Stages of growing momordica from seeds, caring for an exotic vine. Indian pomegranate momordica: how to use? Useful properties of momordica

IN recent years growing exotic crops summer cottage Gardeners and vegetable gardeners are increasingly interested in it, but not all of them know what momordica is and what kind of plant this unusual name bears. However, this culture is so unique that it is worth paying special attention to.

Momordica is the common name for a whole genus of vines of the Cucurbitaceae family, growing in the tropics and subtropics of Asia, Australia and Africa.

Of the 20 plant species, only one is suitable for cultivation - the monoecious herbaceous vine Momordica charantia, popularly called Chinese pumpkin, balsamic pear, Indian cucumber, crazy melon and crocodile cucumber.

The lobed, intricately carved leaf blades of the plant resemble leaves in shape. watermelon or grapes and look very attractive, making the momordica plant excellent for decorative landscaping. The yellow five-petalled flowers of the vine, located in the axils of the leaves, are fragrant with jasmine.

The fruits of momordica look no less aesthetically pleasing - they are rough, covered with thorns and warty growths; during the process of ripening they turn yellow, acquiring a rich fiery orange color. At the peak of ripeness, the fruits burst, bursting open from the inside to reveal the seeds in a bright red, fleshy shell.

In Southeast Asian countries, momordica fruits are eaten as a vegetable. They are pickled, stewed, boiled, and also eaten raw. For a long time Dishes made from the fruits of this miracle vine were considered an exquisite delicacy; the honor of tasting them belonged only to members of the imperial family and representatives of the high nobility.

In addition, the seeds and fruits were used to treat many diseases. Today, exotic dishes from momordica are not uncommon. To prepare a snack worthy of an emperor, you can grow the crop yourself. It is unpretentious and successfully cultivated in changeable climates. middle zone.

Features of growing momordica

Since momordica, even Indian, but still cucumber, the agricultural technology of its cultivation is very similar to cucumber. The most common way to grow exotic vines is to propagate momordica by seeds. By analogy with cucumbers, seeds are sown for seedlings in mid-April.

This is done like this:

  • Since momordica seeds have a very dense shell, they should be soaked in a weak solution of potassium permanganate a day before sowing. When sowing dry seeds, the shell can be slightly filed using sandpaper or a file.
  • Small pots or cups are filled with soil mixture for seedlings.
  • Sowing is carried out with two seeds in each pot to a depth of 1.5-2 cm.
  • Water moderately with warm water. The seedlings do not require watering in the next 2-3 days.
  • You can speed up the emergence of seedlings by covering containers with crops with glass or polyethylene.

At an average temperature of +20° C to +25° C, friendly shoots of momordica appear already on the tenth day after sowing, and after 20-30 days the strengthened seedlings will be ready for planting in open ground.

In addition to propagation by seeds, cultivation of momordica can also be done by pinching. To do this, strong shoots are taken from an adult vine and placed in nutrient substrate for rooting, after which they are transferred to the selected planting site.

Caring for a momordica plant

Momordica is planted in open ground in late May, when the flowering of apple trees ends. It feels best on fertile, loose soils. As predecessor crops for exotic beauty Legumes, potatoes and tomatoes are suitable.

With the appearance of side shoots, the stems of young momordica seedlings should be fixed to vertical support, for which you can choose a trellis, arch or pergola. As it grows, the vine will self-fix itself, reaching a length of up to 2 m, and wrap around the supporting structure.

However, to get good harvest, strong thickening of the crown should not be allowed, therefore, at the level of 9-10 internodes, it is recommended to pinch the vine and rid it of excess side shoots. For the full development of the culture, it will be enough to leave 2-3 main lashes.

During the flowering period, momordica, being a good honey plant, attracts a huge number of pollinating insects, thanks to which future fruits are formed. When grown in a greenhouse, the plant will require artificial pollination, since momordica flowers are dioecious.

The crop blooms simultaneously with the active development of shoots. It is recommended to water momordica as the soil dries out, at the rate of 10 liters of water for each adult plant.

It is important to remember that during the period of fruit ripening, the leaves of momordica burn strongly, so the access of children and pets to the plant at this time should be limited. After the first fruit ripens on it, this unpleasant property is lost.

Being a typical representative of its family, most often momordica is affected by diseases characteristic of its relatives: powdery mildew, white rot, bacteriosis.

Most dangerous pest plants are considered to be aphids. At the first signs of a disease or pest attack, measures should be taken to save momordica, which include methods for treating any pumpkin crop.

Harvesting and healing properties of momordica

To continue active fruiting of the crop, the crop should be harvested more often. However, it is worth remembering that the formation of too many fruits can seriously weaken the plant.

The medicinal properties of momordica are due to the increased content of vitamins of groups A, B, C, E, PP and F, and in terms of the amount of micronutrients, momordica has left far behind such recognized “champions” as broccoli and celery.

Thanks to this, momordica has a restorative and tonic effect on the human body. In addition, momordica has antiviral and bactericidal properties, helps regulate blood sugar levels and increase hemoglobin in it.

Also, momordica, actively participating in fat burning processes, helps reduce bad cholesterol and cleanse blood vessels, thereby reducing the risk of strokes and heart attacks.

Numerous recipes for decoctions and infusions, which include momordica, are intended for the treatment of diseases such as psoriasis, furunculosis, rheumatoid arthritis, burns, prostatitis, and cancer.

Vitamin F present in the plant prevents premature aging, and with long-term use promotes cell renewal human body. Momordica also allows you to restore lost visual acuity and is successfully used to treat some eye diseases.

Despite the beneficial properties of momordica, in some cases there are serious contraindications to its use. Taking momordica and drugs based on it during pregnancy can cause uterine bleeding and provoke a miscarriage.

Eating the seeds of the plant can cause poisoning and the development of anemia in children, as well as exacerbation of ulcers and heartburn in people suffering from diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Momordica is one of the plants in which everything is beautiful: decorative foliage, delicate fragrant flowers and unusually useful exotic fruits. And what’s surprising is that this exotic miracle can be successfully grown in our Russian latitudes in the garden, greenhouse and even on the windowsill.

Momordica - description

The Momordica plant belongs to the pumpkin family and comes from Southeast Asia. This is an annual herbaceous vine with beautiful carved leaves on long curly stems. Interestingly, before the fruits ripen, the foliage of the plant burns a little; later this property disappears.

Spectacular momordica flowers are colored in rich yellow. Male and female inflorescences bloom simultaneously on the plant, emitting a pleasant aroma with hints of jasmine.

At first, momordica fruits are green in color and shaped like a cucumber. As they ripen, they acquire a juicy bright orange color. The fruits are covered with a warty shell, giving them a strange appearance. Because of unusual shape Momordica fruits are called “crocodile cucumber”, “balsamic pear”, “crazy melon”, “Indian pomegranate (or cucumber)”.

When the fruit is fully ripe, it opens like a flower and drops seeds covered with a ruby ​​jelly-like pulp. The taste of the fruit is similar to a ripe pumpkin, but with a bitterness, which gives momordica delicacies a piquant note. The pulp covering the seeds has a pleasant persimmon taste.

Gardeners love momordica not only for its taste and benefits, but also for its decorative qualities. This is a wonderful decoration for terraces, balconies, gazebos, decorative grilles, walls and fences. Momordica grows well in room conditions. In the Russian climate, two types of plants are grown:

  • guarantee;
  • Momordica balsamic.

Features of caring for momordica

Momordica, the cultivation of which is not difficult, requires the same conditions as all pumpkin plants. In the middle zone and to the north it is cultivated in greenhouses or greenhouses. Grows successfully on a loggia, balcony or in winter garden. IN southern regions the plant is grown in open ground, planting its seedlings after warm weather sets in.

The shoots of the plant actively grow, reaching 4 meters in length. One bush can cover the entire balcony. To grow momordica, you will need support in the form of a vertical trellis.

Momordica: growing from seeds

The seeds of the plant vary in size up to 15 mm in length and have excellent germination. Interestingly, each momordica seed is covered with a unique natural pattern, similar to an Indian ornament.

For planting, choose seeds of a darker color. A light color indicates that the seed is not ripe. So, at the beginning of April we sow momordica, adhering to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. First we carry out scarification. To do this, grind the sharp tip of the seed with a file or sandpaper. This procedure will allow the shell to swell and open faster.
  2. Next, soak the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate for several hours to disinfect and improve germination.
  3. We place the treated seeds in damp sawdust or soft paper, place them in a warm place and maintain constant humidity. After about 12 days, the seed coat cracks and white roots appear.
  4. We sow the sprouted seeds in peat pots with an earthen mixture of three parts humus and one part turf. Be sure to warm up the soil before planting. We insert the seeds edgewise into the ground, deepening them 1 or 2 cm and sprinkling them with a little sand.
  5. We water the crops warm water, cover with glass or half plastic bottles and place in a warm place. The next watering is in two days.
  6. After the shoots appear, we remove the “greenhouse” and place the pots on the windowsill. We protect the seedlings from drafts and do not forget to periodically moisten them.
  7. We transplant seedlings that have reached 25 cm in height into larger containers using the transshipment method. Momordica has a poorly developed root system, so it must be replanted carefully. In mid-May we begin to harden off the seedlings. For this purpose in warm days open the window for a few hours.
  8. With the establishment of warm weather at the end of May or beginning of June, we plant momordica on permanent place. When planting in the ground, leave a distance of about 1 meter between the bushes.

Momordica care

Momordica should not be planted in low-lying areas. She does not tolerate stagnant water. In indoor conditions, the container with the plant must be provided with drainage holes and a drainage layer 3 cm thick. Before flowering, watering is moderate - once every five days is enough. During fruiting, it is advisable to water the plant every two or three days.

Momordica prefers fertile and permeable soil, which needs to be prepared in the fall. During autumn digging, half a bucket of rotted manure or compost, 20 g of potassium sulfate and 30 g of superphosphate are added to each square meter of land. In spring, add 20 g of nitrogen fertilizer. At home, “balsamic pear” is fed with complex mineral fertilizer for indoor plants.

Fruiting of momordica

To set fruit, the plant needs flower pollination. In open ground, insects perform this role. In home or greenhouse conditions, you have to do pollination yourself. To do this, pollen is transferred from male flowers to female flowers using a brush.

To grow an excellent harvest, provide the plant with good lighting and prevent the bush from thickening. Before reaching a height of 50 cm, all side shoots are removed, leaving three main stems. If the length is more than 50 cm, the shoots are removed after setting the first fruit. A good help is a vertical trellis, the lower crossbar of which is located at a height of 70 to 90 cm.

The more often the harvest is harvested, the more actively the momordica bears fruit. It is worth noting that momordica fruits are tasty at any stage of maturity.

Useful properties of momordica

Absolutely all parts of momordica are edible, healthy and contain a storehouse of vitamins and microelements. The leaves are rich in iron, calcium, sodium and phosphorus. Shoots and fruits are a source of vitamins C, A, B, E, and F, selenium, silicon, potassium, zinc, as well as folic, nicotinic and pantothenic acids. Ruby seeds are rich in carotene and contain about 55% essential oils.

The fruits are also unique in that they can be prepared in the most in different ways: stew, fry, salt, marinate, pour syrup and make jam from them. Here are just a few recipes for using “Indian pomegranate”:

  1. The leaves are brewed as tea (3 leaves per teapot).
  2. Fresh root plates are useful to apply to the gums to relieve inflammation.
  3. Cut into pieces, sprinkled with flour and fried on vegetable oil The fruits are very tasty!

For medicinal purposes, momordica is used as an anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic agent. It also stimulates insulin production, helping in the treatment of diabetes. The plant increases hemoglobin, strengthens the immune system and is used in the treatment of colds and stomach diseases. However, it should not be used in case of individual intolerance, as well as in pregnant and lactating women.

Valentina Kravchenko, expert

Diseases and pests of momordica

The cause of all momordica diseases is improper care. It is dangerous for it to over-moisten the soil, which affects all parts of the plant. Also cause diseases high humidity, sudden changes in temperature, drafts, watering with cold water.

  1. Powdery mildew - white spots appear on both sides of the leaves, after which they lose color, curl and die. Control measures - destruction of weeds, disinfection of the greenhouse, spraying with fungicides.
  2. White rot - the root parts of the stems become covered with a white coating, soften, and become slimy. Control measures are the same as for powdery mildew.
  3. Bacteriosis - sores and spots appear on cotyledons and true leaves brown, the fruits are deformed. Control measures - destruction of diseased plants, spraying with 1% Bordeaux mixture. Prevention of bacteriosis - disinfection of seeds.

The main pests of momordica are melon aphids and whiteflies. Insects must be controlled using traditional methods.

Momordica is a plant that requires care and attention. Its decorativeness, fertility and beneficial properties speak for themselves. A little work and patience - and this strange plant will give you a rich and tasty harvest.

Have you already tried growing mormodica? Have you encountered any difficulties? Share your experience in the comments!

The exotic and extraordinary attract gardeners, flower growers and gardeners like a magnet. Pineapples, coconuts, orange and lemon trees- all this has become commonplace in our houses and apartments. But, believe me, the world of plants will never cease to amaze us. Pay attention to the tropical liana with the unusual name “momordica”. Growing this exotic fruit at home is quite possible; moreover, you can get amazing and edible fruits. Read the article about what you need for this.


The name “Momordica” unites a whole genus of plants belonging to and including about 20 species. All of them are perennial and annual tropical vines native to the rainforests of Australia, Africa and Asia. Two species are considered cultivated and widely used: Momordica charantia and Cochin.

Momordica charantia

An annual vine native to the tropical forests of Asia. It is cultivated all over the world in areas with hot climates. The plant grows up to 4 m in length, has a 5-sided thick stem with simple tendrils and longitudinal grooves. Leaves decorative look, round, deeply dissected on a petiole 1 to 7 cm long, yellow flower, five-petaled. Fruits of various shapes with a rough surface, warts and wrinkles are what momordica is valued for. Growing from seeds at home is possible if two main conditions are created - good lighting and warmth.

The fruits have a bitter taste. To get rid of it, they are soaked for several hours in salted water. Then the vegetable is stewed, boiled and canned. It has outstanding characteristics. For example, beta-carotene in momordica is 2 times more than in broccoli.

Momordica cochinensis

In Vietnam it is also called "gak". Annual climbing plant with tripartite leaves and large ellipsoidal fruits. It is actively used in folk oriental medicine due to its high content of various substances: carotene, glycosides, lycopene, sapotoxin, tocopherol, essential fatty acids. It has 15 times more beta-carotene than regular carrots. Grown in the southern regions along with the previous species.

Growing conditions for momordica, similar to natural ones, are, by and large, easily recreated in a room, on a balcony, on a terrace, in a greenhouse and even in open ground (in the southern regions). In addition to the practical benefits from the fruits, you also get from a beautiful vine with large leaves and fragrant flowers.

Grow it exotic plant not as difficult as it might seem at first glance, agricultural technology in in this case is in many ways similar to that of its close relatives - pumpkins and zucchini. Meanwhile, there are several points worth paying attention to.

Seed treatment

Qualitative planting material from a reliable manufacturer - this is where you should start, otherwise it may turn out to be not a momordika after long waits. Growing and care at home begins with preparing and sowing seeds. They are distinguished by their rather large sizes (1.1-1.5 cm in length and up to 1 cm in width) and a dense, thick shell. The shape of the seeds is flat-round with uneven edges and a rough surface. In order for them to germinate successfully, scarification is required, that is, damage to the hard outer shell mechanically. To do this, rub the pointed tip of the seed with sandpaper so that water penetrates inside faster and it opens more freely.

Then soak the planting material in a dark crimson solution of potassium permanganate for 3-4 hours. This not only disinfects, but also stimulates germination and further development. Next, prepare wet sawdust (it is best to use a container with a lid, such as a cake) and place the seeds wrapped in cloth in them. Place in a warm place (+24...+25 °C) until germination. Such conditions contribute to almost 100% germination. Momordica (growing and care will be discussed in detail later in the text) hatches in different ways, but on average after 2-3 days.

Growing seedlings

As soon as the seeds hatch, they must be immediately planted in the prepared soil mixture. It is best to use individual pots with a diameter of about 10 cm. Fill them with soil from the store (you can use a special one for seedlings) or prepared in advance yourself. To do this, mix in a ratio of 1:1:1:0.5 leaf soil, peat, humus and sand, respectively. The seeding depth is 1.5 cm. Pre-water the soil, lay them on edge, and then sprinkle with dry soil. Cover the top of the pots with polyethylene and place in a warm place. It will take 3-4 days for momordica to germinate. Growing and caring for seedlings in the future is simple.

The soil should be kept moist, but not flooded. For full development, plants must remain at a temperature of at least +20 ° C. Periodically (2 times a month), the seedlings are fertilized with a solution of mineral and organic preparations in turn. Do not forget that when growing vines indoors, fertilizer consumption rates must be calculated in accordance with the volume of the earthen clod. Follow the dosage exactly, otherwise you may burn the roots.

and home care

It is recommended to change the pot for the seedling by the time it reaches a height of 25 cm. Prepare larger containers and replant the momordica. Immediately take care of a permanent place for it in the apartment or on the balcony. Note that the plant does not tolerate shading, only sun and bright light. Prepare trellises and support for the vine in advance. Subject to proper development and growth, one specimen is capable of braiding at least half a balcony.

If your goal is to obtain a harvest, then you should not thicken the crown. Remove all side shoots up to a level of 50 cm, and then leave 2-3 main stems. As soon as fruits begin to set on them, the top should be pinched (similar to growing a pumpkin). The flowers of the vine are male and female, so pollination is required for the formation of the ovary. In natural conditions, this task is performed by insects; in artificial conditions, pollen must be transferred with a brush. Watering on hot days is daily and abundant, in cloudy weather - as needed.

Diseases and pests

Momordica (growing and care, photo in text) is similar in many ways to cucumbers and momordica in general. Including susceptibility to certain diseases and pests, namely: powdery mildew, white rot, bacteriosis and aphids. The cause is often too dry air. The plant's homeland is the tropics, where high temperature environment combined with high atmospheric humidity. Therefore, regularly spray the plant late in the evening or in the early morning hours, place a container of water on the balcony, which will gradually evaporate. One more possible reason- sharp fluctuations in air temperature, to prevent this, try to maintain an average daily value of +20...+25 °C; temperatures below 10 °C are almost fatal for momordica.

Use the same chemicals for processing as for cucumbers: “Topaz”, “Quadris”, “VDG”, “Tiovit Jet”, etc.

Harvesting and its use

Momordica, the cultivation and care of which is not so difficult, produces amazing fruits both in shape and color, and in taste. It is recommended to collect them 8-10 days after their appearance; at this moment they do not yet have the characteristic bitterness. In addition, this stimulates further formation of ovaries. Too many fruits weaken the plant. Harvest You can use it at your discretion - boil, stew, marinate. Everyone's taste preferences are different, but there is an opinion that the exotic vegetable resembles zucchini.

The fruits are especially widely used in Sino-Tibetan folk medicine for the treatment of a wide range of diseases: cardiovascular, burns, ulcers, diabetes, for lowering cholesterol, etc.

Momordica: cultivation and care in the Urals

The question of whether it is possible to grow such an exotic plant in the conditions of the middle zone and the Urals comes up quite often. As for the method described above at home, then, in principle, it is relevant for any climate zone, provided there is sufficient heat and light. However, as the practice and experience of gardeners shows, momordica in the Urals can be grown in open ground or greenhouses.

Used exclusively seedling method. Plants are planted in open ground at a distance of 50-70 cm from each other when warm nights set in (at least from +15...+17 °C). Further care involves loosening, tying to a trellis and regular abundant watering.

Momordica is a herbaceous vine that is a member of the pumpkin family. The genus has 20 varieties, among which there are both annual and perennial plants.

General information

The most common cultivated species of Chinese melon are Cochin Momordica and Momordica charantia. Its homeland is the tropical regions of China, the Caribbean islands and India. Some plant species can also be found in Crimea. The entire plant is edible, from fruits to leaves. In addition, momordica also has medicinal properties.

Despite the fact that momordica is an exotic plant, it has managed to take root in many garden plots our country. Some gardeners prefer to plant momordica because of its decorative value, others love it for its tasty fruits, and still others are attracted by the fact that it is a medicinal plant.

The plant is popularly called Chinese melon and Indian cucumber. It can be grown not only in open ground, but also on the balcony or as a home potted crop. Growing and caring for momordica is not difficult, so even a novice gardener can add an Indian cucumber to their collection of plants.

Types and varieties of momordica

- is a climbing herbaceous annual native to India and Vietnam. The leaf blades are tripartite. The inflorescences are yellow, reminiscent of pumpkin. The fruits are elliptical, having a diameter of up to 12 centimeters with small outgrowths. The seeds are large, flat, slightly round shape and with an unpleasant odor.

Or Bitter cucumber – The plant’s homeland is tropical Asia and China. The liana reaches up to 4 meters in length and has a pentagonal, weaving stem with tendrils. The leaf blades are medium-sized, dark green, flattened-round in shape with five or nine lobes.

The inflorescences are yellow, five-petalled. Unripe fruits have a green tint, and after ripening they turn yellow. They have a rough surface, medium size and pleasant aroma. The seeds are red-brown in color and are found in spongy pulp. white.

– The plant’s homeland is China, Africa and India. The culture is a vine with thin, long shoots growing up to four meters. The leaf blades are large, light green, palmately dissected. The inflorescences are medium-sized, yellow in color, reminiscent of pumpkin. The fruits are elongated-oval, large with a warty surface. When ripe they turn yellow and open. Inside the fruit are red-brown seeds.

– the plant is an annual, highly branched herbaceous vine with large palmately dissected leaf blades. The fruits are medium-sized, spindle-shaped and have a bumpy surface. Immature momordica has a green tint, and after ripening it turns yellow. The pulp of the fruit is cream-colored with a bitter aftertaste and reddish, large seeds.

This herbaceous climbing vine, reaching a length of 2 meters, is native to Australia, China and Africa. The leaves are large, dark green, palmately dissected. The flowers are large, yellow with a pleasant aroma. The fruits are medium-sized, oval-oblong in shape with a bumpy surface. When ripe they turn yellow and have red seeds inside.

– is the most fertile variety in existence, capable of producing up to 60 kilograms of fruit from one bush. It is an annual vine reaching a length of up to 5 meters. The leaf blades are green, large, glossy with a jagged edge. Fawn-colored inflorescences with veins. The fruits are large, have a warty surface, a yellow tint and red seeds.

– The natural habitat of the plant is India. The culture is a perennial vine reaching a length of up to 4 meters. The leaves of the plant are dark green, medium-sized, lobed. The inflorescences are large, yellow in color. The fruits are round in shape with small soft spines, becoming orange as they ripen. The seeds are red, located in light pulp.

- is a perennial vine that grows up to 7 meters in length. The leaf blades are wide, large, ovoid, dark green in color. The inflorescences are yellow, medium-sized with a pleasant aroma. The fruits are oval, large with soft spines. When ripe they turn yellow, crack and reveal red seeds.

Momordica planting and care in open ground

To plant momordica, you should choose sunny but slightly shaded beds. It is not recommended to plant the plant in low-lying areas where moisture will stagnate, otherwise the crop will simply die. Caring for an Indian cucumber is no different from ordinary pumpkin and zucchini.

It is necessary to plant seedlings grown in advance in greenhouse conditions in late spring - early summer. You can plant earlier, but only if there is no threat of frost.

The bed for the crop should be prepared in advance. For this purpose, you should dig up the area, fertilize it and add lime so that the earth acquires the necessary acidity. Next spring disembarkation can be carried out.

In our climate zone, gardeners advise growing momordica in a greenhouse or hothouse. When growing it in open ground, during rain and at night, the Indian cucumber must be covered with film. In the southern regions with mild and warm climate, the culture need not be covered.

When planting seedlings, care must be taken not to damage root system, which is very weak and thin. A trellis should be installed next to the young bushes so that they can climb along it and feel comfortable.

The seedlings are planted in previously prepared, moistened and fertilized holes, the distance between which should be up to 60 centimeters. Acclimatization of young plants in a new location takes up to two weeks, during which they require careful care.

Gynostemma is also a member of the Pumpkin family and has a number of beneficial properties. It is grown when planted and cared for in open ground without special troubles, if you follow the rules of agricultural technology. All necessary recommendations You can find it in this article.

Watering momordica

Momordica is moisture-loving plant Therefore, it is necessary to ensure that the soil does not dry out. If the summer is hot, then the crop requires abundant watering. In this case, it needs to be watered twice a week, adding one bucket of water under the bush.

If it is not possible to water the plant according to this schedule, you can do it once a week, adding two buckets of water under the bush. To prevent rapid evaporation of moisture, the space under and around the bushes must be mulched with dry peat or compost.

Soil for momordica

Momordica is a rather demanding plant regarding soil and its fertility. It is recommended to plant it where tomatoes, potatoes, beans, pumpkins and peas are grown.

The bed for planting the crop is prepared in the fall by adding soil to the previously dug up soil. fresh manure, ammonium nitrate, potassium chloride and superphosphate. For drainage, sand and lime must be added to the soil mixture so that the soil acquires a neutral or slightly acidic pH.

In the spring, before planting, the soil should be loosened and the prepared seedlings should be planted. After planting, the soil should be lightly pressed and the young plants watered. It is also necessary to place a net or trellis next to them so that the Indian cucumber can weave along it.

Momordica transplant

The plant does not need replanting, since in our climate zone only annual crops can be grown.

After fruiting, they are removed from the soil and burned.

Momordiki garter

Since momordica is a vine, it needs support. It should be grown only with support in the form of a vertical trellis or net, the lower crossbar of which should be located at a height of 90 centimeters from the ground.

After the plant grows to the crossbar, it must be carefully thrown over it, then retreat 30 centimeters from the shoot and pinch it.

Fertilizer for momordica

Fertilizing of the crop is carried out using complex fertilizers with potassium and nitrogen in its composition.

Can be mixed as a top dressing cow dung and bird droppings in a ratio of 1:2, diluting the resulting mixture in ten liters of water, after which it must be applied under the bush. Momordica should be fed in this way once a month until the end of fruiting.

Blooming momordica

The plant begins to bloom during the active growing season in July. The culture has both female and male inflorescences. Males bloom earlier than females.

The flowers are medium in size, bright yellow with a pleasant aroma. Outwardly they look like pumpkin ones. After flowering, fruits begin to form and ripen by early autumn.

Pruning momordica

To get a good harvest, you should prevent the crown from thickening, from time to time cutting off the side shoots to a height of 50 centimeters. Experienced gardeners It is recommended to leave three main stems. Those shoots that are taller than 50 centimeters must be removed after the first fruits set.

To avoid pest damage, you should also remove dry and withered leaf blades and wilted areas of the plant.

Preparing momordiki for winter

Since momordica grown in our climatic zone is annual plant, it does not need preparation for winter.

After the end of fruiting, the shoots are pulled out from the ground, burned, and the bed is dug up and prepared for the next season of growing the plant.

Momordica growing from seeds

Reproduction of momordica in open ground is in most cases carried out by seed. However, there is also a cutting method that can also be used to propagate Indian cucumber.

Since the seeds of the crop have a very hard shell, they must first be prepared before planting in the substrate. Preparation consists of soaking in warm water until the shell softens and soaking in a manganese solution 24 hours before sowing for the purpose of disinfection.

If this procedure is carried out correctly, then almost all the seed material will sprout. Soaking seeds should not be carried out for more than a day, otherwise they will simply rot.

Seeds must be planted into the substrate edgewise, burying them 1.5 centimeters into the ground. Best used for planting peat pots having a diameter of up to 10 centimeters. After sowing, the future seedlings must be watered with warm water. Repeated watering should be done no earlier than three days later.

Seeds are best planted in late March or early April. After sowing, seedlings will begin to appear within two weeks. In order for seedlings to germinate faster, they need to be provided with a temperature of at least +20 degrees. She also needs moderate humidity, absence of drafts and temperature changes.

Twice a month the soil should be fertilized with mineral or organic subcrusts. Planting in open ground can be carried out after the appearance of several leaf blades.

Propagation of momordica by cuttings

Momordica can also be propagated by cuttings. For this purpose, the shoots of the plant must be placed either in water or in a mixture of sand and peat, waiting until they take root.

The temperature should not fall below +25 degrees. The finished planting material is planted in the garden bed, covered with a glass jar for several days.

Diseases and pests

The plant is affected by diseases of fungal etiology and several types of pests.

Diseases of fungal etiology include:

  • Powdery mildew - this disease is quite common in plants of the cucurbitaceous genus. It manifests itself in a white coating on the leaf blades, their darkening and curling . The disease spreads very quickly. It can be eliminated by treating diseased crops with a solution based on colloidal sulfur.
  • White rot - this illness leads to damage to the root system and affects the root area . Occurs when overwatering. You can get rid of the disease by spraying the plant with Aktara.
  • Bacteriosis - this disease affects leaf blades and fruits, leading to the appearance dark spots on them . The disease can be eliminated by trimming damaged parts of the plant and spraying momordica with a solution of Bordeaux mixture.

Of the insects, whiteflies and aphids are dangerous to the plant.

It is very difficult to get rid of whiteflies, for this reason it is best to prevent its appearance by disinfecting the beds with an infusion of manganese and garlic after harvesting. Aphids can be eliminated by treating the plant with the Actellik insecticide.

All of the above problems arise as a result improper care behind the plant, so to avoid them, when growing momordica, you must follow the advice of experienced gardeners.

Momordica beneficial properties

Momordica gained its popularity due to the presence medicinal properties. The fruits and shoots of this useful crop rich in carotene, insulin-like peptides, calcium, fatty oils, alkaloids, phenols, amino acids, sapolins.

Indian cucumber allows you to get rid of many diseases, including such dangerous ones as oncology. The plant is able to normalize blood pressure, reduce the glycemic index and eliminate tumor growths at the initial stage. It is recommended for diabetics to maintain normal well-being, which is provided by the carotene, peptides and alkaloids included in the culture.

Momordica seeds are used to treat the gastrointestinal tract. Since they contain a large amount of fat, they effectively heal ulcerative lesions of the stomach and intestines.

The plant has a strong diuretic effect, therefore it effectively removes fluid from the body and also cleanses the bile ducts, preventing stagnation of bile.

The leaf plates of momordica have a stretching property. For this reason, they are applied to the wound surface and bites of poisonous reptiles and insects. Lotions based on them eliminate pain, remove toxic substances and eliminate the inflammatory process.

The pulp of the fruit contains a large amount of vitamins that have a positive effect on vision, nails, skin, teeth and hair.

Since the fruit contains vitamin C, it can be used for ailments of viral etiology. In addition, it has strong antioxidant properties.

The use of momordica improves vascular permeability, normalizes blood clotting and eliminates inflammatory processes. In dietetics, it is used due to the fact that it effectively normalizes metabolic processes in the body, stimulates weight loss and is a natural, safe energy drink that helps reduce food consumption and convert it into energy rather than fat.

The use of momordica in folk medicine

In folk medicine I use all parts of the plant. They are used to prepare decoctions, lotions, infusions and compresses.

Decoctions of dry momordica seeds help with fever, hemorrhoids and prostatitis. They are also used to improve vision. Fresh seeds are taken to improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. It is enough to eat 3 seeds per day.

Rhizomes and fruits are used to prepare tinctures used for colds and bronchopulmonary ailments.

Fresh leaf plates are used to prepare a solution for inhalation and analgesic decoctions. Infusions against arthritis are prepared from the shoots of momordica.

The pulp is used in the form of lotions for bites. They relieve inflammation, itching and swelling. The juice is used to treat burns, making compresses and ointments from it.

Contraindications to the use of momordica

Despite the fact that the plant has many beneficial properties, there are also contraindications to its use. Momordica, or rather, its leaf plates and stems cause severe burns on the skin, so when collecting fruits and raw materials, you should be careful and this procedure gloved.

Expectant and nursing mothers should avoid products based on Indian cucumber, since the substances contained in momordica cause miscarriage and negatively affect the newborn if they enter the body with mother's milk.

The plant is also contraindicated for allergy sufferers, especially those who have individual intolerance to the components of this exotic culture. Children under six years of age should not be given momordica, as it can cause severe allergies. In other cases, eating Indian cucumber will only bring benefits.

(crazy cucumber, Indian pomegranate, bitter gourd, balsam pear) – very beautiful plant from the tropics. Bright yellow flowers on long stalks with a pleasant aroma look impressive against the background of carved light green leaves. The plant is also very decorative during the ripening period of the fruits, which acquire an orange-yellow color. During the growth period, all organs of the plant burn when touched, like nettles. However, when the first ripe fruits appear, the momordica stops “biting.”

This genus of annual climbers herbaceous plants The pumpkin family is cultivated in many countries, mainly in Asia. It has valuable medicinal properties and has edible fruits.

The fruits are rounded and elongated and covered with fleshy small spines. When ripe, the fruit turns yellow and then turns bright orange. Mature fruits crack with three leaves, on which there are large flat seeds, placed in a red capsule. The fruit tastes pleasant, reminiscent of ripe persimmon.

Medicinal properties

Momordica fruits contain vitamins A, B, C, E, F, microelements, proteins, carbohydrates and a lot of folic acid.

Biologically active substances contained in fruits and seeds reduce total cholesterol levels and stimulate insulin production. Momordica is one of the few plants that contains charantin, a substance that lowers blood sugar levels.

It is used in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, liver diseases, stomach ulcers, urolithiasis, to strengthen the immune system, for colds and flu, headaches and joint pain, burns, psoriasis, and some types of cancer.
Momordica improves visual acuity and treats eye diseases.

Features of cultivation

The ripening period of momordica is very long, so it is recommended to grow it through seedlings in order to shorten the growing season in open ground.

Momordica is grown like cucumbers. At the beginning of March, seeds are sown in 0.5 liter pots to obtain seedlings, and then planted in open ground.

The seed coat is rich in starch and carotenoids and serves nutrient for their growth and development. Sow the seeds on the edge to a depth of 1-1.5 cm in warm, moist soil (temperature 22-24°C). Under such conditions, seedlings appear within a week.
They are regularly sprayed with warm water.

When two true leaves appear, the seedlings are planted in open ground, being careful not to damage the root system (along with the lump of earth), otherwise the plants will get sick for a long time or may die completely.

As with all pumpkin plants, picking is unacceptable.

The plant is quite heat-loving, so seedlings are planted when the threat of frost has passed, in well-warmed areas.

The largest plants are selected and placed at intervals of 35-50 cm with row spacing of 50 cm. You can grow them without tying them up, like cucumbers, or put them along a gazebo or fence.
Good illumination of the plant when grown vertically helps to obtain maximum yield.

Momordica is also grown without seedlings. The seeds are soaked in water for 24 hours, then placed in a wet cloth (sawdust) and kept moist. After 3-4 days, small roots appear and the seeds are planted in open ground. This is done in May, when the threat of return frosts has passed. Such plants sprout vigorously and develop quickly.

Momordica grows well in any soil with the addition of humus. Does not tolerate excessive moisture. They feed it during the growing season every 2 weeks with mineral or organic fertilizers.

It forms a large number of stepsons that thicken the bush. Most often, 3 main shoots are left on the plant, removing all unnecessary shoots. When shaping, wear gloves to avoid damaging your hands. It is because of this that the plant is practically not formed, allowing it to develop independently.

Stepchildren can be used for reproduction. To do this, cuttings with two well-developed leaves are cut from the bottom of the stepsons and placed in warm water (at least 25°C). After 12-14 days, the first roots appear, and after a month the cuttings can be planted in a permanent place. After planting, the plants are well watered and shaded for 2-3 days.

Unlike other pumpkins, momordica is close in size to a cucumber. The fruits are small and the stem does not bend under their weight, supporting a large number of them.

And one more feature. Fresh fruits are bitter, so before eating they are soaked in salted water for 10-12 hours, after which they are tasted. If the bitterness is felt like that of bitter cucumbers, continue soaking in new salted water. Then the thin, thorny peel is cut off and used to make salads.

Momordica is stewed, salted or pickled like cucumbers.
To preserve the fruit, wash it, cut it into pieces, remove the seeds and peel the skin.
Place the fruits in sterilized jars and add garlic, dill, black currant leaves, allspice. Pour boiling marinade over and roll up.
Marinade: 1 tbsp for 1 liter of water. salt, sugar, vinegar.

Its tubers, leaves and young shoots are also edible, which are used fresh in salads or to prepare vegetable soups.

Knots for memory

  • When ripe, the fruit cracks and shoots out its seeds several meters along with mucus. For this plant, it was nicknamed “mad cucumber.”
  • Seeds are not always available for sale; more often they are obtained from bright orange fruits. It is enough to wash and dry them, and sow them in pots in the spring.
  • 10-day-old green fruits are eaten because the more mature ones contain a lot of bitterness.
  • With a lack of light and nutrition, small fruits are formed and the ovaries often fall off.
  • With the help of this plant you can create a picturesque fence or wall. The stem of momordica, with the help of tendrils, entwines any trellis and its length reaches 5 m. The openwork leaves of momordica have different shades.
