Flat pepper. Sweet pepper: seeds, best varieties

Sweet and delicious pepper It serves not only as a good addition to various dishes, but is also a healthy and vitamin-rich vegetable. It is known that it first appeared in Central America, and then gradually began to spread throughout the entire territory of the Earth.

Sweet peppers are believed to belong to the nightshade family. Pepper in Russia due to weather conditions first planted in a greenhouse, but only in summer seedlings are planted in open ground. Breeders have worked hard to create varieties of sweet peppers that will be adapted to various temperature fluctuations, and also did not forget to work a little to ensure that the color of such a vegetable was very diverse: yellow, dark red, green, purple. The shape of this sweet vegetable is also varied: large, cone-shaped, small, tomato-like, pyramidal and others.

Growing sweet peppers

The sowing of sweet pepper seeds begins in February or March, but they are planted specifically to obtain seedlings. The seeds of this vegetable usually take a long time to germinate, and it may take 15 to 20 days. Of course, you can speed up germination if you use a special aloe infusion. The method is very simple: aloe juice is poured with the same amount of water, and then the seeds are soaked in it for several days.

Unlike other vegetable crops that are grown from seedlings, no need to pick the plant. And it can be replanted into the ground only when good sunny weather sets in, for example, at least 20 or 25 degrees. But if the temperature turns out to be much higher, then, accordingly, the sweet pepper needs to be watered. If the heat is above 40 degrees, then the roots will begin to die, the ovaries and flowers will quickly dry out, and the plant itself will simply wither.

It is known that almost all varieties of sweet pepper grow well under the following conditions:

  1. Areas with good sunlight.
  2. Areas with good soil that is rich in nitrogen and fertile.

If the pepper is planted in the shade, it will simply stretch upward, but the fruits will practically not grow.

Pepper care is easy: it needs to be weeded When ridding the area of ​​weeds, water it abundantly and be sure to loosen it. This is necessary when watering vegetable plant feed. Bird droppings are used as fertilizer, which must be diluted with water. The feeding recipe is as follows: take no more than one glass of bird droppings for 1 bucket of water.

Varieties of thick-walled sweet pepper for open ground

For salad varieties pepper an important quality is the thickness of the walls of the vegetable. Are considered the most the best views large pepper, having thick and fleshy walls, the following varieties:

All these varieties have excellent taste and proper storage can remain fresh until the New Year. But these same varieties are also great for using in canning, for example, lecho or other winter salads.

Varieties of thick-walled sweet peppers for the Moscow region

Sweet pepper rich in many minerals and vitamins, which are contained in its pulp. They are the ones who have a positive impact on human body, giving strength and possessing some medicinal properties. And this is the main argument for learning how to grow this vegetable crop in the garden beds. different types: open and closed. But in order to be excellent harvest With this heat-loving plant, you not only need to invest a little money, but you also need to have knowledge and be patient, gaining valuable experience in growing.

To date Summer residents can boast of a large selection of varieties Moscow region. All the varieties of sweet peppers they grow differ in shape, color and even weight. Among all the types of sweet thick-walled peppers for the beds of the Moscow region, the following varieties can be distinguished:

In addition to these varieties, The following types are popular in the Moscow region pepper: Gift of Moldova, Volzhanin, Golden Rain and others. Of course, the fruits of these varieties are slightly smaller in size, but they still retain their taste and bright color.

Of course, there are a huge number of varieties for growing in garden beds, and therefore, over time, each summer resident can decide for himself which pepper is suitable for him to grow.

Popular varieties of pepper

Have a sweet bell pepper a huge number of flavor characteristics. This allowed this vegetable crop to win the attention of many people, despite their gastronomic preferences.

There are several types of sweet peppers, each of which has its own varieties. The main types of sweet peppers are:

  1. Early ripening
  2. Mid-season
  3. Late ripening

Let's take a closer look at each of these types. So, the first type is the early varieties of sweet pepper. These include:

The second type is mid-season varieties of pepper. These include:

  1. California miracle, its ripening period is 130 days. But it is worth considering that this species does not like large amounts of fertilizer, especially with nitrogen. If you use it, the bush will be tall, but there will be few fruits on it.
  2. Yellow Bull and Red Bull. These varieties are good because they are resistant to various viruses. Their fruits are usually large, fleshy and juicy. From one square meter of land planted with these varieties, you can harvest up to 7 kilograms of harvest.

To such mid-season varieties of sweet bell peppers Other species that tolerate dry weather can also be included. These are varieties such as Veronica, Anastasia, Red Giant, Kolobok and others.

The third type is late-ripening pepper varieties. To grow them Southern regions are good, as, indeed, for mid-season and early varieties. But they can be grown in regions where it is cold, then only in greenhouses. Late-ripening varieties include the following types:

How to choose a variety?

There are several rules for choosing a pepper variety. So, First of all, it's worth watching not on appearance fruits and not even on their size, but on the conditions in which it can be grown. For example, this is open ground or a greenhouse.

When purchasing seeds, you should always study the packaging, which must indicate under what conditions this type of pepper can be grown.

Knowing what types of sweet peppers exist, you can plant this plant in one bed different periods maturation: early, middle and late. This will help you always have fresh peppers throughout the summer. And if the variety is late ripening, then you can even plant it in a pot and grow it on window sills. Then the fruits will be until mid-winter.

Costs When purchasing, pay attention to the height of the bushes. This is necessary especially for those summer residents who grow peppers in greenhouses or whose plot area is strictly limited. Then it's worth buying only low-growing varieties sweet pepper.

Recently popular hybrid varieties of pepper began to be used, which are considered more resistant to disease. By the way, pepper varieties have now been developed that can easily withstand various weather conditions: drought, cool or rainy weather.

And of course, when purchasing pepper seeds, you should pay attention to what light mode is indicated on the package.

Pests and diseases of sweet pepper

Pepper may be susceptible to many diseases. For example, verticillium or stolbur. The first disease is caused by a fungus that lives either in the soil or in the roots of plants. There are several forms of diseases and their symptoms depend on this. To eradicate this disease from a site, it is necessary to completely remove diseased plants.

The second disease is stolbur or phytoplasmosis. This disease manifests itself as leaf curling., and the fruits become small and it is simply impossible to eat them. To get rid of this disease, chemical intervention (spraying) is necessary.

Pests of pepper bushes are spider mites, aphids, Colorado potato beetles and naked slugs. To get rid of them, you need to spray the bushes with pesticides.

If on time carry out all necessary measures to combat diseases and pests, then you can get not only healthy pepper bushes, but also a good harvest. If you choose the right type of pepper for your summer cottage, grow it, following all the rules, then very soon you will be able to get tasty, beautiful and healthy fruits.

Since time immemorial, humanity began to cultivate land in order to receive the rich gifts of the earth. Vegetables, fruits, grains - all these products have become an integral part of the diet of any person.

Among vegetable crops, sweet or bell peppers occupy a particularly important place. Interestingly, bell pepper is called mainly in Russia. In other countries it is known as paprika or sweet pepper. This is due to the fact that after the “migration” of the culture from Central America to Europe, and then to Bulgaria, sweet peppers found a “second wind” in the form of new varieties. Scientists in this country began to actively engage in selective breeding of the plant and developed the best varieties of sweet pepper, which were appreciated by residents Russian state at the very beginning of the 20th century, and then switched to mass purchases of vegetables in Bulgaria. Since then, in Russia, all varieties of sweet peppers are called Bulgarian.

At the moment, a huge variety of pepper varieties have been developed. There are a large number of criteria influencing the selection planting material, for example, for greenhouses. You should choose the seeds of the best varieties of sweet peppers, taking into account the following characteristics.

Ripening time

The timing of fruit ripening is the most important indicator, therefore, when choosing seeds, you need to pay attention to it first. In the northern regions, where the summer is short, it may not ripen, and the efforts expended will be in vain.

For example, residents of the Moscow region have already identified for themselves the most suitable varieties. The answer to a common question: what are the best varieties of sweet peppers for the Moscow region - reviews from people who have tested in practice the suitability of certain varieties of vegetables for greenhouse cultivation in this region. The most popular varieties are Dobrynya, Aries, and Mercury F1. Farmers assessed their early ripening (90-95 days) and yield (12-14 kg/m2). The best varieties of sweet peppers for greenhouses in the Moscow region: Bagration, Nochka F1, Alyonushka, Orange King, Cardinal, Latino F1.

The best varieties of sweet peppers for the Moscow region, suitable for cultivation “in the open air”, have also been identified: Atlantic, Gogoshary, Golden Taurus. What all three varieties have in common is that they belong to mid-early varieties, can be grown without film cover, and produce a good harvest.

The most pressing question early maturation fruits for residents of the northern parts of Russia, for example, for the Urals. The most suitable varieties of sweet pepper for the Urals: Montero, Pioneer, Kupets, Bogatyr, Red (or Yellow) Bull, Winnie the Pooh. All of them are the best varieties of sweet peppers for the Urals for the winter, as they are classified as early and mid-early varieties and give a good harvest in unheated greenhouses, as well as in open ground under a film.

Pepper ripening time: early, middle, late

Peppers are considered early if the time from the moment the plant sprouts until the first fruit is received is about 80 days (maximum - 100).

Medium varieties of sweet peppers. A plant of medium ripening will bear fruit on the 115-130th day.

If bell pepper belongs to late varieties, then the ripening process will take up to 140 days.

Fruit color

It would seem, why pay attention to the color of pepper? After all, the color of the fruit only adds decorativeness to one or another variety. It turns out that in some cases, color can tell you something about beneficial properties fetus By growing a red vegetable, a person receives more vitamin C than, for example, yellow pepper. Yellow variety, in turn, is rich in potassium, which is necessary for maintaining cardiovascular and nervous system. Orange sweet peppers “signal” the presence of carotene.

You should also remember about the changing colors of peppers during ripening. At the technical ripening stage, the fruits are usually green. Fully ripe vegetables acquire the color characteristic of the variety.

Fruit shape

Bell peppers come in different shapes: cone-shaped, prism-shaped, almost round, cube-shaped. The shape of the vegetable is taken into account depending on the purpose for which it will be used. For example, round peppers, such as the Solnyshko variety, are best suited for stuffing.

"Place of residence"

When choosing seeds, we must not forget about the conditions in which the pepper will “live”: a greenhouse, “fresh air”, a room. Each packet of seeds indicates whether the plant should be grown outdoors. closed ground or on the loggia in the apartment. When purchasing seed, it is advisable to pay attention to the seed packaging, which indicates the conditions for growing the plant. Many sweets for greenhouses will most likely not produce the promised harvest outdoors. Today, the best varieties of sweet peppers for greenhouses include the following representatives: California Miracle, Agapovsky, Atlant F1, Apricot Favorite, Belladonna F1, Eastern Star, Lastochka, Cardinal F1, Bogatyr, Isabella F1.

The best option for a garden bed

Everyone wants to grow the most best pepper, which would be the largest, most delicious, beautiful and juicy.
Having tried to compile a rating of bell pepper based on its best indicators, you can get the following picture.

The largest pepper

Purchasing high-quality seeds of giant peppers increases the likelihood of getting a high yield of large, juicy “elephants” weighing up to 0.5 kg. Experienced vegetable growers have identified the most large varieties sweet peppers, giving simply gigantic fruits:

In addition, the varieties that produce the most massive peppers include other varieties of the southern vegetable: Atlant, Gems, Ox Ear, Bogatyr, Bychok, Red Shovel, Big Papa.

The most productive pepper

An important role in obtaining good harvest plays an indicator of the yield of the variety.

What are the most productive varieties sweet peppers are loved by domestic farmers? Which plant produces the greatest amount of juicy, aromatic produce?

Other varieties of bell pepper also showed good yield indicators: Mammoth, Golden Calf, Don Pedro, Three Fat Men, Samotsvety, Fat Baron, Kolobok.

The earliest pepper

Ripening time is perhaps the most important factor to consider when choosing peppers for planting. Early varieties in this sense occupy a leading position, since they guarantee a harvest in the northern regions, and in the southern regions early peppers sometimes used to obtain two harvests per season.

The early varieties of sweet peppers for open ground, suitable for greenhouses, have most earned the trust of vegetable growers:

The shortest pepper

In the cramped conditions of small garden plots, it is very important to place all your favorite garden crops. Often the most productive pepper varieties are tall plants, requiring a lot of space. In addition, there is a problem with supports to which the bush needs to be attached so that under the weight of the fruit it does not break and end up on the ground. Such problems can be easily avoided if you choose the shortest varieties of sweet peppers for your garden plot.

What varieties of “small growth” are considered to be the best?

Slight growth is also typical for the following varieties of sweet pepper: Agapovsky, Eroshka, Albatros F1, Gemini F1, Timoshka, Ilya Muromets.

The thickest pepper

Sometimes the wall thickness of the pepper plays a decisive role in the selection of seeds. For lovers of this product, it is very important to choose the best varieties of sweet peppers with thick walls for preparing all kinds of fresh and pickled salads. Positive feedback The following varieties of sweet peppers with thick walls (more than 6 mm) and juicy pulp can boast: Red Giant, Californian Miracle, Ox Ear, Tolstyachok, Anastasia, Belozerka, Kolobok, Fat Baron. By the way, all of the listed representatives are the most acceptable varieties of thick-walled sweet peppers for open ground, giving bountiful harvest without covering with film.

vegetable crop, loved by people for its pleasant taste and healing properties, which make the vegetable an essential ingredient in many summer salads and other dishes. The right choice seeding material largely determines the quality of the future harvest, so you should approach this problem with all responsibility. Specialized stores will help with this, where you can choose a variety that takes into account all the wishes of the farmer.

More and more new varieties of sweet peppers. Today this vegetable comes in a wide variety of shapes, colors and taste characteristics. Let's consider the most popular options available on the modern market. sweet pepper(seeds). The best varieties in the article are presented with brief descriptions and visual photographs.

10 best, according to gardeners, varieties of sweet peppers

  • Big Mama

This variety of sweet pepper is loved for its large fruits and high yield. The fruit wall reaches 13 mm, and the average weight is 200 g. The bush reaches a height of 1 m. The fruits of the Big Mama variety are attractive in appearance - they have a bright orange color, and gardeners also highly appreciate their taste. Ripening occurs after 120 days. Can be used in conservation.

Sweet pepper Big Mama

  • Martin

It is considered mid-early - maturity occurs in 120-125 days. The bush is standard, height - 1 m. The color of the fully ripened fruit is bright red. They cannot be called very thick-walled, since the wall thickness does not exceed 6 mm. Their size is quite modest - one average fruit weighs only 60-70 g.

  • Bogatyr

Large fruits (150-180 g) are red in color and have an excellent taste. Wall thickness - 5.5 mm. This variety is resistant to many diseases, tolerates transportation well and is suitable for any purpose - even freezing. Bogatyr pepper contains especially many valuable substances, which is why its seeds are so in demand.

Popular pepper variety Bogatyr
  • Atlant

Red thick-walled sweet pepper, which is distinguished by elastic, juicy and sweet flesh. Peppercorns grow on low and fairly spreading bushes. The average weight of one of them is 165 g. 110 days after the seeds germinate, gardeners begin to harvest the fruits.

  • Belozerka

One of the best seeds among early ripening varieties intended for growth in open ground. It has high productivity. The average weight of a peppercorn is 130 g, the thickness of the pulp is 7.5 mm. At the full ripening stage it is either cream or red in color. Belozerka pepper has good protection against diseases, is stored for a long time and is universal in use. The taste is highly rated.

Belozerka - one of the best early varieties of sweet pepper
  • California miracle

This is a mid-early variety of sweet pepper. You can expect to receive a harvest 120-130 days after the seeds germinate. The shape of the fruit resembles a cube, the wall is 8 mm, the average weight of a peppercorn is 150 g. The bush is powerful, with a height of 50 to 65 cm. During the process of ripening, peppercorns change color from dark green to red.

California miracle
  • Orange miracle

An early ripening variety intended for the southern regions, it is immune to tobacco mosaic. The bush grows tall and powerful. The pepper is bright orange, very large (up to 250 g) and pleasant to the taste. It has an attractive appearance and good stability during transportation. Almost everything is prepared from it.

The orange miracle variety has bright fruits and excellent taste.
  • Gogoshary

One of the best, according to gardeners, is a mid-season variety of sweet pepper. It is endowed with immunity to diseases, has excellent taste and excellent commercial qualities. Ripe peppercorns are red, small - 50-80 g. The thickness of the pulp is 5-6 mm, the pulp is very juicy and sweet. The bush grows to half a meter in height.

  • ox ear

Many consider it the best variety in terms of taste, which is why these seeds are so popular. Red cone-shaped fruits with a wall thickness of about 1 cm ripen until frost. The bush is low - only 70-80 cm.

Ox ear is considered the best tasting variety
  • Shorokshary

An early ripening pepper variety that has received many international awards. The fruits are large (100-150 g), cone-shaped, red-orange. This is the best variety for canning. The standard pepper bush is low - only 50-60 cm. This variety is especially valued for its high yield and immunity.


This is a heat-loving plant, whose homeland is considered to be Central America. The culture differs in that with short daylight hours it begins to bear fruit earlier.

Basic tips for growing sweet pepper seedlings from experienced gardeners such:

  • At the time of planting, seedlings should be 90 to 100 days old, so seeds are usually planted in February.
  • The culture does not tolerate transplantation well, so it is most effective to use peat pots.
  • It is necessary to choose a light substrate. Sand and ash are often added.
  • The daytime temperature suitable for seedlings is 25-26 °C.
  • Seedlings should be protected from drafts and regularly sprayed with warm water.
  • Watering should be moderate and done only with warm water.
  • In February and early spring, seedlings should definitely be provided with additional lighting.

  • Before planting seedlings, water the soil in the beds with a solution copper sulfate(1 tbsp/bucket) for disinfection.
  • Seedlings are planted at the end of May in open ground and in April under cover.
  • Pepper loves warm soil, so it is better to raise the beds.
  • This crop is easily pollinated, beds with different varieties should be located far from each other, it is advisable to place tall crops between them.
  • Pepper needs regular feeding.
  • In wet weather, the bushes need to be pinched, but in dry weather this need disappears.
  • Removing the central flower, according to the observation of experienced gardeners, leads to an increase in yield.
  • It is necessary to shorten the longest branches on the bushes and those that provide a lot of shading.
  • To attract pollinating insects, pepper bushes are sprayed with sugar syrup.
  • Important measures for caring for peppers are mulching, hilling and tying.
