spend money on the purchase of equipment such as a scanner, printer, photo printing machine, copier, etc., depending on the range of services offered.

The design of the room must be appropriate - the same modern furniture, posters on the walls, maybe even a large LCD monitor for watching various gaming competitions. Every detail needs to be thought through so that visitors feel comfortable staying in the establishment.

Organization of the computer club

Such establishments may have different mode works:

  • day;
  • night;
  • 24/7.

Working with text documents, letters, social networks usually produced in daytime days. Children and teenagers who have not reached the age of majority also go to Internet organizations during the day. Fans of computer games and online battles prefer night time.

In this regard, 24-hour establishments are more profitable, since they are always within reach of visitors, but to open one you must obtain permission from the police.

Work may be organized into one or more shifts, depending on working hours. If two administrators can work in a daytime establishment, changing every few days, then work in a 24-hour club requires several administrators, replacing each other in shifts.


For organization and maximum efficiency of work, the following personnel are required:

  • director - can work and coordinate work from a distance, systematically checking subordinates;
  • administrator - depending on the number of computers and operating mode, one or more administrators can be hired whose responsibilities include minor financial transactions (cashier), assistance to visitors, maintaining order in the establishment;
  • visiting accountant;
  • cleaning woman;
  • a security guard or a video surveillance system in conjunction with concluding a contract with a security company, to avoid cases of theft of expensive equipment, cash thefts and conflict situations.


  • mass media – radio, television;
  • banners and posters hung around the city;
  • flyers distributed in the city;
  • carrying out various promotions and discounts.

Financial component of business

Like any entrepreneurial activity, opening a computer club requires certain financial investments, concluding contracts with certain organizations and obtaining permits.

In the context of global computerization and increasing consumer interest in the virtual world, all investments are more than justified. A properly located establishment with a wide range of services will very quickly bring profit to the owners.

Cost of opening and maintaining

The start-up capital required to start work includes the following cost items:

  • rental of premises – 50,000 rubles;
  • Internet connection – 10-15,000 rubles per month;
  • repairs, replacement of wiring – 50,000 rubles;
  • purchase of equipment and software – 800-850,000 rubles;
  • furniture – 300,000 rubles;
  • payment of utility bills – from 15,000 rubles;
  • advertising – 20,000 rubles;
  • other small expenses - 30,000 rubles.

Total: 1,330,000 rubles.

IN monthly costs will include employee salaries, premises rental, Internet and utility bills, advertising and expenses for minor repairs, replacement of cartridges, etc., which in total will amount to about 300,000 rubles.

Amount of future income

The average cost of a visitor's stay will cost 10-30 rubles per hour. Underestimating these limits is inappropriate, since such a club will definitely not be profitable; overestimating it is also pointless, it will scare away potential clients.

The estimated profit of a computer establishment will be about 600-650,000 rubles, net earnings from this amount will be about 200-250,000 rubles.

Payback period

The full return on investment, of course, directly depends on the popularity of the club. Thus, a well-organized and correctly located establishment offering a wide range of services at reasonable prices will pay for itself within 1-1.5 years.

In conclusion, we can say that with the advent of a large number of different gadgets and the globalization of the Internet, establishments of this kind are gradually losing their popularity. In large cities, it is quite difficult to promote such a business, with the exception of isolated establishments in the center educational institutions. It is advisable to open computer clubs in small towns and areas where the prevalence of home networks is lower.
