Do-it-yourself tile repair: step-by-step instructions. The main stages of repairing tiles on the floor from one to the entire covering Repair of ceramic tiles

Sometimes a situation may arise when it is necessary to replace damaged tiles or even an entire section of tile floor. Such cases are possible if, for example, the floor tiles were installed incorrectly, low-quality materials were used during installation, or the tiles on the floor were subjected to some kind of mechanical stress, resulting in the destruction of individual tiles. Finally, the tiles may simply wear out and lose their aesthetic appearance.

In any case, there is nothing wrong with this. To put a tiled floor in order, you will not need a major overhaul with a large investment of effort, money and patience. It is enough to simply replace tiles that have become unusable with new ones, and you can do it yourself. However, in order not to repeat such operations in the future due to unintentional errors, this must be done efficiently.

Preparing to repair a tiled floor

Before you begin repairing a tiled floor yourself, carefully study this issue from the point of view of existing modern materials and technology, as well as your ability to use necessary tools and availability of skills in various types home repair work. As for the tools, there is an alternative to interchangeability (for example, if you don’t have a tile cutter, you can use a glass cutter or just a sharp nail), and skills can be acquired by practicing on suitable areas of the floor with materials from industrial waste.

Assessment of the situation

First of all, you need to assess the condition of the tiled floor, your desires and capabilities in the proposed order:

    1. Nature of damage:
      chips and scratches on the tile surface or in the corners;
      peeling tiles;
      destruction (unattractive appearance or severe contamination) of the tile joint (grout);
      destruction (violation of integrity) of the tile;
    2. Damage level:
      small, medium or deep scratches or chips;
      damage that may result in the peeling off of adjacent tiles;
      no damage (cosmetic replacement of grout or tile color).
    3. The size of the damaged area (the number of tiles that have become unusable):
      one tile;
      several tiles;
      tile joint (grout) near one or more tiles;
      full or partial cosmetic replacement of the color of the grout or tile.
    4. View necessary repairs:
      repairing scratches or chips of individual tiles;
      seam repair (replacing grout);
      replacing tiles;
      cosmetic replacement of grout or tile color;
      renovating the floor in the bathroom, kitchen or other room (each has its own characteristics);
      tile repair warm floors, on wooden floor(technology may also differ).
    5. Available resources for repair:
      available required quantity tiles for replacement (always try to purchase tiles with a reserve, for such cases);
      insufficient number of tiles for replacement (it will be necessary to clarify what the current price for tiles is and purchase, taking into account the point above, an additional quantity);
      tiles for replacement are out of stock (consider the question design solution to use a different texture or purchase the same tile, if there is one on sale, taking into account the required size of the tile);
      The required texture of tiles for replacement is not available for sale (if you try very hard and the quantity for replacement is small, you can carefully remove the tiles from areas located under furniture or in other places out of sight, and replace them there with ones that are suitable in size).

Required tools and materials

To do-it-yourself repair tiled floor, in addition to resources, does not require your additional efforts, prepare in advance everything you need in accordance with the following list:

  • the required quantity of appropriate texture tiles;
  • cement;
  • water;
  • containers for preparing the necessary mixtures;
  • a construction mixer or drill with a special attachment for mixing mixture solutions (or a regular rack for mixing a small amount of mixtures);
  • special tile adhesive or liquid nails;
  • grout, primer and antiseptic;
  • if necessary, tile paint;
  • if sealing is intended, silicone sealant;
  • a set of crosses or SVP (tile leveling system);
  • metal and rubber spatulas and trowel of the required size;
  • tape measure, iron ruler, simple pencil and building level;
  • perforator;
  • grinder or jigsaw for cutting tiles;
  • hammer;
  • chisel, chisel, chisel and special attachments for a hammer drill for removing tiles;
  • devices for cutting tiles (glass or tile cutter, grinder or jigsaw);
  • a tool for removing old grout from tile joints (discussed in more detail in the section on repairing tile joints);
  • safety glasses and gloves.

Here is the maximum list of materials and tools for working with tiles when repairing a tiled floor. However, the list needs to be adjusted, taking into account the volume and type of work to be done, as well as existing skills in handling various instruments, the availability of the tools themselves and the possibility of their interchangeability.

Carrying out tile floor repair work

Repairing chips and scratches

In order to eliminate a tile defect such as a chip or scratch, perform next steps:

  1. Prepare a solution of cement and water (use the prepared container and a device for mixing the mixture) for what:
    use water only room temperature;
    Maintain the temperature in the room where work is carried out within 18-25°C;
    pouring cement into a container with water, stir the mixture with the prepared device (to prevent lumps from forming in the mixture, under no circumstances pour water into the cement, but pour cement into the water);
    Check the desired consistency of the mixture using a trowel or spatula (the mixture should not flow from the trowel, but be plastic and adhere to it).
  2. Rub the solution into the crack or chip using a small piece of soft cloth.
  3. Wait for the solution to dry and evaluate the result.
  4. If the crack or chip is not completely filled, repeat the operation.
  5. Remove excess mixture from the surface of the tile.
  6. Once the mixture has completely filled the crack or chip, carefully apply paint of the appropriate color to the completely dry area of ​​the damage (try to avoid getting paint on the undamaged surface of the tile, otherwise the repair area will be noticeable).

Bonding loose tiles

If the tile has simply come off, but remains intact, then return it to the required state by performing the following steps in sequence:

  1. Using a chisel and an iron spatula (or other suitable tool), remove the loose tiles from the cladding along the edges and clean the seams (act carefully, trying not to damage adjacent tiles; the technology is described in detail in the section repairing tile seams).
  2. Using a suitable tool, remove the loose tile.
  3. Clean up inner surface removed tiles from the remnants of the old mortar (use a spatula and a chisel, having previously soaked the remnants of the old mortar in water).
  4. Make a 1 mm thick screed on the area of ​​the floor to be repaired that has been cleared of old mortar and grout.
  5. Degrease and prime the surface (you can additionally treat the surface with an antiseptic).
  6. Wet the tiles with water (if you are using a non-cement base, leave the tile and floor surfaces dry).
  7. Apply tile adhesive prepared according to the instructions on the package to the inner surface of the tile (the adhesive layer is selected taking into account alignment with the general level of the floor surface) using a notched trowel.
  8. Carefully insert the tile with the adhesive composition into its original place and press it well to distribute the adhesive evenly under the tile.
  9. Check building level flatness of the resulting surface.
  10. Remove excess adhesive from around the perimeter of the tile being glued.
  11. Fix the gaps between the tiles using crosses or SVP.
  12. After 5 hours, remove the fixing plastic crosses (or SVP) from the tile joints.
  13. After the cladding has completely dried (from 1 to 3 days), fill the gaps between the tiles with grout prepared according to the instructions on the package (the process will be described in more detail below in the section on repairing tile joints);
  14. If the tiles have been replaced in the bathroom or in a room where seams need to be sealed, use silicone sealant for this. The sealant will protect the tiles and the joint between the tiles from the penetration of moisture, which can harm them. In addition, the sealant is also used to seal cracks between the tiles and the bathtub or other plumbing fixtures.

If it is necessary to glue areas adjacent to the tiled floor tiles being glued, the steps are repeated.

Replacing worn out tiles

In many ways, the process of replacing a tile that has become unusable with a new one repeats that described above when re-gluing a loose tile. Therefore, in this part we will consider only those actions that were not described earlier. This action will involve removing damaged tiles. To do this correctly, use the following tips:

  1. Should not be deleted old tiles from the ends, otherwise you risk damaging the neighboring ones.
  2. To remove the one that requires replacement safely for neighboring tiles, it is advisable to destroy the tile with a hammer in its central part through a cloth.
  3. From the center of the tile to its edge, slowly, in small fragments, using a chisel (chisel) and hammer, continue further destruction of the tile.
  4. Apply blows to the surface of the tile with the tip of a chisel or chisel from above, and not obliquely.
  5. Use a vacuum cleaner to remove remaining fine particles and cement dust.

Repair or replacement of tile joint

Poor-quality material for grouting joints between tiles, violation of the technology for applying grout or preparing the mixture, as well as mechanical effects on the filling between the tiles lead to its resolution. In addition, in rooms with high humidity, cracks may appear on the seams. dark spots mold.

To correct such defects, you can partially or completely replace old grout to a new one. To do this, follow these steps in order:

  1. Remove old grout. Be very careful and careful not to damage the entire tile. Take extra care when working around the corners of the tiles. The corners of the tiles are very sensitive to mechanical stress and can break off. To remove use:
    special tool– seam opener (go along the seam, pointing the blade straight and at an angle on both sides) or;
    any sharpened tool, using it in the same way as a seam ripper (trowel, awl, screwdriver, chisel, knife, etc.) or;
    scraper (electric or manual);
    if the putty is very old and holds firmly between the tiles, a drill with a drill of appropriate thickness (smaller in diameter than the distance between the tiles), a dremel with a special attachment (engraver, burr machine, mini drill, etc. - group straight) will do grinding machines), electric chisel or grinder.
    In addition, there are non-mechanical methods:
    a solution of vinegar and water, in a ratio of 1:2 - used to soften seams (applied with a soft cloth for at least 20 minutes);
    solution citric acid for removing latex or cement mixture;
    special solvent for removing the mixture epoxy composition(read the instructions for its use very carefully so as not to damage the surface of the tile).
  2. Clean the seams from dust and small particles with a vacuum cleaner.
  3. Treat the cleaned space between the tiles with an antiseptic.
  4. Prepare the grout mixture (mix the solution in the proportions and according to the technology contained in the instructions for use on the grout packaging).
  5. Wet the seams with a small amount of water (use a spray bottle or a regular paint brush).
  6. Using a rubber spatula, fill the space between the tiles with grout.
  7. Remove excess mixture from the tile surface using the same rubber spatula and sponge (or soft cloth).
  8. Remove uneven seams using a sponge (soft cloth or viscose cloth) soaked in water.
  9. Wait for the grout to dry completely.
  10. Evaluate the work and, if necessary, eliminate deficiencies using the technology described above.

A complete renovation of floor tiles or ceramics on a wall implies a complete cosmetic renovation of the room. When it is not possible various reasons resort to radical ways changes in the living space, you can choose simpler ways to update tiles. Moreover, without creating a lot of dust and without disturbing the financial balance of the family. A simple do-it-yourself tile restoration can help the situation here. This will be discussed in detail below.

What is this article about?

Reasons for updating the tile covering

Predisposing factors for carrying out repairs ceramic tiles, the following points emerge:

  • complete lack of preparation of the base before installation ceramic coating or its poor quality;
  • cooking adhesive composition with violation of technology;
  • the final stage of laying the tiles was ignored - grouting the joint gaps, as a result of which the solution fixing the tiles did not receive the required degree of protection from the harmful effects of moisture;
  • distortion of installation technology.

What defects in tile coating can restoration of ceramic tiles cope with? More about this below.

Significant cracking

Due to careless or negligent use of the tile, a split, crack or scratch may form on its surface. What to do in such a situation? Don't do it right away complete renovation tiles on the floor, it is possible to try to correct these flaws.

Sequence of steps:

  1. A solution of fairly thick consistency is mixed from water and cement;
  2. The cracked area is filled with the composition until the gap is completely closed;
  3. The surface of the tile is wiped with a soft cloth to remove excess composition;
  4. Since the treated area differs in color from the entire background of the coating, it is carefully painted over with paint to match the overall shade of the finish. At the same time, they try not to get paint on undamaged areas.

This is the first and easiest way to repair ceramic trim. But there are also more complex ones.

Fallen and “rattling” tiles

In a situation where a fragment has fallen off, you can try to return it to its original place. For what:

  • the remains of the solution and fugue are carefully removed from the surface;
  • the exposed base is primed;
  • apply fresh solution to fix the element;
  • lay the freshly prepared solution onto the square with a notched trowel;
  • apply the element to the selected area;
  • insert regulatory crosses;
  • the surface is controlled by a level;
  • after 24 hours, the seams are treated with a fugue.

When the reliability of the tile fastening is very doubtful, the element is removed. Why do you remove the grout using a paint knife? The unreliable element usually falls out on its own when the grout is removed. And then all actions are performed according to the scheme described above.

Tile design update

When it comes to restoring ceramic coatings, it may not only involve repairing cracks. But, for example, such types of work as:

  • partial or complete change of grout;
  • use of vinyl stickers;
  • design of coverage using images;
  • continuous coloring.

Transformation of seams

The beauty of the seams adds additional charm to the already spectacular tile. Daily wiping with cleaning products with antimicrobial additives, as well as high-quality ventilation of the room, help keep seams clean and protect them from the build-up of black mold in sanitary facilities. However, sometimes simple cleaning is not enough. During long-term use, chips form on the seams.

Updating with a new composition will allow you to “refresh” the joint spaces, while improving the overall appearance of the ceramic coating on the wall or floor. You can replace the grout in individual areas or on the entire coating. General procedure actions will be generally identical. The difference lies only in the difference in the area being treated and, accordingly, in the amount of the applied composition.

The procedure for altering seams:

  1. Using a spatula or knife, remove all the old composition. To do this, the grout can be softened with a special softening agent, which gives results within 2-3 minutes after processing the joints;
  2. The formed depressions are filled with new grout;
  3. Remove excess mixture with a damp cloth after drying a little.

The result is this easy work is visual effect like after a complete overhaul. Moreover, changing grout can be much easier and more economical than changing expensive tiles.

There are many colored grout compounds on the market now. If you choose the right color, you can change the ceramic design beyond recognition. As an option, it is recommended to experiment with contrasting shades of the fugue - for light ceramics choose a dark fugue, for a dark finish, on the contrary, choose a light one.

Gluing vinyl stickers

The convenience of using waterproof vinyl stickers is that you can choose different designs, its colors and shapes. Stickers can not only transform boring tiles into quite fashionable and modern finishes, but also give a completely different direction to the style of the room. The range of such products in stores is very variable.

It will not be difficult to replace these stickers with new ones in the future. The main thing is to glue it correctly. And to do this, you need to thoroughly clean and degrease the tiled surface.

Continuous coloring

Painting the entire coating is the most in a simple way change appearance tiles Before you renew the tile with paint, you should prepare its surface well.

Coloring rules:

  1. Surface preparation includes cleaning with detergents and degreasing with acetone, alcohol or vinegar. Sanding the surface ensures removal of gloss and strength of adhesion to the paint;
  2. Applying epoxy primer to the tiles. The drying period of the soil is up to a day;
  3. Sanding again;
  4. Painting the surface with a roller or brush with tile paint (or epoxy, auto enamel). Paint drying time is 12 hours.

Painting an image

This type of tile repair cannot be called a renovation - it is a more creative process, where the homeowner himself acts as the artist, and the wall with tiles serves as the canvas.

Firstly, it is worth clarifying that images can be applied with paint in several ways. The pattern can be applied to the surface:

  1. Using masking tape;
  2. By stencil method;
  3. Free drawing of elements.

At the same time, there are no restrictions in the choice of paint application methods. You can arm yourself with a set of brushes with different sizes pile. The paint can be filled into a spray bottle and applied to the wall using the spray method. Or you can take a piece of foam and use it to apply color prints. Possible combined option choosing products when painting tiles.

If artistic abilities are in question, then you can resort to using templates. The easiest way is to paint over the shapes, the boundaries of which are marked with insulating tape.

The sequence of steps is as follows:

  1. They are determined with a pattern (pattern, ornament) to decorate the old coating. Geometric patterns are in fashion now. They are the easiest to apply. Bright diamonds or squares, strokes look impressive and complement well modern design premises;
  2. Before updating the tiles, mark the wall or floor with a pencil and ruler;
  3. Cut strips of masking tape for the future drawing. For example, for a square of 10 by 10 cm, you need to cut 4 strips of 5 cm and 4 strips of 10 cm;
  4. Glue strips of tape onto the tiles so that the desired shape comes out (a square in in this case). The squares are placed at a distance of 10 cm from each other. The joints are covered with long-cut strips of tape;
  5. Prime the pattern with a small brush;
  6. Apply the first coat of paint 3 hours after priming. A second coat of paint is applied if the color of the tile shows through from under the pattern;
  7. Remove the tape after 24 hours from the moment of painting.

In these different ways (from basic mechanical to more artistic), it is possible to restore tiles on your own, without resorting to third-party services from professionals.

April 10, 2017 No comments

Tiled flooring is gaining more and more popularity every year. Modern manufacturers delight their consumers with a wide range of tiles, which are characterized by increased durability, various patterns and a wide range of shades. Today it is not difficult to purchase tiled floor products that imitate parquet or laminated coating, marble or granite floor, etc. But, unfortunately, sometimes a beautiful floor can be distorted by a flaw in the form of a deep scratch or chip. How to repair tile floors? Do I need to involve specialists in this or can I deal with the problem myself? We will talk about this in the article.

The parquet flooring in the house is certainly considered one of the elite, and reflects the status and taste of its owners. But is parquet flooring appropriate, for example, in the kitchen or on the balcony? Most likely not. But in order to maintain the overall style of the house, manufacturers recommend us the most beautiful porcelain stoneware product - parquet tiles.

Unlike its “big brother”, which is laid in the rooms and subjected to careful care, tiles in the kitchen, balcony or corridor sometimes cannot be protected from the accidental fall of heavy or sharp objects, which can leave a mark in the form of scratches or chips . As painful as it may be, the floor covering has to be replaced partially, and sometimes completely.

In order to properly eliminate such deficiencies, it is important to know not only the basic repair rules, but also the reasons that can provoke unwanted problems. Let's look at the most common factors that can cause damage:

Spot strikes of the coating,
mobile base,
load on the tile
changes in temperature and humidity,
microcracks in the coating,
incorrect installation.

Most often, the cause of cracks or chips in the floor covering is the fall of a heavy or sharp object or a heavy piece of furniture. Point loading is especially dangerous.

Low class of product and quality of installation increases the risk of surface damage. For example, if voids form in the mortar or the tile is laid on an uneven surface, then further load on such a fragment will lead to its fracture.
Repair work begins with assessing the extent of damage.

Important! If more than 30% of the tile covering is damaged, it will be cheaper to replace flooring fully.

If several fragments of the coating are damaged, then the owners are faced with the question of whether they will be able to select exactly the same shade and type of tile. But if the tile is already outdated or discontinued, then finding similar material will be a real problem. A thrifty owner always buys an “extra square” in a timely manner, which will allow him to get rid of this kind of problem. He won't have to run around hardware stores looking for the required material. It is always at hand, which first of all allows you to replace the damaged fragment in a timely manner flooring.

The question of how to repair floor tiles without removing the entire covering is one that most often interests consumers. As mentioned above, when starting to repair the tile covering, you need to first evaluate general condition floor and level of damage.

Sometimes, an unfortunate drop of a sharp object can scratch the surface. Fortunately, if the scratch is minor, it is hardly noticeable to the naked eye. But what if there is a deeper or wider scratch?

It can be puttied with a special putty, which can be purchased at any hardware store. Let's prepare the tools:

Rubber spatula,
Metal spatula,
Sponge or lint-free soft material,

Stages of work to eliminate a deep scratch on a tile

1. Clean damage from dust and dirt.
2. Apply putty with a rubber spatula and level it evenly.
3. Remove excess putty with a metal spatula.
4. After drying, wipe the surface with a sponge or lint-free material.

Attention! This method of repairing deep scratches is suitable for tiles with a matte surface!

If during restoration work it is necessary to remove an entire fragment of the floor covering, then, first of all, the question arises: “How to remove one element without affecting the neighboring ones.” This is probably main task, which needs to be handled perfectly. It can be solved simply if the seams between the covering elements are wide enough. There are several methods:

I cut through the seams with a grinder,
cutting seams with a drill with a thin drill bit,
removing an element manually with a chisel,
a combination of the above methods.

Once the fragment is removed, it is necessary to remove the entire layer of old glue. If the cause of damage was a violation of the underlying concrete screed, then it must be restored cement-sand mortar. After it has completely dried, lay it down new tiles with special glue.

Important! Restoring the screed using a self-leveling screed, the level should be slightly lower than the old one. This will allow the height of the new tiles to be correctly aligned with the base covering.

Knowing how to repair tiles on the floor, everyone can cope with this task on their own. So, we remove the damaged element with our own hands.

1. Using a drill, make holes diagonally in increments of no more than 2 cm.
2. Wear safety glasses and gloves.
3. Using a chisel and hammer, carefully break the damaged element into pieces, starting from the center of the tile and slowly moving to the edges.
4. Remove debris and dust from the concrete base.
5. Level the base of the screed and let it harden well.
6. Apply a “cushion” of tile adhesive to the screed.
7. Using a notched trowel, apply special tile adhesive to the back of the new tile.
8. Lay the tiles, pressing them slightly with your fist.
9. Level the surface of the new element in height using a rubber hammer.

That's all. The new tiles were neatly laid, and all that remained was to apply “cosmetic makeup” so that it would not stand out from the rest of the coating - to grout the seams with a special grout. You can start this process only after a day.

1. Prepare grout according to the instructions on the package.
2. Clean the seams from debris and dust using a screwdriver.
3. Apply grout to the seams with a spatula.
4. Remove excess grout from the tiles 15 minutes after application with a regular kitchen sponge.
5. Allow the grout to harden completely and wipe the tiles with a damp sponge.


Having carefully read the recommendations of specialists, now everyone can independently repair the tiles on the floor or replace one fragment with their own hands. If your work is done efficiently, then you will not soon be faced with the need for repeated repairs.

Video: How to repair tiles on the floor:

Tile covering on the floor and walls sometimes requires repair. The tiles, depending on the strength class and quality of installation, are exposed to varying degrees of influence. Some fragments do not hold up and cracks and chips appear on the surface. To eliminate such shortcomings, it is important to know the repair rules and why this or that problem arose. Let's look at what factors lead to damage and how to repair the coating yourself.

Cracks or chips in tiles are more likely to occur due to pinpoint impacts

Causes of defects

First, you need to understand one part of the question: why do flaws appear on tiles? There are many explanations for this.

At first glance, at the decoration vertical surfaces there is practically no load. Nevertheless, cracks on it are not uncommon. The reasons are:

  • targeted impacts on the coating;
  • mobile base, for example wood;
  • hanging heavy furniture on the walls;
  • damage to tiles during drilling or other types of work;
  • blows from the opposite side of the wall;
  • changes in temperature and humidity;
  • microcracks in the coating.

To find out why tiles in the bathroom are cracking, first of all, let’s pay attention to the microclimate in the room.

Regarding gender, its condition is influenced by the above factors.

Floor coverings often need repairs

Cracks appear due to the fall of a heavy object or the load from furniture. Point exposure is especially dangerous. Low class tiles increase the risk of surface damage even in everyday use. Let us separately highlight the quality of installation. If there are voids in the solution or the surface has unevenness, in the future, when such a tile is loaded, it will break and the fragment will need to be replaced. Repairing tiles in the bathroom is often associated with a violation of installation technology on such capricious surfaces as wood or plasterboard. Wood expands with increasing humidity, so technological gaps are left, the seams are made larger, and elastic glue is used.

If it was not possible to avoid repairs, carry out them efficiently so as not to encounter similar problems again.

Necessary tools and materials, masking defects

Do-it-yourself ceramic tile repairs on walls or floors are done using ordinary tools. You will need a chisel, a flat-head screwdriver and a grinder for dismantling work. Remove remaining glue with sandpaper. To repair a small chip in a floor tile with your own hands, use regular grout. You will also need glue if the cracks require replacing the element, a notched trowel, a level and a mallet. Read on for instructions on how to repair tiles yourself.

If the damage is minor, restoration of the coating without compromising its integrity is suitable. In other words, small cracks or chips along the edges of the tile are hidden without replacing the element.

The simplest ways to mask defects are grout and self-adhesive film

The easiest way to repair a chip is with a fugue. A mixture is selected so that it does not differ from the general background in tone and structure. If you want to use white mastic on a colored background, then adjust the width of the seam. Please note that a single wide joint will ruin general impression about coverage. To repair a chip with grout, simply apply a wet paste over the flaw and smooth out the seam. After drying, the plane is brought to perfection.

Small cracks in tiles can also be hidden using. The best option- usage self-adhesive film. Another way is to cover the flaw with some kind of accessory, for example, a towel holder. If the material cracks further, it is better to immediately glue a new one.

Replacing a fragment

Most efficient repair ceramic tiles - this means complete dismantling of the damaged part. This method is used if local restoration of damage is impossible.

Replacing tiles on a wall or floor is done as follows:

  1. Cleaning seams. This work is carried out carefully so as not to touch adjacent parts. If the cracks cover the entire tile, you can use a grinder.
  2. Removing tiles. Pry the element and force it away from the surface.
  3. Stripping the glue. Remove old mortar from the subfloor and walls as much as possible.
  4. Inspect adjacent elements. If the tile laid nearby is damaged or the quality of the masonry has been compromised, it is better to remove it and re-lay it.
  5. Installation of tiles. Fastening is done with glue. It is more convenient to apply it to the tile itself. Make sure it is level with the rest of the coating.
  6. Grouting joints. Be sure to seal the joints. Select the material as you would for other tiles. If this is not possible, it is recommended to completely renew the seams.
