Materials harmful to health, etc. Rating of the most harmful building and finishing materials for humans

Concrete is one of the most popular building materials, which is actively used in the construction of a variety of objects, from roads to residential buildings. Due to its widespread use, the natural question is: is concrete safe?


Concrete is a complex material consisting of several components. By the way, compositions reminiscent of modern concrete, were used by the builders of Ancient Rome. Modern manufacturers, for example, the Baltic Beton plant, use more complex technologies, but the general composition is almost always the same:

  • Cement;
  • Filler in the form of sand or crushed stone;
  • Water;
  • Additives and additives that provide various specific properties of the solution (increased plasticity, frost resistance, etc.).

The most suspect components in concrete from a safety point of view are cement and additives. However, we immediately note that both cement and additives are in a bound state in the solution, which excludes their chemical interaction with the environment (adjusted for slow corrosion, of course).

What is the problem with cement?

The potential harm of cement lies in the presence of asbestos in it. Asbestos dust (powder) is extremely dangerous if it enters the respiratory tract. However, you can only experience real health problems from this component if you breathe asbestos dust on a regular basis, for example, while working in a cement plant.

If you mix once a year concrete mortar for repairs at the dacha, then you have nothing to worry about, since you are unlikely to be able to inhale a large amount of cement dust if you do not consciously strive for this.

From the point of view of the finished concrete structure(walls, reinforced concrete), asbestos does not pose any threat for the reason stated above.


Everything is more complicated here, since the additives are different. Their real danger can only be assessed if the specific composition of the concrete is known. However, not a single manufacturer building mixtures and concrete mortars do not seriously use dangerous additives.

Of course, there may be potentially dangerous components, but they are present in the solution in a non-free form and in low concentrations. In other words, there is no need to worry about this either.

What, no problem at all?

Not really. When using low-quality components during the preparation of concrete mortar (this, by the way, also applies to crushed stone), you can obtain a composition with relatively high level radiation background. Such phenomena are very rare, but they have happened several times.

The next point is the ability of fresh concrete to absorb moisture. As a result, the air inside the concrete structure may be very dry for some time. Theoretically, this is fraught with problems for asthmatics, smokers, allergy sufferers and people with respiratory diseases. It can be eliminated by regular ventilation, or goes away on its own over time.

Also, concrete solution does not have the most positive effect on the condition of the skin upon direct contact. That is why work with concrete should be carried out at least with gloves, and preferably with complete set workwear.

Otherwise, concrete is chemically inert, is not a favorable material for the development of microorganisms, is durable and is completely non-flammable. Combined with low cost, these circumstances make concrete one of the most effective building materials.

This requirement applies to absolutely all products sold in construction markets and stores. Such certificate issued after an examination of the material, during which its compliance with sanitary standards and safety for health is revealed.

It is imperative to investigate whether the products emit harmful substances. This is especially true for the group of building materials in the manufacture of which they used chemical additives to give the product the necessary characteristics, for example, strength.

Such additives are used waste from various industries– textile, chemical and others. But it is impossible to do without them in the production of, for example, bitumen, fiberboard, chipboard, and polymer materials, so such materials are at risk.

After passing special testing, if the product meets the permissible standards for the content of harmful substances, it receives sanitary and hygienic certificate. This document can be obtained from the seller or supplier.

Materials should not be a source of a specific odor in the room

If you feel that the material emits an unpleasant "chemical" odor, it is most likely emitting toxic substances. A bad smell is a kind of “indicator” that suggests that a product may be hazardous to health. But it should be noted that most “harmful” construction products do not emit a suspicious odor, so it is safer to familiarize yourself with the sanitary and hygienic certificate of the product you are choosing and inquire about the reputation of the manufacturer in the construction market.

Products from well-known companies are more reliable

Before going to the market or store for building materials, it’s a good idea to analyze the information: find out which companies are leading in the production of certain materials, which products meet environmental requirements and your needs, and then compare prices.

Thanks to the Internet, this entire procedure can be carried out quite quickly - fortunately, all leading manufacturing companies have websites with detailed information about products, prices, and supplies to stores. The company's website usually has all the documentation, including sanitary and hygienic certificates.

Let's imagine that you are looking for wallpaper, flooring and thermal insulation (insulation) for a bedroom or children's room.
Step 1 is to find the most commonly used types of materials available on the market.
Step 2 - identify their features and scope.
Step 3 – determine the brand you need based on the given parameters.


Vinyl wallpaper not environmentally friendly, but easy to wash, dense, so they can be suitable for the hallway and kitchen.

Textile wallpaper(containing fabric fibers) are beautiful, fade-resistant, but difficult to glue. Such wallpapers are suitable for residential premises, except for their counterparts made on the basis of foam rubber with glued synthetic threads.

Linkrust original, durable, but the presence of mastics (vinyl chloride and others) in the composition limits the scope of application.

Plant wallpaper(jute, based on goldenflower, bamboo, reed) are safe as they are made from natural materials, wear-resistant, can be used in the bedroom.

Paper wallpaper“breathe”, made from environmentally friendly materials. Due to its pleasant price-quality ratio, the paper version is most often purchased for the nursery, living room and bedroom.

Floor coverings

Parquet, parquet boards - the most environmentally friendly and durable flooring . However, it is important for him to choose the right varnish. It should be as safe as possible. Then parquet can be laid in living spaces, including children’s rooms and bedrooms, without fear.

Cork covering hypoallergenic, durable and safe and also used in children's and bedrooms.

Carpet does not emit harmful substances, but is contraindicated for allergy sufferers due to micromites that can settle in carpet fibers.

Laminate has excellent appearance“under parquet”, but can release harmful compounds.

Linoleum least environmentally friendly. Nitrolinoleum, Relin, and polyvinyl chloride-based linoleum are especially dangerous. Even high-quality products are recommended to be used only in the hallway, bathroom or kitchen.

Ceramic tiles durable, reliable, environmentally friendly material, but you can’t put it in the bedroom or hallway.

So, for residential premises we choose between parquet, parquet board and cork covering. The latter has become very popular relatively recently.


Expanded clay(expanded clay gravel) – environmentally friendly, durable, but ineffective and difficult to install. Not for indoor use.

Glass wooleffective insulation, but it crumbles a lot and over time can “sag” and leave uninsulated areas.

Foam plastic, expanded polystyrene is durable, accessible, but does not remove vapors from rooms outside very well, forming condensation and fungus on the walls, is flammable and releases harmful substances in the event of a fire.

Stone wool(mineral wool based on stone) protects well from heat and cold, is safe for health, and is recommended for use in children's, health care institutions and residential premises. This is a non-flammable material that does not emit toxic gases during a fire.

Why should you choose environmentally friendly building materials?

The answer is extremely simple - to be healthy and keep your loved ones healthy. Usage problem environmentally friendly building materials in construction began to be widely discussed by the public relatively recently. One of the reasons for the close attention of the press to this topic was the fact that people came to doctors with complaints of headaches, nausea, eye irritation and other various allergic manifestations.

All patients have one thing in common - living in new or recently renovated apartments using non-ecological building materials. The first acute reaction to toxic substances released by such materials is called "housing syndrome", the symptoms of which disappear over time. If you live in such an apartment, your health may gradually deteriorate due to the accumulation of harmful substances in the body.

All this may not happen if you find out in advance what the cottage or house where your apartment will be built from is built, and when choosing materials for renovation, give preference to the most environmentally friendly ones. High-quality environmentally friendly products are not cheap, but is it worth saving on your own safety and the health of your family?

Purchasing materials for construction and repair is a complex and responsible matter. When purchasing, most Russians first of all pay attention to the appearance, manufacturability and cost of materials, and not to their safety. This approach is fraught with the most unpleasant consequences. Some modern building materials can have a negative impact on the human body, and many sellers, concerned exclusively with increasing income, prefer not to inform buyers full information about all the qualities of the goods sold.

We will try to fill this gap and introduce readers to the list of building materials that are unsafe for health.


In the recent past, slate was one of the most inexpensive and widespread roofing materials. The harm that it can cause to human health is primarily due to the fact that slate sheets are made from compressed asbestos fibers, which eventually disintegrate into tiny pieces. These particles are so small and light that they are in the air in the form of a thin suspension and, when inhaled, can enter the respiratory tract and settle there. The rate of asbestos destruction increases when heated. This means that a roof made of slate sheets literally poisons the residents of the house on hot summer days.

Asbestos is one of the most powerful carcinogens. Long-term inhalation of its particles is fraught with the development of not only inflammatory processes in the respiratory system, but also malignant tumors.

If you decide to use slate in housing construction, try to ensure that it is not exposed to high temperatures and weather changes. The easiest way is to paint the surface of the sheets, which will to some extent reduce the likelihood harmful effects health material.


Concrete is used as the main material for pouring foundations, constructing load-bearing walls and strong partitions. It is used to make individual building elements (blocks and slabs), as well as massive structures. The material is technologically advanced, durable and inexpensive. Unfortunately, it is practically impenetrable to air, and living in a house built from concrete elements is quite harmful. In addition, slabs and blocks strengthen metal frames, which act as a kind of trap for electromagnetic waves. It has been established that residents of houses built from reinforced concrete often suffer from increased fatigue and have problems sleeping. Experts associate such ailments with exposure to electromagnetic radiation.

During construction monolithic structures The method of filling the compactor with concrete mixture is used. The base used is fine crushed stone, which is obtained from durable rocks (for example, granite). Not too conscientious construction companies At the same time, they do not bother checking the safety of the sealant, in particular its radioactivity. As a result, residents often move into apartments whose walls create an increased radioactive background for many decades.


Drywall is used for interior decoration of residential premises: leveling walls and floors, creating complex shapes ceilings and various light partitions. But few people suspect that this material can pose a health hazard.

Only high-quality drywall, which contains purified gypsum, can be considered harmless. It is not destroyed in air and does not have a negative effect on the respiratory tract. The problem is that inexperienced buyers often purchase cheaper technical drywall that is not intended for finishing residential premises. Such savings are unacceptable: low-quality material is not only less durable, but also harmful to health.

Expanded polystyrene

Two modifications of expanded polystyrene are used in construction: pressed (foam) and extruded. Both are used as insulation materials. In addition, some types of finishing wall and ceiling panels are made from foam plastic.

Expanded polystyrene releases chemical compounds such as styrene, phenol and formaldehyde into the air. They not only irritate the mucous membrane of the respiratory tract, but also accumulate in the body, gradually poisoning it. Therefore, experts do not recommend using polystyrene foam for interior decoration of housing. A long stay in a room lined with foam plastic boards has a bad effect on the condition of the liver and cardiovascular system. There is evidence that the accumulation of polystyrene foam breakdown products in the body of a pregnant woman can lead to fetal malformations.

Mineral wool

IN modern construction mineral wool is widely used for insulation and sound insulation. The material may release phenol and formaldehyde, which are toxic to humans. The likelihood of harm to health is high, since mineral wool easily breaks down into microparticles that enter the body through the respiratory system.

To avoid harmful effects of the formation mineral wool should be used exclusively as insulation, which should be placed between layers of other building materials. It is not recommended to drill walls and partitions built using mineral wool.

Dry plaster mixtures

Dry mixtures for preparing plaster, putty pastes, adhesives and others finishing materials must not contain any components harmful to health. The danger of materials of this kind is due to the fact that they are very easy and profitable to counterfeit. According to some data, the share of counterfeit dry mixtures sold on the domestic market is about 60%. At test purchases powders sold in counterfeit “branded” packaging contain poorly purified chalk, chemicals toxic to humans, and even components with a distinct radioactive background.

PVC products

Their polyvinyl chloride (PVC) materials make suspended ceilings, wall panels(siding), pipes, most various elements finishing of premises (plinths, moldings, installation fittings for electrical wiring, etc.). The so-called plastic windows, in the manufacture of which PVC is also used. Products produced by European companies that support high standards quality, practically safe. The trouble is that the domestic market is overflowing with their low-quality analogues and fakes. Such materials can release dioxin, a powerful carcinogen, and toxic phenol.


Linoleum is intended for finishing floors It can be natural or polymer. The first is made from jute fabric or wood chips using natural oils and resins. It is harmless, but not cheap and quite difficult to install. In the production of polymer linoleum they use synthetic resins, which can release benzene into the air, which depresses the respiratory system, and phthalates, which have a detrimental effect on the reproductive system. The most dangerous material is considered to be one made on the basis of polyvinyl chloride, especially in cases where it is used to finish floors that are constantly exposed to humidity or high temperatures.


Vinyl wallpaper does not emit harmful substances, but does not allow air to pass through at all. Colonies of pathogenic fungi can grow under them. This material should not be used to cover bedrooms, children’s rooms, or rooms with high humidity. Low-quality varieties of washable wallpaper begin to deteriorate over time, releasing benzene and styrene.

The best option is to cover the walls with paper wallpaper. They are not as technologically advanced as linkcrust or vinyl, but they do not cause harm to health, and they are cheaper. Wallpaper made from natural plant materials (jute, bamboo, etc.) is environmentally friendly, but very expensive.

Paints and varnishes

The safest paints are those based on water based. They do not contain toxic solvents and are suitable for interior finishing work.

Most oil paints and varnishes are made using toluene and xylene. These substances in high concentrations lead to the development of diseases respiratory system and blood, affect mucous membranes and skin. Some varieties paint coatings are made on the basis of polyvinyl chloride, which can release dioxin into the air for six months after painting.

Unfortunately, in Russia there is practically no system of mandatory certification of construction and finishing products. The domestic market is oversaturated with materials that pose a real health hazard. To somehow protect yourself, you need to:

  • purchase materials made by well-known European or American manufacturers;
  • choose construction products in large specialized stores;
  • carefully study the composition of purchased materials;
  • strictly follow manufacturers' recommendations for the use of materials for construction and repair;
  • don't skimp on quality additional materials(adhesives, mastics, finishing mixtures, etc.).

Apartment renovation (especially the construction of new housing) is carried out quite rarely. This process requires careful planning, including financial planning. It is important to approach the choice of building materials with particular seriousness and take into account all their properties. Only in this case will your home become not only beautiful and cozy, but also safe.

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Hello, dear readers of the site website .

Today I want to talk about harm of many building materials for human health. This article will provide information about toxic substances that are often found in certain building materials. The diseases they cause will be discussed.

When visiting retail outlets, you can get lost in this abundance of construction, auxiliary or finishing components.

However, few people think about the most important criterion when choosing beautiful materials, for design and interior design - this is how they all affect health. From the components included in modern materials It depends not only on interior design, style or beauty, but also on a person’s well-being.

The presence of components harmful to health in materials can cause feeling unwell, development of chronic diseases and so on. I would like to bring to your attention a list of diseases that can arise as a result of the influence of chemicals hazardous to health.


  1. Oncological diseases.
  2. Respiratory diseases.
  3. Disruption of the cardiovascular system.
  4. Allergic diseases.
  5. Skin diseases.
  6. Nervous system disorders.
  7. Infertility.
  8. Eye diseases.
  9. Disruption gastrointestinal tract.
  10. Liver dysfunction.
  11. Kidney diseases.
  12. Deterioration of blood composition.
  13. Brain disorders.
  14. Decreased immunity.
  15. Bronchial asthma.
  16. Deterioration mental development(especially in children).
  17. Disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

As you can see, the number of diseases is huge (these are only the most important of them, but there are many other, hidden symptoms that have been poorly studied by scientists). Let's take a closer look at the most dangerous building materials for humans, which are very often used by craftsmen when renovating a house or apartment. Here is their list:


  1. Paints.
  2. Paints are the most popular material for decorating walls and ceiling surface. Particular danger for environment and human health are represented by types of paint materials containing lead.

    A small concentration of it negatively affects brain function. This is especially dangerous for children of any age; mental and physical development slows down, hearing in all family members deteriorates significantly, and headaches appear.

    It is unacceptable to use such paints in a residential area. Solvents used in production also pose a great health hazard. paint and varnish materials. After repair work the solvent continues to be released, harmful vapors accumulate in the air, which cause allergic and respiratory diseases.

    For renovations in residential premises, you should select alkyd, water-based, polyester and water-dispersed paints.

    The materials used for tensioning pose a threat to the kidneys and liver. ceiling structures. This uses a large amount of plastic and glue. Phenol and styrene vapors are released into the air, which are considered very hazardous substances to health, even in minimal quantities.

    For ceiling covering it is better to use putty materials with natural ingredients. It is recommended to paint the surface with safe paints.

  3. Linoleum.
  4. Floor coverings are also a source of harmful fumes. Linoleum, known to all builders, is considered the most dangerous. It contains a huge number of toxic elements: phenol, benzene, formaldehyde, etc.

    An unpleasant odor emanating from the material is the first warning sign that the material is not worth purchasing. The fumes from it can cause skin and allergic diseases, and provoke cancer.

  5. Laminate.
  6. Laminate is a beautiful floor covering with excellent technical properties, for its durability, manufacturers cover it with a plastic film, which causes the release of harmful substances.

    Most best option floor coverings are environmentally friendly and natural materials - parquet or solid wood.

  7. Plastic windows.
  8. Plastic windows perfectly retain heat and protect the house from street noise, but they are produced using polyvinyl chloride, which is harmful to health. High tightness window designs reduces natural air exchange. After repairs, hazardous substances accumulate in the room.

  9. Wallpaper.
  10. For modern species wallpaper uses synthetic substances - PVC, vinyl, benzene and others. Such substances cause the evaporation of styrene, urethane, and vinyl chloride. Fashionable wallpaper phosphorescent, emit radioactive deadly radon.

  11. Insulation materials.
  12. Insulation materials are a source of toxic substances such as styrene, isocyanates, and hexabromyocyclododecane. Considered dangerous thermal insulation boards, polyurethane foams, polystyrene foam.

  13. Sand-lime brick.
  14. You need to be careful when choosing bricks during construction. It often releases a dangerous gas - radon, which can cause cancer.

  15. Chipboards (chipboards).
  16. WITH particle boards Most of the furniture is produced (manufacturers make cabinets, chairs, beds, kitchens, etc.). The danger of chipboard is that this material releases formaldehyde, which is considered a strong carcinogen.

    Experts strongly advise against placing chipboard furniture near radiators, because heat increases the release of toxic substances. It has been proven that new furniture emits formaldehyde strongly during the first year and a half, after which it decreases. In total, the danger from formaldehyde persists for 14 years.

I bring to your attention a table of building materials, a list of toxic substances that may be included in the composition and diseases that may arise.

Name of building materials

Hazardous substances

Health effects

Toluene, xylene, cadmium, lead, polyvinyl chlorideThe liver, kidneys suffer, bones become fragile, diseases of the cardiovascular system, skin diseases, disruption of the nervous system.

Chipboards (chipboards)

Phenol, formaldehyde.Can cause cancer, disrupt the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, vomiting, allergic reactions, irritate the upper respiratory tract, have a bad effect on genetics, disrupt the functioning of the human reproductive organs, and can lead to infertility.


Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), benzene, xylene, toluene, amines.It can cause cancer, blood diseases, mucous membranes are affected, disturbances in the functioning of the lungs, liver and kidneys occur, and the immune system is destroyed.
Styrene, benzene.Causes dizziness, loss of consciousness, irritation of the mucous membranes of the throat and nose, and eye irritation.

Sand-lime brick

Radon (inert radioactive gas).May cause cancer.

Insulation materials (thermal insulation boards, polyurethane foam, polystyrene foam)

Styrene, hexabromocyclododecane, isocyanates.Impaired functions of the respiratory system, allergic reactions, asthma, disruption of the cardiovascular system, the occurrence of thrombosis, heart attack.
Formaldehyde.The central nervous system is affected, reproductive function is impaired, genetic material is affected, skin diseases and allergic reactions are possible.

Plastic window frames

PolyvinchlorideMay cause cancer and damage the nervous system.

I would like to note that not all building materials contain these toxic substances. Most often, a large amount is found in low-quality, cheap building materials, whose manufacturers skimp on production technology.

But what should those who are faced with the task of renovating their home do? In order to protect yourself and your loved ones as much as possible from exposure to toxic materials, you must: simple recommendations specialists. I suggest you familiarize yourself with the most important of them:

  1. Use only certified building materials for repairs.
  2. When purchasing, be sure to ask the seller to present a quality certificate, fire safety certificate, etc.

  3. Look for the European Quality Mark (CE) on the packaging.
  4. Use natural finishing materials.
  5. Replace if possible synthetic materials to more environmentally friendly options (wood, stone, natural-based glue, ceramic tiles, roofing tiles, paper wallpaper, water-based paints, natural varnishes, etc.).

  6. Indoors, use building materials that are intended exclusively for interior work.
  7. Manufacturers' recommendations regarding the use of materials must be strictly followed.
  8. Carry out repairs every 5 years.
  9. In order for beauty and comfort to reign in the house, experts recommend making repairs every 5 years, and choosing natural, environmentally friendly finishing and building materials.

  10. Avoid using chipboard and PVC.
  11. Buy materials exclusively from specialized construction stores.
  12. Frequent ventilation of the room after renovation is recommended.
  13. You should periodically measure the air to determine the level of harmful substances in your apartment or house.
  14. If you begin to notice that when you return home your health sharply worsens (headache, dizziness, nausea, allergic reactions, etc.), you should urgently check the air condition.

  15. Do not purchase cheap building materials.
  16. Remember that this is your health. Quality materials will cost much more than dangerous synthetic ones. Choosing cheap building materials for renovation is not the right path that many people follow under the influence of advertising.

    Very often, bright colors, design, smell, price or reviews from friends are the main factor when making a purchasing decision. But we also need to consider environmental safety for your health, how harmless it is. It's important to look best option: price\quality.


When choosing building or finishing materials, you should carefully study the manufacturer's company and quality certificates. There is no need to rush when buying; do not trust the selection process to intermediaries. Observing simple rules You can protect yourself from many toxic substances. This is your health and the health of your loved ones.


I invite you to take a look interesting video about the dangers of building materials. You will be able to learn a lot of necessary and very useful information about hazardous substances that enter the air during construction.

Today construction is very common own home costs less than an apartment.
However, building a house has many pros and cons that you should always remember.
What most often guides the average person when building a house?
Answer: unfortunately, mainly due to the economical cost of building materials. Of course, this does not apply to everyone. However, the average home builder is often forced to count every penny to build a house.

So the question is: “How much does it cost to build a house?” usually considered exclusively in monetary terms. Much later, the understanding comes that the cheapness of building materials will have to be compensated with health.

If you want the residence of all household members in the new house to be safe in terms of health, you first need to pay attention not only to the price of building materials for the future home.

First of all, you need to study the characteristics of all building materials for the home and their consumer qualities and properties.

Traditionally, when building the “box” of a house, the choice is between two building materials – wood or brick. Both have pros and cons.

In addition, do not forget that wood rots over time, which means it needs to be treated with at least two compounds.

Now imagine what happens to these compounds over time?

After all, they not only evaporate and, over time, wood processing must be carried out again and again.

Well-fired brick is safer in this regard, but if the house is located on soil with high humidity, the walls, even with very careful heating, rarely warm up to the required temperature. If the house is heated irregularly, then frequent colds are guaranteed for everyone living in your house.

The third most environmentally friendly building material for building a house is concrete and its derivatives: foam concrete, aerated concrete.

Asbestos, from which slate is made, is simply prohibited in Europe. If you want to save money on quality tiles, you can cover the roof with slate. However, think about it more than once: asbestos, which releases tiny particles into the air, causes irritation to the lungs, and when heated, can cause the development of lung cancer. The same applies to products made from various types of plastic mass. Sewer pipes and fittings today are made of plastic.
As for the interior decoration and interior, there are even more harmful finishing materials for health. You can start, for example, with varnishes and paints, which, by the way, are used not only for interior but also exterior work. Parquet impregnations, varnishes and paints can be dangerous not only over time, but also immediately after painting, as they can easily cause burns to the respiratory tract.

As for paints, you should be wary of synthetic ones and those produced with solvents. They emit a pungent odor and are very toxic. When metal-containing paints dry, metal particles can get onto furniture, food, into the air, and from there into the body, without adding joy to health.

In order not to paint, for example, windows, people preferred PVC windows. A substance so often used in interior decoration premises (plinths, moldings and corners) - polyvinyl chloride (PVC) decomposes and releases harmful substances into the air when in contact with air room temperature and sunlight. Expanded polystyrene and polystyrene, which are part of many finishing materials, are on the same level of harmfulness as polyvinyl chloride.

Chipboard, which is now found almost everywhere, is used in finishing and making furniture. At a temperature of 20 C, the phenol contained in the chipboard begins to evaporate. If chipboard surface is covered with a material with poor air exchange, the concentration of phenol underneath becomes not just harmful, but dangerous. Phenol has long been recognized as a carcinogen, actively affecting the central nervous system. It is advisable to leave furniture made of chipboard for some time unassembled for ventilation.

Danger in own home can also come from linoleum and furniture made of fiberboard and chipboard. These materials also contain phenol and formaldehyde. There was even a special term - phenol-formaldehyde houses. In such houses, the concentration of formaldehyde exceeds the norm by 5-7 times! And people live in such houses with time bombs, not knowing that they are causing devastating harm to their health every day. Skirting boards, plaster, wallpaper also carry out their “life activity” in our apartments - they accumulate and release harmful substances. The highest levels of formaldehyde are detected in apartments with new furniture from chipboard and fibreboard, as well as in private houses where mineral wool insulation is used. In wall cavities apartment buildings Urea-formaldehyde thermal insulation can be used. All these cute interior items and building materials themselves may be harmless, but when they find themselves together in a cramped space, they create a synergistic effect and have a detrimental effect on the human body. And even if cirrhosis of the liver does not occur from minor inhalation of phenol vapor, then headaches and weakened immunity are almost guaranteed. Is it any wonder then that life expectancy is not high in Russia, if in the West most of the building components used in Russia are prohibited?

To the list of enemies of the ecology of human homes, you can safely add carpets, PVC windows, comfortable and practical oilcloths made of polyvinyl chloride. According to a study by Doctor of Biological Sciences, Professor Alla Malysheva, in apartments with new synthetic linoleum the level of volatile organic substances exceeds the norm by 70! If you remove furniture from such an apartment, the level of harmful volatile substances in the room is significantly reduced - the excess of the norm is recorded “only” by 30 times!

How to deal with all this " household chemicals"? In order not to live in a hyperbaric chamber, experts advise discarding the detachment of materials. In particular, you should not cover the ceiling with vinyl. Whitewashing or painting the ceiling with water-based emulsion is much more the right step from the point of view of taking care of your own health. Don't force own apartment cheap furniture made from chipboard. Refuse synthetic linoleum, replace it with parquet or parquet boards, in these materials resins are the binding component, as well as vegetable oils. Even laminate flooring poses less of a threat to the ecology of living space compared to synthetic linoleum. Does not contain any harmful substances cork covering and carpet. True, the latter is contraindicated for allergy sufferers.

If you can't spend money on wooden furniture, buy furniture made from chipboards of class E1, that is, first class, and not E2. First class chipboard is safer. Rattan furniture looks very nice, but rattan is more suitable for making coffee tables, shelves and bookcases.

In the kitchen, replace the PVC oilcloth with polyethylene, PVC windows with modern and fashionable ones wooden frames, which are equipped with sealing gaskets.

If you want to build a cottage that is safe from an environmental point of view, you can choose blocks from cellular concrete. In terms of environmental properties, they are practically not inferior to wood. However, to produce concrete with additives, you will need a concrete mixer - equipment designed for preparing concrete mixtures. In order not to buy a concrete mixer and other expensive equipment, the easiest way is to immediately buy ready-made building blocks from the material of interest. Before purchasing any building material, ask the seller for a sanitary and epidemiological report.

Replace mineral wool insulation with expanded clay gravel or stone or glass wool. However, it should be borne in mind that glass wool sooner or later sags, forming uninsulated areas in the building.

Some of the most toxic materials are polymer materials. Harmful emissions can be reduced if long time store polymer-containing building materials in the air. Then the harmful substances contained in building materials disappear. If this is not possible, we recommend applying a kind of protective layer to the surface of the building material, for example, using an organosilicon coating.

The level of harmful substances in apartments is measured by specialists. They measure power frequency electromagnetic fields that create household appliances, electrical wiring, transformers and power lines outside the window. The content of phenol, formaldehyde and toluene in the air is measured during a chemical gas analysis. During microbiological analysis, the presence of bacteria dangerous to humans is detected in the air. The level of radiation depends on the presence of gamma, beta, and alpha particles in the room.

Wallpaper. Moisture-resistant (washable) wallpaper, which is fashionable today, can be very toxic if it releases styrene, a substance that is used to produce synthetic polymers. Its vapors irritate the eyes and mucous membranes of the nose and throat, and also cause headaches, nausea, dizziness and even loss of consciousness.

Sand-lime brick, phosphogypsum. These building materials can become a source of radon, an inert radioactive gas that, when entering the human body, contributes to processes leading to lung cancer. Inhaled alpha particles begin to bombard inner fabrics respiratory organs, causing microburns in them. It is believed that the radiation dose a person receives from radon is greater than the dose he receives from all other sources of radiation combined.

Linoleum. The cheapest flooring. Bad linoleum pollutes the air with benzene and ethylbenzene, and they can cause cancer and blood diseases. Substances such as xylene and toluene are also released - in high concentrations they also lead to diseases of the blood, lungs and skin, and affect the mucous membranes. Carcinogenic vinyl chloride affects the nervous system. Finally in conditions ordinary apartment polymers - namely, what linoleum is made of - break down into monomers, which are very toxic. The process intensifies when the linoleum heats up (from a radiator, for example). Side effects- headaches, allergies, breathing problems.

Varnishes, paints, mastics, glue. Since the same xylene and toluene are the starting materials in the production of varnishes and paints, any newly renovated room will smell of this muck, which is extremely harmful in high concentrations.

In general, if desired, of course, harmful substances can be found in almost all building materials. What kind of building materials are there? They are everywhere: in the air, soil, food!

However, be aware! Environmentally friendly parquet with normal radioactivity can be unknowingly coated with toxic varnish and make it a slow killer. Therefore, you should not be negligent in the choice of coating or any construction and finishing material.

When building and renovating a house or apartment, be sure to pay attention to the range of building and finishing materials: study the instructions, look at customer reviews. Most often, the most dangerous to human health are construction and finishing materials produced in China and Turkey, i.e. the cheapest.

The money you save by purchasing low-quality building materials will still be used to buy medicines and invite doctors for you and your loved ones. What could be more valuable than health? Obviously not a cheap and, most importantly, harmful building material for the future of your home!

How to protect yourself

■ Buy goods for repairs in large specialized stores, not in markets. If in doubt, ask the seller to show quality certificates.
■ Refuse linoleum in favor of laminate, or even better, parquet. This is the case when you should not save, especially if you are laying floors in a nursery or bedroom. For wallpaper, prefer paper.
■ When choosing paints, choose water-based, alkyd, latex or polyester paints - they dry quickly and there will be less harmful fumes. When painting, try to apply as few layers as possible.
■ It is advisable to ventilate living areas every 20 minutes. Regular wet cleaning of the apartment also helps.
■ If it takes too long to get rid of the repair odors, seek an environmental assessment. Now such services are provided by a number of organizations formed on the basis of various research institutes and having the necessary licenses. Depending on the type of examination and scope of work, the service costs 5-9 thousand rubles. But ecologists will accurately identify the pollutant and its source, and also give you recommendations on what is best to do in this situation.
