We open a paintball club without much hassle. How to open a paintball club: learning to make money from entertainment

Paintball in recent years has become a very popular game. All more men and women prefer, instead of the traditional corporate events, to spend time in the fresh air. Enterprising people do not ignore the increased interest in this sport and open special clubs. We will tell you in detail how to create a paintball business in this article.

No license required

The main type of paintball weapon is a marker. Despite its close resemblance to a real firearm, it is not one. This is clearly stated in the federal law “On Weapons”. Markers belong to a group of products called “Sports equipment and equipment”. Their acquisition, carrying and storage does not require special permission. In addition, the provision of sports and entertainment services (which is what paintball is) does not require a license.

What documents are needed?

The paintball business, like any other type of activity, requires registration. You can choose LLC (company with limited liability) or individual entrepreneur ( individual entrepreneur). For small companies, the second option is more convenient. In it you can choose a specific form of taxation - a single tax on imputed income. In addition, you will need a lease agreement for the land/premises where you will locate your club.

General information

Before developing a business plan for a paintball club, you need to decide how, why and for whom you are going to open sports competitions. Paintball is not played spontaneously; usually this event is planned in advance. This is a kind of tourism, and therefore you should be concerned about where you will locate the club.

A certain infrastructure is needed. Experts on this issue advise placing a sports zone on the territory of a recreation center or a former pioneer camp. This is relevant if the main focus is on a corporate client. In addition, the club can be equipped with additional amenities and entertainment. For example, a cafe, sauna, relaxation room, customer delivery.


Where is the best place to play war games? Remember your childhood and you will easily answer your question. Construction sites, abandoned buildings, vacant lots littered with rubbish - these are places where you can set up a “headquarters” and ambush the enemy. Take a look at this place.

When developing a business plan for a paintball club, you need to count on the fact that it is best to rent a place for sports competitions. The best option is old warehouse or a hangar with an adjacent area. It should be possible to equip play areas there.

Abandoned buildings are not very suitable for this, since their reliability and safety leave much to be desired. Therefore, only rent. If you are planning to open a club within the city, then such premises can be found in industrial areas. It is quite difficult to name the price. It depends not only on the city, but also on the desire of the building owner to earn more money.

There are many recommendations and tips on how to open a paintball club. Experts say that for a convenient and comfortable game you need to have at least 2 playgrounds, each of which should be approximately 50 by 70 meters. This will allow you to develop well during the game and not run sprint distances.

What to place on playgrounds?

The sites need to be cluttered with various shelters and obstacles. Additional investments are not necessary for this; it is enough to bring old ones onto the territory car tires and car frames. Delivery will require a couple of movers and transport.

If desired and possible, you can build simple objects for assault. For example, walls made of boards. Do not forget that the sites must be fenced with fine mesh. This is done to prevent paintballs from flying out of the playing area.

Paintball club business plan

Now let's move on to specific numbers. Before opening a paintball club, you need to decide how many sets of equipment you plan to purchase. If you are just starting your business and are not sure that you will have enough clients at the first stage, it is best to purchase 20 sets of equipment. They include markers, protective vests and masks, camouflage, gloves and more.

You can complete the kits yourself, but it is best to contact specialized stores. Information can also be found on the manufacturers' websites. There is a section “Kits for paintball clubs”, where an average set for 10 markers will cost you 85-90 thousand rubles.

The standard set includes 10 guns, protective masks, a gas station, and cylinders. For an additional 30-35 thousand you can buy spare parts, spare feeders (containers for balls), repair kits, tubes, harnesses, 10 boxes of balls, 20 sets of camouflage vests. Some manufacturers include kits for judges in this amount.

And one more small nuance that you should know: CO 2 gas cylinders only work at above-zero temperatures. If you conduct paintball games in the winter, you will have to purchase containers with nitrogen.


Before you open a paintball club, think about who will work there. It is not uncommon for companies where the owners initial stages independently handle equipment maintenance, counting and refereeing. But ideally, it is better for specially trained people to do this.

  • Technician. A specialist who will be involved in the maintenance and servicing of equipment.
  • Cashier-accountant. Accounts for incoming funds. Places orders for equipment. Monitors the accounting of goods movement.
  • Judges. They can be the owners or administrators of the club. They conduct safety briefings, come up with game scenarios, and teach how to properly handle weapons. Their responsibilities also include ensuring that each player is provided with the necessary protective equipment and does not remove it during the game.

When developing a business plan for a paintball club, make sure to place a point near the playing areas catering. In between fights, you can drink tea, coffee or have a small snack there. Plus, it can bring you extra income.

Financial investments

Compose financial business plan Paintball is easy. It is enough to know the initial investment. So, let’s calculate (prices are indicated in rubles):

  • Opening an individual entrepreneur – 10 thousand.
  • Rent, preparation of playgrounds - approximately 50 thousand. There is no fixed amount here, it all depends on how you can negotiate.
  • Equipment for a paintball club - about 120 thousand for fully equipped 10 players. For 20 – 240-250 thousand.
  • Salary for workers: accountant (full time) – from 15 thousand, technician – from 15 thousand; judges (administrators) 3-4 people - piecework payment 60 thousand per month (for all).
  • Balloons – based on a full load and a decent number of clients, 3-4 boxes are consumed per day. Average cost one - about 1,500 thousand rubles. You may need up to 120 pieces per month. That is approximately 180,000 thousand.

Summing up the numbers, we get an amount approximately equal to 600 thousand rubles. This is the initial investment. Monthly expenses will be about 300 thousand, taking into account wages, wear and tear of equipment, and consumables.

How much can you earn?

A list of what is needed to open a paintball club has been compiled. Approximate expenses have been calculated. Now you need to find out the most basic thing - what is the profitability of a paintball club. Here you need to take into account that the main income comes from trading balls. The more the client uses them, the more the owner earns.

Therefore, sniper shooters are not the most suitable clientele. But those who like to shoot around the surroundings “from the hip” should enjoy a lot of privileges.

Approximate calculations

In one game, not the most experienced fighter shoots from 300 to 500 balls. He receives the first 2 hundred ammunition along with all the equipment. The cost of renting a set is 500-600 rubles. Additional balls are purchased for a very considerable price. The cost of one “cartridge” is about 75 kopecks. You can sell it to battle participants for an average of 2.5 rubles.

Let the daily norm be 2 game segments of 10 people in each team (with a full load of 2 times 20 people). The first income is 500 rubles from each player for participating in the competition. This is 20 thousand. Some fighters save ammo, others shoot all 200 in the first battle.

On average, you can add 100 balls to each participant. That's 4,000 pieces (2 boxes) of additional sales. In total, 6 boxes of 1,500 rubles each were used in a day. Total 9000 rubles. 6 boxes at 2.5 rubles per ball - 30 thousand.

If there are only 15 working days per month at full capacity, then the club’s revenue will be about 450 thousand rubles. This will cover the costs and quickly (6-8 months) recoup the investment.

Having established paintball battles, you can use the playing areas in other competitions. For example, in crossbow and pneumatic shooting ranges. If the sites are located in a recreation area, you can rent bicycles or install simple exercise equipment.

You can organize a successful business by starting to produce and sell various goods, but the best way, which, in my opinion, is more creative and interesting, is to provide in-demand services.
Today we will talk about such a business service in the entertainment sector as organizing a paintball club, i.e. Let's find out how to open a paintball club. Before I talk about all the intricacies of opening and running such a business, I want to talk about why this type business will be successful.

Since childhood, we loved to play all kinds of “war games”; we took a suitable stick, imagining a sword or gun instead, and went out onto an imaginary battlefield in our yard. This is how my friends and I spent the whole day, running, jumping, we imagined ourselves as conquerors of the whole world. Time goes by, but at heart we are all the same children who want to frolic and completely distance themselves from all problems. And so, one of the modern entertainment games - paintball - will come to our aid. Such a game can bring people together and increase trust.
The game will help relieve stress accumulated from sitting in a stuffy summer office and will help normalize the tone of your body. Playing paintball is a great alternative to corporate gatherings in a bar or restaurant, which everyone is already bored with, so some businessmen are puzzled by the question of opening their own paintball club. Paintball in nature - fresh air, adrenaline, manifestation of team spirit and leadership qualities.

So, how can you open such a business?? Having decided to start this type of business, a bunch of different questions arise: “how to open a paintball club?”, “where to start?”, “do I need a weapons license?”, “payback?” and many others. Calm down, matters need to be resolved calmly, without any nerves. It is necessary to carefully work with all the available information, write a business plan for a paintball club and more questions will go away on their own. Now we’ll talk in more detail about all the nuances of organizing a paintball business.

Weapon license

I would like to note that a paintball marker, although similar to a weapon, is absolutely not one. Quotes from federal gun laws:

Weapons do not include products certified as household and industrial products, sports equipment that is structurally similar to weapons.”

This type of “weapon”, like a marker, belongs to the group of goods called “sports equipment and equipment”. Thus, purchasing, storing and carrying does not require any permissions. There is no need to license such “weapons”.

Organization of a paintball game site

Where did you most like to play “war” as a child? These could be various construction sites (there are a lot of them in our vast country), in abandoned premises, that is, where you can hide and hide. The club can be organized not only in the open air, but also in various rooms (great option when the weather is bad outside). So, now we will look for such places.

Requirements for organizing a playground:

  • The dimensions of the site are large enough to accommodate various obstacles, structures, as well as for arranging all kinds of shelters from car tires, logs, boards, slate and other materials.
  • Maintain safety on your site. The territory of the paintball club should be flat, without deep holes into which you can fall. Don't let your clients get injured, because that's not what they came to you for.
  • Organize several options for play areas so that clients do not get bored with the monotonous arrangement of shelters and structures.
  • The game involves some danger, so the area must be fenced with a protective net so that the balls do not fly off the court.
  • You can organize an area in the field and place various inflatable obstacles on it.
  • If you find abandoned businesses, villages and other structures, then you are very lucky. In such places there are enough different shelters, and you will hardly have to build anything. Just remember to thoroughly check such places - safety comes first!

Equipment for opening a paintball club

Aspiring entrepreneurs ask one single question: “ How much does it cost to open a paintball club?"? Let's try to calculate how much you need to initially invest. So, the main cost is the purchase of equipment for playing paintball.

  • 16-20 markers(paintball weapon). The price of such a marker is about $200 per piece.
  • 20-25 camouflage suits(this number includes uniforms of judges). Such suits are purchased in stores, but if you want to save money, you can make such suits yourself (tailoring suits in a sewing workshop)
  • 20-25 protective masks. The cost of the mask is from $30 per piece
  • 16-20 cylinders for markers, as well as a compressor for filling air cylinders (from $2000). At the initial stage, you can save on a compressor and charge cylinders at other paintball clubs or organizations that have such a compressor. The cylinders are filled with air or carbon dioxide. Note that a cylinder filled with carbon dioxide allows you to fire 50% more shots than from an air cylinder. Therefore, if it is possible to fill cylinders with carbon dioxide, this will significantly save your costs
  • Boxes of balls. One box costs about $100 (2000 balls)

There are a huge number of different scenarios for playing paintball. So, let's highlight a few that are the most popular.

  • Wall to wall. Players are divided into two teams and try to destroy the enemy team. Each player has only one life, play until the first hit
  • Capture the Flag. The flag is located at an equal distance from both teams. Team task: capture the enemy’s flag and bring it to your base (often it is very difficult to bring the flag to your base)
  • House siege. Participants must capture 3 flags from the enemy's house. Moreover, the players in the house have only one life, and the opponents have an infinite number. The goal of the game is to capture the flags in the least amount of time

We’ll probably stop here; if you’re interested, you can look at other types of scripts on the Internet. Be a paintball fan so that you can infect your club's clients with excitement and the spirit of competition.


To service and maintain paintball equipment (equipment), you will need one technician. 3-4 judges are also needed, who will also serve as club administrators. Their responsibilities include: safety briefings, training in how to use markers, helping to develop a strategy for playing paintball, and also assisting during the game. To record incoming income and place orders for consumables and equipment, a cashier (accountant) is required.

Business payback

You can make good money organizing a paintball game, but you should clearly understand all the nuances of organizing this game. With a stationary club, you will have to spend additional money on organizing the venue for the game, fencing, a changing area (locker room), toilets, places to relax, and a cafe. If we talk about an away club, then it is necessary to include in the expenses such items as organizing a trip to a certain place, organizing the game itself, as well as a picnic (I believe that this is a prerequisite if you want to gain the favor of your clients).

Let's look at where the income will come from:

  • sale of paint balls(the main income of the paintball club). During one game, about 300-500 balls are consumed per person. Moreover, the price of one ball in a paintball club is 2-3 rubles. You can easily calculate that if only 20 people visited your club during the day, then the profit will be around $300-400;
  • entrance fee(optional component);
  • payment for ammunition(the cost of the set is about 500 rubles. It includes all the equipment and 100-200 balls);
  • rental of equipment and markers;
  • sale of markers(you can open your own store selling everything you need to play paintball);
  • sale of souvenirs, food(mini-cafe at the club,

Adrenali new business brings good income in big cities, where many people lead a sedentary and nervous lifestyle that requires relaxation. How to open a paintball club? Business plan with calculations and detailed diagram launching a project will help a novice entrepreneur in organizing his business.

What is paintball?

Paintball is a paramilitary outdoor team game with air guns (markers) loaded with paint balls. The balls are gelatin, and the paints are food grade; when they hit an obstacle, the shell bursts and the paint marks the target.

There are 2 types of paintball:

  1. Sports – for entertainment and training purposes of ordinary people.
  2. Tactical - for special training of fighters and bodyguards in conditions as close as possible to combat, using imitation of real weapons.


In paintball, two opposing teams perform a task in a specially equipped area. The goal of the game can be to defeat the enemy or complete a quest. The player marked with paint leaves the game before it ends, or certain time– this is agreed upon in advance. When returning to the field, the player must remove all traces of paint from his clothing.

There are many scenarios:

  • The simplest one is that the team that defeats all members of the enemy team wins.
  • Capturing a fortress - one team defends, the second attacks the shelter.
  • Capture the Flag – The first team to bring the opponent's flag into their territory wins.
  • A single player game in which there are no teams, participants try to hit all other players and remain undetected themselves.
  • The goal of the game is to capture a certain number of players from the enemy team.
  • A game with limits on ammunition and the number of players.
  • Duel - two players shoot at each other at the command of the judge, as in ancient duels.
  • Escort - one of the teams with a smaller number of players sets up an ambush on the site, and the second larger team must lead the “important person” through the obstacle course safe and sound.
  • Meat grinder is a timed game between two teams in which the defeated players wipe off the paint and continue playing.

In Russia, sports paintball is supervised by DOSAAF, there are leagues and federations, competitions and tournaments are held.

Although paintball guns shoot gelatin balls, you must strictly adhere to safety rules:

  1. IN play area You cannot be without a protective mask.
  2. On the territory of a paintball club, it is advisable to protect your eyes with polycarbonate goggles and your neck with a special pad or scarf.
  3. Outside the game, you cannot point a weapon at people, and the marker must be on safety.
  4. A shot from a marker at close range is extremely painful, so it is not advisable to shoot at point-blank range.
  5. It is strictly forbidden to play under the influence of intoxicating substances.

The peak demand for paintball clubs occurs in the warm season; in winter there are much fewer fans of extreme recreation. A businessman must take this into account when planning his business.

Nuances of the organization

Experienced entrepreneurs note several points characteristic of the paintball business:

  • Pronounced seasonality. In Russia, winters are cold and snowy; it is difficult to spend time in such conditions. long time outdoors. To support the business, it is necessary to create a cash reserve in advance or reorganize the playing areas into an indoor training ground.
  • You must be attentive to your personal safety and equipment reliability. Markers are fired using compressed air and can cause significant damage if used carelessly or malfunctioning. In order to avoid complaints from visitors, it is advisable to develop instructions for handling weapons and familiarize players with them upon signature.
  • During the first year, you need to constantly promote and develop the club: take into account the wishes and feedback of clients, introduce related services, and establish cooperation with city sports organizations. In the future, the acquired reputation will attract players to the club.
  • The main work with clients is carried out by trainers, so it is important to hire qualified specialists or conduct vocational training for insufficiently experienced personnel.

Here you can download it for free with calculations as a sample.

Business plan

How to open a paintball club? Let's draw up an action plan:

  1. Develop a business strategy.
  2. Find a suitable territory.
  3. Officially register the business.
  4. Purchase equipment and materials.
  5. Hire employees.
  6. Launch an advertising campaign.
  7. Calculate the amounts of investments, income and expenses.

Additional capital may have to be raised, in which case the plan will need to be submitted to the lender.


Opening a paintball club from scratch begins with developing a business concept and strategy. Such an undertaking makes sense in or near a million-plus city. Moreover, the level of employment of people in industry should be lower than in other areas.

The target audience of paintball is very diverse - it is played by completely untrained office workers and trained athletes, professionals and amateurs, men and women.

There are practically no restrictions, except perhaps young age and diseases incompatible with major physical activity. Approximately half of the club's visitors are corporate clients celebrating holidays and focused on team strengthening.

To open a paintball club in the city or outside of it, a different approach is required:

  • It is convenient to organize a country holiday in nature with a picnic and other types of entertainment - billiards, volleyball court, shooting range, boat station, ATVs. The greater the range of services a club provides, the more time visitors spend there.
  • In the city, a paintball court should be built on the territory of already operating entertainment centers or nearby in order to attract vacationers. Renting urban space will cost more than outside the city limits, but it will be easier to resolve the transport issue.

Club area

A convenient place to open a paintball club is an abandoned recreation center or children's camp. The rental cost will be low, and it will be possible to use the preserved buildings and communications. Typically, such an object already has fencing and security; all that remains is to prepare several zones for different game scenarios, update sports grounds and barbecue pavilions.

For the purposes of the club, unused objects under construction for a long time, training grounds, industrial buildings, warehouses and basements. At such sites it is necessary to equip changing rooms with showers for the convenience of the players. It is also necessary to think about how people will get to the club, arrange it, and organize transport.

Paintball business up close entertainment center has its pros and cons:

  1. Expensive territory rental.
  2. It is necessary to ensure not only the safety of paintball players, but also all people nearby.
  3. In the city, clients have higher demands for convenience and comfort than in a country club, where spartan conditions are quite acceptable.
  4. There are no problems with transport and parking.
  5. Clients can either come to play paintball from neighboring entertainment establishments or continue to relax there after shooting.
  6. Lower advertising costs, since the proximity of the shopping center will provide a constant influx of visitors.

In addition to holding games at the permanent base of the paintball club, you can organize outdoor events, for which you can rent an interesting object and transport for delivering players on a one-time basis.


A paintball club must be registered as a limited liability company if the founders are several people. If there is only one owner, then he draws up individual entrepreneurship.

Business in this area does not require licenses or special permits. It is enough to register with tax service, choose a taxation system, for example, UTII, submit reports and pay mandatory payments.

Equipment and materials

The business plan provides for the purchase of equipment and consumables for 4 teams of 5 people, plus 5 spare sets:

  • Marker (air gun) with spacers. There are many types and brands, the most inexpensive and reliable is the mechanical Tippmann “98”.
  • To the marker - a cylinder with compressed gas and a reducer.
  • Gas station for filling cylinders.
  • Cylinder for 350 atmospheres. Used at positive temperatures carbon dioxide, at minus - nitrogen.
  • Equipment - suit, mask, vest, knee pads, helmet, glasses. You can buy a camouflage uniform ready-made, but it is better to have it custom-made in the simplest style, different sizes. You need to take into account teenage players, women and two-meter giants.
  • Judges' equipment.
  • Ammunition made from gelatin balls. Sold wholesale in boxes of 2000 pieces. There are summer, winter, rental, and sports.
  • Mesh for fencing and protecting the playing area, approximately 300 m.
  • Materials for creating rough terrain in the play area. Both improvised objects (tires, boards, pallets) and special inflatable figures can be used.

Weapons, balls, cylinders, protective devices can be purchased as a set in wholesale stores.


Organizing a paintball business without hired workers will be problematic. At a minimum you will need:

  1. An instructor whose responsibilities include knowing and explaining to players the rules of the game of paintball; monitor safety on site; act as a judge; come up with game options.
  2. The visitor relations manager, who also distributes equipment, monitors the condition of equipment and the availability of materials.
  3. Security guard at night.

At first, the club owner will carry out the work of the manager and accountant, and with successful business development, you can expand the staff.

Depending on the range of additional services provided, you will also need a driver, bartender-waiter, cook, and technician.

Since the target audience is divided into two large categories - youth and corporate clients, an advertising campaign must be organized taking into account different interests and motivation.

In the first case, the attractiveness of paintball is determined by a non-standard solution, fashion, and the opportunity to play “war.” In the second case important aspect is team building and creativity during corporate events.

  • website on the Internet;
  • groups in social networks;
  • holding promotions;
  • discounts for certain categories of players and regular customers;
  • advertisements in the media;
  • distribution of business cards and booklets;
  • banners, billboards and city lights;
  • information on transport.

Video: how to open a paintball club - building a site.

How much does it cost to open?

For example, the cost of launching a business idea with a small set of additional services at a recreation center with an area of ​​2000 sq. m. are:

Monthly costs for operation are approximately:

Name of expenses Amount, rub.
1 Rent 100 000
2 Utility costs 20 000
3 Consumables 80 000
4 Equipment repair 100 000
5 Salary 80 000
6 Advertising 30 000
7 Administrative costs 20 000
8 Taxes 30 000
9 Other costs 40 000
Total 500 000

Pricing can be done in several ways:

  1. Fixed rate for participation in the game, which includes standard equipment, uniforms and 200 pieces. balls; plus a separate fee for additional ammunition and weapon attachments.
  2. Rental of weapons and equipment separately; entrance fee; sale of balls.

In any case, all services not directly related to paintball are paid in accordance with the price list.

If you count on holding 30 games per month, then the main activity will bring:

The implementation of additional services will amount to another 60,000 rubles. In total, the monthly income will be 595,000 rubles, and the initial investment will pay off within a year.

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The paintball club business plan is intended to assess economic efficiency commercial project and prospects for its development in existing market conditions. A ready-made business plan for a paintball club with accurate financial calculations can be submitted for consideration to an investor or lender, therefore all assessments and conclusions, as well as financial calculations, must be made taking into account the actual state of the market and possible risks and force majeure situations.

Paintball club project: general information and business idea

The project to create a paintball club includes several points:

  • — creation of an enterprise with high profitability;
  • - obtaining high and stable profits - after 24 months, the income indicator should be at least 150% annually;
  • — satisfaction of needs target audience.

The main activity of the future organization is providing paintball services.

General facts and figures, which are presented in more detail in the financial section, are as follows:

  • — the main source of financing is a commercial loan in the amount of up to 5 million 40 thousand rubles. The same amount will be equal to the total cost of the future project;
  • — the loan period is 24 months, during which the new business must fully pay off and begin to generate stable profits. At the same time, according to preliminary estimates, the business will begin to pay off already 7 months after the start of operations;
  • — interest rate on the loan is 16%, in the future it is possible to reduce it;
  • — the amount of interest payments on the loan will be from 100 thousand rubles;
  • — the total economic effect from the implementation of the planned project over 2 years is from 758 thousand rubles or more.

When planning a business, the following risks will be taken into account:

  • tall size starting investments;
  • - limited target audience, as a result - insufficiently high demand;
  • — high level of competition in the industry.

The paintball club belongs to. The essence of this team sports and technical game is as follows: players are divided into 2 teams and receive an air gun that shoots gelatin balls filled with water-soluble paint. The gameplay lasts 10 - 15 minutes and aims at an attempt by players of both teams armed with such weapons to capture the flag located in the center of the field in order to move it to the opponent’s field. During this task, participants must hit paint bullets maximum quantity representatives of the opposing team. The number of defeats is determined by the number of paint stains on the players' clothes. They usually play in an open space - a forest area or in a field equipped with natural or artificial shelters.

The advantage of paintball is that the game does not require special skills or good physical shape. Age and gender do not really matter - everyone can be united into one team.

The popularity of paintball lies in the fact that it represents a unique synthesis. This is especially important in the context of the increasing popularity of the outdoors and the mainstream hobby.

The target audience of paintball is traditionally not very wide: it is usually played by fans of adrenaline and active species sports But recently the area of ​​interest in this game has been expanding. For example, this type of activity is often used by parents and teachers as a way to distract teenagers from street entertainment. A game of paintball can become good option conducting For example, many modern team building concepts are based on such a collective pastime.

According to statistics of the corresponding market segment, in recent years it has been developing steadily, constantly expanding the range of services. Therefore, a new club offering one or more types to potential clients should be focused on the existing dynamics of the industry and the level of development of competitors.

The main features of opening a paintball club are in the video:

Stages of creating a paintball club

The process of preparing for the opening and starting the work of a paintball club consists of several main stages, not counting the preparatory stage - studying the relevant market segment, the level of competition and pricing policy in the industry.

The process of creating a paintball club can be briefly described in the following points:

  • — renting a site, equipping it accordingly and preparing for work;
  • — registration of an enterprise - LLC or individual entrepreneur;
  • — hiring staff;
  • advertising campaign;
  • - opening and start of work.

In more detail, in accordance with the deadlines established for each stage, the process of founding and developing a paintball club can be presented as follows:

Stages Execution conditions Completion deadlines
Start of the project 1 – 2 year
1 month project First 30 banking days
Getting a loan Availability of a mandatory package of documents 1 month
Entry into the state register, registration with administrative and tax authorities Concluded investment agreement From 1 to 30 days
Selection of location, preparation of documentation Preliminary work 1 month
Purchase of equipment Conclusion of an investment agreement Up to 30 calendar days
Equipment installation Receiving investment funds Up to 1 month
Hiring staff Production activities Up to 30 days
Staff training The end of the stage of organizing the production process Up to 30 days
Conducting a marketing campaign 30 calendar days Up to 360 days
End of the project 12 – 24 months

Paintball club equipment

When starting to create a base for playing paintball, you should start by finding a suitable territory. The chosen location should be spacious enough for active movement of players and the creation of the necessary complex of playgrounds. In addition, the site must meet a number of standard requirements:

  1. — comfort and safety for players;
  2. - proximity to a populated area and convenient transport interchange - the city should be no more than 30 minutes away. But it is preferable for the base to be located within the city, since only car owners will come outside the city, which will significantly narrow the target audience;
  3. - minimum costs for creating and operating an organization.

When deciding whether to open a paintball club within the city, it is worth considering that when placing such an organization near populated areas, it is necessary to ensure good protection of property from outside intrusion, and also to provide reliable protection surrounding residential areas from noise. Otherwise, there is a risk of misunderstandings with local residents or government officials. Among other things, rent within the city is much higher, although there will be fewer costs for the delivery of materials and equipment, transportation of personnel and other technical expenses. The advantage of locating the base outside the city will primarily be the absence of possible claims from neighbors or local authorities and relatively cheap rent. In addition, by opening a paintball club away from the city and creating the appropriate conditions, you can count on a more elite and solvent contingent - such clubs often become a vacation spot for wealthy visitors and corporate clients. But in this case, it is necessary not only to provide elite services, but also to equip the accompanying infrastructure - a restaurant, a tennis court and other additions to the main service.

Equipment for a paintball club is quite expensive - it is distinguished by the need to purchase a large number of consumables.

In addition to the basic equipment, it is important to take care of the musical accompaniment. Background music is an important element of the overall flavor of the club. It should not distract from the gameplay and create a certain mood.

The territories of former children's camps and boarding houses will be convenient for setting up a club, since they are initially equipped with the necessary infrastructure and have enough free space. A pine forest is suitable for playgrounds, since there good drainage and the soil promotes active movement. It is advisable that this place should have abandoned, possibly dilapidated buildings - they fit well into the concept of paintball.

The total area of ​​the paintball base will be from 2 thousand sq. km or more, depending on the planned scale of the organization. It’s good if the rented or purchased site allows for the possibility of expanding the playgrounds in the future, so the larger the space initially, the better. In addition, in some situations, for example, in the event of a tournament, a one-time expansion of the site may be necessary. Therefore, it is important that the club has free space.

For the convenience of visitors, it is advisable to place signs and useful signs on the territory of the club itself and outside it; additional advantages will be the equipment of locker rooms, showers, as well as a cafe or small restaurant. And if you additionally offer visitors an expanded entertainment infrastructure (archery, billiards, volleyball or mini-football), this will attract and retain more customers.

This project considers the possibility of creating 2 - 3 sites within the city (or 3 - 4 outside it), as well as one shooting range. Each site will have a size of 50x80 square meters. meters. It is desirable that the sites have different topography and differ in the nature of the landscape. For example, one of them may be located in a forest, the other may be equipped with artificial shelters, etc. It is important that strangers do not enter the sites during shooting, for which it is imperative to provide for the presence of good fencing and security of the territory.

Closed spaces for locker rooms and showers must immediately be equipped. It is also desirable to have a properly equipped reception area, where the reception and lounge for clients will be located. You can also open a small cafe or buffet there. Additional profit will come from the sale of water, coffee and other drinks, which will come in handy after an intense rest. Another mandatory group is the technical premises where the markers will be stored and serviced. There should be a filling station for equipment under the canopy. There is a separate locker room and staff rest room, the manager’s office and, if necessary, other office premises.

The next important point in creating a paintball base is the purchase of equipment. The main mandatory tool will be a special marker - a device from which the participant shoots paint balls. The question of whether it should be considered a weapon remains open for many clubgoers. But the legislation clearly defines what a weapon is, and in accordance with the official definition, markers cannot be classified as weapons. According to the same law, paintball markers belong to sports instruments that have only structural similarities with weapons. This information should be immediately conveyed to visitors and potential clients. For example, you can place this information on the official website of the club, as well as on the territory of the organization itself, in the rules for using the club’s services.

The list of basic equipment for a paintball club includes the following mandatory items and approximate prices:

  • – masks – designed for entry-level players, equipped new system changing lenses – from 2,300 rubles;
  • — markers of various types and calibers – 25 thousand rubles;
  • — gloves, knee pads and elbow pads – from 800 rubles for a pair of gloves or more;
  • — feeders – from 1100 rubles;
  • - receiver cylinders high pressure volume 10 l – 2,100 rubles;
  • — protective vests, camouflage complexes – 2,400 – 2,600 rubles;
  • — gas stations – from 1,700 rubles;
  • — cleaning rods – from 140 rubles;
  • — paintballs – from 1,500 rubles.

Additionally, you will need your own vehicle– minibus is preferable. To reduce costs, you can purchase a used car.

Having quality markers is one of the most important conditions for a club’s success. It is the number of markers on the balance that will affect the throughput and turnover of the club. When purchasing markers, you should pay attention to their reliability and ease of use. For ease of use, you should give preference to semi-automatic devices; it is advisable to also purchase pumps, or markers with manual ball dispensing, and pistol-type markers. Each of these varieties has its own characteristics of use and its own target audience. You will need to purchase barrel plugs for the markers, which are required by safety standards.

Cylinders – sources of gas – will also be required. The minimum volume of a paintball cylinder is 12 g. The most capacious ones currently used are 0.8-liter containers, which are enough for 600 shots. A feeder is attached to the marker - a magazine for balls, made of plastic and also having different capacities. For pump-action markers, feeders for 40 - 50 balls are usually used, and for semi-automatic markers - for 180 - 200. When purchasing equipment, it is worth purchasing several different containers for different applications.

The safety of the players is ensured by a protective mask - one of essential elements equipment without which it is impossible for a participant to enter the site. The mask should be easy to use and easy to clean daily. Masks must be purchased for a team of 10 players and 2 referees. Thus, minimum quantity There should be 12 protective masks. At the same time, judges should purchase masks that are different in color and design - since they spend more time in them, the devices should be light and comfortable.

Next the most important point– acquisition of a gas station for gas cylinders. It is a set consisting of hoses, valves and taps, and is attached to the cylinder. It is advisable that in addition to the main gas station at the base there is a spare one, since its failure can suspend the work of the club and cause significant losses.

When purchasing equipment and consumables for a paintball club, it is important to pay attention to the availability of a sufficient number of spare parts. Sets of gaskets, wrenches, screwdrivers and other standard tools are required for repair work. For the work of judges you will need special tool– a cleaning rod designed to clean the barrel when the ball splits. They are purchased according to the number of judges in the club - only judges work with them, and they are also responsible for the safety and integrity of the cleaning rods. Additionally, you will need scales to control the filling of the cylinders, a chronograph to measure the speed of the ball, and a protective net enclosing the field.

Since the player is given a clean uniform before starting, you need to purchase a sufficient number of sets - for each marker there should be 2 sets of clothing with protective masks and bandanas.

All equipment and inventory must undergo regular monitoring of compliance with quality and safety requirements. If necessary, it is necessary to carry out systematic repairs and replacement of individual equipment elements.

ABOUT technical support paintball club - below in the video:

Staff selection and marketing business plan for a paintball club

The number and qualifications of the club’s staff depend on its specifics and the scale of the services provided. Usually at the starting stage you will need 2-4 judge-instructors, 2 administrators, the founder himself, who usually plays the role of manager and accountant, as well as technical staff. If the club opens additional areas, cafes or other recreational and entertainment facilities, it will be necessary to attract more labor. Salary for most employees will consist of minimum rate and a percentage of the club's income. Regardless of the size and composition of the staff, the most important condition for success will be a high level of professionalism of the staff. Employees should be selected not only based on work experience, but also taking into account their personal qualities, first of all, the ability to find an approach to any client.

Marketing campaign will be based on the general state of the market and the level of demand in the selected area. It is also necessary to take into account the recent crisis of 2014, which set back many enterprises specializing in sports entertainment. Among them is paintball. In recent years, new organizations offering this type of leisure have appeared on the market, due to increased interest among the population.

Developing marketing plan business, you should determine the main contingent of the target audience. Potential clients of the paintball club will be young people aged 20 - 35 years old who prefer sports leisure and active recreation. According to statistics, the largest number of target audiences (45%) are clients aged 25–35 years; another quarter of visitors are age group 20 – 25. Moreover, approximately half of the visitors are corporate clients aged 20 to 35 years.

To increase traffic to an organization, you should conduct a comprehensive study of the industry and study the features of offers, advantages and disadvantages of competitors.

Evaluate competitive enterprises according to the following criteria:

  1. — convenience of location, including distance from the city, transport links and availability of parking;
  2. — work schedule;
  3. — quality and workload of sites;
  4. — pricing policy;
  5. — level of service.

After the general level of representatives of the corresponding market segment has been determined, it is necessary to develop a concept for promoting the new enterprise on the market. First of all, you need to think about which segment the future club will belong to - economy class, middle class or business class. The most popular and promising standard price segment. Representatives of the middle class play paintball in such clubs, and corporate clients also turn to them.

To do this, you need to promote your new business in several directions:

  1. — in an online format: create your own website and promote it online; post advertisements for your services on social networks, forums and classifieds sites;
  2. — develop profitable offers for corporate clients;
  3. — use existing media for advertising purposes;
  4. — distribute leaflets, business cards, place banners and billboards advertising the club.

The best way to promote the club’s services is to maintain a high level of service and have favorable offers for regular customers.

Registration and tax registration of a business plan for a paintball club

The legal basis for a club specializing in the provision of sports and active entertainment services can be anything. IN in this case Both individuals and legal entities are suitable. But most entrepreneurs decide to open an enterprise in LLC status. Compared to others legal entities this format provides for a minimal organizational and tax burden and at the same time gives broader powers than individual entrepreneurs.

The format of a non-profit organization is also possible, but in this case the main goal of founding an enterprise is to achieve socially useful goals, and not to make a profit. Therefore, in this case there will be certain bureaucratic nuances. For example, any profit received by an organization cannot be distributed among its founders or participants - their income will be officially accrued wages. Non-profit organization it makes sense to register if you plan to mainly work with schoolchildren or special needs social groups, as well as when a state grant is allocated for the opening and development of an enterprise.

Thus, taking into account all the nuances, opening an LLC makes the most sense. Such a structure requires a small package of constituent documents, a list of which can be obtained from the Federal Tax Service or the relevant regulations, as well as copies of personal documents of each of the founders. In addition, it is mandatory to pay a state fee and deposit authorized capital in the amount of 10 thousand rubles. The period for registering an LLC is up to 2 – 3 weeks, subject to the submission of a complete package of documents.

Since the question of whether paintball markers belong to the category of weapons is clearly defined by law, a paintball club does not need a special license to own and operate weapons. This information can be clarified by studying the special licensing law:.

The tax burden of an organization providing entertainment services does not present any particular difficulties or additional requirements. The list of mandatory taxes includes the following items:

Financial calculations

After studying the existing offers on the market and the average pricing policy in the industry, an approximate price list for the club’s services will need to be compiled. Approximate prices for basic services will be as follows:

Entry per person 240 – 290 rub.
Entrance after 23.00 420 – 470 rub.
Equipment rental (mask, marker, camouflage, protective gloves, bandana) For free
Refilling with gas during game day For free
Login weekdays(Mon – Thu, except holidays) 50% discount
Login for children's and youth sports organizations For free
Entrance for birthday celebrants For free
Entrance for regular customers from 4 visits From 175 rub.
Entrance for regular customers from the 7th visit For free
100 pcs. From 290 rub.
500 pcs. From 870 rub.
1 box (2,000 pcs.) 3,500 rub.
RDG smoke grenade From 250 rub.
F1 paint grenade From 270 rub.
Grenade with RGD paint From 290 rub.
Barrel 14" 240 rub.
Sports marker 410 rub.
Walkie Talkie 350 rub.
Protective vest rental (can be provided free of charge for girls) From 120 rub.
Grill rental 300 rub. per day

A general list of costs for opening a paintball club, including start-up investments and expenses that the founder will face during the first month and year of the club’s operation, can be summarized in the table:

Expense item 1 month 1 year One-time expenses, rub. Total for the year, rub.
Renting a building, premises (from 60 sq.m.) 60 thousand 720 thousand 120 thousand 840 thousand
Purchase of equipment (from 10 units) 2 million 268 thousand 2 million 268 thousand
Purchase of a minibus (1 pc.) 1 million 300 thousand 1 million 300 thousand
Purchase of consumables (about 100 units) 143 thousand 1 million 716 thousand 1 million 716 thousand
Website creation, payment for hosting, purchase of scripts 135 thousand 135 thousand
Fixed advertising costs 45 thousand 540 thousand 100 thousand 540 thousand
Salary (for 12 months) 477 thousand 5 million 715 thousand 5 million 715 thousand
Taxes (12 months) From 143 thousand 1 million 718 thousand 1 million 718 thousand
Unforeseen expenses From 392 thousand From 392 thousand
Total 725 thousand 8 million 690 thousand 4 million 315 thousand 13 million

The structure of projected income is calculated taking into account approximate prices for basic types of services. The seasonality of the business, possible force majeure situations and existing risks should also be taken into account.

In general, the sales forecast for paintball club services is made based on several main criteria:

  1. — analysis of demand in the market segment of interest;
  2. - analysis general condition market;
  3. — conclusions about the state of the selected market segment and the sale of relevant services.

Two main stages of doing business are taken into account - the first 12 months from the start of activity, constituting the investment period, and 13 - 24 - stages of operation.

Period Type of service Sales volume per month (persons, pcs.) Price, rub. Sales revenue, rub.
1 – 12 months of investment Entrance to the club From 900 people 290 – 500 per 1 person. 261 – 450 thousand
1 – 12 months of investment Sale of balloons From 1000 pcs. From 290 for 100 balls/from 3700 per box 290 thousand – 1 million
1 – 12 months of investment Protective vest rental From 100 people From 120 for 1 vest 12 thousand
1 – 12 – month of investment Grill rental (3 – 4 pcs.) From 75 orders From 290 per day 22 thousand
Entrance to the club From 1125 people 300 – 650 338 – 698 thousand
13 – 24 months of operation Sale of balloons From 1250 people From 300 for 100 balls; from 3600 per box 375 thousand – 1 million 250 thousand
13 – 24 months of operation Protective vest rental From 125 people 120 for 1 vest 15 thousand
13 – 24 months of operation Grill rental (3 – 4 pcs.) From 94 orders From 300 per day From 28 thousand

If the trends outlined in the plan continue to operate during the first two years of the project, including an increase in the volume of services and consumption of 4–20% per year, the increase in sales over 12 months will amount to more than 14 million rubles.

The study allows us to draw a conclusion about high level the prospects of a paintball club as a business entity. This type of business is considered high-risk due to its significant costs and limited target audience. But with a competent marketing policy, sufficient financial investments and the necessary knowledge and skills of the manager, this business will bring a stable profit by the end of the first year of operation.

Learn more about paintball equipment in the video:

MS Word Volume: 39 pages

Business plan

Reviews (99)

The number of players interested in playing paintball is growing every year. Paintball clubs have long been a part of the entertainment industry, and, actively developing, have firmly occupied their niche. New paintball clubs are appearing on the market, as well as suppliers of paintball equipment and manufacturers of camouflage equipment. If you approach this game from a practical point of view, then opening a paintball club may well become a profitable project.

In order for paintball, as a business, to justify financial investments, has become not just a hobby, but a source of high profit, it is necessary to focus on several areas of work simultaneously. In addition to organizing games, there are many other opportunities from which you can and should make money. And, first of all, you should rely on corporate recreation.

Managers of many companies prefer to take their employees out into nature more often, giving them the opportunity not only to relax with health benefits, but also to communicate and get to know each other better. And paintball in this regard is the most best option, especially if the company’s staff consists mainly of representatives of the stronger sex.

The competent organization of a paintball club involves working in several directions at once. Otherwise, you can’t count on good profits. There are good prospects for organizing a training process for security and law enforcement agencies, conducting offsite events. A paintball store will bring a solid profit to your business, which will sell all the equipment necessary for the game - paintball kits, equipment, masks and vests, as well as video instructions that tell you how to refuel the weapon and how to use it correctly.

Additional services often include the organization of corporate events, which include not only paintball competitions. For example, after playing paintball, business consultations can be held for company employees, the premises for which are provided for a fee by the owner of the paintball base. Corporate games are also beneficial because company owners usually order a full range of services: delivery to the base and back, meals, and some additional entertainment. But in order to satisfy all the client’s needs, the entrepreneur must build a base with a superbly developed infrastructure.

If you are thinking about how to open your own business - a paintball club, but do not know where to start opening, carefully study professional example business plan for opening a paintball club with ready-made calculations. This document contains detailed description every stage of business creation. You will understand what type of taxation paintball falls under and, most importantly, you will gain confidence in yourself and your abilities, which will allow you to not give up the race even in difficult conditions.

The history of paintball in our country goes back no more than 20 years, and only at the beginning of the new millennium this market began to actively develop, gaining more and more new players. Of course, this business manifests itself most clearly in large cities. Although recently some activity has begun to be observed in regions where it is also becoming fashionable to play a game of paintball.

Such a grandiose business project as a paintball club does not fall into the list of low-cost types of business. Despite the fact that setting up a paintball base does not require excessive aesthetics and comfort, the costs of its construction and equipment amount to tens of thousands of dollars. The total cost of investing in paintball can vary significantly - from 20 to 90 thousand dollars.

The final result depends on the cost of renting a plot of land, its area and prices for paintball equipment - guns, balls, ammunition. For example, by purchasing paintball guns in China, you can save a lot, but about some high quality There is no need to talk about equipment here.

Deciding, out of a desire to save money, to limit himself to creating just one paintball court, the businessman admits serious mistake. People come to play paintball in whole groups, and they expect high-quality service, which will be provided only due to the well-developed infrastructure of the base. Lack of amenities is a sure way to lose all your customers. Therefore, when thinking about where to start and how to open your own paintball, first of all, take care of the availability favorable conditions for a good rest. In this regard, it is most profitable to rent territory in the immediate vicinity of any recreation center.

The club's expenses consist not only of rent for land plot and base construction. A significant share of the cost item is the cost of equipment for playing in a paintball club: to open it you need to buy at least 20 sets of markers, camouflage suits, vests and other equipment. One such kit costs at least $400. It is easy to calculate that the purchase of 20 sets will result in a very significant amount - about $8,000.

A business such as a paintball club involves the construction of various forts, bunker shelters, without which it is difficult to imagine an exciting game. Entire territory playground must be fenced with a special mesh, which will also require additional expenses. It is also impossible not to take into account the depreciation of paintball equipment and the regular updating of gaming equipment. When calculating the total cost of investment required to open a paintball club, many entrepreneurs use a high-quality sample paintball business plan. With its help, performing the required calculations becomes much easier. And, despite the fact that paintball can hardly be called a business for beginners, having this document will help even an inexperienced entrepreneur cope with any difficulties.

This gambling team game, which gives the opportunity to shoot at each other without harm to anyone, has long enjoyed well-deserved success. And not only among the stronger sex. Many women enjoy visiting paintball clubs, realizing their cherished childhood dreams.

Organizing a business such as paintball has good prospects, as such services are becoming increasingly in demand. But again, not in every region. Therefore, the role of competent marketing research is so important, which will accurately determine demand and the level of competition.

Experienced businessmen strongly recommend not to give in to the temptation to save on this seemingly not very obligatory procedure. If your idea to open your own paintball club turns out to be financially unsound, you may lose all the savings you invested in this business. At the same time, a well-performed analysis will allow you to adjust your business idea depending on the situation, or completely abandon a premature decision.

A businessman planning to organize his own paintball club, like any other entrepreneur, will have to go through all the circles of bureaucratic hell in order to obtain permission to carry out this type of activity. To do this you need to visit Pension fund, Internal Revenue Service, Rospotrebnadzor and Pozhnadzor, as well as the local administration. When choosing a form of taxation for paintball, experienced market players advise focusing on the “simplified” form.

Selecting a territory for a base is the most important stage in organizing a club; paintball buildings and structures, as a rule, should be located at some distance from residential areas and places of public gatherings. But at the same time, the presence of a convenient transport interchange is a prerequisite. When opening your own business - a paintball club, make sure that your clients can have a blast "to the fullest", which requires a spacious area equipped with everything necessary for a good game. The payback of a paintball club directly depends on the number of clients, so it is necessary to create the most attractive conditions for them.

The optimal base area for playing paintball is 1 hectare. This area can accommodate not only 2 playing fields, but also spectator stands, a cafe or bar, an instruction area, and a shooting range. As for the purchase of paintball equipment to open a club, at least half a million rubles will be required for these purposes. Prices for high-quality paintball equipment are quite high, but if you want to organize your own club and achieve high profits, you should not save on this. The payback of the paintball business has recently remained at a high level. If everything goes well, you can reach the break-even point within six months.

The advantage in this situation is on the side of those entrepreneurs who place special hopes on professional business plan creating a paintball club. With its help, they are able to solve the most difficult issues and identify the likely risks that will inevitably come their way. Recommendations from professionals allow them to confidently move towards their intended goal and easily outperform even experienced competitors.
